ColdFusion11 Developing
ColdFusion11 Developing
ColdFusion11 Developing
September 2014
Changes in ColdFusion
New in ColdFusion 11
ColdFusion 11 has gone through a lot of changes and enhancements and this section highlights those changes:
Language enhancements
ColdFusion 11 has gone through various language enhancements that will provide a better development experience
for ColdFusion developers. The core CFML language enhancements in ColdFusion 11 includes new language
constructs, extended tag support, enhanced script functions, and support for new operations.
See ColdFusion Language Enhancements
Websocket enhancements
ColdFusion 11 has introduced the proxy support for WebSocket. There is a new proxy module (that runs inside IIS
and Apache Web Server) that can intercept the ColdFusion WebSocket requests and redirect the requests to the
ColdFusion Server.
See WebSocket enhancements
To generate high quality PDFs from HTML documents, 2 new tags, <cfhtmltopdf> and <cfhtmltopdfitem> have
been introduced in ColdFusion 11.
See PDF generation enhancements
Security enhancements
ColdFusion 11 has a lot of security enhancements and bug fixes. This update fixes a few security issues and has
strengthened the Server to a large extent. Some notable security enhancements are described in the following
See Security Enhancements (ColdFusion 11)
Social enhancements
ColdFusion 11 has introduced the support for dynamically generating Like button, Tweet button, and Comment box
for social media sites.
See Social Enhancements
REST enhancements
ColdFusion 11 now supports site-level REST applications and enables pluggable serializer and deserializer.
See REST Enhancements in ColdFusion 11
Charting enhancements
The server-side charting introduced in ColdFusion 10 that allowed you to create highly interactive charts has been
further enhanced to produce visually more appealing charts.
See Charting enhancements
Compression enhancements
The following sections describe the enhancements made to the <cfzip> and <cfzipparam> tags:
New functions
The following new functions are added:
Changes in functions
The following functions are enhanced:
When you are using ColdFusion Scheduler, output can be saved only as .log or .txt files. The same restriction is
applicable for validation queries on databases.
Also, for the <cfinclude> tag, this restriction is applicable. By default, you can include only CFM files. However, you
can modify allowedextinclude key in neoruntime.xml file to add your own file type.
For the <cfsetting> tag, URL.RequestTimeout attribute has been removed in ColdFusion 11.
The HTMLEditFormat() function has ben deprecated.
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Security enhancements
Security enhancements helps to reduce security vulnerabilities, particularly the ones resulting from threats posed by
XSS and CSRF attacks.
The release also includes enhancements that help you manage ColdFusion sessions effectively.
For details, see Security enhancements in ColdFusion 10.
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ColdFusion WebSocket
Develop realtime applications for stock, charting, online gaming, social networking, dashboard for various purposes,
or monitoring using COldFusion WebSocket.
ColdFusion implements WebSocket by providing a messaging layer for the WebSocket protocol, which you can
easily control using CFML and JavaScript.
For details, see Using ColdFusion WebSocket.
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ColdFusion closures
For details, see Using closures.
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Solr enhancements
Use Data Import Handler for database indexing
Index and search based on dynamic custom fields
Reload individual collections
Add languages for search
Secure your search system
Autocommit indexed documents
Boost specific fields or entire document for improved search results
For details, see Solr enhancements in ColdFusion 10.
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Scheduler enhancements
Schedule your tasks in a granular, scalable, and organized way. The release supports Quartz scheduling service.
For details, see Using Scheduler.
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The following URL takes you to the Java Tutorial that provides conceptual information on REST:
REST and ColdFusion
You can create REST services by defining certain attributes in the tags cfcomponent, cffuntion, and cfargume
nt and publish as REST resources.
*Follows HTTP request-response model:* Beyond having HTTP as a medium, the service lets you follow
all HTTP norms. The components published as REST services can be consumed over HTTP/HTTPS request.
The REST services are identified with URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) and can be accessed from a web
page as well as by specifying the URI in the browser's address bar.
Supports all HTTP methods : The REST enabled CFCs support the following HTTP methods: GET, POST, P
Implicit handling of serialization/deserialization: ColdFusion natively supports JSON and XML
serialization/deserialization. So client applications can consume REST services by issuing HTTP/HTTPS
request. The response can either be serialized to XML or JSON format.
Publish web service as both REST service and WSDL service: You can create and publish the same
ColdFusion component as a REST service and WSDL service.
Creating the REST web service
You can create and publish a ColdFusion component or any functions in a component as REST resource.
To create a CFC as REST web service, specify either of the following in the tag cfcomponent: restPath or
In cffunction, set the attribute access to remote for the functions that you have to expose as REST
After you create the CFC you want to REST-enable, specify the folder for registering as web service either using the
function restInitAplication or in the ColdFusion Administrator.
Nested REST applications cannot be registered.
When you specify a folder, all CFCs in that folder or subfolders for which you have specified rest or restPath are
1. Browse and select the application path or root folder where ColdFusion would search for CFCs.
2. (Optional) In the Service Mapping section, specify virtual mapping in place of application name.If the folder
has an Application.cfc and an application name, then the service is identified with the application name. You
can override this by specifying the service mapping. In this case, the service is identified with the service
mapping that is provided. If there is no Applicaiton.cfc in the folder, then it is mandatory to specify the Service
mapping.If you choose to specify REST folder outside of ColdFusion root, then add one of the following
mappings to register the folder:Consider that you have added a mapping for c:\restfolder as \map
<cfset restinit("c:\restfolder","myapp")>
<cfset restinit("\map","myapp")>
3. (Optional) Specify an application as default REST service. Only one application can be set as default for a
server instance. You can change the default application at any time. Check Set the default application and
then click Add Service. To remove the service as default, uncheck it.
4. After you specify the details, click Add Service to register.The Active ColdFusion REST Services section
specifies the details of all registered web services.
After you register, all CFCs are published as RESTful services. On subsequent startups, the registered
services automatically get published.
Refresh the application whenever there is a change in REST-related component in the
Use the tag cfhttpto access the web service as shown in the following example:
Rest path you defined in the service. That is, the value
of the attribute restPath in the tag cfcomponent.
The accept header can be provided in the REST URL. The following examples illustrate this:
For the REST URL, the accept
parameter would be set to application\json.
For the REST URL, the accept
parameter would be set to application\xml.
HTTP Content-type negotiation
The content-type that is returned by a RESTful web service depends on the Accept HTTP header.
Client can set an Accept request header in the following order:
Comma-separated list of preferred content types.
(Followed by a semi-colon (;) A floating point number in the range 0 through 1 in the format q=0-1. The
default value is 1.0 is the least value which indicates that the content type is not acceptable whereas 1 is the
maximum value with the highest priority.
If two types are provided the same priority, then the sequential priority is considered.
In the following example, client can use both XML and JSON format as no value is specified to indicate a priority in
the Accept header:
Accept: application/xml, application/json
The request in the following example specifies a priority for returning the content-type:
Accept: text/*;q=0.9, */;q=0.1, audio/mpeg, application/xml;q=0.5
Accept: text/*;q=0.9, */;q=0.1, audio/mpeg=0.9, application/xml;q=0.5
Specifying subresources
Functions in a REST service can either be a resource function, subresource function, or subresource locator.
Resource function
The functions for which you have not specified the RestPath at function level but specified {{httpMethod.}}In this
case, the resource function is invoked when URL of the CFC is accessed.
Subresource function
The functions for which you have specified both resptPath and httpMethod.
Subresource functions are used to create subresources for the resource created by CFC. If the subresource has ht
tpMethod attribute in cffunction, the function can directly handle HTTP requests as shown in the following
In this example, httpMethod and restPath are defined. The baseurl/hello/name is a subresource to the
URL baseurl/hello.
Subresource locator
If you have not specified the httpMethod attribute, but have specified restPath, you can dynamically resolve the
component that handles the request. Any returned object is treated as a resource class instance and used to either
handle the request or to further resolve the object that handles the request.
In this example, StudentService.cfc and Student.cfc are the two REST resources. In StudentService.cfc the function
getStudent returns a component. In the function, the object of Student is created and the values name and age
are set. When the object is specified in the return type, the function defined in the object with the requested httpme
thod is invoked.StudentService.cfc can be invoked directly as it has a restPath specified. Student.cfc can only be
invoked through StudentService.cfc because the function getStudent in StudentService.cfc is acting as the
subresource locator and returns Student.cfc.StudentService.cfc:
<cfproperty name="name" type="string"/>
<cfproperty name="age" type="numeric"/>
<!--- Getting the student detail. --->
<cffunction name="getStudent" access="remote" returntype="String" httpmethod="GET"
<!--- Retrieve the Student from the DB. --->
<!--- get student from db where name and age matches --->
<cfset = "Thomas">
<cfset st.age = "25">
<cfset st.surname = "Paul">
<cfset str = "<student><name>" & & "</name><age>" & st.age &
"</age><surname>" & st.surname & "</surname></student>">
<cfreturn str>
<!--- Updating the student detail. --->
<cffunction name="updateStudent" access="remote" returntype="void"
<!--- Retrieve the Student from the DB. --->
<!--- Update the student in DB. --->
<cfset = name>
<cfset st.age = age>
<!--- Deleting the student. --->
<cffunction name="deleteStudent" access="remote" returntype="String"
<!--- Delete the Student from the DB. --->
<!---<cfset st = deleteStudentFromDB(name)>--->
<cfreturn "Student deleted">
HTTP Responses
By default, ColdFusion provides default HTTP success and failure responses to the client as follows:
Success responses
Default Response
200 OK
204 No Content
Error responses
Default Response
Custom responses
In addition to the default responses available with ColdFusion, you can set custom responses.
For example, assume that you have to provide a success response 201 Created. Such a default response does
not exist. You can only have 200 OK or 204 No Content to send.
In such scenarios, you can create custom responses in either of the following ways:
Send custom success responses using restSetResponse
1. When you define the CFC as REST service, ensure that the returnType is set to void in the cffunction(
the function for which you want to send the custom response).For example,
2. Create a struct for the custom response that you want to send in the cffunctionas shown in the following
<cfset response=structNew()>
<cfset response.status=201>
<cfset response.content="<customer
In this example, you have set 201 as the status of the response, content that you want to send. For example,
customer details and the location where you have created the resource for the POSTrequest.
If you do not specify the status in the custom response, 500 Internal server error
is sent as the response status.
restSetResponse( response );
Assume that you want to send a custom error response. For example, consider the following:method.service.cfc
In this case, you have a customer database and you are doing a GET HTTP request on /customers/123.But you
find that the customer with the specified ID 123 is not available. So you want to send 404 Resource Not Found
response back to the client, which is not possible by default.In this case, you can use cfthrow to send custom error
response as follows:
Modifications to Application.cfc
The following enhancements have been made to Application.cfc for REST support:
The following conditions apply when you extend the RESTful CFCs:
You can define the REST attributes for functions in the base CFC. So all the CFCs that extend from the base
CFC inherits the REST attributes.In the following example, CustomerResource.cfc extends
<cffunction name="SayPlainHello" access="remote" produces="text/plain"
returntype="string" httpmethod="POST">
<cfreturn "BaseCustomerResource Plain">
<cffunction name="SayXMLHello" access="remote"
produces="text/xml,application/xml" returntype="string" httpmethod="POST">
<cfreturn "BaseCustomerResource XML">
BaseCustomerResource.cfc has all REST attributes applied to functions within the CFC. After you define
BaseCustomerResource.cfc, you can define CustomerService.cfc that extends BaseCustomerResource.cfc
as follows:Customerservice.cfc
<cfhttp url=""
method="post" result="res">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="accept" value="text/plain" >
<cfhttp url=""
method="post" result="res">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="accept" value="application/xml" >
Except the rest and restPath, no other REST attributes are required within CustomerService.cfc.
When you inherit a RESTful CFC, you can choose to override the attributes used in the CFC that you extend.
For example, the following CFC extends the BaseCustomerResource.CFC, but the function SayPlainHello
overrides the function in Base CFC.
Even if you override only one attribute in a function, you have to respecify all REST attributes
You have to specify the REST attributes (rest/restPath) in the derived CFC to use it as a REST service.
Just that it is defined in the base CFC does not work.
REST services and data interchange formats
REST services in ColdFusion can be represented in XML or JSON formats for transmitting over the web.
ColdFusion takes care of the serialization/deserialization of the ColdFusion data types used in the services to XML
or JSON implicitly.
A function that is REST-enabled can take the following ColdFusion data types as arguments: query, struct, CFC
type, array, array of CFCs, XML, string, numeric, boolean, date, and binary (for XML).
ColdFusion serializes data to pre-defined formats of XML and JSON. Similarly, ColdFusion deserializes the body
only if the body is in the format defined by ColdFusion.
XML serialization for REST services
Serialization specifications
this.arr1 = arrayNew(1)>
this.arr1[1] = "1">
this.arr1[2] = this.arr1>
this.arr1[3] = "3">
When an array is assigned to a variable, in this case, <cfset this.arr12 = this.arr1>, you assign a
rr1 as the item in the second index of arr1. ColdFusion implicitly creates a new array and copies the data
from arr1 to the newly created array. The newly created array is assigned to the second index of arr1.
Therefore, both the instances are different, and therefore cyclic dependency is impacted.When you serialize,
you get the following output:
As you can observe, the inner array gets truncated after the first element.
Deserialization specifications
The content of the request has to be in a pre-defined format specified by ColdFusion (see details in the
section Format definition).
The content type of the request has to be either text/xml or application/xml.
There has to be a function in the service that can consume the MIME type of the request.
cfargument cannot have the attributes restArgSource and restArgName specified. That is, you can
only send data in the body of the request.
cfargument type should be ColdFusion supported data type
There can only be one argument that does not specify the restArgSource attribute. The whole body of the
request is deserialized to the argument type.
Cyclic arrays are not supported.
Format definition
In the following example, The root query element has two child elements columnnames and rows. columnnames
is the name of the columns in the query. rows can have data in multiple row elements. Here, the order of the
column in the row should match the column defined in the columnames. For each column in the row, a type attribu
te is mandatory. The type attribute can have any of the ColdFusion data types as values.
<query id="1">
<column name="columnnameone"/>
<column name="columnnametwo"/>
<column type="string">value one</column>
<column type="string">value two</column>
<column type="number">444.0</column>
<column type="string">value four</column>
<struct id="1">
<entry name="name" type="string">joe</entry>
<entry name="age" type="string">30</entry>
<entry name="address" type="string">101 some drive, pleasant town, 90010</entry>
<entry name="eyecolor" type="string">blue</entry>
<entry name="income" type="string">50000</entry>
CFC Component
In the following example, testrest.student means the CFC Student.cfc is placed in the testrest directory under
Format for array and array of cfcomponent
The following example illustrates serializing array of CFC to XML and JSON formats.
1. Create an array of arrayCFCdefinition.cfc:
<cfproperty name="str" type="string"/>
<cfcomponent restpath="arrayOfCFC">
<cffunction name="func1" access="remote" output="false"
httpmethod="get" produces="text/xml">
<cfset arrCFC = arraynew(1)>
<cfloop from=1 to=2 index="i">
<cfset obj = createObject("component", "arrayCFCdefinition")>
<cfset obj.str = i>
<cfset arrayAppend(arrCFC, obj)>
<cfreturn arrCFC>
<cffunction name="func2" access="remote" output="false"
httpmethod="get" produces="text/json">
<cfset arrCFC = arraynew(1)>
<cfloop from=1 to=2 index="i">
<cfset obj = createObject("component", "arrayCFCdefinition")>
<cfset obj.str = i>
<cfset arrayAppend(arrCFC, obj)>
<cfreturn arrCFC>
The following example illustrates deserializing array of CFC from XML format.
Deserializing array of CFC is unsupported for JSON.
1. Create an array of arrayCFCdefinition.cfc:
<cfproperty name="str" type="string"/>
<cffunction name="check" returntype="any">
<cfreturn this.str>
<cffunction name="func3" access="remote" output="false" returntype="string"
httpmethod="put" produces="text/xml" consumes="text/xml">
<cfargument name="arg" type="arrayCFCdefinition[]"/>
<cfif arg[2].check() eq "2">
<cfreturn "true">
<cfreturn "false">
4. Refer to the function. You are verifying the value of the property of arrayCFC definition.cfc for the second
index of the array.
string, boolean, numeric, binary, and date
In ColdFusion, cyclic dependency is handled using the ID reference. All ColdFusion complex data types have unique
IDs when serialized. If the same object has to be serialized elsewhere, instead of serializing the object again, a
reference is made to the already serialized data using its ID. In the following example, the main object is a struct.
The struct contains an array of objects. The array has two elements and both the elements are the same instance of
a struct. During serialization, the first element in the array is serialized as it is. The ID of the serialized struct is 2.
Instead of serializing the second element, as that object is already serialized, IDREF attribute is used to refer to the
already serialized struct instance.
<struct id="1">
<entry name="arrayinastruct" type="array">
<array id="2" size="2">
<item index="0" type="struct">
<struct id="3">
<entry name="name" type="string">joe</entry>
<entry name="age" type="string">30</entry>
<entry name="address" type="string">101 some drive, pleasant
town, 90010</entry>
<entry name="eyecolor" type="string">blue</entry>
<entry name="income" type="string">50000</entry>
<item index="1" type="struct">
<struct idref="3"/>
Object reference is taken care of by ColdFusion at the time of deserialization also.
The content type of the Accept header of the request has to be text/JSON, application/JSON, or text/
REST service should have a function that can handle the required MIME types.
Function has to return any of the ColdFusion supported data types other than binary.
Cyclic behavior is unsupported. But in the case of arrays, you might see the serialized string published, but
not with expected output as explained in the following example:
this.arr1 = arrayNew(1)>
this.arr1[1] = "1">
this.arr1[2] = this.arr1>
this.arr1[3] = "3">
When an array is assigned to a variable (in this case) <cfset this.arr12 = this.arr1>, you assign a
rr1 as the item in the second index of arr1. ColdFusion implicitly creates a new array and copies the data
from arr1 to the newly created array. The newly created array is assigned to the second index of arr1.
Therefore, both the instances are different, and therefore cyclic dependency is impacted.When you serialize,
you get the following output:
As you can observe, the inner array gets truncated after the first element.
Deserialization specifications
{'COLUMNS':['columnNameOne','columnNameTwo'],'Data':[['value one','value
two'],['444.0','value four']]}
Deserialization is unsupported for components.
Specify the values directly in the body of the request. ---Support for GZip encoding
If the request contains a Content-Encoding header of "gzip" then the request entity (if any) is uncompressed using
the gzip algorithm. If the request contains an Accept-Encoding header containing "gzip" and an "If-None-Match"
Header, entitytag value is checked: if it contains the -gzip suffix, remove this suffix, otherwise, completely remove
the "if-none-match" header.
If the request contains a Accept-Encoding header that contains "gzip", then the response entity (if any) is
compressed using gzip and a Content-Encoding header of "gzip" is added to the response. As this filter is active, the
resource representation can be compressed. the value "Accept-Encoding" is so added to the Vary header. If any
entityTag is used and content may be gzipped, the "-gzip" suffix is added to entitytag value.
<cfset this.restsettings.autoregister="true"/>
<cfset this.restsettings.servicemapping="testmapping"/>
Specify the usehost or hostname, If usehost attribute is set to true, then the host name is parsed from the
URL and it is used:
<cfset this.restsettings.usehost=true/>
Explicitly naming the host name will make the host name. If the host name is not mentioned, then the usehost
name will be defaulted.
Set isDefault to true and the application will be made as default app.
<cfset this.restsettings.isDefault=true/>
When the first request comes to the application and if that request is non-REST request, the application will be
started and registered. If both usehost and host are not specified, the apps will be registered without host name.
If the first request itself is a REST
request, then the application will not
get started.
You can use functions defined in CFIDE.adminapi.extensions CFC to manage a REST application. The functions
registerRESTService(path[,serviceMapping[,host[,isdef]]]: This function registers the REST application.
The root path specifies the directory containing REST-enabled CF component. Optionally, the service
mapping for the REST application, host name, and isdefault can be specified.
getRESTServices(): This function returns an array of REST services registered with the ColdFusion
deleteRESTService(rootPath): This function deletes the specified REST application registered with the
ColdFusion Administrator.
refreshRESTService(rootPath): If you make any changes to the REST-enabled CF component, you can
refresh the registered application by calling this function.
getDefaultRestService(): Returns the server wide default REST application.
getAllDefaultRESTServices: Returns all the default REST services. It is an array of path host pair.
Option 4: Registering a REST application using the restInitApplication method
You can also register a REST application by calling the method restInitApplication
The syntax is:
The options are an optional argument. In the options struct you can pass the:
For registering by specifying the host explicitly:
<cfset str=structNew()>
<cfset = "">
<cfset str.isDefault = "true">
"withhostAndDefault", str)>
App registered
For registering by specifying the UseHost attribute: The host name will be extracted from the request URL and will
be used for registration.
<cfset str=structNew()>
<cfset str.useHost = "true">
<cfset str.isDefault = "true">
"withhostAndDefault", str)>
App registered
In the options you can specify host, useHost and isDefault. The option usage is same as autoRegister feature
If you have already registered the application using the Administrator module, call restInitApplication to
refresh the REST service.
Use the restDeleteApplication function to delete the REST service. The syntax is
And in this example, you want to serialize only struct in a simple format and want the result as follows:
With the enhanced ColdFusion 11 REST feature, the user can use the plugged-in custom serializer instead of using
the default serialization function. The custom serializer has four functions:
CanSerialize - Returns a boolean value and takes the "Accept Type" of the request as the argument. You
can return true if you want the customserialzer to serialize the data to the passed argument type.
Serialize - The main serialization logic must be implemented in this function. If canSerialize returns "True" for
a request, then ColdFusion will use this function to serialize. If canSerialize returns false, then ColdFusion will
use the default serialization to serialize.
CanDeserialize - Returns a boolean value and takes the "Content Type" of the request as the argument. You
can return true if you want the customserialzer to deserialize the data.
DeSerialize - The main deserialization logic must be implemented in this function. If canDeSerialize returns
"True" for a request, then ColdFusion will use this function to deserialize. If canDeSerialize returns false, then
ColdFusion will use the default de-serialization to deserialize.
The below CustomSerializer code sample will help you to achieve the result for the scenario explained above
(Customizing serialization/deserialization of phone directory):
<cffunction name="serialize" access="remote" returntype="String">
<cfargument name="arg" type="any" hint="The object to be serialized"/>
<cfargument name="type" type="string"
hint="The accept header of the request in array format. The
order of types in the array is according to the priority of the MIME types in the
<cfset var result = "">
<cfset var key = "">
<cfif arguments.type eq "XML">
<cfif isStruct(arguments.arg)>
<cfset result = "<root>">
<cfloop collection="#arguments.arg#" item="key">
<cfset result = result & "<" & key & ">">
<cfset result = result & serializeXML(arguments.arg[key], true)>
<cfset result = result & "</" & key & ">">
<cfset result = result & "</root>">
<cfreturn result>
<!--- SerializeXML is a new function added in ColdFusion 11. This
function will serialize the object to XML
using ColdFusion's default serialization mechanism." --->
<cfreturn serializeXML(arguments.arg)>
<cfelseif arguments.type eq "JSON">
<cfdump var="#arguments.arg.getClass().getName()#" output="console">
<cfif arguments.arg.getClass().getName() eq "java.lang.String">
<cfreturn "test" & arguments.arg>
<cfreturn serializeJSON(arguments.arg)>
<!--- Serialize is a new function added in ColdFusion 11. This function
will serialize the object to a
a specified type using ColdFusion's default serialization mechanism. --->
<cfreturn serialize(arguments.arg, arguments.type)>
<cffunction name="canSerialize" access="remote" returntype="boolean">
<cfargument name="type" type="string"/>
<cfif arguments.type eq "XML">
<cfreturn true>
<cfelseif arguments.type eq "JSON">
<cfreturn true>
<cfreturn false>
<cffunction name="canDeserialize" access="remote" returntype="boolean">
<cfargument name="type" type="string"/>
<cfif arguments.type eq "XML">
<cfreturn true>
<cfelseif arguments.type eq "JSON">
<cfreturn true>
<cfreturn false>
<cffunction name="deserialize" access="remote" returntype="any">
<cfargument name="arg" type="String" hint="The string to be deserialized"/>
<cfargument name="type" type="String" hint="The content-type header of the
xmlDoc = "">
result = "">
numEntries = "">
key = "">
value = "">
<cfset value =
deserializeXML(xmlDoc.root.XMLChildren[i].XMLText, true)>
<cfset result[key] = value>
<cfreturn result>
<cfreturn deserializeXML(arguments.arg, true)>
<cfreturn deserializeXML(arguments.arg, true)>
The CustomSerializer that you have implemented can be specified through application.cfc.
<cfset this.customSerializer="CustomSerializer">
Displaying geolocation
Displays user location on the map if the attribute showUser is specified in cfmap. This feature works only on HTML
5 compliant browsers.
The following sections describe the changes to the tags cfmap and cfmapitem to display the user location.
Client-side charting
ColdFusion 10 supports client-side charting. This is in addition to the existing server-side charting feature (which
continues to serve the way it used to).
Client-side charting supports the following:
Dynamic and interactive charting: Modify the charts, add styles, and add new series or plots.
Popular chart formats with appropriate fallback functionality: Use HTML 5, Flash, SVG, or VML charts. If
your browser does not support HTML 5 features relevant to charting, charts are rendered in Flash. Similarly, if
Flash is not supported, charts are rendered in HTML.
Features identical to server-side charting: Most of the server-side charting features are available with
client-side charting.
* Old and new charts:* In addition to the contemporary chart types, offers a new set of charts.
Needs minimal trips to server: As compared to generating charts at server-level, for every user interaction.
Caching enhancements
Application-specific caching
Enhanced query caching using Ehcache
For details, see Caching enhancements in ColdFusion 10 in Optimizing ColdFusion applications.
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Introducing ColdFusion
You use Adobe ColdFusion to create dynamic Internet applications.
About Internet applications and web application servers
About ColdFusion
About JEE and the ColdFusion architecture
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The following steps explain how a web server and web application server work together to process a page request:
1. The user requests a page by typing a URL in a browser, and the web server receives the request.
2. The web server looks at the filename extension to determine whether a web application server must process
the page. Then, one of the following actions occur:
If the user requests a file that is a simple web page (often one with an HTM or HTML extension), the
web server fulfills the request and sends the file to the browser.
If the user requests a file that is a page that a web application server must process (one with a CFM,
CFML, or CFC extension for ColdFusion requests), the web server passes the request to the web
application server. The web application server processes the page and sends the results to the web
server, which returns those results to the browser. The following image shows this process:
Because web application servers interpret programming instructions and generate output that a web browser can
interpret, they let web developers build highly interactive and data-rich websites, which can do tasks such as the
Query other database applications for data.
Dynamically populate form elements.
Dynamically generate Flash data.
Provide application security.
Integrate with other systems using standard protocols such as HTTP, FTP, LDAP, POP, and SMTP.
Create shopping carts and e-commerce websites.
Respond with an e-mail message immediately after a user submits a form.
Return the results of keyword searches.
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About ColdFusion
Adobe ColdFusion is a rapid scripting environment server for creating dynamic Internet Applications. ColdFusion
Markup Language (CFML) is a tag-based scripting language that is easy to learn. CFML provides connectivity to
enterprise data and powerful built-in search and charting capabilities. ColdFusion enables developers to easily build
and deploy dynamic websites, content publishing systems, self-service applications, commerce sites, and more.
ColdFusion pages are plain text files that you use to create web applications. You can create your ColdFusion
applications by writing all the code manually or by using wizards (provided with some editors) to generate the
majority of the code for you.
ColdFusion Administrator
ColdFusion Administrator configures and manages the ColdFusion application server. It is a secure web-based
application that you can access using any web browser, from any computer with an Internet connection. It includes a
Server Monitor, which lets you see the status of your ColdFusion server.
For more information about ColdFusion Administrator, see Configuring and Administering ColdFusion.
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Elements of ColdFusion
ColdFusion consists of the following core elements:
ColdFusion scripting environment
ColdFusion Administrator
The ColdFusion scripting environment
The ColdFusion scripting environment provides an efficient development model for Internet applications. At the heart
of the ColdFusion scripting environment is the ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), a tag-based programming
language that encapsulates many of the low-level details of web programming in high-level tags and functions.
ColdFusion Markup Language
ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) is a tag-based language, like HTML, that uses special tags and functions.
With CFML, you can enhance standard HTML files with database commands, conditional operators, high-level
formatting functions, and other elements to rapidly produce web applications that are easy to maintain. However,
CFML is not limited to enhancing HTML. For example, you can create Flash output that consist entirely of Flash
elements and CFML. Similarly, you can use CFML to create web services for use by other applications.For more
information, see Elements of CFML.
CFML tags
CFML looks like HTML-it includes starting and, in most cases, ending tags, and each tag is enclosed in angle
brackets. All ending tags are preceded with a forward slash and all tag names are preceded with cf; for example:
tag body text and CFML
CFML increases productivity by providing a layer of abstraction that hides many low-level details involved with
Internet application programming. At the same time, CFML is powerful and flexible. ColdFusion lets you easily build
applications that integrate files, databases, legacy systems, mail servers, FTP servers, objects, and components.
CFML tags serve many functions. They provide programming constructs, such as conditional processing and loop
structures. They also provide services, such as charting and graphing, full-text search, access to protocols such as
FTP, SMTP/POP, and HTTP, and much more. The following table lists a few examples of commonly used
ColdFusion tags:
CFML includes built-in functions that perform a variety of roles, including string manipulation, data management, and
system functions. CFML also includes a built-in scripting language, CFScript, that lets you write code in a manner
that is familiar to programmers and JavaScript writers.
CFML extensions
You can extend CFML further by creating custom tags or user-defined functions (UDFs), or by integrating COM,
C++, and Java components (such as JSP tag libraries). You can also create ColdFusion components (CFCs), which
encapsulate related functions and properties and provide a consistent interface for accessing them.All these
features let you easily create reusable functionality that is customized to the types of applications or websites that
you are building.
CFML development tools
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 helps you develop ColdFusion applications efficiently. It includes many features that
simplify and enhance ColdFusion development, including tools for debugging CFML. Because CFML is written in an
HTML-like text format, and you often use HTML in ColdFusion pages, you can also use an HTML editor or a text
editor, such as Notepad, to write ColdFusion applications.ColdFusion 9 includes a line debugger that you can use to
debug your ColdFusion applications in Eclipse or Adobe Flex Builder.
The URL for a remote site includes the server name or IP address of the server where ColdFusion is installed; for
example, http://<serveripaddress>/test/mypage.cfm. Some ColdFusion J2EE configurations require a
context root in the URL; for example, http://<server>/<context-root>/mypage.cfm. For example, if you
deploy an EAR file and use the default context root of cfconroot, you specify
Elements of CFML
The basic elements of CFML, including tags, functions, constants, variables, expressions, and CFScript, make it a
powerful tool for developing interactive web applications.
CFML Basics
ColdFusion components
Data types
Flow control
Character case
Special characters
Reserved words in ColdFusion
cfscript tag
Elvis operator
CFML Basics
CFML is a dynamic application development tool with many of the features of a programming language. These
features include functions, expressions, variables and constants, and flow-control constructs, such as if-then and
loops. CFML also has a "language within a language," CFScript, which enables you to use a syntax like JavaScript
for many operations.
These elements and other basic CFML entities such as comments, data types, escape characters, and reserved
words, let you create complex applications.
ColdFusion comments have a similar format to HTML comments. However, they use three dash characters instead
of two; for example:
The ColdFusion server removes all ColdFusion comments from the page before returning it to the web server. As a
result, the page that a browser receives does not include the comment. Users cannot see the comment even if they
view the page source.
You can embed CFML comments in begin tags (not just tag bodies), functions calls, and variable text in number
signs. ColdFusion ignores the text in comments such as the following:
This technique can be useful if you want to temporarily comment out parts of expressions or optional attributes or
You can also nest comments, as the following example shows:
This nesting is useful if you want to temporarily disable a section of code while you test your application.
You can embed comments within comments, however, use this technique carefully.
You cannot embed comments inside a tag name or function name, such as <cf_My<!--- New
--->CustomTag>. You also cannot embed comments inside strings, as in the following
example: IsDefined("My<!--- New --->Variable").
ColdFusion tags tell the ColdFusion server that it must process information. The ColdFusion server only processes
tag contents; it returns text outside ColdFusion to the web server unchanged. ColdFusion provides a wide variety of
built-in tags and lets you create custom tags.
Tag syntax
ColdFusion tags have the same format as HTML tags. They are enclosed in angle brackets (< and >) and can have
zero or more named attributes. Many ColdFusion tags have bodies; that is, they have beginning and end tags with
text for processing between them. For example:
Hello #YourName#! <br>
Other tags, such as cfset and cfhttp, never have bodies. All the required information goes between the
beginning (<) character and the ending (>) character, as in the following example:
<cfset YourName="Bob">
The cfset tag differs from other tags in that it does not have a body or arguments. Instead, the
tag encloses an assignment statement that assigns a value to a variable. The cfset tag can
also call a function without assigning a value to a result variable.
Sometimes, although the tag can have a body, it is unnecessary because the attributes specify all the required
information. You can omit the end tag and place a forward slash character before the closing (>) character, as in the
following example:
In most cases, you specify tag attributes directly in the tag using the format attributeName=" }}attributeValue
{{" }}, as the preceding example shows. However, as an alternative, you can place all
the attributes in a structure and specify the structure in a single
{{attributeCollection attribute, using the following format:
<tagname attributeCollection="#structureName#">
When you use this format for all built-in ColdFusion tags except cfmodule, the tag must have only the attribute
Collection attribute. This format is useful when you use dynamic arguments, where the number and values of the
arguments to a tag can vary based on processing results. The following example shows this usage:
The attributeCollection attribute used in the cfmodule tag and when calling custom tags
directly is different from the attributeCollection attribute for all other tags. In the cfmodul
e tag and in custom tags, you can mix the attributeCollection attribute and explicit custom
tag attributes. Also, in the cfmodule tag, the attributeCollection attribute cannot contain
the name and template attributes. Specify these attributes directly in the cfmodule tag.
You can use the attributeCollection attribute in all tags except the following:
Built-in tags
Built-in tags make up the heart of ColdFusion. These tags have many uses, including the following:
Manipulating variables
Creating interactive forms
Accessing and manipulating databases
Displaying data
Controlling the flow of execution on the ColdFusion page
Handling errors
Processing ColdFusion pages
Managing the CFML application framework
Manipulating files and directories
Using external tools and objects, including COM, Java, and CORBA objects, and executable programs
Using protocols, such as mail, http, ftp, and pop
The CFML Reference documents each tag in detail.
Custom tags
ColdFusion lets you create custom tags. You can create two types of custom tags:
CFML custom tags that are ColdFusion pages
CFX tags that you write in a programing language such as Java or C++
Custom tags can encapsulate frequently used business logic or display code. These tags enable you to place
frequently used code in one place and call it from many places. Custom tags also let you abstract complex
logic into a single, simple interface. They provide an easy way to distribute your code to others. You can even
distribute encrypted versions of the tags to prevent access to the tag logic.
You can access a variety of free and commercial custom tags on the Adobe ColdFusion Exchange (www.ado They perform tasks ranging from checking if Cookies and JavaScript
are enabled on the client browser to moving items from one list box to another. Many of these tags are free
and include source code.
CFML custom tags
When you write a custom tag in CFML, you can take advantage of all the features of the ColdFusion language,
including all built-in tags and even other custom tags. CFML custom tags can include body sections and end tags.
Because they are written in CFML, you do not need to know a programming language such as Java. CFML custom
tags provide more capabilities than user-defined functions, but are less efficient.
For more information on CFML custom tags, see Creating and Using Custom CFML Tags. For information about,
and comparisons among, ways to reuse ColdFusion code, including CFML custom tags, user-defined functions, and
CFX tags, see Creating ColdFusion Elements.
CFX Tags
CFX tags are ColdFusion custom tags that you write in a programming language such as Java or C++. These tags
can take full advantage of all the tools and resources provided by these languages, including their access to runtime
environments. CFX tags also generally execute faster than CFML custom tags because they are compiled. CFX
tags can be cross-platform, but are often platform-specific, for example if they take advantage of COM objects or the
Windows API.
For more information on CFX tags, see Building Custom CFXAPI Tags.
Tags as functions and operators
ColdFusion provides many functions or operator language elements that correspond to CFML tags. Together with
the existing CFScript language, these elements let you define many CFCs and functions entirely in CFScript.
The new functions and operators belong to the following tag categories:
Several basic ColdFusion tags now have corresponding CFScript operators. These operators take a subset of
standard tag attributes, and do not allow custom attributes. They do not return values.
The following list specifies the CFML tags and their corresponding CFScript syntax:
cfabort: abort ["message"];
cfexit: exit ["methodName"];
cfinclude: include "template";
cfparam: param [type] name [=defaultValue];
The param attribute can now take any number of name=value pairs. Param can also take all the attributes of <cfpa
ram> as name-value pairs.For example:
param name="paramname" default="value" min="minvalue" max="maxvalue"
cfrethrow: rethrow;
cfthrow: throw "message";
For detailed information on the statement parameters, see the corresponding tag attribute description in the CFML
Language-level tags with bodies
ColdFusion includes CFScript elements that provide the functions of the following language (compiler)-level tags,
which have bodies. These tags manage the execution of code within their bodies:
cflock: lock
cfthread: thread
cftransaction: transaction
Thread and transaction support also include functions, such as threadJoin and transactionCommit, that let
you manage any thread or transaction, whether you define it with a tag or a function.
The lock, thread, and transaction operations have the following syntax:
The lock operation has no special characteristics or limitations. All cflock tag attributes are valid operation
To use the transaction operation you specify a begin action parameter. A transaction has the following general form:
Within the transaction block you call the following methods to manage the transaction:
The savepoint parameter is a string identifier for the savepoint.
You can also use theses methods in a cftransaction tag body.
You can nest transaction operations. For more information on nested transactions, see cftransaction in CFML
The following example uses nested transaction operations:
qry = new Query();
qry.setSQL("delete from art where artid=62");
TRANSACTION action="begin"
{writeoutput("Transaction in cfscript test");
TRANSACTION action="begin" {
qry.setSQL("insert into art(artid, artistid, artname, description, issold, price)
values ( 62, 1, 'art12', 'something', 1, 100)");
qry.setSQL("update art set artname='art45' where artid=62");
qry.setSQL("update art set artname='art56' where artid=62");
To use the thread operation you specify a run action parameter. The thread runs the code in the operation body. A
thread block has the following general form:
The code in the thread operation body executes in a single ColdFusion thread. Code outside the body is not part of
the thread. You can use the following methods to manage the thread:
This function terminates the thread specified by the threadName parameter. It behaves in the same way as
cfthread action="terminate".
threadJoin([[threadName], timeout])
This function joins the current thread with the specified thread or threads. The current thread waits until either
the specified threads complete, or the timeout period passes, whichever happens first. The current thread
inside a thread function block belongs to that block thread and the current thread outside a thread function
block is the page thread.
The threadName parameter is a comma-delimited list specifying one or more threads to join with the page
thread. If you omit this attribute, the current thread waits until all ColdFusion threads finish running.
The timeout parameter specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, the calling thread waits for the other
threads to complete processing. If one or more threads do not complete before the time out period, the
current thread processing begins immediately. If you omit this attribute, the current thread waits until all
specified threads finish running.
You can also use these functions with transactions that you create by using cftransaction
ColdFusion provides objects, implemented as CFCs, that correspond to the following service tags:
These tags have bodies and provide services such as executing queries or sending mail. Many of them have
action attributes, whereas others have an implicit action, such as execute. For each service tag, except for cf
mail and cfpdf, a component is returned with applicable properties set and you need to invoke getters on
the properties to access the data.
Previously, invoking getName() and getResult() methods returned data like query resultset, pdf
object, or ftp prefix, but now this has been changed and instead a component is returned with
appropriate properties set.
The object names are the tag names without the cf prefix, for example, ftp. These objects also support child tag
functionality, such as cfmailpart and cfmailparam.
There may be thread-safety issues if implicit setters are used and child tags such as cfmailpar
t or cfmailparam are added because they get added into the CFC variable scope. It is
therefore recommended that you create a new component for each service. If you need to
preserve the attribute state, use duplicate() on the component to retain any initialized attribute
following example:
You cannot use a getAttributeName function to get the value of the attribute specified by
AttributeName. Instead, use GetAttributes(AttributeName).
By using the following functions:
If you specify a result attribute for a stored procedure, then calling getPrefix() returns, execu
tionTime,statusCode,cached . If you do not specify a result attribute, getPrefix() return
s only executionTime and statusCode.
For example:
body="This is a test message.");
You can also clear child tag settings by calling the following functions.
If you used multiple add methods on an object, the clear method clears all values set in all the methods.
The cfhttp, cfmail, cfquery, and cfstoredproc tags do not have action attributes. Instead, the tags perform
a single action. To perform these actions in cfscript, call the following functions:
To get an action result, you typically assign the results of the action method to a variable, as in the following
The attributes that specify you for an action are valid only for that action and are cleared once
the action is completed.
PDF example
Whenever any action is performed for which a name attribute is specified, the new pdf is returned back to the user.
The following code shows typical actions on a PDF.
pdfObj = new pdf();
x =, name="PDFInfo");
x = pdfObj.processddx(ddxfile="#tocddx#",inputfiles="#inputStruct#",outputfiles=
x = pdfObj.addWatermark(source="#pdf1#",image="#image1#", pages="1",
overwrite="yes", name="test2");
x = pdfObj.removewatermark(source="#pdf1#", name="temp");
x = pdfObj.deletePages(source="#destfolder#dest.pdf",pages="2-4", name="deltest");
pdfObj.addparam(source="#pdf1#", pages="1-2,4");
pdfObj.merge(destination="#destfolder#merge-oneBigFile-5.pdf", overwrite="yes");
pdfObj.thumbnail(source="#pdf1#", overwrite="yes");
pdfObj.setInfo(source="#pdf1#", info="#{Author="Donald Duck"}#",
destination="#destfolder#pdfinfo.pdf", overwrite="yes");
pdfObj.write(source="myBook", destination="#destfolder#write1.pdf", version="1.4",
pdfObj.protect(source="MyPdfVar", password="adobe", permissions="none",
newuserpassword="newuserpw", newownerpassword="newownerpw");
Storedproc example
The following code shows sample usage of the storedproc service object.
sp = new storedproc();
<!---add cfprocparam tags --->
sp.addParam(TYPE="IN", CFSQLTYPE="CF_SQL_VARCHAR", VALUE="Peterson",
DBVARNAME="@lastname", null ="yes");
sp.add Param(TYPE="OUT", CFSQLTYPE="CF_SQL_INTEGER", variable="MyCount",
DBVARN AME="@MyCount");
<!---add cfprocresult tags --->
sp.addProcResult(NAME = "home r", RESULTSET = 1);
sp.addProcResult( NAME = "home r2", RESULTSET = 2);
sp.addProcResult(NAME = "home r3", RESULTSET = 3) ;
<!---execute stored proc--->
r = sp.execute(procedure="sp_weird",datasource="some_dsn",result="r");
<!---changed from sp.getProcResults()--->
writedump(r.getProcResultSets ("home r3"));
<!---changed from sp.getResult()--->
<!---changed from sp.getProcVars()--->
Functions typically manipulate data and return a result. You can also create user-defined functions (UDFs),
sometimes referred to as custom functions.
Functions have the following general form:
functionName([argument1[, argument2]]...)
Some functions, such as the Now function take no arguments. Other functions require one or more
comma-separated arguments and can have additional optional arguments. All ColdFusion functions return a value.
For example, Round(3.14159) returns the value 3.
Built-in functions
ColdFusion built-in functions perform a variety of tasks, including, but not limited to, the following:
Creating and manipulating complex data variables, such as arrays, lists, and structures
Creating and manipulating queries
Creating, analyzing, manipulating, and formatting strings and date and time values
Evaluating the values of dynamic data
Determining the type of a variable value
Converting data between formats
Performing mathematical operations
Getting system information and resources
For alphabetical and categorized lists of ColdFusion functions, see ColdFusion Functions in the CFML
You use built-in functions throughout ColdFusion pages. Built-in functions are frequently used in a cfset or
cfoutput tag to prepare data for display or further use. For example, the following line displays today's date
in the format October 24, 2007:
This code uses two nested functions. The Now function returns a ColdFusion date-time value representing the
current date and time. The DateFormat function takes the value returned by the Now function and converts it to the
desired string representation.
Functions are also valuable in CFScript scripts. ColdFusion does not support ColdFusion tags in CFScript, so you
must use functions to access ColdFusion functionality in scripts.
Implicit Get and Set Functions
ColdFusion components support private properties with public setter and getter methods. This behavior supports
object-oriented programming by letting you hide component properties from direct access.
Use the following code, for example, to set and get the MyProp property of myCFC component:
theProp = myCFC.getMyProp();
Features of properties with setter and getter methods include the following:
Component properties you assign with the set method are in the Variables scope that is private to the CFC.
You can get or reset the properties only by calling get or set methods.
If a property has a type attribute value, ColdFusion validates the data you pass to the setter function. The
default attribute has no effect on the property and does not set an initial property value.
A direct assignment statement, such as myCFC.MyProp=27 creates a standard This scope variable in the
CFC, even if you specify the property in a cfproperty tag. The This scope variable is independent of the
properties that you access using the set and get methods. In fact, you can have a This scope variable with
the same name as a property that you access using the set and get methods.
Use the cfproperty tag getter and setter attributes to control access to a property from outside the CFC: A
setter attribute value of true allows application code to set the property (the default behavior). A false value
specifies that the property can only be set from within the CFC. The getter attribute works similarly.
Explicit set or get methods override the implicit set and get methods. Therefore, if a CFC has a MyProp prop
erty with an explicit setMyProp method, and you call the setMyProp() function in your application code,
ColdFusion uses your function and not an implicit function.
Validate and validateparams attributes
The validate attribute available with <cfproperty> takes the validator to be used for validating data when
implicit setter for this property is called. It takes the following validators:
creditcard: A 13-16 digit number conforming to the mod10 algorithm.
email: A valid e-mail address.
eurodate: A date-time value. Any date part must be in the format dd/mm/yy. The format can use /, -, or .
characters as delimiters.
regex: Matches input against pattern specified in validateparams.
ssn: A U.S. social security number.
telephone: A standard U.S. telephone number.
UUID: A Home Universally Unique Identifier, formatted 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
where 'X' is a hexadecimal number.
guid: A Universally Unique Identifier of the form "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" where
'X' is a hexadecimal number
zipcode: U.S., 5- or 9-digit format ZIP codes
The validateparams attribute available with <cfproperty> takes the parameters required by the
validator specified in the validate attribute. This should be specified in the implicit struct notation.
min: Minimum value if validate is integer/numeric/
max: Maximum value if the validate is integer/numeric/
minLength: Minimum length of the string if the validate is string
maxLength: Maximum length of the string if the validate is string
pattern: regex expression if the validator specified in validate attribute is regex
For example, the following code sets the validators for e-mail, zipcode, and age of an employee.
For age, validate checks if the value is an integer and validateparams checks the range of
the value supplied.
User-defined functions
You can write your own functions, user-defined functions (UDFs). You can use these functions in ColdFusion
expressions or in CFScript. You can call a user-defined function anywhere you can use a built-in CFML function.
You create UDFs using the cffunction tag or the cfscript function statement. UDFs that you create using
the cffunction tag can include ColdFusion tags and functions. UDFs that you create in CFScript can only include
functions. You can create stand-alone UDFs or encapsulate them in a ColdFusion component.
User-defined functions let you encapsulate logic and operations that you use frequently in a single unit. This way,
you can write the code once and use it multiple times. UDFs ensure consistency of coding and enable you to
structure your CFML more efficiently.
Typical user-defined functions include mathematical routines, such as a function to calculate the logarithm of a
number; string manipulation routines, such as a function to convert a numeric monetary value to a string such as
"two dollars and three cents"; and can even include encryption and decryption routines.
The Common Function Library Project at includes a number of free libraries of
user-defined functions.
For more information on user-defined functions, see Writing and Calling User-Defined Functions.
ColdFusion components
ColdFusion components encapsulate multiple, related, functions. A ColdFusion component is essentially a set of
related user-defined functions and variables, with additional functionality to provide and control access to the
component contents. ColdFusion components can make their data private, so that it is available to all functions (also
called methods) in the component, but not to any application that uses the component.
ColdFusion components have the following features:
They are designed to provide related services in a single unit.
They can provide web services and make them available over the Internet.
They can provide ColdFusion services that Flash clients can call directly.
They have several features that are familiar to object-oriented programmers, including data hiding,
inheritance, packages, and introspection.
For more information on ColdFusion components, see Building and Using ColdFusion Components.
The value of a constant does not change during program execution. Constants are simple scalar values that you can
use within expressions and functions, such as "Robert Trent Jones" and 123.45. Constants can be integers, real
numbers, time and date values, Boolean values, or text strings. ColdFusion does not allow you to give names to
Variables are the most frequently used operands in ColdFusion expressions. Variable values can be set and reset,
and can be passed as attributes to CFML tags. Variables can be passed as parameters to functions, and can
replace most constants.
ColdFusion has several built-in variables that provide information about the server and ColdFusion tags return. For a
list of the ColdFusion built-in variables, see Reserved Words and Variables in the CFML Reference.
The following two characteristics classify a variable:
The scope of the variable, which indicates where the information is available and how long the variable
The data type of the variable value, which indicates the type of information a variable represents, such as
number, string, or date
See Data types for a list of data types (which also apply to constant values). For detailed information on
ColdFusion variables, including data types, scopes, and their use, see Using ColdFusion Variables.
ColdFusion expressions consist of operands and operators. Operands are constants and variables, such as "Hello"
or MyVariable. Operators, such as the string concatenation operator (&) or the division operator (\/) are the verbs
that act on the operands. ColdFusion functions also act as operators.
The simplest expression consists of a single operand with no operators. Complex expressions consist of multiple
operands and operators. For example, the following statements are all ColdFusion expressions:
(1 + 1)/2
"father" & "Mother"
For detailed information on using variables, see Using ColdFusion Variables. For detailed information on
expressions and operators, see Using Expressions and Number Signs.
Data types
ColdFusion is considered typeless because you do not explicitly specify variable data types.
However, ColdFusion data, the constants and the data that variables represent, do have data types, which
correspond to the ways the data is stored on the computer.
ColdFusion data belongs to the following type categories:
ColdFusion does not have a data type for unlimited precision decimal numbers, but it can
represent such numbers as strings and provides a function that supports unlimited precision
decimal arithmetic. For more information, see PrecisionEvaluate in the CFML Reference.
For more information on ColdFusion data types, see Using ColdFusion Variables.
Flow control
ColdFusion provides several tags that let you control how a page gets executed. These tags generally correspond to
programming language flow control statements, such as if, then, and else. The following tags provide ColdFusion
flow control:
cfloop, cfbreak
cfabort, cfexit
CFScript also provides a set of flow-control statements. For information on using flow-control statements in
CFScript, see Extending ColdFusion Pages with CFML Scripting. For more details on using flow-control tags, see
the reference pages for these tags in the CFML Reference.
cfif, cfelseif, and cfelse
The cfif, cfelseif, and cfelse tags provide if-then-else conditional processing, as follows:
1. The cfif tag tests a condition and executes its body if the condition is True.
2. If the preceding cfif (or cfelseif) test condition is False, the cfelseif tag tests another condition and
executes its body if that condition is True.
3. The cfelse tag can optionally follow a cfif tag and zero or more cfelseif tags. Its body executes if all
the preceding tags' test conditions are False.The following example shows the use of the cfif, cfelseif,
and cfelsetags. If the value of the type variable is "Date," the date displays; if the value is "Time," the time
displays; otherwise, both the time and date display.
The cfswitch, cfcase, and cfdefaultcase tags let you select among different code blocks based on the value
of an expression. ColdFusion processes these tags as follows:
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
1. The cfswitch tag evaluates an expression. The cfswitch tag body contains one or more cfcase tags
and optionally includes cfdefaultcase tag.
2. Each cfcase tag in the cfswitch tag body specifies a value or set of values. If a value matches the value
determined by the expression in the cfswitch tag, ColdFusion runs the code in the body of the cfcase tag
and then exits the cfswitch tag. If two cfcase tags have the same condition, ColdFusion generates an
3. If none of the cfcase tags match the value determined by the cfswitch tag, and the cfswitch tag body
includes a cfdefaultcase tag, ColdFusion runs the code in the cfdefaultcase tag body.
Although the cfdefaultcase tag does not have to follow all cfcase tags, it is good
programming practice to place it at the end of the cfswitch statement.
The cfswitch tag provides better performance than a cfif tag with multiple cfelseif tags, and is easier to read.
Switch processing is commonly used when different actions are required based on a string variable such as a month
or request identifier.
The following example shows switch processing:
The cfloop tag loops through the tag body zero or more times based on a condition specified by the tag attributes.
The cfbreak tag exits a cfloop tag.
Loops through the body of the tag once for each row in
a query.
Loops through the body of the tag once for each entry
in a list, each line in a file, or each item in an array.
Loops through the body of the tag once for each key in
a ColdFusion structure or item in a COM/DCOM object.
The following example shows a simple conditional loop. The code does the following:
1. Sets up a ten-element array with the word "kumquats" in the fourth entry.
2. Loops through the array until it encounters an array element containing "kumquats" or it reaches the end of
the array.
3. Prints the value of the Boolean variable that indicates whether it found the word kumquatsand the array index
at which it exited the loop.
You can get an infinite conditional loop if you do not force an end condition. In this example, the
loop is infinite if you omit the <cfset i = i + 1> statement. To end an infinite loop, stop the
ColdFusion application server.
The cfbreak tag exits the cfloop tag. You typically use it in a cfif tag to exit the loop if a particular condition
occurs. The following example shows the use of a cfbreak tag in a query loop:
<cfloop query="fruitOrder">
<cfif fruit IS "kumquat">
<cfoutput>You cannot order kumquats!<br></cfoutput>
<cfoutput>You have ordered #quantity# #fruit#.<br></cfoutput>
The cfabort tag stops processing of the current page at the location of the cfabort tag. ColdFusion returns to
the user or calling tag everything that was processed before the cfabort tag. You can optionally specify an error
message to display. You can use the cfabort tag as the body of a cfif tag to stop processing a page when a
condition, typically an error, occurs.
The cfexit tag controls the processing of a custom tag, and can only be used in ColdFusion custom tags. For
more information see, Terminating tag execution in Executing custom tags and the CFML Reference.
Character case
ColdFusion is not case sensitive. For example, the following all represent the cfset tag: cfset, CFSET, CFSet,
and even cfsEt. However, get in the habit of consistently using the same case rules in your programs; for
Develop consistent rules for case use, and stick to them. If you use lowercase characters for some tag
names, use them for all tag names.
Always use the same case for a variable. For example, do not use both myvariable and MyVariable to
represent the same variable on a page.Follow these rules to prevent errors on application pages where you
use both CFML and case-sensitive languages, such as JavaScript.
Special characters
The double-quotation marks ("), single-quotation mark ('), and number sign (#) characters have special meaning to
ColdFusion. To include any of them in a string, double the character; for example, use ## to represent a single #
The need to escape the single- and double-quotation marks is context sensitive. Inside a double-quoted string, you
do not need to escape single-quotation mark (apostrophe) characters. Inside a single-quoted string, you do not
escape double-quotation mark characters.
The following example illustrates escaping special characters, including the use of mixed single- and
double-quotation marks:
cfscript tag
CFScript is a language within a language. CFScript is a scripting language that is similar to JavaScript but is simpler
to use. Also, unlike JavaScript, CFScript only runs on the ColdFusion server; it does not run on the client system. A
CFScript script can use all ColdFusion functions and all ColdFusion variables that are available in the script's scope.
CFScript provides a compact and efficient way to write ColdFusion logic. Typical uses of CFScript include:
Simplifying and speeding variable setting
Building compact flow control structures
Encapsulating business logic in user-defined functions
The following sample script populates an array and locates the first array entry that starts with the word "key".
It shows several of the elements of CFScript, including setting variables, loop structures, script code blocks,
and function calls. Also, the code uses a cfoutput tag to display its results. Although you can use CFScript
for output, the cfoutput tag is often easier to use.
strings = ArrayNew(1);
strings[2]="key to our";
for( i=1 ; i LE 4 ; i = i+1 )
break; }
<cfoutput>Entry #i# starts with "key"</cfoutput><br>
#back to top
Elvis operator
The support has been provided in ColdFusion for the Elvis operator (?:). The Elvis operator is primarily used to
assign the right default for a variable or an expression. In an expression, if the resultant value is not defined, then
the object will be assigned to the left most part of the expression otherwise a default value (define at the right most
part) will be assigned.
For instance,
In the above example, if userName is defined, it will be assigned to the myDisplayName variable. If the userName is
not defined, the value Anonymous will be assigned to the myDisplayName variable.
See the following example:
In the above example, if getEmployeeName(ID) does not return any value, the value Joe will be assigned to the
employeeName variable.
Similiarly, you can use this operator for Struct:
securityNumber = securityStruct[Joe] ?: ;
Creating variables
You create most ColdFusion variables by assigning them values. (You must use the ArrayNew function to create
arrays.) Most commonly, you create variables by using the cfset tag. You can also use the cfparam tag, and
assignment statements in CFScript. Tags that create data objects also create variables. For example, the cfquery t
ag creates a query object variable.
ColdFusion automatically creates some variables that provide information about the results of certain tags or
operations. ColdFusion also automatically generates variables in certain scopes, such as Client and Server. For
information on these special variables, see Reserved Words and Variables in the CFML Reference and the
documentation of the CFML tags that create these variables.
ColdFusion generates an error when it tries to use a variable before it is created. This can happen, for example,
when processing data from an incompletely filled form. To prevent such errors, test for the variable's existence
before you use it. For more information on testing for variable existence, see Ensuring variable existence.
For more information on how to create variables, see Creating and using variables in scopes in the About scopes.
Variable naming rules
ColdFusion variable names, including form field names and custom function and ColdFusion component argument
names, must conform to Java naming rules and the following guidelines:
A variable name must begin with a letter, underscore, or Unicode currency symbol.
The initial character can by followed by any number of letters, numbers, underscore characters, and Unicode
currency symbols.
A variable name cannot contain spaces.
A query result is a type of variable, so it overwrites a local variable with the same name.
ColdFusion variables are not case sensitive. However, consistent capitalization makes the code easier to
When creating a form with fields that are used in a query, match form field names with the corresponding
database field names.
Periods separate the components of structure or object names. They also separate a variable scope from the
variable name. You cannot use periods in simple variable names, with the exception of variables in the
Cookie and Client scopes. For more information on using periods, see Using periods in variable references.
The following rule applies to variable names, but does not apply to form field and argument names:
Prefix each variable's name with its scope. Although some ColdFusion programmers do not use the Variables
prefix for local variable names, use prefixes for all other scopes. Using scope prefixes makes variable names
clearer and increases code efficiency. In many cases, you must prefix the scope. For more information, see A
bout scopes.
In some cases, when you use an existing variable name, you must enclose it with number
signs (#) to allow ColdFusion to distinguish it from string or HTML text, and to insert its
value, as opposed to its name. For more information, see Using number signs.
Variable characteristics
ColdFusion is often referred to as typeless because you do not assign types to variables and ColdFusion does not
associate a type with the variable name. However, the data that a variable represents does have a type, and the
data type affects how ColdFusion evaluates an expression or function argument. ColdFusion can automatically
convert many data types into others when it evaluates expressions. For simple data, such as numbers and strings,
the data type is unimportant until the variable is used in an expression or as a function argument.
ColdFusion variable data belongs to one of the following type categories:
Simple One value. Can use directly in ColdFusion expressions. Include numbers, strings, Boolean values,
and date-time values.
Binary Raw data, such as the contents of a GIF file or an executable program file.
Complex ** A container for data. Generally represent more than one value. ColdFusion built-in complex data
types include arrays, structures, queries, and XML document objects. You cannot use a complex variable,
such as an array, directly in a ColdFusion expression, but you can use simple data type elements of a
complex variable in an expression. For example, with a one-dimensional array of numbers called myArray,
you cannot use the expression myArray * 5. However, you could use an expression myArray 3 * 5 to multiply
the third element in the array by five.
Objects Complex constructs. Often encapsulate both data and functional operations. The following table lists
the types of objects that ColdFusion can use, and identifies the chapters that describe how to use them:
Object type
ColdFusion component
Web service
Although ColdFusion variables do not have types, it is often convenient to use "variable type" as a shorthand for the
type of data that the variable represents.
ColdFusion can validate the type of data contained in form fields and query parameters. For more information, see T
esting for a variables existence in the Ensuring variable existence and Using cfqueryparam in the Enhancing
security with cfqueryparam. The cfdump tag displays the entire contents of a variable, including ColdFusion
complex data structures. It is an excellent tool for debugging complex data and the code that handles it.ColdFusion
provides the following functions for identifying the data type of a variable:
ColdFusion also includes the following functions for determining whether a string can be represented as or
converted to another data type:
ColdFusion does not use a null data type. However, if ColdFusion receives a null value from an external
source such as a database, a Java object, or some other mechanism, it maintains the null value until you use
it as a simple value. At that time, ColdFusion converts the null to an empty string (""). Also, you can use the J
avaCast function in a call to a Java object to convert a ColdFusion empty string to a Java null.
ColdFusion supports integers and real numbers. You can intermix integers and real numbers in expressions; for
example, 1.2 + 3 evaluates to 4.2.
ColdFusion supports integers between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (32-bit signed integers). You can assign a
value outside this range to a variable, but ColdFusion initially stores the number as a string. If you use it in an
arithmetic expression, ColdFusion converts it into a floating-point value, preserving its value, but losing precision as
the following example shows:
<cfset mybignum=12345678901234567890>
<cfset mybignumtimes10=(mybignum * 10)>
<cfoutput>mybignum is: #mybignum#</cfoutput><br>
<cfoutput>mybignumtimes10 is: #mybignumtimes10# </cfoutput><br>
Real numbers, numbers with a decimal part, are also known as floating point numbers. ColdFusion real numbers
can range from approximately -10300 to approximately 10300. A real number can have up to 12 significant digits. As
with integers, you can assign a variable a value with more digits, but the data is stored as a string. The string is
converted to a real number, and can lose precision, when you use it in an arithmetic expression.
You can represent real numbers in scientific notation. This format is _x_E_y_, where x is a positive or negative real
number in the range 1.0 (inclusive) to 10 (exclusive), and y is an integer. The value of a number in scientific notation
is x times 10y. For example, 4.0E^2^ is 4.0 times 10^2^, which equals 400. Similarly, 2.5E^-2^ is 2.5 times 10^-2^,
which equals 0.025. Scientific notation is useful for writing very large and very small numbers.
BigDecimal numbers
ColdFusion does not have a special BigDecimal data type for arbitrary length decimal numbers such as
1234567890987564.234678503059281. Instead, it represents such numbers as strings. ColdFusion does, however,
have a PrecisionEvaluate function that can take an arithmetic expression that uses BigDecimal values, calculate the
expression, and return a string with the resulting BigDecimal value. For more information, see PrecisionEvaluate in
the CFML Reference.
In ColdFusion, text values are stored in strings. You specify strings by enclosing them in either single- or
double-quotation marks. For example, the following two strings are equivalent:
"This is a string"
'This is a string'
You can write an empty string in the following ways:
"" (a pair of double-quotation marks with nothing in between)
'' (a pair of single-quotation marks with nothing in between)
Strings can be any length, limited by the amount of available memory on the ColdFusion server. However, the
default size limit for long text retrieval (CLOB) is 64K. The ColdFusion Administrator lets you increase the limit
for database string transfers, but doing so can reduce server performance. To change the limit, select the
Enable retrieval of long text option on the Advanced Settings page for the data source.
Escaping quotation marks and number signs
To include a single-quotation character in a string that is single-quoted, use two single-quotation marks (known as
escaping the single-quotation mark). The following example uses escaped single-quotation marks:
To include a double-quotation mark in a double-quoted string, use two double-quotation marks (known as escaping
the double-quotation mark). The following example uses escaped double-quotation marks:
Because strings can be in either double-quotation marks or single-quotation marks, both of the preceding examples
display the same text:
This is a single-quotation mark: ' This is a double-quotation mark: "
To insert a number sign (#) in a string, you must escape the number sign, as follows:
ColdFusion includes functions that operate on lists, but it does not have a list data type. In ColdFusion, a list is just a
string that consists of multiple entries separated by delimiter characters.
The default delimiter for lists is the comma. If you use any other character to separate list elements, you must
specify the delimiter in the list function. You can also specify multiple delimiter characters. For example, you can tell
ColdFusion to interpret a comma or a semicolon as a delimiter, as the following example shows:
<cfset MyList="1,2;3,4;5">
List length using ; and , as delimiters: #listlen(Mylist, ";,")#<br>
List length using only , as a delimiter: #listlen(Mylist)#<br>
A Boolean value represents whether something is true or false. ColdFusion has two special constants True and
False to represent these values. For example, the Boolean expression 1 IS 1 evaluates to True. The expression "Mo
nkey" CONTAINS "Money" evaluates to False.
You can use Boolean constants directly in expressions, as in the following example:
In Boolean expressions, True, nonzero numbers, and the strings "Yes", "1", "True" are equivalent; and False, 0, and
the strings "No", "0", and "False" are equivalent.
Boolean evaluation is not case sensitive. For example, True, TRUE, and true are equivalent.
Date-Time values
ColdFusion can perform operations on date and time values. Date-time values identify a date and time in the range
100 AD to 9999 AD. Although you can specify just a date or a time, ColdFusion uses one data type representation,
called a date-time object, for date, time, and date and time values.
ColdFusion provides many functions to create and manipulate date-time values and to return all or part of the value
in several different formats.
You can enter date and time values directly in a cfset tag with a constant, as follows:
When you do this, ColdFusion stores the information as a string. If you use a date-time function, ColdFusion stores
the value as a date-time object, which is a separate simple data type. When possible, use date-time functions such
as CreateDate and CreateTime to specify dates and times, because these functions can prevent you from
specifying the date or time in an invalid format and they create a date-time object immediately.
Date and time formats
You can directly enter a date, time, or date and time, using standard U.S. date formats. ColdFusion processes the
two-digit-year values 0 to 29 as twenty-first century dates; it processes the two-digit-year values 30 to 99 as
twentieth century dates. Time values can include units down to seconds. The following table lists valid date and time
To specify
ColdFusion provides several functions that let you input and output dates and times (and numbers and currency
values) in formats that are specific to the current locale. A locale identifies a language and locality, such as English
(US) or French (Swiss). Use these functions to input or output dates and times in formats other than the U.S.
standard formats. (Use the SetLocale function to specify the locale.) The following example shows how to do this:
ColdFusion stores and manipulates dates and times as date-time objects. Date-time objects store data on a timeline
as real numbers. This storage method increases processing efficiency and directly mimics the method used by
many database systems. In date-time objects, one day is equal to the difference between two successive integers.
The time portion of the date-and-time value is stored in the fractional part of the real number. The value 0 represents
12:00 AM 12/30/1899.
Although you can use arithmetic operations to manipulate date-and-time values directly, this method can result in
code that is difficult to understand and maintain. Use the ColdFusion date-time manipulation functions instead. For
information on these functions, see the CFML Reference.
Binary data type and binary encoding
Binary data (also referred to as a binary object) is raw data, such as the contents of a GIF file or an executable
program file. You do not normally use binary data directly, but you can use the cffile tag to read a binary file into
a variable, typically for conversion to a string binary encoding before transmitting the file using e-mail.
A string binary encoding represents a binary value in a string format that can be transmitted over the web.
ColdFusion supports three binary encoding formats:
ColdFusion provides the following functions that convert among string data, binary data, and string encoded binary
Arrays, structures, and queries are ColdFusion built-in complex data types. Structures and queries are sometimes
referred to as objects, because they are containers for data, not individual data values.
For details on using arrays and structures, see Using Arrays and Structures.
Arrays are a way of storing multiple values in a table-like format that can have one or more dimensions. You create
arrays using a function or an assignment statement:
The ColdFusion ArrayNewfunction creates an array and specifies its initial dimensions. For example, the
following line creates an empty two-dimensional array:
<cfset myarray=ArrayNew(2)>
A direct assignment creates an array and populates an array element. For example, the following line creates
a two-dimensional array and sets the value of row 1 column 2 to the current date.
<cfset myarray[1][2]=Now()>
You reference elements using numeric indexes, with one index for each dimension, as shown in the preceding
You can create arrays with up to three dimensions directly. However, there is no limit on array size or maximum
dimension. To create arrays with more than three dimensions, create arrays of arrays.
After you create an array, you can use functions or direct references to manipulate its contents.
When you assign an existing array to a new variable, ColdFusion creates a new array and copies the old array's
contents to the new array. The following example creates a copy of the original array:
<cfset newArray=myArray>
For more information on using arrays, see Using Arrays and Structures.
ColdFusion structures consist of key-value pairs, where the keys are text strings and the values can be any
ColdFusion data type, including other structures. Structures let you build a collection of related variables that are
grouped under a single name. To create a structure, use the ColdFusion StructNew function. For example, the
following line creates a new, empty, structure called depts:
<cfset depts=StructNew()>
You can also create a structure by assigning a value in the structure. For example, the following line creates a new
structure called MyStruct with a key named MyValue, equal to 2:
<cfset MyStruct.MyValue=2>
In ColdFusion versions through ColdFusion 7, this line created a Variables scope variable named
"MyStruct.MyValue" with the value 2.
After you create a structure, you can use functions or direct references to manipulate its contents, including adding
key-value pairs.
You can use either of the following methods to reference elements stored in a structure:
The following examples show these methods:
When you assign an existing structure to a new variable, ColdFusion does not create a new structure. Instead, the
new variable accesses the same data (location) in memory as the original structure variable. In other words, both
variables are references to the same object.
For example, the following line creates a new variable, myStructure2, that is a reference to the same structure as
the myStructure variable:
<cfset myStructure2=myStructure>
When you change the contents of myStructure2, you also change the contents of myStructure. To copy the contents
of a structure, use the ColdFusion Duplicate function, which copies the contents of structures and other complex
data types.
Structure key names can be the names of complex data objects, including structures or arrays. This lets you create
arbitrarily complex structures.
For more information on using structures, see Using Arrays and Structures.
A query object, sometimes referred to as a query, query result, or recordset, is a complex ColdFusion data type that
represents data in a set of named columns, like the columns of a database table. Many tags can return data as a
query object, including the following:
In these tags, the name attribute specifies the query object's variable name. The QueryNew function also
creates query objects.
When you assign a query to a new variable, ColdFusion does not copy the query object. Instead, both names
point to the same recordset data. For example, the following line creates a new variable, myQuery2, that
references the same recordset as the myQuery variable:
If you make changes to data in myQuery, myQuery2 also shows those changes.
You reference query columns by specifying the query name, a period, and the column name; for example:
When you reference query columns inside tags, such as cfoutput and cfloop, in which you specify the query
name in a tag attribute, you do not have to specify the query name.
You can access query columns as if they are one-dimensional arrays. For example, the following line assigns the
contents of the Employee column in the second row of the myQuery query to the variable myVar:
You cannot use array notation to reference a row (of all columns) of a query. For example,
myQuery2 does not reference the second row of the myQuery query object.
Because structure variables and query variables are references to objects, the rules in the following sections apply
to both types of data.
To clear the server scope query variable, reassign the query object, as follows:
This line deletes the reference to the object from the server scope, but does not remove any other references that
can exist.
To reference elements in a query column, use the row number as an array index. For example, both of the following
lines display the word "ben":
ColdFusion behavior is less straightforward, however, when you use the query column references
myQuery.Firstname and myQuery"Firstname" without using an array index. The two reference formats produce
different results.
If you reference myQuery.Firstname, ColdFusion automatically converts it to the first row in the column. For
example, the following lines print the word "ben":
If you reference Query["Firstname"], ColdFusion does not automatically convert it to the first row of the column.
For example, the following line results in an error message indicating that ColdFusion cannot convert a complex
type to a simple value:
Similarly, the following lines print the name "marjorie", the value of the second row in the column:
However, when you make an assignment that requires a simple value, ColdFusion automatically converts the query
column to the value of the first row. For example, the following lines display the name "ben" twice:
For example,
return variables.b;
public FUNCTION b()
return "Hal";
The following descriptions use a sample variable named MyVar.a.b to explain how ColdFusion uses periods when
getting and setting the variable value.
Getting a variable
ColdFusion can correctly get variable values even if the variable name includes a period. For example, the following
set of steps shows how ColdFusion gets MyVar.a.b, as in <cfset Var2 = myVar.a.b> or IsDefined(myVar.
1. Looks for myVar in an internal table of names (the symbol table).
2. If myVar is the name of a complex object, including a scope, looks for an element named a in the object.If
myVar is not the name of a complex object, checks whether myVar.a is the name of a complex object and
skips step 3.
3. If myVar is the name of a complex object, checks whether a is a complex object.
4. If a or myVar.a is the name of a complex object, checks whether b is the name of a simple variable, and
returns the value of b.If myVar is a complex object but a is not a complex object, checks whether a.b is the
name of a simple variable and returns its value.If myVar.a is not a complex object, checks whether myVar.a.b
is the name of a simple variable and returns its value.
This way, ColdFusion correctly resolves the variable name and can get its value.
You can also use array notation to get a simple variable with a name that includes periods. In this form of
array notation, you use the scope name (or the complex variable that contains the simple variable) as the
"array" name. You place the simple variable name, in single- or double-quotation marks, inside the brackets.
Using array notation is more efficient than using plain dot notation because ColdFusion does not have to
analyze and look up all the possible key combinations. For example, both of the following lines write the value
of myVar.a.b, but the second line is more efficient than the first:
Setting a variable
ColdFusion cannot be as flexible when it sets a variable value as when it gets a variable, because it must determine
the type of variable to create or set. Therefore, the rules for variable names that you set are stricter. Also, the rules
vary depending on whether the first part of the variable name is the Cookie or Client scope identifier.
For example, assume that you have the following code:
Avoid creating the names of variables (except for dot notation in structures) that include periods. However,
ColdFusion provides mechanisms for handling cases where you must do so, for example, to maintain compatibility
with names of variables in external data sources or to integrate your application with existing code that uses periods
in variable names. The following sections describe how to create simple variable names that include periods.
Using brackets to create variables with periods
You can create a variable name that includes periods by using associative array structure notation, as described in
Structure notation in the About arrays. To do so, you must do the following:
Reference the variable as part of a structure. You can always do this, because ColdFusion considers all
scopes to be structures. For more information on scopes, see About scopes.
Place the variable name that must include a period inside brackets and single- or double-quotation marks.
The following example shows this technique:
To create a Client or Cookie variable with a name that includes one or more periods, simply assign the variable a
value. For example, the following line creates a Cookie named User.Preferences.CreditCard:
<cfset Cookie.User.Preferences.CreditCard="Discover">
Conventional programming languages enforce strict rules about mixing objects of different types in expressions. For
example, in a language such as C++ or Basic, the expression ("8" * 10) produces an error because the
multiplication operator requires two numeric operands and "8" is a string. When you program in such languages, you
must convert between data types to ensure error-free program execution. For example, the previous expression
might have to be written as (ToNumber("8") * 10).
In ColdFusion, however, the expression ("8" * 10) evaluates to the number 80 without generating an error.
When ColdFusion processes the multiplication operator, it automatically attempts to convert its operands to
numbers. Since "8" can be successfully converted to the number 8, the expression evaluates to 80.
ColdFusion processes expressions and functions in the following sequence:
1. For each operator in an expression, it determines the required operands. (For example, the multiplication
operator requires numeric operands and the CONTAINS operator requires string operands.)For functions, it
determines the type required for each function argument. (For example, the Min function requires two
numbers as arguments and the Len function requires a string.)
2. It evaluates all operands or function arguments.
3. It converts all operands or arguments whose types differ from the required type. If a conversion fails, it reports
an error.
Conversion between types
Although the expression evaluation mechanism in ColdFusion is powerful, it cannot automatically convert all data.
For example, the expression "eight" * 10 produces an error because ColdFusion cannot convert the string
"eight" to the number 8. Therefore, you must understand the rules for conversion between data types.
The following table explains how conversions are performed. The first column shows values to convert. The
remaining columns show the result of conversion to the listed data type.
As Boolean
As number
As date-time
As string
True if Number is
not 0; False
See "Date-time
values" earlier in
this chapter.
representation of the
number (for
example, "8").
If it represents a
number (for
example, "1,000" or
"12.36E-12"), it is
converted to the
number. If it
represents a
date-time (see next
column), it is
converted to the
numeric value of the
date-time object.
If it is an ODBC
date, time, or
(for example "{ts
11:30:13'}", or if it is
in a standard U.S.
date or time format,
including the use of
or abbreviated
month names, it is
converted to the
date-time value.
Days of the week or
unusual punctuation
result in an error.
and spaces are
generally allowed.
ColdFusion cannot convert complex types, such as arrays, queries, and COM objects, to other types. However, it
can convert simple data elements of complex types to other simple data types.
Type conversion considerations
The following sections detail specific rules and considerations for converting between types.
The cfoutput tag
The cfoutput tag always displays data as a string. As a result, when you display a variable using the cfoutput ta
g, ColdFusion applies the type conversion rules to any non-string data before displaying it. For example, the cfout
put tag displays a date-time value as an ODBC timestamp.
Case-insensitivity and Boolean conversion
Because ColdFusion expression evaluation is not case sensitive, Yes, YES, and yes are equivalent; False, FALSE,
and false are equivalent; No, NO, and no are equivalent; and True, TRUE, and true are equivalent.
Converting binary data
ColdFusion cannot automatically convert binary data to other data types. To convert binary data, use the ToBase64
and ToString functions. For more information, see Binary data type and binary encoding.
Converting date and time data
To ensure that a date and time value is expressed as a real number, add zero to the variable. The following example
shows this:
When ColdFusion evaluates an expression that includes both integers and real numbers, the result is a real number.
To convert a real number to an integer, use a ColdFusion function. The Int, Round, Fix, and Ceiling functions
convert real numbers to integers, and differ in their treatment of the fractional part of the number.
If you use a hidden form field with a name that has the suffix _integer or _range to validate a form input field,
ColdFusion truncates real numbers entered into the field and passes the resulting integer to the action page.
If you use a hidden form field with a name that has the suffix _integer, _float, or _range to validate a form input
field, and the entered data contains a dollar amount (including a dollar sign) or a numeric value with commas,
ColdFusion considers the input to be valid, removes the dollar sign or commas from the value, and passes the
resulting integer or real number to the action page.
ColdFusion does not have an inherent data type for arbitrary precision decimal numbers (BigDecimal numbers).
ColdFusion initially saves such numbers as strings, and if you use them in an expression, converts the value to a
numeric type, often losing precision. You can retain precision by using the PrecisionEvaluate method, which
evaluates string expressions using BigDecimal precision arithmetic and can return the result as a long string of
numbers. For more information, see PrecisionEvaluate in the CFML Reference.
Evaluation and type conversion issues
The following sections explain several issues that you can encounter with type evaluation and conversion.
Comparing variables to True or False
You might expect the following two cfif tag examples to produce the same results:
<cfif myVariable>
<cfoutput>myVariable equals #myVariable# and is True
<cfif myVariable IS True>
<cfoutput>myVariable equals #myVariable# and is True
However, if myVariable has a numeric value such as 12, only the first example produces a result. In the second
case, the value of myVariable is not converted to a Boolean data type, because the IS operator does not require a
specific data type and just tests the two values for identity. Therefore, ColdFusion compares the value 12 with the
constant True. The two are not equal, so nothing is printed. If myVariable is 1, "Yes", or True, however, both
examples print the same result, because ColdFusion considers these to be identical to Boolean True.
If you use the following code, the output statement does display, because the value of the variable, 12, is not equal
to the Boolean value False:
As a result, use the test <cfif }}testvariable{{>, and not use the IS comparison operator when testing
whether a variable is True or False. This issue is a case of the more general problem of ambiguous type expression
evaluation, described in the following section.
Ambiguous type expressions and strings
When ColdFusion evaluates an expression that does not require strings, including all comparison operations, such
as IS or GT, it checks whether it can convert each string value to a number or date-time object. If so, ColdFusion
converts it to the corresponding number or date-time value (which is stored as a number). It then uses the number in
the expression.
Short strings, such as 1a and 2P, can produce unexpected results. ColdFusion can interpret a single "a" as AM and
a single "P" as PM. This can cause ColdFusion to interpret strings as date-time values in cases where this was not
Similarly, if the strings can be interpreted as numbers, you can get unexpected results.
For example, ColdFusion interprets the following expressions as shown:
If 1:00am is 1:00am.
If 0 is 0.
To prevent such ambiguities when you compare strings, use the ColdFusion string comparison functions Compare a
nd CompareNoCase, instead of the comparison operators.
You can also use the IsDate function to determine whether a string can be interpreted as a date-time value, or to
add characters to a string before comparison to avoid incorrect interpretation.
Date-time functions and queries when ODBC is not supported
Many CFML functions, including the Now, CreateDate, CreateTime, and CreateDateTime functions, return
date-time objects. ColdFusion creates Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) timestamp values when it converts
date-time objects to strings. As a result, you can get unexpected results when using dates with a database driver
that does not support ODBC escape sequences, or when you use SQL in a query of queries.
If you use SQL to insert data into a database or in a WHERE clause to select data from a database, and the
database driver does not support ODBC-formatted dates, use the DateFormat function to convert the date-time
value to a valid format for the driver. This rule also applies to queries of queries.
For example, the following SQL statement uses the DateFormat function in a query of queries to select rows that
have MyDate values in the future:
The following query of queries fails with the error message "Error:
{ts is not a valid date," because the ColdFusion Now function
returns an ODBC timestamp:
You can overload Java methods so a class can have several identically named methods that differ only in parameter
data types. At run time, the Java virtual machine attempts to resolve the specific method to use, based on the types
of the parameters passed in the call. Because ColdFusion does not use explicit types, you cannot predict which
version of the method the virtual machine will use.
The ColdFusion JavaCast function helps you ensure that the right method executes by specifying the Java type of
a variable, as in the following example:
The JavaCast function takes two parameters: a string representing the Java data type and the variable whose type
you are setting. You can specify the following Java data types: Boolean, int, long, float, double, and String.
For more information on the JavaCast function, see the CFML Reference.
Using quotation marks
To ensure that ColdFusion properly interprets string data, surround strings in single- or double-quotation marks. For
example, ColdFusion evaluates "10/2/2001" as a string that can be converted into a date-time object. However, it
evaluates 10/2/2001 as a mathematical expression, 5/2001, which evaluates to 0.00249875062469.
Examples of type conversion in expression evaluation
Result value as string: "2"Explanation: (2*True) is equal to 2; ("YES"- "yes") is equal to 0; 2 + 0 equals 2.
Example 2
Result value as string: "31-Oct-01"Explanation: The addition operator forces the string "October 30, 2001" to be
converted to a date-time object, and then to a number. The number is incremented by one. The DateFormat function
requires its argument to be a date-time object; thus, the result of the addition is converted to a date-time object. One
is added to the date-time object, moving it ahead by one day to October 31, 2001.
About scopes
Variables differ in how they are set (by your code or by ColdFusion), the places in your code where they are
meaningful, and how long their values persist. These considerations are generally referred to as a variable's scope.
Commonly used scopes include the Variables scope, the default scope for variables that you create, and the
Request scope, which is available for the duration of an HTTP request.
User-defined functions also belong to scopes. For more information, see Specifying the scope of
a function in the Using UDFs effectively.
Scope types
thread local
If a URL includes multiple parameters with the same name, the resulting variable in the ColdFusion URL scope
consists of all parameter values separated by commas. For example, a URL of the form
.cfm?param=1¶m=2¶m=3 results in a URL.param variable value of 1,2,3 on the ColdFusion page.|
To prevent data corruption, you lock code that uses Session, Application, or Server scope
variables. For more information, see Using Persistent Data and Locking.
The following table shows how you create and reference variables in different scopes in your code. For more
information on the mechanisms for creating variables in most scopes, see Creating variables.
Scope prefix(type)
Prefix required to
Where available
Created by
Following an invocation of
A cffile tag.
A ColdFusion page or
ColdFusion component
called by a Flash client.
In the function or
method definition, a va
r keyword in a cfset tag
or a CFScript var state
Specifying the Local
keyword when you
create a variable in the
function or method.
Within a ColdFusion
component or the body of
a user-defined function
that was created using the
cffunction tag and place in
an object, structure, or
scope. In the containing
page, through the
component instance or
containing object.
Using scopes
The following sections provide details on how you can create and use variables in different scopes.
Evaluating unscoped variables
If you use a variable name without a scope prefix, ColdFusion checks the scopes in the following order to find the
Because ColdFusion must search for variables when you do not specify the scope, you can improve performance by
specifying the scope for all variables.
To access variables in all other scopes, you must prefix the variable name with the scope identifier.
Scopes and CFX tags
ColdFusion scopes do not apply to ColdFusion Extension (CFX) tags, custom tags that you write in a programming
language such as C++ or Java. The ColdFusion page that calls a CFX tag must use tag attributes to pass data to
the CFX tag. The CFX tag must use the Java Request and Response interfaces or the C++ Request class to get
and return data.
The Java setVariable Response interface method and C++ CCFX::SetVariable method return data to the
Variables scope of the calling page. Therefore, they are equivalent to setting a Caller scope variable in a custom
ColdFusion tag.
ColdFusion makes all named scopes available as structures. You cannot access the function-local scope for
user-defined functions (UDFs) that you define using CFScript as a structure.
You can reference the variables in named scopes as elements of a structure. To do so, specify the scope name as
the structure name and the variable name as the key. For example, if you have a MyVar variable in the Request
scope, you can reference it in either of the following ways:
Similarly, you can use CFML structure functions to manipulate the contents of the scope. For more information on
using structures, see Using Arrays and Structures.
Do not call StructClear(Session) to clear session variables. This deletes the SessionID, C
FID, and CFtoken built-in variables, effectively ending the session. If you want to use StructC
lear to delete your application variables, place those variables in a structure in the Session
scope, and then clear that structure. For example, place all your application variables in
Session.MyVars and then call StructClear(Session.MyVars)_ to clear the variables._
Before relying on a variable's existence in an application page, you can test to see if it exists by using the IsDefine
d function. To check whether a specific entry exists in an array, use the ArrayIsDefined function. To check
whether a specific key exists in a structure, use the StructKeyExists function.
For example, if you submit a form with an unsettled check box, the action page does not get a variable for the check
box. The following example from a form action page makes sure the Contractor check box Form variable exists
before using it:
<cfif IsDefined("Form.Contractor")>
<cfoutput>Contractor: #Form.Contractor#</cfoutput>
You must always enclose the argument passed to the IsDefined function in quotation marks. For more information
on the IsDefined function, see the CFML Reference.
To test whether an element exists in an array before you display its value, use a format such as the following:
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#Arraylen(myArray)#">
<cfif ArrayIsDefined(myArray, i)>
#i#: #myArray[i]#<br>
Notice that in the ArrayIsDefined function, unlike the IsDefined function, you do not surround the variable
name in quotation marks.
If you attempt to evaluate a variable that you did not define, ColdFusion cannot process the page and displays an
error message. To help diagnose such problems, turn on debugging in the ColdFusion Administrator or use the
debugger in your editor. The Administrator debugging information shows which variables are being passed to your
application pages.
Variable existence considerations
If a variable is part of a scope that is available as a structure, you might get a minor performance increase by testing
the variable's existence using the StructKeyExists function instead of the IsDefined function.
You can also determine which Form variables exist by inspecting the contents of the Form.fieldnames built-in
variable. This variable contains a list of all the fields submitted by the form. Remember, however, that form text fields
are always submitted to the action page, and can contain an empty string if the user did not enter data.
Using the cfparam tag
You can ensure that a variable exists by using the cfparam tag, which tests for the variable's existence and
optionally supplies a default value if the variable does not exist. The cfparam tag has the following syntax:
<cfparam name="VariableName"
For information on using the type attribute to validate the parameter data type, see the CFML
There are two ways to use the cfparam tag to test for variable existence, depending on how you want the validation
test to proceed:
With only the name attribute to test that a required variable exists. If it does not exist, the ColdFusion server
stops processing the page and displays an error message.
With the name and default attributes to test for the existence of an optional variable. If the variable exists,
processing continues and the value is not changed. If the variable does not exist, it is created and set to the
value of the default attribute, and processing continues.
The following example shows how to use the cfparam tag to check for the existence of an optional variable
and to set a default value if the variable does not already exist:
Using the cfparam tag with the name attribute is one way to clearly define the variables that a page or a custom tag
expects to receive before processing can proceed. This can make your code more readable, as well as easier to
maintain and debug.
For example, the following cfparam tags indicate that this page expects two form variables named StartRow and
<cfparam name="Form.StartRow">
<cfparam name="Form.RowsToFetch">
If the page with these tags is called without either one of the form variables, an error occurs and the page stops
processing. By default, ColdFusion displays an error message; you can also handle the error as described in Handli
ng Errors.
Example: setting default values
The following example uses the cfparam tag to see if optional variables exist. If they do exist, processing
continues. If they do not exist, the ColdFusion server creates them and sets them to the default values.
You can use the cfparam tag to set default values for URL and Form variables, instead of using conditional logic.
For example, you could include the following code on the action page to ensure that a SelectedDepts variable
Validating data
It is often not sufficient that input data merely exists; it must also have the right format. For example, a date field
must have data in a date format. A salary field must have data in a numeric or currency format. There are many
ways to ensure the validity of data, including the following methods:
Use the cfparam tag with the type attribute to validate a variable.
Use the IsValid function to validate a variable.
Use the cfqueryparam tag in a SQL WHERE clause to validate query parameters.
Use cfform controls that have validation attributes.
Use a form input tag with a hidden attribute to validate the contents of a form input field.
Data validation using the cfparam, cfqueryparam, and form tags is done by the server.
Validation using cfform tags and hidden fields is done using JavaScript in the user's browser,
before any data is sent to the server.
For detailed information on validating data in forms and variables, see Validating data For detailed information on
validating query parameters, see Using cfqueryparam in Enhancing security with cfqueryparam.
When you pass a variable to a CFML custom tag as an attribute, or to a user-defined function as an argument, the
following rules determine whether the custom tag or function receives its own private copy of the variable or only
gets a reference to the calling page's variable:
Simple variables and arrays are passed as copies of the data. If your argument is an expression that contains
multiple simple variables, the result of the expression evaluation is copied to the function or tag.
Structures, queries, and cfobject objects are passed as references to the object.
If the tag or function gets a copy of the calling page's data, changes to the variable in the custom tag or
function do not change the value of the variable on the calling page. If the variable is passed by reference,
changes to the variable in the custom tag or function also change the value of the variable in the calling page.
To pass a variable to a custom tag, you must enclose the variable name in number signs. To pass a variable
to a function, do not enclose the variable name in number signs. For example, the following code calls a
user-defined function using three Form variables:
TOTAL INTEREST: #TotalInterest(Form.Principal, Form.AnnualPercent,Form.Months)#<br>
The following example calls a custom tag using two variables, MyString and MyArray:
You cannot pass arrays, structures, or cfobject objects to CFX tags. You can pass a query to a CFX tag by using
the query attribute when calling the tag. ColdFusion normally converts simple data types to strings when passing
them to CFX tags; however, the Java Request Interface getIntAttribute method lets you get a passed integer
#back to top
Expressions-Developing guide
ColdFusion expressions consist of operands and operators. Constants and variables are operands. Operators, such
as the multiplication sign, are the verbs that act on the operands; functions are a form of operator.
The simplest expression consists of a single operand with no operators. Complex expressions have multiple
operators and operands. The following are all ColdFusion expressions:
(1 + 1)/2
"father" & "Mother"
Operators act on the operands. Some operators, such as functions with a single argument, take a single operand.
Many operators, including most arithmetic and logical operators, take two operands. The following is the general
form of a two-operand expression:
Expressions surround the operator. Each expression can be a simple operand (variable or constant) or a subexpres
sion consisting of more operators and expressions. Complex expressions are built up using subexpressions. For
example, in the expression (1 + 1)/2, 1 + 1 is a subexpression consisting of an operator and two operands.
Operator types
+= -= *= /= %=
MODor %
Boolean operators
Boolean, or logical, operators perform logical connective and negation operations. The operands of Boolean
operators are Boolean (True/False) values. The following table describes the Boolean operators:
or !
or &&
or ||
Decision operators
The ColdFusion decision, or comparison, operators produce a Boolean True/False result. Many types of operation
have multiple equivalent operator forms. For example, IS and EQ perform the same operation. The following table
describes the decision operators:
In CFScript expressions only, you can also use the following decision operators. You cannot use
them in expressions in tags. == (EQ), != (NEQ), > (GT), < (LT), >= (GTE), and <= (LTE).
When a ColdFusion decision operator compares strings, it ignores the case. As a result, the following
expression is True:
"a" IS "A"
When a ColdFusion decision operator compares strings, it evaluates the strings from left to right, comparing
the characters in each position according to their sorting order. The first position where the characters differ
determines the relative values of the strings. As a result, the following expressions are True:
"ab" LT "aba"
"abde" LT "ac"
String operators
String operators manipulate strings of characters. The following table describes the operators:
Concatenates strings.
In a Query of Queries, you use || as the concatenation operator.
Ternary Operator
The ternary operator is a decision operator with three operands. It assigns a variable a value based on a Boolean
expression. The operator has the form
If the Boolean expression evaluates to true, the operator result is expression1; otherwise, it is expression2
For example
The order of precedence controls the order in which operators in an expression are evaluated. The order of
precedence is as follows. (Some alternative names for operators, such as EQUALS and GREATER THAN OR
EQUAL TO are omitted for brevity.)
Unary +, Unary ^
*, /
+, &
EQ, NEQ, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, DOES NOT CONTAIN, ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=
NOT, !
AND, &&
OR, ||
Functions are a form of operator. Because ColdFusion functions return values, you can use function results as
operands. Function arguments are expressions. For example, the following are valid expressions:
UCase("This is a text: ") & ToString(123 + 456)
Function syntax
No arguments
Basic format
Nested functions
Multiple arguments
String arguments
Function('This is a demo')Function(This
is a demo)
Function1(X*Y, Function2("Text"))
All functions return values. In the following example, the cfset tag sets a variable to the value returned by the Now f
You can use the values returned by functions directly to create more complex expressions, as in the following
For more information on how to insert functions in expressions, see Using number signs.
Optional function arguments
Some functions take optional arguments after their required arguments. If omitted, all optional arguments default to
a predefined value. For example:
Replace("Eat and Eat", "Eat", "Drink") returns "Drink and Eat"
Replace("Eat and Eat", "Eat", "Drink", "All") returns "Drink and Drink"
The difference in the results is because the Replace function takes an optional fourth argument that
specifies the scope of replacement. The default value is "One," which explains why only the first occurrence
of "Eat" was replaced with "Drink" in the first example. In the second example, a fourth argument causes the
function to replace all occurrences of "Eat" with "Drink".
Expression evaluation and functions
It is important to remember that ColdFusion evaluates function attributes as expressions before it executes the
function. As a result, you can use any ColdFusion expression as a function attribute. For example, consider the
following lines:
When ColdFusion server executes the second line, it does the following:
You can chain assignments to assign the same value to multiple variables in a single statement. This includes chain
assignments for the results of an expression. The following code displays a chain assignment:
You can use the var operator in multiple assignments, but the variables with this operator must precede all others.
For example:
Is so, it replaces the text and surrounding number signs with the variable value or the result of the function.
Otherwise, ColdFusion generates an error.
For example, to output the current value of a variable named Form.MyFormVariable, you delimit (surround) the
variable name with number signs:
<cfoutput>Value is #Form.MyFormVariable#</cfoutput>
In this example, the variable Form.MyFormVariable is replaced with the value assigned to it.
Follow these guidelines when using number signs:
Use number signs to distinguish variables or functions from plain text.
Surround only a single variable or function in number signs; for example, #Variables.myVar# or
#Left(myString, position)#. (However, a function in number signs can contain nested functions, such as
#Left(trim(myString), position)#.
Do not place complex expressions, such as{{ 1 + 2 }}in number signs. Although this is allowed in a cfoutput
block, such as <cfoutput>One plus one is #1 + 1#</cfoutput>, doing so mixes logic and presentation.
Use number signs only where necessary, because unneeded number signs slow processing.
For a description of using number signs to create variable names, see Using number signs to construct a
variable name in assignments in Dynamic expressions and dynamic variables.
Using number signs in ColdFusion tag attribute values
You can place variables, functions, or expressions inside tag attributes by enclosing the variable or expression with
number signs. For example, if the variable CookieValue has the value "MyCookie", the following line sets the cfcoo
kie value attribute to "The value is MyCookie":
You can optionally omit quotation marks around variables used as attribute values as shown in the following
However, surrounding all attribute values in quotation marks is more consistent with HTML coding style.
If you use string expressions to construct an attribute value, as shown in the following example, the strings inside
the expression use single quotation marks (') to differentiate the quotation marks from the quotation marks that
surround the attribute value.
You do not need to use number signs when you use the cfset tag to assign one variable's value
to another value. For example, the following tag assigns the value of the oldVar variable to the
new variable, newVar: <cfset newVar = oldVar>.
You can place variables or functions freely inside the bodies of the following tags by enclosing each variable or
expression with number signs:
For example:
Value is #Form.MyTextField#
The name is #FirstName# #LastName#.
The value of Cos(0) is #Cos(0)#
If you omit the number signs, the text, rather than the value, appears in the output generated by the cfoutput state
Two expressions inside number signs can be adjacent to one another, as in the following example:
"Mo" and "nk" is #Left("Moon", 2)##Mid("Monkey", 3, 2)#
You can place variables or functions freely inside strings by enclosing each variable or expression with number
signs; for example:
ColdFusion automatically replaces the text with the value of the variable or the value returned by the function. For
example, the following pairs of cfset statements produce the same result:
If number signs are omitted inside the string, the text, rather than the value, appears in the string. For example, the
following pairs of cfset statements produce the same result:
As with the cfoutput statement, two expressions can be adjacent to each other in strings, as in the following
The double-quotation marks around "Moon" and "Monkey" do not need to be escaped (as in ""Moon"" and
""Monkey""). This is because the text between the number signs is treated as an expression; it is evaluated before
its value is inserted inside the string.
Nested number signs
In a few cases, you can nest number signs in an expression. The following example uses nested number signs:
In this example, number signs are nested so that the values of the variables FirstName and LastName are inserted
in the string whose length the Len function calculates.
Nested number signs imply a complex expression that can typically be written more clearly and efficiently without
the nesting. For example, you can rewrite the preceding code example without the nested number signs, as follows:
<cfset Sentence2 = "The length of the full name is #Len(FirstName & " " &
The following achieves the same results and can further improve readability:
A common mistake is to place number signs around the arguments of functions, as in:
These statements result in errors. As a general rule, never place number signs around function arguments.
Using number signs in expressions
Use number signs in expressions only when necessary, because unneeded number signs reduce clarity and can
increase processing time. The following example shows the preferred method for referencing variables:
In contrast, the following example uses number signs unnecessarily and is less efficient than the previous
Dynamic variables are variables that are named dynamically, typically by creating a variable name from a static part
and a variable part. For example, the following example dynamically constructs the variable name from a variable
prefix and a static suffix:
Using dynamic variables in this manner does not require dynamic evaluation.
About dynamic expressions and dynamic evaluation
In a dynamic expression, the actual expression, not just its variable values, is determined at execution time. In other
words, in a dynamic expression the structure of the expression, such as the names of the variables, not just the
values of the variables, gets built at runtime.
You create dynamic expressions using string expressions, which are expressions contained in strings, (that is,
surrounded with quotation marks). Dynamic evaluation is the process of evaluating a string expression. The Evalua
te and IIf functions, and only these functions, perform dynamic evaluation.
When ColdFusion performs dynamic evaluation it does the following:
1. Takes a string expression and treats it as a standard expression, as if the expression was not a string.
2. Parses the expression to determine the elements of the expression and validate the expression syntax.
3. Evaluates the expression, looking up any variables and replacing them with their values, calling any
functions, and performing any required operations.
This process enables ColdFusion to interpret dynamic expressions with variable parts. However, it incurs a
substantial processing overhead.
Dynamic expressions were important in early versions of ColdFusion, before it supported arrays and structures, and
they still can be useful in limited circumstances. However, the ability to use structures and the ability to use
associative array notation to access structure elements provide more efficient and easier methods for dynamically
managing data. For information on using arrays and structures, see Using Arrays and Structures.
Selecting how to create variable names
The following two examples describe cases when you need dynamic variable names:
Form applications where the number and names of fields on the form vary dynamically. In this case, the form
posts only the names and values of its fields to the action page. The action page does not know all the names
of the fields, although it does know how the field names (that is, the variable names) are constructed.
If the following are true:
ColdFusion calls a custom tag multiple times.
The custom tag result must be returned to different variables each time.
The calling code can specify the variable in which to return the custom tag result.
In this case, the custom tag does not know the return variable name in advance, and gets it as an
attribute value.
In both cases, it might appear that dynamic expressions using the Evaluate function are needed to
construct the variable names. However, you can achieve the same ends more efficiently by using
dynamic variable naming, as shown in [Example: a dynamic shopping cart].
This does not mean that you must always avoid dynamic evaluation. However, given the substantial
performance costs of dynamic evaluation, first ensure that one of the following techniques cannot
serve your purpose:
An array (using index variables)
Associative array references containing expressions to access structure elements
Dynamically generated variable names
Dynamic variable naming without dynamic evaluation
While ColdFusion does not always allow you to construct a variable name inline from variable pieces, but it does
allow the most common uses.
Using number signs to construct a variable name in assignments
You can combine text and variable names to construct a variable name on the left side of a cfset assignment. For
example, the following code sets the value of the variable Product12 to the string "Widget":
To construct a variable name this way, all the text on the left side of the equal sign must be in quotation marks.
This usage is less efficient than using arrays. The following example has the same purpose as the previous one, but
requires less processing:
<cfset MyArray=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset prodNo = 12>
<cfset myArray[prodNo] = "Widget">
When you use a dynamic variable name in quotation marks on the left side of an assignment, the name must be
either a simple variable name or a complex name that uses notation (such as
MyStruct.#KeyName#). You cannot use an array as part of a dynamic variable name. For example, the following
code generates an error:
productClassNo = 1>
productItemNo = 9>
"myArray[#productClassNo##productItemNo#]" = "Widget">
However, you can construct an array index value dynamically from variables without using quotation marks on the
left side of an assignment. For example, the preceding sample code works if you replace the final line with the
following line:
The ability to use associative array notation to reference structures provides a way for you to use variables to
dynamically create structure references. (For a description of associative array notation, see Structure notation.)
Associative array structure notation allows you to use a ColdFusion expression inside the index brackets. For
example, if you have a productName structure with keys of the form product_1, product_2 and so on, you can use
the following code to display the value of productName.product_3:
For an example of using this format to manage a shopping cart, see [Example: a dynamic shopping cart].
Using dynamic evaluation
Dynamic evaluation and dynamic expressions have several features and consideratons.
ColdFusion dynamic evaluation functions
The following table describes the functions that perform dynamic evaluation and are useful in evaluating dynamic
It is important to remember that ColdFusion always evaluates function arguments before the argument values are
passed to a function:
For example, consider the following DE function:
You might expect this line to display """1"" & ""2""". Instead, it displays "12", because ColdFusion processes the line
as follows:
1. Evaluates the expression "1" & "2" as the string "12".
2. Passes the string "12" (without the quotation marks) to the DE function.
3. Calls the DE function, which adds literal quotation marks around the 12.
Similarly, if you use the expression DE(1 + 2), ColdFusion evaluates 1 + 2 as the integer 3 and passes it to
the function. The function converts it to a string and surrounds the string in literal quotation marks: "3".
About the Evaluate function
The Evaluate function takes one or more string expressions, dynamically evaluates their contents as expressions
from left to right, and returns the result of evaluating the rightmost argument.
The following example shows the Evaluate function and how it works with ColdFusion variable processing:
<cfset myVar2="myVar">
<cfset myVar="27/9">
<cfset myVar2="myVar"><cfset
As you can see, using dynamic expressions can result in substantial expression evaluation overhead, and the code
can be confusing. Therefore, you should avoid using dynamic expressions wherever a simpler technique, such as
using indexed arrays or structures can serve your purposes.
Using the Evaluate function increases processing overhead, and in most cases it is not necessary. These
examples show some cases where you can consider using the Evaluate function:
Example 1
You might be inclined to use the Evaluate function in code such as the following:
Example 2
This example shows how you can use an associative array reference in place of an Evaluate function. This
technique is powerful because:
Most ColdFusion scopes are accessible as structures.
You can use ColdFusion expressions in the indexes of associative array structure references. For more
information on using associative array references for structures, see Structure notation.
The following example uses the Evaluatefunction to construct a variable name:
Product Name: #Evaluate("Form.product_#i#")#
This code comes from an example where a form has entries for an indeterminate number of items in a
shopping cart. A product name field exists for each item in the shopping cart. The field name is of the form
product_1, product_2, and so on, where the number corresponds to the product entry in the shopping cart. In
this example, ColdFusion does the following:
1. Replaces the variable i with its value, for example 1.
2. concatenates the variable value with "Form.product_", and passes the result (for Form.product_1) to the Eva
luate function, which does the remaining steps.
3. Parses the variable product_1 and generates an executable representation of the variable. Because
ColdFusion must run its parser, this step requires substantial processing, even for a simple variable.
4. Evaluates the representation of the variable, for example as "Air popper".
5. Returns the value of the variable.
The following example has the same result as the preceding example and is more efficient:
ProductName: #Form["product_" & i]#
You can avoid using the SetVariable function by using a format such as the following to set a dynamically named
variable. For example, the following lines are equivalent:
In the second line, enclosing the myVar#i# variable name in quotation marks tells ColdFusion to evaluate the name
and process any text in number signs as a variable or function. ColdFusion replaces the #i# with the value of the
variable i, so that if the value of i is 12, this code is equivalent to the line
For more information on this usage, see Using number signs to construct a variable name in assignments in this
Using the IIF function
<cfif argument1>
<cfset result = Evaluate(argument1)>
<cfset result = Evaluate(argument2)>
The function returns the value of the result variable. It is comparable to the use of the JavaScript and Java ? :
operator, and can result in more compact code. As a result, the IIF function can be convenient even if you are not
using dynamic expressions.
The IIF function requires the DE function to prevent ColdFusion from evaluating literal strings, as the following
example shows:
#IIf(IsDefined("LocalVar"), "LocalVar", DE("The variable is not defined."))#
If you do not enclose the string "The variable is not defined." in a DE function, the IIF function tries to evaluate the
contents of the string as an expression and generates an error (in this case, an invalid parser construct error).
The IIF function is useful for incorporating ColdFusion logic in line in HTML code, but it entails a processing time
penalty in cases where you do not otherwise need dynamic expression evaluation.
The following example shows using IIF to alternate table row background color between white and gray. It also
shows the use of the DE function to prevent ColdFusion from evaluating the color strings.
<table border="1" cellpadding="3">
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="10">
<tr bgcolor="#IIF( i mod 2 eq 0, DE("white"), DE("gray") )#">
hello #i#
This code is more compact than the following example, which does not use IIF or DE:
<table border="1" cellpadding="3">
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="10">
<cfif i mod 2 EQ 0>
<cfset Color = "white">
<cfset Color = "gray">
<tr bgcolor="#color#">
hello #i#
The following example dynamically creates and manipulates variable names without using dynamic expression
evaluation by using associative array notation.
You need to dynamically generate variable names in applications such as shopping carts, where the required output
is dynamically generated and variable. In a shopping cart, you do not know in advance the number of cart entries or
their contents. Also, because you are using a form, the action page only receives Form variables with the names
and values of the form fields.
The following example shows the shopping cart contents and lets you edit your order and submit it. To simplify
things, the example automatically generates the shopping cart contents using CFScript instead of having the user fill
the cart. A more complete example would populate a shopping cart as the user selected items. Similarly, the
example omits all business logic for committing and making the order.
Create the form
<title>Shopping Cart</title>
Cart = ArrayNew(1);
for ( i=1; i LE cartItems; i=i+1)
Cart[i].Name="Product " & i;
Your shopping cart has the following items.<br>
You can change your order quantities.<br>
If you don't want any item, clear the item's check box.<br>
When you are ready to order, click submit.<br>
<cfform name="ShoppingCart" action="ShoppingCartAction.cfm" method="post">
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#cartItems#">
<cfset productName= "product_" & Cart[i].ID>
<cfset skuName= "sku_" & Cart[i].ID>
<cfset qtyname= "qty_" & Cart[i].ID>
<td><cfinput type="checkbox" name="itemID" value="#Cart[i].ID#" checked>
<td><cfinput type="text" name="#productName#" value="#Cart[i].Name#"
passThrough = "readonly = 'True'"></td>
<td><cfinput type="text" name="#skuName#" value="#Cart[i].SKU#"
passThrough = "readonly = 'True'"></td>
<td><cfinput type="text" name="#qtyName#" value="#Cart[i].Qty#">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
Cart = ArrayNew(1);
for ( i=1; i LE cartItems; i=i+1)
Cart[i].Name="Product " & i;
<cfform name="ShoppingCart"
Start the form and its embedded table. When the user
clicks the submit button, post the form data to the
ShoppingCartAction.cfm page. The table formats the
form neatly. The first table row contains the column
headers. Each following row has the data for one cart
<title>Your Order</title>
<cfif isDefined("Form.submit")>
<cfparam name="Form.itemID" default="">
You have ordered the following items:<br>
<cfloop index="i" list="#Form.itemID#">
ProductName: #Form["product_" & i]#<br>
Product Code: #Form["sku_" & i]#<br>
Quantity: #Form["qty_" & i]#<br>
<cfif isDefined("Form.submit")>
<cfparam name="Form.itemID"
You have ordered the following
<cfloop index="i"
ProductName: #Form["product_" &
Product Code: #Form["sku_" &
Quantity: #Form["qty_" & i]#<br>
#back to top
About arrays
Traditionally, an array is a tabular structure used to hold data, much like a spreadsheet table with clearly defined
limits and dimensions.
In ColdFusion, you typically use arrays to temporarily store data. For example, if your site lets users order goods
online, you can store their shopping cart contents in an array. Using an array lets you make changes easily without
committing the information, which the user can change before completing the transaction, to a database.
Basic array concepts
A basic two-dimensional (2D) array is like a simple table. A three-dimensional (3D) array is like a cube of data, and
so on. ColdFusion lets you directly create arrays with up to three dimensions. You can use multiple statements to
create arrays with more than three dimensions.
The syntax my2darray13="Paul" is the same as saying "My2dArray is a two-dimensional array and the value of
the array element index 13 is Paul".
About ColdFusion arrays
ColdFusion arrays differ from traditional arrays, because they are dynamic. For example, in a conventional array,
array size is constant and symmetrical, whereas in a ColdFusion array, you can have rows of differing lengths based
on the data that is added or removed.
A conventional 2D array is like a fixed-size table made up of individual cells.
A ColdFusion 2D array is actually a one-dimensional array that contains a series of additional 1D arrays. Each of the
arrays that make up a row can expand and contract independently of any other column.
The following figure represents a ColdFusion 2D array:
A ColdFusion 3D array is essentially three nested sets of 1D arrays. The differences between traditional and
ColdFusion 3D arrays are similar, but much harder to show on a page.
Dynamic arrays expand to accept data that you add to them and contract as you remove data from them.
You reference array elements by enclosing the index with brackets: arrayName_x_ where x is the index that you
want to reference. In ColdFusion, array indexes are counted starting with position 1, which means that position 1 in
the firstname array is referenced as firstname1. For 2D arrays, you reference an index by specifying two
coordinates: myarray11.
You can use ColdFusion variables and expressions inside the brackets to reference an index, as the following
example shows:
<cfset myArray=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset myArray[1]="First Array Element">
<cfset myArray[1 + 1]="Second Array" & "Element">
<cfset arrayIndex=3>
<cfset arrayElement="Third Array Element">
<cfset myArray[arrayIndex]=arrayElement>
<cfset myArray[++arrayIndex]="Fourth Array Element">
<cfdump var=#myArray#>
The IsDefined function does not test the existence of array elements. Instead, place any code
that could try to access an undefined array element in a try block and use a catch block to handle
exceptions that arise if elements do not exist.
Creating arrays
In ColdFusion, you can create arrays explicitly, by using a function to declare the array and then assigning it data, or
implicitly by using an assignment statement. You can create simple or complex, multidimensional arrays.
Creating arrays using functions
To create an array explicitly, you use the arrayNew function and specify the array dimensions, as in the following
<cfset myNewArray=ArrayNew(2)>
This line creates a two-dimensional array named myNewArray. You use this method to create an array with up to
three dimensions.
After you create an array, you add array elements, which you can then reference by using the element indexes.
For example, suppose you create a one-dimensional array called firstname:
<cfset firstname=ArrayNew(1)>
The array firstname holds no data and is of an unspecified length. Next you add data to the array:
<cfset firstname[1]="Coleman">
<cfset firstname[2]="Charlie">
<cfset firstname[3]="Dexter">
To create an array implicitly, you do not use the ArrayNew function. Instead, you use a new variable name on the
left side of an assignment statement, and array notation on the right side of the statement, as in the following
<cfset firstnameImplicit=["Coleman","Charlie","Dexter"]>
This single statement is equivalent to the four statements used to create the firstname array in Creating arrays
using functions.
When you create an array implicitly, the right side of the assignment statement has brackets ([]) surrounding the
array contents and commas separating the individual array elements. The elements can be literal values, such as
the strings in the example, variables, or expressions. If you specify variables, do not place the variable names in
quotation marks.
You can create an empty array implicitly, as in the following example:
You can also create an array implicitly by assigning a single entry, as the following example shows:
ColdFusion does not allow nested implicit creation of arrays, structures, or arrays and structures. Therefore, you
cannot create a multidimensional array in a single implicit statement. For example, neither of the following
statements is valid:
To create a two-dimensional array, for example, use a format such as the following:
ch = ["Coleman", "Hawkins"]>
cp = ["Charlie", "Parker"]>
dg = ["Dexter", "Gordon"]>
players = [ch, cp, dg]>
You cannot use a dynamic variable when you create an array implicitly. For example, the following expression
generates an error:
<cfset i="CP">
<cfset "#i#"=["Charlie","Parker"]>
ColdFusion supports dynamic multidimensional arrays. When you declare an array with the ArrayNew function, you
specify the number of dimensions. You can create an asymmetrical array or increase the number of dimensions by
nesting arrays as array elements.
It is important to know that when you assign one array (array1) to an element of another array (array2), array1 is
copied into array2. The original copy of array1 still exists, independent of array2. You can then change the contents
of the two arrays independently.
The best way to understand an asymmetrical array is by looking at it. The following example creates an asymmetric,
multidimensional, array, and the cfdump tag displays the resulting array structure. Several array elements do not
yet contain data.
<cfset myarray=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset myotherarray=ArrayNew(2)>
<cfset biggerarray=ArrayNew(3)>
biggerarray[2][1][1][4][2]="five deep">
biggestarray[3][1][1][2][3][1]="This is complex">
myarray[3]="Can you see me">
<cfdump var=#biggestarray#><br>
<cfdump var=#myarray#>
The cfdump tag displays the entire contents of an array. It is an excellent tool for debugging
arrays and array-handling code.
<cfset myarray=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset myotherarray=ArrayNew(2)>
<cfset biggerarray=ArrayNew(3)>
<cfset biggerarray[1][1][1][10]=3>
<cfset biggestarray=ArrayNew(3)>
is is complex">
<cfdump var=#biggestarray#><br>
<cfdump var=#myarray#>
You can use implicitly created arrays directly in functions (including user-defined functions) and tags. For example,
the following code uses two implicit arrays, one in a ColdFusion function, the other in a user-defined function:
<cffunction name="sumarray">
<cfargument name="inarray" type="array">
<cfset result = 0>
<cfloop array="#inarray#" index="i" >
<cfset result += i>
<cfreturn result>
Summed Implicit array [#ArrayToList([1,2,3,4,5,6])#]: #sumarray([1,2,3,4,5,6])#<br
You can add an element to an array by assigning the element a value or by using a ColdFusion function.
Adding an array element by assignment
You can add elements to an array by defining the value of an array element, as shown in the following cfset tag:
If an element does not exist at the specified index, ColdFusion creates it. If an element exists at the specified index,
ColdFusion replaces it with the new value. To prevent existing data from being overwritten, use the ArrayInsertA
t function, as described in the next section.
If elements with lower-number indexes do not exist, they remain undefined. Assign values to undefined array
elements before you can use them. For example, the following code creates an array and an element at index 4. It
outputs the contents of element 4, but generates an error when it tries to output the (nonexistent) element 3.
<cfset myarray=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset myarray[4]=4>
myarray4: #myarray[4]#<br>
myarray3: #myarray[3]#<br>
You can use the following array functions to add data to an array:
Because ColdFusion arrays are dynamic, if you add or delete an element from the array, any higher-numbered
index values all change. For example, the following code creates a two element array and displays the array
contents. It then uses ArrayPrepend to insert a new element at the beginning of the array and displays the result.
The data that was originally in indexes 1 and 2 is now in indexes 2 and 3.
For more information about these array functions, see the CFML Reference.
Deleting elements from an array
Use the ArrayDeleteAt function to delete data from the array at a particular index, instead of setting the data
value to zero or an empty string. If you remove data from an array, the array resizes dynamically, as the following
example shows:
The ArrayDeleteAt function removed the original second element and resized the array so that it has two entries,
with the second element now being the original third element.
Copying arrays
You can copy arrays of simple variables (numbers, strings, Boolean values, and date-time values) by assigning the
original array to a new variable name. You do not have to use ArrayNew to create the array first. When you assign
the existing array to a new variable, ColdFusion creates an array and copies the contents of the old array to the new
array. The following example creates and populates a two-element array. It then copies the original array, changes
one element of the copied array and dumps both arrays. As you can see, the original array is unchanged and the
copy has a new second element.
<cfset myArray=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset myArray[1]="First Array Element">
<cfset myArray[2]="Second Array Element">
<cfset newArray=myArray>
<cfset newArray[2]="New Array Element 2">
<cfdump var=#myArray#><br>
<cfdump var=#newArray#>
If your array contains complex variables (structures, query objects, or external objects such as COM objects)
assigning the original array to a new variable does not make a complete copy of the original array. The array
structure is copied; however, the new array does not get its own copy of the complex data, only references to it. To
demonstrate this behavior, run the following code:
The change to the new array also changes the contents of the structure in the original array.
To make a complete copy of an array that contains complex variables, use the Duplicate function.
You can use the ArraySet function to populate a 1D array, or one dimension of a multidimensional array, with
some initial value, such as an empty string or zero. This can be useful to create an array of a certain size, without
adding data to it right away. One reason to do this is so that you can reference all the array indexes. If you reference
an array index that does not contain some value, such as an empty string, you get an error.
The ArraySet function has the following form:
The following example initializes the array myarray, indexes 1 - 100, with an empty string:
The cfloop tag provides a common and efficient method for populating an array. The following example uses a cf
loop tag and the MonthAsString function to populate a simple 1D array with the names of the months. A second
cfloop outputs data in the array to the browser.
<cfset months=arraynew(1)>
<cfloop index="loopcount" from=1 to=12>
<cfset months[loopcount]=MonthAsString(loopcount)>
<cfloop index="loopcount" from=1 to=12>
To output values from 2D and 3D arrays, employ nested loops to return array data. With a one-dimensional (1D)
array, a single cfloop is sufficient to output data, as in the previous example. With arrays of dimension greater than
one, you maintain separate loop counters for each array level.
Nesting cfloop tags for a 2D array
The following example shows how to handle nested cfloop tags to output data from a 2D array. It also uses nested
cfloop tags to populate the array:
<cfset my2darray=arraynew(2)>
<cfloop index="loopcount" from=1 to=12>
<cfloop index="loopcount2" from=1 to=2>
<cfset my2darray[loopcount][loopcount2]=(loopcount * loopcount2)>
<p>The values in my2darray are currently:</p>
<cfloop index="OuterCounter" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(my2darray)#">
<cfloop index="InnerCounter" from="1"to="#ArrayLen(my2darray[OuterCounter])#">
For 3D arrays, you simply nest an additional cfloop tag. (This example does not set the array values first to keep
the code short.)
<cfset arrayName[index]=queryColumn[row]>
In the following example, a cfloop tag places four columns of data from a sample data source into an array,
This example uses the query object built-in variable CurrentRow to index the first dimension of the array.
For more information about each of these functions, see the CFML Reference.
If a function returns an array, you can now reference a specific element array directly in the function call statement.
For example, the following line references the fifth element of the array returned by the myFunc() function:
About structures
ColdFusion structures consist of key-value pairs. Structures let you build a collection of related variables that are
grouped under a single name. You can define ColdFusion structures dynamically.
You can use structures to reference related values as a unit, rather than individually. To maintain employee lists, for
example, you can create a structure that holds personnel information such as name, address, phone number, ID
numbers, and so on. Then you can reference this collection of information as a structure called employee rather
than as a collection of individual variables.
A structure key must be a string. The values associated with the key can be any valid ColdFusion value or object. It
can be a string or integer, or a complex object such as an array or another structure. Because structures can contain
any types of data, they provide a powerful and flexible mechanism for representing complex data.
Structure notation
ColdFusion supports three types of notation for referencing structure contents. The notation that you use depends
on your requirements.
Associative arrays
When a structure contains another structure, you reference the data in the nested structure by extending either or associative array notation. You can even use a mixture of both notations.
For example, if structure1 has a key key1 whose value is a structure that has keys struct2key1, struct2key2, and so
on, you can use any of the following references to access the data in the first key of the embedded structure:
The following example shows various ways you can reference the contents of a complex structure:
<cfset myArray=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset myArray[1]="2">
<cfset myArray[2]="3">
<cfset myStruct2=StructNew()>
<cfset myStruct2.struct2key1="4">
<cfset myStruct2.struct2key2="5">
<cfset myStruct=StructNew()>
<cfset myStruct.key1="1">
<cfset myStruct.key2=myArray>
<cfset myStruct.key3=myStruct2>
<cfdump var=#myStruct#><br>
Value of the first key<br>
Value of the second entry in the key2 array<br>
Value of the struct2key2 entry in the key3 structure<br>
<cfset key1Var="key1">
<cfset key2Var="key2">
<cfset key3Var="key3">
Value of the first key<br>
Value of the second entry in the
key2 array<br>
In ColdFusion, you can create structures explicitly by using a function, and then populate the structure using
assignment statements or functions, or you can create the structure implicitly by using an assignment statement.
Creating structures using functions
You can create structures by assigning a variable name to the structure with the StructNew function as follows:
For example, to create a structure named departments, use the following syntax:
This statement creates an empty structure to which you can add data.
Creating structures implicitly
You can also create a structure by assigning data to a variable. For example, each of the following lines creates a
structure named myStruct with one element, name, that has the value Adobe Systems Incorporated.
When you use structure notation to create a structure, as shown in the third example, you can populate multiple
structure fields. The following example shows this use:
ColdFusion does not allow nested implicit creation of structures, arrays, or structures and arrays. The following line,
for example, generates an error:
Similarly, you cannot use notation on the left side of assignments inside structure notation. The
following statement, for example, causes an error:
Instead of using these formats, use multiple statements, such as the following:
You cannot use a dynamic variable when you create a structure implicitly. For example, the following expression
generates an error:
<cfset i="coInfo">
<cfset "#i#"={name = "Adobe Systems Incorporated"}>
You can use implicitly created structures directly in functions (including user-defined functions) and tags. For
example, the following code dumps an implicitly created structure.
You can use array notation inside the structure notation, as shown in the following example:
You add or update a structure element to a structure by assigning the element a value or by using a ColdFusion
function. It is simpler and more efficient to use direct assignment.
You can add structure key-value pairs by defining the value of the structure key, as the following example shows:
The following code uses cfset and notation to create a structure element called departments.John,
and changes John's department from Sales to Marketing. It then uses associative array notation to change his
department to Facilities. Each time the department changes, it displays the results:
<cfset departments=structnew()>
<cfset departments.John = "Sales">
Before the first change, John was in the #departments.John# Department<br>
<cfset Departments.John = "Marketing">
After the first change, John is in the #departments.John# Department<br>
<cfset Departments["John"] = "Facilities">
After the second change, John is in the #departments.John# Department<br>
You use ColdFusion functions to find information about structures and their keys.
Getting information about structures
To find out if a given value represents a structure, use the IsStruct function, as follows:
This function returns True if variable is a ColdFusion structure. (It also returns True if variable is a Java object that
implements the java.util.Map interface.)
Structures are not indexed numerically, so to find out how many name-value pairs exist in a structure, use the Stru
ctCount function, as in the following example:
To discover whether a specific Structure contains data, use the StructIsEmpty function, as follows:
This function returns True if the structure is empty, and False if it contains data.
Finding a specific key and its value
To determine whether a specific key exists in a structure, use the StructKeyExists function, as follows:
StructKeyExists(structure_name, "key_name")
Do not place the name of the structure in quotation marks, but you do place the key name in quotation marks. For
example, the following code displays the value of the MyStruct.MyKey only if it exists:
You can use the StructKeyExists function to dynamically test for keys by using a variable to represent the key
name. In this case, you do not place the variable in quotation marks. For example, the following code loops through
the records of the GetEmployees query and tests the myStruct structure for a key that matches theLastName field of
the query. If ColdFusion finds a matching key, it displays the Last Name from the query and the corresponding entry
in the structure.
<cfloop query="GetEmployees">
<cfif StructKeyExists(myStruct, LastName)>
<cfoutput>#LastName#: #mystruct[LastName]#</cfoutput><br>
If the name of the key is known in advance, you can also use the ColdFusion IsDefined function, as follows:
However, if the key is dynamic, or contains special characters, use the StructKeyExists function.
Using StructKeyExists to test for the existence of a structure entry is more efficient than
using IsDefined. ColdFusion scopes are available as structures and you can improve
efficiency by using StructKeyExists to test for the existence of variables.
To get a list of the keys in a CFML structure, you use the StructKeyList function, as follows:
You can specify any character as the delimiter; the default is a comma.
Use the StructKeyArray function to returns an array of keys in a structure, as follows:
<cfset temp=StructKeyArray(structure_name)>
The StructKeyList and StructKeyArray functions do not return keys in any particular
order. Use the ListSort or ArraySort functions to sort the results.
Copying structures
ColdFusion provides several ways to copy structures and create structure references. The following table lists these
methods and describes their uses:
Duplicate function
StructCopy function
Variable assignment
The following example shows the different effects of copying, duplicating, and assigning structure variables:
Create a structure<br>
<cfset myNewStructure=StructNew()>
<cfset myNewStructure.key1="1">
<cfset myNewStructure.key2="2">
<cfset myArray=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset myArray[1]="3">
<cfset myArray[2]="4">
<cfset myNewStructure.key3=myArray>
<cfset myNewStructure2=StructNew()>
<cfset myNewStructure2.Struct2key1="5">
<cfset myNewStructure2.Struct2key2="6">
<cfset myNewStructure.key4=myNewStructure2>
<cfdump var=#myNewStructure#><br>
A StructCopy copied structure<br>
<cfset CopiedStruct=StructCopy(myNewStructure)>
<cfdump var=#CopiedStruct#><br>
A Duplicated structure<br>
<cfset dupStruct=Duplicate(myNewStructure)>
<cfdump var=#dupStruct#><br>
A new reference to a structure<br>
<cfset structRef=myNewStructure>
<cfdump var=#structRef#><br>
Change a string, array element, and structure value in the StructCopy copy.<br>
<cfset CopiedStruct.key1="1A">
<cfset CopiedStruct.key3[2]="4A">
<cfset CopiedStruct.key4.Struct2key2="6A">
Original structure<br>
<cfdump var=#myNewStructure#><br>
Copied structure<br>
<cfdump var=#CopiedStruct#><br>
Duplicated structure<br>
<cfdump var=#DupStruct#><br>
Structure reference
<cfdump var=#structRef#><br>
Change a string, array element, and structure value in the Duplicate.<br>
<cfset DupStruct.key1="1B">
<cfset DupStruct.key3[2]="4B">
<cfset DupStruct.key4.Struct2key2="6B">
Original structure<br>
<cfdump var=#myNewStructure#><br>
Copied structure<br>
<cfdump var=#CopiedStruct#><br>
Duplicated structure<br>
<cfdump var=#DupStruct#><br>
Structure reference
<cfdump var=#structRef#><br>
Change a string, array element, and structure value in the reference.<br>
<cfset structRef.key1="1C">
<cfset structRef.key3[2]="4C">
<cfset structRef.key4.Struct2key2="6C">
Original structure<br>
<cfdump var=#myNewStructure#><br>
Copied structure<br>
<cfdump var=#CopiedStruct#><br>
Duplicated structure<br>
<cfdump var=#DupStruct#><br>
Structure reference
<cfdump var=#structRef#><br>
Clear the original structure<br>
<cfset foo=structclear(myNewStructure)>
Original structure:<br>
<cfdump var=#myNewStructure#><br>
Copied structure<br>
<cfdump var=#CopiedStruct#><br>
Duplicated structure<br>
<cfdump var=#DupStruct#><br>
Structure reference:<br>
<cfdump var=#structRef#><br>
To delete a key and its value from a structure, use the StructDelete function, as follows:
The indicateNotExisting argument tells the function what to do if the specified key does not exist. By default, the
function always returns True. However, if you specify True for the indicateNotExisting argument, the function returns
True if the key exists and False if it does not.
