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How to Select The Right


This booklet outlines key questions that can

guide observational tool selection. It is intended
to provide guiding questions that will help users
organize their thinking about what they want from
an observation tool and help them to find
instruments well aligned with their strategic goals.

Part 3

of a 5 Part Series:

A Practitioners Guide to
Conducting Classroom
Observations: What the
Research Tells Us About
Choosing and Using
Observational Systems to
Assess and Improve
Teacher Effectiveness

Megan W. Stuhlman, Bridget K. Hamre, Jason T. Downer, & Robert C. Pianta, University of Virginia
This work was supported by a grant from the WT Grant Foundation.

Choosing the
Right Observational Tool:
Factors to Consider
There are multiple published and unpublished classroom observation systems available for use, and deciding among them
is the first step in putting an observational system to work in
your organization. The primary advantage of using an existing observation tool is that it saves a great deal of time and
resources that would need to be put into developing an instrument with even minimal levels of reliability and validity for
predicting outcomes of interest.
When reviewing such tools, the following questions can be
used to guide the decision-making processes regarding which
observation system is best suited to the needs of a particular

Tier 1: High Priority Questions

 as this tool been shown to produce reliable scores
across observers and over time?
 re the outputs (scores) from this observation
protocol proven to relate to outcomes of interest in
our population (i.e., growth in students academic skills,
students prosocial behaviors, teacher retention, students
reports of feelings of belonging, etc.)? In other words, is
the instrument valid for our intended purpose?
 hat questions about classrooms does my organization
want answered? Is the scope of this tool aligned with the
questions about classrooms and teachers practices that
we want to address?
 re the observation and scoring protocols standardized
and clear?

Tier 2: Additional Considerations

 oes the system include complementary sources of
information (such as student surveys, etc.) that could
be used to obtain a more complete portrait of the
 oes the observation include guidelines and support for
using findings for professional development purposes?

Is the time required for observation feasible for your


Does the observation include

reliability information?
Instrument reliability is a key consideration in selecting an observational assessment tool. Instrument reliability means that
whatever qualities a given tool is measuring, it should measure
those qualities consistently. In observational assessments of
classrooms, a tool that produces reliable scores will output
the same score regardless of variation in the classroom that
is outside of the scope of the tool and regardless of who is
making the ratings.
For example, just as a yardstick registers the same number of
inches when measuring a given sheet of paper, regardless of
whether that paper is measured during the day or at night,
inside or outside, or who is holding the yardstick, a tool that
measures teachers ability to promote student language should
produce the same scores for the same behaviors, regardless of
whether these behaviors occur during math or literacy, whole
group or small group, and regardless of who is making the
No observation of teaching practices will produce perfectly
reliable scores. We know that despite high levels of training,
observers will sometimes make different judgments. We also
know that certain classroom activities may influence scores
on observational tools. The goal is to choose an observational
tool that can produce relatively high-reliability scores and to
be aware of potential biases.
There are several aspects of reliability. Perhaps the two most
relevant when considering classroom observation systems are
stability over time and consistency across observers. With
regard to stability over time, assuming a goal is to detect consistent and stable patterns of teachers behaviors, users need
to know that constructs being assessed represent a stable
characteristic of the teacher across situations in the classroom
and are not random occurrences or behaviors that are linked
exclusively to the particular moment of observation. If ratings
shift dramatically and randomly from one observation cycle or
day or week to the next, these ratings are not likely to represent core aspects of teachers practice.

Key Concept Reliability

Look for instruments that provide scores that are:
Consistent over time unless change is expected.
Consistent across observers.

Each of these questions is reviewed in more detail below.

Conversely, if scores are at least moderately consistent across
time, they likely represent something stable about the set of

