Labreport 3
Labreport 3
Labreport 3
Lab 3
Submitted by:
Corey Clark
Arielynn Rollins
Matt Eades
Chris Johnson
Date Submitted:10/14/2014
Date Performed:10/14/2015
In this lab, students were challenged to make a robot move using specific axis instructions and
circular instructions. While this project looks easier on paper, it proved to be difficult to program
out and get a full success rate. Part A of the lab requires students to move a block from location A
to location B, return to PSAFE, then repeat the commands in reverse order. Part B builds on Part
A by adding circular motion, and more points. This lab is also a way to get students to use more
knowledge from the class and the textbook. With this in mind, students were able to complete
part A successfully, while part B was unsuccessful due to technical issues.
Create a program for the robot arm to execute according to the instructions given.
Teach Pendant
List of Program
Robotic Operating
Tic Tac Container
and moved)
Lab Description
Students were challenged to do two parts of this lab. Part A is moving a block from Location A
(P1) to Location B (P2), then move to PSAFE. After this has been completed, the robot needed to
do everything in reverse. To make it easier to move the block, each command required a delay of
0.5. Part B builds on Part A by adding a third and fourth point. P3 becomes the new Location B.
By using circular commands, the robot needs to move in a circle from P1 to P3. Then, the robot
would need to make another circle from P4 to P4 again. At the end of the program, the robot
needs to return to PSAFE. Again, a delay of 0.5 is required between each pick and place
Discussion of Questions
1. What is the purpose of the PSAFE location?
a. To keep the robot's end effector and the material being carried in a safe starting
2. What is the difference between joint interpolation and linear interpolation?
a. Joint interpolation (movements using an MOV command) moves in arc-like
motions. Linear interpolation (movements using an MVS command) moves in a
3. When using MVR3 command, what is the second variable in the statement used as?
a. The second variable is used as the center point in the circular interpolation.
4. When using an MVR3 command, hows does the robot determine the angle or direction to
go from the start point to the end point?
a. All the points have to be within the constraint of 180.
5. What is the importance of using a delay command when picking up and placing objects?
a. A delay command leaves opportunity for inter-operations from humans, or other
robots to transfer new or completed materials to whatever destination needed
safely. In a factory setting with numerous programmed robots on an assembly
line, delay times are very valuable. They determine how fast production can be,
which means the lowest, safest delay time must be set for operations in order to
run an efficient assembly line.
6. In what other situations would a delay be used?
a. There are many reasons for a delay to be used in programmed motions of robots.
One reason, as listed above, is to adjust times for other assembly line productions.
Another reason could be that the robot's end effector is a welding tool, and
possibly that tool needs cooling time. A delay written in the program could allow
one to do this.
The major objectives of this lab (programming the robot utilizing axis, and circular instructions
and creating a program for the robot arm to execute according to the instructions given) gave
students an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the lab robot and teach
pendant. Although the group encountered a few challenges in working through this lab
(especially when attempting to complete part B, it was ultimately a very informative, engaging
and interesting experience.
Program B
Program B: