Corporate Social Responsibility

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A Guide to Leadership
Tasks and Functions
Alessia DAmato
Sybil Henderson
Sue Florence





Corporate Social
Responsibility and
Sustainable Business
A Guide to Leadership
Tasks and Functions

Corporate Social
Responsibility and
Sustainable Business
A Guide to Leadership
Tasks and Functions

Alessia DAmato
Sybil Henderson
Sue Florence

Center for Creative Leadership

Greensboro, North Carolina

The Center for Creative Leadership is an international, nonprofit educational institution

founded in 1970 to advance the understanding, practice, and development of leadership
for the benefit of society worldwide. As a part of this mission, it publishes books and
reports that aim to contribute to a general process of inquiry and understanding in which
ideas related to leadership are raised, exchanged, and evaluated. The ideas presented in its
publications are those of the author or authors.
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Published by CCL Press
Martin Wilcox, Director of Publications
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Karen Lewis, Associate Editor
Joanne Ferguson, Production Editor
Cover design by Joanne Ferguson
ISBN 978-1-60491-063-6

Table of Contents
Introduction . ........................................................................................................ 1
Purpose, Method, and Framework for This Publication ................................. 2
Key Themes .......................................................................................................... 3
Approaches to Implementing CSR.................................................................. 4
Drivers of Ongoing Commitment................................................................... 4
Corporate Identity and Ethics......................................................................... 5
CSR and Accountability.................................................................................. 6
Partnering with Stakeholders.......................................................................... 7
Leadership Capabilities and Competencies.................................................... 8
Organizational Challenges and Limitations.................................................. 10
Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 11
Annotated Bibliography .................................................................................... 12
Author Index ...................................................................................................... 89
Title Index . ......................................................................................................... 91

Corporations around the world are struggling with a new role, which is to
meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of
the next generations to meet their own needs. Organizations are being called
upon to take responsibility for the ways their operations impact societies and
the natural environment. They are also being asked to apply sustainability
principles to the ways in which they conduct their business. Sustainability
refers to an organizations activities, typically considered voluntary, that demonstrate the inclusion of social and environmental concerns in business operations and in interactions with stakeholders (van Marrewijk & Verre, 2003).
It is no longer acceptable for a corporation to experience economic
prosperity in isolation from those agents impacted by its actions. A firm must
now focus its attention on both increasing its bottom line and being a good
corporate citizen. Keeping abreast of global trends and remaining committed
to financial obligations to deliver both private and public benefits have forced
organizations to reshape their frameworks, rules, and business models. To
understand and enhance current efforts, the most socially responsible organizations continue to revise their short- and long-term agendas, to stay ahead of
rapidly changing challenges.
In addition, a stark and complex shift has occurred in how organizations
must understand themselves in relation to a wide variety of both local and
global stakeholders. The quality of relationships that a company has with its
employees and other key stakeholderssuch as customers, investors, suppliers, public and governmental officials, activists, and communitiesis crucial
to its success, as is its ability to respond to competitive conditions and corporate social responsibility (CSR). These major transformations require national
and global companies to approach their business in terms of sustainable
development, and both individual and organizational leadership plays a major
role in this change.
Organizations have developed a variety of strategies for dealing with
this intersection of societal needs, the natural environment, and corresponding
business imperatives. Organizations can also be considered on a developmental continuum with respect to how deeply and how well they are integrating
social responsibility approaches into both strategy and daily operations worldwide. At one end of the continuum are organizations that do not acknowledge
any responsibility to society and the environment. And on the other end of
the continuum are those organizations that view their operations as having
a significant impact as well as reliance on society at the economic, social,
and ecological levels, thus resulting in a sense of responsibility beyond the

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

traditional boundaries of the organization. Most organizations can be placed

somewhere in between.
Corporate responsibility or sustainability is therefore a prominent feature of the business and society literature, addressing topics of business ethics,
corporate social performance, global corporate citizenship, and stakeholder
management. Management education can be an important source of new ideas
about shifting toward an integrated rather than fractured knowledge economy,
but this means also that the role and meaning of socially responsible leadership needs to be updated. Much further research is needed to create a clearer
understanding of what is required, both in leadership itself and in the field of
leadership development.
In the following, we present the state of the art of knowledge related to
CSR and the role of leadership. We highlight some current developments on
this topic and draw attention to similarities and differences in the three angles
of the triple bottom line (TBL)the environmental, societal, and business
arenas. The field addresses complex and critical issues, such as human rights,
environmental protection, equal opportunities for all, fair competition, and
the interdependencies that occur between organizations and society (Quinn,
2008). Ongoing research reveals that a variety of strategies, alliances and
partnerships, and approaches are being used around the globe. The literature
also reveals that although the aspiration of many corporations to contribute
to a better world is great, translating that aspiration into reality proves to be
somewhat of a challenge.
Purpose, Method, and Framework for This Publication
The purpose of this sourcebook is to provide an overview of the academic
and business literature on CSR and leadership. To pull together this annotated collection of sources, the authors examined literature on CSR, corporate
citizenship, and sustainability, mainly from 2000 to the present. A snapshot of
the current thinking, research, and opportunities for additional scholarship is
provided. We used three methods to select an adequate sample of articles and
books for review:
A systematic search of the academic and professional literature on
leadership and CSR, as well as a keyword search using CSR synonyms (e.g., sustainability, corporate citizenship, corporate sustainability, ethical leadership, corporate governance, and corporate
social performance). This strategy retrieved 211 documents.

Key Themes

A random search of articles and books on CSR. We searched databases and library catalogs using keywords such as corporate social
responsibility, corporate citizenship, corporate sustainability, ethical
leadership, and leadership, as well as names of authors.
A review of bibliographic references from articles found initially and
an examination of class reading assignments from a graduate-level
ethics and social responsibility course.
All references come from scholarly journal articles, articles from the
popular press, books, book chapters, and practitioner and expert essays. In
most cases, publications were selected that were published from 2000 onward, and material was selected that was directly related to one of the themes
of CSR. Some not strictly academic articles were retained when they added a
different perspective or complemented a theme previously identified.
The key themes that emerged through the literature were the following:

Approaches to CSR promotion and implementation

CSR as business case versus development
CSR and corporate identity and ethics
CSR and accountability
Stakeholders engagement or partnership
Leader and leadership capabilities and competencies for CSR
CSRs challenges and limitations
Although we did not use a rigorous methodology to derive these themes, we
feel they provide a useful way to present an overview of the field and a framework for further research and study.
Key Themes
This section of the book introduces the reader to key themes in the field and
refers to the most representative publications for each. This overview does not
aspire to provide a comprehensive picture of either the field or the full content
of the annotations that follow. The full scenario can only be understood by a
complete reading of the annotations themselves. Each of the annotations takes
account of the purpose of the publication and provides a synopsis including
major points, findings, and the conclusions reached.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Approaches to Implementing CSR

The first theme we identified focuses on why CSR gets started in organizations and how it is or can be well implemented. As to why CSR gets
started, some authors argue that CSR can be seen as either an integral part of
the business strategy and corporate identity, or it can be used as a defensive
policy, with the latter being used more often by companies targeted by activists. The rationale for CSR can be based on a moral argument, a rational
argument, or an economic argument (Werther & Chandler, 2006). Campbell
(2007) is representative of a group of studies that create testable propositions
related to the conditions under which organizations will move toward CSR.
He sees corporations level of social responsibility as being influenced by
factors such as financial conditions of the firm, health of the economy, and
well-enforced state regulations.
Why companies take on CSR is also discussed in the literature in terms
of the specific initiatives under which CSR may fall. Ways of describing these
rationales vary, from the more skeptical view of cause-related marketing to a
more generous attribution of genuine socially responsible business practices
(Kotler & Lee, 2005).
To ascertain how CSR is implemented in organizations, some research
uses a developmental framework to show change in awareness, strategy, and
action over time, and posits stages of CSR from elementary to transforming
(e.g., Mirvis & Googins, 2006). Jackson and Nelson (2004) take more of a
how-to approach, offering a principle-based framework for mastering what
they call the new rules of the game. Examples of principles include harnessing innovation for the public good, putting people at the center, and spreading
economic opportunity.
Although there is substantial variation in the nature and the extent of
the corporate approaches reflected in the literature, interest in the field seems
poised to stimulate further research and to provide both researchers and CSR
practitioners some valuable direction for action and reflection.
Drivers of Ongoing Commitment
Ongoing commitment can derive from either economic self-interest
(i.e., a solid business case) or from ethical grounding (i.e., the moral importance of sustainable development). Oftentimes, of course, both of these apply.
When the value added is considered to be significant and positive, the
business case will apply. Building the business case for CSR, Husted and
Allen (2007) point out that much effort has focused on CSR in an attempt to
demonstrate that positive CSR can be linked to improved financial perfor-

Key Themes

mance. There is a growing sense that looking after the people and the community as well as the environment are all relevant to long-term business survival.
Though the business case for CSR appears strong, the literature also reflects
the fact that there are doubts as well as cynicism (Jayne, 2004).
A good example of the contrast between CSR as business case and
CSR as ethical issue is reported by Hartman, Rubin, and Dhanda (2007). In
its cross-cultural analysis of communication of CSR activities in U.S. and
European corporations, the article demonstrates that U.S. companies justify
CSR using economics or bottom-line terms and arguments in their communications, whereas European Union companies rely more heavily on language
or the theories of citizenship, corporate accountability, or moral commitment.
Results also indicate that European companies do not value sustainability to
the exclusion of financial elements, but instead project sustainability commitment in addition to financial commitment. U.S. companies focus more heavily
on financial justifications, whereas European Union companies incorporate
both financial and sustainability elements in justifying their CSR. European
companies have a leading role in the CSR movement as a sustainable development opportunity (Hulm, 2006).One source of ongoing CSR commitment
is reflected in the number of articles focused on the need for corporations to
take an active role in poverty reduction efforts. This literature often concludes
with a call for a more explicit acknowledgement of poverty in the corporate
citizenship field and for corporate leadership to name the issue, frame it in
such a way as to accelerate its reduction, and take an active role in poverty
reduction efforts (Boyle & Boguslaw, 2007). Companies must push to seek
something other than the lowest short-term cost for the highest short-term
gain (Berkhout, 2005). Misconceptions and inaccurate assumptions exist
about business opportunities and profitability available at the bottom of the
economic pyramid. By serving the poor, business can gain new sources of
rapid revenue growth and greater efficiencies with cost reduction initiatives
for the multinational corporations, which also translates to increased purchasing power for the local consumers, as well as access to innovation (Prahalad
& Hammond, 2003).
Corporate Identity and Ethics
The key attributes that define a companys essential character and the
contemporary turn to values reflect an evolution in what has sometimes been
called the personality of the corporationor the corporations identity (Paine,
2003). Corporate identity reflects what a company really is, rather than what a
company might advocate.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Many companies have established a corporate identity using branding,

which has become a focal point of their success and competitive advantage
(Werther & Chandler, 2006). For example, the Body Shop, through its leader
Anita Roddick, adopted a number of fair trade and other social issues. These
stances helped differentiate the firms offerings and made responsibility figure
prominently in its corporate identity in the minds of consumers.
According to Archie Carroll (1991), a firms pyramid of CSR starts with
economic responsibilities and continues with legal, ethical, and discretionary
responsibilities respectively. However, what was ethical or even discretionary in Carrolls model is becoming increasingly necessary today because of
the changing environment within which businesses operate and because the
ethical responsibilities are more likely to stand on a par with economic and
legal responsibilities as foundational for business success (Werther & Chandler, 2006). CSR can be a way of matching corporate operations with societal
values at a time when these parameters are changing rapidly. As such, ethical
behavior is a prerequisite for strategic CSR. A companys ethical behavior is
the mirror image of its culture, a shared set of values and guiding principles
deeply ingrained throughout the organization (Paine, 1994), and the ethical
behavior and culture become part of the definition of corporate identity.
CSR and Accountability
Accountability is one of the processes whereby a leader, company, or
organization seeks to ensure integrity. In a global stakeholder society, accountability is among the key challenges of organizations. Responsible leaders are concerned with reconciling and aligning the demands, needs, interests,
and values of employees, customers, suppliers, communities, shareholders,
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), the environment, and society at
large. A companys track record in terms of CSR accounting will be effective when appropriate CSR measures are included in its internal as well as its
supply-chain activities. Furthermore, the literature reflects a growing need for
dissemination of good practice in CSR accountability and a need for more
pressure to be exerted on NGOs to prove themselves as ethical, transparent,
and accountable as those they seek to influence (Frame, 2005).
A relevant point raised in some literature has to do with the effectiveness of strategies undertaken by communities to demand corporate accountability (Garvy & Newell, 2005). This literature argues that the success of
community-based strategies for corporate accountability is conditional upon
the right combination of state, civil, societal, and corporate factors.

Key Themes

Frynas (2005) makes the point that accountability is more than making
false promises. In the oil, gas, and mining sectors, despite the promise of CSR
and the spending of over US $500 million in 2001 alone on a long list of community development programs and other CSR initiatives, the effectiveness of
the initiatives has been increasingly questioned. Frynas points out that there is
mounting evidence of a gap between the stated intentions of business leaders
and their actual behavior and impact in the real world of financial funding.
CSR requires accountability by all leaders, individuals, organizations,
stakeholders, customers, and community members, and yet accountability
is complex. The factors which influence the effectiveness of corporate accountability are multiple and tightly interconnected. This interconnectedness
and its relationship to accountability are represented in the work of Dolan
(2004), which uses the example of his own company to illustrate the idea of
considering a business as an interconnected web of relationships, with the
consequences of every action the company takes having an impact on both the
world and the companys long-term business.
Partnering with Stakeholders
CSR is strictly embedded with a multitude of business actors. With the
call for sustainability and the new role of business in society (Blowfield &
Googins, 2006), and with increased expectations and new rules and tactics
(Burke, 2005), leadership is bound to come into contactand conflictwith
key stakeholders in the arena of responsible business, global versus regional
and local needs, and different national cultures.
The concept of stakeholder engagement and communication with
stakeholders looks like a catch-22 of leadership practices for CSR
(Morsing, Schultz, & Nielsen, 2008). Although companies strive toengage
in CSR together with their stakeholders,they are simultaneously struggling
to understand the true relationship behind this marriageand first of all, who
their stakeholders are. In both the business and academic literature, the shareholders are now renamed as one of many key stakeholders, and they are seen
as competing for influence with employees, customers, consumers, suppliers,
competitors, trade unions, the environment, the local communities, and the
society at large, to name a few and the most recurrent ones.
Two basic relationship models may help to explain how leaders
can best interact with multiple and diverse stakeholders.The inside-out approach suggests that leaders canmanage their CSR activities and achieve
favorable reputations with their stakeholders by building CSR activities across

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

boundaries and in a framework where the decision-making point resides inside the organization and where communication with stakeholders is a means
to deliver information already developed and perhaps even implemented.
CSR reporting for stakeholders can be one such practice and has sometimes
been used as a tool in the marketing communicators toolbox (Sweeney &
Coughlan, 2008). The literature also shows this can backfire, feeding skepticism toward CSR and its terminology from trade unions as well as from
the activist opposition (Burke, 2005; David, Bloom, & Hillman, 2007). An
alternative approach is based on substantial attention and engagement with
the stakeholders to reach CSR goals (Morsing et al., 2008). Communication
is not just a device for alignment; the decision-making process is negotiated
and concepts or key actions developed. The stakeholders in this model are
actors, together with the company, in achieving sustainable development. This
differentiation is similar to that seen in other literature that focuses on the
difference between stakeholder identitythe extent to which the corporations
and their stakeholders interests are linkedand stakeholder management
the incorporation of stakeholders interests into operational decision making
(Black & Hartel, 2003; Boutilier, 2007; Shropshire & Hillman, 2007). Despite
the debate, real stakeholder engagement ultimately leads to a combination
of organizational and social learning, which is a basis for long-term change
based on trust, but which is not always clearly quantifiable or predictable in
the short term (Roome & Wijen, 2006; Van Kleef & Roome, 2001).
Whatever the approach to stakeholders, well-intentioned efforts sometimes produce disappointing results, or conflicting stakeholder demands cause
problems (Boutilier, 2007). Nevertheless, leadership efforts to deal rationally
with stakeholders, with uncertainty, and with constraints lead to greater potential for sustainability in terms of culture, structure, and output. Corporations
need to engage with stakeholders to develop valuable CSR-related actions.
Stakeholders that face challenges and threats are more likely to partner with
corporations on CSR-related issues and corporations and stakeholders are
more likely to succeed when a long-term vision is embraced. The literature
shows that corporate leadership should have a holistic approach to engage
with stakeholders and that the vital link between business and stakeholder
management is leadership (Chow Hoi Hee, 2007).
Leadership Capabilities and Competencies
Research has confirmed leaderships pivotal role in initiating and developing CSR programs and initiatives within and across organizations. Leaders
in world business are the first true planetary citizens, they have worldwide

Key Themes

capability and responsibility, and their decisions affect economies as well as

societies (Pruzan & Miller, 2006).
The role of the leader in guiding business toward sustainable social
responsibility is complex and vast, and it has been alleged that it requires a
unique array of leadership skills and competencies. A change in management
thinking has been from process to people (Kennedy, 2007). Leadership styles
and leadership capabilities and competencies most prevalent among leaders
whose organizations have successfully experienced changes in organizational
strategy and focus, transitioned toward, and achieved more socially responsible behaviors are presented throughout the literature.
Responsible leaders are defined as people of the highest integrity and
deep understanding of difficult concepts such as sustainable development,
committed to building enduring organizations in association with others, leaders who have a deep sense of purpose and are true to their core values (Roome
& Bergin, 2006). Leaders of socially responsible organizations have been
associated with the charismatic leadership style; the connection between top
managers and firm outcomes depends to a large extent on the managers charismatic leadership under conditions of perceived environmental uncertainty
(Waldman, Ramirez, House, & Puranam, 2001). Charismatic leadership style
communicates an innovation vision, energizes others to innovate, and accelerates innovation processes and CSR; interactive leadership characteristically
empowers employees to innovate and to become innovation leaders themselves (Bossink, 2007). The transformational leader is able to communicate so
enthusiastically that the result is pulling people to commit to the vision of the
leader on sustainability (Hanson & Middleton, 2000). Some effective organizational models for CSR, however, support a simultaneous transformational
and visionary leadership style, together with a need for transparency (Jones,
2000). Moreover, CEOs intellectual stimulation is found to be significantly
associated with the propensity of the firm to engage in strategic CSR, or those
CSR activities that are most likely to be related to the firms corporate and
business-level strategies.
Leadership competencies consistent with responsible leaders include
courage, business acumen, passion, having a life (you cant think out of the
box if you are always in the box), compassion, sense of humor, and vision
for legacy (instead of vision for activity). A leader should be remembered as
a person who designed a society that is educated, environmentally friendly,
safe, and economically sustainable (Giampalmi, 2004).
Other leadership attributes are related to sustainable social success
(Waddock, 2007; Waldman, Siegel, & Javidan, 2006), and leaders values


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

such as integrity, teamwork, respect, and professionalism are part of global responsible leadership (van de Loo, 2006). The success is attributed to leaders
relentless focus on clients, continuous communication of values and beliefs,
a large amount of engaging with others, accountability, and reliability (van de
Loo, 2006), as well as a long-term perspective.
The challenge for todays leaders is to perform effectively in an environment of uncertainty and ambiguity while reconciling the diversity of interests,
needs, and demands of multiple stakeholders (Schraa-Liu & Trompenaars,
2006). When the question is how the CSR concept can be locked into corporate DNA, the conclusion would be that the issue is less about sustainability
with a big S and more about leadership with a big L (Jayne, 2004). More
research and clarity are nevertheless needed to understand the differentiation
between leaders skills and competencies, or leadership styles, and leadership
Organizational Challenges and Limitations
Companies face challenges and limitations as they implement CSR.
These usually relate either to political issues or to organizational-level concerns and are often embedded in culture. The complexity of operating in a
global society places new demands on organizations and their leadership.
As the roles and responsibilities of government are being redefined and
the boundaries between business and government become less clear, the literature shows that business leaders are facing a daunting array of challenges.
In the new age of CSR, the needs of the stakeholders, consumers, employees,
national as well as international regulators, watchdogs, NGOs, and activist
groups have to be satisfied (Hatcher, 2002). Lewicka-Stralecka (2006) identifies the opportunities and limitations of CSR in the so-called countries of
transformation, or Central and Eastern European countries:

The business image

The legal background
The job-market situation
The corruption and the correlates of economic stagnation and social
The socialist associations
The CSR rhetoricincluding the blurred boundaries of CSR, the underdevelopment of the civic society, the economic reality, the ethical
standards, and the attempts at self-regulation of business



McGaw (2005) considers the biggest challenge in the field of CSR implementation to be the development of leaders for a sustainable global society,
asking what kind of leader is needed for building a sustainable global society
and how we can best develop individuals with these leadership capabilities.
According to this author, the task and challenge will be to develop leaders for
a sustainable global society by encouraging imagination and the accomplishment of a positive change.
According to Howell and Avolio (1992), responsible leadership is the
art of building and sustaining relationships with all relevant stakeholders,
and it requires socialized, not personalized, leaders. Here, the challenge is to
develop leaders who can relate in different ways, who are able to align different values into a common vision, who can listen to and care for others and
ultimately serve them. Meeting these challenges requires the joint efforts of a
global society and responsible leadership committed to diversity, ethics, and
According to the emergent literature, there is a growing awareness that business needs to manage its relationship with the wider society. Corporate leaders are responsible for their corporations impact on society and the natural
environment beyond legal compliance and the liability of individuals. To the
novice, this annotated bibliography offers a short but nevertheless deep introduction to the field. More experienced leaders can gain new perspectives on
how to grow in their approach to sustainability and how to develop innovative
business models in accord with the triple bottom line.
CSR is becoming a leading principle of top management and of entrepreneurs. The number of observations in research in this field clearly
delineated models, leadership competencies, accountability, and structure of
partnerships as well as organizational challenges and limitations and ethics.
Organizations can reexamine their pattern of behaviors in the TBL framework
and begin their journey toward a sustainable approach that is integrated into
their business strategy.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Annotated Bibliography
Albareda, L., Lozano, J. M., & Ysa, T. (2007). Public policies on corporate
social responsibility: The role of governments in Europe. Journal of
Business Ethics, 74, 391407.
The authors analyze different CSR public policies adopted by European
governments to promote responsible and sustainable business practices. The
authors are able to analyze the various methods by developing a framework
to understand the approaches and perspectives of governments in designing
and implementing these policies. The article includes a thorough review of
literature focused on governments and CSR, as well as official documents on
CSR published by the European Commission. The article also includes other
studies based on geographical comparative analyses of government behavior
and CSR culture in Europe and North America, which reveal that European
policymakers have undertaken a wide range of public initiatives to promote
CSR in contrast to a lack of policies in the United States. Also, United States
based companies had a less accepting attitude than European companies toward the acceptance of the public CSR policies. Following are three elements
that emerged from the literature:

The voluntary nature of the companys initiatives

The emerging networks and soft tools
Multi-stakeholders dialogue and new government challenges
Building on these elements, the authors construct an analytical model to
understand CSR governmental approaches. Finally, the authors present four
models of government action in the development of CSR-endorsing public
policies in 15 European Union countries: the Partnership Model, the Business
in the Community Model, the Sustainability and Citizenship Model, and the
Agora Model. (Agora is a Greek word meaning a public gathering place or
forumto refer to the model used to implement and enforce CSR in Mediterranean countries, including Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.)

