Junyoung Park

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Junyoung Park / 201221741

Oct 22, 2015

Comp 2: Mid-term essay
Professor: Vincent Gilhooley
Traditional funerals of Korea and Egypt
Can you imagine similarities between Korea and Egypt? Surprisingly their traditional
funerals are similar to each other. It could be because both countries thought death as
something more than just the end of life as it is on earth. The similarities and difference of
procedure of the funeral, where will it be buried what happens after the death will be
Firstly, procedures of Korean funeral and Egyptian funeral dont differ much to each
other. When the person dies both countries wear white color clothes and wraps the dead body
in the white cloth. They will then oil the body so that it wont turn rotten quickly, which is
called mummifying in Egypt but its actually pretty much same as Korean style, its just that
the Egyptian mummification lasts longer. They will mourn at the clothed dead body for
hours. Only difference is that Koreans goes inside a wooden coffin while as for the Egyptians
they go inside a metal coffin. Afterwards they are positioned inside the coffin they will be
carry to where day need to be buried, which will be explained later on.
Secondly, both countries burial ground is quite similar. For the Koreans, they are
buried under the huge lump of soil, which makes it look like a small mountain. In front is a
smooth rock which has your name and your social position carved into it. Egyptians gets
buried inside a pyramid, in front is a sphinx, bigger the sphinx greater position you had while
living. From the fact that both Korea and Egypt buries their dead body is similar, they also
shows the position while they were alive and final they both bury what they loved and liked
with them inside the grave.
Lastly, what happens after funeral is similar too. When the person is dead and well
buried inside the grave, both Egypt and Korea has a party or a feast because they both
believed that they have gone to good place. Sometimes it lasted for days. Only difference

between Egyptian funeral and Korean funeral is that after the feast and all, the Koreans had
something called 3year stay where the son or close family member will stay with the grave
for three straight years with the help of other family members. Other than that they both had
similar scenario after death.
To sum up, it seems very different for both countries funeral because they are called
different, but when you look into it its actually quite same. The procedure of the funeral,
being buried under ground with items they valued much, and what happens after the funeral
was very similar to each other. We can learn from this that while some countries might seem
to have different customs, when looked into closely they are quite similar in lot of aspects.

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