You can also use the StructClear function to delete all the data in a structure but keep the structure instance
itself, as follows:
If you use StructClear to delete a structure that you have copied using the StructCopy function, the specified
structure is deleted, but the copy is unaffected.
If you use StructClear to delete a structure that has multiple references, the function deletes the contents of the
structure and all references point to the empty structure, as the following example shows:
<cfset myStruct.Key1="Adobe">
Structure before StructClear<br>
<cfdump var="#myStruct#">
<cfset myCopy=myStruct>
<cfset StructClear(myCopy)>
After Clear:<br>
myStruct: <cfdump var="#myStruct#"><br>
myCopy: <cfdump var="#myCopy#">
You can loop through a structure to output its contents, as the following example shows:
Structure examples
Structures are useful for grouping a set of variables under a single name. The following example uses structures to
collect information from a form, and to submit that information to a custom tag, named cf_addemployee. For
information on creating and using custom tags, see Creating and Using Custom CFML Tags.
Example file newemployee.cfm
The following ColdFusion page shows how to create structures and use them to add data to a database. It calls the
cf_addemployee custom tag, which is defined in the addemployee.cfm file.
<title>Add New Employees</title>
<h1>Add New Employees</h1>
<!--- Action page code for the form at the bottom of this page. --->
<!--- Establish parameters for first time through --->
<cfparam name="Form.firstname" default="">
<cfparam name="Form.lastname" default="">
<cfparam name="" default="">
<cfparam name="" default="">
<cfparam name="Form.department" default="">
<!--- If at least the firstname form field is passed, create
a structure named employee and add values. --->
<cfif #Form.firstname# eq "">
<p>Please fill out the form.</p>
employee.firstname = Form.firstname;
employee.lastname = Form.lastname; =; =;
employee.department = Form.department;
<!--- Display results of creating the structure. --->
First name is #StructFind(employee, "firstname")#<br>
Last name is #StructFind(employee, "lastname")#<br>
EMail is #StructFind(employee, "email")#<br>
Phone is #StructFind(employee, "phone")#<br>
Department is #StructFind(employee, "department")#<br>
<!--- Call the custom tag that adds employees. --->
<cf_addemployee empinfo="#employee#">
<!--- The form for adding the new employee information --->
<form action="newemployee.cfm" method="Post">
First Name:
<input name="firstname" type="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"><br>
Last Name:
<input name="lastname" type="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"><br>
<input name="email" type="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"><br>
<input name="phone" type="text" hspace="20" maxlength="20"><br>
<input name="department" type="text" hspace="30" maxlength="30"><br>
<input type="Submit" value="OK">
<cfparam name="Form.firstname"
<cfparam name="Form.lastname"
<cfparam name=""
<cfparam name=""
<cfparam name="Form.department"
employee.firstname =
employee.lastname =
Form.lastname; =; =;
employee.department =
<form action="newemployee.cfm"
First Name:
<input name="firstname"
type="text" hspace="30"
Last Name:
<input name="lastname" type="text"
hspace="30" maxlength="30"><br>
<input name="email" type="text"
hspace="30" maxlength="30"><br>
<input name="phone" type="text"
hspace="20" maxlength="20"><br>
<input name="department"
type="text" hspace="30"
The data form. When the user clicks OK, the form posts
the data to this ColdFusion page.
The following file is an example of a custom tag used to add employees. Employee information is passed through
the employee structure (the empinfo attribute). For databases that do not support automatic key generation, also
add the Emp_ID.
<cfif StructIsEmpty(attributes.empinfo)>
Error. No employee data was passed.<br>
<cfexit method="ExitTag">
<!--- Add the employee --->
<cfquery name="AddEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples">
(FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, Department)
'#attributes.empinfo.firstname#' ,
'#attributes.empinfo.lastname#' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'#attributes.empinfo.department#' )
<hr>Employee Add Complete
Error. No employee data was
<cfexit method="ExitTag">
<!--- Add the employee --->
<cfquery name="AddEmployee"
(FirstName, LastName, Email,
Phone, Department)
'#attributes.empinfo.lastname#' ,
'' ,
'' ,
<hr>Employee Add Complete
#back to top
About CFScript
CFScript is a language within a language. It is a scripting language that is like JavaScript but is simpler to use. Also,
unlike JavaScript, CFScript only runs on the ColdFusion server; it does not run on the client system. CFScript code
can use all the ColdFusion functions and expressions, and has access to all ColdFusion variables that are available
its scope.
CFScript provides a compact and efficient way to write ColdFusion logic. Typical uses of CFScript include the
Simplifying and speeding variable setting
Building compact JavaScript-like flow control structures
Creating user-defined functions
Because you use functions and expressions directly in CFScript, you do not have to surround each
assignment or function in a cfset tag. Also, CFScript assignments are often faster than cfset tags.
CFScript provides a set of decision and flow-control structures that are more familiar than ColdFusion tags to
most programmers.
In addition to variable setting, other operations tend to be slightly faster in CFScript than in tags.
You can use CFScript to create user-defined functions, or UDFs (also known as custom functions). You call
UDFs in the same manner that you call standard ColdFusion functions. UDFs are to ColdFusion built-in
functions what custom tags are to ColdFusion built-in tags. Typical uses of UDFs include data manipulation
and mathematical calculation routines.
You cannot include ColdFusion tags in CFScript. However, some functions and CFScript statements are
equivalent to commonly used tags. For more information, see Tag equivalents in CFScript in Language
Enhancements in ColdFusion 9.
Comparing tags and CFScript
The following examples show how you can use CFML tags and CFScript to do the same thing. Each example takes
data submitted from a form and places it in a structure; if the form does not have a last name and department field, it
displays a message.
Using CFML tags
<cfif IsDefined("Form.submit")>
<cfif (Form.lastname NEQ "") AND (Form.department NEQ "")>
<cfset employee=structnew()>
<cfset employee.firstname=Form.firstname>
<cfset employee.lastname=Form.lastname>
<cfset employee.department=Form.department>
Adding #Form.firstname# #Form.lastname#<br>
You must enter a Last Name and Department.<br>
Using CFScript
if (IsDefined("Form.submit")) {
if ((Form.lastname NEQ "") AND (Form.department NEQ "")) {
WriteOutput("Adding #Form.firstname# #Form.lastname# <br>");
WriteOutput("You must enter a Last Name and Department.<br>");
The following table lists the tags that have equivalents in CFScript:
Equivalent in CFScript
Only for <Cfdirectory action=list/>
The following table has the list of script functions introduced in ColdFusion 9.
For details of the Script Functions, see the section Script Functions Implemented as CFCs in the CFML Reference.
Reserved words introduced in ColdFusion 9
local (inside function declaration)
CFScript equivalent
Only for <Cfdirectory action=list/>
createobject, new
// Loop through the qGetEmails RecordSet
for (x = 1; x <= qGetEmails.RecordCount; x=x+1) {
This_id = qGetEmails.Emails_id[x];
This_Subject = qGetEmails.Subject[x];
This_RecFrom = qGetEmails.RecFrom[x];
This_SentTo = qGetEmails.SentTo[x];
This_dReceived = qGetEmails.dReceived[x];
This_Body = qGetEmails.Body[x];
... // More code goes here.
Reserved words
In addition to the names of ColdFusion functions and words reserved by ColdFusion expressions (such as NOT,
AND, IS, and so on), the following words are reserved in CFScript. Do not use these words as variables or identifiers
in your scripting code:
Script functions
You enclose CFScript regions inside <cfscript> and </cfscript> tags. No other CFML tags are allowed inside
a cfscript region. The following lines show a minimal script:
a = 2;
CFScript variables can be of any ColdFusion type, such as numbers, strings, arrays, queries, and objects. The
CFScript code can read and write any variables that are available in the page that contains the script. These
variables include all shared scopes, such as session, application, and server variables.
Expressions and operators
CFScript supports all CFML expressions. CFML expressions include operators (such as +, -, EQ, and so on), as well
as all CFML functions.
You can use several comparison operators in CFScript only, not in CFML tags. (You can also use the corresponding
CFML operators in CFScript.) The following table lists the CFScript-only operators and the equivalent operator that
you can use in CFML tags or CFScript:
CFScript operator
CFML operator
CFScript operator
CFML operator
For information about CFML expressions, operators, and functions, see Using Expressions and Number Signs.
function call
Statement blocks
if(score GT 0)
result = "positive";
Positives = Positives + 1;
In this example, both assignment statements are executed if the score is greater than 0. If they were not in the code
block, only the first line would execute.
You do not have to place curly bracket characters on their own lines in the code. For example, you could place the
open curly bracket in the preceding example on the same line as the if statement, and some programmers use this
style. However, putting at least the ending brace on its own line makes it easier to read the code and separate code
A multiline comment starts with a /* marker and continues until it reaches a */ marker; for example:
The end of a multiline comment can be followed on the same line by active code. For example, the following
line is valid, although it is poor coding practice:
You can use multiline format for a comment on a single line, for example:
Although CFScript and JavaScript are similar, they have several key differences. The following list identifies
CFScript features that differ from JavaScript:
CFScript uses ColdFusion expressions, which are not a superset or a subset of JavaScript expressions. In
particular, ColdFusion expressions do not support bitwise operators, and the ColdFusion MOD or % operator
operates differently from the corresponding JavaScript % operator: In ColdFusion, the operator does integer
arithmetic and ignores fractional parts. ColdFusion expressions also support the EQV, IMP, CONTAINS, and
DOES NOT CONTAIN operators that are not supported in JavaScript.
Variable declarations (var keyword) are only used in user-defined functions and threads.
CFScript is not case sensitive.
All statements end with a semicolon, and line breaks in the code are ignored.
Assignments are statements, not expressions, and therefore cannot be used in situations that require
evaluating the assignment operation.
JavaScript objects, such as Window and Document, are not available.
Only the ColdFusion server processes CFScript. There is no client-side CFScript.
CFScript limitation
You cannot include ColdFusion tags in CFScript. However, you can include cfscript blocks inside other
ColdFusion tags, such as cfoutput.
CFScript assignment statements are the equivalent of the cfset tag. These statements have the following form:
lval = expression;
x = "positive";
y = x;
You can use ColdFusion function calls, including UDFs, directly in CFScript. For example, the following line is a valid
CFScript statement:
if(value EQ 2700)
message = "You've reached the maximum";
if(score GT 1)
result = "positive";
result = "negative";
CFScript does not include an elseif statement. However, you can use an if statement immediately after an else st
atement to create the equivalent of a cfelseif tag, as the following example shows:
if(score GT 1)
result = "positive";
else if(score EQ 0)
result = "zero";
result = "negative";
As with all conditional processing statements, you can use curly brackets to enclose multiple statements for each
condition, as follows:
if(score GT 1) {
result = "positive";
message = "The result was positive.";
else {
result = "negative";
message = "The result was negative.";
Often, you can make your code clearer by using braces even where they are not required.
The switch statement and its dependent case and default statements have the following syntax:
switch (expression) {
case constant: [case constant:]... statement(s) break;
[case constant: [case constant:]... statement(s) break;]...
[default: statement(s)] }
switch(name) {
case "John": case "Robert":
case "Mary":
} //end switch
CFScript provides a richer selection of looping constructs than those supplied by CFML tags. It enables you to
create efficient looping constructs like those in most programming and scripting languages. CFScript provides the
A LT 5
index LE x
status EQ "not found" AND index LT end
The test expression is re-evaluated before each repeat of the loop. If code inside the loop
changes any part of the test expression, it can affect the number of iterations in the loop.
The statement can be a single semicolon terminated statement or a statement block in curly brackets.
When ColdFusion executes a for loop, it does the following:
1. Evaluates the initial expression.
2. Evaluates the test-expression.
3. If the test-expression is False, exits the loop and processing continues following the statement._If the
_test-expressionis True:
a. Executes the statement (or statement block).
b. Evaluates the final-expression.
c. Returns to Step 2.
For loops are most commonly used for processing in which an index variable is incremented each time
through the loop, but it is not limited to this use.
The following simple for loop sets each element in a 10-element array with its index number.
index LTE 10;
index = index + 1)
ArraySet(strings, 1, 10, "lock");
for( ; ; ) {
if(Find("key",strings[indx],1)) {
WriteOutput("Found key at " & indx & ".<br>");
else if (indx IS ArrayLen(strings)) {
WriteOutput("Exited at " & indx & ".<br>");
This example shows one important issue that you must remember when creating loops: always ensure that the loop
ends. If this example lacked the else if statement, and there was no "key" in the array, ColdFusion would loop
forever or until a system error occurred; you would have to stop the server to end the loop.
The example also shows two issues with index arithmetic: in this form of loop you must make sure to initialize the
index, and keep track of where the index is incremented. In this case, because the index is incremented at the top of
the loop, initialize it to 0 so it becomes 1 in the first loop.
Using while loops
b. Documentation
Adobe ColdFusion
If the expression is False, processing continues with the next statement.The following example uses a
whileloop to populate a 10-element array with multiples of five.
a = ArrayNew(1);
loop = 1;
while (loop LE 10) {
a[loop] = loop * 5;
loop = loop + 1;
As with other loops, make sure that at some point the{{ while}} expression is False and be careful to check your
index arithmetic.
Using do-while loops
The do-while loop is like a while loop, except that it tests the loop condition after executing the loop statement block.
The do-while loop has the following format:
a = ArrayNew(1);
loop = 1;
do {
a[loop] = loop * 5;
loop = loop + 1;
while (loop LE 10);
Because the loop index increment follows the array value assignment, the example initializes the loop variable to 1
and tests to make sure that it is less than or equal to 10.
The following example generates the same results as the previous two examples, but it increments the index before
assigning the array value. As a result, it initializes the index to 0, and the end condition tests that the index is less
than 10.
a = ArrayNew(1);
loop = 0;
do {
loop = loop + 1;
a[loop] = loop * 5;
while (loop LT 10);
The for-in loop loops over the elements in a ColdFusion structure. It has the following format:
The variable can be any ColdFusion identifier; it holds each structure key name as ColdFusion loops through the
structure. The structure must be the name of an existing ColdFusion structure. The statement can be a single
semicolon terminated statement or a statement block in reference.
The following example creates a structure with three elements. It then loops through the structure and displays the
name and value of each key. Although the curly brackets are not required here, they make it easier to determine the
contents of the relatively long WriteOutput function. In general, you can make structured control flow, especially
loops, clearer by using curly brackets.
for (keyName in myStruct) {
WriteOutput("myStruct." & Keyname & " has the value: " &
myStruct[keyName] &"<br>");
Unlike the cfloop tag, CFScript for-in loops do not provide built-in support for looping over
queries and lists.
The continue and break statements enable you to control the processing inside loops:
The continue statement tells ColdFusion to skip to the beginning of the next loop iteration.
The break statement exits the current loop or case statement.
Using continue
The continue statement ends the current loop iteration, skips any code following it in the loop, and jumps to the
beginning of the next loop iteration. For example, the following code loops through an array and display's each value
that is not an empty string:
(To test this code snippet, you must first create an array, a, with 10 or more elements, some of which are not empty
The continue statement is useful if you loop over arrays or structures and you want to skip processing for array
elements or structure members with specific values, such as the empty string.
Using break
The break statement exits the current loop or case statement. Processing continues at the next CFScript
statement. You end case statement processing blocks with a break statement. You can also use a test case with a
break statement to prevent infinite loops, as shown in the following example. This script loops through an array and
prints the array indexes that contain the value key. It uses a conditional test and a break statement to make sure
that the loop ends when at the end of the array.
ArraySet(strings, 1, 10, "lock");
for( ; ; ) {
if(Find("key",strings[indx],1)) {
WriteOutput("Found a key at " & indx & ".<br>");
else if (indx IS ArrayLen(strings)) {
WriteOutput("Array ends at index " & indx & ".<br>");
You have to prefix queryname to access the query result variables such as recordcount or cu
rrentrow (as shown in the example).
You can use var inline with for-in construct to bind variable to the local scope for both structs and arrays.
h7. Example
a =
for (var1 in a) {
* ColdFusion treats plain comment text as a hint.
* You can also use the @hint metadata name for hints.
* Set metadata, including, optionally, attributes, (including custom
* attributes) in the last entries in the comment block, as follows:
*@metadataName metadataValue
component attributeName="attributeValue" ... {
body contents
* Simple Component.
component {
* Simple function.
public void function foo() {
WriteOutput("Method foo() called<br>");
When you define a component entirely in CFScript, you do not have to use a cfscript tag on the page. In this
case, the component keyword can be preceded only by comments (including metadata assignments) and import
operators. Adobe recommends this format as a best practice. You specify component properties as follows:
/*@default defaultValue
* @attrib1Name attrib1Value
* ...
property [type]propName;
If the type precedes the property name, you do not need to use the "type" keyword, only the name of the specific
type. In either format, you must set the name attribute value. All other property attributes, such as type, are optional.
As with cfproperty tags, place the property operators at the top of the component definition, immediately following
the opening brace.
The syntax to define a function is similar to the component definition:
*Comment text, treated as a hint.
*Set metadata, including, optionally, attributes, in the last entries
*in the comment block, as follows:
*@metadataName metadataValue
access returnType function functionName(arg1Type arg1Name="defaultValue1"
arg2Name="defaultValue2" arg2Attribute="attributeValue...,...)
functionAttributeName="attributeValue" ... {
body contents
You specify all function arguments, including the argument type, default value, and attributes in the function
The following example shows a function definition:
* @hint "This function displays its name and parameter."
public void function foo(String n1=10)
description="does nothing" hint="overrides hint" {
WriteOutput("Method foo() called<br> Parameter value is " & n1);
Specifying the required keyword makes the argument mandatory. If the required keyword is not present then
the argument becomes optional.
For example:
Interface definitions follow the same pattern as components, with the same general rules and limitations that apply
to the interfaces you define using cfinterface tags. The following simple code defines an interface with a single
function that takes one string argument, with a default argument value of "Hello World!":
interface {
function method1(string arg1="Hello World!");
function method2 (string arg1="Goodbye World!");
The following example shows the definition of a simple component with a single function:
* Component defined in CFScript
* @output true
component extends="component_01" {
* Function that displays its arguments and returns a string.
* @returnType string
public function method_03(argOne,argTwo) {
WriteOutput("#arguments.argOne# ");
WriteOutput("#arguments.argTwo# ");
return("Arguments written.");
Setting attributes
*@attributeName1 attributeValue
*@attributeName2 attributeValue
In the element declaration using standard attribute-value assignment notation, as in the following line:
component extends="component_01"
Attribute values set in the element declaration take precedence over the values set in the comment section.
Therefore, if you set an attribute, such as a hint in both locations, ColdFusion ignores the value in the comment
section and uses only the one in the element declaration.
Specifying page encoding
You can specify the character encoding of a component by specifying a pageencoding processing directive at the
top of the component body. Character encoding using pageencoding processing directive is not supported for
CFM files. The following code snippet shows how to use the directive:
// this is a component
*@hint "this is a hint for component"
component displayname="My Component" {
pageencoding "Cp1252" ;
// The rest of the component definition goes here.
Note that as of ColdFusion 11, one should no longer need to use the pageencoding statement to
specify the page encoding as the ColdFusion server should be able to identify it automatically.
Currently, you cannot use CFScript to specify the suppresswhitespace processing directive.
To access metadata of a component, function, parameter, or property, use the GetMetadata function. Component
metadata includes the metadata of its properties and functions, including attributes and function parameters.
For detailed information about the structure and contents of the metadata, see GetMetaData in the CFML
The following trivial code shows the use of component metadata:
To use this feature, you must install ColdFusion 9 Update 1.
You can specify custom metadata for function arguments in script syntax in either of the following ways:
With arguments, as space-separated list of key-value pairs.
In annotations, using @arg1.custommetadata "custom value".
writeoutput(new custom().foo(10));
* custom metadata for a cfc defined using annotation as well as key-value pairs
* @cfcMetadata1 "cfc metadata1"
component cfcMetadata2 = "cfc metadata2"
* custom metadata for a property defined using annotation as well
as key-value pairs
* @propMetadata1 "property metadata1"
property type="numeric" name="age" default="10"
propMetadata2="property metadata2";
* custom metadata for a function/argument using both annotation and
key-value pairs
* @arg1.argmdata1 "arg metadata1"
* output true
* @fnMetadata1 "function metadata1"
public string function foo(required numeric arg1=20 argmdata2="arg
metadata2") fnMetadata2="function metadata2"
return arg1;
ColdFusion has an explicit function-local scope. Variables in this scope exist only during the execution of the
function and are available only to the function. To declare a function-local scope variable either specify the Local
scope name when assigning the variable, or use the var keyword. Also, you can now use the var keyword anywhere
in a function definition, not just at the top.
Because it is now a scope name, do not use local as a variable or argument name. If you do so,
ColdFusion ignores the variable or argument.
The following code shows the use of the function local scope:
For more information about function local scope see Using ColdFusion Variables.
Using system level functions
In the <cfscript> mode, you can now use the following basic language constructs:
You can call these functions by passing the argument as name="value" pairs or positional notations. For
positional notations, the sequence of arguments must be followed. The sequence of arguments for each
construct is mentioned in the CFML Reference Guide.
Example of passing arguments as name=value pair:
writedump(var=myquery, label="query", show="name", format = "text");
writedump(myquery, "", "html", true)
You do not need to specify all the parameters while using positional arguments. For instance, if you want to specify
the first and third argument, you can add an empty string for the second argument. The exception to this usage is
when there is a boolean type for the second argument where you have to specify true or false.
You cannot mix positional and named arguments while calling a function. For example, if you
need to use only the var and output attributes with the writedump construct, you can use wr
import "cfc_filepath"
Quotation marks are optional for most paths. Surround the path in quotation marks if any directory or the CFC name
has a hyphen.
The cfimport tag now supports importing CFCs and takes a path attribute to specify the path to the CF file to import.
Use the import function or cfimport tag with a path attribute on top of the page only. Using them elsewhere has the
same effect as putting them on top of the page. Therefore, standard coding practice places the import tags or
operators at the top of the file. The cfimport tag can precede a cfcomponent tag. The import CFScript statement
must follow the component statement.
The ColdFusion Administrator Sever Settings > Caching page now has a Component Cache option, and a Clear
Component Cache button. To prevent ColdFusion from caching resolved component paths, clear the Component
Cache option. Click the Clear Component Cache button to remove any resolved component paths from the cache.
In all cases, ColdFusion automatically imports the com.adobe.coldfusion.* name space for CFCs.
You do not have to import this path explicitly.
The new operator creates an instance of a CFC. It is equivalent to the cfobject tags and CreateObject function. You
can use new as a CFScript operator, or in assignment statements outside a CFScript block, such as in a cfset tag.
ColdFusion does not have a corresponding cfnew tag.
The new operation has the following syntax:
cfObject=new cfcPath(constructorParam1,...)
cfObject=new cfcPath(arg1=constructorParam1Value,...)
If the folder name or CFC name has hyphen, use the following syntax:
cfObject=new "cfc-path"(constructorParam1,...)
If you use the import operator to import the directory that contains the CFC, the cfcPath value is the CFC filename.
The constructor parameters can be positional or in name="value" format. When you use the new operator,
ColdFusion does the following:
1. Looks for an initmethod constructor method in the CFC. If found, ColdFusion instantiates the component and
runs initmethod.
2. If it does not find an initmethod constructor method, it looks for an init constructor method. If found,
ColdFusion instantiates the component and runs initmethod.
3. If neither method exists, the new operation instantiates the component but does not call a constructor.
Only the new operator automatically invokes the initmethod or init function. The new
operator returns the value returned by init or initmethod and if the return is void it returns
the instance of the CFC. The cfobject tags and the CreateObject function do not invoke the
function and you must explicitly call any custom initialization code.
Handling exceptions
ColdFusion provides two statements for exception handling in CFScript: try and catch. These statements are
equivalent to the CFML cftry and cfcatch tags.
For a discussion of exception handling in ColdFusion, see Handling Errors.
try {
Code where exceptions will be caught
catch(exceptionType exceptionVariable) {
Code to handle exceptions of type exceptionType
that occur in the try block
catch(exceptionTypeN exceptionVariableN) {
Code to handle exceptions of type
exceptionTypeN that occur in the try block
finally {
Code that will execute whether there is an exception or not.
In CFScript, catch and finally statements follow the try block; you do not place them inside
the try block. This structure differs from that of the cftry tag, which must include the cfcatch
and cffinally tags in its body.
When you have a try statement, you must have a catch statement. In the catch block, the exceptionVariable vari
able contains the exception type. This variable is the equivalent of the cfcatch tag cfcatch.Type built-in
The finally block is optional. Its code always runs, and runs after the code in the try block and any catch block.
Exception handling example
The following code shows exception handling in CFScript. It uses a CreateObject function to create a Java object.
The catch statement executes only if the CreateObject function generates an exception. The displayed
information includes the exception message; the except.Message variable is the equivalent of calling the Java getM
essage method on the returned Java exception object. The message in the finally block appears after the catch
block message.
try {
emp = CreateObject("Java", "Employees");
catch(any excpt) {
WriteOutput("The application was unable to perform a required operation.<br>
Please try again later.<br>If this problem persists, contact
Customer Service and include the following information:<br>
finally {
writeoutput("<br>Thank you for visiting our web site.<br>come back soon!");
CFScript example
The following example uses these CFScript features:
Variable assignment
Function calls
For loops
If-else statements
WriteOutput functions
Switch statements
The example uses CFScript without any other ColdFusion tags. It creates a structure of course applicants.
This structure contains two arrays; the first has accepted students, the second has rejected students. The
script also creates a structure with rejection reasons for some (but not all) rejected students. It then displays
the accepted applicants followed by the rejected students and their rejection reasons.
<title>CFScript Example</title>
//Set the variables
acceptedApplicants[1] = "Cora Cardozo";
acceptedApplicants[2] = "Betty Bethone";
acceptedApplicants[3] = "Albert Albertson";
rejectedApplicants[1] = "Erma Erp";
rejectedApplicants[2] = "David Dalhousie";
rejectedApplicants[3] = "Franny Farkle";
rejectCode["David Dalhousie"] = "score";
rejectCode["Franny Farkle"] = "too late";
//Sort and display accepted applicants
WriteOutput("The following applicants were accepted:<hr>");
for (j=1;j lte ArrayLen(applicants.accepted);j=j+1) {
WriteOutput(applicants.accepted[j] & "<br>");
//sort and display rejected applicants with reasons information
WriteOutput("The following applicants were rejected:<hr>");
for (j=1;j lte ArrayLen(applicants.rejected);j=j+1) {
WriteOutput(applicant & "<br>");
if (StructKeyExists(rejectCode,applicant)) {
switch(rejectCode[applicant]) {
case "score":
WriteOutput("Reject reason: Score was too low.<br>");
case "late":
WriteOutput("Reject reason: Application was late.<br>");
WriteOutput("Rejected with invalid reason code.<br>");
} //end switch
} //end if
else {
WriteOutput("Reject reason was not defined.<br>");
} //end else
} //end for
//Set the variables
acceptedApplicants[1] = "Cora
acceptedApplicants[2] = "Betty
acceptedApplicants[3] = "Albert
rejectedApplicants[1] = "Erma
rejectedApplicants[2] = "David
rejectedApplicants[3] = "Franny
rejectCode["David Dalhousie"] =
rejectCode["Franny Farkle"] =
"too late";
WriteOutput("The following
applicants were accepted:<hr>");
for (j=1;j lte
1) {
] & "<br>");
WriteOutput("The following
applicants were rejected:<hr>");
ant)) {
switch(rejectCode[applicant]) {
case "score":
WriteOutput("Reject reason:
Score was too low.<br>");
case "late":
WriteOutput("Reject reason:
Application was late.<br>");
WriteOutput("Rejected with
invalid reason code.<br>");
} //end switch
} //end if
else {
WriteOutput("Reject reason was
not defined.<br>");
} //end else
} //end for
Using closures
A closure is an inner function. The inner function can access the variables in the outer function. You can access the
inner function by accessing the outer function. See the example below.
function helloTranslator(String helloWord)
return function(String name)
return "#helloWord#, #name#";
//closure is formed.
//Prints Namaste, Anna.
//Prints Bonjour, John.
In the above example, the outer function returns a closure. Using the helloHindi variable, the outer function is
accessed. It sets the helloWord argument. Using this function pointer, the closure is called. For example, helloI
nHindi("Anna"). Observe that even after the execution of outer function, the closure can access the variable sets
by the outer function.
In this case, using closure, two new functions are created. One adds Namaste to the name. And the second one
adds Bonjour to the name. helloInHindi and helloInFrench are closures. They have the same function
body; however, store different environments.
The inner function is available for execution after the outer function is returned. A closure is formed when the inner
function is available for execution.
As seen in the example, even after the outer function is returned, the inner function can access the variables in the
outer function. Closure retains the reference to the environment at the time it is created. For example, the value of a
local variable in the outer function. It makes closure an easy to use and handy feature.
To see more details on closure, see
Closure in ColdFusion
function operation(string operator)
return function(numeric x, numeric y)
if(operator eq "add")
return x + y;
else if(operator eq "subtract")
return x - y;
In the above example, the outer function sets the operator. myval_addition and myval_substrac
tion are two closures. They process the data based on the condition sets by the outer function.
Defined inline as a function and tag argument.Example
function operation(numeric x, numeric y, function logic)
var result=logic(x,y);
return result;
add = operation(10,20, function(numeric N1, numeric N2)
return N1+N2;
subtract = operation(10,20, function(numeric N1, numeric N2)
return N1-N2;
<cfdump var="#add#">
<cfdump var="#substract#">
In the above example, the function operation has an argument logic, which is a closure. While
calling operation, an inline closure is passed as an argument. This anonymous closure contains the
logic to process the numbers - addition or subtraction. In this case, the logic is dynamic and
passed as a closure to the function.
A Closure can be assigned to a variable
When assigning Closures to a variable, only script style of syntax is supported.
You can call a closure by passing a key-value pair as you do for a function call.
A closure retains a copy of variables visible at the time of its creation. The global variables (like ColdFusion specific
scopes) and the local variables (including declaring or outer function's local and arguments scope) are retained at
the time of a closure creation. Functions are static.
The following table details the scope of closure based on the way they are defined:
Scenario where closure is defined
In a CFC function
In a CFM function
As function argument
A closure cannot call any user-defined function, because the function's context is not retained,
though the closure's context is retained. It gives erroneous results. For example, when a closure
is cached, it can be properly called for later use, while a function cannot.
Closure functions
Determines whether a name represents a closure.
True, if name can be called as a closure; False, otherwise.
Decision functions
See also
Other decision functions.
ColdFusion 10: Added this function.
Use this function to determine whether the name represents a closure.
// do something
// do something
The following scenario explains how you can effectively use ColdFusion closures.
Example - filtering of arrays using closures
The following example filters employees based on location, age, and designation. A single function is used for
filtering. The filtering logic is provided to the function as closures. That's filtering logic changes dynamically.
1. Create the employee.cfcfile that defines the variables.
* @name employee
* @displayname ColdFusion Closure Example
* @output false
* @accessors true
property string Name;
property numeric Age;
property string designation;
property string location;
property string status;
1. Create the employee array. This CFC also contains the filterArray() }}function. A closure,
{{filter, is an argument of the function. While accessing this function, the filtering logic is passed as a
//Filter the array based on the logic provided by the closure.
function filterArray(Array a, function filter)
resultarray = arraynew(1);
return resultarray;
function getEmployee()
//Create the employee array.
empArray = Arraynew(1);
ArrayAppend(empArray,new employee(Name="Ryan", Age=24, designation="Manager",
ArrayAppend(empArray,new employee(Name="Ben", Age=34, designation="Sr
Manager", location="US"));
ArrayAppend(empArray,new employee(Name="Den", Age=24, designation="Software
Engineer", location="US"));
ArrayAppend(empArray,new employee(Name="Ran", Age=28, designation="Manager",
ArrayAppend(empArray,new employee(Name="Ramesh", Age=31,
designation="Software Engineer", location="IND"));
return empArray;
2. Create the CFM page that accesses the {{filterArray()}}function with a closure which provides the filtering
logic. The {{filterArray()}}function is used to filter the employee data in three ways: location, age, and
designation. Each time the function is accessed, the filtering logic is changed in the closure.
<cfset filteredArray = arraynew(1)>
<cfset componentArray = [3,6,8,2,4,7,9]>
obj = CreateObject("component", "filter");
// Filters employees from India
filteredArray = obj.filterArray(obj.getEmployee(), function(a)
return 1;
return 0;
//Filters employees from india whos age is above thirty
filteredArray = obj.filterArray(obj.getEmployee(), closure(a)
if((a.getLocation()=="IND") && (a.getAge()>30))
return 1;
return 0;
// Filters employees who are managers
filteredArray = obj.filterArray( obj.getEmployee(), function(a)
if((a.getdesignation() contains "Manager"))
return 1;
return 0;
#back to top
You must provide the exact string pattern to match. If the exact pattern is not found, Find returns an index of 0.
Because you must specify the exact string pattern to match, matches for dynamic data can be difficult, if not
impossible, to construct.
The next example uses a regular expression to perform the same search. This example searches for the first
occurrence in the search string of any string pattern that consists entirely of uppercase letters enclosed by spaces:
The regular expression " A-Z+ " matches any string pattern consisting of a leading space, followed by any number of
uppercase letters, followed by a trailing space. Therefore, this regular expression matches the string " BIG " and any
string of uppercase letters enclosed in spaces.
By default, the matching of regular expressions is case-sensitive. You can use the REFindNoCase and REReplace
NoCase functions for case-insensitive matching.
Because you often process large amounts of dynamic textual data, regular expressions are invaluable in writing
complex ColdFusion applications.
Using ColdFusion regular expression functions
To find the next occurrence of the string " BIG ", you must call the REFind function a second time. For an example
of iterating over a search string to find all occurrences of the regular expression, see Returning matched
REReplace and REReplaceNoCase use regular expressions to search through a string and replace the string
pattern that matches the regular expression with another string. You can use these functions to replace the first
match, or to replace all matches.
For detailed descriptions of the ColdFusion functions that use regular expressions, see the CFML Reference.
Basic regular expression syntax
The simplest regular expression contains only literal characters. The literal characters must match exactly the text
being searched. For example, you can use the regular expression function REFind to find the string pattern " BIG ",
just as you can with the Find function:
In this example, REFind must match the exact string pattern " BIG ".
To use the full power of regular expressions, combine literal characters with character sets and special characters,
as in the following example:
The literal characters of the regular expression consist of the space characters at the beginning and end of the
regular expression. The character set consists of that part of the regular expression in brackets. This character set
specifies to find a single uppercase letter from A to Z, inclusive. The plus sign
after the brackets is a special
character specifying to find one or more occurrences of the character set.
If you removed the + from the regular expression in the previous example, " A-Z " matches a literal space, followed
by any single uppercase letter, followed by a single space. This regular expression matches " B " but not " BIG ".
The REFind function returns 0 for the regular expression, meaning that it did not find a match.
You can construct complicated regular expressions containing literal characters, character sets, and special
characters. Like any programming language, the more you work with regular expressions, the more you can
accomplish with them. The examples here are fairly basic. For more examples, see Regular expression examples.
The pattern within the brackets of a regular expression defines a character set that is used to match a single
character. For example, the regular expression "[ A-Za-z] " specifies to match any single uppercase or lowercase
In the character set, a hyphen indicates a range of characters, for example [A-Z] will match any one capital letter.
In a character set a ^ character negates the following characters. For example [^A-Z] matches any single character
that is not a capital letter.
The regular expression " B[IAU]G " matches the strings "BIG", "BAG", and "BUG", but does not match the string
If you specified the regular expression as "B[IA]GN", the concatenation of character sets creates a regular
expression that matches the corresponding concatenation of characters in the search string. This regular expression
matches a space, followed by "B", followed by an "I" or "A", followed by a "G" or "N". The regular expression
matches "BIG", "BAG", "BIN", and "BAN".
The regular expression [A-Z][a-z]* matches any sequence of letters that starts with an uppercase letter and is
followed by zero or more lowercase letters. The special character * after the closing square bracket specifies to
match zero or more occurrences of the character set.
The * only applies to the character set that immediately precedes it, not to the entire regular
A + after the closing square bracket specifies to find one or more occurrences of the character set. You interpret the
regular expression {{"A-Z+" }}as matching one or more uppercase letters enclosed by spaces. Therefore, this regular
expression matches " BIG " and also matches " LARGE ", " HUGE ", " ENORMOUS ", and any other string of
uppercase letters surrounded by spaces.
Considerations when using special characters
Since a regular expression followed by an * can match zero instances of the regular expression, it can also match
the empty string. For example,
REReplace("Hello","[T]*","7","ALL") - #REReplace("Hello","[T]*","7","ALL")#<BR>
REReplace("Hello","[T]*","7","ALL") - 7H7e7l7l7o7
The regular expression T* can match empty strings. It first matches the empty string before "H" in "Hello". The "ALL"
argument tells REReplace to replace all instances of an expression. The empty string before "e" is matched, and so
on, until the empty string before "o" is matched.
This result might be unexpected. The workarounds for these types of problems are specific to each case. In some
cases you can use [T]+, which requires at least one "T", instead of [T]*. Alternatively, you can specify an additional
pattern after [T]*.
In the following examples the regular expression has a "W" at the end:
REReplace("Hello World","[T]*W","7","ALL")
#REReplace("Hello World","[T]*W","7","ALL")#<BR>
ColdFusion supplies case-sensitive and case-insensitive functions for working with regular expressions. REFind an
d REReplace perform case-sensitive matching and REFindNoCase and REReplaceNoCase perform
case-insensitive matching.
You can build a regular expression that models case-insensitive behavior, even when used with a case-sensitive
function. To make a regular expression case insensitive, substitute individual characters with character sets. For
example, the regular expression [Jj][Aa][Vv][Aa], when used with the case-sensitive functions REFind or REReplac
e, matches all of the following string patterns:
All other combinations of case
Using subexpressions
Parentheses group parts of regular expressions into subexpressions that you can treat as a single unit. For
example, the regular expression "ha" specifies to match a single occurrence of the string. The regular expression
"(ha)+" matches one or more instances of "ha".
In the following example, you use the regular expression "B(ha)+" to match the letter "B" followed by one or more
occurrences of the string "ha":
You can use the special character | in a subexpression to create a logical "OR". You can use the following regular
expression to search for the word "jelly" or "jellies":
+ * ? . [ ^ $ ( ) { | \
In some cases, you use a special character as a literal character. For example, if you want to search for the plus
sign in a string, you have to escape the plus sign by preceding it with a backslash:
The following table describes the special characters for regular expressions:
Special Character
You must be aware of the following considerations when using special characters in character sets, such as a-z:
To include a hyphen (-) in the brackets of a character set as a literal character, you cannot escape it as you
can other special characters because ColdFusion always interprets a hyphen as a range indicator. Therefore,
if you use a literal hyphen in a character set, make it the last character in the set.
To include a closing square bracket (]) in the character set, escape it with a backslash, as in [1-3]A-z]. You do
not have to escape the ] character outside the character set designator.
Using escape sequences
Escape sequences are special characters in regular expressions preceded by a backslash (). You typically use
escape sequences to represent special characters within a regular expression. For example, the escape sequence \t
represents a tab character within the regular expression, and the \d escape sequence specifies any digit, as [0-9]
does. ColdFusion escape sequences are case sensitive.
The following table lists the escape sequences that ColdFusion supports:
Escape Sequence
Newline character
Carriage return
Form feed
In character sets within regular expressions, you can include a character class. You enclose the character class
inside brackets, as the following example shows:
This code replaces all the spaces with *, producing this string:
You can combine character classes with other expressions within a character set. For example, the regular
expression [space:123] searches for a space, 1, 2, or 3. The following example also uses a character class in a
regular expression:
<cfset IndexOfOccurrence=REFind("[[:space:]][A-Z]+[[:space:]]",
"Some BIG string")>
<!--- The value of IndexOfOccurrence is 5 --->
The following table shows the character classes that ColdFusion supports. Regular expressions using these classes
match any Unicode character in the class, not just ASCII or ISO-8859 characters.
Character class
Space or a tab.
Using backreferences
You use parenthesis to group components of a regular expression into subexpressions. For example, the regular
expression "(ha)+" matches one or more occurrences of the string "ha".
ColdFusion performs an additional operation when using subexpressions; it automatically saves the characters in
the search string matched by a subexpression for later use within the regular expression. Referencing the saved
subexpression text is called backreferencing.
You can use backreferencing when searching for repeated words in a string, such as "the the" or "is is". The
following example uses backreferencing to find all repeated words in the search string and replace them with an
Using this regular expression, ColdFusion detects the two occurrences of "is" as well as the two occurrences of
"the", replaces them with an asterisk enclosed in spaces, and returns the following string:
You can use backreferences in the replacement string of both the REReplace and REReplaceNoCase functions.
For example, to replace the first repeated word in a text string with a single word, use the following syntax:
You can use the optional fourth parameter to REReplace, scope, to replace all repeated words, as in the following
The next example uses two backreferences to reverse the order of the words "apples" and "pears" in a sentence:
<cfset astring = "apples and pears, apples and pears, apples and pears">
<cfset newString = REReplace("#astring#", "(apples) and (pears)",
"\2 and \1","ALL")>
In this example, you reference the subexpression (apples) as \1 and the subexpression (pears) as \2. The RERepla
ce function returns the string:
To use backreferences in either the search string or the replace string, you must use
parentheses within the regular expression to create the corresponding subexpression.
Otherwise, ColdFusion throws an exception.
The REReplace and REReplaceNoCase functions support special characters in replacement strings to convert
replacement characters to uppercase or lowercase. The following table describes these special characters:
Special character
End \U or \L.
To include a literal \u, or other code, in a replacement string, escape it with another backslash; for example
For example, the following statement replaces the uppercase string "HELLO" with a lowercase "hello". This example
uses backreferences to perform the replacement.
You use the backslash character, \, to escape backreference and case-conversion characters in replacement
strings. For example, to include a literal "\u" in a replacement string, escape it, as in "
Omitting subexpressions from backreferences
By default, a set of parentheses will both group the subexpression and capture its matched text for later referral by
backreferences. However, if you insert "?:" as the first characters of the subexpression, ColdFusion performs all
operations on the subexpression except that it will not capture the corresponding text for use with a back reference.
This is useful when alternating over subexpressions containing differing numbers of groups would complicate
backreference numbering. For example, consider an expression to insert a "Mr." in between Bonjour|Hi|Hello and
Bond, using a nested group for alternating between Hi & Hello:
This example returns "Hello Mr. Bond". If you did not prohibit the capturing of the Hi/Hello group, the \2
backreference would end up referring to that group instead of " Bond", and the result would be "Hello Mr.ello".
To find all instances of the regular expression, you must call the REFind and REFindNoCase functions multiple
Both the REFind and REFindNoCase functions take an optional third parameter that specifies the starting index in
the search string for the search. By default, the starting location is index 1, the beginning of the string.
To find the second instance of the regular expression in this example, you call REFind with a starting index of 8:
In this case, the function returns an index of 9, the starting index of the second string " BIG ".
To find the second occurrence of the string, you must know that the first string occurred at index 5 and that the
string's length was 5. However, REFind only returns starting index of the string, not its length. So, you either must
know the length of the matched string to call REFind the second time, or you must use subexpressions in the
regular expression.
The REFind and REFindNoCase functions let you get information about matched subexpressions. If you set these
functions fourth parameter, ReturnSubExpression, to True, the functions return a CFML structure with two
arrays, pos and len, containing the positions and lengths of text strings that match the subexpressions of a regular
expression, as the following example shows:
Element one of the pos array contains the starting index in the search string of the string that matched the regular
expression. Element one of the len array contains length of the matched string. For this example, the index of the
first " BIG " string is 5 and its length is also 5. If the regular expression does not occur, the pos and len arrays each
contain one element with a value of 0.
You can use the returned information with other string functions, such as mid. The following example returns that
part of the search string matching the regular expression:
Each additional element in the pos array contains the position of the first match of each subexpression in the search
string. Each additional element in len contains the length of the subexpression's match.
In the previous example, the regular expression " BIG " contained no subexpressions. Therefore, each array in the
structure returned by REFind contains a single element.
After executing the previous example, you can call REFind a second time to find the second occurrence of the
regular expression. This time, you use the information returned by the first call to make the second:
If you include subexpressions in your regular expression, each element of pos and len after element one contains
the position and length of the first occurrence of each subexpression in the search string.
In the following example, the expression [A-Za-z]+ is a subexpression of a regular expression. The first match for the
expression ([A-Za-z])[ ], is "is is".
The entries sLenPos.pos[1] and sLenPos.len[1] contain information about the match of the entire regular
expression. The array elements sLenPos.pos2 and sLenPos.len2 contain information about the first subexpression
("is"). Because REFind returns information on the first regular expression match only, the sLenPos structure does
not contain information about the second match to the regular expression, "in in".
The regular expression in the following example uses two subexpressions. Therefore, each array in the output
structure contains the position and length of the first match of the entire regular expression, the first match of the first
subexpression, and the first match of the second subexpression.
<cfset sString = "apples and pears, apples and pears, apples and pears">
<cfset regex = "(apples) and (pears)">
<cfset sLenPos = REFind(regex, sString, 1, "True")>
<cfdump var="#sLenPos#">
For a full discussion of subexpression usage, see the sections on REFind and REFindNoCase in the ColdFusion
functions chapter in the CFML Reference.
Specifying minimal matching
The regular expression quantifiers ?, *, +, {min,} and {min,max} specify one or both of a minimum and maximum
number of instances of a given expression to match. By default, ColdFusion locates the greatest number characters
in the search string that match the regular expression. This behavior is called maximal matching.
For example, you use the regular expression "<b>(\.*)</b>" to search the string "<b>one</b> <b>two</b>". The
regular expression "<b>(\.*)</b>", matches both of the following:
<b>one</b> <b>two</b>
By default, ColdFusion always tries to match the regular expression to the largest string in the search string.
The following code shows the results of this example:
Thus, the starting position of the string is 1 and its length is 21, which corresponds to the largest of the two possible
However, sometimes you might want to override this default behavior to find the shortest string that matches the
regular expression. ColdFusion includes minimal-matching quantifiers that let you specify to match on the smallest
string. The following table describes these expressions:
minimal-matching version of *
minimal-matching version of +
minimal-matching version of ?
If you modify the previous example to use the minimal-matching syntax, the code is as follows:
Thus, the length of the string found by the regular expression is 10, corresponding to the string "<b>one</b>".
A real number.
REReplace (CGI.Query_String,
"CFID=[0-9]+[&]*", "")
I Lxxx Jxxxxxx
An excellent reference on regular expressions is Mastering Regular Expressions, by Jeffrey E. F. Friedl, O'Reilly &
Associates, Inc., 1997, ISBN: 1-56592-257-3, available at
JSON serialization
JSON serialization allows you to convert ColdFusion data into a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) representation
of the data. This feature was made available in ColdFusion 8.
See SerializeJSON.
Adobe blog post
Improved JSON Serialization
Added script support for cfimport based prefix custom tag. Now you can use prefix based custom tag in
script block without any issue.
cfimport(taglib=" ../importFolder/" prefix="myTags");
<cfoutput > Output from custom tag </cfoutput>
function convertCaseForArray(Array array, function convertor)
for (var i=1; i <= arrayLen(array); i++){
array[i] = convertor(array[i]);
return array;
// lcase built-in function is being passed as callback.
resultantArray = convertCaseForArray(['One', 'Two','Three'], lcase);
Now, you can treat the built-in CFML functions like ucase() as objects, being able to assign them to variables, and
pass them as arguments.
When you use the cfinclude tag to include one ColdFusion page in another ColdFusion page, the page that
includes another page is referred to as the calling page. When ColdFusion encounters a cfinclude tag it replaces
the tag on the calling page with the output from processing the included page. The included page can also set
variables in the calling page.
The following line shows a sample cfinclude tag:
You cannot break CFML code blocks across pages. For example, if you open a cfoutput block
in a ColdFusion page, close the block on the same page; you cannot include the closing portion
of the block in an included page.
1. Create a ColdFusion page named header.cfm that displays your logo. Your page can consist of just the
following lines, or it can include many lines to define an entire header:
<img src="mylogo.gif">
(For this example to work, you must also place your logo as a GIF file in the same directory as the
header.cfm file.)
2. Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<title>Test for Include</title>
<cfinclude template="header.cfm">
You can group related functions in a ColdFusion component. For more information, see Using ColdFusion
As with custom tags, you can easily distribute UDFs to others. For example, the Common Function Library Project at is an open-source collection of CFML user-defined functions.
Recommended uses
Typical uses of UDFs include, but are not limited to, the following:
Data manipulation routines, such as a function to reverse an array
String and date and time routines, such as a function to determine whether a string is a valid IP address
Mathematical calculation routines, including standard trigonometric and statistical operations or calculating
loan amortization
Routines that call functions externally, for example using COM or CORBA, such as routines to determine the
space available on a Windows file system drive
Consider using UDFs in the following circumstances:
You want to pass in arguments, process the results, and return a value. UDFs can return complex values,
including structures that contain multiple simple values.
You want to provide logical units, such as data manipulation functions.
Your code must be recursive.
You distribute your code to others.
If you can create either a UDF or a custom CFML tag for a particular purpose, first consider creating a UDF
because running it requires less system overhead than using a custom tag.
For more information
For more information on user-defined functions, see Writing and Calling User-Defined Functions.
For more information on using ColdFusion components, see Building and Using ColdFusion Components
Unlike built-in tags, you can run custom CFML tags in the following three ways:
Call a tag directly.
Call a tag using the cfmessagebox tag.
Use the cfimport tag to import a custom tag library directory.
To call a CFML custom tag directly, precede the filename with cf_, omit the .cfm extension, and place the
name in angle brackets (<>). For example, use the following line to call the custom tag defined by the file
If your tag takes a body, end it with the same tag name preceded with a forward slash, as follows:
For information on using the cfmodule and cfimport tags to call custom CFML tags, see Creating and Using
Custom CFML Tags.
Recommended uses
ColdFusion custom tags let you abstract complex code and programming logic into simple units. These tags let you
maintain a CFML-like design scheme for your code. You can easily distribute your custom tags and share tags with
others. For example, the ColdFusion Developer Exchange includes a library of custom tags that perform a wide
variety of often-complex jobs; see
Consider using CFML custom tags in the following circumstances:
You need a tag-like structure, which has a body and an end tag, with the body contents changing from
invocation to invocation.
You want to associate specific processing with the beginning tag, the ending tag, or both tags.
To use a logical structure in which the tag body uses "child" tags or subtags. This structure is like the cfform
tag, which uses subtags for the individual form fields.
You do not need a function format in which the calling code uses a direct return value.
Your code must be recursive.
Your functionality is complex.
To distribute your code in a convenient form to others.
If you can create either a UDF or a custom CFML tag for a purpose, first consider creating a UDF because
running it requires less system overhead than using a custom tag.
For more information
For more information on custom CFML tags, see Creating and Using Custom CFML Tags.
To use a CFX tag, precede the class name with cfx_ and place the name in angle brackets. For example, use the
following line to call the CFX tag defined by the MyCFXClass class and pass it one attribute.
<cfx_MyCFXClass myArgument="arg1">
Recommended uses
CFX tags provide one way of using C++ or Java code. However, you can also create Java classes and COM objects
and access them using the cfobject tag. CFX tags, however, provide some built-in features that the cfobject ta
g does not have:
CFX tags are easier to call in CFML code. You use CFX tags directly in CFML code as you would any other
tag, and you can pass arguments using a standard tag format.
ColdFusion provides predefined classes for use in your Java or C++ code that facilitate CFX tag
development. These classes include support for request handling, error reporting, and query management.
CFX tags are useful in the following circumstances:
You already have existing application functionality written in C++ or Java that you want to incorporate into
your ColdFusion application.
You cannot build the functionality you need using ColdFusion elements.
You want to provide the new functionality in a tag format, as opposed to using the cfobject tag to import
native Java or COM objects.
You want to use the Java and C++ classes provided by ColdFusion for developing your CFX code.
For more information
For more information on CFX tags, see Building Custom CFXAPI Tags.
cfinclude tag
Custom tag
Provide code,
including CFML,
HTML, and static
text, that must be
used in multiple
Operate on a body
Use subtags.
Provide a
computation, data
manipulation, or
other procedure.
Provide a single
functional element
that takes any
number of input
values and returns a
(possibly complex)
Provide accessibility
from Flash clients.
Create web
#back to top
Before you create a UDF, determine where you want to define it, and whether you want to use CFML or CFScript to
create it.
Determining where to create a user-defined function
You use the function statement to define the function in CFScript. CFScript function definitions have the following
features and limitations:
The function definition syntax is familiar to anyone who uses JavaScript or most programming languages.
CFScript is efficient for writing business logic, such as expressions and conditional operations.
CFScript function definitions cannot include CFML tags.
The following is a CFScript definition for a function that returns a power of 2:
function twoPower(exponent) {
return 2^exponent;
For more information on how to use CFScript to define a function, see Defining components and functions in
Defining functions in CFScript
You define functions using CFScript in a similar manner defining JavaScript functions. You can define multiple
functions in a single CFScript block.
For more information on using CFScript, see Extending ColdFusion Pages with CFML Scripting.
The body of the function definition must be in curly brackets, even if it is empty.
The following two statements are allowed only in function definitions:
return expression;
The following example function adds the two arguments and returns the result:
function Sum(a,b) {
var sum = a + b;
return sum;
In this example, a single line declares the function variable and uses an expression to set it to the value that it
returns. This function can be simplified so that it does not use a function variable, as follows:
Always use curly brackets around the function definition body, even if it is a single statement.
ColdFusion does not COPY any of the function arguments into the local scope of a function.
However, if an unscoped variable is called, it is searched first in argument scope and then local
You use the cffunction tag to define a UDF in CFML. The cffunction tag syntax has the following features
and limitations:
Developers who have a background in CFML or HTML, but no scripting or programming experience are more
familiar with the syntax.
You can include any ColdFusion tag in your function definition. Therefore, you can create a function, for
example, that accesses a database.
You can embed CFScript code inside the function definition.
The cffunction tag provides attributes that enable you to easily limit the execution of the tag to authorized
users or specify how the function can be accessed.
The following code uses the cffunction tag to define the exponentiation function:
For more information on how to use the cffunction tag to define a function, see Defining components and
functions in CFScript.
Defining functions by using the cffunction tag
The cffunction and cfargument tags let you define functions in CFML without using CFScript.
For information on ColdFusion components, see Building and Using ColdFusion Components. For more information
on the cffunction tag, see the CFML Reference.
The cffunction tag function definition format
where brackets ([]) indicate optional arguments. You can have any number of cfargument tags.
The cffunction tag specifies the name you use when you call the function. You can optionally specify other
function characteristics, as the following table describes:{{}}
Use cfargument tags for required function arguments. All cfargument tags must precede any other CFML code
in a cffunction tag body. Therefore, place the cfargument tags immediately following the cffunction openin
g tag. The cfargument tag takes the following attributes:
The cfargument tag is not required for optional arguments. This feature is useful if a function
can take an indeterminate number of arguments. If you do not use the cfargument tag for an
optional argument, reference it by using its position in the Arguments scope array. For more
information see Working with arguments and variables in functions.
The most important advantage of using the cffunction tag over defining a function in CFScript is that you can
include CFML tags in the function. Thus, UDFs can encapsulate activities, such as database lookups, that require
ColdFusion tags. Also, you can use the cfoutput tag to display output on the calling page with minimal coding.
To improve performance, avoid using the cfparam tag in ColdFusion functions. Instead, use the
cfset tag.
The following example function looks up and returns an employee department ID. It takes one argument, the
employee ID, and looks up the corresponding department ID in the cfdocexamples Employee table:
The following rules apply to functions that you define using CFScript or the cffunction tag:
The function name must be unique. It must be different from any existing variable, or UDF, except that you
can use the ColdFusion advanced security function names.
You can have a user-defined function with the same name as a built-in function for a CFC but not for CFM.
You cannot use the following names to create user-defined functions:
The function name must not start with the letters cf in any form. (For example, CF_MyFunction,
cfmyFunction, and cfxMyFunction are not valid UDF names.)
You cannot redefine or overload a function. If a function definition is active, ColdFusion generates an error if
you define a second function with the same name.
You cannot nest function definitions; that is, you cannot define one function inside another function definition.
The function can be recursive, that is, the function definition body can call the function.
The function does not have to return a value.
You can use tags or CFScript to create a UDF. Each technique has advantages and disadvantages.
You can call a function anywhere that you can use an expression, including in number signs (#) in a cfoutput tag,
in a CFScript, or in a tag attribute value. One function can call another function, and you can use a function as an
argument to another function.
You can call a UDF in two ways:
With unnamed, positional arguments, as you would call a built-in function
With named arguments, as you would use attributes in a tag
You can use either technique for any function. However, if you use named arguments, use the same
argument names to call the function as you use to define the function. You cannot call a function with a
mixture of named and unnamed arguments.
One example of a user-defined function is a TotalInterest function that calculates loan payments based on a
principal amount, annual percentage, and loan duration in months. (The definition of this function, see A
user-defined function example). You can call the function without argument names on a form action page, as
Interest: #TotalInterest(Form.Principal, Form.Percent, Form.Months)#
Interest: #TotalInterest(principal=Form.Principal, annualPercent=Form.Percent,
Use an argument name that represents its use. For example, the following code is unlikely to result in confusion:
function SumN(Addend1,Addend2)
{ return Addend1 + Addend2; }
<cfset x = 10>
<cfset y = 12>
function SumN(x,y)
{ return x + y; }
<cfset x = 10>
<cfset y = 12>
Passing arguments
Structures, queries, and complex objects such as COM objects are passed to UDFs by reference, so the function
uses the same copy of the data as the caller. Arrays are passed to user-defined functions by value, so the function
gets a new copy of the array data, and the array in the calling page is unchanged by the function. As a result, always
handle arrays differently from all other complex data types.
Passing structures, queries, and objects
For your function to modify the copy of a structure, query, or object, in the caller, pass the variable as an argument.
Because the function gets a reference to the structure in the caller, the caller variable reflects all changes in the
function. You do not have to return the structure to the caller. After the function returns, the calling page accesses
the changed data by using the structure variable that it passed to the function.
If you do not want a function to modify the copy of a structure, query, or object, in the caller, use the Duplicate fun
ction to make a copy and pass the copy to the function.
Passing arrays
If you want your function to modify the caller's copy of the array, the simplest solution is to pass the array to the
function and return the changed array to the caller in the function return statement. In the caller, use the same
variable name in the function argument and return variable.
The following example shows how to directly pass and return arrays. In this example, the doubleOneDArray functi
on doubles the value of each element in a one-dimensional array.
//Initialize some variables
//This creates a simple array.
//Define the function.
function doubleOneDArray(OneDArray) {
var i = 0;
for ( i = 1; i LE arrayLen(OneDArray); i = i + 1)
{ OneDArray[i] = OneDArray[i] * 2; }
return OneDArray;
//Call the function.
a = doubleOneDArray(a);
<cfdump var="#a#">
//Initialize some variables.
//This creates a simple array as an element in a structure.
//Define the function.
function doubleOneDArrayS(OneDArrayStruct) {
var i = 0;
for ( i = 1; i LE arrayLen(OneDArrayStruct.Array); i = i + 1)
{ OneDArrayStruct.Array[i] = OneDArrayStruct.Array[i] * 2; }
return True;
//Call the function.
Status = doubleOneDArrayS(arrayStruct);
WriteOutput("Status: " & Status);
<cfdump var="#arrayStruct#">
Use the same structure element name for the array (in this case Array) in the calling page and the function.
About the Arguments scope
All function arguments exist in their own scope, the Arguments scope.
The Arguments scope exists for the life of a function call. When the function returns, the scope and its variables are
However, destroying the Argument scope does not destroy variables, such as structures or query objects, that
ColdFusion passes to the function by reference. The variables on the calling page that you use as function
arguments continue to exist; if the function changes the argument value, the variable in the calling page reflects the
changed value.
The Arguments scope is special, in that you can treat the scope as either an array or a structure. This dual nature of
the Arguments scope is useful because it makes it easy to use arguments in any of the following circumstances:
You define the function using CFScript.
You define the function using the cffunction tag.
You pass arguments using argument name=value format.
You pass arguments as values only.
The function takes optional, undeclared arguments.
The contents of the Arguments scope
The following rules apply to the Arguments scope and its contents:
The scope contains all the arguments passed into a function.
If you use cffunction to define the function, the scope always contains an entry "slot" for each declared
argument, even if you do not pass the argument to the function when you call it. If you do not pass a declared
(optional) argument, the scope entry for that argument is empty.When you call a function that you defined
using CFScript, Pass the function a value for each argument declared in the function definition. Therefore, the
Arguments scope for a CFScript call does not have empty slots.
The following example shows these rules. Assume that you have a function declared, as follows:
<cffunction name="TestFunction">
<cfargument name="Arg1">
<cfargument name="Arg2">
You can call this function with a single argument, as in the following line:
<cfset TestFunction(1)>
As a structure
In this example, the following functions return the value 2 because the scope contains two defined arguments:
However, the following tests return the value false, because the contents of the second element in the Arguments
scope is undefined.
testArg2 = Arguments[2]>
The IsDefined function does not test the existence of array elements. Use the function Array
Contains to search the array elements.
If you use names to pass the arguments, the array indexes correspond to the order in which the arguments
are declared in the function definition.
If you use names to pass arguments, and do not pass all the arguments defined in the function, the
Arguments array has an empty entry at the index corresponding to the argument that was not passed. This
rule applies only to functions created using the cffunction tag.
If you use a name to pass an optional argument that is not declared in the function definition, the array index
of the argument is the sum of the following:
The number of arguments defined with names in the function.
The position of the optional argument among the arguments passed in that do not have names defined
in the function.
However, using argument names in this manner is not good programming practice because you
cannot ensure that you always use the same optional argument names when calling the function.
To demonstrate these rules, define a simple function that displays the contents of its Arguments array
and call the function with various argument combinations, as the following example shows:
Although you can use the Arguments scope as an array, the IsArray(Arguments) function
always returns false and the cfdump tag displays the scope as a structure.
code that uses them. To ensure program clarity, only use the Arguments structure for arguments that you
name in the function definition. Use the Arguments scope as an array for optional arguments that you do not
declare in the function definition.
If you do not name an optional argument in the function definition, but do use a name for it in the function call,
use the name specified in the function call For example, if you have an unnamed optional argument and call
the function using the name myOptArg for the argument, you can reference the argument as
Arguments.myOptArg in the function body. This usage, however, is poor programming practice, as it makes
the function definition contents depend on variable names in the code that calls the function.
Using the Arguments scope in CFScript
A function can have optional arguments that you do not have to specify when you call the function. To determine the
number of arguments passed to the function, use the following function:
When you define a function using CFScript, the function must use the Arguments scope to retrieve the optional
arguments. For example, the following SumN function adds two or more numbers together. It requires two
arguments and supports any number of additional optional arguments. You can reference the first two, required,
arguments as Arg1 and Arg2 or as Arguments1 and Arguments2. Access the third, fourth, and any additional
optional arguments as Arguments3, Arguments4, and so on
function SumN(Arg1,Arg2) {
var arg_count = ArrayLen(Arguments);
var sum = 0;
var i = 0;
for( i = 1 ; i LTE arg_count; i = i + 1 )
sum = sum + Arguments[i];
return sum;
With this function, any of the following function calls are valid:
SumN(Value1, Value2)
SumN(Value1, Value2, Value3)
SumN(Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4)
and so on.
The code never uses the Arg1 and Arg2 argument variables directly, because their values are always the first two
elements in the Arguments array and it is simpler to step through the array. Specifying Arg1 and Arg2 in the function
definition ensures that ColdFusion generates an error if you pass the function one or no arguments.
Avoid referring to a required argument in the body of a function by both the argument name and
its place in the Arguments scope array or structure, as doing so can be confusing and makes it
easier to introduce errors.
When you define a function using the cffunction tag, you generally reference the arguments directly by name if
all arguments are named in the cfargument tags. If you do use the Arguments scope identifier, follow the rules
listed in About the Arguments scope.
For more information on using the Arguments scope in functions defined using CFScript, see Using the Arguments
scope in CFScript.
Function-only variables
In addition to the Arguments scope, each function can have variables that exist only inside the function, and are not
saved between times the function gets called. As soon as the function exits, all the variables in this scope are
In CFScript, you create function-only variables with the var statement. Unlike other variables, you never prefix
function-only variables with a scope name.
Using function-only variables
Make sure to use the var statement in CFScript UDFs to declare all function-specific variables, such as loop
indexes and temporary variables that are required only for the duration of the function call. Doing so ensures that
these variables are available inside the function only, and makes sure that the variable names do not conflict with
the names of variables in other scopes. If the calling page has variables of the same name, the two variables are
independent and do not affect each other.
For example, if a ColdFusion page has a cfloop tag with an index variable i, and the tag body calls a CFScript
UDF that also has a loop with a function-only index variable i, the UDF does not change the value of the calling page
loop index, and the calling page does not change the UDF index. So you can safely call the function inside the cflo
op tag body.
In general, use the var statement to declare all UDF variables, other than the function arguments or shared-scope
variables, that you use only inside CFScript functions. Use another scope, however, if the value of the variable must
persist between function calls; for example, for a counter that the function increments each time it is called.
Referencing caller variables
A function can use and change any variable that is available in the calling page, including variables in the caller's
Variables (local) scope, as if the function was part of the calling page. For example, if you know that the calling page
has a local variable called Customer_name (and no function scope variable named Customer_name exists) the
function can read and change the variable by referring to it as Customer_name or (using better coding practice)
Variables.Customer_name. Similarly, you can create a local variable inside a function and then use it anywhere in
the calling page after the function call. You cannot use the variable before you call the function.
However, generally avoid using the caller's variables directly inside a function. Using the caller's variables creates a
dependency on the caller. Ensure that the code outside the function uses the same variable names as the function.
Doing so can become difficult if you call the function from many pages.
You can avoid these problems by using only the function arguments and the return value to pass data between the
caller and the function. Do not reference calling page variables directly in the function. As a result, you can use the
function anywhere in an application (or even in multiple applications), without concern for the calling code variables.
As with other programming practices, valid exceptions to this recommendation exist. For example, you can do any of
the following:
Use a shared scope variable, such as an Application or Session scope counter variable.
Use the Request scope to store variables used in the function. For more information, see Using the Request
scope for static variables and constants.
Create context-specific functions that work directly with caller data if you always synchronize variable names.
If your function must directly change a simple variable in the caller (one that is not passed to the
function by reference), you can place the variable inside a structure argument.
Using arguments
Function arguments can have the same names, but different values, as variables in the caller. Avoid such uses for
clarity, however.
The following rules apply to argument persistence:
Because ColdFusion passes simple variable and array arguments by value, their names and values exist only
while the function executes.
Because ColdFusion passes structures, queries, and objects such as COM objects by reference, the
argument name exists only while the function executes, but the underlying data persists after the function
returns and can be accessed by using the variable name of the caller. The variable name of the caller and the
argument name can be different.
If a function must use a variable from another scope that has the same name as a function-only
variable, prefix the external variable with its scope identifier, such as Variables or Form.
(However, remember that using variables from other scopes directly in your code is often poor
In many cases, the most effective use of UDFs is within a CFC. For more information on CFCs, see Building and
Using ColdFusion Components.
Using Application.cfm and function include files
Consider the following techniques for making your functions available to your ColdFusion pages:
If you consistently call a small number of UDFs, consider putting their definitions on the Application.cfm page.
If you call UDFs in only a few of your application pages, do not include their definitions in Application.cfm.
If you use many UDFs, place their definitions on one or more ColdFusion pages that contain only UDFs. You
can include the UDF definition page in any page that calls the UDFs.
The next section describes other techniques for making UDFs available to your ColdFusion pages.
Specifying the scope of a function
User-defined function names are essentially ColdFusion variables. ColdFusion variables are names for data.
Function names are names (references) for segments of CFML code. Therefore, like variables, functions belong to
About functions and scopes
You can now use the function from any page in the Request scope by calling Request.MyFunc.
Selecting a function scope
The following table describes the advantages and disadvantages of each function scope:
You can effectively manage functions that are used in application pages and custom tags by doing the following:
1. Define the functions on a function definitions page.
2. On the functions page, assign the functions to the request scope.
3. Use a cfinclude tag to include the function definition page on the application page, but do not include it on
any custom tag pages.
4. Always call the functions using the request scope.
This way you only include the functions once per request and they are available throughout the life of the
request. For example, create a myFuncs.cfm page that defines your functions and assigns them to the
Request scope using syntax such as the following:
<cfinclude template="myfuncs.cfm">
The application page and all custom tags (and nested custom tags) call the functions as follows:
Request.MyFunc1(Value1, Value2)
You can partially break the rule described in the section Referencing caller variables in the Working with arguments
and variables in functions. Here, the function defines variables in the Request scope. However, it is a specific
solution to a specific issue, where the following circumstances exist:
Because function names are ColdFusion variables, you can pass a function's name as an argument to another
function. This technique allows a function to use another function as a component. For example, a calling page can
call a calculation function, and pass it the name of a function that does some subroutine of the overall function.
This way, the calling page could use a single function for different specific calculations, such as calculating different
forms of interest. The initial function provides the framework, while the function whose name is passed to it can
implement a specific algorithm that the calling page requires.
The following simple example shows this use. The binop function is a generalized function that takes the name of a
function that performs a specific binary operation and two operands. The binop function simply calls the specified
function and passes it the operands. This code defines a single operation function, the sum function. A more
complete implementation would define multiple binary operations.
function binop(operation, operand1, operand2)
{ return (operation(operand1, operand2)); }
function sum(addend1, addend2)
{ return addend1 + addend2;}
x = binop(sum, 3, 5);
When you call a UDF in the body of a tag that has a query attribute, such as a cfloop tag, any function argument
that is a query column name passes a single element of the column, not the entire column. Therefore, the function
must manipulate a single query element.
For example, the following code defines a function to combine a single first name and last name to make a full
name. It queries the cfdocexamples database to get the first and last names of all employees, and then it uses a cf
output tag to loop through the query and call the function on each row in the query.
function FullName(aFirstName, aLastName)
{ return aFirstName & " " & aLastName; }
<cfquery name="GetEmployees" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT FirstName, LastName
FROM Employee
<cfoutput query="GetEmployees">
#FullName(FirstName, LastName)#<br>
You generally use functions that manipulate many rows of a query outside tags that loop over queries. Pass the
query to the function and loop over it inside the function. For example, the following function changes text in a query
column to uppercase. It takes a query name as an argument.
The following code uses a script that calls the UCaseColumn function to convert all the last names in the
GetEmployees query to uppercase. It then uses cfoutput to loop over the query and display the contents of the
UCaseColumn(GetEmployees, "LastName");
<cfoutput query="GetEmployees">
You can use the IsCustomFunction function to determine whether a name represents a UDF. The IsCustomFu
nction function generates an error if its argument does not exist. As a result, ensure that the name exists before
calling the function, for example, by calling the IsDefined function. The following code shows this use:
WriteOutput("MyFunc is a user-defined function");
WriteOutput("Myfunc is defined but is NOT a user-defined function");
WriteOutput("MyFunc is not defined");
You do not surround the argument to IsCustomFunction in quotation marks, so you can use this function to
determine if function arguments are themselves functions.
Using the Evaluate function
If your user-defined function uses the Evaluate function on arguments that contain strings, Make sure that all
variable names you use as arguments include the scope identifier. Doing so avoids conflicts with function-only
The following example returns the result of evaluating its argument. It produces the expected results, the value of
the argument, if you pass the argument using its fully scoped name, Variables.myname. However, the function
returns the value of the function local variable if you pass the argument as myname, without the Variables scope
myname = "globalName";
function readname(name) {
var myname = "localName";
return (Evaluate(name));
<!--- This one collides with local variable name. --->
The result of calling readname with myname is:
#readname("myname")# <br>
<!--- This one finds the name passed in. --->
The result of calling readname with Variables.myname is:
Using recursion
A recursive function is a function that calls itself. Recursive functions are useful when an algorithm that repeats the
same operation multiple times using the results of the preceding repetition can solve the problem. Factorial
calculation, used in the following example, is one case where recursion is useful. The Towers of Hanoi game is also
solved using a recursive algorithm.
A recursive function, like looping code, must have an end condition that always stops the function. Otherwise, the
function continues until a system error occurs or you stop the ColdFusion server.
The following example calculates the factorial of a number, that is, the product of all the integers from 1 through the
number; for example, 4 factorial is 4 X 3 X 2 X 1 = 24.
function Factorial(factor) {
If (factor LTE 1)
return 1;
return factor * Factorial(factor -1);
If the function is called with a number greater than 1, it calls itself using an argument one less than it received. It
multiplies that result by the original argument, and returns the result. Therefore, the function keeps calling itself until
the factor is reduced to 1. The final recursive call returns 1, and the preceding call returns 2 * 1, and so on, until all
the initial call returns the end result.
If a recursive function calls itself too many times, it causes a stack overflow. Always test any
recursive functions under conditions that are likely to cause the maximum number of recursions
to ensure that they do not cause a stack overflow.
#back to top
Your function can test for errors and use the WriteOutput function to display an error message directly to the
user. This method is useful for providing immediate feedback to users for simple input errors. You can use it
independently or in conjunction with either of the other two error-handling methods.
For example, the following variation on a "Hello world" function displays an error message if you do not enter a
name in the form:
<cfform method="POST"
<p>Enter your Name:
<input name="name" type="text"
<input type="Submit" name="submit"
function HelloFriend(Name) {
if (Name is "") WriteOutput("You
forgot your name!");
else WriteOutput("Hello " & name
&"!"); return "";
if (IsDefined("Form.submit"))
In some cases, such as those where the function cannot provide a corrective action, the function cannot, or should
not, handle the error directly. In these cases, your function can return information to the calling page. The calling
page must handle the error information and act appropriately.
Consider the following mechanisms for providing status information:
Use the return value to indicate the function status only. The return value can be a Boolean success/failure
indicator. The return value can also be a status code, for example where 1 indicates success, and various
failure types are assigned known numbers. With this method, the function must set a variable in the caller to
the value of a successful result.
Set a status variable that is available to the caller (not the return variable) to indicate success or failure and
any information about the failure. With this method, the function can return the result directly to the caller. In
this method, the function uses only the return value and structure arguments to pass the status back to the
Each of these methods can have variants, and each has advantages and disadvantages. The technique that
you use depends on the type of function, the application in which you use it, and your coding style.
The following example, which modifies the function used in A user-defined function example, uses one
version of the status variable method. It provides two forms of error information:
It returns -1, instead of an interest value, if it encounters an error. This value can serve as an error indicator
because you never pay negative interest on a loan.
It also writes an error message to a structure that contains an error description variable. Because the
message is in a structure, it is available to both the calling page and the function.
The TotalInterest function
After changes to handle errors, the TotalInterest function looks like the following. Code that is changed from the
function TotalInterest(principal, annualPercent, months, status) {
Var years = 0;
Var interestRate = 0;
Var totalInterest = 0;
principal = trim(principal);
principal = REReplace(principal,"[\$,]","","ALL");
annualPercent = Replace(annualPercent,"%","","ALL");
if ((principal LE 0) OR (annualPercent LE 0) OR (months LE 0)) {
Status.errorMsg = "All values must be greater than 0";
Return -1;
interestRate = annualPercent / 100;
years = months / 12;
totalInterest = principal*(((1+ interestRate)^years)-1);
Return DollarFormat(totalInterest);
function TotalInterest(principal,
annualPercent, months, status)
if ((principal LE 0) OR
(annualPercent LE 0) OR (months LE
0)) {
Status.errorMsg = "All values must
be greater than 0";
Return -1;
The code that calls the function now looks like the following. Code that is changed from the example in A
user-defined function example is in bold.
Creates a structure to hold the function status.
<cfset status = StructNew()>
Loan amount: #Form.Principal#<br>
Annual percentage rate:
Loan duration: #Form.Months#
TOTAL INTEREST: #myInterst#<br>
Using exceptions
UDFs written in CFScript can handle exceptions using the try and catch statements. UDFs written using the cffu
nction tag can use the cftry, cfcatch, cfthrow, and cfrethrow tags. Using exceptions corresponds to the
way many functions in other programming languages handle errors, and can be an effective way to handle errors. In
particular, it separates the functional code from the error-handling code, and it can be more efficient than other
methods at runtime, because it does not require testing and branching.
Exceptions in UDFs have the following two dimensions:
Handling exceptions generated by running the UDF code
Generating exceptions when the UDF identifies invalid data or other conditions that would cause errors if
processing continued
Handling exceptions in UDFs
Use try/catch blocks to handle exceptions in a UDF under the same conditions that any other ColdFusion application
uses try/catch blocks. These conditions are typically circumstances where the function uses an external resource,
such as a Java, COM, or CORBA object, a database, or a file. When possible, have your application prevent, rather
than catch, exceptions caused by invalid application data. For example, the application can prevent users from
entering a zero value for a form field that is used to divide another number, rather than handling exceptions
generated by dividing by zero.
When ColdFusion catches an exception, the function can use any of the following methods to handle the exception:
If the error is recoverable (for example, if the problem is a database time-out where in some cases retrying
resolves the issue), try to recover from the problem.
Display a message, as described in Displaying error messages in this page.
Return an error status, as described in Providing status information in this page.
If the UDF is defined using the cffunction tag, throw a custom exception, or rethrow the exception so that
it the calling ColdFusion page catches it. For more information on throwing and rethrowing exceptions, see H
andling runtime exceptions with ColdFusion tags.
Generating exceptions in UDFs
If you define your function using the cffunction tag, you can use the cfthrow and cfrethrow tags to throw
errors to the page that called the function. You can use this technique whenever your UDF identifies an error,
instead of displaying a message or returning an error status. For example, the following code rewrites the example
from Providing status information in this page to use the cffunction tag and CFML, and to throw and handle an
exception if any of the form values are not positive numbers.
The lines that identify invalid data and throw the exception are in bold. The remaining lines are equivalent to the
CFScript code in the previous example. However, the code that removes unwanted characters must precede the
error checking code.
<cffunction name="TotalInterest">
<cfargument name="principal" required="Yes">
<cfargument name="annualPercent" required="Yes">
<cfargument name="months" required="Yes">
<cfset var years = 0>
<cfset var interestRate = 0>
<cfset var totalInterest = 0>
<cfset principal = trim(principal)>
<cfset principal = REReplace(principal,"[\$,]","","ALL")>
<cfset annualPercent = Replace(annualPercent,"%","","ALL")>
<cfif ((principal LE 0) OR (annualPercent LE 0) OR (months LE 0))>
<cfthrow type="InvalidData" message="All values must be greater than 0.">
<cfset interestRate = annualPercent / 100>
<cfset years = months / 12>
<cfset totalInterest = principal*
(((1+ interestRate)^years)-1)>
<cfreturn DollarFormat(totalInterest)>
The code that calls the function and handles the exception looks like the following. The changed lines are in bold.
<cfset status = StructNew()>
<cfset myInterest = TotalInterest(Form.Principal, Form.AnnualPercent,
Form.Months, status)>
Loan amount: #Form.Principal#<br>
Annual percentage rate: #Form.AnnualPercent#<br>
Loan duration: #Form.Months# months<br>
TOTAL INTEREST: #myInterest#<br>
<cfcatch type="InvalidData">
The following simple function takes a principal amount, an annual percentage rate, and a loan duration in months
and returns the total amount of interest paid over the period. You can optionally use the percent sign for the
percentage rate, and include the dollar sign and comma separators for the principal amount.
You could use the TotalInterest function in a cfoutput tag of a form's action page, as follows:
Loan amount: #Form.Principal#<br>
Annual percentage rate: #Form.AnnualPercent#<br>
Loan duration: #Form.Months# months<br>
TOTAL INTEREST: #TotalInterest(Form.Principal, Form.AnnualPercent,
function TotalInterest(principal, annualPercent, months) {
Var years = 0;
Var interestRate = 0;
Var totalInterest = 0;
principal = trim(principal);
principal = REReplace(principal,"[\$,]","","ALL");
annualPercent = Replace(annualPercent,"%","","ALL");
interestRate = annualPercent / 100;
years = months / 12;
totalInterest = principal*(((1+ interestRate)^years)-1);
Return DollarFormat(totalInterest);
function TotalInterest(principal,
annualPercent, months) {
Var years = 0;
Var interestRate = 0;
Var totalInterest = 0;
principal = trim(principal);
principal =
annualPercent =
interestRate = annualPercent /
years = months / 12;
totalInterest = principal*
(((1+ interestRate)^years)-1);
The following code replaces CFScript statements with their equivalent CFML tags.
<cffunction name="TotalInterest">
<cfargument name="principal" required="Yes">
<cfargument name="annualPercent" required="Yes">
<cfargument name="months" required="Yes">
<cfset var years = 0>
<cfset var interestRate = 0>
<cfset var totalInterest = 0>
<cfset principal = trim(principal)>
<cfset principal = REReplace(principal,"[\$,]","","ALL")>
<cfset annualPercent = Replace(annualPercent,"%","","ALL")>
<cfset interestRate = annualPercent / 100>
<cfset years = months / 12>
<cfset totalInterest = principal*
(((1+ interestRate)^years)-1)>
<cfreturn DollarFormat(totalInterest)>
CFCs are building blocks that let you develop ColdFusion code in an object-oriented manner, although CFCs do not
require you to do object-oriented programming. Some of the object-oriented features of CFCs include encapsulation,
inheritance, and introspection. CFC object-oriented features are like the object-oriented elements in other
languages, like JavaScript.
The technique of incorporating both code and data into one object such as a CFC is known as encapsulation.
Encapsulation lets users pass data to and get a result from your CFC without having to understand the underlying
code. When you use encapsulation, you can validate data that is passed to the CFC. CFCs can also enforce data
types, check for required parameters, and optionally assign default values.
One CFC can inherit the methods and properties of another CFC. Inheritance lets you build multiple specific
components without rewriting the code for the basic building blocks of the components. For more information, see U
sing the Super keyword in Using CFCs effectively.
CFCs support introspection; that is, they can provide information about themselves. If you display a component
page directly in an HTML browser, inspect it in the ColdFusion and Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 component browsers,
or use the CFML GetMetadata function, you see information about the component. This information includes its
path, property, methods, and additional information that you can specify using special documentation attributes and
tags. For more information, see Using introspection to get information about components in Using CFCs effectively.
When you use a ColdFusion component, you can invoke a method in the CFC. However, typically, you create an ins
tance of the CFC, and then invoke methods and refer to properties of the CFC.
When to use CFCs
CFCs provide an excellent method for developing structured applications that separate display elements from logical
elements and encapsulate database queries. You can use CFCs to create application functionality that you (and
others) can reuse wherever needed, like user-defined functions (UDFs) and custom tags. If you want to modify, add,
or remove component functionality, you make changes in only one component file.
CFCs have several advantages over UDFs and custom tags. These advantages, which CFCs automatically provide,
include all of the following:
The ability to group related methods into a single component, and to group related components into a
Properties that multiple methods can share
ColdFusion can automatically publish CFC methods as web services. To publish a CFC method as a web service,
you specify the access="remote" attribute in the method's cffunction tag. ColdFusion generates all the required
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) code and exports the CFC methods. For more information on creating
web services in ColdFusion, see Using Web Services.
Creating Flash Remoting elements
Adobe Flash applications that use Flash Remoting can easily take advantage of ColdFusion components for
business logic. In a CFC, the cffunction tag names the function and contains the application logic, and the cfreturn ta
g returns the result to Flash.
For ColdFusion component methods to communicate with Flash applications, set the access att
ribute of the cffunction tag to remote.
For more information on creating CFCs for Flash Remoting, see Using Flash with CFCs.
Using asynchronous CFCs
ColdFusion provides an event gateway that lets you send a message to a CFC asynchronously. This gateway lets
you initialize processing by a CFC without waiting for the CFC to complete or return a value. You can use
asynchronous CFCs that use this gateway for the following:
Reindexing a collection
Logging information
Running batch processes
For more information on using asynchronous CFCs, see About event gateways.
You use the following tags to create a CFC. You include these tags on the CFML page that defines the CFC.
Elements of a CFC
<cffunction name="firstMethod">
<!--- CFML code for this method goes here. --->
<cffunction name="secondMethod">
<!--- CFML code for this method goes here. --->
You define component methods using cffunction tags. The following example defines a CFC that contains two
methods, getall and getsalary:
<cffunction name="getall" output="false" returntype="query">
<cfset var queryall="">
<cfquery name="queryall" datasource="cfdocexamples">
<cfreturn queryall>
<cffunction name="getsalary" output="false">
<cfset var getNamesandSalary="">
<cfquery name="getNamesandSalary" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary FROM EMPLOYEE
<cfreturn getNamesandSalary>
Because component methods are ColdFusion functions, most of their features and coding techniques are identical
to those of user-defined functions. For more information on using the cffunction tag to create functions, see Writi
ng and Calling User-Defined Functions. Like other ColdFusion functions, CFC methods can display information
directly by generating output, or can return a value to the code or client that invoked the method.
You use the following cffunction tag attributes only for CFCs:
The displayname and hint attributes, which document the CFC; for more information, see Documenting
CFCs in Building ColdFusion components.
The access attribute, which controls access to the CFC; for more information, see Using access security in
Using CFCs effectively.
For detailed reference information on the cffunction tag, see the CFML Reference.
Defining CFCs with related methods
When defining CFCs, it is good programming practice to organize related methods in one CFC. For example, you
could place all methods that perform operations related to a user, such as addUser, editUser, and storeUserP
references, in one CFC. You can group related mathematical functions into one CFC. A CFC can also contain all
the methods and properties necessary for a shopping cart. The following CFC contains two cffunction tags that
define two component methods, getEmp and getDept. When invoked, the component methods query the
ExampleApps database. The cfreturn tag returns the query results to the client, or page, where the method was
<cffunction name="getEmp">
<cfset var empQuery="">
<cfquery name="empQuery" datasource="cfdocexamples" dbtype="ODBC">
FROM tblEmployees
<cfreturn empQuery>
<cffunction name="getDept">
<cfset var deptQuery="">
<cfquery name="deptQuery" datasource="cfdocexamples" dbtype="ODBC">
FROM tblDepartments
<cfreturn deptQuery>
You can place executable code in a separate file from the main component definition page. By placing the method
execution code in a separate file, you can separate property initialization code, meta information, and the method
definition shell from the executable method definition code. This technique lets you modularize your code and helps
prevent CFML pages from getting too long and complex.
To separate the component method code, use a cfinclude tag on the component definition page to call the page that
contains the component method code.
If your method takes arguments or returns data to the page that invokes it, the cfargument tag
and the cfreturn tag must be on the component definition page, not on the included page.
<cffunction name="getUTCTime">
<cfinclude template="getUTCTime.cfm">
<cfreturn utcStruct.Hour & ":" & utcStruct.Minute>
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
1. Create a ColdFusion page with the following code, and save it as getUTCTime.cfm in the same directory as
utcStruct.Hour=DatePart("h", serverTime);
utcStruct.Minute=DatePart("n", serverTime);
utcStruct.Hour=utcStruct.Hour + utcTime.utcHourOffSet;
utcStruct.Minute=utcStruct.Minute + utcTime.utcMinuteOffSet;
if (utcStruct.Minute LT 10) utcStruct.Minute = "0" & utcStruct.Minute;
In the example, the getUTCTime method definition calls the getUTCTime.cfm file with the cfinclude tag. The
getUTCTime.cfm code calculates the UTC time representation of the current time and populates a structure
with hour and minute values. The method in tellTime.cfc then uses the information in the structure to return
the current UTC time as a string to the calling page. The included page must not include a cfreturn statem
Initializing instance data
Some components have instance data, which is data that persists as long as the component instance exists. For
example, a shopping cart component can have instance data that includes the IDs and quantities of items that the
user places in the shopping cart. Instance data is often shared by several methods that can create, delete, or modify
the data.
You can refer to instance data of a CFC only if you create an instance of the CFC. From inside the CFC, you refer to
instance data of the CFC using the this prefix, for example this.firstvariable. From the calling page, you
refer to instance data using dot notation, including the name of the instance of the component and the name of the
instance data, as in objectname.ivarname. Components whose methods you invoke without first instantiating the
component do not typically have instance data.
You initialize instance data at the top of the component definition, before the method definitions. ColdFusion
executes this code when it instantiates the component; for example, when a cfobject tag creates the component
instance. Because this code executes only when the instance is created and it typically "constructs" properties of the
component, instance data initialization code is sometimes called constructor code.
You can use any CFML tag or function in constructor code, and the code can perform any ColdFusion processing,
such as querying a database or data validation and manipulation. If one component extends another, the parent
component's constructor code executes before the child component's constructor code.
ColdFusion does not require you to place the initialization code at the top of the component
definition; however, it is good programming practice to do so.
The following example shows constructor code for a shopping cart CFC:
<!--- Initialize the array for the cart item IDs and quantities. --->
<cfset This.CartData = ArrayNew(2)>
<!--- The following variable has the ID of the "Special Deal" product for
this session. --->
<cfset This.Special_ID = RandRange(1, 999)>
For information on scopes, see The This scope and The Variables scope.
A useful technique is to define a method named init(), which initializes an instance of a CFC, acting as a
constructor. The init() method can initialize constants and return an instance of the component to the calling
page. The following code illustrates an example of an init() method:
<cfcomponent displayname="shoppingCart">
<cffunction name="init" access="public" output="no" returntype="shoppingCart">
<cfargument name="shoppingCartID" type="UUID" required="yes">
<cfset variables.shoppingCartID = arguments.shoppingCartID>
<cfreturn this>
<!--- Additional methods go here. --->
In this example, the init() method uses the variables scope to make the shopping cart ID available anywhere in
the CFC. For more information about scope, see CFC variables and scope.
Defining and using method parameters
You pass data to a method by using parameters. To define a component method parameter, use the cfargument tag
in the cffunction tag body. To define multiple parameters, use multiple cfargument tags. The tag names a
parameter and lets you specify the following:
Whether the parameter is required
The type of data that is required
A default argument value
Display name and hint metadata for CFC introspection
You can create CFC methods that do not use cfargument tags, for example, if you use
positional parameters in your methods. However, most CFC methods use the cfargument tag.
Example: convertTemp.cfc
<!--- Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion method. --->
<cffunction name="ctof" output="false">
<cfargument name="temp" required="yes" type="numeric">
<cfreturn ((temp*9)/5)+32>
<!--- Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion method. --->
<cffunction name="ftoc" output="false">
<cfargument name="temp" required="yes" type="numeric">
<cfreturn ((temp-32)*5/9)>
<cfreturn ((temp*9)/5)+32>
<cfreturn ((temp-32)*5/9)>
Example: tempConversion.cfm
The ColdFusion page tempConversion.cfm is an HTML form in which the user enters the temperature to convert,
and selects the type of conversion to perform. When the user clicks the Submit button, ColdFusion performs the
actions on the processForm.cfm page. The file tempConversion.cfm, which is in the same directory as
convertTemp.cfc, consists of the following:
Example: processForm.cfm
The ColdFusion page processForm.cfm calls the appropriate component method, based on what the user entered in
the form on the tempConversion.cfm page. Place it in the same directory as convertTemp.cfc.
<cfinvoke component="convertTemp"
method="ctof" returnvariable="newtemp" arg
<cfoutput>#form.temperature# degrees
Celsius is #newtemp#}}b{{degrees
<cfelseif #form.conversionType# is
<cfinvoke component="converttemp"
method="ftoc" returnvariable="newtemp"
<cfoutput>#form.temperature# degrees
Fahrenheit is #newtemp# degrees
To run the example, display the tempConversion.cfm page in your browser. When you enter a value in the text box
of the form, the value is stored in the form.temperature variable. Processing is then performed on the
processForm.cfm page, which refers to the value as form.temperature. When you invoke either method, the cfin
voke tag assigns the value form.temperature to temp; temp is the argument specified in the cfargument tag
of the appropriate method. The appropriate method in the convertTemp component performs the necessary
calculations and returns the new value as newtemp.For detailed reference information on the cfargument tag, see
the CFML Reference.To access the parameter values in the component method definition, use structure- or
array-like notation with the Arguments scope. The following example refers to the lastName argument as Argumen
ts.lastname; it could also refer to it as Arguments1. In addition, you can access arguments directly using
number (#) signs, such as #lastname#; however, it is better programming practice to identify the scope (for
example, #Arguments.lastname#). Also, you can use Array- or structure-like notation, which lets you loop over
multiple parameters. For more information on the Arguments scope, see The Arguments scope in CFC variables
and scope.
Define parameters in the component method definition
Create a component with the following contents, and save it as corpQuery.cfc in a directory under your web root
<cffunction name="getEmp">
<cfargument name="lastName" type="string" required="true"
hint="Employee last name">
<cfset var empQuery="">
<cfquery name="empQuery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
FROM tblEmployees
WHERE LASTNAME LIKE '#Arguments.lastName#'
<!--- Use cfdump for debugging purposes. --->
<cfdump var=#empQuery#>
<cffunction name="getCat" hint="Get items below specified cost">
<cfargument name="cost" type="numeric" required="true">
<cfset var catQuery="">
<cfquery name="catQuery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT ItemName, ItemDescription, ItemCost
FROM tblItems
WHERE ItemCost <= #Arguments.cost#
<!--- Use cfdump for debugging purposes. --->
<cfdump var=#catQuery#>
If you do not specifically suppress output, any text, HTML code, or output that CFML tags generate inside your
method gets returned as generated output to the client that calls the component method. If the client is a web
browser, it displays these results. For example, the following getLocalTime1 component method shows the local
time directly on the page that invokes the method:
<cffunction name="getLocalTime1">
Component methods that are called by using Flash Remoting or as web services cannot use this method to provide
Returning a results variable
In the component method definition, you use the cfreturn tag to return the results to the client as variable data. For
example, the following getLocalTime2 component method returns the local time as a variable to the ColdFusion
page or other client that invokes the method:
<cffunction name="getLocalTime">
<cfreturn TimeFormat(now())>
The ColdFusion page or other client, such as a Flash application, that receives the result then uses the variable data
as appropriate.
If a CFC is invoked using a URL or by submitting a form, ColdFusion returns the variable as a
WDDX packet. A CFC that is invoked by Flash Remoting, or any other instance of a CFC, must
not return the This scope.
You can return values of all data types, including strings, integers, arrays, structures, and instances of CFCs. The c
freturn tag returns a single variable, as does the return CFScript statement. Therefore, if you want to return
more than one result value at a time, use a structure. If you do not want to display output in a method, use output=
"false" in the cffunction tag.
For more information on using the cfreturn tag, see the CFML Reference.
Documenting CFCs
ColdFusion provides several ways to include documentation about your CFCs in your component definitions. The
documentation is available when you use introspection to display information about the CFC or call the GetMetada
ta or GetComponentMetaData function to get the component's metadata. You can use the following tools for
documenting CFCs:
The displayname and hint attributes
The cfcomponent, cffunction, cfargument, and cfproperty tags have displayname and hint attributes.
The displayname attribute lets you provide a more descriptive name for a component, attribute, method, or
property. When you use introspection, this attribute appears in parentheses next to the component or method name,
or on the parameter information line.
You use the hint attribute for longer descriptions of the component, method, or argument. In the introspection
display, this attribute appears on a separate line or on several lines of the component or method description, and at
the end of the argument description.
Metadata attributes
You can include arbitrary metadata information as attributes of the cfcomponent, cffunction, cfargument, and
cfproperty tags. To create a metadata attribute, specify the metadata attribute name and its value. For example,
in the following cfcomponent tag, the Author attribute is a metadata attribute. This attribute is not used as a
function parameter; instead, it indicates who wrote this CFC.
Metadata attributes are not used by ColdFusion for processing; they also do not appear in standard ColdFusion
introspection displays; however, you can access and display them by using the GetMetaData or
GetComponentMetaData function to get the metadata. Each attribute name is a key in the metadata structure of the
CFC element.
Metadata attributes are used for more than documentation. Your application can use the GetMetadata function to
get the metadata attributes for a component instance, or the GetComponentMetaData function to get the metadata
for an interface or component that you have not yet instantiated. You can then act based on the values. For
example, a mathCFC component could have the following cfcomponent tag:
In this case, a ColdFusion page with the following code sets the MetaTypeInfo variable to Float:
All metadata values are replaced by strings in the metadata structure returned from the GetMeta
data function. Because of this, do not use expressions in custom metadata attributes.
The cfproperty tag is used to create complex data types with WSDL descriptors and for component property
documentation, as follows:
It can create complex data types with WSDL descriptions for ColdFusion web services. For more information,
see Using ColdFusion components to define data types for web services in Publishing web services.
It can provide documentation of component properties in the ColdFusion introspection output. The
introspection information includes the values of the standard cfproperty tag attributes.
The cfproperty tag does not create a variable or assign it a value. It is used for information
purposes only. You use a cfset tag, or CFScript assignment statement, to create the property
and set its value.
The following table lists the locations in which you can save component files and how they can be accessed from
each location:
Web services
Current directory
Web root
Custom tag
ColdFusion mappings and custom tag roots can exist within the web root. If so, they are
accessible to remote requests, including URL, form, Flash Remoting, and web services
When you store components in the same directory, they are members of a component package. You can group
related CFCs into packages. Your application can refer to any component in a directory specifically by using a
qualified component name that starts with a subdirectory of one of the accessible directories and uses a period to
delimit each directory in the path to the directory that contains the component. For example, the following example is
a qualified name of a component named price:
In this example, the price.cfc file must be in the catalog\product subdirectory of a directory that ColdFusion searches
for components, as listed in the preceding table. When you refer to a component using the qualified name,
ColdFusion looks for the component in the order described in Specifying the CFC location in Using ColdFusion
components-Developing guide.
Establishing a descriptive naming convention is a good practice, especially if you plan to install the components as
part of a packaged application.
The This scope is available within the CFC and is shared by all CFC methods. It is also available in the base
component (if the CFC is a child component), on the page that instantiates the CFC, and all CFML pages included
by the CFC.
Inside the CFC, you define and access This scope variables by using the prefix This, as in the following line:
<cfset This.color="green">
In the calling page, you can define and access CFC This scope variables by using the CFC instance name as the
prefix. For example, if you create a CFC instance named car and, within the car CFC specify <cfset
This.color="green">, a ColdFusion page that instantiates the CFC could refer to the component's color property
as #car.color#.
Variable values in the This scope last as long as the CFC instance exists and, therefore, can persist between calls
to methods of a CFC instance.
The This scope identifier works like the This keyword in JavaScript and ActionScript. CFCs do
not follow the Java class model, and the This keyword behaves differently in ColdFusion than in
Java. In Java, This is a private scope, whereas in ColdFusion, it is a public scope.
The Variables scope in a CFC is private to the CFC. It includes variables defined in the CFC body (initialization or
constructor code) and in the CFC methods. When you set Variables scope variables in the CFC, they cannot be
seen by pages that invoke the CFC.
The CFC Variables scope does not include any of the Variables scope variables that are declared or available in the
page that instantiates or invokes the CFC. However, you can make the Variables scope of the page that invokes a
CFC accessible to the CFC by passing Variables as an argument to the CFC method.
You set a Variables scope variable by assigning a value to a name that has the Variables prefix or no prefix.
Values in the Variables scope last as long as the CFC instance exists, and therefore can last between calls to CFC
instance methods.
The Variables scope is available to included pages, and Variables scope variables that are declared in the included
page are available in the component page.
The Variables scope is not the same as the function local scope, which makes variables private
within a function. Always define function-local variables using the var keyword of the Local scope
The following example shows how to make the Variables scope of the page that invokes a CFC accessible to the
CFC by passing Variables as an argument to the CFC method. It also illustrates that the Variables scope is private
to the CFC.
The following code is for the callGreetMe.cfm page:
<cfset Variables.MyName="Wilson">
<cfobject component="greetMe" name="myGreetings">
Before invoking the CFC, Variables.Myname is: #Variables.MyName#.<br>
Passing Variables scope to hello method. It returns:
After invoking the CFC, Variables.Myname is: #Variables.MyName#.<br>
<cfinvoke component="greetMe" method="VarScopeInCfc">
<cfset Variables.MyName="Tuckerman">
<cffunction name="hello">
<cfargument name="Name" Required=true>
<cfset Variables.MyName="Hello " & Arguments.Name>
<cfreturn Variables.MyName>
<cffunction name="VarScopeInCfc">
<cfoutput>Within the VarScopeInCfc method, Variables.MyName is:
The Arguments scope exists only in a method, and is not available outside the method. The scope contains the
variables that you passed into the method, including variables that you passed in the following ways:
As named attributes to the cfinvoke tag
In the cfargumentcollection attribute of the cfinvoke tag
In cfinvokeargument tags
As attributes or parameters passed into the method when the method is invoked as a web service, by Flash
Remoting, as a direct URL, or by submitting a form
You can access variables in the Arguments scope using structure notation ( Arguments.variablename), or
array notation (Arguments1 or Arguments["variablename"]).
The Arguments scope does not persist between calls to CFC methods.
Variables in the Arguments scope are available to pages included by the method.
Other variable scopes
A CFC shares the Form, URL, Request, CGI, Cookie, Client, Session, Application, Server, and Flash scopes with
the calling page. Variables in these scopes are also available to all pages that are included by a CFC. These
variables do not have any behavior that is specific to CFCs.
Function local variables
Variables that you declare with the Var keyword inside a cffunction tag or CFScript function definition are
available only in the method in which they are defined, and only last from the time the method is invoked until it
returns the result. You cannot use the Var keyword outside function definitions.
Always use the Var keyword or Local scope name on variables that are only used inside the
function in which they are declared.
Define all function local variables at the top of the function definition, before any other CFML code; for example:
<cffunction ...>
<cfset Var testVariable = "this is a local variable">
<!--- Function code goes here. --->
<cfreturn myresult>
Any arguments declared with the cfargument tag must appear before any variables defined with the cfset tag.
You can also place any cfscript tag first and define variables that you declare with the Var keyword in the script.
Use function local variables if you place the CFC in a persistent scope such as the Session scope, and the function
has data that must be freed when the function exits.
Local variables do not persist between calls to CFC methods.
Local variables are available to pages included by the method.
The following table lists the tags that you use to instantiate or invoke a CFC. You use these tags on the CFML page
on which you instantiate or invoke the CFC.
ColdFusion provides many ways to instantiate CFCs and invoke CFC methods. The following table lists the
techniques, including the ColdFusion tags and functions that you use:
cfinvoke tag
Flash Remoting
Web services
Instantiating CFCs
If you use a CFC multiple times in a ColdFusion request, or if you use a CFC with persistent properties, use the cfob
ject tag or CreateObject function to instantiate the CFC before you call its methods.
The following example uses the cfobject tag to create an instance of the tellTime CFC.
The following example uses the CreateObject function to instantiate the same component in CFScript:
The cfinvoke tag can invoke methods on a CFC instance or invoke CFC methods transiently. You can also use the c
finvoke tag to invoke CFC methods from within a CFC.
Invoking methods of a CFC instance
To invoke a component method of a CFC instance, use the cfinvoke tag and specify the following:
The CFC instance name, enclosed in number signs (#), in the component attribute.
The method name, in the method attribute.
Any parameters. For information on passing parameters, see Passing parameters to methods by using the
cfinvoke tag in Passing parameters to methods.
If the component method returns a result, the name of the variable for the result in the returnVariable attri
The following procedure creates an application that displays the current UTC and local time.
1. Create a file named tellTime2.cfc with the following code:
<cffunction name="getLocalTime" access="remote">
<cfreturn TimeFormat(now())>
<cffunction name="getUTCTime" access="remote">
utcStruct.Hour=DatePart("h", serverTime);
utcStruct.Minute=DatePart("n", serverTime);
utcStruct.Hour=utcStruct.Hour + utcTime.utcHourOffSet;
utcStruct.Minute=utcStruct.Minute + utcTime.utcMinuteOffSet;
if (utcStruct.Minute LT 10) utcStruct.Minute = "0" & utcStruct.Minute;
<cfreturn utcStruct.Hour & ":" & utcStruct.Minute>
This example uses the cfobject tag to create an instance of the tellTime component and the cfinvoke tag to invoke
the instance's getLocalTime and getUTCTime methods. In this example, the CFC contains the functional logic in
the methods, which return a result to the calling page, and the calling page displays the results. This structure
separates the logic from the display functions, which usually results in more reusable code.
Invoking component methods transiently
In ColdFusion pages or components, the cfinvoke tag can invoke component methods without creating a
persistent CFC instance.
To invoke a component method transiently, use the cfinvoke tag and specify the following:
The name or path of the component, in the component attribute.
The method name, in the method attribute.
Any parameters. For information on passing parameters, see Passing parameters to methods by using the
cfinvoke tag in Passing parameters to methods.
If the component method returns a result, the name of the variable that contains the result, in the returnVar
iable attribute.
The following procedure creates an application that displays the local time.
1. Create the following component and save it as tellTime.cfc:
<cffunction name="getLocalTime">
The example defines a component with one method, getLocalTime, that displays the current time.
2. Create a ColdFusion page, with the following code, and save it in the same directory as the tellTime
Using the cfinvoke tag, the example invokes the getLocalTime component method without creating a
persistent CFC instance.
Using the cfinvoke tag within the CFC definition
You can use the cfinvoke tag to invoke a component method within the component definition; for example, to call
a utility method that provides a service to other methods in the component. To use the cfinvoke tag in this
instance, do not create an instance or specify the component name in the cfinvoke tag, as the following example
<cffunction name="servicemethod" access="public">
<cfoutput>At your service...<br></cfoutput>
<cffunction name="mymethod" access="public">
<cfoutput>We're in mymethod.<br></cfoutput>
<!--- Invoke a method in this CFC. --->
<cfinvoke method="servicemethod">
When you invoke a method from within the component definition in which you define the method,
do not use the This scope, because this resets the access privileges.
The cfinvoke tag is the only way to efficiently invoke different component methods based on variable data (for
example, form input). In this case, you use a variable name, such as Form.method, as the value of the method attri
bute. In the following example, the user selects a report from a form:
<select name="whichreport">
<option value="all">Complete Report</option>
<option value="salary">Salary Information</option>
The cfinvoke tag then invokes the appropriate method, based on what the user selected:
You can invoke methods of a component instance directly using CFScript or in CFML tags. To invoke component
methods directly, use the CreateObject function or cfobject tag to instantiate the component. Thereafter, use the
instance name followed by a period and the method that you are calling to invoke an instance of the method. Always
use parentheses after the method name, even if the method does not take any parameters.
You can use this syntax anywhere that you can use a ColdFusion function, such as in cfset tags or surrounded by
number signs in the body of a cfoutput tag.
Invoking component methods in CFScript
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
In CFScript, you use the method name in standard function syntax, such as methodName().
Invoking component methods in CFML
The following example uses CFML tags to produce the same results as the CFScript example:
You can access data in the component's This scope directly in CFScript and cfset assignment statements. For
example, if a user data CFC has a This.lastUpdated property, you could have code such as the following:
You can invoke CFC methods directly by specifying the CFC in a URL, or by using HTML and CFML form tags.
Because all HTTP requests are transient, these methods only let you transiently invoke methods. They do not let
you create persistent CFC instances.
Invoking component methods by using a URL
To invoke a component method by using a URL, append the method name to the URL in standard URL query-string,
name-value syntax. You can invoke only one component method per URL request, for example:
To use URL invocation, set the access attribute of the cffunction tag to remote.
To pass parameters to component methods using a URL, append the parameters to the URL in standard URL
query-string, name-value pair syntax; for example:
To pass multiple parameters within a URL, use the ampersand character (&) to delimit the name-value pairs; for
To ensure data security, Adobe strongly recommends that you not pass sensitive information
over the web using URL strings. Potentially sensitive information includes all personal user
information, including passwords, addresses, telephone numbers, and so on.
If a CFC method that you access using the URL displays output directly, the user's browser shows the output. You
can suppress output by specifying output="No" in the cffunction tag. If the CFC returns a result using the cfretu
rn tag, ColdFusion converts the text to HTML edit format (with special characters replaced by their HTML escape
sequences), places the result in a WDDX packet, and includes the packet in the HTML that it returns to the client.
Invoking component methods by using a form
Alternatively, if you use the POST method to submit the form, you can follow the filename with ?method=met
hodname, where methodnameis the name of the CFC method, as shown in the following line. You cannot use
this technique with the GET method.
Create an input tag for each component method parameter. The name attribute of the tag must be the method
parameter name and the field value is the parameter value.
Specify the access="remote" attribute in the cffunction tag that defines the CFC method being invoked
If the CFC method that you invoke from the form displays output directly, the user's browser shows the
output. (You can use the cffunction tag output attribute to disable displaying output.) If the CFC returns a
result using the cfreturn tag, ColdFusion converts the text to HTML edit format, places it in a WDDX packet,
and includes the packet in the HTML that it returns to the client.
1. Create a corpFind.cfm file with the following contents:
<h2>Find People</h2>
<form action="components/corpQuery.cfc?method=getEmp" method="post">
<p>Enter employee's last Name:</p>
<input type="Text" name="lastName">
<input type="Hidden" name="method" value="getEmp">
<input type="Submit" title="Submit Query"><br>
In the example, the form tag's action attribute points to the corpQuery component and invokes the getE
mp method.
2. Create a corpQuery.cfc file, specifying access="remote" for each cffunctiontag, as the following
example shows:
<cffunction name="getEmp" access="remote">
<cfargument name="lastName" required="true">
<cfset var empQuery="">
<cfquery name="empQuery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
FROM tblEmployees
WHERE LASTNAME LIKE '#arguments.lastName#'
<cfoutput>Results filtered by #arguments.lastName#:</cfoutput><br>
<cfdump var=#empQuery#>
ColdFusion displays the search form. After you enter values and click the Submit Query button, the browser
displays the results.
Accessing CFCs from outside ColdFusion and basic HTML
Flash applications that use Flash Remoting can easily take advantage of ColdFusion components for business logic.
Similarly, you can export CFCs so that any application can access CFC methods as web services.
For ColdFusion component methods to communicate with Flash Remoting applications, set the access attribute of
the cffunction tag to remote.
For more information on creating CFCs for Flash Remoting, see Using the Flash Remoting Service
Any application, whether it is a ColdFusion application, a Java application, JSP page, or a .Net application, can
access well-formed ColdFusion components as web services by referencing the WSDL file that ColdFusion
automatically generates.
To see a component's WSDL definition, specify the component web address in a URL, followed by ?wsdl; for
For more information on using CFCs as web services, see Using Web Services
Specifying the CFC location
When you instantiate or invoke a component, you can specify the component name only, or you can specify a qualifi
ed **path. To specify a qualified path, separate the directory names with periods, not backslashes. For example,
myApp.cfcs.myComponent specifies the component defined in myApp\cfcs\myComponent.cfc. For additional
information, see Saving and naming ColdFusion components in Building ColdFusion components.
ColdFusion uses the following rules to find the specified CFC:
If you use a cfinvoke or cfobject tag, or the CreateObjectfunction, to access the CFC from a CFML page,
ColdFusion searches directories in the following order:
1. Local directory of the calling CFML page
2. Web root
3. Directories specified on the Custom Tag Paths page of ColdFusion Administrator
If you specify only a component name, ColdFusion searches each of these directories, in turn, for the
If you specify a qualified path, such as myApp.cfcs.myComponent, ColdFusion looks for a directory matching
the first element of the path in each of these directories (in this example, myApp). If ColdFusion finds a
matching directory, it looks for a file in the specified path beneath that directory, such as
myApp\cfcs\myComponent.cfc, relative to each of these directories.
If ColdFusion finds a directory that matches the first path element, but does not find a CFC
under that directory, ColdFusion returns a not found_ error and does_ not_ search for
another directory._
If you invoke a CFC method remotely, using a specific URL, a form field, Flash Remoting, or a web service
invocation, ColdFusion looks in the specified path relative to the web root. For form fields and URLs that are
specified directly on local web pages, ColdFusion also searches relative to the page directory.
On UNIX and Linux systems, ColdFusion attempts to match a CFC name or custom tag
name with a filename, as follows: First, it attempts to find a file with the name that is all
lowercase. If it fails, it tries to find a file whose case matches the CFML case. For
example, if you specify <cfobject name="myObject"
Component="myComponent">, ColdFusion first looks for mycomponent.cfc and, if it
doesn't find it, ColdFusion looks for myComponent.cfc.
When you use the cfinvoke tag, ColdFusion provides several methods for passing parameters to CFC methods:
As cfinvoke tag attributes, in name="value" format
In the cfinvoke tag argumentcollection attribute
In the cfinvoke tag body, using the cfinvokeargument tag
You can use any combination of these methods in a single invocation. If you use the same name in two or three of
these methods, ColdFusion uses the value based on the following order of precedence:
1. cfinvokeargument tags
2. cfinvoke attribute name-value pairs
3. argumentcollection arguments
Passing parameters by using attribute format
You can pass parameters in the cfinvoke tag as tag attribute name-value pairs, as the following example shows:
In the example, the parameters are passed as the lastName and pwd attributes.
The cfinvoke tag attribute names are reserved and cannot be used for parameter names. The
reserved attribute names are: component, method, argumentCollection, and returnVari
able. For more information, see the CFML Reference.
If you save attributes to a structure, you can pass the structure directly using the cfinvoke tag's argumentColle
ction attribute. This technique is useful if an existing structure or scope (such as the Forms scope) contains values
that you want to pass to a CFC as parameters, and for using conditional or looping code to create parameters.
When you pass an argumentCollection structure, each structure key is the name of a parameter inside the structure.
The following example passes the Form scope to the addUser method of the UserDataCFC component. In the
method, each form field name is a parameter name; the method can use the contents of the form fields to add a
user to a database.
To pass parameters in the cfinvoke tag body, use the cfinvokeargument tag. Using the cfinvokeargument t
ag, for example, you can build conditional processing that passes a different parameter based on user input.
The following example invokes the corpQuery component:
The cfinvokeargument tag passes the lastName parameter to the component method.
In the following example, a form already let the user select the report to generate. After instantiating the getdata a
nd reports components, the action page invokes the doquery component instance, which returns the query
results in queryall. The action page then invokes the doreport component instance and uses the cfinvokear
gument tag to pass the query results to the doreport instance, where the output is generated.
ColdFusion provides three methods for passing parameters to CFC methods in direct method invocations:
1. You can pass the parameters the form of comma-separated name="value"entries, as in the following
CFScript example:
2. You can pass the parameters in an argumentCollectionstructure. The following code is equivalent to the
previous example:
argsColl = structNew();
argsColl.username = "Almonzo";
argsColl.password = "LauRa123";
authorized = securityCFC.getAuth(argumentCollection = argsColl);
3. You can pass positional parameters to a method by separating them with commas. The following example
calls the getAuthmethod, and passes the name and password as positional parameters:
For more information on using positional parameters and component methods in ColdFusion
functions, see Creating user-defined functions.
ColdFusion lets you pass parameters to CFC methods in a URL. To do so, you append the URL in standard URL
query-string, name-value pair syntax; for example:
Component inheritance and the Super keyword are two important tools for creating structured, object-oriented
ColdFusion components.
Component inheritance Lets you create a single base component and reuse this code in multiple
subclasses that are derived from the base component. Typically a base component is more general, and
subcomponents are typically more specific. Each subclass does not have to redefine the code in the base
component, but can override it if necessary.
The Super keyword Lets a component that overrides a base component method execute the original base
component method. This technique lets your subclassed component override a method without losing the
ability to call the original version of the method.
Using component inheritance
Component inheritance lets you import component methods and properties from one component to another
component. Inherited components share any component methods or properties that they inherit from other
components, and ColdFusion initializes instance data in the parent CFC when you instantiate the CFC that extends
Component inheritance defines an is a relationship between components. For example, a component named
president.cfc inherits its methods and properties from manager.cfc, which inherits its methods and properties from
employee.cfc. In other words, president.cfc is a manager.cfc; manager.cfc is an employee.cfc; and president.cfc is
an employee.cfc.
In this example, employee.cfc is the base component; it's the component upon which the others are based. The
manager component extends the employee component; it has all the methods and properties of the employee
component, and some additional ones. The president component extends the manager component. The president
component is called a subcomponent or child component of the manager component, which, in turn, is a child
component of the employee component.
1. Create the employee.cfc file with the following content:
<cfset This.basesalary=40*20>
<cfcomponent extends="employee">
<cfset This.mgrBonus=40*10>
In the example, the cfcomponent tag's extends attribute points to the employee component.
2. Create the president.cfc file with the following content:
<cfcomponent extends="manager">
<cfset This.prezBonus=40*20>
In the example, the cfcomponent tag's extends attribute points to the manager component.
3. Create the inherit.cfm file with the following content, and save it in the same directory as the components you
created in the previous steps:
When you browse the inherit.cfm file, the manager component refers to the basesalary defined in employee.cfc,
which is the base component; the president component refers to both the basesalary defined in the employee
component, and the mgrBonus defined in the manager component. The manager component is the parent class of
the president component.
Using the component.cfc file
All CFCs automatically extend the ColdFusion WEB-INF/cftags/component.cfc component. (The WEB-INF directory
is in the cf_root/wwwroot directory on ColdFusion configured with an embedded J2EE server. It is in the cf_root dire
ctory when you deploy ColdFusion on a J2EE server.) This CFC is distributed as a zero-length file. You can use it
for any core methods or properties that you want all CFCs in your ColdFusion application server instance to inherit.
When you install a newer version of ColdFusion, the installation procedure replaces the existing
component.cfc file with a new version. Therefore, before upgrading, save any code that you have
added to the component.cfc file, and then copy the code into the new component.cfc file.
You use the Super keyword only on CFCs that use the Extends attribute to extend another CFC. Unlike
ColdFusion scopes, the Super keyword is not used for variables; it is only used for CFC methods, and it is not
available on ColdFusion pages that invoke CFCs.
The Super keyword lets you refer to versions of methods that are defined in the CFC that the current component
extends. For example, the employee, manager, and president CFCs each contain a getPaid method. The manager
CFC extends the employee CFC. Therefore, the manager CFC can use the original versions of the overridden getP
aid method, as defined in the employee CFC, by prefixing the method name with Super.
1. Create the employee.cfc file with the following content:
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
<cffunction name="getPaid" returntype="numeric">
<cfset var salary=40*20>
<cfreturn salary>
<cfcomponent extends="employee">
<cffunction name="getPaid" returntype="numeric">
<cfset var salary=1.5 * Super.getPaid()>
<cfreturn salary>
<cfcomponent extends="manager">
<cffunction name="getPaid" returntype="numeric">
<cfset var salary=1.5 * Super.getPaid()>
<cfreturn salary>
1. Create the payday.cfm file with the following content, and save it in the same directory as the components
that you created in the previous steps:
In this example, each getPaid method in a child component invoked the getPaid method of its parent component.
The child's getPaid method then used the salary returned by the parent's getPaid method to calculate the
appropriate amount.
Included pages can use the Super keyword.
The Super keyword supports only one level of inheritance. If you use multiple levels of
inheritance, you can only use the Super keyword to access the current component's immediate
parent. The example in this section illustrates handling this limitation by invoking methods in a
Components stored in the same directory are members of a component package. Component packages help
prevent naming conflicts, and facilitate easy component deployment; for example:
ColdFusion searches the current directory first for a CFC. If you place two components in a single directory
as a package, and one component refers to the other with only the component name, not a qualified path,
ColdFusion always searches the package directory first for the component. As a result, if you structure each
application's components into a package, your applications can use the same component names without
sharing the component code.
If you use the access="package" attribute in a method's cffunction tag, access to the method is limited to
components in the same package. Components in other packages cannot use this method, even if they
specify it with a fully qualified component name. For more information on access security, see Using access
security in Using CFCs effectively.
You use dot syntax to navigate directory structures. Place the directory name before the component name.
5. Browse the timeDisplay.cfm file in your browser.
The following example shows a CFScript invocation:
helloCFC = createObject("component", "appResources.components.catQuery");
You can place a CFC instance in the Session or Application scope. This way, the component properties continue to
exist while the scope persists. For example, if you use a CFC for a shopping cart application, where the shopping
cart contents must persist for the length of the user's session. If you place the shopping cart CFC in the Session
scope, you can use component properties to store the cart contents. For example, the following line creates an
instance of the shoppingCart component in the Session scope:
Code that manipulates persistent scope CFC properties must be locked, just as all other code that manipulates
persistent scope properties must be locked. Therefore, lock both of the following types of application code:
Code that directly manipulates properties of a persistent scope CFC instance
Code that calls methods of a persistent scope CFC instance that manipulate properties of the instance
If you place multiple CFC instances in a single persistent scope, you can create a named lock for each CFC
instance. For more information on locking, see Using Persistent Data and Locking.
Session scope CFCs cannot be serialized, so you cannot use them with clustered sessions; for
example, if you want to support session failover among servers.
To restrict access to component methods, ColdFusion components use access, role-based, or programmatic
Using access security
CFC access security lets you limit the code that can access the components. You specify the access to a CFC
method by specifying the cffunction access attribute, as follows:
If you specify a roles attribute in a cffunction tag, only users who are logged in with one of the specified roles
can execute the method. When a user tries to invoke a method without authorization, an exception is returned.
The following example creates a component method that deletes files:
name="deleteFile" access="remote" roles="admin,manager" output="no">
<cfargument name="filepath" required="yes">
<cffile action="DELETE" file=#arguments.filepath#>
In the example, the cffunction tag includes the roles attribute to specify the user roles allowed to access it. In
this example, only users in the role admin and manager can access the function. Notice that multiple roles are
delimited by a comma.
For information on ColdFusion security, including the cflogin tag and role-based security in ColdFusion, see Securin
g Applications.
Using programmatic security
You can implement your own security within a method to protect resources. For example you can use the
ColdFusion function IsUserInAnyRole to determine if a user is in particular role, as the following example shows:
<cffunction name="foo">
<cfif IsUserInRole("admin")>
do stuff allowed for admin
<cfelseif IsUserInRole("user")>
do stuff allowed for user
<cfoutput>unauthorized access</cfoutput>
ColdFusion provides several ways for you to get information about components:
Request a component page from the browser
Use the ColdFusion component browser
Use the Adobe Dreamweaver Components panel
Use the GetMetaData function
Development teams can use the information about components as up-to-date API reference information.
For information about how to include documentation in CFCs for display by using introspection,
see Documenting CFCs in Building ColdFusion components.
When you access a CFC directly with a web browser without specifying a component method, the following chain of
events occurs:
1. The request is redirected to the cfcexplorer.cfc file, which is located in the cf_root/wwwroot/CFIDE/componen
tutils directory.
2. The cfcexplorer component prompts users for the ColdFusion RDS or Administrator password, if necessary.
3. The cfcexplorer component renders an HTML description and returns it to the browser.
Using the ColdFusion component browser
You can also browse the components available in ColdFusion using the component browser, which is located at cf_r
The browser has three panes:
The upper-left pane lists all CFC packages that ColdFusion can access, and has all components and refresh
The lower-left pane lists CFC component names. When the browser first appears, or when you click the all
components link in the upper pane, the lower pane lists all available components. If you click a package
name in the upper left pane, the lower pane lists only the components in the package.
The right pane initially lists the paths of all components. When you click a component name in the lower-left
pane, the right pane shows the ColdFusion introspection page, as described in Requesting a component
page from the browser in Using CFCs effectively.
When RDS user names are enabled, the component browser accepts the root administrator user
(admin) with either the administrator or RDS single password.
The Dreamweaver Components panel lists all available components, including their methods, method parameters,
and properties. The panel's context menu includes options to create a component, edit the selected component,
insert code to invoke the component, or show detailed information on the component or component element. The
Get description option shows the ColdFusion introspection page, as described in Requesting a component page
from the browser in Using CFCs effectively. For more information on viewing and editing CFCs in Dreamweaver,
see the Dreamweaver online Help.
Using the GetMetaData function
The CFML GetMetaData function returns a structure that contains all the metadata of a CFC instance. This structure
contains substantially more data about the CFC than the cfdump tag shows, and includes the following information:
All attributes to the component tag, including any metadata-only attributes, plus the component path.
An array of structures that contains complete information on each method (function) in the component. This
information describes all attributes, including metadata-only function and parameter attributes.
Within each function structure, a Parameters element that contains an array of parameters specified by cfarg
ument tags. Information on each parameter includes any metadata-only attributes.
Information about any properties that are specified using the cfproperty tag.
<cffunction name="allemployees" access="public" output="false"
<cfset var getNames="">
<cfquery name="getNames" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT * FROM Employee
<cffunction name="namesalarycontract" access="public" output="false"
<cfset var EmpList="">
<cfquery name="EmpList" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT Firstname, Lastname, Salary, Contract
FROM Employee
<cffunction name="fullname" access="public" output="false"
<cfset var engquery="">
<cfquery name="engquery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT FirstName || ' ' || LastName AS FullName
FROM Employee
<cffunction name="bydept" access="public" output="false" returntype="query">
<cfset var deptquery="">
<cfquery name="deptquery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT Dept_ID, FirstName || ' ' || LastName
AS FullName
FROM Employee
<cffunction name="employeebyURLID" access="public" output="false"
<cfset var GetRecordtoUpdate="">
<cfquery name="GetRecordtoUpdate" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT * FROM Employee
<cffunction name="deleteemployee" access="public" output="false"
<cfset var DeleteEmployee="">
If an init() method is defined for the CFC, either by explicitly defining an {{init()}}method or by providing the
{{}}method in the component's {{initmethod }}attribute, implicit Constructor is not invoked.
For implicit Constructor support, either specify accessors=true in the cfcomponent or ensure that you have the
setter functions for the properties defined.
If you have setter = false for a specific property or if the property is not defined for the CFC, then the value is
not set.
In either case, if there is an onMissingMethod defined for the CFC, it is invoked.
Example 1
In this example, the property firstName is set to the value Tom at the time of CFC instantiation, but the property la
stName is not set because it has setter = false. Also, onMissingMethod is invoked in the case of the
property lastName.employee.cfm
emp = new employee(firstname="Tom", lastname="Nash");
writeOutput("<u><b>Employee Details</b></u>: " & "<br><br>");
writeOutput("First Name: " & emp.getFirstname() & "<br>");
<cfcomponent accessors="TRUE">
<cfproperty name="firstname" type="string" setter="true"/>
<cfproperty name="lastname" type="string" setter="false"/>
<cfproperty name="age" type="numeric"/>
<cffunction name="onMissingMethod">
<cfargument name="missingMethodName"/>
<cfargument name="missingMethodArguments"/>
onMissingMethod() called for method call - #arguments.missingMethodName#
Example 2
In this example, both employee1.cfc and employee2.cfc have an init()}}method defined. Therefore,
the CFC properties {{firstName and lastName are not initialized. But in the employee.cfc, since there is
no init() method defined, property firstName is initialized.employee1.cfc
<cfcomponent accessors="TRUE">
<cfproperty name="firstname" type="string" setter="true"/>
<cfproperty name="lastname" type="string" setter="false"/>
<cffunction name="init">
<cfreturn this>
<cffunction name="onMissingMethod">
<cfargument name="missingMethodName"/>
<cfargument name="missingMethodArguments"/>
onMissingMethod() called for method call - #arguments.missingMethodName#
emp = new employee(firstname="Tom", lastname="Nash");
writeOutput("<u><b>Employee Details</b></u>: " & "<br><br>");
writeOutput("First Name: " & emp.getFirstname() & "<br>");
emp1 = new employee1(firstname="Tom", lastname="Nash");
writeOutput("First Name: " & emp1.getFirstname() & "<br>");
emp2 = new employee2(firstname="Tom", lastname="Nash");
writeOutput("First Name: " & emp2.getFirstname() & "<br>");
onMissingMethod() called for method call - #arguments.missingMethodName#
emp=new employee();
The chain in the example works only until lastName. This is because setter for age is set to false:
<cfcomponent accessors="TRUE">
<cfproperty name="firstname" type="string" setter="true"/>
<cfproperty name="lastname" type="string" setter="true"/>
<cfproperty name="age" type="numeric" setter="false"/>
<cffunction name="init">
<cfreturn this>
{ = "MyApplication";
this.invokeImplicitAccessor = true;
emp = new emp();
emp.firstname = "Tom";
emp.lastname = "Nash";
emp.age = 30;
writeOutput("First Name = " & emp.firstname & "<br>");
writeOutput("last Name = " & emp.emp.lastname & "<br>");
writeOutput("Age = " & emp.age & "<br>");
<cfcomponent accessors="TRUE">
<cfproperty name="firstname" type="string" setter="true"/>
<cfproperty name="lastname" type="string" setter="false"/>
<cfproperty name="age" type="numeric"/>
<cffunction name="onMissingMethod">
<cfargument name="missingMethodName"/>
<cfargument name="missingMethodArguments"/>
onMissingMethod() called for method call -#arguments.missingMethodName#
In the example, CFC Implicit notation works only if you set invokeImplicitAccessor in the Application.cfc to tr
ue. Otherwise, the values are posted to the This scope of the component.