Alvord, S. H., Brown, L. D., & Letts, C. W. (2004). Social entrepreneurship

and societal transformation. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 40,
The authors describe the forms which successful social entrepreneurship
initiatives can take, such as building local capacities to solve problems,


Annotated Bibliography

providing packages needed to solve common problems, and building local

movements to deal with other powerful actors. Successful social entrepreneurship initiatives use innovations that mobilize existing assets of marginalized groups and emphasize systematic learning by the individuals and by the
organization. They are often founded by leaders cooperating with and interconnecting very diverse stakeholders. They expand impacts by investing in
organization and management systems or investing in alliance building with
clients. The authors describe three scaling-up strategies:
Capacity-building initiativesfocusing on local groups and resource
providers to strengthen capacity for self-help. Capacity-building
initiatives alter local norms, roles, and expectations to transform the
cultural contexts in which marginalized groups live.
Package dissemination initiatives (PDIs) pay attention to user and
disseminator stakeholders, providing packaged services to individuals that enable their use of economic leverage. These initiatives have
transformational impacts on economic outcomes. PDIs provide tools
and resources to enhance individual productivity and transform economic circumstances.
Movement-building initiatives focus on external relations with allies
and political targets, using political leverage to have transformational
impacts on political and cultural contexts. Movement-building initiatives increase the voice of marginalized groups to transform their
political contexts and their ability to influence key decisions.

Ancrum, R. (2006, December/2007, January). The principals principles.

Financial Management, pp. 5758.
A new framework for companies to embrace comes from the recognition that
profit alone does not guarantee sustainable success but needs to be balanced
with other factors: reputation, brand value, CSR, and retention of human capital. This new framework is the value-creation business model, which implies
the combination of personal principles, corporate ethics, and commercial
sustainability. A key component in this framework is the leaders courage to
implement all three simultaneously in the business. The value-creation model
for leadership is defended against the obsolete principle that wealth creation
is simply a matter of pursuing profit and growth at the expense of everything
else. The development process starts by asking members of the leadership
team to focus on what is essential for the companys success and then to look


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

at how the company does these things distinctively. A key question is, What
principles of behavior are nonnegotiable if the business is to consistently do
the things that we agree create value and do them in the ways it needs to? The
organizational vision and mission in this framework set the values in the organization. The values then are a nonnegotiable set after all the process is accomplished, from asking the management team what it believes the business
must do, to consolidating its beliefs into a model, to seeing that the identified
values lead to the expected outcomes. The companys leadership will then
seek ways to connect the words with actions on the ground that really count.

Barton, D., Coombes, P., & Wong, S. C. (2004). Asias governance challenge.
McKinsey Quarterly, 2, 5461.
While the primary content of this article references the state of Asias corporate governance, recent actions taken, implementation challenges at the time,
and future actions still required, points are discussed that signal long-term
implications for more socially responsible corporations in this region. A section on improving transparency addresses investor confidence and a need for
professionals to have a more in-depth understanding of accounting standards.
This section is followed by a topic called the power of investors, espousing
that creditors could pressure companies but that they are too focused on shortterm profits, rather than long-term growth. It is stated that investors must
become more vocal in reform and in their willingness to engage management.
Other areas discussed are the best practice for the region, regulations with
bite, and embracing change.

Bendell, J. (2005). In whose name? The accountability of corporate social

responsibility. Development in Practice, 15(3-4), 362374.
This author critically examines the accountability of western and northern
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and multi-stakeholder initiatives
(MSIs), partnerships between governments, business, and civil society. The
author states that various analyses have suggested that the (supposed) intended beneficiaries of CSR activity and MSIs have had only a limited influence on them (Bass, 2001; Bendell, 2000; Utting, 2002). In fact, many of
these organizations are heavily influenced by large companies. The author
points out the limited amount of participation in MSIs from the global south
and the related implications of such on discourse and practice. The author


Annotated Bibliography

also demonstrates how the way in which the problems and solutions are
defined serves the commercial interests of the northern participants, to the
detriment of southern stakeholders and intended beneficiaries. To illustrate
his argument, the author reviews the structure and operations of some MSI
organizations: Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production (WRAP), Social
Accountability International (SAI), Sustainable Agriculture Network, and the
Forest Stewardship Council. A snapshot of that content references WRAPs
principles and standards, which govern 615 factories from 56 countries that
deliver 85 percent of clothing sales in the United States, designed to benefit
clothing and footwear manufacturing workers, mostly in the global south; yet
11 of its 12 board members are from the United States. Also, SAIs emphasis
on assessment and certification generates concerns, on the part of the author,
related to speed of the actual audits, training of the auditors, confidentiality
of the findings, objectivity (in the eyes of the auditor), and neutrality (offering no constructive advice toward making improvements). In concluding, the
author gives reasons why these conditions may exist and provides suggestions
and recommendations toward improving them. One of the suggestions is to
include more democracy in the process.

Bendixen, M., & Abratt, R. (2007). Corporate identity, ethics and reputation
in supplier-buyer relationships. Journal of Business Ethics, 76, 6982.
The article highlights how multinational corporations (MNCs) have been
criticized for not behaving ethically in some situations that could have a negative effect on their reputation. The authors examine the ethics of a large MNC
in its relationship with its suppliers. The views and perceptions of the buying
staff and the suppliers to the large South African MNC are discussed. The
results indicate that this MNC has a good corporate reputation among both
suppliers and its own buying department. The existence and implementation
of formal codes of ethics were found to be a necessary but not sufficient condition for good ethical practice. Elements that may lead to good relationships
include speedy resolution of problems; respect for the partner; and transparency in its dealings, which include information sharing, clear communication,
and fair but firm negotiations.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Berenbeim, R. E. (2006). Business ethics and corporate social responsibility:

Defining an organizations ethics brand. Vital Speeches of the Day, 72,
As external and internal views on ethics and CSR differ, the author questions
whether there is a way to integrate them into a single model for an ethical
company. A contrast between Enrons and Johnson & Johnsons approaches to
CSR reflect an outcome, for the former, of strategic versus moral calculation,
whereas the latter encompasses a decision-making process that is ingrained
into the company culture. The comparison is used to illustrate the value of
integration between a companys ethics, principles, and its CSR initiatives,
which enhance leader decision making.

Berkhout, T. (2005). Corporate gains: Corporate social responsibility can

be the strategic engine for long-term corporate profits and responsible
social development. Alternatives Journal, 31(1), 1518.
This author critically examines corporate gains as the strategic engine for
long-term corporate profits and responsible social development. He highlights
corporate green-washing, the voluntary adoption of a token social or environmental initiative intended to enhance a companys corporate image. He points
out that CSR provides the starting point that businesses need to begin moving
toward sustainability. For CSR to achieve its potential, companies must push
to seek something other than the lowest short-term cost for the highest shortterm gain. The author identifies the following challenges facing a company
that wants to operate under the principles of CSR:

How to balance its social and environmental responsibilities with its

clearly defined economic responsibility to earn a profit
How evolving norms and rules determine what constitutes acceptable
corporate behavior
How CSRs glass ceiling is merely a reflection of societys expectations
How corporations are beginning to see a strategic value in CSR beyond improved public relations or the short-term bottom line
The principles of CSR are encouraged by the author in order to take meaningful steps toward sustainability. The Natural Step founded in Sweden in 1989
requires businesses to meet specific ecological and human conditions for all
aspects of their corporate agendas. The Natural Step framework is appealing
because it draws a line in the sand in terms of what is sustainable practice and


Annotated Bibliography

what is not sustainable practice. Over 100 companies around the world have
started to work with the Natural Step framework. The level of integration
varies from company to company. In concluding, the author does not recommend that companies currently engaged in CSR throw away their work in the
area and start anew with the Natural Step or a similar framework. He recommends that companies need to ensure that their short-term economic goals do
not continue to override their long-term social, environmental, and economic
responsibilities to society and the natural environment.

Black, L. D., & Hartel, C. E. J. (2003). The five capabilities of socially responsible companies. The Journal of Public Affairs, 4, 125144.
Presenting the term corporate social responsibility and the term management capacity, defined as the product of a social responsibility orientation and
public relations orientation, the authors use management capacity to describe
a firms ability to proactively recognize and effectively respond to firmstakeholder relationships. Built upon a rich discussion of literature in the four
areas of strategic management, social responsiveness, public relations, and
marketing, a model that identified capabilities required by firms in order to
be socially responsible was established. Also examined are measurement and
management of these capabilities. According to these authors, some of the
goals and capabilities of CSR are the following:

Stakeholder engagement, comprised of stakeholder identity, the extent

to which a firm sees its long-term interests linked to those of its stakeholders
Stakeholder management, the process of incorporating stakeholder
interests into operational decision making, as well as the actual communication of socially responsible behavior
The remaining capabilities are segregated by public relations orientation,
including the following:
Value attuned behavior and dialogue with stakeholders as the key
CSR orientation, focused on ethical business behavior and accountability and disclosure as key transactions
Contrasting the process approach of CSR with various performance-based approaches, the authors conclude that social responsibility is an ongoing interaction in relationships between firms and stakeholders and further state that


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

individually these capacities could not produce social performance. However,

together they comprise the organizational behaviors that could lead to socially
responsible performance.

Blowfield, M. (2005). Corporate social responsibility: Reinventing the meaning of development. International Affairs, 81, 515524.
The author posits that developing a critical approach to CSR not only requires
us to ask how CSR affects company behavior in developing countries, but also
to ask if, and how, business is affecting the meaning of development itself.
The author argues in this article that business is indeed affecting development,
and one of the ways this happens is by allowing business thinking to dominate
the way we view the world and to become the norm against which everything
else is tested for true and false value. The reader is cautioned that even though
there may be areas of overlap between developmental and business goals,
companies engage with developing economies for commercial reasons, not
developmental ones. The author states that the following are long-term tests:

Whether CSR can help companies redefine the meaning of good business practice in the interests of the poor and marginalized
Whether CSR helps development practitioners manage the possibilities and consequences of global capitalism for poor countries more
A number of negotiable and nonnegotiable fundamental values and tenets
of business are highlighted and analyzed, indicating that only those that are
deemed negotiable are addressed through CSR, while the nonnegotiable
values result in limitations of approaches to CSR. The author also states that
understanding how business affects development depends on our distinguishing between the business case and the case for business.

Blowfield, M., & Frynas, J. G. (2005). Setting new agendas: Critical perspectives on corporate social responsibility in the developing world. International Affairs, 81, 499513.
In this editorial, Blowfield and Frynas set the tone for a new direction in CSR
research to determine what CSR does and could mean for the poor and marginalized in developing countries. They assert that claims about CSR contributions to alleviate poverty and achieve other developmental goals are unwar-


Annotated Bibliography

ranted. The authors identify CSR as an umbrella term for a variety of theories
and practices that recognize the following:
That companies have a responsibility for their impact on society and
the natural environment, sometimes beyond legal compliance and the
liability of individuals
That companies have a responsibility for the behavior of others with
whom they do business (e.g., within supply chains)
That business needs to manage its relationship with wider society,
whether for reasons of commercial viability or to add value to society
Further, they discuss criticisms of CSR that included two schools of thought:
CSR is bad capitalism and weak CSR is bad development. The authors
then identify and discuss four areas that need to be addressed to answer critical CSR questions: the meaning of CSR for developing countries, its relationship to international governance, its analytical limitations, and the consequence of thinking in terms of the business case for CSR.

Blowfield, M., & Googins, B. K. (2006). Set up: A call for business leadership in society (Monograph). Chestnut Hill, MA: The Boston College
Center for Corporate Citizenship.
In this monograph the authors interviewed 48 top executives, representing 27
multinational companies from a cross-section of industries to learn what they
see as trends and challenges facing business and wider society in the twentyfirst century. This research revealed three major messages:

Public perception of the role of business has changed since the 1970s.
New responsibilities are being thrust on companies.
The current business model is on a collision course with trouble unless companies recognize that societys issues are impactingpositively and negativelytheir long-term business success.
Also, fewer than 10 percent of these executives feel that the quest for profits
should be the sole focus of the company. Accordingly, many executives want
to address societal issues because they are important to their companies and
business as a whole, yet they are hesitant to take it too far because of the reaction that may come from investors, analysts, board members, or the media.
Four important areas where progress offers enormous potential returns in
strengthening the business-society relationship are the following:


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Challenging the short-term perspective of the capital markets

Understanding the respective roles of business and government in
public policy
Creating a soft landing to globalization
Encouraging courageous leadership

Bossink, B. A. G. (2007). Leadership for sustainable innovation. International

Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, 6,
The article begins with a discussion of leadership styles thought to influence
a companys sustainable innovation. According to the author, literature on
this topic repeatedly refers to charismatic, instrumental, strategic, and interactive leadership. The charismatic leadership style communicates an innovation
vision, energizes others to innovate, and accelerates innovation processes.
Instrumental leadership style structures and controls the innovation processes,
and strategic leadership uses hierarchical power to innovate. The remaining
sustainable innovative leadership style, interactive leadership, tries to empower employees to innovate and to become innovation leaders themselves. The
author conducted empirical research to observe each leadership style, coordinated by the same municipal manager, on four separate building projects in
the Dutch house-building sector. Findings indicate that the managers leadership style and capability to coordinate the necessary information and knowledge exchange jointly support the innovativeness of the projects. Further, a
review of literature on knowledge management found that a firms capacity to
gather and process information about new technology is a significant stimulator to innovation (Toole, 1998).

Boutilier, R. G. (2007). Social capital in firm-stakeholder networks: A corporate role in community development. Journal of Corporate Citizenship,
26, 121134.
The author applies concepts such as social capital and network analysis to the
challenges organizations face in managing stakeholder relations and promoting community development, particularly in developing countries. The author
first reviews the literature on the roles of social capital in poverty reduction
and community development. Ways that corporations can contribute to sus-


Annotated Bibliography

tainable development goals such as poverty reduction by bringing linking social capital into the community and stakeholder networks are identified. Next,
community development pitfalls in corporate/stakeholder relations are noted
and tagged so that a classification of social capital pattern should be able
to be predicted. Often their well-intentioned efforts produce disappointing
results and encounter a variety of pitfalls such as unorganized communities,
self-serving elites, violent opposition, and conflicting stakeholder demands.
The next step is to measure the community social capital by graphing a communitys social capital pattern. The article applies the social network analysis
concepts of social capital, bridging, bonding, and core periphery structure to
firm/stakeholder networks. The result is a three-dimensional classification
scheme showing 12 patterns of social capital. It is proposed that each of the
12 is associated with a different pattern of outcomes for the stakeholders and
the company. Measures of the stakeholder networks current pattern of social
capital can be compared with the 12 classification patterns to find the closest
match. It is proposed that the match predicts pitfalls and therefore can guide
movement toward the pattern that most facilitates sustainable development.
The framework provides patterns against which the messy, mixed-up patterns
of real-world networks can be compared. In conclusion, the author reflects on
the attention being paid to the role that corporations can play in poverty reduction and other aspects of sustainable community development. The classification scheme presented here is an attempt to close that implementation gap.

Boyle, M., & Boguslaw, J. (2007). Business, poverty and corporate citizenship: Naming the issues and framing solutions. Journal of Corporate
Citizenship, 26, 101120.
This article examines the current roles corporations are playing in reference to
poverty reduction in both developed and developing nations. The article presents a preliminary exploration of what the authors see as a transition of the
role of the corporate sector in relation to government, nonprofit stakeholders,
and the poor, as well as a review of the various forms of poverty and the direct
and indirect contributions that corporations make as related to poverty reduction. Also, a categorization of emerging actions on the part of the companies
and an analysis of the different domains with regard to consequences for business, society, and corporate citizenship are reviewed. The article concludes
with a call for a more explicit acknowledgement of poverty in the corporate
citizenship field, for corporate leadership to name the issue, frame it in such a


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

way as to accelerate its reduction, and to take an active role in poverty reduction efforts.

Burke, E. M. (2005). Managing a company in an activist world: The leadership challenge of corporate citizenship. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
The book presents creative solutions for corporations globally seeking socially responsible corporate citizenship. It provides a reality check for companies and leaders who forget how grounded citizenship has to be in dealing
with the growing activism of stakeholders. The issue of activist opposition is
examined. Activist opposition is spreading beyond the traditional community
concerns, and there is a growing sentiment that supports the anger, if not the
violence of the protestors. The new era in the relationship between companies
and societies increases expectations and new rules and tactics. Companies are
now expected to do the following:

Safeguard the environment

Support human rights
Eliminate child labor
Adopt codes of ethics
Enter into partnerships with NGOs
Display openness and transparency in relationships with customers,
employees, community groups, and governmental organizations
Promote diversity in the workplace
Help communities solve their social problems
Consult with community residents on business plans and strategies
A small but growing number of companies are learning how to operate under
the new rules. The author points out that not all the companies are adopting
the same strategies or practices. Not all are succeeding as well as they might.
Some have partial victories, but they are making progress. They are guided by
the following five questions:
Who are the external stakeholders in all our communitieslocal,
regional, national, and globalthat can influence our license to
What do they value?
What are their concerns?


Annotated Bibliography

What is the nature of our current relationships with these stakeholders?

What is our stakeholder-relationship plan?
In conclusion, the development of a companys strategies should be cautious
and piece by piece. They should be viewed as a work in progress, evolving
carefully and certainly.

Campbell, J. L. (2007). Why would corporations behave in socially responsible ways? An institutional theory of corporate social responsibility.
Academy of Management Review, 32, 946967.
In this paper the author draws on the literature on institutional analysis
in sociology and on comparative political economy in political science
to explore a broad set of institutional conditions under which socially
responsible corporate behaviors are likely to occur. After providing a
literature review to focus discussion and after defining socially responsible
corporate behavior as a threshold below which corporations no longer
behave in socially responsible ways, the author presents the following seven
propositions that influence a corporations level of social responsibility.
1. Financial condition of the firm and health of the economy
2. Too much or too little competition
3. Institutional factors such as well-enforced state regulation
4. Well-organized and effective industrial self-regulation
5. Private, independent organizations, including NGOs, social
movement organizations, institutional investors, and the press
6. Important business publications, business school curricula, and
other educational venues in which corporate managers participate
7. Membership in trade or employer associations, which are organized
in ways that promote socially responsible behavior

Chiu, C. C. H. (2007). Workplace practices in Hong Konginvested garment

factories in Cambodia. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 37, 431448.
This article examines the workplace practices in Hong Konginvested garment factories in the regulated IRS system in Cambodia. The country has
attracted foreign direct investment (FDI) in light manufacturing, mainly in the
export-oriented garment and footwear sector. The United States is the largest


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

trade partner of Cambodia in garment exports because of a unique agreement,

The U.S.-Cambodia Trade Agreement on Textiles and Apparel. The agreement granted a quota for Cambodian garment exports in return for better compliance with international labor standards. The trade agreement and privatesector initiatives have combined to bring about a labor advantage in Cambodia. The author points out that the global foreign direct investment (FDI)
flows have increased dramatically from about US $12.5 billion in 1970 to US
$1.171 trillion in 2003, a 93-fold increase. In Asia and the Pacific, the rate of
increase over the same period has been even greater, from US $924 million
to US $145.8 billion (UNCTAD, 2005). The author concludes that a host of
interactive factorsa progressive labor law, quota availability, linking trade
with labor standards compliances, buyers commitment to placing demands
on garment manufacturers in regard to labor practices, and monitoringhave
contributed to creating the labor advantage.