2 : How to Select the Right Classroom Observation Tool

skills that teachers bring into the classroom setting, and feedback and support around these behaviors is much more likely
to resonate with teachers and to function as useful levers for
helping them change their practice. It is advantageous for observational tools to provide information on their test-retest
reliability or the extent to which ratings on the tool are consistent across different periods of time (within a day, across days,
across weeks, etc).
A notable exception around the criteria of stability over time
as a marker for reliability is when teachers are engaged in
professional development activities or are otherwise making
intentional efforts to shift their practice. In these cases, as
well as in cases where an organizations curriculum is changing
or new program-wide goals are being implemented, a lack of
stability in observations of teacher behaviors may well represent true change in core characteristics and not just random
(undesired) fluctuation over time. In these cases, it would be
desirable to collect data on the extent of change and specific
areas where change is observed.
With regard to stability across observers, in order for results
of observations to be useful at scale, training protocols and
provision of scoring directions must be clear and extensive
enough to produce an acceptable level of agreement across
observers. If there is very low agreement between two or
more observers ratings of the same observation period, the
degree to which the ratings represent the teachers behavior
rather than the observers subjective interpretations of that
behavior or personal preferences is unknown.
Conversely, if two independent observers can consistently
assign the same ratings to the same patterns of observed
behaviors, this speaks to the fact that ratings truly represent
attributes of the teacher as defined by the scoring system, as
opposed to attributes of the observer. Therefore, users may
wish to select systems for which there is documented consensus among trained raters on whether or not or to what extent
teachers are engaging in the behaviors under consideration.

Does the tool provide

information on validity?
Validity represents the degree to which the ratings produced
by the observation system are associated with the student or
teacher outcomes about which the observation is designed
to provide information. Along with reliability considerations,
validity is one of the most important aspects to consider
when selecting an observation instrument. Different
observation systems have varying levels of data available
to show how closely aligned the outputs of observations
are with students performance in a specified area, students
growth on specified skill sets, or other outcomes of interest.

Key Concept Validity

Look for instruments that provide scores with proven
links to outcomes of interest.

Selecting instruments with demonstrated validity is critical

to making good use of observational methodology because
this information allows users to have confidence that the
information they are gathering is relevant to the outcomes
they are interested in, and that the types of behaviors
outlined in the system can be held up as goals for highquality teacher practice.
Without validity information, users have no such assurances.
We must know that our assessment tools are directly and
meaningfully related to our outcomes of interest before
we begin using them either in professional development or
accountability frameworks.
A system may well be valid for one set of outcomes but
not for another, so clarity around outcomes of interest is
important. For example, an observation system may include
validity data regarding the prediction of students academic
achievement during that school year, but it may demonstrate
no relation to student drop-out rates in subsequent years. If
the objective of conducting the observation is to evaluate
whether teachers are engaging in behaviors that promote
students learning over the course of the year, this instrument
may be well-suited for that purpose. However, if the
objective is to determine whether teachers are enacting
behaviors that will prevent drop-out, a different observation
with documented links to drop-out rates may be preferable.
If a user has a particular observation tool that is well aligned
with the questions they want answered about classroom
practice and meets the criteria summarized previously, there is
always the possibility that no data will be available on validity
for the particular outcomes that the user is interested in
evaluating. In these instances, it would certainly be possible to
use the observation in a preliminary way and evaluate whether
it is, in fact, associated with outcomes of interest. For example,
a district or organization could conduct a pilot test with a
subgroup of teachers and students to determine whether
scores assigned using the observation tool are associated with
the outcomes of interest. This testing would provide some
basis for using the instrument for accountability or evaluative
In sum, the importance of selecting an observation system
that includes validity information cannot be overstated. It
may be more difficult to find instruments that have been

How to Select the Right Classroom Observation Tool : 3

validated for your purposes, but this is truly essential for making
observational methodology a useful part of teacher evaluation
and support programs. If the teacher behaviors that are
evaluated in an observation are known to be linked with desired
student outcomes, teachers will be more willing to reflect on
these behaviors and buy in to observationally-based feedback,
teacher educators and school personnel can feel confident
establishing observationally-based standards and mechanisms
for meeting those standards, and educational systems, teachers,
and students will all benefit.

What questions about

classrooms do I want
answered? Do the scope
and design of the instrument
lend themselves to addressing
these questions?
Scope of Observations. Different instruments provide users with different types of information about classrooms. Some
are inclusive of multiple varied aspects of teaching practice, providing data on layers of setting quality including the physical
environment, the types of activities observed in the classroom,
and the teachers execution of professional responsibilities such
as record keeping and communicating with families.
Others adopt a highly focused approach, such as exclusively
attending to a highly detailed and specific set of instructional interactions that take place within short observation windows or
focusing on comparisons between the experiences of specific
groups of students within the classroom.
Still others strike a balance in terms of scope, including information on a variety of teacher and student behaviors but not
including information that would require knowledge outside of
what is obtained during specified observation windows (i.e., not
including how the teacher communicates with parents, makes
lesson plans, etc.).
Users may wish to begin the selection process by defining the
goals that their organization has in using an observation tool.
After having defined the desired outcome, users can select a
measurement tool that is well aligned with their objectives.