When ColdFusion processes the page containing this tag, it could output the message:
A custom tag can also have a body and end tag, for example:
For more information about using end tags, see Handling end tags in Executing custom tags.
Creating and calling custom tags
You implement a custom tag with a single ColdFusion page. You then call the custom tag from a ColdFusion page
by inserting the prefix cf_ before the page's filename. The page that references the custom tag is referred to as the
calling page.
1. Create a ColdFusion page, the custom tag page, that shows the current date:
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
<title>Date Custom Tag</title>
<!--- Call the custom tag defined in date.cfm --->
You must store custom tag pages in any one of the following:
The same directory as the calling page
The cfusion\CustomTags directory
A subdirectory of the cfusion\CustomTags directory
A directory that you specify in the ColdFusion Administrator
To share a custom tag among applications in multiple directories, place it in the cfusion\CustomTags
directory. You can create subdirectories to organize custom tags. ColdFusion searches recursively for the
Custom Tags directory, stepping down through any existing subdirectories until the custom tag is found.
You can have a situation where you have multiple custom tags with the same name. To guarantee which tag
ColdFusion calls, copy it to the same directory as the calling page. Or, use the cfmodule tag with the templ
ate attribute to specify the absolute path to the custom tag. For more information on cfmodule, see the next
Calling custom tags with the cfmodule tag
You can also use the cfmessagebox tag to call custom tags if you want to specify the location of the custom tag
page. The cfmodule tag is useful if you are concerned about possible name conflicts when using a custom tag, or if
the application must use a variable to dynamically call a custom tag at runtime.
Use either a template or name attribute in the tag, but you cannot use both. The following table describes the
basic cfmodule attributes:
For example, the following code specifies to execute the custom tag defined by the mytag.cfm page in the parent
directory of the calling page:
<cfmodule template="../mytag.cfm">
For more information on using the cfmessagebox tag, see the CFML Reference.
Calling custom tags with the cfimport tag
You can use the cfimport tag to import custom tags from a directory as a tag library. The following example
imports the tags from the directory myCustomTags:
Once imported, you call the custom tags using the prefix that you set when importing, as the following example
where customTagName corresponds to a ColdFusion application page named customTagName.cfm. If the tag takes
attributes, you include them in the call:
You can also include end tags when calling your custom tags, as the following example shows:
ColdFusion calls the custom tag page twice for a tag that includes an end tag: once for the start tag and once for the
end tag. For more information on how ColdFusion handles end tags, and how to write your custom tags to handle
them, see Handling end tags in Executing custom tags.
One of the advantages to using the cfimport tag is that you can define a directory structure for your custom tags
to organize them by category. For example, you can place all security tags in one directory, and all interface tags in
another. You then import the tags from each directory and give them a different prefix:
Reading your code becomes easier because you can identify the location of your custom tags from the prefix.
Securing custom tags
The ColdFusion security framework enables you to selectively restrict access to individual tag files and tag
directories. This feature can be an important safeguard in team development. For details, see Configuring and
Administering ColdFusion.
Accessing existing custom tags
Before creating a custom tag in CFML, review the free and commercial custom tags available on the Adobe
developer's exchange ( might find a tag that does what you
Tags are grouped in several broad categories and are downloadable as freeware, shareware, or commercial
software. You can view each tag's syntax and usage information. The gallery contains a wealth of background
information on custom tags and an online discussion forum for tag topics.
Tag names with the cf_ preface are CFML custom tags; those tags with the cfx_ preface are ColdFusion
extensions written in Java or C++. For more information about the CFX tags, see Building Custom CFXAPI Tags.
If you do not find a tag that meets your specific needs, you can create your own custom tags in CFML.
Because custom tags are individual ColdFusion pages, variables and other data are not automatically shared
between a custom tag and the calling page. To pass data from the calling page to the custom tag, you can specify
attribute name-value pairs in the custom tag, just as you do for normal HTML and CFML tags.
For example, to pass the value of the NameYouEntered variable to the cf_getmd tag, you can call the custom tag as
<cf_getmd Name=#NameYouEntered#>
To pass multiple attributes to a custom tag, separate them with a space in the tag as follows:
In the custom tag, you use the Attributes scope to access attributes passed to the tag. Therefore, in the getmd.cfm
page, you access the passed attribute as Attributes.Name. The mytag.cfm custom tag page refers to the passed
attributes as Attributes.Firstname and Attributes.Lastname.
The custom tag page can also access variables set in the calling page by prefixing the calling page's local variable
with Caller. However, this technique is not the best way to pass information to a custom tag, because each calling
page would be required to create variables with the names required by the custom tag. You can create more flexible
custom tags by passing parameters using attributes.
Variables created within a custom tag are deleted when the processing of the tag terminates. Therefore, if you want
to pass information back to the calling page, write that information back to the Caller scope of the calling page. You
cannot access the custom tag's variables outside the custom tag itself.
For example, use the following code in the getmd.cfm page to set the variable Doctor on the calling page:
If the variable Doctor does not exist in the calling page, this statement creates it. If the variable exists, the custom
tag overwrites it.
The following image shows the relationship between the variables on the calling page and the custom tag:
One common technique used by custom tags is for the custom tag to take as input an attribute that contains the
name of the variable to use to pass back results. For example, the calling page passes returnHere as the name of
the variable to use to pass back results:
<cf_mytag resultName="returnHere">
In mytag.cfm, the custom tag passes back its results using the following code:
Be careful not to overwrite variables in the calling page from the custom tag. Adopt a naming convention to minimize
the chance of overwriting variables. For example, prefix the returned variable with customtagname_, where
customtagname is the name of the custom tag.
Data that pertains to the HTTP request or to the current application is visible in the custom tag
page. This data includes the variables in the Form, URL, Cgi, Request, Cookies, Server,
Application, Session, and Client scopes.
Custom tag attribute values are passed from the calling page to the custom tag page as name-value pairs. CFML
custom tags support required and optional attributes. Custom tag attributes conform to the following CFML coding
ColdFusion passes any attributes in the Attributes scope.
Use the Attributes.attribute_name__syntax when referring to passed attributes to distinguish them
from custom tag page local variables.
Attributes are not case sensitive.
Attributes can be listed in any order within a tag.
in the tag invocation, a space must separate attribute name-value pairs.
Passed values that contain spaces must be enclosed in double-quotation marks.
Use the cfparam tag with a defaultattribute at the top of a custom tag to test for and assign defaults for
optional attributes that are passed from a calling page. For example:
<!--- The value of the variable Attributes.Name comes from the calling page.
the calling page does not set it, make it "Who". --->
<cfparam name="Attributes.Name" default="Who">
Use the cfparam tag or a cfif tag with an IsDefinedfunction at the top of a custom tag to test for
required attributes that must be passed from a calling page; for example, the following code issues an abort if
the user does not specify the Name attribute to the custom tag:
The following example creates a custom tag that uses an attribute that is passed to it to set the value of a variable
called Doctor on the calling page.
1. Create a ColdFusion page (the calling page) with the following content:
<title>Enter Name</title>
<!--- Enter a name, which could also be done in a form. --->
<!--- This example simply uses a cfset. --->
<cfset NameYouEntered="Smith">
<!--- Display the current name. --->
Before you leave this page, you're #Variables.NameYouEntered#.<br>
<!--- Go to the custom tag. --->
<cf_getmd Name="#NameYouEntered#">
<!--- Come back from the Custom tag --->
<!--- Display the results of the custom tag. --->
You are now #Variables.Doctor#.<br>
<!--- The value of the variable Attributes.Name comes from the calling page.
If the calling page does not set it, make it "Who". --->
<cfparam name="Attributes.Name" default="Who">
<!--- Create a variable called Doctor, make its value "Doctor "
followed by the value of the variable Attributes.Name.
Make its scope Caller so it is passed back to the calling page.
<cfset Caller.Doctor="Doctor " & Attributes.Name>
<cfset NameYouEntered="Smith">
Before you leave this page, you're
<cf_getmd Name="#NameYouEntered#">
In the calling page, call the getmd custom tag and pass
it the Name attribute whose value is the value of the
local variable NameYouEntered.
<cfparam name="Attributes.Name"
You are now
You can use the reserved attribute attributeCollection to pass attributes to custom tags using a structure.
The attributeCollection attribute must reference a structure containing the attribute names as the keys and
the attribute values as the values. You can freely mix attributeCollection with other attributes when you call a
custom tag.
The key-value pairs in the structure specified by the attributeCollection attribute get copied into the Attributes
scope of the custom tag pages. This action has the same effect as specifying the attributeCollection entries
as individual attributes when you call the custom tag. The custom tag page refers to the attributes passed using att
ributeCollection the same way as it does other attributes; for example, as Attributes.CustomerName or
You can combine tag attributes and the attributeCollection attribute when you use a
custom tag directly or when you use the cfmodule tag to invoke a custom tag. If you pass an
attribute with the same name both explicitly and in the attributeCollection structure,
ColdFusion passes only the tag attribute to the custom tag and ignores the corresponding
attribute from the attribute collection. You cannot combine tag attributes and the attributeCol
lection attribute when you use standard (built in) ColdFusion tags.
Custom tag processing reserves the attributeCollection attribute for the structure holding a collection of
custom tag attributes. If attributeCollection does not reference such a collection, ColdFusion generates a
template exception.
The following example uses an attributeCollection attribute to pass two of four attributes:
<cfset zort=StructNew()>
<cfset zort.x = "-X-">
<cfset zort.y = "-Y-">
<cf_testtwo a="blab" attributeCollection=#zort# foo="16">
One use for attributeCollection is to pass the entire Attributes scope of one custom tag to another. This
technique is useful when you have one custom tag that calls a second custom tag and you want to pass all
attributes from the first tag to the second.
For example, you call a custom tag with the following code:
To pass all the attributes of the first custom tag to the second, you include the following statement in first.cfm:
<cf_second attributeCollection="#attributes#">
Within the body of second.cfm, you reference the parameters passed to it as follows:
When a custom tag page executes, ColdFusion keeps data related to the tag instance in the thisTag structure.
You can access the thisTag structure from within your custom tag to control processing of the tag. The behavior is
like that of the File tag-specific variable (sometimes called the File scope).
ColdFusion generates the variables in the following table and writes them to the thisTag structure:
{{HasEndTag }}
{{AssocAttribs }}
The following example accesses the ExecutionMode variable of the thisTag structure from within a custom tag:
The preceding examples of custom tags reference a custom tag by using just a start tag:
In this case, ColdFusion calls the custom tag page date.cfm to process the tag.
However, you can create custom tags that have both a start and an end tag. For example, the following tag has both
a start and an end tag:
ColdFusion calls the custom tag page date.cfm twice for a tag that includes an end tag: once for the start tag and
once for the end tag. As part of the date.cfm page, you can determine if the call is for the start or end tag, and
perform the appropriate processing.
ColdFusion also calls the custom tag page twice if you use the shorthand form of an end tag:
You can also call a custom tag using the cfmodule tag, as shown in the following example:
<cfmodule ...>
If you specify an end tag to cfmessagebox, then ColdFusion calls your custom tag as if it had both a start and an
end tag.
Determining if an end tag is specified
You can write a custom tag that requires users to include an end tag. If a tag must have an end tag provided, you
can use thisTag.HasEndTag in the custom tag page to verify that the user included the end tag.
For example, in date.cfm, you could include the following code to determine whether the end tag is specified:
The variable thisTag.ExecutionMode contains the mode of invocation of a custom tag page. The variable has
one of the following values:
Start Mode for processing the end tag.
End Mode for processing the end tag.
Inactive Mode when the custom tag uses nested tags. For more information, see Nesting custom tags. If an
end tag is not explicitly provided, ColdFusion invokes the custom tag page only once, in Start mode.
A custom tag page named bold.cfm that makes text bold could be written as follows:
You can also use cfswitch to determine the execution mode of a custom tag:
<cfswitch expression=#thisTag.ExecutionMode#>
<cfcase value= 'start'>
<!--- Start tag processing --->
<cfcase value='end'>
<!--- End tag processing --->
How you code your custom tag to divide processing between the start tag and end tag depends greatly on the
function of the tag. However, use the following rules to help you make your decisions:
Use the start tag to validate input attributes, set default values, and validate the presence of the end tag if the
custom tag requires it.
Use the end tag to perform the actual processing of the tag, including any body text passed to the tag
between the start and end tags. For more information on body text, see Processing body text in Executing
custom tags.
Perform output in either the start or end tag; do not divide it between the two tags.
Processing body text
Body text is any text that you include between the start and end tags when you call a custom tag, for example:
In this example, the two lines of code after the start tag are the body text.
You can access the body text within the custom tag using the thisTag.GeneratedContent variable. The
variable contains all body text passed to the tag. You can modify this text during processing of the tag. The contents
of the thisTag.GeneratedContent variables are returned to the browser as part of the tag's output.
The thisTag.GeneratedContent variable is always empty during the processing of a start tag. Any output
generated during start tag processing is not considered part of the tag's generated content.
A custom tag can access and modify the generated content of any of its instances using the thisTag.Generated
Content variable. In this context, the term generated content means the results of processing the body of a custom
tag. The content includes all text and HTML code in the body, the results of evaluating ColdFusion variables,
expressions, and functions, and the results generated by descendant tags. Any changes to the value of this variable
result in changes to the generated content.
As an example, consider a tag that comments out the HTML generated by its descendants. Its implementation could
look as follows:
Within a custom tag, you typically perform error checking and parameter validation. As part of those checks, you can
choose to abort the tag, using cfabort, if a required attribute is not specified or other severe error is detected.
The cfexit tag also terminates execution of a custom tag. However, the cfexit tag is designed to give you more
flexibility when coding custom tags than cfabort. The cfexit tag's method attribute specifies where execution
continues. The cfexit tag can specify that processing continues from the first child of the tag or continues
immediately after the end tag marker.
You can also use the method attribute to specify that the tag body executes again. This capability enables custom
tags to act as high-level iterators, emulating cfloop behavior.
The following table summarizes cfexit behavior:
Method attribute value
ExitTag (default)
Base page
Base page
Base page
<cftree name="tree1"
<cftreeitem value=fullname
The calling tag is known as an ancestor, parent, or base tag; the tags that ancestor tags call are known as descenda
nt, child, or sub tags. Together, the ancestor and all descendant tags are called collaborating tags.
In order to nest tags, the parent tag must have a closing tag.
The following table lists the terms that describe the relationships between nested tags:
Calling tag
Base tag
Sub tag
You can create multiple levels of nested tags. In this case, the sub tag becomes the base tag for its own sub tags.
Any tag with an end tag present can be an ancestor to another tag.
Nested custom tags operate through three modes of processing, which are exposed to the base tags through the
variable thisTag.ExecutionMode.
Passing data between nested custom tags
A key custom tag feature is for collaborating custom tags to exchange complex data without user intervention, while
encapsulating each tag's implementation so that others cannot see it.
When you use nested tags, address the following issues:
What data must be accessible?
Which tags can communicate to which tags?
How are the source and targets of the data exchange identified?
What CFML mechanism is used for the data exchange?
To enable developers to obtain maximum productivity in an environment with few restrictions, CFML custom tags
can expose all their data to collaborating tags.
When you develop custom tags, document all variables that collaborating tags can access and/or modify. When
your custom tags collaborate with other custom tags,
make sure that they do not modify any undocumented data.
To preserve encapsulation, place all tag data access and modification operations in custom tags. For example,
rather than documenting that the variable MyQueryResults in a tag's implementation holds a query result and
expecting users to manipulate MyQueryResults directly, create a nested custom tag that manipulates
MyQueryResult. This technique protects the users of the custom tag from changes in the tag's implementation.
Variable scopes and special variables
Use the Request scope for variables in nested tags. The Request scope **is available to the base page, all pages it
includes, all custom tag pages it calls, and all custom tag pages called by the included pages and custom tag pages.
Collaborating custom tags that are not nested in a single tag can exchange data using the request structure. The
Request scope is represented as a structure named Request.
Where is data accessible?
Two custom tags can be related in a variety of ways in a page. Ancestor and descendant relationships are important
because they relate to the order of tag nesting.
A tag's descendants are inactive while the page is executed; that is, the descendent tags have no instance data. A
tag, therefore, can only access data from its ancestors, not its descendants. Ancestor data is available from the
current page and from the whole runtime tag context stack. The tag context stack is the path from the current tag
element up the hierarchy of nested tags, including those tags in included pages and custom tag references, to the
start of the base page for the request. Both cfinclude tags and custom tags appear on the tag context stack.
High-level data exchange
Although the ability to create nested custom tags is a tremendous productivity gain, keeping track of complex nested
tag hierarchies can become a chore. The cfassociate tag lets the parent know what the children are up to. By
adding this tag to a sub tag, you enable communication of its attributes to the base tag.
In addition, there are many cases in which descendant tags are used only as a means for data validation and
exchange with an ancestor tag, such as cfhttp/cfhttpparam and cftreecftreeitem. You can use the cfass
ociate tag to encapsulate this processing.
The cfassociate tag has the following format:
The baseTag attribute specifies the name of the base tag that gets access to this tag's attributes. The dataCollec
tion attribute specifies the name of the structure in which the base tag stores the subtag data. Its default value is
AssocAttribs. ColdFusion requires a dataCollection attribute only if the base tag can have more than one type of
subtag. It is convenient for keeping separate collections of attributes, one per tag type.
If the custom tag requires an end tag, the code processing the structure referenced by the data
Collection attribute must be part of end-tag code.
When cfassociate is encountered in a sub tag, the sub tag's attributes are automatically saved in the base tag.
The attributes are in a structure appended to the end of an array whose name is thisTag. collectionName.
The cfassociate tag performs the following operations:
The code accessing subtag attributes in the base tag could look like the following:
Before you begin developing a CFX tag in Java, it can be useful to study sample CFX tags. You can find the Java
source files for the examples for Windows in the cfx\java\distrib\examples subdirectory of the main installation
directory. In UNIX systems, the files are located in the cfx/java/examples directory. The following table describes the
example tags:
You can use a wide range of Java development environments, including the Java Development Kit (JDK) from Sun,
to build Java CFX tags. You can download the JDK from Sun
Adobe recommends that you use one of the commercial Java IDEs, so you have an integrated environment for
development, debugging, and project management.
Configuring the classpath
To configure your development environment to build Java CFX tags, ensure that the supporting classes are visible
to your Java compiler. These classes are located in the cfx.jar archive, located in one of the following directories:
Server configuration cf_root/wwwroot/WEB-INF/lib
J2EE configuration cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/libConsult your Java development tool documentation to
determine how to configure the compiler classpath for your particular environment. The cfx.jar archive
contains the classes in the com.allaire.cfx package, which are required for developing and deploying
Java CFX tags.When you create new Java CFX tags, compile them into the WEB-INF/classes directory.
Doing so simplifies your development, debugging, and testing processes.After you finish with development
and testing, you can deploy your Java CFX tag anywhere on the classpath visible to ColdFusion.
Use the ColdFusion Administrator > Server Settings > JVM and Java Settings page to customize your Java
development environment by customizing the classpath and Java system properties, or by specifying an alternate
JVM. For more information, see the ColdFusion Administrator online Help.
import com.allaire.cfx.* ;
public class MyHelloColdFusion implements CustomTag {
public void processRequest( Request request, Response response )
throws Exception {
String strName = request.getAttribute( "NAME" ) ;
response.write( "Hello, " + strName ) ;
The previous command works only if the Java compiler (javac.exe) is in your path. If it is not in
your path, specify the fully qualified path; for example, c:\jdk1.3.1_01\bin\javac in Windows or
/usr/java/bin/javac in UNIX.
If you receive errors during compilation, check the source code to make sure that you entered it correctly. If no
errors occur, you successfully wrote your first Java CFX tag.
Calling the CFX tag from a ColdFusion page
You call Java CFX tags from within ColdFusion pages by using the name of the CFX tag that is registered on the
ColdFusion Administrator CFX Tags page. This name should be the prefix cfx_ followed by the class name (without
the .class extension).
Register a Java CFX tag in the ColdFusion Administrator
1. Create a ColdFusion page (.cfm) in your editor with the following content to call the HelloColdFusion custom
<cfx_MyHelloColdFusion NAME="Les">
2. Save the file in a directory configured to serve ColdFusion pages. For example, you can save the file as
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\cfdocs\testjavacfx.cfm in Windows or /home/docroot/cfdocs/testjavacfx.cfm in UNIX.
3. If you have not already done so, register the CFX tag in the ColdFusion Administrator (see Registering CFX
tags in Developing CFX tags in C++).
4. Request the page from your browser using the appropriate URL; for example:
ColdFusion processes the page and returns a page that displays the text "Hello, Les." If an error is returned
instead, check the source code to make sure that you entered it correctly.
Delete a CFX tag in the ColdFusion Administrator
Implementing a Java CFX tag requires interaction with the Request and Response objects passed to the process
Request method. In addition, CFX tags that must work with ColdFusion queries also interface with the Query objec
t. The com.allaire.cfx package, located in the WEB-INF/lib/cfx.jar archive, contains the Request, Response,
and Query objects.
For a complete description of these object types, see ColdFusion Java CFX Reference in the CFML Reference. For
a complete example Java CFX tag that uses Request, Response, and Query objects, see ZipBrowser example.
Request object
The Request object is passed to the processRequest method of the CustomTag interface. The following table
lists the methods of the Request object for retrieving attributes, including queries, passed to the tag and for reading
global tag settings:
For detailed reference information on each of these interfaces, see the CFML Reference.
Response object
The Response object is passed to the processRequest method of the CustomTag interface. The following table lists
the methods of the Response object for writing output, generating queries, and setting variables within the calling
For detailed reference information on each of these interfaces, see the CFML Reference.
Query object
The Query object provides an interface for working with ColdFusion queries. The following table lists the methods of
the Query object for retrieving name, row count, and column names and methods for getting and setting data
For detailed reference information on each of these interfaces, see CFML Reference.
Life cycle of Java CFX tags
A new instance of the Java CFX object is created for each invocation of the Java CFX tag. As a result, it is safe to
store per-request instance data within the members of your CustomTag object. To store data and objects that are
accessible to all instances of your CustomTag, use static data members. If you do so, ensure that all accesses to
the data are thread-safe.
ZipBrowser example
The following example shows the use of the Request, Response, and Query objects. The example uses the package to implement a Java CFX tag called cfx_ZipBrowser, which is a ZIP file browsing tag.
The Java source file that implements cfx_ZipBrowser,, is included in the
cf_root/cfx/java/distrib/examples (server configuration) or
cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/cfusion/cfx/java/distrib/examples (J2EE configuration) directory.
Compile to implement the tag.
The tag archive attribute specifies the fully qualified path of the ZIP archive to browse. The tag name attribute
must specify the query to return to the calling page. The returned query contains three columns: Name, Size, and
For example, to query an archive at the path C:\ for its contents and output the results, you use the
following CFML code:
<cfoutput query="LogFiles">
#Name#,#Size#, #Compressed# <BR>
com.allaire.cfx.* ;
java.util.Hashtable ; ;* ;
Before using interactive debuggers became the norm, programmers typically debugged their programs by inserting
output statements in their programs to indicate information such as variable values and control paths taken. Often,
when a new platform emerges, this technique comes back into vogue while programmers wait for more
sophisticated debugging technology to develop for the platform.
If you must debug a Java CFX tag while running against a live production server, reset this technique. In addition to
outputting debugging text using the Response.write method, you can also call your Java CFX tag with the debug
="On" attribute. This attribute flags the CFX tag that the request is running in debug mode and therefore can
generate additional extended debugging information. For example, to call the HelloColdFusion CFX tag in
debugging mode, use the following CFML code:
To determine whether a CFX tag is run with the debug attribute, use the Request.debug method. To write
debugging output in a special debugging block after the tag finishes executing, use the Response.writeDebug m
ethod. For information on using these methods, see ColdFusion Java CFX Reference in CFML Reference.
Debugging in a Java IDE
You can use a Java IDE to debug your Java CFX tags. As a result, you can develop your Java CFX tag and debug it
in a single environment.
1. Start your IDE.
2. In the project properties (or the project setting of your IDE), make sure your CFX class is in the web_root\WE
B-INF\classes directory or in the system classpath.
3. Make sure the libraries cf_root/wwwroot/WEB-INF/lib/cfx.jar (cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/lib/cfx.jar in the J2EE
configuration) and cf_root/runtime/lib/jrun.jar (server configuration only) are included in your classpath.
4. In your project settings, set your main class to jrunx.kernel.JRun and application parameters to -start defa
5. Debug your application by setting breakpoints, single stepping, displaying variables, or by performing other
debugging actions.
Using the debugging classes
To develop and debug Java CFX tags in isolation from the ColdFusion, you use three special debugging classes
that are included in the com.allaire.cfx package. These classes lets you simulate a call to the processReque
st method of your CFX tag within the context of the interactive debugger of a Java development environment. The
three debugging classes are the following:
DebugRequest: An implementation of the Request interface that lets you initialize the request with custom
attributes, settings, and a query.
DebugResponse: An implementation of the Response interface that lets you print the results of a request
once it has completed.
DebugQuery: An implementation of the Query interface that lets you initialize a query with a name, columns,
and a data set.
Implement a main method
import java.util.Hashtable ;
import com.allaire.cfx.* ;
public class OutputQuery implements CustomTag {
// debugger testbed for OutputQuery
public static void main(String[] argv) {
try {
// initialize attributes
Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable() ;
attributes.put( "HEADER", "Yes" ) ;
attributes.put( "BORDER", "3" ) ;
// initialize query
String[] columns = { "FIRSTNAME", "LASTNAME", "TITLE" } ;
String[][] data = {
{ "Stephen", "Cheng", "Vice President" },
{ "Joe", "Berrey", "Intern" },
{ "Adam", "Lipinski", "Director" },
{ "Lynne", "Teague", "Developer" } };
DebugQuery query = new DebugQuery( "Employees", columns, data ) ;
// create tag, process debugging request, and print results
OutputQuery tag = new OutputQuery() ;
DebugRequest request = new DebugRequest( attributes, query ) ;
DebugResponse response = new DebugResponse() ;
tag.processRequest( request, response ) ;
response.printResults() ;
catch( Throwable e ) {
e.printStackTrace() ;
public void processRequest(Request request, Response response) throws Exception {
// ...code for processing the request...
Before you begin development of a CFX tag in C++, you can study the two CFX tags included with ColdFusion.
These examples can help you get started working with the CFXAPI. The two example tags are as follows:
CFX_DIRECTORYLIST: Queries a directory for the list of files it contains.
CFX_NTUSERDB (Windows only): Lets you add and delete Windows NT users.
In Windows, these tags are located in the cf_root\cfx\examples directory. In UNIX, these tags are in the cf_ro
ot/coldfusion/cfx/examples directory.
Setting up your C++ development environment
The following compliers generate valid CFX code for UNIX platforms:
Before you can use your C++ compiler to build custom tags, enable the compiler to locate the CFX API header file,
cfx.h. In Windows, add the CFX API include directory to your list of global include paths. In Windows, this directory is
cf_root\cfx\include. In UNIX, this directory is cf_root/cfx/include. in UNIX, you need -I <includepath> on your
compile line (see the Makefile for the directory list example in the cfx/examples directory).
Compiling C++ CFX tags
CFX tags built in Windows and in UNIX must be thread-safe. Compile CFX tags for Solaris with the -mt switch on
the Sun compiler.
Locating your C++ library files in UNIX
In UNIX systems, your C++ library files can be in any directory as long as the directory is included in
Implementing C++ CFX tags
CFX tags built in C++ use the tag request object, represented by the C++ CCFXRequest class. This object
represents a request made from an application page to a custom tag. A pointer to an instance of a request object is
passed to the main procedure of a custom tag. The methods available from the request object let the custom tag
accomplish its work. For information about the CFX API classes and members, see ColdFusion C++ CFX Reference
in the CFML Reference.
Calling a nonexistent C++ CFX procedure or entry point causes a JVM crash in UNIX.
After you configure a debugging session, you run your custom tag from within the debugger, set breakpoints,
single-step, and so on.
Debugging in Windows
You can debug custom tags within the Visual C++ environment.
To use a CFX tag in your ColdFusion applications, first register it in the Extensions, CFX Tags page in the
ColdFusion Administrator.
//The old way
var myArray = ArrayNew(1);
ArrayAppend(myArray, "objec_new");
ArraySort(myArray, "ASC");
// The new way
// The new way
var myProductObject = createObject("java", "myJavaclass");
myjavaList = myProductObject.getProductList();
myjavaList.add("newProduct"); // Java API
myjavaList.append("newProduct"); // CF API
Supported Array member functions
The following Array member functions are supported:
About applications
The term application can mean many things. An application can be as simple as a guest book or as sophisticated as
a full Internet commerce system with catalog pages, shopping carts, and reporting.
An application, however, has a specific meaning in ColdFusion. A ColdFusion application has the following
It consists of one or more ColdFusion pages that work together and share a common set of resources.
All pages in the application share an application name and configuration settings as specified in an
Application.cfc file or a cfapplication tag.
All pages in the application share variables in the Application scope.
You can write application-wide event handlers for specific events, such as request start or session end.
What appears to a user to be a single application (for example, a company's website), can consist of multiple
ColdFusion applications.
ColdFusion applications are not J2EE applications. However, if you do not specify an application name in
your Application.cfc file or cfapplication tag, the Application scope corresponds to the J2EE application
servlet context.
ColdFusion applications end when the application has been inactive for the application time-out period or the
server stops. When the application times out, ColdFusion releases all Application scope variables. You must,
therefore, select a time-out period that balances the need for clearing Application scope memory and the
overhead of re-creating the scope. A typical application time-out is two days.
ColdFusion applications and sessions are independent of each other. For example, if an application times out
while a user's session is active, the session continues and the session context, including the user's Session
scope variables, is unaffected by the application ending and restarting.
Although, there are no definite rules about how you represent your web application as a ColdFusion
application or applications, the following guidelines are useful:
Application pages share a common general purpose. For example, a web storefront is typically a single
ColdFusion application.
Many, but not necessarily all, pages in a ColdFusion application share data or common code elements, such
as a single login mechanism.
Application pages share a common look-and-feel, often enforced by using common code elements, such as
the same header and footer pages, and a common error message template.
The application framework is the overall structure of the application and how your directory structure and application
pages reflect that structure. Use a single application framework to structure multiple ColdFusion applications into a
single website or Internet application. You can structure a ColdFusion application by using many methodologies. For
example, the Fusebox application development methodology is one popular framework for developing ColdFusion
web applications. (For more information on Fusebox, see
Information on how to use or develop a specific application framework is not provided. However, there is information
about the tools that ColdFusion provides for building your framework, including the Application.cfc file, how an
application's directory structure affects the application, and how you map the directory structure. For more
information on mapping the application framework, see Structuring an application.
Reusable application elements
ColdFusion provides a variety of reusable elements that you use to provide commonly used functionality and extend
CFML. These elements include the following:
User-defined functions (UDFs)
CFML custom tags
ColdFusion components (CFCs)
CFX (ColdFusion Extension) tags
Pages that you include using the cfinclude tag
For an overview of these elements, and information about how to choose among them, see Creating
ColdFusion Elements.
Shared variables
The following ColdFusion variable scopes maintain data that lasts beyond the scope of the current HTTP request:
Variable scope
Variables available
For more information on using these variables, including how to use locks to ensure that the data they contain
Application events are specific occurrences during the life cycle of an application. Each time one of these events
occurs, ColdFusion runs the corresponding method in your Application.cfc file (also referred to as the application
CFC). The Application.cfc file defines application settings and implements methods to handle the application events.
Implement application CFC methods to handle the following events:
Application start
Application end
Session start
Session end
Request start
Request end
The Application.cfc file also defines application-wide settings, including the application name and whether the
application supports Session variables.
For more information on using application events and the Application.cfc file, see Defining the application and its
event handlers in Application.cfc.
Other application-level settings and functions
Adobe recommends that when defining application-level settings, variables, and functions in new code, you do not
use the techniques used previous to ColdFusion MX 7. Instead, use the Application.cfc file and its variables and
methods, which provide more features and include logical, hierarchical structure.
If you do not have an Application.cfc file, ColdFusion processes the following two pages, if they are available, every
time it processes any page in the application:
The Application.cfm page is processed before each page in the application.
The OnRequestEnd.cfm page is processed after each page in the application.
UNIX systems are case-sensitive. To ensure that your pages work on UNIX, always capitalize
the A in Application.cfm and the O, R, and E in OnRequestEnd.cfm.
The Application.cfm page can define the application. It can contain the cfapplication tag that specifies the
application name, and code on this page is processed for all pages in the application. This page can define
application-level settings, functions, and features.
The OnRequestEnd.cfm page is used in fewer applications than the Application.cfm page. It lets you provide
common clean-up code that gets processed after all application pages, or specify dynamic footer pages.
The OnRequestEnd.cfm page does not execute if the page runs a cflocation_ tag._
For more information on the Application.cfm and OnRequestEnd.cfm pages, see Using an Application.cfm page. For
information on placing these pages in the application directory structure, see Structuring an application.
You can create a ColdFusion application without using an Application.cfc, Application.cfm, or
OnRequestEnd.cfm page. However, it is much easier to use the Application.cfm page than to
have each page in the application use a cfapplication tag and define common application
1. Check the Enable Per App Settings option on the Settings page of the ColdFusion Administrator.
2. Include code like the following in your Application.cfc file:
Adobe ColdFusion
<cfset THIS.mappings["/MyMap"]="c:\inetpub\myStuff">
(To use the second format, you must first create a THIS.mappings structure.)
Set the custom tag paths per application
1. Check the Enable Per App Settings option on the Settings page of the ColdFusion Administrator.
2. Include code like the following in your Application.cfc file:
All applications must ensure that malicious users cannot make improper use of their resources. Additionally, many
applications require user identification, typically to control the portions of a site that the user accesses, to control the
operations that the user performs, or to provide user-specific content. ColdFusion provides the following forms of
application security to address these issues:
Resource (file and directory-based) security Limits the ColdFusion resources, such as tags, functions, and
data sources that application pages, in particular directories, access. Consider the resource security needs of
your application when you design the application directory structure.
User (programmatic) security Provides an authentication (login) mechanism and a role-based authorization
mechanism to ensure that users only access and use selected features of the application. User security also
incorporates a user ID, which you use to customize page content. To implement user security, you include
security code, such as the cflogin and cfloginuser tags, in your application.For more on implementing
security, see Securing Applications.
Structuring an application
When you design a ColdFusion application, structure its contents into directories and files, also known as mapping
the directory structure. This activity is an important step in designing a ColdFusion application. Before you start
building the application, establish a root directory for the application. You store application pages in subdirectories of
the root directory.
How ColdFusion finds and process application definition pages
ColdFusion uses the following rules to locate and process the Application.cfc, Application.cfm, and
OnRequestEnd.cfm pages that define application-specific elements. The way ColdFusion locates these files helps
determine how you structure an application.
Each time ColdFusion processes a page request it does the following:
1. When ColdFusion starts processing the request, it does the following:
It searches the page's directory for a file named Application.cfc. If one exists, it creates a new instance
of the CFC, processes the initial events, and stops searching. (ColdFusion creates a new instance of
the CFC and processes its initialization code for each request.)
If the requested page's directory does not have an Application.cfc file, it checks the directory for an
Application.cfm file. If one exists, ColdFusion logically includes the Application.cfm page at the
beginning of the requested page and stops searching further.
If the requested page's directory does not have an Application.cfc or Application.cfm file, ColdFusion
searches up the directory tree and checks each directory first for an Application.cfc file and then, if one
is not found, for an Application.cfm page, until it reaches the root directory (such as C:). When it finds
an Application.cfc or Application.cfm file, it processes the page and stops searching.
2. ColdFusion processes the requested page's contents.
3. When the request ends, ColdFusion does the following:
If you have an Application.cfc, ColdFusion processes the CFC's onRequestEnd method and releases
the CFC instance.
If you do not have an Application.cfc, but do have an Application.cfm page, ColdFusion looks for an
OnRequestEnd.cfm in the same directory as the Application.cfm page ColdFusion uses for the current
page. ColdFusion does not search beyond that directory, so it does not run an OnRequestEnd.cfm
page that resides in another directory. Also, the OnRequestEnd.cfm page does not run if there is an
error or an exception on the application page, or if the application page executes the cfabort or cfe
xit tag.
The following rules determine how ColdFusion processes application pages and settings:
ColdFusion processes only one Application.cfc or Application.cfm page for each request. If a ColdFusion
page has a cfinclude tag pointing to an additional ColdFusion page, ColdFusion does not search for an
Application.cfc or Application.cfm page when it includes the additional page.
If a ColdFusion page has a cfapplication tag, it first processes any Application.cfc or Application.cfm,
and then processes the cfapplication tag. The tag overrides the settings from the application files,
including the application name and the behaviors set by the cfapplication tag attributes.
You can have multiple Application.cfc files, Application.cfm files, and cfapplication tags that use the
same application name. In this case, all pages that have the same name share the same application settings
and Application scope and set and get all the variables in this scope. ColdFusion uses the parameter settings
of the cfapplication tag or the most recently processed file, if the settings, such as the session time-out,
differ among the files.
If your application runs on a UNIX platform, which is case-sensitive, spell Application.cfc,
Application.cfm, and OnRequestEnd.cfm with capital letters.
Defining an application directory structure with an application-specific root directory has the following advantages:
Development The application is easier to develop and maintain, because the application page files are
Portability You can easily move the application to another server or another part of a server without
changing any code in the application page files.
Application-level settings Application pages that are under the same directory can share application-level
settings and functions.
SecurityApplication pages that are under the same directory can share web server security settings.When
you place your application in an application-specific directory hierarchy, you can use a single application
definition (Application.cfc or Application.cfm) page in the application root directory, or place different
application definition pages that govern individual sections of the application in different directories. You
divide your logical web application into multiple ColdFusion applications by using multiple application
definition pages with different application names. Alternatively, use multiple application definition pages that
specify the same application name, but have different code, for different subsections of your application.The
directory trees in the following image show two approaches to implementing an application framework:
In the example on the left, a company named Web Wonders, Inc. uses a single Application.cfc file
installed in the application root directory to process all application page requests.
In the example on the right, Bandwidth Associates uses the settings in individual Application.cfc files to
create individual ColdFusion applications at the departmental level. Only the Products application
pages are processed using the settings in the root Application.cfc file. The Consulting, Marketing, and
Sales directories each have their own Application.cfc file.
When you create an application, you can set many application-wide properties and characteristics, including the
following items:
Application name
Application properties, including Client-, Application-, and Session-variable management options
Page processing options
Default variables, data sources, style settings, and other application-level constants
For information on setting default variables, see Setting application default variables and constants in
onApplicationStart in this page.
Naming the application
Define the application and give it a name by setting the variable in the Application.cfc initialization
section, before the method definitions. By using a specific application name, you define a set of pages as part of the
same logical application.
ColdFusion supports unnamed applications, which are useful for ColdFusion applications that must interoperate with
JSP tags and servlets. Consider creating an unnamed application only if your ColdFusion pages must share
Application or Session scope data with existing JSP pages and servlets. You cannot have more than one unnamed
application on a server instance. For more information on using unnamed applications, see Sharing data between
ColdFusion pages and JSP pages or servlets in Interoperating with JSP pages and servlets.
Setting application properties
Specify application properties by setting This scope variables in the Application.cfc initialization code. (These are the
same properties that you set in the cfapplication tag.) The following table lists the This scope variable that
ColdFusion uses to set application properties and describes their uses.
Administrator value
Administrator value
Administrator Value
Administrator Value
The following example code from the top of an Application.cfc sets the application name and properties:
<cfset = "TestApplication">
<cfset This.clientmanagement="True">
<cfset This.loginstorage="Session">
<cfset This.sessionmanagement="True">
<cfset This.sessiontimeout="#createtimespan(0,0,10,0)#">
<cfset This.applicationtimeout="#createtimespan(5,0,0,0)#">
For more information on these settings, see cfapplication in the CFML Reference.
Setting page processing options
The cfsetting tag lets you specify the following page processing attributes to apply to all pages in your
Often, you use the cfsetting tag on individual pages, but you can also use it in your Application.cfc file. For
example, using it in multi-application environment to override the ColdFusion Administrator settings in one
You can place an application-wide cfsetting tag in the component initialization code, normally following the This
scope application property settings, as the following example shows:
This.loginstorage="Session" ;
This.sessionmanagement="True" ;
<cfsetting showdebugoutput="No" enablecfoutputonly="No">
The cfsetting tag in this example affects all pages in an application. You can override the application-wide
settings in the event methods, such as onRequestStart, or on individual ColdFusion pages.
Using application event handlers
The following table describes the application event CFC methods that you can implement, including when they are
When run
When ColdFusion receives a request, it instantiates the Application CFC and runs the Application.cfc code in the
following order:
CFC initialization code at the top of the file
onApplicationStart, if not run before for this application
onSessionStart, if not run before for this session
onRequest, or the requested page if there is no onRequest method
The following methods are triggered by specific events:
The onApplicationEnd and onSessionEnd methods do not execute in the context of a page request, so
they cannot access request variables or display information to the user. The onMissingTemplate method
is triggered when a URL specifies a CFML page that does not exist. The OnError method does not always
execute in the context of a request; use its Event argument to determine the context.
Managing the application with Application.cfc
Use the onApplicationStart and onApplicationEnd methods to configure and manage the application; that
is, to control resources that are used by multiple pages and requests and must be consistently available to all code
in your application. Such resources include data sources, application counters such as page hit variables, or style
information for all pages.
The onApplicationStart method executes when ColdFusion gets the first request for a page in the application
after the server starts. The onApplicationEnd method executes when the application server shuts down or if the
application is inactive for the application time-out period.
The following are some of the ways you use these methods. For more information, see entries for onApplicationStart
and onApplicationEnd in the CFML Reference.
Defining application utility functions
Functions that you define in Application.cfc and do not place in a shared scope are, by default, available only to
other methods in the CFC.
If your Application.cfc implements the onRequest method, any utility functions that you define in Application.cfc are
also directly available in to the target page, because Application.cfc and the target page share the Variables scope.
If your application requires utility functions that are used by multiple pages, not just by the methods in
Application.cfc, and you do not use an onRequest method, Adobe recommends that you place them in a separate
CFC and access them by running that CFC. As with other ColdFusion pages, Application.cfc can access any CFC in
a directory path that is configured on the ColdFusion Administrator Mappings page. Therefore, use this technique to
share utility functions across applications.
If your Application.cfc defines utility functions that you want available on request pages and does not use an onReq
uest method, explicitly place the functions in a ColdFusion scope, such as the Request scope, as the following
code shows:
<cfset myVar=Request.theFunctionName(Argument1...)>
Functions that you define in this manner share the This scope and Variables scope with the Application.cfc file for
the request.
Setting application default variables and constants in onApplicationStart
You can set default variables and application-level constants in Application.cfc. For example, you can do the
Specify a data source and ensure that it is available
Specify domain name
Set styles, such as fonts or colors
Set other application-level variables
You do not have to lock Application scope variables when you set them in the Application.cfc onApplicatio
nStart method.
For details on implementing the onApplicationStart method, see onApplicationStart in the CFML
Using the onApplicationEnd method
Use the onApplicationEnd method for any clean-up activities that your application requires when it shuts down,
such as saving data in memory to a database, or to log the application end. You cannot use this method to display
data on a user page, because it is not associated with any request. The application ends, even if this method throws
an exception. An application that is used often is unlikely to execute this method, except when the server is shut
For details on implementing the onApplicationEnd method, see onApplicationEnd in the CFML Reference.
Managing sessions in Application.cfc
Use the onSessionStart and onSessionEnd methods to configure and manage user sessions; that is, to control
resources that are used by multiple pages while a user is accessing your site from during a single browser session.
The session begins when a user first requests a page in your application, and ends when the session times out. For
more information on Session scope and Session variables, see Using Persistent Data and Locking.
Session resources include variables that store data that is needed throughout the session, such as account
numbers, shopping cart contents, or CFCs that contain methods and data that are used by multiple pages in a
Do not include the cflogin tag or basic login processing in the onSessionStart method, as the
code executes only at the start of the session; it cannot handle user logout, and cannot fully
ensure security.
This method is useful for initializing session data, such as user settings or shopping cart contents, or for tracking the
number of active sessions. You do not need to lock the Session scope when you set session variables in this
For more information, see the onSessionStart entry in the CFML Reference.
Using the onSessionEnd method
Use this method for any clean-up activities when the session ends. (For information on ending sessions, see Ending
a session in Configuring and using session variables.) For example, you can save session-related data, such as
shopping cart contents or information about whether the user has not completed an order, in a database, or you can
log the end of the session to a file. You cannot use this method to display data on a user page, because it is not
associated with a request.
Sessions do not end, and the onSessionEnd method is not called when an application ends.
For more information, see the onSessionEnd entry in the CFML Reference.
ColdFusion provides three methods for managing requests: onRequestStart, onRequest, and onRequestEnd.
ColdFusion processes requests, including these methods, as follows:
1. ColdFusion always processes onRequestStart at the start of the request.
2. If you implement an onRequest method, ColdFusion processes it; otherwise, it processes the requested
page. If you implement an onRequest method, explicitly call the requested page in your onRequest method
3. ColdFusion always processes onRequestEnd at the end of the request.
You can use each of the Application.cfc request methods to manage requests as follows:
Using the onRequestStart method
This method runs at the beginning of the request. It is useful for user authorization (login handling), and for
request-specific variable initialization, such as gathering performance statistics.
If you use the onRequestStart method and do not use the onRequest method, ColdFusion automatically
processes the request when it finishes processing the onRequestStart code.
If you do not include an onRequest method in Application.cfm file, the onRequestStart meth
od does not share a Variables scope with the requested page, but it does share Request scope
For more information, see the entry for onRequestStart in the CFML Reference
User authentication
When an application requires a user to log in, include the authentication code, including the cflogin tag or code
that calls this tag, in the onRequestStart method. Doing so ensures that the user is authenticated at the start of
each request. For detailed information on security and creating logins, see Securing Applications For an example
that uses authentication code generated by the Adobe Dreamweaver CF Login Wizard, see onRequestStart in the C
FML Reference.
Using the onRequest method
The onRequest method differs from the onRequestStart method in one major way: the onRequest method
intercepts the user's request. This difference has two implications:
ColdFusion does not process the request unless you explicitly call it, for example, by using a cfinclude tag.
This behavior lets you use the onRequest method to filter requested page content or to implement a switch
that determines the pages or page contents to be displayed.
When you use cfinclude to process request, the CFC instance shares the Variables scope with the
requested page. As a result, any method in the CFC that executes can set the page's Variables scope
variables, and the onRequestEnd method can access any Variable scope values that the included page has
set or changed. Therefore, for example, the onRequestStart or onRequest method set variables that are
used on the page.
To use this method as a filter, place the cfinclude tag inside a cfsavecontent tag, as the following
example shows:
<cffunction name="onRequest">
<cfargument name = "targetPage" type="String" required=true/>
<cfsavecontent variable="content">
<cfinclude template=#Arguments.targetPage#>
#replace(content, "report", "MyCompany Quarterly Report", "all")#
For more information, see the entry for onRequest in the CFML Reference
Using the onRequestEnd method
You use the onRequestEnd method for code that should run at the end of each request. (In ColdFusion versions
through ColdFusion MX 6.1, you would use the OnRequestEnd.cfm page for such code). Typical uses include
displaying dynamic footer pages. For an example, see onSessionEnd in the CFML Reference.
If you do not include an onRequest method in Application.cfm file, the onRequestEnd method
does not share a Variables scope with the requested page, but it does share Request scope
For more information, see the entry for onRequestEnd in the CFML Reference.
Handling errors in Application.cfc
The following sections briefly describe how you to handle errors in Application.cfc. For more information on error
pages and error handling, see Handling Errors For details on implementing the onError method, see onError in the C
FML Reference.
Application.cfc error handling techniques
The ColdFusion default error mechanisms handle any errors that are not handled by the preceding
techniques. These mechanisms include the site-wide error handler that you specify in the ColdFusion
Administrator and the built-in default error pages.
These techniques let you include application-specific information, such as contact information or application
or version identifiers, in the error message, and let you display all error messages in the application in a
consistent manner. You use Application.cfc to develop sophisticated application-wide error-handling
techniques, including error-handling methods that provide specific messages, or use structured error-handling
The onError method catches errors that occur in the onSessionEnd and onApplicationEn
d application event methods. It does not display messages to the user, however, because there
is no request context. The onError function logs errors that occur when the session or
application ends.
Server-side validation errors are actually ColdFusion exceptions; as a result, if your application uses an onError m
ethod, this method gets the error and must handle it or pass it on to ColdFusion for handling.
To identify a server-side validation error, search the Arguments.Exception.StackTrace field for
coldfusion.filter.FormValidationException. You can then handle the error directly in your onError routine, or throw
the error so that either the ColdFusion default validation error page or a page specified by an cferror tag in your
Application.cfc initialization code handles it.
Example: error Handling with the onError method
The following Application.cfc file has an onError method that handles errors as follows:
If the error is a server-side validation error, the onError method throws the error for handling by ColdFusion,
which displays its standard validation error message.
For any other type of exception, the onError method displays the name of the event method in which the
error occurred and dumps the exception information. In this example, because you generate errors on the
CFM page only, and not in a Application.cfc method, the event name is always the empty string.
<cfset = "BugTestApplication">
<cffunction name="onError">
<!--- The onError method gets two arguments:
An exception structure, which is identical to a cfcatch variable.
The name of the Application.cfc method, if any, in which the error
<cfargument name="Except" required=true/>
<cfargument type="String" name = "EventName" required=true/>
<!--- Log all errors in an application-specific log file. --->
<cflog file="#This.Name#" type="error" text="Event Name: #Eventname#" >
<cflog file="#This.Name#" type="error" text="Message: #except.message#">
<!--- Throw validation errors to ColdFusion for handling. --->
<cfif Find("coldfusion.filter.FormValidationException",
<cfthrow object="#except#">
<!--- You can replace this cfoutput tag with application-specific
error-handling code. --->
<p>Error Event: #EventName#</p>
<p>Error details:<br>
<cfdump var=#except#></p>
To test this example, place a CFML page with the following code in the same page as the Application.cfc file, and
enter valid and invalid text in the text input field.
This box does Integer validation:
<cfinput name="intinput" type="Text" validate="integer" validateat="onServer"><br>
Check this box to throw an error on the action page:
<cfinput type="Checkbox" name="throwerror"><br>
<cfinput type="submit" name="submitit">
<cfif IsDefined("form.fieldnames")>
<cfif IsDefined("form.throwerror")>
<cfthrow type="ThrownError" message="This error was thrown from the bugTest action
<cfelseif form.intinput NEQ "">
<h3>You entered the following valid data in the field</h3>
For more information on server-side validation errors, see Validating data.
The following example is a simplified Application.cfc file that illustrates the basic use of all application event
<cfset = "TestApplication">
<cfset This.Sessionmanagement=true>
<cfset This.Sessiontimeout="#createtimespan(0,0,10,0)#">
<cfset This.applicationtimeout="#createtimespan(5,0,0,0)#">
<cffunction name="onApplicationStart">
<!--- Test whether the DB that this application uses is accessible
by selecting some data. --->
<cfquery name="testDB" dataSource="cfdocexamples" maxrows="2">
SELECT Emp_ID FROM employee
<!--- If we get database error, report it to the user, log the error
information, and do not start the application. --->
<cfcatch type="database">
This application encountered an error.<br>
Please contact support.
<cflog file="#This.Name#" type="error"
text="cfdocexamples DB not available. message: #cfcatch.message#
Detail: #cfcatch.detail# Native Error: #cfcatch.NativeErrorCode#">
<cfreturn False>
<cflog file="#This.Name#" type="Information" text="Application Started">
<!--- You do not have to lock code in the onApplicationStart method that sets
Application scope variables. --->
<!--- You do not need to return True if you don't set the cffunction returntype
attribute. --->
<cffunction name="onApplicationEnd">
<cfargument name="ApplicationScope" required=true/>
<cflog file="#This.Name#" type="Information"
text="Application #ApplicationScope.applicationname# Ended">
<cffunction name="onRequestStart">
<!--- Authentication code, generated by the Dreamweaver Login Wizard,
makes sure that a user is logged in, and if not displays a login page. --->
<cfinclude template="mm_wizard_application_include.cfm">
<!--- If it's time for maintenance, tell users to come back later. --->
if ((Hour(now()) gt 1) and (Hour(now()) lt 3)) {
Use the cfapplication tag to specify the application name and define a set of pages as part of the same logical
application. Although you can create an application by placing a cfapplication tag with the application name on
each page, you normally place the tag in the Application.cfm file; for example:
<cfapplication name="SearchApp">
The value that you set for the name attribute in the cfapplication tag is limited to 64
Use the cfapplication tag to specify client state and persistent variable use, as follows:
To use Client scope variables, specify clientManagement=True.
To use Session scope variables, specify sessionManagment=True.
You can also optionally do the following:
Set application-specific time-outs for Application and Session scope variables. These settings override the
default values set in the ColdFusion Administrator.
Specify a storage method for Client scope variables. This setting overrides the method set in the ColdFusion
Specify not to use cookies on the client browser.
For more information on configuring these options, see Using Persistent Data and Locking and the CFML
Defining page processing settings
The cfsetting tag lets you specify page processing attributes that you want to apply to all pages in your
application. For more information, see Setting page processing options in Defining the application and its event
handlers in Application.cfc.
Setting application default variables and constants
Set default variables and application-level constants on the Application.cfm page. For example, specify the following
A data source
A domain name
Style settings, such as fonts or colors
Other important application-level variables
Often, an Application.cfm page uses one or more cfinclude tags to include libraries of commonly used
code, such as user-defined functions, that are required on many of the application's pages.
Processing logins
When an application requires a user to log in, you typically place the cflogin tag on the Application.cfm page. For
detailed information on security and creating logins, including an Application.cfm page that manages user logins,
see Securing Applications
Handling errors
Use the cferror tag on your Application.cfm page to specify application-specific error-handling pages for request,
validation, or exception errors, as shown in the following example. This way you include application-specific
information, such as contact information or application or version identifiers, in the error message, and you display
all error messages in the application in a consistent manner.
For more information on error pages and error handling, see Handling Errors.
Example: an Application.cfm page
The following example shows a sample Application.cfm file that uses several of the techniques typically used in
Application.cfm pages. For the sake of simplicity, it does not show login processing; for a login example, see Securin
g Applications.
<!--- Set application name and enable Client and Session variables. --->
<cfapplication name="Products"
<!--- Set page processing attributes. --->
<cfsetting showDebugOutput="No">
<!--- Set custom global error handling pages for this application.--->
<cferror type="request"
mailto="[email protected]">
<cferror type="validation"
<!--- Set the Application variables if they aren't defined. --->
<!--- Initialize local app_is_initialized flag to false. --->
<cfset app_is_initialized = False>
<!--- Get a read-only lock. --->
<cflock scope="application" type="readonly" timeout=10>
<!--- Read init flag and store it in local variable. --->
<cfset app_is_initialized = IsDefined("Application.initialized")>
<!--- Check the local flag. --->
<cfif not app_is_initialized>
<!--- Application variables are not initialized yet.
Get an exclusive lock to write scope. --->
<cflock scope="application" type="exclusive" timeout=10>
<!--- Check the Application scope initialized flag since another request
could have set the variables after this page released the read-only
lock. --->
<cfif not IsDefined("Application.initialized")>
<!--- Do initializations --->
<cfset Application.ReadOnlyData.Company = "MyCompany">
<!--- and so on --->
<!--- Set the Application scope initialization flag. --->
<cfset Application.initialized = "yes">
<!--- Set a Session variable.--->
<cflock timeout="20" scope="Session" type="exclusive">
<cfif not IsDefined("session.pagesHit")>
<cfset session.pagesHit=1>
<cfset session.pagesHit=session.pagesHit+1>
<!--- Set Application-specific Variables scope variables. --->
<cfset mainpage = "default.cfm">
<cfset current_page = "#cgi.path_info#?#cgi.query_string#">
<!--- Include a file containing user-defined functions called throughout
the application. --->
<cfinclude template="commonfiles/productudfs.cfm">
<cfapplication name="Products"
<cfsetting showDebugOutput="No">
<cferror type="request"
mailto="[email protected]">
<cferror type="validation"
<cflock timeout="20"
scope="Session" type="exclusive">
<cfif not
<cfset session.pagesHit=1>
Some ColdFusion pages produce output that changes infrequently. For example, if you have an application that
extracts a vendor list from a database or produces a quarterly results summary. Normally, when ColdFusion gets a
request for a page in the application, it does all the business logic and display processing that are required to
produce the report or generate and display the list. If the results change infrequently, it is an inefficient use of
processor resources and bandwidth.
The cfcache tag tells ColdFusion to cache the HTML that results from processing a page request in a temporary
file on the server. This HTML need not be generated each time the page is requested. When ColdFusion gets a
request for a cached ColdFusion page, it retrieves the pregenerated HTML page without having to process the
ColdFusion page. ColdFusion can also cache the page on the client. If the client browser has its own cached copy of
the page from a previous viewing, ColdFusion instructs the browser to use the client's page rather than resending
the page.
The cfcache tag caching mechanism considers that each URL is a separate page. Therefore, h
ttp:// and result in two
separate cached pages. Because ColdFusion caches a separate page for each unique set of
URL parameters, the caching mechanism accommodates pages for which different parameters
result in different output.
You tell ColdFusion to cache the page results by placing a cfcache tag on your ColdFusion page before code that
outputs text. The tag lets you specify the following information:
Whether to cache the page results on the server, the client system, or both. The default is both. The default is
optimal for pages that are identical for all users. If the pages contain client-specific information, or are
secured with ColdFusion user security, set the action attribute in the cfcache tag to ClientCache.
The directory on the server in which to store the cached pages. The default directory is cf_root/cache. It is a
good practice to create a separate cache directory for each application. Doing so prevents the cfcache tag f
lush action from inappropriately flushing more than one application's caches at a time.
The time span that indicates how long the page lasts in the cache from when it is stored until it is
automatically flushed.
You can also specify several attributes for accessing a cached page on the web server, including a user
name and password (if required by the web server), the port, and the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) to use to
ColdFusion automatically flushes any cached page if you change the code on the page. It also automatically flushes
pages after the expiration time span passes.
Use the cfcache tag with the action="flush" attribute to immediately flush one or more cached pages. You can
optionally specify the directory that contains the cached pages to be flushed and a URL pattern that identifies the
pages to flush. If you do not specify a URL pattern, all pages in the directory are flushed. The URL pattern can
include asterisk (*) wildcards to specify parts of the URL that can vary.
When you use the cfcache tag to flush cached pages, ColdFusion deletes the pages cached on the server. If a
flushed page is cached on the client system, it is deleted, and a new copy gets cached the next time the client tries
to access the ColdFusion page.
The following example flushes all the pages in the e:/temp/page_cache/monthly directory that start with HR:
If you have a ColdFusion page that updates data that you use in cached pages, the page that does the updating
includes a cfcache tag that flushes all pages that use the data.
For more information on the cfcache tag, see the CFML Reference.
Caching parts of ColdFusion pages
In some cases, your ColdFusion page contains a combination of dynamic information that ColdFusion must
generate each time it displays the page, and information that it generates dynamically, but that changes less
frequently. ColdFusion 9 provides granular control over caching. You can cache fragments of page that lets you
cache the infrequently changed content.The following example illustrates fragment caching:
In this example, the highlighted code creates a page fragment that displays all art records from the table art. The
cache is set to expire either after one hour or after an idle time of 30 minutes. After the cache is invalidated, cache is
recreated the next time the page is accessed thereby displaying updated information (if any).
Caching enhancements in ColdFusion 10
Application-specific caching
this.cache.configfile = "c:/cachesettings/ehcache.xml";
this.cache.configfile = "ehcache.xml";
If caching is specified at the application level, all cache functions use the application-specific cache configuration.
<cfscript> = "appSpecificCacheTest";
this.cache.configfile = "ehcache.xml";
this.applicationTimeout = createtimespan(0,0,0,5);
function onApplicationStart(){
writelog("In onApplicationStart()");
function onApplicationEnd(){
writelog("In onApplicationEnd()");
<cfoutput>Trying to fetch cached item after 15 seconds...<br/></cfoutput>
<cfset obj = cacheGet("obj1")>
<cfdump var="#obj#">
<cache name="app1cache"
Uses Ehcache
All cache queries are cached using Ehcache.
Cache ID
You can associate a query with a unique identifier for each cache using the attribute cacheID. The ID you specify
can be quoted while using the cache functions.Within cache, queries are stored as type query like object and te
mplate caches.
ColdFusion customers can now store data in Amazon S3. The support is extended across almost all tags and
functions that take file or directory as input or output.
Storing files in Amazon S3 can be performed in the same manner as storing files on disk. Use a prefix s3:// to
indicate that the files reside on Amazon S3. For example, s3://testbucket/sample.txt.
Amazon S3
For using Amazon S3, ColdFusion user must have an S3 account with Amazon.
For concepts and details related to Amazon S3, see the [AmazonS3
Accessing Amazon S3
Use either of the following URL formats to access Amazon S3 from ColdFusion:
s3://bucket/x/y/sample.txt}}Here, {{bucketis the name of the bucket and the remaining portion
of the URL is the key name of the Amazon S3 object. In this case, specify the following authentication
information in the Application.cfc:
<cfscript> ="Object Operations";
this.s3.accessKeyId = "key_ID";
this.s3.awsSecretKey = "secret_key";
If you have specified the accessKeyID and awsSecretKey in both the URL and
Application.cfc, then value specified in the URL takes precedence.
this.s3.minsizeformultipart=filesize _in_MB
The size you specify is treated as minimum, above which file upload is performed as multipart upload. This option is
helpful when you have to upload files of huge sizes.
Supported operations
Bucket operations
Use the cfdirectory tag or the directory functions to perform the bucket operation (create, delete, or list).
Tag used
The directory attribute
can only take the path of
the bucket. Any additional
path results in an error. All
other attributes are
ignored. While creating S3
bucket, the default bucket
location is US. You can
change the location using
the attribute storeLocat
ion. storeLocation is
a new attribute added to
the cfdirectory tag.
You can specify ACL for
the bucket while creating
it using the storeACL attr
ibute which takes a struct
value. For details, see Set
ting up access control in
Optimizing ColdFusion
List keys
To verify if the bucket exists and is accessible, use the function directoryExists.
Object operations
All object operations are similar to file operations (read, write, copy, and delete). Therefore, the tag cffile and the
file functions can be used to perform the operations. The following table describes the common scenarios:
Tag used
Amazon S3 lets you set access control list (ACL) for buckets and objects. The ACLs for buckets and objects are
independent. You have to manage them separately. Also, object ACLs do not inherit from the bucket ACLs.
ACL consists of multiple Grants where each grant has a grantee and a permission. S3 allows three types of
canonical (ID)
See Amazon S3 ACL Documentation for more details.
ACLObject is an array of struct where each struct represents an ACL grant. The grantee details are as follows:
group Must have the keys Group (with value all, authenticated, or log_delivery) and permission.
email Must have the keys email and permission.
canonical Must have the keys Id and permission. displayName is optional.
Sample ACLObject
ColdFusion 9 Update 1: Added this function
Use this function to set full permission. The function overwrites all existing permissions. Only the ones you set in the
current context exist.
<cfset dir = "s3://bucket_name">
<cfif !directoryExists(dir)>
<cfset directorycreate(dir)>
perm = structnew()> = "all">
perm.permission = "read">
perm1 = structnew()> = "email ID">
perm1.permission = "FULL_CONTROL">
myarrray = arrayNew(1)>
myarrray = [perm,perm1]>
fileWrite("#dir#/test.txt","This is to test all users permission")>
<cfset StoreSetACL("#dir#/textl.txt","#myarrray#")>
<cfset test = StoreGetACL ("#dirkey#/test.txt") >
<cfdump var= "test">
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#">
Adds ACL to existing ACL for object or bucket.
StoreAddACL(url, ACLObject)
ColdFusion 9 Update 1: Added this function
Use this function to add permissions to the existing ones.
<cfset dir = "s3://bucket_name/">
<cfset perm = structnew()>
<cfset = "authenticated">
<cfset perm.permission = "READ">
<cfset perm1 = structnew()>
<cfset = "email_ID">
<cfset perm1.permission = "READ_ACP">
<cfset myarrray = [perm,perm1]>
<cfif NOT DirectoryExists(dir)>
<cfset directoryCreate(dir)>
<cfset fileWrite("#dir#/Sample.txt","This is to test StoreAddACL")>
<cfset StoreAddACL("#dir#","#myarrray#")>
<cfset test = StoreGetACL(dirkey)>
<cfdump var="#test#">
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#">
Gets the ACL object or bucket.
Returns an ACLObject
StoreGetACL(url, ACLObject)
ColdFusion 9 Update 1: Added this function
Using metadata
Amazon S3 allows you to specify metadata for both objects and buckets.
The following two functions let you get and set the metadata on objects or buckets.
Returns the metadata related to the object or bucket.
Object metadata or bucket metadata
ColdFusion 9 Update 1: Added this function
Sets the metadata on bucket or object.
ColdFusion 9 Update 1: Added this function
mydate = #Now()#;
hello = structNew();
hello.color = "grey";
<cfset dir = "s3://mycfbucket">
<cffile action="write" file="#dir#/hello5.txt" output="Sample s3 text">
<cfset StoreSetMetadata("#dir#/hello5.txt","#hello#")>
<cfset test = StoreGetMetadata("#dir#/hello5.txt")>
<cfdump var="#test#">
Standard keys
The following are the standard keys in the metadata:
For objects
For buckets
Security considerations
Sandboxing is not applicable to S3 buckets or objects as Amazon S3 has its own security features that take care of
Supported functions
Supported tags
Enhancements in ColdFusion 10
Apart from performance improvements while uploading files to Amazon S3, ColdFusion 10 supports multipart upload
where files are split into multiple parts and the parts are uploaded in parallel.
To configure multipart upload support, specify the following settings in the Application.cfc:
this.s3.minsizeformultipart=filesize _in_MB
The size you specify is treated as minimum, above which file upload is performed as multipart upload. This option is
helpful when you have to upload files of huge sizes.
Memory-based virtual file system speeds up the processing of transient data. In-memory files are not written to disk
and are saved on RAM. They function similar to disk files but perform faster.
In ColdFusion, in-memory files help you to simplify the execution of dynamic code. In-memory files are supported
across almost all tags and functions that take file or directory as input or output.
You use in-memory files in the same manner as files on disk, but with a prefix ram:/// to indicate that they reside
on RAM. For example, ram:///a/b/dynamic.cfm.
Writing and executing dynamic CFM files
The following syntax explains how to write CFM data in to an in-memory file:
The following sample syntax explains how to use the in-memory CFM file:
For tags that take logical path, define mapping in Administrator. Execute in-memory CFM pages using the cf
<cfinclude template="/inmemory/filename.cfm">
Create a mapping for ram:/// so that it can be used in the tags. In this example, /inmemory is the
mapping that points to ram:///.
For tags that take absolute path, specify the syntax as provided in the following example:
You cannot have Application.cfm as an in-memory file. If you have one, it is ignored.
The following code describes how to write an image as an in-memory file:
The following syntax explains how you can write CFC code in to an in-memory file:
The following sample syntax explains how you can instantiate the in-memory CFC file:
<cfset cfc=CreateObject("component","inmemory.filename")/>
The following code writes a CFC as in-memory file:
The following sections provide information that can help you to access and use in-memory files.
You can use in-memory ColdFusion interfaces in the same way as you use in-memory CFCs.
Supported functions
The following file functions are supported for in-memory files:
The following syntax explains the function FileSetLastModified()
<cffile action="write" file="ram:///a.txt" output="Testing the function
<cfset date="12/12/2007">
FileSetLastModified("ram:///a.txt", "#date#");
<cfset PrintException(cfcatch)>
<cf_expectedresults>{ts '2007-12-12 00:00:00'}
File operations
The following file operations are supported for in-memory files:
Directory-specific operations: create, delete, list, and rename.
File-specific operations: copy, create, write, append, delete, rename, create attributes, modes move, and
The following code illustrates the file and directory operations:
Custom tags
In-memory CFM pages and CFCs can call custom tags but the custom tags must be present in disk. In-memory
custom tags are not supported.
Adding permissions
ColdFusion lets you add permissions for directories/files on RAM using an existing sandbox security setup. You can
only set up sandbox security for disk directories and not for RAM directories. Access to an in-memory directory/file
can be restricted only through an existing local file system sandbox.
Therefore, to set up sandbox security for in-memory files, select a sandbox that you have already configured for a
disk directory.
By default the ram:/// directories are included in the list of secured folders and have read, write, execute, and
delete permissions set. Therefore, all RAM files have permissions by default in a sandbox. All the security
restrictions that apply to disk files apply to in-memory files.
To set up Sandbox security for in-memory files,
1. Open the Security > Sandbox Security page in the ColdFusion Administrator.The Sandbox Security
File names/Directory names on RAM are case sensitive.
In-memory files must be accessed using mapping or absolute path. Relative paths to files/directories are not
Correct: ram:///a/b/
Incorrect: ram:///a/b/../..
You cannot access in-memory files using HTTP/HTTPS protocols. Instead, use ram:///<file>. For
example, ram:///a/b/test.cfm.
DDX files and font files cannot be accessed as in-memory files.
The following functions are not supported for in-memory files.
FileSetAccessMode that sets attributes of a file in Linux/Unix
FilesSetAttribute that sets the attributes of a file in Windows
The following tags are not supported:
The following scenarios are not supported:
The cfreporttag does not accept a template report on RAM. Therefore, the following does not work:
Renaming across file systems (as shown in the following syntax) is not supported.
ColdFusion 9 supports in-memory file system only at server level. But the enhancements in this release let you use
in-memory file system specific to applications. This enables application isolation for your virtual file system. That is,
the file created in the in-memory file system by one application is not accessible to another application.
The settings can be specified in the Application.cfc as follows:
ColdFusion 10 lets you access files over network through FTP or HTTP protocol. Also provided is support for ZIP.
For conventions, see the Apache Commons Documentation.
For FTP:
action = "read"
file = "ftp://Administrator:Password@Host_Name/ReadmeLater.htm"
variable =
<cffile action="write" file="ftp://Administrator:Password@Host_Name/ReadmeLater.htm"
output="new stuff added">
action = "read"
variable = "varRead1">
Poor database design and incorrect or inefficient use of the database are among the most common causes of
inefficient applications. Consider the different methods that are available for using databases and information from
databases when you design your application. For example, to average the price of many products from a SQL
query, it is more efficient to use SQL to get the average than to use a loop in ColdFusion.
Two important ColdFusion tools for optimizing your use of databases are the cfstoredproc tag and the cfquery
tag cachedWithin attribute.
Using stored procedures
The cfstoredproc tag lets ColdFusion use stored procedures in your database management system. A stored
procedure is a sequence of SQL statements that is assigned a name, compiled, and stored in the database system.
Stored procedures encapsulate programming logic in SQL statements, and database systems are optimized to
execute stored procedures efficiently. As a result, stored procedures are faster than cfquery tags.
You use the cfprocparam tag to send parameters to the stored procedure, and the cfprocresult tag to get the
record sets that the stored procedure returns.
The following example executes a Sybase stored procedure that returns three result sets, two of which the example
uses. The stored procedure returns the status code and one output parameter, which the example displays.
<cfstoredproc procedure =
"foo_proc" dataSource =
"MY_SYBASE_TEST" username = "sa"
password = "" returnCode = "Yes">
For more information on creating stored procedures, see your database management software documentation. For
more information on using the cfstoredproc tag, see the CFML Reference.
Using the cfquery tag cachedWithin attribute
The cfquery tag cachedWithin attribute tells ColdFusion to save the results of a database query for a specific
period of time. This way, ColdFusion accesses the database on the first page request, and does not query the
database on further requests until the specified time expires. Using the cachedWithin attribute significantly limits
the overhead of accessing databases that do not change rapidly.
This technique is useful if the database contents only change at specific, known times, or if the database does not
change frequently and the purpose of the query does not require up- to-date results.
Use the CreateTimeSpan function to specify the cachedWithin attribute value (in days, hours, minutes, seconds
format). For example, the following code caches the results of getting the contents of the Employees table of the
cfdocexamples data source for one hour.
If an application takes a while to process data, it is useful to provide visual feedback to indicate that something is
happening, so the user does not assume that there is a problem and requests the page again. Although doing this
does not optimize your application's processing efficiency, it does make the application appear more responsive.
Use the cfflush tag to return partial data to a user, as shown in Introduction to Retrieving and Formatting Data.
You can also use the cfflush tag to create a progress bar.
#back to top
Handling Errors
Adobe ColdFusion includes many tools and techniques for responding to errors that your application encounters.
These tools include error handling mechanisms and error logging tools.
For information on user input validation, see Introduction to Retrieving and Formatting Data and Building Dynamic
Forms with cfform Tags For information on debugging, see Debugging and Troubleshooting Applications.
Understanding errors
You can look at errors in many ways; for example, you can look at errors by their causes. You can also look at them
by their effects, particularly by whether your application can recover from them. You can also look at them the way
ColdFusion does, as follows:
About error causes and recovery
Errors can have many causes. Depending on the cause, the error can be recoverable. A recoverable error is one for
which your application can identify the error cause and take action on the problem. Some errors, such as time-out
errors, are recoverable without indicating to the user that an error was encountered. An error for which a requested
application page does not exist is not recoverable, and the application can only display an error message.
Errors such as validation errors, for which the application cannot continue processing the request, but can provide
an error-specific response, can also be considered recoverable. For example, an error that occurs when a user
enters text where a number is required can be considered recoverable, because the application can recognize the
error and redisplay the data field with a message providing information about the cause of the error and telling the
user to reenter the data.
Some types of errors are recoverable in some, but not all circumstances. For example, your application can retry a
request following a time-out error, but it must also be prepared for the case where the request always times out.
Error causes fall in the broad categories listed in the following table:
Program errors
Data errors
System errors
Although these categories do not map completely to the way ColdFusion categorizes errors they provide a useful
way of thinking about errors and can help you in preventing and handling errors in your code.
ColdFusion error types
Before you can effectively manage ColdFusion errors, you must understand how ColdFusion classifies and handles
them. ColdFusion categorizes errors as detailed in the following table:
Missing template
The onSubmit and onBlur form field validation techniques use JavaScript or Flash validation on
the client browser.
Most ColdFusion errors are exceptions. You can categorize ColdFusion exceptions in two ways:
When they occur
Their type
When exceptions occur
ColdFusion errors can occur at two times, when the CFML is compiled into Java and when the resulting Java
executes, called runtime exceptions.
Compiler exceptions
Compiler exceptions are programming errors that ColdFusion identifies when it compiles CFML into Java. Because
compiler exceptions occur before the ColdFusion page is converted to executable code, you cannot handle them on
the page that causes them. However, other pages can handle these errors. For more information, see Handling
compiler exceptions in Determining error-handling strategies.
A runtime exception occurs when the compiled ColdFusion Java code runs. It is an event that disrupts the normal
flow of instructions in the application. Exceptions can result from system errors or program logic errors. Runtime
exceptions include:
Error responses from external services, such as an ODBC driver or CORBA server
CFML errors or the results of cfthrow or cfabort tags
Internal errors in ColdFusion
ColdFusion exception types
ColdFusion exceptions have types that you specify in the cferror, cfcatch, and cfthrow error-handling tags. A
cferror or cfcatch tag handles only exceptions of the specified type. You identify an exception type by using an
identifier from one (or more) of the following type categories:
Java class
Use only custom error type names and the Application basic type name in cfthrow tags. All
other built-in exception type names identify specific types of system-identified errors, so do not
use them for errors that you identify yourself.
All ColdFusion exceptions except for custom exceptions belong to a basic type category. These types consist of a
broadly defined categorization of ColdFusion exceptions. The following table describes the basic exception types:
Type name
Database failures
Template errors
Object exceptions
Security exceptions
Expression exceptions
Locking exceptions
Application-defined exception
events raised by cfthrow
All exceptions
The Any type includes all error with the Java object type of java.lang.Exception. It does not
include java.lang.Throwable errors. To catch Throwable errors, specify java.lang.Throwable in
the cfcatch tag type attribute.
Custom exceptions
You can generate an exception with your own type by specifying a custom exception type name, for example
MyCustomErrorType, in a cfthrow tag. You then specify the custom type name in a cfcatch or cferror tag to
handle the exception. Custom type names must be different from any built-in type names, including basic types and
Java exception classes.
Advanced exception types
The Advanced exceptions consist of a set of specific, narrow exception types. These types are supported in
ColdFusion for backward-compatibility.
Java exception classes
Every ColdFusion exception belongs to, and is identified by, a specific Java exception class in addition to its basic,
custom, or advanced type. The first line of the stack trace in the standard error output for an exception identifies the
<cfcatch type="">
The following information describes briefly how ColdFusion handles errors. Detailed information is provided in the
remaining topics.
Missing template errors
If a user requests a page that ColdFusion cannot find, and the Administrator Server Settings Missing Template
Handler field specifies a Missing Template Handler page, ColdFusion uses that page to display error information.
Otherwise, it displays a standard error message.
Form field validation errors
When a user enters invalid data in an HTML tag that uses onServer or hidden form field server-side data validation
ColdFusion does the following:
1. If the Application CFC (Application.cfc) has an onError event handler method, ColdFusion calls the method.
2. If the Application.cfc initialization code or the Application.cfm page has a cferror that specifies a Validation
error handler, ColdFusion displays the specified error page.
3. Otherwise, it displays the error information in a standard format that consists of a default header, a bulleted
list describing the errors, and a default footer.
For more information on using hidden form field validation, see Validating data. For more information on
Application.cfc, see Designing and Optimizing a ColdFusion Application.
Compiler exception errors
If ColdFusion encounters a compiler exception, how it handles the exception depends on whether the error occurs
on a requested page or on an included page:
If the error occurs on a page that is accessed by a cfinclude or cfmessageboxcfmodule tag, or on a
custom tag page that you access using the cf_ notation, ColdFusion handles it as a runtime exception in the
page that accesses the tag. For a description of how these errors are handled, see the next section, " Runtim
e exception errors."
If the error occurs directly on the requested page, and the Administrator Settings Site-wide Error Handler field
specifies an error handler page, ColdFusion displays the specified error page. Otherwise, ColdFusion reports
the error using the standard error message format described in Error messages and the standard error format
Runtime exception errors
If ColdFusion encounters a runtime exception, it does the action for the first matching condition in the following table:
The code with the error is inside a cftry tag and the
exception type is specified in a cfcatch tag.
For example, if an exception occurs in CFML code that is not in a cftry block, and Application.cfc does not have
an onError method, but a cferror tag specifies a page to handle this error type, ColdFusion uses the specified
error page.
Error description
Error message
Error location
Stack trace
If you get a message that does not explicitly identify the cause of the error, check the key system
parameters, such as available memory and disk space.
Missing template errors occur when ColdFusion receives an HTTP request for a page ending in .cfm that it cannot
find. You can create your own missing template error page to present application-specific information or provide an
application-specific appearance. You specify the missing template error page on the Administrator Settings page.
The missing error page can use CFML tags and variables. In particular, you can use the CGI.script_name variable in
text such as the following to identify the requested page:
(In this code, the Replace function removes the leading slash sign from the script name to make the display more
Handling form field validation errors
When you use server-side form field validation, the default validation error message describes the error cause
plainly and clearly. However, to give the error message a custom look or provide additional information such as
service contact phone numbers and addresses, use the cferror tag with the Validation attribute in the
Application.cfc initialization code. Or, specify your own validation on the Application.cfm page. An example of such a
page is provided at Example of a validation error page section. You can also place form field validation error
handling code in the Application.cfc onError method.
Handling compiler exceptions
You cannot handle compiler exceptions directly on the page where they occur, because the exception is caught
before ColdFusion starts running the page code. Fix all compiler exceptions as part of the development process.
Use the reported error message and the code debugging techniques discussed in Debugging and Troubleshooting
Applications to identify and correct the cause of the error.
Compiler exceptions that occur on pages you access by using the cfinclude or cfmodule tags can be handled as
runtime errors by surrounding the cfinclude or cfmodule tag in a cftry block. The compiler exception on the
accessed page gets caught as a runtime error on the base page. However, avoid this "solution" to the problem, as
the correct method for handling compiler errors is to remove them before you deploy the application.
Handling runtime exceptions
You have many choices for handling exceptions, and the exact path you take depends on your application and its
needs. The following table provides a guide to selecting an appropriate technique:
You specify the custom error pages with the cferror tag. For Validation errors, the tag must be in the
Application.cfc initialization code or on the Application.cfm page. For Exception and Request errors, you can set the
custom error pages on each application page. However, because custom error pages generally apply to an entire
application, it is more efficient to place these cferror tags in the Application.cfc or Application.cfm file also. For
more information on using these pages, see Designing and Optimizing a ColdFusion Application
The cferror tag has the attributes listed in the following table:
The following cferror tag specifies a custom error page for exceptions that occur in locking code and informs the
error page of the e-mail address to use to send a notification each time this type of error occurs:
For detailed information on the cferror tag, see the CFML Reference.
Creating an error application page
The following table lists the rules and considerations that apply to error application pages:
The following table describes the variables available on error pages: Exception error pages can also use all of the
exception variables listed in the section Exception information in cfcatch blocks in Handling runtime exceptions with
ColdFusion tags. To use these variables, replace the cfcatch prefix with cferror or error. For example, to use
the exception message in an error page, refer to it as error.message.
In general, production Exception and Request pages should not display detailed error information, such as that
supplied by the error.diagnostics variable. Typically, Exception pages e-mail detailed error information to an
administrative address or log the information using the cflog tag instead of displaying it to the user. For more
information on using the cflog tag, see Logging errors with the cflog tag.
Example of a request error page
The following example shows a custom error page for a request error:
<title>Products - Error</title>
<p>An error occurred when you requested this page.</p>
<p>Please send e-mail with the following information to #error.mailTo# to report
this error.</p>
<table border=1>
<tr><td><b>Error Information</b> <br>
Date and time: #error.DateTime# <br>
Page: #error.template# <br>
Remote Address: #error.remoteAddress# <br>
HTTP Referer: #error.HTTPReferer#<br>
<p>We apologize for the inconvenience and will work to correct the problem.</p>
The following example shows a simple custom error page for a validation error:
<title>Products - Error</title>
<h2>Data Entry Error</h2>
<p>You failed to correctly complete all the fields
in the form. The following problems occurred:</p>
<title>Products - Error</title>
<p>An error occurred when you requested this page.
The error has been logged and we will work to correct the problem.
We apologize for the inconvenience. </p>
<cflog type="Error"
text="Exception error -Exception type: #error.type#
Template: #error.template#,
Remote Address: #error.remoteAddress#,
HTTP Reference: #error.HTTPReferer#
Diagnostics: #error.diagnostics#">
The following table describes the highlighted code and its function:
<cflog type="Error"
text="Exception error -Exception type: #error.type#
Template: #error.template#,
Remote Address:
HTTP Reference:
A log file entry like the following is generated if you try to call a nonexistent custom tag and this page catches the
error (line breaks added for clarity):
The cftry tag lets you go beyond reporting error data to the user:
You can include code that recovers from errors so your application can continue processing without alerting
the user.
You can create customized error messages that apply to the specific code that causes the error.
For example, you can use cftry to catch errors in code that enters data from a user registration form to a
database. The cfcatch code could do the following:
1. Retry the query, so the operation succeeds if the resource was only temporarily unavailable.
2. If the retries fail:
Display a custom message to the user
Post the data to an e-mail address so the company staff can enter the data after the problem has been
Code that accesses external resources such as databases, files, or LDAP servers where resource
availability is not guaranteed is a good candidate for using try/catch blocks.
Try/catch code structure
In order for your code to directly handle an exception, the tags in question must appear within a cftry block. It is a
good idea to enclose an entire application page in a cftry block. You then follow the cftry block with cfcatch bl
ocks, which respond to potential errors. When an exception occurs within the cftry block, processing is thrown to
the cfcatch block for that type of exception.
Here is an outline for using cftry and cfcatch to handle errors:
Put your application code here ...
<cfcatch type="exception type1">
Add exception processing code here ...
<cfcatch type="exception type2">
Add exception processing code here ...
<cfcatch type="Any">
Add exception processing code appropriate for all other exceptions here ...
Follow these rules and recommendations when you use cftry and cfcatch tags:
The cfcatch tags must follow all other code in a cftry tag body.
You can nest cftryblocks. For example, the following structure is valid:
code that may cause an exception
<cfcatch ...>
First level of exception handling code
<cfcatch ...>
Second level of exception handling code
If an exception occurs in the first level of exception-handling code, the inner cfcatch block can catch and
handle it. (An exception in a cfcatch block cannot be handled by cfcatch blocks at the same level as that
ColdFusion always responds to the latest exception that gets raised. For example, if code in a cftry block
causes an exception that gets handled by a cfcatch block, and the cfcatch block causes an exception
that has no handler, ColdFusion displays the default error message for the exception in the cfcatch block,
and you are not notified of the original exception.
If an exception occurs when the current tag is nested inside other tags, the CFML processor checks the entire
stack of open tags until it finds a suitable cftry/cfcatch combination or reaches the end of the stack.
Use cftry with cfcatch to handle exceptions based on their point of origin within an application page, or
based on diagnostic information.
The entire cftry tag, including all its cfcatch tags, must be on a single ColdFusion page. You cannot
place the <cftry> start tag on one page and have the </cftry> end tag on another page.
For cases when a cfcatch block is not able to successfully handle an error, consider using the cfrethrow
tag, as described in Using the cfrethrow tag in Handling runtime exceptions with ColdFusion tags.
If an exception can be safely ignored, use a cfcatchtag with no body; for example:
In problematic cases, enclose an exception-prone tag in a specialized combination of cftry and cfcatch ta
gs to immediately isolate the tag's exceptions.
Exception information in cfcatch blocks
Within the body of a cfcatch tag, the active exception's properties are available in a cfcatch object. The object
contents are described as follows:
Standard cfcatch variables
The following table describes the variables that are available in most cfcatch blocks:
Property variable
If you use the cfdump tag to display the cfcatch variable, the display does not include variables
that do not have values.
The cfcatch.TagContext variable contains an array of tag information structures. Each structure represents one
level of the active tag context at the time when ColdFusion detected the exception. That is, there is one structure for
each tag that is open at the time of the exception. For example, if the exception occurs in a tag on a custom tag
page, the tag context displays information about the called custom tag and the tag in which the error occurs.
The structure at position 1 in the array represents the currently executing tag at the time the exception was detected.
The structure at position arrayLen represents the initial tag in the stack of tags that were executing when the
compiler detected the exception.
The following table lists the tagContext structure attributes:
Database exceptions
The following additional variables are available whenever the exception type is database:
Property variable
Expression exceptions
Locking exceptions
The following additional information is available for exceptions related to errors that occur in cflock tags:
Property variable
The following additional variable is available if a missing file specified by a cfinclude tag causes the error.
Property variable
The following example shows the cftry and cfcatch tags. It uses the cfdocexamples data source, which many of
the examples listed here use, and a sample included file, includeme.cfm.
If an exception occurs when you run the cfquery statement, the application page flow switches to the cfcatch ty
pe="Database" exception handler. It then resumes with the next statement after the cftry block, once the cfcat
ch type="Database" handler completes. Similarly, the cfcatch type="MissingInclude" block handles
exceptions raised by the cfinclude tag.
<li><b>Message:</b> #cfcatch.Message#
<li><b>Native error code:</b> #cfcatch.NativeErrorCode#
<li><b>SQLState:</b> #cfcatch.SQLState#
<li><b>Detail:</b> #cfcatch.Detail#
<cfset errorCaught = "Database">
<!--- Use cfcatch with type="Any" --->
<!--- to find unexpected exceptions. --->
<cfcatch type="Any">
<h1>Other Error: #cfcatch.Type#</h1>
<li><b>Message:</b> #cfcatch.Message#
<li><b>Detail:</b> #cfcatch.Detail#
<cfset errorCaught = "General Exception">
1. Make sure that there is no includeme.cfm file and display the page. The cfcatch
type="MissingInclude" block displays the error.
2. Create a nonempty includeme.cfm file and display the page. If your database is configured properly, you see
an employee entry and do not get any error.
3. In the cfquerytag, change the line:
FROM Employee
FROM Employer
Display the page. This time the cfcatch type="Database" block displays an error message.
4. Change Employer to Employee. Change the cfoutputline:
<p>Department: #Dept_ID#<br>
<p>Department: #DepartmentID#<br>
Display the page. This time the cfcatch type="Any" block displays an error message indicating an
expression error.
5. Change DepartmentID back to Dept_ID and redisplay the page. The page displays properly.Open
\CFusion\Log\MyAppPage.log in your text editor. You should see a header line, an initialization line, and four
detail lines, like the following:
"Information","web-0","11/20/01", "16:27:08",,
"cf_root\runtime\servers\default\logs\ MyAppPage.log initialized"
"Page: web_root/MYStuff/MyDocs/ cftryexample.cfm Error: MissingInclude"
Page: web_root/MYStuff/MyDocs/ cftryexample.cfm Error: "
"Page: web_root/MYStuff/MyDocs/ cftryexample.cfm Error: Database"
"Page: web_root/MYStuff/MyDocs/ cftryexample.cfm Error: General Exception"
"Page: web_root/MYStuff/MyDocs/ cftryexample.cfm Error: "
<cfset EmpID=3>
<cfparam name="errorCaught"
<cfquery name="test"
SELECT Dept_ID, FirstName,
FROM Employee
<title>Test cftry/cfcatch</title>
<cfoutput query="test">
<p>Department: #Dept_ID#<br>
Last Name: #LastName#<br>
First Name: #FirstName#</p>
<cfcatch type="MissingInclude">
<h1>Missing Include File</h1>
<cfset errorCaught =
<cfcatch type="Database">
<h1>Database Error</h1>
<li><b>Native error code:</b>
<cfset errorCaught = "Database">
<cfcatch type="Any">
<h1>Other Error:
<cfset errorCaught = "General
You can use the cfthrow tag to raise your own, custom exceptions. When you use the cfthrow tag, you specify
any or all of the following information:
All of these values are optional. You access the attribute values in cfcatch blocks and Exception type error pages
by prefixing the attribute with either cfcatch or error, as in cfcatch.extendedInfo. The default ColdFusion
error handler displays the message and detail values in the Message pane and the remaining values in the Error
Diagnostic Information pane.
Catching and displaying thrown errors
The cfcatch tag catches a custom exception when you use any of the following values for the cfcatch type attri
The custom exception type specified in the cfthrow tag.
A custom exception type that hierarchically matches the initial portion of the type specified in the cfthrow ta
g. For more information, see the next section, Custom error type name hierarchy.
Application, which matches an exception that is thrown with the Application type attribute or with no
type attribute.
Any, which matches any exception that is not caught by a more specific cfcatch tag.
Similarly, if you specify any of these types in a cferror tag, the specified error page displays information
about the thrown error.
Because the cfthrow tag generates an exception, a Request error handler or the Site-wide error handler
can also display these errors.
Custom error type name hierarchy
You can name custom exception types using a method that is similar to Java class naming conventions: domain
name in reverse order, followed by project identifiers, as in the following example:
This fully qualified naming method is not required; you can use shorter naming rules, for example,
myApp.Invalid_field.codeValue, or even codeValue.
This naming method is not just a convention; ColdFusion uses the naming hierarchy to select from a possible
hierarchy of error handlers. For example, assume that you use the following cfthrow statement:
<cfthrow type="MyApp.BusinessRuleException.InvalidAccount">
Any of the following cfcatch error handlers would handle this error:
<cfcatch type="MyApp.BusinessRuleException.InvalidAccount">
<cfcatch type="MyApp.BusinessRuleException">
<cfcatch type="MyApp">
The handler that most exactly matches handles the error. In this case, the MyApp.BusinessRuleException.In
validAccount handler runs. However, if you used the following cfthrow tag:
<cfthrow type="MyApp.BusinessRuleException.InvalidVendorCode
Use the cfthrow tag when your application can identify and handle application-specific errors. One typical use for
the cfthrow tag is in implementing custom data validation. The cfthrow tag is also useful for throwing errors from
a custom tag page to the calling page.
For example, on a form action page or custom tag used to set a password, the application can determine whether
the password entered is a minimum length, or contains both letters and number, and throw an error with a message
that indicates the password rule that was broken. The cfcatch block handles the error and tells the user how to
correct the problem.
Using the cfrethrow tag
The cfrethrow tag lets you create a hierarchy of error handlers. It tells ColdFusion to exit the current cfcatch blo
ck and "rethrow" the exception to the next level of error handler. Thus, if an error handler designed for a specific type
of error cannot handle the error, it can rethrow the error to a more general-purpose error handler. The cfrethrow t
ag can only be used in a cfcatch tag body.
The cfrethrow tag syntax
The following pseudocode shows how you can use the cfrethrow tag to create an error-handling hierarchy:
Code that might throw a database error
<cfcatch Type="Database">
<cfif Error is of type I can Handle>
Handle it
<cfcatch Type="Any">
General Error Handling code
Although this example uses a Database error as an example, you can use any cfcatch type attribute in the
innermost error type.
Follow these rules when you use the cfrethrow tag:
Nest cftry tags, with one tag for each level of error handling hierarchy. Each level contains the cfcatch ta
gs for that level of error granularity.
Place the most general error catching code in the outermost cftry block.
Place the most specific error catching code in the innermost cftry block.
Place the code that can cause an exception error at the top of the innermost cftry block.
End each cfcatch block except those in the outermost cftry block with a cfrethrow tag.
Example: using nested tags, cfthrow, and cfrethrow
The following example shows many of the discussed techniques including nested cftry blocks and the cfthrow a
nd cfrethrow tags. The example includes a simple calling page and a custom tag page:
The calling page does little more than call the custom tag with a single attribute, a name to be looked up in a
database. It does show, however, how a calling page can handle an exception thrown by the custom tag.
The custom tag finds all records in the cfdocexamples database with a matching last name, and returns the
results in a Caller variable. If it fails to connect with the main database, it tries a backup database.
The calling page
The calling page represents a section from a larger application page. To keep things simple, the example
hard-codes the name to be looked up.
<cf_getEmps EmpName="Jones">
<cfcatch type="myApp.getUser.noEmpName">
<cfif isdefined("getEmpsResult")>
<cfdump var="#getEmpsResult#">
<cf_getEmps EmpName="Jones">
<cfif isdefined("getEmpsResult")>
<cfdump var="#getEmpsResult#">
The custom tag page searches for the name in the database and returns any matching records in a getEmpsResult
variable in the calling page. It includes several nested cftry blocks to handle error conditions. For a full description,
see Reviewing the code section, following the example:Save the following code as getEmps.cfm in the same
directory as the calling page.
<cfif NOT
message = "Last Name was not
supplied to the cf_getEmps tag.">
<cfexit method = "exittag">
<!--- Try to query the main
database and set a caller variable
to the result --->
<cfquery Name = "getUser"
FROM Employee
WHERE LastName =
<cfset caller.getEmpsResult =
To test the various ways errors can occur and be handled in this example, try the following:
In the calling page, change the attribute name to any other value; for example, My Attrib. Then change it
In the first cfquery tag, change the data source name to an invalid data source; for example, NoDatabase.
With an invalid first data source name, change the data source in the second cfquery tag to cfdocexamples.
Insert cfthrow tags throwing custom exculpations in various places in the code and observe the effects.
#back to top
The following sections provide information that is common to all or several of these variables. Later sections
describe how to use the Client, Session, Application, and Server scopes in your applications, and provide detailed
information about locking code.
ColdFusion persistent variables and ColdFusion structures
All persistent scopes are available as ColdFusion structures. As a result, you can use ColdFusion structure functions
to access and manipulate Client, Session, Application, and Server scope contents. Information about using these
functions in detail is not covered, but information about features or limitations that apply to specific scopes is
Although you can use the StructClear function to clear your data from the Server scope, the
function does not delete the names of the variables, only their values, and it does not delete the
contents of the Server.os and Server.ColdFusion structures. Using the StructClear function to
clear the Session, or Application scope clears the entire scope, including the built-in variables.
Using the StructClear function to clear the Client scope clears the variables from the server
memory, but does not delete the stored copies of the variables.
Variables in the Session, Application, and Server scopes are kept in ColdFusion server memory. This storage
method has several implications:
All variables in these scopes are lost if the server stops running.
Variables in these scopes are not shared by servers in a cluster.
To prevent race conditions and ensure data consistency, lock access to all code that changes variables in
these scopes or reads variables in these scopes with values that can change.
If you use J2EE session management and configure the J2EE server to retain session data
between server restarts, ColdFusion retains session variables between server restarts.
Additionally, be careful when using client variables in a server cluster, where an application can run on multiple
Locking memory variables
Because ColdFusion is a multi-threaded system in which multiple requests can share Session, Application, and
Server scope variables, it is possible for two or more requests to try to access and modify data at the same time.
ColdFusion runs in a J2EE environment, which prevents simultaneous data access, so multiple requests do not
cause severe system errors. However, such requests can result in inconsistent data values, particularly when a
page changes more than one variable.
To prevent data errors with session, application, and server variables, lock code that writes and reads data in these
scopes. For more information, see Locking code with cflock.
Using variables in clustered systems
Because memory variables are stored in memory, they are not available to all servers in a cluster. As a result, you
generally do not use Session, Application, or Server scope variables in clustered environment. However, use these
scope variables in a clustered system in the following circumstances:
If the clustering system supports "sticky" sessions, in which the clustering system ensures that each user
session remains on a single server. In this case, you can use session variables as you would on a single
You can use Application and Server scope variables in a cluster for write-once variables that are consistently
set, for example, from a database.
To use client variables on a clustered system, store the variables as cookies or in a database that is available
to all servers. If you use database storage, on one server only, select the Purge Data for Clients that Remain
Unvisited option on the Client Variables, Add/Edit Client Store page in the Server Settings area in the
ColdFusion Administrator.
ColdFusion provides two tools for managing the client state: client variables and session variables. Both types of
variables are associated with a specific client, but you manage and use them differently, as described in the
following table:
Variable type
Session variables are normally better than client variables for values that need to exist for only a single browser
session. Reserve client variables for client-specific data, such as client preferences that you want available for
multiple browser sessions.
Maintaining client identity
Because the web is a stateless system, client management requires some method for maintaining knowledge of the
client between requests. Normally you do this using cookies, but you can also do it by passing information between
application pages. Information about how ColdFusion maintains client identity in a variety of configurations and
environments, and the issues that can arise with client state management are described as follows:
About client identifiers
To use client and session variables, ColdFusion must be able to identify the client. It normally does so by setting the
following two cookie values on the client's system:
CFID: A sequential client identifier
CFToken: A random-number client security token
These cookies uniquely identify the client to ColdFusion, which also maintains copies of the variables as part of the
Session and Client scopes. You can configure your application so that it does not use client cookies, but in this
case, pass these variables to all the pages that your application calls. For more information about maintaining client
and session information without using cookies, see Using client and session variables without cookies section below
You can configure ColdFusion to use J2EE servlet session management instead of ColdFusion session
management for session variables. This method of session management does not use CFID and CFToken values,
but does use a client-side jsessionid session management cookie. For more information on using J2EE session
management, see ColdFusion and J2EE session management in Configuring and using session variables.
Using client and session variables without cookies
Often, users disable cookies in their browsers. In this case, ColdFusion cannot maintain the client state
automatically. You can use client or session variables without using cookies, by passing the client identification
information between application pages. However, this technique has significant limitations, as follows:
1. Client variables are effectively the same as session variables, except that they leave unusable data in the
client data store.Because the client's system does not retain any identification information, the next time the
user logs on, ColdFusion cannot identify the user with the previous client and must create a new client ID for
the user. Any information about the user from a previous session is not available, but remains in client data
storage until ColdFusion deletes it. If you clear the Purge Data for Clients that Remain Unvisited option in the
ColdFusion Administrator, ColdFusion never deletes this data.Therefore, do not use client variables, if you
allow users to disable cookies. To retain client information without cookies, require users to login with a
unique ID. You can then save user-specific information in a database with the user's ID as a key.
2. ColdFusion creates a new session each time the user requests a page directly in the browser, because the
new request contains no state information to indicate the session or client.
You can prevent ColdFusion from sending client information to the browser as cookies by setting
This.setClientCookies variable in Application.cfc or the setClientCookies attribute of the cfa
pplication tag to No.
To use ColdFusion session variables without using cookies, each page must pass the CFID and CFToken values to
any page that it calls as part of the request URL. If a page contains any HTML href a= links, cflocation tags, fo
rm tags, or cfform tags the tags must pass the CFID and CFToken values in the tag URL. To use J2EE session
management, pass the jsessionid value in page requests. To use ColdFusion client variables and J2EE session
variables, pass the CFID, CFToken, and jsessionid values in URLs.
The behavior is as follows when CFID and CFTOKEN are provided in the URL: If session exists,
the CFID and CFTOKEN from the URL are ignored. If the session does not exist, CFID and
CFTOKEN from the URL are used to validate the session and the session is used if it is valid. If
the session is not valid, a new session is created. CFID and CFTOKEN are regenerated.
If you use the same page URL in multiple URLSessionFormat_ functions, you can gain a small
performance improvement and simplify your code if you assign the formatted page URL to a
variable, for example:_
<cfset myEncodedURL=URLSessionFormat("MyActionPage.cfm")>
<cfform method="Post" action="#myEncodedURL#">
The following security-related specifications apply when you upgrade to ColdFusion 9 Upgrade 1:
CFID, CFTOKEN, and jsessionid are marked httpOnly. This reduces the chance of session information
being compromised on Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack.
Set the following system property for the session cookies to be httpOnly: Dcoldfusion.sessioncookie.
The support for session cookies to be httpOnlydepends on the application server you use:
For Tomcat/JBoss, httpOnly is not supported for JSESSIONID
On JRun, add the system property, Dcoldfusion.sessioncookie.httponly=true , in the jvm.config file
For other application servers, see the relevant documentation for details on httpOnly support for
session cookies.
Managing client identity information in a clustered environment
To maintain your application's client identity information in a clustered server environment, you must specify
This.setdomaincookies="True" in the Application.cfc initialization code, or use the cfapplication setdomaincoo
kies attribute in your Application.cfm page.
The setdomaincookies attribute specifies that the server-side copies of the CFID and CFToken variables used to
identify the client to ColdFusion are stored at the domain level (for example, If CFID and CFToken vari
able combinations exist on each host in the cluster, ColdFusion migrates the host-level variables on each cluster
member to the single, common domain-level variable. Following the setting or migration of host-level cookie
variables to domain-level variables, ColdFusion creates a new cookie variable (CFMagic) that tells ColdFusion that
domain-level cookies have been set.
If you use client variables in a clustered system, you must also use a database or cookies to store the variables.
To enable client variables, you specify This.clientmanagement="True" in the Application.cfc initialization code, or set
the cfapplication tag clientmanagement attribute to Yes in the Application.cfm file. For example, to enable
client variables in an application named SearchApp, you can use the following line in the application's
Application.cfm page:
By default, ColdFusion stores client variables in the Registry. In most cases, however, it is more appropriate to store
the information as client cookies or in a SQL database.
The ColdFusion Administrator Client Variables page controls the default client variable location. You can override
the default location by specifying a This.clientStorage value in Application.cfc or by setting the clientStorage attri
bute in the cfapplication tag.
You can specify the following values for the client storage method:
Registry (default). Client variables are stored under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\
Name of a data source configured in ColdFusion Administrator
Generally, it is most efficient to store client variables in a database. Although the Registry option is the
default, the Registry has significant limitations for client data storage. The Registry cannot be used in
clustered systems and its use for client variables on UNIX is not supported in ColdFusion.
Using cookie storage
When you set the client storage method to Cookie, the cookie that ColdFusion creates has the application's name.
Storing client data in a cookie is scalable to large numbers of clients, but this storage mechanism has some
limitations. In particular, if the client turns off cookies in the browser, client variables do not work.
Consider the following additional limitations before implementing cookie storage for client variables:
Any Client variable that you set after a cfflush tag is not sent to the browser, so the variable value does not
get saved.
Some browsers allow only 20 cookies to be set from a particular host. ColdFusion uses two of these cookies
for the CFID and CFToken identifiers, and also creates a cookie named cfglobals to hold global data
about the client, such as HitCount, TimeCreated, and LastVisit. This limits you to 17 unique
applications per client-host pair.
Some browsers set a size limit of 4K bytes per cookie. ColdFusion encodes nonalphanumeric data in cookies
with a URL encoding scheme that expands at a 3-1 ratio, which means you should not store large amounts of
data per client. ColdFusion throws an error if you try to store more than 4,000 encoded bytes of data for a
Configuring database storage
When you specify a database for client variable storage, do not always have to manually create the data tables that
store the client variables.
If ColdFusion can identify that the database you are using supports SQL creation of database tables, create the
database in advance. When you click the Add button on the Select Data Source to Add as Client Store box on the
Memory Variables page, the Administrator displays a Add/Edit Client Store page which contains a Create Client
Database Tables selection box. Select this option to have ColdFusion create the necessary tables in your database.
(The option does not appear if the database already has the required tables.)
If your database does not support SQL creation of tables, or if you are using the ODBC socket Macromedia driver to
access your database, use your database tool to create the client variable tables. Create the CDATA and CGLOBAL
The CDATA table must have the following columns:
Data type
Data type
Different databases use different names for their data types. The names in the preceding tables
are common, but your database might use other names.
To improve performance, create indexes when you create these tables. For the CDATA table, index these cfid and
app columns. For the CGLOBAL table, index the cfid column.
Specifying client variable storage in your application
The override the default client variable storage location, set the This.clientstorage variable in the Application.cfc
The following code from an Application.cfm file does the same thing as the previous example:
<cfapplication name"SearchApp"
When you enable client variables for an application, you can use them to keep track of long-term information that is
associated with a particular client.
Client variables must be simple data types: strings, numbers, lists, Booleans, or date and time values. They cannot
be arrays, recordsets, XML objects, query objects, or other objects. If you must store a complex data type as a client
variable, you can use the cfwddx tag to convert the data to WDDX format (which is represented as a string), store
the WDDX data, and use the cfwddx tag to convert the data back when you read it. For more information on using
WDDX, see Using WDDX.
When saving client variable data in WDDX format, in the case of the registry and SQL Server,
the limit is about 4K; with ORACLE, the limit is about 2K.
To create a client variable and set its value, use the cfset or cfparam tag and use the Client scope identifier as a
variable prefix; for example:
<cfset Client.FavoriteColor="Red">
After you set a client variable this way, it is available for use within any page in your application that is accessed by
the client for whom the variable is set.
The following example shows how to use the cfparam tag to check for the existence of a client parameter and set a
default value if the parameter does not exist:
You use the same syntax to access a client variable as for other types of variables. You can use client variables
anywhere you use other ColdFusion variables.
To display the favorite color that has been set for a specific user, for example, use the following code:
Your favorite color is #Client.FavoriteColor#.
To change the client's favorite color, for example, use code such as the following:
The Client scope has the following built-in, read-only variables that your application can use:
ColdFusion lets you delete or change the values of the built-in client variables. As a general rule,
avoid doing so.
You use the Client.CFID, Client.CFToken, and Client.URLToken variables if your application supports
browsers that do not allow cookies. For more information on supporting browsers that do not allow cookies, see Usin
g client and session variables without cookies in Managing the client state.
You can use the Client.HitCount and time information variables to customize behavior that depends on how
often users visit your site and when they last visited. For example, the following code shows the date of a user's last
visit to your site:
Welcome back to the Web SuperShop. Your last
visit was on #DateFormat(Client.LastVisit)#.
To obtain a list of the custom client parameters associated with a particular client, use the GetClientVariablesL
ist function, as follows:
The GetClientVariablesList function returns a comma-separated list of the names of the client variables for
the current application. The standard system-provided client variables ( CFID, CFToken, URLToken, HitCount, Ti
meCreated, and LastVisit) are not returned in the list.
Deleting client variables
To delete a client variable, use the StructDelete function or the DeleteClientVariable function. For
example, the following lines are equivalent:
<cfset IsDeleteSuccessful=DeleteClientVariable("MyClientVariable")>
<cfset IsDeleteSuccessful=StructDelete(Client, "MyClientVariable")>
The Client Variables page in the ColdFusion Administrator lets you set a time-out period of inactivity after which
ColdFusion removes client variables stored in either the Registry or a data source. (The default value is 10 days for
client variables stored in the Registry, and 90 days for client variables stored in a data source.)
You cannot delete the system-provided client variables (CFID, CFToken, URLToken, HitCount
, TimeCreated, and LastVisit).
If you use the cflocation tag to redirect ColdFusion to a path that ends with .dbm or .cfm, the Client.URLToke
n variable is automatically appended to the URL. You can prevent this behavior by adding the attribute addtoken=
"No" to the cflocation tag.
Caching client variable
When ColdFusion reads or writes client variables, it caches the variables in memory to help decrease the overhead
of accessing the client data. As a result, ColdFusion only accesses the client data store when you read its value for
the first time or, for values you set, when the request ends. Additional references to the client variable use the
cached value in ColdFusion memory, thereby processing the page more quickly.
Exporting the client variable database
If your client variable database is stored in the Windows system Registry and you need to move it to another
machine, you can export the Registry key that stores your client variables and take it to your new server. The
system Registry lets you export and import Registry entries.
To export your client variable database from the Registry in Windows:
1. Open the Registry editor.
2. Find and select the following key:
What is a session?
A session refers to all the connections that a single client makes to a server in the course of viewing any pages
associated with a given application. Sessions are specific to both the individual user and the application. As a result,
every user of an application has a separate session and has access to a separate set of session variables.
This logical view of a session begins with the first connection to an application by a client and ends after that client's
last connection. However, because of the stateless nature of the web, it is not always possible to define a precise
point at which a session ends. A session should end when the user finishes using an application. In most cases,
however, a web application has no way of knowing if a user has finished or is just lingering over a page.
Therefore, sessions always terminate after a time-out period of inactivity. If the user does not access a page of the
application within this time-out period, ColdFusion interprets this as the end of the session and clears any variables
associated with that session.
The default time-out for session variables is 20 mins. You can change the default time-out on the Memory Variables
page in the Server Settings area in the ColdFusion Administrator.
You can also set the time-out period for session variables inside a specific application (thereby overruling the
Administrator default setting) by setting the Application.cfc This.sessionTimeout variable or by using the cfapplica
tion tag sessionTimeout attribute. However, you cannot set a time-out value for that is greater than the
maximum session time-out value set on the Administrator Memory Variables page.
For detailed information on ending sessions and deleting session variables, see Ending a session in this page.
ColdFusion and J2EE session management
The ColdFusion server can use either of the following types of session management:
ColdFusion session management
J2EE session management
ColdFusion session management uses the same client identification method as ColdFusion client management.
J2EE session management provides the following advantages over ColdFusion session management:
J2EE session management uses a session-specific session identifier, jsessionid, which is created afresh
at the start of each session.
You can share session variables between ColdFusion pages and JSP pages or Java servlets that you call
from the ColdFusion pages.
The Session scope is serializable (convertible into a sequence of bytes that can later be fully restored into the
original object). With ColdFusion session management, the Session scope is not serializable. Only
serializable scopes can be shared across servers.
Therefore, consider using J2EE session management in any of the following cases:
You want to maximize session security, particularly if you also use client variables
You want to share session variables between ColdFusion pages and JSP pages or servlets in a single
You want to be able to manually terminate a session while maintaining the client identification cookie for use
by the Client scope.
You want to support clustered sessions; for example, to support session failover among servers.
Configuring and enabling session variables
To use session variables, they must be enabled on the ColdFusion Administrator Memory Variables page. (They are
enabled by default.) You can also use the Administrator Memory Variables page to do the following:
Select to use ColdFusion session management (the default) or J2EE session management.
Change the default session time-out. Application code can override this value. The default value for this
time-out is 20 mins.
Specify a maximum session time-out. Application code cannot set a time-out greater than this value. The
default value for this time-out is two days.
Enabling session variables in your application
Enable session variables in the initialization code of your Application.cfc file or in the cfapplication tag in your
Application.cfm file.
Do the following in the Application.cfc initialization code, below the cfcomponent tag, to enable session variables:
Set This.sessionManagement="Yes".
Set to specify the name of the application.
Optionally, set This.sessionTimeout to set an application-specific session time-out value. Use the CreateTi
meSpan function to specify the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds for the time-out.
Do the following in the Application.cfm file to enable session variables:
Set sessionManagement="Yes"
Use the name attribute to specify the name of the application.
Optionally, use the sessionTimeout attribute to set an application-specific session time-out value. Use the
CreateTimeSpan function to specify the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds for the time-out.
The following sample code enables session management for the GetLeadApp application and sets the
session variables to time out after a 45-minute period of inactivity:
<cfapplication name="GetLeadApp"
Session variables are designed to store session-level data. They are a convenient place to store information that all
pages of your application might need during a user session, such as shopping cart contents or score counters.
Using session variables, an application can initialize itself with user-specific data the first time a user accesses one
of the pages of the application. This information can remain available while that user continues to use that
application. For example, you can retrieve information about a specific user's preferences from a database once, the
first time a user accesses any page of an application. This information remains available throughout that user's
session, thereby avoiding the overhead of retrieving the preferences repeatedly.
Standard session variables
If you use ColdFusion session variables, the Session scope has four built-in, read-only variables that your
application can use. If you use J2EE session management, the Session scope has two built-in variables. Generally,
you use these variables in your ColdFusion pages only if your application supports browsers that do not allow
cookies. For more information on supporting browsers that do not allow cookies, see Using client and session
variables without cookies in Managing the client state. The following table describes the built-in session variables.
ColdFusion lets you delete or change the values of the built-in session variables. As a general
rule, avoid doing so.
If you enable client variables and ColdFusion session management, ColdFusion uses the same values for the Client
and Session scope CFID, CFToken, and URLtoken variables. ColdFusion gets the values for these variables from
the same source, the client's CFID and CFTOKEN cookies.
If you use J2EE session management, the Session scope does not include the Session.CFID or Session.CFTo
ken variables, but does include the Session.URLToken and Session.SessionID variables. In this case, the Se
ssion.SessionID is the J2EE session ID and Session.URLToken consists of the string jsessionid= followed
by the J2EE session ID.
Getting a list of session variables
Always put code that accesses session variables inside cflock_ tags._
If you set session variables on a CFML template that uses the cflocation tag, ColdFusion
might not set the variables. For more information, see TechNote at
You use the same syntax to access a session variable as for other types of variables. However, lock any code that
accesses or changes session variables.
For example, to display the number of items in a user's shopping cart, use the following code:
To increase the number of items in the shopping cart, use the following code:
Ending a session
The following rules apply to ending a session and deleting Session scope variables:
If you use ColdFusion session management, ColdFusion automatically ends sessions and deletes all Session
scope variables if the client is inactive for the session time-out period. The session does not end when the
user closes the browser.
If you use J2EE session management, ColdFusion ends the session and deletes all Session scope variables
if the client is inactive for the session time-out period. However, the browser continues to send the same
session ID, and ColdFusion reuses this ID for sessions with this browser instance, as long as the browser
remains active.
Logging a user out does not end the session or delete Session scope variables.
In many cases, you can effectively end a session by clearing the Session scope, as shown in the following
line. The following list, however, includes important limitations and alternatives:
<cfset StructClear(Session)>
Clearing the Session scope does not clear the session ID, and future requests from the browser continue to
use the same session ID until the browser exits. It also does not log out the user, even if you use Session
scope storage for login information. Always use the cflogout tag to log out users.
If you use J2EE session management, you can invalidate the session, as follows:
<cfset getPageContext().getSession().invalidate()>
This line creates a pointer to the servlet page context and calls an internal method to reset the session. This
clears all session information, including the session ID Session scope variables, and if you are using session
login storage, the login information, for future request. However, the session information does remain
available until the end of the current request. After you invalidate a session, attempts by the browser to
access the application will generate an invalid session exception until the session times out.
You cannot destroy the session and create a session on the same request, as creating a
new session involves sending session cookies back.
If you do not use client cookies, the Session scope and login state is available to your application only as long
as you pass the session's CFID, CFTOKEN, and, for J2EE sessions, jsessionid values in the URL query
string. After you stop using these values, however, the session data remains in memory until the session
time-out period elapses.
The ColdFusion Administrator also lets you specify the following information:
A default variable time-out. If all pages in an application are inactive for the time-out period, ColdFusion
deletes all the application variables. The Application.cfc file or cfapplication tag can override this value
for a specific application. The default value for this time-out is two days.
A maximum time-out. The application code cannot set a time-out greater than this value. The default value for
this time-out is two days.
You can set the time-out period for application variables within a specific application by using the
This.applicationTimeout variable of Application.cfc or the applicationTimeout attribute of the cfapplica
tion tag.
Storing application data in application variables
Application variables are a convenient place to store information that all pages of your application might need, no
matter which client is running that application. Using application variables, an application could, for example,
initialize itself when the first user accesses any page of that application. This information can then remain available
indefinitely, thereby avoiding the overhead of repeated initialization.
Because the data stored in application variables is available to all pages of an application, and remains available
until a specific period of inactivity passes or the ColdFusion server shuts down, application variables are convenient
for application-global, persistent data.
However, because all clients running an application see the same set of application variables, these variables are
not appropriate for client-specific or session-specific information. To target variables for specific clients, use client or
session variables.
Using application variables
Generally, application variables hold information that you write infrequently. In most cases, the values of these
variables are set once, most often when an application first starts. Then the values of these variables are referenced
many times throughout the life of the application or the course of a session.
In circumstances that could result in race conditions from multiple accesses to the same variable, place code that
writes to Application scope variables or reads Application scope variables with data that can change inside cflock t
Because each Application scope variable is shared in memory by all requests in the application, these variables can
become bottlenecks if used inappropriately. Whenever a request is reading or writing an Application scope variable,
any other requests that use the variable must wait until the code accessing the variable completes. This problem is
increased by the processing time required for locking. If many users access the application simultaneously and you
use Application scope variables extensively, your application performance might degrade. If your application uses
many application variables, consider whether the variables must be in the Application scope or whether they can be
Session or Request scope variables.
The application scope has one built-in variable, Application.applicationName, which contains the application
name you specify in the cfapplication tag.
Access and manipulate application variables the same way you use session variables, except that you use the
variable prefix Application, not Session, and specify Session as the lock scope. For examples of using session
variables see Creating and deleting session variables and Accessing and changing session variables in Configuring
and using session variables. For information on locking write-once read-many application variables efficiently, see L
ocking application variables efficiently in Locking code with cflock.
The following examples present scenarios in which you need to lock ColdFusion code. These scenarios show only
two of the circumstances where locking is vital.
Reading and writing a shared variable
If you have an application-wide value, such as a counter of the total number of tickets sold, you could have code
such as the following on a login page:
The cflock tag ensures that while ColdFusion performs the processing in the tag body, no other threads can
access the Application scope. As a result, the second transaction is not processed until the first one completes. The
processing sequence looks something like the following:
1. Order 1 reaches the lock tag, which gets an Application scope lock.
2. Order 1 reads the total tickets sold as 160.
3. Order 2 reaches the lock tag. Because there is an active Application scope lock, ColdFusion waits for the lock
to free.
4. Order 1 adds an order of 5 tickets to 160 to get 165.
5. Order 1 saves the value 165 to Application.totalTicketsSold.
6. Order 1 exits the lock tag. The Application scope lock is now free.
7. Order 2 gets the Application scope lock and can begin processing.
8. Order 2 reads the total tickets sold as 165.
9. Order 2 adds an order of 3 tickets to 165 to get 168.
10. Order 2 saves the value 168 to Application.totalTicketsSold.
11. Order 2 exits the lock tag, which frees the Application scope lock. ColdFusion can process another order.
The resulting Application.totalTickesSold value is now correct.
Ensuring consistency of multiple variables
Often an application sets multiple shared scope variables at one time, such as many values submitted by a user on
a form. If the user submits the form, clicks the back button, and then resubmits the form with different data, the
application can end up with a mixture of data from the two submissions, in much the same manner as shown in the
previous section.
For example, an application stores information about order items in a Session scope shopping cart. If the user
submits an item selection page with data specifying sage green size 36 shorts, and then resubmits the item
specifying sea blue size 34 shorts, the application can end up with a mixture of information from the two orders,
such as sage green size 34 shorts.
By placing the code that sets all of the related session variables in a single cflock tag, you ensure that all the
variables get set together. In other words, setting all of the variables becomes an atomic, or single, operation. It is
like a database transaction, where everything in the transaction happens, or nothing happens. In this example, the
order details for the first order all get set, and then they are replaced with the details from the second order.
For more examples of using locking in applications, see Examples of cflock.
Using the cflock tag with write-once variables
You need not use cflock when you read a variable or call a user-defined function name in the Session,
Application, or Server scope if it is set in only one place in the application, and is only read (or called, for a UDF)
everywhere else. Such data is called write-once. If you set an Application or Session scope variable in
Application.cfm and never set it on any other pages, lock the code that sets the variable, but do not have to lock
code on other pages that reads the variable's value. If you set the variable in the corresponding start method in
Application.cfc (for example, onApplicationStart for Application scope variables), you do not have to lock the
code that sets the variable.
However, although leaving code that uses write-once data unlocked can improve application performance, it also
has risks. Ensure that the variables are written only once. For example, ensure that the variable is not rewritten if the
user refreshes the browser or clicks a back button. Also, it can be difficult to ensure that you, or future developers,
do not later set the variable in more than one place in the application.
Using the cflock tag
The cflock tag ensures that concurrently executing requests do not run the same section of code simultaneously
and thus manipulate shared data structures, files, or CFX tags inconsistently. It is important to remember that cfloc
k protects code sections that access or set data, not the variables themselves.
You protect access to code by surrounding it in a cflock tag; for example:
Lock types
The cflock tag offers two modes of locking, specified by the type attribute:
Exclusive locks (the default lock type) Allow only one request to process the locked code. No other
requests can run code inside the tag while a request has an exclusive lock.Enclose all code that creates or
modifies session, application, or server variables in exclusive cflock tags.
Read-only locks Allow multiple requests to execute concurrently if no exclusive locks with the same scope or
name are executing. No requests can run code inside the tag while a request has an exclusive lock.Enclose
code that only reads or tests session, application, or server variables in read-only cflock tags. You specify a
read-only lock by setting the type="readOnly" attribute in the cflocktag, for example:
Although ColdFusion does not prevent you from setting shared variables inside read-only lock tag, doing so
loses the advantages of locking. As a result, be careful not to set any session, application, or server variables
inside a read-only cflocktag body.
You cannot upgrade or downgrade a lock from one type to another. In other words, do not
nest an exclusive lock in a read-only lock of the same name or scope; the exclusive lock
will always time out. Also, do not nest a read-only lock inside an exclusive lock with the
same name or scope; doing so has no effect.
The cflock tag prevents simultaneous access to sections of code, not to variables. If you have two sections of
code that access the same variable, they must be synchronized to prevent them from running simultaneously. You
do this by identifying the locks with the same scope or name attributes.
ColdFusion does not require you to identify exclusive locks. If you omit the identifier, the lock is
anonymous and you cannot synchronize the code in the cflock tag block with any other code.
Anonymous locks do not cause errors when they protect a resource that is used in a single code
block, but they are bad programming practice. You must always identify read-only locks.
When the code that you are locking accesses session, application, or server variables, synchronize access by using
the cflock scope attribute.
You can set the attribute to any of the following values:
All code sections with this attribute that run in the same
session of an application share a single lock.
All code sections with this attribute that run in the same
request share a single lock. You use this scope only if
your application uses the cfthread tag to create
multiple threads in a single request. Locking the
Request scope also locks access to Variables scope
data. For more information on locking the Request
scope, see Locking thread data and resource access.
When code in a cflock tag block with the type readOnly is running, code in other cflock tag blocks with
the same scope attribute and the readOnly type attribute can run, but any blocks with the same scope att
ribute and an Exclusive type cannot run and must wait until all code with the read-only lock completes.
However, if a read-only lock is active and code with an exclusive lock with the same scope or name is waiting
to execute, read-only requests using the same scope or name that are made after the exclusive request is
queued must wait until code with the exclusive lock executes and completes.
Controlling locking access to files and CFX tags with the name attribute
The cflock name attribute provides a second way to identify locks. Use this attribute when you use locks to protect
code that manges file access or calls non-thread-safe CFX code.
When you use the name attribute, specify the same name for each section of code that accesses a specific file or a
specific CFX tag.
Controlling and minimizing lock time-outs
Include a timeout attribute in your cflock tag. The timeout attribute specifies the maximum time, in seconds, to
wait to obtain the lock if it is not available. By default, if the lock does not become available within the time-out
period, ColdFusion generates a Lock type exception error, which you can handle using cftry and cfcatch tags.
If you set the cflock throwOnTimeout attribute to No, processing continues after the time-out at the line after the
</cflock> end tag. Code in the cflock tag body does not run if the time-out occurs before ColdFusion can
acquire the lock. Therefore, never use the throwOnTimeout attribute for CFML that must run.
Normally, it does not take more than a few seconds to obtain a lock. Very large time-outs can block request threads
for long periods of time and radically decrease throughput. Always use the smallest time-out value that does not
result in a significant number of time-outs.
To prevent unnecessary time-outs, lock the minimum amount of code possible. Whenever possible, lock only code
that sets or reads variables, not business logic or database queries. One useful technique is to do the following:
1. Perform a time-consuming activity outside a cflock tag
2. Assign the result to a Variables scope variable
3. Assign the Variables scope variable's value to a shared scope variable inside a cflock block.
For example, if you want to assign the results of a query to a session variable, first get the query results using
a Variables scope variable in unlocked code. Then, assign the query results to a session variable inside a
locked code section. The following code shows this technique:
When you design your locking strategy, consider whether you should have multiple locks containing small amounts
of code or few locks with larger blocks of code. There is no simple rule for making such a decision, and you might do
performance testing with different options to help make your decision. However, consider the following issues:
If the code block is larger, ColdFusion spends more time inside the block, which can increase the number of
times an application waits for the lock to released.
Each lock requires processor time. The more locks you have, the more processor time is spent on locking
Nesting locks and avoiding deadlocks
Inconsistent nesting of cflock tags and inconsistent naming of locks can cause deadlocks (blocked code). If you
are nesting locks, you must consistently nest cflock tags in the same order and use consistent lock scopes (or
A deadlock is a state in which no request can execute the locked section of the page. All requests to the protected
section of the page are blocked until there is a time-out. The following table shows one scenario that would cause a
User 1
User 2
Neither user's request can proceed, because it is waiting for the other to complete. The two are deadlocked.
Once a deadlock occurs, neither of the users can do anything to break the deadlock, because the execution of their
requests is blocked until the deadlock is resolved by a lock time-out.
You can also cause deadlocks if you nest locks of different types. An example of this is nesting an exclusive lock
inside a read-only lock of the same scope or same name.
To avoid a deadlock, lock code sections in a well-specified order, and name the locks consistently. In particular, to
lock access to the Server, Application, and Session scopes, do so in the following order:
You can avoid locking some shared-scope variables multiple times during a request by doing the following:
1. Copy the shared-scope variables into the Request scope in code with an exclusive lock in the Application.cfc
onRequestStart method or the Application.cfm page.
2. Use the Request scope variables on your ColdFusion pages for the duration of the request.
3. Copy the variables back to the shared scope in code with an exclusive lock in the Application.cfc onRequest
End method on the OnRequestEnd.cfm page.
With this technique the "last request wins." For example, if two requests run simultaneously, and both
requests change the values of data that was copied from the shared scope, the data from the last request to
finish is saved in the shared scope, and the data from the previous request is not saved.
Locking application variables efficiently
The need to lock application variables can reduce server performance, because all requests that use Application
scope variables must wait on a single lock. This issue is a problem even for write-once read-many variables,
because you still must ensure that the variable exists, and possibly set the value before you can read it.
You can minimize this problem by using a technique such as the following to test for the existence of application
variables and set them if they do not exist:
1. Use an Application scope flag variable to indicate if the variable or variables are initialized. In a read-only
lock, check for the existence of the flag, and assign the result to a local variable.
2. Outside the cflock bock, test the value of the local variable
3. If it the local variable indicates that the application variables are not initialized, get an exclusive Application
scope lock.
4. Inside the lock, again test the Application scope flag, to make sure that another page has not set the
variables between step one and step four.
5. If the variables are still not set, set them and set the Application scope flag to true.
6. Release the exclusive lock.
The following code shows this technique:
Examples of cflock
The following examples show how to use cflock blocks in a variety of situations.
Example with application, server, and session variables
This example shows how you can use cflock to guarantee the consistency of data updates to variables in the
Application, Server, and Session scopes.
This example does not handle exceptions that arise if a lock times out. As a result, users see the default exception
error page on lock time-outs.
The following sample code might be part of the Application.cfm file:
<cfapplication name="ETurtle"
<!--- Initialize the Session and Application
variables that will be used by E-Turtleneck. Use
the Session lock scope for the session variables. --->
<cflock scope="Session"
timeout="10" type ="Exclusive">
<cfif not IsDefined("session.size")>
<cfset session.size = "">
<cfif not IsDefined("session.color")>
<cfset session.color = "">
<!--- Use the Application scope lock for the Application.number variable.
This variable keeps track of the total number of turtlenecks sold.
The following code implements the scheme shown in the Locking Application
variables effectively section --->
<cfset app_is_initialized = "no">
<cflock scope="Application" type="readonly">
<cfset app_is_initialized = IsDefined("Application.initialized")>
<cfif not app_is_initialized >
<cflock scope="application" timeout="10" type="exclusive">
<cfif not IsDefined("Application.initialized") >
<cfset Application.number = 1>
<cfset Application.initialized = "yes">
<!--- Always display the number of turtlenecks sold --->
<cflock scope="Application"
type ="ReadOnly">
E-Turtleneck is proud to say that we have sold
#Application.number# turtlenecks to date.
The remaining sample code could appear inside the application page where customers place orders:
<title>cflock Example</title>
<h3>cflock Example</h3>
<cfif IsDefined("Form.submit")>
<!--- Lock session variables --->
<!--- Note that we use the automatically generated Session
ID as the order ID --->
<cflock scope="Session"
timeout="10" type="ReadOnly">
<cfoutput>Thank you for shopping E-Turtleneck.
Today you have chosen a turtleneck in size
<b>#form.size#</b> and in the color <b>#form.color#</b>.
Your order ID is #Session.sessionID#.
<!--- Lock session variables to assign form values to them. --->
<cflock scope="Session"
<cfparam name=Session.size default=#form.size#>
<cfparam name=Session.color default=#form.color#>
!--- Lock the Application scope variable application.number to
update the total number of turtlenecks sold. --->
<cflock scope="Application"
timeout="30" type="Exclusive">
<cfset application.number=application.number + 1>
<!--- Show the form only if it has not been submitted. --->
<form action="cflock.cfm" method="Post">
<p> Congratulations! You have just selected
the longest-wearing, most comfortable turtleneck
in the world. Please indicate the color and size
you want to buy.</p>
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0">
<td>Select a color.</td>
<td><select type="Text" name="color">
<option>forest green
<td>Select a size.</td>
<td><select type="Text" name="size">
<td><input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
In this simple example, the Application.cfm page displays the Application.number variable value.
Because the Application.cfm file is processed before any code on each ColdFusion page, the
number that displays after you click the submit button does not include the new order. One way
you can resolve this problem is by using the OnRequestEnd.cfm page to display the value at the
bottom of each page in the application.
The following example shows how to use a cflock block to synchronize access to a file system. The cflock tag
protects a cffile tag from attempting to append data to a file already open for writing by the same tag executing
on another request.
If an append operation takes more than 30 seconds, a request waiting to obtain an exclusive lock to this code might
time out. Also, this example uses a dynamic value for the name attribute so that a different lock controls access to
each file. As a result, locking access to one file does not delay access to any other file.
The following example shows how you can build a custom tag wrapper around a CFX tag that is not thread-safe.
The wrapper forwards attributes to the non-thread-safe CFX tag that is used inside a cflock tag.
#back to top
You start a thread by using a cfthread tag with an action attribute value of run. CFML code within the cfthrea
d tag body executes on a separate thread while the page request thread continues processing. Only the page
thread can create other threads. A thread that you create with a cfthread tag cannot create a child thread, so you
cannot have multiple nested threads.
Optionally, when you start the thread, you can specify a priority level of high, normal (the default), or low to specify
the relative amount of time that the processor should devote to the thread. Page-level code always runs at normal
priority, so you can give your threads more or less processing time than the page.
For more information on using thread attributes, see The Attributes scope and thread attributes in Using thread data.
Suspending a thread
In some cases, one thread must wait until a second thread completes some operations, but should not wait until the
second thread completes all processing, so you cannot just join the threads. For example, one thread might do
initialization that multiple threads require, and then it might continue with additional processing. The other threads
could suspend themselves until initialization is complete.
The Sleep function and cfthread tag with a sleep action attribute provide two equivalent mechanisms for
doing such synchronization. They suspend the thread processing for a specified period of time. A code loop could
test a condition variable and sleep for a period before retesting the condition. When the condition is true (or a value
is reached, or some other test is valid), the program exits the loop and the thread continues processing.
The following example shows how one thread could use a sleep function to wait for a second thread to perform
some actions.
<!--- ThreadA loops to simulate an activity that might take time. --->
<cfthread name="threadA" action="run">
<cfset thread.j=1>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="1000000">
<cfset thread.j=thread.j+1>
<!--- ThreadB loops, waiting until threadA finishes looping 40000 times.
the loop code sleeps 1/2 second each time. --->
<cfthread name="threadB" action="run">
while ((threadA.Status != "TERMINATED") && (threadA.j < 400000)) {
// Don't continue processing if threadA terminated abnormally.
If (threadA.Status != "TERMINATED") {
// Do additional processing here.
<!Join the page thread to thread B. Don't join to thread A.--->
<cfthread action="join" name="threadB" timeout="10000" />
<!--- Display the thread information. --->
current threadA index value: #threadA.j#<br />
threadA status: #threadA.Status#<br>
threadB status: #threadB.Status#<br>
threadB sleepTimes: #threadB.sleepTimes#<br>
Is threadB initialized: #threadB.initialized#<br>
Ending a thread
If a thread never completes processing (is hung), it continues to occupy system resources, so it is good practice to
have your application check for hung threads and end them. Also consider ending threads that take excessive time
to process and might significantly reduce the responsiveness of your application or server.
To end a thread, use the cfthread tag with an action attribute value of terminate, as the following code
snippet shows.
You can also have the ColdFusion Sever Monitor automatically check for and terminate hung
Joining threads
You use the cfthread tag with an action attribute value of join to join two or more threads. You join threads
when one thread depends on one or more other threads completing before it can do some processing. For example,
a page can start multiple threads to do processing and join them before it processes the thread results. By default,
the join action stops the current thread from doing further processing until all the specified threads complete
You can use a timeout attribute to specify the number of milliseconds that the current thread waits for the thread
or threads being joined to finish. If any thread does not finish by the specified time, the current thread proceeds
without waiting for the remaining thread or threads to complete.
The following code, for example, joins three threads to the current thread (often, the main page thread). The current
thread waits up to six seconds for the other threads to complete, and continues processing if one or more threads do
not complete by then.
If the timeout attribute value is 0, the default value, the current thread continues waiting until all joining threads
finish. In this case, if the current thread is the page thread, the page continues waiting until the threads are joined,
even if you specify a page time-out. As a general rule, specify a timeout value to limit hung threads.
The thread-local scope is an implicit scope that contains variables that are available only to the thread, and exist
only for the life of the thread. Any variable that you define inside the cfthread tag body without specifying a scope
name prefix is in the thread local scope and cannot be accessed or modified by other threads.
To create a thread-local variable, assign the variable in the cfthread tag body without specifying a scope prefix, as
in the following lines:
These two lines are equivalent, with one exception: If you use the var keyword, the assignment code must immedia
tely follow the cfthread tag, before any other CFML tags.
The Thread scope
The Thread scope contains thread-specific variables and metadata about the thread. Only the owning thread can
write data to this scope, but the page thread and all other threads in a request can read the variable values in this
scope. Thread scope data remains available until the page and all threads that started from the page finish, even if
the page finishes before the threads complete processing.
To create a Thread scope variable, in the cfthread tag body, use the keyword Thread or the name of the thread
(for example, myThread) as a prefix. the following examples of creating a Thread scope variable are equivalent:
To access a thread's Thread scope variables outside the thread, prefix the variable with the thread's name, as in the
following example:
Thread scope variables are only available to the page that created the thread or to other threads created by that
page. No other page can access the data. If one page must access another page's Thread scope data, you must
place the data in a database or file and access it from there.
The Thread scope of each thread is a subscope of a special scope, cfthread, that lasts as long as the request, or
until the last thread that it starts completes, whichever is longer. Thus, if you have two threads, myThread1 and
myThread2, you can access their Thread scopes as cfthread.myThread1 and cfthread.myThread2 until all threads
and the request complete. In most cases, there is no need to use the cfthread scope directly. However, you can
use the cfthread scope name in either of the following situations:
1. If you generate the thread name dynamically, you can avoid using the Evaluate function by using the cfth
readscope with associative array notation, as the following code snippet shows:
<cfset threadname="thread_#N#">
<!--- The following two lines are equivalent --->
<cfset threadscopeForNthThread = cfthread[threadname] >
<cfset threadscopeForNthThread = Evaluate(threadname) >
1. If you have a thread with the same name as a Variables scope variable, you can access that thread's Thread
scope only by prefacing the Thread name with cfthread. Otherwise, you access the Variables scope
variable, or get an error.
The Attributes scope and thread attributes
The Attributes scope contains attributes that are passed to the thread, either individually or in the attributeColle
ction attribute. The Attributes scope is available only within the thread and only for the life of the thread.
ColdFusion makes a complete (deep) copy of all the attribute variables before passing them to the thread; therefore,
the values of the variables inside the thread are independent of the values of any corresponding variables in other
threads, including the page thread. For example, if you pass a CFC instance as an attribute to a thread, the thread
gets a complete new copy of the CFC, including the contents of its This scope at the time that you create the thread.
Any changes made to the original CFC outside the thread, for example, by calling a CFC function, have no effect on
the copy that is in the thread. Similarly, any changes to the CFC instance in the thread have no effect on the original
CFC instance.
Copying the data ensures that the values passed to threads are thread-safe, because the attribute values cannot be
changed by any other thread. If you do not want duplicate data, do not pass it to the thread as an attribute or in the a
ttributeCollection attribute. Instead, keep the data in a scope that the thread can access. An example of an
object that should not be passed to the thread as an attribute is a singleton CFC that should never be duplicated.
The singleton CFC must be kept in some shared scope and accessed by threads. For more information, see the Usi
ng other scopes in Using thread data.
Because ColdFusion copies all attributes by value, you can have multiple threads, for example, threads created
dynamically in a loop, that use the same attribute names, but where each thread gets a different value, as shown in
the following code excerpt, which creates separate threads to copy each of several files in a directory:
<cfloop query="dir">
<cfset threadname = "thread_" & #i#>
<cfset i=i+1>
<cfthread name="#threadname#" filename="">
<cffile action="COPY" source="#src#\#filename#"
Threads have access to all the ColdFusion scopes. All the threads run by a page share the same Variables and This
scope. All the threads run in a request share the same Form, URL, Request, CGI, Cookie, Session, Application,
Server and Client scopes. Be careful to lock access to these scopes if more than one thread could try to modify the
data in the scopes; otherwise you can get deadlocks between threads. For more information, see Locking thread
data and resource access in Using thread data.
Although a thread can access all the scopes, it might not be able to write to scopes like Session, Cookie, or Request
after the request page processing completes.
Scope precedence
If you do not specify a scope prefix on a variable inside a cfthread tag body, ColdFusion checks scopes in the
following order to find the variable:
When an application uses multiple threads, be careful to ensure that the threads do not simultaneously attempt to
use or modify shared resources that are not themselves thread-safe, including the following items:
If multiple threads modify a Variables or Request scope variable, use a Request scope lock to control access
to the code that uses the variable to prevent deadlocks and race conditions. Similarly, use a Request scope
lock around code that accesses built-in data structures or subscopes of the Variables scope, such as the
Forms variable, that you change in multiple threads.
Multiple threads should not try to access any other shared resource simultaneously. For example, do not use
the same FTP connection from multiple threads. To prevent this behavior, place the code that uses the
resource in named cflock tags. Use the same name attribute for all cflock tags around code that uses a
specific resource.
For more information on locking code, see cflock and Locking code with cflock__.
Metadata variables
The Thread scope contains the following variables that provide information about the thread, called metadata.
As with other variables in the Thread scope, thread metadata is available to all of a page's threads by specifying the
thread name as a variable prefix. For example, the page thread can get the current elapsed time of the myThread1
thread from the myThread1.ElapsedTime variable.
The metadata is available from the time that you create the thread until the time when the page and all threads
started on the page complete processing, even if the page finishes before the threads finish. This way, you can get
thread output, error information, and processing information during and after the time when the thread is processing.
Because threads run asynchronously, page level variables can change during thread execution. As a result of this
behavior, if you start threads inside a cfloop, and code inside the threads uses the value of the loop iterator (like
the index variable, query name, list item), pass the loop iterator to the thread as an attribute.
The following example shows the use of threads inside a loop. It uses an indexed cfloop tag to start five threads.
Each thread gets the current loop index value in a threadIndex attribute. The thread adds an array entry with the
threadIndex attribute value of the thread and the current value of the page cfloop index, pageIndex. After
joining the threads, the page displays the array contents. When you run the example, particularly if you run it
multiple times, you see that at the time the thread saves data to the array, the value of pageIndex has incremented
past the threadIndex value, and multiple threads often have the same pageIndex value; but the multiple threads
always have the correct threadIndex value.
The Thread scope status metadata variable lets the page, or any other thread started by the page, determine the
status of any thread. The page processing code can then take a necessary action, for example, if the thread has
terminated abnormally or has hung. The status variable can have the following values:
Applications can check the thread status to manage processing. For example, an application that requires results
from a thread specifies a time-out when it joins the thread; in this case, it can check for the COMPLETED status to
ensure that the thread has completed processing and the join did not just result from a time-out. Similarly, an
application can check the status value of threads that might not start or might not complete normally, and terminate
it if necessary. The example in Ending a thread in Creating and managing ColdFusion threadschecks thread status
and terminates any threads with RUNNING or NOT_STARTED status.
Handling thread output
To prevent conflicts, only the page thread displays output. Therefore, named threads have the following limitations:
ColdFusion places all output that you generate inside a thread, such as HTML and plain text, or the
generated output of a cfoutput tag, in the Thread scope output metadata variable. The page-level code
can display the contents of this variable by accessing the threadName.output variable.
All tags and tag actions that directly send output to the client (instead of generating page text such as HTML
output), do not work inside the thread. For example, to use the cfdocument or cfreport tags in a thread,
specify a filename attribute; to use a cfpresentation tag, use a directory attribute.
Handling ColdFusion thread errors
If an error occurs in a thread, page-level processing is not affected, and ColdFusion does not generate an error
message. If you do not handle the error by using a try/catch block in the thread code, the thread with the error
terminates and the page-level code or other threads can get the error information from the thread metadata Error v
ariable and handle the error appropriately.
You cannot use page- or application-based error handling techniques to manage errors that occur during thread
execution. For that reason, you cannot use the cferror tag or the onError application event handler for thread
errors. Instead, use either of the following techniques:
1. Use cftry/cfcatch tags or try/catch CFScript statements in the cfthread body to handle the errors
inside the thread.
2. Handle the error outside the thread by using the thread error information that is available to the page and
other threads in the Thread scope threadName.Error variable. Application code can check this variable for
error information. For example, after you join to a thread that had an error, you could check the threadname.
status variable for a value of terminated, which indicates that the thread terminated abnormally. You
could then check the threadName.Error variable for information on the termination cause.
Handling database transactions
Database transactions cannot span threads. For example, consider a page with the following structure:
<cfthread name ="t1" ...>
<cfquery name="q1" ...>
<cfquery name="q2" ...>
<cfthread action="join" name="t1" ... />
In this case, query q1 is not included in the transaction that contains query q2. To include both queries in the
transaction, you must place the complete transaction in a single thread, using a structure such as the following:
<!--- Run this code if the feed URL form has been submitted. --->
<cfif isDefined("Form.submit")>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="3">
<!--- Use array notation and string concatenation to create a variable
for this feed. --->
<cfset theFeed = Form["Feed"&i]>
<cfif theFeed NEQ "">
<!--- Use a separate thread to get each of the feeds. --->
<cfthread action="run" name="t#i#" feed="#theFeed#">
<cffeed source="#feed#"
<!--- If the user didn't fill all fields, show an error message. --->
<h3>This example requires three feeds.<br />
Click the Back button and try again.</h3>
<!--- Join the three threads. Use a 6 second timeout. --->
<cfthread action="join" name="t1,t2,t3" timeout="6000" />
<!--- Use a loop to display the results from the feeds. --->
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="3">
<!--- Use the cfthread scope and associative array notation to get the
Thread scope. --->
<cfset feedResult=cfthread["t#i#"]>
<!--- Display feed information only if you got items,
for example, the feed must complete before the join. --->
<cfif isDefined("feedResult.myQuery")>
<cfoutput query="feedResult.myQuery">
<p><a href="#RSSLINK#">#TITLE#</a></p>
<!--- The form for entering the feeds to aggregate. --->
<h3>Enter three RSS Feeds</h3>
<cfinput type="text" size="100" name="Feed1" validate="url"
value=""><br />
<cfinput type="text" size="100" name="Feed2" validate="url"
value=""><br />
<cfinput type="text" size="100" name="Feed3" validate="url"
value=""><br />
<cfinput type="submit" name="submit">
#back to top
Securing Applications
Resource security (Adobe ColdFusion Standard) or sandbox security (Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise) restricts
access to specific resources, such as tags and files. You use the ColdFusion Administrator to configure sandbox or
resource security, and structure an application to take advantage of this security.
User security depends on a user identity. You can implement user security in Adobe ColdFusion applications.
For detailed information on using Administrator-controlled security features, see Configuring and Administering
Data sources
CF tags
CF functions
For more information on configuring resource and sandbox security, see Configuring and
Administering ColdFusion and the ColdFusion Administrator online Help.
Sandbox security
In ColdFusion Enterprise, sandbox security lets you apply different sets of rules to different directory structures. Use
it to partition a shared hosting environment so that a number of applications with different purposes, and possibly
different owners, run securely on a single server. When multiple applications share a host, you set up a separate
directory structure for each application, and apply rules that let each application access only its own data sources
and files.
Sandbox security also lets you structure and partition an application to reflect the access rights that are appropriate
to different functional components. For example, if your application has both employee inquiry functions and HR
functions that include creating, accessing, and modifying sensitive data, you could structure the application as
HR pages go in one directory with access rules that enable most activities.
Employee pages go in another directory whose rules limit the files they modify and the tags they use.
Pages required for both HR and employee functions go in a third directory with appropriate access rules.
a typical flow of control for user authentication and authorization. Following sections expand on this
diagram to describe how you implement user security in ColdFusion.
Authenticating users
Use either, or both, of the following forms of authentication to secure your ColdFusion application:
Web server authentication, where the web server authenticates the user and does not allow access to the
website by users without valid login IDs
Application authentication, where the ColdFusion application authenticates the user and does not allow
access to the application by users without valid login IDs
Web server authentication
All major web servers support basic HTTP authentication. Some web servers also support other authentication
methods, including Digest HTTP authentication and Microsoft NTLM authentication.
Dreamweaver and Studio MX do not support NTLM security with RDS. Therefore, you cannot
use RDS with these applications if the ColdFusion RDS servlet (cf_root/CFIDE/main/ide.cfm) is
in a directory that is protected using NTLM security.
In web server authentication, the web server requires the user to log in to access pages in a particular directory, as
1. When the user first requests a page in the secured directory, the web server notifies the browser that the
requested page requires credentials (a user ID and password).Basic HTTP authentication sends the user ID
and password in a base64-encoded string with each request. Use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for all page
transactions, to protect the user ID and password from unauthorized access. For more information on SSL
and the keytool utility, see About LDAP Server Security in Advanced topics.
2. The browser prompts the user for the credentials.
3. The user supplies the credentials and the browser send the information back to the web server along with the
original request.
4. The web server checks the user ID and password, using its own user authentication mechanism.
5. If the user logs in successfully, the browser caches the authentication information and sends it in an HTTP
Authorization header with every subsequent page request from the user.
6. The web server processes the requested page and all future page requests from the browser that contain the
HTTP Authorization header, if it is valid for the requested page.
You can use web server authentication without using any ColdFusion security features. In this case, you
configure and manage all user security through the web server's interfaces.
You can also use web server authentication with ColdFusion application authentication, and thus use
ColdFusion security for authorization. If the web server uses basic HTML authentication, the ColdFusion cfl
ogin tag provides access to the user ID and password that the user entered to log in to the web server. If the
web server uses Digest or NTLM authentication, the cflogin tag normally gets the user ID, but not the
As a result, your application rely on the web server to authenticate the user against its user and password
information, and does not have to display a login page. You use the cflogin and cfloginuser tags to log
the user into the ColdFusion user security system, and use the IsUserInAnyRole and GetAuthUser functi
ons to ensure user authorization. For more information on this form of security, see A web server
authentication security scenario in Security scenarios.
If a user has logged in using web server authentication and has not logged in using ColdFusion
application authentication, the GetAuthUser tag returns the web server user ID. You could use
this feature to combine web server authentication with application authorization based on the
user's ID.
Application authentication
With application authentication, you do not rely on the web server to enforce application security. The application
performs all user authentication and authorization. The application displays a login page, checks the user's identity
and login against its own authorization store, such as an LDAP directory or database, and logs the user into
ColdFusion using the cfloginuser tag. The application then uses the IsUserInAnyRole and GetAuthUser fun
ctions to check the user's roles or identity for authorization before running a ColdFusion page or specific code on a
page. For an example of application authentication use, see A web server authentication security scenario in Securit
y scenarios.
ColdFusion authentication storage and persistence
How ColdFusion application authentication information is maintained by the browser and ColdFusion, and therefore
how long it is available, depends on the following:
Whether the user's browser enables cookies
Whether the application supports the Session scope for login storage
For detailed information on Session scope, see Configuring and using session variables. Cookie
scope contains the cookies that arthe browser sends; for more information on using cookies, see
cfcookie in the CFML Reference.
Because HTTP is connectionless, a login can last beyond a single web page viewing only if the browser provides a
unique identifier that software on the server uses to confirm that the current user is authenticated. Normally, this is
done by using memory-only cookies that are automatically destroyed when the user closes all open browser
windows. The specific cookies and how they are used depend on whether the application supports the Session
scope for login storage.
For information on user logins without cookies, see Using ColdFusion security without cookies in
About user security.
If you do the following, ColdFusion maintains login information in the Session scope instead of the Cookie scope:
Enable the Session scope in the ColdFusion Administrator and the Application.cfc initialization code or cfapp
lication tag.
Implement a limited-lifetime form of ColdFusion security if the user's browser does not support cookies. In this case
you do not use the cflogin tag, only the cfloginuser tag. It is the only time you should use the cfloginuser t
ag outside a cflogin tag.
Without browser cookies, the effect of the cfloginuser tag is limited to a single HTTP request. Provide your own
authentication mechanism and call cfloginuser on each page on which you use ColdFusion login identification.
The cflogin tag executes only if there is no currently logged-in user. It has the following three optional arguments
that control the characteristics of a ColdFusion login:
The login identification created by the cflogin tag is valid only for pages within the directory that contains the page
that uses the cflogin tag and any of its subdirectories. Therefore, if a user requests a page in another directory
tree, the current login credentials are not valid for accessing those pages. This security limitation lets you use the
same user names and passwords for different sections of your application (for example, a UserFunctions tree and a
SecurityFunctions tree) and enforce different roles to the users depending on the section.
ColdFusion uses the applicationToken value to generate a unique identifier that enforces this rule. The default a
pplicationToken value is the current application name, as specified by a cfapplication tag or Application.cfc
unitization code. In normal use, you need not specify an applicationToken value in the cflogin tag.
Specifying the Internet domain
Use the cookieDomain attribute to specify the domain of the cookie used to mark a user as logged-in. You use co
okieDomain if you have a clustered environment (for example,,, and so on). This
lets the cookie work for all computers in the cluster. For example, to ensure that the cookie works for all servers in
the domain, specify cookieDomain="". To specify a domain name, start the name with a
Before setting the cookie domain, consider the other applications or servers in the broader
domain might have access to the cookie. For example, a clustered payroll application at,, and so on, might reveal sensitive information to the test
computer at, if the cookie domain is broadly set to "".
The cflogin tag has a built-in cflogin structure that contains two variables, cflogin.username and cflogin.password,
if the page is executing in response to any of the following:
Submission of a login form that contains input fields with the names j_username and j_password.
A request that uses HTTP Basic authentication and, therefore, includes an Authorization header with the user
name and password.
A message from the Flash Remoting gatewayConnection object that has the setCredentials method set.
A request that uses NTLM or Digest authentication. In this case, the user name and password are hashed
using a one-way algorithm before they are placed in the Authorization header; ColdFusion gets the user
name from the web server and sets the cflogin.password value to the empty string.
You use the first three techniques with application authentication, and the last technique with web server
authentication. The cflogin structure provides a consistent interface for determining the user's login ID and
password, independent of the technique that you use for displaying the login form.
Login forms send the user name and password without encryption. Basic HTTP authentication
sends the user name and password in a base64-encoded string with each request; this format
can easily be converted back to plain text. Use these techniques only with https requests, or
when you are not concerned about password security.
When you build an application that gets the User ID and password using a login form, the cflogin tag checks for
the existence of a cflogin structure containing the user's login information. If the structure does not exist, it displays a
login form, typically using a cfinclude tag on a login page; the following code shows this use.
In the Application.cfc onRequestStart method, or a ColdFusion page or CFC method called by the method, you
have the following:
<cfif NOT IsDefined("cflogin")>
<cfinclude template="loginform.cfm">
<!--- Code to authenticate the user based on the cflogin.user and
cflogin.password values goes here. --->
<!--- If User is authenticated, determine any roles and use a line like the
following to log in the user. --->
<cfloginuser name=""
Password = "#cflogin.password#"
Application authentication does not require you to use a login form; you can rely on the browser to display its
standard login dialog box, instead. To do so, your cflogin tag body returns an HTTP status 401 to the browser if
the user is not logged in or if the login fails; that is, if it does not have a valid cflogin structure. The browser displays
its login dialog box. When the user clicks the login button on the dialog box, the browser returns the login information
as an HTTP Authorization header to ColdFusion, which places the information in the cflogin tag's cflogin
This technique has the advantage of simplicity; you do not need a login form and the user gets a familiar-looking
login page. Be careful of security issues, however. The browser sends the user name and password in a
base64-encoded string, not just when the user logs in, but with each request. Use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for
all page transactions to protect the user ID and password from unauthorized access.
Ensure that your web server is configured correctly to support browser-based login forms for this
use. For example, in IIS 5, enable anonymous access and disable Basic authentication and
Integrated Windows authentication.
The following cflogin tag tells the browser to display a login form if the user has not logged in:
<cfif NOT IsDefined("cflogin")>
<cfheader statuscode="401">
<cfheader name="www-Authenticate" value="Basic
realm=""MM Wizard #args.authtype# Authentication""">
<!--- code to authenticate the user based on the cflogin.user and
cflogin.password values goes here. --->
If you are developing a Rich Internet Application with Flash and Flash Remoting, your ColdFusion application does
not need to be coded specially for a Flash login. The Flash Remoting gateway makes the user ID and password
available to the cflogin tag in the cflogin structure.
In your Flash code, you use the ActionScript SetCredentials method to send login information to ColdFusion.
Your Flash SWF file displays the user ID and password fields, and uses their contents in the setCredentials met
hod, as follows:
if (inited == null)
inited = true;
gatewayConnection = NetServices.createGatewayConnection();
gatewayConnection.setCredentials(userID, password);
myService = gatewayConnection.getService("securityTest.thecfc", this);
For more information on using Flash Remoting, see Using the Flash Remoting Service_ and_ Using Flash Remoting
Logging out users
After a user logs in, the ColdFusion user authorization and authentication information remains valid until any of the
following happens:
The application uses a cflogout tag to log out the user, usually in response to the user clicking a log-out
link or button.
If your application uses the Session scope for login information, the session ends.
If your application does not use the Session scope for login information, the user does not request a new
page for the cflogin tag idleTimeout period.
If your application does not use Session scope for login information, or if you use J2EE-based session
identification, the user closes all browser windows.
Logging out a user by using the cflogout tag does not close the user's session, but if you use session login
storage, it does remove the login information (the Session.cfauthorization variable) from the Session scope.
For more information on ending sessions, see Ending a session in Configuring and using session variables.
If you use web server-based authentication or any form authentication that uses a Basic HTTP
Authorization header, the browser continues to send the authentication information to your
application until the user closes the browser, or in some cases, all open browser windows. As a
result, after the user logs out and your application uses the cflogout tag, until the browser
closes, the cflogin structure in the cflogin_ tag will contain the logged-out user's UserID and
password. If a user logs out and does not close the browser, another user can access pages with
the first user's login.
Security scenarios
There are two detailed security scenarios. The first scenario uses the web server to perform the authentication
against its user and password database. The second scenario uses ColdFusion for all authentication and
A web server authentication security scenario
An application that uses web server authentication could work as follows. The example in Web server-based
authentication user security example in Implementing user security implements this scenario.
1. When the user requests a page from a particular directory on the server for the first time after starting the
browser, the web server displays a login page and logs in the user. The web server handles all user
2. Because the user requested a ColdFusion page, the web server hands the request to ColdFusion.
3. When ColdFusion receives a request for a ColdFusion page, it instantiates the Application.cfc and runs onRe
questStart method. If you use an Application.cfm page in place of the Application.cfc, it runs the contents
of the Application.cfm page before it runs the requested page. The onRequestStart method or
Application.cfm page contains a cflogin tag. ColdFusion executes the cflogin tag body if the user is not
logged into ColdFusion. The user is logged in if the cfloginuser tag has run successfully for this
application and the user has not been logged out.
4. Code in the cflogintag body uses the user ID and password from the browser login, contained in the and cflogin.password variables, as follows. (With Digest or NTLM web server authentication, the
cflogin.password variable is the empty string.)
a. It checks the user's name against information it maintains about users and roles. In a simple case, the
application has two roles, one for users and one for administrators. The CFML assigns the Admin role
to any user logged on with the user ID Admin and assigns the User role to all other users.
b. It calls the cfloginuser tag with the user's ID, password, and roles, to identify the user to
5. Application.cfc or the Application.cfm page completes processing, and ColdFusion processes the requested
application page.
6. The application uses the IsUserInAnyRole function to check whether the user belongs to a role before it
runs protected code that must be available only to users in that role.
7. The application uses the GetAuthUser function to determine the user ID; for example, to display the ID for
personalization. It can also use the ID as a database key to get user-specific data.
If you use web server-based authentication or any form authentication that uses a Basic HTTP
Authorization header, the browser continues to send the authentication information to your
application until the user closes the browser, or in some cases, all open browser windows. As a
result, after the user logs out and your application uses the cflogout tag, until the browser
closes, the cflogin structure in the cflogin_ tag will contain the logged-out user's UserID and
password. If a user logs out and does not close the browser, another user can access pages with
the first user's login.
An application that does its own authentication works as follows. The example in Application-based user security
example in Implementing user security implements this scenario.
1. Whenever ColdFusion receives a request for a ColdFusion page, it instantiates the Application.cfc and runs
the onRequestStart method. If you use an Application.cfm page in place of Application.cfc, ColdFusion
runs the contents of the Application.cfm page before it runs the requested page. The onRequestStart meth
od or Application.cfm page contains the cflogin tag. ColdFusion executes the cflogin tag body if the user
is not logged in. A user is logged in if the cfloginuser tag has run during the current session and the user
had not been logged out by a cflogout tag.
Code in the cflogin tag body checks to see if it has received a user ID and password, normally from a login
If there is no user ID or password, the code in the cflogin tag body displays a login form that asks for the
user's ID and password. The form posts the login information back to the originally requested page, and the c
flogin tag in the onRequestStart method or the Application.cfm page runs again. This time, the cflogi
n tag body code checks the user name and password against a database, LDAP directory, or other policy
store, to ensure that the user is valid and get the user's roles.
If the user name and password are valid, the cflogin tag body code calls the cfloginuser tag with the
user's ID, password, and roles, to identify the user to ColdFusion.
When the user is logged in, application pages use the IsUserInAnyRole function to check whether the
user belongs to a role before they run protected code that must be available only to users in that role. The
application can use the GetAuthUser function to determine the user ID; for example, to display the ID for
personalization. It can also use the ID as a database key to get user-specific data.
Each application page displays a link to a logout form that uses the cflogout tag to log out the user.
Typically, the logout link is in a page header that appears in all pages. The logout form can also be in the
Application.cfc (for example, in the onRequestStart or onRequestEnd method) or on the Application.cfm
Although this scenario shows one method for implementing user security, it is only an example. For example,
your application could require users to log in for only some pages, such as pages in a folder that contains
administrative functions. When you design your user security implementation, remember the following:
Code in the cflogin tag body executes only if there is no user logged in.
With application authentication, you write the code that gets the identification from the user and tests this
information against a secure credential store.
After you have authenticated the user, you use the cfloginuser tag to log the user into ColdFusion.
The following image shows this flow of control. For simplicity, it omits the log-out option.
ColdFusion installs a Login Wizard command in the Dreamweaver Commands menu that generates a skeleton set
of pages for managing user authentication and authorization.
The wizard asks you to select how to authenticate the login information. Select one of the following options:
Simple Specify a single user ID and password in the wizard. All users must enter this information to log in.
Use this option for testing, or use the generated files as a template where you can replace the authentication
code with more complex code. For example, to verify the ID and password against a database.
NT domain Specify an NT domain in the wizard, and the wizard generates code that queries the domain.
LDAP Specify the LDAP server and port, the user name and password required to access the login data, and
the distinguished name to use to start the search for the user name. The wizard generates the code to query
the LDAP server with the user ID and password.
The wizard asks you to select one of the following options for displaying the request for login information:
Browser Dialog Box
ColdFusion Login Form
Structure code generated by the Login Wizard
The wizard generates or modifies the following files in the directory or site that you specify:
Application.cfc If this file does not exist, the wizard creates it with a single onRequestStart method; it
does not specify an application name or any other methods. If the file exists, but does not have an onReques
tStart method, it adds the method. If Application.cfc and the onRequestStart method exist, the wizard
inserts the required code at the beginning of the method. The resulting onRequestStart method has a cfi
ncludetag that specifies mm_wizard_application_include.cfm; it also has a simple form with a logout button,
which appears at the top of each page in the application.
If the wizard creates the Application.cfc file, change the file to specify the application
name. For more information on Application.cfc, see Designing and Optimizing a
ColdFusion Application.
mm_wizard_application_include.cfm The Login Wizard uses the information specified in the wizard fields
to set several CFC method arguments. It then uses them to invoke the performlogin method of the master
login CFC, mm_wizard.authenticate.
mm_wizard_authenticate.cfcThis CFC contains all of the user authentication and login logic. The CFC
consists of the following methods:
The ntauth, ldapauth, and simpleauth authentication methods check the user's name and ID against
the valid login information, and return information about whether the user is authenticated. For the
details of how they authenticate the user and the specific return values, see the methods.
The performLogin method is the master login method. It contains the cflogin tag, which displays the
login form and calls the required authentication method. If the authentication method's return argument
indicates a valid user, the method logs the user in.
The logout method logs out a user. If you specified Browser Dialog Box as the login page type, it also
calls the closeBrowser method to close the browser window. This behavior is necessary because the
browser continues to send the old login credentials after the user logs out, and the cflogin tag will
automatically use them and log the user in again.
The closeBrowser method closes the browser window or tells the user to close the browser window to
The Login Wizard creates a basic framework for authenticating a user. Customize this framework to meet the needs
of your application. Typical security-related changes include the following:
Providing user-specific role information in the cflogin tag
Authenticating users against a database
For greater security, consider using a hashed password. Do not store the password directly in
the database; instead, use the hash function to create a secure password fingerprint, and store it
in the database. When the user provides a password, use the Hash function on the submitted
string and compare it with the value in the database.
The following example shows how to implement user security using web-server-based basic authentication and two
roles, user and administrator.
This example has two ColdFusion pages:
1. The Application.cfc page logs the user into the ColdFusion security system and assigns the user to specific
roles based on the user's ID.This page also includes the one-button form and logic for logging out a user,
which appears at the top of each page.
2. The securitytest.cfm page is a sample application page. It displays the logged-in user's roles.
This simple example does not provide a user log-out interface. Test the security behavior by adding your own
pages to the same directory as the Application.cfc page.
Example: Application.cfc
<cfset = "Orders">
<cffunction name="OnRequestStart">
<cfargument name = "request" required="true"/>
<cfif IsDefined("cflogin")>
<cfif eq "admin">
<cfset roles = "user,admin">
<cfset roles = "user">
<cfloginuser name = "" password = "#cflogin.password#"
roles = "#roles#" />
<!--- This should never happen. --->
<h4>Authentication data is missing.</h4>
Try to reload the page or contact the site administrator.
<cfset = "Orders">
<cffunction name="OnRequestStart">
<cfif IsDefined("cflogin")>
<cfif eq "admin">
<cfset roles = "user,admin">
<cfset roles = "user">
<cfloginuser name =
"" password =
"#cflogin.password#" roles =
"#roles#" />
<!--- This should never happen.
<h4>Authentication data is
Try to reload the page or contact
the site administrator.
Example: securitytest.cfm
The securitytest.cfm page shows how any application page uses ColdFusion user authorization features. The web
server ensures the existence of an authenticated user, and the Application.cfc page ensures that the user is
assigned to roles the page content appears. The securitytest.cfm page uses the IsUserInAnyRole and GetAuth
User functions to control the information that is displayed.
The securitytest.cfm page consists of the following:
<h2>Welcome #GetAuthUser()#!</h2>
if (IsUserInRole("admin"))
WriteOutput("Users in the admin
role see this message.<br><br>");
if (IsUserInRole("user"))
WriteOutput("Everyone in the
user role sees this
The following example shows how to implement user security by authenticating users and then allowing users to see
or use only the resources that they are authorized to access.
This example has three ColdFusion pages:
The Application.cfc page contains the authentication logic that checks whether a user is logged in, requests
the login page if the user is not logged in, and authenticates the data from the login page. If the user is
authenticated, it logs the user in.This page also includes the one-button form and logic for logging out a user,
which appears at the top of each page.
The loginform.cfm page displays the login form. The code on this page could also be included in
The securitytest.cfm page is a sample application page. It displays the logged-in user's roles.
Test the security behavior by adding your own pages to the same directory as the Application.cfc page.
The example gets user information from the LoginInfo table of the cfdocexamples database that is installed
with ColdFusion. You can replace this database with any database containing UserID, Password, and Roles
fields. The sample database contains the following data:
Because spaces are meaningful in roles strings, do not follow the comma separators in the Roles fields with spaces.
Example: Application.cfc
<cfset = "Orders">
<cfset This.Sessionmanagement="True">
<cfset This.loginstorage="session">
<cffunction name="OnRequestStart">
<cfargument name = "request" required="true"/>
<cfif IsDefined("Form.logout")>
<cfif NOT IsDefined("cflogin")>
<cfinclude template="loginform.cfm">
<cfif IS "" OR cflogin.password IS "">
<h2>You must enter text in both the User Name
and Password fields.
<cfinclude template="loginform.cfm">
<cfquery name="loginQuery" dataSource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT UserID, Roles
FROM LoginInfo
UserID = ''
AND Password = '#cflogin.password#'
<cfif loginQuery.Roles NEQ "">
<cfloginuser name="" Password = "#cflogin.password#"
<H2>Your login information is not valid.<br>
Please Try again</H2>
<cfinclude template="loginform.cfm">
<cfif GetAuthUser() NEQ "">
<form action="securitytest.cfm" method="Post">
<input type="submit" Name="Logout" value="Logout">
<cfset = "Orders">
<cffunction name="OnRequestStart">
<cfargument name = "request"
<cfif IsDefined("Form.logout")>
<cfif NOT IsDefined("cflogin")>
<cfif IS "" OR
cflogin.password IS "">
<h2>You must enter text in both
the User Name and Password fields.
If the user just submitted the logout form, logs out the
user. The following cflogin tag runs as a result.
<cfquery name="loginQuery"
SELECT UserID, Roles
FROM LoginInfo
UserID = ''
AND Password =
<H2>Your login information is not
Please Try again</H2>
Example: loginform.cfm
Example: securitytest.cfm
The securitytest.cfm page shows how any application page can use ColdFusion user authorization features.
Application.cfc ensures the existence of an authenticated user before the page content appears. The
securitytest.cfm page uses the IsUserInAnyRole and GetAuthUser functions to control the information that is
The securitytest.cfm page consists of the following:
<h2>Welcome #GetAuthUser()#!</h2>
if (IsUserInRole("Human
WriteOutput("Human Resources
members see this
if (IsUserInRole("Documentation"))
members see this
if (IsUserInRole("Sales"))
WriteOutput("Sales members see
this message.<br><br>");
if (IsUserInRole("Manager"))
WriteOutput("Managers see this
if (IsUserInRole("Employee"))
WriteOutput("Employees see this
if (IsUserInRole("Contractor"))
WriteOutput("Contractors see this
LDAP directories are often used to store security information. The following example of a cflogin tag checks an
LDAP directory to authenticate the user and retrieve the user's roles.
For more information on using LDAP directories with ColdFusion, see Managing LDAP Directories.
The following table describes the code and its function. Comments and some tab characters have been removed for
<cfif isDefined("cflogin")>
<!--- setting basic attributes
<cfset LDAP_root =
<cfset LDAP_server =
<cfset LDAP_port = "389">
<!--- Create the prefix and
suffix parts of the user's DN.
<cfset userPrefix = "cn=">
<cfset userSuffix =
<cfldap action="QUERY"
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfif FindNoCase("Invalid
credentials", cfcatch.detail)>
<script>alert("User ID or
Password invalid for user:")</script>
<script>alert("Unknown error for
<cfif auth.recordcount>
Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks bypass client-side security mechanisms imposed by web browsers. These
methods use Open Web Application Security Project's (OWASP) Enterprise Security API for encoding. An attacker
injects malicious scripts into a web page to access information stored in the browser.
Only the following characters are allowed as values for the attribute name in the tag cform: alphanumeric
characters, _ (underscore), - (hyphen), : (colon), and . (dot). It prevents stored XSS for the scriptsrc field.
The following new encoding methods are added to reduce XSS attack vulnerability: EncodeForHTML, Encod
eForHTMLAttribute, EncodeForJavaScript, EncodeForCSS, and EncodeForURL. Encode the user
inputs depending on the contexts. To decode the input string, added a method: Canonicalize.
CSRF attack
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) forces users to execute unwanted actions on a web application for which they
are authenticated. For example, sending a URL using an email or chat to a privileged user. Clicking the URL link
forces the user to do an action of the attacker's choice.
Following methods can be used to reduce CSRF vulnerability:
CSRFGenerateToken: Returns a random token and stores it in the session.
CSRFVerifyToken: Validates the given token and the key against the same stored in the
session.*Example: CSRFGenerateToken*The following example lets you enter value and submit. The
page generates a token and calls another ColdFusion page.
The following page, sayHello.cfm, validates the token generated and displays the output of CSRFve
<cfset token=form.token>
<cfset validate = CSRFverifyToken(token)>
<cfoutput >#validate#</cfoutput>
Enable SessionManagement for protection against CSRF. Disabling session variables in the
administrator console disables CSRF protection.
Session improvements
The application level setting takes precedence over the server level setting.
Use the following new admin APIs to set session cookies at the server level by providing the parameters getRunti
meProperty and setRuntimeProperty. These methods are available in the CFIDE\adminapi\runtime.cfc
file.The following example explains how to get the cookie parameters using the getRuntimeProperty() method.
Set the cookie parameters in the similar way using the setRuntimeProperty() method.
The session cookies can be set at the application level by specifying the following in the Application.cfc
this.sessioncookie.timeout="value" (days)
this.authcookie.timeout= "value"(-1 by default. Cookie is valid until the browser is open.)
You can define the SetDomainCookies property and set session cookies for
domain at application and server level. In this case, the precedence is as follows:
application settings, server settings, and the SetDomianCookies property.
The system property, coldfusion.sessioncookie.httponly=true, that was added in
ColdFusion 9.01 is not required in this release and therefore has been removed.
Using CFCookie and CFHeader tags to manipulate ColdFusion cookie and authorization cookie
can be controlled in application or server level configuration. Add the following in application
.cfc or application.cfm: sessioncookie.disableupdate=true and authcookie.di
sableupdate=true. You can also use the following methods in the CFIDE\adminapi\runti
me.cfc: GetRuntimeProperty("CFInternalCookieDisableUpdate") and
{{SetRuntimeProperty("CFInternalCookieDisableUpdate", "true/false")}}To set the tags in the
ColdFusion administrator, go Server Settings > Memory Variables > Session Cookies Settings.
Select or deselect "Disable Updating ColdFusion internal cookies using ColdFusion
Tags\Function ."
The <cflogin> tag stores the password in cache. For longer authenticated sessions, you can enable diskP
eristent by modifying authcache located in the cfhome/lib/auth-ehcache.xml file. The directory
used for persistence should be secured.
CRLF attack
Carriage Return (ASCII 13, \r) Line Feed (ASCII 10, \n) (CRLF) attacks also referred as HTTP Response Splitting.
Here, an attacker injects CRLF to an http stream. It is commonly done by modifying an HTTP parameter or URL. In
this way, CRLF can be injected into an application and can be included in response. The CRLF interpreted by
proxies and caches create serious security issues.
Protection is added against CRLF attacks for the tags which create a header, for example, cfheader, cfco
ntent, cfmail, cfmailpart, and cfmailparam.
Information disclosure
Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) is used to verify the data integrity and authenticity of a message
transmitted. It involves a cryptographic hash function in combination with a secret key. The cryptographic hash
function can be Message Digest 5 (MD5), and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), and so on.
cfcookie support in CFScript
Cookies can be set as a struct in CFScript. You can set the following parameters:
Example 1
<cfscript >
cookie.mytest =
Example 2
cookie_example = structNew();
cookie_example.value = "example";
cookie_example.expires = "10"; = "true";
cookie.mycookie = cookie_example;
Miscellaneous Changes
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
properties="replicateAsynchronously=false, replicatePuts=true,
replicatePutsViaCopy=false, replicateUpdates=true,
replicateUpdatesViaCopy=true, replicateRemovals=true"
ColdFusion administrator does not support cluster setup.
For Remember Me type of functionalities or for keeping authentication cache alive for a long
time, change the authentication cache settings. For example, increase time outs, enable
persistent cache, and so on.
Use new cookie configuration for more secured authentication. Depending on the requirement,
do the configuration at the server lever or application level.
You are logged out from one of the ColdFusion administrators, if:
From the same host, you log in to the ColdFusion (10) Administrator and the ColdFusion Administrator
of an older version.
For a user with RDS access, in the ColdFusion Administrator, you can set the data source and secured file
path permissions.
The default values for the new sandbox are changed to make it more secure.
#back to top
Introduction to globalization
Globalization lets you create applications for all of your customers in all the languages that you support. In some
cases, globalization can let you accept data input using a different character set than the one you used to implement
your application. For example, you can create a website in English that lets customers submit form data in
Japanese. Or, you can allow a request URL to contain parameter values entered in Korean.
Your application also can process data containing numeric values, dates, currencies, and times. Each of these types
of data can be formatted differently for different countries and regions.
You can also develop applications in languages other than English. For example, you can develop your application
in Japanese so that the default character encoding is Shift-JIS, your ColdFusion pages contain Japanese
characters, and your interface displays in Japanese.
Globalizing your application requires that you perform one or more of the following actions:
Accept input in more than one language.
Process dates, times, currencies, and numbers formatted for multiple locales.
Process data from a form, database, HTTP connection, e-mail message, or other input formatted in multiple
character sets.
Create ColdFusion pages containing text in languages other than English.
Defining globalization
You might probably find several different definitions for globalization. Here, globalization is defined as an
architectural process where you place as much application functionality as possible into a foundation that can be
shared among multiple languages.
Globalization is composed of the following two parts:
Internationalization Developing language-neutral application functionality that can recognize, process, and
respond to data regardless of its representation. That is, whatever the application can do in one language, it
can also do in another. For example, think of copying and pasting text. A copy and paste operation should not
be concerned with the language of the text it operates on. For a ColdFusion application, you might have
processing logic that performs numeric calculations, queries a database, or performs other operations,
independent of language.
Localization Taking shared, language-neutral functionality, and applying a locale-specific interface to it.
Sometimes this interface is referred to as a skin. For example, you can develop a set of menus, buttons, and
dialog boxes for a specific language, such as Japanese, that represents the language-specific interface. You
then combine this interface with the language-neutral functionality of the underlying application. As part of
localization, you create the functionality to handle input from customers in a language-specific manner and
respond with appropriate responses for that language.
Importance of globalization in ColdFusion applications
The Internet has no country boundaries. Customers can access websites from anywhere in the world, at any time, or
on any date. Unless you want to lock your customers into using a single language, such as English, to access your
site, consider globalization issues.
One reason to globalize your applications is to avoid errors and confusion for your customers. For example, a date
in the form 1/2/2003 is interpreted as January 2, 2003 in the United States, but as February 1, 2003 in European
Another reason to globalize your applications is to display currencies in the correct format. Think of how your
customers would feel when they find out the correct price for an item is 15,000 American dollars, not 15,000
Mexican pesos (about 1600 American dollars).
Your website can also accept customer feedback or some other form of text input. You might want to support that
feedback in multiple languages using a variety of character sets.
How ColdFusion supports globalization
ColdFusion is implemented in Java. As a Java application, ColdFusion uses Java globalization features. For
example, ColdFusion stores all strings internally using the Unicode character set. Because it uses Unicode,
ColdFusion can represent any text data from any language.
In addition, ColdFusion includes many tags and functions designed to support globalizing your applications. You can
use these tags and functions to set locales, convert date and currency formats, control the output encoding of
ColdFusion pages, and perform other actions.
Character sets, character encodings, and locales
When you discuss globalization issues, two topics that you must consider are the character sets or character
encodings recognized by the application and the locales for which the application must format data.
A character set is a collection of characters. For example, the Latin alphabet is the character set that you use to
write English, and it includes all of the lower- and uppercase letters from A to Z. A character set for French includes
the character set used by English, plus special characters such as , , and .
The Japanese language uses three alphabets: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Hiragana and Katakana are phonetic
alphabets that each contain 46 characters plus two accents. Kanji contains Chinese ideographs adapted to the
Japanese language. The Japanese language uses a much larger character set than English because Japanese
supports more than 10,000 different characters.
In order for a ColdFusion application to process text, the application must recognize the character set used by the
text. The character encoding maps between a character set definition and the digital codes used to represent the
In general use, the terms character set (or charset) and character encoding are often used interchangeably, and
most often a specific character encoding encodes one character set. However, this is not always true; for example,
there are multiple encodings of the Unicode character set. For more information on character encodings, see About
character encodings.
ColdFusion uses the term charset to indicate character encoding in some attribute names,
structure field keys, and function parameter names.
A locale identifies the exact language and cultural settings for a user. The locale controls how dates and currencies
are formatted, how to display time, and how to display numeric data. For example, the locale English (US)
determines that a currency value displays as:
while a locale of Portuguese (Portugese) displays the currency as:
R$ 100.000
To correctly display date, time, currency, and numeric data to your customers, you must know the customer's locale.
For more information on locales, see Locales.
Latin-1(ISO 8859-1)
The World Wide Web Consortium maintains a list of all character encodings supported by the Internet. You can find
this information at must often convert between character
encodings. In particular, the character encodings most commonly used on the Internet are not used by Java or
Windows. Character sets used on the Internet are typically single-byte or multiple-byte (including DBCS character
sets that allow single-byte characters). These character sets are most efficient for transmitting data, because each
character takes up the minimum necessary number of bytes. Currently, Latin characters are most frequently used on
the web, and most character encodings used on the web represent those characters in a single byte. Computers,
however, process data most efficiently if each character occupies the same number of bytes. Therefore, Windows
and Java both use double-byte encoding for internal processing.
ColdFusion uses the Java Unicode Standard for representing character data internally. This standard corresponds
to UCS-2 encoding of the Unicode character set. The Unicode character set can represent many languages,
including all major European and Asian character sets. Therefore, ColdFusion can receive, store, process, and
present text from all languages supported by Unicode.
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is used to processes ColdFusion pages converts between the character
encoding used on a ColdFusion page or other source of information to UCS-2. The page or data encodings that
ColdFusion supports depend on the specific JVM, but include most encodings used on the web. Similarly, the JVM
converts between its internal UCS-2 representation and the character encoding used to send the response to the
By default, ColdFusion uses UTF-8 to represent text data sent to a browser. UTF-8 represents the Unicode
character set using a variable-length encoding. ASCII characters are sent using a single byte. Most European and
Middle Eastern characters are sent as 2 bytes, and Japanese, Korean, and Chinese characters are sent as 3 bytes.
One advantage of UTF-8 is that it sends ASCII character set data in a form that is recognized by systems designed
to process only single-byte ASCII characters, while it is flexible enough to handle multiple-byte character
While the default format of text data returned by ColdFusion is UTF-8, you can have ColdFusion return a page to
any character set supported by Java. For example, you can return text using the Japanese language Shift-JIS
character set. Similarly, ColdFusion can handle data that is in many different character sets. For more information,
see Determining the page encoding of server output in Processing a request in ColdFusion.
Character encoding conversion issues
Because different character encodings support different character sets, you can encounter errors if your application
gets text in one encoding and presents it in another encoding. For example, the Windows Latin-1 character
encoding, Windows-1252, includes characters with hexadecimal representations in the range 80-9F, while ISO
8859-1 does not include characters in that range. As a result, under the following circumstances, characters in the
range 80-9F, such as the euro symbol (), are not displayed properly:
A file encoded in Windows-1252 includes characters in the range 80-9F.
ColdFusion reads the file, specifying the Windows-1252 encoding in the cffile tag.
ColdFusion displays the file contents, specifying ISO-8859 in the cfcontent tag.
Similar issues can arise if you convert between other character encodings; for example, if you read files
encoded in the Japanese Windows default encoding and display them using Shift-JIS. To prevent these
problems, ensure that the display encoding is the same as the input encoding.
A locale identifies the exact language and cultural settings to use for a user. The locale controls how to format the
Currency amounts
ColdFusion supports all locales supported by the JVM that it uses.
Current JVM versions (through 1.4.2) do not support localized numbers such as Arabic-hindic
numbers used in Arabic locales or hindic digits used in Hindi locales. ColdFusion uses Arabic
numbers in all locales.
Locale names
ColdFusion supports two formats for specifying locale names: the standard Java locale names and the ColdFusion
naming convention that was required through ColdFusion 6.1.
You can specify all locales using a name consisting of the following:
Two lowercase letters to identify the language; for example, en for English, or zh for Chinese.
Optionally, an underscore and two uppercase letters to identify the regional variant of the language; for
example, US for the United States, or HK for Hong Kong.For example, en_US represents United
States English and es_MX represents Mexican Spanish. For a list of the Java locale identifiers
supported in the Sun 1.4.2 JVM and their meanings, see
Previous to ColdFusion MX 7, ColdFusion supported a limited set of locales, and used identifiers that
consisted of the name of the language, followed, for most languages, by a regional identifier in
parentheses, such as English (US) or German (Standard). ColdFusion continues to support these
names; for a list, see SetLocale in the CFML Reference.
The Server.coldfusion.supportedlocales variable is a comma-delimited list of the locale
names that you can specify.
ColdFusion also includes a GetLocaleDisplayName function that returns a locale name in a format
that is meaningful to users. It lets you display the locale using words in the user's language; for
example, francais (France).
Determining the locale
A locale set using the SetLocale function persists for the current request or until it is reset by another SetL
ocale function in the request.
If a request has multiple SetLocale functions, the current locale setting affects how locale-sensitive
ColdFusion tags and functions (such as the functions that start with LS) format data. The last SetLocale fun
ction that ColdFusion processes before sending a response to the requestor (typically the client browser)
determines the value of the response Content-Language HTTP header. The browser that requested the
page displays the response according to the rules for the language specified by the Content-Language he
ColdFusion ignores any SetLocale functions that follow a cfflush tag.
Using the locale
The SetLocale function determines the default formats that ColdFusion uses to output date, time, number, and
currency values. You use the GetLocale function to determine the current locale setting of ColdFusion, or you can
use the GetLocaleDisplayName function to get the locale name in a format that is meaningful to users. If you
have not made a call to SetLocale, GetLocale returns the locale of the JVM.
The current locale has two effects:
When ColdFusion formats date, time, currency, or numeric output, it determines how to format the output.
You can change the locale multiple times on a ColdFusion page to format information according to different
locale conventions. This enables you to output a page that properly formats different currency values, for
When ColdFusion returns a page to the client, it includes the HTTP Content-Language header.
ColdFusion uses the last locale setting on the page for this information.
In earlier versions of ColdFusion, the default locale was always English, not the operating
system's locale. For the Japanese version of ColdFusion, the default was Japanese.
The following example uses the LSCurrencyFormat function to output the value 100,000 in monetary units for all
the ColdFusion-supported locales. You can run this code to see how the locale affects the data returned to a
This example uses the ColdFusion variable Server.Coldfusion.SupportedLocales, which contains a list of
all supported ColdFusion locales.
When a request for a ColdFusion page occurs, ColdFusion opens the page, processes the content, and returns the
results back to the browser of the requestor. To process the ColdFusion page, though, ColdFusion has to interpret
the page content.
One piece of information used by ColdFusion is the Byte Order Mark (BOM) in a ColdFusion page. The BOM is a
special character at the beginning of a text stream that specifies the order of bytes in multibyte characters used by
the page. The following table lists the common BOM values:
BOM signature
To insert a BOM character in a CFML page easily, your editor must support BOM characters. Many web page
development tools support insertion of these characters, including Dreamweaver, which automatically sets the BOM
based on the Page Properties Document Encoding selection.
If your page does not contain a BOM, you can use the cfprocessingdirective tag to set the character
encoding of the page. If you insert the cfprocessingdirective tag on a page that has a BOM, the information
specified by the cfprocessingdirective tag must be the same as for the BOM; otherwise, ColdFusion issues
an error.
The following procedure describes how ColdFusion recognizes the encoding format of a ColdFusion page.
Determine the page encoding (performed by ColdFusion)
1. Use the BOM, if specified on the page.Adobe recommends that you use BOM characters in your files.
2. Use the pageEncoding attribute of the cfprocessingdirective tag, if specified. For detailed information
on how to use this attribute, see the cfprocessingdirective tag in the CFML Reference.
3. Default to the JVM default file character encoding. By default, this is the operating system default character
Determining the page encoding of server output
Before ColdFusion can return a response to the client, it must determine the encoding to use for the data in the
response. By default, ColdFusion returns character data using the Unicode UTF-8 format.
ColdFusion pages (.cfm pages) default to using the Unicode UTF-8 format for the response, even if you include the
HTML meta tag in the page. Therefore, the following example does*not* modify the character set of the response:
In this example, the response still uses the UTF-8 character set. Use the cfcontent tag to set the output character
However, within a ColdFusion page you can use the cfcontent tag to override the default character encoding of
the response. Use the type attribute of the cfcontent tag to specify the MIME type of the page output, including
the character set, as follows:
ColdFusion also provides attributes that let you specify the encoding of specific elements, such
as HTTP requests, request headers, files, and mail messages. For more information, see Tags
and functions for controlling character encoding in Tags and functions for globalizing applications
and Handling data in ColdFusion.
The rest of this chapter describes ColdFusion tags and functions that you use for globalization, and discusses
specific globalization issues.
The following tags and functions let you specify the character encoding of text that ColdFusion generates and
Tag or function
Attribute or parameter
ColdFusion provides the following functions that let you specify and identify the locale and format text based on the
Tag or function
Many functions that have names starting with LS have corresponding functions that do not have
this prefix: DateFormat, IsDate, IsNumeric, NumberFormat, ParseDateTime, and TimeF
ormat. These function use English (US) locale rules.
If you do not precede calls to the LS functions with a call to the SetLocale function, they use the locale defined by
the JVM, which typically is the locale of the operating system.
The following example uses the LSDateFormat function to display the current date in the format for each locale
supported by ColdFusion:
In addition to the tags and functions that are specifically for globalized applications, you might find the following
useful when writing a globalized application:
All string manipulation functions. For more information, see the String functions list in ColdFusion Functions in
the CFML Reference.
The GetTimeZoneInfo function, which returns the time zone of the operating system.
Applications developed for earlier versions of ColdFusion that assumed that the character length of a string was the
same as the byte length might produce errors in ColdFusion. The byte length of a string depends on the character
Locale-specific content
Generating multilocale content
In an application that supports users in multiple locales and produces output that is specific to multiple locales, you
call the SetLocale function in every request to set the locale for that specific request. When processing has
completed, the locale should be set back to its previous value. One useful technique is to save the user's desired
locale in a Session variable once the user has selected it, and use the Session variable value to set the locale for
each user request during the session.
Supporting the euro
The euro is the currency of many European countries, and ColdFusion supports the reading and writing of correctly
formatted euro values. Unlike other supported currencies, the euro is not tied to any single country (or locale). The L
SCurrencyFormat and LSParseCurrency functions rely on the underlying JVM for their operations, and the rules
used for currencies depend on the JVM. For Sun JVMs, the 1.3 releases did not support euros and used the older
country-specific currencies. The 1.4 releases use euros for all currencies that are in the euro zone as of 2002. If you
are using a JVM that does not support the euro, use the LSEuroCurrencyFormat and LSParseEuroCurrency f
unctions to format and parse euro values in locales that use euros as their currency.
Input data from URLs and HTML forms
A web application server receives character data from request URL parameters or as form data.
The HTTP 1.1 standard only allows US-ASCII characters (0-127) for the URL specification and for message
headers. This requires a browser to encode the non-ASCII characters in the URL, both address and parameters, by
escaping (URL encoding) the characters using the "%xx" hexadecimal format. URL encoding, however, does not
determine how the URL is used in a web document. It only specifies how to encode the URL.
Form data uses the message headers to specify the encoding used by the request (Content headers) and the
encoding used in the response (Accept headers). Content negotiation between the client and server uses this
There are several techniques for handling both URL and form data entered in different character encodings.
URL requests to a server often contain name-value pairs as part of the request. For example, the following URL
contains name-value pairs as part of the URL:;ID=7645
As discussed previously, URL characters entered using any character encoding other than US-ASCII are
URL-encoded in a hexadecimal format. However, by default, a web server assumes that the characters of a URL
string are single-byte characters.
One common method used to support non-ASCII characters within a URL is to include a name-value pair within the
URL that defines the character encoding of the URL. For example, the following URL uses a parameter called encod
ing to define the character encoding of the URL parameters:;ID=7645;encoding=Latin-1
Within the prod_page.cfm page, you can check the value of the encoding parameter before processing any of the
other name-value pairs. This guarantees that you handle the parameters correctly.
You can also use the SetEncoding function to specify the character encoding of URL parameters. The SetEncodin
g function takes two parameters: the first specifies a variable scope and the second specifies the character
encoding used by the scope. Since ColdFusion writes URL parameters to the URL scope, you specify "URL" as the
scope parameter to the function.
For example, if the URL parameters are passed using Shift-JIS, you could access them as follows:
setEncoding("URL", "Shift_JIS");
To specify the Shift-JIS character encoding, use the Shift_JIS attribute, with an underscore (_),
not a hyphen (-).
The HTML form tag and the ColdFusion cfform tag let users enter text on a page, then submit that text to the
server. The form tags are designed to work only with single-byte character data. Since ColdFusion uses 2 bytes per
character when it stores strings, ColdFusion converts each byte of the form input into a two-byte representation.
However, if a user enters double-byte text into the form, the form interprets each byte as a single character, rather
than recognize that each character is 2 bytes. This corrupts the input text, as the following example shows:
1. A customer enters three double-byte characters in a form, represented by 6 bytes.
2. The form returns the six bytes to ColdFusion as six characters. ColdFusion converts them to a representation
using 2 bytes per input byte for a total of 12 bytes.
3. Outputting these characters results in corrupt information displayed to the user.
To work around this issue, use the SetEncoding function to specify the character encoding of input form
text. The SetEncoding function takes two parameters: the first specifies the variable scope and the second
specifies the character encoding used by the scope. Since ColdFusion writes form parameters to the Form
scope, you specify "Form" as the scope parameter to the function. If the input text is double-byte, ColdFusion
preserves the two-byte representation of the text.
The following example specifies that the form data contains Korean characters:
setEncoding("FORM", "EUC-KR");
<h1> Form Test Result </h1>
<strong>Form Values :</strong>
<cfset text = "String = #form.input1# , Length = #len(Trim(form.input1))#">
File data
You use the cffile tag to write to and read from text files. By default, the cffile tag assumes that the text that you
are reading, writing, copying, moving, or appending is in the JVM default file character encoding, which is typically
the system default character encoding. For cffile action="Read", ColdFusion also checks for a byte order
mark (BOM) at the start of the file; if there is one, it uses the character encoding that the BOM specifies.
Problems can arise if the file character encoding does not correspond to JVM character encoding, particularly if the
number of bytes used for characters in one encoding does not match the number of bytes used for characters in the
other encoding.
For example, assume that the JVM default file character encoding is ISO 8859-1, which uses a single byte for each
character, and the file uses Shift-JIS, which uses a two-byte representation for many characters. When reading the
file, the cffile tag treats each byte as an ISO 8859-1 character, and converts it into its corresponding two-byte
Unicode representation. Because the characters are in Shift-JIS, the conversion corrupts the data, converting each
two-byte Shift-JIS character into two Unicode characters.
To enable the cffile tag to correctly read and write text that is not encoded in the JVM default character encoding,
you can pass the charset attribute to it. Specify as a value the character encoding of the data to read or write, as
the following example shows:
<cffile action="read"
file = "c:\web\message.txt"
variable = "Message" >
ColdFusion applications access databases using drivers for each of the supported database types. The conversion
of client native language data types to SQL data types is transparent and is done by the driver managers, database
client, or server. For example, the character data (SQL CHAR, VARCHAR) you use with JDBC API is represented
using Unicode-encoded strings.
Database administrators configure data sources and usually are required to specify the character encodings for
character column data. Many of the major vendors, such as Oracle, Sybase, and Informix, support storing character
data in many character encodings, including Unicode UTF-8 and UTF-16.
The database drivers supplied with ColdFusion correctly handle data conversions from the database native format to
the ColdFusion Unicode format. You do not have to perform any additional processing to access databases.
However, always check with your database administrator to determine how your database supports different
character encodings.
ColdFusion sends e-mail messages using the cfmail, cfmailparam, and cfmailpart tags.
By default, ColdFusion sends mail in UTF-8 encoding. You can specify a different default encoding on the Mail page
in the ColdFusion Administrator, and you can use the charset attribute of the cfmail and cfmailpart tags to
specify the character encoding for a specific mail message or part of a multipart mail message.
ColdFusion supports HTTP communication using the cfhttp and cfhttpparam tags and the GetHttpRequestData funct
The cfhttp tag supports making HTTP requests. The cfhttp tag uses the Unicode UTF-8 encoding for passing
data by default, and you can use the charset attribute to specify the character encoding. You can also use the cfh
ttpparam tag mimeType attribute to specify the MIME type and character set of a file.
ColdFusion supports LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) through the cfldap tag. LDAP uses the UTF-8
encoding format, so you can mix all retrieved data with other data and safely manipulated it. No extra processing is
required to support LDAP.
ColdFusion supports the cfwddx tag. ColdFusion stores WDDX (Web Distributed Data Exchange) data as UTF-8
encoding, so it automatically supports double-byte character encodings. You do not have to perform any special
processing to handle double-byte characters with WDDX.
ColdFusion supports COM through the cfobject type="com" tag. All string data used in COM interfaces is
constructed using wide characters (wchars), which support double-byte characters. You do not have to perform any
special processing to interface with COM objects.
ColdFusion supports CORBA through the cfobject type="corba" tag. The CORBA 2.0 interface definition
language (IDL) basic type "String" used the Latin-1 character encoding, which used the full 8-bits (256) to represent
As long as you are using CORBA later than version 2.0, which includes support for the IDL types wchar and wstring,
which map to Java types char and string respectively, you do not have to do anything to support double-byte
However, if you are using a version of CORBA that does not support wchar and wstring, the server uses char and
string data types, which assume a single-byte representation of text.
Searching and indexing
ColdFusion supports Verity search through the cfindex, cfcollection, and cfsearch tags. To support multilingual
searching, the ColdFusion product CD-ROM includes the Verity language packs that you install to support different
#back to top
In the Administrator, the following options on the Debugging Settings page determine the information that
ColdFusion displays in debugging output:
Enable Debugging
Database Activity
Exception information
Tracing information
By default, when you enable debugging output, the output is visible only to local users (that is, via IP address You can specify additional IP addresses whose users can see debugging output, or even disable output
to local users. In the Administrator, use the Debugging IPs page to specify the addresses that can receive
debugging messages.
If you must enable debugging on a production server, for example to help locate the cause of a
difficult problem, use the Debugging IP Addresses page to limit the output to your development
systems and prevent clients from seeing the debugging information.
ColdFusion displays general debugging information. In the classic.cfm output format, the information appears at the
top of the debugging output and has no heading.
The general debugging information includes the following values. The table lists the names used in the classic
output template view.
User Agent
Remote IP
Host Name
Execution Time
The Execution Time section displays the time required to process the request. It displays information about the time
required to process all pages required for the request, including the Application.cfc, Application.cfm, and
OnRequestEnd.cfm pages, if used, and any CFML custom tags, pages included by the cfinclude tag, and any
ColdFusion component (CFC) pages.
To display execution time for a specific block of code, use the cftimer_ tag._
Execution time decreases substantially between the first and second time you use a page after
creating it or changing it. The first time ColdFusion uses a page it compiles the page into Java
bytecode, which the server saves and loads into memory. Subsequent uses of unmodified pages
do not require recompilation of the code, and therefore are substantially faster.
The summary format displays one entry for each ColdFusion page processed during the request. If a page is
processed multiple times it appears only once in the summary. For example, if a custom tag gets called three time in
a request, it appears only once in the output.
The following table describes the display fields:
Total Time
Avg Time
The tree execution time format is a hierarchical, detailed view of how ColdFusion processes each page. If a page
includes or calls second page, the second page appears below and indented relative to the page that uses it. Each
page appears once for each time it is used. Therefore, if a page gets called three times in processing a request, it
appears three times in the tree. Therefore the tree view displays both processing times and an indication of the
order of page processing.
As in the summary view, the execution times (in parentheses) show the times to process the listed page and all
pages required to process the page, that is, all pages indented below the page in the tree.
By looking at this output in this image you can determine the following information:
In the Administrator, when Database Activity is selected on the Debugging Settings page, the debugging output
includes information about database access.
SQL Queries
The SQL Queries section provides information about tags that generate SQL queries or result in retrieving a cached
database query: cfquery, cfinsert, cfgridupdate, and cfupdate.
The output displays the following information:
Page on which the query is located.
The time when the query was made.
Query name.
An indicator if the result came from a cached query.
SQL statement, including the results of processing any dynamic elements such as CFML variables and cfqu
eryparam tags. This information is useful because it shows the results of all ColdFusion processing of the
SQL statement.
Data source name.
Number of records returned; 0 indicates no match to the query.
Query execution time.
Any query parameters values from cfqueryparam tags.
Stored Procedures
The stored procedures section displays information about the results of using the cfstoredproc tag to execute a
stored procedure in a database management system.
The output displays the following information:
Stored procedure name
Data source name
Query execution time
Page on which the query is located.
The time when the query was made.
A table displaying the procedure parameters sent and received, as specified in the cfprocparam tags,
including the ctype, CFSQLType, value, variable, and dbVarName attributes. The variable informatio
n for OUT and INOUT parameters includes the returned value.
A table listing the procedure result sets returned, as specified in the cfprocresult tag.
In the Administrator, when Exception Information is selected on the Debugging Settings page, the debugging output
includes a list of all ColdFusion exceptions raised in processing the application page.
The exception information includes information about any application exceptions that are caught and handled by
your application code or by ColdFusion.
Exceptions represent events that disrupt the normal flow of an application. You should catch and, whenever
possible, recover from foreseeable exceptions in your application, as described in Handling Errors. However, you
might also want to be alerted to caught exceptions when you are debugging your application. For example, if a file is
missing, your application can catch the cffile exception and use a backup or default file instead. If you enable
exception information in the debugging output, you can immediately see when this happens.
Trace points
In the Administrator, when Tracing Information is selected on the Debugging Settings page, the debugging output
includes the results of all cftrace tags, including all tags that display their results inline. Therefore, the debugging
output contains a historical record of all trace points encountered in processing the request.
For more information on using the cftrace tag, see Using the cftrace tag to trace execution.
Scope variables
In the Administrator, when the Variables option and one or more variable scopes are selected on the Debugging
Settings page, the debugging output displays the values of all variables in the selected scopes. The debugging
output displays the values that result after all processing of the current page.
By displaying selected scope variables you can determine the effects of processing on persistent scope variables,
such as application variables. This can help you locate problems that do not generate exceptions.
The Form, URL, and CGI scopes are useful for inspecting the state of a request. They let you inspect parameters
that affect page behavior, as follows:
URL variables Identify the HTTP request parameters.
Form variables Identify the form fields posted to an action page.
CGI variables Provide a view of the server environment following the request.Similarly, the Client, Session,
Application, and Server scope variables show the global state of the application, and can be useful in tracing
how each page affects the state of the ColdFusion persistent variables.
Using the dockable.cfm output format
The dockable.cfm output format has several features that are not included in the classic.cfm debugging display.
Application page selections
ColdFusion displays two buttons at the bottom of each page, as described in the following table:
You can expand and collapse each debugging information category, such as Exceptions, by clicking the plus
or minus sign (+ or -) in front of each category heading. You can also expand and collapse each scope data
type display in the Scoped Variables section.
The top of the debug pane displays the URL of the application page being debugged (as identified by the
cgi.script_name variable). Click this link to refresh the page and display the debugging information that
results. (You can also refresh the page and debugging information by using your browser's Refresh button or
The debug pane also displays a box where you can enter a page path or URL. When you click the Go button,
ColdFusion processes the page and the debug pane is updated with the debugging information for the new
In the Administrator, the cfquery tag debug attribute overrides the Database Activity setting on the Debugging
Settings page. The debug attribute has an effect only when debugging output is enabled on the Debugging Settings
page, as follows:
If Database Activity is selected in the Administrator, specify debug="No" to prevent ColdFusion from
displaying the query's SQL and statistics in the debugging output.
If Database Activity is not selected in the Administrator, specify debug="Yes" or debug to have ColdFusion
display the query's SQL and statistics in the debugging output.
For example, if Database Activity is not selected in the Administrator, you can use the following code to show
the query execution time, number of records returned, ColdFusion page, timestamp, and the SQL statement
sent to the data source for this query only:
The debug attribute can be useful to disable query debugging information generated by queries in custom tags that
you call frequently, so that you only see the debugging information for queries in pages that call the tags.
You can also view stored procedure-specific debugging information by specifying the debug attribute in the cfstor
edproc tag.
Controlling debugging output with the cfsetting tag
Use the cfsetting tag showDebugOutput attribute to turn off debugging output for a specific page. The attribute
controls debugging output only if the Debugging Settings page in the ColdFusion Administrator enables debugging
output. The default value of the attribute is Yes. The following tag suppresses all debugging output for the current
<cfsetting showDebugOutput="No">
You can put this tag in the initialization code of the Application.cfc file or on your Application.cfm page to suppress
all debugging output for an application, and override it on specific pages by setting showDebugOutput="Yes" in c
fsetting tags on those pages. Conversely, you can leave debugging on for the application, and use the cfsetti
ng showDebugOutput="No" tag to suppress debugging on individual pages where the output could cause errors
or confusion.
You can also use the showDebugOutput attribute to control debugging output if you do not have access to the
ColdFusion Administrator, but only if the Administrator enables debugging.
Using the IsDebugMode function to run code selectively
The IsDebugMode function returns True if debugging is enabled. You can use this function in a cfif tag condition
to selectively run code only when debugging output is enabled. The IsDebugMode function lets you tell ColdFusion
to run any code in debug mode, so it provides more flexibility than the cftrace tag for processing and displaying
You can use the IsDebugMode function to selectively log information only when debugging is enabled. Because
you control the log output, you have the flexibility of silently logging information without displaying trace information
in the browser. For example, the following code logs the application page, the current time, and the values of two
variables to the log file MyAppSilentTrace.log when debugging is enabled:
If you use cfdump tags frequently for debugging, place them in <cfif IsDebugMode()> tags;
for example <cfif IsDebugMode()><cfdump var=#myVar#></cfif>. This way you
ensure that if you leave any cfdump_ tags in production code, they are not displayed when you
disable debugging output._
You can display the cftrace tag output in either or both of the following ways:
As a section in the debugging output: To display the trace information in the debugging output, in the
Administrator, select Tracing Information on the Debugging Settings page.
Inline in your application page: When you specify the inline attribute in a cftrace tag, ColdFusion
displays the trace output on the page at the cftrace tag location{{. (}}An inline cftrace tag does not
display any output if it is inside a cfsilent tag block.)
The cftrace tag executes only if you select Enable Debugging on the ColdFusion Administrator Debugging
Settings page. To display the trace results in the debugging output, you must also specify Tracing Information
on the Debugging Settings page; otherwise, the trace information is logged and inline traces are displayed,
but no trace information appears in the debugging output.
When you use inline trace tags, ColdFusion sends the page to the browser after all page
processing is completed, but before it displays the debugging output from the debug template. As
a result, if an error occurs after a trace tag but before the end of the page, ColdFusion might not
display the trace for that tag.
501 ms
@ line:14
[UDF End]
MyStatus Success
ColdFusion logs all cftrace output to the file logs\cftrace.log in your ColdFusion installation directory.
A log file entry looks like the following:
This entry is in standard ColdFusion log format, with comma-delimited fields inside double-quote characters. The
information displayed in the trace output is in the last, message, field.
The following table lists the contents of the trace message and the log entries. For more information on the log file
format, see Logging errors with the cflog tag.
[C:\CFusion\wwwroot\MYStuff\mydocs\tracetest.cfm @
line: 14]
[UDF End]
[MyStatus = Success]
Using tracing
As its name indicates, the cftrace tag is designed to help you trace the execution of your application. It can help
you do any of several things:
You can time the execution of a tag or code section. This capability is useful for tags and operations that can
take substantial processing time. Typical candidates include all ColdFusion tags that access external
resources, including cfquery, cfldap, cfftp, cffile, and so on. To time execution of any tag or code
block, call the cftrace tag before and after the code you want to time.
You can display the values of internal variables, including data structures. For example, you can display the
raw results of a database query.
You can display an intermediate value of a variable. For example, you could use this tag to display the
contents of a raw string value before you use string functions to select a substring or format it.
You can display and log processing progress. For example, you can place a cftrace call at the head of
pages in your application or before critical tags or calls to critical functions. (Doing this could result in massive
log files in a complex application, so use this technique with care.)
If a page has many nested cfif and cfelseif tags you can place cftrace tags in each conditional block
to trace the execution flow. When you do this, use the condition variable in the message or var attribute.
If you find that the ColdFusion server is hanging, and you suspect a particular block of code (or call to a cfx
tag, COM object, or other third-party component), you can place a cftrace tag before and after the suspect
code, to log entry and exit.
Calling the cftrace tag
The cftrace tag takes the following attributes. All attributes are optional.
If you specify inline trace output, and a cftrace tag is inside a cfsilent tag block, ColdFusion
does not display the trace information in line, but does include it in the standard debugging
The following cftrace tag displays the information in the example output and log entry in About the cftrace tag :
Use this tag to determine how long it takes for a block of code to execute. This is useful when ColdFusion
debugging output indicates excessive execution time, but does not pinpoint the long-running block of code.
To use this tag, enable debugging in the ColdFusion Administrator Debugging Settings page. In the Debugging
Settings page, you must also specifically enable usage of the cftimer tag by checking the Timer Information check
If you enable debugging for the cftimer_ tag only and display timing information in an HTML
comment, you can generate timing information without disturbing production users._
You can control where the cftimer tag displays timing information, as follows:
Inline: Displays timing information following the </cftimer> tag.
Outline: Displays timing information at the beginning of the timed code and draws a box around the timed
code. (This requires browser support for the HTML FIELDSET attribute.)
Comment: Displays timing information in an HTML comment in the format <!label: elapsed-time}}ms >.
The default label is {{cftimer.
Debug: Displays timing information in the debugging output under the heading CFTimer Times.
The following example calls the cftimer tag multiple times, each time using a different type attribute:
<h1>CFTIMER test</h1>
<!--- type="inline" --->
<cftimer label="Query and Loop Time Inline" type="inline">
<cfquery name="empquery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
select *
from Employees
<cfloop query="empquery">
<cfoutput>#lastname#, #firstname#</cfoutput><br>
<!--- type="outline" --->
<cftimer label="Query and CFOUTPUT Time with Outline" type="outline">
<cfquery name="coursequery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
select *
from CourseList
<table border="1" width="100%">
<cfoutput query="coursequery">
<!--- type="comment" --->
<cftimer label="Query and CFOUTPUT Time in Comment" type="comment">
<cfquery name="parkquery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
select *
from Parks
<p>Select View > Source to see timing information</p>
<table border="1" width="100%">
<cfoutput query="parkquery">
<!--- type="debug" --->
<cftimer label="Query and CFOUTPUT Time in Debug Output" type="debug">
<cfquery name="deptquery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
select *
from Departments
<p>Scroll down to CFTimer Times heading to see timing information</p>
<table border="1" width="100%">
<cfoutput query="deptquery">
These errors typically indicate that you have unbalanced <, ", or # characters. One of the most common coding
errors is to forget to close quoted code, number sign-delimited variable names, or opening tags. Make sure the code
in the identified line and previous lines do not have missing characters.
The line number in the error message often does not identify the line that causes the error. Instead, it identifies the
first line where the ColdFusion compiler encountered code that it could not handle as a result of the error.
Problem: You get an error message you do not understand.
Make sure all your CFML tags have matching end tags where appropriate. It is a common error to omit the end tag
for the cfquery, cfoutput, cftable, or cfif tag.
As with the previous problem, the line number in the error message often does not identify the line that causes the
error, but the first line where the ColdFusion compiler encounters code that it could not handle as a result of the
error. Whenever you have an error message that does not appear to report a line with an error, check the code that
precedes it for missing text.
Problem: Invalid attribute or value.
If you use an invalid attribute or attribute values, ColdFusion returns an error message. To prevent such syntax
errors, use the CFML Code Analyzer. Also see Using the cftrace tag to trace execution.
Problem: You suspect that there are problems with the structure or contents of a complex data variable, such as a
structure, array, query object, or WDDX-encoded variable.
Use the cfdump tag to generate a table-formatted display of the variable's structure and contents. For example, to
dump a structure named relatives, use the following line. Surround the variable name with number signs (#).
<cfdump var=#relatives#>
Problem: ColdFusion cannot correctly decode the contents of your form submission.
The method attribute in forms sent to the ColdFusion server must be Post, for example:
Problem: The browser complains or does not send the full URL string when you include spaces in URL parameters.
Some browsers automatically replace spaces in URL parameters with the %20 escape sequence, but others might
display an error or just send the URL string up to the first character (as does Netscape 4.7).
URL strings cannot have embedded spaces. Use a plus sign (+) or the standard HTTP space character escape
sequence (%20), wherever you want to include a space. ColdFusion correctly translates these elements into a
A common scenario in which this error occurs is when you dynamically generate your URL from database text fields
that have embedded spaces. To avoid this problem, include only numeric values in the dynamically generated
portion of URLs.
Or, you can use the URLEncodedFormat function, which automatically replaces spaces with %20 escape
sequences. For more information on the URLEncodedFormat function, see the CFML Reference.
#back to top
In the ColdFusion Administrator, select Debugging & Logging > Debugger Settings.
Enable the Allow Line Debugging option.
Specify the port to use for debugging if different from the default that appears.
Specify the maximum number of simultaneous debug session if different from the default.
Click Submit Changes.
You may have to increase the time after which requests time-out by doing the following:
a. Select Server Settings > Settings.
b. Enable the Timeout Requests After (Seconds) option.
c. Enter 300 or other appropriate number in the text box.
7. The debugger server listens for commands from the Eclipse client from a separate port from the one specified
in step 3. By default, ColdFusion launches the debugger server with a random available port. This could be a
problem if ColdFusion (and hence debugger server) is behind a firewall and the firewall blocks the random
port that the debugger is listening.. To prevent this problem, you can specify a fixed debugger server port
number and allow this port in the firewall. To set a fixed debugger server port number, specify the following
JVM argument on the Java and JVM page of the ColdFusion Administrator (or the appropriate place for
your JEE Application Server), replacing portNumber with the port you want to use:
8. Restart ColdFusion. If you are running the JEE configuration of ColdFusion, restart the server in debug mode
with the debug port as specified.
9. To modify the debug settings, in Eclipse, select Window > Preferences > ColdFusion > Debug Settings. You
can specify the home page URL, which points to the page that appears in the Debug Output Buffer of the
debugger when you click the Home button. You can also specify the extensions of the types of files that you
can debug and variable scopes that you want the Debugger to recognize. To improve performance when
debugging large files, deselect all scopes for which you do not require information.
To ensure that the debugger stops in the template you are debugging on the line that
causes a ColdFusion error, select Preferences > ColdFusion > Debug Settings and select
the Enable Robust Exception Information checkbox.
10. To configure an RDS server, in Eclipse, select Window > Preferences > ColdFusion > RDS Configuration.If
you are running ColdFusion on the same computer as Eclipse, localhost is configured by default. To use any
additional RDS servers, enter the configuration information.
11. If ColdFusion and Eclipse are not running on the same computer, in Eclipse, select Window > Preferences >
ColdFusion > Debug Mappings. Then specify the path that Eclipse uses to open files on the ColdFusion
server and the path that ColdFusion uses to find the files that you are editing in Eclipse.Mapping ensures that
Eclipse and ColdFusion are working on the same file. For example, if you are editing files in an Eclipse
project that points to D:\MyCoolApp. Then, when you deploy the files to the ColdFusion server, you copy
them to W:\websites\MyCoolSite\, which the ColdFusion server recognizes as
D:\Shared\websites\MyCoolSite. The mapping in Eclipse specifies that the Eclipse directory is D:\MyCoolApp
and the server is D:\Shared\websites\MyCoolSite. Eclipse translates the file path (D:\MyCoolApp\index.cfm)
to a path that the ColdFusion server recognizes (D:\Shared\websites\MyCoolSite\index.cfm). To see more
information about the interaction between the client and the server, add the following to the JVM arguments in
the ColdFusion Administrator:
12. If you are not running the server configuration of ColdFusion, specify Java debugging parameters in the
configuration file or startup script of the application server you are running. The parameters should look like
the following:
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=<port_number>
Ensure that the port number you specify is the same port number specified on the Debugger Settings page of
ColdFusion Administrator.If you are running the server configuration, ColdFusion writes these debugging
parameters to the jvm.config file when you use the Debugger Settings page of the ColdFusion Administrator.
13. If you are not running the server configuration and your application server is not running on JRE 1.6, copy the
tools.jar file of the JDK version that your application server is running to the \lib folder of ColdFusion. For
example, if you are running JRun that runs on JRE 1.4, copy the tools.jar file of JDK 1.4 to the \lib folder of
14. If you are running the server version of ColdFusion and you specify a JRE version other than JRE 1.6 in the
jvm.config file, copy the tools.jar file of the JDK version specified in your jvm.config file to the \lib folder of
1. Open the file in the Eclipse project to debug.You do not have to create an Eclipse project in the same folder
as CFML source. You can create a project in a different folder, create a folder under that project, and then
link it to the folder where CFML sources reside.
2. Click Debug in the upper-right corner of the Eclipse workbench to go to the Debug perspective.
3. Select Window > Show View > Debug Output Buffer to see the output from your application and how your
application appears in a browser.
4. Select Window > Preferences and specify the home page for your debugging session, the extensions of the
file types that you can debug, and the variable scopes of the variables to show in the Variables pane. Click
OK.The home page is the page that appears in the Debug Output Buffer pane when you click the Home
button in the Debug Output Buffer pane.
5. To begin debugging the file whose source appears in the Edit pane, click the Debug icon in the Eclipse
6. Click New to create a new debugging configuration.
7. Specify the home page for the active debug session. This is the page that appears in the Debug Output
Buffer pane when you click the Debug Session Home button in the Debug Output Buffer pane.
8. Click Debug to start the debug session.
If you are in the process of debugging a template and then try to browse to or refresh that page,
doing so can result in unexpected behavior in the Debugger.
Setting a breakpoint
You can set breakpoints in your CFML file to stop execution of the page at particular points. When you set a
breakpoint on a line, execution of the CFML stops just before that line. For example, if you set a breakpoint on the
third line in the following CFML page, execution stops before <cfset myName = "Wilson">.
Run the page that you want to debug before setting any breakpoints to compile it before debugging it. This improves
performance during debugging. You cannot set a breakpoint in a file that is not part of a project.
1. In Eclipse, open the file in which you want to set a breakpoint.
2. While highlighting the line where you want to set the breakpoint, do one of the following:
Double-click in the marker bar that appears to the left of the editor area.
Right click, and then select Toggle Breakpoint.
Press Alt+Shift+B.
A blue dot appears before the line on which you set the breakpoint. Also, you can view a list of
breakpoints set in the current Eclipse project in the Breakpoints panel.ColdFusion breakpoints have
four states in the Eclipse debugger:
Enabled and Valid - This is a breakpoint at a valid location. It is represented by a solid blue circle and
stops code execution when encountered.
Unresolved - ColdFusion sets the breakpoint for the page that is loaded in its memory. If you modify
the page and do not execute it, the source is not in sync with the page that ColdFusion sees on the
server. In this situation, ColdFusion may consider the line where you want to set breakpoint to be
invalid. However, you have not yet executed the page; when you do so, that line may be valid. This
type of breakpoint is represented by a question mark (?) icon.For performance reasons, ColdFusion
does not try to resolve unresolved breakpoints every time you execute the page. It tries to resolve
them when you modify the page and execute it. If you think that the line at which ColdFusion shows an
unresolved breakpoint is valid, delete the breakpoint and set it again.
Invalid - If ColdFusion determines that the CFML that you edit in Eclipse is the same as the CFML in
its memory, and that the breakpoint you have set is at an invalid line, the breakpoint appears as a red
Executing code line by line
You can use the Step Into, Step Over, and Step Return buttons to proceed through your CFML application line by
line. Use Step Into to proceed into included files, such as UDFs or CFCs. Use the Step Over button to proceed
through your CFML application, bypassing included files, such as UDFs or CFCs. Use the Step Return button to
return to the original page from which you entered the included file, such as UDFs or CFCs.
For the stepping process to work properly, clear the cache of compiled classes. To do so, recompile all CFML pages
compiled with an earlier version of ColdFusion. In large files, you might find that stepping and breakpoints are slow.
To improve performance, in Eclipse, select Windows > Preferences > ColdFusion > Debug Settings and deselect all
scopes for which you do not require information.
Avoid using Step In on CFML instructions such as the cfset tag. Step In is more performance intensive than Step
Over. You can use Step In for UDFs, CFCs, custom tags, and included files.
When stepping into functions, tags, and files, Eclipse expects the file to be displayed in one of the open projects.
The file that you are stepping in must be in an open Eclipse project.
Sometimes Eclipse 3.2.1 does not show the stack trace, and step buttons are disabled, even though the debugger
has stopped at a line. To enable the step buttons, click the debugger server instance in the Debug window. To see
the stack trace, click either Step In or Step Out.
Inspecting variables
As you observe execution of your code, you can see the values and scope of variables in the Variables panel. The
Variables panel displays the scope and value of variables as the CFML code executes. Only variables whose
scopes are those you selected in the Preferences dialog box appear in the Variables pane.
In Eclipse, select Window > Show View > Other > ColdFusion > CF Log Viewer.
To view details of a log file, double-click the name of the file.
To include the log files in another folder, click the Add Log Folder button, select the folder, and then click OK.
To remove a folder from the list, without deleting it from the computer's file system, click the Remove Log
Folder button, select the folder, and then click OK.
5. To remove a log file from the computer's file system, click the Delete Log File button.
6. To remove the contents of the detail pane, click the Menu button, and then click Clear Log.
7. To update the contents of the detail pane, click the Menu button, and then click Refresh Log.
Using Scheduler
Scheduler enhancements in ColdFusion 10 let you schedule tasks in a granular, scalable, and organized way. The
enhancements include:
Quartz scheduling service: For details, see
Grouping:Arrange tasks in to different groups as shown here:
task=t1 url=""
You can club tasks into groups so that later on, you can resume or pause all the tasks in a same group rather
than repeat for individual tasks.
Application-specific tasks:Apart from scheduling tasks at server level, you can schedule tasks at
application level, visible only to the application, as shown here:
<cfcomponent implements="CFIDE.scheduler.ITaskEventHandler">
<cffunction name="onTaskStart" returntype="boolean">
<cfargument name="context" type="struct"/>
<cfmail from="[email protected]" subject="Scheduler_Scenario_Testing"
to="[email protected]">
The Report is about to be generated.
<cfreturn true>
<cffunction name="onMisfire" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="context" type="struct" required="false"/>
<cfmail from="[email protected]" subject="Scheduler_Scenario_Testing"
to="[email protected]">
The Report generation task has misfired.
<cffunction name="onTaskEnd" access="public" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="context" type="struct" required="false"/>
<cfmail from="[email protected]" subject="Scheduler_Scenario_Testing"
to="[email protected]">
The Report generation task has Completed.
<cffunction name="onError" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="context" type="struct" required="false"/>
<cfmail from="[email protected]" subject="Scheduler_Scenario_Testing"
to="[email protected]">
The Report generation task has errored out.
<cffunction name="execute" returntype="void">
<cffile action="append" file="#Expandpath('.')#/log.txt" output="<br><b>In
The listener has to extend CFIDE.scheduler.ITaskEventHandler.cfc.
The context argument of Event Handling functions is a struct and contains the following keys.
For functions, onMisfire, onTaskEnd , and onTaskStart, the keys are group, mode, and t
ask. For the onError function, the keys are exceptionMessage, group, mode, and task
Chaining:Lets you define dependent tasks. If the parent task is executed, all dependent tasks are also
In this example, the value of onComplete must be provided in the following format: <task>:<group>:<mo
You cannot chain an application-specific task after a server-specific task.
Cluster: You can run scheduler in cluster setups. Currently clustering works only with JDBC job store.
Features include load-balancing and job fail-over. A single application can have both clustered as well as
non-clustered setup. So tasks can go to either of the setups.The system time of all clustered servers have to
be same. To enable cluster setup, use the ColdFusion Administrator. For details, see Scheduled Tasks.
Cron commands: You can trigger a scheduled task using cron commands. Cron-Expressions are strings
made up of seven sub-expressions (Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Day-of-Mont}}h, {{Month, Day-of-W
eek, and Year (optional field)), that describe individual details of the schedule.Sub-expression are separated
with white-space.For example, "0 */2 3-10,21-23 * * ?" the task should be executed every 2 minutes
from 3:00 AM to 10:00 AM and 9:00 PM to 11:58 PM daily.For details, see
ocs/tutorial/TutorialLesson06.html .
Prioritize tasks: You can set priorities for the tasks. Assume that you have 50 tasks that have to start at the
same time. But there are only 10 worker threads currently available. Then, the first 10 tasks with the highest
priority start before others. Priority can be any integer value. The default value is 5.
Exclude dates: You can exclude dates from the scheduling process.For example, you can set to execute a
job from September 1 to December 30, except on December 25.For exclusion, you can specify a
comma-separated list of dates, date, or date range. For example,
... exclude="02/02/2011,03/03/2011"
All the dates from date1 to date2 (inclusive) are excluded from scheduling. You can provide an array of date
strings or an array of date objects.
In case of error:You can specify the action to be taken.
That is, if an error occurs while running the job, you can decide if to refire the task, pause the job, or invoke o
nError method of the attached eventhandler.
If task misfires: You can specify the action to be taken.That is, if to refire, reschedule, or invoke onMisfire
method of the attached eventhandler.
A misfire occurs if a persistent trigger misses the firing time because the scheduler was shutdown, or
because there are no available threads in thread pool to execute the job. The threshold value for a task to be
considered as misfired is 60 seconds.
All misfired tasks are logged in scheduler.log available in
cf_root\WEB-INF\cfusion\logs\scheduler.log file on J2EE configurations, or the
cf_root\logs\scheduler.log file on server configurations.
Pause and resume/Pause all and resume all:Pause or resume the tasks of whole group as follows:
action="pauseall" mode=application/>
action="resumeall" mode=server/>
List tasks:Lists all scheduled tasks at the server level or application level:
Retry:If running a job results in an exception, you can preset to continue re-firing, till retry count is over, as
Repeat: Specify the number of times a given schedule has to repeat.For example, run Job1at 2 pm today
and repeat it 20 times at the interval of 10 minutes.In this case, you need not specify the end time of the
Customize quartz: Advanced users can customize Quartz using available in
cfusion\lib\quartz. The current version of Quartz being shipped with ColdFusion is 2.02.
When you are using the Scheduler, output can be saved only as .log or .txt files. The same restriction is applicable
for validation queries on databases.
Also, for the <cfinclude> tag, this restriction is applicable. By default, you can include only CFM files. However, you
can modify allowedextinclude key in neoruntime.xml file to add your own file type.
Before you begin To try out the examples provided in this document, you need to set up the
ColdFusion mobile development environment. See Configuring the development environment.
Even if you are an experienced JavaScript developer, <cfclient> can still be used to simplify the mobile application
development as it abstracts the complexities involved in building a mobile application using JavaScript and HTML.
Note: The CFML constructs to be executed at the client-side have to be embedded within the <cfclient> tag. Not all
tags, functions, and CFML functionalities are supported for conversion to HTML/JavaScript. For the complete list of
CFML tags and functions that <cfclient> tag supports, see Supported CFML language constructs and Supported
CFML tags.
The rationale behind choosing to support only a certain set of tags and functions is to strengthen the relevance of
CFML for client-side mobile application development.
How does the transformation work
Let us see how the regular <cfoutput> tag gets rendered on a browser.
Your ColdFusion code:
<cfoutput>Hello World</cfoutput>
<cfset myvar = Hello World>
Check the source of the web page translated by ColdFusion Server. It will be pure JavaScript wrapped in an HTML
As you can infer, the CFML code available in the <cfclient> block gets converted to JavaScript. Though this example
is simple, the translation works the same way for complex CFML code.
<cfset x=abc.cfm>
<cfinclude template=#x#>
anumeric = arrayNew(1);
anumeric[1] = 01;
anumeric[2] = 001;
anumeric[3] = 1;
anumeric[4] = 1.001;
anumeric[5] = 1.1;
anumeric[6] = 1.101;
anumeric[7] = 1.109;
anumeric[8] = 1.11;
anumeric[9] = 2;
anumeric[10] = 02;
anumeric[11] = 00002;
anumeric[12] = 20;
anumeric[13] = 50;
anumeric[14] = 1.0E+2;
anumeric[15] = 100;
anumeric[16] = 1000;
anumeric[17] = 1.0E+5;
<cfset arraySort(anumeric, "text")>
<cfloop array="#anumeric#" index=i>
In the above example, if you change the value of str2dup.value1.value, on the server side, value of
str2dup.value2.value is also changed automatically as they both refers to same structure. But on client side,
this is not the behavior.
On client side, calling a super function from an included CFM or CFC is not supported.
Positional arguments are not supported.
When you use the <cfoutput> tag inside the <cfclient> tag, the contents of the <cfoutput> tag is not immediately
processed. Hence, you may encounter certain issues while using this code:
<div id="result"></div>
<cfset doucment.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Hello">
In this case, while the document.getElementById() statement is being invoked, cfoutput is not processed. Hence,
you will not find an element with id "result", which will result in a runtime error.
In this case, you can directly write to the DOM, instead of using cfoutput:
<div id="myDiv"></div>
<cfset document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML += "<div id=""result""></div>
<cfset doucment.getElementById("result")+="Hello">
<div id="result"></div>
<cfset doucment.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Hello">
If you follow this approach, ensure that the HTML content in the cfoutput is well formed.
Important: The variable names and function names in CFML are case sensitive.
From CFML, when you are invoking JavaScript:
Use the correct case for function name and variable name when referencing CFML functions and variables
from CFML as client-side CFML is case sensitive.
From JavaScript, when you are invoking CFML:
Use the correct case for function name and variable name when referencing CFML functions and variables
from JavaScript as client-side CFML is case sensitive.
following example:
component client="true"
function init ()
cfclient.loadJSFile("yourjsfile.js", function ()
alert("Script loaded");
Asynchronous behavior
As a ColdFusion developer, you have always been using synchronous programming models. However,
programming client applications using JavaScript needs to follow an asynchronous model. Fortunately, ColdFusion
does most of the synchronous to asynchronous translation automatically.
//Your code that throws an exception
catch (e)
// This statement will be reached unlike
// in typical asynchronous model
The ability to use asynchronous functions in <cfclient> through the known synchronous model provides a lot of
convenience while building mobile applications using ColdFusion.
Since ColdFusion automatically translates synchronous code to asynchronous code, exception handling becomes
easier in client code.
The behavior of certain tags has been modified to support the asynchronous behavior. In the process, functionalities
of some tags may differ. For instance, <cfloop> does not support the following features when used along with
Looping over a COM collection
Looping over a date or time range
Looping over a directory
<cfset myVar1 = 1>
<cfset myVar2 = hello>
<cfset myVar3 = true>
<cfset myStruct = structNew()>
<cfset myStruct.key1= hello>
<cfif structKeyExists(myStruct, key1)>
<cfset myArray = arrayNew(1)>
<cfset myArray[1] = hello>
<cfif arrayLen(myArray) gt 1 >
<!--- using the math function--->
<cfset sum = arraySum(myArray) >
The following Array function is NOT supported:
arrayFilter (closure function)
The following list shows all the supported Structure functions in client-side CFML:
The following list shows all the supported List functions in client-side CFML:
The following List function is NOT supported:
The following String functions are NOT supported:
The following Regex functions are supported:
The following Math function is NOT supported:
The following Date functions are NOT supported:
The following utility functions are supported:
For the <cfimport> tag, we use the taglib to import the custom tags:
For instance, <cfimport prefix = myTags taglib = /custom>
The DOT(.) notation can be used to access custom tags available inside sub directories. For
instance, use <cfmodule name = tags.mytag>
<cfimport> supports only path to custom tags and hence you cannot have JSP tag libraries.
Passing values
You can pass values to a custom tag using a name-value pair:
<cf_mytag myname=#myvalue#>
To access the arguments passed to the custom tag, the custom tag CFM file can use the attributes scope as
To send the data back to the calling page, the custom tag CFM file can use the Caller scope as follows:
<cfset args=structNew()>
<cfset args.x = "X">
<cfset args.y = "Y">
<cf_mytag arg1="value1" attributeCollection=#args# anotherarg="16">
To determine the tag execution mode, use the executionMode attribute. Three modes are supported:
Start mode For processing the start tag
End mode For processing the end tag
Inactive mode For processing custom tags using nested tags
You can access the body text within the custom tag using the thisTag.generatedContent variable. You can modify
this text during processing of the tag. The contents of the thisTag.generatedContent variables are returned to the
browser as part of the tags output. The content includes all text and HTML code in the body, the results of
evaluating ColdFusion variables, expressions, and functions, and the results generated by descendant tags.
See the following example:
The nested sub tag can pass its attributes to the parent tag. A sub tag can use cfassociate to communicate its
attributes to the base/ancestor tag.
The following code shows how you can access the subtag attributes in the base tag:
You can also access the ancestral data in the sub tag using the getBaseTagList() helper method as follows:
The getBaseTagList() method returns a comma-delimited list of uppercase ancestor tag names, as a string. You can
also use the getBaseTagData() method to return an object that contains all the variables of the nth ancestor.
Aborting custom tag processing
The <cfexit>/<cfabort> tag exits the page execution.
Deviation list for custom tags
The following list contains some known issues and deviations in behavior of the custom tags:
In <cfclient>, variables scope is supported. But you have to explicitly scope it.
Server-side CFML
Client-side CFML
<cf_customtag value1="old_value">
<cf_customtag value1="old_value" >
If you use the "#attributes.attributename#" syntax in the custom tag after an asynchronous call, you will see
an unexpected behavior.
Server-side CFML
Client-side CFML
<cfset divid =
<cfset divid =
<cfset divid =
Numeric values passed to the attributes in caller are passed as a string to the custom tags:
<cf_custom attr1="1">
In the above example, attr1 is converted to a number, if you are accessing the attribute in a numeric
operation. However, it does not work in this manner for client-side custom tags. You need to use:
<cf_custom attr1=1>
<cfset x = 1>
<cf_custom attr1=#x#>
<cffunction name="func1">
<cfretrurn "Hello">
<cfset caller.func1()>
Client-side CFML
The functions defined in the caller CFM are not
available in the custom tags.
Using variables to pass the path of the included file does not work inside <cfclient>.
Server-side CFML
Client-side CFML
This is not supported.
<cfset path="someCFM.cfm">
<cfinclude template=#path#>
Passing the template/name (with <cfmodule>) attribute as a variable does not work with <cfclient>.
Server-side CFML
<cfset path="someCFM.cfm">
<cfmodule template=#path#>
Client-side CFML
This is not supported as we need to do the
translation during the compile time itself.
Exception thrown in the custom tag template will not be handled by the exception handler defined in the caller
CFM. If the custom tag name is wrong or if the included CFM name is wrong, in client-side CFML, you will get
an exception during the compilation time itself.
Note: Based on the location of the JavaScript file (specified in the <cfinclude> tag or using the
<script> tag), the order of execution of statements differ.
Non-<cfclient> custom tags cannot be called from caller CFMs of <cfclient>. Also, a client-side custom tag
cannot have server-side ColdFusion tags outside the <cfclient> tag. This is true for client-side included-CFMs
too. For better debugging, do not add script blocks/link tags/style tags in the client-side custom tags. Always
create a separate JavaScript file or a CSS file and add them using the <cfinclude> tag.
<cfinclude template="utils.js">
<cfinclude template="new.css">
component client=true
public function foo()
//some code here
<cfclient> communicates with the ColdFusion Server quite seamlessly so much so that you can create objects
of a server component and call functions on that object just like how you do ColdFusion Server programming.
The ColdFusion Server facilitates all the various interactions required between a mobile client and the server
without any restrictions on the language.
See the following example:
<!-- Create a JS proxy of server side component myCFC.cfc>
<cfset proxy = new app1.controls.myCFC(id)>
In the above example, you are calling a function on a remote CFC within the <cfclient> tag. The new operator
creates a proxy to the server CFC. You can use the instantiated CFC object to invoke remote functions on that
Note that a server CFC is similar to any other CFC without the client attribute being set to true.
The <cfclient> tag allows the usage of CFCs just like any other CFML constructs. There are multiple ways of
using CFCs in the <cfclient> block.
The following example shows a very simple usage:
<cfset obj = new mycfc()>
<cfset obj1 = createObject(component,mycfc)>
In the above example, mycfc.cfc can be a client-side CFC or a server-side CFC. As you can infer, CFCs can be
created using createObject, new keyword, and cfinvoke techniques.
You can also use a CFC that extends functionalities from another CFC:
<cfset obj = new mycfc()>
<!--- mycfc extends mycfc1.cfc present in the same directory --->
<cfset result = obj.getResult() >
<!--- getResult() function present in mycfc1.cfc and can be
accessed from the extending classes --->
Note: Ensure that if mycfc.cfc is a client-side CFC, then mycfc1.CFC should also be a
client-side CFC. This is applicable even for the server-side CFC if mycfc.cfc is a server-side
Note: Ensure that the function foo() is a remote function, if mycfc.cfc is a server-side CFC.
<cfset startRow="2">
<cfset endRow="4">
<cfquery datasource="cfds" name="q4" result="test">
<cfloop query="q4">
<cfset write_to_div("actual_1", firstname & " " & lastname & ":" & dob &"<br>")>
<script type="text/javascript">
function write_to_div(div_id,data_to_write)
Social Enhancements
ColdFusion has introduced the support for dynamically generating Like button, Tweet button, and Comment box for
social media sites. The supported widgets are:
Like button
Tweet button
Facebook comment box
Google Plus button
Facebook subscribe button
Like box
Activity feed
1. Syntax for Facebook Like button:
What is a database?
A database defines a structure for storing information. Databases are typically organized into tables, which are
collections of related items. You can think of a table as a grid of columns and rows. ColdFusion works primarily with
relational databases, such as Oracle, DB2, and SQL Server.
The following image shows the basic layout of a database table:
A column defines one piece of data stored in all rows of the table. A row contains one item from each column in the
For example, a table contains the ID, name, title, and other information for individuals employed by a company.
Each row, called a data record, corresponds to one employee. The value of a column within a record is referred to
as a record field.
The following image shows an example table, named employees, containing information about company employees:
The SQL keywords and syntax are represented here as uppercase letters. Table and column
names use mixed uppercase and lowercase letters.
In many database designs, information is distributed to multiple tables. The following image shows two tables, one
for employee information and one for employee addresses:
In this example, each table contains a column named EmpID. This column associates a row of the employees table
with a row in the addresses table.
For example, to obtain all information about an employee, you request a row from the employees table and the row
from the addresses table with the same value for EmpID.
One advantage of using multiple tables is that you can add tables containing new information without modifying the
structure of your existing tables. For example, to add payroll information, you add a new table to the database where
the first column contains the employee's ID and the columns contain current salary, previous salary, bonus payment,
and 401(k) percent.
Also, an access to a small table is more efficient than an access to a large table. Therefore, if you update the street
address of an employee, you update only the addresses table, without having to access any other table in the
Database permissions
In many database environments, a database administrator defines the access privileges for users accessing the
database, usually through user name and password. When a person attempts to connect to a database, the
database ensures that the user name and password are valid and then imposes access requirements on the user.
Privileges can restrict user access so that a user can do the following:
Read data.
Read data and add rows.
Read data, add rows, modify existing tables.
In ColdFusion, you use the ColdFusion Administrator to define database connections, called data sources. As
part of defining these connections, you specify the user name and password used by ColdFusion to connect
to the database. The database can then control access based on this user name and password.
For more information on creating a data source, see Configuring and Administering ColdFusion.
Commits, rollbacks, and transactions
Before you access data stored in a database, it is important to understand several database concepts, including:
A database commit occurs when you make a permanent change to a database. For example, when you write
a new row to a database, the write does not occur until the database commits the change.
Rollback is the process of undoing a change to a database. For example, if you write a new row to a table,
you can rollback the write up to the point where you commit the write. After the commit, you can no longer
rollback the write.
Most databases support transactions where a transaction consists of one or more SQL statements. Within a
transaction, your SQL statements can read, modify, and write a database. You end a transaction by either
committing all your changes within the transaction or rolling back all of them.
Transactions can be useful when you have multiple writes to a database and want to make sure all writes
occurred without error before committing them. In this case, you wrap all writes within a single transaction
and check for errors after each write. If any write causes an error, rollback all of them. If all writes occur
successfully, you commit the transaction.
A bank might use a transaction to encapsulate a transfer from one account to another. For example, if you
transfer money from your savings account to your checking account, you do not want the bank to debit the
balance of your savings account unless it also credits your checking account. If the update to the checking
account fails, the bank can rollback the debit of the savings account as part of the transaction.
ColdFusion includes the cftransaction tag that lets you implement database transactions for controlling
rollback and commit. For more information, see the CFML Reference.
Database design guidelines
From this basic description, the following database design rules emerge:
Each record should contain a unique identifier as the primary key such as an employee ID, a part number, or
a customer number. The primary key is typically the column used to maintain each record's unique identity
among the tables in a relational database. Databases allow you to use multiple columns for the primary key.
When you define a column, you define a SQL data type for the column, such as allowing only numeric values
to be entered in the salary column.
Assessing user needs and incorporating those needs in the database design is essential to a successful
implementation. A well-designed database accommodates the changing data needs within an organization.
The best way to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of your database product or database management
system (DBMS) is to review the product documentation.
Using SQL
The following information introduces SQL, describes basic SQL syntax, and contains examples of SQL statements.
so that you can begin to use ColdFusion. For complete SQL information, see the SQL reference that ships with your
A query is a request to a database. The query can ask for information from the database, write new data to the
database, update existing information in the database, or delete records from the database.
Structured Query Language (SQL) is an ANSI/ISO standard programming language for writing database queries. All
databases supported by ColdFusion support SQL, and all ColdFusion tags that access a database let you pass SQL
statements to the tag.
SQL example
The most commonly used SQL statement in ColdFusion is the SELECT statement. The SELECT statement reads
data from a database and returns it to ColdFusion. For example, the following SQL statement reads all the records
from the employees table:
You interpret this statement as "Select all rows from the table employees" where the wildcard symbol
s to all columns.
If you are using Dreamweaver MX 2004, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, or HomeSite+, you can use
the built-in query builder to build SQL statements graphically by selecting the tables and records
to retrieve.
In many cases, you do not want all rows from a table, but only a subset of rows. The next example returns all rows
from the employees table, where the value of the DeptID column for the row is 3:
You interpret this statement as "Select all rows from the table employees where the DeptID is 3".
SQL also lets you specify the table columns to return. For example, instead of returning all columns in the table, you
can return a subset of columns:
You interpret this statement as "Select the columns FirstName and LastName from the table employees where the
DeptID is 3".
In addition to with reading data from a table, you can write data to a table using the SQL INSERT statement. The
following statement adds a new row to the employees table:
The following tables briefly describe the main SQL command elements.
A SQL statement always begins with a SQL verb. The following keywords identify commonly used SQL verbs:
Statement clauses
The following basic operators specify conditions and perform logical and numeric functions:
Equal to
Not equal to
Less than
Greater than
ColdFusion is a case-insensitive programming environment. Case insensitivity means the following statements are
<cfset foo="bar">
<CfSet FOO="bar">
However, many databases, especially UNIX databases, are case sensitive. Case sensitivity means that you must
match exactly the case of all column and table names in SQL queries.
For example, the following queries are not equivalent in a case-sensitive database:
There is a lot more to SQL than what is covered here. It is a good idea to purchase one or several SQL
guides for reference.
To perform a successful query, the data source, columns, and tables that you reference must exist.
Some DBMS vendors use nonstandard SQL syntax (known as a dialect) in their products. ColdFusion does
not validate the SQL; it is passed on to the database for validation, so you are free to use any syntax that
your database supports. Check your DBMS documentation for nonstandard SQL usage.
Reading data from a database
You use the SQL SELECT statement to read data from a database. The SQL statement has the following general
SELECT column_names
FROM table_names
[ WHERE search_condition ]
[ GROUP BY group_expression ] [HAVING condition]
[ ORDER BY order_condition [ ASC | DESC ] ]
When the database processes a SELECT statement, it returns a record set containing the requested data. The
format of a record set is a table with rows and columns. For example, if you write the following query:
The query returns a database table. Because the data returned to ColdFusion by a SELECT statement is in the form
of a database table, ColdFusion lets you write a SQL query on the returned results. This functionality is called query
of queries. For more information on query of queries, see Accessing and Retrieving Data.
The next example uses a SELECT statement to return only a specific set of columns from a table:
Filtering results
The SELECT statement lets you filter the results of a query to return only those records that meet specific criteria.
For example, if you want to access all database records for employees in department 3, you use the following query:
You can combine multiple conditions using the WHERE clause. For example, the following example uses two
Sorting results
By default, a database does not sort the records returned from a SQL query. In fact, you cannot guarantee that the
records returned from the same query are returned in the same order each time you run the query.
However, if you require records in a specific order, you can write your SQL statement to sort the records returned
from the database. To do so, you include an ORDER BY clause in the SQL statement.
For example, the following SQL statement returns the records of the table ordered by the LastName column:
You can combine multiple fields in the ORDER BY clause to perform additional sorting:
This statement returns row ordered by department, then by last name within the department.
Returning a subset of columns
You want only a subset of columns returned from a database table, as in the following example, which returns only
the FirstName, LastName, and Phone columns. This example is useful if you are building a web page that shows
the phone numbers for all employees.
However, this query does not to return the table rows in alphabetical order. You can include an ORDER clause in
the SQL, as follows:
You have column names that you do not want to retain in the results of your SQL statement. For example, your
database is set up with a column that uses a reserved word in ColdFusion, such as EQ. In this case, you can
rename the column as part of the query, as follows:
The results returned by this query contains columns named EmpID, LastName, and MyEQ.
Accessing multiple tables
In a database, you can have multiple tables containing related information. You can extract information from multiple
tables as part of a query. In this case, you specify multiple table names in the SELECT statement, as follows:
This SELECT statement uses the EmpID field to connect the two tables. This query prefixes the EmpID column with
the table name. This is necessary because each table has a column named EmpID. Prefix a column name with its
table name if the column name appears in multiple tables.
In this case, you extract LastName and FirstName information from the employees table and Street, City, State, and
ZIP information from the addresses table. You can use output such as this is to generate mailing addresses for an
employee newsletter.
The results of a SELECT statement that references multiple tables is a single result table containing a join of the
information from corresponding rows. A join means information from two or more rows is combined to form a single
row of the result. In this case, the resultant recordset has the following structure:
What is interesting in this result is that even though you used the EmpID field to combine information from the two
tables, you did not include that field in the output.
Modifying a database
You use SQL INSERT statement to write information to a database. A write adds a new row to a database table.
The basic syntax of an INSERT statement is as follows:
column_names specifies a comma-separated list of columns.
value_list specifies a comma-separated list of values. The order of values has to correspond to the order that
you specified column names.
There are additional options to INSERT depending on your database. For a complete syntax
description for INSERT, see the product documentation.
For example, the following SQL statement adds a new row to the employees table:
This statement creates a row in the employees table and sets the values of the EmpID, LastName, and FirstName
fields of the row. The remaining fields in the row are set to Null. _Null_means that the field does not contain a value.
When you, or your database administrator, creates a table, you can set properties on the table and the columns of
the table. One of the properties you can set for a column is whether the field supports Null values. If a field supports
Nulls, you can omit the field from the INSERT statement. The database automatically sets the field to Null when you
insert a new row.
However, if the field does not support Nulls, specify a value for the field as part of the INSERT statement; otherwise,
Use the UPDATE statement in SQL to update the values of a table row. Update lets you update the fields of a
specific row or all rows in the table. The UPDATE statement has the following syntax:
UPDATE table_name
SET column_name1=value1, ... , column_nameN=valueN
[ WHERE search_condition ]
There are additional options to UPDATE depending on your database. For a complete syntax
description for UPDATE, see the product documentation.
Do not attempt to update a record's primary key field. Your database typically enforces this restriction.
The UPDATE statement uses the optional WHERE clause, much like the SELECT statement, to determine which
table rows to modify. The following UPDATE statement updates the e-mail address of John Smith:
Be careful using UPDATE. If you omit the WHERE clause to execute the following statement:
you update the Email field for all rows in the table.
Deleting data from a database
The DELETE statement removes rows from a table. The DELETE statement has the following syntax:
There are additional options to DELETE depending on your database. For a complete syntax
description for DELETE, see the product documentation.
You can remove all rows from a table using a statement in the form:
Typically, you specify a WHERE clause to the DELETE statement to delete specific rows of the table. For example,
the following statement deletes John Smith from the table:
The preceding examples describe how to modify a single database table. However, you might have a database that
uses multiple tables to represent information.
One way to update multiple tables is to use one INSERT statement per table and to wrap all INSERT statements
within a database transaction. A transaction contains one or more SQL statements that can be rolled back or
committed as a unit. If any single statement in the transaction fails, you can roll back the entire transaction,
canceling any previous writes that occurred within the transaction. You can use the same technique for selects,
updates, and deletes. The following example uses the cftransaction tag to wrap multiple SQL statements:
<cfquery name="qInsEmp" datasource="cfdocexamples">
INSERT INTO Employees (FirstName,LastName,EMail,Phone,Department)
VALUES ('Simon', 'Horwith', 'SHORWITH','(202)-797-6570','Research and Development')
<cfquery name="qGetID" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT MAX(Emp_ID) AS New_Employee
FROM Employees
Retrieving data
You can query databases to retrieve data at run time. The retrieved data, called the recordset, is stored on that page
as a query object. A_ query object_ is a special entity that contains the recordset values, plus RecordCount,
CurrentRow, ColumnList, SQL, Cached, and SQLParameter query variables. You specify the name of the query
object in the name attribute of the cfquery tag. The query object is often called simply the query.
The following is a simple cfquery tag:
The terms "recordset" and "query object" are often used synonymously when discussing
recordsets for queries. For more information, see Using Query of Queries.
The cfquery tag is one of the most frequently used CFML tags. You use it to retrieve and reference the data
returned from a query. When ColdFusion encounters a cfquery tag on a page, it does the following:
Connects to the specified data source.
Performs SQL commands that are enclosed within the block.
Returns result set values to the page in a query object.
The cfquery tag syntax
The following code shows the syntax for the cfquery tag:
Use opening <cfquery> and ending </cfquery> tags, because the cfquery tag is a block tag.
Enter the query name and datasource attributes within the opening cfquery tag.
To tell the database what to process during the query, place SQL statements inside the cfquery block.
When referencing text literals in SQL, use single-quotation marks ('). For example, SELECT * FROM
mytable WHERE FirstName='Jacob' selects every record from mytable in which the first name is Jacob.
Surround attribute values with double quotation marks ("attrib_value").
Make sure that a data source exists in the ColdFusion Administrator before you reference it in a cfquery tag
Columns and tables that you refer to in your SQL statement must exist, otherwise the query fails.
Reference the query data by naming the query in one of the presentation tags, such as cfoutput, cfgrid,
cftable, cfgraph, or cftree.
When ColdFusion returns database columns, it removes table and owner prefixes. For example, if you query
Employee.Emp_ID in the query, the Employee, is removed and returns as Emp_ID. You can use an alias to
handle duplicate column names; for more information, see Using Query of Queries.
You cannot use SQL reserved words, such as MIN, MAX, COUNT, in a SQL statement. Because reserved
words are database-dependent, see the documentation of your database for a list of reserved words.
If you use COMPUTE AVG() in your SQL, ColdFusion returns avg() as the column name. (Previous
versions (ColdFusion 5 and ColdFusion MX 7) returned ave() as the column name.)
To retrieve results returned by database triggers, add the following connection parameter in the connection
This parameter determines how the driver reports results generated by database triggers (procedures that
are stored in the database and executed, or fired, when a table is modified). For Microsoft SQL Server 2005,
this includes triggers fired by Data Definition Language (DDL) events. If set to true, the driver returns all
results, including results generated by triggers. Multiple trigger results are returned one at a time. Use the
method Statement.getMoreResults to retrieve individual trigger results. Warnings and errors are reported in
the results as they are encountered.
Building queries
As discussed earlier, you build queries by using the cfquery tag and SQL.
This procedure and many subsequent procedures use the cfdocexamples data source that
connects to the cfdocexamples.mdb database. This data source is installed by default. For
information on adding or configuring a data source, see Configuring and Administering
<title>Employee List</title>
<h1>Employee List</h1>
<cfquery name="EmpList" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary, Contract
FROM Employee
Adobe recommends that you create structured, reusable code by placing queries in
ColdFusion_ components; however, for simplicity, the examples here include the query in
the body of the_ ColdFusion_ page. For more information about using_ ColdFusion
components, see Building and Using ColdFusion Components.
2. Save the page as emplist.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root directory. For example, the
default path on a Windows computer would be:C:\CFusion\wwwroot\myapps\
3. Enter the following URL in your web browser: the header appears.
4. View the source in the browser.ColdFusion creates the EmpList data set, but only HTML and text return to
the browser. When you view the page's source, you see only HTML tags and the heading "Employee List." To
display the data set on the page, use code tags and variables to output the data.
<cfquery name="EmpList"
<title>Employee List</title>
<h1>Employee List</h1>
<cfquery name="EmpList" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary, Contract
FROM Employee
<cfoutput query="EmpList">
#EmpList.FirstName#, #EmpList.LastName#, #EmpList.Salary#,
2. Save the file and view it in your web browser:A list of employees appears in the browser, with each line
displaying one row of data.
If necessary, refresh your browser to see your changes.
You created a ColdFusion application page that retrieves and displays data from a database. At present, the output
is raw and needs formatting. For more information, see Introduction to Retrieving and Formatting Data.
Reviewing the code
The results of the query appear on the page. The following table describes the highlighted code and its function:
<cfoutput query="EmpList">
#EmpList.FirstName#, #EmpList.LastName#,#
EmpList.Salary#, #EmpList.Contract#
In your CFML code, use these variables as if they are columns in a database table. Use the result attribute to
specify the name of the structure that ColdFusion populates with these variables. You then use that structure name
to refer to the query variables as the following example shows:
Output information about the query on your page
2. Save the file and view it in your web browser:The number of employees now appears below the list of
employees. If necessary, refresh your browser and scroll to see the RecordCount output.
You now display the number of records retrieved in the query. The following table describes the code and its
When you let a query string pass a parameter, ensure that only the expected information is passed. The following
ColdFusion query contains a WHERE clause, which selects only database entries that match the last name
specified in the LastName field of a form:
Someone could call this page with the following malicious URL:
The result is that ColdFusion tries to execute the following query:
In addition to an expected integer for the Emp_ID column, this query also passes malicious string code in the form of
a SQL statement. If this query successfully executes, it deletes all rows from the Employee table'something you
definitely do not want to enable by this method. To prevent such actions, evaluate the contents of query string
Using cfqueryparam
You can use the cfqueryparam tag to evaluate query string parameters and pass a ColdFusion variable within a
SQL statement. This tag evaluates variable values before they reach the database. You specify the data type of the
corresponding database column in the cfsqltype attribute of the cfqueryparam tag. In the following example,
because the Emp_ID column in the cfdocexamples data source is an integer, you specify a cfsqltype of cf_sql_
The cfqueryparam tag checks that the value of Emp_ID is an integer data type. If anything else in the query string
is not an integer, such as a SQL statement to delete a table, the cfquery tag does not execute. Instead, the cfque
ryparam tag returns the following error message:
Invalid data '7 DELETE FROM Employee' for CFSQLTYPE 'CF_SQL_INTEGER'.
Using cfqueryparam with strings
When passing a variable that contains a string to a query, specify a cfsqltype value of cf_sql_char, and
specify the maxLength attribute, as in the following example:
The following table lists the available SQL types against which you can evaluate the value attribute of the cfquery
param tag:
Specifying the cfsqltype attribute causes the DBMS to use bind variables, which can greatly
enhance performance.
#back to top
Inserting data
You usually use two application pages to insert data into a database:
An insert form
An insert action page
You can create an insert form with standard HTML form tags or with cfform tags (see Creating custom
forms with the cfform tag). When the user submits the form, form variables are passed to a ColdFusion action
page that performs an insert operation (and whatever else is called for) on the specified data source. The
insert action page can contain either a cfinsert tag or a cfquery tag with a SQL INSERT statement. The
insert action page should also contain a confirmation message for the end user.
Creating an HTML insert form
<title>Insert Data Form</title>
<h2>Insert Data Form</h2>
<!--- begin html form;
put action page in the "action" attribute of the form tag. --->
<form action="insert_action.cfm" method="post">
<td>Employee ID:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="Emp_ID" size="4" maxlength="4"></td>
<td>First Name:</td>
<td><input type="Text" name="FirstName" size="35" maxlength="50"></td>
<td>Last Name:</td>
<td><input type="Text" name="LastName" size="35" maxlength="50"></td>
<td>Department Number:</td>
<td><input type="Text" name="Dept_ID" size="4" maxlength="4"></td>
<td>Start Date:</td>
<td><input type="Text" name="StartDate" size="16" maxlength="16"></td>
<td><input type="Text" name="Salary" size="10" maxlength="10"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="Contract" value="Yes" checked>Yes</td>
<td> </td>
<td><input type="Submit" value="Submit"> <input type="Reset"
value="Clear Form"></td>
<!--- end html form --->
2. Save the file as insert_form.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view it in your web
The form does not work until you write an action page for it. For more information, see Creating
an action page to insert data in Inserting data.
If you use the cfinsert tag in the action page to insert the data into the database, follow these rules for creating
the form page:
Create HTML form fields for only the database columns into which you insert data.
By default, cfinsert inserts all of the form's fields into the database columns with the same names. For
example, it places the Form.Emp_ID value in the database Emp_ID column. The tag ignores form fields that
lack corresponding database column names.
You can also use the formfields attribute of the cfinsert tag to specify which fields to
insert; for example, formfields="prod_ID,Emp_ID,status".
You can use the cfinsert tag or the cfquery tag to create an action page that inserts data into a database.
Creating an insert action page with cfinsert
The cfinsert tag is the easiest way to handle simple inserts from either a cfform or an HTML form. This tag
inserts data from all the form fields with names that match database field names.
1. Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<head> <title>Input form</title> </head>
<!--- If the Contractor check box is clear,
set the value of the Form.Contract to "No" --->
<cfif not isdefined("Form.Contract")>
<cfset Form.Contract = "N">
<!--- Insert the new record --->
<cfinsert datasource="cfdocexamples" tablename="EMPLOYEE">
<h1>Employee Added</h1>
<cfoutput> You have added #Form.FirstName# #Form.Lastname# to the employee
<cfif not
<cfset Form.Contract = "N">
If you use form variables in cfinsert or cfupdate tags, ColdFusion automatically validates
any form data it sends to numeric, date, or time database columns. You can use the hidden field
validation functions for these fields to display a custom error message. For more information, see
Introduction to Retrieving and Formatting Data.
For more complex inserts from a form submittal, you can use a SQL INSERT statement in a cfquery tag instead of
using a cfinsert tag. The SQL INSERT statement is more flexible because you can insert information selectively
or use functions within the statement.
The following procedure assumes that you have created the insert_action.cfm page, as described in Creating an
insert action page with cfinsert in Inserting data.
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
1. In insert_action.cfm, replace the cfinsert tag with the following highlighted cfquerycode:
<title>Input form</title>
<!--- If the Contractor check box is clear), set the value of the
to "No" --->
<cfif not isdefined("Form.Contract")>
<cfset Form.Contract = "No">
<!--- Insert the new record --->
<cfquery name="AddEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples">
VALUES (#Form.Emp_ID#, '#Form.FirstName#',
'#Form.LastName#', #Form.Dept_ID#,
'#Form.StartDate#', #Form.Salary#, '#Form.Contract#')
<h1>Employee Added</h1>
<cfoutput>You have added #Form.FirstName# #Form.Lastname# to the employee
<cfquery name="AddEmployee"
#Form.Salary#, '#Form.Contract#')
The preceding example inserts data into all the fields of a table (the Employee table has seven fields). There might
be times when you do not want users to add data into all fields. To insert data into specific fields, the SQL statement
in the cfquery must specify the field names following both INSERT INTO and VALUES. For example, the following
cfquery omits salary and start date information from the update. Database values for these fields are 0 and NULL,
respectively, according to the database's design.
Updating data
You usually use the following two application pages to update data in a database:
An update form
An update action page
You can create an update form with cfform tags or HTML form tags. The update form calls an update action
page, which can contain either a cfupdate tag or a cfquery tag with a SQL UPDATE statement. The
update action page should also contain a confirmation message for the end user.
Creating an update form
The following are the key differences between an update form and an insert form:
An update form contains a reference to the primary key of the record that is being updated. A primary key is a
fields in a database table that uniquely identifies each record. For example, in a table of employee names and
addresses, only the Emp_ID is unique to each record.
An update form is populated with existing record data.
The easiest way to designate the primary key in an update form is to include a hidden input field with the
value of the primary key for the record you want to update. The hidden field indicates to ColdFusion which
record to update.
1. Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<title>Update Form</title>
<cfquery name="GetRecordtoUpdate" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT * FROM Employee
<cfoutput query="GetRecordtoUpdate">
<form action="update_action.cfm" method="Post">
<input type="Hidden" name="Emp_ID" value="#Emp_ID#"><br>
<td>First Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="FirstName" value="#FirstName#"></td>
<td>Last Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="LastName" value="#LastName#"></td>
<td>Department Number:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="Dept_ID" value="#Dept_ID#"></td>
<td>Start Date:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="StartDate" value="#StartDate#"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="Salary" value="#Salary#"></td>
<td><cfif #Contract# IS "Yes">
<input type="checkbox" name="Contract" checked>Yes
<input type="checkbox" name="Contract">Yes
<td> </td>
<td><input type="Submit" value="Update Information"></td>
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
<cfquery name="GetRecordtoUpdate"
SELECT * FROM Employee
<form action="update_action.cfm"
First Name:
<input type="text"
Last Name:
<input type="text" name="LastName"
Department Number:
<input type="text" name="Dept_ID"
Start Date:
<input type="text"
<input type="text" name="Salary"
Contracto r:
< cfif #Contract# IS "Yes">
<input type="checkbox" name="C
ontract" checked>Yes<br>
<input type="checkbox"
name="Contract"> Yes <br>
<input type="Submit" value="Update
You can create an action page to update data with either the cfupdate tag or cfquery with the UPDATE
Creating an update action page with cfupdate
The cfupdate tag is the easiest way to handle simple updates from a front-end form. The cfupdate tag has an
almost identical syntax to the cfinsert tag.
To use the cfupdate tag, include the primary key fields in your form submittal. The cfupdate tag automatically
detects the primary key fields in the table that you are updating and looks for them in the submitted form fields.
ColdFusion uses the primary key fields to select the record to update (therefore, you cannot update the primary key
value itself). It then uses the remaining form fields that you submit to update the corresponding fields in the record.
Your form only needs to have fields for the database fields that you want to change.
1. Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
<title>Update Employee</title>
<cfif not isdefined("Form.Contract")>
<cfset form.contract = "N">
<cfset form.contract = "Y">
<cfupdate datasource="cfdocexamples" tablename="EMPLOYEE">
<h1>Employee Updated</h1>
You have updated the information for #Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName# in the
<cfif not
<cfset Form.contract = "N">
<cfset form.contract = "Y">
You have updated the information
for #Form.FirstName#
#Form.LastName# in the employee
For more complicated updates, you can use a SQL UPDATE statement in a cfquery tag instead of a cfupdate ta
g. The SQL UPDATE statement is more flexible for complicated updates.
The following procedure assumes that you have created the update_action.cfm page as described in Creating an
update action page with cfupdate.
1. In update_action.cfm, replace the cfupdate tag with the following highlighted cfquerycode:
<title>Update Employee</title>
<cfif not isdefined("Form.Contract")>
<cfset form.contract = "No">
<cfset form.contract = "Yes">
<!--- cfquery requires date formatting when retrieving from
Access. Use the left function when setting StartDate to trim
the ".0" from the date when it first appears from the
Access database --->
<cfquery name="UpdateEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples">
UPDATE Employee
SET FirstName = '#Form.Firstname#',
LastName = '#Form.LastName#',
Dept_ID = #Form.Dept_ID#,
StartDate = '#left(Form.StartDate,19)#',
Salary = #Form.Salary#
WHERE Emp_ID = #Form.Emp_ID#
<h1>Employee Updated</h1>
You have updated the information for
#Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName#
in the employee database.
Deleting data
You use a cfquery tag with a SQL DELETE statement to delete data from a database. ColdFusion has no cfdele
te tag.
Deleting a single record
To delete a single record, use the table's primary key in the WHERE condition of a SQL DELETE statement. In the
following procedure, Emp_ID is the primary key, so the SQL Delete statement is as follows:
You often want to see the data before you delete it. The following procedure displays the data to be deleted by
reusing the form page used to insert and update data. Any data that you enter in the form before submitting it is not
used, so you can use a table to display the record to be deleted instead.
1. In update_form.cfm, change the title to "Delete Form" and the text on the submit button to "Delete Record".
2. Change the formtag so that it appears as follows:
<title>Delete Employee Record</title>
<cfquery name="DeleteEmployee"
WHERE Emp_ID = #Form.Emp_ID#
<h1>The employee record has been deleted.</h1>
You have deleted #Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName# from the employee database.
<cfquery name="DeleteEmployee"
= #Form.Emp_ID#
You can use a SQL condition to delete several records. The following example deletes the records for everyone in
the Sales department (which has Dept_ID number 4) from the Employee table:
To delete all the records from the Employee table, use the following code:
Deleting records from a database is not reversible. Use DELETE statements carefully.
To enable auditing on database, while performing a database operation, you can track certain client information,
such as application name or client ID. The supported client information varies from database to database. For
example, Oracle supports client information in a table named $v_session. Other databases store it in local cache
or registers.
You can send the client information using the ClientInfo attribute in the following ColdFusion tags: cfquery, cf
update, cfinsert, and cfstoredproc. The information sent is set before executing the query.
The following are the values supported by the ClientInfo attribute:
Action: The action performed by the query.
ApplicationName: Application name.
ClientHostName: The host from where the query is executed.
ClientID: The client ID.
ClientUser: The user ID.
ProgramID: The program ID.
Module: The module name.
Use the cfdbinfo tag to find the supported clientInfo properties.
clientInfo = structNew();
clientInfo.AccountingInfo = "MyAccount_cfquery";
clientInfo.Action = "cfstoredproc_cfquery";
clientInfo.ApplicationName = "testApp_cfquery";
clientInfo.ClientHostName = "Testserver_cfquery";
clientInfo.ClientID = "testID_cfquery";
clientInfo.ClientUser = "cfadmin_cfquery";
clientInfo.ProgramID = 1234;
clientInfo.Module = "test_query";
<cfquery name="qName" datasource="#regdatasource#" clientInfo="#clientInfo#">
Select * from employees
The cfdbinfo tag supports the ClientInfo value for the type attribute. If this value is specified, the metadata
supported for the specified data source is returned.
When you perform a database operation using the fetchclientinfo attribute, you can access the
database-specific client information. The following ColdFusion tags support the fetchclientinfo attribute: cfqu
ery, cfinsert, and cfstoredproc. If set to true, the attribute returns a struct with the key-value pair passed by
the last query.Example
Using the ColdFusion administrator's Data Sources Advanced Settings page, you can set the database-specific
information. If specified, the following information is sent to the database before executing the query.
Client Hostname: The host name from where the query is executed.
Client Username: The user name if the user is logged in using the <cflogin> tag.
Application Name: The application name specified in the application.cfc.
Prefix: If specified, the value is prefixed with the application name specified in application.cfc.
If the same client info properties are specified in the query tag, it takes the precedence
over the server-level settings.
The cfqueryparam and cfprocparam tags support the following SQL types:
Miscellaneous enhancements
In the ColdFusion administrator's Data Sources Advanced Settings page, you can set the option to validate the
connection. If this option is set, ColdFusion validates the database connection before executing a query. Setting this
option can have an impact on the performance of the application.You can optionally specify a query to validate the
connection. If specified, the connection is validated based on it. If not specified, the default mechanism is used to
validate the connection.
Improved exception handling
The <cfcatch> tag's type=database property is improved for better exception handling.The #CFCATCH.except
ions# provides details in a list of structs. If multiple exceptions are thrown, it provides multiple elements. Each
element provides information in the following categories: class, messages, and list of causes (if any).Example
<cfquery datasource="badmysql" timeout="2">
Select * from employees
<cfcatch type="database">
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#">
#back to top
About recordsets
Query of Queries is based on manipulating the recordset, which you can create using the cfquery tag and other
When you execute a database query, Adobe ColdFusion retrieves the data in a recordset. In addition to presenting
recordset data to the user, you can manipulate this recordset to improve the performance of your application.
Because a recordset contains rows (records) and columns (fields), you can think of it as a virtual database table, or
as a spreadsheet. For example, the cfpop tag retrieves a recordset in which each row is a message and each
column is a message component, such as To, From, and Subject.
Creating a recordset
You can perform a Query of Queries on any ColdFusion tag or function that generates a recordset, including the
cfquery(against a database or against another Query of Queries)
The QueryNew function
Creating a recordset with the QueryNew() function
In addition to creating a recordset by using a cfquery or other CFML tags, you can create it with the QueryNew fun
1. Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<title>The queryNew function</title>
<h2>QueryNew Example</h2>
<!--- Create a query, specify data types for each column. --->
<cfset qInstruments = queryNew("name, instrument, years_playing",
<!--- Add rows. --->
<cfset newrow = queryaddrow(qInstruments, 3)>
<!--- Set values in cells. --->
<cfset temp = querysetcell(qInstruments, "name", "Thor", 1)>
<cfset temp = querysetcell(qInstruments, "instrument", "hammer", 1)>
<cfset temp = querysetcell(qInstruments, "years_playing", "1000", 1)>
<cfset temp = querysetcell(qInstruments, "name", "Bjorn", 2)>
<cfset temp = querysetcell(qInstruments, "instrument", "sitar", 2)>
<cfset temp = querysetcell(qInstruments, "years_playing", "24", 2)>
<cfset temp = querysetcell(qInstruments, "name", "Raoul", 3)>
<cfset temp = querysetcell(qInstruments, "instrument", "flute", 3)>
<cfset temp = querysetcell(qInstruments, "years_playing", "12", 3)>
<!--- Output the query. --->
<cfoutput query="qInstruments">
<pre>#name# #instrument# #years_playing#</pre>
<h3>Individual record retrieval:</h3>
<p>[2]# has played #qInstruments.instrument[2]# for
#qInstruments.years_playing[2]# years.</p>
2. Save the page as queryNew.cfm in the myapps directory under the web_root directory.
3. Display queryNew.cfm in your browser
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
<h1>Employee List</h1>
<!--- LastNameSearch (normally generated interactively) --->
<cfset LastNameSearch="Doe">
<!--- Master Query --->
<cfquery datasource="cfdocexamples" name="master"
SELECT * from Employee
<!--- Detail Query (dbtype=query, no data source) --->
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="detail">
SELECT Emp_ID, FirstName, LastName
FROM master
WHERE LastName=<cfqueryparam value="#LastNameSearch#"
cfsqltype="cf_sql_char" maxLength="20"></cfquery>
<!--- output the detail query results --->
<p>Output using a query of query:</p>
<cfoutput query=detail>
#Emp_ID#: #FirstName# #LastName#<br>
<p>Columns in the master query:</p>
<p>Columns in the detail query:</p>
2. Save the page as query_of_query.cfm in the myapps directory under the web_root.
3. Display query_of_query.cfm in your browser
cfset LastNameSearch="Doe"
SELECT * from Employee
<cfquery dbtype="query"
SELECT Emp_ID, FirstName, LastName
FROM master
WHERE LastName=<cfqueryparam
<cfoutput query=detail>
#Emp_ID#: #FirstName# #LastName#
If your database is large, you can limit the number of rows displayed at one time. The following example shows how
to do this using the currentRow query variable of a Query of Queries. For more information on query variables,
see Getting information about query results.
1. Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
<title>QoQ with incremental row return</title>
<h3>QoQ with incremental row return</h3>
<!--- define startrow and maxrows to facilitate 'next N' style browsing --->
<cfparam name = "MaxRows" default = "5">
<cfparam name = "StartRow" default = "1">
<!--- master query: retrieve all info from Employee table --->
<cfquery name = "GetSals" datasource = "cfdocexamples">
SELECT * FROM Employee
<!--- detail query: select 3 fields from the master query --->
<cfquery name = "GetSals2" dbtype = "query">
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary
FROM GetSals
<!--- build table to display output --->
<table cellpadding = 1 cellspacing = 1>
<td bgcolor = f0f0f0>
<b><i> </i></b>
<td bgcolor = f0f0f0>
<td bgcolor = f0f0f0>
<td bgcolor = f0f0f0>
<!--- Output the query and define the startrow and maxrows
parameters. Use the query variable currentRow to
keep track of the row you are displaying. --->
<cfoutput query = "GetSals2" startrow = "#StartRow#" maxrows = "#MaxRows#">
<td valign = top bgcolor = ffffed>
<td valign = top>
<font size = "-1">#FirstName#</font>
<td valign = top>
<font size = "-1">#LastName#</font>
<td valign = top>
<font size = "-1">#LSCurrencyFormat(Salary)#</font>
<!--- If the total number of records is less than or equal to
the total number of rows, provide a link to the same page, with the
StartRow value incremented by MaxRows (5, in this example) --->
<td colspan = 4>
<cfif (startrow + maxrows) lte getsals2.recordcount>
<a href="qoq_next_row.cfm?startrow=<cfoutput>#Evaluate(StartRow +
MaxRows)#</cfoutput>">See next <cfoutput>#MaxRows#</cfoutput>
2. Save the page as qoq_next_row.cfm in the myapps directory under the web_root.
3. Display qoq_next_row.cfm in your browser.
Using the cfdump tag with query results
As you debug your CFML code, you can use the cfdump tag to quickly display the contents of your query. This tag
has the following format:
<cfdump var="#query_name#">
For more information on the cfdump tag, see the CFML Reference.
Using Query of Queries with non-SQL recordsets
A Query of Queries can operate on any CFML tag or function that returns a recordset; you are not limited to
operating on cfquery results. You can perform queries on non-SQL recordsets, such as a cfdirectory tag, a cf
search tag, a cfldap tag, and so on.
If a structure named A contains a field named B, which contains a table named Products, you can refer to the table
with dot notation, as follows:
Using joins
A join operation uses a single SELECT statement to return a result set from multiple, related tables, typically those
tables with a primary key - foreign key relationship. The two SQL clauses that perform joins are:
WHERE clause: Query of Queries supports joins through a WHERE clause.
INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN: Query of Queries does not support joins through INNER JOIN or OUTER
JOIN clauses.
Query of Queries supports joins between two tables only.
Using unions
The UNION operator lets you combine the results of two or more SELECT expressions into a single recordset. The
original tables must have the same number of columns, and corresponding columns must be UNION-compatible
data types. Columns are UNION-compatible data types if they meet one of the following conditions:
The same data type; for example, both Tinyint
Both Numeric; for example, Tinyint, Smallint, Integer, Bigint, Double, Float, Real, Decimal, or Numeric
Both Characters; for example, Char, Varchar, or LongVarchar
Both Dates; for example, Time, TimeStamp, or Date
Query Of Queries does not support ODBC-formatted dates and times.
The column names of a UNION table are the column names in the result set of the first SELECT statement in the
UNION operation; Query of Queries ignores the column names in the other SELECT statement. To change the
column names of the result table, you can use an alias, as follows:
By default, the UNION operator removes duplicate rows from the result table. If you use the keyword ALL, then
duplicates are included.
You can combine an unlimited number of tables using the UNION operator, for example:
By default, the Query of Queries SQL engine evaluates a statement containing UNION operators from left to right.
You can use parentheses to change the order of evaluation. For example, the following two statements are different:
/* First statement. */
/* Second statement. */
In the first statement, there are no duplicates in the union between TableB and TableC. Then, in the union between
that set and TableA, the ALL keyword includes the duplicates. In the second statement, duplicates are included in
the union between TableA and TableB but are eliminated in the subsequent union with TableC. The ALL keyword
has no effect on the final result of this expression.
Using other keywords with UNION
When you perform a UNION, the individual SELECT statements cannot have their own ORDER BY or COMPUTE
clauses. You can only have one ORDER BY or COMPUTE clause after the last SELECT statement; this clause is
applied to the final, combined result set. You can only specify GROUP BY and HAVING expressions in the individual
SELECT statements.
Using conditional operators
Query of Queries lets you use the following conditional operators in your SQL statements:
Test conditional
cond_test ::= expression [IS [NOT] {TRUE | FALSE | UNKNOWN} ]
SELECT _isValid FROM Chemicals
WHERE _isValid IS true;
Null conditional
null_cond ::= expression IS [NOT] NULL
SELECT bloodVal FROM Standards
WHERE bloodVal IS NOT null;
Comparison conditional
This conditional lets you compare an expression against another expression of the same data type (Numeric, String,
Date, or Boolean). You can use it to selectively retrieve only the relevant rows of a recordset.
The following example uses a comparison conditional to retrieve only those dogs whose IQ is at least 150:
BETWEEN conditional
This conditional lets you compare an expression against another expression. You can use it to selectively retrieve
only the relevant rows of a recordset. Like the comparison conditional, the BETWEEN conditional also compares;
however, the BETWEEN conditional compares against a range of values. Therefore, its syntax requires two values,
which are inclusive, a minimum and a maximum. Separate these values with the AND keyword.
between_cond ::= expression [NOT] BETWEEN expression AND expression
The following example uses a BETWEEN conditional to retrieve only those dogs whose IQ is between 150 and 165,
IN conditional
This conditional lets you specify a comma-delimited list of conditions to match. It is similar in function to the OR
conditional. In addition to being more legible when working with long lists, the IN conditional can contain another
SELECT statement.
in_cond ::= expression [NOT] IN (expression_list)
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
The following example uses the IN conditional to retrieve only those dogs who were born at either Ken's Kennels or
Barb's Breeders:
LIKE conditional
This conditional lets you perform wildcard searches, in which you compare your data to search patterns. This
strategy differs from other conditionals, such as BETWEEN or IN, because the LIKE conditional compares your data
to a value that is partially unknown.
like_cond ::= left_string_exp [NOT] LIKE right_string_exp [ESCAPE escape_char]
The left_string_exp can be either a constant string, or a column reference to a string column. The right_string_exp
can be either a column reference to a string column, or a search pattern. A search pattern is a search condition that
consists of literal text and at least one wildcard character. A wildcard character is a special character that represents
an unknown part of a search pattern, and is interpreted as follows:
The underscore (_) represents any single character.
The percent sign (%) represents zero or more characters.
Brackets [ ] represents any character in the range.
Brackets with a caret Query of Queries user guide represent any character not in the range.
All other characters represent themselves.
Earlier versions of ColdFusion do not support bracketed ranges.
The following example uses the LIKE conditional to retrieve only those dogs of the breed Terrier, whether the dog is
a Boston Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, Scottish Terrier, and so on:
The following examples are select statements that use bracketed ranges:
Case sensitivity
Unlike the rest of ColdFusion, Query of Queries is case-sensitive. However, Query of Queries supports two string
functions, UPPER() and LOWER(), which you can use to achieve case-insensitive matching.
The following example matches only 'Sylvester':
SELECT dog_name
WHERE dog_name LIKE 'Sylvester';
The following example is not case sensitive; it uses the LOWER() function to treat 'Sylvester', 'sylvester',
'SYLVESTER', and so on, as all lowercase, and matches them with the all lowercase string, sylvester:
SELECT dog_name
WHERE LOWER(dog_name) LIKE 'sylvester';
If you use a variable on the right side of the LIKE conditional and want to ensure that the comparison is not
case-sensitive, use the LCase or UCase function to force the variable text to be all of one case, as in the following
Escaping wildcards
You can specify your own escape character by using the conditional ESCAPE clause.
The following example uses the ESCAPE clause to enable a search for a literal percent sign (%), which ColdFusion
normally interprets as a wildcard character:
SELECT emp_discount
FROM Benefits
WHERE emp_discount LIKE '10\%'
A Query of Queries requires that every column has metadata that defines the data type of the column. All queries
that ColdFusion creates have metadata. However, a query created with QueryNew function that omits the second
parameter does not contain metadata. You use this optional second parameter to define the data type of each
column in the query.
Specify column data types in the QueryNew function
1. Type a QueryNewfunction, specifying the column names in the first parameter and the data types in the
second parameter, as the following example shows:
To see the metadata for a Query of Queries, use the GetMetaData function.
2. Add and populate a column with the QueryAddColumnfunction, specifying the data type in the third
If you do not specify the data type, ColdFusion examines the first 50 rows of each column to determine the data type
when performing conditional expressions.
In some cases, ColdFusion can guess a data type that is inappropriate for your application. In particular, if you use
columns in a WHERE clause or other conditional expression, the data types must be compatible. If they are not
compatible, use the CAST function to recast one of the columns to a compatible data type. For more information on
casting, see Using the CAST function below. For more information on data type compatibility, see Understanding
Query of Queries processing belowUnderstanding Query of Queries processingUnderstanding Query of Queries
Specifying the data type in the QueryNew function helps you avoid compatibility issues.
In some cases, the data type of a column is not compatible with the processing you want to do. For example, query
columns returned by the cfhttp tag are all of type CF_SQL_VARCHAR, even if the contents are numeric. In this
case, use the Query of Queries CAST function to convert a column value into an expression of the correct data type.
The syntax for the CAST function is as follows:
<cfdump var="#qStockItems#">
<cfdump var="#qStockItems.getColumnNames()#">
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arrayLen(qStockItems.getColumnNames())#">
<cfquery name="hello" dbtype="query">
SELECT SUM(CAST(qStockItems.LastTradedPrice as INTEGER))
AS SUMNOW from qStockItems
<cfcatch>Error in Query of Queries</cfcatch>
<cfdump var="#hello#">
Aggregate functions operate on a set of data and return a single value. Use these functions for retrieving summary
information from a table, as opposed to retrieving an entire table and then operating on the recordset of the entire
Consider using aggregate functions to perform the following operations:
To display the average of a column
To count the number of rows for a column
To find the earliest date in a column
Since not every relational database management system (RDBMS) supports all aggregate functions, refer to
the documentation of your database. The following table lists the aggregate functions that Query of Queries
The following example uses the AVG() function to retrieve the average IQ of all terriers:
Query of Queries supports mathematical expressions that include aggregate functions, as follows:
Query of Queries supports the use of any arbitrary arithmetic expression, as long as it is referenced by an alias.
SELECT (lorange+hirange)/2 AS x,
FROM roysched GROUP BY x
HAVING x > 10000;
Query of Queries supports the ORDER BY clause to sort. Make sure that it is the last clause in your SELECT
statement. You can sort by multiple columns, by relative column position, by nonselected columns. You can specify
a descending sort direction with the DESC keyword (by default, most RDBMS sorts are ascending, which makes the
ASC keyword unnecessary).
The following example shows a more complex sort; results are first sorted by ascending levels of dopamine, then by
descending levels of acetylcholine. The ASC keyword is unnecessary, and is used only for legibility.
Using aliases
Query of Queries supports the use of database column aliases. An alias is an alternate name for a database field or
value. Query of Queries lets you reuse an alias in the same SQL statement.
One way to create an alias is to concatenate (append) two or more columns to generate a value. For example, you
can concatenate a first name and a last name to create the value fullname. Because the new value does not exist in
a database, you refer to it by its alias. The AS keyword assigns the alias in the SELECT statement.
Query of Queries supports alias substitutions in the ORDER BY, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses.
Query of Queries does not support aliases for table names.
ORDER BY example
<cfquery name="order_by" dbtype="query">
SELECT (job_id || job_lvl)/2 AS job_value
FROM employee
ORDER BY job_value
GROUP BY example
HAVING example
<cfquery name="having" dbtype="query">
SELECT (lorange || hirange)/2 AS x,
FROM roysched GROUP BY x
HAVING x > 10000
Query of Queries uses Boolean logic to handle conditional expressions. Proper handling of NULL values requires
the use of ternary logic. The IS NOT NULL clause works correctly in Query of Queries. However the following
expressions do not work properly when the column breed is NULL:
The correct behavior should not include NULL breed columns in the result set of either expression. To avoid this
limitation, add an explicit rule to the conditionals and rewrite them in the following forms:
Concatenating strings
Query of Queries support two string concatenation operators: + and ||, as the following examples show:
ColdFusion has a list of reserved keywords, which are typically part of the SQL language and are not normally used
for names of columns or tables. To escape a reserved keyword for a column name or table name, enclose it in
Earlier versions of ColdFusion let you use some reserved keywords without escaping them.
Query of Queries does not support nested escapes, such as in the following example:
If you create a query object with the QueryNew function and populate a column with date constants, ColdFusion
stores the dates as a string inside the query object until a Query of Queries is applied to the query object. When
ColdFusion applies a Query of Queries to the query object, it converts the string representations into date objects.
Query of Queries supports date constants in SQL and ODBC format, as follows:
SQL format: Dates, times, or timestamps in one of the following format:
Date string: yyyy-mm-dd, for example, 1955-06-13.
Time string: hh:mm:ss[.nnn], for example, 14:34:30.75.
Timestamp string: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.nnn], for example, 1924-01-14 12:00:00.000.
ODBC format: Dates, times, or timestamps in one of the following format:
Date string: {d 'value'},
for example, {d '2004-07-06'}.
Time string: {t 'value'}, for example, {t '13:45:30'}.
Timestamp string: {ts 'value'}, for example,
{ts '2004-07-06 13:45:30'}.
If you want to convert the date to its original format, use the DateFormat_ function and apply
the "mm/dd/yy" mask._
Query of Queries performs well on single-table query objects that were accessed directly from a database. This
happens because ColdFusion stores meta information for a query object accessed from a database.
When working with a query resulting in a SQL join, Query of Queries performs as follows:
1. Query of Queries is efficient for simple joins in which only one equality exists between two column references
or constants, for example:
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
2. Query of Queries is less efficient for joins in which the predicate contains multiple expressions, for example:
Starting with ColdFusion MX 7, ColdFusion includes enhancements that allow you to compare columns with different
data types.
If one of the operands has a known column type (only constants have an unknown column type), Query of Queries
tries to coerce the constant with an unknown type to the type of the operand with metadata. The pairs of allowed
coercions are as follows:
Binary, string
Dates, string
Numeric, bigdecimal
Boolean, numeric
That is, ColdFusion can coerce between binary and string, but not between date and string.
If both operands have known data types, the types must be the same. The only exception is that ColdFusion
can coerce among integer, float, and double.
If both operands are constants, ColdFusion tries to coerce the values, first to the most restrictive type, then to
the least restrictive type.
First to binary then to string.
First to date then to string.
First to boolean then to numeric.
Passing queries by reference
A Query of Queries is copied by reference from its related query; which means that ColdFusion does not create a
query when you create a Query of Queries. It also means that changes to a Query of Queries, such as ordering,
modifying, and deleting data, are also applied to the base query object.
If you do not want the original query to change, use the Duplicate function to create a copy and create the Query of
Queries using the copied query.
Managing complex objects
You cannot use Query Of Queries on a recordset that contains complex objects, such as arrays and structures.
You can store a recordset in a complex object.
#back to top
About LDAP
The LDAP protocol enables organizations to arrange and access directory information in a hierarchy. In this context,
directory refers to a collection of information, such as a telephone directory, not a collection of files in a folder on a
disk drive.
LDAP originated in the mid-1990s as a response to the need to access ISO X.500 directories from computers that
had limited processing power. Since then, products such as iPlanet Server have been developed that are native
LDAP directory servers. Several companies now provide LDAP access to their directory servers, including Novell
NDS, Microsoft Active Directory Services (ADS), Lotus Domino, and Oracle.
An LDAP directory is typically a hierarchically structured database. Each layer in the hierarchy typically corresponds
to a level of organizational structure.
The following image shows a simple directory structure:
This example is fully symmetrical: all the entries at each layer are of the same type.
You can also structure an LDAP directory so that the layers under one entry contain different information from the
layers under another entry.
The following image shows such an asymmetric directory:
In this directory structure, the second level of the tree divides the directory into two organizational units: people and
groups. The third level contains entries with information that is specific to the organizational unit. Each person's
entry includes a name, e-mail address, and telephone number. Each group's entry includes the names of group
This complexity and flexibility is a key to the usefulness. of LDAP. With it, you can represent any organizational
LDAP offers performance advantages over conventional databases for accessing hierarchical, directory-like
information that is read frequently, and changed infrequently.
Although LDAP is often used for e-mail, address, telephone, or other organizational directories, it is not limited to
these types of applications. For example, you can store ColdFusion Advanced Security information in an LDAP
The basic information object of LDAP is the entry. An entry is composed of one or more attributes. Entries are
subject to content rules defined by the directory schema (see Schema below).
Each node, not just the terminal nodes, of an LDAP directory is an entry. In the preceding images, each item is an
entry. For example, in the first diagram, both USA and Ferrari are entries. The USA entry's attributes could include a
Language attribute, and the Ferrari entry could include an entry for the chief executive officer.
An LDAP directory entry consists of one or more attributes. Attributes have types and values. The type determines
the information that the values can contain. The type also specifies how the value is processed. For example, the
type determines whether an attribute can have multiple values. The mail attribute type, which contains an e-mail
address, is multivalued so you can store multiple e-mail addresses for one person.
Some commonly used attribute types have short keyword type names. Often these short keyword type names
correspond to longer type names, and the two names can be used interchangeably. The following table lists
common attribute type keywords used in LDAP directories:
Long name
E-mail address
An entry's distinguished name uniquely identifies it in the directory. A DN is made up of relative distinguished names
(RDNs). An RDN identifies the entry among the children of its parent entry. For example, in the first image in About
LDAP, the RDN for the Ferrari entry is "o=Ferrari".
An entry's DN consists of an entry's RDN followed by the DN of its parent. In other words, it consists of the RDNs for
the entry and each of the entry's parent entries, up to the root of the directory tree. Commas and optional spaces
separate the RDNs. For example, in the first image, the DN for the Ferrari entry is "o=Ferrari, c=Italy".
As with file system paths and URLs, entering the correct LDAP name format is essential to successful search
The RDN is an attribute of a directory entry. The full DN is not. However, you can output the full
DN by specifying "dn" in a query's attributes list. For more information, see cfldap in CFML
Reference. Adobe ColdFusion always returns DNs with spaces after the commas.
A multivalued RDN is made up of more than one attribute-value pair. In multivalued RDNs, a plus sign
the attribute-value pairs. In the sample directories, individuals could have complex RDNs consisting of their common
name and their e-mail address, for example, "cn=Robert Boyd + [email protected]".
The concepts of schemas and object classes are central to a thorough understanding of LDAP. The information
provided here does not have detailed descriptions but is enough to use the cfldap tag effectively.
A directory schema is a set of rules that determines what can be stored in a directory. It defines, at a minimum, the
following two basic directory characteristics:
The object classes to which entries can belong
The directory attribute types
Object class
Object classes enable LDAP to group related information. Frequently, an object class corresponds to a real object or
concept, such as a country, person, room, or domain, which are all standard object type names. Each entry in an
LDAP directory must belong to one or more object classes.
The following characteristics define an object class:
The class name
A unique object ID that identifies the class
The attribute types that entries of the class must contain
The attribute types that entries of the class can optionally contain
(Optional) A superior class from which the class is derived
If an entry belongs to a class that derives from another class, the entry's objectclass attribute lists the
lowest-level class and all the superior classes from which the lowest-level class derives.
When you add, modify, or delete a directory entry, you must treat the entry's object class as a possibly
multivalued attribute. For example, when you add a new entry, you specify the object class in the cfldap tag a
ttributes attribute. To retrieve an entry's object class names, specify "objectclass" in the list of query
attributes. To retrieve entries that provide a specific type of information, you can use the object class name in
the cfldap tag filter attribute.
Attribute type
The following table lists the attributes that are required and optional for each action. For more information on each
attribute, see the cfldap tag in the CFML Reference.
Required attributes
Optional attributes
server, dn
The search scope sets the limits of a search. The default scope is the level below the distinguished name specified
in the start attribute. This scope does not include the entry identified by the start attribute. For example, if the s
tart attribute is "ou=support, o=adobe" the level below support is searched. You can restrict a query to the level of
the start entry, or extend it to the entire subtree below the start entry.
Search filter
The search filter syntax has the form attribute operator value. The default filter, objectclass=*, returns all entries in
the scope.
The following table lists the filter operators:
The Boolean operators & and | can operate on more than two attributes and precede all of the attributes on which
they operate. You surround a filter with parentheses and use parentheses to group conditions.
If the pattern that you are matching contains an asterisk, left parenthesis, right parenthesis, backslash, or NUL
character, use the following three-character escape sequence in place of the character:
Escape sequence
For example, to match the common name St*r Industries, use the filter:
(cn=St\2Ar Industries).
LDAP v3 supports an extensible match filter that permits server-specific matching rules. For more information on
using extensible match filters, see your LDAP server documentation.
Searching and sorting notes
To search for multiple values of a multivalued attribute type, use the & operator to combine expressions for
each attribute value. For example, to search for an entry in which cn=Robert Jones and cn=Bobby Jones,
You can use object classes as search filter attributes; for example, you can use the following search filter:
To specify how query results are sorted, use the sort field to identify the attribute(s) to sort. By default,
ColdFusion returns sorted results in case-sensitive ascending order. To specify descending order,
case-insensitive sorting, or both, use the sortControl attribute.
ColdFusion requests the LDAP server to do the sorting. Doing so can have the following effects:
The sort order can differ between ColdFusion MX and previous versions.
If you specify sorting and the LDAP server does not support sorting, ColdFusion generates an error.
To sort results from servers that do not support sorting, use a query of queries on the results.
Using filter operators to construct sophisticated search criteria can degrade performance if the LDAP server is
slow to process the synchronous search routines that cfldap supports. Use the cfldap tag timeout and m
axRows attributes to control the apparent performance of pages that perform queries, by limiting the number
of entries and by exiting the query if the server does not respond in a specified time.
Getting all the attributes of an entry
Typically, you do not use a query that gets all the attributes in an entry. Such a query would return attributes that
only the directory server uses. However, you can get all the attributes by specifying attributes="*" in your query.
If you do this, ColdFusion returns the results in a structure in which each element contains a single attribute
name-value pair. The tag does not return a query object. ColdFusion does this because LDAP directory entries,
unlike the rows in a relational table, vary depending on their object class.
For example, the following code retrieves the contents of the Airius directory:
<cfldap name="GetList"
This tag returns entries for all the people in the organization and entries for all the groups. The group entries have a
different object class, and therefore different attributes from the person entries. If ColdFusion returned both types of
entries in one query object, some rows would have only the group-specific attribute values and the other rows would
have only person-specific attribute values. Instead, ColdFusion returns a structure in which each attribute is an
Example: querying an LDAP directory
The following example uses the cfldap tag to get information about the people in the Airius corporation's Santa
Clara office. Users can enter all or part of a person's name and get a list of matching names with their departments,
e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers.
This example uses the sample Airius corporate directory that is distributed with the Netscape Directory Server. If you
do not have access to this directory, modify the code to work with your LDAP directory.
1. Create a file that looks like the following:
2. Change the server attribute from to the name of your installation of the Airius database.
3. Save the page as cfldap.cfm and run it in your browser.
Reviewing the code
<form action="cfldap.cfm"
<input type="text"
<input type="submit"
ta Clara))"
This search shows the use of a logical AND statement in a filter. It returns one attribute, the surname, that is used
only for sorting the results.In this query, the ou attribute value consists of two values in a comma-delimited list. One
is the department name. The other is People. This is because the Airius database uses the ou attribute type twice:
In the distinguished names, at the second level of the directory tree, where it differentiates between
organizational units such as people, groups, and directory servers
As the department identifier in each person's entry
Because the attribute values are returned in order from the person entry to the directory tree root, the ListF
irst function extracts the person's department name.
When you add an entry to an LDAP directory, you specify the DN, all the required attributes, including the entry's
object class, and any optional attributes. The following example builds a form that adds an entry to an LDAP
1. Create a file that looks like the following:
<!--- Set the LDAP server ID, user name, and password as variables
here so they can be changed in only one place. --->
<cfset myServer="">
<cfset myUserName="cn=Directory Manager">
<cfset myPassword="password">
<!--- Initialize the values used in form fields to empty strings. --->
<cfparam name="fullNameValue" default="">
<cfparam name="surnameValue" default="">
<cfparam name="emailValue" default="">
<cfparam name="phoneValue" default="">
<cfparam name="uidValue" default="">
<!---When the form is submitted, add the LDAP entry. --->
<cfif isdefined("Form.action") AND Trim(Form.uid) IS NOT "">
<cfif Form.action is "add">
<cfif Trim(Form.fullName) is "" OR Trim(Form.surname) is ""
OR Trim( is "" OR Trim( is "">
<h2>You must enter a value in every field.</h2>
<cfset fullNameValue=Form.fullName>
<cfset surnameValue=Form.surname>
<cfset uidValue=Form.uid>
<cfset attributelist="objectclass=top, person,
organizationalperson, inetOrgPerson;
cn=#Trim(Form.fullName)#; sn=#Trim(Form.surname)#;
ou=Human Resources;
<cfldap action="add"
dn="uid=#Trim(Form.uid)#, ou=People,"
<cfoutput><h3>Entry for User ID #Form.uid# has been added</h3>
<title>Update LDAP Form</title>
<h2>Manage LDAP Entries</h2>
<cfform action="update_ldap.cfm" method="post">
<tr><td>Full Name:</td>
<td><cfinput type="Text"
<td><cfinput type="Text"
Value= "#surnameValue#"
<td>E-mail Address:</td>
<td><cfinput type="Text"
<td>Telephone Number:</td>
<td><cfinput type="Text"
<td>User ID:</td>
<td><cfinput type="Text"
<td colspan="2">
<input type="Submit"
*All fields are required for Add<br>
<!---Output the user list. --->
<h2>User List for the Human Resources Department</h2>
<cfldap name="GetList"
filter="ou=Human Resources"
sortControl="asc, nocase">
<table border="1">
<th>Full Name</th>
<cfoutput query="GetList">
2. At the top of the file, change the myServer, myUserName, and myPassword variable assignments to values
that are valid for your LDAP server.
3. Save the page as update_ldap.cfm and run it in your browser.
Reviewing the code
<cfset myServer="">
<cfset myUserName="cn=Directory
<cfset myPassword="password">
<cfparam name="fullNameValue"
<cfparam name="surnameValue"
<cfparam name="emailValue"
<cfparam name="phoneValue"
<cfparam name="uidValue"
<cfset uidValue=Form.uid>
person, organizationalperson,
ou=Human Resources;
<td>Full Name:</td>
<td><cfinput type="Text"
<td colspan="2">
<input type="Submit"
*All fields are required for
<cfldap name="GetList"
filter="ou=Human Resources"
sortControl="asc, nocase">
3. At the end of the code for the Add button (the input tag with Value=Add at the bottom of the form{{)}},
delete the </td> end tag.
4. After the end of the Add button inputtag, add the following code:
<input type="Submit"
<input type="Submit"
<cfelseif Form.action is
<cfldap name="GetEntry"
<cfset fullNameValue =[1]>
<cfset surnameValue =[1]>
<cfset emailValue =
<cfset phoneValue =
<cfset uidValue =
<cfldap action="delete"
<cfoutput><h3>Entry for User ID
#Form.UID# has been deleted
<input type="Submit"
<input type="Submit"
The cfldap tag lets you change the values of entry attributes. To do so, you specify the entry DN in the dn attribute,
and list the attributes to change and their new values in the attributes attribute.
The following example builds on the code that adds and deletes an entry. It can update one or more of an entry's
attributes. Because the UID is part of the DN, you cannot change it.
1. Open update_ldap.cfm, which you created in Adding a directory entry.
2. Between the cfelseif block and the </cfiftag, add the following code:
3. At the end of the code for the Delete button (the input tag with Value=Delete at the bottom of the
form{{)}}, delete the </td> mark.
4. After the end of the Delete button inputtag, add the following code:
<input type="Submit"
The following table lists the cfldap tag attributes that you must specify to add and delete LDAP attributes in an entry:
cfldap syntax
You can add or delete multiple attributes in one statement. To do this, use semicolons to separate the attributes in
the attribute string.
The following example specifies the description and seealso LDAP attributes:
You can change the character that you use to separate values of multivalued attributes in an attribute string. You
can also change the character that separates attributes when a string contains multiple attributes. For more
information, see Specifying an attribute that includes a comma or semicolon in Advanced topics.
You can add or delete attributes only if the directory schema defines them as optional for the entry's object class.
Changing a directory entry's DN
To change the DN of an entry, provide the following information in the cfldap tag:
dn="original DN"
attributes="dn=new DN"
For example:
<cfldap action="modifyDN"
dn="#old_UID#, ou=People,"
The new DN and the entry attributes must conform to the directory schema; therefore, you cannot move entries
arbitrarily in a directory tree. You can only modify a leaf only. For example, you cannot modify the group name if the
group has children.
LDAP v2 does not let you change entry DNs.
Advanced topics
Some more advanced techniques enable you to use LDAP directories more effectively.
Specifying an attribute that includes a comma or semicolon
LDAP attribute values can contain commas. The cfldap tag normally uses commas to separate attribute values in a
value list. Similarly, an attribute can contain a semicolon, which cfldap normally uses to delimit (separate)
attributes in an attribute list. To override the default separator and delimiter characters, you use the cfldap tag sep
arator and delimiter attributes.
For example, assume that you want to add the following attributes to an LDAP entry:
<cfldap action="modify"
attributes="cn=Proctor, Goodman, and Jones: description=Friends of the company;
dn="uid=goodco, ou=People,"
LDAP v3 exposes a directory's schema information in a special entry in the root DN. You use the directory root sub
schemaSubentry attribute to access this information.
The following ColdFusion query shows how to get and display the directory schema. It displays information from the
schema's object class and attribute type definitions. For object classes, it displays the class name, superior class,
required attribute types, and optional attribute types. For attribute types, it displays the type name, type description,
and whether the type is single- or multivalued.
The example does not display all the information in the schema. For example, it does not display the matching rules.
It also does not display the object class IDs, attribute type IDs, attribute type syntax IDs, or the object class
descriptions. (The object class description values are all "Standard Object Class.")
To be able to view the schema for an LDAP server, the server must support LDAP v3
This example does not work on iPlanet Directory Server 5.0. It does work on a 4.x server.
View the schema for an LDAP directory
<title>LDAP Schema</title>
<!--- Start at Root DSE to get the subschemaSubentry attribute. --->
<!--- Use the DN from the subschemaSubEntry attribute to get the schema. --->
attributes="objectclasses, attributetypes"
<!--- Only one record is returned, so query loop is not required. --->
<h2>Object Classes</h2>
<table border="1">
<th>Superior class</th>
<th>Must have</th>
<th>May have</th>
<cfloop index = "thisElement" list = #Entrylist2.objectclasses#>
thiselement = Trim(thisElement);
nameloc = Find("NAME", thisElement);
descloc = Find("DESC", thisElement);
suploc = Find("SUP", thisElement);
mustloc = Find("MUST", thisElement);
mayloc = Find("MAY", thisElement);
endloc = Len(thisElement);
<td><cfoutput>#Mid(thisElement, nameloc+6, descloc-nameloc-8)#
<cfif #suploc# NEQ 0>
suploc+5, mustloc-suploc-7)#
<cfif #mayloc# NEQ 0>
<td><cfoutput>#Replace(Mid(thisElement, mustloc+6,
mayloc-mustloc-9), " $ ", ", ", "all")
<td><cfoutput>#Replace(Mid(thisElement, mayloc+5,
" $ ", ", ", "all")#</cfoutput></td>
<td><cfoutput>#Replace(Mid(thisElement, mustloc+6,
endloc-mustloc-9), " $ ", ", ", "all")
<h2>Attribute Types</h2>
<table border="1" >
<cfloop index = "thisElement"
list = #ReplaceNoCase(EntryList2.attributeTypes, ", alias", "<br> Alias",
"all")# delimiters = ",">
thiselement = Trim(thisElement);
nameloc = Find("NAME", thisElement);
descloc = Find("DESC", thisElement);
syntaxloc = Find("SYNTAX", thisElement);
singleloc = Find("SINGLE", thisElement);
endloc = Len(thisElement);
<td><cfoutput>#Mid(thisElement, nameloc+6, descloc-nameloc-8)#
<td><cfoutput>#Mid(thisElement, descloc+6, syntaxloc-descloc-8)#
<cfif #singleloc# EQ 0>
2. Change the server from to your LDAP server. You might also need to specify a user ID
and password in the cfldap tag.
3. Save the template as ldapschema.cfm in myapps under your web root directory and view it in your
<h2>Object Classes</h2>
<table border="1">
<th>Superior class</th>
<th>Must have</th>
<th>May have</th>
<cfloop index = "thisElement"
list = #Entrylist2.objectclasses#>
thiselement =
nameloc = Find("NAME",
descloc = Find("DESC",
suploc = Find("SUP",
mustloc = Find("MUST",
mayloc = Find("MAY",
endloc = Len(thisElement);
nameloc+6, descloc-nameloc-8)#
<cfif #suploc# NEQ 0>
suploc+5, mustloc-suploc-7)#
<cfif #mayloc# NEQ 0>
ment, mustloc+6,
mayloc-mustloc-9), " $ ", ",
", "all")#</cfoutput></td>
ment, mayloc+5, endloc-mayloc-8),
" $ ", ", ",
ment, mustloc+6,
endloc-mustloc-9), " $ ", ",
", "all")#</cfoutput></td>
<h2>Attribute Types</h2>
<table border="1" >
<cfloop index = "thisElement"
list =
eTypes, ", alias", "<br> Alias",
"all")# delimiters = ",">
thiselement =
nameloc = Find("NAME",
descloc = Find("DESC",
syntaxloc = Find("SYNTAX",
singleloc = Find("SINGLE",
endloc = Len(thisElement);
nameloc+6, descloc-nameloc-8)#
descloc+6, syntaxloc-descloc-8)#
<cfif #singleloc# EQ 0>
An LDAP database can be distributed over multiple servers. If the requested information is not on the current server,
the LDAP v3 standard provides a mechanism for the server to return a referral to the client that informs the client of
an alternate server. (This feature is also included in some LDAP v2-compliant servers.)
ColdFusion can handle referrals automatically. If you specify a nonzero referral attribute in the cfldap tag,
ColdFusion sends the request to the server specified in the referral.
The referral attribute value specifies the number of referrals allowed for the request. For example, if the referr
al attribute is 1, and server A sends a referral to server B, which then sends a referral to server C, ColdFusion
returns an error. If the referral attribute is 2, and server C has the information, the LDAP request succeeds. The
value to use depends on the topology of the distributed LDAP directory, the importance of response speed, and the
value of response completeness.
When ColdFusion follows a referral, the rebind attribute specifies whether ColdFusion uses the cfldap tag login
information in the request to the new server. The default, No, sends an anonymous login to the server.
Managing LDAP security
When you consider how to implement LDAP security, consider server security and application security.
Server security
The cfldap tag supports secure socket layer (SSL) v2 security. This security provides certificate-based validation of
the LDAP server. It also encrypts data transferred between the ColdFusion server and the LDAP server, including
the user password, and ensures the integrity of data passed between the servers. To specify SSL v2 security, set
the cfladap tag secure="cfssl_basic" attribute.
About LDAP Server Security
ColdFusion uses Java Native Directory Interface (JNDI), the LDAP provider, and an SSL package to create the
client side of an SSL communication. The LDAP server provides the server side. The LDAP server that the cfldap
tag connects to using SSL holds an SSL server certificate, a certificate that is securely "signed" by a trusted
authority and identifies (authenticates) the sender. During the initial SSL connection, the LDAP server presents its
server certificate to the client. If the client trusts this certificate, the SSL connection is established and secure LDAP
communication can begin.
ColdFusion determines whether to trust the server by comparing the server's certificate with the information in the
jre/lib/security/cacerts keystore of the JRE used by ColdFusion. The ColdFusion default cacerts file contains
information about many certificate granting authorities. If you must update the file with additional information, you
can use the keytool utility in the ColdFusion jre/bin directory to import certificates that are in X.509 format. For
example, enter the following:
keytool -import -keystore cacerts -alias ldap -file ldap.crt -keypass bl19mq
The keytool utility initial keypass password is "change it". For more information on using the keytool utility, see the
Sun JDK documentation.
Once ColdFusion establishes secure communication with the server, it must provide the server with login
credentials. You specify the login credentials in the cfldap tag username and password attributes. When the
server determines that the login credentials are valid, ColdFusion can access the directory.
Using LDAP security
To use security, first ensure that the LDAP server supports SSL v2 security.
Specify the cfldap tag secure attribute as follows:
secure = "cfssl_basic"
For example:
<cfldap action="modify"
dn="uid=lborden, ou=People,"
The port attribute specifies the server port used for secure LDAP communications, which is 636 by default. If you
do not specify a port, ColdFusion attempts to connect to the default, nonsecure, LDAP port 389.
Application security
To ensure application security, prevent outsiders from gaining access to the passwords that you use in cfldap tags.
The best way to do this is to use variables for your username and password attributes. You can set these
variables on one encrypted application page. For more information on securing applications, see Securing
#back to top
Language support
Solr supports the following languages:
Solr supports documents in any language. If the document has a language (for example, Arabic) not listed
above, it can still index the content, but stemming is not available. In this case, do not specify a language
attribute in the cfindex tag.
Solr supports stemming. That is, it considers the root form (stem) of the word for search. This applies only if
you provide the attribute language.
Multiple word search: The following example shows how to search a document or query having words
"ColdFusion" and "Green" in it:
<cfsearch name="qsearch1"
criteria="+Green +Coldfusion">
Search with at least one word: The following example shows how search for at least "Coldfusion" OR (Green
OR Blue):
<cfsearch name="qsearch1"
criteria=" +Coldfusion Green Blue">
Search for one word, but not the other: The following example shows how to search for "Green" but NOT
<cfsearch name="qsearch1"
criteria=" -Coldfusion +Green">
Fuzzy search: The following example shows how to search words like roam, roams, foam, foams:
<cfsearch name="qsearch1"
criteria=" roam~">
<cfsearch name="qsearch1"
<cfsearch name="qsearch1"
criteria=" roam~0.8" >
Wildcard search: The following syntax searches for 'test', 'text', 'teat', and so on:
<cfsearch name="qsearch1"
criteria=" te?t">
<cfsearch name="qsearch1"
criteria=" te*t">
You cannot use a * or question mark (?) symbol as the first character of a search.
Proximity search: To search for "apache" and "jakarta" within five words of each other in a document, use the
following search:
<cfsearch name="qsearch1"
criteria="jakarta apache" ~10>
Range Search: Following searches all documents with title between 'fuzzy1.txt' to 'text1.txt':
<cfsearch name="qsearch"
criteria="title:fuzzy1.txt TO text1.txt">
<cfsearch name="qsearch"
criteia="modified:20080101 TO 20500101">
ranges are inclusive of start and end terms. To exclude them, use
curly brackets{} instead.
Field search: To search any document whose title contains "fuzzy1.txt"
<cfsearch name="qsearch"
<cfsearch name="qsearch"
<cfsearch name="qsearch"
criteria= ""title:fuzzy1.txt"" OR ""title:fuzzy2.txt"">
<cfsearch name="qsearch"
criteria="title:(test* +fuzzy1*)">
String search:
<cfsearch name="qsearch1"
criteria="Cold Fusiongava" OR "Internet Tools">
Searching synonyms: There are two ways to search documents that have synonymous words like 'MB',
'megabyte', 'gig', and so on:
1. If collection is not yet created, go to: <cf_home>/solr/multicore/template/conf/synonyms.
txt This file contains some default mappings such as 'GB, gig, gigabyte, gigabytes'.
Define your synonym mappings in the next row.
2. If you want to add a synonym mapping for a collection that is already created, go to <collection_lo
cation>/conf/synonyms.txt and define your mapping.Restart the Solr server after defining
Term highlighting
By default, Solr highlights searched terms in the summary content as described in the following snippet:
criteria="Services solr"
To highlight contents in the entire document, modify the solrconfig.xml and schema.xml files. These files are
available in the following locations:
<Collection Directory>/conf: Modify files in this location to apply the changes to all future Solr collections.
<Solr Home>/multicore/template/conf: Modify files in this location to apply the changes only to a particular
1. Stop ColdFusion 11 Add-on service.
2. Replace the following section in the solrconfig.xml
4. Restart Solr.
5. Reindex the collection.
The modifications to solrconfig.xml and schema.xml will increase the index size.
Upgrading Solr
Stop Solr.
Back up solr.xml available in Solr_Home/multicore.
Uninstall Solr.
Reinstall the standalone version of Solr available on Adobe download location.
Stop Solr (if it has started automatically).
Bring back the backed up copy of solr.xml to Solr_Home/multicore.
After you upgrade, ensure that you reindex the entire Solr collection before you use the
search service.
In the case of standalone installation, all Solr files reside in the jetty folder ColdFusion 10\cfusion\jetty
(previously ColdFusion 9\cfusion\solr).
On Windows, the Solr service has been renamed as ColdFusion 10 Jetty Service (previously ColdFusion 9
Solr Service, and as of ColdFusion 11, Add-on Service).
On Windows, the executable file has been renamed as jetty.exe (previously solr.exe)
Using Data Import Handler
In ColdFusion 9, indexing database was a two step process (of querying database using the tag cfquery and
indexing the query using the tag cfindex). In ColdFusion 10, you need not use cfquery to get data; rather Solr
directly communicates with the database and fetches data using Data Import Handler helping you improve indexing
You can perform a full or partial indexing depending on your requirement. For example, when you index the
database for the first time, you may do a full indexing. For any updates in the database, you can perform partial
indexing to update your collection.
Indexing using Data Import Handler
The following steps help you configure Data Import Handler for indexing databases:
1. Do the following:
For full import:Create the following dataconfig.xml to define mapping of database table columns to Solr:
<datasource driver="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" url="jdbc:mysql:/temp/example/ex"
<document name="products">
<entity name="item" query="select * from item">
<field column="ID" name="id"/>
<field column="NAME" name="name"/>
driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" "jdbc:mysql:/temp/example/ex" user="user"
password="password" />
<document name="rrr">
<entity name="item" pk="ID" query="select
ID,NAME,PRICE,WEIGHT,last_modified from item"
deltaimportquery="select ID,NAME,PRICE,WEIGHT,last_modified from item
where ID='${}'"
deltaquery="select id from item where last_modified >
'${dataimporter.last index_time}'">
<field column="ID" name="uid"/>
<field column="NAME" name="name_t"/>
<field column="PRICE" name="price_f"/>
<field column="WEIGHT" name="weight_d"/>
<entity name="feature" pk="ITEM_ID"
query="select description as
features from feature where
<field name="features_t" column="features"/>
<entity name="item_category" pk="ITEM_ID, CATEGORY_ID"
query="select CATEGORY_ID from item_category where
<entity name="category" pk="ID"
query="select description as cat from category where id =
<field column="cat" n a m
e="cat t"/>
For details of the attributes, see Schema for the data config in the section Configuration in data-config.xml at the
Ensure that last_modified is the column name of the table that you index and the column has time stamp.
Unless you have this column mapped, partial import fails.
The latest timestamp is created in the available in the collection location.
1. Save the file in the conf directory of the collection that you have created.
2. In the solrconfig.xml (in the conf directory), uncomment the following section.
<!-<requestHandler name="/dataimport"
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="config">data-config.xml</str>
The following new actions have been added to the tag cfindex to help Solr directly fetch data from the database.
fullimport:To index full database. For instance, when you index the database for the first time.For
deltaimport:For partial indexing. For instance, for any updates in the database, instead of a full import,
you can perform delta import to update your collection.For example,
status:Provides the status of indexing, such as the total number of documents processed and status such
as idle or running.For example,
In addition to indexing, you can store custom information using custom fields that are dynamically defined.
For example, while indexing a PDF, you can store information such as author and date of publication as shown in
the following example:
<cfindex collection="CodeColl"
title="Cfindex Reference page"
<cfindex ...
Custom fields can contain only lower case characters.
In the code, _i stands for integer custom data whose value is stored and indexed. Any field name that ends with _i
is treated as a Solr integer.
Similarly, _s stands for string custom data.
All the supported datatypes are listed in the schema.xml:
_dt supports only the date formats supported by ColdFusion.
A new attribute orderBy has been added to cfsearch. It sorts the custom field column rank order. This is an
optional attribute and by default, it sorts in ascending order.
orderby="field1 desc,field2,field3 asc"
Automatically commit the changes to the search server by setting the attribute autoCommit to true in cfindex as
shown in the following example:
If false, indexed documents are not committed unless you specifically commit using cfindex action="commit".
By default, the value is set to true.
Improving search result rankings
The following attributes in cfindex help you improve the search result rankings:
fieldBoost: Boost specific fields while indexing.fieldBoost enhances the score of the fields and thereby
the ranking in the search results. Multiple fields can be boosted by specifying the values as a
comma-separated list.
docBoost: Boost entire document while indexing.docBoost enhances the score of the documents and
thereby the ranking in the search results.
Variations from ColdFusion 9
ColdFusion 9 had limited support for custom fields namely custom1, custom2, custom3, and custom4. In
ColdFusion 10, custom fields are dynamic.
In ColdFusion 9, all custom fields are displayed. In ColdFusion 10, cfdump yields only fields that have
data{{}}. That is, if you have specified only custom 1 and custom 2, only those two fields are displayed.
Consider the following code:
Here, some_criteria indicates filtering. For example column_i: [ 10 - 20 ] means search all items
whose values are between 10 and 20. column_i is the custom field provided by user while indexing.This
option was available in ColdFusion 9, but limited to four custom fields. In ColdFusion 10, the options are
In ColdFusion 10, you can sort the order in which search results have to be returned.
When you search a Solr collection for field type string, the criteria should be within quotes,
for example
criteria='string_s:"something missing"'
Solr Search example 1
In ColdFusion 9, to reload an individual collection you have to restart Solr, which reloads all the collections. So,
whenever you modify schema.xml, for example while adding language or field type, or when you enable Data Import
Handler, you have to restart Solr so that changes take effect.
In ColdFusion 10, you can limit the reload to a specific collection which helps in significant performance
To reload a collection,
1. In the ColdFusion Administrator, go to Data & Services > ColdFusion Collections.
2. For the specific collection, click Reload icon in Solr Collections > Actions.
Support for additional languages
ColdFusion supports search and indexing for 17 languages in addition to English. If your language is not available,
you can add to the list, provided Solr supports indexing and search for that language.
For details of the supported languages, see
If Solr supports the language, you can add it as follows:
1. Add filter class in the schema.xml.
Add the field type as follows:
Since Solr cannot be done at a document level or communication level. But you can add security to your Solr search
by ensuring that the application server on which Solr runs is secure. To do this,
Secure the application server on which Solr runs; the default is jetty.
In the ColdFusion Administrator, go to Data & Services > Solr Server.
In Configure Solr server, click Show advanced settings.
Check Use HTTPS connection and then specify the Solr Admin HTTPS Port.
Recommended to use when you use DIH.
In ColdFusion 9, any user can access and add, update, and delete documents for indexing. This release provides
basic authentication in jetty to secure access to collections.
1. Modify the web.xml of jetty server as follows:
Solr authenticated application
Test Realm
<set name="UserRealms">
<array type="">
<set name="name">
Test Realm
<set name="config">
<systemproperty name="jetty.home" default="."/>
If you do not specify the credentials, index operation occurs without authentication.
ColdFusion ORM
Relational databases are the core of most enterprise applications. However, when you map a relational database to
objects, it becomes a challenge. Object relational mapping (ORM) is a programming framework that allows you to
define a mapping between an application object model and the relational database.
In an object model, the application objects are not aware of the database structure. Objects have properties and
references to other objects. Databases consist of tables with columns that may be related to other tables. ORM
provides a bridge between the relational database and the object model.
By using ORM, you can access and update data entirely using the object model of an application. ORM provides
features such as:
Database vendor independence
Performance optimization
Introducing ColdFusion ORM
Configure ORM
Define ORM mapping
Working with objects
Using queries
Transaction and concurrency
Performance optimization
ORM session management
Autogenerating database schema
Support for multiple data sources for ORM
ColdFusion ORM search
#back to top
Apart from these, there are other settings that you can use to configure ORM. For details, see ORM settings.
Define these setting only in Application.cfc and not in Application.cfm.
Step 2:
Map the ARTISTS.cfc to the database table.
1. Create the ARTISTS.cfc.
2. Flag it as a persistent CFC and map it to the ARTISTS table.To make the ARTISTS.cfc persistent, the persi
stent attribute should be set to true in the cfcomponent tag. The table attribute should be set to the table
name. If table attribute is not specified, then the CFC name is taken as the table name. Each CFC can be
given an entity name. Entity name is the name used by the ORM related functions to work with the persistent
CFC. It can be specified by using the entityname attribute in cfcomponent. If entityname is not
specified, then the CFC name is taken as the entityname.
3. Now, create properties in ARTISTS.cfc and map them to the columns in the table. One property should be
created for each column in the table. To map the property to the column, the column attribute should be set
to the corresponding column name. If the column attribute is not specified, then the name of the property is
taken as the column name.
For details on setting the ORM-specific attributes, see Define ORM mapping.
The ARTISTS.cfcis defined as follows:
<cfcomponent persistent="true">
<cfproperty name="id" column = "ARTISTID" generator="increment">
<cfproperty name="FIRSTNAME">
<cfproperty name="LASTNAME">
<cfproperty name="ADDRESS">
<cfproperty name="CITY">
<cfproperty name="STATE">
<cfproperty name="POSTALCODE">
<cfproperty name="EMAIL">
<cfproperty name="PHONE">
<cfproperty name="FAX">
<cfproperty name="thepassword">
Step 3:
Perform CRUD operations.
To retrieve data from the ARTISTS table, use EntityLoad():
All the records from the ARTISTS table are retrieved as an object array.
To add a new artist, create a new artist object and call EntitySave()for this object.
try {
newArtistObj = EntityNew("artists");
newArtistObj.setaddress("5 Newport lane");
newArtistObj.setcity("San Francisco");
newArtistObj.setemail("[email protected]");
} catch(Exception ex) {
To update an existing record, load that object and make changes to it. ColdFusion automatically detects that
the row for this object needs to be updated and it will get updated when ORMFlush()is called.
ORMFlush() is called at the end of the request by default.
In the following code, the newArtistObjis already managed by ORM, so it does not need to be loaded
Step 4:
Define Relationships
First define the mapping for the ART table to define a relationship between artwork and artists.
The ART.cfc is defined as follows:
<cfcomponent persistent="true">
<cfproperty name="artid" generator="increment">
<cfproperty name="artname">
<cfproperty name="price">
<cfproperty name="largeimage">
<cfproperty name="mediaid">
<cfproperty name="issold">
In cfartgallery, the table ARTISTS has a one-to-many relationship with ART table, which are joined using the
foreign key column ARTISTID. This means that each artist has created multiple artwork pieces and many
artworks are created by one artist. To represent this in the object model, each ARTISTS object would contain
an array of ART objects. Each ART object will contain a reference to its ARTISTS object. This is an example
of a bidirectional relationship.
To achieve this, you need to add an extra property to the ARTISTS.cfc object that contains the array of ART
objects for that ARTIST.
ART forms a many-to-one relationship with ARTISTS table because each piece of artwork is created by an
artist and many other pieces of artwork are created by the same artist. To define this relationship, add a
property in ART.cfc to define the relationship with ARTISTS.cfc.
artist = EntityLoad("Artists", 1, true);
arts = artist.getArts();
WriteOutput("<b>" & artist.getid() & " " & artist.getfirstname() & " " &
artist.getlastname() & "</b> has " & ArrayLen(arts) & " arts:<br>");
if (ArrayLen(arts) > 0)
for(j = 1; j <= ArrayLen(arts); j ++)
art = arts[j];
WriteOutput(art.getartname() & "<br>");
#back to top
In ColdFusion ORM, you need to define an object mapping to create persistent objects. The object mapping
includes details such as:
The table name for the object's class
The column name that corresponds to each field in the object
The join conditions for related objects
ColdFusion allows you to specify the mapping in CFCs. Such CFCs are called as persistent CFCs. Each persistent
CFC usually maps to a table in the database. Each property in the CFC usually maps to a column in the table.
Additional properties may be used to define relationships and other mapping details.
When ColdFusion creates the Hibernate configuration for the application, these persistent CFCs are used to
automatically generate Hibernate mapping files, which have the extension ".hbmxml". For example, if ARTISTS.cfc
is a persistent CFC, ColdFusion would automatically generate Artists.hbmxml. Hibernate mapping files contain the
mapping information in XML format that Hibernate defines, to work with ColdFusion ORM. These Hibernate mapping
files can be created manually.
For more information about creating Hibernate mappings manually, see Advanced mapping.
To use ColdFusion ORM, ColdFusion application must have ormenabled set to true in the THIS scope of
Application.cfc. To define a persistent CFC, set persistent="true" in cfcomponent tag. An array of attributes
are available in cfcomponent and cfproperty to specify mapping information.
For details, see Define ORM mapping.
When the application starts, ColdFusion first loads the Hibernate configuration file if it is specified in the application.
The Hibernate configuration file contains various configuration parameters like including, dialect, cache settings, and
mapping files that are required for the application. If a configuration file is not specified, ColdFusion ORM creates
the Hibernate configuration using the default settings.
After loading the Hibernate configuration, all the mapping files (*.hbmxml) in the application folder and its mapped
folders are loaded and added to the configuration.
ColdFusion then searches for persistent CFCs in the application folder and its mapped folders. If the hibernate
mapping file is not present for any persistent CFC, ColdFusion generates it. If mapping information, such as primary
key, foreign key, and column data type is missing in the persistent CFCs, ColdFusion automatically inspects the
database and identifies the mapping.
ColdFusion then checks if DDL needs to be generated. This can be configured using the dbcreate option in the
ORM settings. Based on the configuration option specified in dbcreate, tables are created or updated.The
Hibernate SessionFactory is then built and made available to the application as long as the application is running.
The SessionFactory is used to create Hibernate sessions that manage the persistent object lifecycle.
In ColdFusion, a Hibernate session starts when the first CRUD method is called and ends when the request ends or
when the ORMCloseSession() method is called.
To improve performance, Hibernate batches all the Create/Update/Delete operations in the session and runs them
when the session is flushed or only when necessary. Session Flush happens when the request ends or when the OR
MFlush() method is called.
For transactions, a new session is always created at the start of a transaction and ends at the end of a transaction.
Any previous open sessions are flushed and closed at the start of the transaction.
The Hibernate configuration is created and loaded only when the application starts. Therefore, any modifications to
the mapping in the persistent CFCs or in the Hibernate mapping files are not loaded automatically. To load these
modifications, you can either restart the application or call ORMReload().
To restart the application, you can stop the application using ApplicationStop() and the next request to any
page in this application automatically starts it.
#back to top
Configure ORM
The configuration for ORM is done in Application.cfc which makes this configuration application specific. For a
ColdFusion application to use ORM, the following are the mandatory settings that need to be configured:
1. Enable ORM for the application. To do this, set the ormenabled property to true in the THIS scope of
2. Provide the data source name by either setting data source property to true in the THIS scope of application
or by defining it in ORM configuration for the application. Note that the data source should be configured on
the server.
The ORM configuration is specified using a struct called ormsettings, which is defined in the THIS scope
of Application.cfc. The following table describes the settings for ORM that can be defined in Application.cfc.
Property Name
Monitoring SQL queries that get generated and executed by ORM is critical for troubleshooting and performance
You can monitor and log the queries by:
Defining logsql in ormsettings: This is a simple way to quickly enable SQL logging. The flag should be
enabled in application.cfc:<cfset this.ormsettings.logsql = "true"> This logs all the SQL
queries that are generated by Hibernate to the console and server's output log file.
Using Hibernate uses log4j for its logging and you can completely control its logging
including SQL by modifying the, which is present under <CF_HOME>/libdirectory.
Following is a sample snippet from the file:
These settings control the SQLs that are generated for entity operations, how the data is bound to the
statement while executing, what SQLs are generated for DDL, and what operations are performed on the
secondary cache. All the logs get logged to console using HIBERNATECONSOLE which is actually a console
appender. It can easily be changed to a FileAppender, which will then be logged to a log file. The
configuration controls the logging for the following:
SQL generated for entity operations
Parameter binding for the prepared statements
SQL generated for DDL
Secondary cache operations
With the default settings, all the logs get logged to console. You can also direct the logging to a log file using the
FileAppender provided by log4j. See log4j for more details on Appenders.
Log4j Properties
#back to top
ORM settings
The following settings can be set in the ormsettings struct that ColdFusion uses to configure ORM. All these
settings are optional. If you specify the value of any ORM setting to true or yes, then the setting is enabled,
otherwise it is disabled.
Property Name
automanageSession Added in
ColdFusion 9.0.1
Apart from these dialects, you
can specify custom dialects by
using the fully qualified class
For Microsoft
dialect cannot
be detected
Use Microsoft
SQL Server
as the dialect
for it.
skipCFCWithError Added in
ColdFusion 9.0.1
Sample Application.cfc
accessors= "yes|no"
If set to false, ColdFusion
ORM does not generate
the implicit getters and
Whether loading is to be
done lazily:
For details, see Lazy
This sets the default value
on the property when the
object is created.
y name="b"
y name="c"
If remotingFetch is fal
se, then the value of that
attribute is not sent over
flash remoting. The
attribute is true by default
for all properties.
However, for ORM CFCs
where persistent = true,
the value of the remotin
gFetch attribute is set to
false, by default, for
one-to-one, one-to-many,
many-to-one, or
Primary key
Simple primary key
In a relational database, a primary key is defined as a key that uniquely identifies a row in a table. Typically, a table
has one primary key that represents a single column of information in the table.
To indicate that a cfproperty maps to a primary key in the table, set the attribute fieldtype="id".
An example to define an assigned primary key:
An example to define a auto-generated primary key using a generator, which requires additional parameters:
Algorithm used to
generate unique
identifiers for instances of
the persistent CFC. See
Generators for details.
An identifier property
value that indicates that
an instance is newly
instantiated and not
saved/loaded in the
Composite Key
If the primary key consists of more than one column, it is called as a composite key. A composite key can be
specified by using fieldtype='id' on all the properties that form the primary key.
If in a table, the columns Order_id and Product_id form a composite key, then, they should be defined as:
Generators are algorithms that are used to generate unique identifiers for instances of the persistent CFC.
Generators can have any one of the following values:
increment: This algorithm generates identifiers of type long, short, or int by incrementing a counter
maintained by ORM. This is commonly used when auto-generation for the primary key is not enabled in the
table and you want ORM to generate the primary key. This should be used when a single instance of
ColdFusion is the only process to insert data into the table.
identity: For databases such as DB2, MySQL, Sybase, and MS SQL, which support identity columns, you
can use identity key generation. The key is automatically generated by the database and the object is
populated with the generated key. This strategy requires ORM to execute two SQL queries to insert a new
sequence: For databases such as DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Interbase, McKoi, and SAP, which support
sequences, you can use sequence style key generation. The key is automatically generated by the database
and the object is populated with the generated key. This strategy requires ORM to execute two SQL queries
to insert a new object. This generator includes the sequence parameter, which needs to be specified in the p
aramsattribute.For example:
native: This algorithm is commonly used to automatically generate primary keys. This generator picks
identity or sequence depending upon the capabilities of the underlying database.
assigned: This algorithm is used when the application needs to assign its own identifier to the object. It is
the default generator used by ColdFusion.
foreign: This is used with a <one-to-one> primary key association. In this case, the primary key is the
same as the primary key of the associated object. This generator would need the property parameter, which
needs to be specified in the params attribute. The value of the param property should be the name of the
relationship property. See One-to-one relationships for details.
seqhilo: See
uuid: See
guid: See
select: See
sequence-identity: See
To indicate that a cfproperty maps to a column in the table, specify fieldtype="column". If the fieldtype is
name="Property name"
formula="SQL expression"
unique = "true|[false]"
<cfproperty name="FIRSTNAME"/>
To specify a property which has a different name than that of the column name:
Name of the
Name of the
Should be "column"
for column property.
SQL expression that
defines the value of
the property. If you
specify a formula,
the column value is
ignored. See
Computed property
never: Specifies
that the value for
this property is
never generated
by database
Specifies that the
value for this
property is always
generated by
Specifies that the
value for this
property is
generated at the
time of insert but
is not regenerated
at updates.
Specifies whether
the column should
be included in SQL
UPDATE and/or
e}Set update=fal
se and insert=fa
lse if the column
needs to be
Name of the
property. If this
attribute is not
specified, the name
of the property is
used as the column
Whether updates to
this property require
acquisition of the
optimistic lock on
the table
Specifies whether
the column should
be included in SQL
update statement:
{true/false}Set upda
te=false and ins
ert=false if the
column needs to be
DDL-only attributes
The following attributes are used only when DDL generation is required and not used for runtime.
Specifies the default value
of the column in the table.
Groups columns in a
single unique key
Computed property
Computed property is a property whose value does not come from a column but is computed using a SQL query.
Use formula attribute to specify the SQL to be used to retrieve the value for this property.
Versioning is a technique that allows you to implement concurrency control fora component. You can specify either
version or timestamp property for a component.
For details, see Optimistic locking.
A component can have only one versioning property, either timestamp or version. If you specify
multiple versioning properties, such as two timestamps, or two versions, or a timestamp and a
version, an error is thrown.
Use the version attribute to indicate that the column contains versioned data. The version attribute is useful for long
column="column name"
To create a simple version property:
Time stamp
Use the timestamp attribute to indicate that the column contains time-stamped data. Use the timestamp attribute
as an alternative to the version attribute.
column="column name"
You can use any of the following ORM data types for CFCs:
Escaping SQL keywords in table and column name
ColdFusion automatically escapes the table name or column name if it is an SQL keyword or if there is a space in it.
The list of SQL keywords are present in <CF_HOME>/lib/ file. This file contains
standard ANSI SQL keywords and some database-specific keywords. You can modify this file to include any other
SQL keyword that is missing. In case you are adding SQL keyword for a database other than the ones specified in
this file, you should also add it to the 'ANSI' list so that ColdFusion can use it.
Define Relationships
Relationship is the most crucial aspect of ORM. In a relational database, relation between tables are defined using
foreign key. However, in case of objects, relation between two objects is defined using association where one object
has a reference to another. ORM defines how the object relation is mapped to the database relation.
In this topic, relation and association would be used interchangeably.
Before you learn how to define the mapping for relation, it is important to understand few key concepts:
Source object: Object having the reference to the related object is termed as source of the relationship.
Target object: Object being referred or associated is termed as target of the relationship.
Direction and Navigability: In relational database, the relationship is always unidirectional, which implies that
you can navigate from one table to another but not back to the same table. However, object model can be
either unidirectional or bidirectional. A unidirectional association means that source has the reference to the
target but the target does not know about the source. A bidirectional association means that both the objects
have reference to each other and you can navigate from either object to another. In other words, source has
a reference to the target and target also has a reference to the source. This also means that both the objects
are source and target at the same time.To set the association between objects, you need to set the
references appropriately. For example, in case of Person-Address relation, where one person as one
address, you need to associate Address to person as:
At this point, person object knows about the Address object but the address object does not know the person
object. So, this is a unidirectional relation between Person-Address. To make this bidirectional, you need to
associate Person to Address as:
Multiplicity: This defines how many target entities can a particular source have and how many source entities
can a particular target have. Consider the example of artwork and artist, where an artist has many artwork
pieces. In an object model, an artwork has reference to one artist and an artist has reference to many pieces
of artwork. So, for artwork and artist the multiplicity is many-to-one and for artist and artwork, it is
one-to-many. The other two type of multiplicities are one-to-one and many-to-many. In this topic, multiplicity
would be referred to as the type of relationship.
To indicate that a property defines the relationship between two persistent components, as a result of
relationship in the database table, specify the fieldtype in the cfproperty tag to one of the following:
You can also use the link table to establish a relationship. A link table contains the foreign key to both tables
that participate in the relationship. ORM looks for the map key column using the link table and not the target
Relationship attributes
This table specifies the attribute details for all the relationship types.
The "Applies to" column indicates the relationship type that the attribute is applicable to; "all" indicates that the
attribute is applicable to all relationship types.
Applies to
Name of the
associated CFC.
Whether a
constraint is set on
this table's Primary
Key column to
reference the
Primary Key in the
relationships below
for details.
Specifies whether
join query or
sequential select
query will be used to
retrieve the
associated objects.
The values are: join
selectSee Lazy
Loading for details.
Specifies whether
the column should
be included in SQL
UPDATE and/or
INSERT statements.
Values are:true
and insert=false
if the column needs
to be read-only.
Specifies whether
SQL query should
be executed for this
association when
persisting this
object. Value are:
truefalse See
"Inverse" section for
Specifies if the
association should
be loaded lazily.
truefalseextraSee L
azy Loading for
Catalog for the link
In a relationship, the
foreign key can
reference a unique
column other than
the primary key. In
such cases, use ma
ppedby to specify
the property name
that maps to the
unique key column.
many-to-many, (in
ColdFusion 9.0.1)
Whether updates to
this property need
acquisition of the
optimistic lock on
the table row.
are:truefalseSee Op
timistic locking for
Values are:
truefalseIf the value
is true, and the row
that is referenced by
the foreign key is
missing, it is treated
as a null
default is false, in
which case an
exception is thrown.
Name of the field
" or
Values are:
If set to true, it
indicates that the
collection never
changes and can be
o-many type =struct
Specifies the
datatype of the
property:array struct
Specifies whether
the column should
be included in SQL
Set update=false
and insert=false if
the column needs to
be read-only.
property name
Groups columns in a
single unique key
Cascade options
In an association, it is cumbersome to apply an action performed on object to the other object. For example, in case
of an Department-Employee one-to-many association, if you add an employee, the same change needs to be
updated on the Department as well. The cascade option in Hibernate allows you to perform such operations. You
can specify the following values in the cascade attribute:
all: Allows you to apply all operations to be cascaded to the associated object.
save-update: If the parent object is saved, the associated objects are saved as well.
delete: Deletes the child object if the delete operation is called on the parent object.
delete-orphan: This is a special kind of cascade option that applies to one-to-many relation only. Deletes
all child objects for which the association has been removed.
all-delete-orphan: Cascades all operations to child objects, and performs delete-orphan action.
refresh: Cascades the refresh action to the child object. The refresh action is used to reload an object and
its collections.
Typically, cascade attribute is not used on a many-to-one or a many-to-many relationship.You can also
specify comma separated cascade values in the cascade attribute. For a one-to-one or a one-to-many
relationship, the most common values are all-delete-orphan.For an association where the child object can
continue to exist even if the parent object is deleted, you can apply the save-update cascade value.
Applying filter on associated objects
In one-to-many and many-to-many relationships, an array or struct is retrieved. Filters can be applied to retrieve a
subset of the associated objects. The filter can be specified in the where attribute, which is an SQL where clause. In
a one-to-many association for artist and artwork:If you want to retrieve only the unsold artwork for every Artist object,
you need to define the mapping as follows:
In a bidirectional relationship, the inverse attribute is used on an association property to specify whether an SQL
query should be executed for the association, when persisting the object.Consider the ART and ARTIST CFCs,
which have a bidirectional one-to-many relationship. This means that each ART object has a reference to the
ARTIST object and ARTIST object has a reference to the ART object. While persisting ARTIST and the associated
ART, the relationship can be established in the database from both sides of the object. Setting inverse=true on
one side of the relation tells ORM to ignore this side of relation for executing the SQL. As a general rule, in a
bidirectional relation, one side must set inverse to true. For one-to-many or many-to-one relation, inverse shou
ld be set on the many side of the relation. For example, in ARTIST-ART relation, inverse should be set to true on
the 'art' property in ARTIST. In many-to-many relation, you can set inverse=true on any side of the relation.
One-to-one relationships
A one-to-one relationship is where the source object has an attribute that references another single target object and
vice-versa. An example of this relationship is the relationship between an employee and the assigned office cubicle,
where one employee has one office cubicle and one office cubicle belongs to only one employee.
A one-to-one relationship between two persistent components are defined using fieldtype value one-to-one.
<cfproperty name="fieldname"
linktable="Link table name"
linkcatalog="Catalog for the link table"
linkschema="Schema for the link table"
fkcolumn="Foreign Key column name"
inversejoincolumn="Column name or comma-separated list of primary key columns"
In this type of association, the primary key of one table references to the primary key of another table. That is, both
the tables share the same primary key. The following example shows how to define this mapping.
Consider the EMPLOYEE and OFFICECUBICLE example. Both the tables share the same primary key. The
mapping for these tables are as follows:
In this type of association, the foreign key of one table references the primary key of another table, and the foreign
key column has a unique constraint. To define this relationship, fkcolumn attribute should be specified on the
relationship-property of the CFC whose table contains the foreign key column. The other end of relation should use
mappedby attribute.Syntax
linktable="Link table name"
linkcatalog="Catalog for the link table"
linkschema="Schema for the link table"
fkcolumn="Foreign Key column name"
inversejoincolumn="Column name or comma-separated list of primary key columns"
The mappedby attribute can not be specified with the fkcolumn attribute.
In the EMPLOYEE and OFFICECUBICLE example, OFFICECUBICLE has a foreign key column, EMPLOYEEID.
This foreign key references the primary key of the Employee table. OFFICECUBICLE has an auto-generated
primary key, which does not participate in the relationship.EMPLOYEE.cfc
In OFFICECUBICLE entity, fkcolumn="EmployeeID" specifies that EmployeeID is the foreign key column
mappedby="Employee" specifies that the one-to-one relationship is with the foreign-key property
'EMPLOYEE' in OFFICECUBICLE entity and not with its primary key.
In Employee entity, fkcolumn should not be specified.
In this case, OFFICECUBICLE entity has a independent Primary key which is auto-generated.
One-to-many relationship
A one-to-many relationship is where the source object has field that stores a collection of target objects. These
target objects may also have an inverse relationship back to the source object. This relationship is established by
having a foreign key in the target table that maps to the primary key of the source table.
An example of a one-to-many relationship is the relation between artist and art, where the artist has many artwork
A one-to-many relationship between two persistent components is defined using the fieldtype value one-to-ma
ny in the cfproperty tag. The source object contains a collection of target objects. ColdFusion allows the
collection to be one of the following types:
This collection is a persistence aware collection. Any addition or deletion from this collection is automatically
persisted in the database.
An Artist object can contain the Art objects as an array. To define this mapping in the CFC, use the following syntax:
linktable="Link table name"
linkcatalog="Catalog for the link table"
linkschema="Schema for the link table"
fkcolumn="Foreign Key column name"
inversejoincolumn="Column name or comma-separated list of primary key columns "
For the artist-art example, the relationship property in Artist.cfc is defined as follows:
type-array specifies that the artist object will contain art objects in an array.
fkcolumn="ArtistID" specifies that the foreign key column is ARTISTID that references the primary key
of ARTIST table.
An Artist object can contain the Art objects as a struct. The key would be any column in the ART table (usually the
primary key or a unique key). The value would be the Art object. To define this mapping, use the following syntax.
linktable="Link table name"
linkcatalog="Catalog for the link table"
linkschema="Schema for the link table"
fkcolumn="Foreign Key column name"
inversejoincolumn="Column name or comma-separated list of primary key columns"
structkeycolumn = "Structure_Key_Column"
For the artist-art example, you can define the relationship property as:
type=struct specifies that the artist object will contain art objects in a struct.
structkeycolumn="ArtID" specifies that the key of the struct would be ArtID. Note that ARTID is the
primary key in Art table.
structkeytype="int" specifies the datatype of structkeycolumn.
fkcolumn="ArtistID" specifies that the foreign key column is ARTISTID that references the primary key
of Artist table.
Many-to-one relationship
A many-to-one relationship is the inverse of a one-to-many relationship. In this relationship, many source objects
can reference the same target object.
An example of this relationship is the relation between Art and Artist, where many Art are created by the same Artist.
This relationship is established with the foreign key in the source table that references the primary key in the target
A many-to-one relationship between two persistent components is defined using the fieldtype value many-to-o
ne in the cfproperty tag.
linktable="Link table name"
linkcatalog="Catalog for the link table"
linkschema="Schema for the link table"
fkcolumn="Foreign Key column name"
inversejoincolumn="Column name or comma-separated list of primary key columns"
For the art-artist example, the relationship in the ART.cfc can be defined as:
fkcolumn="ARTISTID" indicates that the foreign key column in Art table references the primary key ARTISTID of
ARTIST table.
Many-to-many relationships
A many-to-many relationship is where the source objects contain a collection of target objects and the target objects
in turn contain a collection of source objects.
An example of a many-to-many relationship is the relation between Order and Product, where an order has many
products and a product has many orders.
This relationship is established by using a third table called a 'LinkTable'. The LinkTable contains the foreign key to
both the tables participating in the relation. ORM looks for the map key column in the LinkTable and not the target
In the preceding example of Order-Product, a many-to-many relationship is established by using LinkTable.
A many-to-many relationship between two persistent CFCs is defined using the fieldtype="many-to-many" val
ue in the cfproperty tag.
If the fkcolumn name is not specified, ORM generates the fkcolumn name in the
"#relationName#_ID" format.
cfc="fully qualified name"
linktable="Link table name"
linkcatalog="Catalog for the link table"
linkschema="Schema for the link table"
fkcolumn="Foreign Key column name"
inversejoincolumn="Column name or a composite key with comma-separated primary key
mappedby="Property in the target component that is referenced by fkcolumn in join
orderby="order by String
structkeycolumn="The structure key column name"
cascade="cascade options" inverse="true|[false]" lazy = "[true]|false" [optional]
fetch="join|[select]" [optional] batchsize="integer" optimisticlock="[true]|false"
For the Order-Product example, the many-to-many relationship is established using a third table "OrderProduct" that
has two foreign keys: OrderId and ProductId. OrderId references the primary key orderId in the order table, and
ProductId references the primary key productId in the Product table. This relationship can be defined as follows:
The fkcolumn here is the foreign key in the link table that references the primary key of the source table. In
verseJoinColumn is the foreign key in the link table that references the primary key of the target table. This
attribute can also take a composite key value, for example you can specify inversejoincolumn="field1, field2",
where field1 and field2 form the composite key.
Advanced mapping
Collection Mapping
Collection mapping is similar to a one-to-many relationship mapping. However, in collection mapping, you have a
collection of values instead of a collection of persistent target objects.
Consider the Artist-Art tables. If you want each Artist object to contain an array of artwork names instead of artwork
objects, collection mapping should be used.
To define collection mapping in the CFC, use fieldtype="collection" in the cfproperty tag.
The collection can either be Array or Struct.
elementColumn="column_name from the link table that should be
used for populating"
orderby="order by string"
lazy = "true|[false]"
batchsize="batch size">
If each Artist object contains an array of artwork names instead of artwork objects, this mapping can be defined in
Artist.cfc as:
An integer value that
specifies the "batchsize
" for fetching uninitialized
collections. For details,
see Lazy Loading.
Should be "collection".
Specifies if loading is to
be done
lazily:truefalseSee Lazy
Loading for details.
Name of the collection.
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
structkeycolumn="column in the target table to be used as key in the struct"
structkeytype="ormtype of the key in the struct"
elementtype="ormtype of the valye in the struct"
elementColumn="column name from the table that should be used in
value of struct"
orderby="order by string"
lazy = "[true]|false"
batchsize="batch size">
Should be a collection.
Specifies if loading is to
be done lazily:
truefalseSee Lazy
Loading for details.
Specifies the Order By
Inheritance mapping
If the object you need to persist has a hierarchy, the CFCs of that object hierarchy need to be mapped to the
relational tables such that the entire hierarchy is persisted.
There are multiple strategies followed for inheritance mapping:
Table per hierarchy
Table per subclass without discriminator
Table per subclass with discriminator
Table per hierarchy
In this model, the object hierarchy is persisted in a single table. This table includes columns for all the properties of
all the CFCs in the hierarchy. The concrete subclass represented by a row is identified based on the value of the di
scriminator column. In this strategy, all the CFCs of the hierarchy must have the same table name.
If the discriminator column and discriminator value is not specified, a default discriminator column
name and value is picked up.
The following example demonstrates an implementation of table per hierarchy:
In this model, there are separate tables for each class in the hierarchy and these tables are joined by a primary key.
When the object is persisted, properties of the parent component are stored in the parent table and the remaining
properties are stored in the child table.
In the preceding figure, the tables are joined by join column paymentId. You can model the tables as follows:
When an object of type CreditCardPayment is persisted, the property amount is stored in the payment table and
the properties cardNo and cardType are stored in the CreditCardPayment table. The primary key of the
CreditCardPayment remains the same as the primary key of the Payment table.
Table per subclass with discriminator
This model is similar to the table per subclass without discriminator strategy except that there is a discriminator
column in the parent table. In addition, the child components has a disciminatorValue attribute in the cfcompo
nent tag.
The following example demonstrates the table per subclass with discriminator attribute:
When an object of type CreditCardPayment is persisted, the property amount is stored in the payment table and the
properties cardNo and cardType are stored in the CreditCardPayment table. The primary key of
CreditCardPayment remains the same as the primary key of the Payment table. The value of PaymentType is the
This mapping is used when a CFC has an embedded object which also needs to be persisted along with the
parent's data. The CFC of the embedded object must have the attribute embedded set to "true" on the
cfcomponent tag.
The embedded object cannot be a persistent object. This feature is supported only when the
hibernate mapping is explicitly defined in the hibernate mapping file (.hbmxml files).
The diagram shows two CFCs Employee and Name where EmployeeName field of the Employee.cfc is an object of
Name.cfc. In the database, both these objects are persisted in the Employee table as a single row. Name object
itself does not have its own identity. This mapping can be modeled as follows:
<cfcomponent embedded="true">
<cfproperty name="FirstName">
<cfproperty name="LastName">
<cfproperty name=" Title">
<cfcomponent persistent="true">
<cfproperty name="EmployeeID">
<cfproperty name="EmployeeName">
<cfproperty name="Designation">
<hibernate-mapping >
<class name="cfc:Employee" table="Employees">
<id name="EmployeeID" type="integer" column="EmployeeID">
<generator class="native"/>
<component name="EmployeeName" class="cfc:Name">
<property name="LastName" type="string" column="LastName"/>
<property name="FirstName" type="string" column="FirstName"/>
<property name="Title" type="string" column="Title"/>
<property name="Designation" type="string" column="Designation"/>
If the persistent CFC has a collection of embedded objects, then this mapping also has to be defined in the XML as
shown in the following example. Here, employee object has a collection of IMData objects. Note that the IMData
object is not persistent.
<cfproperty name="EmployeeID">
<cfproperty name="EmployeeName">
<cfproperty name= "IMIDs" type="array">
<cfproperty name="Designation">
<cfcomponent embedded="true">
<cfproperty name="type">
<cfproperty name="ID">
<class name="cfc:Employee" table="Employees">
<id name="EmployeeID" type="integer" column="EmployeeID">
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="EmployeeName" type="string" column="EmployeeName"/>
<bag name="IMIDs" table="IMData" lazy="true">
<key column="EmployeeID" />
<composite-element class="cfc:IMData">
<property name="type" type="string" column="Type"/>
<property name="ID" type="string" column="ID"/>
<property name="Designation" type="string" column="Designation"/>
employee = EntityNew("Employee");
employee.setEmployeeName("Dan Watson");
imdata1 = new IMData();
imdata2 = new IMData();
imdata2.setType("IMClient 2");
employee.setIMIDs([imdata1, imdata2]);
Join mapping is used to map the properties of one CFC to several tables. In this case, tables are joined using a join
column. For example, consider a case where the Employee and Address tables, are mapped to a single CFC
Employees. Therefore, the employee.cfc has some fields, which are persisted in Employee table and some fields
that are persisted in Address table. The attributes joincolumn and table should be specified for those fields that
need to be persisted in Address table. In this case, table would be Address and joinColumn would be AddressI
Hibernate uses outer join by default for join fetching. For inner join, use HQL.
<cfcomponent persistent="true">
<cfproperty name="id">
<cfproperty name="name">
<cfproperty name="houseno" column="houseno" table="Address" joincolumn="addressId">
<cfproperty name="street" table="Address" joincolumn="addressId">
<cfproperty name="city" table="Address" joincolumn="addressId">
<cfproperty name="country" table="Address" joincolumn="addressId">
ColdFusion can also use the standard Hibernate Mapping XML file to define the mapping between the object and
the database. You can use both Java classes and CFCs in Hibernate mapping.
Note the following points when using Hibernate mapping files.
The extension of the Hibernate configuration file is *.hbmxml.
The file is placed in the Application folder.
The class name must be specified as cfc:<fully qualified name of cfc>. If a package is specified in the
hibernate mapping, then specify the class name as cfc:<name of cfc>.
The entityname attribute is optional. If you do not specify this attribute, it takes the component name, by
default. For example, for the component, the value of the entityname attribute is "Art", by default.
The entity name must be unique for an application. If there are two components with the same name (even if
they are in different packages), specify different entity names for each of these components.
The following is an example of Hibernate mapping:
The columns are fetched only as column properties. Relationship, timestamp, or version field are not added.
If the mapping file for the CFC exists, then the properties are not added automatically.
In the case of inheritance, properties are not added to the CFC automatically.
#back to top
Generated accessors
As described in Define ORM mapping, the persistent fields for an object are defined in the CFC using cfproperty.
ColdFusion generates the accessor methods (getter and setter) for each property in the CFC that can be invoked.
For more information, see Implicit Get and Set Functions in Functions. For example, if a property is defined in Artist
as follows:
add<relationship_property_name>(<key>, <associated_object>)
boolean remove<relationship_property_name>(<associated_object>)
boolean remove<relationship_property_name>(<key>).
{{boolean has<relationship_property_name>(<associated_object>)}}
{{boolean has<relationship_property_name>(<key>)}}
Consider the following example of artists (ARTISTS table) and artwork (ART table), where the artist forms a
one-to-many relationship with artwork.Artist.cfc
In this example Artist has a relation field art with Art. The following methods are implicitly added to the Artist object:
addArts(Art art)
booleanremoveArts(Art art)
booleanhasArts(Art art)
The attribute singularNameprovides the flexibility to change the name of the generated relationship
methods. For example, if the relationship property of Artist is specified as follows:
Creates an object for persistent CFC with the given entity name. This is similar to CreateObject but it uses entityn
ame whereas CreateObject takes CFC name. If there is no CFC defined in the application with the given entityna
me, an error will be thrown.
If the persistent CFC has an init method, then the function EntityNew calls the init method while creating the
<entity> EntityNew("<entityName>")
Save entities
Saves or Updates the data of the entity and all related entities to the database.
ColdFusion automatically tries to find if a new record should be inserted or an existing record be updated for the
given entity. If forceinsert=true, then ColdFusion always tries to insert the entity as a new record.
Calling this method may not run the insert/update SQL immediately. It is possible that various SQL statements are
queued and then run as a batch for performance reasons. The SQL statements are run when the ORM session is
EntitySave(entity, [forceinsert])
artist = EntityNew("Artist")>
Update objects
The method to update an object is the same as saving an object. Load the object that needs to be updated, make
updates, and save the object.
EntitySave(entity, [forceinsert])
The following example changes the first name of an artist with an Artist ID 1:
Read/Load objects
Entities are loaded using the EntityLoad methods. All EntityLoad methods take the entity name as input.
If the persistent CFC has an init method, the methods call the init method while creating objects.
EntityLoad (entityname)
EntityLoad (entityname, id [, unique])
EntityLoad (entityname, filtercriteria [,unique]
EntityLoad(entityname, filtercriteria, sortorder [, options])
EntityLoadByExample(sampleentity [, unique])
{{EntityLoad (entityname)}}Loads and returns an array of entities of the specified entity name. For example, to
retrieve all the objects of the "artist" CFC:
{{EntityLoad (entityname, id , unique)}}Loads and returns an entity whose Primary key's value is id. The entity
is returned as an array by default. If unique is true, then the entity is returned.If the entity has a composite
key, then the id has to be specified as key-value pairs (ColdFusion struct).Example 1: This example loads the
Artist object with PK 100 and returns a single-element array containing the artist object.
Example 2:This example loads the Artist object with PK 100 and returns the artist object.
Example 3:This example loads the OrderDetail object which has the composite key OrderID=100 and
ProductID=1 and returns the orderdetail object.
To retrieve a unique object, specify{{ unique= "true"}}. If more than one object satisfies the condition, an
exception occurs.This example loads the artist object whose firstName is "Austin" and lastname is "Weber".
Certain configuration options can be input as name-value pairs as options argument. Several options can be
specified to control the behavior of entity retrieval.
maxResults: Specifies the maximum number of objects to be retrieved.
offset: Specifies the start index of the resultset from where it has to start the retrieval.
cacheable: Whether the result of this query is to be cached in the secondary cache. Default is false.
cachename: Name of the cache in secondary cache.
timeout: Specifies the timeout value (in seconds) for the query.
Maxresults and timeoutare used for pagination.*Example*To load first 5 artists whose state is
"CA" that are sorted on the firstName.
If you are sure that only one record exists that matches the specified filtercriteria, you can specify uni
que=true so that a single entity is returned instead of an array. If unique=true and multiple records are
returned, then an exception occurs.
{{EntityReload(entity)}}Reloads data for an entity that is already loaded in this session. This method refetches
data from the database and repopulates the entity.
Delete objects
This method deletes the record from the database for the specified entity. Depending on the cascade attribute
specified in the mapping, it also deletes the associated objects.
EntitytoQuery}}This method converts the input entity object or the input array of
entity objects to a query object. The name of the properties are used as the query
column names. Use the optional parameter {{Entity_name to return the query of the given entity in
the case of inheritance mapping. All the objects in the input array should be of the same type. Relationship
properties are not be included in the result query.
Example 1
Example 2
Merge entities
To attach an entity to the current ORM session you can use the entitymerge function. It copies the state of the given
object onto the persistent object with the same identifier and returns the persistent object.
If there is no persistent instance currently associated with the session, it is loaded. The given instance is not
associated with the session. You need to use the returned object from this session. For details, see EntityMerge in C
FML Reference.
#back to top
Using queries
ColdFusion lets you use HQL (Hibernate Query Language) to run queries directly on the database. If you are
familiar with HQL, you can use it for running complex queries.
In general, use HQL in the following scenarios:
The query is not specific to a particular object but only to some fields in the object.
To retrieve some fields of the object without loading the object.
When you use table joins.
When you use aggregate functions like min, max, avg, and count.
To retrieve entities by specifying a filter that needs to use operators other than AND.
The HQL methods return a single or multi-dimensional array of values or entities, based on what the HQL
query returns.
If you are sure that only one record exists that matches this filter criteria, specify unique=trueso that a
single entity is returned instead of an array. You can use unique=true to suppress the duplicate records from
the query result.
entityname and properties used in HQL are case sensitive.
To retrieve an array of artwork objects that have a price greater than 400 dollars:
To retrieve an array of ten artist objects starting from the fifth row in the query result:
To retrieve an array of objects with a price id equal to 40, and price lesser than 80 dollars:
<cfset artists = ORMExecuteQuery("from ART where priceid > ? and price < ?", [40,
In case of more than one parameter, values are picked up based on the parameter sequence, for
example, the first parameter will be replaced by first value and second parameter will be replaced
by second value.
Examples: named parametersThis type of ORMExecuteQuery lets you pass named parameters to the query. The
placeholder for the parameter should be a name and should start with ":" as in ":age" or ":id". The values to the
names should be passed as key-value pairs.For example, to retrieve artist details of all artists whose reside in USA
and are also citizens of USA, your code should look like this:
Parameters are not case-sensitive.
Examples: group byThis type of ORMExecuteQuery lets you retrieve aggregate or grouped values for the query.
For example, to retrieve the first name and last name along with the status of the artwork being sold or not, you can
write a query similar to the following:
Built-in functions to obtain the data such as getFirstName() or getLastName() cannot be used if
you are using select queries with specific column names. The result will be returned as an array
object and values can be retrieved using array index.
Example: order byThis type of ORMExecuteQuery lets you retrieve sorted data from a data source using the order
by clause. For example, to sort the data from the Artist table by firstname, use the following code:
Example: aggregate functionsThis type of ORMExecuteQuery lets you retrieve data when using aggregate
functions such as sum, count, avg.
Example: expressionsThis type of ORMExecuteQuery lets you retrieve data using expressions such as
mathematical operators, logical operators, binary comparisons, and many others. For example, the following code is
used to retrieve the price of an artwork, which is greater than or equal to 10000 along with the name and description
of the artwork.
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<cfset acct1 = EntityLoad("Account", "101")>
<cfset acct2 = EntityLoad("Account", "102")>
<cfset acct1.debit(1000)>
<cfset EntitySave(acct1)>
<cfset EntitySave(acct2)>
Because we have not called commit on the<cftransaction>specifically, it is automatically committed when the<c
All<cftransaction>semantics including savepoint, multiple rollbacks, multiple commits, and nested transactions
work with ORM. You can also have both queries and ORM in the same <cftransaction>.
When<cftransaction>begins, any existing ORM session is flushed and closed, and a new ORM session is
created. The<cftransaction>can be committed or rolled back using appropriate ColdFusion tags in<cftransac
tion>. When the transaction ends and has not been committed or rolled back explicitly, it is automatically
committed and the ORM session is closed. If there is any error inside the transaction, without any exception
handling, the transaction is rolled back.
For more details on<cftransaction>, see the CFML Reference Guide.
Even if ORMFlush() is called explicitly inside a <cftransaction> tag, the SQL runs but the data is
committed only when the transaction commits.
Behavior in ColdFusion 9
Changed behavior
Optimistic locking
A <cftransaction> could prevent scalability in highly concurrent applications because it locks a database for a
transaction that could run for a longer time. Also, a transaction cannot run beyond the duration of a request. There
can be scenarios where an object is loaded in one request and the same instance is updated in another request or
by another application. In this scenario, the application needs to maintain the transaction semantics and prevent the
update if the row has been modified by some other request. This can be achieved by using optimistic concurrency
control, which allows high concurrency in your application along with high scalability.
Optimistic concurrency control uses either number-based or timestamp-based versioning approach. In a
number-based approach, a version number is incremented and for the timestamp approach, a timestamp is set to
the current time whenever the object is modified. It must be noted that version increment or timestamp updation is
managed by Hibernate and is not triggered at the database level.
Using version: To use optimistic concurrency control using version numbers, add a property with fieldtype
='version'in your CFC.For example:
* @persistent
* @table Users
property name="id" fieldtype="id" datatype="int" generator="native";
property string fname;
property string lname;
property name="version" fieldtype="version" datatype="int" ;
Whenever a user object is updated, its version number is automatically incremented. The version number is
used in the SQL update statement in such a way that updating proceeds only when the version number has
not been changed by some other request or some other application.In case updating fails because the
version number was changed outside the current session, an error is thrown specifying that the session
contained stale data.
Using timestamp: To use optimistic concurrency control using timestamp, add a property with fieldtype="
timestamp"in your CFC. For example:
* @persistent
* @table Users
property name="id" fieldtype="id" datatype="int" generator="native";
property string fname;
property string lname;
property name="lastModified" fieldtype="timestamp";
Whenever a user object is updated, its timestamp is automatically set to the current time. Sometimes this is
preferred over version because it also tells you when the user object was last modified.In case updating fails
because the timestamp was changed outside of the current session, an error is thrown specifying that the
session contained stale data.
If you do not have version or timestamp properties in your object, it is still possible to use optimistic locking,
but only for objects that are retrieved and modified in the same ORM session. For optimistic locking of
detached objects (objects that were loaded in some other request/ORM session), you must use a version
number or timestamp.
To use optimistic locking for objects that do not have version or timestamp, you need to set attribute 'optim
istic-lock' on the CFC. This attribute can take the following values:
all: This means that all the properties are included in the where clause of update query.
dirty (default): This means that only the modified properties are included in the where clause of the update
version: This means that only the version field is included in the where clause of update query.
none: This means that none of the properties are included in the whereclause, which in effect means that
optimistic concurrency is disabled for that component.Example:
* @persistent
* @table Users
* @optimistic-lock all
property name="id" fieldtype="id" datatype="int" generator="native";
property string fname;
property string lname;
Apart from defining optimistic lock control at the CFC level, you can also define it at the property level using 'optimi
sticlock' (true|false: default true) attribute.
You can specify optimisticlock=true for a property to acquire optimistic lock when the property is updated.
Setting this attribute determines whether a version increment will occur when the property is dirty.
In case of one-to-many and many-to-many association, if the state of the collection changes, then version of the
corresponding entity is incremented. It is advised that you disable this setting for one-to-many associations.
#back to top
Performance optimization
Lazy Loading
Optimizing SQL queries enhances the performance of any data-centric application. Some of the common
approaches used to optimize SQL queries are:
Avoid round trips to the database and fetch all required data for an operation using a single SQL query using
Fetch only required data to reduce the load on the database
SQL queries are generated and executed by the underlying ORM engine. Therefore, Hibernate provides
various hooks to optimize SQL. The fetching strategy is one of the most important hooks, which defines the
data that to be fetched, the time of fetching the data, and the way in which it needs to be fetched.
There are four strategies for loading an object and its associations.
Immediate fetching
Lazy fetching
Eager fetching
Batch fetching
If memory tracking is enabled on a server, it accesses each field of the object to compute
its size. As a result, even lazy fields are accessed causing the lazy fields to get loaded
Immediate fetching
In this strategy, the associated object is fetched immediately after the owning entity is fetched, either from the
database using a separate SQL query or from the secondary cache. This is not an efficient strategy to use, unless
the associated object is cached in the secondary cache or when separate queries are more efficient than a Join
query. You can define this strategy by setting lazy="false" and fetch="select" for the relationship property
definition in the CFC.
With this strategy, on loading the artists object, its art object is loaded immediately using a separate SQL query. As
a result, this strategy is extremely vulnerable to 'N+1 Select problem'.
Lazy fetching
In this strategy, the associated object or collection is fetched only when required. Although you need to send a new
request to the database each time you need data, this strategy controls how much of data is loaded and when is it
loaded. This helps in reducing the database load.
When you load an entity, by default, ColdFusion ORM loads the entity's data but relations and any mapped
collections and are not loaded. They are loaded only when you want to load them by calling the getter method.
Therefore, the relations and collection mappings are lazily loaded. For example, when the artist object is loaded,
all its artworks are not loaded and they are loaded only when getarts() is called.
ColdFusion ORM provides three types of lazy loading for relationships:
lazy: This is the default lazy loading that applies to collection mapping, one-to-many and many-to-many
relationship. In this case, when you call the accessor for the collection/relation, the collection is fully loaded.
So, when you call EntityLoad() for a particular artist, its artworks are not loaded at that time. When you
call artist.getarts(), all the art object belonging to the artist will get loaded. This is achieved by setting lazy="
true"on the relationship property definition in the CFC.Example: In artist.cfc
Extra lazy: This applies to one-to-many and many-to-many relationships. This type of lazy loading goes one
step ahead of lazy and does not load all the associated objects when the accessor for that relation is called. It
just loads the primary keys for those objects and keeps a proxy object for them. When you call any method
on the wrapper object, that object's data is loaded from the database. For example, when you call artist.g
etarts(), it executes a query on the database to fetch the primary key of the related artwork objects and
creates a proxy artwork object. So, you do not load the data for all the artwork objects in memory. When you
access a particular artwork object and invoke any method on it, then it fires another query to the database to
load that particular artwork object. This is achieved by setting lazy="extra"on the relationship property
definition in the CFC.Example: In artist.cfc
proxy: This applies to one-to-one and many-to-one relationships. When the owner object is loaded, the
related object is not loaded from the database. ColdFusion only creates a proxy object for the related object
and when any method is invoked on the related object, the data for the proxy object is loaded from the
database and populated in the proxy object. For example, if the art-artist table relation is lazy, when the art
object is loaded, the artists object is not loaded and when you call art.getartist(), you would only get a
proxy object. When you call any method on the proxy object, query gets executed on the database to load
artist object's data. This is achieved by setting lazy="true"on the relationship property definition in the
CFCExample: In ART.cfc
An entity is loaded only once in the request (in Hibernate session) and there is always only one
copy of it in the request. So, for artwork and artist relationship, which is lazy, if the artist is
already loaded, calling art.getartist() will not create a proxy object and will return the
loaded artist object.
Lazy loading can be disabled by setting lazy="false" on the relationship property definition in the CFC.
Choosing an appropriate lazy loading option is very important for the performance of your application. Extra lazy
means more number of trips to the database (each trip to the database is expensive) but less data in memory
whereas no lazy loading means a huge object graph in the memory. So, you need to balance the approach based
on the application need.
Eager fetching
In this strategy, the associated object or collection is fetched together with the owning entity using a single SQL Join
query. This strategy reduces the number of trips to the database and is a good optimization technique when you
always access the associated object immediately after loading the owning entity. You can define this strategy by
setting fetch="join" for the relationship property definition in the CFC.
Batch fetching
This strategy tells Hibernate to optimize the second SQL select in Immediate fetching or lazy fetching to load batch
of objects or collections in a single query. This allows you to load a batch of proxied objects or uninitilized collections
that are referenced in the current request. This is generally useful in nested tree loading. You can specify this using
"batchsize" attribute for CFC or relationship property.
There are two ways you can tune batch fetching:
Batch fetching at CFC level: This allows batch fetching of the proxied objects and is applied to one-to-one
and many-to-one relationship. For example, consider artwork and artist example where there are 25 art
instances loaded in the request (ORM session). Each artwork has a reference to the artist and the
relationship is lazy. Therefore, art objects contain the proxied object for artist. If you now iterate through all
the art objects and call getartist() on each, by default 25 SELECT statements are executed to retrieve
the proxied owners, one for each artist proxy object. This can be batched by specifying the 'batchsize'attr
ibute on the artist CFC:
When you call getartist() on the first art object, it batch fetches 10 artist objects that are proxied in the
current request.So for 25 art objects, this type of batch fetching makes Hibernate execute a maximum of
three queries in batches of 10, 10, and 5.
Batch fetching at collections: This allows batch fetching of value collections, one-to-many or many-to-many
relationships that are uninitialized. For example, consider artist-art one-to-many relationship where there are
25 artists loaded and each artist has a lazy collection of artworks. If you now iterate through the artists and
call getarts() on each, by default 25 SELECT statements are executed, one for each artist to load its art
objects. This can be optimized by enabling batch fetching, which is done by specifying "batchsize"on the
relationship property: Example:In artist.cfc:
One important thing to understand here is that batchsize here does not mean that 10 artworks are loaded
at one time for a artist. It actually means that 10 artwork collections (artworks for 10 artists) are loaded
together.When you call getarts() on the first artist, artworks for 9 other artists are also fetched along with
the one that was asked for. The value for batchsize attribute should be chosen based on the expected
number of proxied objects or uninitialized collections in the session.
Caching is extensively used for optimizing database applications and effectively reducing traffic between the
database and the application.
ColdFusion ORM supports two levels of caching:
Session level
Secondary level
Session level cache
Objects that are loaded from the database are always cached in the ORM Session as long as the session is open.
When EntityLoad is called to retrieve an object in a session for the first time, ORM fetches the data from the
database and constructs the object. In any subsequent call to load the same object in the same session, ORM
fetches the object from the session cache. To forcefully retrieve the object from the database, EntityReload shoul
d be called on the object.
For more details on ORM Sessions and its lifecycle, see ORM session management and Architecture.
Secondary level cache
ColdFusion provides the ability to store the data that is retrieved from the database in secondary cache. The
contents in secondary cache live longer than the life-time of a session. It can also be the life-time of the process or
in-definite (disk-caching), depending on the ability of the secondary cache provider. The cache can also be used in a
distributed environment depending on the ability of the secondary cache provider.
An important difference between session level cache and secondary level cache is that the session level caches the
whole object but the secondary level caches only the data.
Secondary level cache can be leveraged by using an external cache provider with ColdFusion ORM. EHCache,
JBossCache, OSCache, SwarmCache, and Tangosol Coherence Cache are some popular secondary cache
providers, which can be plugged into Hibernate.
ColdFusion uses EHCache as the default secondary cache provider. EHCache is a distributed caching solution that
supports memory and disk-based caching. EHCache can be configured using a configuration file. Different cache
regions can be defined in the configuration file. Each cache region has its own configuration that specifies details
including the number of elements it can store, eviction policy, time to live (ttl), and idle time.
ehcache.xml is available in the following location: CF_root\lib\. For details of the properties in the ehcache.xml, refer
to the documentation available at the following URL:
The following is a sample EHCache configuration file (ehcache.xml):
<diskStore path=""/>
<cache name="Artist"
To use secondary cache, you must configure the following settings in the application:
{{ormsettings.secondarycacheenabled}}This setting defines whether the secondary cache would be used by
the application. By default, this is set to false.
{{ormsettings.Cacheprovider}}This setting defines the cache provider that needs to be used for secondary
cache. This defaults to EHCache. The other values for this setting are JBossCache, OSCache, SwarmCache
and Hashtable. You can also specify the fully qualified class name of the cache provider.
ormsettings.cacheconfig}}This setting defines the configuration file required by
the secondary cache provider. For example, EHCache requires {{EHCache.xml that
defines the configuration settings for the secondary cache. Specify the path to the XML file in this setting. If
this setting is not defined, cache provider uses its default configuration.
After you have configured the secondary cache, it is critical to identify the objects in your application that can
be cached because the data cached by secondary cache is shared by all the sessions of an application.
Typically, caching should be enabled for a CFC that represents:
In this case, the data of the persistent object is cached. It will not cache the associations or associated object's data.
To enable this flag on a persistent CFC, specify the following attributes on the component.
cacheuse: Defines the caching strategy.
cachename: Defines the name of the cache region to be used by the secondary cache provider. If you do not
specify a region name for the component, the entity name of the component is considered as the cache
name. In case a region is not specified in the configuration file, a region is automatically created with the
default configuration.
For example:
In this case, the primary key of the associated objects are cached. It does not cache the objects loaded as part of
the association unless caching is enabled for those objects. To cache an association, specify the following attributes
on the association property.
cacheuse: Defines the caching strategy.
cachename: Defines the name of the cache region to be used by the secondary cache provider. If you do not
specify a region name for the association property, the <comoponent_name>.<property_name> is considered
as the cache name. In case a region is not specified in the configuration file, a region is automatically created
with the default configuration.
For example:
In this case, the results of queries that are executed by ORMExecuteQuery() or EntityLoad() methods are
cached in the secondary cache. To enable caching query data, pass "cacheable=true" and "cachename='cach
ename' values in the options struct of the methods. If you do not specify the cachename, the query is cached in the
default query cache. It is recommended that you to specify the cachename so that you can control eviction.
For example:
this.ormsettings.cacheProvider= "ehcache">
Step 3:
//This will cache the Artist Component and also the association. It wouldn't cache
the Art objects.
artistObj = EntityLoad("CArtists", 3, true);
//This will cache the query.
availableArts = ORMExecuteQuery("from CArt where issold=0", {}, false,
{cacheable=true, cachename="availableArtsCache"});
ColdFusion provides the following methods to evict contents from the secondary cache.
ORMEvictEntity("<component_name>", [primarykey])
This method is used to evict items for the given component name, from the secondary cache. If the primary key is
specified, then the data of the entity with that primary key is evicted. Primary key should be a value in case of simple
primary key or should be a struct in case of composite primary key.
<cfset ORMEvictEntity("CArtists")>
Evicts all the association or collection data of collection art belonging to the component CArtists.
Evict the association or collection data of collection art belonging to the component CArtists with primary key 1.
This method is used to evict the data of all the queries from the default query cache. If cache name is specified,
then, the data of all the queries belonging to the cache region with the given cache name are evicted. Example:
<cfset ORMEvictQueries()>
Evicts the data of all the queries from the default query cache.
<cfset ORMEvictQueries("availableArtsCache")>
Evicts the data of all the queries from the cache region with the name availableArtsCache.
Support for user-defined caches in ColdFusion 9.0.1
Except in cacheSetProperties and cacheGetProperties, user-defined caches are supported in all caching
Edit ehCache.xml (cfroot/lib)to set the properties for user-defined caches as shown in the following example:
#back to top
all entity insertions, in the same order the corresponding objects were saved using EntitySave()
all entity updates
all collection deletions
all collection element deletions, updates, and insertions
all collection insertions
all entity deletions, in the same order the corresponding objects were deleted using EntityDelete()
The only exception to this is that objects with nativeId generation are inserted immediately when the object is
ColdFusion creates and manages Hibernate sessions only if ormenabled is set to true i
n application scope.
When the ColdFusion application starts, it builds the Hibernate session factory that is available for the
application life time. This factory is used to create Hibernate sessions that manage the persistent object
lifecycle. When the first CRUD method is called, a Hibernate session gets created and is closed when the
request ends or when the ormclosesessionmethod is called. For details on how ColdFusion works with
Hibernate, see the Architecture.
In multiple data source scenarios supported in ColdFusion 9 Update 1, there are multiple sessions (one for
each data source) in the same request. For all entity functions, the appropriate sessions are used
ColdFusion exposes a few methods to let CFML developers work with the Hibernate sessions directly. ORM
session-related functions also take optional data source argument. If you do not specify a data source, the
default data source specified for ORM is used. The methods are as follows:
The event handler CFC needs to implement the CFIDE.ORM.IEventHandler interface. This CFC gets the
callbacks from all persistence-related events and handles them accordingly. In this case, a single CFC handles the
events for all the CFCs.
This interface contains the following methods for the event handler CFC:
For application-wide event handler CFC, you need to specify the component name also along with other arguments.
The methods for application-wide event handler are:
preFlush(entity): This method is called before the flush operation is complete.
This function can be overridden only in a global event handler for an
application. CFCs for individual entities will not get this event call.
postFlush(entity): This method is called after the flush operation is complete.
This function can be overridden only in a global event handler for an
application. CFCs for individual entities will not get this event call.
preLoad(entity): This method is called before the load operation or before the data is loaded from the
postLoad(entity): This method is called after the load operation is complete.
preInsert(entity): This method is called just before the object is inserted.
postInsert(entity): This method is called after the insert operation is complete.
preUpdate(entity, Struct oldData): This method is called just before the object is updated. A struct
of old data is passed to this method to know the original state of the entity being updated.
When you call the EntitySave() method on an object that is not loaded using EntityLoad(),
it gets updated but the intercepter call fails. This happens because an empty map is
created for the object and there is no previous data associated with it.
postUpdate(entity): This method is called after the update operation is complete.
preDelete(entity): This method is called before the object is deleted.
postDelete(entity): This method is called after the delete operation is complete.
If event handlers are defined in both persistent CFC and event handler CFC, the
persistent CFC is given the callback before calling the application wide event handler.
#back to top
<cfset this.ormsettings.dbCreate="update">
Certain specific attributes (DDL-only attributes) defined for the tags cfcomponent and cfproperty can be use to
define various attributes for the auto-generated tables and columns. DDL-only attributes are used only for DDL
generation. For details of these attributes, see the table in the section DDL-only attributes in Column.
Naming strategy
When you build a database centric application, typically you would follow some database standard and naming
convention. ColdFusion ORM allows you to define this convention at one central place for the application using the
'naming strategy'.
The advantage of using a naming strategy is that you do not need to change the code throughout your application.
The naming strategy specifies how the table and column have to be named for a CFC and its properties.
Naming strategy takes "logical name" for a table or column and returns the actual table or column name that should
be used.
Logical table name: This is the table name specified for the CFC. If it is not specified, the entity name is taken
as the logical table name. If the entity name is also not specified, the unqualified CFC name, for example,
Person for a.b.c.Person, is taken as the logical table name.
Logical column name: This is the column name specified for a CFC property. If it is not specified, the property
name is taken as the logical column name.
Naming strategy is applied to an application by setting the following in Application.cfc
<cfset this.ormsettings.namingstrategy="strategy">
* Strategy to specify the table name for a CFC and column name for a property
in the cfc.
* This can be used to specify the application specific table and column naming
* This rule will be applied even if the user has specified the table/column
name in the mapping so that
* the name can be changed for any application at one place without changing
the names in all the code.
* Defines the table name to be used for a specified table name. The specified
table name is either
* the table name specified in the mapping or chosen using the entity name.
public string function getTableName(string tableName);
* Defines the column name to be used for a specified column name. The
specified column name is either
* the column name specified in the mapping or chosen using the proeprty name.
public string function getColumnName(string columnName);
The naming strategy applies to all the table or column names, which you use in the mapping
including link table and fkcolumn, even though there is no CFC or cfproperty associated with
<cfset = "AG"/>
this.datasource = "ORM_DDL">
#back to top
ORM settings
The following are the data source-specific ORM settings for which you can specify string or struct values in the
For multiple data sources, a struct can be specified with data source name as the key and the appropriate
setting as the value. If a string value is specified, it applies to the default data source of ORM.
Example 1
<cfset this.ormsettings.dbcreate="dropcreate"> If multiple data sources are used for ORM, these
settings apply to the default ORM data source.
Mapping using Hibernate mapping files
In multiple data source scenarios, the data source information must be provided in the CFC (and not in .hbmxml
Also, all CFCs used in one .hbmxml file must have the same data source.
The following example illustrates two different entities using two different data sources. In this example, art.cfc and
artist.cfc are related and therefore use the same data
<cfoutput>Original Data<br></cfoutput>
<cfset artistObj = EntityLoad("artists", 1, true)>
<cfoutput>#artistObj.getArtistID()# | #artistObj.getFirstName()# |
<cfset artObj = artistObj.getart()>
<cfoutput>#artObj[1].getartname()# <br></cfoutput>
<cfset authorObj = EntityLoad("authors", 1, true)>
Usage scenario
Consider an application with the following three modules:
Assume that all these modules have their own databases (and therefore separate data sources). But at the
application-level, all the three modules have to interact with each other. A single data source makes it
impossible to build the entire application using ORM. Building three separate applications is not advisable as
the interaction between the applications is possible only using web services.
If you use a multiple data source setup for ORM, all the three modules can be built in ORM. They can be part
of the same application and the modules can interact with each other.
Returns the Hibernate session associated with the data source in the request. If ORM is not configured for this data
source, it results in an exception. If data source is not specified, the Hibernate session of the default data source is
Use this session object to call the APIs, which, otherwise, ColdFusion does not expose.
For information on session APIs, see:
Function syntax
Closes the Hibernate session associated with the data source in the request. If you do not specify a data source, the
Hibernate session associated with the default data source is closed.
Function syntax
Flushes the Hibernate session associated with the data source in the request. ORMFlush flushes all pending CRUD
operations in the request. Any changes made in the objects, in the current ORM session, are saved to the database.
If you do not specify the data source, the Hibernate session associated with the default data source is flushed.
Function syntax
Clears the Hibernate session associated with the given data source.The function clears the first level cache and
removes the objects that are not yet saved to the database.If you do not specify the data source, the Hibernate
session associated with the default data source is cleared.
Function syntax
Returns the Hibernate Session Factory object associated with the data source. Results in an error if ORM is not
configured for this data source. If you do not specify the data source, the Hibernate session factory object
associated with the default data source is returned.
For information on Session API, go to the following URL:
Function syntax
This method is used to evict the data of all the queries from the default query cache of the specified data source. If
cache name is specified, then the data of all queries belonging to the cache region with the given cache name are
evicted.If no data source is specified, the default query cache of the default data source is evicted.
ORMEvictQueries([cachename], datasource)}}
Executes a Hibernate Query Language (HQL) query.By default, this function works on ORM's default data source.
To use this function for another data source, specify the data source key-value pair within the queryoptions.
#back to top
Indexing modes
Using ColdFusion ORM, you can perform indexing either automatically or in offline mode.
Indexing is performed every time an entity is added, revised, or deleted from the database.
To enable auto-indexing, set ormsettings.searchenabled to true in the Application.cfc.
Indexing is automatically done whenever an ORM entity is persisted, based on the configuration in CFCs. For
details, see Specify the ORM search settings in Indexing the persistent entity.
Offline indexing
Indexing is performed manually with the help of ColdFusion functions. In this mode, indexing is performed in
You may want to perform offline indexing in the following scenarios:
Index all or some of the pre-existing data in a database.
Avoid in-request indexing (default behavior) to minimize CPU load, and later perform indexing as batch
The function ORMIndex lets you perform offline indexing.
You can specify the index directory (the one in which all persistent entities, of an application's indexable data, are
saved) either at the server-level or application-level.
At server level
At application level
Specify the index directory path as absolute or path relative to the current Application.cfc. If you specify the relative
path, then it is resolved with respect to the current folder.
If you do not specify a path, the index files are stored, by default, in cfroot/ormindex.
Specify the ColdFusion ORM search settings in the Application.cfc using the properties provided in the following
If yes, autoindexing is
If specified, creates a
folder by entity name in
the file system where
indexes for all entities are
saved. The directory you
set in the ColdFusion
Administrator is used for
this purpose.This folder
has all index information
stored.If not specified,
creates the folder in the
application root directory.
{ = "ORM_Search";
this.ormEnabled = "true";
this.ormSettings.datasource = "ORM_Dummy";
this.ormSettings.dbcreate = "dropcreate";
this.ormsettings.searchenabled = "true"; = "true"; = "C:/ormindex"; = "English";
Specify the following in the tag cfcomponent. The settings override the values in the Application.cfc.
If false, auto-indexing of
CFC does not occur. That
is, indexing occurs only in
offline mode.
Specify the following in the tag cfproperty. The settings override the values in the Application.cfc and cfcompon
Other enhancements
Enabling request debugging in ColdFusion Administrator helps logging of HQL queries. To do this,
1. In the ColdFusion Administrator, go to Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings.
2. Check the option Enable Request Debugging Output.
You have to specify the ORM search settings at the application level, component level, or property level.
#back to top
WebSocket Enhancements
ColdFusion 10 implemented WebSocket by providing a messaging layer for the WebSocket protocol, which you can
control using CFML and JavaScript. The messaging layer has features that make WebSocket reliable and scalable.
Using WebSocket, you can develop real-time applications for stock, charting, online gaming, social networking,
dashboard for various purposes, and monitoring.
As you are already aware of, WebSocket connections use the standard HTTP ports (80 and 443) for sending and
receiving data packets. Due to this reason, WebSockets are mostly firewall-friendly since almost all firewall
configurations allow net traffic on the HTTP ports. Hence the HTML5 WebSockets do not require new hardware to
be installed, or new ports to be opened on internal networks.
When there is no proxy server, reverse proxy server, or a firewall between the browser and the ColdFusion Server,
the WebSocket connection works perfectly, as long as both the server and the client understand the WebSocket
protocol. However, most of the times, there will not be any direct connection between the server and the client.
ColdFusion 11 has introduced the proxy support for WebSocket. There is a new proxy module (that runs inside IIS
and Apache Web Server) that can intercept the ColdFusion WebSocket requests and redirect the requests to the
ColdFusion Server.
What is new
ColdFusion 11 supports the following new features:
Proxy support - Support is now provided for setting up a proxy server for using ColdFusion WebSockets.
SSL support Support is now provided for enabling SSL for ColdFusion WebSockets.
Cluster support Support is now provided for enabling the cluster support for ColdFusion WebSockets.
Using ColdFusion WebSockets
The support for WebSocket was available in the previous version of ColdFusion. What is new in ColdFusion 11 is
the support for WebSocket proxy.
Consider the following usage strategies for WebSocket proxy:
Strategy 1: When you dont have a firewall configured You CAN use the WebSocket proxy
Strategy 2: When you have a firewall configured You MUST use the WebSocket proxy
ColdFusion 11 has introduced the proxy support for WebSocket. There is a new proxy module (that runs inside IIS
and Apache Web Server) that can intercept the ColdFusion WebSocket requests and redirect the requests to the
ColdFusion Server.
You can use one of the following external servers along with the ColdFusion Server:
IIS 8 or higher running on Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012
Apache 2.2 or higher
The following steps enable you to quickly configure a WebSocket Proxy server for ColdFusion.
Step 1 Configuring the external server
Before you begin setting up a WebSocket proxy, you need to configure the external server to support the
WebSocket protocol.
Configuring IIS
No configuration required.
Step 2 Enabling WebSocket Proxy
You need to enable the WebSocket Proxy port at the server-level through the ColdFusion Administrator. Perform the
following steps:
1. Go to the ColdFusion Administrator page.
2. Click Server Settings > Web Socket
3. Click Enable WebSocket Server and select Use WebSocket Proxy Port:
You need to configure the external Web Server connector with the ColdFusion Server using the wsconfig tool.
Perform the following tasks:
Go to <CF_INSTALL_HOME>/cfusion/runtime/bin
Run the wsconfig tool
In the GUI, click Add
In the Web Server drop down field, select the external server
In the Configuration Directory field, browse and select the path to the external servers configuration
6. Click OK
7. If the external server is not running, you will be prompted to start the server:
ColdFusion 11 has introduced a new configuration tool, wsproxyconfig, which will allow you to quickly setup a
WebSocket Proxy. Perform the following tasks:
Go to <CF_INSTALL_HOME>/cfusion/bin
Run the wsproxyconfig tool
In the GUI, click Add
In the Web Server drop down field, select the external server
In the Configuration Directory field, browse and select the path to the external servers configuration
6. Click OK
7. If the external server is not running, you will be prompted to start the server:
9. Click Close
Step 5 Verify the proxy configuration
After you have successfully configured the WebSocket Proxy, verify if the required proxy files are created at <CF_IN
You can also manually modify the config.ini file located at <CF_INSTALL_HOME>/config/wsproxy/1.
Also, a new application, cfws will be made available under the application root of the external servers:
JavaScript Functions
The following JavaScript functions were enhanced to auto-support the cluster functionality:
Return Type
("channelname", messageBody,
("channelName", cfcName,
cfcMethod, [function_parameter]
In ColdFusion 10, this function was enabled to send messages to a specific channel based on the filter criteria. In
ColdFusion 11, this function is enhanced to send message to all nodes in a cluster by default.
In ColdFusion 10, this function was enabled to get subscriber count from a specific channel based on the filter
criteria. In ColdFusion 11, this function is enhanced to fetch the subscriber count from all nodes by default.
Use this function for message publishing and CFC invocation to be executed as separate thread.
Trigger a message publish from the server without any input from client. A new parameter "Clustered" has been
added to facilitate message broadcasting to all subscribers connected to multiple nodes.
If the "clustered" parameter is not defined, then the default value will be taken based on the cluster
<Enable/Disable> setup.
Fetches the subscriber information from all the configured nodes. A new parameter "Clustered" has been added to
fetch subscriber information from all configured nodes.
If the "clustered" parameter is not defined, then the default value will be taken based on the cluster
<Enable/Disable> setup.
Fetches the sub-channel information from all the configured nodes. A new parameter "Clustered" has been added to
fetch sub-channel information from all configured nodes.
If the "clustered" parameter is not defined, then the default value will be taken based on the cluster
<Enable/Disable> setup.
Secure WebSocket communication (WebSocket over SSL)
The Websocket screen (Administrator Console > ColdFusion Administrator > Server Settings > WebSocket) has
been enhanced in ColdFusion 11 with the following options:
Enable SSL
SSL port
KeyStore File location
KeyStore password
Enable SSL
KeyStore password
SSL port
To enable Web socket cluster from the Administrator node, select Server Setting > Web Socket. In the Web Socket
screen, select the Enable Web Socket Cluster check box and enter the Multicast Port details. In the Multicast Port
field, the default Multicast Port 45566 is displayed. Change the port details if required. Make sure the multicast port
value is same across all the nodes in the cluster.
What happens
What is WebSocket
WebSocket is a protocol for two-way communication with a remote host over TCP protocol exposed through
JavaScript interface in HTML 5 compliant browsers. WebSocket facilitates communication between hosts in both the
directions simultaneously.
Specify the following settings in the Application.cfc to define the communication channel:
this.wschannels=[{name = channelName,cfclistener= channel_listener_CFC}];
The new ColdFusion tag {{cfwebsocket }}lets you create the WebSocket object in your CFM template. The tag
creates a reference to the WebSocket JavaScript object at the client-side.
onMessage="JavaScript function name"
onOpen="JavaScript function name"
onClose="JavaScript function name"
onError="JavaScript function name"
Comma-separated list of
channels/subchannels to subscribe
to. You can specify any or all
channels set in the Application.cfc.
By specifying the attribute name, for example, mycfwebsocketobject (as in the following example), you create a
JavaScript object. The JavaScript object can be used to call various JavaScript functions which you use for the
WebSocket communication.
<script type="text/javascript">
/* mymessangehandler function recieves all messages that comes via
This function requires one argument.
function mymessagehandler(messageObject)
//JavaScript messageobject is converted to a string.
var message = ColdFusion.JSON.encode(messageObject);
var txt=document.getElementById("myDiv");
txt.innerHTML +=message +"<br>";
<cfwebsocket name="mycfwebsocketobject" onmessage="mymessagehandler"
subscribeto="stocks" >
<cfdiv id="myDiv"></cfdiv>
The code creates a JavaScript WebSocket object named mycfwebsocketobject. If the server sends a
message, it calls mymessagehandler function.Since you have specified subscribeTo in the cfwebsocke
t tag, the WebSocket object automatically subscribes you to the channel stocks.
Using the WebSocket JavaScript functions
After you create a JavaScript WebSocket object using the cfwebsocket tag, you can use it to call the following
JavaScript functions:
authenticate(id, pa
For example,
id: The user-ID against
which a user is
For example,
message [,
For example,
Invokes a specified
method in a CFC file to
generate the message
that has to be published.
Used in scnearios where
you have raw data (that
needs to be processed) to
create a message.
me [,
rray] [,
For example,
For example,
Opens a WebSocket
connection (if not already
{{channel: }}Name of
whose subscriber count
is sought.
ity to
Closes a WebSocket
Unsubscribes a client
from the specified
channel. After the client
unsubscribes, the
messages in the channel
are not published to the
{{channel: }}Name of
the channel from which
to unsubscribe.
For example,
When you use these functions, a boolean value indicating the status of the call is returned. But
the result of the call is acknowledged at the message handler side. You can categorize the
responses at the message handler using the request type token as shown in the following
example: if (token.reqType =="getSubscriberCount).
//messagehandler recieves all the messages from websocket
function mycbHandler( messageobj)
var message = ColdFusion.JSON.encode(messageobj);
var txt=document.getElementById("myDiv");
txt.innerHTML +=message +"<br>";
//openhandler is invoked when socket connection is
function openHandler()
var txt=document.getElementById("myDiv");
txt.innerHTML +="open Handler invoked <br>";
function subscribeMe()
var channelname = document.getElementById("channelname").value;
function getSubscribers()
var channelname = document.getElementById("channelname").value;
function unsubscribe_Me()
var channelname = document.getElementById("channelname").value;
function publishClient()
var channelname = document.getElementById("channelname").value;
var message = document.getElementById("msg").value;
function get_Subscriptions()
function invokenpublish()
cfcname = document.getElementById("cfcname").value;
fnname = document.getElementById("fnname").value;
channelname = document.getElementById("channelname").value;
mywsobj.invokeAndPublish(channelname, cfcname, fnname);
function invokefn()
cfcname = document.getElementById("cfcname").value;
fnname = document.getElementById("fnname").value;
channelname = document.getElementById("channelname").value;
mywsobj.invoke(cfcname, fnname);
function opensocket()
var txt=document.getElementById("myDiv");
txt.innerHTML+="opening socket"+"<br >";
function stopsocket()
var txt=document.getElementById("myDiv");
txt.innerHTML+="closing socket"+"<br >";
function checksocket()
var x=mywsobj.isConnectionOpen();
var txt=document.getElementById("myDiv");
txt.innerHTML+=x+"<br >";
<form name="f">
<!---Define JS websocket object name and messagehandler and openhandler --->
<cfwebsocket name="mywsobj" onMessage="mycbHandler" onOpen="openHandler"/>
<br> Subscribe to:
<input id="channelname" name="channelname" type="text" value="stocks" >
<input id="stocksSubscribe" type="button" value="stocksSubscribe"
<input id="unsubscribeMe" type="button" value="unsubscribeMe"
<input id="getSubscribersCF" type="button" value="getSubscribersCF"
<input id="getSubscriptions" type="button" value="getSubscriptions"
Message :<input id="msg" type="text" >
<input id="publishMe" type="button" value="publishMe" onclick="publishClient();">
CFC Name: <input id="cfcname" name="cfcname" type="text" value="invokeandpublish" >
Function Name: <input id="fnname" name="fnname" type="text" value="publishall" >
<input id="invoke_publish" type="button" value="invoke_publish"
<input id="invoke" type="button" value="invoke" onclick="invokefn();">
<input id="stop" name ="Close" type="button" value ="stop" onclick="stopsocket()" >
<div id="myDiv"></div>
public function publishall()
return "All Clients";
If the users subscribe to a parent channel, automatically they subscribe to all subchannels. If users subscribe to a
child channel, they are not subscribed to its parent channel.
The following table elaborates the conditions.
The table shows four clients Client 1, Client 2, Client 3, and Client 4 subscribed to the following channels: Stocks,
Stocks.Finance, Stocks.Banks, and Stocks.Finance.Adobe.
subscribed to
publishing to
publishing to
publishing to
publishing to
Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Client 4
The following table explains the conditions on which you receive the subscriber list when you use the function getS
Assume that there are four clients. Each client is subscribed to only one of the following channels (and no client is
subscribed to the same channel): Stocks, Stocks.Finance, Stocks.Banks, and Stocks.Finance.Adobe.
Channel listener is a set of functions that decide the folow of messages to a channel. When a WebSocket object's
JavaScript function is called, in turn functions in the channel listener are called. For example, when you call the sub
scribe function, it calls the allowSubscribe function from the listener CFC.
A channel listener can be:
Default channel listener: Used if no channel listener is specified while defining the channel in the
User-defined channel listener: Used if a channel listener CFC is specified while creating a channel. Update
the methods in the channel listener file to implement a specific business logic. Specify a custom channel
listener to restrict subscription to a channel or right to publish. You can also use custom channel listener to
format messages and decide if the client is eligible to receive message.
Setting up user-defined channel listener
(You must) Extend the default listener present in webroot/cfide/websocket/ChannelListener as shown in the
following code:component extends="CFIDE.websocket.ChannelListener"
A user-defined channel listener CFC must be in the same directory or subdirectory of the application.
You can only override the functions specified in the default listener CFC to implement the business logic. All
custom functions are ignored.
How the listener functions receive/provide information
The functions in the listener receive or provide information in the following three structs. You can use these three
structs to add custom information.
clientInfo: Information about the client. The following are the values:
clientId: A unique client ID.It can be used for setting additional properties, such as roles.
connectionTime: Connection time as date object.
subscriberInfo: A struct that contains custom options passed in the subscribe request. Also contains the
object ConnectionInfo as subkey connectionInfo.
publisherInfo: A struct that contains custom options passed in the publish request. Also contains the object
ConnectionInfo as subkey connectionInfo.
The following table lists the WebSocket JavaScript functions and the corresponding function in the channel listener
WebSocket object JavaScript function
Invoked before
subscribing to a
Used to check if the
requested client can be
allowed to subscribe to
the given channel. If
returns true, allows the
requested client to
defined in the object subs
criberInfo can be used
decide on authorization.
subscriberInfo :
Subscriber information
struct. Contains
information that is
passed by the function
subscribe in the cus
tom_header struct. It
has a connectionInf
o object which can be
accessed through Conn
ectionInfo key.
publisherInfo :
Publisher information
struct. Contains the
information that is
passed by the function
publish in the
custom_headerstruct. It
has a connectionInf
o object which can be
accessed through Conn
ectionInfo key.
ge, publisherInfo)
message : The
message that has to be
published to the client.
This can be of type Any
publisherInfo :
Publisher information
message : The
message that has to be
published to the client.
This can be of type Any
subscriberInfo :
Subscriber information
publisherInfo :
Publisher information
message: The
message that has to be
published to the client.
This can be of type Any
subscriberInfo :
Subscriber information
subscriberInfo :
Subscriber information
When you create a WebSocket object, you can define a message handler to manage responses from the server.
The handler can manage messages from all the channels. Additionally, while subscribing to a channel, you can
define channel-specific message handler.
{ = "channelspecifichandlerexample";
this.wschannels = [{name="stocks"}, {name="news"}, {name="products"}];
<script type="text/javascript">
function stockhandler(stocksmessageobj){
//write appropriate logic here to handle data coming on stock channel
if ( != null) {
var message =;
var datadiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");
datadiv.innerHTML += "Stock Handler: " + message + "<br />";
function newshandler(newsmessageobj){
//write appropriate logic here to handle data coming on news channel
if ( != null) {
var message =;
var datadiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");
datadiv.innerHTML += "News Handler: " + message + "<br />";
function productshandler(productsmessageobj){
//write appropriate logic here to handle data coming on products channel
if ( != null) {
var message =;
var datadiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");
datadiv.innerHTML += "Product Handler: " + message + "<br />";
function subscribeMe(){
var channel = document.getElementById("channeloption").value;
switch (channel) {
case "stocks":
mysock.subscribe("stocks", {}, stockhandler);
case "news":
mysock.subscribe("news", {}, newshandler);
case "products":
mysock.subscribe("products", {}, productshandler);
function mycbHandler(messageobj){
var message = ColdFusion.JSON.encode(messageobj);
var datadiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");
datadiv.innerHTML += "Message Handler : " + message + "<br />";
<cfwebsocket name="mysock" onmessage="mycbHandler"/>
<select id="channeloption">
<input id="subscribe" name="subscribe" value="Subscribe" type="button"
<div id="myDiv">
WsPublish(, #form.message#);
<cfform method="post">
<cfselect name="channel">
<input id="message" name="message" type="text">
<cfinput id="publish" name="publish" value="publish" type="submit">
The following JavaScript functions subscribe, publish, invokeandpublish and the serverside function WSPub
lish let you pass custom information (for example age or status) in the form of key-value pairs.
You can use these custom data in the subscriberInfo in the channel listener.
Example 1: Custom information using subscribe
{ = "customoptionexample";
this.wschannels = [{name="Testchannel", cfclistener="TestListener"}];
component extends="CFIDE.websocket.ChannelListener"
public boolean function allowSubscribe(Struct subscriberInfo)
if(structKeyExists(subscriberInfo, "age"))
if((subscriberInfo.age gt 18))
return true;
return false;
return false;
The following example illustrates how you communicate bid value data.
1. In the function publish, specify the bid value as custom information.
2. In the channel listener, specify a condition to validate the bid by comparing it with the current bid value. The
message is broadcasted only if the bid is valid.
{ = "customoptionexample1";
this.wschannels = [{name="bidchannel", cfclistener="bidListener"}];
boolean function onApplicationStart()
application.bidvalue = 1;
<script type="text/javascript">
function msgHandler(messageobj){
if ( != null) {
var ouputdiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");
var message =;
ouputdiv.innerHTML += message + "<br >" + "<br>";
if (messageobj.code == -1 && messageobj.reqType == "publish") {
var ouputdiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");
var message = "Bid amount is less than current bid value";
ouputdiv.innerHTML += message + "<br >" + "<br>";
function publishme(){
var bidvalue = document.getElementById("amount").value;
var clname = document.getElementById("name").value;
var message = "Bid placed by " + clname + " Amount " + bidvalue;
TestSocket.publish("bidchannel", message, {
value: bidvalue
<cfwebsocket name="TestSocket" onmessage="msgHandler" subscribeto="bidchannel"/><br>
Bid Amount:
<input id="amount" name="amount" type="text">
<input id="name" type="text">
<input id="publishmessage" type="button" value="Publish" onclick="publishme();">
<div id="myDiv">
Using selectors
Selectors provide filtering logic when you subscribe to a channel or publish a message.
While subscribing to a channel, a selector is provided as part of the subscriber information struct. For example, a
client is subscribed to a channel with a selector product eq abc. Only the messages that contain the publisher
information product:abc are published to the subscriber.
Similarly, you can include a selector as part of the publisher information struct while publishing a message. The
messages are published to only the subscribers who satisfy the criteria specified in the selector.
For a custom channel listener CFC, you cannot have the canSendMessage method (for the
selector to work).
{ = "websocketApp1";
this.wschannels = [{name="selectorchannel"}];
2. Create a CFM that allows the user to subscribe to the channel, with the selector condition value greater than
the specified value, for example you want to see only the stock values above a particular threshold value.
<script type="text/javascript">
function msgHandler(messageobj)
if ( != null) {
var ouputdiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");
var message =;
ouputdiv.innerHTML += message + "<br >" + "<br>";
function subscribeMe()
var amt = document.getElementById("amount").value;
var selectstring="value gt "+ amt;
TestSocket.subscribe("selectorchannel", {selector : selectstring});
document.getElementById("stocksSubscribe").style.display =
document.getElementById("l1").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("l2").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("publisme").style.display = 'block';
function publishme()
var amt = document.getElementById("amount").value;
TestSocket.publish("selectorchannel","Value is " +amt,{value:
<cfwebsocket name="TestSocket" onMessage="msgHandler"/>
<br />
<lablel id="l1">Stock value above which you want to recieve message</lablel>
<label id="l2" style="display:none;">Value</label>
<input id="amount" name="amount" type="text">
<input id="stocksSubscribe" type="button" value="Subscribe"
<input id="publisme" type="button" value="Publish" onclick="publishme();"
<div id="myDiv"></div>
You can specify the authentication details for WebSocket at the application level. An application method OnWSAuth
enticate has been added to support application level authentication.
1. In the Application.cfc, define the function onWSAuthenticate.
2. Call the JavaScript function authenticate. This function calls the onWSAuthenticate function.
You cannot restrict authentication to a specific channel. If you do not want to authorize the
client to any channels, it can be done using the allowSubscribe function of channel
Custom keys are also supported. For example, you can specify the user's role, status, or age.The connectionInf
o is shared across all the channels for a given WebSocket client. Also, modifications are persisted across all the
subscriptions for that client.|
The following example uses the function onWSAuthenticate, validates the user, and associates a user role.
For this example to work, ensure that you implement the user-defined functions.
If(checkPassword(username) eq password)
//Role is the custom information that you provide
connectionInfo.role= "admin";
return true;
return false;
If already authenticated to the ColdFusion server, you need not enter the credentials while subscribing to a
WebSocket channel. You need only specify useCFAuth = "true" in the tag cfwebsocket.
In the following example, a login page is created using the tag cflogin. After authentication, the client is
subscribed to a channel. That is, the client does not pass the login credentials while subscribing. Here, the function
onWSAuthenticate need not be set up or called using the JavaScript function authenticate.
{ = "myssoexample";
this.wschannels = [ {name = "sso", cfclistener="ChannelListener"}];
3. Create a CFM that allows the user to subscribe to a channel and publish the message.
var mycbHandler = function(msg)
var messageObject =;
var txt=document.getElementById("myDiv");
var jsonValue = (new Function( "return( " + messageObject + " );" ))();
txt.innerHTML+="<br>Authenticated : " + jsonValue.authenticated;
txt.innerHTML+="<br>UserName : " + jsonValue.username;
txt.innerHTML+="<br>Role : " + jsonValue.roles;
var openHandler = function()
<form name="f">
<cfwebsocket name="mysock" onMessage="mycbHandler" subscribeto="sso"
onOpen="openHandler" useCFAuth="yes"/>
<div id="myDiv"></div>
4. Create a ColdFusion listener file that returns the subscriber information while publishing.
component extends="CFIDE.websocket.ChannelListener"
public any function beforeSendMessage(any message, Struct subscriberInfo)
writedump(var=subscriberInfo.connectionInfo, output="console");
return subscriberInfo.connectionInfo;
WebSocket server-side APIs allow a CFC to communicate with a channel or a specific client. For example, when a
message is received from the client, the server sends a specific message.
The following table details the server-side functions:
Function Name
WSgetSubscribers (channel)
WSPublish(channel, message
[, filterCriteria])
WSGetAllChannels ()
The following is a sample response that you receive from the server:
failed for channel(s) 'stocks.a'.","channelssubscribedto":"stocks"}
In this case, you have the key channelssubscribedto and channelsnotsubscribedto which applies to
scenarios related to the attribute subsscribeTo in the tag cfwebsocket.
Calls a particular function in the CFC. The value returned by the function in CFC is sent back to the client that
invokes the method.
Use the function WSSendMessage to send additional message back to the client inside the function. To continuously
send messages to a client you have to create a thread in the method that you invoke using invoke. Further, you
can keep sending messages inside a thread.
Sends messages to a specific client that invokes the method. This can be included as a part of the function that is
The following example shows how to implement a point-to-point communication. In this example, you invoke three
functions defined in mycfc.cfc.
Method f1 returns a value.
Method f2 expects an argument and returns a string. Also, client receives an additional message from the
method WSSendMessage used in f2.
In the method f3, you create a thread that sends messages to the client at particular intervals.
1. Create a CFM page index.cfm.
<script type="text/javascript">
function msgHandler(msgobj){
var txt = document.getElementById("myDiv");
var message = ColdFusion.JSON.encode(msgobj);
txt.innerHTML += message + "<br >" + "<br>";
function invokecfcfn(){
var fname= document.getElementById("fnname").value;
if (fname == "f2") {
alert("f2 selected");
mysocket.invoke("mycfc", "f2", ["echo"]);
mysocket.invoke("mycfc", fname);
<cfwebsocket name="mysocket" onmessage="msgHandler"/>
<select id="fnname">
<option >f2</option>
<input id="invokefn" name="invokefn" value="Invoke CFC function "
type="button" onclick="invokecfcfn();">
<div id="myDiv">
2. Create a CFC mycfc.cfc that contains the function called from the client page.
<cffunction name="f1" >
<cfreturn "Message returned from f1">
<cffunction name="f2" returntype="string" >
<cfargument name="arg1" type="string" required="true" >
<cfset msg= "Message from wsssendmessage of f2 which you called
with arg " & arg1>
<cfset wssendMessage(msg)>
<cfreturn "Message returned from f2">
<cffunction name="f3" >
<cfthread action="run" name="t1" >
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="10">
<cfset sleep(20000)>
<cfset wssendMessage("Message #i# from
wsssendmessage of f3 #now()#")>
<cfreturn "Thread initiated in f3">
Response code
Channel Error
Application Error
On successful completion of
If you have defined an Error Handler, it receives the responses -1 and 4001. If not defined, the
response goes to Message Handler.
WebSocket Support
Safari 5.x
(iPad) Safari
#back to top
If you feed only one video source, specify it as shown in the following example:
To feed multiple videos, specify the source as shown in the following example:
The source tag represents the HTML 5 video source tag. When source tag is specified, you are
recommended to use the attribute type.
Dynamically set the media player source using the JavaScript function ColdFusion.MediaPlayer.setSo
For best results with the player, ensure that you specify doctype in your code as follows: <!DOCTYPE html>
Specifying the video poster image, loop playback, and title using the tag cfmediaplayer
posterImage: Specify this attribute to set a poster image for the video playback. Takes URL or relative
address as value.
repeat: Set this attribute to true to continue playback from first to last frame after the media player reaches
the end of the video.The default value is false.
title: Lets you set title on the media player. The title appears over the media player on upper-left corner. If
title is specified and hideTitle is not specified, then hideTitle is set to false. If title is not
specified and hideTitle is set to false, then the video filename is displayed as title.
<!DOCTYPE html>
title="End Game"
Using FlashVars, you can extend the media player to use capabilities of both OSMF plug-ins and Strobe media
As this section describes, you can use plug-ins in the OSMF market. Two popular plug-ins are demonstrated.
The general procedures to extend the media player capability are as follows:
1. Get the FlashVars and SWFs (from the plug-in vendor)
2. In the cfmediaplayer, insert a param tag with the FlashVars.
Playing videos on YouTube server
The following example shows how to play a video hosted on YouTube server using cfmediaplayer:
Here, source is the actual YouTube video link. You point to the YouTube plug-in SWF using FlashVars. You can get
the YouTubePlugin.swf file here.
Playing linear and non-linear advertisements using stage video
You can extend the mediaplayer to play advertisements using a staged video. The advertisements play within the
video in linear and non-linear mode.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function nonLinear()
var player = ColdFusion.MediaPlayer.getPlayer('player');
player.displayNonLiniarAd (
"", {
right: 10 * Math.random(),
bottom: 10 * Math.random(),
scaleMode: "none"});
<body style="background:#FFFFFF">
<input name = "AdvertisementPlugin" value="Advertisement" type="button"
<param name="flashvars"
In this example, using FlashVars, you point to the advertisement plug-in. Custom JavaScript function from the
plug-in is used to play video in linear and non-linear mode.
For details on the supported FlashVars, see Chapter 2: Configuring the Player in the documentation available
at the following URL:
To find more plug-ins that you can use with the mediaplayer, go to the following URL:
See the section Using Plug-ins in Chapter 4: Advanced Topics for details of how to use the plug-ins inside cf
mediaplayer in the document available at the following URL:
For more information on Strobe media playback, see the presentation available at the following URL:
You can embed subtitles using the HTML 5 track element. track element takes src as subtitle (SRT) file, with
language type and label, and displays it in subtitle options.
This feature works only if the browser supports HTML 5 track element.
<cfmediaplyer source="myvideo.ogv">
<track kind="subtitle" src="" label="English" srclang="en" />
<track kind="subtitle" src="" label="French" srclang="fr" />
The list of media that you have to play are embedded in play list file M3U format.
You can specify the play list as follows:
In ColdFusion 9, you have the option to skin the Flash player using the following styles (using the attribute style):
bgcolor/bgColorTheme, hideborder, titleColorTheme , controlsColorTheme, progressColorTheme,
and progressbgColor.
For HTML 5 playback, you can use these attributes.
In ColdFusion 10, you might not be able to skin the progress bar and control bar using the styl
e attributes. This is because, the new mediaplayer used in this release currently does not
support them.
For Flash player, skin can be controlled using an XML by specifying the path for the skin attribute as follows:
Specifying styles using XML applies only to Flash videos.
Player controls
ColdFusion 9 supports the following mediaplayer controls for Flash videos: Play/Pause, Stop, progress bar, Current
and total playback time, volume, and full screen.
While the Stop control is not supported hereafter, enhancements in ColdFusion 10 let you use these controls for
HTML 5 videos also.
In addition, when you use Flash Player, Next and Previous controls are supported. They appear when playing the
play list. Currently, this control is available only for Flash player and appears when source specified is a play list file
Dynamic streaming
This feature applies only to Flash player.
At server side
The feature lets dynamic delivery of streaming videos by alternating among various playback streams. To set up
dynamic streaming, point to the dynamic streaming video using the source attribute in cfmediaplayer as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<script type="application/javascript">
on getStreamData()
var player = ColdFusion.MediaPlayer.getPlayer("player_ds");
var dynamicStreams=player.getStreamItems();
for (var idx = 0; idx < dynamicStreams.length; idx ++)
var streamLabel = dynamicStreams[idx]['width'] + "x" +
dynamicStreams[idx]['height'] + " @ " + dynamicStreams[idx]['bitrate'] + "kbps";
var element = document.createElement("option");
element.innerHTML = streamLabel;
if (idx==player.getCurrentDynamicStreamIndex())
document.getElementById("streams").selectedIndex = idx;
function selectionChange()
var index = document.getElementById("streams").selectedIndex;
var player = ColdFusion.MediaPlayer.getPlayer("player_ds");
<div align="center">
<br />
<br />
<br />
<button type="button" onclick="getStreamData()" value="Stream Details" name=
"Stream Details"> Stream Details</button>
<br />
<br />
<select name="streams" id="streams" onchange="selectionChange()">
<br />
source="URL to the F4M file" width=800 height=500 type="flash"
At client side
At the client-side, you have the HD controls which can be used to toggle between different streaming videos
#back to top
#back to top
cfinput-Developing guide
The attribute type now supports all HTML 5 input types, for example, email, range, or date. For details, see h
The tag supports new attributes such as max and min.
#back to top
cfmap-Developing guide
A new attribute showUser has been added. The default value is false. If true, on HTML-compliant
browsers, user location is shown on the map.For browsers that are not HTML 5 compliant, the address falls
back to the value you specify for centerAddress. If no value is specified, it falls back to the value specified
for centerLatitude and centerLongitude.
User has to authenticate the site so that it tracks user location. For example, in Google
Chrome, you are prompted to Allow to track your Physical location.
cfmapitem-Developing guide
A new attribute showUser has been added. The default value is false. If true, on HTML-compliant
browsers, user location is shown on the map.
Supported charts
Line Charts
Area Charts
Bar Charts
Scatter Charts
Bubble Charts
Pie Charts
Radar Charts
Bullet Charts
Piano Charts
Funnel Charts
3D Line Charts
3D Area Charts
3D Pie Charts
The following server-side charting features are not available with client-side charting:
Linking charts to URL
Writing charts to a variable
Charting examples
Example 1
Example 2
This example showcases how you can create a simple bubble chart by specifying zcolumn.
Example 3
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
When you are planning ColdFusion application development with Flash UIs, remember the importance of separating
display code from business logic. Separating display code from business logic enables your ColdFusion applications
to interact with multiple client types, such as SWF applications, web browsers, and web services.
When you build ColdFusion applications for multiple clients, your ColdFusion pages and components return
common data types, including strings, integers, query objects, structures, and arrays. Clients that receive the results
can process the passed data according to the client type, such as ActionScript with Flash, or CFML with ColdFusion.
To use the Flash Remoting service with ColdFusion, you build ColdFusion pages and components or deploy Java
objects. In ColdFusion pages, you use the Flash variable scope to interact with SWF applications. ColdFusion
components (CFCs) natively support Flash interaction. The public methods of Java objects are also available to the
For more information on the ActionScript 2.0 Flash Remoting API, see Flash Remoting ActionScript Dictionary Help.
Both the web.xml file and the gateway-config.xml file are located in the WEB-INF directory of your ColdFusion
server. As a general rule, you do not have to change these web.xml settings.
ColdFusion MX 7 and later versions of ColdFusion configure Flash gateways differently from previous ColdFusion
releases. Parameters that worked before this release are no longer supported, and you specify all configuration
parameters in the gateway-config.xml file. Also, the Flash gateway now supports a whitelist, which specifies which
remote sources can be accessed through the gateway. The two web.xml entries that identify the whitelist must
specify your gateway-config.xml file and gateway-config as the parent node.
You can modify the gateway-config.xml file to configure service adapters, add service names to the whitelist, change
the logging level, and specify how the gateway handles case sensitivity.
You can configure gateway features in the gateway-config.xml file as follows:
service adapters
<!-- <adapter
pter> -->
<!-- <adapter
r> -->
<!-- <adapter
va.EJBAdapter</adapter> -->
<!-- <adapter
CFWSAdapter</adapter> -->
logger level
redirect URL
case sensitivity
In your ColdFusion pages, you use the Flash variable scope to access parameters passed to and from a SWF
application. To access parameters passed from a SWF application, you use the parameter name appended to the F
lash scope or the Flash.Params array. To return values to the SWF application, use the Flash.Result variable
. To set an increment value for records in a query object to be returned to the SWF application, use
the{{Flash.Pagesize}} variable.
The following table shows the variables contained in the Flash scope:
The following table compares the ColdFusion data types and their ActionScript equivalents:
ActionScript data type
Boolean (0 or 1)
ActionScript Object
Date object
XML object
XML document
To access variables passed from SWF applications, you append the parameter name to the Flash scope or use the
Flash.Params array. Depending on how the values were passed from Flash, you refer to array values using
ordered array syntax or structure name syntax. Only ActionScript objects can pass named parameters.
For example, if you pass the parameters as an ordered array from Flash{{,}} array1 references the first value. If
you pass the parameters as named parameters, you use standard structure-name syntax like
You can use most of the CFML array and structure functions on ActionScript collections. However, the StructCopy
CFML function does not work with ActionScript collections. The following table lists ActionScript collections and
describes how to access them in ColdFusion:
ActionScript example
Strict array
var myArray:Array
= new Array();
myArray[0] =
myArray[1] =
Mixed array
myMxdArray:Array =
new Array();
= 1;
myMxdArray[2] =
<cfreturn ca.2>
<cfreturn ca["2"]>
({ x:1, Y:2, z:3
<cfset p1 =
<cfset p2 =
<cfset p3 =
The Flash.Params array retains the order of the parameters as they were passed to the method. You use
standard structure name syntax to reference the parameters; for example:
In this example, the query results are filtered by the value of Flash.paramName, which{{}}references the first
parameter in the passed array. If the parameters are passed as an ordered array from the SWF application, you use
standard structure name syntax; for example:
ActionScript array indexes start at zero. ColdFusion array indexes start at one.
In ColdFusion pages, only the value of the Flash.Result variable is returned to the SWF application. For more
information about supported data types between ColdFusion and Flash, see the data type table in Using the Flash
Remoting service with ColdFusion pages. The following procedure creates the service function helloWorld, which
returns a structure that contains simple messages to the SWF application.
Create a ColdFusion page that passes a structure to a SWF application
In the example, two string variables are added to a structure; one with a formatted date and one with a simple
message. The structure is passed back to the SWF application using the Flash.Resultvariable.
import mx.remoting.*;
import mx.rpc.*;
// Connect to helloExamples service and create the howdyService service object
var howdyService:Service = new Service(
null );
// Call the service helloWorld() method
var pc:PendingCall = howdyService.helloWorld();
// Tell the service what methods handle result and fault conditions
pc.responder = new RelayResponder( this, "helloWorld_Result",
"helloWorld_Fault" );
function helloWorld_Result(re:ResultEvent)
// Display successful result
messageDisplay.text = re.result.HELLOMESSAGE;
timeDisplay.text = re.result.TIMEVAR;
function helloWorld_Fault(fe:FaultEvent)
// Display fault returned from service
messageDisplay.text = fe.fault;
Due to ActionScript's automatic type conversion, do not return a Boolean literal to Flash from
ColdFusion. Return 1 to indicate true, and return 0 to indicate false.
ColdFusion lets you return record set results to Flash in increments. For example, if a query returns 20 records, you
can set the Flash.Pagesize variable to return five records at a time to Flash. Incremental record sets let you
minimize the time that a SWF application waits for the application server data to load.
Create a ColdFusion page that returns an incremental record set to Flash
In this example, if a single parameter is passed from the SWF application, the pagesize variable is set to
the value of the Flash.Params1 variable; otherwise, the value of the variable is the default, 10. Next, a
statement queries the database. After the querying, the pagesize variable is assigned to the Flash.Pages
ize variable. Finally, the query results are assigned to the Flash.Result variable, which is returned to the
SWF application.
3. Save the file.
When you assign a value to the Flash.Pagesize variable, you are specifying that if the record set has
more than a certain number of records, the record set becomes pageable and returns the number of records
specified in the Flash.Pagesize variable. For example, the following code calls the getData()function of
the CFMService and uses the first parameter to request a page size of 5:
import mx.remoting.*;
import mx.rpc.*;
// Connect to helloExamples service and create the CFMService service object
var CFMService:Service = new Service(
null );
// Call the service getData() method
var pc:PendingCall = CFMService.getData(5);
// Tell the service what methods handle result and fault conditions
pc.responder = new RelayResponder( this, "getData_Result", "getData_Fault" );
function getData_Result(re:ResultEvent)
// Display successful result
DataGlue.bindFormatStrings(employeeData, re.result, "#PARKNAME#, #CITY#,
function getData_Fault(fe:FaultEvent)
// Display fault returned from service
trace("Error description from server: " + fe.fault.description);
In this example, employeeData is a Flash list box. The result handler, getData_Result, displays the
columns PARKNAME, CITY, and STATE in the employeeData list box. After the initial delivery of records,
the RecordSet ActionScript class assumes the task of fetching records. In this case, the list box requests
more records as the user scrolls the list box. You can configure the client-side RecordSet object to fetch
records in various ways using the RecordSet.setDeliveryMode ActionScript function.
The following example replicates the helloWorld function that was previously implemented as a ColdFusion page.
For more information, see Using the Flash Remoting service with ColdFusion pages.
Create a CFC that interacts with a SWF application
<cfcomponent name="flashComponent">
<cffunction name="helloWorld" access="remote" returnType="Struct">
<cfset tempStruct = StructNew()>
<cfset tempStruct.timeVar = DateFormat(Now ())>
<cfset tempStruct.helloMessage = "Hello World">
<cfreturn tempStruct>
In this example, the helloWorld function is created. The cfreturn tag returns the result to the SWF
3. Save the file.
The helloWorld service function is now available through the flashComponentservice to ActionScript.
The following ActionScript example calls this function:
import mx.remoting.*;
import mx.rpc.*;
// Connect to the Flash component service and create service object
var CFCService:Service = new Service(
null );
// Call the service helloWorld() method
var pc:PendingCall = CFCService.helloWorld();
// Tell the service what methods handle result and fault conditions
pc.responder = new RelayResponder( this, "helloWorld_Result",
"helloWorld_Fault" );
function helloWorld_Result(re:ResultEvent)
// Display successful result
messageDisplay.text = re.result.HELLOMESSAGE;
timeDisplay.text = re.result.TIMEVAR;
function helloWorld_Fault(fe:FaultEvent)
// Display fault returned from service
messageDisplay.text = fe.fault;
In this example, the CFCService object references the flashComponent component in the helloExamples
directory. Calling the helloWorld function in this example executes the function that is defined in flashCom
ponent. For ColdFusion components, the component filename, including the directory structure from the web
root, serves as the service name. Remember to delimit the path directories with periods rather than
package utils;
public class UIComponents
public UIComponents()
public String sayHello()
return "Hello";
You cannot call constructors with Flash Remoting. Use the default constructor.
In ActionScript, the following javaService call runs the sayHello public method of the utils.UIComponents c
import mx.remoting.*;
import mx.rpc.*;
// Connect to service and create service object
var javaService:Service = new Service(
null );
// Call the service sayHello() method
var pc:PendingCall = javaService.sayHello();
// Tell the service what methods handle result and fault conditions
pc.responder = new RelayResponder( this, "sayHello_Result", "sayHello_Fault" );
function sayHello_Result(re:ResultEvent)
// Display successful result
trace("Result is: " + re.result);
function sayHello_Fault(fe:FaultEvent)
// Display fault returned from service
trace("Error is: " + fe.fault.description);
For more information about using Java objects with ColdFusion, see Using Java objects
<cfset dev = Val(0)>
<cfset Flash.Result = (1 / dev)>
<cfcatch type = "any">
<cfthrow message = "An error occurred in this service: #cfcatch.message#">
The second cfset tag in this example fails because it tries to divide by zero (0). The message attribute of the cft
hrow tag describes the error; ColdFusion returns this attribute to the SWF application.
To handle the error in your SWF application, create a fault handler like causeError_Fault in the following
import mx.remoting.*;
import mx.rpc.*;
// Connect to service and create service object
var CFMService:Service = new Service(
null );
// Call the service causeError() method
var pc:PendingCall = CFMService.causeError();
// Tell the service what methods handle result and fault conditions
pc.responder = new RelayResponder( this, "causeError_Result", "causeError_Fault" );
function causeError_Result(re:ResultEvent)
// Display successful result
messageDisplay.text = re.result;
function causeError_Fault(fe:FaultEvent)
// Display fault returned from service
trace("Error message from causeError is: " + fe.fault.description);
This example displays the trace message from the causeError_Fault function in the Flash Output panel. The
portion of the message that is contained in fe.fault.description is the portion of the message that is
contained in #cfcatch.message# in the causeError.cfm page.
When you create a ColdFusion page that communicates with Flash, ensure that the ColdFusion
page works before using it with Flash.
#back to top
When you use the Flex Builder Project Setup Wizard and select ColdFusion as the server type, the wizard
configures Flex Builder to use the services-config.xml file for you. Use the following steps to configure your project:
1. Select File> New> Flex Project to open the New Flex Project Wizard. and enter the appropriate information in
the first sections of the Create a Flex project page.
2. Select one of the radio buttons, as follows:
Select ColdFusion Flash Remoting to compile in Flex Builder.
If you installed LiveCycle Data Services with ColdFusion and want to use messaging or data
management, select Flex Data Services.
3. If you select Flex Data services, select whether to compile the application locally in Flex Builder or on the
application server where the page is viewed. Do not select to compile code that you deploy on the server; this
option is for development purposes only.
4. Click Next and complete creating the project, then click Finish.
If you select Basic on the first Create a Flex Project page, and decide later to compile the application for use with
ColdFusion, configure Flex Builder manually, as follows:
1. Select Project > Properties.
2. Select Flex Complier in the right pane of the Properties dialog.
3. In the Additional Compiler arguments add -services=followed by the absolute path to the
services-config.xml file in the local ColdFusion installation. For example, on a Windows system with a default
ColdFusion stand-alone installation, specify the following argument string.
When you use the Flex Builder Project Setup Wizard and select ColdFusion as the server type, the wizard
configures Flex Builder to use the services-config.xml file for you. Use the following steps to configure your project:
1. Select File> New> Flex Project to open the New Flex Project Wizard. and enter the appropriate information in
the first sections of the Create a Flex project page.
2. In the Server technology section of the Create a Flex project page, select ColdFusion as the Application
server type, and select Use remote object access service.
3. Select one of the radio buttons, as follows:
Select ColdFusion Flash Remoting to compile in Flex Builder.
If you installed LiveCycle Data Services and want to compile the application on the server, select
LiveCycle Data services in Flex Builder 3.
4. Click Next to open the Configure ColdFusion page, and enter the required information. If you selected
LiveCycle Data services in step 3, you can select to compile the application locally or on the server. Select to
compile on the server only when you are developing your application, for convenience. Do not select to
compile on the server code that you deploy, because the MXML page is not compiled to a SWF file until the
user requests it, and the compiler does not create an HTML wrapper page.
5. Click Finish to complete the configuration.
If you do not specify ColdFusion in the Server technology section of the Create a Flex project page, and decide later
to compile the application for use with ColdFusion, configure Flex Builder manually, as follows:
1. Select Project > Properties.
2. Select Flex Complier in the right pane of the Properties dialog.
3. In the Additional Compiler arguments add -services=followed by the absolute path to the
services-config.xml file in the local ColdFusion installation. For example, on a Windows system with a default
ColdFusion stand-alone installation, specify the following argument string.
Specify a CFC
To specify a CFC to connect to, you do one of the following:
Specify the dot-delimited path from the web root to the CFC in the MXML.
Create a named resource for the CFC. Creating this resource is like registering a data source; you then use
the resource name in your XML.
Specify the CFC in the MXML
To specify the CFC in your MXML, use code such as the following:
ColdFusion 9 supports BlazeDS that allows messaging support for ColdFusion. When you install ColdFusion, the
following files are added to the /WEB-INF/flex directory:
The destination ColdFusion is preconfigured in remoting-config.xml. The default source value for this
destination is the wildcard, *. For more information about the changes in Flash Remoting for ColdFusion 9,
see Changes in the XML configuration files for Flash Remoting in ColdFusion 9 and ColdFusion 9.0.1 .
You do not have to use the ColdFusion destination if you have configured other valid destinations in the
configuration file. In this case, the destination definition must specify * as the value of its source element. If
you specify a source other than * in remoting-config.xml, then that source definition overrides the source
specified in the MXML.
For details of defining a destination, see Create a named resource for a CFC below.
Create a named resource for a CFC
1. Edit the WEB-INF/flex/remoting-config.xml file by adding a destination entry for the CFC, for example:
The sourceattribute specifies the dot notation to the CFC from the web root (the classpath to the CFC). The
channel-ref tag refers to the channel-definition in the services-config.xml file. In the preceding sample, the
my-cfamf channel-definition has been referenced, which looks similar to the following:
Adobe ColdFusion
destination id
channel-definition id
Channel definition
If you did not create a destination for the CFC, specify the ColdFusion destination and the CFC path in the mx
:RemoteObbjecttag; for example:
In this example, when a user presses a button, the Click event calls the CFC method getUsers.
4. Specify a handler for the returned result of the CFC method call for the <mx:RemoteObject>tag, as the
following example shows.
To compile and run an application using Flash Builder, make sure that Flash Builder is configured as described in C
onfigure Flex Compilation. Compile your application normally to create a SWF file. When you configure your Flash
Builder project you can specify the location in which to place it. By default, Flash Builder attempts to place the SWF
file and an HTML wrapper page under the web root. You can then run the application as appropriate, for example,
by requesting the HTML wrapper for the SWF file in a browser.
Compile and Run the application without Flash Builder
To compile the application directly using the SDK, set the Flex compiler to use the ColdFusion services-config.xml
file. Set the Flex compiler by adding to the mxml command line " -services=" followed by the absolute path to the
services-config.xml file in the local ColdFusion installation. For example, on a Windows system with a default
ColdFusion standalone installation, specify the following argument string.
Maria uses ColdFusion ORM and is building a Flex application. She wants to list all employees and projects that
each employee in her company is part of. Using lazy loading, users in her company can fetch the employee
information first and the number of projects the employee has worked on. And later when the users click on a
particular project, the feature lets them load the project information of a particular employee rather than having all
the data loaded initially when the application is loaded (which was the behavior in ColdFusion 9).
Setting up lazy loading
For lazy loading enhancements to take effect, you need to perform various configurations on both client-side and
Server-side configuration
1. In the services-config.xml, go to the section that specifies the channel-definition (for the channel that you use)
and search the following:<serialize-array-to-arraycollection>*false*
2. Change the value to true.
3. (Optional) If you want to change the name of the method that is invoked while related entities are loaded,
modify the name of the method from loadProxy.<proxy-load-method>*loadProxy</proxy-load-me
4. Add the loadProxy method to your service CFC as shown in the following sample code. The service CFC
should be in the same directory as your ORM components:service.cfc
component {
remote function loadProxy(any proxyKey, any fullyqualifiedname)
//writeDump(var="#proxyKey#,,,#fullyqualifiedname#",output="console" );
if(fullyqualifiedname contains "cproducts"){
return EntityLoadByPK("cproducts",proxykey );
return EntityLoadByPK("ccategories",proxyKey );
The loadProxy method gets proxyKey (primary key of the entity instance) and fullyqualifiedname of
the entity as arguments.The fullyqualifiedname sent by dphibernate is checked and the required
object (in this case cproducts or ccategories) is returned.
5. Set remotingFetch to lazy. lazy is the new value added to remtoingFetch (in addition to true and fa
lse) in the tag cfproprety:
true: The value of the property is sent to Flash by way of Flash Remoting.
false: Null is sent to Flash.
lazy: Proxy object for the related entities is sent with only the primary key value.Only when any property on
the proxy object is accessed, another remoting call reaches the load method defined on the CFC to which the
primary key is passed. The load method returns the object with all the values populated.
Sample configuration
component {
remote function loadProxy(any proxyKey, any fullyqualifiedname)
//writeDump(var="#proxyKey#,,,#fullyqualifiedname#",output="console" );
if(fullyqualifiedname contains "cproducts"){
return EntityLoadByPK("cproducts",proxykey );
return EntityLoadByPK("ccategories",proxyKey );
Client-side configurations
1. Add dpHibernate.swc to your Flex project. The file can be found in the following directory: /CFIDE/scripts/.
2. Use the HibernateRemoteObject instead of the default RemoteObject to make remoting calls.
3. Set HibernateManaged.defaultHibernateService to the Remote Object instance. The
dpHibernate.swc uses this remote object instance to make load calls to the server for lazy loading.
4. Ensure the following:
5. ActionScript class is mapped to the CFC using the attribute alias in the RemoteClass.For example, Remot
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
package model.beans
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import org.dphibernate.core.HibernateBean;
public class Category extends org.dphibernate.core.HibernateBean
public function Category()
package model.beans
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import org.dphibernate.core.HibernateBean;
public class Product extends org.dphibernate.core.HibernateBean
public function Product()
public var productID:Number;
public var productName:String;
public var categoryID:Category;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
applicationComplete="onAppComplete(event)" minWidth="955"
minHeight="600" xmlns:dphibernate="">
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<dp:HibernateRemoteObject destination="ColdFusion"
endpoint="" id="BasicService"
result="BasicService_resultHandler(event)" fault="BasicService_faultHandler(event)">
import model.beans.*;
import org.dphibernate.rpc.HibernateManaged;
public var categories:ArrayCollection;
public var ProdsList:ArrayCollection;
protected function
if( event.token.operation == "getCategories"){
categories = event.result as ArrayCollection;
var len:Number = categories.length;
allintext.text = event.result.length;
}else if(event.token.operation == "getProducts"){
ProdsList = event.result as ArrayCollection;
protected function
allintext.text="There is an error";
protected function onAppComplete(event:Event):void
//var token:AsyncToken = BasicService.getCategories();
protected function load_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var token:AsyncToken = BasicService.getCategories();
<s:TextArea x="10" y="39" id="allintext" text="hello"/>
<s:Button x="240" y="10" label="Load Categories" id="load"
<mx:DataGrid x="240" y="39" id="CategoryList" dataProvider="{categories}">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="CategoryName"
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="CategoryID"
<mx:DataGrid x="239" y="198" id="ProductList"
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="ID" dataField="productID"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name" dataField="productName"/>
persistent="true" table="categories">
name="categoryID" fieldtype="id" generator="native"/>
name="products" fieldtype="one-to-many" cfc="cproducts" cascade="all"
fkcolumn="categoryid" lazy="true" remotingfetch="lazy"/>
persistent="true" table="products">
name="productID" fieldtype="id" generator="native"/>
name="categoryID" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="ccategories" lazy="true"
When you inspect the results returned by the server in debugging mode, debugger fetches the related entities (and
defies the purpose of lazy loading). This can also occur when you use network monitor.
However, this issue does not occur when you run the application.
#back to top
You can also use a traditional non-ORM CFC. In this case, the Fetch and Sync Methods use the cfquery tag and
related tags and function for database operations.
To manage interactions with the AIR application and keep the data synchronized, ColdFusion application uses a
component called the SyncManager. The SyncManager implements the CFIDE.AIR.ISyncManager interface. The
component has two functions:
A fetch function that the AIR application calls to get data from ColdFusion. This function is not part of the
ISyncManager interface, but is required. The function can have any arbitrary name, but is called fetch by
A sync function that the AIR application calls to synchronize the ColdFusion and AIR data sources when the
application updates or changes data. This function takes three parameters:
operations An array of operations to perform INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
clientObjects An array of objects, where each item in the array represents the client's current view of the
data to be synchronized.
originalObjects An array of objects, each item in this Array represents the corresponding original data
from the server (if any), such as an existing employee record that a user is updating. For an INSERT
operation, this object is null. For a DELETE operation, this object is normally the same as the current data.
Incase of Conflict during Sync process, the sync function returns to the AIR client an Array of
"CFIDE.AIR.Conflict.cfc" objects. Each of this Conflict object consists of a single serverObject element. The
sync function sets the element to equal the server copy of the record that is in conflict. The client application
can then handle the conflict as described in Conflict management.
Server-Side notes
When the sync function performs a DELETE operation, it gets the primary key ID from the OriginalObject of
the Sync method, as the ClientObject is NULL. For update and insert operations, use the ClientObject key
When you do an INSERT operation, the CFC checks whether the OriginalObject parameter of the sync
method is a simple value, as in the following code:
{NOT IsSimpleValue(OriginalObject)}
In an INSERT operation, OriginalObject passed to the Sync function is null. So if you attempt to retrieve any
of its properties, you get a Method NOT Found error. For Example, OriginalObject.GetID results in a Method
GetID() not found error. So, for Insert operation, use ClientObject to access various fields.
While a ColdFusion application can use cfquery to directly manage the database, most AIR applications are
expected to use the ORM feature. The discussion here uses ColdFusion ORM for server-side data
You may see the following kind of error message if you are using ColdFusion 8 Remoting with AIR offline
applications, which have server side "Sync" method using ORM EntitySave()/EntityDelete()methods
You may also encounter this error with ColdFusion 9 Remoting but only for EntityDelete method.To
resolve this sort of error, call your EntitySave/EntityDelete method in following way in "Sync" method.
In case of a conflict, the sync function returns an array of "CFIDE.AIR.Conflict" objects to the client.
There are four properties a conflict object can have: operation,serverobject,clientobject,origina
lobject. The serverobjectproperty of the conflict object must be a user-defined CFC type that
represents the server-side database table. The following example generates a conflict object with a valid
ServerObject property of type employee.cfc, which represents the Employee table:
If you are using ColdFusion ORM, you can replace the preceding example with the following code.
When an AIR client with stale data tries to update an already deleted record from the database, server throws
the conflict, and the client's conflict handle, which has the KeepAllServerObjects or KeepServerObjec
tmethod accepts the changes from the server. However, the client method does not delete the stale record,
which no longer exists in the server database, from the client database.To prevent this issue: The
serverObject property of the conflict object returned by the server must be null, if the record that the client
requests for updating is no longer in the database. For example:
The AIR application represents the managed data in an ActionScript object that corresponds to the ColdFusion-side
data CFC. For example, in the Employee example, the AIR application has an file containing an
Employee ActionScript class that corresponds to ColdFusion employee.cfc:
package test.basic
public class Employee
/** The user id of the employee **/
public var id:int;
public var firstName : String;
public var lastName : String;
public var displayName : String;
public var countryCode : String = 'US';
You do not need to create any SQLite databases or tables; they are created automatically. For
example, once the Employee class is defined as above, the first time you invoke the class, the
equivalent SQLite table is created for server data persistence.
Column(name="name", columnDefinition="TEXT),
For private properties in a class, set Column metadata on the accessor functions (getxxx and
setxxx) and not on the private property, as shown in the following code:
Client Side
ColdFusion 9 extends offline application support to the client side of the application by letting you code ActionScript
elements on the client side. The data that is exchanged and synchronized on the client side is managed through
persistent objects in the local or offline database.
Managing relationships
The ActionScript persistent framework lets you define the following relationship types between two persistent
To understand how the persistent framework handles relationships, let us consider an example of the
Employee and Department objects in a database.
If you do not specify attribute values, the default values are taken as follows:
The default table name is the class name.
The default value for columnDefinition is the ActionScript type of the field.
The default value for referencedColumnName is the primary key of the target entity.
The default value for targetEntity is the ActionScript type of the referring field.
In case you are using ORM CFCs, the remotingFetch attribute in the <cfproperty> tag is set to
false by default for all relationships. You must set this attribute to true to retrieve data on the
client side.
One-to-one relationship
Consider a one-to-one relationship where one employee belongs to a single department. You can use code like the
following to define a one-to-one mapping between the Department and Employee objects with DEPTID as the
foreign key column name.
public class Employee
var id:uint;
[JoinColumn(name="DEPTID", referencedColumnName="DEPT_ID")]
var dept:Department;
The JoinColumn}}tag specifies the foreign key column and all the attributes of the
column tag. Do not specify {{JoinColumn for both the entities in the relationship. For example, in the
one-to-one relationship between the Department and Employee objects, specify {{JoinColumn}}only for one of the
entities depending on the direction of the relationship.
referencedColumnName specifies the primary key column that it refers to. Class indicates the target entity,
which is Department in this example.
The default fetchType value is EAGER. See Lazy loading and fetch type below for information on fetch types.
One-to-many relationship
Consider a one-to-many relationship where one employee belongs to many departments. You can use code like the
following to define a one-to-many mapping between the Department and Employee objects.
There is no column specified in the Employee table but refers to the field in the Department entity that points to the
Employee entity.
The default fetchType value is LAZY. See Lazy loading and fetch type below for information on fetch types
Many-to-one relationship
Consider a many-to-one relationship where many employees belong to a single department. You can use code like
the following to define a many-to-one mapping between the Department and Employee objects.
The default fetchType value is EAGER. See Lazy loading and fetch type below for information on fetch types
Many-to-many relationship
Consider a many-to-many relationship where many employees belong to many departments. You can use code like
the following to define a many-to-many mapping between the Department and Employee objects.
The default fetchType value is LAZY. See Lazy loading and fetch type below for information on fetch types.
For a many-to-many relationship, you specify metadata like the following only on one of the entities and not both.
The JoinColumn tag specifies the foreign key column and all the attributes of the column tag. The InverseJoinC
olumn tag specifies the reference to the joining entity in the JoinTable tag. In this example, join table
"EMP_DEPT" has a column named "DEPID", which refers to the "DEPTID" column of the Department table.
The JoinTable tag defines the join table for the many-to-many relationship specifying the join column and inverse
join column. In this example, a join table named "EMP_DEPT" is created in the Offline SQLite DB with a
many-to-many relationship between the Employee and Department tables.
Lazy loading and fetch type
The ActionScript persistent framework supports lazy loading although it may not be as intuitive because of the
asynchronous connection with the database.
The fetch type EAGER or LAZY determines the fetch type for the relationship that is loaded. An EAGER fetch type
loads the relationship and fetches data when the call is first made. A LAZY fetch type loads the relationship and
fetches data only when an explicit fetch call is made. The default value for the fetch type is EAGER and the default
value for ignoreLazyLoad is false.
When you specify fetchType="EAGER" at the class-definition level, the loadByPk function always loads the
related object, irrespective of the value you specify for the ignoreLazyLoad parameter.
When you specify fetchType="LAZY" at the class-definition level, you can have two possibilities:
When you specify the ignoreLazyLoad parameter
as true, the related object is also loaded. For
example, if you have two related objects Address and Customer, and
specify loadByPK(Customer,{id:3},true), the Address
object is also loaded.
When you do not specify any value for the ignoreLazyLoad parameter,
it takes the default value that is false, and the
related object is not loaded. For example, if you have two related
objects Address and Customer, and specify loadByPK(Customer,{id:3}),
the Address object is not loaded.
Cascading lets you specify the operations to be cascaded from the parent object to the associated object. The
supported operations are INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. The cascadeType attribute lets you set any of the
following values.
ALL If The source entity is inserted, updated, or deleted, the target entity is also inserted, updated, or
PERSIST If The source entity is inserted or updated, the target entity is also inserted or updated.
REMOVE If The source entity is deleted, the target entity is also deleted.
The one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many relationships are all supported by cascading.
You can use code like the following to specify the cascading options:
If you do not specify the cascadeType option, only the source entity is persisted or updated.
When you specify cascadeType='ALL or REMOVE'}}to remove the parent object and the
associated child objects, load the parent object using {{load***() method and pass it
through session.remove(parentObj). If you do not use this method of loading, only the parent object gets
deleted from SQLite database and the child objects remain.
If you have enabled lazy loading by specifying fetchType='LAZY' at the entity level, when you
load a parent object using load**() method, the child objects are not loaded. When you
specify cascadeType='ALL or REMOVE' and try to delete the parent object by passing it
through session.remove(parentObj), it does not delete the child objects. To overcome
this limitation, use the load**() method with ignorelazyloading='true'.
Use the SyncManager fetch method to fetch data from the ColdFusion server by calling the fetch method of the
server data object. The syncManager.fetch method takes the name of the CFC fetch method (typically fetch) as
its first parameter, followed by any CFC fetch method parameters.
The syncManager.fetch method returns an AsyncToken object that provides access to the data. The function
returns the token synchronously. The ColdFusion CFC response returns asynchronously. Therefore, call the token's
addResponder method to specify a responder that handles the responses for successful and failed fetches.
To fetch the initial data from the server, you can include the following code in the Application init() method.
You use a Session object to manage the data in the local SQLite database. You call the syncmanager.openSession
method to create a session with a specific database file. The method returns a SessionToken token, and the
SessionToken.session property provides access to the session. You use code in the token's openSessionSuccess
responder event handler to provide access to the session object. This way, you do not access the session, and
therefore the database, until it is successfully opened.
The following code expands on the session initialization code that was shown above. and shows an
openSessionSuccess event handler that uses the session to save the contents of the remote database in the local
image. In this example, users is the array collection fetched from server:
If Begintransaction() function doesnt have a corresponding Committransaction() function, then the AIR
side SQLite DB file is locked. To avoid this, use the following code at the end of an event flow.
Once you have access to the session, you can get (load) data from the SQLite database, and insert, delete, and
update data database by calling the session objects methods. For details on the session object methods, see Action
Script 3.0 Reference. Alternatively, you can see the standalone Adobe ColdFusion ActionScript Language
Reference, which is accessible through the Documentation link on the Resources page of the ColdFusion
The SQLite database doesn't validate column types when it creates a table. If you give it an invalid value for
if (token.result == null) {
Add the responder here
else {
Directly use the token.result
2. Check that the ArrayCollection that is input to the SaveCache function is not null. The null response indicates
that the fetch operation did not get a result from the server:
If (ArrayCollection != null) {
Call SaveCache() function
Add Responder to the SaveCache Token
else {
Handle the condition here.
If you call the SaveUpdate Method and a record with the specified primary key doesn't exist, the function
inserts the record. The method updates an existing record only if the primary key exists in the client database.
After you fetch data from the server, use only the SaveCache and SaveCacheUpdate methods to save the
fetched data into client side database. If you use the Save function to store the fetched data, the data is
marked for insert on server on commit, and the data you just got is written back to the server. In this case, a
conflict occurs for the server database primary key. If the server-side logic handles this conflict by ignoring
the primary key ID from the client, and lets the server generate a new ID, then the records are inserted,
resulting in multiple copies of the data with different IDs.
For AIR integration offline support, if you do not globally declare the variables for client side ActionScript
classes but attempt to save the data records fetched from server using session.saveCache() or sessio
n.saveUpdateCache(), you might encounter AIR side error stackstrace with a message similar to the
"Error: The object of type Object does not have the Entity metadata tag at
The client SyncManager object tracks all the changes to the local data that happens through the session, so that the
local data and server data can be synchronized. The SyncManager also tracks the old data instances when data
that is already on the server is updated locally.
When the AIR application calls the Session.commit method, all changes that happened on the session are
passed to the CFC sync function. The sync function determines if there are any conflicts between the returned
information. If there are no conflicts, it updates the server data source. Otherwise, it handles the data as described
in Conflict management.
When you call the session.commit method, if the server does not throw an error, the commit
method dispatches a CommitSucces event. This event indicates that the session.commit method
has executed successfully, and the client data has been handed to the server CFC sync method.
(If an error occurs while sending data to the sync method, the client receives a CommitFault
event.) Therefore, the CommitSucces event does not mean that the server has saved the client
data, but only that it has received the data. For example, the server does not save the data if
there is a conflict, but the CommitSucces event is still dispatched. You handle conflicts
separately by adding an event listener on the SyncManager. The event Flow is the first to get the
CommitSucces event, and then a ConflictEvent event.
To authenticate the AIR client that is connecting to the ColdFusion server, you can send the remoting credentials,
which can be used on the server side under the <cflogin> tag. This is the same as setting the remoting credential
for a normal flash remoting object.
The following code contains the getRemoteObject() method in SyncManager, which gets the underlying flash
remoting object, so that you have full and same control over this as a normal flash remoting object.
Conflict management
Conflicts can happen in an offline application when the client modifies data that is already modified on the server. To
identify such a conflict, the session.Commit method passes the following data to the ColdFusion server sync
operations: An array of operations to perform INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
clientobjects: An array of new data changes.
originalobjects: An array of data that was in the client database before the change. There is no conflict in the
following circumstances:
If your are updating a record and the data on the server is same as the data in the originalobject. The client
before the change had the same data as the server. In this case, the server updates its data source. If the old
client data differs from that on the server, the application must handle the conflict.
If you are inserting a new record. In this case, there is no originalobject value and ColdFusion can insert the
record in the data store.
You use the ColdFusion ObjectEquals function to identify conflicts. Pass the function the new instance of cfc
from the client and the original instance to check if they are equal. If they are equal, the client has been
working with the latest data. If it is not, the server can raise a conflict by returning the sever version of the
instance present on the server from the sync method by creating an instance of CFIDE.AIR.conflict.cfc
, setting its serverobject property (its only property) to the server value of the data, and returning the array
of conflict objects to the AIR client.
The following code is an ideal example of sync method that uses ORM methods for syncing operations and
also handles conflicts.
The CFC handling of the conflict depends on your application. In some cases, it can be appropriate to ignore the
conflict and update the server data source with the new client data. In many cases, as in the preceding example, the
CFC informs the client about the conflict by returning the server value of the data.
On the client side, you use code such as the following to register the method that handles the conflict that the server
syncmanager.addEventListener(ConflictEvent.CONFLICT, conflictHandler);
function conflictHandler(event:ConflictEvent):void
var conflicts:ArrayCollection = event.result as ArrayCollection;
var token:SessionToken = session.keepAllServerObjects(conflicts);
token.addResponder(new mx.rpc.Responder(conflictSuccess, conflictFault));
The conflictevent object contains an array of conflict objects that contain the clientinstance, originalinstance and the
serverinstance. To accept the server's data, the application calls keepAllServerObjects, which takes an
ArrayCollection that was passed to the conflict handler, or call the keepServerObject that takes an individual Conflict
instance as shown in the following code. This conflict handler simply accepts any returned server object.
function conflictHandler(event:ConflictEvent):void
var conflicts:ArrayCollection = event.result as ArrayCollection;
var conflict:Conflict = conflicts.getItemAt(0);
var token:SessionToken = session.keepServerObject(conflict);
token.addResponder(new mx.rpc.Responder(conflictSuccess, conflictFault));
ActionScript has a few reserved keywords. When you name the Class/SQLite table, ensure that you do not use any
of the reserved keywords. For example, Order is an ActionScript reserved keyword. If you name a table or class as
Order, the table creation fails. To avoid this name conflict, use the Table(name="OrderTable") metadata tag to
override the default name. Your code for the class could look something like the following:
package test
public class Order
public function Order()
public var oid:uint;
public var name:String;
public var products:Array;
Create a folder called "onetoone" in your AIR project and add the ActionScript class files: and with code that could be something like the following:
package onetoone
[RemoteClass(alias="AIRIntegration.custome r")]
public class Customer
public var cid:int;
public var name: String;
public var address:Address;
package onetoone
public class Address
public var aid:int;
public var street:String;
Add code like the following in the MainApplication.mxml file to perform CRUD operations on the database.
For and ActionScript classes, global variables have been declared.
add:Address;//global variable for
cus:Customer; //global variable for
Server-side code
Create the following cfc files - Application.cfc, Customer.cfc, Address.cfc, and Cusmanager.cfc with code like the
following. The AIR client interacts with the Cusmanager.cfc file, in which you specify the code to fetch and sync the
data back to the server.
<cfset = "OneTonOneExample">
<cfset this.datasource="testorm">
<cfset this.ormenabled="true">
<cfset this.ormsettings={dialect = "MicrosoftSQLServer"}>
<cfcomponent persistent="true">
<cfproperty name="cid" fieldtype="id" >
<cfproperty name="name" >
<cfproperty name="address" fieldType='one-to-one'
CFC="address" fkcolumn='aid' cascade='all' >
<cfcomponent persistent="true">
<cfproperty name="aid" fieldtype="id" >
<cfproperty name="street" >
<cfcomponent implements="CFIDE.AIR.ISyncManager">
<!----Fetch method--->
<cffunction name="fetch" returnType="Array" access="remote">
<cfset cus = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset cus = EntityLoad("customer")>
<cfreturn cus>
<!----SYNC method--->
<cffunction name="sync" returntype="any">
<cfargument name="operations" type="array" required="true">
<cfargument name="clientobjects" type="array" required="true">
<cfargument name="originalobjects" type="array" required="false">
This release supports primary key generation for the ActionScript ORM using the metadata tag GeneratedValue.
Adding this tag on an ActionScript primary key file auto-generates primary key.
If the ID value is not present in the object, the value is generated and is assigned the primary key value. If the key
value is already present on the object instance, then the key generation is ignored.For integer primary keys, the
database table is checked for the presence of existing primary keys. If the highest key value is greater than the ini
tialValue, then the key that is generated next will be an increment of the highest key value. For example, if the i
nitialValue that you specify is 1, and the database (already) has a key value 5, then the next key is generated
with the value 6 (5+1, if incrementBy is set to 1).
//Integer Primary Keys
package test.apollo.CFSQLiteSupport.INCREMENTPK
public class Customer
public function Customer()
[GeneratedValue(strategy="INCREMENT",initialValue=5,incrementBy=2) ]
public var cid:int;
public var name:String;
public var ord:Order;
//String Primary Keys
package test.apollo.CFSQLiteSupport.UUIDPK
public class Customer
public function Customer()
[GeneratedValue(strategy="UUID") ]
public var cid:String;
public var name:String;
public var ord:Order;
You can protect the database used by ActionScript ORM with an encryption key.
Use the ByteArray encryption key for syncmanager.openSession method to encrypt the database. The
user-specified database file and the cache database file (used by the ActionScript ORM) are both encrypted using
the encryption key you specify.
The key is optional.
dbFile = File.userDirectory.resolvePath("customerManger.db");
dbDir = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
var keyGenerator:EncryptionKeyGenerator = new EncryptionKeyGenerator();
var encryptionKey:ByteArray = keyGenerator.getEncryptionKey("UserPassword");
var sessiontoken:SessionToken
For details on EncryptionKeyGenerator, see the section Using the EncryptionKeyGenerator class to obtain a
secure encryption key in Developing Adobe AIR 1.5 Applications with Flex.
Specifying the cache directory
The cache directory where you store the cache file can be specified using the cacheDirectory (instance of flas
h.filesystem.File) for the syncmanager.openSession method.
The cacheDirectory is optional.
By default, the cache file used by the ActionScript ORM is stored in the
File.applicationStorageDirectory (in ColdFusion 9, it was stored in File.applicationDirectory).
Database table can be related to itself through a foreign key. A typical example is an Employee table with a
manager relationship containing the employee id of the managers (who manage the employee).
The manager id refers to another row in the same table. This is an example of one-to-one self join.
There can be one-to-many self join and many-to-many self joins with an intermediate join table.
ColdFusion 9 Update 1 has self join support for all the relationships in the ActionScript ORM.
The following ActionScript class definition for customer entity illustrates how all the self-join relationships are
public class Customer
public var cid:int;
public var name:String;
public var address:Address;
// Many-to-One self Join
public var manager:Customer;
// One-to-one Self Join
public var spouse:Customer;
// Many-to-Many self Join
public var parents:Array;
In addition to Array, you can now use ArrayCollection to hold multiple entities in a database relationship.
ArrayCollection can also be used in the ActionScript entities as Arrays are used to represent the related entities.
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
public class Customer
public var cid:int;
public var name:String;
public var address:Address;
public var orders:ArrayCollection;
Server-side configuration
See the section Changes in the XML configuration files for Flash Remoting in ColdFusion 9 and ColdFusion 9.0.1 .
Logging SQL statements
The log target is the TraceTarget where all the trace statements appear. The log target can be set to any other log
using the Flash APIs.
ColdFusion ActionScript APIs
The following two APIs have been introduced to the session class in the coldfusion.air package:
Takes an ArrayCollection of conflict instances and keeps the client object for every conflict instance in the
An instance of coldfusion.air.SessionToken (which is the token for keepAllClientObjects call).
public function keepAllClientObjects(conflicts:ArrayCollection):SessionToken
private function conflictHandler(event:ConflictEvent):void
//"Server returned a Conflict !");
var conflicts:ArrayCollection = event.result as ArrayCollection;
// Ignore Server data and retain client Data in SQLite DB
var token:SessionToken = session.keepAllClientObjects(conflicts);
token.addResponder(new mx.rpc.Responder(conflictSuccess, conflictFault));
Ensures that the client object is retained instead of the one from the server (despite server raising data conflict).The
API also ensures that the retained client object is not sent to the server as a new operation on sync.
An instance of coldfusion.air.SessionToken associated with keepClientObject call.
public function keepClientObject(conflict:coldfusion.air.Conflict):SessionToken
See the example in the section keepAllClientObjects. For keepClientObject, the only difference is that you must
iterate over each conflict in the conflictarray collection.
Offline AIR SQLite API enhancements
A class is dynamic in ActionScript if you can add additional key-value pairs to the instance of the class.
In this release, sessionToken is dynamic class. Therefore, you can add additional information that can be passed
from where the API is called to the success or fault handlers.
This functionality helps you minimize the conflicts during the synchronization with the server, particularly in the case
of auto-generation of primary key on client and serverside.
New attribute for SessionResultEvent and SessionToken
The classes SessionResultEvent and SessionToken have a new attribute autoGeneratedId that gets
populated with the auto-generated ID used by ActionScript ORM. autoGeneratedId is populated only when a key
is generated by the ActionScript ORM in that specific call.
Assume that the server database generates primary keys and you choose to generate primary
key on client SQL Lite table (as shown in the example). This scenario results in a conflict which
the application developer must resolve. An option is to design your application in such a way that
you minimize conflicts between client and server objects. In this case, you can set client object
primary keys as null or empty string before saving data to the database server using serverside
ORM EntitySave function.
#back to top
To use a ColdFusion service in an application built with Flex, you use the Config class to establish the connection,
and then use the other classes to access the ColdFusion services.
Since ColdFusion 9, you can also specify the remoting destination in the Config class as well as all the proxy tags.
To use ColdFusion services from Flex and AIR, you must enable access to the services as
described in "Enable ColdFusion Services" in the ColdFusion Web Services section.
backgroundColor = "Black"
chartHeight = "500"
chartWidth = "600"
dataBackgroundColor = "yellow"
font = "ariel"
fontBold = "yes"
fontItalic = "yes"
fontSize = "12"
foregroundColor = "red"
gridLines = "2"
labelFormat = "number"
markerSize = "10"
showBorder = "yes"
showLegend = "yes"
showMarkers = "yes"
tipStyle = "MouseOver"
You normally specify the config class using an MXML tag as follows:
You can also override the server settings directly in the service tag, for example:
var docItem:Array = [{type:"header",content:"<font size='-3'>
<i>Salary Report</i></font>"},{type:"footer",
content:"<font size='-3'>
Page #cfdocument.currentpagenumber#</font>"}];
[Bindable]var docSectionItem:Array = [{content:"<table width='95%'
border='2' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' >
<td><font size='-1'>John</font></td>
<td align='right'><font size='-1'>Guess What</font></td></tr>
<tr><td align='right'><font size='-1'>Total</font></td>
<td align='right'><font size='-1'>Peanuts</font></td></tr>",
cfDoc.documentSection = docSectionItem;
{type:"footer",content:"<font size='-3'>
Page <cfoutput>#cfdocument.currentpagenumber#
var docSection:Array =
var docSectionItem:Array =
var res:String = new String();
private function init():void
private function handleResult(event:ResultEvent):void
//"httpurl= "+event.result.toString());
private function handleError(event:Event):void
<cf:Config id="configid" cfServer="localhost"
cfPort="80" servicePassword="service" serviceUserName="service" />
<!-- simple case-->
<cf:Document id="doctestnow" action="generate"
format="flashpaper" result="handleResult(event)"
<!--doc item case -->
<!--<cf:Document id="doctestnow" action="generate"
format="flashpaper" result="handleResult(event)"
fault="handleError(event)" documentItem="{docItem}"/>-->
<!-- doc section case-->
<!--<cf:Document id="doctestnow" action="generate"
format="flashpaper" result="handleResult(event)"
fault="handleError(event)" documentSection="{docSection}"/>-->
<!-- doc section and doc item case
<cf:Document id="doctestnow" action="generate"
format="flashpaper" result="handleResult(event)"
fault="handleError(event)" documentSection="{docSectionItem}" />-->
<mx:SWFLoader source="{res}"/>
Batch operation
A batch operation lets you perform multiple image manipulations on an image as part of one operation, instead of
performing the operations individually. You upload an image to the server, use the batch operation to perform
multiple Image operations on it, and get the modified image back from the server. To use this action, use an
associative array of actions and corresponding attributes. It is easier to create an associative array in ActionScript
than MXML.
The following example shows code to create the associative array with the action information and perform the batch
ActionScript Part:
public var attributes:Array =
MXML Part:
public function httpResult(event:ResultEvent):void
{"Connection with ColdFusion server Successful","Connection Status");
public function httpFault(event:FaultEvent):void
{"ColdFusion server could not be reached, Make sure credentials are
correct and CF server is running","Error");
private function checkCollapse(event:MouseEvent):void
if( event.clickCount == 2)
currentState = currentState == "collapsed" ? "":"collapsed";
private function rememberCredential():void
var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
En cryptedLocalStore.setItem('IP', data );
var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
Encr yptedLocalStore.setItem('PORT', data );
var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
Encrypt edLocalStore.setItem('CONTEXT', data );
var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
Encr yptedLocalStore.setItem( 'USER', data );
var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
Encrypted LocalStore.setItem('PASS', data );
private function retrieveCredential():void
cfip.text = EncryptedLocalStore.getItem('IP').toString();
cfprt.text = EncryptedLocalStore.getItem('PORT').toString();
cfcnxtrt.text = EncryptedLocalStore.getItem('CONTEXT').toString();
cfserviceusername.text = EncryptedLocalStore.getItem('USER').toString();
cfservicepassword.text = EncryptedLocalStore.getItem(' PASS').to String();
private function resetCredential():void
cfip.text = "";
cfprt.text = "";
cfcnxtrt.text = "";
cfserviceusername.text = "" ;
cfservicepassword.text = "";
<mx:Label text="CFServer IP"/>
<mx: TextInput id="cfip" text="" width="
<mx:Label text="CFServer Port"/>
<mx:TextInput id="cfprt" text="" width="40"/>
<mx:Labeltext="CFServer Context Root (if any)"/>
<mx:TextInput id="cfcnxtrt" text="" width="70"/>
<mx:Label text="CFService UserName"/>
<mx:TextInput id= "cfserviceusername" text="" width="70"/>
<mx:Label text="CFService Password"/>
<mx:TextInput displayAsPassword="true" id="cfservicepassword" text="" width="70"/>
<mx:Button id="testconn" label="Test Connection" click="testConnection()"/>
<mx:Button id="save" label=" Remember"click="rememberCredential()"/>
<mx:Button id="reset" label ="Reset" click = "resetCred e n tial()"/>
<mx:State name="collapsed">
<mx: SetProperty name="height" value="10"/>
attachbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, browseFiles);
filereflist.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectHandler);
//Browse for files
private function browseFiles(event:Event):void
// called after user selects files form the browse dialogue box.
private function selectHandler(event:Event):void
{var i:int;
for (i=0;i < event.currentTarget.fileList.length; i ++)
attachList.text += event.currentTarget.fileList[i].name + ", ";
private function uploadFiles(event:Event):void
if (fileslist.length > 0)
fileRef = FileReference(fileslist.getItemAt(0));
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
else if (fileslist.length == 0)
// called after a file has been successfully uploaded | We use this as well to check
if there are any files left to upload and how to handle it
private function completeHandler(event:Event):void
//"File Uploaded successfully");
if (fileslist.length > 0)
//called after file upload is done and Data has been returned from Server
private function dataHandler(event:DataEvent):void
attachCollection[urlcnt++] = {"file":
if (fileslist.length == 0)
private function sendmail():void
<cf:Mail id="mailtest"
to="{too.text}" bcc="{bcc.text}" cc="{cc.text}"
failTo="[email protected]" replyTo="[email protected]"
subject="{subject.text}" content="{mailbody.text}"
type="text" charset="utf-8" mailerId="CF" priority="1"
timeout="60" useTLS="true" wrapText="5"
#back to top
1. Use the ActionScript APIs and the Util.UPLOAD_URL variable to upload an
Image, PDF, or mail attachment to the server on which the action has to be performed. The upload URL to
supply to the can be constructed as follows in the ActionScript part of the
uploadURL.url =
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
variables.serviceusername = conf.serviceUserName;
variables.servicepassword = conf.servicePassword; = variables;
Here, specify "conf.cfServer", "conf.cfPort" and "conf.ContextRoot" in the <cf:Config> tag. Specify
"conf.ContextRoot" only if ColdFusion is deployed as a J2EE application.
The ActionScript FileUpload functionality is out of the scope for this feature hence it is not
explained in detail, but an example of the usage is provided in code in MAIL class section.
For further information on FileUpload functionality see the ActionScript documentation.
2. Once the file is uploaded, the server returns an XML response containing URL of the uploaded file. Use the
Util class function extractURLFromUploadResponse() to extract the URL from the XML
3. Use the file URL in the source attribute of the service tags.
4. When the required service tag attributes are set, run the service action by calling the following method:
5. If the action succeeds, the server returns the result. If there is an exception, it returns the fault. Handle the Re
sultEvent and FaultEvent objects in the service-specific result handler and fault handler that you specify
in the service tag, or in global handlers that you specify in the <cf:config>. The ResultEvent object contains
the URL of the File on which the operations have been performed. Users can save this file by downloading it
on their machine or rendering it in the application. The FaultEvent object contains the exception details that
occurred on the server while performing the operation.
For granular control over proxy classes, you can get hold of the underlying RemotObject by using
getRemoteObject() method on the proxy class object. For example, for <cf:Mail id="mailId">, you can get it
using the following code in ActionScript.
To use the LiveCycle Data Services ES assembler, the Flex application must be running on Flex
Data Services 2.0.1 or LiveCycle Data Services 2.5, although not every feature is supported in
Flex Data Services 2.0.1.
The Flex server includes a ColdFusion Data Service adapter. The adapter processes changes to data to ensure that
data on the client is synchronized with back-end data and conversely; it executes the sync, fill, count, and get
operations, identifies conflicts, and passes results to LiveCycle Data Services ES.
ColdFusion includes the LiveCycle Data Services ES assembler; along with the ActionScript translator, it converts
the input arguments where necessary and translates the return values.
If you install LiveCycle Data Services ES, ColdFusion does not map .SWF files. This means that
all .SWF files are served through the ColdFusion web application instead of the web server.
The following diagram shows the process that LiveCycle Data Services ES and ColdFusion use when a Flex
application calls a method in a ColdFusion component:
1. A Flash client requests data that the LiveCycle Data Management Service adapter handles.
2. Flex calls a fill, sync, get, or count method in the Data Service.
3. If you are running LiveCycle Data Services ES remotely, copy the lcds2.6_install/resources/lib/flex-*.jar files
to the <ColdFusion_home>/lib/ directory for a standalone deployment or WEB-INF/cfusion/lib directory for
J2EE deployment.
4. The ColdFusion Data Service adapter sends the request to the LiveCycle Data Services ES assembler. If you
are running LiveCycle Data Services ES remotely, the adapter sends the request by using Java Remote
Method Invocation (Java RMI).
5. The LiveCycle Data Services ES assembler and the ActionScript translator convert ActionScript 3.0 data
types to the appropriate ColdFusion values.
6. The ColdFusion server runs the fill, sync, get, or count method of the assembler CFC, which runs the
appropriate methods in the DAO CFC.
7. The ColdFusion application creates an array of Value Objects or appropriate return value, which it sends to
the ColdFusion server.
8. The ColdFusion server sends the results to the LiveCycle Data Services ES assembler.
9. The LiveCycle Data Services ES assembler and the ActionScript translator convert ColdFusion values to the
appropriate ActionScript 3.0 data types, and then the assembler sends the results to the ColdFusion Data
Service adapter.
10. The ColdFusion Data Service adapter sends the results to the LiveCycle Data Management Service.
11. The LiveCycle Data Management Service passes the results to the Flash client.
The RMI registry, which facilitates communication between the ColdFusion Data Service
assembler and the remote LiveCycle Data Management Service uses port 1099, which is the
default port for Java RMI. You can change the port number by adding -Dcoldfusion.rmiport=1234
to the Java JVM arguments on both the ColdFusion server and the Flex server.
For ColdFusion 9, the structure of the services-config.xml file has changed. These structural changes are:
A new <coldfusion> tag has been added under the <properties> in <channel-definition>, where the
However, now you need to either set the <instantiate-types> to true or remove it from the
services-config.xml file.
The <enable-small-messages> flag must be set to falseunder the serialization property.
In case you create custom channel definition on your client side by overriding the
XML-based channel configurations, you still need to set "enableSmallMessages" flag to
false. This is shown in the following code example:
<mx:ChannelSet id="myChannelSet">
<mx:AMFChannel enableSmallMessages="false"
url="" id="cfAMFPolling"
pollingEnabled="true" pollingInterval="8"/>
In ColdFusion 9, the endpoint class names have been changed from the endpoint classes in ColdFusion 8.
The following table provides a list of channel-definitions and their corresponding endpoint classes:
Channel-definition ID
For LiveCycle Data Services ES, the cf-polling-amf and cf-rtmp channel definitions are used.
ColdFusion 10 supports BlazeDS 4. The following table details the endpoint classes for BlazeDS:
Channel-definition ID
Endpoint Class
ColdFusion 10 supports LCDS 3 and LCDS 3.1.The following table details the endpoint classes for LCDS:
Channel-definition ID
Endpoint Class
LiveCycle Data Services ES transports messages to and from destinations over message channels that are part of
the Flex messaging system. When you configure a destination, you reference the messaging channels to use. To
connect to a ColdFusion back-end application, ensure that the services-config.xml file contains definitions for
the cf-polling-amf channel and the cf-rtmp channel in the channels section. If you are running LiveCycle
Data Services ES in ColdFusion, the services-config.xml file is in the wwwroot\WEB-INF\flex directory and
contains the channel definitions by default. If you are running LiveCycle Data Services ES remotely, the
services-config.xml file is located in the under \WEB-INF\flex directory when you install LiveCycle Data Services
ES in the default location.
The new channel definitions include the following:
Flex provides adapters to connect to various back-end applications. To use the ColdFusion Data Service adapter,
you specify it in the data management configuration file by copying the following adapter-definition to the adapters
section of the data-management-config.xml file that is in the WEB-INF/flex folder of the server on which you want to
run the Flex application. If you are running LiveCycle Data Services ES in ColdFusion, the
data-management-config.xml file contains the adapter definitions by default.
The adapter definition includes the following line:
<adapter-definition id="coldfusion-dao"
Specifying a destination
A destination is the server-side service or object that you call. You configure Data Management destinations in the
data-management-config.xml file.
The destination contains the following elements:
destination id
identity property
<destination id="cfcontact">
<!-- Use the ColdFusion adapter for any CF specific destinations-->
<adapter ref="coldfusion-dao" />
<channel ref="cf-polling-amf" />
<!--The component name or path on the CF server-->
<!--Either "application" or "request"-->
<!-- The hostname or IP address of the CF host. If Data Services is installed as
part of CF, you omit this. If Data Services runs outside of CF, you must
define this. <hostname>localhost</hostname>-->
<!--This is the ID of the ColdFusion Data Management service as configured in
the ColdFusion Administrator. Only needed if you have more than one instance of
CF on a machine and Data Services is not installed as part of CF.
<identity>default</identity> -->
<!--Credentials to pass to the assembler CFC for all clients. Generally better
to use setRemoteCredentials() API on client <remote-username></remote-username>
<identity property="contactId" />
<!--Optional, If the Assembler fill routine returns a query,you must define an
Actionscript type for the rows.-->
<!-- Add network elements here-->
<!-- The method declarations are ignored for CFC Assemblers, with the exception of
the fill-method settings. No parameters are defined here, unlike Java. Any
provided via the AS call are passed along to the CFC, just use optional arguments
when defining the CFC.-->
<!--Does the assembler have a "fill-contains" method? This method is used to
determine whether to refresh the fill. If the specified method returns true the
is re-executed after a create or update. Auto-refresh determines if the fill is
always refreshed if not specified. May only be used when auto-refresh is true.
You enable ColdFusion-specific debugging output in the Flex console by adding the following <pattern> tag in the
<filters> tag in the logging section in the services-config.xml file:
For more information, see "Configuring the Data Service" in Developing Flex Applications, which is included in the
Flex documentation.
The ColdFusion Administrator lets you enable or disable LiveCycle Data Management support. If
you are running more than one instance of ColdFusion, use a unique ID to specify each instance
of ColdFusion for which you enable LiveCycle Data Management support. You do so by
specifying the identity in the identity element in the data-management-config.xml file.
The fill method retrieves records from a database and populates an array with the records. If you use the
Bean/DAO methodology, you create the lower level read method separately in the DAO CFC.
The fill method returns the results of a read operation. In the fill method, you create an array to hold the
results of the read, and then return the results of the read operation. The essential elements of a fill method
appear as follows:
You can return a Value Object CFC, a query, or an array of CFML structures. Using a query instead of a Value
Object CFC may improve performance. However, ColdFusion cannot handle nested results sets when you use a
query. For example, if one of the CFC properties you are returning from the fill method was populated with
another complex type such as another CFC type, ColdFusion cannot automatically convert a column in the query to
an object with a custom type. In this case, you return an array of CFCs, and the fill method or the read method
in the DAO CFC constructs the correct object.
You can use structures wherever you currently create a ColdFusion component in the Assembler. However, you still
receive CFC Value Objects from Flex. For example, the Change Objects that you receive in the sync method
contain CFCs, assuming that you have a remote alias defined in the ActionScript type.
You can create Value Object CFCs in the get method. However, using the structure functionality, you can create
and return a structure instead of a CFC, because the structures are translated in the same way as CFCs. You can
also return an array of structures from the fill method instead of an array of CFCs, for example, if you have to do
processing on your data and working with CFCs isn't fast enough. Generally, structures are faster than CFCs. You
also use structures when a member of the result object is a complex object. In this case, you create another
structure as the value of that key and provide the _type_ key for it.
You specify the returntype of the fill method as a Value Object CFC, a query, or an array:
1. Value Object:
2. Query:
3. Array of structures:
In addition to specifying the returntype of the fill function depending on whether you are using Value Objects, a
query, or an array of structures, you also do the following in the lower level read function:
Specify the returntype of the readfunction as the Value Object CFC, a query, or an array, for example:
<cffunction name="read" output="false" access="public" returntype="samples.c
<cffunction name="read" output="false" access="public" returntype="query">
<cffunction name="read" output="false" access="public" returntype="array">
If you are using Value Objects:
Create the array to contain the Value Objects, as follows:
Loop through the query to create each Value Object based on each row of the query, for example:
<cfloop query="qRead">
obj = createObject("component",
ArrayAppend(ret, obj);
If you are using a DAO CFC, edit the read method to return a query instead of an array of CFCs.
Ensure that the query column names match the case of the properties in the ActionScript object. Use
the property-case settings in the destination to do so. Set the force-query-lowercase element
to false so that ColdFusion converts all column names to lowercase.
If you are using an array of structures:
Create the array to contain the Value Objects, as follows:
Loop through the query to create the structure that contains the results of the query, for example:
<cfloop query="qRead">
stContact = structNew();
stContact["__type__"] = "";
stContact["contactId"] = qRead.contactId;
stContact["firstName"] = qRead.firstName;
stContact["lastName"] = qRead.lastName;
stContact["address"] = qRead.address;
stContact["city"] =;
stContact["state"] = qRead.state;
stContact["zip"] =;
stContact["phone"] =;
ArrayAppend(ret, duplicate(stContact));
Use the _type_structure element to specify that the Value Object CFC is the type, for example:
stContact["__type_"] = "";
Use the associative array syntax, for example, contact"firstName" to ensure that you match the
case of the ActionScript property. If you use the other syntax, for example, contact.firstName="J
oan", ColdFusion makes the key name uppercase.
Managing fills
To determine whether to refresh a fill result after an item is created or updated, you include a fillContains meth
od in the assembler and set both use-fill-contains and auto-refresh to true in the fill-method section of
the data-management-config.xml file. The following example shows a fill-method section:
In this example, ordered is set to false because the fill result is not sorted by any criteria. However, if the fill
result is sorted, you set ordered to true. When an item changes in a fill result that is ordered, refresh the entire fill
The fillContains method tells the Flex application whether it is necessary to run the fill again after an item in the
fill result has changed. The fillCcontains method returns a value that indicates how the fill be treated for that
change. When the fillContains method returns true, the fill is executed after a create or update operation.
The following example shows the fillContains method signature:
If you are running LiveCycle Data Services ES locally, you can determine whether a fill operation is a refresh or a
client triggered fill. You do so by calling the DataServiceTransaction.getCurrentDataServiceTransaction().isRefill()
method in your ColdFusion application as follows:
dst = CreateObject("java", "");
t = dst.getCurrentDataServiceTransaction();
isRefill = t.isRefill();
This does not work over RMI when ColdFusion and Flex are not in the same web application.
Creating the get method
The get method retrieves a specific record. The get method calls the lower level read method. If you use the
Bean/DAO methodology, as described in Writing the ColdFusion CFCs, you create the lower level read method
separately in the DAO CFC.
The following example shows the essential elements of a get method:
The sync method lets you keep track of synchronization conflicts by accepting a change list, which is an array of
change objects. In the sync method, you pass in an array of changes, loop over the array and apply the changes,
and then return the change objects, as follows:
The count method returns a number that indicates how many records are in a result set. If you use the Bean/DAO
methodology, as described in Writing the ColdFusion CFCs, you create the lower level count method separately in
the DAO CFC.
The count method contains the following essential elements, without any error handling:
This count method calls a different count method in the DAO CFC, which contains the following essential
elements, without any error handling:
To authenticate users when using the LiveCycle Data Services ES assembler, you use the Flex setRemoteCreden
tials() method on the DataService object. The credentials, which are in the FlexSession object, are passed to the
ColdFusion application, where you can use the cflogin tag to perform authentication. Alternatively, you can set
credentials in the Flex destination, although it is not the recommended way to do so.
You can set the credentials by doing either of the following:
Specifying credentials in ActionScript
Specifying credentials in the Flex destination
Specifying credentials in ActionScript
To specify credentials in ActionScript, you use the setRemoteCredentials() method, as the following example
ds = new DataService("mydest");
ds.setRemoteCredentials("wilsont", "password");
To specify credentials in the Flex destination, you edit the data-management-config.xml file that is in the
WEB-INF/flex folder of the server on which you run the Flex application. In the properties element, you include
the remote-username and remote-password elements, as follows:
<destination id="cfcontact">
<adapter ref="coldfusion-dao" />
<channel ref="cf-dataservice-rtmp" />
Enabling SSL
You encrypt communication between ColdFusion and Flex by enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Enabling SSL
only makes sense if you are running LiveCycle Data Services ES remotely. To use SSL, create a keystore file. The
keystore is a self-signed certificate. (You do not require a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority, although if you
do use one, you do not have to configure Flex as indicated in the following steps.) The information in the keystore is
encrypted and can be accessed only with the password that you specify. To create the keystore, you use the Java
keytool utility, which is included in your Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
To enable SSL, you do the following:
1. Create the keystore
2. Configure Flex
3. Enable SSL in the ColdFusion Administrator
Create the keystore
Generate the SSL server (ColdFusion) keystore file by using the keytool utility, with a command like the following:
The following table describes the parameters of the keytool utility that you use:
The name of the keystore entry. You can use any name
as long as you are consistent when referring to it.
Next, you place the certificate that you created in the file that the JVM uses to decide what certificates to trust. The
file in which you place the certificate (usually named cacerts), is located in the JRE, under the lib/security folder.
Configure Flex
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
1. Export the keystore to a certificate by using the keytool utility, with a command like the following:
2. Import the certificate into the JRE cacerts file for your server by using the keytool utility, with a command like
the following:
The previous example specifies the location of the keystore for LiveCycle Data Services ES with integrated
JRun, installed using the default settings. If you are using a different server, specify the location of the cacerts
file for the JRE that you are using. For example, if you are using JBoss, you specify the keystore location as $
Enable SSL in the ColdFusion Administrator
1. In the ColdFusion Administrator, select Data & Services > Flex Integration, and specify the keystore file in the
Full Path to Keystore text box.
2. Specify the keystore password in the Keystore password text box.
3. Select the Enable RMI over SSL for Data Management option, and then click Submit Changes.If you specify
an invalid keystore file or password, ColdFusion does not enable SSL, and disables Flex Data Management
[] = Array
{} = untyped Object
CFC Date
ActionScript Date
CFC String
ActionScript String
CFC Numeric
ActionScript Numeric
#back to top
On the client side, you only need a small piece of code that establishes a connection to the Flash Remoting service
and references the server-side ActionScript you want to use.
For example (notice the embedded comments):
Client-side ActionScript does not support the two new server-side ActionScript functions, CF.que
ry and CF.http.
Server-side requirements
Creating ActionScript that executes on the server helps leverage your knowledge of ActionScript. It also provides
direct access to ColdFusion query and HTTP features. The CF.query and CF.http ActionScript functions let you
perform ColdFusion HTTP and query operations.
On the server side, ActionScript files use the extension .asr.
For example, the following server-side ActionScript code builds on the client-side code shown previously:
// Filename: stockquotes.asr
// Here is the getQuotes method invoked in the client-side ActionScript.
// It accepts a single stock quote symbol argument.
function getQuotes(symbol)
// Query some provider for the specified stock quote and return the
// results. In this case, the getQuotesFromProvider method is
// defined elsewhere in this ActionScript code.
data = getQuotesFromProvider(symbol);
// Return the data to the client.
// Note: this example does not include any of the error checking
// logic you would normally use prior to returning the data.
return data;
The getQuotes function conducts the stock quote request and returns the results of the request to the client as a
RecordSet object.
Software requirements
To use server-side ActionScript files, you must have the following software installed:
Adobe Flash
Flash Remoting Components
For more information about these products, go to
Location of server-side ActionScript files
You can place ActionScript files (*.asr) on the server anywhere below the root directory of the web server. To
specify subdirectories of the web root or a virtual directory, use package dot notation (use dots instead of slashes in
a fully qualified directory name). For example, in the following assignment code, the stockquotes.asr file is located in
the mydir/stock/ directory:
You can also point to virtual mappings, such as cfsuite.asr.stock.stockquotes where cfsuite is a virtual
mapping and asr.stock is subdirectories of that mapping.
Server-side ActionScript lets your ActionScript engineers use their knowledge of ActionScript to write code for the
back end of their SWF files, which can mean more meaningful levels of interactivity for your users. Your SWF files
can share a library of server-side ActionScript functions, which means you can define functions that are tailored to
your own business.
You could, for example, create a server-side ActionScript file that defines a whole library of SQL query methods.
With these query methods defined on the server side, your Flash designers only have to run the specific query
function they want to return data to their SWF movies. They do not have to write any SQL, and they do not have to
create a query every time they retrieve data from a ColdFusion data source. It is a way of creating reusable queries
that your entire Flash design team can use.
Coding the ColdFusion query and HTTP operations in ActionScript is very straightforward. The CF.query and CF.h
ttp functions provide a well-defined interface for building SQL queries and HTTP operations.
For example, the following is a typical server-side ActionScript function definition that returns query data:
What to do next
If you are already familiar with ActionScript, here a few things to get you started:
How to establish a connection with the Flash Remoting service using client-side ActionScript. See Connecting
to the Flash Remoting service
How to reference server-side ActionScript functions and methods. See Using server-side ActionScript
How to code the server-side CF.query and CF.http functions. See Using the CF.query function and Using
the CF.http function. Also see the reference pages for these functions in the CFML Reference.
For additional information on using Flash Remoting, see Using the Flash Remoting Service and Using Flash
1. Include the necessary ActionScript classes in the first frame of the SWF movie that uses server-side
ActionScript functions.
a. Use the following command to include the NetServicesclass:
#include ""
#include ""
For more information about the NetDebug and RecordSet classes, see Using Flash Remoting.
2. Since the Flash Remoting service serves as a broker for calls to server-side ActionScript functions, identify
the Flash Remoting service URL as an argument in the NetServices.setDefaultGatewayUrlfunction.
For example:
Specify a server host name. The default port number for the Flash Remoting service is 8500.
3. Create the gateway connection using the NetServices.createGatewayConnectionfunction; for
gatewayConnection = NetServices.createGatewayConnection();
1. Create an instance of the server-side ActionScript file using the getServicefunction. This function
instantiates the server-side ActionScript file as an object to use on the client side. For example:
Where recordsettest represents the name of the server-side ActionScript file, without the filename
extension .asr.
2. Call a function defined in your server-side ActionScript object. Use dot notation to specify the object name
followed by the function name; for example:
Where albumService is the instance of the server-side ActionScript file and getAlbum is a function that
passes two arguments, "The Color and The Shape" and "1999".
Arguments must occur in the order defined in the function declaration.
3. Handle the function results in ActionScript. See Using the function results in ActionScript below.
Using the function results in ActionScript
To use the results returned by server-side ActionScript, create a corresponding results function. The results function
uses a special naming convention that ties it to the function that calls the server-side ActionScript. For example, if
you defined a client-side ActionScript function called basicCustomerQuery, you also must create a results
function called basicCustomerQuery_Result.
The results returned by server-side ActionScript functions differ somewhat depending on whether you are using CF.
http or CF.query:
The CF.query function returns a record set, which you manipulate using methods available in the RecordSet
ActionScript class object. See Using results returned by the CF.query function section.
The CF.http function returns simple text strings through properties that you reference in your server-side
ActionScript. See Using results returned by the CF.http function section.
Using results returned by the CF.query function
You use functions in the RecordSet ActionScript object to access the data returned in a CF.query record set; for
example, how many records are in the record set and the names of the columns. You can also use the RecordSet
functions to pull the query data out of the record set. To do so, you reference a specific row number in the record set
and use the getItemAt RecordSet function, as in the following example:
// This function populates a Flash text box with data in the first row
// of the record set under the "email" column name.
function selectData_Result ( result )
stringOutput.text = result.getItemAt(0)["email"];
In the example, the column name is referenced in the getItemAt function between square brackets [ ]. (In
ActionScript, indexes start at 0, so getItemAt(0) returns the first row.)For more information, see Using the
CF.query function.
Using results returned by the CF.http function
The CF.http server-side ActionScript function returns data as simple text. You write server-side functions that
reference the properties available in the object returned by the CF.http function. These properties store the file
content of the retrieved file, HTTP status codes, the MIME type of the returned file, and so on. On the client side,
you create return functions to handle data returned by the CF.http function. You write these functions to handle
simple text data. For more information, see Using the CF.http function.
For more information about these scope objects, see the documentation on the javax.servlet class at
1. Create a server-side ActionScript file that performs queries against a ColdFusion data source.
2. Write ActionScript code in your SWF movie that references your ActionScript file (.asr) on the ColdFusion
You create server-side ActionScript to execute the query and return the data in a record set to the client your
SWF movie. You can use methods in the RecordSet ActionScript object on the client to manipulate data in
the record set and present data in your SWF movie.
Client-side ActionScript files use the .as extension. Server-side ActionScript files use the .asr
(ActionScript remote) extension.
You use the server-side ActionScript feature in ColdFusion to publish dynamic data. To do this, you write server-side
ActionScript files that perform queries against ColdFusion data sources. Before using ActionScript, you must
understand how to do the following:
Create database queries in the server-side ActionScript file using the CF.query ActionScript function. See U
sing the CF.query function.
Reference the server-side ActionScript file in your SWF movie. See Connecting to the Flash Remoting
Using the CF.query function, you can do the following tasks:
Create user login interfaces that validate users against a ColdFusion data source.
Populate form elements and data grids with data from a ColdFusion data source.
Create banners that pull data (such as URLs or image file paths) out of a database.
The CF.query function can retrieve data from any supported ColdFusion data source (see About ColdFusion
data sources below).
About ColdFusion data sources
For ColdFusion developers, the term data source can mean many different types of structured data accessible
locally or across a network. You can query websites, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) servers, POP
mail servers, and documents in a variety of formats. For server-side ActionScript, a data source ordinarily means the
entry point to a ColdFusion database.
Your ColdFusion administrator can help you identify and configure data sources. To create ActionScript files that
successfully perform queries on ColdFusion data sources, you must know how ColdFusion identifies the data
source, as well as any other parameters that affect your ability to connect to that database, such as whether a user
name and password are required to connect.
You use server-side ActionScript in ColdFusion to return record set data to a Flash client from a ColdFusion data
source. You specify the ColdFusion data source name and the SQL statement you execute on the data source as
arguments in the CF.query function in server-side ActionScript.
Typically, your server-side ActionScript handles the interaction with the ColdFusion data source, and returns a
record set to the Flash client through the Flash Remoting service.
For more detailed information about ColdFusion data sources, see Configuring and Administering ColdFusion.
You can write the CF.query ActionScript function using either named arguments or positional arguments. The
named argument style is more readable, but it requires more code. Although the positional argument style supports
a subset of CF.query arguments, it allows a more compact coding style that is more appropriate for simple
expressions of the CF.query function.
Using CF.query named argument syntax
The named argument style requires curly brackets
{} to surround the function arguments.
Positional arguments support a subset of CF.query arguments, and you can create more efficient code. The
following is the syntax for the positional argument style:
When using positional arguments, do not use
curly braces {}.
The CF.query function returns a RecordSet object, which is an instance of the RecordSet class of objects. The
RecordSet class provides a wide range of functions for handling record set data.
You use methods in the RecordSet ActionScript class in your client-side ActionScript to change data returned in the
CF.query record set.
Currently, the following methods are available in the RecordSet class:
These functions are available for every RecordSet object returned by the CF.query function to the Flash client. You
run these functions as follows:
For example, in the result function that you create to handle record set data returned by the CF.query function, you
can reference the database column names returned in the record set using the getColumnNames RecordSet
1. Write server-side ActionScript that performs the database query and returns data to the client through the
Flash Remoting service.
2. Create the SWF movie interface. See Creating the SWF movie interface below.
3. Define a search function that sends user data to the Flash Remoting service. See Submitting user data to the
Flash Remoting service below.
4. Define a result function that captures the results returned from the Flash Remoting service. See Capturing
Flash Remoting service results below.
5. Ensure that the SWF movie has established a connection to the Flash Remoting service. See Checking for a
Flash Remoting service connection below.
Writing the server-side ActionScript function
The example here creates a search function that performs a simple search operation against a ColdFusion data
source. This function accepts two arguments, firstName and lastName, and returns any records found that match
these arguments.
Create a server-side ActionScript function
The SWF movie interface example here consists of one frame with a variety of text boxes and a submit button.
In the Flash authoring environment, create a Flash source file, and save it as pDirectory.fla.
Create two input text boxes. Name one text box variable lastName and the other firstName.
Create a dynamic text box, and name its variable status.
Insert a list box component, and name it dataView.
Insert a push-button component.
Save your work.
To send data to server-side ActionScript, create a function that passes the data from the SWF movie to server-side
ActionScript. The search function, applied at the frame level, collects the user-entered data from the firstName and
lastName text boxes and passes the data as function arguments to the directoryService object, which is created
when the SWF movie connects to the Flash Remoting service. For more information, see Checking for a Flash
Remoting service connection below.
The following is a Flash ActionScript example:
#include ""
function search()
// The search() method is defined in the server-side AS file, lastName.text);
status.text = "waiting...";
status.text = "waiting...";
When you create a function that calls a server-side ActionScript function, also create a function to handle the data
returned by server-side ActionScript. Define the function with the same name as the function making the initial call,
but you append _Result to the name.
For example, if you create a function called basicQuery to return query data, you define a results function to
handle returned data; declare the results function as basicQuery_Result.
In the following example, the results function search_Result supplies the record set to the dataView.setDataP
rovider function:
function search_Result(resultset)
status.text = (0+resultset.getLength())+" names found.";
function search_Result(resultset)
status.text = (0+resultset.getLength())+"
names found.";
To ensure that the SWF movie is connected to the Flash Remoting service, you use an if statement; for example:
if (inited == null)
inited = true;
gateway_conn = NetServices.createGatewayConnection();
directoryService = gateway_conn.getService(personneldirectory, this);
status.text = "Type into the text boxes, then click 'Search'";
In this example, the inited variable is evaluated for a value. If inited is null (not connected), the movie
connects to the Flash Remoting service using the NetServices object. For more information about connecting to the
Flash Remoting service, see Connecting to the Flash Remoting service.
function basicGet(url)
// Invoke with just the url argument. This is an HTTP GET.
result = CF.http(url);
return result.get("Filecontent");
#include ""
gatewayConnnection = NetServices.createGatewayConnection();
myHttp = gatewayConnnection.getService("httpFuncs", this);
// This is the server-side function invocation
url = "";
// Create the results function
function basicGet_Result()
url = "
To pass HTTP Post parameters in the CF.http function, construct an array of objects and assign this array to a
variable named params. The following arguments can only be passed as an array of objects in the params argume
nt of the CF.http function:
Transaction type:
In the following example, the CF.http function passes HTTP Post parameters in an array of objects:
function postWithParamsAndUser()
// Set up the array of Post parameters. These are just like cfhttpparam tags.
params = new Array();
params[1] = {name:"arg2", type:"URL", value:"value2"};
url = "";
// Invoke with the method, url, params, username, and password
result = CF.http("post", url, params, "karl", "salsa");
return result.get("Filecontent");
You use the Post method to send cookie, form field, CGI, URL, and file variables to a specified ColdFusion page or
CGI program for processing. For POST operations, use the params argument for each variable that you post. The P
ost method passes data to a specified ColdFusion page or an executable that interprets the variables being sent,
and returns data.
For example, when you build an HTML form using the Post method, you specify the name of the page to which
form data is passed. You use the Post method in the CF.http function in a similar way. However, with the CF.htt
p function, the page that receives the Post does not display anything. See the following example:
function postWithParams()
// Set up the array of Post parameters. These are just like cfhttpparam tags.
// This example passes formfield data to a specified URL.
params = new Array();
params[1] = {name:"Formfield1", type:"FormField", value:"George"};
params[2] = [name:"Formfield2", type:"FormField", value:"Brown"};
url = "";
// Invoke CF.http with the method, url, and params
result = CF.http("post", url, params);
return result.get("Filecontent");
You use the Get method to retrieve files, including text and binary files, from a specified server. You reference
properties of the object returned by the CF.http function to access things like file content, header information,
MIME type, and so on.
The following example uses the CF.http function to show a common approach to retrieving data from the web:
For more information about CF.http function properties, see CF.http in the CFML Reference.
You can use HTML or CFML tags to define your form. ColdFusion includes the following CFML tags that correspond
to HTML tags, but provide additional functionality:
These tags support all the attributes of their HTML counterparts, plus ColdFusion attributes and features.
ColdFusion also provides the following forms tags that have no direct equivalent in HTML:
cfcalendar Lets users select dates from a Flash month-by-month calendar.
cfgrid Displays and lets users enter data in a row and column grid format; can get data directly from a query.
cfslider Lets users input data by moving a sliding marker.
cftree Displays data in a hierarchical tree format with graphical indicators; can get data directly from a query.
ColdFusion Form tag features
The following simple form shows how you can create a form that lets a user enter data. This form uses basic CFML
form tags. It does not use any of the advanced features of ColdFusion, such as validation, Flash or XML format, or
special input controls. You could convert it to a purely HTML form by removing the initial "cf" prefix from the tag
names, and the form would work.
Text control
<cfinput type="Text"
name="ControlName" size="Value"
Radio buttons
<cfinput type="Radio"
<cfinput type="Radio"
<cfinput type="Radio"
Check box
<cfinput type="Checkbox"
Reset button
<cfinput type="Reset"
Submit button
<cfinput type="Submit"
The following listing shows the form source in detail. To test the form and use it as input for later examples, save this
code as formpage.cfm.
<title>Input form</title>
<!--- Specify the action page in the form tag. The form variables will
pass to this page when the form is submitted. --->
<cfform action="actionpage.cfm" method="post">
<!--- Text box. --->
First Name: <cfinput type="Text" name="FirstName" size="20"maxlength="35"><br>
Last Name: <cfinput type="Text" name="LastName" size="20" maxlength="35"><br>
Salary: <cfinput type="Text" name="Salary" size="10" maxlength="10">
<!--- List box. --->
<cfselect name="City">
<option value="Arlington">Arlington
<option value="Boston">Boston
<option value="Cambridge">Cambridge
<option value="Minneapolis">Minneapolis
<option value="Seattle">Seattle
<!--- Radio buttons. --->
<cfinput type="radio" name="Department" value="Training">Training<br>
<cfinput type="radio" name="Department" value="Sales">Sales<br>
<input type="radio" name="Department"
<!--- Check box. --->
Contractor? <cfinput type="checkbox" name="Contractor"
value="Yes" checked>Yes
<!--- Reset button. --->
<cfinput type="Reset" name="ResetForm" value="Clear Form">
<!--- submit button --->
<cfinput type="Submit" name="SubmitForm" value="Submit">
Forms guidelines
The action page gets a form variable for every form control that contains a value when the form is submitted.
If multiple controls have the same name, one form variable is passed to the action page with a
comma-delimited list of values.
A form variable's name is the name that you assigned to the form control on the form page. Refer to the form
variable by name within tags, functions, and other expressions on an action page.
On the action page, the form variables are in the Form scope, prefix them with "Form." to explicitly tell ColdFusion
that you are referring to a form variable. For example, the following code references the LastName form variable for
output on an action page:
The Form scope also contains a list variable called Form.fieldnames. It contains a list of all form variables
submitted to the action page. If no form variables are passed to the action page, ColdFusion does not create the Fo
rm.fieldnames list.
Using form data to generate SQL statements
As described in previous chapters, you can retrieve a record for every employee in a database table by composing a
query like the following:
When you want to return information about employees that matches user search criteria, you use the SQL WHERE
clause with a SQL SELECT statement. When the WHERE clause is processed, it filters the query data based on the
results of the comparison.
For example, to return employee data for only employees with the last name of Smith, you build a query that looks
like the following:
However, instead of placing the LastName directly in the SQL WHERE clause, you can use the text that the user
entered in the form for comparison:
For security, this example encapsulates the form variable within the cfqueryparam tag to ensure that the user
passed a valid string value for the LastName. For more information on using the cfqueryparam tag with queries
and on dynamic SQL, see Accessing and Retrieving Data.
Creating action pages
Use the following procedure to create an action page for the formpage.cfm page that you created in the previous
Create an action page for the form
<title>Retrieving Employee Data Based on Criteria from Form</title>
<cfquery name="GetEmployees" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary
FROM Employee
WHERE LastName=<cfqueryparam value="#Form.LastName#"
<h4>Employee Data Based on Criteria from Form</h4>
<cfoutput query="GetEmployees">
<cfoutput>Contractor: #Form.Contractor#</cfoutput>
Before relying on a variable's existence in an application page, you can test to see if it exists using the ColdFusion I
sDefined function. A function is a named procedure that takes input and operates on it. For example, the IsDefin
ed function determines whether a variable exists. CFML provides a large number of functions, which are
documented in the CFML Reference.
The following code prevents the error in the previous example by checking to see whether the Contractor Form
variable exists before using it:
<cfif IsDefined("Form.Contractor")>
<cfoutput>Contractor: #Form.Contractor#</cfoutput>
The argument passed to the IsDefined function must always be enclosed in double-quotation marks. For more
information on the IsDefined function, see the CFML Reference.
If you attempt to evaluate a variable that you did not define, ColdFusion cannot process the page and displays an
error message. To help diagnose such problems, turn on debugging in the ColdFusion Administrator. The
Administrator debugging information shows which variables are being passed to your application pages.
Requiring users to enter values in form fields
One of the limitations of HTML forms is the inability to define input fields as required. Because this is an important
requirement for database applications, ColdFusion lets you require users to enter data in fields. To specify a field as
required, you can do either of the following:
Use the required attribute of the cfinput, cfselect, cftextarea, and cftree tags.
Use a hidden field that has a name attribute composed of the field name and the suffix _required. You can
use this technique with CFML and HTML form tags.
For example, to require that the user enter a value in the FirstName field of a cfinput tag, use the following
To require that the user enters a value in the FirstName field of an HTML input tag, use the following syntax:
In either of these examples, if the user leaves the FirstName field empty, ColdFusion rejects the form submittal and
returns a message informing the user that the field is required. You can customize the contents of this error
If you use a required attribute, you customize the message by using the message attribute, as follows:
If you use a hidden field tag, you customize the message using the value attribute of the hidden field, as follows:
When using form variables in an action page, keep in mind the following guidelines:
A form variable is available on the action page and pages that it includes.
Prefix form variables with "Form."__when referencing them on the action page.
Surround variable values with number signs (#) for output.
Variables for check boxes, radio buttons, and list boxes with size attributes greater than 1 only get passed to
the action page if you select an option. Text boxes, passwords, and text area fields pass an empty string if
you do not enter text.
An error occurs if the action page tries to use a variable that was not passed.
If multiple controls have the same name, one form variable is passed to the action page with a
comma-delimited list of values.
You can validate form variable values on the client or the server.
You can use HTML tables to specify how the results of a query appear on a page. To do so, you place the cfoutpu
t tag inside the table tags. You can also use the HTML th tag to place column labels in a header row. To create a
row in the table for each row in the query results, place the tr block inside the cfoutput tag.
In addition, you can use CFML functions to format individual pieces of data, such as dates and numeric values.
Place the query results in a table
<title>Retrieving Employee Data Based on Criteria from Form</title>
<cfquery name="GetEmployees" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary
FROM Employee
WHERE LastName=<cfqueryparam value="#Form.LastName#"
<h4>Employee Data Based on Criteria from Form</h4>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<cfoutput query="GetEmployees">
<cfif IsDefined("Form.Contractor")>
<cfoutput>Contractor: #Form.Contractor#</cfoutput>
Places data into a table.
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<cfoutput query="GetEmployees">
You can format individual data items. For example, you can format the salary data as monetary values. To format
the salary data using the dollar format, you use the CFML function DollarFormat.
Change the format of the Salary
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
One option with forms is to build a search based on the form data. For example, you could use form data as part of
the WHERE clause to construct a database query.
To give users the option to enter multiple search criteria in a form, you can wrap conditional logic around a SQL
AND clause as part of the WHERE clause. The following action page allows users to search for employees by
department, last name, or both.
Build a more flexible search interface
<title>Retrieving Employee Data Based on Criteria from Form</title>
<cfquery name="GetEmployees" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT Departmt.Dept_Name,
FROM Departmt, Employee
WHERE Departmt.Dept_ID = Employee.Dept_ID
<cfif IsDefined("Form.Department")>
AND Departmt.Dept_Name=<cfqueryparam value="#Form.Department#"
<cfif Form.LastName IS NOT "">
AND Employee.LastName=<cfqueryparam value="#Form.LastName#"
<h4>Employee Data Based on Criteria from Form</h4>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<cfoutput query="GetEmployees">
SELECT Departmt.Dept_Name,
FROM Departmt, Employee
WHERE Departmt.Dept_ID =
Your code must accommodate the cases in which a query does not return any records. To determine whether a
search has retrieved records, use the RecordCount query variable. You can use the variable in a conditional logic
expression that determines how to display search results appropriately to users.
For more information on query variables, including RecordCount, see Accessing and Retrieving
For example, to inform the user when no records are found by the GetEmployees query, insert the following code
before displaying the data:
Do the following:
Prefix RecordCount with the query name.
Add a procedure after the cfif tag that displays a message to the user.
Add a procedure after the cfelse tag to format the returned data.
Follow the second procedure with a </cfif> tag end to indicate the end of the conditional code.
Return search results to users
<title>Retrieving Employee Data Based on Criteria from Form</title>
<cfquery name="GetEmployees" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT Departmt.Dept_Name,
FROM Departmt, Employee
WHERE Departmt.Dept_ID = Employee.Dept_ID
<cfif isdefined("Form.Department")>
AND Departmt.Dept_Name = <cfqueryparam value="#Form.Department#"
<cfif Form.LastName is not "">
AND Employee.LastName = <cfqueryparam value="#Form.LastName#"
<cfif GetEmployees.recordcount is "0">
No records match your search criteria. <br>
Please go back to the form and try again.
<h4>Employee Data Based on Criteria from Form</h4>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<cfoutput query="GetEmployees">
You can use the cfflush tag to incrementally display long-running requests to the browser before a ColdFusion
page is fully processed. This tag lets you give the user quick feedback when it takes a long time to complete
processing a request. For example, when a request takes time to return results, you can use the cfflush tag to
display the message, "Processing your request please wait." You can also use it to incrementally display a long list
as it gets retrieved.
The first time you use the cfflush tag on a page, it sends to the browser all of the HTML headers and any other
available HTML. Subsequent cfflush tags on the page send only the output that ColdFusion generated after the
previous flush.
You can specify an interval attribute to tell ColdFusion to flush the output each time that at least the specified
number of bytes become available. (The count does not include HTML headers and any data that is already
available when you make this call.) You can use the cfflush tag in a cfloop tag to incrementally flush data as it
becomes available. This format is useful when a query responds slowly with large amounts of data.
When you flush data, make sure that a sufficient amount of information is available, because some browsers do not
respond if you flush only a small amount. Similarly, if you use an interval attribute, set it for a reasonable size,
such as a few hundred bytes or more, but not many thousands of bytes.
Limitations of the cfflush tag: Because the cfflush tag sends data to the browser when it executes, it has
several limitations, including the following:
Using any of the following tags or functions on a page anywhere after the cfflush tag can cause errors or
unexpected results: cfcontent, cfcookie, cfform, cfheader, cfhtmlhead, cflocation, and SetLoc
ale. (These tags and functions normally modify the HTML header, but cannot do so after a cfflush tag,
because the cfflush tag sends the header.)
Using the cfset tag to set a cookie anywhere on a page that has a cfflush tag does not set the cookie in the
Using the cfflush tag within the body of several tags, including cfsavecontent, cfqueryparam, and
custom tags, can cause errors.
If you save Client variables as cookies, any client variables that you set after a cfflush tag are not saved in
the browser.
You can catch cfflush errors, except Cookie errors, with a cfcatch tag. Catch cookie errors with a cfcat
ch type="Any" tag.
Example: using the cfloop tag and Rand function
The following example uses the cfloop tag and the Rand random number generating function to artificially delay
the generation of data for display. It simulates a situation in which it takes time to retrieve the first data and
additional information becomes available slowly.
<title>Your Magic numbers</title>
<h1>Your Magic numbers</h1>
<P>It will take us a little while to calculate your ten magic numbers.
It takes a lot of work to find numbers that truly fit your personality.
So relax for a minute or so while we do the hard work for you.</P>
<h2>We are sure you will agree it was worth the short wait!</h2>
<cfflush interval=10>
<!--- Delay Loop to make is seem harder. --->
<cfloop index="randomindex" from="1" to="200000" step="1">
<cfset random=rand()>
<!--- Now slowly output 10 random numbers. --->
<cfloop index="Myindex" from="1" to="10" step="1">
<cfloop index="randomindex" from="1" to="100000" step="1">
<cfset random=rand()>
Magic number #Myindex# is: #RandRange(
100000, 999999)#<br><br>
<cfflush interval=10>
Sends the HTML header and all HTML output to the cffl
ush tag to the user. This displays the explanatory
paragraph and H2 tag contents.
<cfloop index="randomindex"
from="1" to="200000" step="1">
<cfset random=Rand()>
<title>Input form</title>
<cfquery name="GetDepartments" datasource="cfdocexamples">
FROM Departmt
<!--- Define the action page in the form tag.
The form variables pass to this page
when the form is submitted --->
<cfform action="actionpage.cfm" method="post">
<!--- Text box. --->
First Name: <cfinput type="Text" name="FirstName" size="20"
Last Name: <cfinput type="Text" name="LastName" size="20" maxlength="35"><br>
Salary: <cfinput type="Text" name="Salary" size="10" maxlength="10">
<!--- List box. --->
<cfset optsize=getDepartments.recordcount + 1>
<cfselect name="City" query="GetDepartments" value="Location"
<option value="">Select All
<!--- Radio buttons. --->
<cfinput type="radio" name="Department"
<cfinput type="radio" name="Department"
<cfinput type="radio" name="Department"
<cfinput type="radio" name="Department"
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
The following table describes the highlighted code and its function:
<cfquery name="GetDepartments"
FROM Departmt
+ 1>
<cfselect name="City"
value="Location" size="#optsize#">
<option value="">Select All
Check boxes
When you place a series of check boxes with the same name in a form, the variable that is created contains a
comma-delimited list of values. The values can be either numeric values or alphanumeric strings. These two types
of values are treated slightly differently.
Handling numeric values
Suppose you want a user to select one or more departments using check boxes. You then query the database to
retrieve detailed information on the selected departments. The code for a simple set of check boxes that lets the
user select departments looks like the following:
<cfinput type="checkbox"
<cfinput type="checkbox"
<cfinput type="checkbox"
<cfinput type="checkbox"
The user sees the name of the department, but the value attribute of each check box is a number that corresponds
to the underlying database primary key for the department's record.
If the user checks the Marketing and Sales items, the value of the SelectedDepts form field is 2,4 and you use the
SelectedDepts value in the following SQL statement:
FROM Departmt
WHERE Dept_ID IN ( #Form.SelectedDepts# )
FROM Departmt
WHERE Dept_ID IN ( 2,4 )
To search for a database field that contains string values (instead of numeric), modify the checkbox and cfquery
syntax to make sure that the string values are sent to the data source in single-quotation marks (').
The first example searched for department information based on a numeric primary key field called Dept_ID.
Suppose, instead, that the primary key is a database field called Dept_Name that contains string values. In that
case, your code for check boxes should look like the following:
<cfinput type="checkbox"
<cfinput type="checkbox"
<cfinput type="checkbox"
<cfinput type="checkbox"
If the user checked Marketing and Sales, the value of the SelectedDepts form field would be the list Marketing,Sales
and you use the following SQL statement:
FROM Departmt
WHERE Dept_Name IN
In SQL, all strings must be surrounded in single-quotation marks. The ListQualify function returns a list with the
specified qualifying character (here, a single-quotation mark) around each item in the list.
If you select the second and fourth check boxes in the form, the following statement gets sent to the database:
FROM Departmt
WHERE Dept_Name IN ('Marketing','Sales')
A multiple-selection list box is defined by a select or cfselect tag with a multiple or multipe="yes" attribut
e and a size attribute value greater than 1. ColdFusion treats the result when a user selects multiple choices from a
multiple-selection list box like the results of selecting multiple check boxes. The data made available to your page
from any multiple-selection list box is a comma-delimited list of the entries selected by the user; for example, a list
box could contain the four entries: Training, Marketing, HR, and Sales. If the user selects Marketing and Sales, the
form field variable value is Marketing, Sales.
You can use multiple-selection lists to search a database in the same way that you use check boxes.
Handling numeric values
Suppose you want the user to select departments from a multiple-selection list box. The query retrieves detailed
information on the selected departments, as follows:
If the user selects the Marketing and Sales items, the value of the SelectDepts form field is 2,4. If this parameter is
used in the following SQL statement:
FROM Departmt
WHERE Dept_ID IN (#form.SelectDepts#)
FROM Departmt
WHERE Dept_ID IN (2,4)
Suppose you want the user to select departments from a multiple-selection list box. The database search field is a
string field. The query retrieves detailed information on the selected departments, as follows:
If the user selects the Marketing and Sales items, the SelectDepts form field value is Marketing,Sales.
Just as you did when using check boxes to search database fields containing string values, use the ColdFusion Lis
tQualify function with multiple-selection list boxes:
FROM Departmt
WHERE Dept_Name IN (#ListQualify(Form.SelectDepts,"'")#)
FROM Departmt
WHERE Dept_Name IN ('Marketing','Sales')
#back to top
The following table describes the ColdFusion controls that you use in forms created using the cfform tag. You can
use these tags only inside a cfform tag. Unless otherwise stated, these controls are supported in HTML, Flash,
and XML skinnable forms.
The cfform preservedata attribute tells ColdFusion to continue displaying the user data in a form after the user
submits the form. Data is preserved in the cfinput, cfslider, cftextinput, and cftree controls and in cfse
lect controls populated by queries. If you specify a default value for a control, and a user overrides that default in
the form, the user input is preserved.
You can retain data on the form when the same page contains the form and the form's action code; that is, the form
submits to itself. You can also retain the data if the action page has a copy of the form, and the control names are
the same in the forms on both pages. (The action page form need not be identical to the initial form. It can have
more or fewer elements than the initial page form; only the form elements with identical names on both pages keep
their data.)
The preservedata setting on the action page controls the preservation of the data.
For example, if you save this form as preserve.cfm, it continues to display any text that you enter after you submit it,
as follows:
The applet-based versions of the cfgrid, cfslider, and cftree forms use JavaScript and Java to display their
content. To allow them to display consistently across a variety of browsers, these applets use the Java plug-in. As a
result, they are independent of the level of Java support provided by the browser.
ColdFusion downloads and installs the browser plug-in if necessary. Some browsers display a single permission
dialog box asking you to confirm the plug-in installation. Other browsers, like older versions of Netscape, require you
to navigate some simple option windows.
Because the controls use JavaScript to return data to ColdFusion, if you disable JavaScript in your browser, it
cannot properly run forms that contain these controls. In that case, the controls still display, but data return and
validation does not work and you can receive a JavaScript error.
Because Java is handled by the plug-in and not directly by the browser, disabling Java execution in the browser
does not affect the operation of the controls. If for some other reason, however, the browser is unable to render the
controls as requested, a "not supported" message appears in place of the control.
You can use the cfform tag's notsupported attribute to specify an alternative error message.
You can avoid browser Java and JavaScript issues with the cfgrid and cftree controls by using the Flash format
versions of these controls. These controls work on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and do not rely on Java support.
There is no Flash version of the cfslider control, and there is no applet version of the cfcalendar control.
<cfquery name="getNames"
SELECT * FROM Employee
<cfform name="Form1" action="submit.cfm">
<cfselect name="employees"
<br><input type="Submit" value="Submit">
The following table describes the highlighted code and its function:
<cftree name="tree1"
<cftreeitem value="FullName"
In a query that you display using a cftree control, to organize your employees by department, separate column
names with commas in the cftreeitem value attribute.
Organize the tree based on ordered results of a query
<cftreeitem value="Dept_ID,FullName"
The cftreeitem comma-separated value, img, and imgopen attributes correspond to the tree level structure. In
applet format, if you omit the img attribute, ColdFusion uses the folder image for all levels in the tree; if you omit the
imgopen attribute, ColdFusion uses the folder image for all expanded levels in the tree. Flash format ignores the im
g and imgopen attributes and always uses folders for levels with children and documents for nodes without
The cftree form variables
The cftree tag lets you force a user to select an item from the tree control by setting the required attribute to
Yes. With or without the required attribute, ColdFusion passes two form variables to the application page
specified in the cfform action attribute:
Form.treename.path Returns the complete path of the user selection, in the form: root\node1\node2\node_n\v
Form.treename.node Returns the node of the user selection.
To return the root part of the path, set the completepath attribute of the cftree tag to Yes; otherwise, the
path value starts with the first node. If you specify a root name for a tree item using the queryasroot tag,
that value is returned as the root. If you do not specify a root name, ColdFusion returns the query name as
the root. If there is no query name, ColdFusion returns the tree name as the root.
In the previous example, if the user selects the name "John Allen" in the tree, ColdFusion returns the
following form variables:
The deptquery root does not appear in the path, because the cftree tag does not specify completePath="Yes".
You can specify the character used to delimit each element of the path form variable in the cftree delimiter attri
bute. The default is a backslash character ().
Although the cftree tag does not include a validate attribute, you can use the required attribute to force a
user to select an item from the tree control. In addition, you can use the onValidate attribute to specify your own
JavaScript code to perform validation.
Structuring tree controls
Tree controls built with the cftree tag can be complex. Knowing how to specify the relationship between multiple c
ftreeitem entries helps you handle the most complex cftree constructs.
Creating a one-level tree control
The following example consists of a single root and some individual items:
When populating a cftree control, you create the multilevel structure of the tree by specifying a parent for each
item in the tree. The parent attribute of the cftreeitem tag allows your cftree tag to show relationships
between elements in the tree.
In this example, every cftreeitem tag, except the top level Divisions, specifies a parent. For example, the cftree
item tag specifies Divisions as its parent.
The following code populates the tree directly, not from a query:
The information here applies to applet format trees. In Flash, you cannot control the tree icons.
Flash uses open and closed folders and documents as the icons. In object format, the image
information is preserved in fields in the object structure.
The default image displayed in a tree is a folder. However, you can use the img attribute of the cftreeitem tag to
specify a different image.
When you use the img attribute, ColdFusion displays the specified image beside the tree items when they are not
open. When you use the imgopen attribute, ColdFusion displays the specified image beside the tree items when
they are open (expanded). You can specify a built-in ColdFusion image name, the file path to an image file, or the
URL of an image of your choice, such as You cannot use a custom image
in Flash format. As a general rule, make the height of your custom images less than 20 pixels.
When populating a cftree control with data from a cfquery tag, you can use the img attribute of cftreeitem ta
g to specify images or filenames for each level of the tree as a comma-separated list.
The following are the ColdFusion built-in image names:
In applet format, you can also control the tree appearance by using the cftree tag lookAndFe
el attribute to specify a Windows, Motif, or Metal look.
The href attribute in the cftreeitem tag lets you designate tree items as links. To use this feature in a cftree c
ontrol, you define the destination of the link in the href attribute of the cftreeitem tag. The URL for the link can
be a relative URL or an absolute URL, as in the following examples.
Embed links in a cftree control
<cfform action="submit.cfm">
<cftree name="oak"
<cftreeitem value="Important Links">
<cftreeitem value="Adobe Home"
parent="Important Links"
<cftreeitem value="ColdFusion Developer Center"
parent="Important Links"
When a user clicks a tree item to link to a URL, the cftreeItemKey variable, which identifies the selected value, is
appended to the URL in the following form:
If the value attribute includes spaces, ColdFusion replaces the spaces with plus characters (+).
Automatically passing the name of the selected tree item as part of the URL makes it easy to implement a basic "drill
down" application that displays additional information based on the selection. For example, if the specified URL is
another ColdFusion page, it can access the selected value as the variable URL.CFTREEITEMKEY.
To disable this behavior, set the appendkey attribute in the cftree tag to no.
Users can sort the grid entries in ascending order by double-clicking any column header. Double-clicking again sorts
the grid in descending order. In applet format, you can also add sort buttons to the grid control.
When users select grid data and submit the form, ColdFusion passes the selection information as form variables to
the application page specified in the cfform action attribute.
Just as the cftree tag uses the cftreeitem tag, the cfgrid tag uses the cfgridcolumn and cfgridrow tags
. You can define a wide range of row and column formatting options, as well as a column name, data type, selection
options, and so on. You use the cfgridcolumn tag to define individual columns in the grid or associate a query
column with a grid column.
Use the cfgridrow tag to define a grid that does not use a query as the source for row data. If a query attribute is
specified in the cfgrid tag, the cfgridrow tags are ignored.
The cfgrid tag provides many attributes that control grid behavior and appearance. Only the most important of
these attributes are described here. For detailed information on these attributes, see the cfgrid tag in the CFML
Working with a data grid and entering data
The following image shows an example applet format grid created using a cfgrid tag.
The following table describes some navigating tips:
Rearranging columns
Deleting a row
Click any cell in the row and click the Delete button.
(Not available in Flash format grids.)
Inserting a row
Use the cfgridcolumn display="No" attribute to hide columns that you want to include in
the grid but not expose to an end user. You typically use this attribute to include columns such as
the table's primary key column in the results returned by the cfgrid_ tag._
1. Save the file and view it in your browser.
<cfgrid name="employee_grid"
Allows the user to select only one cell; does not allow
editing. Other modes are row, column, and edit.
<cfgridcolumn name="Emp_ID">
<cfgridcolumn name="LastName">
<cfgridcolumn name="Dept_ID">
You can build grids to allow users to edit data within them. Users can edit individual cell data, as well as insert,
update, or delete rows. To enable grid editing, you specify selectmode="edit" in the cfgrid tag.
You can let users add or delete grid rows by setting the insert or delete attributes in the cfgrid tag to Yes.
Setting the insert and delete attribute to Yes causes the cfgrid tag to display Insert and Delete buttons as part
of the grid.
You can use a grid in two ways to change your ColdFusion data sources:
Create a page to which you pass the cfgrid form variables. In that page, perform cfquery operations to
update data source records based on the form values returned by the cfgrid tag.
Pass grid edits to a page that includes the cfgridupdate tag, which automatically extracts the form variable
values and passes that data directly to the data source.
Using the cfquery tag gives you complete control over interactions with your data source. The cfgridupda
te tag provides a much simpler interface for operations that do not require the same level of control.
Controlling cell contents
You can control the data that a user can enter into a cfgrid cell in the following ways:
By default, a cell is not editable. Use the cfgrid attribute selectmode="edit" to edit cell contents.
Use the cfgridcolumn type attribute to control sorting order, to make the fields check boxes, or to display
an image.
Use the cfgridcolumn values attribute to specify a drop-down list of values from which the user can
choose. You can use the valuesDisplay attribute to provide a list of items to display that differs from the
actual values that you enter in the database. You can use the valuesDelimiter attribute to specify the
separator between values in the values valuesDisplay lists.
Although the cfgrid tag does not have a validate attribute, it does have an onValidate attribute that
lets you specify a JavaScript function to perform validation.
For more information on controlling the cell contents, see the attribute descriptions for the cfgridcolumn ta
g in the CFML Reference.
How user edits are returned
When a user inserts or deletes a row in a grid or changes any cells in a row and submits the grid, ColdFusion
creates the following arrays as Form variables:
Array name
The periods in these names are not structure separators; they are part of the text of the array
ColdFusion creates a gridname.colname array and a gridname.Original.colname array for each column in the grid.
For each inserted, deleted, or changed row in the grid, ColdFusion creates a row in each of these arrays.
For example, the following arrays are created if you update a cfgrid tag called mygrid that consists of two
displayable columns (col1, col2) and one hidden column (col3):
The value of the array index increments for each row that is added, deleted, or changed, and does not indicate a
grid row number. All rows for a particular change have the same index in all arrays. Unchanged rows do not have
entries in the arrays.
If the user changes a single cell in col2, the following array elements contain the edit operation, the edited cell value,
and the original cell value:
If the user changes the values of the cells in col1 and col3 in one row and the cell in col2 in another row, the
information about the original and changed values is in the following array entries:
The remaining cells in the arrays (for example, Form.mygrid.col21 and Form.mygrid.original.col21) have the original,
unchanged values.
Example: editing data in a grid
The following example creates an editable grid. For code brevity, the example handles only three of the fields in the
Employee table. A more realistic example would include, at a minimum, all seven table fields. It can also hide the
contents of the Emp_ID column or display the Department name (from the Departmt table), instead of the
Department ID.
<cfgrid name="employee_grid"
<cfgridcolumn name="Emp_ID"
header="Emp ID"
<cfgridcolumn name="LastName"
header="Last Name"
<cfgridcolumn name="Dept_ID"
The cfgridupdate tag provides a simple mechanism for updating the database, including inserting and deleting
records. It can add, update, and delete records simultaneously. It is convenient because it automatically handles
collecting the cfgrid changes from the various form variables, and generates appropriate SQL statements to
update your data source.
In most cases, use the cfgridupdate tag to update your database. However, this tag does not provide the
complete SQL control that the cfquery tag provides. In particular, the cfgridupdate tag has the following
You can update only a single table.
Rows are deleted first, then rows are inserted, then any changes are made to existing rows. You cannot
modify the order of changes.
Updating stops when an error occurs. It is possible that some database changes are made, but the tag does
not provide any information on them.
<title>Update grid values</title>
<h3>Updating grid using cfgridupdate tag.</h3>
<cfgridupdate grid="employee_grid"
Click <a href="grid2.cfm">here</a> to display updated grid.
<cfgridupdate grid="employee_grid"
You can use the cfquery tag to update your database from the cfgrid changes. This tag provides you with full
control over how the updates are made and lets you handle any errors that arise.
<title>Catch submitted grid values</title>
<h3>Grid values for Form.employee_grid row updates</h3>
<cfif isdefined("Form.employee_grid.rowstatus.action")>
<cfloop index = "counter" from = "1" to =
The row action for #counter# is:
<cfif Form.employee_grid.rowstatus.action[counter] is "D">
<cfquery name="DeleteExistingEmployee"
WHERE Emp_ID=<cfqueryparam
<cfelseif Form.employee_grid.rowstatus.action[counter] is "U">
<cfquery name="UpdateExistingEmployee"
UPDATE Employee
WHERE Emp_ID=<cfqueryparam
<cfelseif Form.employee_grid.rowstatus.action[counter] is "I">
<cfquery name="InsertNewEmployee"
INSERT into Employee (LastName, Dept_ID)
VALUES (<cfqueryparam
<cfqueryparam value="#Form.employee_grid.Dept_ID[counter]#"
Click <a href="grid2.cfm">here</a> to display updated grid.
2. Rename your existing handle_grid.cfm file as handle_grid2.cfm to save it, and then save this file as
3. View the grid2.cfm page in your browser, change the grid, and then submit them.
h7. Reviewing the code
The following table describes the code and its function:
<cfloop index = "counter" from =
"1" to =
The row action for #counter# is:
n[counter] is "D">
WHERE Emp_ID=<cfqueryparam
Displays the action code for this row: U for update, I for
insert, or D for delete.
n[counter] is "U">
UPDATE Employee
WHERE Emp_ID=<cfqueryparam
n[counter] is "I">
<cfquery name="InsertNewEmployee"
INSERT into Employee (LastName,
VALUES (<cfqueryparam
<cfapplet appletsource="Calculator"name="calc_value">
By contrast, with the HTML applet tag, you must declare all the applet's parameters every time you want to use it
in a ColdFusion page.
Registering a Java applet
Before you can use a Java applet in your ColdFusion pages, register the applet in the ColdFusion Administrator.
1. Open the ColdFusion Administrator by clicking the Administrator icon in the ColdFusion Program group and
entering the Administrator password.
2. Under Extensions, click Java Applets. The Java Applets page appears.
3. Click the Register New Applet button. The Add/Edit Applet page appears.
4. Enter options in the applet registration fields, as described in the ColdFusion Administrator online help. Use
the Add button to add parameters.
5. Click Submit.
Using the cfapplet tag to embed an applet
After you register an applet, you can use the cfapplet tag to place the applet in a ColdFusion page. The cfapple
t tag has two required attributes: appletsource and name. Because you registered the applet and you defined
each applet parameter with a default value, you can run the applet with a simple form of the cfapplet tag:
To override any of the values defined in the ColdFusion Administrator for the applet, you can use the optional cfapp
let parameters to specify custom values. For example, the following cfapplet tag specifies custom spacing and
alignment values:
<cfapplet appletSource="myapplet"
You can override the values that you assigned to applet parameters in the ColdFusion Administrator by providing
new values for any parameter. To override a parameter, you must have already defined the parameter and its
default value in the ColdFusion Administrator Applets page. The following example overrides the default values of
two parameters, Param1 and Param2:
<cfapplet appletSource="myapplet"
Param1="registered parameter1"
Param2="registered parameter2">
The cfapplet tag name attribute corresponds to a variable in the action page, Form.appletname, which holds any
value that the applet method returns when it is executed in the cfform tag.
Not all Java applets return values. For instance, graphical widgets might not return a specific value. For this type of
applet, the method field in the ColdFusion Administrator remains empty, but you must still provide a cfapplet nam
e attribute.
You can only use one method for each applet that you register. If an applet includes more than one method that you
want to access, you can register the applet with a unique name for each additional method you want to use.
Reference a Java applet return value in your application page
1. Specify the name of the method in the Add/Registered Java Applet page of the ColdFusion Administrator.
2. Specify the method name in the name attribute of the cfapplet tag.
When your page executes the applet, ColdFusion creates a form variable with the name that you specified. If
you do not specify a method, ColdFusion does not create a form variable.
#back to top
Different validation techniques apply to different ColdFusion tags or coding environments; for example, you can use
masking only in HTML and Flash format cfinput tags. Validation techniques also vary in where and when they
execute; for example, on the client browser when the user submits form data, or on the server when processing
The following table describes the ColdFusion validation techniques:
Validation technique
Applies to
mask(mask attribute)
ColdFusion generates
JavaScript or ActionScript
to directly control the data
a user enters by
specifying a pattern. For
example, 999-999-9999
requires a user to enter
ten digits, and
automatically fills in the
dash (-) separators to
create a formatted
telephone number.For
detailed information on
using masks, see Handlin
g invalid data.
Blur" attribute)
"onSubmit" attribute)
onServer" attribute)
ColdFusion checks
submitted data for validity
and runs a validation error
page if the data is not
valid. You can use the cf
error tag to specify the
validation error page.
hidden field
="function" attribute)
IsValid function
ColdFusion variables
cfparam tag
ColdFusion variables
cfargument tag
For more information on ColdFusion error handling, see Handling Errors.
The following considerations affect the validation technique that you select:
If you are validating form data, the techniques you use can vary depending on whether you are using HTML,
Flash, or XML forms; for example, different form types have different validation limitations.
Different validation techniques are appropriate for different form controls and data types.
Available techniques vary depending on when and where you want the data validated; on the client or the
server, when the user enters data or submits a form, or when ColdFusion processes a variable or function
Each technique has specific features and considerations, such as the form of user feedback, feature
limitations, and so on.
Security issues or concerns that apply to your environment or application can affect the technique you select.
The table in the preceding section described some of the considerations (see Validation techniques above).
The following table describes additional considerations for selecting a validation technique. For additional
considerations that are specific to form fields, see Validation type considerations.
Validation technique
Security issues
mask(mask attribute)
Blur" attribute)
Provides immediate
feedback if a user enters
invalid data.
"onSubmit" attribute)
onServer" attribute)
Can be circumvented
because validation rules
are submitted with the
Limited to forms.
Can be circumvented
because validation rules
are submitted with the
= "function" attribute)
Limited to specific
ColdFusion form tags.
Calls a single JavaScript
function. JavaScript levels
of support can vary
among browsers, and
users can disable
JavaScript in their
Can be circumvented
because JavaScript runs
directly in the browser.
IsValid function
cfparam tag
cfargument tag
Security considerations
Although form-specific validation techniques provide good methods for preventing users from submitting invalid or
badly formatted data, they cannot prevent users from submitting maliciously formatted data from HTML forms.
Malicious users can circumvent validation techniques that require validation on the browser using JavaScript or
submission of validation rules in hidden fields. If you must use a technique for preventing malicious data
submissions, consider using the following techniques:
The onSubmit or OnBlur validation in Flash forms, which use Flash built-in validation.
The IsValid function and the cfparam, and cfargument tags, which let you test variables and arguments
in your CFML code.
The cfqueryparam tag in cfquery tags, which can help protect databases from malicious query input (see
Enhancing security with cfqueryparam.
The script protection option, which helps prevent cross-site scripting attacks. You can set this option on the
ColdFusion Administrator Server Settings > Settings page or by using the Application.cfc This.scriptProtect
variable or the cfapplication tag scriptprotect attribute. For more information on cross-site scripting
attacks and this option, see the cfapplication tag page in the CFML Reference.
Data validation types
The following table lists the types of data you can validate when you use most ColdFusion validation techniques. It
does not include mask validation. Some validation types are not available for all techniques; in these cases the table
indicates the limitations. The onBlur and onSubmit validation algorithms for Flash forms can vary from the
validation algorithms described in the following table, and most commonly have less functionality. The asterisk
the Type field column indicates that the field is required. For more detailed descriptions of the onServer validation
algorithms, see the table in Validating form data using hidden fields.
Type field
USdate *
eurodate *
time *
float *
integer *
An integer.
range *
telephone *
zipcode *
creditcard *
ssn * or social_security_number *
email *
guid *
uuid *
regex * or regular_expression *
For more details on how ColdFusion handles data when it does onServer and hidden field
validation, see Validating form data using hidden fields.
You can use the following validation types in cfparam and cfargument tags and the IsValid function only:
An array of values
A binary value
A query object
A structure
variableName *
2. For hidden form validation, you can specify a text-only error message in the hidden field's value attribute.
Otherwise, ColdFusion uses a default message that includes the name of the form field that was invalid. (You
can customize this message, as described in Handling form field validation errors in Determining
error-handling strategies.) The following cfinputtag, for example, uses a hidden field validation to display
an error message if the user enters an invalid address. (It uses onServer validation to display a different error
message if the user fails to enter a number.)
3. For HTML and XML format forms (using ColdFusion skins), most ColdFusion form tags have an onError attr
ibute that lets you specify a Javascript function to run if an onSubmit error occurs.
4. For the IsValidfunction, you write separate code paths to handle valid and invalid data. The following
example shows a simplified case that displays an error message if the user entered an invalid e-mail address,
or a different message if the address is valid:
5. For cfparam and cfargument tags, you use standard ColdFusion error-handling techniques. You can
include the tag in a try block and use a catch block to handle the error, or you can use a custom
error-handling page. The following example form action page code uses a custom error page, expresserr.cfm,
to handle the error that the cfparamtag generates if a user submits a form with an invalid e-mail address:
In text fields, ColdFusion automatically inserts literal mask characters, such as - characters in telephone numbers.
Users type only the variable part of the field. You can use the following characters to mask data:
Mask character
The following pattern enforces entry of a part number of the format EB-1234-c1-098765, where the user starts the
entry by typing the first numeric character, such as 1. ColdFusion fills in the preceding EB prefix and all hyphen (-)
characters. The user must enter four numbers, followed by two alphanumeric characters, followed by six numbers.
You cannot force a user to type an A, X, 9, or question mark (?) character. To ensure that a
pattern is all-uppercase or all-lowercase, use the ColdFusion UCase or LCase functions in the
action page.
In the cfcalendar tag and the Flash format datefield input control, you use the following masks to determine
the format of the output. You can use uppercase or lowercase characters in the mask:
The following pattern specifies that the Flash form sends the date selected using a datefield input control to
ColdFusion as text in the format 04/29/2004:
Validating data with the IsValid function and the cfparam tag
The IsValid function and cfparam tag validate any ColdFusion variable value, not just forms variables. Because
they reside entirely on the ColdFusion server, they can provide a secure mechanism for ensuring that the required
validation steps get performed. Users cannot evade any of the checks by modifying the form data that gets
submitted. These techniques also provide greater flexibility in how you respond to user errors, because you can use
full CFML syntax in your error-handling code.
These two validation techniques operate as follows:
The IsValid function tests the value of a ColdFusion variable. If the value is valid, it returns True; if the
value is invalid, it returns False.
The cfparam tag with a type attribute tests the value of a ColdFusion value for validity. If the value is valid,
it does nothing; if the value is invalid, it throws a ColdFusion expression exception.
You can use either technique interchangeably. The technique you choose should depend on your coding
style and programming practices. It can also depend on the specific information that you want to display if an
error occurs.
Example: IsValid function validation
The following example checks whether a user has submitted a numeric ID and a valid e-mail address and phone
number. If any of the submitted values does not meet the validation test, the page displays an error message.
<!--- Action code. First make sure the form was submitted. --->
<cfif isDefined("form.saveSubmit")>
<cfif isValid("integer", form.UserID) and isValid("email", form.emailAddr)
and isValid("telephone", form.phoneNo)>
<!--- Application code to update the database goes here --->
<h3>The e-mail address and phone number for user #Form.UserID#
have been added</h3>
<H3>Please enter a valid user ID, phone number, and e-mail address.</H2>
<!--- The form. --->
<cfform action="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#">
User ID:<cfinput type="Text" name="UserID"><br>
Phone: <cfinput type="Text" name="phoneNo"><br>
E-mail: <cfinput type="Text" name="emailAddr"><br>
<cfinput type="submit" name="saveSubmit" value="Save Data"><br>
The following two examples use cfparam tags to do the same tests as in the [Example: IsValid function validation].
They check whether a user has submitted a numeric ID and a valid e-mail address and phone number. If any of the
submitted values does not meet the validation test, ColdFusion throws an expression exception.
In the first example, the error is handled by the exprerr.cfm page specified in the cferror tag. In this case, if the
user made multiple errors, ColdFusion lists only one.
In the second example, each invalid field is handled in a separate try/catch block. In this case, the user gets
information about each error.
You entered invalid data.<br>
Please click the browser Back button and try again<br>
<!--- Use a Boolean variable to indicate whether all fields are good. --->
<cfset goodData="Yes">
<!--- Make sure the form was submitted. --->
<cfif isDefined("form.saveSubmit")>
<!--- The cftry block for testing the User ID value. --->
<!--- The cfparam tag checks the field data types. --->
<cfparam name="form.UserID" type="integer">
<!--- If the data is invalid, ColdFusion throws an expression exception. --->
<!--- Catch and handle the exception. --->
<cfcatch type="expression">
<!--- Set the data validity indicator to False. --->
<cfset goodData="No">
Invalid user ID.<br>
<!--- The cftry block for testing the e-mail address value. --->
<cfparam name="form.emailAddr" type="email">
<cfcatch type="expression">
<cfset goodData="No">
Invalid e-mail address.<br>
<!--- The cftry block for testing the telephone number value. --->
<cfparam name="form.phoneNo" type="telephone">
<cfcatch type="expression">
<cfset goodData="No">
Invalid telephone number.<br>
<!--- Do this only if the validity indicator was not set to False in a
validation catch block. --->
<cfif goodData>
<!--- Application code to update the database goes here. --->
<h3>The e-mail address and phone number for user #Form.UserID#
have been added</h3>
</cfif> <!--- goodData is True--->
</cfif> <!--- Form was submitted. --->
<cfform action="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#" preservedata="Yes">
User ID:<cfinput type="Text" name="UserID"><br>
Phone: <cfinput type="Text" name="phoneNo"><br>
E-mail: <cfinput type="Text" name="emailAddr"><br>
<cfinput type="submit" name="saveSubmit" value="Save Data"><br>
#back to top
Use the following suffixes at the end of hidden form field names to specify the validation type. The type identifier
always starts with an underscore. Several validation rules have two names you can use. The names that do not start
with "_cf" were used in earlier releases and are retained for backward compatibility. For consistency and clarity,
Adobe recommends using the names that start with "_cf" in new forms.
Field name suffix
_integer, _cfforminteger
_float, _cfformfloat
_range, _cfformrange
_date, _cfformdate
_eurodate, _cfformeurodate
_time, _cfformtime
_cfformSSN, _cfformsocial_security_number
_cfformregex, _cfformregular_expression
_required, _cfformrequired
Consider the following rules and recommendations when determining whether and how to use hidden form field
Use hidden field validation if you want to validate data from standard HTML input tags. The cfinput and c
ftextarea tags include a validateAt attribute that provides a simpler method for specifying server-side
Consider using hidden field validation with the cfinput and cftextarea tags if you specify multiple
validation rules for a single field and want to provide a separate error message for each validation.
Do not use the suffixes listed in the table as field names.
Adding a validation rule to a field does not make it a required field. Add a separate _required hidden field to
ensure user entry.
Hidden form field example
The following procedure creates a simple form for entering a start date and a salary. It uses hidden fields to ensure
that you enter data and that the data is in the right format.
This example uses a self-submitting form; the same ColdFusion page is both the form page and its action page. The
page uses an IsDefined function to check that form data has been submitted. This way, the pages does not show
any results until you submit the input. The form uses HTML tags only; you can substitute these tags with the CFML
<title>Simple Data Form</title>
<h2>Simple Data Form</h2>
<!--- Form part. --->
<form action="datatest.cfm" method="Post">
<input type="hidden"
value="You must enter a start date.">
<input type="hidden"
value="Enter a valid date as the start date.">
<input type="hidden"
value="You must enter a salary.">
<input type="hidden"
value="The salary must be a number.">
Start Date:
<input type="text"
name="StartDate" size="16"
<input type="text"
<input type="reset"
value="Clear Form">
<input type="submit"
value="Insert Data">
<!--- Action part. --->
<cfif isdefined("Form.StartDate")>
Start Date is: #DateFormat(Form.StartDate)#<br>
Salary is: #DollarFormat(Form.Salary)#
When the user submits this form, ColdFusion scans the form fields to find any validation rules. It then uses the rules
to analyze the user's input. If any of the input rules are violated, ColdFusion displays an error page with the error
message that you specified in the hidden field's value attribute. The user must go back to the form, correct the
problem, and resubmit the form. ColdFusion does not accept form submission until the user enters the entire form
Because numeric values often contain commas and currency symbols, ColdFusion automatically deletes these
characters from fields with _cfforminteger and _cfformfloat rules before it validates the form field and passes the
data to the form's action page. ColdFusion does not delete these characters from fields with _cfformnumeric rules.
Reviewing the code
<form action="datatest.cfm"
<input type="hidden"
value="You must enter a start
<input type="hidden"
value="Enter a valid date as the
start date.">
<input type="hidden"
value="You must enter a salary.">
<input type="hidden"
value="The salary must be a
Start Date:
<input type="text"
name="StartDate" size="16"
<input type="text" name="Salary"
size="10" maxlength="10"><br>
<cfif isdefined("Form.StartDate")>
Start Date is:
Salary is:
You can use the following escape sequences to match specific characters or character classes:
Escape seq
Escape seq
A nonword boundary.
Vertical tab.
An alphanumeric
character or underscore.
The equivalent of
Form feed.
Line feed.
The character
represented in the ASII
character table by the
specified octal number.
Carriage return.
The character
represented in the ASCII
character table by the
specified hexadecimal
Parentheses group parts of regular expressions into a subexpression that can be treated as a single unit. For
example,(ha)+ matches one or more instances of ha.
A one-character regular expression or grouped subexpression followed by an asterisk (*) matches zero or
more occurrences of the regular expression. For example, [a-z]* matches zero or more lowercase
A one-character regular expression or grouped subexpression followed by a plus sign (+) matches one or
more occurrences of the regular expression. For example, [a-z]+ matches one or more lowercase
A one-character regular expression or grouped subexpression followed by a question mark (?) matches zero
or one occurrence of the regular expression. For example, xy?z matches either xyz or xz.
The carat (^) at the beginning of a regular expression matches the beginning of the field.
The dollar sign ($) at the end of a regular expression matches the end of the field.
The concatenation of regular expressions creates a regular expression that matches the corresponding
concatenation of strings. For example, [A-Z][a-z]* matches any capitalized word.
The OR character (|) allows a choice between two regular expressions. For example, jell(y|ies) matches
either jelly or jellies.
Curly brackets ({}) indicate a range of occurrences of a regular expression. You use them in the form {m, n}
where m is a positive integer equal to or greater than zero indicating the start of the range and n is equal to or
greater than m, indicating the end of the range. For example, (ba){0,3} matches up to three pairs of the
expression ba. The form {m,} requires at least m occurrences of the preceding regular expression. The form
{m} requires exactly m occurrences of the preceding regular expression. The form {,n} is not allowed.
Backreferencing lets you match text in previously matched sets of parentheses. A slash followed by a digit n (\n)
refers to the nth parenthesized subexpression.
One example of how you can use backreferencing is searching for doubled words; for example, to find instances of
the the or is is in text. The following example shows backreferencing in a regular expression:
(\b[A-Za-z]+)[ ]+\1
This code matches text that contains a word that is repeated twice; that is, it matches a word (specified by the \b
word boundary special character and the [A-Za-z]+) followed by one or more spaces (specified by []+), followed
by the first matched subexpression, the first word, in parentheses. For example, it would match is is, but not This
Expression examples
The following examples show some regular expressions and describe what they match:
A real number.
The following information describes considerations for validation in cfinput and cftextarea tags, and show a
more complete example.
Validation type considerations
General considerations: Consider the following issues when you determine how to validate form data:
When you validate form data using onBlur, onSubmit, onServer, or hidden form field validation, you can
specify one or more validation types for each field that you validate. For example, you can specify that a field
entry is required and that it must be numeric. To specify multiple validation types for onSubmit, onBlur, or
onServer validation, specify the type values in a comma-delimited list.
If you use onBlur, onSubmit, or onServer type validation, you can specify only one error message for each
field that you validate. If you use hidden field validation, you can create a custom message for each validation
rule (except for range checking).
In the cfinput tag, most validation type attributes apply only to text or password fields.
Validation algorithm differences: The underlying validation code used when validating form data can differ
depending on the validation technique and the form type. As a result, the algorithms used vary in some
instances, including the following:
The validation algorithms used for date/time values in onSubmit and OnBlur validation are different from
those validation algorithms used for all server-side validation techniques.
The algorithms used for onSubmit and OnBlur validation in Flash can vary from those algorithms used for
HTML or XML format, and generally follow simpler rules.
For detailed information on the validation algorithms used for validation techniques used on the server, see V
alidating form data using hidden fields.
Validating data in XML skinnable forms
If you create an XML skinnable form and use any skin provided by Adobe, such as the basic.xsl or silver.xsl skin,
you can use all form validation techniques that are available for HTML forms.
If you use a custom skin (XSL file), the available validation techniques depend on the skin. The cf_webroot\CFIDE\s
cripts\xsl directory contains a _cfformvalidation.xsl file that implements all ColdFusion HTML form validation
techniques and supports onBlur, onSubmit, onServer, and hidden form field validation. XML skin writers can include
this file in their skin XSLT to implement ColdFusion validation for their skin.
Example: basic form validation
The following form asks for information to use when registering a new user. It checks to make sure that the user
enters required information. (Only the telephone number is optional.) It also checks to make sure that the telephone
number and e-mail address are properly formatted and that the number to use in a challenge question is in the
proper range. This example performs onSubmit validation. It posts back to itself, and dumps the submitted results.
<cfif IsDefined("form.fieldnames")>
<cfdump var="#form#"><br>
<cfform name="myform" preservedata="Yes" >
First Name: <cfinput type="text" size="15" name="firstname"
required="yes" message="You must enter a first name."><br>
Last Name: <cfinput type="text" size="25" name="lastname"
required="yes" message="You must enter a last name."><br>
Telephone: <cfinput type="text" size="20" name="telephone"
validate="telephone" message="You must enter your telephone
number, for example 617-555-1212 x1234"><br>
E-mail: <cfinput type="text" size="25" name="email"
validate="email" required="Yes"
message="You must enter a valid e-mail address."><br>
Password: <cfinput type="password" size="12" name="password1"
required="yes" maxlength="12"
message="You must enter a password."><br>
Reenter password: <cfinput type="password" size="12" name="password2"
required="yes" maxlength="12"
message="You must enter your password twice."><br>
We will ask you for the following number, in the range 100-999 if you forget
your password.<br>
Number: <cfinput type="text" size="5" name="chalenge"
validate="range" range="100,999" required="Yes"
message="You must enter a reminder number in the range 100-999."><br>
<cfinput type="submit" name="submitit">
In addition to native ColdFusion input validation using the validate attribute of the cfinput and cftextarea tag
s, the following tags support the onValidate attribute, which lets you specify a JavaScript function to handle your
cfform input validation:
ColdFusion passes the following arguments to the JavaScript function that you specify in the onValidate att
The form JavaScript DOM object
The name attribute of the form element
The value of the control to validate
For example, if you write the cfinput tag as the following:
<cfinput type="text"
<!--- Do not include () in JavaScript function name. --->
<!-function handleValidation(form_object, input_object, object_value) {
The following example validates a password. The password must have at least one of each of the following: an
uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, and a number. It must be from 8 through 12 characters long. If the password is
invalid, the browser displays a message box. If the password is valid, it redisplays the page with a brief success
Use JavaScript to validate form data
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
<title>JavaScript Validation</title>
<!--- JavaScript used for validation. --->
<!-// Regular expressions used for pattern matching.
var anUpperCase = /[A-Z]/;
var aLowerCase = /[a-z]/;
var aNumber = /[0-9]/;
/* The function specified by the onValidate attribute.
Tests for existence of at least one uppercase, lowercase, and numeric
character, and checks the length for a minimum.
A maximum length test is not needed because of the cfinput maxlength
attribute. */
function testpasswd(form, ctrl, value) {
if (value.length < 8 || == -1 || (aLowerCase) == -1 || (aNumber) == -1)
return (false);
return (true);
<h2>JavaScript validation test</h2>
<!--- Form is submitted only if the password is valid. --->
<cfif IsDefined("Form.passwd1")>
<p>Your Password if valid.</p>
<p>Please enter your new password:</p>
<cfform name="UpdateForm" preservedata="Yes" >
<!--- The onValidate attribute specifies the JavaScript validation
function. The message attribute is the message that appears
if the validation function returns False. --->
<cfinput type="password" name="passwd1" required="YES"
message="Your password must have 8-12 characters and include uppercase
and lowercase letters and at least one number."
size="13" maxlength="12">
<input type="Submit" value=" Update... ">
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
The onError attribute lets you specify a JavaScript function to execute if an onValidate, onBlur, or onSubmit
validation fails. For example, if you use the onValidate attribute to specify a JavaScript function to handle input
validation, you can also use the onError attribute to specify a JavaScript function to handle a failed validation (that
is, when onValidate returns a False value). If you use the onValidate attribute, you can also use the onError
attribute to specify a JavaScript function that handles the validation errors. The following cfform tags support the o
nerror attribute:
ColdFusion passes the following JavaScript objects to the function in the onerror attribute:
The JavaScript form object
The name attribute of the form element
The value that failed validation
The error message text specified by the CFML tag's message attribute
The following example shows a form that uses an onError attribute to tell ColdFusion to call a
showErrorMessage JavaScript function that uses the alert method to display an error message. The
function assembles the message from the invalid value and the contents of the cfinput tag's message attri
In addition to creating Flash forms, ColdFusion lets you specify Flash format for cfcalendar, cftree, and cfgri
d tags. Use these tags to embed Flash calendar choosers, trees, and grids in HTML forms, to eliminate the need to
use Java applets. Information about using Flash grids and trees in HTML forms is not discussed here. However, the
information about grids and trees also applies to these elements.
A Flash form example
Flash forms provide many features that help you quickly create easy-to-use, professional-looking, complex forms.
The following image contains a two-tab form that shows many of these features:
Each tab contains a different section of the overall form, and users can enter data on both tabs before
submitting the form. This technique can eliminate the need for multiple forms on multiple HTML pages.
The first and last names are required fields, indicated by the red asterisks.
The Flash form automatically fills the e-mail field with data from the name fields, but the user can override this
When the user selects the date field, a calendar automatically opens for picking the date.
Flash form CFML differences from HTML forms
Because ColdFusion sends a Flash form to the client in SWF file format, everything inside a Flash form is rendered
by Flash. Rendering the form in Flash has several effects:
Plain text and HTML tags in the body of a Flash Form have no effect.
Specify all form content inside CFML tags that support Flash forms.
ColdFusion provides two tags that let you take advantage of Flash features and perform tasks that you would
otherwise do in HTML: use the cfformitem tag to add text blocks and horizontal and vertical rules to your
form, and you use the cfformgroup tag to structure your form.
Standard ColdFusion forms tags, such as cfinput and cftree, include attributes that work only with Flash
forms, and attribute values that let you specify form style and behavior. These tags include the skin attribute
with many Flash-specific style attribute values for appearance, and the bind attribute for filling a field value
with data from other fields.The reference pages for the individual tags in the CFML Reference describe the
form tags and their features, indicating which attributes and values work with Flash forms.
Flash forms are sent to the client as SWF files, which ColdFusion must compile from your CFML code. The following
techniques can help limit how frequently ColdFusion must recompile a Flash form.
Only data must be dynamic. Whenever a variable name changes, or a form characteristic, such as an
element width or a label changes, the Flash output must be recompiled. If a data value changes, the output
does not need to be recompiled.
Use cfformgroup type="repeater" if you must loop no more than ten times over no more than ten
elements. This tag does not require recompiling when the number of elements changes. It does have a
processing overhead that increases with the number of loops and elements, however, so for large data sets
or many elements, it is often more efficient not to use the repeater.
Caching data in Flash forms
The cfform tag timeout attribute specifies how many seconds ColdFusion retains Flash form data on the server.
When a Flash form is generated, the values for the form are stored in memory on the server. When the Flash form is
loaded on the client, it requests these form values from the server. If this attribute is 0, the default, the data on the
server is immediately deleted after the data has been requested from the Flash form.
A Flash form can be reloaded multiple times if a user displays a page with a Flash form, goes to another page, and
uses the browser Back button to return to the page with the form. This behavior is common with search forms, login
forms, and the like. When the user returns to the original page:
If the timeout value is 0, or the time-out period has expired, the data is no longer available, and ColdFusion
returns a data-expired exception to the browser; in this case, the browser typically tells the user to reload the
If the time-out has not expired, the browser displays the original data.If your form data contains sensitive
information, such as credit card numbers or social security numbers, leave the time-out set to 0. Otherwise,
consider setting a time-out value that corresponds to a small number of minutes.
Using Flash forms in a clustered environment
#back to top
If you use the bind attribute, you cannot use the value attribute.
1 cfform
2 cfformgroup type="tabnavigator" -- Tab navigator container
cfformgroup type="page" -- Tabbed page container, child of tabnavigator
cfformgroup type="horizontal" -- Aligns its two children horizontally
cfinput type="text" -- First name input control
cfinput type="spacer" -- Space between the name input controls
cfinput type="text" -- Last name input control
cfformitem type="hrule" -- Displays a rule
cfformitem type="html" -- Displays formatted text
cffinput type="text" -- E-mail input control
cfformitem type="hrule" -- Displays a rule
cfinput type="text" -- Phone number input control
cfinput type="spacer" -- Space between the phone and date controls
cfinput type="datefield" -- Date input control
cfinput type="page" -- Second tabbed page container for preferences
2 cfformgroup type="horizontal" -- Follows the tabnavigator in the form
3 cfinput type="submit" -- Submit button control
3 cfinput type="reset" -- Reset button control
Adding text, images, rules, and space with the cfformitem tag
Because Flash forms do not support inline HTML, you use the cfformitem tag to add text blocks and horizontal
and vertical rules to your form. (Flash form controls, such as cfinput, use the label or value attribute to specify
text labels.) You can also use the cfformitem tag to add spacers between visual form elements.
The cfformitem type="hrule" and cfformitem type="vrule" tags put horizontal and vertical rules in the
form. You can specify the rule thickness, color, and shadow characteristics by using style specifications. For more
information on specifying rule styles, see Styles for cfformitem with hrule or vrule type attributes in ColdFusion Flash
Form Style Reference in the CFML Reference.
The cfformitem type="spacer" tag puts a blank space of the specified height and width on the form. This tag
type does not use styles; it can be useful in improving the form appearance by helping you control the form layout.
The cfformitem type="text" tag lets you insert plain text in the form You can use the style attribute to apply
a consistent format to the text.
The cfformitem type="html" tag lets you insert formatted text and images in the form. You can include basic
HTML-style formatting tags in the body of this tag to add images and to format and style the text.
You can use the following formatting tags and attributes in the body of a cfformitem type="html" tag:
Valid attributes
See the attribute table for the img tag.Note: Close this
tag with /> or an </img> tag.
Because of the Flash dynamic sizing rules, to ensure that the image displays properly, you
sometimes have to specify the formitem tag height attribute and the width and height attri
butes for the form or the containing cfformgroup tag. Also, the image always displays on a
new line, not inline with text, and text that follows the image in your code occupies any available
space to the right of the image.
The textformat tag is specific to Flash, and has the following attributes:
ColdFusion provides form group container types that provide basic structure to a Flash form. You specify these
types in the type attribute of the cfformgroup tag. Use the following container types to control the layout of controls
and groups of controls:
For more information on using the accordion, tabnavigator, and page cfformgroup types, see Creating
complex forms with accordion and tab navigator containers in Building Flash forms.
Example: structuring with the cfformgroup tag
The following example shows a form with an hdividedbox container with two vbox containers. The left box uses a
horizontal container to arrange two radio buttons. The right box uses a tile container to lay out its check
boxes. You can drag the divider handle to resize the two boxes. When you submit the form, the ColdFusion page
dumps the Form scope to show the submitted data.
<cfif Isdefined("Form.fieldnames")>
<cfdump var="#form#" label="form scope">
<cfform name="myform" height="200" width="460" format="Flash" skin="HaloBlue">
<cfformitem type="html" height="20">
<b>Tell us your preferences</b>
<!--- Put the pet selectors to the left of the fruit selectors. --->
<cfformgroup type="hdividedbox" >
<!--- Group the pet selector box contents, aligned vertically. --->
<cfformgroup type="VBox"height="130">
<cfformitem type="text" height="20">
<cfformgroup type="vertical" height="80">
<cfinput type="Radio" name="pets" label="Dogs" value="Dogs"
<cfinput type="Radio" name="pets" label="Cats" value="Cats">
<!--- Group the fruit selector box contents, aligned vertically. --->
<cfformgroup type="VBox" height="130">
<cfformitem type="text" height="20">
<cfformgroup type="tile" height="80" width="190" label="Tile box">
<--- Flash requires unique names for all controls --->
<cfinput type = "Checkbox" name="chk1" Label="Apples"
<cfinput type="Checkbox" name="chk2" Label="Bananas"
<cfinput type="Checkbox" name="chk3" Label="Pears"
<cfinput type="Checkbox" name="chk4" Label="Oranges"
<cfinput type="Checkbox" name="chk5" Label="Grapes"
<cfinput type="Checkbox" name="chk6" Label="Cumquats"
<cfformgroup type="horizontal">
<cfinput type="submit" name="submit" width="100" value="Show Results">
<cfinput type="reset" name="reset" width="100" value="Reset Fields">
Sizing elements in a Flash form is something of an art, rather than a science. As a general rule, if you don't specify
the height and width attributes, Flash tends to do a good job of laying out the form. However, keep in mind the
following considerations:
If you do not specify the height and width attributes in the cfform tag, Flash reserves the full dimensions of
the visible browser window, if the form is not in a table, or the table cell, if the form is in a table, even if they
are not required for the form contents. Any HTML output that precedes or follows the form causes the output
page to exceed the size of the browser window.
If you do not specify the height or width of a control, including a form group, Flash adjusts the dimensions,
trying to fit the controls in the available space. For example, Flash often extends input boxes to the width of
the containing control, if not otherwise specified.In general, it is best to use the following process when you
design your Flash form.
Determine the sizes of a Flash form and its controls
1. When you first create the form, don't specify any height and width attributes on the form or its child tags.
Run the form and examine the results to determine height and width values to use.
2. Specify height and width attributes in the cfform tag for the desired dimensions of the form. You can
specify absolute pixel values, or percentage values relative to the size of the containing window.
3. Specify any height or width attributes on individual tags. These values must be in pixels.
4. Repeat step 3 for various tags, and possibly step 2, until your form has a pleasing appearance.
Repeating Flash form elements based on query data
The repeater cfformgroup type tells Flash Player to iterate over a query and create a set of the cfformgroup t
ag's child controls for each row in the query. For each set of child controls, bind attributes in the child tags can
access fields in the current query row. This cfformgroup type lets you create Flash forms where the number of
controls can change based on a query, without requiring ColdFusion to recompile the Flash SWF file for the form.
This significantly enhances server performance.
For more information on binding data, see Binding data in Flash forms.
Optionally, you can specify a start row and a maximum number of rows to use in the repeater. Unlike most
ColdFusion tags, repeater index values start at 0, not 1. To specify a repeater that starts on the first line of the
query object and uses no more than 15 rows, use a tag such as the following:
One example that can use a repeater is a form that lets a teacher select a specific class and update the student
grades. Each class can have a different number of students, so the form must have a varying number of input lines.
Another example is a shopping cart application that displays the product name and quantity ordered and lets users
change the quantity.
The following example uses the cfformgroup tag with a repeater type attribute value to populate a form. It
creates a query, and uses the repeater to iterate over a query and create a firstname and lastname input box for
each row in the query.
<cfif IsDefined("Form.fieldnames")>
<cfdump var="#form#" label="form scope">
q1 = queryNew("id,firstname,lastname");
querySetCell(q1, "id", "1");
querySetCell(q1, "firstname", "Rob");
querySetCell(q1, "lastname", "Smith");
querySetCell(q1, "id", "2");
querySetCell(q1, "firstname", "John");
querySetCell(q1, "lastname", "Doe");
querySetCell(q1, "id", "3");
querySetCell(q1, "firstname", "Jane");
querySetCell(q1, "lastname", "Doe");
querySetCell(q1, "id", "4");
querySetCell(q1, "firstname", "Erik");
querySetCell(q1, "lastname", "Pramenter");
<cfform name="form1" format="flash" height="220" width="450">
<cfselect label="select a teacher" name="sel1" query="q1" value="id"
display="firstname" width="100" />
<cfformgroup type="repeater" query="q1">
<cfformgroup type="horizontal" label="name">
<cfinput type="Text" name="fname"bind="{q1.currentItem.firstname}">
<cfinput type="Text" name="lname" bind="{q1.currentItem.lastname}">
<cfinput type="submit" name="submitBtn" value="Send Data" width="100">
The accordion and tabnavigator attributes of the cfformgroup tag let you construct complex forms that
would otherwise require multiple HTML pages. With accordions and tab navigator containers, users can switch
among multiple entry areas without submitting intermediate forms. All data that they enter is available until they
submit the form, and all form elements load at one time.
An accordion container places each logical form page on an accordion pleat. Each pleat has a label bar; when the
user clicks a bar, the current page collapses and the selected page expands to fill the available form space. The
following image shows a three-pleat accordion, open to the middle pleat, Preferences:
A tab navigator container places each logical form page on a tabbed frame. When the user clicks a tab, the selected
page replaces the previous page. The image in About Flash forms shows a tab navigator container.
The following example generates a two-tab navigator container that gets contact information and preferences. You
can change it to an accordion container by changing the type attribute of the first cfformgroup tag from tabnavi
gator to accordion. To prevent the accordion from having scroll bars, increase the cfform tag height attribute
to 310 and the tabnavigator tag height attribute to 260.
<cfif IsDefined("Form.fieldnames")>
<cfdump var="#form#" label="form scope">
<cfform name="myform" height="285" width="480" format="Flash" skin="HaloBlue">
<cfformgroup type="tabnavigator" height="240" style="marginTop: 0">
<cfformgroup type="page" label="Contact Information">
<!--- Align the first and last name fields horizontally. --->
<cfformgroup type="horizontal" label="Your Name">
<cfinput type="text" required="Yes" name="firstName" label="First"
value="" width="100"/>
<cfinput type="text" required="Yes" name="lastName" label="Last"
value="" width="100"/>
<cfformitem type="hrule" />
<cfformitem type="HTML"><textformat indent="95"><font size="-2">
Flash fills this field in automatically.
You can replace the text.
<!--- The bind attribute gets the field contents from the firstName
and lastName fields as they get filled in. --->
<cfinput type="text" name="email" label="email"
<cfformitem type="spacer" height="3" />
<cfformitem type="hrule" />
<cfformitem type="spacer" height="3" />
<cfinput type="text" name="phone" validate="telephone" required="no"
label="Phone Number">
The cfform tag takes a skin attribute, which lets you select an overall appearance for your form. The skin
determines the color used for highlighted and selected elements.
You can select the following Flash skins:
haloGreen (the default)
About Flash form styles
The ColdFusion Flash form tags have a style attribute that lets you specify control characteristics using CSS
syntax. You can specify a style attribute in the following tags:
cfformitem, types hrule and vrule
cftree}}The attributes for the {{cfform and cfformgroup generally apply to all the form or
form group's children.Flash supports many, but not all, standard CSS styles. ColdFusion Flash forms only
support applying specific CSS style specifications to individual CFML tags and their corresponding Flash
controls and groups. You cannot use an external style sheet or define a document-level style sheet, as you
can for HTML forms.
Flash form style specification syntax
For example, the following code specifies three style values for a text input control:
Style properties can be Boolean values, strings, numbers, or arrays of these values.
Length format
You specify styles that take length or dimension values, including font sizes, in pixels.
The fontSize style property lets you use a set of keywords in addition to numbered units. You can use the
following keywords when you set the fontSize style property. The exact sizes are defined by the client browser.
xx-large The following cfinput tag uses the style attribute with a fontSizekeyword to specify the size
of the text in the input box:
Time format
You specify styles that take time values, such as the openDuration style that specifies how fast an accordion
pleat opens, in milliseconds. The following example shows an accordion tag that takes one-half second to change
between accordion pleats:
Color format
You define color values, such as those for the backgroundColor style, in the following formats:
Because of the way Flash control styles are implemented, some common styles are valid, but have no effect, in
some tags. Therefore, in the table in Styles valid for all controls in ColdFusion Flash Form Style Reference in the CF
ML Reference, the listed styles do not cause errors when used in controls, but might not have any effect.
Styles can be inheritable or noninheritable. If a style is noninheritable, it only affects the tag, and does not affect any
of its children. For example, to maintain a consistent background color in an hbox form group and its children tags,
specify the color in all tags. If a style is inheritable, it applies to the tag and its children.
Example: applying styles to a Flash form
The following code creates a Flash form that uses a skin and styles to control its appearance.
The code for the form is as follows. Comments in the code explain how formatting controls and styles determine the
<!--- Specify the form height and width, use the HaloBlue skin.
Note: Flash ignores a backgroundColor style set in cfform. --->
<cfform name="myform" height="390" width="440" format="Flash" skin="HaloBlue">
<!--- The input area is a panel. Styles to specify panel characteristics.
Child controls inherit the background color and font settings. --->
<cfformgroup type="Panel" label="Contact Information"
style="marginTop:20; marginBottom:20; fontSize:14; fontStyle:italic;
headerColors:##FFFF00, ##999900; backgroundColor:##FFFFEE;
headerHeight:35; cornerRadius:12">
<!--- This vbox sets the font size and style, and spacing between and
around its child controls. --->
<cfformgroup type="vbox" style="fontSize:12; fontStyle:normal;
verticalGap:18; marginLeft:10; marginRight:10">
<!--- Use a horizontal group to align the first and last name fields
and set a common label. --->
<cfformgroup type="horizontal" label="Name" >
<!--- Use text styles to highlight the entered names. --->
<cfinput type="text" required="Yes" name="firstName" label="First"
value="" width="120" style="color:##006090; fontSize:12;
fontWeight:bold" />
<cfinput type="text" required="Yes" name="lastName" label="Last"
value="" width="120" style="color:##006090; fontSize:12;
<!--- Horizontal rules surround the e-mail address.
Styles specify the rule characteristics. --->
<cfformitem type="hrule" style="color:##999900; shadowColor:##DDDD66;
<cfformitem type="HTML" Style="marginTop:0; marginBottom:0">
<textformat indent="57"> <font size="-1">Flash fills this field in
automatically. You can replace the text.</font></textformat>
<cfinput type="text" name="email" label="email"
<cfformitem type="hrule" style="color:##999900; shadowColor:##DDDD66;
<cfinput type="text" name="phone" validate="telephone" label="Phone">
<!--- Styles control the colors of the current, selected, and
rolled-over dates. --->
<cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate1" label="Date"
style="rollOverColor:##DDDDFF; selectionColor:##0000FF;
</cfformgroup> <!--- vbox --->
</cfformgroup> <!--- panel --->
<!--- A style centers the buttons at the bottom of the form. --->
<cfformgroup type="horizontal"style="horizontalAlign:center">
<cfinput type = "submit" name="submit" width="100" value = "Show Results">
<cfinput type = "reset" name="reset" width="100" value = "Reset Fields">
You can use ActionScript in the following attribute of tags in CFML Flash format forms:
Form and control events, such as the onSubmit attribute of the cfform tag, or the onChange and onClick
attributes of the cfinput tag. The attribute description on the tag reference pages in the CFML Reference lis
t the event attributes.
Bind expressions, which you can use to set field values. For more information on binding data, see Binding
data in Flash forms.Your ActionScript code can be inline in the form attribute specification, you can make a
call to a custom function that you define, or you can use the ActionScript includecommand in the attribute
specification to get the ActionScript from a .as file. The following example shows a simple Fahrenheit to
Celsius converter that does the conversion directly on the client, without requiring the user to submit a form to
the ColdFusion server.
You do not use the text property (for example, fieldname.text) to access hidden fields. To
access a hidden field, use the format formname.fieldname = 'value'.
Custom ActionScript functions are the equivalent of CFML UDFs. You can define your own functions in ColdFusion
by using the cfformitem tag with a type attribute value of script, or you can define the functions in an
ActionScript (.as) file. Also, ColdFusion includes a small number of predefined custom ActionScript functions that
you can use in your Flash form controls.
You can use the following custom functions in the ActionScript for all form controls to reset or submit the form:
You can use the following custom functions in cfgrid tags only to insert and delete rows in the grid:
The following example shows how you can use the two GridData functions to add custom buttons that add
and delete rows from a Flash form. These buttons are equivalent to the buttons that ColdFusion creates if you
specify insert="yes" and delete="yes" in the cfgrid tag, but they allow you to specify you own button
text and placement. This example puts the buttons on the side of the grid, instead of below it and uses longer
than standard button labels.
ColdFusion skinnable forms conform to and extend the W3C XForms specification. This specification provides an
XML syntax for defining interactive forms using a syntax that is independent of form appearance. ColdFusion forms
tags include attributes that provide information that does not correspond directly to the XForms model, such as
appearance information, validation rules, and standard HTML attributes. ColdFusion skinnable forms retain this
information in XForms extensions so that an XSL transformation can use the values to determine appearance or do
other processing.
For more information on XML structure of ColdFusion skinnable forms, see ColdFusion XML format.
The role of the XSLT skin
An XSLT skin and associated cascading style sheet (CSS) determine how an XML skinnable form is processed and
displayed, as follows:
The XSLT skin tells ColdFusion how to process the XML, and typically converts it to HTML for display. The
skin specifies the CSS style sheet to use to format the output.
The CSS style sheet specifies style definitions that determine the appearance of the generated output.
XSLT skins give you extensive freedom in the generated output. They let you create a custom appearance for
your forms, or even different appearances for different purposes. For example, you could use the same form
in an intranet and on the Internet, and change only the skin to give a different appearance (or even select
different subsets of the form for display). You can also create skins that process your form for devices, such
as wireless mobile devices.
How ColdFusion processes XML skinnable forms
When ColdFusion processes a cfform tag that specifies XML format and an XSLT skin, it does the following to the
1. Converts the CFML form tags into an XForms-compliant XML text format and makes it available in a variable
with the same name as the form. ColdFusion ignores inline text or HTML tags in the form, and does not pass
them to the XML. (It does process HTML option tags that are children of a cfselect tag.)
2. Applies an XSLT skin to the XML; for example, to convert the form into HTML. The XSLT file specifies the
CSS style sheet.
3. Returns the resulting, styled, form to the client, such as a user's browser.
If you omit the cfform tag skin attribute, ColdFusion uses a default skin.
If you specify skin="none", ColdFusion performs the first step, but omits the remaining steps. Your
application must handle the XML version of the form as needed. This technique lets you specify your own
XSL engine, or incorporate the form as part of a larger form.
ColdFusion XSL skins
The XSLT skin files are located in the cf_webroot\CFIDE\scripts\xsl directory, and the CSS files that they use
for style definitions are located in the cf_webroot\CFIDE\scripts\css directory.
The default skin and the basic skin format forms identically. ColdFusion uses the default skin if you do not
specify a skin attribute in the cfform tag. The default and basic skins are simple skins that use tables for
arranging the form contents. The basic skin uses div and span tags to arrange the elements. The skins with
names of colors are like the basic skin, but make more use of color.
Example: a simple skinnable form
The following image shows a simple XML skinnable form that uses the default skin to format the output:
You use standard ColdFusion form tags, such as cfinput or cftree, as you normally do in standard CFML forms
to generate form input elements. ColdFusion maps most of these tags and their subtags (such as option tags in
the cfselect tag) to equivalent XForms elements. ColdFusion maps applet and Flash format cfgrid and cftree
tags to ColdFusion XML extensions that contain Java applet or Flash objects. It converts XML format cfgrid and c
ftree tags to ColdFusion XML extension.
The specific attributes you can use and their meanings can depend on the skins.
Using ColdFusion skins: The skins that are supplied with ColdFusion support the attributes that you can use with
HTML forms. You can also use label attributes to provide labels for the following tags:
cfinput with type attribute values of text, button, password, and file
Using other skins: If you use any other skin, some attributes are not supported, or the skin supports custom
attributes. Get the information about the supported attributes from the XSLT skin developer.
Using cfformitem tags
ColdFusion does not process inline text or standard HTML tags when it generates an XML form; therefore, you use
the cfformitem tag to add formatted HTML or plain text blocks and any other display elements, such as horizontal
and vertical rules, to your form.
ColdFusion converts all cfformitem type attribute values to all-lowercase. For example, if you specify type="My
Type" ColdFusion converts the type name to "mytype".
ColdFusion makes no other limitations on the cfformitem type attributes that you can use in a form, but the
XSLT skin must process the attributes to display the items.
Using ColdFusion skins: The skins provided in ColdFusion support the following cfformitem types:
The hrule type inserts an HTML hr tag, and the text type displays unformatted plain text.
The html type displays HTML-formatted text. You can include standard HTML text markup tags, such as st
rong, p, ul, or li, and their attributes. For example, the following text from the a simple skinnable form sec
tion shows how you could use a cfformitem tag to insert descriptive text in a form:
<cfformitem type="html">
<b>We value your input</b>.<br>
<em>Please tell us a little about yourself and your thoughts.</em>
Using other skins: If you use any other skin, the supported attributes and attribute values depend on the skin
implementation. Get the information about the supported attributes and attribute values from the XSLT skin
Using cfformgroup tags
The cfformgroup tag lets you structure forms by organizing its child tags, for example, to align them horizontally
or vertically. Some skins use cfformgroup tags for more complex formatting, such as tabbed navigator or
accordion containers. ColdFusion makes no limitations on the type attributes that you can use in a form, but the
XSLT must process the resulting XML to affect the display.
Using ColdFusion* skins:* The skins provided in ColdFusion support the following type attribute values:
The horizontal and vertical types arrange their child tags in the specified direction and place a label to
the left of the group of children. The following text from the a simple skinnable form section shows how you
could use a cfformgroup tag to apply a Name label and align first and last name fields horizontally:
The fieldset type corresponds to the HTML fieldset tag, and groups its children by drawing a box around
them and replacing part of the top line with legend text. To specify the legend, use the label attribute. To specify
the box dimensions, use the style attribute with height and width values.
The following code shows a simple form group with three text controls. The cfformgroup type="vertical" tag ensures
that the contents of the form is consistently aligned. The cfformgroup type="horizontal" aligns the firstname and
lastname fields horizontally.
Because XML is case-sensitive, but ColdFusion is not, ColdFusion converts cfformgroup and
cfformitem attributes to all-lowercase letters. For example, if you specify cfformgroup
type="Random", ColdFusion converts the type to random in the XML.
Using other skins: If you use any other skin, the supported attributes and attribute values depend on the skin
implementation. Get the information about the supported attributes and attribute values from the skin developer.
Example: CFML for a skinnable XML form
The following CFML code creates the form shown in the image in About XML skinnable forms. It shows how you can
use CFML to structure your form.
The XML that ColdFusion generates for forms uses elements and attributes in several XML namespaces.
Namespaces are named collections of names that help ensure that XML names are unique. They often correspond
to a web standard, a specific document type definition (DTD), or a schema. In XML, the namespace name and a
colon (:) precede the name of the tag that is defined in that namespace; for example xf:model for the XForms
namespace model tag.
ColdFusion uses several standard XML namespaces defined by the World Wid Web Consortium (W3C). These
namespaces correspond to specifications for standard XML dialects such as XHTML, XForms, and XML Events.
ColdFusion XML forms also use a custom namespace for skinnable forms XML extensions. The following table lists
the namespaces in the XML that ColdFusion generates.
Used for
XML structure
For each CFML tag, ColdFusion converts attributes and element values to XML in the XForms xf:model element,
or in individual control elements, such as the XForms xf:input, xf:secret, or xf:group elements.
ColdFusion generates XForms XML in the following format. The numbers on each line indicate the level of nesting of
the tags.
1 form tag
2 XForms model element
XForms instance element
cf:data element
XForms submission element
XForms bind element
XForms bind element
3 .
3 .
3 .
2 (end of model element)
2 XForms or ColdFusion extension control element
2 XForms or ColdFusion extension control element
1 (end of form)
Data model
The XForms data model specifies the data that the form submits. It includes information on each displayed control
that can submit data, including initial values and validation information. It does not contain information about cffor
mgroup or cfformitem tags. The data model consists of the following elements and their children:
One xf:instance element
One xf:submission element
One xf:bind element for each form control that can submit data
xf:instance element
The XForms xf:instance element contains information about the form data controls. Any control that can submit
data has a corresponding instance element. If the control has an initial value, the instance element contains that
The xf:instance element contains a single cf:data element that contains an element for each data control: cfg
rid, most cfinput tag types, cfselect, cfslider, cftextarea, and cftree. Each element name is the
corresponding CFML tag's name attribute. For applet and Flash format cfgrid and cftree tags, the element
name is the value of the cf_param_name parameter of the tree or grid's Java applet object. Only cfinput tags of
types submit, image, reset, andbutton do not have instance data, because they cannot submit data.
The body of each element contains the initial control data from the CFML tag's value attribute or its equivalent. For
example, for a cfselect tag, the xf:instance element body is a comma-delimited list that contains the name attr
ibutes of all the option tags with a selected attribute. For submit and image buttons, the body contains the na
me attribute value.
The following example shows the xf:instance element for the form shown in the image in About XML skinnable
<revision>Comment Form revision 12a</revision>
<satisfaction>very satisfied</satisfaction>
<thoughts>We really want to hear from you!</thoughts>
xf:submission element
The xf:submission element specifies the action when the form is submitted, and contains the values of the cffo
rm action and method attributes.:
The following example shows the XML for the form shown in the image in About XML skinnable forms:
<xf:submission action="/_MyStuff/phase1/forms/XForms/FrameExamples/Figure1.cfm"
xf:bind elements
The xf:bind elements provide information about the input control behavior, including the control type and any data
validation rules. The XML has one bind element for each instance element that can submit data. It does not have
bind elements for controls such as cfformitem tags, or cfinput tags with submit, input, reset, or image types.
Each element has the following attributes:
Each xf:bind element has an xf:extension element with ColdFusion specific information, including type and
validation values. The following table lists the cf namespace elements that are used here.
cf:attribute name="type"
cf:attribute name="onerror"
cfargument name="maxlength"
cf:validate type="valiadationtype"__
The following example shows the xf:bind element of the form shown in the image in About XML skinnable forms:
<xf:bind id="firstname"
<cf:attribute name="type">TEXT</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="onerror">_CF_onError</cf:attribute>
<xf:bind id="lastname"
<cf:attribute name="type">TEXT</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="onerror">_CF_onError</cf:attribute>
<xf:bind id="email"
nodeset="//xf:model/xf:instance/cf:data/email" required="false()">
<cf:attribute name="type">TEXT</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="onerror">_CF_onError</cf:attribute>
<xf:bind id="satisfaction"
<cf:attribute name="type">SELECT</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="onerror">_CF_onError</cf:attribute>
<xf:bind id="thoughts"
nodeset="//xf:model/xf:instance/cf:data/thoughts" required="false()">
<cf:attribute name="type">TEXT</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="onerror">_CF_onError</cf:attribute>
Control elements
The XML tags that follow the xf:bind element specify the form controls and their layout. The XML includes one
element for each form control and cfformitem or cfformgroup tag.
CFML to XML tag mapping
ColdFusion maps CFML tags to XForms elements and ColdFusion extensions as the following table shows:
CFML tag
XML tag
cfinput type="text"
cfinput type="password"
cfinput type="hidden"
cfinput type="file"
cfinput type="radio"
cfinput type="checkbox"
cfinput type="button"
cfinput type="image"
cfinput type="reset"
cfinput type="submit"
cfselect multiple="false"
cfselect multiple="true"
cfformitem type="text"
cfformitem type="html"
xf:group appearance="*"
cfformgroup type="*"
xf:group appearance="*"
ColdFusion converts cfformitem tags with text and html type attributes to XForms output elements with the tag
body in a <![CDATA[ section. It converts all other cfformitem tags to XForms group elements, and sets each
element's appearance attribute to the cfformitem tag's type attribute. The XSLT must process these elements
to produce meaningful output. For example, the ColdFusion default skin transform displays the xf:output text
blocks and processes the xf:group appearance="hrule" element, but it ignores all other xf:group elements.
General control element structure
Each control element that a standard XForms control element can represent has the following general structure.
The information described here about the tag-specific features of the XML for several types of input tags is not
all-inclusive. For the specific structure of any ColdFusion form tag, see the XML generated from the tag by
Selection tags
Tags that are used for selection, cfselect, cfinput type="radio", and cfinput type="checkbox" are
converted to XForms select and select1 elements. These elements include an xf:choices element, which in
turn has an xf:item element for each item a user can choose. Each item normally has an xf:label element and
an xf:value element. Check boxes have a single item; select and radio button controls have more than one.
The following example shows the CFML code for a group of two radio buttons, followed by the generated XML
control elements. This example also shows the use of a cfformgroup tag to arrange and label the radio button
h7. CFML
h7. XML
<xf:group appearance="horizontal">
<xf:select1 appearance="full" bind="YesNo" id="YesNo">
<cf:attribute name="type">radio</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="checked">checked</cf:attribute>
cfgrid tags
ColdFusion represents a cfgrid tag using the cf:grid XML tag. This tag has four attributes: format, which can
be Flash, Applet, or XML; and the id, name, and bind attributes, which all have the value of the cfgrid tag name
For applet and Flash format grids, ColdFusion inserts cfgrid controls in the XML as HTML embed objects in
<![CDATA[ sections in the body of a cf:grid tag. The controls can be Java applets or in SWF file format.
For XML format grids, ColdFusion converts the CFML to XML in the following format:
h7. XML
Most metadata lines are omitted for brevity:
For XML format trees, ColdFusion converts the CFML to XML in the following format:
h7. XML
The following code shows only the XML that is related to the tree appearance:
h7. XML
<xf:group appearance="horizontal">
<xf:input bind="firstname" id="firstname">
<cf:attribute name="type">text</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="size">20</cf:attribute>
<xf:input bind="lastname" id="lastname">
<cf:attribute name="type">text</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="size">25</cf:attribute>
<xf:input bind="email" id="email">
<cf:attribute name="type">text</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="validation">email</cf:attribute>
<xf:output><![CDATA[<b>We value your input</b>.<br>
<em>Please tell us a little about yourself and your thoughts.</em>]]>
<xf:group appearance="vertical">
<xf:select1 appearance="minimal" bind="satisfaction" id="satisfaction">
<cf:attribute name="type">select</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="style">width:200</cf:attribute>
<xf:label>very satisfied</xf:label>
<xf:value>very satisfied</xf:value>
<xf:label>somewhat satisfied</xf:label>
<xf:value>somewhat satisfied</xf:value>
<xf:label>somewhat dissatisfied</xf:label>
<xf:value>somewhat dissatisfied</xf:value>
<xf:label>very dissatisfied</xf:label>
<xf:value>very dissatisfied</xf:value>
<xf:label>no opinion</xf:label>
<xf:value>no opinion</xf:value>
<xf:textarea bind="thoughts" id="thoughts">
<xf:label>Additional Comments</xf:label>
<cf:attribute name="type">textarea</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="rows">5</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="cols">40</cf:attribute>
<xf:group appearance="horizontal">
<xf:submit id="submit" submission="comments">
<xf:label>Tell Us</xf:label>
<cf:attribute name="type">submit</cf:attribute>
<cf:attribute name="name">submit</cf:attribute>
<xf:submit id="reset">
<xf:label>Clear Fields</xf:label>
<reset ev:event="DOMActivate"/>
<cf:attribute name="name">reset</cf:attribute>
If you specify an XSLT skin by name and omit the .xsl extension, ColdFusion looks for the file in the cfform script
source directory and its subdirectories. You can specify the script source directory in your cfform tag scriptsrc
attribute, and you can set a default location on the Settings page in the ColdFusion Administrator. When you install
ColdFusion, the default location is set to /CFIDE/scripts/ (relative to the web root).
You can also use a relative or absolute file path, or a URL, to specify the XSLT skin location. ColdFusion uses the
directory of the CFML page as the root of relative paths. The following formats are valid:
<cfform format="xml"
Hosting companies sometimes move the default skin location folder out of CFIDE. Doing this lets
them secure the CFIDE while giving site developers access to the files that you need for cfform
ColdFusion passes form tag attributes or attribute values that it does not specifically process directly to the XML, as
It converts cfformitem and cfformgroup type attributes to xf:group element appearance attributes.
It passes the name and value of tag attributes that it does not recognize or process in cf:attribute eleme
This passthrough feature lets you create custom versions of any of the following items for your XSLT to
ColdFusion provides basic XSLT transforms that you can use as templates and extend for making your own skin.
Each skin has a base XSL file, which include several utility XSL files. Utility filenames start with an underscore (),
and multiple base skins share the files. The following table describes the XSL files, which are located in the
All skins support the same set of CFML tags and tag types, and do a relatively simple transformation from XML to
HTML. For example, they do not support horizontal or vertical rules.
The ColdFusion skin XSL files have several features that you can use when designing and developing your own
transformation. They do the following:
Provide an overall structure and initial templates for implementing custom transformations.
Show how you can handle the various elements in the ColdFusion-generated XML.
Use a structure of included files that can form a template for your XSLT code.
The base XSL files include a separate file, _cfformvalidation.xsl, with complete code for generating the
hidden fields required for ColdFusion onServer validation and the JavaScript for performing ColdFusion
onSubmit and onBlur validation. You can include this file without modification to do ColdFusion validation in
your XSLT template, or you can change it to add other forms of validation or to change the validation rules.
The base XSL files include files, that implement several form groups, laying out the child tags and applying a
label to the group. These files can serve as templates for implementing additional form group types or you
can expand them to provide more sophisticated horizontal and vertical form groups.
You can add custom cfformgroup and cfformitem type attributes by including additional XSL files.
Extending basic.xsl cfformgroup and cfformitem support
The following procedure describes the steps for extending the basic.xsl file to support additional cfformgroup and
cfformitem types. You can use similar procedures to extend other xsl files.
Add support for cfformgroup and cfformitem types to the basic.xsl
For example, to add a panel cfformgrouptype, add an element with a start tag such as the following:
<xsl:template match="xf:group[@appearance='panel']">
<!-- include
Each ColdFusion skinnable form XSL file uses a corresponding CSS style sheet to specify the form style and layout
characteristics. The following CSS files are located in the cf_webroot\CFIDE\scripts\css directory:
The ColdFusion XSL files and their corresponding CSS style sheets use classes extensively to format the form. The
basic.xsl file, for example, has only one element style; all other styles are class-based. Although the CSS files
contain specifications for all classes used in the XSL files, they do not always contain formatting information. The
horizontal class definition in basic_style.css, which is used for horizontal form groups, for example, is empty.
You can enhance the style of XML skinnable forms without changing the XSL transform by enhancing the style
sheets that ColdFusion provides.
#back to top
ColdFusion data and development features help you develop effective Ajax applications that use ColdFusion to
provide dynamic data. They include many features that you can use with other Ajax frameworks, including Spry.
The following data and development features are important for use with form and layout tags:
ColdFusion supports data binding in many tags. Binding allows form and display tags to dynamically display
information based on form input. In the simplest application, you display form data directly in other form fields.
But usually, you pass form field data as parameters to CFC or JavaScript functions or CFM pages, and use
the results to control the display.
The cfajaximport tag specifies the location of the JavaScript and CSS files that a ColdFusion page
imports or to selectively import files required by specific tags. The ability to change the file location lets you
support a wide range of configurations and use advanced techniques, such as application-specific styles.
For more information about the data and development features and how to use them, see Using Ajax Data
and Development Features.
User Interface tags and features
Several ColdFusion user interface elements incorporate Ajax features. The tags and tag-attribute combinations can
be divided into the following categories:
Container tags that lay out or display contents
File management tags that handle files
Form tags that dynamically display data
A menu tag that lets you create menu bars and pull-down menus
User assistance features that provide tool tips and form completion
Four other tags for using geographical maps, progress bar, media player, and message box.
The following table lists the basic tags and attributes that display the Ajax-based features. For information on
additional forms-specific features, see Using Ajax form controls and features.
Container tags
Forms tags
cfgrid format="html"
cfinput type="datefield"
cftextarea richtext="yes"
cftree format="html"
Menu tags
Other tags
In addition to the tags and attributes, ColdFusion provides many JavaScript functions that let you control and
manage the display. Many functions control the display of specific tags. For example, you can use JavaScript
functions to dynamically display and hide the window. There are also several utility tags, such as the ColdFusion.
getElementValue function that gets the value of a control attribute, or the ColdFusion.navigate function that
displays the results of a URL in a container tag. For a complete list of all ColdFusion Ajax JavaScript functions, and
detailed function descriptions, see Ajax JavaScript Functions in the CFML Reference.
Using ColdFusion Ajax user interface features
ColdFusion Ajax user interface features let you create data-driven pages that update dynamically without requiring
multiple HTML pages or page refreshes or non-HTML display tools such as Flash forms. Many user interface
features use data binding to dynamically get data based on other data values: form field values, form control
selections, and selections in Spry data sets.
ColdFusion Ajax user interface controls and features can be divided into two major categories:
Display layout
Data interaction
Display layout controls include the cflayout, cfpod, and cfwindow controls. Some of the data interaction
features include the HTML cfgrid control, the cfmenu control, and dynamic autosuggest lists for text input
controls. Most display layout and data interaction features can use data binding to dynamically interact with
the user.
ColdFusion Ajax user interface features are based on the [Yahoo
User Interface Library|] and the Ext JavaScript Library. Also, the cftextarea
rich text editor is based on the FCKeditor text editor. In most situations, you require only ColdFusion tags and
functions (including JavaScript functions) to create and manage the interface. However, advanced developers
can modify the library code, particularly the CSS styles, to customize the controls in more complex ways.
The cfdiv tag is a general-purpose container that lets you use a bind expression to specify its contents. It therefore
lets you dynamically refresh any arbitrary region on the page based on bind events. By default, the tag creates an
HTML div region, but it can create any HTML tag with body contents. Unlike other ColdFusion Ajax container tags,
you can use any type of bind expression to populate contents: CFC or JavaScript function, URL, or a string with bind
parameters. As a result, the cfdiv tag provides substantial flexibility in dynamically populating the page contents.
The cfdiv tag is also useful if you want a form to submit asynchronously. That is, whether or not you use a bind
expression to populate the tag. If you submit a form that is inside a cfdiv tag (including in HTML returned by a bind
expression), the form submits asynchronously. The response from the form submission populates the cfdiv region.
(The cflayoutarea, cfwindow, and cfpod tags have the same behavior.) For example, you could have a page
with a form that includes a list of artists, and lets you add artists. If the form is in a cfdiv tag, when the user submits
the form, the entire page is not refreshed, only the region inside the cfdiv tag. For an example of using container
controls for asynchronous forms, see Using Ajax containers for form submission in Using Ajax form controls and
One use case for a cfdiv tag is an application where a cfgrid tag displays an employee list. Details of the
selected row in the grid are displayed inside a cfdiv tag with a bind expression that specifies the cfgrid in a bind
parameter. As users click through different employees on the grid, they get the employee details in the cfdiv regio
The following simple example shows how you can use the cfdiv tag to get data using a bind expression. It uses
binding to display the contents of a text input field in an HTML div region. When a user enters text in the input box
and tabs out of it, or clicks another region of the application, the div region displays the entered text.
The cfdiv tag.cfm file, the main application file, has the following contents.
<html xmlns="">
<title>cfdiv Example</title>
<cfinput name="tinput1" type="text">
<h3> using a div</h3>
<cfdiv bind="url:divsource.cfm?InputText={tinput1}" ID="theDiv"
style="background-color:##CCffFF; color:red; height:350"/>
The divsource.cfm file that defines the contents of the div region has the following code:
Using layouts
The cflayout tag controls the appearance and arrangement of one or more child cflayoutarea regions. The cflayo
utarea regions contain display elements and can be arranged in one of the following ways:
Horizontally or vertically.
In a free-form bordered grid (panel layout) with up to five regions: top, bottom, left. right, and center. You can
optionally configure the layout so that users can resize or collapse any or all of the regions, except the center
region. The center region grows or shrinks to take up any space that other regions do not use. You can also
dynamically show or hide individual regions, or let users collapse, expand, or close regions.
As a tabbed display, where selecting a tab changes the display region to show the contents of the tab's layout
area. You can dynamically show and hide, and enable and disable tabs, and optionally let users close tabs.
You can configure a layout area to have scroll bars all the time, only when the area content exceeds the
available screen size, or never. You can let layout area contents extend beyond the layout area. You can also
nest layouts inside layout areas to create complex displays.
You can define the layout area content in the cflayoutarea tag body. But, you can also use a bind
expression to dynamically get the content by calling a CFC function, requesting a CFML page, or calling a
JavaScript function.
ColdFusion provides many JavaScript functions for managing layouts, including functions to collapse,
expand, show, and hide border areas; and to create, enable, disable, select, show, and hide tabs. For a
complete list of functions, see Ajax JavaScript Functions in the CFML Reference.
The following example shows the use of a tabbed layout, including the use of JavaScript functions to enable
and disable a tab, and to show and hide a tab.
<html xmlns="">
<!--- The tabheight attribute sets the height of all tab content areas and therefore
layout height. The width style controls the layout width. --->
<cflayout type="tab" name="mainTab" tabheight="300px" style="width:400px">
<!--- Each layoutarea is one tab. --->
<cflayoutarea title="First Tab" name="tab1">
<h2>The First Tab</h2>
Here are the contents of the first tab.
<cflayoutarea title="Second Tab" name="tab2">
<h2>The Second Tab</h2>
This is the content of the second tab.
Use these links to test selecting tabs via JavaScript:<br />
<a href="" onClick="ColdFusion.Layout.selectTab('mainTab','tab1');return false;">
Click here to select tab 1.</a><br />
<a href="" onClick="ColdFusion.Layout.selectTab('mainTab','tab2');return false;">
Click here to select tab 2.</a><br />
Use these links to test disabling/enabling via JavaScript. Notice that you cannot
the currently selected tab.<br />
<a href="" onClick="ColdFusion.Layout.enableTab('mainTab','tab1');return false;">
Click here to enable tab 1.</a><br />
<a href="" onClick="ColdFusion.Layout.disableTab('mainTab','tab1');return false;">
Click here to disable tab 1.</a><br />
For an example that uses a bordered layout with cfpod children, see the next section. For another example of a tab
layout, see the cflayoutarea tag in the CFML Reference. For an example of a bordered layout nested inside a layout
area of a vertical layout, see cflayout in the CFML Reference.
Styling layouts
The cflayout and cflayoutarea tags have style attributes. The cflayout tag style attribute controls the
style of the layout container, and sets default values for many, but not all, styles for the layout areas. For example,
the color and background color styles of the cflayout tag set the default text and background colors in the layout
areas. But the cflayout tag border style sets only the color of the border around the entire layout, not the layout
area borders. The cflayoutarea tag style attribute controls the style of the individual layout area and overrides
any corresponding settings in the cflayout tag.
As is often the case with complex controls, the effects of layout and layout area styles can vary. For example, do not
often specify the height style in the cflayout tag; instead, specify height styles on each of the cflayoutarea ta
The following simple example shows a tab layout with two layout areas. The layout has a light pink background
color, and the layout areas have three pixel-wide red borders.:
Using pods
The cfpod control creates a content region with a title bar and surrounding border. You can define the pod content in
the cfpod tag body, or you can use a bind expression to dynamically get the content from a URL. Pods are
frequently used for portlets in a web portal interface and for similar displays that are divided into independent,
possibly interactive, regions.
You control the pod header style and body style independently by specifying CSS style properties in the headerSt
yle and bodyStyle attributes.
The following example uses multiple pods inside cflayoutarea tags to create a simple portal. The time pod gets
the current time from a CFML page. The contents of the other pods is defined in the cfpod bodies for simplicity.
Each pod uses the headerStyle and bodyStyle attributes to control the appearance.
The cfpodExample.cfm application has the following code:
<cflayout name="theLayout" type="border" style="height:300;">
<cflayoutarea position="left" size="300" style="float:right;">
<cfpod width="300" name="theNews" title="All the latest news"
headerstyle="background-color:##DDAADD; font-size:large;
font-style:italic; color:black"
bodyStyle="background-color:##FFCCFF; font-family:sans-serif;
Contents of a news feed would go here.
<cflayoutarea position="center" align="center" >
<cfpod name="theSports" width="500"
title="What's new in your favorite sports"
headerstyle="background-color:##AADDDD; font-size:large;
font-style:italic; color:black"
bodyStyle="background-color:##CCFFFF; font-family:sans-serif;
Contents of a sports feed would go here.
<cflayoutarea position="right" size="302">
<cfpod width="300" height="20" name="thetime" title="The Weather"
headerstyle="background-color:##DDAADD; font-style:italic;
bodyStyle="background-color:##FFCCFF; font-family:sans-serif;
font-size:80%" />
<cfpod width="300" name="thestocks" title="What's new in business"
headerstyle="background-color:##DDAADD; font-size:large;
color:black; font-style:italic"
bodyStyle="background-color:##FFCCFF; font-family:sans-serif;
Contents of a news feed would go here.
In this example, the podweather.cfm page contains only the following line. A more complete example would
dynamically get the weather from a feed and format it for display.
<!-//Configuration parameters for window 2.
var config =
<!--- Create a window with a title and show it. Don't allow dragging or resizing.
<cfwindow name="window1" title="CFML Window" draggable="false"
resizable="false" initshow="true" height="250" width="250" x=375 y=0>
This content was defined in the cfwindow tag body.
<!--- Use the API to show and hide Window 1. --->
<input type="button" value="Show Window1"
<input type="button" value="Hide Window1"
onClick="ColdFusion.Window.hide('window1')"><br />
<!--- Use the API to create, show, and hide Window 2 --->
<input type="button" value="Create Window2"
onClick="ColdFusion.Window.create('window2', 'JavaScript Window',
'window2.cfm', config)">
<input type="button" value="Show Window2"
<input type="button" value="Hide Window2"
The window2.cfm file with the contents of Window 2 has the following contents:
This content was loaded into window 2 from a URL.<br />
You can use the onShow and onHide events that are triggered each time a window shows and hides to control your
application. To do so, call the ColdFusion.Window.onShow and ColdFusion.Window.onHide functions to specify the
event handlers. Both functions take the window name and the handler function as parameters. The event handler
functions can take a single parameter, the window name.
The following example displays an alert message when a window hides or shows. The alert message includes the
window name. The alert does not show when the window first appears, because the cfwindow tag uses the initS
how attribute to initially display the window. An alert message does appear when the user hides the window by
clicking the Toggle Window button or the close button on the window.
<script language="javascript">
//Boolean value tacking the window state.
var shown=true;
//Functions to display an alert box when
function onshow(name) {
alert("window shown = " + name);
function onhide(name) {
alert("window hidden = " + name);
//Initialize the window show/hide behavior.
function initWindow() {
ColdFusion.Window.onShow("testWindow", onshow);
ColdFusion.Window.onHide("testWindow", onhide);
//Show or hide the window, depending on its current state.
function toggleWindow() {
if (shown) {
shown = false;
else {"testWindow");
shown = true;
<!-- The body tag onLoad event calls the window show/hide initializer function. -->
<body onLoad="initWindow()">
<cfwindow name="testWindow" initshow=true title="test window" closable=true> Window
<cfinput name="button" value="Toggle Window" onclick="javascript:toggleWindow()"
ColdFusion provides a variety of ways to set and change container tag contents:
You can use bind expressions in the container tag source (or for cfdiv, bind) attribute. The container then
dynamically updates any time a bound control changes.
You can call the ColdFuson.navigate function to change the container body to be the contents returned
by a specified URL. This function lets you specify a callback handler to do additional processing after the new
content loads, and also lets you specify an error handler.The callback handler can be useful to provide
information about a successful navigation operation. For example, you could make a pod's title bar italic to
indicate loading (just before the navigate call), and use the callback handler to switch it back to normal once
the navigate completes. Similarly, if a pod is showing pages from a book, the callback handler could update a
page number in a separate field once a page loads
You can use the special controlNamebody variable to access and change the body contents for cfpod and c
fwindow controls. For example, you can use the _controlNamebody.innerHTML property to set the body
HTML. For cfpod and cfwindow tags, you can also use the _controlName_title to get or set the title bar
contents of the control.
These different techniques provide you with flexibility in writing your code. For example, the ColdFuson.nav
igate function and the controlNamebody variable provide similar functionality. However, with the
_controlNamebody technique, you make explicit Ajax requests to get markup for the body, and the
JavaScript functions in the retrieved markup might not work properly. ColdFusion.navigate takes care of
these issues. Therefore, limit use of the _controlName_body technique to simpler use cases.
The following example shows how you can use various techniques to change container contents. It consists
of a main page and a second windowsource.cfm page with text that appears in a main page window when
you click a button. The main page has a cfpod control, two cfwindow controls, and the following buttons:
The "Simple navigate" button calls a ColdFusion.navigate function to change the contents of the second
The "Change w2 body & title" button replaces the second window's body and title innerHTML values directly
to specific strings.
The "Change pod body" button changes the pod body innerHTML to the value of the second window's title
The following example shows the main page:
<!--- Callback handler puts text in the window.cfm callback div block. --->
<script language="javascript">
var mycallBack = function(){
document.getElementById("callback").innerHTML = "<br><br>
<b>This is printed by the callback handler.</b>";
<!--- The error handler pops an alert with the error code and message. --->
var myerrorHandler = function(errorCode,errorMessage){
alert("[In Error Handler]" + "\n\n" + "Error Code: " + errorCode + "\n\n" +
"Error Message: " + errorMessage);
<cfpod height="50" width="200" title="The Title" name="theTitle">
This is a cfpod control.
<!--- Clicking the link runs a ColdFusion.navigate function that replaces the second
contents with windowsource.cfm. The callback handler then updates the window
contents further. --->
<cfwindow name="w1" title="CF Window 1" initShow=true
x=10 y=200 width="200">
This is a cfwindow control.<br><br>
<a href="javascript:ColdFusion.navigate('windowsource.cfm','w2',
mycallBack,myerrorHandler);">Click</a> to navigate Window 2</a>
<cfwindow name="w2" title="CF Window 2" initShow=true
x=250 y=200 width="200">
This is a second cfwindow control.
<!--- This button only replaces the second window body with the body of the
windowsrc.cfm page. --->
<cfinput type="button" name="button" value="Simple navigate"
<!--- This button replaces the second window body and title content. --->
<cfinput type="button" name="button2" value="Change w2 body & title"
onClick="w2_body.innerHTML='New body inner HTML';w2_title.innerHTML=
'New Title inner HTML'">
<!--- This button puts the second window title in the pod body. --->
<cfinput type="button" name="button3" value="Change pod body"
<!--- The selected function changes the text in the selectedItemLabel div block to
show the
selected item. --->
<script type="text/javascript">
function selected(item) {
var el = document.getElementById("selectedItemLabel");
el.innerHTML = "You selected: " + item;
<!--- A horizontal menu with nested submenus. Clicking an end item calls the
function. --->
<cfmenu name="hmenu" bgcolor="##9999ff" selectedfontcolor="##0000dd"
<cfmenuitem display="Home" href="javascript:selected('Home');" />
<cfmenuitem display="File">
<cfmenuitem display="Open...">
<cfmenuitem display="Template" href="javascript:selected('File >
Open... > Template');" />
<cfmenuitem divider="true" />
<cfmenuitem display="CSS" href="javascript:selected('File > Open... >
CSS');" />
<cfmenuitem display="Close" href="javascript:selected('File > Close');" />
<cfmenuitem display="Help">
<cfmenuitem display="About" href="javascript:selected('Help > About');" />
<!--- A div with initial text.
The selected function changes the text by resetting the innerHTML. --->
<div style=" margin-top: 100; margin-left: 10;"><span id="selectedItemLabel">
Please select an item!</span></div>
Styling menus
The cfmenu and cfmenuitem tags have several attributes that let you easily control the menu appearance. These
attributes consist of two types: basic and CSS style. Basic attributes, such as the cfmenu tag fontColor attribute,
control individual menu characteristics. CSS style attributes let you specify a CSS style specification for a whole
menu or part of a menu. The following information describes how the CSS style specifications interact and affect the
menu style. For descriptions of all style-related attributes, see the cfmenu and cfmenuitem descriptions in the CFML
The cfmenu and cfmenuitem tags provide a hierarchy of CSS style attributes that affect different parts of the
menu. The following table describes these attributes in hierarchical order:
cfmenu attributes
Applies to the items in the top level menu and all child
menu items, including the children of submenus. This
attribute lets you use a single style specification for all
menu items.
cfmenuitem attributes
In addition to these styles, consider any style-related attributes, such as bgcolor, that you set on the cfmenu tag.
When you design your menu, keep in mind the following issues:
Keep font sizes at 20 pixels or smaller. Larger sizes can result in menu text in vertical menus exceeding the
menu boundaries.
Consider how the style attributes interact. Because each menu and submenu consists of a surrounding menu
area and individual child items, be careful when you choose background colors. For example, if you specify
different background-color styles in the cfmenu tag's menuStyle and childStyle attributes, the menu
items are one color and the surrounding menu area are a different color.
For an application that shows some of the effects of menu style attributes, see the example in the cfmenuitem
tag in the CFML Reference.
ColdFusion attributes provide most style options that you are likely to require. However, you can, if
necessary, modify the basic menu styles for all menus by editing the menu-related styles in the CSS files in
the yui.css file. This file is located by default in the web_root/CFID/scripts/ajax/resources/yui directory. For
more information about these styles, see the [Yahoo!
User Interface Library menu documentation|].
Uploading files
The cffileupload tag lets you select multiple files and upload them to a server.
Working with the cffileupload
The cffileupload tag displays a dialog that lets you upload multiple files. The following are the file upload
Uses callback and error handlers that lets provides control over file upload process after upload completion or
if errors occur.
Lets you style the file upload control
Provides option to stop or continue with upload in case of errors
Provides option to send custom response to callback and error handlers
Sending custom response to the callback and error handlers
The page/URL that handles the upload operation on the server can send back a struct with the keys status and
message as shown here:
<cffile action = "upload"
destination = "#Expandpath('./upload')#">
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfset str.STATUS = 500>
<cfset str.MESSAGE = "Error occurred while uploading the file">
If the user tries to upload a file already present in the upload directory, it results in an error. The status and message
are set to the specifications in the catch block.
Using styles
When you use the tag cffile for actions upload and uploadAll, the enhancements let you:
Use fittribute accept.
Check for proper MIME type of the file using strict=true by default.
If you use multi-file uploader, there can be instances where the upload fails (for example, when
MIME type or extension check fails) but the status in the uploader shows "Done". In such
scenarios, you must trap the errors in the upload page and send back a serialized struct with
MESSAGE and STATUS keys set to the error condition.
ColdFusion Ajax-based form controls let you submit Ajax forms in your applications without refreshing the entire
When you use Ajax to submit forms asynchronously from the page, you cannot use cfinput or
input tags to upload files.
The ColdFusion Ajax container tags, cfdiv, cflayoutarea, cfpod, and cfwindow, automatically submit any
forms that they contain asynchronously. When the form is submitted, the result returned by the action page replaces
the contents of the container, but has no effect on the rest of the page.
The following example shows this behavior in the submitSimple.cfm page:
<html xmlns="">
<cflayout type="vbox" name="layout1">
<h3>This area is not refreshed when the form is submitted.</h3>
<br />
<h3>This form is replaced by the action page</h3>
<cfform name="myform" format="html" action="showName.cfm">
<cfinput type = "Text" name = "name">
<cfinput type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Enter name">
In the following example, when you enter a name in the text input and click the Enter name button, the entered text
replaces the form on the page, but the rest of the page is not refreshed. This example shows the showName.cfm
action page:
<cfif IsDefined("")>
<cfoutput>The Name is : <strong></strong></cfoutput>
The SetForm function of the proxy object created by the cfajaxproxy tag causes the proxy to pass the form
values as arguments to the next CFC function that you call after the SetForm function. This way, you can pass the
current values of fields in a form to a CFC function, which can then do the necessary processing and return a result.
When you use the SetForm function, the following rules apply to the arguments in the called CFC function:
The function does not need to specify the form fields in cfargument tags, and the function gets the field
values passed by name.
Form fields that have the same names as CFC arguments override the CFC argument values.
If you do not specify form fields in the cfargument tags, they do not necessarily follow any declared
arguments, when you use positional (array) notation to access them in the arguments structure.
The arguments scope in the CFC function includes two fields that ColdFusion uses to control its behavior.
These fields are intended for internal use, and their names might change in future releases. Both field values
are set to true:
_CF_NODEBUG tells ColdFusion not to return debugging output in the call response.
_CF_NOCACHE tells ColdFusion to send a no cache header on the response, which prevents the
browser from caching the response and ensures that every Ajax request results in a network call.
The following example shows how to use the SetForm tag to submit the contents of a login form.
When the user clicks the Login! button, the doLogin function calls the proxy setForm function and
<script type="text/javascript">
function doLogin() {
// Create the Ajax proxy instance.
var auth = new AuthenticationSystem();
// setForm() implicitly passes the form fields to the CFC function.
//Call the CFC validateCredentials function.
if (auth.validateCredentials()) {
} else {
var msg = document.getElementById("loginWindow_title");
msg.innerHTML = "Incorrect username/password. Please try again!";
<cfajaxproxy cfc="AuthenticationSystem" />
<cfif structKeyExists(URL,"logout") and URL.logout>
<cflogout />
<cfwindow name="loginWindow" center="true" closable="false"
draggable="false" modal="true"
title="Please login to use this system"
initshow="true" width="400" height="200">
<!--- Notice that the form does not have a submit button.
Submit action is performed by the doLogin function. --->
<cfform name="loginForm" format="xml">
<cfinput type="text" name="username" label="username" /><br />
<cfinput type="password" name="password" label="password" />
<cfinput type="button" name="login" value="Login!" onclick="doLogin();" />
This page is secured by login.
You can see the window containing the login form.
The window is modal; so the page cannot be accessed until you log in.
<li><a href="setForm.cfm">Continue using the application</a>!</li>
<li><a href="setForm.cfm?logout=true">Logout</a>!</li>
<cfcomponent output="false">
<cffunction name="validateCredentials" access="remote" returntype="boolean"
<cfargument name="username" type="string"/>
<cfargument name="password" type="string"/>
<cfset var validated = false/>
<!--- Ensure that attempts to authenticate start with new credentials. --->
<cfif arguments.username is "user" and arguments.password is "secret">
<cfloginuser name="#arguments.username#"
password="#arguments.password#" roles="admin"/>
<cfset validated = true/>
<cfreturn validated/>
You can use the ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm function to submit form contents to a CFML page (or other
active page) at any time. For example, you could use this function to automatically save a partially completed form.
This function does not support uploading a file attachment to the form.
When you use this function, you pass it the name of the form to submit and the URL of the page that processes the
form. You can also specify the following optional parameters:
A callback function that handles the returned results
An error handler that takes two parameters, an HTTP error code and a message
The HTTP method (by default, POST)
Whether to submit the form asynchronously (by default, true)
The following proof of concept example uses the ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm function to submit two
form fields to an asyncFormHandler.cfm page, which simply echoes the form values. The callback handler
displays an alert with the returned information.
<!--- The cfajaximport tag is required for the submitForm function to work
because the page does not have any Ajax-based tags. --->
function submitForm() {
ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm('myform', 'asyncFormHandler.cfm', callback,
function callback(text)
alert("Callback: " + text);
function errorHandler(code, msg)
alert("Error!!! " + code + ": " + msg);
<cfform name="myform">
<cfinput name="mytext1"><br />
<cfinput name="mytext2">
<a href="javascript:submitForm()">Submit form</a>
The ColdFusion.navigate JavaScript function can submit a form to a URL and have the returned output appear
in a specified container control, such as a cfdiv, cflayout, cfpod, or cfwindow tag. This function lets you
populate a control other than the one that contains the form when the user submits the data. You can also use the
function to submit the form asynchronously when a user performs an action outside the form, such as clicking a
menu item.
For an example that uses this function, see the ColdFusion.navigate function in the CFML Reference.
Using HTML grids
The ColdFusion HTML cfgrid control lets you use a bind expression to dynamically populate the grid. HTML grids
that use bind expressions are paged; as users navigate from page to page of the grid, the grid dynamically gets the
data for only the required page from the data source. You also use bind expressions when you let users edit form
contents, and other ColdFusion controls can bind to the grid. Also, HTML grids provide several JavaScript functions
that you can use to manage and manipulate the grids.
You can also create a static HTML grid by specifying a cfgrid tag that does not use a bind expression. With static
grids, all data is initially available.
In HTML mode, if you move the mouse over a column heading, a down arrow button appears. Clicking the button
displays a list with the following options:
Sort the grid in ascending or descending order based on the column's content.
Select the columns to display.
If the grid has a groupfield attribute: turn grouping off and on and group by the column value.
If you specify selectMode="edit" for an HTML grid, the grid displays Insert, Save, Cancel, and Delete
buttons to the bottom bar. The Insert button opens a new editable row. The Save button commits any
changes to the bind source. The Cancel button rolls back any changes that have not been saved. The Delete
button deletes a selected row. You need not press the Save button after clicking the Delete button.
Dynamically filling form data
HTML grids can dynamically fill the grid data by using a bind attribute with a bind expression that calls a CFC or
JavaScript function, or a URL. The bind expression uses bind parameters to specify dynamic information provided
by the grid and the values of any other form field attributes.
Pass the following bind parameters to the bind expression. If you omit any of the parameters in the function call or
URL, you get an error. These parameters send information about the grid and its state to the data provider function.
The data for these parameters is provided automatically. You do not set any values manually.
Parameter name
The cfgridsortcolumn and cfgridsortdirection parameters can be empty if the user or
application has not sorted the grid, for example, by clicking a grid column header.
For more information on binding and bind parameters, see Using Ajax Data and Development Features in the CFML
You can use optional parameters to specify additional information to pass to the called function. These parameters
provide data that the called function requires to determine the data to return. For example, if the function returns the
cities in a state, you would pass it the state name. Any or all of the optional function parameters can be bind
parameters. A state name, for example, could come from the selection in a states cfselect control.
If you do not want the grid to refresh automatically when other controls change, you can use the @none specifier on
all optional bind parameters. Doing this, prevents automatic updating of the grid based on the bound control values.
Use the ColdFusion.Grid.refresh JavaScript function to explicitly refresh the grid contents. For more information on
the use of the @none specifier and explicitly refreshing the control, see Specifying bind parameters in Binding data
to form fields.
If the grid supports user sorting of the data (the sort attribute is true), the function called by the bind expression
must return data in the desired sorted order, and must use the values of the cfgridsortcolumn and cfgridsor
tdirection bind parameters to determine the order. Even if you do not allow user sorting, still pass these
parameters to the function; otherwise, you get an error. Also, your function or action page must handle cases where
these parameters are empty strings, because their values are not set until the user selects a column header to sort
the grid, or you call the JavaScript ColdFusion.Grid.sort function.
The format of the returned data depends on how you get the data:
Bind type
Return value
A JavaScript object.
When you specify a CFC in the bind attribute, use the queryConvertForGrid function to convert a query directly
into a structure that you can use as your CFC return value.
When you specify a CFML page in the bind attribute, use the queryConvertForGrid function to convert a query
into a structure, and then use the serializeJSON function to convert the structure into a JSON representation.
If you manually create a JavaScript object or its JSON representation, it must have two top-level keys:
TOTALROWCOUNT: The total number of rows in the query data set being returned. This value is the total
number of rows of data in all pages in the grid, and not the number of rows in the current page.
QUERY: The contents of the query being returned{{.}} The QUERYvalue must also be an object with two keys:
COLUMNS: An array of the column names.
DATA: A two-dimensional array, where the first dimension corresponds to the rows and the second
dimension corresponds to the field values, in the same order as the COLUMNS array.
If a CFC manually creates a return structure, the QUERY value can be a ColdFusion query object;
ColdFusion automatically converts it for remote access.
The following example defines an object that a JavaScript bind function can return to provide the data for a cfgrid
var myobject =
[2,"Dave","FHEARTSDALE"], [3,"Linda","LSTEWART"],
[4,"Aaron","ASMITH"], [5,"Peter","PBARKEN"],
The following example uses a bind expression and a CFC to populate a dynamic, paged, data grid. The CFML page
contains the following form:
<html xmlns="">
<cfform name="form01">
<cfgrid format="html" name="grid01" pagesize=5 sort=true
<cfgridcolumn name="Emp_ID" display=true header="eid" />
<cfgridcolumn name="FirstName" display=true header="Name"/>
<cfgridcolumn name="Email" display=true header="Email" />
The places.cfc file looks as follows. Notice that the query gets the full data set each time the function gets called. the
QueryConvertForGrid function selects and returns only the required page of data:
<cffunction name="getData" access="remote" output="false">
<cfargument name="page">
<cfargument name="pageSize">
<cfargument name="gridsortcolumn">
<cfargument name="gridsortdirection">
<cfquery name="team" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT Emp_ID, FirstName, EMail
FROM Employees
<cfif gridsortcolumn neq "" or gridsortdirection neq "">
order by #gridsortcolumn# #gridsortdirection#
<cfreturn QueryConvertForGrid(team, page, pageSize)>
The following example is equivalent to the previous one, but uses a URL bind expression in the main page and a
CFML page to return the data.
<html xmlns="">
<cfform name="form01">
<cfgrid format="html" name="grid01" pagesize=5 sort=true
<cfgridcolumn name="Emp_ID" display=true header="eid" />
<cfgridcolumn name="FirstName" display=true header="Name"/>
<cfgridcolumn name="Email" display=true header="Email" />
<!--- Empty string; the default end of the query SQL. --->
<cfset queryEnd="">
<cfquery name="team" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT Emp_ID, FirstName, EMail
FROM Employees
<cfif sortcol neq "" or sortdir neq "">
order by #sortcol# #sortdir#
<!--- Format the query so that the bind expression can use it. --->
<cfoutput>#serializeJSON(QueryConvertForGrid(team, page, pageSize))#
If your database lets you specify SQL to retrieve only the required page of data in a query, you can optimize
efficiency by using such a query. Do not use the QueryConvertForGrid function. Instead, manually create the return
structure and return only the single page of data. Ensure that you set the TotalRowCount field to the number of rows
in the entire data set, not the number of rows in the returned page of data.
Using the bindOnLoad attribute
The bindOnLoad attribute causes a control to execute its bind expression immediately when it loads, and not wait
until the event that normally triggers the bind expression evaluation to occur. This way, the control can be filled with
an initial value. This attribute is false by default for all ColdFusion Ajax controls that have the attribute, except cfd
iv and cfgrid, for which it is true by default. Having a true bindOnLoad value on these controls ensures that
they are populated when they load.
When a control with a true bindOnLoad attribute is bound to a control that also binds when the page loads, the
first and second control load themselves at the onLoad page event. Then the first control loads itself again in
response to a change event from the second control when that control completes loading. So, the first control makes
two Ajax calls, whereas it must make only one, when the second control finished loading.
Because the cfinput, cfselect, and cftextarea control bindOnLoad attributes are false by default, you do
not encounter any problems if a cfgrid or cfdiv tag binds to any of these controls and you do not explicitly set
the bindOnLoad attributes. However, if the control does set its bindOnLoad attribute to true, set the cfgrid or c
fdiv attribute to false to ensure that the control only fetches data when the control that it is bound to returns.
You can also get a double loading if a grid binds to a Spry data set. By default, the grid and data set load data at
page load, and then the grid loads data again in response to a selection change event from the data set when it sets
focus to its first row. Set bindOnLoad to false to ensure that the grid fetches data only when it receives a
selection change event from the data set.
Dynamically editing grid contents
When you use a bind expression to get cfgrid data dynamically, you can also update the data source dynamically
with user input, without requiring the user to submit the form. You can use dynamic updating to update or delete
data in the data source. (To edit cfgrid data, select the contents of a field and type the new value; to delete a row,
select a field in the row and click the delete button at the bottom of the grid.)
You cannot insert new rows directly in a grid that uses a bind expression. To add rows, enter the data in a form, and
make sure that the grid refreshes after the form has been submitted.
To update or delete data dynamically, do the following:
Specify selectmode="edit" in the cfgrid tag. This lets the user edit the grid.
Specify an onChange attribute in the cfgrid tag. The attribute must use a bind expression to specify a CFC
method, JavaScript function, or URL of a page that updates the data source. The bind expression has the
same format as the bind expression described in Dynamically filling form data below; however, it must take
the following bind parameters that the grid automatically passes. These parameters send information about
the grid and its state to the onChange function.
Parameter name
When you update data dynamically, you can also use the onError attribute to specify the name of a JavaScript
function to handle any errors that result in a CFC or URL returning an HTTP error status. The method must take two
parameters: the HTTP error code and a text message that describes the error. The following example shows an onE
rror handler function:
<script type="text/javascript">
function errorhandler(id,message) {
alert("Error while updating \n Error code: "+id+" \nMessage:
The following example displays the members of a department and lets users edit the data in the fields. When the
focus leaves the edited field an onChange event triggers and the form calls the editData CFC function to update
the data source.
<html xmlns="">
<script type="text/javascript">
function errorhandler(id,message) {
alert("Error while updating\n Error code: "+id+"\n Message: "+message);
<cfform name="form01">
<cfgrid format="html" name="grid01" pagesize=11
stripeRows=true stripeRowColor="gray"
delete="yes" selectmode="edit"
<cfgridcolumn name="Emp_ID" display=true header="Employee ID"/>
<cfgridcolumn name="FirstName" display=true header="Name"/>
<cfgridcolumn name="Email" display=true header="Email"/>
The getData function is identical to the getData function in Dynamically filling form data below. This example
shows the editData function in the CFC:
You can bind the contents of a form control to the data in a grid field by specifying a bind parameter as the form
control bind attribute value. To do so, use the following syntax:
By default, each time the selected row in the grid changes, the bind parameter is re-evaluated, and the control value
changes to the value of the specified column of selected grid cell.
Grid JavaScript functions
You can use the following JavaScript functions to manage an HTML format grid:
The example in this section shows how to use the Boolean column. The code also illustrates how to group data in a
grid on a selected grid column.
This example uses all types of Boolean representations. For grouping, groupField is set to active and the grid
data is grouped accordingly.
<cfgridcolumn name="FirstName" header="FirstName"/>
<cfgridcolumn name="Department" header="Department" />
<cfgridcolumn name="Salary" display=true header="Salary" type="numeric"
values="1000000,1200000" valuesdisplay="1000000,1200000"/>
<cfgridcolumn name="Active" display=true header="Contract" type="boolean" />
The following example shows how to use the date column. In the code, startdatecolumn is of type date. A mask
, Y/m/d is used. Y is year in four digits, m months with leading zero, and d the days with leading zero.
For details of various types of masks that can be used, see the CFML Reference Guide.
Datehandling when the attribute mask is used in ColdFusion 9.0.1
If the attribute mask is applied to a datefield column in an HTML grid, ColdFusion converts the date to an
intermediate format as shown here:
MMMMM, dd yyyy HH:mms
for example,
January, 19 2005 07:35:42
This is required for proper date conversion and is applicable both when data is sent to the server (for example, when
using an onChange grid event) and when data is received from the server (for example, populating a date field in a
grid). Therefore, in some cases, users might have to format the date if they are updating a date column in the
Date values which are NULL are sent as empty strings when the form is submitted. In such
cases, set the value to NULL explicitly while updating the date column in the database.
An HTML cftree tag creates an Ajax-based tree data representation that you can populate from a query or a bind
expression. The behavior with a query is equivalent to the behavior of applet or Flash trees. Bind expressions let
you populate the tree based on the values of other controls or Spry data sets. Also, when you use a bind
expression, the tree loads dynamically, getting only the data required for the current display.
Populating the tree using a bind expression
You use the bind attribute and bind expressions to dynamically and incrementally load and display tree data as the
user navigates the tree. The child tree items do not exist until the parent node expands. This behavior avoids
prefilling a tree with large amounts of data. It lets the tree children change dynamically (you can optionally get the
children each time the item expands) and can enhance application responsiveness.
For more information about binding and bind parameters, see Binding data to form fields.
Bind expressions in trees work in the following ways:
If you use a bind expression, the cftree tag can have only a single cftreeitem tag. Therefore, the
function or URL called by the bind expression must be able to populate all levels of the tree.
When a tree item expands, the CFC or JavaScript function or active page specified by the bind attribute
returns an array with the values for the child nodes of the item. The dynamic tree code on the client
constructs the child items by using these values.
When a control to which the tree is bound generates an event that the tree is listening for, the tree is
refreshed. For example, if the tree uses a bind expression that includes a select box as a bind parameter, the
tree collapses to the root nodes when the selected value in the select box changes.
When you use a bind expression to populate a cftree control, specify a CFC function, JavaScript function,
or URL, and pass the following bind parameters. If you omit either of the parameters from your function call or
URL, you get an error. These parameters provide information about the tree and its state, and are
automatically provided by the control.
Bind parameter
The called function or URL cannot return nested arrays and structures, that is, it can only return a single level of
When a function or URL is first called to populate the root-level tree items, the value passed in the cftreeitemvalue
variable is the empty string. Your bind function can test for an empty string to determine that it is populating the root
level of the tree.
The @none event specifier is also useful if you use the ColdFusion.Tree.refresh JavaScript function to manually
refresh the tree. When you call the Refresh function, the bind expression fetches data from all bind parameters,
including @none parameters. If you specify @none in all bind parameters that specify other controls, the tree does
not respond automatically to changes in the other controls, but it does pick up data from the bind parameters when
you use the ColdFusion.Tree.Referesh function to explicitly refresh the tree.
The format of the data that the function or URL in a bind expression must return depends on the type of bind
Bind type
Return value
Each structure in the array of structures or objects defines the contents and appearance of the node for a child item.
Each structure must have a VALUE field, and can have the following fields. Except for LEAFNODE, these structure
keys correspond to cftreeitem attributes.
If a CFC does not return a value field, you do not get an error, but the tree does not work
The LEAFNODE structure element is only used in the bind response structures. It must be a Boolean value that
identifies whether the node is a leaf. If the value is true, the tree does not show a +/- expansion indicator in front of
the node, and users cannot expand the node.
If your bind expression specifies a JavaScript function, the function must use all-uppercase letters for the field
names; for example, use VALUE and DISPLAY, not value and display. ColdFusion uses all capital letters in the
structure key names. ColdFusion is not case-sensitive, so CFCs can use lowercase letters for the field names;
JavaScript is case-sensitive, so the JavaScript function must match the uppercase field names.
If you use a URL to get the tree items from a CFML page, you can use the serializeJSON function to convert the
array to JSON format. If the array with the tree items is named itemsArray, for example, the following line specifies
the page output:
The following simple example creates a simple hierarchical tree of unlimited depth, with one node per level. Each
node label (specified by the display attribute) identifies the node depth:
The following example shows the CFML page:
<cfform name="testform">
<cftree name="t1" format="html">
<cftreeitem bind="cfc:makeTree.getNodes({cftreeitemvalue},{cftreeitempath})">
The following example shows the maketree.cfc file with the getNodes method that is called when the user expands
a node:
<cffunction name="getNodes" returnType="array" output="no" access="remote">
<cfargument name="nodeitemid" required="true">
<cfargument name="nodeitempath" required="true">
<!--- The initial value of the top level is the empty string. --->
<cfif nodeitemid IS "">
<cfset nodeitemid =0>
<!--- Create an array with one element defining the child node. --->
<cfset nodeArray = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset element1 = StructNew()>
<cfset element1.value = nodeitemid + 1>
<cfset element1.display = "Node #nodeitemid#">
<cfset nodeArray[1] = element1>
<cfreturn nodeArray>
The following tree uses the cfartgallery database to populate a tree where the top level is the art medium, the
second level is the artist, and the leaf nodes are individual works of art. When the user clicks an artwork, the
application shows the art image.
This example shows how to generate return values that are specific to the level in the tree and the parent value. It
also shows the use of the LEAFNODE return structure element.
In this application, the CFC return structure keys are specified in lowercase letters, and ColdFusion automatically
converts them to uppercase. Notice that the database contains entries only for the painting, sculpture, and
photography categories, so just those top-level tree nodes have child nodes.
The following example shows the main application page:
<html xmlns="">
<!--- The loadimage function displays the image of the selected art.
It is called when the user clicks the image item. --->
function loadImage(img) {
var imgURL = '<img src="/cfdocs/images/artgallery/'+img+'">';
var imgDiv = document.getElementById('image');
imgDiv.innerHTML = imgURL;
<!--- The form uses a table to place the tree and the image. --->
<cfform name="ex1" action="ex1.cfm" method="post">
<tr valign="top">
<cftree name="mytree" format="html">
<!--- When you use a bind expression, you must have only one
cftreeitem, which populates the tree level. --->
<cftreeitem bind="cfc:tree.getItems({cftreeitempath},
<div id="image"></div>
<cfcomponent output="false">
<cfset variables.dsn = "cfartgallery">
<!--- Function to populate the current level of the tree. --->
<cffunction name="getItems" returnType="array" output="false" access="remote">
<cfargument name="path" type="string" required="false" default="">
<cfargument name="value" type="string" required="false" default="">
<cfset var result = arrayNew(1)>
<cfset var q = "">
<cfset var s = "">
<!--- The cfif statements determine the tree level. --->
<!--- If there is no value argument, the tree is empty. Get the media types. --->
<cfif arguments.value is "">
<cfquery name="q" datasource="#variables.dsn#">
For more information, see the ColdFusion.Tree.getTreeObject and ColdFusion.Tree.refresh functions in the CFML
Using the rich text editor
The ColdFusion rich text editor lets users enter and format rich HTML text by using an icon-driven interface based
on the open source FCKeditor Ajax widget. The editor includes numerous formatting controls, and icons for such
standard operations as searching, printing, and previewing text. Text editor controls are not covered. For detailed
information on the editor icons and controls, see
Do not bind to a rich text area on load of a page, for example, from another control, such as a
text box.
The following example shows a simple rich text editor. When a user enters text and clicks the Enter button, the
application refreshes and displays the formatted text above the editor region.
<html xmlns="">
<!--- Display the text if the form has been submitted with text. --->
<cfif isdefined("form.text01") AND (form.text01 NEQ "")>
<cfoutput>#form.text01#</cfoutput><br />
<!--- A form with a basic rich text editor and a submit button. --->
<cfform name="form01" >
<cftextarea richtext=true name="text01" />
<cfinput type="submit" value="Enter" name="submit01"/>
If you use the rich text editor in your pages, you cannot configure your web server to have
ColdFusion process files with the .html or .htm extensions. The default HTML processor must
handle pages with these extensions.
You can customize the rich text editor in many ways. The cftextarea attributes support some basic customization
techniques. For more detailed information, see
Defining custom toolbars
You can use the following techniques to control the appearance of the toolbar:
Specify the toolbar name in the toolbar attribute
Create custom toolbars in the fckconfig.js file.
The editor has a single toolbar consisting of a set of active icons and fields, and separators. The toolbar att
ribute lets you select the toolbar configuration. The attribute value specifies the name of a toolbar set, which
you define in a FCKConfig.ToolbarSets entry in the cf_webRoot/CFIDE/scripts/ajax/FCKEditor/fckconfig.js
The rich text editor comes configured with two toolbar sets: the Default set, which contains all supported
editing controls, and a minimal Basic set. By default, the editor uses the Default set. To create a custom
toolbar named BasicText with only text-editing controls, create the following entry in the fckconfig.js file, and
specify toolbar="BasicText" in the textarea tag.
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["BasicText"] = [
This configuration defines a toolbar with two rows that contain a subset of the full tool set designed to support basic
text editing.
Follow these rules when you define a toolbar:
Start the definition with FCKConfig.ToolbarSets.
Specify the toolbar name in double quotation marks and brackets ([""]). Use this name, case correct, in the cf
textarea tag toolbar attribute.
Follow the toolbar name with an equal sign (=).
Place all the toolbar controls inside a set of brackets, and follow the definition with a semicolon (;).
Group controls in brackets.
Place each entry in single quotation marks (') and separate the entries with commas (,).
Use the hyphen (-) character to specify a separator.
Use a forward slash (\/) character to start a new row.
For a complete list of the valid toolbar entries, see the Default configuration in fckconfig.js.
Defining custom styles
You can add custom styles that users choose in the Styles selector and apply to selected text. To create a custom
style, add a Style element to /CFIDE/scripts/ajax/FCKEditor/fckstyles.xml. The Style XML element has the
following format:
The name attribute specifies the name that appears in the Style selector.
The element attribute specifies the HTML element that surrounds the text.
Each Attribute child element defines the name and value of an attribute of the HTML tag.
For example, the following definition creates a style that makes the selected text bold and underlined:
If you use a custom XML file, instead of fckstyles.xml, to define your styles, specify the filepath in the stylesXML att
Defining custom templates
The editor includes a set of basic templates that insert HTML formatting into the textarea control. For example,
the Image and Title template places a placeholder for an image on the left of the area, and a title and text to the
right of the image. Then right-click the image area to specify the image source and other properties, and replace the
placeholder title and text.
You create your own templates by creating entries in cf_webRoot/CFIDE/scripts/ajax/FCKEditor/fcktemplates.xml
file. Each template XML entry has the following format:
The template title, image, and description appear in the Templates dialog box that appears when the user clicks the
template icon on the rich text editor toolbar.
The following example template defines a title followed by text:
The name "Title and Text" and the template1.gif image appear in the template selection dialog box.
If you use a custom XML file, instead of fcktemplates.xml, to define your templates, specify the file path in the temp
latesXML attribute.
Defining custom skins
To create a custom skin that you specify in the skin attribute, create a subdirectory of the cf_webRoot/CFIDE/script
s/ajax/FCKeditor/editor/skins directory. The name of this subdirectory is the name that you use to specify the skin in
the skin attribute. The custom skin directory must contain an images subdirectory and have the following files:
fck_editor.css: Defines the main interface, including the toolbar, its items (like, buttons, panels) and the
context menu.
fck_dialog.css: Defines the basic structure of dialog boxes (standard for all dialogs).
fck_strip.gif: Defines the Default toolbar buttons and context menu icons. It is a vertical image that contains
all icons placed one above the other. Each icon must correspond to a 16x16 pixels image. You can add
custom images to this strip.
images/toolbar.buttonarrow.gif: Defines the small arrow image used in the toolbar combos and panel
Place all other images used by the skin (that are specified in the CSS files) in the images subfolder.
The most common way of customizing the skin is to change the fck_editor.css and fck_dialog.css files. For
information on the skin format and contents, see the comments in those files.
Using the datefield input control
The HTML cfinput control with a type value of datefield lets users select dates from a pop-up calendar or
enter the dates directly in the input box. When you use the control, keep in mind the following considerations:
To correctly display label text next to the control in both Internet Explorer and Firefox, surround the label text
in a <div style="float:left;"> tag and place three <br> tags between each line.
Consider specifying an overflow attribute with a value of visible in the cflayoutarea tag so that if the
pop-up calendar exceeds the layout area boundaries, it appears completely.
If you use a mask attribute to control the date format, it does not prevent the user from entering dates that do
not conform to the mask. The mask attribute determines the format for dates that users select in the pop-up
calendar. Also, if the user types a date in the field and opens the pop-up calendar, the calendar displays the
selected date only if the entered text follows the mask pattern. If you do not specify a mask attribute, the
pop-up only matches the default matching pattern.
If the user types a date with a month name or abbreviation in the control, instead of picking a date from the
calendar, the selected date appears in the pop-up calendar only if both of the following conditions are true:
The month position and name format match the mask pattern.
The month name matches, case correct, the month names specified by the monthNames attribute, or,
for an mmm mask, their three-letter abbreviations.
If the date mask specifies yy for the years, the pop-up calendar uses dates in the range 1951-2050, so if the
user enters 3/3/49 in the text field, the calendar displays March 3, 2049.
If the user enters invalid numbers in a date, the pop-up calendar calculates a valid date that corresponds to
the invalid input. For example, if the user enters 32/13/2007 for a calendar with a dd/mm/yyyy mask, the
pop-up calendar displays 01/02/2008.
The following example shows a simple tabbed layout where each tab contains a form with several datefield
<cflayout type="tab" tabheight="250px" style="width:400px;">
<cflayoutarea title="test" overflow="visible">
<cfform name="mycfform1">
<div style="float:left;">Date 1: </div>
<cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate1"><br><br><br>
<div style="float:left;">Date 2: </div>
<cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate2" value="15/1/2007"><br><br><br>
<div style="float:left;">Date 3: </div>
<cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate3" required="yes"><br><br><br>
<div style="float:left;">Date 4: </div>
<cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate4" required="no"><br><br><br>
<cflayoutarea title="Mask" overflow="visible">
<cfform name="mycfform2">
<div style="float:left;">Date 1: </div>
<cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate5" mask="dd/mm/yyyy">
<div style="float:left;">Date 2: </div>
<cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate6" mask="mm/dd/yyyy">
<div style="float:left;">Date 3: </div>
<cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate7" mask="d/m/yy">
<div style="float:left;">Date 4: </div>
<cfinput type="datefield" name="mydate8" mask="m/d/yy">
In Internet Explorer versions previous to IE 7, this example shows the calendars for the first three
fields in a page behind the following input controls.
When you create a text input (type="text") in HTML, use the autosuggest attribute to specify a static or
dynamic source that provides field completion suggestions as the user types. Use the autosuggestMinLength att
ribute to specify the number of characters the user must type before first displaying any suggestions.
To place label text next to a cfinput control that uses an autosuggest attribute and have it
display correctly in both Internet Explorer and Firefox, surround the label text in an HTML div ta
g with a style="float: left" attribute. Also if you have multiple controls, and place them on
separate lines, follow the input controls with three <br> tags, as in the following example.
Otherwise, the label and control do not lay out properly.
The control suggests entries from a static list of values. To use a static suggestion list, specify the list entries in the a
utosuggest attribute, and separate the entries by the character specified by the delimiter attribute (by default,
a comma), as the following example shows:
<cfinput type="text"
name="city" delimiter="\">
In this example, if you type the character a (in uppercase or lowercase) in the cfinput control, the list of states that
start with A appears in a drop-down list. You navigate to a selection by using the arrow keys, and press Enter to
select the item.
You also have the control suggest values from a dynamically generated suggestion list. To use a dynamic list,
specify a CFC function, JavaScript function, or URL in the autosuggest attribute. Use the autosuggestBindDel
ay attribute to specify the minimum time between function invocations as the user types. This limits the number of
requests that are sent to the server. If you use a dynamic list, the input field has an icon to its right that animates
while suggestions are fetched.
When you use a bind expression you must include a {cfautosuggestvalue} bind
parameter in the function call or URL parameters. This parameter
binds to the user input in the input control and passes it to the
function or page.
A CFC or JavaScript autosuggest function must return the suggestion values as a one-dimensional array or as a
comma-delimited list.
The HTTP response body from a URL must consist only of the array or list of suggestion values in JSON format. In
ColdFusion, you can use the serializeJSON function to convert an array to JSON format. If an array with the
suggestions is named nodeArray, for example, the following line would specify the only output on a CFML page that
is called by using a bind expression with a URL:
You do not have to limit the returned data to values that match the cfautosuggestvalue contents, because the
client-side code displays only the values that match the user input. In fact, the called function or page does not even
have to use the value of the cfautosuggestvalue parameter that you pass to it. However, use the parameter if
<html xmlns="">
Last Name:<br />
<cfinput type="text" name="lastName"
autosuggest="cfc:suggestcfc.getLNames({cfautosuggestvalue})"><br />
<br />
First Name:<br />
<cfinput type="text" name="firstName"
<cffunction name="getLNames" access="remote" returntype="array" output="false">
<cfargument name="suggestvalue" required="true">
<!--- The function must return suggestions as an array. --->
<cfset var myarray = ArrayNew(1)>
<!--- Get all unique last names that match the typed characters. --->
<cfquery name="getDBNames" datasource="cfdocexamples">
WHERE LASTNAME LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#suggestvalue#%"
<!--- Convert the query to an array. --->
<cfloop query="getDBNames">
<cfset arrayAppend(myarray, lastname)>
<cfreturn myarray>
<cffunction name="getFNames" access="remote" returntype="array"
<cfargument name="suggestvalue" required="true">
<cfargument name="lastName" required="true">
<cfset var myarray = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfquery name="getFirstNames" datasource="cfdocexamples">
<!--- Get the first names that match the last name and the typed characters. --->
WHERE LASTNAME = <cfqueryparam value="#lastName#"
AND FIRSTNAME LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#suggestvalue & '%'#"
<cfloop query="getFirstNames">
<cfset arrayAppend(myarray, Firstname)>
<cfreturn myarray>
For CFC methods that returns numeric data with a leading zero, for example, zip code 02674, the zero is
interpreted by the bind expression as an octal number and its decimal equivalent (in this case 1468) even if you set
returnformat="string". To resolve this issue, for URL binds or binds routed by way of a JavaScript function
(for example, using cfajaxproxy), you can set returnformat=plain to retain the numeric value. Also, leading
zeros are stripped from the suggestion list for autosuggest controls.
Using the cfslider tag
The cfslider tag places a slider control, for selecting a numeric value from a range, in a ColdFusion form. The
slider can be used within a cfform tag for forms in HTML and applet format. The cfslider is not supported with
Flash forms.
In HTML forms, you can specify maximum, minimum, and increment values, to help you quickly filter complex
results. The available slider controls are: Vertical, with controls that can be adjusted to the top or bottom; Horizontal,
with controls that can be adjusted to the left or right; Tip, that displays the values as data tips; and Snapping, that
moves in incremental values.
Manipulating slider at runtime
The following code illustrates how you can manipulate a slider at runtime:
<script language="javascript">
//use Coldfusion AJAX functions
var sliderChange = function(slider,value)
//get slider name
slidername = slider.getId();
//get slider value
currValue = ColdFusion.Slider.getValue(slidername);
//set a new slider value
newValue = parseInt(currValue+10);
//hide slider
if(confirm("Do you want to hide slider?"))
//show slider
if(confirm("Do you want to show slider?"))
//disable slider
if(confirm("Do you disable the slider?"))