Chow Hoi Hee, C. (2007). A holistic approach to business management:

Perspectives from the Bhagavad Gita. Singapore Management Review,
29(1), 7384.
The author compares and contrasts concepts from an Indian epic, the Bhagavad Gita, with the aptitude of a business, which was defined based on the
3Cscapability, capital, and connectionsand the attitude of the business,
defined by relationships of truth and integrity with customers, stakeholders,
and society. The paper provides a clear illustration of the three major sections
of the gita, explaining the following included cultural terms:
Karma Yogaselfless action requires discipline.
Jnana Yogaself-knowledge is the key to detachment.
Bhakti Yogato remain in grace requires unalloyed devotion.
These sections are further delineated by chapters, six each with explanations
by cultural topic, as well as their business application for the manager and the
company. This leads to an interesting view of the difference between conservatives, entrepreneurs, leaders, and politicians. Finally, the author presents the
holistic approach to business, which features an illustration of The Essence
of Business Management that encompasses a management grid. The grid depicts business (evidence-based, profit-centric, capital, capability, connections)
reflecting actions that should be taken by leaders (empower, lead, delegate,
network) based on urgency and importance, and management (experience-


Annotated Bibliography

based, purpose-centric, communication, commitment) based on the selfcontrol attributes of discipline, detachment, and devotion. The author espouses that the vital link between business and management is the leader.

Cornelius, N., Wallace, J., & Tassabehji, R. (2007). An analysis of corporate

social responsibility, corporate identity and ethics teaching in business
schools. Journal of Business Ethics, 76, 117135.
This article examines the attention falling on business schools as providers of
education and training for managers and senior executives. The authors investigate the nature of motivation and commitment to ethics tuition provided by
business schools. They also investigate any relationship between ethics education and provisions in MBA courses, the teaching and research that underpins
the nature of CSR in schools delivering specific programs, and corporate
identity (CI) of the schools and their parent institutions. It concludes that CSR
is a subset of the CI model as proposed by Melewar and Jenkins. The top
business schools predominantly offer proactive education, with the lower tier
offering a more reactive form of education.

David, P., Bloom, M., & Hillman, A. J. (2007). Investor activism, managerial
responsiveness, and corporate social performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(1), 91100.
In this empirical study with a large sample of public corporations, the authors
study the relationships between shareholder proposal activism, managerial response, and corporate social performance (CSP). Shareholder proposal activism reduces CSP; the authors explain this phenomenon as activism prompting
diversion of resources away from CSP in favor of political activities used by
managers to resist external pressures and retain discretion. Also, and in accord
with stakeholder salience theory, it appears that managers are more likely to
resolve proposals filed by shareholders and without connections with CSP.
Managers responses seem to be symbolic rather than substantive, and therefore no real changes to core policies are made.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Deckop, J. R., Merriman, K. K., & Gupta, S. (2006). The effects of CEO pay
structure on corporate social performance. Journal of Management, 32,
The authors examine whether CEO pay packages provide financial incentives
for CEOs to improve the firms corporate social performance (CSP), with
specific emphasis on long- versus short-term rewards. The authors acknowledge the increasing pressure for firms to become socially responsible as a
result of emerging standards and the increased transparency made possible by
the proliferation of independent evaluations and rankings. It was established
based on a number of research studies that CSP is positively associated with
corporate financial performance (CFO) and that this relationship may have
implications for the design of CEO pay incentives. Using agency theory as
a theoretical basis for examining competing CEO and stakeholder interests,
the authors state that the self-interest tendency of agents may be deterred
by imposing conditions such as pay performance incentives that would shift
some of the performance risk from the principal to the agent. Further, agency
theory prescribes that the typical allocation of CEO pay categoriessalary,
annual bonus, and stock optionsvary greatly between short- and longterm incentive systems. This short/long-term measure critically defines CEO
performance interest (Jensen et al., 2004). The authors conclude that the more
firms use a long-term focus on CEO pay, measured by the percentage value of
restricted stock options in the pay package, the higher the firms CSP will be.

Dolan, P. (2004). Sustainable leadership. Leader to Leader, 33, 812.

The author introduces the principles for sustainable leadership through the
example of his company, Fetzer Vineyards:

The leader should consider that business is part of a much larger

system, an interconnected web of relationships, since companies and
individuals share the same world and future. Therefore the consequences of every action the company takes will make an impact on
the companys business in the long term.
The leader needs to realize that the business culture is influenced by
the context the leader creates for it. Therefore it is necessary to create
a context that motivates people to react to the challenge of sustainable
development. With the appropriate context and culture, sustainability
will move from theory to common action, owned by the employees
and not directed from above.


Annotated Bibliography

If the leader understands that the soul of a business is found in the

hearts of its people; sees people as sources, not resources of sustainability; and acknowledges their contributions, then employees will
shift from accountability to responsibility.
A leader should consider that true power is living what you know
what you know about the people, the land, and the community your
business is based inand that therefore knowledge can lead to empowerment.
If leaders have plans for change on a larger scale, those plans will
organize their orientation and achievements.
For realizing the large-volume plans, companies have to take absolute
and proactive stands and not only relative and reactive positions on
sustainability, which will make everyone at the company personally
engaged in the realization of sustainability.

Fort, T. L. (2007). The corporate contributions to one planet living in global

peace and security. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 26, 2024.
In this article the author presents the question of whether corporations can
do anything about creating peace and security or if it is just too big a topic
and too political a topicto be realistically pursued. In reference to who has
the responsibility for peace, government says its hands are tied; NGOs say
they only have the power of persuasion, which has significant limitations;
and businesses say that peace is really the responsibility of government and,
to a lesser extent, actors in civil society. The Global Compact and the Global
Reporting Initiatives are the optimal ways of building the infrastructure for
this necessary blending, and it is hard to imagine progress without these initiatives. The author emphasizes that voluntary discussions will go only so far.
He argues that businesses dont necessarily have peace and security at heart,
and when there are calls for businesses to change, in their acquisitiveness
there is self-interest in promoting watered-down self-regulations. In conclusion, to create a corporate responsibility approach that would lead to peace
through commerce requires three kinds of trust: hard trust, real trust, and good
trust. No one of these approaches will do the job of creating peace through
commerce. It is when they are fully integrated that our best chance occurs.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Foster, R. (2000). Leadership in the twenty-first century: Working to build a

civil society. National Civic Review, 89(1), 8793.
The author discusses the challenges of leadership in the twenty-first century.
Effective leaders need to know how to motivate people to solve problems in
their communities and how to empower people to improve the quality of their
life. They also must know how to shape and respond to issues that affect their
communities in the local, national, or global context. In the authors opinion,
social progress depends on effective leadership. Leaders must understand
the need for collaboration, for shared leadership and dynamic partnerships
among the corporate government and civic society sectors to face the complex challenges of the future in our global, knowledge based, multicultural
society. There is a need for a deep sense of mission and passion; for strong
moral, ethical, and spiritual values; for self-awareness; for courage; and for a
sense of humor. Leaders must also know how to engage people in the process;
therefore, there is a crucial need for honesty and integrity. They need to master new technologies in the information society. They must know how to build
collaborative teams, partnerships, strategic alliances, networks, and coalitions. They must have global perspective and be willing to embrace diversity
and cultural differences and to encourage multiple viewpoints; they should
be comfortable with sharing leadership. They have to teach the importance of
tolerance and help people learn how to live together.

Fowler, S. J., & Hope, C. (2007). Incorporating sustainable business practices

into company strategy. Business Strategy and the Environment, 16,
In this article Harts Natural Resource Based View (NRBV) on business is
reported and empirically analyzed through a case study. The NRBV is a development of the Strategic Management Theory and Sustainability approach.
In response to old approaches consistent with Friedmans neoclassical view
that the primary duty of management is to maximize return to shareholders,
sustainability scholars defend win-win scenarios where companies can maximize return while making progress toward the implementation of sustainable
business practices. The NRBV proposes three interlinking strategies: process
innovation to reduce pollution by reducing waste, product stewardship or
the implementation of the life-cycle analysis to measure the impact of the
product throughout its life, and sustainable development or the development
of new low-impact technologies. These strategies allow consideration of the


Annotated Bibliography

social impact of a firm and its engagement with stakeholders. Furthermore,

the results of this case study clearly demonstrate how the logic of a sequential
order of the strategies can be abandoned in favor of a parallel framework. As
seen from the interviews with the executives, the necessary resources can be
accumulated in parallel, resulting in the principle of embeddedness: pollution
prevention is embedded within product stewardship, and product stewardship
and pollution prevention are, in turn, embedded with sustainable development. Practices and policies at any strategic level are amply reported and
practically discussed throughout the article, and stakeholders partnership at
every level is discussed.

Frame, B. (2005). Corporate social responsibility: A challenge for the donor

community. Development in Practice, 15, 422432.
The author currently undertakes consultancy and research in sustainable
development and CSR with international donors, national and local governments, and the private sector, and has worked in this area for over 20 years,
mostly in South Asia and China. In this paper he is calling on the development donor community, which includes donors such as the United Kingdom
Department for International Development, the United States Agency for
International Development, and the Australian Government Overseas Aid;
private consulting companies; and NGOs to improve their internal track records in terms of CSR accounting, by putting appropriate CSR measures into
their internal and supply-chain activities. One example of a lack of cohesive
process is that, when they evaluate competitive bids, donors do not formally
credit companies bidding for development contracts with involvement in
CSR processes. Behavior changes in donor organizations, which would
influence further change in the supply chain, are needed and might well be
achieved with the introduction of CSR measures such as voluntary disclosure
on socially responsible investments, the reduction and mitigation of carbon
emissions, and voluntary CSR reporting. Further, there is a need for greater
dissemination of good practice and more pressure to be exerted on NGOs to
prove themselves as ethical, transparent, and accountable as those they seek to
influence (Murphy, 2003). To facilitate this process, the author offers a modified CSR framework. The framework relates changes in governance approach,
transparency, and accountability, as related to various business paradigms
ranging from business as usual at one extreme to restoration of capital
at the other, with three additional stages in between. Further, the author


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

provides a guide for CSR activities, consisting of a set of internal and external indicators that mark level of sustainability (weak or strong) for the various activities. Finally, the author warns that CSR is here to stay and that it is
independent of the political climate surrounding global protocols. In addition,
early adopters are setting an important trend that needs to become mainstream
normative behavior.

Frynas, J. G. (2005). The false promise of corporate social responsibility:

Evidence from multinational oil companies. International Affairs, 81,
Despite its spending of over US $500 million in 2001 alone and despite a
long list of community development programs and other CSR initiatives, the
effectiveness of CSR initiatives in the oil, gas, and mining sectors has been
increasingly questioned. And there is mounting evidence of a gap between
the stated intentions of business leaders and their actual behavior and impact
in the real world, according to this author. In addition he states, to the extent
that expectations for CSR now encompass delivering development solutions,
the typical business case model for CSR must now be expanded to include the
broader context of international development. This paper provides a critical
account that suggests that the actual and potential contribution of oil companies to development faces structural constraints and that the current CSR
agenda may be inappropriate for addressing social problems in developing
countries and may divert attention from broader political, economic, and social solutions for such problems. The author discusses four important factors
in a firms decision to embark on community development projects: obtaining
a competitive advantage, maintaining a stable working environment, managing external perceptions, and keeping employees happy. Citing community
development failures of oil giants, including Texaco, Shell, and BP, the following explanations for the failures were offered: the primacy of the business case, incompatibility of corporate objectives with developmental objectives, country- and context-specific issues, failure to involve the beneficiaries
of CSR, lack of human resources, social attitudes of oil company staff, a
focus on technical and managerial solutions, and failure to integrate CSR
initiatives into a larger development plan. The author concludes that as CSR
exists today in the oil industry, it has limited potential for fostering genuine
local community development in practice.


Annotated Bibliography

Fukukawa, K., Balmer, J. M. T., & Gray, E. R. (2007). Mapping the interface
between corporate identity, ethics and corporate social responsibility.
Journal of Business Ethics, 76, 15.
The authors introduce a special issue of the journal by defining two terms:
corporate identity and ethicalization. Corporate identity reflects what a
company really is, rather than what a company might espouse. Ethicalization refers to an encapsulation of CSR, ethics, and corporate identity, and is
described by four strands of proposed inquiry, which were highlighted and

Foundations triggers and motives, consisting of altruistic beliefs of the

leader; strategic alternatives, such as gaining competitive advantage in
the face of global competition; and external forces
Management of ethical identity, which is accomplished by implementing a social responsiveness program including establishing goals,
policies, procedures, and monitoring; and review mechanisms
Action and communication, focusing on the gap between communication and demonstrated actions, which must reflect alignment
Image and stakeholder perception

Garvy, N., & Newell, P. (2005). Corporate accountability to the poor? Assessing the effectiveness of community-based strategies. Development in
Practice, 15, 389404.
This paper focuses on the effectiveness of strategies undertaken by communities to demand corporate accountability (answerability and enforceability) and
the challenges and limitations therein, particularly in cases of the poor. Noting
that many of the problems faced by communities in holding corporations accountable result from poverty and inequality, rather than geographic location,
the authors draw on evidence and trends from 80 case studies to illustrate the
ways in which the actions of transnational corporations (TNCs) impinge upon
livelihood issues such as land rights, access to resources, and occupational
health and environmental concerns across a range of sectors, including mining, forestry, oil extraction, and waste dumping. (Sixty thousand TNCs and
500,000 foreign affiliates invest more than US $600 billion abroad annually.)
Arguing that mainstream CSR discourse pays insufficient attention to the
politics of corporate accountability and the influence of power on how mechanisms of accountability and spaces for citizen participation in CSR initiatives


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

work in practice, the authors combine lessons from this conceptual framework with analysis of the cases, to establish that a number of state-related,
company-related, and community-related factors are the key to understanding
the effectiveness of community-based strategies of corporate accountability.
They conclude that the success of community-based strategies for corporate
accountability is conditional upon the right combination of state, civil society,
and corporate actors and that the factors that influence the effectiveness of
corporate accountability to the poor are multiple, complex, and tightly interconnected.

Giampalmi, J. (2004). Leading chaos, paradox and dysfunctionality in sustainable development. Executive Speeches, 19(2), 613.
The author describes in his speech the following core leadership competencies that are needed for sustainable development.

Couragehave the courage of your convictions and your principles.

Integritythe link to open communication. If people trust you, they
will give you their time.
Business acumenthink globally, increase the bottom line, and learn
to recognize all available resources to accomplish this.
Define the correct questionleadership is defining and understanding
what the real question is; the triple bottom line includes many agendas, and many agendas are hidden.
Passiondirect your passion and fun to support a lifestyle in which
you would be happy.
Have a lifeyou cant think out of the box if you are always in the
box; have fun at the job you are doing.
Compassionshowing compassion and empathy are vital in leading
Think like a childintegrate knowledge, stretch your mind, and try
to match what traditionally does not align, e.g., environment with accounting, legal with strategic planning.
Have a sense of humor.
Succeed and faillearn from the failure, but do not depend on the


Annotated Bibliography

Vision for legacyinstead of vision for activity. Be remembered as

a person who designed a society that is educated, environmentally
friendly, safe, and economically sustainable.
Recognize a window of opportunitycombine experience with opportunity.
Be productive, not busyleadership requires inspiring and encouraging people to be productive rather than just busy.
Leadthe leader has to move out from the comfort zone, which can
result in discomfort, fear, failure, and becoming unpopular. Do not be
fooled or disillusionedwhen your opportunity presents itself to be a
leader, lead!
Expect ambiguityprepare to lead an organization or project with
no budget, no people, and no direction but with expectations of high
results. Prepare for ambiguity, uncertainty, multiple interpretation, and
lack of clarity.
Common sense and good judgment are needed in many areas, such as
ethics, integrity, business, and people.

Gil Estallo, M. D. A., Finer de-la Fuente, F., & Griful-Miquela, C. (2007).
The importance of corporate social responsibility and its limits. International Advances in Economic Research, 13, 379388.
These authors posit that CSR is a new management tool and not a fashionable concept, and they seek to analyze the advantages and limitations thereof,
to define a management model for achieving responsibility within or among
organizations. The authors offer a concept of company with supply chain
management at its center, surrounded by competitors, customers, collaborators, and providers. They highlight a point of contention with Friedmans
1966 statement indicating that it did not take into account all of the people
that must cooperate and perform in order to make a profit. In addition, they
indicate that maximizing profit is simply a mathematical concept, as there is
always the possibility of achieving a higher performance. The authors state
that in the current business context of extreme competition and rapidly changing information, companies have to treat every one of their human collectives
responsibly and adapt to the context in which it is located in order to grow
and make profits. They hypothesize that CSR, appearing at the beginning of
the twenty-first century as a management tool, will remain through time, and


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

they offer a number of facts in its support. The article concludes with
Argandonas 1997 list of aspects found within a company ruled by ethical
criteria; limitations of CSR; and a formal model using economic, social, environmental, and business indicators.

Gillis, T., & Spring, N. (2001). Doing good is good for business. Communication World, 18(6), 2327.
The authors provide an overview of CSR. The article would be beneficial to
anyone who wants to understand the concept and the current CSR landscape.
Defining CSR as business decision making based on ethical values; compliance with legal standards; and respect for communities, citizens, and the environment, the authors highlight major topics that must be addressed under the
CSR umbrella: environment, employment, and human rights. They also weigh
in on approaches to establishing and implementing CSR initiatives, citing reflection of mission and business core values, response to constituent pressure,
corporate philanthropy, and corporate partnerships, pointing to examples and
benefits of each. Equally important, the authors identify the various stakeholder groups and clearly articulate their respective positions and concerns in
the CSR landscape. Finally, the authors address measuring, communicating,
and reporting of CSR.

Graafland, J., & van de Ven, B. (2006). Strategic and moral motivation for
corporate social responsibility. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 22,
Using a sample of 111 Dutch companies, this empirical study tests the hypothesis that a positive strategic and moral view of CSR stimulates small and
medium enterprises to undertake CSR efforts. For the purpose of the study,
managers strategic views of CSR (the extrinsic motive), as well as their
moral views (the intrinsic motive), have been measured through a single-item
approach and with reference to five stakeholder groups: employees, customers, competitors, suppliers, and society at large. The extrinsic motive is
constructed as a companys moral duty, while the intrinsic motive sees CSR
for its contribution to the long-term financial success of the company. Results show that a vast majority of respondents had a positive view of CSR in
both dimensions. Nevertheless, there is a weak correlation between strategic
CSR and actual CSR efforts. The strategic view generates active policies only


Annotated Bibliography

toward consumer relations and partially toward employee relations, but not
with regard to the other three stakeholders. Even though the first step for the
implementation of CSR is a growing awareness of the strategic importance
of CSR by top company leadership, the findings of this study reveal that a
positive strategic view of CSR is not a sufficient condition for a firm to actually undertake enhancement measures. CSR implementation is more related
to moral commitments than profit maximization, and this suggests a cautious
view of CSR and its financial advantage.

Grossmanx, L. (2004). Rating corporate social responsibility. Businessdate,

12(4), 57.
This article presents the RepuTex social responsibility rating system, which
provides independent measures of social responsibility performance. Like
a credit rating, RepuTex rates any type of organization, be it government,
private, publicly listed, or not-for-profit. RepuTex uses four key indicators to
measure an organizations social performance. To maintain the established
community foci for RepuTex, the assessment criteria in each category are
made available for public comment. During this time, community stakeholders, companies, expert bodies, and interested parties may provide feedback
and input. An analysis of RepuTexs results shows that employee management
is the area of highest correlation to overall results, but high-achieving companies generally perform at high levels across all categories. In conclusion, one
of the gains from the connected economy is transparency.

