Dougherty Valley High School Social Science Department 10 Grade World History I & Ii Course Syllabus
Dougherty Valley High School Social Science Department 10 Grade World History I & Ii Course Syllabus
Dougherty Valley High School Social Science Department 10 Grade World History I & Ii Course Syllabus
59.5% and Below=
ATTENDANCE: To be on time means to be early. Late students, without a pass, will receive negative points on in class participation.
The school policy on attendance will be followed; please refer to your student handbook for details. NOTE: Students will not be able
to earn full participation points if they are tardy or cut class.
Mr. Tyree Owens
B.A. History, Arizona State University
E-mail: [email protected]
Binder Checks: Students must bring their binder to class everyday! The Table of Contents must be kept up-to-date. At the end of
the unit I will collect a packet of work. Packets must be in order and numbered according to the table of contents. THE LATE WORK
POLICY APPLIES TO NOTEBOOK CHECKS! (1 day latethe entire packet will receive a ONE letter grade deduction; after 1 day it
will receive no more than credit)
Tests and Quizzes: Pop quizzes may be given periodically on homework reading. Chapter tests covering a chapter and
supplemental material will typically be given every two to three weeks with Unit assessments roughly every 4 to 6 weeks. Tests (both
formative and summative) will weigh over of a student's grade. Students may improve their test scores on their Unit exams by
attending after school Study Hall or workshops organized by the Social Science department.
Participation Grade: Students receive points for participating during class, turning in work on time and working well in group
situations. Students will not be awarded points for things such as not making good use of class time, being on phones, being
disruptive or misbehaving during class. Class participation will be worth 10% of the students semester grade.
Make-up Work: Students who have an excused absence must see me after class to pick up make-up assignments. I encourage
students to visit the class site when they are absent to see what work was assigned. The district make-up policy allows you three
days to make-up work assigned on the day of your absence. If a project was assigned prior to your absence and you were absent
on the due date, it will be due the day you return. No exceptions. It is the students responsibility to get make-up work and turn
it in on time!
Unexcused absences and cuts: Only work missed due to an excused absence can be made up. Any work due or tests
missed due to an unexcused absence will not receive credit, unless the absence is prearranged with at least 48 hour
notice. Arrangements for, and the acceptance of, late work due to unexcused absences are subject to teacher discretion.
Comparable, alternate versions of make-up assessments and/or assignments may be provided in lieu of the original
Make-up Tests: Tests will be made up on Mondays and Thursdays at lunch or after school. All tests must be made up by the next
test make-up date or you will receive a zero. If you cannot make the Monday or Thursday make-up date, you must make an
appointment with me BEFORE that up and coming make-up date. Please remember that it is your responsibility to make up tests
that were missed during an absence.
Late Work: Late assignments may be turned in one day late for credit. No credit will be awarded after this.
Cheating & Class Citizenship: The DVHS Cheating Policy will be enforced. Cheating includes giving a homework assignment to a
friend or copying work that is not your own, or stealing a test. will be used to help enforce this policy. Also, good
behavior and respect for each other is expected and required.
Student Signature