Age Range Covered. In addition to ensuring a match

between the scope of what is assessed by the instrument and
system goals, users are also advised to attend to the age range
that the instrument was designed for and the grade levels from
which data on the psychometric properties of the instrument
have been obtained. For example, if your goal is to assess

4 : How to Select the Right Classroom Observation Tool

fourth-grade classrooms, it is ideal to use an instrument that

was generated with this developmental level in mind and has
been validated for use with this age group.

Global Versus Content Specific. Relatedly, some users

may want to focus more on the provision of general support
for learning, whereas others may have programmatic goals that
focus more specifically on quality of instruction in different
content areas such as mathematics or reading. There are
instruments available that assess implementation of contentspecific learning supports, as well as tools that focus on supports
linked to student growth and development across content areas.
If your organization has a particular interest in a certain content
area, you may wish to supplement a protocol for observing
generalized supports with one that includes specific interactive
practices relevant to your content area of focus.

Choosing an Observation Tool for a
Specific Curricula
The Fairmont school district is considering mandating the
use of a new mathematics curriculum in all of its schools.
A small number of teachers who are pilot testing the new
curriculum have been trained on this approach to teaching mathematics and have been provided with all needed
materials. The district now wants to evaluate the extent
to which teachers using this curriculum are incorporating
high-quality strategies for teaching mathematics in comparison with the extent to which teachers in a control group
of schools are incorporating such strategies in teaching
mathematics in order to help them decide whether this
curriculum may be a good choice for district-wide use.
This school district may wish to use an observation protocol focused on research-based definitions and descriptions
of high-quality mathematics instruction or to supplement a
more generalized observational protocol with a contentspecific protocol for mathematics instruction.

Choosing an Generalized
Observational Tool
The Lakeview school district wishes to conduct an observational assessment of all teachers in order to gain a
better understanding of system-wide areas of strength and
challenge so that they can plan for in-service programming
and create individualized professional development plans
for teachers. Observers will conduct multiple observations
per day, so these observations will occur at different times
of day and during different activities for different teachers.

This district would likely benefit from use of a protocol

designed to assess generalized supports for learning that
produce benefits for student development across content
areas, as not all teachers will be observed teaching the
same content areas.

Choosing an Observational Tool for
Merit Pay and Tenure
Franklin County school district wants to outline a structure
for merit pay and tenure decisions that includes quality of
observed teaching behaviors as one of their components.
Therefore, the county decides to select an assessment
instrument that has shown a relationship to student outcomes at different levels of quality. In other words, one
with research support demonstrating that incremental
gains in the quality of the measured teaching practices result in incremental gains in student performance.
They then stipulate two options for sufficient practice in this
component: 1) teachers demonstrate high-quality teaching
practices in initial and follow-up assessments, or 2) teachers
demonstrate improvement over time in quality of teaching
practices/positive response to professional development
support as indicated by increasing scores over time.

Global Rating Methodology Versus Frequency

Counts of Behaviors. An additional consideration that
falls in this scope category concerns the degree to which
observational systems capture information on the frequencies
of certain teacher behaviors or on more holistically defined
patterns of behavior. Measures using time-sampling methodology
ask users to count the number of specific types of behaviors
observed. Global rating methodology guides users to watch for
patterns of behavior and make summative judgments about
the presence or absence of these behaviors.
Examples of behaviors assessed by time-sampling measures
include: time spent on literacy instruction, the number of times
teachers ask questions during instructional conversations, and
the number of negative comments made by peers to one
another. In contrast, global rating systems may assess the
degree to which literacy instruction in a classroom matches a
description of evidence-based practices, the extent to which
instructional conversations stimulate childrens higher-order
thinking skills, and the extent to which classroom interactions
contain a high degree of negativity, both between teachers and
students and among peers.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of
system. An advantage to global ratings is that they assess

higher-order organizations of behaviors in ways that may be

more meaningful than looking at the discrete behaviors in
isolation. For example, teachers positive emotions and smiling
can have different meanings and may be interpreted differently
depending on the ways in which students in the classroom
respond. In some classrooms teachers are exceptionally
cheerful, but their emotions appear very disconnected from
those of the students. In other classrooms teachers are more
subdued in their expressed positive emotions but there is a
clear match between this level of emotional expression and
that of the students.

Key Concept Observational Methods

Time-Sampling Methodology/Frequency Counts:
most adept at highlighting differences within a specific
teachers practices during different specific teaching
Global Rating Methodology: most adept at
highlighting stable teacher characteristics and at providing
information that differentiates between teachers.

