The War For Talent
The War For Talent
The War For Talent
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1998 Number 3
Better talent is worth fighting for. At senior levels of an organization, the ability to adapt, to make decisions
quickly in situations of high uncertainty, and to steer through wrenching change is critical. But at a time
when the need for superior talent is increasing, big US companies are finding it difficult to attract and retain
good people. Executives and experts point to a severe and worsening shortage of the people needed to run
divisions and manage critical functions, let alone lead companies. Everyone knows organizations where key
jobs go begging, business objectives languish, and compensation packages skyrocket.
In an effort to understand the magnitude of this war for talent, we researched 77 large US companies in a
variety of industries (see text panel). We worked with their human resources departments to understand
their talent-building philosophies, practices, and challenges. And to gain a line manager perspective, we
surveyed nearly 400 corporate officers and 6,000 executives from the "top 200" ranks in these companies.
Finally, because numbers never tell the whole story, we conducted case studies of 20 companies widely
regarded as being rich in talent.1 What we found should be a call to arms for corporate America. Companies
are about to be engaged in a war for senior executive talent that will remain a defining characteristic of their
competitive landscape for decades to come. Yet most are ill prepared, and even the best are vulnerable.
You can win the war for talent, but first you must elevate talent management to a burning corporate priority.
Then, to attract and retain the people you need, you must create and perpetually refine an employee value
proposition: senior management's answer to why a smart, energetic, ambitious individual would want to
come and work with you rather than with the team next door. That done, you must turn your attention to
how you are going to recruit great talent, and finally develop, develop, develop!
Our survey reveals that some companies do all of these things, but many more fall short of the mark.
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Once united by a talent mindset, the leadership group must foster the right talent-building behavior by
holding regular discussions to review the performance of executives at every level. The backbone of a
company's talent effort, these reviews must be candid, probing, and action-oriented, and link talent to
strategy. They must set high standards, ensure that performance is assessed fairly, and act as a vehicle for
fostering personal development. Ultimately, they should improve the quality of decisions about staffing.
Human resources executives at half our top-quintile companies strongly agree that "Discussions in our
meetings are frank and open, and everyone contributes actively." For mid-quintile companies, the figure is
just 17 percent. At The Home Depot, the ethos is "To say what you think in the room, not after the
Companies must insist that their line managers are accountable for talent. At Monsanto, half a senior
executive's bonus is based on his or her people management skills. At First USA, the ability to recruit
talented new people is understood to be a criterion for promotion. Although 78 percent of corporate officers
questioned in our survey agree that companies should hold their line managers accountable for the quality of
their people, only 7 percent believe that their companies actually do so. It seems that many line managers
are not accountable for the quality of their staff. This was perhaps our most shocking finding. Clearly, things
must change.
To support the talent-building challenge, the role of human resources should be redefined and its capabilities
strengthened. More than process managers, HR executives need to be effective, proactive counselors with
personal and business credibility and strong relationships with business units. The need for such a dynamic
profile is fast becoming conventional wisdom (78 percent of corporate officers agree HR should be a partner
in efforts to build a stronger talent pool), but it is more honored in the breach than the observance (only 27
percent of corporate officers strongly agree that HR plays this role at present).
When all these things are in place, managers can take risks and deploy innovative solutions in the quest for
talent. They can hire 650 military officers over two years, as General Electric did, or replace half their 400
manufacturing managers, like AlliedSignal.
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"Lifestyle" executives are more interested in flexibility with respect to lifestyle choices, geographic location,
and compatibility with the boss than in company growth and excitement.
We found that successful organizations tend to have a dominant talent segment, while their weaker peers
have a bit of everything. But no company can be all things to all people. Ideally, a company should simply
figure out who it is aiming for, and make sure its brand is tailored to the talent segment it seeks to attract.
No brand can be transformed overnight, however. It's an enormous task, and to be undertaken only in the
most extreme situations, although the excitement generated by a turnaround can itself be a powerful
component of a new employee value proposition. Arthur Martinez's commitment to shaking up Sears, for
example, transformed perhaps the United States' most traditional retailer into "a compelling place for
employees, customers, and investors."
What a company can and should consider changing straight away are the particular products it offers: its
jobs. If a company succeeds in attracting a target executive group with great jobs, the brand should take
care of itself as the changing mix of employees reinforces the values the company is seeking to build.
So what is a great job? We see some half-dozen attributes: "elbow room" to allow executives room to
maneuver; "head room" to allow them to make decisions without seeking constant approval from above; a
clear link between daily activities and business results (even if not a P&L); a position that stretches but does
not defeat, while being something an executive can "get their arms around"; something new to work on as
often as possible; and great colleagues, above, around, and below. If this seems too much to think about,
companies might adopt Dick Vague's rule of thumb: "I aspire to create an enterprise where everyone's job
consists of at least 80 percent of things they love doing."
And naturally there is the question of money. As Jude Rich, chairman of HR consulting firm Sibson puts it,
"Highly competitive compensationparticularly long-term wealth accumulationis an essential ticket to the
game of attracting and retaining top talent. Companies that can distinguish truly great talent and have
opened the vault find the return on their investment is terrific."
Many companies fear that deep differences in pay will create cultural problems, but the issue is too
important to ignore. Money alone can't make a great employee value proposition, but it can certainly break
one. To get the people they want, 39 percent of top-quintile companies pay whatever it takes, compared
with 26 percent of their mid-quintile counterparts. Once they are on board, faster career progression is the
most effective way to put individual high performers on a different compensation trajectory without
disrupting overall pay structures.
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Making sure top performers' compensation is considerably higher than that of their average colleagues is a
relatively straightforward way to keep the exit price high and raise barriers to poaching. When a senior
manager at GE was told a division was going to give its highest performers a 10 percent salary increase and
its average performers 5 percent, he said, "Ten percent? Not nearly aggressive enough! Go for 15 percent,
20 percent, or 30 percent!"
The ability to define, develop, and deliver a superior employee value proposition will be especially critical for
large companies facing the small-company challenge. Small companies offer employees a chance to satisfy
their desire for meaning, excitement, flexibility, impact, and reward. They may also offer equity ownership in
a business small enough that a few talented executives can drive the stock price.
Large companies need not be too defensive, however. They possess natural advantages of their own:
magnitude of impact (be a big fish in a big pool), depth (the resources to take risks, particularly with
people), capital (the resources to support big decisions), and variety (a range of experiences over the course
of a career). They can also make themselves feel smaller in a number of ways: by creating smaller, more
autonomous units, improving mentoring, differentiating pay, and so on.
strategies will work better for some companies than others. Companies that grow slowly, for example, have
fewer opportunities to develop people through rotation, so they will tend to get talent in from the outside.
But while each company will gravitate naturally toward a dominant sourcing method, no company should rely
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exclusively on one strategy, just as no company would rely on a single vendor for a critical commodity.
Continuing to invest in secondary sourcing strategies helps achieve balance and diversity.
Hewlett-Packard captures people early through summer internships and part-time jobs for high school
students. One US-based accounting firm hired a third of one year's graduates from a top Indian college. The
Home Depot hires its competitors' best employees. Enron recruits retired military officers because "people
from the army are used to traveling a lot, and this work is like what they have been doing." Ten years ago,
McKinsey's new hires were almost all MBAs; now over 40 percent are lawyers, doctors, economists,
scientists, military officers, or former government officials.
Talent-winners also recruit continuously, rather than simply to fill openings. Thirty-one percent of HR
directors at top-quintile companies strongly agree that they are always looking for great talent and bring it in
whenever they find it, compared to only 9 percent at mid-quintile companies. Arrow Electronics is
"constantly looking at our competitors, suppliers, and customers to spot great people." At Baan, "Everyone
must be a talent scout." Companies whose approach to hiring is to fill any open slot within three months
should expect to lose the talent game.
Even where the dominant strategy is to spot talent early and train it within, companies should consider
regularly hiring senior executives from outside. Rather than seeing this as a failure of the internal
development pipeline, they should view it as a way to accommodate rapid growth, refresh the gene pool,
and calibrate the internal talent standard.
Bill George recruited many new hires to facilitate Medtronic's moves into new products and geographies.
Amgen has hired in close to a quarter of its top 500 people to feed 50 percent annual growth. Despite the
success of its internal development efforts, General Electric routinely fills up to a quarter of its senior
openings from the outside to calibrate its talent and raise the bar. Nor should companies hesitate to go
outside their own industry. Sears hired Gulf War general Gus Pagonis to run its logistics; Banc One hired
Taco Bell head Ken Stevens to lead retail banking.
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Good feedback and coaching raise everyone's game, not just that of the high flyers. Fortunately, companies
can nudge leaders to offer more feedback through "360-degree feedback" programs (where contributions
come from those above, below, and around an individual) and other formal mechanisms. Arrow Electronics
uses its 360-degree feedback system, monitored by CEO Steve Kaufman himself, to determine whether
managers are actually providing the feedback and coaching that they should.
Establishing the right mindset, crafting a powerful employee value proposition, sourcing, developing, and
retaining talentit all makes for an enormous challenge. Companies start from many different positions and
vary widely in the strength of their existing bench. Some have powerful, sustainable employee value
propositions; some cannot even articulate why a talented person should join them. Some companies have a
talent-building process but no follow-through; others have no process at all.
There are also different ways of getting going. A company undergoing a turnaround will have to bring in top
talent fast to bring about a transformation in its employee value proposition. Companies in less dire straits
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can work more gradually on refining recruitment, employee value proposition, development, and
compensation simultaneously. The key is to start now. The coming war for talent may seem like a crisis, but
like any crisis, it's also an opportunity to seizeor squander.
About the research
To investigate the talent problems faced by large organizations, we studied 77 companies from a variety of
industries. The companies chosen were in either the top or the middle quintile within their industries in
terms of 10-year total return to shareholders. We grouped the companies into sectors so as to compare
high performers with average players.
We also asked the companies to provide disguised performance data on their executive pools, grouping
senior managers into 20 percent high performers, 60 percent average performers, and 20 percent low
performers. This allowed us to compare the responses to survey questions of groupings of high-, average-,
and low-performing executives.
We questioned corporate officers (CEOs and their direct reports; 359 respondents) about the strength of
their company's talent pool and how it might be improved. We talked to the top 200 executives in each
company directly to understand why they work where they do and how they became the professionals they
are (5,679 respondents). We asked senior HR executives (72 respondents) about the way their company
manages its top executive group; for some companies that meant 50 people, for others 400. The
quotations in the article are taken from these interviews.
In addition, we interviewed a dozen leading academics in the field of organization and mined the research
base. As a reality check, we relied on a steering committee comprising HR leaders, executive search,
compensation, and assessment experts, and McKinsey partners with experience in organizational
Return to reference
Packard, The Home Depot, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, Merck, Monsanto, Nabisco, NationsBank, Sears, SunTrust, and Wells
Copyright 1992-2007 McKinsey & Company