Hall, C. (2007). Are emerging market TNCs sensitive to corporate responsibility issues? Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 26, 3036.
In this article the author highlights the rapid growth in the number, size, and
scope of transnational companies (TNCs) attributed to emerging markets.
Only a small number of these TNCs have become global competitors able to
square off with Western business leaders. The United Nations Global Compact, the worlds largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative, questions
the business practices of emerging market TNCs that have been cultivated in
areas renowned for deficient economic, political, and social frameworks that
can lead to low thresholds for ethical behavior and accountability for business. New examples of human rights violations, worker exploitation, and
corruption being carried out by emerging-market TNCs, as well as developed-


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

country TNCs, are frequently revealed. It is no secret that companies devoid

of responsible practices are winning contracts and making profits in developing countries despite their behavior. Despite the documented bad behaviors,
the author concludes that todays globalized society is engaged in a race to
better standards for corporate behavior, not worse. As more companies like
Tata Steel, Cemex, Haier, Koc, and SAB Miller emerge as global players, it
will become evident that principled corporate behavior is essential to winning
business strategy for emerging-market TNCs.

Handy, C. (2002). Whats a business for? Harvard Business Review, 80(12),

The author posits that the purpose of business is not to make a profit, full
stop, but rather to make a profit so that the business can do something more
or better. Pointing to corporate scandals during the period and factors that
contributed to them, the author illustrates the diseased state of American,
and some European, businesses. He also states that corporate law is outdated
and/or broken, as evidenced by so-called owners who are actually mere investors, and assets of the business that are increasingly becoming employees
rather than buildings and equipment, though are not reflected as such. Also,
associations recognized by the law, such as shareholders, creditors, and directors, are incapable of production or distribution. Yet the workers, managers,
technicians, and employee directors who do produce and distribute are not
recognized as an association by law. To repair the image of business in the
community, both cultures need more honesty and reality in the reporting of
results and possibly a change in the corporate compensation strategy. Taking
the lead in environmental and social sustainability by adopting a community
approach might well be the key to changing current views of capitalism.

Hanson, D., & Middleton, S. (2000). The challenges of eco-leadership.

Greener Management International, 29, 95107.
The authors describe eco-sensitive leadership as a means to ensure that an
organization strives for sustainability. The article discusses the requirements
for eco-sensitive leadership, which are the following:
The adoption of a long-term timeframe
A sensitivity to the complexity of the natural world


Annotated Bibliography

The adoption of nonanthropocentric viewpoints

An awareness of environmental risk
The use of noneconomic valuation techniques
Eco-Machiavellianism means that the leader is ready to manipulate people
and units to reach the goal of eco-sensitivity. The transformational leader
is able to communicate so enthusiastically that the result is pulling and not
pushing people to commit them to the vision of the leader. Deliberative
techniques and role modeling can be used for influencing the employees and
the organization. After the enthusiastic beginning, the organization can lose
some of the initial excitement; therefore, the role of the eco-sensitive leader
transforms from the builder to the defender of the established culture. The
eco-sensitive leader must put the goal of eco-sensitivity above conventional
goals and be ready to manipulate and understand the impact of general culture
on organizational culture.

Hartman, L. P., Rubin, R. S., & Dhanda, K. K. (2007). The communication

of corporate social responsibility: United States and European Union
multinational corporations. Journal of Business Ethics, 74, 373389.
The article reviews a study conducted on CSR. A cross-cultural analysis of
communication of CSR activities in a total of 16 United States and European
corporations was conducted. The authors contract two major approaches to
CSR initiatives. The results support the expectation that U.S. companies tend
to communicate about and justify CSR using economics or bottom-line terms
and arguments, whereas European companies rely more heavily on language
or the theories of citizenship, corporate accountability, or moral commitment.
Results also indicate that European companies do not value sustainability to
the exclusion of financial elements, but instead project sustainability commitment in addition to financial commitment. U.S.based companies focus more
heavily on financial justifications, while Europeanbased companies incorporate both financial and sustainability elements in their justification of CSR. In
conclusion, the authors posit that U.S.based companies favor more heavily
economic justifications for engaging in CSR and that European Unionbased
companies favor sustainability arguments in order to bolster their actions in
stakeholder engagement.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Hatcher, M. (2002). New corporate agendas. Journal of Public Affairs, 3(1),

In this article the author presents the changing public affairs agenda for businesses operating in a more interdependent world. As the roles and responsibilities of government are being redefined and the boundaries between business and government become less clear, business leaders are facing a daunting
array of challenges. In the new age of CSR, the needs of stakeholders, consumers, employees, national as well as international regulators, watchdogs,
NGOs, and activist groups have to be satisfied. The author points out that the
number of variables that could affect the bottom line appears to be growing at
an exponential rate and that losing the trust of stakeholders can be fatal. The
Internet is creating a cyber-citizenry which is fast eroding the power of political and business elites.
The author identifies the five resonant messages about corporate agendas that cut across sectoral concerns. The first message is have something to
say and say it, especially when invited to do so. This implies getting organized. The second message is that the new corporate agendas will feature calls
for transparency. The third message is that enlightened businesses will invest
in the environment in which they want to do business, not just for their own
interest but for the benefit of the wider community. The fourth message is that
the new corporate agenda will see businesses push for better quality regulation, in new ways that include bypassing the state. The fifth message is that
burdens can be shouldered. The author concludes: There is a need for businesses to speak up for business, push for greater transparency, venture beyond
mere compliance with national regulatory systems, fashion the new regulatory
and trading environments of the future, and shoulder the burdens of shaping
the business agenda. Time is not on the side of businesses. The world cannot wait until 2010. Business must get more involved and counter the cybercohorts.

Hawser, A. (2006). State of the nations. Global Finance, 20(4), 4.

Anita Hausers article reports that a relatively new Responsible Competitiveness Index links the state of corporate responsibility to national competitiveness. The index is part of a report produced by an international think tank,
Accountability, chaired by Simon Zadek. The index includes criteria such as
corruption, civic freedom, environmental management, and corporate governance pertaining to CSR in over 80 countries and is combined with the World


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Economic Forums Global Competitiveness Index. The combination, taking

CSR into account, revealed the ranking of some countries such as the United
States, Germany, Portugal, Greece, and Hungary.

Hempel, J., & Porges, S. (2004, September 6). It takes a villageand a consultant. Business Week, pp. 7677.
Jessi Hempel and Seth Porges report on a unique social responsibility initiative, The Ulysses Program, used by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC). The
program features an immersion experience for future leaders in a third-world
country, where they lend their business skills toward solving a community or
business issue. Benefits of the experience for the company are:
It instills values such as community involvement that are fundamental
to its corporate culture.
It develops a global perspective in these employees.
It helps prepare the leaders for challenges that go far beyond accounting and consulting skills.
It results in stronger commitment to PWC.

Heugens, P., & Dentchev, N. (2007). Taming Trojan horses: Identifying and
mitigating corporate social responsibility risks. Journal of Business Ethics, 75, 151170.
The authors identify the risks that companies are exposed to when integrating CSR by presenting two studies they conducted. One study was exploratory, and the other was corroborative. The first study employed the grounded
theory method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) to uncover various CSR risks. Seven
risks associated with CSR investment were identified. They ranged from failing strategies implementation to legitimacy destruction. A set of managerial
mitigation strategies that have the potential to realign companies CSR activities with their strategic objectives were discussed. The purpose of the second
study was to investigate whether the CSR risk identified in the first study had
any relevance in a business setting. An analysis of the data revealed modest to
strong corroborative support for them. In conclusion, the findings suggest that
CSR involvement is not an innocent activity and that experimenting with it
can be dangerous for the competitiveness of business organizations.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Houghton, J. R. (2005). Leadership: Seven behaviors for muddling through.

Executive Speeches, 19(5), 4246.
In this speech delivered at the Senior Leadership/Corporate Transformation
Conference on April 11, 1996, primarily focused on key leadership behaviors,
James R. Houghton, chairman and CEO of Corning Incorporated, makes several references to social responsibility. Houghton indicates that Companies
need to own up to their social obligations and responsibilities to workers. If
we ignore this responsibility, it may be taken away. Further states Houghton,
Companies will have to apply resources to deal with stress; be sympathetic
and sensitive to help people through bad situations; show responsiveness to
employees needs outside of the workplace, which may mean ongoing support
for work-family balance, for flexibility in dealing with individual needs and
concerns, even for continued financial support of the infrastructure in communities where we operate. Houghton also espouses being a good corporate
citizen, which includes participating in activities such as contributing ones
time and money to worthy causes, sharing management expertise with educational and cultural institutions, and considering running for elective office.
Finally, the author states that the following behaviors are essential to lead the
new organizations that are being created:
Have a spirit that is not too sure it is right all the time.
Be a team player and pay attention to the bench.
Balance deliberation with action.
Filter everything through a broad-minded, widely experienced worldview.
Make technology your friend.
Do not forget the bottom line.
Leave your office once in a while.

Houston, T. E. (2006). Ethics in evidence. ColoradoBiz, 33(3), 4956.

The author provides highlights from a 2006 Voices of Experience, a ValuesBased Speaker Series, presented by the Department of Business, Ethics, and
Legal Studies at Denver Universitys Daniels College of Business. While the
overriding theme of the series was ethics, corporate social responsibility was
featured in commentaries and in company profiles of three award winners.
The first winner was Jan Bezuidenhout who, after watching her terminally ill


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grandfather die, founded Namaste Comfort Care. Her outpatient hospice care
facility provides an interdisciplinary team to maximize comfort for the patient
and honor wishes of the family while helping them prepare emotionally and
spiritually for death. Bezuidenhout never turns anyone away. Next, Neil
Cunningham, a restaurant owner, is known for hosting a free annual Mothers
Day dinner for poor women; for raising over US $250,000 over 15 years
through a Quarters for Kids Program that buys meals for children in homeless
shelters throughout the city of Denver; and for providing charitable contributions to Project Mercy, a 30-year-old organization that helps Africans in need
and operates a community center in Yetebon, Ethiopia. Finally, the Laradon
Hall Society for Exceptional Children and Adults was started in 1948 by Joe
and Elizabeth Calabrese, after they were unable to find help raising their two
disabled sons who needed constant attention and were deemed uneducable
by the local school system. They started their own school for their boys and
other children like them. In 2006, the school had a budget of US $9 million,
serving 375 people.

Hulm, P. (2006). Fair trade as a business model. International Trade Forum,

2, 2021.
Peter Hulm presents a view of fair trade that reports statistics, implications,
and pros and cons of the initiative. The issue is that farmers in developing
countries receive only pennies on the dollar, or less, for their products. And
while the fair-trade movement unofficially reached the age of 60 in 2006,
still only one-tenth of one percent of all goods traded internationally is sold
through this channel. Europe is a major player in the movement, comprising
6070 percent of the entire fair-trade market, with these products in 55,000
supermarkets there, and sales growing at an average rate of 20 percent per
year since 2000. Fair-trade organizations use five goals to enhance development: price premiums, certification and labeling, microcredit, technical support, and advocacy, with some advocating fair trade as a business model. The
prime benefit of the program is better prices for farmers leading to improved
living conditions. Opponents of fair trade highlight the small market share, a
misguided focus (low-priced commodities versus diversification of exports),
distribution strategy, and concerns over savings as some of the problems.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Husted, B. W. (2003). Governance choices for corporate social responsibility:

To contribute, collaborate or internalize? Long Range Planning, 36(5),
Bryan W. Husted is a professor of management at EGADE Graduate School
of Business at the Technolgico de Monterrey in Mexico and is Alumni Associate Professor of Business Ethics at the Instituto de Empresa in Spain. In
this article Husted examines three CSR governance structuresin-house,
outsourcing, and collaborativeand presents a framework for companies to
determine which structure would be the most effective (the greatest social
good at the least cost). Outsourcing occurs when firms make charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations that undertake charitable, social, educational, community, and scientific work. In-house projects involve extensive
corporate participation in the planning, execution, and evaluation of social
projects, generally implemented at the organizational unit. Collaboration
involves a partnership between the firm and a nonprofit organization. Specific
factors related to the firms choice of governance structure discussed in the
article include the following:
The factor of cost coordination (reduced costs when two departments
or companies work together to provide a product or service)
The factor of motivation (assurance that individuals or companies
fulfill their agreements)
The concept of centrality (closeness of fit between the firms CSR
activity and its mission and objectives)
The concept of specificity (the extent to which the firm is able to capture a share of the profit stream generated by its investments in CSR),
from which the decision-making framework is developed

Husted, B. W., & Allen, D. B. (2007).

Corporate social strategy in multinational enterprises: Antecedents and values creation. Journal of Business
Ethics, 74, 345361.
This article examines the relationship of the multinational firms market environment, stakeholders, resources, and values to the development of strategic
social planning and strategic social positioning. To examine the relationship of these different ways of conducting social strategy to create value to
the firm, Mexico was selected. The authors point out that much of the work
has focused on CSR in the attempt to demonstrate that positive CSR can


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be linked to improved financial performance. The results at best have been

mixed, in some cases showing a positive relationship between the two; in
others, a negative relationship; and in still others, no relationship. To test this
theory, a survey instrument was developed on the basis of the main elements
of corporate social strategy. Items to measure the market environment, stakeholder salience, and values were taken from the existing literature. The results
suggest that the intentional use of social strategy depends upon the presence
of specific configurations of industry environment, resources, and values. In
addition, the article suggests that the relationship of firm financial performance to social responsibility is a complex one mediated by a whole series of
intervening variables.

Ireland, J. (2007). A responsible company thats making the grade. Leadership in Action, 27(1), 1820.
John Ireland, a professor in marketing at EADA, an international business
school based in Barcelona, Spain, shares the World Business Council for
Sustainable Developments definition of CSR: continuing commitment by
business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while
improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families, as well as
of the local community and society at large. Providing the backdrop that
there were over one hundred studies conducted since 1972 which support the
business case for CSR, Mensajeros Radio (MRW), a full-service international
package delivery firm headquartered in Barcelona, was profiled as a CSR
model. Some of the firms external innovative initiatives are to promote balance between family and work life; to pay employees bonuses to give interviews and speeches; and to extend 70 percent discounts to the disadvantaged,
to university students, and to professors in teaching positions far from home,
as well as to nonprofit organizations. Internally, MRW sliced the normal
Spanish 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. workday, with a two-hour lunch, to a standard 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m. day, with a half-hour lunch. Also, the company offers six months
maternity leave, one hour per day for breastfeeding, subsidized day care, free
parking and use of the gym, as well as an 80 percent reimbursement of tuition
fees as part of its worker-friendly benefit package. The CSR qualities can be
found in MRWs hiring practices14 percent of employees have disabilities. And the qualities can be found in management governance structuring.
For example, the arbitration and ethics committee is comprised of franchisee
representatives and corporate managers, and the franchisee representatives


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

outnumber the corporate managers eight to three. The CSR patterns are apparent, and the holistic nature of the solutions is evident at MRW.

Jackson, I. A., & Nelson, J. (2004). Profits with principles: Seven strategies
for delivering value with values. New York: Doubleday.
The book provides a comprehensive description of the global trends,
competitive pressures, and changing expectations of society that are reshaping
the rules for running a profitable and principled business. It also offers
companies a framework for mastering the new rules of the game by realigning
their business practices in ways that restore trust. Information is presented on
the crisis of trust, the crisis of inequality, and the crisis of sustainability. The
book presents the following seven principles that serve as a framework:
1. Harness innovation for public good.
2. Put people at the center.
3. Spread economic opportunity.
4. Engage in new alliances.
5. Be performance driven in everything.
6. Practice superior governance.
7. Pursue purpose beyond profit.
The seven principles can be used as a compass to help executives and managers navigate new terrain and apply the strategies and terminology most
appropriate for each company. The book focuses on companies and business
people who are delivering both private profits and public benefits. It profiles
real companies delivering measurable performance and concrete solutions for

Jayne, V. (2004). Sustainable and responsible now a fact of management life?

New Zealand Management, 51(3), 2633.
Vicki Jayne examines the extent to which sustainability and social responsibility have become a part of the management culture in New Zealand, which
ranked ninth on the Responsible Competitiveness Index list. Ongoing research by the University of Waikato and New Zealands Sustainable Business
Network was a source for some of the data included in the article. Stewart
Lawrence, a professor at the University of Waikato, states that whichever


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track theyre taking, theres a growing sense that looking after their people,
the community they work in, and the environment around them are all relevant to long-term business survival. Some drivers of this movement are
risk-management/risk-assessment, no regrets gains (energy savings or waste
reduction requiring little investment), brand identity (Phoenix Organics), and
the increasing realization that people matter. On the other hand, critics wonder if companies will neglect their prime duty to create shareholder wealth, or
whether they are experiencing a feel-good factor provided by engaging in
CSR that will not survive tough economic times. Though the business case
management of risk, protection of brand equity, maintenance of positive public relations, maintenance of a position ahead of regulatory controlsfor CSR
appears strong, there are doubts as well as cynicism out there. Mark Prain,
executive director of Redesigning Resources, questions how the CSR concept
can be locked into corporate DNA. In his work over four years with eight
New Zealand and two Australian companies, he concluded that the issue is
less about sustainability with a big S and more about leadership with a big L.
The article concludes with comments from Mike Pratt, Waikato Management
School Dean, who states that New Zealand is at a point where the concept of
sustainability is seen as desirable; the debate is about how to deliver on that
and how to make it work in practice. Moreover, according to Pratt, sustainability today is a bit like quality was in the 1970s. Now quality is embedded
as a fundamental management principle.

Jones, D. R. (2000). Leadership strategies for sustainable development: A

case study of Suma Wholefoods. Business Strategy & the Environment,
9(6), 378389.
Through the case study of Suma Wholefoods, the author describes possible
leadership strategies for a firm wishing to move toward sustainable development. In the case study, the author introduces the changing leadership styles
of this value-based company. Suma Wholefoods holds a holistic view of
sustainable development, with the focus on equity issues and environmental
The leadership strategy of the early times of Suma Wholefoods can be
described as full direct worker participation, which has led to confusion and
frustration among the employees over the amount of time spent on decision
making. Therefore the leadership strategy changed to a more indirect pluralist
representation form, based on delegated specialist groups and a combination


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

of participative and supportive leadership styles designed to satisfy individual

goals rather than the organizations goals. The personnel committee took the
diversity of opinions, values, and backgrounds of the workforce into account
and implemented extensive antidiscrimination policies. As the workers started
to question the committees decisions and mistrust the participative leadership style, there was a need for change, and a change was made to the present leadership strategy. A management committee has been established to
make environmental decisions and increase the commitment of the workers
on sustainable development goals, combining transactional leadership style
(members of the management committee chosen by the workers on the basis
of their environmental management skills) and transformational leadership
style (members of the management committee chosen by the workers on the
basis of their charismatic leadership qualities). The leadership is based upon a
unitarist principle, focusing upon inducing a shared set of values.
Future leadership strategy: The unitarist strategy is not effective in developing a greater shared value for sustainable development, so there must be
a future leadership strategy put into place. Because of the diverse workforce,
more personal incentives are needed through reward and recognition of values. There is a need for supportive and transformational /visionary leadership
styles simultaneously, and there is also a great need for transparency.

Joseph, E. (2002). Promoting corporate social responsibility: Is market-based

regulation sufficient? New Economy, 9(2), 96101.
The author presents the unsustainable depletion of natural resources, perpetuation of poor health, and imposition of dangerous working conditions as just
some of the external costs imposed by international commercial operations.
These costs are borne by developing countries that do not receive adequate
compensation from companies responsible for social and environmental damage. At the national level there are significant barriers to regulating companies
to ensure that they manage their social and environmental impacts. Prescriptive legislation often leads to tokenistic responses, and regulation can become
an inaccurate reflection of societys concern because it is lagging behind
public opinion. At the international level, because of inadequate global governance and discrepancies between national social and environmental laws,
improvements in corporate practices often have to rely on voluntary actions.
There are abundant recognized international standardsthose set by ILO,
OECD, and UNfor protecting workers, human rights, and the environ-


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ment, for example. However, where these are not incorporated into national
legislation or are not applicable to overseas operations, their effectiveness is
much diminished. The author points out how companies take voluntary action when market forces reward them for doing so. How companies improve
their performance can be driven by the reaction of institutional investors and
stakeholders, employees, suppliers, customers, community representatives,
and NGOs.
Pressure from stakeholders can in theory be a formidable force for
improvements in behavior. The author states that a critical question for
policymakers is how effective a means of improving corporate behavior can
reporting on social and environmental impacts be? The United Kingdom and
European Union are currently grappling with the relative merits of mandatory,
as opposed to voluntary, social and environmental reporting. Organizations
charged with auditing or verifying reports rarely comment on issues that they
report. The author concludes that the use of voluntary guidelines such as GRI
reduces the ability of stakeholders to make comparisons across companies,
because of the flexibility over what individual companies report on. A threetiered requirement depending on the relevance to the organization is recommended. Even if laws are put in place, disclosure is necessary but does not
have sufficient impact on market forces to apply pressure to companies.