A measure that simply counted the number of times a

teacher smiled at students would miss these more nuanced
interpretations. However, an instrument characterized by
time-sampling methods, with a focus on frequencies of
specific behaviors, may lend itself well to easy alignment with
the evaluation of certain interventions. For example, if a goal
is to increase the numbers of times that teachers provide
students with specific and focused feedback rather than giving
no feedback or simply saying yes or no, an instrument using
time-sampling methods could provide very concrete data on
the extent to which an intervention impacted this specific
behavior by counting the frequencies of specific and focused
feedback before and after the intervention (or in classrooms
that did and did not receive the intervention).
Similarly, the success of an intervention designed to increase
the amount of time spent in learning activities (versus down
time) could be specifically evaluated using time-sampling
methods as well.
One other difference between these two approaches concerns
the degree to which they are subject to observer effects.There
tend to be more significant observer effects using global ratings
than time-samplings of more discrete behaviors. This finding is
not surprising given that global ratings tend to require greater
levels of inference than do frequency approaches. Counting the
number of times a teacher smiles requires much less inference

How to Select the Right Classroom Observation Tool : 5

than does making a holistic judgment about the degree to

which a teacher fosters a positive classroom climate.This point
emphasizes the need for adequate training and strategies
for maintaining reliability among classroom observers, issues
considered in greater detail in the next sections.

that their scoring is consistent? Are there guidelines around

training to be completed before using the tool (i.e., do all observers need to pass a reliability test, observe in a certain
number of classrooms, be consistent with colleagues at a certain level)?

Another factor to consider is how much of the variance in

these ratings can be attributed to stable characteristics of the
classroom versus factors that change over time as a result of
subject matter, number of students, time of day, etc. Evidence
suggests that time-sampled codes show little classroom-level
variance, in contrast to global ratings, in which the bulk of
the variance was at the classroom level. This indicates that
the time-sampled codes are not as sensitive to differences
between teachers and classrooms as are the global ratings.
This is an important consideration for users interested in
obtaining information about different teachers individualized
strengths and areas of challenge.

Observation Protocol. Users are also advised to look

for direction and standardization in terms of the length of
observations, the start and stop times of observations (are
there predetermined times, times connected with start and
end times of lessons/activities, or some other mechanism for
determining when to begin and end?), direction around time
of day or specific activities to observe, as well as whether observations are announced or unannounced, and other related

Is the instrument
standardized in terms of
administration procedures?
Does it offer clear directions
for conducting observations
and assigning scores?
Once you have clarified your purpose and goals in conducting
classroom observations, it is important to select an observation system that provides clear instructions for use, both in
terms of how to set up and conduct observations and how to
assign scores. This is an essential component of a useful observation system: without standardized directions to follow, different people are likely to use different methods, which severely
limits the potential for agreement between observers when
making ratings, and thus hampers system-wide applicability.
There are three main components of standardization that users may consider evaluating in an observation instrument:
1. training protocol;
2. observation protocol;
3. scoring directions

Training Protocol. With regard to the training protocol, are there specific directions for learning to use the instrument? Is there a comprehensive training manual or
users guide? Are there videos or transcripts with gold standard scores available that allow for scoring practice? Are
there other procedures in place that allow for reliability
checks such as having all or a portion of observers rate the
same classroom (live, via video, or via transcript) to ensure

6 : How to Select the Right Classroom Observation Tool

Scoring Directions. With regard to scoring, users are

advised to look for clear guidelines. Do users score during
the observation itself or after the observation. Is there a predefined observe/score interval? How are scores assigned? Is
there a rubric that guides users in matching what they observe
with specific scores or categories of scores (i.e., high, moderate, low)? Are there examples of the kinds of practices that
would correspond to different scores? Are scores assigned
based on behavior counts or qualitative judgments? How are
summative scores created and reported back to teachers?

Importance of Observational
A teacher preparation program is looking for a way to assess students performances at the beginning and end of
their student teaching work, during which time they are also
taking a course on effective teaching practice. They find
Observational Protocol A, which has six clearly defined,
theoretically based, 10-point scales that observers use to
rate teacher practice. Several members of the faculty read
the definition of the six scales and agree that the teaching
behaviors the scale assesses are aligned with the course
objectives, as well as the broader goals of the program, and
therefore would be good targets for assessment. However,
the system does not include training or observational protocols or explicit directions for scoring. As a consequence,
it is used quite differently by two faculty members.
When Professor Jones makes observations, he has arranged the observation time in advance with the teachers.
He arrives at the appointed time, but does not begin the
observation until he can tell that the teacher is ready to
begin the lesson. He ends the observation as the teacher
ends the lesson. He takes detailed notes about the teachers practice along the six dimensions. When scoring, he
reasons that if he sees teachers engaging in the behaviors
under consideration several times, they should get full

credit, or a 10, on the scale. Professor Allen also conducts

observations using the same well defined scales, but her
visits are unannounced. She typically arrives at the beginning of the school day and begins taking notes as soon as
she arrives, and observes for two consecutive hours, regardless of start and stop time of activities. In terms of
scoring, she reasons that teachers start at a 1 level and
she moves the score up a point on the scale every time the
teacher successfully engages in the behavior under consideration. Given these differences in protocol, it is likely that
Professor Jones scores could be systematically higher than
Professor Allens.
We can see from this example that even with well defined and theoretically sound scales, a clear observation
and scoring protocol that all observers follow is extremely
important in terms of obtaining scores that are consistent
across observers. In this example, note that significantly
different scores are likely to result from Professor Jones
observations and Professor Allens observations as a result
of their different administration and scoring techniques, and
that these scores may or may not reflect real differences
between the two teachers they observed. For example,
if Professor Jones used his interpretation of the protocol
to conduct initial start-of-student-teaching observations
and Professor Allen used her interpretation of protocol
to conduct the end-of-student-teaching observations, any
true gains in teaching practice could be obscured, and the
preparation program might conclude that the course and
teaching experience did not function as effective preparation when in fact, if the teachers were evaluated using
the same protocol on both measurement occasions, they
might have shown improvements.

The four preceding factors represent key areas to consider

when selecting an observation tool. Above and beyond these
core factors, other potential considerations include:

Does the system include

complementary sources
of information?
Obtaining information about classrooms from multiple sources and from different perspectives (e.g., the teachers own
perspective, students perspectives, perspective of someone
generally familiar with the classroom on a routine basis) can
provide a more comprehensive picture of the classroom environment. This can also be helpful in terms of providing constructive feedback one could seek out coherent patterns in
responses across observers/raters.
For example, having a teacher engage in a self-study or selfassessment in conjunction with structured observations made
by neutral observers may be a useful way of facilitating goal
setting and problem solving with teachers. Likewise, obtaining
students perspectives can be an invaluable resource in un-

Key Concept Standardization Procedures

Observations should be standardized around:
Training protocol
Observation protocol
Scoring directions.

derstanding how specific teacher behaviors impact students

subjective experiences of the classroom.

Does the observation include

guidelines and support for
using findings for professional
development purposes?
As the goals of conducting observations include not only
gathering information on the quality of classroom processes
but also using that information to help teachers improve their
practices (and, eventually, student outcomes), choosing observation systems that include a protocol to assist in translating
observation data into professional development planning is
desirable. Information such as national norms and threshold
scores defining good enough levels of practice (levels of
quality that result in student improvement), or expected improvements in response to intervention would be extremely
useful to have, although few, if any, instruments currently provide this kind of information to users.
Also useful are guidelines or frameworks for reviewing results
with teachers, suggested timelines for professional development work, protocols that can be given to teachers, placed in
files, and be easily translated into system-wide databases and
handouts with suggested competence-building techniques.
Few observation systems provide these types of resources
at this time.

Is the time demand for

conducting the observation
workable within my system?
Different school systems have different resources available to
devote to classroom observation. Some schools have personnel available to spend full days in classrooms in order to obtain
data on important aspects of classroom functioning. Other
school systems have less time available on a per classroom
basis. In selecting an observational assessment instrument, it is
vitally important that the instrument is used in practice in the
same standardized ways it was used in development in order
to obtain results with the expected levels of reliability and validity. Some instruments have been tested and validated using

How to Select the Right Classroom Observation Tool : 7

longer periods of observation than others. Users may wish to

generate a realistic approximation of how they will be able to
allocate observation time before selecting an assessment tool.
An instrument that can be used reliably and with validity within
the parameters of that time budget can then be selected.

The University of Virginia Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) focuses on the quality of teaching and students learning. CASTLs aim is to improve
educational outcomes through the empirical study of teaching, teacher quality, and classroom experience from preschool through high school, with particular emphasis on
the challenges posed by poverty, social or cultural isolation, or lack of community resources.

8 : How to Select the Right Classroom Observation Tool

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