Book Talk Self Assessment Def 2015
Book Talk Self Assessment Def 2015
Book Talk Self Assessment Def 2015
Use this rubric for your self-assessment and write a brief reflection (approx. 500
words, word-processed, double-spaced). In your reflection/self assessment and the
score you give yourself, make sure you take into account the comments from your
4. Teaching Plan
Personal Reflection:
I really enjoyed preparing for and presenting this book talk. It was very interesting to find
some new pieces of literature and talk about them to other people. I think it is very
valuable to explore literature that you havent read before and find ways to integrate it
into the classroom. Literature can be used in a variety of ways to encourage good
discussion and help students overcome and learn to deal with several different issues. My
books, for example, both talked about divorced parents and how kids deal with the stress
of that.
I believe that this book talk went very well. Based on self-assessment, prior to reading my
peers comments, I thought that I had presented my topic well and done adequate research
and preparation beforehand. I felt I had prepared a balanced focus on every topic, and
gave people enough information and teasers that they would desire to read these books
and use them in the classroom. After reading the peer reviews I was encouraged and was
happy to hear the praise. The only negative comments were to look at the audience more
often and to speak slower. I believe these flaws could be addressed with more practice,
and confidence in my material so I wouldnt have to reference my notes as often. I felt
that the peer reviews were very helpful in getting me to consider my own performance
from an outside perspective. It was useful in removing my bias and helping me see where
I went wrong and what my strengths were.
I was surprised at how easy it was to talk clearly and to be less nervous in a small group
setting. I did not feel as much pressure to perform perfectly, and I was able to get excited
and engage people more. I felt it was more personal this way, and really enjoyed that.
I found the research on the authors to be interesting as well. I chose two books by authors
that are not very well known so information was scarce, but even so it was interesting
how hard it was to narrow it down to small tidbits of information. I feel like I did well in
choosing specific tidbits that I felt would interest people and help them to remember the
In the end, I am excited to use these books in my classroom as well as some of those
presented by others. This book talk was a great way to learn more about literature and
how it can be used to teach concepts and ideas to children in an interesting and engaging
way. I certainly learned about a variety of book styles that can be used to address a
variety of ages. Its fantastic to get a reminder as to how many books there are out there
to read and to explore. I hope to use my books in particular in a junior high-high school
setting to help kids explore their feelings towards certain issues that many teenagers face
in these age groups. Overall it was a valuable experience that I hope to implement when I
teach English some day.