Kambalame, D., & deCleene, S. (2006). Partnership building as an approach

to addressing corporate social responsibility in the agriculture sector in
Malawi. Development Southern Africa, 23(2), 281287.
The authors point out that the key factor in improving Malawis trade and
economic growth will be how CSR provides the platform for stakeholders to
come together and manage the supply and value chain to improve livelihoods,
particularly in the agriculture sector. The authors highlight the productivity of
Malawi despite its state of poverty. Malawi is one of the economically lowest developed countries in the worldin 2003 the gross domestic product per
capita was estimated at US $195, having fallen below the 1992 estimates of
US $200. Estimates show that 54 percent of the population lives below the
national poverty line. Agriculture is the largest sector in Malawis economy.
Tobacco is the main export crop, accounting for 60 percent of the total export
earnings. Inadequate farm infrastructure (including transport routes, power
supply, drainage, irrigation, storage, and grading facilities), poor provisions
for services, and a weak skill base have all restricted small farmers. The


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

authors point out that CSR in Malawi has traditionally tended to be philanthropic in nature, responding to perceived individual needs of the location
where the company tends to operate rather than setting up target strategic
interventions to improve overall sustainable livelihood at the country level.
To address the issues plaguing the country, businesses have tried some coordinated approaches to problems, including fighting and/or preventing child
labor, HIV, and AIDS in the workplace and providing provisions for basic
health care.
The authors present three case studies: company- and issue-specific
partnership; collective, issue-specific partnership; and collective, sustainabilityfocused partnership. Essentials of a strong partnership include regular communication and equity among partners. The authors concludes the following:
That partnership models must shift from single-issue-driven initiatives
to sectorwide approaches that aim to incorporate CSR practices into
the core business strategy of a given company
That there is a need for increased professionalism and more research
on emerging partnership models
That there is a risk of failure if there is no proper partnership
CSR partnerships in Malawi are at a crossroad between traditional approaches
of dealing with a businesss specific concern and the new approach that sees
partnerships as catalysts for re-engineering the core business strategy itself.

Kapelus, P. (2004, June). Striving for responsible competitiveness: Companies

will have to lead by example. Finance Week, 30, 36.
This article focuses on CSR and the concept that being responsible as an
organization is more than corporate social investment. The author states
that community giving is vitally important in South Africa and that being
responsible is also about being responsible as directors. It is about the effect
on the community and the environment in which you operate. It is about
workplace issues, your effect on the marketplace, your advertising and how
you sell your products, what products are being developed and their effects.
Companies realize that the responsibility cannot be given to one department
or a foundation. It has to permeate the business as a whole. Additionally, the
author believes that companies have to realize that there are real business
benefits to be gained from being responsible. Just as technology cannot be
seen as an add-on to the business but must be seen as an integral part of the


Annotated Bibliography

way business undertakes its activities, so too corporate responsibility cannot

be seen as an add-on. Most South Africa companies have been involved
in corporate social responsibility for many years. The challenge now is to
combine these CSR skills and expertise with the business itself. It is a case
of bringing business and the community together. The author concludes that
corporate responsibility and ultimately responsible competitiveness is about
basic business principles and how organizations think about the future, about
risk opportunities, and about how these risk opportunities are accounted for.

Kates, R. W. (2002). Leadership at summits end. Environment, 44(8), 6770.

This article is an editorial on the Johannesburg Summit. The author reflects
on the summit and sees it as a circus with three concentric rings. The first ring
features governments, 104 heads of state who made up the summit discussing
political declarations and an action plan.
The second ring, along with governments, contains representatives
of the nine major groups identified a decade ago in the Rio Declaration on
Environment and Developmentbusiness and industry, children and youth,
farmers, indigenous people, local authorities, nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), scientific and technological communities, women, and workers and
trade unions. These nine groups entered into partnerships to take concrete action on issues ranging from local to global.
The third ring spreads over four distant venues and features side events,
forums, exhibits, protests, and seminars. Partnerships seem to be a promising
vehicle for moving from debate to action. More promising are the unofficial
partnerships that are place-based, functioning, and organized by local authorities, NGOs, and businesses.

Kennedy, C. (2007). The great and the good. Director, 61(3), 102106.
The author examines how the definition of good has changed over time. She
begins her article by stating that most of the worlds outstanding business
leaders learned the elements of their success from others, and proceeds to
discuss changing trends in people management during the twentieth century.
She discusses a good leadership model that was popular around 1969, based
on the Quaker principles of strong social conscience and business skills as
well as quality, which included people and relationships. The Quaker communal self-help approach is contrasted with and replaced by management


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

consultants and gurus from the newly established business schools. The
author questions whether this billion-dollar advisory industry actually helped
to produce good directors. Prior to this period, the scientific management approach of the early and mid-twentieth century began to transition to treating
employees as individuals with aspirations in the 1960s. The author also references John Speedan Lewiss vision that employees could be better motivated by being made partners in the business, a vision that Sir Stewart Hampton
(chairman of the Lewis company) followed for a number of years, stating, I
am convinced that it is the secret of sustainable success. In the 1970s Rosa
Moss Kanter, the worlds leading female management guru, demonstrated
the wasted capital that corporations inflicted on themselves by not promoting
female talent. She also introduced the concept of empowerment. Now companies are much more bound to the whole agenda of responsibility to the community, accelerated by climate change and a race to be greener than the next
business. The article concludes with the author stating that the big change in
management thinking over the past 20 years has been from process to people,
and while the basic purpose of a company remains the creation of wealth,
social conscience is increasingly seen as compatible and complementary to it.

Kerr, I. R. (2006). Leadership strategies for sustainable SME operation. Business Strategy and the Environment, 15(1), 3039.
The author describes the necessary elements and core competencies that a
company needs to develop an environmental policy. The following elements
are needed:
Direction for company decisions
Strategies to implement them
Communication with stakeholders
Management of resources
Research and development
Integration of basic management systems
Collaboration with stakeholders
Protective technology for the environment
Adoption of basic environmental accounting
Environmental education and training for employees


Annotated Bibliography

Cooperation with industry associations and environmental protection

authorities, forming regional and industry alliances
Internal cultural pressure for sustainability
Environmental leadership must be based on the philosophy of the continuous
improvement of the environmental policy and strategy development to reduce
environmental impacts. Environmental reporting can be a tool for marketing a
green reputation.

Kotler, P., & Lee, N. (2005). Corporate social responsibility: Doing the most
good for your company and your cause. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley &
This book identifies six major initiatives under which most social
responsibilityrelated activities fall. The six social initiatives explored are
as follows:
Cause promotion
Cause-related marketing
Corporate social marketing
Corporate philanthropy
Community volunteering
Socially responsible business practices
Case studies are presented to illustrate these distinctions. Additionally, 25 best
practices, assembled to guide decision making in the area of CSR, are presented. The book is intended to help maximize the impact on corporate investments to do the most social, environmental, and economic good. A theoretical
perspective is presented along with personal accounts of companies. The book
contains proven recommendations and real-world advice on social initiatives.
Socially responsible companies such as Ben & Jerrys, IBM, Washington
Mutual, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, The Body Shop, Hewlett-Packard,
and American Express are featured. The final chapter of the book presents ten
recommended strategies for success. It is written for executives, administrators, and program managers of NGOs and public-sector agencies who are
seeking contributions from corporations for developing and implementing
initiatives intended to support a social cause.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Lawler, E. E., & Finegold, D. L. (2005, January 1). The changing face of corporate boards. MIT Sloan Management Review, pp. 6770.
This article is an examination of the reforms in corporate board leadership,
membership, and performance evaluation. Corporate boards in the United
States have been under increasing pressure brought on by high-profile scandals, investor dissatisfaction with performance, and concerns about executive
compensation. Regulators have introduced significant reform in the rules
governing boards. The United States Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act of 2002, which mandates that only independent directors can serve on the
audit committee. The act also increases the requirements for financial disclosure of directors, as well as others in charge. The New York Stock Exchange
and NASDAQ adopted new listings requirements implementing stricter rules
for board independence and mandating regular executive sessions in which
only outside directors meet. Recently, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has proposed new reform that would make it easier for
disgruntled outside shareholders to nominate their own slate of officers. To
investigate the impact of recent changes in boards, a study was conducted that
compared the board practices and the effectiveness of Fortune 1000 companies in 1998 versus 2003. Three areas were examined: board leadership; the
conditions governing board membership; and the performance evaluations
of boards, individual board members, and CEOs. The evidence suggests that
corporations in the United States are changing in the right way.

Lewicka-Stralecka, A. (2006). Opportunities and limitations of CSR in the

post-communist countries: Polish case. Corporate Governance, 6(4),
The purpose of this paper is to identify the opportunities and limitations of
CSR in the so-called countries of transformation, or Central and Eastern European countries, particularly focusing on Poland and drawing from previous
cumulative knowledge as well as the results of various sociological research.
Nine factors are discussed:
the business image
the legal background
the job market situation
the corruption and the correlates of economic stagnation and social


Annotated Bibliography

the socialist associations and the CSR rhetoric

the blurred boundaries of CSR
the underdevelopment of the civic society
the economic reality and ethical standards
the attempts at self-regulation of business
A big emphasis through the paper is posed on cooperation between business
representatives and stakeholders at any level. Following are the obstacles that
have been clearly identified:
negative image of business
dysfunctional legal background
weakness of the III sector
difficulty of the economic situation of many companies
lack of ethics and ethical standards
difficult situation in the job market
The implementation is nevertheless bound to be a lengthy process requiring involvement, effort, and determination from authorities, as well as from
business and business leaders and nongovernmental organizations. Although
there are some serious limitations, there are also circumstances that allow
implementing CSR in a practical way in the economy, and there are positive
examples of such practices. CSR is promoted in Poland mainly by foreign
companies with a local branch, through informational and educational actions, and through programs that involve business in actions for society and
the natural environment that are locally implemented and are overcoming regional obstacles. And this is particularly true for foreign partners from within
the European Union.

Li, J., Lam, K., Qian, G., & Fang, Y. (2006). The effects of institutional ownership on corporate governance and performance: An empirical assessment in Hong Kong. Management International Review, 44, 259276.
This article analyzes how the institutional ownership of firms affects their
corporate governance and performance. It examines 433 publicly listed companies in Hong Kong. The results indicate that institutional ownership exerts
a direct and significant influence on corporate governance in areas such as
board composition, CEO duality, leadership diversity, and ownership concen-


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

tration. The results also show that institutional ownership has only an indirect
effect on firm performance, such as corporate profitability. The sample for
testing the hypotheses was comprised of publicly traded corporations that
were listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Data were selected from the
firms from the period 1996 to 1998 to allow a better test of the effects of CEO
duality and board composition. Several constructs were tested as single-term
measures because there were no latent variables. Data were obtained from
the Datastream database of 1999. The authors adopted a two-stage structural
equation or a partial least-square (PLS) approach to test their hypotheses.
Six out of nine hypotheses were supported. The controlled variables have no
significant effects on the ratio of compensation to profit. None of the independent or controlled variables has any significant effect on the short-term
profitability of firms.

Lopez, M., Garcia, A., & Rodriguez, L. (2007). Sustainable development and
corporate performance: A study based on the Dow Jones Sustainability
Index. Journal of Business Ethics, 75, 285300.
This article examines whether business performance is affected by the adoption of practices included under corporate social responsibility. In the study
the authors examine two groups of 55 companies. The study uses a total
sample of 110 firms from the period of 1998 to 2004 and analyzes the relevant accounting indicators. Accounting information published by sample
firms (Gray et al., 1995) was compiled. The relation between CSR and certain
accounting indicators was analyzed. The authors examine whether there exist
significant differences in performance indicators between European firms that
had adopted CSR and others that had not. In conclusion, they found that the
link between the performance indicator and CSR is negative. This affirms that
the effect of the sustainability practices on performance indicators is negative
during the first year in which they are applied. A long-term view is necessary
for a company to implement new policies in the budget.

Lorsch, J., & Lipton, M. (1993). On the leading edge: The lead director.
Harvard Business Review, 71(1), 7980.
This article examines the concept of a lead outside director to improve corporate governance. In more than 70 percent of the major British public companies, the chairman of the board is not the chief executive officer. The British


Annotated Bibliography

have a nonexecutive outside director as the chairperson. In the United States

the opposite approach prevails. Less than 20 percent of U.S. companies have
a separate chairperson and CEO. The vast majority of U.S. chief executives
are opposed to separating the two roles based on the following beliefs:
It would dilute their power to provide effective leadership of their
It creates the potential for rivalry between the chairperson and the
CEO, leading to compromise rather than decisiveness.
The chairperson may be overly protective of the CEO and shield the
CEO from being held accountable by the board for poor performance.
Having two public spokespersons leads to confusion and the opportunity for third parties to take advantage of the division.
This article recommends that companies without a nonexecutive chairperson
designate one of the outside directors as the lead director. The lead director
would have neither a corporate title nor any office at the corporate headquarters. The lead director would be consulted by the chairperson-CEO on the
The selection of board committee members and chairs
The board meeting agendas
The format and adequacy of the information the director receives
The effectiveness of the board meeting process
The lead director would also coordinate the annual evaluation of the
chairperson-CEO by the outside directors.
In summary, the proposal recognizes that a lead director might attempt
to usurp some of the chief executives functions or become so friendly with
the CEO as to be a shield against appropriate evaluation of the CEOs performance or accountability for poor performance.

Mackey, A., Mackey, T. B., & Barney, J. B. (2007). Corporate social responsibility and firm performance: Investor preferences and corporate strategies. Academy of Management Review, 32(3), 817835.
In this paper, the authors build on the observation that equity holders may
sometimes have interests besides simply maximizing their wealth when
they make their investment decisions. The authors present a theory that suggests the conditions under which firms will engage in socially responsible


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

activities, even if those activities reduce the present value of a firms cash
flow. Adopting definitions of CSR that focus on voluntary firm actions designed to improve social or environmental conditions and the market (versus
accounting) definition of firm performance, the authors develop a simple
model of supply and demand for opportunities to invest in socially responsible firms. The market definition of firm performance encompasses ways
that socially responsible corporate activities can create or destroy shareholder
wealth. It also encompasses the assumption that the United States capital markets are semistrong and efficient (Fama, 1970).
The model seeks to determine whether socially responsible investing
will improve, reduce, or have no impact on a firms market value. The findings reveal that if the demand for socially responsible investment opportunities is greater than the supply, then economic value will be created, and thus,
managers in publicly traded firms might fund socially responsible activities
that do not maximize the present value of the firms cash flow. However, the
authors caution that if supply exceeds demand, the opposite impact on firm
value may occur.

Malini, M. (2006). Corporate social responsibility in emerging economies.

Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 24, 2022.
The author reflects on the adoption of CSR in emerging economies and on
some milestones that have been already placed. The first argument raised
is that a smart approach, considering universal norms and values, is needed
to lead the transformative potential of CSR as a movement. This approach
would also control and avoid the environmental and social consequences of
rapid growth. Furthermore, it is necessary to have energetic national corporate
leadership along with solid homegrown constituencies demanding higher corporate standards. Social and political contests are then the fundamental part of
the journey of negotiating the balance between society, state, and market.
Thoughts for companies who embrace CSR:
Stay critical.
Do not believe the hype.
Recognize the success but retain perspective and a critical mind.
Demand accountability from the top.
Seek consistency: design mechanisms to ensure consistency between
different departmental aims and objectives.


Annotated Bibliography

Own and share CSR as a living practice and culture.

Focus on the local: find practical local expression to stand a chance of
implementing global norms and standards.

Marshall, J. (2007). The gendering of leadership in corporate social responsibility. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 20(2), 165181.
The author discusses the gender differences in CSR leadership, exploring
whose voices are becoming dominant, what forms of leadership men and
women take, and how women are change agents and exercise symbolic power
to shape discourses and practices of ecological sustainability and matters of
social justice. White male voices are currently dominating CSR, though these
leaders are unusual people, radical and daring. Women are more likely to be
represented on the field of philanthropic giving because womens potential
to influence discourses is limited. These male figures are tempered radicals, using their status and masculinity to critique business practices and
advocate change. They are open to criticism, to perceptions of hypocrisy,
and to feelings of isolation. The women figures in CSR leadership are often
invited to speak but are not insiders; they are labeled as activist. They are
speakers, orators. They are from elsewhere (e.g., the voice from the developing world). They choose the margin as a space for radical openness. Their
messages are raw and confronting, and they are unmoderated radicals. They
are questioning the foundations of business and society. Men operate in the
mainstream, while women operate at the margins. Women and men leaders
are differently placed in the world of CSR, but both affect the context of the
debate. CSR favors masculinity, but the work of women at the margins is also

Martin, R. L. (2003). The virtue matrix: Calculating the return on corporate

responsibility. In Harvard Business Review on corporate social responsibility (pp. 6582). Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
The author posits that corporate responsibility should be viewed as a product
or service that is subject to market pressures and introduces a virtue matrix tool to assist executives in analyzing corporate responsibility. Several
examples of the complex and conflicting issues and constituents, as well as a
discussion of drivers of corporate virtue, provide a view of the atmosphere
in which executives must navigate when considering implementation of


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

sometimes very costlyCSR initiatives. Using the four-quadrant construct,

the author identifies the top two quadrants as frontier, segmented by strategic and structural components, and the bottom two as the civil foundation,
segregated by choice and compliance. The author also discusses barriers to increasing the supply of corporate virtue and what can be done to address them.

McBeth, A. (2004). A look at corporate code of conduct legislation. Common

Law World Review, 33, 222254.
A perception that multinational corporations (MNCs) engage in socially
exploitative behavior in their overseas activities that they would never think
of participating in at home has driven a global movement toward legislation
introduced to enforce standards of practice for these organizations in a global
economy. This author, a lecturer in law at Deakin University, Melbourne,
Australia, compares and analyzes three bills in the United States (Bill HR
4596, introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives June 2000), Australia
(Corporate Code of Conduct Bill 2000, introduced into the Australian Senate September 2000), and the United Kingdom (Bill Number 129 of 2003,
introduced in the British House of Commons in 2003). The author points out
problems with and inconsistencies between the three bills and makes recommendations to improve them. Highlighting differences in terms of corporate
groupings, threshold of company size, areas for compliance, interpretation of
key issues such as the living wage, reporting requirements, and enforcement
components, the author concludes that more commonality among the bills
would have been more desirable. The United Nations norms were cited as
possibly the best source to which they all should align, since the norms create
a stronger linkage to international law and would also eliminate many problems with the current bills as proposed.

McGaw, N. (2005). Developing leaders for a sustainable global society. Strategic HR Review, 4(6), 3235.
The author formulates two questions: What kind of leader is needed for building a sustainable global society? How do we develop individuals with these
capabilities? The new model leaders possess the following attributes:
Self-knowledge and mindfulness, consciousness, awareness, and presence. The new model leaders can think holistically about themselves,


Annotated Bibliography

and not only exist as business executives but identify themselves with
other roles too: parent, citizen, and neighbor. While making decisions,
leaders consider if the action will leave a positive footprint on communities and the physical environment.
Communication skills. Leaders are capable of active listening, knowing when to speak and when to listen.
Leaders are ready to use values-based decision making, since values
are lived through routine decisions of employees at every level. Leaders develop a decision-making process in the context of choices and
consequences, considering known and unknown costs and benefits.
Leaders understand the reality of the choice. They think in decades,
not in quarters, and realize that further options for action offer longterm benefits.
For building a sustainable global society, there is a need for new content
and questions. The leadership for a sustainable society is more about asking
questions than finding answers, about asking questions such as the following:
What is the purpose of the enterprise? How can we engage the passions of the
employees? How do we measure success? What allows us at work to say that
our life has a meaning? There is a central role of cross-sector dialogue between academics and practitioners; between different disciplines or functional
areas; between different generations; between business, NGOs, and government. Experiential learning is an efficient tool for developing leaders, since it
provides a framework for individuals to uncover their own values and understand others point of view. The task, while developing leaders for a sustainable global society, is to encourage imagination and the belief that they will
be able to make the positive changes.

Meyerson, D. E. (2001, October 1). Radical change, the quiet way. Harvard
Business Review, 93100.
The article discusses the two ways organizations primarily change: drastic action and evolutionary adaptation. Evolutionary change, in contrast with drastic action, is gentle and decentralized, and over time it produces a broad and
lasting shift. The article introduces the five techniques with which a company
can reach its aims in an evolutionary way: disruptive self-expression, verbal
jujitsu, variable-term opportunism, tempered radicalism, and strategic alliance


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Disruptive self-expression means that the individual acts in a way that

feels personally right and in a way that gets others attention. This is
the most inconspicuous way to initiate change. It can appear in language, dress, office decoration, or behavior, and it can slowly change
the atmosphere at work.
Employees who practice verbal jujitsu react to undesirable statements
or actions by turning them into opportunities for noticeable change.
Variable-term opportunists spot, create, and capitalize on short- and
long-term opportunities for change.
Tempered radicals must be creatively open to opportunity and proactive in the long term.
With the help of strategic alliances, the leader can push through
change with more force, with a sense of legitimacy; can gain access to
resources and contacts; and can receive technical and task assistance,
emotional support, and advice. Furthermore, strategic alliances give
the power to move issues to the forefront more quickly and directly.

