Sample SWOT Analysis: Strengths (Internal) Weaknesses (Internal)
Sample SWOT Analysis: Strengths (Internal) Weaknesses (Internal)
Sample SWOT Analysis: Strengths (Internal) Weaknesses (Internal)
Strengths (Internal)
Weaknesses (Internal)
Subspecialized expertise
Strong relationship with hospital
Support from administration
Regional recognition
Quality of physicians
In-house coverage
Threats (External)
Hospital alignment
Alignment with other radiology practices
Gain market share
Baby boomers
Improve contracts
New business
Use technology/physician extenders
Increase marketing efforts
Create awareness of radiology services
Decreasing reimbursement
Increasing after-hours work
Increasing non-compensated cases
National radiology practices
Competing local radiology groups
Leakage of studies
Health care reform and ACOs
Turf wars
Self-referral/in-office imaging