Characteristic Features of Financial Instruments

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Classification of Financial Market

Classification of Financial
 Organised markets
 Unorganised markets – money lenders,
indigenous bankers, etc.,
Organised markets
 Capital market
 Money market
Capital market
 Industrial securities market
1.primary market
2.secondary market
 Govt securities market
 Long term loans market
1.term loan market for mortgages for financial guarantees
Importance of capital market
 Important source for the productive use of the
economy’s savings
 Provides incentives to saving and facilitates capital
 Provides an avenue for investors
 Facilitates increase in production and productivity in
the economy
 Induce economic growth
 Expert intermediaries
 Imp source of technological upgradation
Money market
 Call money market
 Commercial bill market
 Treasury bill market
 Short term loan market
Foreign exchange market
 Transfer purchasing power from one
country to another
 Provides adequate credit facilities
 Covers foreign exchange risk
Financial Rates of Return
 Peculiar feature is int. rates do not reflect the
free market forces
 Achieves the following
1.enable govt. to borrow comparatively
2.ensure stability certain sectors through
professional lending rates
4.mobilise substantial savings
Recent trends
 Int rates on govt deposits freed
 Int rates on TB’s determined by auctions
 Coupon rates on govt loans revised upwards
 Int rates on debentures are allowed to be fixed
by companies
 Max rates of int payable on bank deposits(fixed)
are freed for deposits of above one year
Financial Instruments
 Primary securities
 Secondary securities
 Short term securities
 Medium term securities
 Long term securities
Characteristics of financial
 Easy transferability
 Ready market
 Possess liquidity
 Possess security value
 Enjoy tax status
 Carry risk
 Facilitate futures trading
 Less handling costs
 Risk and return proportionate
 Maturity period variations
Development of financial system
 Nationalisation of financial institutions
 1935 RBI established as a private inst.,
nationalised in 1948
 1956 SBI nationalised previously known as
imperial bank of India
 1956 245 insurance companies merged and
formed LIC
 1969 14 major commercial banks nationalised
and 6 in 1980 and GIC re-organised
Starting of UTI
Est. 1964
1994 schemes approved by SEBI
Est. UTI Bank
UTI Investor service
UTI Security Exchange LTD
Establishment of development banks
1948 IFCI, 1951 SFC, 1955 ICICI (Pvt. Sec)
1958 RCI 1964, on 1st July IDBI,1971 IDBI, LIC jointly
set up IRCI renamed as IRBI in 1997, now a ltd co. IIBI
Institutions for financing agriculture
1963 ARDC
1982 July NABARD

Institution for foreign trade

1.01.1982 EXIM Bank
Institutionfor housing finance
1988 NHB

SCHIL est. in 1987

Mutual Fund Industry

Venture capital institutions

1986 IDBI started VC financing

IFCI started a subsidiary Risk Capital

and Technical Finance Corporation
ICICI and UTI jointly set up Technical
Development Information Corporation of
India Ltd
 Credit rating agencies
 Multiplicity of financial instruments
 Legislative support
Weakness of Indian Financial
 Lack of coordination between financial inst
 Monopolistic market structures
 Dominance of development banks in
industrial financing
 Inactive and erratic capital market
 Imprudent financial practice

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