Mileham, P. (1995). Corporate leadership: How well do nonexecutives influence boards? Journal of General Management, 21(2), 120.
This article questions the need for more training of company directors and the
market demand for them. In particular, United Kingdom nonexecutive directors have been surveyed with regard to how they feel about their role, strategic
leadership, their influence, and their relationship with the boardroom team,
and so on. Among the other results, what emerges as particularly relevant for
us from this study is mostly related to corporate governance with respect to
nonexecutive directors. Business ethics in competition with profit/profitability
are widely recognized and are raising conflicts between external/internal as
well as short- and long-term interests. Twelve percent of the sample places
business ethics and codes of best practices at the highest level. Thirty-three
percent give the nonexecutive directors responsibility to lead the boardroom
for this if necessary. Fifty percent place equal responsibility between nonexecutive and executive directors. The last depended on the view that ethical issues are usually complex and not a matter of straightforward interpretation. In
conclusion, the debate on corporate governance and organizational leadership
is extremely active and healthy, and nonexecutive directors are seen as adding
significant value to the collective leadership of the company.


Annotated Bibliography

Mirvis, P., & Googins, B. K. (2006). Stages of corporate citizenship: A developmental framework [Monograph]. Chestnut Hill, MA: The Boston
College Center for Corporate Citizenship.
To assist business executives in meeting the demands of their numerous stakeholders, the authors introduce a framework that identifies five stages of civic
engagement that many companies experience as they move toward the triple
bottom line. The stageselementary, engaged, innovative, integrated, and
transformingare based on six dimensionscitizenship concept, strategic
intent leadership, structure, issues management, stakeholder relationships, and
transparency. And while the stages reflect those of the average company, the
authors discuss a number of factors, providing examples that may influence
progression from one stage to another. The factors include founding purpose
and time (Ben & Jerrys), external forces (NGOs and laws), strategy and competition (IBM/HP/Microsoft), traditions and culture (Johnson & Johnson),
leadership matters (Unilever), and pull versus push (scandals, crises). In fact,
it was stated that some stages may be skipped altogether as companies move
toward the transforming stage of corporate citizenship.

Morsing, M., Schultz, M., & Nielsen, K. U. (2008). The Catch 22 of communicating CSR: Findings from a Danish study. Journal of Marketing
Communications, 14(2), 97111.
The starting point of this study is the challenge between the need to be perceived as socially responsible across stakeholders and the difficulty of communication in corporate CSR-related matters. The cultural paradox in communication of CSR is that while the general population has a high regard for
those companies associated with social responsibility, companies are being
encouraged either not to communicate about their CSR or to communicate in
a less conspicuous way. Based on empirical data, an inside-out approach is
suggested as a method for companies to motivate organizational support for
corporate CSR communication. The inside-out approach to CSR activities
means that initially employees are the key stakeholders of concern for these
activities; this in turn will increase the likelihood of employees commitment
and they will organizationally support the corporate CSR agenda. In particular, a CSR communication model proposing two different communication
processes is proposedthe expert and the endorsed communication processes. The model targets internal as well as external stakeholders with corpo-


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

rate CSR messages.The conclusion of the empirical testing of the model is

twofold: first of all, analysis is called for on how employees are integrated
into the CSR communication process; secondly, there is the need for a better
understanding of how the corporate communication process differs in implicit
and explicit CSR approaches.

Nan, X., & Heo, K. (2007). Consumer responses to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. American Academy of Advertising, 36(2),
The study presented in this article seeks to demonstrate, through a controlled
experiment, that an ad with an embedded cause-related marketing (CRM)
message, compared to a similar one without, generates more favorable consumer attitudes toward the company. Two prominent questions in this study
were Do consumers generally think of and react to this form of marketing
tactic favorably? and What are the relative effects of different types of
CRM? Two hypotheses involving exposure to an advertising message with a
CRM component (versus one without) were examined:
1. Involving high brand/cause fit
2. Involving low brand/cause fit, as related to:
The ad
The brand
The company
Also, a third hypothesis examined two brands both engaged in CRM, positing that the one with a high level of fit with the social cause should be viewed
more favorably than the one that has a low level of fit. Generally, the results
reflected that ads with CRM messages do elicit more favorable consumer
responses, primarily toward the company as opposed to the brand, when
compared to those without CRM messages. In addition, it was revealed that
the relative effects of different types of CRM showed no systematic effects of
brand/cause fit on consumer responses.

Nelson, M. C. (2004). Learning the art of leading people. Global Agenda, 2,

The author discusses corporate leadership in todays world as a matter of
responsibility and personal engagement, as well as collaboration and com-


Annotated Bibliography

munity. Effective leadership requires a more integrated approach than ever in

the information-rich, instantaneous society, with the central role of integrated
leadership responsible to all stakeholders. Integrative leadership requires collaboration on many fronts: business, public policy, and philanthropy.

Oskamp, S., & Schultz, P. W. (2006). Using psychological science to

achieve ecological sustainability. In S. I. Donaldson, D. E. Berger, &
K. Pezdek (Eds.), Applied psychology: New frontiers and rewarding
careers. London: Psychology Press.
In this books chapter the authors focus on psychological contributions that
can help to support ecological sustainability and advance the world toward
sustainable patterns of human behavior at the individual, organizational, and
national level. Four different approaches are described: behavior analysis,
social dilemmas, cognitive dissonance, and planned behavior. Even though
these are not usually thought of as being necessary for sustainability, very
clear and replicable examples are offered to show the impact that they have on
the enactment of environmental as well as socially responsible leadership.

Paine, L. S. (1994). Managing for organizational integrity. Harvard Business

Review, 72(2), 106117.
Not directly talking about CSR but more focused on ethical behavior in corporations, this article in fact touches two fundamental aspects of sustainable
business: ethical organizational leadership and the development of sound values. The author first introduces the role of managers in ethical behavior. Managers are called to provide proper leadership in shaping organizational ethics
and to seize this opportunity to create a climate strengthening the relationships and reputation on which companies success depends. They are called
to foster a climate that encourages exemplary behavior, using a comprehensive approach that goes above and beyond the legal compliance stance and to
adopt an integrity-based approach. This approach combines a concern for the
legal requirements with an emphasis on managerial responsibility for ethical behavior and the definition of companies guiding values, aspirations, and
patterns of thought and conduct. Ethical leadership is created through active
leadership pointed toward ethical practices and goal setting, and by attention
to and responsible behavior toward the internal as well the external stakeholders. A companys ethical behavior is not a leaders job but an organizational


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

leadership call and the reflection of an organizations culture, a shared set of

values and guiding principles deeply ingrained throughout the organization.
The foundations described are the following:
Establishment of compliance standards and procedures
Allocation of high-level personnel to oversee compliance
Effective communication of company standards and procedures
through training or publications
Reasonable steps to achieve compliance through audits, monitoring
processes, and a system for employees to report misconduct; and so on.
In summary, organizational integrity is based on an organizations guiding valuesan environment that supports ethically sound behavior and instills a sense of shared accountability among employees. An integrity strategy
is broad (it seeks to enable responsible conduct), deep (it cuts to the ethos and
operating systems of the organization and its members, their guiding values
and patterns of thought and action), and demanding (it requires an active
effort to define the responsibilities and aspirations that constitute an ethical
company). Organizational ethics is the task of leadership. The corporate counsel designs and implements integrity strategies, and managers at all levels and
across functions are involved in the process. Examples are reported from real
organizations and the challenges they encountered.

Paine, L. S. (2003). Value shift. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Using the subtitle Why Companies Must Merge Social and Financial Imperatives to Achieve Superior Performance, the author reviews changes in business
in the past few decades, which include technology, increased globalization,
heightened competition, and shifting demographics and values. The author
indicates that since the 20012002 timeframe, ethics is an important corporate
concern. She states that values are a critical success factor in todays business world. Further, corporate values are shifting because of reasons related
to the following:
Risk managementpreventing missteps
Organizational functioninga positive effort to build a wellfunctioning company
Market positioningshaping companys identity and reputation;
building brands; earning trust of customers, suppliers, and others


Annotated Bibliography

Civic positioningimproved standing in the community

A better wayfor companies to be honest, trustworthy, innovative,
fair, responsible, and good citizensbetter in and of itself
Factors that play a role in the shifting values include company size; developmental stage; and societal factors, such as laws and media, in the United
States. The shifting values in emerging markets encompass other complexities. The author argues that the new yardstick for corporations is more complex, and that to excel under new standards, companies must turn in super
financial results, as well as demonstrate moral intelligence in their dealings
with their employees, customers, and other constituencies. The author believes that this has had profound implications on how companies are managed
and led. She states that as the financial benefits of safety, quality, environment, and other social interests become more appreciated, conflicts between
shareholders and stakeholders decrease. Also discussed was a shift from
ethics costs to ethics pays, with companies becoming more center-driven
by balancing ethics and economics. Accordingly, key attributes define a companys essential character. The turn to values reflects an evolution in what has
sometimes been called the personality of the corporation. Finally, the superior
performers of the future will be those that can satisfy both the social and the
financial expectations of their constituencies.

Poovan, N., Du Toit, M. K., & Engelbrecht, A. S. (2006). The effect of the
social values of Ubuntu on team effectiveness. South African Journal of
Business Management, 37(3), 1727.
This research study explores the concept of value-based leadership as a driver
for implementing social values in a specific workforce in Africa. A grounded
theory approach is used and a conceptual model is developed to explain how
the social values can have an impact on effectiveness. The primary goals of
the study are to facilitate a better integration and understanding of a multicultural workforce and to make a positive contribution toward successful management of diversity, one of the foundations of the social side of corporate
responsibility. The study reveals that African values place high emphasis upon
collectivism, collaboration, caring, dignity, and respect. The conclusion drawn
is that these values should underlie a value-based leadership style to enhance
team performance in modern organizations.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2003).

The competitive advantage of corporate philanthropy. In Harvard Business Review on corporate social
responsibility (pp. 2764). Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
These authors describe a whole new approach to corporate philanthropy, one
in which donors abandon their focus on the public relations benefit of giving in favor of adopting a strategic approach that creates social impact and
economic value. This can be achieved by shifting the focus to improving their
competitive context (i.e., the quality of the business environment in the locations where they operate), which would not only bring social and economic
goals into alignment but would also improve long-term business prospects
and enable companies to leverage their capabilities and relationships. Citing
the networking giant Cisco Systems as a model for this new approach, the
authors identify four interrelated elements of a companys competitive context as factor conditions: demand conditions, context for strategy, rivalry, and
related and supporting industries. A rigorous transition to implement this new
approach must be CEO led and should include an examination of all important geographic operating locations for competitive context, a review and
assessment of current philanthropic policies for value creation, an analysis of
opportunities for collaboration, and a mechanism for tracking and evaluating

Prahalad, C. K., & Hammond, A. (2003). Serving the worlds poor, profitably.
In Harvard Business Review on corporate social responsibility (pp.
126). Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Misconceptions and inaccurate assumptions exist about business opportunities and profitability at the bottom of the economic pyramid. While incomes
average only US $2,000 per year, there are four billion people in this sector.
Thus, these authors argue, when multinational corporations (MNCs) provide
basic goods and services that reduce costs to the poor and help improve their
standard of living (while generating an acceptable return on investment) the
results benefit everyone. Further, by serving the poor, business can gain new
sources of rapid revenue growth, greater efficiencies with cost reduction initiatives for the MNC, which also translate to increased purchasing power for
the local consumers, as well as access to innovation. Strategies for MNCs to
profitably expand their businesses and serve the worlds poor are as follows:
Expand the understanding of managers about the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) markets


Annotated Bibliography

Make structural changes within companies

Create venture groups and internal investment funds
Establish business development task forces
Reach out to external partners (entrepreneurs, NGOs, community
groups, and so on)

Prilleltensky, I. (2000). Value-based leadership in organizations: Balancing

values, interests, and power among citizens, workers, and leaders. Ethics and Behavior, 10(2), 139158.
The article discusses ethical leadership in the light of some contradictions
(e.g., profits and values, interests of owners and workers). It proposes a framework for value-based leadership in sharp contrast with the general thinking
of applied ethics as being an individuals responsibility to identify dilemmas
and act according to his or her best judgment. The concept of value-based
leadership is explained throughout. It is the practice of fostering cogent
values, taking into account personal interests and degrees of power. Values
are scrutinized for their ability to promote personal, collective, and relational
wellness. After the clarification of values and articulation of the mission statement, the leaders responsibility is to examine subjective, interpersonal, and
political processes with regard to the stakeholder groups involved. In their
decision-making process, leaders have to understand the dynamic interaction
among values, interests, and power in each stakeholder group. The valuebased leadership model relies on the assumption that organizations exist to
serve a purpose larger than their own existence and as a resource to the community. Clarity of vision and safety of personal interests engage individuals
in value-based actions. Therefore leaders should be mindful of the ways in
which interests may integrate with value-based practices. The leaders role
is to facilitateat the individual, organizational, and community level
congruence among values, interests, and power. Four directions are envisaged
to enact values-based practices, in consideration of the level of power of the
multiple stakeholders involved:

Clarify the position of the organization with respect to values for personal, collective, and relational wellness.
Promote a state of affairs in which personal power and self-interests
do not undermine wellness or interests of others.
Enhance a zone of congruence among citizens, workers, and leaders.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Confront people and groups subverting values or abusing power in the

organization or in the community.
The following measures of accountability are proposed:
Consult with others about limitations and contradictions in values
Subject personal and organizational process of consciousness raising
to scrutiny by other stakeholders.
Create leadership structures with meaningful input and representation
from various stakeholder groups.
Subject to scrutiny of partners the efforts by the leader to confront
people and groups subverting visions and values.

Pruzan, P., & Miller, W. C. (2006). Spirituality as the basis of responsible

leaders and responsible companies. In T. Maak & N. M. Pless (Eds.),
Responsible leadership (pp. 6892). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
The authors discuss operationalizing CSRthat is, integrating it into the
corporations vocabulary, policies, stakeholder communications, and reporting systemsbut they caution that leaders must understand what responsibility at the individual and organizational level really means. With a thesis that
true responsibility, for both leaders and their organizations, is grounded in a
perspective that transcends the limitations of economic rationality, the authors
provide two examples of responsible leadership and corporate responsibility that have spirituality as a common denominator. Four perspectives (the
rational, the humanist, the holistic, and the spiritual) on the question Why
be responsible? are presented and discussed. The chapter concludes with a
discussion on the obstacles to being responsible.

Reilly, A. H., & Ehlinger, S. (2007).

Choosing a values-based leader: An experiential exercise. Journal of Management Education, 31(2), 245262.
This article reports a valuable practical exercise that would help MBA students in understanding the concept of values-based leadership. This exercise
is carried throughout the article and can be helpful for a business world in
continuous turbulence where corporate leaders have to balance requests, cope
with a shifting environment, and meet the demands of their firms as well as


Annotated Bibliography

their multiple stakeholders. Particular emphasis is placed on the contrasting

demands of positive ethical and financial organizational values.

Relph-Knight, L. (2006). Sustainability is integral to top-level leadership.

Design Week, 21(18), 6.
This short article discusses the link between leadership and sustainability in
the design trade. The changes in the trade demand the reappraisal of the leadership role within the trade, and the conclusion of the author is that leadership
comes in many forms but that it is inextricably linked to sustainability. With
the assumption that designs job is to enhance life, there is the clear need for
more commitment to sustainabilitys being spurred by business leaders.

Richards, E. P. (2003). Developing socially responsible business leaders: The

Lubrizol experience. Mid-American Journal of Business, 18(1), 1114.
CSR is described in this article in connection with the formalization of the
mechanisms for stakeholders relations, transparency, accountability, and
corporate governance, and it is presented as the task of the socially responsible leader. The author reflects on the trust placed upon business leaders
worldwide and the law of reciprocity. Global challenges present themselves
to business leaders, and being prepared to face them on a global basis with
confidence and integrity requires a mix of education and real-world business
experience founded in specific skills cultivation. Companies that develop socially responsible business managers who are consistent with ethical business
practices and proactive in the social benefit context ensure companies results
in achieving stakeholder value. The intangible characteristics that are required
in socially responsible global leaders can then be summarized in the balance
between drive and ambition versus ethical and moral behavior and corporate
support. Through the example of Lubrizol Corporation, the author presents
the foundations of corporate support toward globally responsible leaders of
developing countries. These foundations are based on the implementation of
ethics training, which consists of training on environmental policies, health
and safety policies, diversity initiatives, foundations and grants, and community involvement. Furthermore, there is a need to recognize and train
appropriate employees for leadership in programs that embrace social


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business


Roome, N. J., & Bergin, R. (2006). Sustainable development in an industrial

enterprise: The case of Ontario Hydro. Business Process Management,
12(6), 696721.
The concept of sustainable development is analyzed in this case study as a
metaproblem, or both an organizational and systems issue. Three assumptions
are therefore behind the research:

The attempt to resolve one problem or dimension of the problem in

the set is likely to have implications for other dimensions in the same
The emergence of new paradigms from new fundamentals is followed
by a period of intense disagreement between competing bodies.
The embedding of a new paradigm in an industrial organization involves the creation of new interpretive systems.
Sustainable development is presented as innovation, and the path toward it as
a transformational strategy. The study shed light on the contributing factors:
The relationship between the design of the process of change and the
implementation of the change
The strategy for stakeholders to interpret environmental and social
interests in the organizational strategy
The management of research and development
The results show how the strategy toward sustainable development would
require engaging in a complex process of paradigmatic change and learning,
in collaboration with many stakeholders, and that trust in the process is
crucial. Another central fact learned from the case study is that the processes
of innovation are distributed throughout the organization and its system; the
processes span all organizational levels and require the involvement of both
corporate headquarters as well as operational business units. In conclusion,
sustainability as systems change respects none of the conventional boundaries
developed by organizations to help them manage their normal, nonsustainable
activities. It appears that organizational and social innovation requires the
leadership of many individual actors to facilitate the complex process of
negotiated transformation.


Annotated Bibliography

Roome, N., & Wijen, F. (2006). Stakeholder power and organizational

learning in corporate environmental management. Organization Studies,
27(2), 235263.
This study considers the engagement between stakeholders and companies
in the delivery of corporate environmental management as one specific
aspect of corporate responsibility. The study is based on detailed comparative
case studies of two companies known by external stakeholders for their
proactive approach to environmental issues.The research was framed by the
idea of corporate environmental management as a form of organizational
learning.The cases examined the complex relationship between company
ambition, the structure of learning, and the influence of external stakeholders
on the processes and outcomes of learning.One company had a high
ambition, and generally set standards that were regarded as beyond
stakeholder requirements. It was not hampered by its poor learning routines
because its engagement with stakeholders provided little material information
to help it achieve its ambitions.Individuals at the top of the company
determined the ambition and orientation toward stakeholders.The other
company had more modest ambitions but deployed a very well developed and
controlled process to ensure it was meeting the requirements and demands of
key stakeholders.These demands were then processed internally into a set of
actionable elements.The strength of the learning process contributed to the
success of outcomes but with little influence by powerful or key managers,
who were more the guardians of the process than its content.

Roper, J., & Weymes, E. (2007). Reinstating the collective: A Confucian

approach to well-being and social capital development in a globalized
economy. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 26, 135145.
This article examines one alternative to the traditional western model of doing
business, an alternative that places human capital and social capital as its core
value. The model incorporates the philosophies of both Confucianism and
Taoism, as practiced in China. The author presents three parallel phenomena:
a loss of legitimacy of western business practice that emphasizes individual competition in a market-based society
an increase in the demand of CSR and a rebuilding of social capital
the emergence of Chinese multinational corporations which retain the
ancient values of Confucianism


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

The article considers how the East and West can develop hybrid models of
business that can build rather than destroy social capital. The author concludes that both eastern and western companies can learn from each other.
The new managerial hybrids could embrace the best of both cultures, support a genuine desire for social responsibility and well-being, and be adopted

Schraa-Liu, T., & Trompenaars, F. (2006). Toward responsible leadership

through reconciling dilemmas. In T. Maak & N. M. Pless (Eds.), Responsible leadership (pp. 138-154). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
One author obtained her law degree in Shanghai, China, and earned a second
degree in business economics and an MBA in the Netherlands.The other
author studied economics in Amsterdam and earned a Ph.D. from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. This article examines new facets of
leadership required of todays executives.The challenge for todays leaders
is to reform effectively in an environment of uncertainty and ambiguity while
reconciling the diversity of interests, needs, and demands of multiple stakeholders. This includes the competing and often conflicting demands of clients,
suppliers, customers, shareholders, communities, NGOs, and the environment. The internal challenge is to lead an increasingly diverse workforce
across distance, businesses, countries, and cultures to select, develop, and
retain people from different backgrounds, and to leverage their potential in
order to create an inclusive environment.
The authors present and justify the definition of responsible leadership
in todays business world. They explain the key dilemmas responsible leaders
face in a global multi-stakeholder society and why it is appropriate to present cross-cultural competence as the fundamental construct for responsible
leadership. They discuss how to develop responsible leadership characteristics
and how to develop the propensity to reconcile with external stakeholders.
They also explore the inner path to responsible leadership. Based on extensive
research and an examination of leaders across the globe, the authors derived
the core proposition that successful leaders in the twenty-first century apply
their propensity to reconcile dilemmas to a higher level.The research studies
reveal clearly that competence in reconciling dilemmas is the most discriminating feature that differentiates successful and less successful leaders. Leaders increasingly need to manage culture by continuously fine-tuning dilemmas.Some key conflicts leaders are likely to encounter include those between


Annotated Bibliography

internal organization and external stakeholders, internal organizations and

shareholders, and shareholders and external stakeholders.The authors conclude that responsible leaders recognize, respect, and reconcile the multiple
demands, interests, needs, and opposites stemming from their intrinsic responsibility toward employees, customers, suppliers, communities, shareholders, the society at large, NGOs, and the environment.Leaders, their organizations, and society improve and prosper not by choosing one end over the
other, but by reconciling both ends.Reconciling outer dilemmas starts with
the inner world of leaders. It requires self-discipline and self-mastery as well
as emotional and ethical abilities that inform behavior.

Senge, P. M. (2003). Creating desired futures in a global economy. Reflections, 5(1), 112.
The article is drawn from a presentation on globalization and the interdependence in a global world in which one companys actions, through global
business, can have consequences on the other side of the world. Kahanes
three types of increasing complexity at the root of organizations and societies toughest problems are presented first:

Dynamic complexity, or cause and effect distant in time and space

Social complexity, or diverse stakeholders with different agendas and
Generative complexity, or the emergent realities wherein a solution
from the past no longer fits
Solutions are envisaged in both learning and leadership, and above all, collective creativity with the resulting strategy of discovering the connections that
permeate natural and social systems. Missing the connections is a sign of poor
systems-thinking skills, but an increasingly interdependent world means that
system thinking must become an educational priority. In recent years, thought
leaders have started to construct a picture of the interdependency. According
to the author, humans have an innate capacity to develop a holistic awareness of the relationships in the world. Business leaders, as well as teachers
and other professionals, count on both the wisdom of the past and their own
experience to create more inclusive ways of living and working. When, for
example, executives in global companies talk candidly, their real concern usually is not the return on investment or sales but the social and political stability of the world in which they live.


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business


Senge, P. M. (2007, June 22). Waking the sleeping giant: Business as an agent
for consumer understanding and responsible choice. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, pp. 2527.
The author presents and discusses three fundamental leadership roles in global organizations in this short article. The author also presents and discusses
the impact of the roles on consumer education in global environmental issues.
First, business can draw the consumers attention to the nature of a particular
issue and lead by action concerning that issue. Second, business can form
partnerships with others to shift market, technology, and regulatory conditions
that individual firms cannot alter by themselves. For the third and final
proposal, business can work to create alternatives rather than debate about
how to change the system.

Shropshire, C., & Hillman, A. J. (2007). A longitudinal study of significant

change in stakeholder management. Business and Society, 46(1), 6367.
This article examines stakeholder management. Recent research shows
significant intrafirm variability in stakeholder management across time. This
study seeks to explain why firms experience significant changes in stakeholder management. The authors identify antecedents of change at the institutional, organizational, and executive levels. They also posit that organizational
risk and performance will affect the likelihood of change, as will managerial
discretion, ownership, and succession. The authors test their predictions using
a longitudinal sample of stakeholder management data and discuss the implications of the findings for research and practice. The authors conclude that
although their findings begin to outline boundary conditions of stakeholder
theory, further work in this area will help to direct the breadth and depth of
stakeholder management.

Strike, V., Gao, J., & Bansal, P. (2006). Being good while being bad: Social
responsibility and the international diversification of U.S. firms. Journal
of International Business Studies, 37(6), 850862.
This paper offers a variety of reviews of the literature and debates on international diversification and social responsibility. It defines social responsibility
and disaggregates the concept into its responsible and irresponsible parts.


Annotated Bibliography

It also developsand testshypotheses about large U.S. firms social responsibility and irresponsibility. The empirical study is based on the analysis
of time-series cross-sectional data on social responsibility from an original
sample of 222 companies drawn from the KLD Index. The KLD Index is a
particularly rich source for the evaluation of social performance because it
is based on a wide range of data sources, including company surveys, expert
panel assessments, and public disclosures. The ratings reflect each firms
worldwide social and environmental performance along 13 categories of CSR
strengths or concerns. Results suggest that global and institutional pressures
have pushed multinational enterprises (MNEs) toward higher levels of CSR,
even though there is a strong argument for MNEs not acting responsibly, and
this extends beyond costs. Standards then need to be identified and accepted
on a local basis (across host countries). While corporate irresponsibility is
affected by reputation and learning, MNEs act irresponsibly because of the
difficulties in managing increased complexity that derives from international
diversification, that is, coordinating, integrating, and exchanging resources
among geographically dispersed subsidiaries with an increase in management
challenges. In addition, many of the controls used in this study emerged as
significant, such as firm size and R&D intensity. As for the latter, this finding
suggests that firms that invest in long-term capabilities such as research and
development also invest in CSR. Also, the results showed the food industry to
be more socially responsible than the benchmarked manufacturing industry.
The main implication of the findings of the empirical study for research is that
CSR and irresponsibility both move together with international diversification. Therefore, there is strong support for dividing the concept into its positive and negative components, which are separated yet related constructs. The
learning for practitioners is that, with increasing diversification, firms become
both more socially responsible and more socially irresponsible.

Svoboda, S., & Whalen, J. (2005). Using experiential simulation to teach sustainability. Greener Management International, 48, 5765.
The authors describe the benefits of experiential learning; it is discussed as
the most effective way to promote positive change in individuals and organizations. The characteristics of experiential learning are the following:
It is based on actions.
It gives the chance to receive feedback on the actions and explore the


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

It helps to change the mental frames that prevent the participants from
achieving the results they want.
It builds links between the learning process and real-world challenges.
An experiential learning exercise runs through this cycle two or more times. It
engages the whole person, including his or her mental, emotional, and somatic intelligence. Simulation is good to teach sustainability for the following

It raises peoples understanding of complex systems.

It bridges differences in expertise, professional languages, and
The participants can learn from each others backgrounds.
It is an ideal venue to demonstrate the interconnections between sustainability and profitability, market share, and revenue, demonstrating
that they are not separated from each other.
It provides the opportunity to practice in a consequence-free environment with immediate feedback.
The authors introduce the Transformation Exercise as a simulation tool for
experiential learning of sustainability.

Sweeney, L., & Coughlan, J. (2008). Do different industries report corporate social responsibility differently? An investigation through the lens
of stakeholder theory. Journal of Marketing Communications, 14(2),
The authors investigate how annual reports address the CSR concerns of
various groups of stakeholders to determine whether the groups orientation
is stakeholder and industry specific. Based on stakeholder theory, significant
emphasis is given to stakeholder attributes and characteristics, including
power, legitimacy, and urgency, as well as to primary and secondary stakeholder categorizations. A content analysis approach was utilized to examine
annual reports of 30 large public global companies, by industry, for CSR
messaging.The analysis identified strong similarities in the targeting of CSR
communications in the annual reports and intra-industries, and even though
some companies have separate CSR reports, the information was always
summarized in the annual reports.The research also points out a lack of clear
focus on the benefits of CSR for the shareholder as a specific stakeholder, as
only one of the seven industries in the study places any focus on them.Fi-


Annotated Bibliography

nally, included among the implications is the following guidance to marketing

communications specialists: (1) the annual report should try to appeal to as
many stakeholders as possible, given the industry within which the firm operates, (2) it would be beneficial to be familiar with literature on social reporting from an accounting perspective in order to understand rules established by
different international bodies in the area, and (3) be aware that annual reports
have numerous audiences, not just shareholders.

Tangpong, C., & Pesek, J. G. (2007). Shareholder value ideology, reciprocity

and decision making in moral dilemmas. Journal of Managerial Issues,
19(3), 379396.
The article focuses on the recent large-scale corporate scandals that turned
business ethics and corporate moral responsibility into major concerns for
managers, business schools, and the general public. Results from the 2004
Harris-Fombrun Reputation Quotient survey listed worst reputations from the
most visible companies. The fraudulent and deceptive practices of these and
other corporations have researchers seeking answers to the question of What
influences managers decisions in moral and ethical dilemmas? The article
presents background information on the ethical decision-making literature and
how it evolved around two major themes: (1) ethical perceptions and attitudes
and (2) social responsibilities of business. The authors present an experimental design as the research method to test the proposed hypotheses and used
vignettes as the research instrument. The study contributed to the business
ethics and ethical decision-making literature in three major ways:

It empirically investigates the effects of the ideology of shareholder

It highlights the potential problems of social desirability bias in business ethics studies that are typically based on attitude surveys.
It proposes an experimental design as an alternative research method
to mitigate problems.

Tebo, P. V. (2005). Building business value through sustainable growth. Research Technology Management, 48(5), 2832.
The author describes sustainable growth as a growth that creates economic and
societal values while reducing overall environmental impact. He introduces the


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

process through the example of DuPont. Sustainable growth requires innovation and technology. It is difficult to achieve for the following reasons:

The time scale of sustainable growth does not fit within the business
framework of quarterly earnings requirements.
No one in business has ownership for vast parts of our environment.
It does not require transformational change but the continuous improvement of the existing systems and processes.
These issues are handled as problems by CSR persons and not as
opportunities for innovation and growth by marketing and business
Sustainable growth must meet public expectations and not only the
requirements by the law.
The author describes the following four elements of commitment:
(1) reducing the environmental footprint; (2) engaging diverse thought leaders
to help guide the development and commercialization of the new technologies; (3) transforming the company through a long-term commitment; and
(4) reaching peoplenot just in developed economieswith products and
services helping them to live better, safer, and healthier lives.

Turner, M. (2007). Society must be protected: Polanyis double movement

and the regulation of conflict goods. Journal of Corporate Citizenship,
26, 8599.
The author presents concerns that reference the multiple ways in which multinational corporations, financial and commodity markets, and global trade feed
into todays civil wars. These civil wars have recently become a key policy
concern of the international community. A number of initiatives have been
launched over the past five years aimed at controlling the trade in conflict
goods, ensuring good resource governance, advocating CSR, and promoting
conflict-sensitive business practices. In the article, the initiatives are assessed
through the lens of Karl Polanyis concept of double movement, that capitalism automatically provokes protectionist impulses. The article is divided into
four parts. The first part summarizes Polanyis thesis as expounded in The
Great Transformation. The second part briefly looks at how conflict entrepreneurs have benefited from the spaces created for illicit economic activity by
neoliberal globalization and the potential links between economy and conflict.


Annotated Bibliography

The third part outlines the number of ways in which conflict triggers can be
addressed, and it reviews a number of initiatives aimed at promoting sensitive
business practices and regulating the trade in conflict goods. The fourth part
assesses these initiatives in the light of Polanyis thesis. Capital market liberalization has also created a favorable climate for corruption and tax evasion
by making it easier for individuals and businesses to shift their wealth and
profits to unregulated offshore businesses and trusts, tax havens, and secret
bank accounts. The article includes a breakdown of five modalities through
which natural resources are linked to conflict. In conclusion, initiatives are
part of a growing policy agenda designed to promote ethical markets.

Utting, P. (2005). Corporate responsibility and the movement of business.

Development in Practice, 14(3&4), 375388.
Serving as Deputy Director of the United Nations Research Institute for
Social Development, the author examines the reasons for civil society mobilization on CSR issues, the types of organizations involved, and their different
forms of activism and relations with business. The author then proceeds to
identify the ways in which business is engaging with and shaping the CSR
agenda, and why it has become a proactive player. Finally, the author considers how this agenda may evolve on the basis of recent developments in CSR
activism and regulation. This analysis supports the authors argument that
the CSR agenda can deal with some of the worst symptoms of underdevelopment, such as poor working conditions, pollution, and poor factorycommunity relations, but that it does not deal with the key political and
economic mechanisms through which transnational companies (TNCs) undermine the development prospects of poor countries. The author states that the
future of the dual CSR movements (civil society organizations versus business) will depend on the degree of convergence and coregulation between the
sectors. It will depend as well on new forms of activism centered on corporate accountability, while issuing cautions regarding biases toward business
in these multi-stakeholder initiatives. Referencing Newell (2001) and Bendell (2004), the author points out that unlike CSR, which emphasizes moral
compulsion, corporate accountability suggests that TNCs have to answer to
their stakeholders and be held to account through some element of punishment or sanction. These changes will lead to a new approach to CSR, one that
is focused more on attention to complaints procedures, or complaints-based


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

systems of regulation that facilitate the task of identifying, investigating,

publicizing, and seeking redress for specific instances of corporate malpractice as a complement to regulatory systems.

van de Loo, E. (2006). Responsible leadership at ABN AMRO Real. In

T. Maak & N. M. Pless (Eds.), Responsible leadership (pp. 6892),
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
The author used the case study method to develop the story of how Fabio
Barbosa, CEO of the Brazilian subsidiary of ABN AMRO Bank, implemented
responsible leadership within his organization. Indicating that social responsibility is a stance that is part of everything that an organization does, Barbosas
values and beliefs encompassed sustainability, a relentless focus on clients,
and corporate and environmental responsibility. These values were operationalized in a number of ways including civic engagement, as employees volunteered to help improve local school infrastructures and the banks diversity
program. Ingredients for the Barbosa approach to inspiring and mobilizing
people and organizations were identification and personal articulation of values and convictions, continuous conversation with people around him about
these values and beliefs, significant time engaging with others both inside
and outside the organization, transparency, involvement of all stakeholders,
and the creation of a business model integrating the interests of all stakeholders. The final part of the article chronicles the three phases of development of
Fabio Barbosas leadership skills. They began with his father and grandfather
in the areas of respect, paying on time, and being on time. His schooling and
work experiences in Brazil; Switzerland; Stamford, Connecticut (USA); and
Japan developed his ability to adapt his style and language to the specific contexts that he encountered. The second phase found him moving beyond the
boundaries of his own career and self-interest to returning to Brazil to make
a contribution to his home country. He supplemented his work at Citibank
teaching finance at a local university, where he identified the need to incorporate ethics and question the what and why of financial expertise and products. The third phase started when he assumed the CEO role at ABN AMRO
Real.Upon discovering that his own thinking and opinions resonated strongly
with others and that he had a gift of relating to people, Barbosa began to share
his message with others. He was also encouraged by observing and conversing with his peers.


Annotated Bibliography

Van Kleef, J. A. G., & Roome, N. (2007). Developing capabilities and competence for sustainable business management as innovation: A research
agenda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15, 3851.
This conceptual paper addresses the business challenge of sustainable development seen in terms of an innovation process. It sets out to compare
the innovation process used to deliver on conventional business aims with
the process of innovation called for by sustainable development. The paper
emphasizes the need for sustainability-driven innovation to engage a wider
range of external actors that contribute to the generation of ideas for innovation and that serve to highlight the negative aspects of innovation that need
to be ameliorated or controlled. The research leads to a series of conclusions
about the characteristics or demands of sustainability-driven innovation due
to this wider set of participating actors. These include the need for capacities
of collaboration across diverse interests, and the importance of mobilizing
networks to promote inventiveness and to promote trust and collaboration in
the formalization of ideas and structures needed to deliver those ideas as innovations.The paper recognizes the importance of vision as a guide to those
involved in innovation, while values and management attitudes provide a basis for the alignment of strategic processes that foster commitment to learning
and diversity of ideas and inputs.

Vogel, D. (2005). The market for virtue. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.
Amid disparate claims that CSR is the future of business, that it is nothing
more than a new creed to mask self-interest, and that it is a danger to the
primary role of business, this author focuses on the business case for virtue in corporations, reasons firms engage in CSR activities. The author also
examines market activities that encourage CSR practices, as well as those
that limit these activities. Whether induced by strategy, defense, altruism, or
public-spiritedness; various market dimensions, such as consumer demand;
threatened boycotts; challenges by NGOs; pressure from socially responsible
investors; or the values of managers and employees, CSR does matter to many
firms. This is true even though the studies comparing corporate financial and
social performance have shown inconclusive results, primarily because of two
kinds of dynamics that influence firms. There are firms that include CSR as
part of their business strategy and corporate identity, and there are firms that
have been targeted by activists and thus are displaying CSR as a defensive


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

tactic. The next three chapters in the book deal with the following three key
areas where CSR initiatives occur:
Working conditions in developing countries, which highlight Nike and
voluntary codes in the United States, companies in Europe, working
conditions in agriculture, child labor laws, and fair trade policies
The environment, with major focus on Shell (Brent Spar), forestry
practices, global climate change, and carbon reduction
Human rights, highlighting Shell in Nigeria, extractive industries, and
investment decisions
In the final chapter, the author points out important changes in corporate practices and shortcomings of civil regulation and indicates that the most critical
dimension of corporate responsibility may well be a companys impact on
public policy. Finally, it is not enough for firms to produce social benefits
in isolation; they must also support public policies that establish minimum
standards for less virtuous competitors, not just to create a level playing field,
but because such a requirements are frequently necessary to accomplish the
underlying goals of CSR.

Vosburgh, R. M. (2007). Special edition articles. Human Resource Planning,

30(1), 78.
This article is a special edition of a discussion on building the triple bottom
line (TBL), human resources contributions for environmental, social, and
financial performance. The article represents a summary of articles that were
submitted from a broad group of experts for review. The author examines
leadership and the role of the corporate sector in bringing leaders on board
who will help guide the sustainability commitment. This represents a plane
shift change beyond CSR, community relations, and philanthropy. The
article informs and guides human resource contributions in support of the
TBL. The TBL is not new to business leaders, especially those in large global
enterprises. The idea that economic, social, and environmental performance
can be synergistic and optimized has been debated for years in Europe and
more recently in North America. Two signals of a growing consensus about
the responsibilities and opportunities facing all organizations in creating positive, sustainable growth into this century and beyond are the United States
Climate Action Partnership recommendations announced in January 2007 by
a coalition of business and NGO leaders and the definitive scientific conclusion regarding global climate change announced in Paris shortly after. This


Annotated Bibliography

article offers three case studies of how specific companies are engaging HR
in different TBL-related initiatives. The article concludes that there are many
proven examples that the TBL concept is viable and critically important for
organizations to understand and adopt. The link between initiatives and better
performance are supported. Second, performance is enhanced when HR assumes an active leadership role in creating formal, sanctioned, and supported
mechanisms, practices, and processes.

Waddell, S. (2007). Realizing global change: Developing the tools; building

the infrastructure. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 26, 6984.
The author in this article draws on work with multiple stakeholder global
networksglobal action networks (GANs)and proposes the following
seven principles to guide successful global change strategies:
1) Make the approach multi-stakeholder.
2) Aggregate stakeholders by organizational sectors.
3) Address the challenges (from individual change to societal change).
4) Make learning about the strategies a core value.
5) Understand the work as building complex systems.
6) Organize for third-order change.
7) Think in terms of development stages.
The author concludes that GANs hold substantial promise as global change
agents and that they also face many potential problems. GANs may not become the dominant global change vehicle, but they are likely to be significant.

Waddock, S. (2007). Leadership integrity in a fractured knowledge world.

Academy of Management Learning & Education, 6(4), 543557.
In this article, the author discusses management education and its potential
to meet the new business demands. Fostering leaderships integrity is displayed as having a central role in the current knowledge economy. And the
author states that minds are shifting in this regard toward a sustainable business scenario. Integrity is defined as individual integrity with an ethical and
values-laden basis together with understanding the world as an integrated
systemecologically, socially, and from a business ecosystem perspective.
The concepts of knowledge economy and fracture paradox are discussed in


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

depth. And a more integrated curriculum should be supported in management

education with attention to the following:

The ecological imperative or the understanding of the interconnectedness between nature and mankind
The societal imperatives with a coherent understanding by the students
of the historical, political, and cultural context in which business operates today
The business imperative and its emphasis on collaboration with stakeholder groups as a central element in sustaining a competitive advantage
The general conclusion is that tomorrows leaders need to have the courage to
change the system and carry though decisions that will accomplish the following objectives:
Balance imbalances and make trade-offs of profitability for other
important values.
Integrate an understanding of the worlds complexity and understand
the interconnectedness that exists among the different entities.
Understand the long-term consequences of their decisions and be
decision makers that benefit people, business, and societies, as well as
the natural environment.
The author asserts the need for an integrated knowledge economy, managerial
leadership in global organizations and institutions, and corresponding efforts
by management education programs.

