Implement The Strategies 3
Implement The Strategies 3
Implement The Strategies 3
What I Think Now:
I was amazed at how well this strategy worked with my class. Students had heated
conversations about what should or shouldnt be done when solving equations.
Although I was very busy answering questions, it was no more than usual. I found
the activity quite easy to handle, because all students were engaged. Every group
of students worked at their own level, appropriately challenged. The only problem I
had was that of some groups finishing before others. Those who did finish early
moved on to independent work, but found it difficult to focus within the atmosphere
of sharing still going strong in some groups. I will definitely use this strategy
again. Next time, I will give each group a set of problems. Each set of problems
will contain correct as well as incorrect solutions. Ive learned from this experience
which groups need more/less time. I will adjust the number and complexity of the
equations accordingly.
Attached Materials:
Multi-Step Equations Problem Analysis (leveled)
Rubric for evaluating Multi-Step Equations Problem Analysis
Student Samples
Strategy from Advancing Differentiation:
Name of Strategy:
In My Classroom:
Attached Materials: