Kindergarten Ib-Pyp Home Connection How We Express Ourselves 1

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IB- PYP Home Connection

October 19- November 24, 2015
Our current unit of study is...
How We Express Ourselves
Central Idea:
We use our senses to explore ideas, feelings, nature, and the world around us.

Lines of inquiry:
- Our body is a tool that helps us learn about the world.
- Our senses work together..
- We express ourselves through the arts.

Student Questions

What would it be like if you couldnt use one of your senses?

What are some different ways you express yourself?

What is an idea?

Join Us for Our

Thanksgiving Feast!
We will be coming together as a
Kindergarten Community to recreate the
first Thanksgiving and explore how the
Pilgrims and Native Americans expressed
themselves during their first years
together. We will be using our five senses
as we dine on traditional pilgrim stew. By
assuming the roles of Pilgrims and Native
Americans, we will come to understand
how they gained information from one
another in order to start this American
tradition and how they interpreted each
others ideas.

Parents, get involved with our unit!

Come on a Field Trip- St. Marys Hospital 10/27- 10/30 @ 9:30 (one class per day!)
Volunteer or donate stew ingredients for our Thanksgiving Feast-More information to come!
with class reflections- Check with your childs teacher to schedule time to come in!


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