Waldman, D. A., De Luque, M. S., Washburn, N., House, R. J., Adetoun,

B., Barrasa, A., Bobina, M., Bodur, M., Yi-Jung, C., Debbarma, S.,
Dorfman, P., Dzuvichu, R. R., Evcimen, I., Pingping, F., Grachev, M.,
Duarte, R. G., Gupta, V., Den Hartog, D. N., De Hoogh, A. H. B., &
Howell, J. (2006). Cultural and leadership predictors of corporate social
responsibility values of top management: A GLOBE study of 15 countries. Journal of International Business Studies, 37(6), 823837.
This empirical study was conducted on 561 firms located in 15 countries
on five continents and is focused on how the cultural dimensions of institutional collectivism and power distance predict social responsibility values
on the part of top management team members. Findings help shed light on
the dimensionality of CSR. Through confirmatory factor analysis the authors
found that, when framed in terms of managerial decision-making values, CSR


Annotated Bibliography

appears to be a multidimensional construct, composed of concern for shareholders, stakeholders, and community/state welfare. These components were
differentially predicted by control variablesnational culture-level and firmlevel leadership variables. A second finding was that managers in wealthier
countries may be more in tune with shareholder CSR issues in their decisionmaking process; in poorer countries managers may feel more of a personal
responsibility toward the community and society at large. At the opposite end,
managers in cultures stressing values of greater power distance tend to devalue all three aspects of CSR and tend to be more self-centered and lacking in
concern for shareholders, other stakeholders, and the society at large in their
decision-making process. These findings also suggest that leadership in the
form of vision and integrity may help drive CSR values beyond economic or
cultural factors and may even help align CSR values in decision-making processes, as well as subsequent actions based on those values, notwithstanding
cultural differences. Managers in cultures supporting institutional collectivism value most aspects of CSR in the decision-making process. Such cultures
have more long-term concerns and priorities and promote thinking about how
managerial actions pertain to the concerns of the larger collective or society.

Waldman, D. A., Ramirez, G. G., House, R. J., & Puranam, P. (2001). Does
leadership matter? CEO leadership attributes and profitability under
conditions of perceived environmental uncertainty. Academy of Management Journal, 44(1), 134143.
Using data from 48 Fortune 500 firms, the purpose of this study was to
examine the effects of CEO transactional and charismatic leadership on firm
profitability in environments perceived to be certain, as well as in those that
are perceived to be uncertain. The two forms of leadership, transactional and
charismatic, as well as their connections, are analyzed to understand how they
may operate in tandem with regard to organizational performance. Results
show that the connection between top managers and firm outcomes depends
to a large extent on the managers charismatic leadership under conditions of
perceived environmental uncertainty and beyond the effects of transactional
leadership. The major contribution of this article in the understanding of
leadership practices toward implementing corporate responsibility is on the
connections empirically found between top leaders and companies decision
making and the development of innovative business models that respect the
potential as well as the limitations of natural resources and show the same


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

respect for the potential and the limitations of the relationship between people
and profitability.

Waldman, D. A., Siegel, D. S., & Javidan, M. (2006). Components of CEO

transformational leadership and corporate social responsibility. Journal
of Management Studies, 43(8), 17031725.
With this empirical study, the authors try to fill the gap in systematic theoretical or empirical analysis of the relationship between characteristics of CEO
leadership and CSR. Therefore models of effective leadership and strategic
decision making and implementation, with their emphasis on values and characteristics of leaders, are empirically analyzed for CSR implementation. The
new culture of leadership theory integrating micro-level behavior (individual)
and macro-level phenomena (CSR) is perused, and the concept of transformational leadership is analyzed above and beyond a leaders organization with
the implication of a connection with CSR. The two components of transformational leadershipcharisma and intellectual stimulationwere expected
to correlate positively with the two facets of CSRsocial and strategic. The
implicit assumption of the study is that it is the CEO who is formulating and
attempting to implement the firms CSR policies. CEO intellectual stimulation is found to be significantly associated with the propensity of the firm to
engage in strategic CSR, or those CSR activities that are most likely to be
related to the firms corporate and business-level strategies. This implies that
intellectually stimulating leaders are attempting to pursue their efforts in an
area which is most germane to a firms strategic concern. Attention to social
CSR seems to be more related to managers desire to adhere to socially acceptable norms and laws. Strategic CSR is also positively correlated to the
control variablesfirm size, R&D intensity, and prior profit levels. CEOs
tenure does not appear to have any explanatory power. Explorations of integrity as well as other moral facets of charisma that might be better related to
CSR are proposed for future research.

Walsh, J. P., Weber, K., & Margolis, J. D. (2003). Social issues and management: Our lost cause found. Journal of Management, 29(6), 859881.
Author James P. Walsh, professor of business administration, management,
organizations, and strategy, represents Ross School of Business, University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Author Klaus Weber, assistant professor in manage-


Annotated Bibliography

ment and organizations, represents Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. And author Joshua D. Margolis, associate professor of
business administration in organizational behavior, represents Harvard Business School. This article provides an historical approach in examining why so
little research directly considers how organizations affect the social objectives
of society. The study investigated the balance between social- and economicfocused publications of the Academy of Management by examining empirical
research published from 1958 to 2000 and all research published between
1972 and 2001 linking firms social and economic performance, a total of
1,738 empirical articles. The authors found that research adopting some form
of human welfare as an outcome of interest tends to focus its analysis at the
individual level85 percent of all welfare-oriented articles. Little research
focuses on human welfare at the organizational level13 percent. And even
less focus is on societal-level issues2 percent. In contrast, 48 percent of
articles concerned with performance looked at organizational and societal
levels, rising to 61 percent by 1999. The authors indicate the achievement of
industrys social objectives as particularly salient, stating that attending to social welfare may soon match economic performance as a condition of securing resources and legitimacy. Also, the flagrant violation of societal standards
in corporate scandals of recent years (Gordon, 2002), the rising call for business to attend to such social ills as AIDS (Rosen et al., 2003), and the impact
of globalization that has forced the assumption of responsibilities traditionally
vested in nation states similarly impact this condition. In exposing a lack of
balance in scholarly attention to social and economic interests, the authors
conclude by suggesting new directions for organizational research, which
include the following:
Outcome variables that reflect the public good
Relationships between organizations and societal institutions
Mechanisms through which organizational conduct affects the public

Werther, W. B., Jr., & Chandler, D. A. (2006). Strategic corporate social responsibility. New York: Sage Publications.
The first author is the codirector of the Center for Nonprofit Management at
the University of Miami. He is a fellow and former chair of the International
Society for Productive and Quality Research. He has 30 years of experience
among nonprofits, government, and business organizations. He is an award-


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

winning teacher and author. He earned a Ph.D. in economics and business

management at the University of Florida. The second author is the associate
director of the Center for Nonprofit Management at the University of Miami.
He has an MBA from the University of Miami and a master of science degree from East Asian Business University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. The
authors present the book in three distinct components:
Part I of this book defines corporate social responsibility; segregates the
firms stakeholders into three groups: organizational, economic, and societal;
discusses various CSR pros and cons for the corporation using economic,
moral, and rational arguments; and provides reasons for CSRs growing
importance and relevance. The authors state that corporate leaders must strive
to operate from a multiple stakeholders perspective, trying to balance results
(profits) and methods (operational activities). A strategic lens concept,
which includes vision, mission, strategy, and tactics, with CSR serving as the
filter, was considered one of the key ingredients in developing a CSR strategic plan. And opportunities and/or constraints of environment (external),
competencies (internal), and structure (internal) were all also considered key
components in developing a CSR strategic plan. Finally, this part of the text
discusses the firms CSR threshold: the point at which CSR becomes obviously critical to strategic success.
Part II of the book is comprised of CSR issues and case studies. The different viewpoints (pros and cons) of CSR are examined: why it is a growing
concern to students and leaders and the identification of various stakeholders,
their importance and impact. Archie Carrols presents the pyramid of CSR
economic, legal, ethical, and discretionaryrepresenting moral, rational, and
economic arguments for CSR. The practical application is presented as corporate examples of CSR. Collectively the case studies form a base for discussion
and explanations that are enriched by exploring Internet links. Topics ranging
from governance and accountability to self-interest and economic viability
illustrate the direct impact of CSR on corporate behavior, decisions, and strategies within the organization and within the marketplace and society.
Part III offers a variety of information sources focused on specific subjects of CSRa directory of CSR-focused organizations, Web site references,
online CSR news and information sources, as well as a traditional bibliography of published sources (books and journal articles). This part of the book
serves as a professional business minilibrary.


Author Index
Abratt, R., 15
Adetoun, B., 84
Albareda, L., 12
Allen, D. B., 42
Alvord, S. H., 12
Ancrum, R., 13
Balmer, J. M. T., 31
Bansal, P., 74
Barney, J. B., 55
Barrasa, A., 84
Barton, D., 14
Bendell, J., 14
Bendixen, M., 15
Berenbeim, R. E., 16
Bergin, R., 70
Berkhout, T., 16
Black, L. D., 17
Bloom, M., 25
Blowfield, M., 18
Bobina, M., 84
Bodur, M., 84
Boguslaw, J., 21
Bossink, B. A. G., 20
Boutilier, R. G., 20
Boyle, M., 21
Brown, L. D., 12
Burke, E. M., 22
Campbell, J. L., 23
Chandler, D. A., 87
Chiu, C. C. H., 23
Chow Hoi Hee, C., 24
Coombes, P., 14
Cornelius, N., 25
Coughlan, J., 76
David, P., 25
Debbarma, S., 84
Deckop, J. R., 26
deCleene, S., 47
De Hoogh, A. H. B., 84
De Luque, M. S., 84
Den Hartog, D. N., 84
Dentchev, N., 39
Dhanda, K. K., 37
Dolan, P., 26
Dorfman, P., 84

Duarte, R. G., 84
Du Toit, M. K., 65
Dzuvichu, R. R., 84
Ehlinger, S., 68
Engelbrecht, A. S., 65
Evcimen, I., 84
Fang, Y., 53
Finegold, D. L., 52
Finer de-la Fuente, F., 33
Fort, T. L., 27
Foster, R., 28
Fowler, S. J., 28
Frame, B., 29
Frynas, J. G., 18, 30
Fukukawa, K., 31
Gao, J., 74
Garcia, A., 54
Garvy, N., 31
Giampalmi, J., 32
Gil Estallo, M. D. A., 33
Gillis, T., 34
Googins, B. K., 19, 61
Graafland, J., 34
Grachev, M., 84
Gray, E. R., 31
Griful-Miquela, C., 33
Grossmanx, L., 35
Gupta, S., 26
Gupta, V., 84
Hall, C., 35
Hammond, A., 66
Handy, C., 36
Hanson, D., 36
Hartel, C. E. J., 17
Hartman, L. P., 37
Hatcher, M., 38
Hawser, A., 38
Hempel, J., 38
Heo, K., 62
Heugens, P., 39
Hillman, A. J., 25, 74
Hope, C., 28
Houghton, J. R., 40
House, R. J., 84, 85
Houston, T. E., 40

Howell, J., 84
Hulm, P., 41
Husted, B. W., 42
Ireland, J., 42
Jackson, I. A., 44
Javidan, M., 86
Jayne, V., 44
Jones, D. R., 45
Joseph, E., 46
Kambalame, D., 47
Kapelus, P., 48
Kates, R. W., 49
Kennedy, C., 49
Kerr, I. R., 50
Kotler, P., 51
Kramer, M. R., 66
Lam, K., 53
Lawler, E. E., 52
Lee, N., 51
Letts, C. W., 12
Lewicka-Stralecka, A., 52
Li, J., 53
Lipton, M., 54
Lopez, M., 54
Lorsch, J., 54
Lozano, J. M., 12
Mackey, A., 55
Mackey, T. B., 55
Malini, M., 56
Margolis, J. D, 86
Marshall, J., 57
Martin, R. L., 57
McBeth, A., 58
McGaw, N., 58
Merriman, K. K., 26
Meyerson, D. E., 59
Middleton, S., 36
Mileham, P., 60
Miller, W. C., 68
Mirvis, P., 61
Morsing, M., 61
Nan, X., 62
Nelson, J., 44
Nelson, M. C., 62
Newell, P., 31


Nielsen, K. U., 61
Oskamp, S., 63
Paine, L. S., 63, 64
Pesek, J. G., 77
Pingping, F., 84
Poovan, N., 65
Porges, S., 39
Porter, M. E., 66
Prahalad, C. K., 66
Prilleltensky, I., 67
Pruzan, P., 68
Puranam, P., 85
Qian, G., 53
Ramirez, G. G., 85
Reilly, A. H., 68
Relph-Knight, L., 69
Richards, E. P., 69
Rodriguez, L., 54
Roome, N. J., 70, 71, 81

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Roper, J., 71
Rubin, R. S., 37
Schraa-Liu, T., 72
Schultz, M., 61
Schultz, P. W., 63
Senge, P. M., 73, 74
Shropshire, C., 74
Siegel, D. S., 86
Spring, N., 84
Strike, V., 74
Svoboda, S., 75
Sweeney, L., 76
Tangpong, C., 77
Tassabehji, R., 25
Tebo, P. V., 77
Trompenaars, F., 72
Turner, M., 78
Utting, P., 79
van de Loo, E., 80

van de Ven, B., 34

Van Kleef, J. A. G., 81
Vogel, D., 81
Vosburgh, R. M., 82
Waddell, S., 83
Waddock, S., 83
Waldman, D. A., 84, 85,
Wallace, J., 25
Walsh, J. P., 86
Washburn, N., 84
Weber, K., 86
Werther, W. B., Jr., 87
Weymes, E., 71
Whalen, J., 75
Wijen, F., 71
Wong, S. C., 14
Yi-Jung, C., 84
Ysa, T., 12


Title Index
A holistic approach to business management: Perspectives from the Bhagavad
Gita, 24
A longitudinal study of significant
change in stakeholder management, 74
A look at corporate code of conduct
legislation, 58
An analysis of corporate social responsibility, corporate identity and ethics
teaching in business schools, 25
Are emerging market TNCs sensitive to
corporate responsibility issues?, 35
A responsible company thats making the
grade, 43
Asias governance challenge, 14
Being good while being bad: Social
responsibility and the international
diversification of U.S. firms, 74
Building business value through sustainable growth, 77
Business ethics and corporate social
responsibility: Defining an organizations ethics brand, 16
Business, poverty and corporate citizenship: Naming the issues and framing
solutions, 21

Corporate identity, ethics and reputation

in supplier-buyer relationships, 15
Corporate leadership: How well do nonexecutives influence boards?, 60
Corporate responsibility and the movement of business, 79
Corporate social responsibility: A challenge for the donor community, 29
Corporate social responsibility and firm
performance: Investor preferences and
corporate strategies, 55
Corporate social responsibility: Doing
the most good for your company and
your cause, 51
Corporate social responsibility in emerging economies, 56
Corporate social responsibility: Reinventing the meaning of development,
Corporate social strategy in multinational enterprises: Antecedents and values
creation, 42
Creating desired futures in a global
economy, 73

Choosing a values-based leader: An

experiential exercise, 68

Cultural and leadership predictors of

corporate social responsibility values
of top management: A GLOBE study
of 15 countries, 84

Components of CEO transformational

leadership and corporate social responsibility, 86

Developing capabilities and competence

for sustainable business management
as innovation: A research agenda, 81

Consumer responses to corporate social

responsibility (CSR) initiatives, 62

Developing leaders for a sustainable

global society, 58

Corporate accountability to the poor?

Assessing the effectiveness of community-based strategies, 31

Developing socially responsible business

leaders: The Lubrizol experience, 69

Corporate gains: Corporate social responsibility can be the strategic engine

for long-term corporate profits and
responsible social development, 16

Do different industries report corporate

social responsibility differently? An
investigation through the lens of stakeholder theory, 76


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Does leadership matter? CEO leadership attributes and profitability under

conditions of perceived environmental
uncertainty, 81

Mapping the interface between corporate

identity, ethics and corporate social
responsibility, 31

Doing good is good for business, 34

On the leading edge: The lead director,


Ethics in evidence, 40
Fair trade as a business model, 41
Governance choices for corporate social
responsibility: To contribute, collaborate or internalize?, 42
Incorporating sustainable business practices into company strategy, 28
Investor activism, managerial responsiveness, and corporate social performance, 25
In whose name? The accountability of
corporate social responsibility, 14
It takes a villageand a consultant, 39
Leadership at summits end, 49
Leadership for sustainable innovation, 20

New corporate agendas, 38

Opportunities and limitations of CSR in

the post-communist countries: Polish
case, 52
Partnership building as an approach to
addressing corporate social responsibility in the agriculture sector in
Malawi, 47
Profits with principles: Seven strategies
for delivering value with values, 44
Promoting corporate social responsibility: Is market-based regulation sufficient?, 46
Public policies on corporate social responsibility: The role of governments
in Europe, 12

Leadership integrity in a fractured

knowledge world, 83

Radical change, the quiet way, 59

Leadership in the twenty-first century:

Working to build a civil society, 28

Realizing global change: Developing the

tools; building the infrastructure, 83

Leadership: Seven behaviors for muddling through, 40

Reinstating the collective: A Confucian

approach to well-being and social
capital development in a globalized
economy, 71

Leadership strategies for sustainable

development: A case study of Suma
Wholefoods, 45
Leadership strategies for sustainable
SME operation, 50
Leading chaos, paradox and dysfunctionality in sustainable development, 32
Learning the art of leading people, 62
Managing a company in an activist
world: The leadership challenge of
corporate citizenship, 22
Managing for organizational integrity, 63

Rating corporate social responsibility, 35

Responsible leadership at ABN AMRO

Real, 80
Serving the worlds poor, profitably, 66
Setting new agendas: Critical perspectives on corporate social responsibility
in the developing world, 18
Set up: A call for business leadership in
society, 19
Shareholder value ideology, reciprocity
and decision making in moral dilemmas, 77


Title Index

Social capital in firm-stakeholder networks: A corporate role in community

development, 20

The Catch 22 of communicating CSR:

Findings from a Danish study, 61

Social entrepreneurship and societal

transformation, 12

The changing face of corporate boards,


Social issues and management: Our lost

cause found, 86

The communication of corporate social

responsibility: United States and European Union multinational corporations,

Society must be protected: Polanyis

double movement and the regulation
of conflict goods, 78

The challenges of eco-leadership, 36

Special edition articles, 82

The competitive advantage of corporate

philanthropy, 66

Spirituality as the basis of responsible

leaders and responsible companies, 68

The corporate contributions to one planet

living in global peace and security, 27

Stages of corporate citizenship: A developmental framework, 61

The effect of the social values of Ubuntu

on team effectiveness, 65

Stakeholder power and organizational

learning in corporate environmental
management, 71

The effects of CEO pay structure on

corporate social performance, 26

State of the nations, 38

Strategic and moral motivation for corporate social responsibility, 34
Strategic corporate social responsibility,
Striving for responsible competitiveness: Companies will have to lead by
example, 48

The effects of institutional ownership

on corporate governance and performance: An empirical assessment in
Hong Kong, 53
The false promise of corporate social
responsibility: Evidence from multinational oil companies, 30
The five capabilities of socially responsible companies, 17

Sustainability is integral to top-level

leadership, 69

The gendering of leadership in corporate

social responsibility, 57

Sustainable and responsible now a fact of

management life?, 44

The great and the good, 49

Sustainable development and corporate

performance: A study based on the
Dow Jones Sustainability Index, 54

The importance of corporate social responsibility and its limits, 33

The market for virtue, 81
The principals principles, 13

Sustainable development in an industrial

enterprise: The case of Ontario Hydro,

The virtue matrix: Calculating the return

on corporate responsibility Whats a
business for?, 57

Sustainable leadership, 26

Toward responsible leadership through

reconciling dilemmas, 72

Taming Trojan horses: Identifying and

mitigating corporate social responsibility risks, 39

Using experiential simulation to teach

sustainability, 75


Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business

Using psychological science to achieve

ecological sustainability, 63
Value-based leadership in organizations:
Balancing values, interests, and power
among citizens, workers, and leaders, 67
Value shift, 64
Waking the sleeping giant: Business as
an agent for consumer understanding
and responsible choice, 74

Whats a business for?, 36

Why would corporations behave in
socially responsible ways? An institutional theory of corporate social
responsibility, 23
Workplace practices in Hong Konginvested garment factories in Cambodia,

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Corporate Social Responsibility

and Sustainable Business
A Guide to Leadership Tasks and Functions

Organizations have developed a variety of strategies for dealing with the intersection
of societal needs, the natural environment, and corresponding business imperatives. At
one end of the continuum are organizations that do not acknowledge any responsibility
to society and the environment. And on the other end of the continuum are those organizations that view their operations as having a significant impact as well as reliance
on society at the economic, social, and ecological levels. This sourcebook presents
current knowledge related to what has become known as corporate social responsibility (CSR). Ongoing research reveals that a variety of strategies, alliances and partnerships, and approaches are being used around the globe to respond to issues of CSR. The
aspiration of many corporations to contribute to a better world is great, but translating
that aspiration into reality remains a challenge for organizations the world over.

The Authors

Alessia DAmato is a research associate at CCL. Prior to joining CCL, Alessia conducted extensive studies on organizational climate and related topics for a variety of
public and private organizations, including Telecom Italia, the University of Padova, a
section of the Italian Ministry of Justice, and the Kent Police in the United Kingdom.
She holds a Ph.D. in organizational psychology from the University of Bologna, Italy.

Sybil Henderson is assistant dean of administration and budget and an accounting instructor at North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC, USA. She holds an MBA
from The Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, also in Durham, NC, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate, with a concentration in leadership studies, at North Carolina
Agricultural & Technical State University in Greensboro, NC.

Sue Florence is a school improvement specialist for Orange County Schools in
Hillsborough, North Carolina, where she coordinates staff and professional development
opportunities. She holds an M.Ed. from North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC,
and is currently a Ph.D. candidate, with a concentration in leadership studies, at North
Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University.

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