//enable slider
if(confirm("Do you enable the slider?"))
var sliderDrag = function(slider)
//get slider name
slidername = slider.getId();
document.getElementById('currentSliderValue').innerHTML = "Current Slider value :
<font color='red'><strong>" + ColdFusion.Slider.getValue(slidername) +
<cfform name="frm1">
<span id="currentSliderValue">Current Slider Value: <font
onDrag = "sliderDrag"
The marker window opens when you click the marker icon in the map. It is used to provide information pertaining to
the locations in the map, for example address or latitude and longitude. The marker window can be populated with
static or dynamic content.
Populating data using static content
To manually populate data in the marker window, specify the value in the markerwindowcontent attribute.
Populating dynamic data using bind expression
To dynamically populate data, use the markerbind attribute with a bind expression that calls a CFC, JavaScript
function, or a URL. The bind expression uses bind parameters to specify dynamic information and the values of any
other form field attributes.
Pass the bind parameters to the bind expression. If you omit any of the parameters in the function call or URL, you
get an error. These parameters send information about the map and its state to the data provider function. The data
for these parameters is provided automatically. You do not set any values manually.
Provide the data as provided in the following code:
<td bgcolor='red'><h4><font color='white'>URL Bind Example</font></td>
Map Name: #cfmapname#<br>
Latitude, Longitude:
Address: #cfmapaddress#<br>
The format of the returned data depends on how you get the data:
Bind type
Return value
A JavaScript object.
centeraddress="Hobart, Tasmania, Australia"
tip="Hobart, Tasmania, Australia"
markerbind="cfc:maps.getMapData({cfmapname}, {cfmaplatitude}, {cfmaplongitude},
showmarkerwindow = true>
<cfmapitem name="m1" address="Taj Mahal, Agra, India" tip="Taj Mahal, Agra, India">
<cfmapitem name="m2" latitude="40.46" longitude="117.05" showmarkerwindow=true
tip="Great Wall of China, Bejing">
<cfmapitem name="m3" address="Stonehenge, England" tip="Stonehenge, England"
showmarkerwindow = false>
<cffunction name="getMapData" access="remote">
<cfargument name="cfmapname">
<cfargument name="cfmaplatitude">
<cfargument name="cfmaplongitude">
<cfargument name="cfmapaddress">
<cfsavecontent variable="markup">
<td bgcolor='red'><h4><font color='white'>CFC Bind Example</font></td>
Map Name: #cfmapname#<br>
Latitude, Longitude:
Address: #cfmapaddress#<br>
<cfreturn markup>
The following example shows how to populate dynamic data using a JavaScript bind expression:
<script language="JavaScript">
var getMapData = function(cfmapname, cfmaplatitude, cfmaplongitude, cfmapaddress){
var msg = "";
msg = msg + "Map Name: " + cfmapname + "<br>";
msg = msg + "Latitude,longitude: " + "(" + cfmaplatitude + "," + cfmaplongitude +
")" + "<br>";
msg = msg + "Address: " + cfmapaddress + "<br>";
return "<br><table><tr><td bgcolor='red'><h4><font color='white'>" + "Javascript
Bind Example" + "</font></td></tr></table><hr>" + msg;
centeraddress="Hobart, Tasmania, Australia"
tip="Hobart, Tasmania, Australia"
markerbind="javascript:getMapData({cfmapname}, {cfmaplatitude}, {cfmaplongitude},
showmarkerwindow = true>
<cfmapitem name="m1" address="Taj Mahal, Agra, India" tip="Taj Mahal, Agra, India">
<cfmapitem name="m2" latitude="40.46" longitude="117.05" showmarkerwindow=true
tip="Great Wall of China, Bejing">
<cfmapitem name="m3" address="Stonehenge, England" tip="Stonehenge, England"
showmarkerwindow = false>
The following example shows how to populate dynamic data using a URL bind expression:
centeraddress="Hobart, Tasmania, Australia"
tip="Hobart, Tasmania, Australia"
showmarkerwindow = true >
<cfmapitem name="m1" address="Taj Mahal, Agra, India" tip="Taj Mahal, Agra, India">
<cfmapitem name="m2" latitude="40.46" longitude="117.05" showmarkerwindow=true
tip="Great Wall of China, Bejing">
<cfmapitem name="m3" address="Stonehenge, England" tip="Stonehenge, England"
showmarkerwindow = false>
The Google Maps API key is required to embed Google Maps in your web pages.
The following URL provides details of how to sign up for the Google Maps API key:
Currently, ColdFusion supports only embedding of Google map. To generate a map, provide a valid Google map
API key, and specify the latitude and longitude of the location, or the address of the location. The Google map API
key can be specified in the following ways:
Using the cfajaximport tag. You specify the map API key in the params attribute as follows:<cfajaximp
ort params="#{googlemapkey='Map API Key'}#"
Using Application.cfc as follows:<cfset this.googlemapkey="Map API Key">
Using the Settings page in the ColdFusion Administrator. Specify the map API key in the Google Map Key
field. You can also specify the map API key in runtime.cfc.
Styling markers
User specifies the bind expression to provide data for the progress bar to display. The bind attribute specifies a
function that determines the indicator length.The following CFM code shows how to use a CFC bind expression:
The following pb.cfc has the function that returns data for the progressbar:
<cffunction name="resetStatus" access="remote">
<!--Clear count from session so that next time the progress bar runs from the start
<cfif session.count gte 10>
<cfset structdelete(session,"count")>
<cffunction name="getProgessData" access="remote">
<!--- use a count to track progress --->
<cfif not isdefined('session.count')>
<cfset session.count = 1>
<cfset session.count = session.count + 1 >
<!--- struct with status and message components of the progressbar --->
<cfset data = {status=session.count * 0.1,message=(session.count * 10) & "%"}>
<cfreturn data>
The following CFM code explains how to use the URL bind expression:
var init = function()
document.getElementById('cfpbLabel').style.display = 'block';'pBar');
var hideProgessBar = function()
document.getElementById('cfpbLabel').style.display = 'none';
<div id="cfpbLabel" style="display:none">
Saving File:
width="400" >
<cfset ajaxOnLoad('init')>
var count = 0;
var init = function()
document.getElementById('cfpbLabel').style.display = 'block';'pBar');
var hideProgessBar = function()
document.getElementById('cfpbLabel').style.display = 'none';
var getProgessData = function()
if(count > 10)
return {STATUS:1,MESSAGE:"Done"}
return {STATUS:count*0.1,MESSAGE:(count * 10) + "%"}
<div id="cfpbLabel" style="display:none">
Saving File:
<cfset ajaxOnLoad('init')>
Manual mode
In the manual mode, you specify the duration the progress bar takes to complete the display of progress. In the
following example, autodisplay is set to false as a result of which the progress bar is not shown when the page
is first loaded. When the page is loaded, init function is invoked and the function displays and runs the progress
bar. The default interval used in this mode is one second.
var init = function()
document.getElementById('cfpbLabel').style.display = 'block';'pBar');
var hideProgessBar = function(){
document.getElementById('cfpbLabel').style.display = 'none';
<div id="cfpbLabel" style="display:none">
Saving File:
<cfset ajaxOnLoad('init')>
This section illustrates how to use the JavaScript API to update the progress bar status. The following CFM code
loads a progress bar using the JavaScript API ColdFusion.ProgressBar.updatestatus.
On program load, intit function displays the progress bar and calls the getProgressData JavaScript function to
manually update the progress bar. The getProgressData function assigns the status and message variables passed
to the JavaScript API update status.
While working with a progress bar at runtime, ensure that you specify a dummy duration (for instance, duration=5
000). Even though the custom JavaScript function decides the actual duration, duration is a mandatory attribute.
The sleep function in the following CFC provides sleep functionality in the JavaScript code:
<cffunction name="sleep" access="remote">
<cfargument name="timetosleep" default="1000">
<cfset sleep(timetosleep)>
The following code shows how to build a confirm message box with two buttons YES and NO.
title="Confirm Dialog"
message="Do you want proceed?"
labelYes="Click Yes to continue"
<!--- This example illustrates usage of the Confirm dialog in "YesNoCancel" mode
title="Save File"
message="Do you want to save the file?"
labelYes="Click Yes to save the file"
value="YesNo Confirm"
value="YesNoCancel Confirm"
The bodyStyle attribute, a CSS style specification for the body of the message box helps you to style the
message. As a general rule, use this attribute to set color and font styles.
The following example illustrates the usage of the bodyStyle attribute:
title="Download Status"
message="File Download Complete"
value="Alert MessageBox"
#back to top
ColdFusion provides data management and development, and user interface Ajax features.
Data and development features
ColdFusion data and development features help you develop effective Ajax applications that use ColdFusion to
provide dynamic data. They include many features that you can use with other Ajax frameworks, including Spry.
ColdFusion supports data binding in many tags. Binding allows an application that uses form and display
tags, such as cfselect and cfwindow, to dynamically display information based on form input. In the
simplest application, you display form data directly in other form fields, but usually you pass form field data as
parameters to CFC or JavaScript functions or URLs and use the results to control the display. Data binding
uses events to automatically update the display, typically when the bound input data changes. You can also
use the ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm JavaScript function to get the current value of any bindable element.
The cfajaxproxy tag creates a JavaScript proxy that represents a CFC on the server. It manages the
communication between the client and server, and provides several functions to simplify and manage
handling the communication and its results. This tag provides access to all remote functions in a CFC. It also
lets applications, including applications that use Ajax frameworks or widget sets such as Dojo or Backbase,
easily access data from ColdFusion servers.
The cfsprydataset tag lets you use bind expressions to dynamically create and update Adobe Spry data
sets. Applications that use Spry framework elements, such as dynamic regions, use this tag to populate the
Spry elements with information based on ColdFusion control input. This feature lets you easily intermix Spry
and ColdFusion controls.
The cfajaximport tag specifies the location of the JavaScript and CSS files that a ColdFusion page
imports. You also use this tag to selectively import files required by specific Ajax-based tags and functions.
The ability to change the file location lets you support a wide range of configurations and use advanced
techniques, such as application-specific styles. Although ColdFusion automatically determines and imports
the required files, sometimes you must manually specify the information.
ColdFusion provides several CFML functions that let you create and consume JSON format data on the
server and let you prepare data for use in HTML cfgrid tags.
You display a floating logging window that shows client-side logging and debugging information. ColdFusion
Ajax features display information and error messages in this window, and several logging tags let you display
additional information, including the structure of complex JavaScript variables.
User interface features
The following table lists ColdFusion Ajax-related tags and functions, including all tags that support Ajax-based
features. It does not include subtags that are used only in the bodies of the listed tags:
Data tags
UI tags
UI tags
Depending on the specific ColdFusion tag, a bind expression uses bind parameter values directly or passes bind
parameter values as parameters to a CFC function, a JavaScript function, or an HTTP request and uses the function
or request response to update the page. Use the following as the data source for a bind expression:
ColdFusion form control attributes and values. You can bind to the following controls:
cfinput with checkbox, datefield, file, hidden, radio, or text types
Spry data set elements
You cannot use a bind expression to bind to controls in a dynamically loaded region. For
example, you cannot bind from a control on one page to a control in a layout area on that page if
the cflayoutarea tag uses a source attribute for its contents. However, a dynamically loaded
region binds to controls on the page that loads it, so the file specified by the source attribute
uses bind expressions that specify controls on the page that contains the cflayoutarea tag.
The results of the bind expression determine the value of the tag that uses the expression. For example, if you
specify a URL in a bind expression as the source attribute of a cfwindow control, the page specified by the URL
must return the full contents of the window.
For more examples, see Using Ajax User Interface Components and Features and the reference pages for controls
that support binding.
Using bind expressions
A string containing one or more instances of {bind parameter},
such as {firstname}.{lastname}@{domain}
In formats 1-4 the parameters normally include one or more bind parameters. The following table lists the tag
attributes that support bind expressions and the formats each use:
Supported formats
cfinput type="text"
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3, 5
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Function definitions that use the following format may not work:
However, Adobe recommends that you include all custom JavaScript in external JavaScript files and import them on
the application's main page, and not write them inline in code that you get using the source attribute. Imported pages
do not have this function definition format restriction.
Specifying bind parameters
A bind parameter specifies a form control value or other attribute, as in the following example:
In this example, the bind parameter is form1:bookTitle and specifies the value attribute of the bookTitle field of the
form1 form.
Bind parameters have either of the following formats:
The brackets ([]) indicate optional contents and are not part of the parameter.
To include a literal brace character in a bind
expression, escape the character with a backslash, as {, }.
markup that contains the bind target. In other words, the "master" form with fields that serve as sources of bind
expressions is loaded statically (on the main page), and the "child" controls that depend on the data are loaded
dynamically, on a page that is specified in a source or bind attribute.
You can bind to the display text of a select box, instead of the value, by specifying an attribute
name of innerHTML.
When you bind to a check box, use the @click event specifier to ensure that the bind
expression is triggered in Internet Explorer when the user selects or deselects the check box, not
when the box loses focus.
To bind to a cfinput control with type attribute of button, specify a bind event setting, such
as click. The change event is the default event has no effect.
When you bind to a Spry data set, do not specify an event. The expression is evaluated when the selected row
changes in the data set, or when the data set reloads with new data.You can also specify that a specific bind
parameter never triggers bind expression reevaluation, by specifying @none as the event. This is useful, for
example, if a bind expression uses multiple bind parameters binding to different form fields, and you want the bind
expression to trigger changes only when one of the fields changes, not when the others change. In this case, you
would specify @none for the remaining fields, so events from those fields would not trigger the bind. The following
code shows this use:
bind="cfc:books.getinfo({iForm:book}, {iForm:author@none})"
The @none event specifier is also useful when used with autosuggest text inputs, trees and grids, as follows:
When you use an autosuggest text input, the bind expression is evaluated as a user types in text, and picks
up data from all bind parameters, including those parameters with @none specified. Therefore, for
autosuggest, specify @none for all bind parameters, because there is no way for it to react to changes in the
When you call the ColdFusion.Grid.refresh or ColdFusion.Tree.refresh function, the function
fetches data from all bind parameters when it evaluates the bind expression, including any parameters with @
none specified. If you specify @none for all bind parameters, the tree or grid might not respond to changes in
other controls, but gets data from all the bind parameters each time you explicitly refresh it.
Using CFC functions in bind expressions
As with JavaScript functions, you pass arguments to a CFC function specified in a bind expression positionally.
When you do this, the argument names in a CFC function definition do not have to be the same as the bind
parameter names, but the arguments in the bind expression must be in the same order as the arguments in the CFC
function definition.
Alternatively, you pass named CFC function arguments. Then, the bind expression and CFC function must use the
same names for the arguments, and the function does not have to define the arguments in the same order as they
are passed. To specify argument names in a bind expression, use a format such as the following, which uses two
named parameters, arg1 and arg2:
To use this feature, you must install ColdFusion 9 Update 1.
Components outside the webroot can be accessed in bind expressions. This implies that tags such as cfajaxprox
y or Ajax components such as grid, map, or progress bar can be used in more effective ways.
In the previous releases, the CFCs had to be web-accessible for Ajax applications to function.
In addition to accessing CFCs using relative or absolute path, you can also use any of the following methods to
access CFCs:
logical mappings (defined in the ColdFusion Administrator)
per-app mappings (defined in Application.cfc)
imports (using cfimport/import)
The following code shows the usage of this enhancement using per-map mappings:
THIS.mappings["/mycfc"] = "C:\www\shared\components";
<cfajaxproxy cfc="mycfc.utils" jsclassname='jsobjname' />
In this example, a per-app mapping named mycfcs has been created in Application.cfc pointing to "c:\components".
For the sample code to work, create a folder named components in your system root (in this example, c:) and copy
the Employee.cfc to that folder.Application.cfc
<cfset = "cfcoutsidewebroot">
<cfset this.sessionmanagement = true>
<Cfset mappingname = "/mycfcs">
<Cfset mappingpath = "c:\components\">
<cfset this.mappings[mappingname] = mappingpath>
remote any function
var startRow = (page-1)*pageSize;
var endRow = page*pageSize;
if(!isdefined("arguments.gridsortcolumn") or
isdefined("arguments.gridsortcolumn") and trim(arguments.gridsortcolumn) eq "")
gridsortcolumn = "EMP_ID";
if(!isdefined("arguments.gridsortdirection") or
isdefined("arguments.gridsortdirection") and arguments.gridsortdirection eq "")
gridsortdirection = "ASC";
var mysql = "SELECT Emp_ID, FirstName, EMail, Department FROM Employees";
if(isdefined("arguments.gridsortcolumn") and arguments.gridsortcolumn neq "")
mysql = mysql & " ORDER BY " & gridsortcolumn;
if(isdefined("arguments.gridsortdirection") and arguments.gridsortdirection
neq "")
mysql = mysql & " " & gridsortdirection ;
rs1 = new query(name="team", datasource="cfdocexamples",
return QueryConvertForGrid(rs1.getResult(), page, pageSize);
title="Employee database"
<cfgridcolumn name="Emp_ID" display=false header="ID" />
<cfgridcolumn name="FirstName" display=true header="First Name"/>
<cfgridcolumn name="Email" display=true header="Email"/>
<cfgridcolumn name="Department" display=true header="Department" />
When you use direct binding you specify a bind expression in a ColdFusion form or display control attribute. In the
simplest, form of binding you use form fields, such as a name field, to fill other fields, such as an e-mail field, as the
following example. shows. When you enter a name or domain and tab to click in another field, the name is added to
the e-mail field.
<cfform name="mycfform">
First Name: <cfinput type="text" name="firstname" value=""><br>
Last Name: <cfinput type="text" name="lastname" value=""><br>
Domain: <cfinput type="text" name="domain" value=""><br>
E-mail: <cfinput type="text" name="email1" size="30"
The following example shows the results of binding to radio buttons and check boxes with the same name attribute
but different id attributes. Notice that because each control has a separate id value that is used in the label tags,
you click the labels to select and deselect the controls.
<cfform name="myform">
Pick one:
<cfinput id="pickers1" name="pickone" type="radio" value="Apples">
<label for="pickers1">Apples</label>
<cfinput id="pickers2" name="pickone" type="radio" value="Oranges">
<label for="pickers2">Oranges</label>
<cfinput id="pickers3" name="pickone" type="radio" value="Mangoes">
<label for="pickers3">Mangoes</label>
<cfinput name="pickone-selected" bind="{pickone}"><br />
<br />
Pick as many as you like:
<cfinput id="pickers4" name="pickmany" type="checkbox" value="Apples">
<label for="pickers4">Apples</label>
<cfinput id="pickers5" name="pickmany" type="checkbox" value="Oranges">
<label for="pickers5">Oranges</label>
<cfinput id="pickers6" name="pickmany" type="checkbox" value="Mangoes">
<label for="pickers6">Mangoes</label>
<cfinput name="pickmany-selected" bind="{pickmany}"><br />
Most applications call a CFC function, or JavaScript function, or use a URL to make an HTTP request (typically to a
CFML page), and pass bind parameters as the function or URL parameters.
The following example uses the same form as the first example in the preceding section, but uses a different bind
expression with the following features:
It uses the keyup events of the name and domain fields to trigger binding. So the e-mail field gets updated
each time that you enter a letter in any of these fields.
It calls a CFC, which uses only the first letter of the first name when forming the e-mail address, and forces
the domain name to be all lowercase.
The following example shows the bindapp.cfm page:
<cfform name="mycfform">
First Name: <cfinput type="text" name="firstname" value=""><br>
Last Name: <cfinput type="text" name="lastname" value=""><br>
Domain: <cfinput type="text" name="domain" value=""><br>
E-mail: <cfinput type="text" name="email"
<cffunction name="getEmailId" access="remote">
<cfargument name="firstname">
<cfargument name="lastname">
<cfargument name="domain">
Many of the examples in the documentation for ColdFusion Ajax features use binding, including more complex forms
of binding.
Using the cfajaxproxy tag to bind to display controls
The cfajaxproxy tag with a bind attribute makes any of the following elements dependent on one or more bound
ColdFusion Ajax controls:
A single CFC function
A single JavaScript function
An HTTP request; for example, the URL of a CFML page
The function or request executes whenever a specific event (by default, the onChange event) of the bound
control occurs.
if you specify a bind attribute with a URL, the HTTP request includes a CFNODEBUG URL
parameter. ColdFusion checks this value, and when it is true, does not append to the response
any debugging information that it normally would send. This behavior ensures that JSON
responses to Ajax requests do not include any non-JSON (that is, debugging information) text.
The cfajaxproxy tag includes the following attributes that determine how the proxy handles the data returned by
the function or the page:
The onError function specifies code to handle an HTTP error return. You use this attribute with a URL or
CFC bind.
The onSuccess function handles a valid return from the function or page and updates the display as
required with the returned information.
Binding a function or request by using the cfajaxproxy tag enables you to perform a server-side action,
such as updating a database by using bind parameter values based on a user action in some control, and
then run a specific action or set of actions in one or more controls based on the server response. Because it
uses an onSuccess function to process the return from the server, this form of binding provides substantially
more flexibility than a CFML control bind parameter. This format also lets you use a control bind parameter
for one kind of action, and the cfajaxproxy tag for a different activity.
For example, if you have a form with an editable cfgrid control and a delete button that a user clicks to
delete a grid row. The application must have the following behaviors:
When the user clicks the delete button two things must happen:
The application must call a mycfc.deleteButton CFC function to delete the row from the database.
The grid must update to remove the deleted row.
When the user edits the grid content, the grid must call a mycfc.update function to update the database.
Implement these behaviors by doing the following:
In the cfgrid tag, specify a bind attribute that uses a bind expression to call a mycfc.update function each
time the user changes the grid contents.
In a cfajaxproxy tag, specify a bind attribute that calls the mycfc.deleterow CFC function, and specify an
onSuccess attribute that calls the ColdFusion.Grid.refresh function to update the displayed grid when
the CFC function returns successfully.
The following code snippets show how you could do this:
{}"onSuccess="ColdFusion.Grid.refresh(mygrid, true)">
<cfinput type="button" name="deletebutton">
<cfgrid name="mygrid" bind="mycfc.update({cfgridpage}, {cfgridpagesize},
{cfgridsortcolumn}, {cfgridsortdirection})>
The following complete example shows a simple use of the bind attribute in a cfajaxproxy tag. For the sake of
brevity, the bind expression calls a JavaScript function; as a result, the cfajaxproxy tag cannot use a onError at
<script language="javascript">
function test(x,y){
return "Hello, " + x + "!";
function callbackHandler(result){
alert("Bind expression evaluated. Result: \n" + result);
<cfajaxproxy bind="javascript:test({input1@none},{button1@click})"
<cfform name="mycfform">
<cfinput type="text" value="" name="input1" size="30">
<cfinput type="button" name="button1" value="Submit">
Use the ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm function in your JavaScript code to get the current value of any attribute
of a bindable control. This technique is useful for getting values for complex controls such as cfgrid and cftree.
For more information, see the ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm function in the CFML Reference.
Use the cfajaxproxy tag to create a client-side JavaScript proxy for a CFC and its functions. The proxy object has
the following characteristics:
It provides a JavaScript function that corresponds to each CFC remote function. Calling these functions in
your client-side JavaScript code remotely calls the CFC functions on the server.
It provides JavaScript support functions for controlling the communication, which specifies asynchronous
result and error handler callbacks, and sends form data to the server. For detailed information on these
functions, see the cfajaxproxy tag in the CFML Reference.
It manages the interactions between the client and the CFC, including serializing and deserializing JavaScript
arrays and structures to and from JSON format for transmission over the web.
It ensures automatic serialization (into JSON format) and deserialization of CFC return values.
By using a ColdFusion Ajax proxy, any JavaScript code can call the proxied CFC functions. Thus, any Ajax
application, not just one that uses ColdFusion Ajax UI elements, can use dynamic data provided by CFCs.
Also, the proxy provides access to all of the functions in a CFC, not just the single function that you specify in
a bind expression.
Creating a JavaScript CFC proxy
The cfajaxproxy tag with a cfc attribute generates a JavaScript proxy that represents a CFC on the web client.
Because a ColdFusion page that uses the cfajaxproxy tag is used as an Ajax client web page, the page typically
starts with the cfajaxproxy tag (or tags), and the remainder of the page consists of the HTML and JavaScript
required to control the display and perform the page logic on the client.
Because JavaScript is case-sensitive, make sure that you match the case of the keys in any
ColdFusion structure or scope that you send to the client. By default, ColdFusion sets variable
names and structure element names to all-uppercase. (You create structure element names with
lowercase characters by specifying the names in associative array notation, for example, myStr
uct["myElement"]="value".) The keys for the two arrays in the JSON object that the
ColdFusion SerializeJSON function generates to represent a query are COLUMNS and DATA,
for example, not columns and data.
For more information about creating and using CFC proxies, see the cfajaxproxy tag in the CFML Reference.
The proxy provides several JavaScript functions that you use to control the behavior of the proxy:
You use the setAsyncMode and setSyncMode functions to control the call mode. By default, all calls to
remote CFC functions are asynchronous, the most common synchronization method for Ajax applications.
You use the setCallbackHandler and setErrorHandlerfunctions to specify the functions that handle
the results of successful and unsuccessful asynchronous calls.
For error handling to work properly, select the Enable HTTP Status Codes option on the
Server Settings > Settings page of the ColdFusion Administrator.
You use the setHTTPMethod function to control whether the call uses a GET HTTP request (the default) or
a POST request.
You use the setForm function to prepare the proxy to send full form data to the remote function. This
function causes the proxy to pass each form field as a separate parameter to the CFC function.
You use the setReturnFormat function to specify whether to return the result in JSON format (the default),
in WDDX format, or as plain text. Use the setQueryFormat function to specify whether to return a JSON
format query as an object with an array of column names and an array of row arrays, or as an object that
corresponds to the WDDX query format. These functions only effect the format of data returned by
ColdFusion. Data sent from the proxy to the server is always in JSON format.
Submitting data to a CFC
When you use an Ajax CFC proxy, you send to the CFC function any client-side data that can be serialized to JSON
format, not just form data. However, the proxy cannot serialize DOM tree elements because they are wrappers on
native code. Therefore, you cannot use DOM tree elements directly as parameters to a CFC function that you call by
using an Ajax proxy. To ensure correct serialization to JSON for sending to the CFC, use basic JavaScript types
only: array, object, and simple types. Instead of using a DOM element directly, you pass only the specific element
attributes that you require to the CFC function, either individually or in an array or object.
When you use the cfc attribute, you submit form data to the CFC without refreshing the client page by calling the
proxy setForm function before you call a CFC proxy function in your JavaScript. The proxy function then passes all
field values of the specified form to the CFC function. In the CFC function Arguments scope, the argument names
are the form control ID attributes (or, by default, the name attributes) and the argument values are the control
You cannot use the setForm function to submit the contents of file fields.
To pass the form parameters to your proxy function, invoke the proxy function immediately after you call the setFor
m function. Subsequent proxy function invocations do not get the form parameters.
If you also pass arguments explicitly to the CFC, cfargument tags in the CFC function that specify the explicitly
passed arguments must precede any cfargument tags for the form fields. For example, if you have the following
submitForm JavaScript function:
function submitForm() {
var proxy = new remoteHandler();
In this example, userName is the name of a form field. If the cfargument tag for userName preceded the cfargu
ment tag for the loggedIn explicitly passed variable, the CFC function would not get the value of loggedIn. Your
CFC function can omit cfargument tags for the form fields.
Example: Using an asynchronous CFC proxy
The following example uses a remote CFC method to populate a drop-down list of employees. When you select a
name from the list, it uses a call to the CFC method to get information about the employee, and displays the results.
The main application page has the following lines:
<!--- The cfajaxproxy tag creates a client-side proxy for the emp CFC.
View the generated page source to see the resulting JavaScript.
The emp CFC must be in the components subdirectory of the directory
that contains this page. --->
<cfajaxproxy cfc="components.emp" jsclassname="emp">
<script type="text/javascript">
// Function to find the index in an array of the first entry
// with a specific value.
// It is used to get the index of a column in the column list.
Array.prototype.findIdx = function(value){
for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (this[i] == value) {
return i;
// Use an asynchronous call to get the employees for the
// drop-down employee list from the ColdFusion server.
var getEmployees = function(){
// Create an instance of the proxy.
// Error handler for the asynchronous functions.
var myErrorHandler = function(statusCode, statusMsg)
alert('Status: ' + statusCode + ', ' + statusMsg);
<!--- The form to display the employee drop-down list and
employee data. --->
<form name="simpleAJAX" method="get">
List of Employees:
<select name="employee" onChange="getEmployeeDetails(this.value)">
<script language="javascript">
<span id="empData"></span>
The following component, which gets the data from the data source, must be in a file named emp.cfc in the
components subdirectory of the application directory. The CFC uses the cfdocexamples data source that is installed
with ColdFusion if you install the documentation.
<cfset this.dsn = "cfdocexamples">
<cffunction name="getEmployees" access="remote" returnFormat="json" output="false">
<cfargument name="empid" required="no" type="string" default="0">
<Cfquery name="qryEmp" datasource="#this.dsn#">
select * from Employees
<cfif empid neq 0>
where Emp_ID = #empid#
<cfreturn qryEmp>
Spry data sets use a CFC function as the data source. To do this, you simply specify the URL of the CFC in
the Spry.Data.XMLDataSet function, just as you would invoke any remote CFC method using a URL. Specify
the method name with a method URL parameter, and pass data to the function in additional URL parameters,
as in the following example:
The cfsprydataset tag dynamically creates and updates Spry XML or JSON data sets based on ColdFusion
form data. Spry dynamic regions and other elements then use this data to control their display. The following
example shows a cfsprydataset tag that creates a Spry XML data set named dsProducts by calling the
getData.getProductDetails function and passing it the value of the selected name in a cfgrid control. The
data set updates each time the namevalue changes.
options="{method: 'POST'}"
ColdFusion includes the complete Spry 1.5 framework release in web_root/_CFIDE/scripts/ajax/spry directory. For
more information about Spry framework, see For more information,
see the cfsprydataset tag in the _CFML Reference.
Spry data set example
2. It displays information from the Spry data in a Spry dynamic region list box.
3. It uses the selected item in the Spry data set to control the contents of a cfgrid control. The cfgrid bind
expression calls a CFC and passes it a parameter bound to the selected item in the Spry XML data set.
4. It creates a second Spry XML data set by using a cfsprydataset tag that binds to the selected item in the
cfgrid control and calls a CFC function.
5. It displays information from the second Spry data set in a second Spry dynamic region.
The example lets a user select the genre of books to display: all books, fiction, or nonfiction from a Spry list
box populated from the XML file. The selected genre determines the information displayed by a cfgrid contr
ol, and a text input control shows the selected genre. The selected item in the cfgrid control determines the
information that is displayed in a second Spry dynamic region.
The application consists of the following files:
A roundtrip.cfm page with the display controls and related logic
A GridDataManager.cfc file with two functions:
A getFilter function that gets the XML for the spry data set
A getData function that gets the contents of the cfgrid control
A getProduct function that gets detailed information on the selected book
A Filters.xml file with the XML data for the spry data set
For this example to display images, create an images subdirectory of your application directory that contains
images with the names specified by the BOOKIMAGE column of the cfbookclub database BOOKS table.
The roundtrip.cfm page
<script language="javascript">
errorHandler = function(code,msg){
alert("Error w/bind occurred. See details below:\n\n" + "Error Code: "
+ code + "\n" + "Error Message: " + msg);
<!--- Specify the size of the FiltersList Spry dynamic region.
By default it would be unnecessarily large. --->
<style type="text/css">
<!-#FiltersList {
width: 150px;
<!--- A Spry dynamic region containing repeated ListBoxItem controls.
Each item specifies a filter to use in filling the book list grid.
The items are populated by the data from the CFC getFilter method. --->
<div id="FiltersList" spry:region="dsFilters" class="SpryHiddenRegion">
<div spry:repeat="dsFilters" class="ListBoxItemGroup">
<div class="ListBoxItem"
spry:selectgroup="feedsList" spry:select="SelectedListBoxItem"
<!--- A ColdFusion form with the book list data grid. --->
<cfform name="bookform">
<!--- Create a book list grid.
Users select the book for which to get details from this grid.
Populate it with the results of the CFC getData method.
Pass the method the value of the name field of the selected
item in the dsfilters Spry dynamic region. --->
<cfgrid name="bookgrid"
<cfgridcolumn name="TITLE" header="Name" width=200>
<cfgridcolumn name="GENRE" header="Type" width=200>
</cfgrid><br />
<!--- Show the value of the name field of the selected item in the Spry dynamic
<cfinput name="filter" bind="{}">
<!--- A Spry dynamic region that uses the dsProduct data set to display information
on the
selected product. --->
<div id="RSSResultsList" spry:detailregion="dsProduct" class="SpryHiddenRegion">
<img src="images/{bookimage}" alt="product box shot" width="238" height="130"/>
<cfcomponent name="GridDataManager">
<!--- The getFilter function gets the filter XML to populate the dsFilters Spry
data set.
It specifies returnFormat=plain to send XML text. --->
<cffunction name="getFilter" access="remote" output="false" returnFormat="plain">
<cffile action="read" file="#ExpandPath('.')#\Filters.xml" variable="filtersxml">
<cfcontent type="text/xml" reset="yes">
<cfreturn filtersxml>
<!--- The getData function returns books that match the specified genre, or all
books if
there is no genre. --->
<cffunction name="getData" access="remote" output="false">
<cfargument name="page" required="yes">
<cfargument name="pageSize" required="yes">
<cfargument name="sortCol" required="yes">
<cfargument name="sortDir" required="yes">
<cfargument name="filter" required="no">
<cfquery name="books" datasource="cfbookclub">
select TITLE, GENRE from BOOKS
<cfif isDefined("arguments.filter") AND arguments.filter NEQ "">
where GENRE = '#arguments.filter#'
<cfif arguments.sortCol NEQ "" AND arguments.sortDir NEQ "">
order by #arguments.sortCol# #arguments.sortDir#
order by TITLE ASC
<!--- Return the data only for the current page. --->
<cfreturn QueryConvertForGrid(books,,
<!--- The getProductDetails gets data for a single book and converts it to XML for
in the dsProduct Spry data set. --->
<cffunction name="getProductDetails" access="remote" output="false">
<cfargument name="prodname" default="The Road">
<!--- Get the information about the book from the database. --->
<cfquery name="bookDetails" datasource="cfbookclub">
where TITLE = '#arguments.prodname#'
<!--- Convert the query results to XML. --->
<cfxml variable="BookDetailsXML" >
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!--- Convert the XML object to an XML string. --->
<cfset xmldata = xmlparse(BookDetailsXML)>
<cfcontent type="text/xml" reset="yes">
<cfreturn xmldata>
In some situations, you cannot use the default location for the CFIDE directory, because a hosting site blocks
access to it to prevent access to the ColdFusion Administrator. Then, move the CFIDE/scripts directory, or the
subdirectories that you use in your applications, to a different location.
In other situations, you have custom versions of some of the client-side files, such as the CSS files that specify form
control appearance, that apply only to certain applications.
In both situations, inform ColdFusion of the new location. Specify the location of either or both directories containing
the following files:
All client-side resources required by the ColdFusion Ajax features
Only the CSS files required by the ColdFusion Ajax features
Specify the client-side resource location
Use any of the following techniques to control the location of the directory that contains the client-side resources
required by the ColdFusion Ajax features:
If the ColdFusion client-side files required by all applications, including the files used by cfform tags are in a
single location, you specify the directory in the ColdFusion Administrator > Server Settings > Settings page,
Default CFFORM ScriptSrc Directory field. The directory you specify and its subdirectories must have the
same structure and contents as the CFIDE/scripts directory tree.
If the client-side files required for Ajax features on a specific page are in one location, you use the cfajaxim
port tag scriptsrc attribute to specify the source directory. This tag overrides the setting in the
administrator, and does not affect the files used for standard cfform features. The directory you specify
must have an ajax subdirectory with the same structure and contents as the CFIDE/scripts/ajax directory tree.
You specify the client-side source directory for a specific form in the cfform tag scriptsrc attribute. This
setting overrides any cfajaximport tag setting for the form and its child controls. The directory you specify
and its subdirectories must have the same structure and contents as the CFIDE/scripts directory tree.
If you require multiple resource locations for a single page, make sure that each JavaScript file is imported
only once on a page, the first time it is required. Therefore, you cannot use different copies of one JavaScript
file on the same page.
To prevent problems, ColdFusion generates an error if you specify more than one scriptsrc attribute on a
page. Therefore, if multiple forms require custom client-side resource files, specify their location in a single cf
ajaximport tag, not in scriptsrc attributes in the cfform tags.
Specify the CSS file location
Use the cfajaximport tag cssSrc attribute to specify the location of a directory that contains only the CSS files
that control the style of ColdFusion Ajax-based controls. This attribute overrides any scriptsrc value in
determining the CSS file location. Therefore, you could use the CSS files in the scriptsrc directory tree for most
pages, and specify a cssSrc attribute on selected application pages that require a custom look.
For detailed information on how to use the scriptsrc and cssSrc attributes, and requirements for the contents of
the specified directory, see the cfajaximport tag in the CFML Reference.
In the following situations, ColdFusion does not automatically import the JavaScript files that are required for
Ajax-based tags:
If you use a ColdFusion Ajax-based tag on a page that you specify by using a source or bind attribute in a
container tag, such as cfdiv, cflayoutarea, cfpod, or cfwindow. Place a cfajaximport tag on the
page that has the container tag and use the tags attribute to specify the Ajax feature tags that are on the
other pages. (You do not have to do this for any tags that are also used on the page with the source attribut
If you use a ColdFusion Ajax JavaScript function, such as ColdFusion.Window.create or ColdFusion.navigate
, on a page that does not otherwise import the required ColdFusion Ajax JavaScript functions, use the cfaja
ximport tag to import the required JavaScript functions. If you are using a function, such as
vigate, that is not used for a specific control, you can omit any attributes; the default behavior is to import
the base functions that are not control-specific. If you are using a function such as
eate, use the tags attribute and identify the associated control, for example, cfwindowin the following line:
<cfajaximport tags="cfwindow">
For detailed information on importing tag-specific JavaScript files, see the cfajaximport tag in the CFML Reference.
By default, CFC functions convert data that they return to remote callers to WDDX format. However, they can also
return the data in JSON format, or as plain string data. (XML objects are automatically converted to string
representation when returning plain data.)
ColdFusion Ajax elements that request data from CFC functions, including bind expressions and the function proxies
generated by the cfajaxproxy tag, automatically generate a returnFormat parameter in the HTTP URL to
request JSON data from the CFC function.
Control the CFC function return format in the following ways:
Use the returnFormat attribute on the cffunction tag.
Set a returnFormat parameter in the HTTP request that calls the CFC function.
Use the CFC proxy setReturnFormat function. (You do this only if your client-side code requires
non-JSON format data, for example, XML or WDDX.)
If the requested return format is JSON and the function returns a query, ColdFusion serializes the query into
a JSON object in either of the following formats:
As a JSON object with two entries: an array of column names, and an array of column data arrays.These
entries are returned in the following situations:
By default
If you specify an HTTP URL parameter of queryFormat="row"
If you use the cfajaxproxy tag and call the proxy object's setReturnFormat function with a
parameter value of row
ColdFusion client-side binding and proxy code automatically converts this data into JavaScript that is
consumed directly by HTML grids.
As a JSON object with three entries: the number of rows, an array of column names, and an object where
each key is a column name and each value is an array with the column dataThese entries are returned in the
following situations:
If you specify an HTTP URL parameter of queryFormat="column"
If you use the cfajaxproxy tag and call the proxy object's setQueryFormat function with a parameter
value of column ColdFusion client-side binding and proxy code does not convert column format data into
JavaScript that is consumed directly by HTML grids. However, use this format with the cfajaxproxy tag,
because you can refer to the returned data by using the column names directly. For example, if a CFC
function returns a query with user data, you get the user names in your JavaScript by specifying values such
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight JavaScript-based data interchange format for transmission
between computer systems. It is a much simpler format than XML or WDDX, and is an efficient, compact format for
transmitting data required for Ajax applications. ColdFusion Ajax bind expressions that use CFCs tell the CFC
function to send the data in JSON format by including a returnformat="json" parameter in the HTTP request,
and automatically handle the JSON-formatted result.
JSON represents objects by using { key : value , key : value... } notation, and represents arrays in standard [_
value_ , value... ] notation. Values can be strings, numbers, objects, arrays, true, false, or null. Therefore, you can
nest arrays and objects inside each other. For a detailed specification of the JSON format, see
Although ColdFusion Ajax-based controls and the cffunction tag interoperate transparently, without you
converting anything to JSON format, other applications can take advantage of JSON format data. Many public feeds
are now available in JSON format. For example, the Yahoo! search interface returns a JSON data set,
provides JSON feeds showing your posts and tags, and Blogger feeds are available in JSON format. You don't have
to use Ajax to display these feeds; use standard ColdFusion tags and functions to display the results.
The following CFML functions support using JSON format in server-side code:
For more information about these functions and examples, see the CFML Reference.
The following example shows how to use ColdFusion JSON functions in a non-Ajax application. It does a
Yahoo search for references to "ColdFusion Ajax" and displays these results:
The total number of web pages found
The titles and summaries of the (by default 10) returned results. The title is a link to the web pageURL.
<!--- Send an http request to the Yahoo Web Search Service. --->
"ColdFusion Ajax"&output=json'>
<!--- The result is a JSON-formatted string that represents a structure.
Convert it to a ColdFusion structure. --->
<cfset myJSON=DeserializeJSON(#cfhttp.FileContent#)>
<!--- Display the results. --->
<h1>Results of search for "ColdFusion 9"</h1>
<p>There were #myJSON.ResultSet.totalResultsAvailable# Entries.<br>
Here are the first #myJSON.ResultSet.totalResultsReturned#.</p>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#myJSON.ResultSet.totalResultsReturned#">
<h3><a href="#myJSON.ResultSet.Result[i].URL#">
To use this feature, you must install ColdFusion 9 Update 1.
In the previous releases (including ColdFusion 9), serializing an integer using serializeJSON, converts the number to
a double. For example, SerializeJSON (123) returns 123.0.
In ColdFusion 9.0.1, the integer is retained in its original format but enclosed within quotes. That is, SerializeJSO
N (123) returns "123". This is applicable only to positive integers.
The following table gives more examples:
Serialized JSON
To remove the quotes in the returned value, for positive integers and integers within quotes, set
the jvm argument json.numberasdouble to true . However, negative integers such as -10
will still be serialized to "-10.0" even if json.numberasdouble=true.
To display the logging window when you request a CFML page in the browser, specify an HTTP parameter of cfde
bug in the URL when you request a page, as in the following URL:
After the debug log window appears, it continues running until you navigate to a new page in the browser. The
logging window includes options that let you filter the messages by either or both of the following criteria:
You can select to display logging information at any combination of four levels of severity: debug, info, error,
and window. The specific logging function that you call determines the severity level.
The logging window always displays options to filter the output by using standard categories: bind, global,
http, LogReader, and widget. (For information on these categories, see Standard ColdFusion logging
messages below.) It also displays a filter option for each custom category that you specify in a ColdFusion
logging call. ColdFusion does not limit the number of categories you create, but create only as many
categories as you require to debug your application effectively.
Logging information
You call the following JavaScript functions to send information to the logger. In most cases, the function corresponds
to a severity level, as follows:
You cannot generate a window-level message. This level is reserved for messages generated by the log reader
window, including information about JavaScript errors in the log function calls.
When you call a logging function, you specify a message and a category.
The message can include JavaScript variables and HTML markup, such as bold text and line breaks.
The category is a short descriptive name. ColdFusion generates a check box option for each category to filter
the logging window output. This parameter is optional; the default value is global. You can specify a
standard ColdFusion category or a custom category.
To log information for a page, you must have a ColdFusion Ajax tag on the page, or use the cfajaximport
tag. The cfajaximport tag does not require any attributes to enable logging.
The following logging function generates an error level, Pod A category log message:
The following rules and techniques help you prevent errors in your applications:
To ensure that your code works properly, make sure that all your pages, including dynamically loaded content
and pages that contain dynamic regions, have valid html, head, and body tags, and that all script tags
are located in the page head. This is important for any page with ColdFusion Ajax tags and script tags,
where it ensures that the script code is processed and that code is generated in the correct order. It also
prevents problems in some browsers, such as Internet Explorer.
All JavaScript function definitions on pages that you include dynamically, for example by using a bind
expression, the ColdFusion.navigatefunction, or a form submission within a ColdFusion Ajax container
tag, must have the following syntax format:
Function definitions that use the following format might not work:
However, Adobe recommends that you include all custom JavaScript in external JavaScript files and import
them on the application's main page, and not write them in-line in code that you get dynamically. Imported
pages do not have this restriction on the function definition format.
In a CFM page, if you call a JavaScript function present in a file that is bound to the page, ensure that you do
not use the keyword var while declaring the function. var declares a function-local scope variable.
Therefore, you cannot invoke the JavaScript function from the parent page.
As a general rule, the id attributes or name attributes, when you do not specify id attributes, of controls
should be unique on the page, including on any pages that you specify in sourceattributes. Exceptions to
this rule include the following:
You can use the same name attribute for all options in a radio button group. Bind expressions get
information about the selected button.
You can use the same name attribute for check boxes in a group if you want a single bind expression
to get information about all selected controls in the group.
If you have multiple similar forms on a page, you might have controls in each form with the same name
or ID. You specify the individual controls in bind expressions by including the form name in the bind
Do not use an Application.cfc onRequestEnd function or onRequestEnd.cfm page that creates output in
applications that use the cfajaxproxy tag or bind expressions that call CFC functions to get data.
ColdFusion Ajax features normally require that all returned data from the server must be in JSON format; the
onRequestEnd method onRequestEnd.cfm page appends any output as non-JSON information to the end of
the returned data.
By default, all ColdFusion structure element names are in all uppercase characters. Therefore, your
client-side Ajax code, such as an onSuccess function specified by a cfajaxproxy tag, must use
uppercase letters for the returned object's element names if you do not explicitly ensure that the element
names are not all uppercase. (You can create structure element names with lowercase characters by
specifying the names in associative array notation, for example, myStruct["myElement"]="value".)
ColdFusion Ajax controls throw JavaScript errors if badly formed HTML causes errors in the browser DOM
hierarchy order. One example of such badly formed HTML is a table that contains a cfform tag, which in
turn contains table rows. In this situation, you place the table tag inside the cfform tag.
For browser-specific issues and other issues that could affect application appearance and behavior, see the
ColdFusion Release Notes on the Adobe website at, and the
ColdFusion Developer Center on the Adobe website at
Improving security
ColdFusion includes several capabilities that help to ensure the security of Ajax application. Also, the ColdFusion
Administrator disables output to the client-side logging window by default (see Enable logging output in Debugging
Ajax applications).
To prevent cross-site scripting, you cannot use remote URLs in code that executes on the client. For
example, if you use a URL such as in a cfwindow tag source attribute,
the remote page does not load in the window and the window shows an error message. If you must access
remote URLs, do so in CFML code that executes on the server, for example, by using a cfhttp tag on the
page specified by a source attribute.
When a CFC function returns remote data in JSON format, by default, the data is sent without any prefix or
wrapper. To help prevent cross-site scripting attacks where the attacker accesses the JSON data, you can
tell ColdFusion to prefix the returned data with one or more characters. You can specify this behavior in
several ways. The value of an item in the following list is determined by the preceding item in this list:
1. In the Administrator, enable the Prefix Serialized JSON option on Server Settings > Settings page (the
default value is false). You can also use this setting to specify the prefix characters. The default
prefix is //, which is the JavaScript comment marker that turns the returned JSON code into a
comment from the browser's perspective. The // prefix helps prevent security breaches because it
prevents the browser from converting the returned value to the equivalent JavaScript objects.
2. Set the Application.cfc file This.secureJSON and This.secureJSONPrefix variable values,
or set the cfapplication tag secureJSON and secureJSONPrefix attributes.
3. Set the cffunction tag secureJSON attribute. (You cannot use the cffunction tag to set the
prefix.)As a general rule, use one of these techniques for any CFC or CFML page that returns
sensitive data, such as credit card numbers.When you use any of these techniques, the ColdFusion
Ajax elements that call CFC functions, including bind expressions and the CFC proxies created by the
cfajaxproxy tag, automatically remove the security prefix when appropriate. You do not have to
modify your client-side code.
ColdFusion provides capabilities that help prevent security attacks where an unauthorized party attempts to
perform an action on the server, such as changing a password. Use the following techniques to ensure that a
request to a CFML page or remote CFC function comes from a ColdFusion Ajax feature, such as a bind
expression or CFC proxy, that is a valid part of your application:
In the cffunction tag in a CFC function that returns data to an Ajax client, specify a verifyClient
attribute with a value of yes.
At the top of a CFML page or function that is requested by a ColdFusion Ajax client, call the VerifyC
lient ColdFusion function. This function takes no parameters.
The VerifyClient function and attribute tell ColdFusion to require an encrypted security token in
each request. To use this function, enable client management or session management in your
application; otherwise, you do not get an error, but ColdFusion does not verify clients.Enable client
verification only for code that responds to ColdFusion Ajax client code, because only the ColdFusion
Ajax library contains the client-side support code. Enabling client verification for clients other than
ColdFusion Ajax applications can result in the client application not running.As a general rule, use this
function for Ajax requests to the server to perform sensitive actions, such as updating passwords.
Typically, do not enable client verification for public APIs that do not need protected, search engine
web services. Also, do not enable client verification for the top-level page of an application, because
the security token is not available when the user enters a URL in the browser address bar.
Programming effectively
The following recommendations help improve or customize your ColdFusion Ajax application.
Use the AjaxOnLoad function, which specifies a JavaScript function to run when the page loads, to perform
any initialization actions that are required for a page to function properly. Use the AjaxOnLoad function to
call functions when a page is loaded in a container tag. One use for this function could be on a page that
pops up a login window if the user is not already logged in when it displays. You can use the AjaxOnLoad fu
nction to specify a JavaScript function that determines the login status and pops up the window only if
Use the following ColdFusion JavaScript functions to access the Ext JS or Yahoo YUI JavaScript library
objects that underlie border and tab style cflayout controls, cfwindow controls, and HTML format cfgrid
and cftreecontrols. Then use the raw object to modify the displayed control.
For documentation on the objects and how to manage them, see the Ext documentation at
eploy/ext/docs/ and the Yahoo toolkit documentation at
Preventing errors
Improving security
Programming effectively
#back to top
Using cfdocument
In addition to the existing functionality, the {{cfdocument}}tag lets you convert Word documents and PowerPoint
presentations to PDF. All versions of Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint from 97 to 2003 are supported.
The following example converts a document, MyDocument.doc, to a PDF file. The PDF conversion occurs only
when you specify the format attribute as "pdf".
When you convert, specify only the absolute path, for example, "c:\documents\MyDocument.doc"
If you do not specify the filename attribute, the converted PDF opens in a browser.
#back to top
Using cfpresentation
The cfpresentation tag is the parent tag for one or more cfpresentationslide tags, where you define the
content for the presentation, and the cfpresenter tags, which provide information about the people presenting the
You use the cfpresentation tag to convert a PowerPoint presentation to an Adobe Connect presentation or
HTML. Browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari are all compatible with the conversion from PPT
to a Connect presentation or HTML.
For complete information about cfpresentation, and cfpresentationslide, see CFML Reference.
title="my presentation"
Sample slide
title = "text string"
format= "ppt"
backgroundColor = "YELLOW"
overwrite = "yes">
Title="Q1 Sales Figures"
title="my presentation"
Sample slide
#back to top
Using cfspreadsheet
The cfspreadsheet tag lets you manage Excel spreadsheets. The tag lets you do the following:
Read a spreadsheet file (XLS file) and store it in a ColdFusion spreadsheet object, query, CSV string, or
HTML string.
Write a single sheet to a new XLS from a query, ColdFusion spreadsheet object, or CSV string variable.
Add a sheet to an existing XLS file.
Use the spreadsheet functions to manipulate rows and columns in a spreadsheet and the data in the rows
and columns. You can also specify and get comments, values, and formulas for a cell in the spreadsheet.
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 is supported by cfspreadsheet and all the spreadsheet functions except the
For detailed information about cfspreadsheet and all the spreadsheet functions, see CFML Reference.
The following example reads the spreadsheet file - template_02.xls and stores the spreadsheet data in a query.
action = "read"
The following example reads a spreadsheet file - template_08_Charts_Graph.xls and stores the spreadsheet data in
an HTML string.
action = "read"
The following example uses data from a query and writes it to a single sheet in the spreadsheet file SingleSheet1.xls
ORDER BY ParkName, State
action = "write"
#back to top
OpenOffice installation
Connect Presentation
not required
not required
not required
In-memory Variable
not required
not required
In-memory variable
not required
#back to top
SharePoint integration
You can use ColdFusion with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 or 3.0, and Microsoft Office SharePoint
Portal Server 2003 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. You can integrate ColdFusion applications with
SharePoint features that are exposed as web service actions.
Using cfsharepoint
Sharepoint integration with ColdFusion helps you dynamically manage user lists, views, and groups; work with
images and document workspaces; and use search effectively. The cfsharepoint tag lets you create new lists,
retrieve list items, and update list items on the SharePoint server.
The following example shows how to create a picture library list called "getpics".
params="#{ listname ="getpics",
description="This a picture library list",
templateId= "109 " }#"/>
<! --- Creates a folder within the picture library list>
< cfsharepoint
action ="create new folder"
login= "#login#"
<!--- Uploads pictures to the folder that you created --->
myimage = filereadbinary(expandpath("Bird.jpg"));
//convert the image into byte array to pass as input for "upload" action.
action="upload" login="#login#"
<!--- Rotates the picture downloaded from the SharePoint server.--->
name ="result1"
strfolder="New Folder",
baseimage = filereadbinary(expandpath("bird.jpg"));
//convert the image into byte array to pass as input for "upload" action.
<!--- Uploads the rotated image back to the SharePoint server --->
To check and ensure that all the updates are made, you can retrieve the list items using code like the following:
login="#login#" name="result"
<cfloop array="#result.Library#" index="n">
<cfif n.ows_FileLeafRef contains "temppicrotate.jpg">
To make a ColdFusion application available from SharePoint, use the CFSharepoint SSO WebPart template. This
template is a customized version of PageViewer WebPart. It enables you to pass SSO credentials to the ColdFusion
application. Download this template from the Adobe website or copy it from the ColdFusion 9 DVD.
Remember these points:
Web Parts support only the native single sign-on solution; other pluggable single sign-on services are not
Only single sign-on credentials are passed to the ColdFusion application. The ColdFusion application must
have the necessary logic to retrieve the credentials and login to the application.
Deploy the CF9SSOWebPart.wsp Web Part for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
To configure single sign-on for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, deploy the CF9SSOWebPart.wsp file to the
SharePoint server.
1. Copy the CF9SSOWebPart.wsp file to the BIN folder within the Web Server extensions. It is normally located
at Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN in the SharePoint server.
2. To deploy the solution to SharePoint, use the command prompt to navigate to Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN and enter the following commands, as required.To
delete the solution if it is already present:
Navigate to the web page on the SharePoint server where you want the Web Part to be accessible.
In the Web Part page, click Site Actions > Site Settings.
In the Site Settings page, click Galleries > Web Parts.
In the Web Part gallery, click Upload in the toolbar pane.
Select the CF9SSOWebPart.wsp Web Part.
Enter the following details in the toolbar pane.
URL of the ColdFusion application to access
The form field name as the User ID
The form field name as the password
Name of the SSO application where the credentials are configured
Once the Web Part is deployed, it takes the credentials from the SharePoint Single Sign-On database
(based on the application name entered in the Tools Pane). These credentials are transferred to the
ColdFusion application through the URL (provided in the Tools Pane) in a FORM containing the
specified form fields.
Deploy the CF9SharepointSSOCab.CAB Web Part for Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003
To configure single sign-on for Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003, deploy the CAB file CF9SharepointSSOCab.CAB
1. Copy the CF9SharepointSSOCab.CAB to the BIN folder within the Web Server extensions. It is normally
located at Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\BIN in the SharePoint
2. Create a folder named CFSharePointSSO within the Layouts folder. The Layouts folder is normally located at
Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\Template\Layouts.
3. From the CF9SharepointSSOCab.CAB file, copy the template file CFSSO.aspx to the CFSharePointSSO
folder that you created in the previous step.
4. In the command prompt, navigate to Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server
Extensions\60\bin and enter the following command to add the CAB file:
If the CAB file exists, delete the CAB file and then enter the command to add the CAB file as follows:
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
In the Site Settings page, go to Manage Security and Additional Settings > Manage Web Part Gallery.
Click New in the toolbar in the Web Part Gallery. The New Web Parts List appears.
Select the CFSSOwebpart.dwp Web Part and click Populate Gallery.
Add the CFSharepointSSO Web Part to the Virtual Server Gallery. Clicking Edit Page > Modify Shared Page
> Add Web Parts > Browse > Virtual Server Gallery. Then add the Web Part to the Web Parts list.
5. After adding the CFSharepointSSO Web Part, click the Tools pane and enter the following details.
URL of the ColdFusion application to access
The form field name as the User ID
The form field name as the password
Name of the SSO application where the credentials are configured
Once the Web Part is deployed, it takes the credentials from the SharePoint Single Sign-On database (based on the
application name entered in the Tools Pane). These credentials are transferred to the ColdFusion application
through the URL (provided in the Tools Pane) in a FORM containing the specified form fields.
Deploy the CF9SSOWebPart.wsp Web Part for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
Import the CF9SSOWebPart.wsp Web Part into a Web Part Page
Deploy the CF9SharepointSSOCab.CAB Web Part for Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003
Configure the CFSharepointSSO Web Part
ColdFusion Portlets
You can now build your own portlets by leveraging Adobe ColdFusion components (CFCs). You can create your
own portlet using ColdFusion and run it on:
JBoss portal server
WebSphere portal server 6.1
Run a ColdFusion portlet on JBoss Portal Server
Run a ColdFusion portlet on WebSphere Portal Server
Common methods used in portlet.cfc
ColdFusion portlet components
JSR-286 Support
#back to top
Before you start developing ColdFusion portlets, you must:
Install JDK 1.5.x.
For JSR-168, install bundled version of JBoss 2.6.7 or 2.6.8 portal server and JBoss 4.2.3 Application server.
For JSR-286, install bundled version of JBoss 2.7.2 portal server and JBoss 4.2.3 Application server.
Deploy ColdFusion on JBoss application server.
Enable the J2EE sessions in ColdFusion Administrator.
The JBoss Server does not always add Expires directive in the set cookie header. To fix this, you need to add the
following JVM argument:
<cfcomponent extends="CFIDE.portlets.ColdFusionPortlet">
<cffunction name="doView" returntype="void" output="true">
<cfargument name="renderRequest" type="any" required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.RenderRequest java object">
<cfargument name="renderResponse" type="any" required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.RenderResponse java object">
Hello World ColdFusion Portlet
<cffunction name="doHelp" returntype="void" output="true">
<cfargument name="renderRequest" type="any" required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.RenderRequest java object">
<cfargument name="renderResponse" type="any" required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.RenderResponse java object">
<h1>ColdFusion Help</h1>
<p>This is a Help message for the Hello Portlet.</p>
The portlet is defined and registered for portlet definition, with targeted cfcName defined as the INIT
parameter. The INIT parameter value must be from the web root of ColdFusion.
4. Run the JBoss server by running one of the following commands: On UNIX{{<JBoss_home>/bin/}} On
Windows<JBoss_home>\bin\run.bat}}By default JBoss only binds to localhost. You
can have it bind to any IP address by running {{bin/ -b }}on UNIX
or {{bin/run.bat -b on Windows.
5. Launch the JBoss portal server. By default, JBoss binds to port 8080, so launch the server using the URL:
http://<matching_IP>:<port>/portal/. For example:
6. Log in to the portal by clicking the login link in the upper-right corner. The default credentials are
7. Click the Admin option in the upper-right corner.
8. Click the Portlet Definitions tab. The portlet name, CF HelloPortlet is listed here.
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
14. Select the created portal page from the list of portals.
15. From Actions, select Page Layout.
16. From the Portlet instance associated with this Window list, select the portlet instance you created in step 10.
17. In the Page Layout section, click Add for the center region or left region to add the portlet container in the
required area.
18. Go back to the Portal Objects > Portals page and select Make Default option to set the new portal as default.
19. Click the Portal option on the upper-right corner to view the new portal page containing the portlet.
1. Create the ColdFusion HelloPortlet.cfc as described in step 1 of Build a portlet for a local server.
2. Save the HelloPortlet.cfcfile in the following directory:
1. Run the JBoss server by running the command: On UNIX{{bin/}} On Windows{{bin\run.bat}}By default
JBoss only binds to localhost. You can have it bind to any IP address by running bin/ -b
}}on UNIX or {{bin\run.bat -b on Windows.
2. Launch the JBoss portal server. By default, JBoss binds to port 8080, so launch the server using the URL: htt
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
3. Log in to the portal by clicking the login link in the upper-right corner. The default credentials are
4. Click the Admin option in the upper-right corner.
5. Click the WSRP tab.
6. Specify the WSRP consumer name, such as wsrp-test in the Create a Consumer Named box.
7. Click Create Consumer.
8. On the next page, specify the WSDL URL of the WSRP producer:http://<WSRPProducer_IP>:<port>/<contex
9. Click Refresh & Save. If successful, the following message appears"Refresh was successful."
You can try a demo WSRP consumer hosted by BEA, by entering the WSDL URL: After clicking Refresh & Save, the system
prompts you to provide the consumerRole registration property. Use the string "public"
and click Update Properties. If the BEA WSRP Producer does not get configured, the
problem could be with the JBoss Portal Server, rather than the WSRP Producer. Make
sure that you are using Java 1.5 JVM.
{{<cffunction name="doView"
returntype="void" output="true">
name="renderRequest" type="any"
required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.RenderRequest java
type="any" required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.RenderResponse java
<!--- User code goes here -->
{{<cffunction name="doHelp"
returntype="void" output="true">
name="renderRequest" type="any"
required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.RenderRequest java
type="any" required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.RenderResponse java
<!--- User code goes here -->
{{<cffunction name="doEdit"
returntype="void" output="true">
name="renderRequest" type="any"
required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.RenderRequest java
type="any" required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.RenderResponse java
<!--- User code goes here -->
{{<cffunction name="processAction"
returntype="void" access="public"
output="false" hint="Called by the
portlet container to allow the portlet
to process an action request.">
<cfargument name="actionRequest"
type="any" required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.ActionRequest java
name="actionResponse" type="any"
required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.ActionResponse java
<!--- User code goes here -->
{{<cffunction name="init"
returntype="void" access="public"
output="false" hint="Called by the
portlet container to indicate to a
portlet that the portlet is being
placed into service.">
<cfargument name="portletConfig"
type="any" required="true" hint="A
javax.portlet.PortletConfig java
<!--- User code goes here -->
hint="Called by
the portlet
requesting the
portlet to process
a specific
<!--user code-->
#back to top
Portlet modes
Portal servers typically allow three portlet modes: View, Edit, and Help.
The View mode is the default state when rendering a portlet. The portlet window has links in the title bar that enable
you to change the mode to Help or Edit.
To add a Help mode view, add the doHelp() with the same signature as the doView() function.
To support the edit mode create the doEdit().
Portlet title
To set the portlet title, add a method to the CFC called getTitle as follows:
Portlet scope
The ColdFusion portlet toolkit defines the variable request.portlet. It contains the following structures:
<form action="#createActionURL()#" method="post">
<input type="text" name="action_value" >
<input type="submit" value="Process Action" />
When the form is submitted, the portal container calls the processAction() method in your CFC. So, add this
method as follows:
The following examples show how you can configure portlets. You can add the following code to the doView() met
hod depending on whether you are configuring the portlet on a local or remote server.
To get portal user information:JSR:
To display PDF:
To display Ajax components, all the URLs used in portlets must be encoded.
<cfset sourceURL =
getPortletResponse().encodeURL(getPortletRequest().getContextPath() & "/<path
to cfm>/expandpath.cfm")>
<cfpod name="pod01" source="#sourceURL#" height="500" width="300"
title="Example CFPod"/>
<cfset sourceURL =
getPortletResponse().encodeURL(getPortletRequest().getContextPath() & "/<path
to cfm>/expandpath.cfm")>
<cfwindow title="Test Window" name="myWindow" width="200" height="200"
initShow="true" source="#sourceURL#">
#back to top
JSR-286 Support
ColdFusion 9 also supports JSR-286 specifications. In portlets there are three types of requests: action, event, and
render. A portlet first handles an action request, and then an event request, and only after that, it would render any
Some of the capabilities of JSR-286 include the following:
<qname xmlns:cf="">cf:HelloEvent
This code defines an event named cf:HelloEvent, where cf refers to the namespace and HelloEvent is the local
name. Its type is defined by the <value-type> tag. These event definitions require you to use qname to uniquely
identify the event.
Now add the events to specific portlets, which are either going to publish (generate) an event or process (consume)
an event. You add this information to portlet.xml as well.
<supported-publishing-event> tag is used to publish an event.
<qname xmlns:cf="">cf:HelloEvent</qname>
Portlet definition can have both publishing and processing tags. portlet.xml file has event definition, publishing
event, and processing event tags, as its portlets create and consume events.
Using filters
Filter definition and mapping in portlet.xml
<filter-name>Example ColdFusion Filter</filter-name>
The following is the ExampleFilter.cfc mentioned in the portlet.xml.
<cfcomponent extends="CFIDE.portlets.filter.ColdFusionPortletFilter">
<cffunction name="doRenderFilter" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="renderRequest">
<cfargument name="renderResponse">
<cfargument name="filterChain">
<cflog file="portlet-filter" type="information" text="doRenderFilter() invoked">
<!--- call the next filter in the chain --->
<cfset arguments.filterChain.doFilter(arguments.renderRequest,
<cffunction name="doActionFilter" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="actionRequest">
<cfargument name="actionResponse">
<cfargument name="filterChain">
<cflog file="portlet-filter" type="information" text="doActionFilter() invoked">
<!--- call the next filter in the chain --->
<cfset arguments.filterChain.doFilter(arguments.actionRequest,
<cffunction name="doResourceFilter" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="resourceRequest">
<cfargument name="resourceResponse">
<cfargument name="filterChain">
<cflog file="portlet-filter" type="information" text="doResourceFilter() invoked">
<!--- call the next filter in the chain --->
<cfset arguments.filterChain.doFilter(arguments.resourceRequest,
<cffunction name="doEventFilter" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="eventRequest">
<cfargument name="eventResponse">
<cfargument name="filterChain">
<cflog file="portlet-filter" type="information" text="doEventFilter() invoked">
<!--- call the next filter in the chain --->
<cfset arguments.filterChain.doFilter(arguments.eventRequest,
#back to top
The following table describes a few of the tasks that you can perform with PDF forms:
cfprint tag
For more information, see Flattening forms created in
Acrobat in Using shortcuts for common tasks.
<cfpdfform source="c:\payslipTemplate.pdf"
destination="c:\empPayslips\employeeid123.pdf" action="populate"
For forms created in LiveCycle, you have the option to write the output to an XML Data Package (XDP) file rather
than a PDF file. For more information, see Writing LiveCycle form output to an XDP file in Extracting data from a
PDF form submission.
If you do not specify a destination, the populate action displays the populated PDF form in a
browser window.
When you populate a form with an XML data file, ensure that the XML data is in the appropriate format. The format
of the XML data file differs based on whether it was generated from Acrobat or LiveCycle. Acrobat generates an
XML Forms Data Format (XFDF) file format. The following example shows the XFDF format:
Forms created in LiveCycle require an XML Forms Architecture (XFA) format. The following example shows an XFA
<cfdump var="#resultStruct#">
The result structure for a form created in Acrobat form could look something like the following example:
empty string
empty string
empty string
To prefill the fields in ColdFusion, you add a cfpdfformparam tag for each of the fields directly under the cfpdff
orm tag:
Forms created in LiveCycle from the standard blank forms contain a subform called form1. The result structure of a
form created in LiveCycle could look like the following example:
empty string
empty string
empty string
To prefill the fields in ColdFusion, add a cfpdfsubform tag for form1 and a cfpdfformparam tag for each of the
fields to fill directly below the cfpdfsubform tag:
In dynamic forms created in LiveCycle forms (forms saved as Dynamic PDF Form Files in
LiveCycle Designer), you have the option to mark how many times a record is repeated.
Therefore, if no record exists for a subform, the subform does not appear in the structure
returned by the read action of the cfpdfform tag. You view these forms in LiveCycle Designer
to see the hierarchy.
Nesting subforms
Although Acrobat forms do not contain subforms, some contain complex field names. For example, an Acrobat form
could contain the following fields: form1.x.f1, form1.x.f2, form1.x.f3, and so on.
Because the cfpdfparam tag does not handle field names with periods in them, ColdFusion treats forms with
complex field names created in Acrobat the same way as subforms created in LiveCycle. Therefore, the result
structure of an Acrobat form with complex field names would look like the following example:
empty string
empty string
In ColdFusion, to prefill the fields in forms created in Acrobat, nest the field names as subforms:
<cfpdfform action="populate"
<cfpdfsubform name="form1">
<cfpdfsubform name="x">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1"
<cfpdfformparam name="f2"
<cfpdfformparam name="f3"
Often, forms created in LiveCycle contain subforms within the form1 subform. For example, the following grant
application contains nested subforms:
empty string
empty string
empty string
empty string
empty string
To populate the fields in ColdFusion, map the structure by using nested cfpdfsubform tags:
A PDF file can contain only one interactive form. Therefore, if a PDF file contains subforms, a
Submit button submits data for all the subforms simultaneously.
Use at least one cfdocumentsection tag with the cfpdfform tag, but do not place the cfpdfform tag within
the cfdocumentsection tag. Instead, insure that the cfpdfform and cfdocumentsection tags are at the
same level, the following example shows:
<cfdocument format="pdf">
<cfdocumentitem type="header">
<font size="+1">This is the Header</font>
<cfdocumentitem type="footer">
<font size="+1">This is the Footer</font>
<p>This is the first document section.</p>
<cfpdfform source="c:\forms\embed.pdf" action="populate">
<cfpdfsubform name="form1">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtManagerName" value="Janis Joplin">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtDepartment" value="Sales">
<p>This is another section</p>
The contents of the cfpdfform tag start on a new page. Any text or code directly after the cfdocument tag and
before the cfpdfform tag applies to the document sections but not to the interactive PDF form in the cfpdfform t
The headers and footers that are part of the embedded PDF form do not apply to the rest of the PDF document, and
the headers and footers that are defined in the cfdocument tag do not apply to the interactive form. However,
header and footer information defined in the cfdocumentitem tags resumes in the sections that follow the
embedded form and account for the pages in the embedded form.
The read action of the cfpdfform tag is not valid when you embed a PDF form. Also, you
cannot specify a destination in the cfpdfform tag. However, you can specify a filename in the c
fdocument tag to write the PDF document with the PDF form to an output file. If you do not
specify a filename, ColdFusion displays the PDF form in the context of the PDF document in the
In LiveCycle Designer, the XML code for an HTTP post submission looks like the following example:
In LiveCycle Designer, the XML code for a PDF submission looks like the following example:
Acrobat forms are submitted in binary format, not XML format.
Use the following code to extract data from a PDF submission and write it to a structure called fields:
<!--- The following code reads the submitted PDF file and generates a result
structure called fields. --->
<cfpdfform source="#PDF.content#" action="read" result="fields"/>
<cfdump var="#fields#">
When you extract data from a PDF submission, always specify "#PDF.content#" as the
You can set the form fields to a variable, as the following example shows:
<cfset empForm="#fields.form1#">
Use the populate action of the cfpdfform tag to write the output to a file. Specify "#PDF.content#" as the
source. In the following example, the unique filename is generated from a field on the PDF form:
For Acrobat forms, you can write the output to a PDF file only. For LiveCycle forms, you have the option to write the
output to an XDP file. The filename extension determines the file format: to save the output in XDP format, simply
use an XDP extension in the destination filename, as the following example shows:
An XDP file is an XML representation of a PDF file. In LiveCycle Designer, an XDP file contains the structure, data,
annotations, and other relevant data to LiveCycle forms, which renders the form at run time.
ColdFusion XDP files contain the XDP XML code and the PDF image. Therefore, the file size is larger than a PDF
file. Only write PDF forms to XDP files if you must incorporate them into the LiveCycle Designer workflow on a
LiveCycle server.
Writing PDF output to an XML file
ColdFusion lets you extract data from a PDF form and write the output to an XML data file. To do so, you must save
the form output as a PDF file. (The cfpdfform tag source must always be a PDF file.)
To write the output of a PDF file to an XML file, use the read action of the cfpdfform tag, as the following
example shows:
To save disk space, you can delete the PDF file and maintain the XML data file. As long as you keep the blank PDF
form used as the template, you can use the populate action to regenerate the PDF file. For more information on
populating forms, see Populating a PDF form with XML data.
For an HTTP post submission, use the cfdump tag with the form name as the variable to display the data structure,
as follows:
<cfdump var="#FORM.form1#">
When you extract data from an HTTP post submission, always specify the form name as the
source. For example, specify "#FORM.form1#" for a form generated from a standard template
in LiveCycle.
Notice that the structure is not necessarily the same as the structure of the PDF file used as the template (before
submission). For example, the structure of a form before submission could look like the following example:
empty string
empty string
empty string
empty string
empty string
empty string
After submission by using HTTP post, the resulting structure would look like the following example:
empty string
(617) 872-9178
When data extraction using the cfpdfform tag results in more than one page, instead of
returning one structure, the extraction returns one structure per page.
The difference in structure reflects internal rules applied by Acrobat for the HTTP post submission.
To extract the data from the HTTP post submission and update a database with the information, for example, map
the database columns to the form fields, as the following code shows:
You can set a variable to create a shortcut to the field names, as the following code shows:
<cfset fields=#form1.subform.header#>
<h3>Employee Information</h3>
<td>#fields.txtfirstname# #fields.txtlastname#</td>
The following example shows how to populate fields in a PDF form created in LiveCycle Designer based on an
employee login information. When the employee completes the form and clicks the PDF Submit button, the entire
PDF form with the data is submitted to a second processing page where ColdFusion writes the completed form to a
On the ColdFusion login page, an employee enters a user name and password:
<!--- The following code creates a simple form for entering a user name and
The code does not include password verification. --->
<h3>Timesheet Login Form</h3>
<p>Please enter your user name and password.</p>
<cfform name="loginform" action="loginform_proc.cfm" method="post">
<td>user name:</td>
<td><cfinput type="text" name="username" required="yes"
message="A user name is required."></td>
<td><cfinput type="password" name="password" required="yes"
message="A password is required."></td>
<cfinput type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
On the first processing page, a query retrieves all of the information associated with the user name from the
cfdocexamples database. The cfpdfform tag populates an associated PDF form created in LiveCycle Designer
(called timesheetForm.pdf) with the employee name, phone number, e-mail address, and department. ColdFusion
displays the populated form in the browser, where the employee can complete the form and submit it.
<!--- The following code retrieves all of the employee information for the user name
on the login page. --->
<cfquery name="getEmpInfo" datasource="cfdocexamples">
WHERE EMAIL = <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.username#">
<!--The following
the query and
form contains
user name and
<!--- Notice the use of the cfpdfsubform tag. Forms created from templates in
LiveCycle Designer include a subform called form1. Use the cfpdfsubform tag to match
the structure of the form in ColdFusion. Likewise, the field names in the
cfpdfformparam tags must match the field names in the PDF form. If the form
structures and field names do not match exactly, ColdFusion does not populate the
form fields. --->
<cfpdfform source="c:\forms\timesheetForm.pdf" action="populate">
<cfpdfsubform name="form1">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtEmpName" value="#getEmpInfo.FIRSTNAME#
<cfpdfformparam name="txtDeptName" value="#getEmpInfo.DEPARTMENT#">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtEmail" value="#getEmpInfo.IM_ID#">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtPhoneNum" value="#getEmpInfo.PHONE#">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtManagerName" value="Randy Nielsen">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtSheet"
When the user completes the timesheet form (by filling in the time period, projects, and hours for the week) and
clicks the Submit button, Acrobat sends the PDF file in binary format to a second ColdFusion processing page.
In LiveCycle Designer, use the standard Submit button on the PDF form and specify "submit as:
PDF" in the button Object Properties. Also, ensure that you enter the URL to the ColdFusion
processing page in the Submit to URL field.
The cfpdfform tag read action reads the PDF content into a result structure named fields. The cfpdfform tag
populate action writes the completed form to a file in the timesheets subdirectory.
<!--- The following code reads the PDF file submitted in binary format and generates
a result structure called fields. The cfpdfform populate action and the cfoutput
tags reference the fields in the structure. --->
<cfpdfform source="#PDF.content#" action="read" result="fields"/>
<cfset empForm="#fields.form1#">
<cfpdfform action="populate" source="#PDF.content#"
destination="timesheets\#empForm.txtsheet#.pdf" overwrite="yes"/>
<h3>Timesheet Completed</h3>
<p>Thank you for submitting your timesheet for the week of
<cfoutput>#DateFormat(empForm.dtmForPeriodFrom, "long")#</cfoutput> through
<cfoutput>#DateFormat(empForm.dtmForPeriodto, "long")#</cfoutput>. Your manager,
<cfoutput>#empForm.txtManagerName#</cfoutput>, will notify you upon approval.</p>
The following example shows how to extract data from a PDF form submitted with HTTP post and use it to update
an employee database. The form was created in LiveCycle Designer.
On the ColdFusion login page, an employee enters a user name and password:
<!--- The following code creates a simple form for entering a user name and
password. The code does not include password verification. --->
<h3>Employee Update Login Form</h3>
<p>Please enter your user name and password.</p>
<cfform name="loginform" action="loginform_procHTTP.cfm" method="post">
<td>user name:</td>
<td><cfinput type="text" name="username" required="yes"
message="A user name is required."></td>
<td><cfinput type="password" name="password" required="yes"
message="A password is required."></td>
<cfinput type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
On the first processing page, a query retrieves all of the information associated with the user name from the
cfdocexamples database. The cfpdfform tag populates an associated PDF form created in LiveCycle Designer
(called employeeInfoHTTP.pdf) with the employee name, phone number, e-mail address, and department. The form
also includes the employee ID as a hidden field. ColdFusion displays the populated form in the browser where the
employee can change personal information in the form and submit it.
<!--- The following code retrieves all of the employee information for the user name
entered on the form page. --->
<cfquery name="getEmpInfo" datasource="cfdocexamples">
WHERE EMAIL = <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.username#">
<!--- The following code populates the template called "employeeInfoHTTP.pdf" with
data from the query. As in the previous example, notice the use of the cfpdfsubform
tag. The txtEmpID field is a hidden field on the PDF form. --->
<cfquery name="getEmpInfo" datasource="cfdocexamples">
WHERE EMAIL = <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.username#">
<cfpdfform source="c:\forms\employeeInfoHTTP.pdf" action="populate">
<cfpdfsubform name="form1">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtFirstName" value="#getEmpInfo.FIRSTNAME#">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtLastName" value="#getEmpInfo.LASTNAME#">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtDeptName" value="#getEmpInfo.DEPARTMENT#">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtEmail" value="#getEmpInfo.IM_ID#">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtPhoneNum" value="#getEmpInfo.PHONE#">
<cfpdfformparam name="txtEmpID" value="#getEmpInfo.Emp_ID#">
When the employee updates the information in the form and clicks the HTTP post Submit button, Acrobat sends the
form data (but not the form itself) to a second ColdFusion processing page.
In LiveCycle Designer, use the HTTP Submit button on the PDF form. Also, ensure that you
enter the URL to the ColdFusion processing page in the URL field of button Object Properties.
Reproduce the structure, not just the field name, when you reference form data. To determine the structure of the
form data, use the cfdump tag.
<!--- The following code reads the form data from the PDF form and uses it to update
corresponding fields in the database. --->
<cfquery name="updateEmpInfo" datasource="cfdocexamples">
WHERE EMP_ID = <cfqueryparam value="#FORM1.SUBFORM.TXTEMPID#">
<h3>Employee Information Updated</h3>
<p>Thank you for updating your employee information in the employee database.</p>
The following example shows how to embed an interactive PDF form in a PDF document created with the cfdocum
ent tag.
On the login page, an employee enters a user name and password:
On the processing page, a query populates an interactive PDF form from the cfdocexamples database. The
interactive PDF form is embedded in a PDF document created with the cfdocument tag. The PDF document
comprises three sections: the cfdocumentsection tags define the first and last sections of the document; the cfp
dfform tag defines the second section embedded in the PDF document. Each section starts a new page in the
PDF document. The Print button on the PDF form prints the entire document, including the pages in the sections
before and after the interactive PDF form.
The following example shows how ColdFusion lets you update a PDF form while retaining existing data. The
application lets a user create an office supply request from a blank form created in LiveCycle or modify an existing
supply request. The user has the option to submit the completed form as an e-mail attachment.
<cfmailparam file="#form.request#">
#back to top
You cannot use the cfpdf tag to create a PDF document from scratch. To create a PDF
document from HTML content, use the cfdocument tag. Also, you can use Report Builder to
generate a report as a PDF document. Instead of writing a PDF document to file, you can specify
a PDF variable generated as the source for the cfpdf tag.
All but one of the cfpdf tag actions provide shortcuts to common tasks; for example, with one line of code, you can
add a watermark image to one or more pages in an output file, merge all the PDF documents in a directory into a
single output file, or password-protect a PDF document. ColdFusion provides two ways to extend the functionality of
the cfpdf tag: the cfpdfparam tag and the processddx action.
You use the cfpdfparam tag only with the merge action of the cfpdf tag. The cfpdfparam tag gives you more
control over which files are included in the output file; for example you can merge pages from multiple files in
different directories.
The processddx action extends the cfpdf tag by providing a subset of Adobe LiveCycle Assembler functionality.
You use the processddx action to process Document Description XML (DDX) instructions explained in Using DDX
to perform advanced tasks. Using DDX instructions requires more coding, but it lets you perform complex tasks,
such as generating a table of contents and adding automatic page numbers.
Also, ColdFusion provides three functions for PDF file, DDX file, and PDF variable verification:
The following table describes a few document assembly tasks that you can perform with ColdFusion:
cfpdf action="deletePages"
cfpdf action="thumbnail"pages="}}page
Use the addWatermark and removeWatermark actions to add and remove watermarks from PDF documents.
You can create a watermark and apply it to a PDF document in one of the following ways:
Use an image file as a watermark.
Specify a variable that contains an image file.
Specify a ColdFusion image.
Use the first page of a PDF document as a watermark.
You can also use the Watermark or Background DDX elements with the processddx action
to create a text-string watermark. For more information, see Using DDX to perform advanced
By default, ColdFusion centers the image on the page, sets the opacity of the image to 3 out of 10 (opaque), and
displays the image in the background of each page in the output file. In the following example, ColdFusion displays
the watermark in the foreground, offset 100 pixels from the left margin of the page and 100 pixels from the bottom
margin of the page. Because the opacity is set to 1, the image does not obscure the page content.
For a complete list of attributes and settings, see the cfpdf tag in the CFML Reference.
With the ColdFusion 9 release, the addWatermark action now supports the rgb and argb formats also. The
following example shows that if you set the parameters for a new image to rgb or argb and then use the cfpdf
action=addwatermark, ColdFusion allows this action:
You can specify a variable that contains an image as a watermark. The following example shows how to create a
form from which the user can select an image:
<!--- The following code creates a form where you can choose an image to use
as a watermark. --->
<h3>Choosing a Watermark</h3>
<p>Please choose the image you would like to use as a watermark.</p>
<!--- Create the ColdFusion form to select an image. --->
<cfform action="addWatermark2.cfm" method="post"
<td><img src="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/maxwell01.jpg"/><br/>
<cfinput type="radio" name="art" value="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/maxwell01.jpg"
Birch Forest</td>
<td><img src="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/raquel05.jpg"/><br/>
<cfinput type="radio" name="art" value="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/raquel05.jpg">
Lounging Woman</td>
<td><img src="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg"/><br/>
<cfinput type="radio" name="art"
<td><img src="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/paul01.jpg"/><br/>
<cfinput type="radio" name="art"
<cfinput type="Submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></p>
The processing page uses the image selected from the form as the watermark for a PDF file:
<!--- ColdFusion applies the image selected from the form as the watermark in a PDF
by using the input variable --->
<cfpdf action="addwatermark" source="check.pdf" image=""
foreground="yes" overwrite="true">
<p>The watermark has been added to your personalized checks.</p>
You can specify a ColdFusion image as a watermark. You can extract an image from a database and manipulate
the image in memory, but you don't have to write the manipulated image to a file. Instead, you can apply the
manipulated image as a watermark in a PDF document.
In the following example, the first ColdFusion page extracts images from a database and populates a pop-up menu
with the titles of the artwork:
<!--- Create a query to extract artwork from the cfartgallery database. --->
<cfquery name="artwork" datasource="cfartgallery">
<!--- Create a form that lists the artwork titles generated by the query. Set the
value to
LARGEIMAGE so that the image file is passed to the processing page. --->
<cfform action="addWatermarkB.cfm" method="post">
<p>Please choose a title:</p>
<cfselect name="art" query="artwork" display="ARTNAME" value="LARGEIMAGE"
multiple="no" size="8">
<cfinput type="submit" name="submit" value="OK">
The action page generates a ColdFusion image from the selected file by using the cfimage tag. The ImageScale
ToFit function resizes the image and applies the bicubic interpolation method to improve the resolution. To use the
manipulated image as a watermark, specify the image variable, as the following example shows:
<!--- Verify that an image file exists and is in a valid format. --->
<cfif IsImageFile("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/")>
<!--- Use the cfimage tag to create a ColdFusion image from the file chosen from the
list. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/" action="read"
<!--- Use the ImageScaleToFit function to resize the image by using the bicubic
method for better resolution. --->
<cfset ImageScaleToFit(myWatermark,450,450,"bicubic")>
<!--- Use the ColdFusion image variable as the watermark in a PDF document. --->
<cfpdf action="addWatermark" source="title.pdf" image="#myWatermark#"
destination="watermarkTitle.pdf" overwrite="yes">
<p>I'm sorry, no image exists for that title. Please click the Back button and try
For more information on ColdFusion images, see Creating and Manipulating ColdFusion Images.
Creating a text image and using it as a watermark
You can use the ImageDrawText function to create a text image in ColdFusion and apply the image as a
<!--- Use the text image as a watermark in the PDF document. --->
<cfpdf action="addwatermark" source="c:/book/1.pdf" image="text.tiff"
destination="watermarked.pdf" overwrite="yes">
For more information on ColdFusion images, see Creating and Manipulating ColdFusion Images. For an example of
using DDX elements to create a text-string watermark, see Adding text-string watermarks in Using DDX to perform
advanced tasks.
Using a PDF page as a watermark
Use the copyFrom attribute to create a watermark from the first page of a PDF file and apply it to another PDF
document. In the following example, ColdFusion creates a watermark from the first page of image.PDF, applies the
watermark to the second page of artBook.pdf, and writes the output to a new file called output.pdf:
In this example, image.pdf appears in the background of the second page of artBook.pdf. ColdFusion does not
change the size of the watermark image to fit the page. The page used as a watermark can contain text, graphics, or
Removing watermarks
Use the removeWatermark action to remove a watermark from one or more pages in a PDF document. The
following example shows how to remove a watermark from the entire PDF document and write the document to a
new output file:
The following example shows how to remove a watermark from the first two pages of a PDF document and
overwrite the source document:
Because the source and the destination are the same and the overwrite attribute is set to yes, ColdFusion
overwrites the source file with the output file.
Optimizing PDF documents
To optimize a PDF document you can reduce the quality of the document. To reduce the quality of a PDF document
you can either downsample the images or remove unused objects from the document.
To downsample images the algos attribute is used with values bilinear, bicubic, and nearest_neighbour.
The following code snippet generates a PDF after image downsampling:
To discard unused objects such as comments, JavaScripts, attachments, bookmarks, and metadata from your PDF
document using the following attributes with optimize action:
The new encodeall attribute encodes all the unencoded streams in the source. However, it does not discriminate
between dumb encodings like LZW and encodings like flate, so only unencoded streams get flate encoded.
You can add a header and footer to a PDF document using the addheader and addfooter actions, as shown in
the following snippet:
<cfpdf action = "addfooter"
source = "../myBook.pdf"
destination = "../myBookwithfooter.pdf"
image = "adobelogo.JPG" // Use this attribute to add an image in the footer
align = "right"> // By default, the alignemnt is center
<cfpdf action = "addheader"
source = "../myBook.pdf"
destination = "../myBookwithheader.pdf"
text = "Adobe"
align = "left">
Specify the source where the PDF document is located and the destination where the new PDF document with the
header and footer will be saved.
You can also specify an image or text that you need to insert in the footer along with various other attributes such as
align, bottommargin, leftmargin, numberformat, and opacity.
To remove header and footer from a PDF document, use the removeheaderfooter action, as shown in the following
Use this action to remove the header and footer from a PDF document or from specified pages in a document.
Extracting images and text
You can extract text and images from a PDF document using the extracttext and extractimage actions.
The extracttext action extracts all words from the specified page numbers in the PDF document, as shown in
the following code snippet:
The extractimage action extracts all images from the specified page number in a PDF document, as shown in the
following code snippet:
The images are extracted and saved in the directory that you specify in the destination attribute. You can specify a
prefix for the images (imageprefix) being extracted, otherwise the system prefixes the image name similar to
"cf+page number". To save the images in a specific format, use the format attribute.
Performing page level transformations
You can scale a page, specify the position, and rotation values for pages in a PDF document using the transform
action. This action has four attributes that define the size (hscale, vscale), position(position), and rotation (rotation)
of a page. The following code snippet shows the usage. The value for rotation needs to be in steps (0, 90, 180, 270).
If you specify any other value, the system generates an error.
Use the deletepages action to remove pages from a PDF document and write the result to a file. You can specify
a single page, a page range (for example, "81-97"), or a comma-separated list of pages to delete, as the following
example shows:
Use the protect action to password-protect, set permissions, and encrypt PDF documents for security.
Setting passwords
ColdFusion supports two types of passwords: an owner password and a user password. An owner password
controls the ability to change the permissions on a document. When you specify an owner password, you set
permissions to restrict the operations users can perform, such as the ability to print a document, change its content,
and extract content. The following code creates an owner password for a document:
To password-protect a document, set the user password. A user password controls the ability to open a document. If
you set a user password for a document, any person attempting to open the file is prompted to enter a password.
The following example sets the user password for a document:
In the previous example, no restrictions apply to the PDF document after the user enters the correct password. To
restrict usage and password-protect a document, add a user password and an owner password. Use the owner
password to set the permissions, as the following example shows:
In the previous example, a person who enters the user password (openSesame) can print the document only. A
person who enters the owner password (topSecret) is considered the owner of the document, has full access to the
file, and can change the user permissions for that file.
Setting permissions on a PDF document
To set permissions on a PDF document, specify a newOwnerPassword. Conversely, you cannot set the newOwner
Password without also setting the permissions attribute. Only an owner can change permissions or add
passwords. For a list of permissions that an owner can set for PDF documents, see cfpdf in the CFML Reference.
Except for all or none, owners can specify a comma-separated list of permissions on a document, as the following
example shows:
<cfpdf action="protect"
source="timesheet.pdf" newOwnerPassword="private" newUserPassword="openSesame"
In this example, a user must enter the password openSesame before opening the PDF form. All users can print the
document at any resolution, but only the owner can modify the document or change the permissions.
Encrypting PDF files
When you specify the protect action for a PDF file, ColdFusion encrypts the file with the RC4 128-bit algorithm by
default. Depending on the version of Acrobat running on the ColdFusion server, you can set the encryption to
protect the document contents and prevent search engines from accessing the PDF file metadata.
You can change the encryption algorithm by using the encrypt attribute. For a list of supported encryption
algorithms, see cfpdf in the CFML Reference.
The following example changes the password encryption algorithm to RC4 40-bit encryption:
To prevent ColdFusion from encrypting the PDF document, set the encryption algorithm to none, as the following
example shows:
To decrypt a file, provide the owner or user password and write the output to another file. The following code
decrypts the confidential.pdf file and writes it to a new file called myDocument.pdf:
To retrieve information stored with a source PDF document, such as the creation date, the application used to
create the PDF document, and the name of the person who created the document, use the getInfo action. For a
list of data elements, see PDF file information elements in the CFML Reference.
Use the setInfo action to specify information, such as the author, subject, title, and keywords associated with the
output file. This information is useful for archiving and searching PDF documents. PDF document information is not
displayed or printed with the document.
The following example shows how to set keywords for tax documents. The information is useful for assembling the
documents based on the tax filing requirements for different business types (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, and S
Corporation). Some business types share the same forms and documents. By setting the business type keywords
for each document, you can store the documents in one directory and search them based on keyword values. The
following code sets three keywords for the p535.pdf tax booklet:
<cfset taxKeys=StructNew()>
<cfset taxKeys.keywords="Sole Proprietor,Partnership,S Corporation">
<cfpdf action="setInfo" source="taxes\p535.pdf" info="#taxKeys#"
destination="taxes\p535.pdf" overwrite="yes">
When you use the setInfo action, ColdFusion overwrites any existing information for that key-value pair. In the
previous example, if the pc535.pdf document contained a keyword of "tax reference", ColdFusion overwrites that
keyword with "Sole Proprietor, Partnership, S Corporation".
To retrieve all of the information associated with the tax file, use the cfdump tag with the getInfo action, as the
following example shows:
To retrieve just the keywords for the PDF document, use this code:
You can now use the name attribute with <cfpdf action = "write"> and specify a variable name for your PDF
document. For example:
By default, ColdFusion merges the source files in descending order by timestamp. You can control the order in
which the PDF files are added to the book by setting the order and ascending attributes. The following code
merges the files in ascending order according to the timestamp on the files:
By default, ColdFusion continues the merge process even if it encounters a file that is not a valid PDF document in
the specified directory. To override this setting, set the stopOnError attribute to yes, as the following example
You can merge a comma-separated list of PDF files. To do this merge, specify the absolute path for each file, as the
following example shows:
<cfpdf action="merge"
destination="twoChaps.pdf" overwrite="yes">
For more control over which files are added to the merged document, use the cfpdfparam tag with the cfpdf tag.
The cfpdfparam tag merges documents or pages from documents located in different directories into a single
output file. When you use the cfpdfparam tag, the PDF files are added to the output file in the order they appear in
the code. In the following example, the cover, title, and copyright pages are followed by the first five pages of the
introduction, then all of the pages in Chapter 1, and then the first page followed by pages 80-95 in Chapter 2:
<!--- Use the cfdocument tag to create PDF content and write the output to a
variable called coverPage.--->
<cfdocument format="PDF" name="coverPage">
<h1>Cover page</h1>
<p>Please review the enclosed document for technical accuracy and completeness.</p>
<!--- Use the cfpdf tag to merge the cover page generated in ColdFusion with pages
from PDF files in different locations. --->
<cfpdf action="merge" destination="myBook.pdf" overwrite="yes" keepBookmark="yes">
<cfpdfparam source="coverPage">
<cfpdfparam source="title.pdf">
<cfpdfparam source="e:\legal\copyright.pdf">
<cfpdfparam source="boilerplate\intro.pdf" pages="1-5">
<cfpdfparam source="bookfiles\chap1.pdf">
<cfpdfparam source="bookfiles\chap2.pdf" pages="1,80-95">
Because the keepbookmark attribute is set to yes, ColdFusion retains the bookmarks from the source documents
in the output file.
You cannot use the cfpdf tag to create bookmarks in a PDF document.
You can now create PDF packages using the package = "true" attribute with the merge action:
Flattening forms involves removing the interactivity from the form fields. This action is useful for displaying form data
and presenting it without allowing it to be altered. Use the write action to flatten PDF forms, as the following
example shows:
If you flatten a prefilled form created in Acrobat, ColdFusion flattens the form and removes the
data from the form fields. When you specify a form created in Acrobat as a source file for merge
action of the cfpdf tag, ColdFusion automatically flattens the form and removes data from the
form fields, if the fields are filled in. ColdFusion does not support flattening forms created in
For efficient access of PDF files over the web, linearize PDF documents. A linearized PDF file is structured in a way
that displays the first page of the PDF file in the browser before the entire file is downloaded from the web server. As
a result linear PDF documents open almost instantly.
To linearize PDF documents, specify the saveOption attribute of the write action. The following example saves
the output file in linear format:
Linearization can decrease performance when handling large documents.
Use the thumbnail action to generate thumbnail images from PDF pages. If you specify only the source attribute
with the thumbnail action, ColdFusion automatically creates a directory relative to the CFM page called thumbnails
where it stores a generated JPEG image for each page in the document. The filenames are in the following format:
For example, assume that the source file in the following example has 100 pages:
ColdFusion generates the following files and stores them in the thumbnails directory:
If you specify a destination, ColdFusion does not create the thumbnails directory and stores the files in the specified
directory instead. The following code generates a thumbnail image called myBook_page_1.jpg from the first page of
myBook.pdf and stores it in a directory called images, which is relative to the CFM page:
You change the prefix for the thumbnail filename and the change image file format to PNG or TIFF by specifying the
imagePrefix and format attributes. The following code generates a file called TOC_page_2.PNG from the
second page of myBook.pdf:
The following code generates thumbnails from a range of pages and changes the image background to transparent
(the default is opaque):
For an example of how to generate thumbnail images and link them to pages in the source PDF document, see the
cfpdf tag in the CFML Reference.
ColdFusion 9 release has introduced some new attributes for the thumbnail action:
hires: You can set this attribute to true to extract high resolution images from the page. If a document
contains high resolution images and you want to retain the resolution of the images, then this attribute is
useful. For example:
overridepage: If you set this attribute to true, the thumbnail generated does not adhere to the PDF page
size, but to the image size that is present in that page. If the image is not present, the size is set to the
maximum size of the page.
compresstiffs: Use this attribute to compress the size of the thumbnail images. As the name of the
attribute suggests, it is only valid for the TIFF format. Following is an example:
maxscale : Use this attribute to specify an integer value for the maximum scale of the thumbnail images.
maxlength: Use this attribute to specify an integer value of the maximum length of the thumbnail images.
maxbreadth: Use this attribute to specify an integer value of the maximum width of the thumbnail.The
following example illustrates the use of maxscale, maxlength, and maxbreadth:
Typically, the value of the scale attribute is set to '100' when using the maxscale attribute.
You can use the Duplicate function to clone PDF variables, which is an efficient way to create different versions of
a PDF document from a single source file. For example, you can customize PDF output based on your audience by
creating clones of a PDF variable and performing different actions on each clone. The following example shows how
to create a clone of a PDF document in memory, and create one version of the document with a watermark and
another version of the document where permissions are restricted:
<cfset filename="coldfusion.pdf">
<!--- This code reads a PDF document into a PDF variable called pdfVar1.
<cfpdf action="read" source="#filename#" name="pdfVar1">
<!--- This code uses the Duplicate function to create a clone of pdfVar1 called
pdfVar2. --->
<cfset pdfVar2=Duplicate(pdfVar1)>
<!--- This code creates a watermarked version of the source PDF document from the
variable. --->
<cfpdf action="addwatermark" source="pdfVar1" rotation="45" image="watermark.jpg"
destination="watermark_coldfusion.pdf" overwrite="yes">
<!--- This code creates a protected version of the source PDF document from the
variable. --->
<cfpdf action=protect source="pdfVar2" encrypt="RC4_128" permissions="none"
newownerpassword="owner1" destination="restricted_coldfusion.pdf" overwrite="yes">
Although you can type DDX instructions directly in ColdFusion, typically you use an external DDX file. A DDX file is
basically an XML file with a DDX extension (for example, merge.ddx). You can use any text editor to create a DDX
file. The DDX syntax requires that you enclose the instructions within DDX start and end tags. In the following
example, the PDF element provides instructions for merging two PDF source files (Doc1 and Doc2) into a result file
In ColdFusion, you verify the source DDX file with the IsDDX function:
<!--- The following code verifies that the DDX file exists and the DDX instructions
valid. --->
<cfif IsDDX("merge.ddx")>
To implement the DDX instructions in ColdFusion, you create two structures: an input structure that maps the DDX
input instructions to the PDF source files, and an output structure that maps the DDX output instructions to a PDF
output file,
The following code maps two files called Chap1.pdf and Chap2.pdf to the Doc1 and Doc2 sources that you defined
in the DDX file:
<!--- This code creates a structure for the input files. --->
<cfset inputStruct=StructNew()>
<cfset inputStruct.Doc1="Chap1.pdf">
<cfset inputStruct.Doc2="Chap2.pdf">
The following code maps the output file called twoChaps.pdf to the Out1 result instruction that you defined in the
DDX file:
<!--- This code creates a structure for the output file. --->
<cfset outputStruct=StructNew()>
<cfset outputStruct.Out1="twoChaps.pdf">
To process the DDX instructions, you use the processddx action of the cfpdf tag, in which you reference the
DDX file, the input structure, and the output structure, as the following example shows:
The name attribute creates a variable that you can use to test the success or failure of the action. If the action is
successful, ColdFusion generates an output file with the name and location specified in the output structure. The
following code returns a structure that displays a success, reason for failure, or failure message (if the reason is
unknown) for each output file, depending on the result:
<cfdump var="#myBook#">
The previous example performs the same task as the merge action in ColdFusion, as the following example shows:
In this situation, it makes more sense to use the merge action because it is easier. DDX is useful when you have to
perform tasks that you can't perform with other actions in the cfpdf tag, or you require more control over specific
Adding a table of contents
You use DDX instructions to add a generated table of contents page to the PDF output file. Generating a table of
contents is useful if you are assembling documents from multiple sources. You can generate a table of contents that
contains active links to pages in the assembled PDF document. The following code shows how to create DDX
instructions to merge two documents and add a table of contents:
The TableOfContents element generates a table of contents from the PDF source elements that follow it. Order
is important: in the previous example, the table of contents appears on a separate page after the Title and before
Doc 1 and Doc 2. The table of contents contains entries from Doc 1 and 2, but not from the title page, because the
title page precedes the table of contents in the order of instructions.
You do not reference the TableOfContents element on the corresponding ColdFusion page, as the following
example shows:
<!--- The following code verifies that the DDX file exists and the DDX instructions
valid. --->
<cfif IsDDX("makeBook.ddx")>
<!--- This code creates a structure for the input files. --->
<cfset inputStruct=StructNew()>
<cfset inputStruct.Title="Title.pdf">
<cfset inputStruct.Doc1="Chap1.pdf">
<cfset inputStruct.Doc2="Chap2.pdf">
<!--- This code creates a structure for the output file. --->
<cfset outputStruct=StructNew()>
<cfset outputStruct.Out1="Book.pdf">
<!--- This code processes the DDX instructions and generates the book. --->
<cfpdf action="processddx" ddxfile="makeBook.ddx" inputfiles="#inputStruct#"
outputfiles="#outputStruct#" name="myBook">
ColdFusion generates a table of contents from the DDX instructions and inserts it in the PDF document in the
location that you provided in the DDX file. By default, the table of contents contains active links to the top-level
bookmarks in the merged PDF document.
You can change the default TableOfContents settings in the DDX file, as the following example shows:
Use the maxBookmarkLevel attribute to specify the level of bookmarks included on the table of contents page.
Valid values are infinite or an integer. Use the bookmarkTitle attribute to add a bookmark to the table of
contents page in the output file. The includeInTOC attribute specifies whether the bookmark title is included on the
table of contents page.
You cannot specify keywords as the source for DDX. For example, if you specify <PDF source =
"Title"/> and then add the <_BookmarkTitle/> tag in the DDX file, ColdFusion throws an
exception. This is because, the _BookmarkTitle tag is converted to TITLE and DDX is
For more information on the TableOfContents element, see the Adobe LiveCycle Assembler Document
Description XML Reference.
Adding headers and footers
To add headers and footers to a PDF document, specify the Header and Footer elements in the DDX file. The
following example specifies headers and footers for the PDF source called Doc2:
In this example, the Header and Footer elements apply only to Doc2 because they are contained within that PDF
source start and end tags; they do not apply to the table of contents or to the title page, which precede the Header
and Footer elements.
Formatting headers and footers
To add automatic page numbers, use the _PageNumber and _LastPagenumber built-in keys within the Header or
Footer elements. The following code shows how to create footers with right-justified automatic page numbers:
<p>Page <_PageNumber/> of <_LastPageNumber/></p>
The first page of the output file is numbered "Page 1 of n", and so on.
For more information on built-in keys, see the Adobe LiveCycle Assembler Document Description XML Reference.
Using style profiles
The previous example uses the StyledText element to define inline text formatting. To define styles that you can
apply by reference, use the StyleProfile element. Style profiles let you apply a set of styles to different elements
in the PDF output file. The following code shows how to define a style profile for the table of contents Header:
<StyleProfile name="TOCheaderStyle">
<p> color="red" font-weight="bold" font="Arial">Table of Contents</p>
To apply the style profile, specify the StyleProfile name by using the styleReference attribute of the Header
element, as the following example shows:
To apply a style profile to a group of documents in the output PDF file, use the PDFGroup element. The following
example shows how to create a group of chapters in the output file and apply a style profile to the Footer element
for all of the documents in the group:
For a complete example, see Using DDX instructions to create a book in Application examples.
Setting the initial view of a PDF document
To set the initial view of a PDF document, use the InitialViewProfile DDX element. Setting the initial view
determines how the PDF output file is displayed on the screen when it is first opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader. You
reference the InitialViewProfile by using the InitialView attribute of the PDF result element, as the
following example shows:
In this example, the first time the PDF document is displayed in Acrobat Reader, the document is opened to page
two and the bookmark panel is displayed. The magnification of the document is adjusted to fit the page.
For more information on IntialViewProfile settings, see the Adobe LiveCycle Assembler Document
Description XML Reference.
Adding text-string watermarks
You use the processddx action with the Background or Watermark DDX elements to create a text-string
watermark. Background elements appear in the background (behind the contents of the page); Watermark eleme
nts display in the foreground (over the contents of the page). The syntax for both the elements is the same.
The following example shows the DDX page for using the text string "DRAFT" as a watermark. The watermark
appears on every page of the output file. By default, the watermark appears in the middle of the page. In this
example, the watermark is rotated 30 degrees:
The following example shows how to add different backgrounds on alternating pages. The verticalAnchor attribu
te displays the background text at the top of the page:
Instead of applying watermarks to the entire output file, you can apply them to individual source files. The following
example applies a different background to the first three chapters of a book. The fourth chapter has no background:
For more information on using DDX instructions to create watermarks, see the Adobe LiveCycle Assembler
Document Description XML Reference.
Extracting text from a PDF document
You can use the DocumentText DDX element to return an XML file that contains the text in one or more PDF
documents. As with the PDF element, you specify a result attribute the DocumentText element and enclose one or
more PDF source elements within the start and end tags, as the following example shows:
The following code shows the CFM page that calls the DDX file. Instead of writing the output to a PDF file, you
specify an XML file for the output:
<cfif IsDDX("documentText.ddx">
<cfset ddxfile = ExpandPath("documentText.ddx")>
<cfset sourcefile1 = ExpandPath("book1.pdf")>
<cfset destinationfile = ExpandPath("textDoc.xml")>
<cffile action="read" variable="myVar" file="#ddxfile#"/>
<cfset inputStruct=StructNew()>
<cfset inputStruct.Doc1="#sourcefile1#">
<cfset outputStruct=StructNew()>
<cfset outputStruct.Out1="#destinationfile#">
<cfpdf action="processddx" ddxfile="#myVar#" inputfiles="#inputStruct#"
outputfiles="#outputStruct#" name="ddxVar">
<!--- Use the cfdump tag to verify that the PDF files processed successfully. --->
<cfdump var="#ddxVar#">
The XML file conforms to a schema specified in doctext.xsd. For more information, see
When you specify more than one source document, ColdFusion aggregates the pages into one file. The following
example shows the DDX code for combining a subset of pages from two documents into one output file:
In ColdFusion 11, the restricted DDX elements are supported for the Enterprise Edition. See this document for the
Form data can now be populated in a PDF document using the populate action. The new fdf attribute with
populate allows you use the FDF format internally. Following code snippet illustrates this feature:
Application examples
The following examples show you how to use the cfpdf tag to perform PDF document operations in simple
Merging documents based on a keyword search
The following example shows how to use the getInfo and merge actions to assemble a PDF document from
multiple tax files based on business type (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, or S Corporation). The application assembles
the tax forms and information booklets based on a radio button selection. Some tax forms and booklets apply to
more than one business type (for example, Partnership and S Corporations both use the tax form f8825.pdf). For
instructions on setting keywords for PDF documents, see Managing PDF document information.
This example shows how to perform the following tasks:
Use the getInfo action to perform a keyword search on PDF files in a directory.
Create a comma-separated list of files that match the search criteria.
Use the merge action to merge the PDF documents in the comma-separated list into an output file.
The first CFM page creates a form for selecting the tax documents based on the business type:
The action page loops through the files in the taxes subdirectory and uses the getInfo action to retrieve the
keywords for each file. If the PDF file contains the business type keyword (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, or S
Corporation), ColdFusion adds the absolute path of the file to a comma-separated list. The merge action assembles
the files in the list into an output PDF file:
<!--- Create a variable for the business type selected from the form. --->
<cfset bizType=#form.businessType#>
<!--- Create a variable for the path of the current directory. --->
<cfset thisPath=ExpandPath(".")>
<!--- List the files in the taxes subdirectory. --->
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#thisPath#\taxes" name="filelist">
<!--- The following code loops through the files in the taxes subdirectory. The
action to retrieves the keywords for each file and determines whether the business
matches one of the keywords in the file. If the file contains the business type
ColdFusion adds the file to a comma-separated list. --->
<cfset tempPath="">
<cfloop query="filelist">
<cfset fPath="#thisPath#\taxes\">
<cfpdf action="GetInfo" source="#fPath#" name="kInfo"></cfpdf>
<cfif #kInfo.keywords# contains "#bizType#">
<cfset tempPath=#tempPath# & #fPath# & ",">
<!--- Merge the files in the comma-separated list into a PDF output file called
"taxMerge.pdf". --->
<cfpdf action="merge" source="#tempPath#" destination="taxMerge.pdf"
<h3>Assembled Tax Document</h3>
<p>Click the following link to view your assembled tax document:</p>
<a href="">
<p>Your Assembled Tax Document</a></p>
The following example shows how to create a book using DDX instructions with the processddx action.
Specifically, it shows how to perform the following tasks:
Merge several PDF documents into an output file.
Add a generated table of contents page.
Add headers and footers.
Add automatic page numbers.
Apply different styles to the table of contents and the body of the book.
The following code shows the DDX file:
The following code shows the ColdFusion page that processes the DDX instructions:
<cfif IsDDX("Book.ddx")>
<cfset inputStruct=StructNew()>
<cfset inputStruct.Doc0="Title.pdf">
<cfset inputStruct.Doc1="Chap1.pdf">
<cfset inputStruct.Doc2="Chap2.pdf">
<cfset inputStruct.Doc3="Chap3.pdf">
<cfset inputStruct.Doc4="Chap4.pdf">
<cfset outputStruct=StructNew()>
<cfset outputStruct.Out1="myBook.pdf">
<cfpdf action="processddx" ddxfile="book.ddx" inputfiles="#inputStruct#"
outputfiles="#outputStruct#" name="ddxVar">
The following example shows how to prefill an interactive Acrobat tax form and apply a text-string watermark to the
completed form that the user posted. Specifically, this example shows how to perform the following tasks:
Use the cfpdfform and cfpdfformparam tags to populate a form created in Acrobat.
Use the cfpdfform tag to write the output of a PDF post submission to a file.
Use the cfpdf processddx action to apply a text-string watermark to the completed form.
This example uses the cfdocexamples database and the 1040 and 1040ez Federal tax forms. A
valid user name is "cpeterson." To download the 1040 and 1040ez IRS tax forms used in this
example, go to the IRS website. Open the forms in Acrobat (not LiveCycle Designer) and add a
submit button that points to the URL for the ColdFusion processing page. Also, add a hidden field
with a variable that contains a unique filename used for the completed tax form.
The first ColdFusion page creates a login form that prompts for the user name and Social Security Number:
<!--- The following code creates a simple form for entering a user name and
password. The
code does not include password verification. --->
<h3>Tax Login Form</h3>
<p>Please enter your user name and your social security number.</p>
<cfform name="loginform" action="TaxFile2.cfm" method="post">
<td>User name:</td>
<td><cfinput type="text" name="username" required="yes"
message="A user name is required."></td>
<td><cfinput type="text" name="SS1" maxLength="3" size="3"
required="yes" mask="999"> <cfinput type="text" name="SS2" maxLength="2" size="2" required="yes"
mask="99"> <cfinput type="text" name="SS3" maxLength="4" size="4" required="yes"
<cfinput type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
The second ColdFusion page retrieves the user information from the cfdocexamples database. Also, it creates a
pop-up menu with a list of available tax forms:
<!--- The following code retrieves all of the employee information for the
user name entered on the login page. --->
<cfquery name="getEmpInfo" datasource="cfdocexamples">
WHERE EMAIL = <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.username#">
<h3>Choose a tax form</h3>
<p>Hello <cfoutput>#getEmpInfo.firstname#</cfoutput>,</p>
<p>Please choose a tax form from the list:</p>
<!--- Create a pop-up menu with a list of tax forms. --->
<cfset thisPath=ExpandPath(".")>
<!--- Create a variable called filerID that is a combination of the username and the
three digits of the Social Security number. --->
<cfset filerID="#form.username#_#form.SS3#">
<cfdirectory action="list" name="taxForms" directory="#thisPath#/taxforms">
<cfform name="taxList" method="post" action="TaxFile3.cfm">
<cfselect query="taxForms" value="name" size="10" required="yes" multiple="no"
<cfinput type="Submit" name="OK" label="OK">
<!--- Use hidden fields to pass the first name, last name, and the three parts of
the SSN# to the tax form. Also, create a hidden field for the filerID variable.
<cfinput type="hidden" name="FirstName" value="#getEmpInfo.FirstName#">
<cfinput type="hidden" name="LastName" value="#getEmpInfo.LastName#">
<cfinput type="hidden" name="Phone" value="#getEmpInfo.Phone#">
<cfinput type="hidden" name="SS1" value="#form.SS1#">
<cfinput type="hidden" name="SS2" value="#form.SS2#">
<cfinput type="hidden" name="SS3" value="#form.SS3#">
<cfinput type="hidden" name="taxFiler" value="#filerID#">
The third ColdFusion page uses the cfpdfform and cfpdfformparam tags to populate the tax form with the user
information. ColdFusion displays the tax prefilled tax form in the browser window where the user can complete the
rest of the form fields. When the user clicks the submit button, Acrobat sends the completed PDF form to the
ColdFusion processing page.
To prefill forms, map each PDF form field name to the corresponding data element in a cfpdffo
rmparam tag. To view the form fields, open the form in Acrobat Professional and select Forms >
Edit Forms in Acrobat. For more information about prefilling forms, see Manipulating PDF Forms
in ColdFusion.
<!--- The following code populates the tax form template chosen from the list with
information from the database query and the login form. Because no destination is
specified, ColdFusion displays the interactive PDF form in the browser. A hidden
in the PDF form contains the name of the output file to write. It is a combination
the user name and the last three numerals of the user SSN#. The submit button added
the form created in Acrobat contains a URL to the ColdFusion processing page. --->
<cfpdfform source="taxForms/#form.myTaxForm#" action="populate">
<cfif "taxForms/#form.myTaxForm#" is "taxForms/f1040.pdf">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1_04(0)" value="#form.Firstname#">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1_05(0)" value="#form.Lastname#">
<cfpdfformparam name="f2_115(0)" value="#form.Phone#">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1_06(0)" value="#form.SS1#">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1_07(0)" value="#form.SS2#">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1_08(0)" value="#form.SS3#">
<cfpdfformparam name="filerID" value="#form.taxFiler#_1040">
<cfelseif "taxForms/#form.myTaxForm#" is "taxForms/f1040ez.pdf">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1_001(0)" value="#form.Firstname#">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1_002(0)" value="#form.Lastname#">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1_070(0)" value="#form.Phone#">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1_003(0)" value="#form.SS1#">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1_004(0)" value="#form.SS2#">
<cfpdfformparam name="f1_005(0)" value="#form.SS3#">
<cfpdfformparam name="filerID" value="#form.taxFiler#_1040ez">
The fourth ColdFusion page uses the cfpdfform tag to process the PDF post submission and generate an output
file. The filename is generated from the value of the hidden field in the tax form. The processddx action of the cfp
df tag uses the DDX instructions in the watermark.ddx file to generate a text-string watermark and apply it to the
The following code shows the contents of the watermark.ddx file:
#back to top
IsImage function
IsImageFile function
Create a watermark
ImageReadBase64 function
A ColdFusion_ image_ is a construct that is native to ColdFusion. The ColdFusion image contains image data that it
reads from a source. The source can be an image file or another ColdFusion image, which is expressed as a
ColdFusion image variable. The ColdFusion image variable lets you manipulate information dynamically in memory.
Optionally, you can write a ColdFusion image to a file, to a database column, or to a browser.
The cfimage tag
You use the cfimage tag to create a ColdFusion image and as a shortcut to commonly performed image functions,
such as resizing an image, adding a border to an image, and converting an image to a different file format. You can
use the cfimage tag independently or in conjunction with Image functions. You can pass a ColdFusion image
created with the cfimage tag to one or more Image functions to perform complex image manipulation operations.
The following table summarizes the cfimage tag actions:
Writes the image to a file. You can use the write actio
n to generate lower-resolution JPEG files. Also, use the
write action to convert images to other file formats,
such as PNG and GIF.
For more information, see the cfimage tag in the CFML Reference.
Image functions
ColdFusion provides more than 50 Image functions that expand on the functionality of the cfimage tag. You can
pass images created with the cfimage tag to Image functions or create images with the ImageNew function. The
Image functions
Manipulating images
ImageNew function
The simplest way to create a ColdFusion image with the cfimage tag is to specify the source attribute, which is
the image file that ColdFusion reads, and the name attribute, which is the variable that defines the image in memory:
You do not have to specify the read action because it is the default action. Specify the name attribute for the read
action, which creates a variable that contains the ColdFusion image, for example, myImage.
You can pass the myImage variable to another cfimage tag or to Image functions. The following example shows
how to specify a ColdFusion image variable as the source:
The write action writes the file to the specified destination, which can be an absolute or relative path. The following
example shows how to create a ColdFusion image from a URL and write it to a file on the local storage drive:
When you specify a destination, set the overwrite attribute to "yes" to write to the same file more than once.
Otherwise, ColdFusion generates an error:
You create a ColdFusion image with the ImageNew function the same way you define a ColdFusion variable. The
following example creates a ColdFusion image variable named "myImage" from the jeff01.jpg source file:
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg")>
As with the cfimage tag, you can specify an absolute or relative path, a URL, or another ColdFusion image as the
source. In the following example, ColdFusion reads a file from the local drive and passes it to the ImageWrite funct
ion, which writes the image to a new file:
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg")>
<cfset ImageWrite(myImage,"myImageTest.png")>
Also, you can create a blank image. When using the ImageNew function, you do not specify the source to create a
blank image. However, you can specify the width and height, respectively. The following example shows how to
create a blank canvas that is 300 pixels wide and 200 pixels high:
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("",300,200)>
Optionally, you can specify the image type, as in the following example:
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("",200,300,"rgb")>
Other valid image types are argb and grayscale. You can use blank images as canvasses for drawing functions
in ColdFusion. For examples, see Creating watermarks.
Also, you can use the ImageNew function to create ColdFusion images from other sources, such as Base64
bytearrays, file paths, and URLs. The following example creates a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file (\x), and then
creates another ColdFusion image (\y) from the image in memory:
<cfset x = ImageNew("c:\abc.jpg")>
<cfset y = ImageNew(x)>
For more information about the ImageNew function, see the CFML Reference.
Creating an image from a binary object
You can use the cffile tag to write an image file to ColdFusion variable. Then, you can pass the variable to the Im
ageNew function to create a ColdFusion image from the binary object, as the following example shows:
<!--- Use the cffile tag to read an image file, convert it to binary format, and
write the
result to a variable. --->
<cffile action = "readBinary" file = "jeff05.jpg" variable = "aBinaryObj">
<!--- Use the ImageNew function to create a ColdFusion image from the variable. --->
<cfset myImage=ImageNew(aBinaryObj)>
Many databases store images as BLOB data. To extract BLOB data from a database, create a query with the cfque
ry tag. The following example shows how to extract BLOB data and use the cfimage tag to write them to files in
PNG format:
<!--- Use the cfquery tag to retrieve employee photos and last names from the
database. --->
name="GetBLOBs" datasource="myblobdata">
SELECT LastName,Image
FROM Employees
<cfset i = 0>
<table border=1>
<cfoutput query="GetBLOBs">
<cfset i = i+1>
<!--- Use the cfimage tag to write the images to PNG files. --->
<cfimage source="#GetBLOBs.Image#" destination="employeeImage#i#.png"
<img src="employeeImage#i#.png"/>
The following example shows how to use the ImageNew function to generate ColdFusion images from BLOB data:
<!--- Use the cfquery tag to retrieve all employee photos and employee IDs from a
database. --->
<cfquery name="GetBLOBs" datasource="myBlobData">
<!--- Use the ImageNew function to create a ColdFusion images from the BLOB data
that was
retrieved from the database. --->
<cfset myImage = ImageNew(GetBLOBs.PHOTO)>
<!--- Create thumbnail versions of the images by resizing them to fit in a 100-pixel
while maintaining the aspect ratio of the source image. --->
<cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage,100,100)>
<!--- Convert the images to JPEG format and save them to files in the thumbnails
using the employee ID as the filename. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write"
For information on converting a ColdFusion image to a BLOB, see Inserting an image as a BLOB in a database in C
onverting images.
Creating an image from a Base64 string
Base64 is a way to describe binary data as a string of ASCII characters. Some databases store images in Base64
format rather than as BLOB data. You can use the cfimage tag or the ImageReadBase64 function to read Base64
data directly from a database. Doing so eliminates the intermediary steps of binary encoding and decoding.
The following examples show how to use the cfimage tag to create a ColdFusion image from a Base64 string:
<!--- This example shows how to create a ColdFusion image from a Base64 string with
(used for display in HTML). --->
<cfimage source=".............."
destination="test_my64.jpeg" action="write" isBase64="yes">
<!--- This example shows how to use the cfimage tag to write a Base64 string without
headers. --->
<cfimage source="/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQA.............." destination="test_my64.jpeg"
action="write" isBase64="yes">
The following examples show how to use the ImageReadBase64 function to create a ColdFusion image from a
Base64 string:
<!--- This example shows how to use the ImageReadBase64 function to read a Base64
with headers. --->
<!--- This example shows how to read a Base64 string without headers. --->
<cfset myImage=ImageReadBase64("/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQA..............")>
For more information on Base64 strings, see Converting an image to a Base64 string in Converting images .
Copying an image
You use the ImageCopy function to copy a rectangular area of an existing image and generate a new ColdFusion
image from it. You can paste the new ColdFusion image onto another image, or write it to a file, as the following
example shows:
<!--- Use the cfimage tag to create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file.
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/lori05.jpg" name="myImage">
<!--- Turn on antialiasing to improve image quality. --->
<cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage)>
<!--- Copy the rectangular area specified by the coordinates (25,25,50,50) in the
image to
the rectangle beginning at (75,75), and return this copied rectangle as a new
image. --->
<cfset dupArea = ImageCopy(myImage,25,25,50,50,75,75)>
<!--- Write the new ColdFusion image (dupArea) to a PNG file. --->
<cfimage source="#dupArea#" action="write" destination="test_myImage.png"
Another way to create a ColdFusion image is to duplicate it. Duplicating an image creates a clone, which is a copy of
an image that is independent of it: if the original image changes, those changes do not affect the clone, and the
reverse. This technique is useful if you want to create several versions of the same image. Duplicating an image can
improve processing time because you retrieve image data from a database or a file once to create the ColdFusion
image. Then you can create several clones and manipulate them in memory before writing them to files. For
example, you could create a thumbnail version, a grayscale version, and an enlarged version of an image uploaded
to a server. To do so, you use the cfimage tag or the ImageNew function to create a ColdFusion image from the
uploaded file. You use the Duplicate function to create three clones of the ColdFusion image.
To create a clone, you can pass a ColdFusion image variable to the Duplicate function:
<!--- Use the ImageNew function to create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file. --->
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/paul01.jpg")>
<!--- Turn on antialiasing to improve image quality. --->
<cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage)>
<!--- Use the Duplicate function to create three clones of the ColdFusion image.
<cfset cloneA=Duplicate(myImage)>
<cfset cloneB=Duplicate(myImage)>
<cfset cloneC=Duplicate(myImage)>
<!--- Create a grayscale version of the image. --->
<cfset ImageGrayscale(cloneA)>
<!--- Create a thumbnail version of the image. --->
<cfset ImageScaleToFit(cloneB,50,"")>
<!--- Create an enlarged version of the image. --->
<cfset ImageResize(cloneC,"150%","")>
<!--- Write the images to files. --->
<cfset ImageWrite(myImage,"paul01.jpg","yes")>
<cfset ImageWrite(cloneA,"paul01_bw.jpg","yes")>
<cfset ImageWrite(cloneB,"paul01_sm.jpg","yes")>
<cfset ImageWrite(cloneC,"paul01_lg.jpg","yes")>
<!--- Display the images. --->
<img src="paul01.jpg">
<img src="paul01_bw.jpg">
<img src="paul01_sm.jpg">
<img src="paul01_lg.jpg">
Also, you can use the cfimage tag and the ImageNew function to duplicate images, as the following example
<!--- Use the cfimage tag to create a ColdFusion image (myImage) and make a copy of
it (myImageCopy). --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/paul01.jpg" name="myImage">
<cfimage source="#myImage#" name="myImageCopy">
<!-- Use the ImageNew function to make a copy of myImage called myImageCopy2. --->
<cfset myImageCopy2 = ImageNew(myImage)>
Converting images
ColdFusion makes it easy to convert images from one file format to another. Also, you can convert an image file to a
binary object, BLOB data, or a Base64 string.
Converting an image file
The extension of the destination file determines the file format of the image. Therefore, to convert an image, simply
change the filename extension in the destination file. The following example shows how to convert a JPEG file to a
GIF file:
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg" action="write" destination="jeff01.gif"
Similarly, you can use the ImageWrite function with the ImageNew function:
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg")>
<cfset ImageWrite(myImage,"jeff01.gif")>
ColdFusion reads and writes most standard image formats. For more information, see Supported image file formats i
n cfimage in the CFML Reference.
Converting an image to a Base64 string
To convert a ColdFusion image to a Base64 string, use the ImageWriteBase64 function. In the following example,
the yes value determines that the output includes the headers required for display in HTML:
<!--- This example shows how convert a BMP file to a Base64 string. --->
<cfset ImageWriteBase64(myImage,"jeffBase64.txt","bmp","yes")>
Microsoft Internet Explorer does not support Base64 strings.
Many databases store images as BLOB data. To insert a ColdFusion image into a BLOB column of a database, use
the ImageGetBlob function within a cfquery statement, as the following example shows:
<!--- This example shows how to add a ColdFusion image to a BLOB column of a
database. --->
<!--- Create a ColdFusion image from an existing JPEG file. --->
<cfimage source="aiden01.jpg" name="myImage">
<!--- Use the cfquery tag to insert the ColdFusion image as a BLOB in the database.
<cfquery name="InsertBlobImage" datasource="myBlobData">
INSERT into EMPLOYEES (FirstName,LastName,Photo)
VALUES ("Aiden","Quinn",<cfqueryparam value="#ImageGetBlob(myImage)#"
Verifying images
Use the IsImage function to test whether an image variable represents a valid ColdFusion image. This function
takes a variable name as its only parameter and returns a Boolean value.
You cannot use the IsImage function to verify whether files are valid images. Instead, use the I
sImageFile function.
Also, ColdFusion provides two tags for determining which image file formats are supported on the server where the
ColdFusion application is deployed: GetReadableImageFormats and GetWriteableImageFormats. For more
information, see the CFML Reference.
<!--- Create a ColdFusion image named "myImage" from a file uploaded to the server.
<cfimage action="read" source="#fileUpload.serverFile#" name="myImage">
<!--- Determine whether the file is greater than 300 pixels in width or height. --->
<cfif ImageGetHeight(myImage) gt 300 or ImageGetWidth(myImage) gt 300>
<!--- If the file exceeds the size limits, delete it from the server. --->
<cffile action="delete"
<!--- Display the following message. --->
The image you uploaded was too big. It must be less than 300 pixels wide and 300
high. Your image was #imageGetWidth(myImage)# pixels wide and
#imageGetHeight(myImage)# pixels high.
For information about retrieving image metadata, see the ImageGetEXIFTag, ImageGetIPTCTag, and ImageInfo fun
ctions in the CFML Reference.
You can perform the same operation by using the ImageWrite function:
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("jeff05.jpg")>
<cfset ImageWrite(myImage,"jeff05_lq.jpg","0.5")>
To create a simple border, use the cfimage tag. The following example creates a ColdFusion image with a 5-pixel
blue border:
The border is added to the outside edge of the source image. This increases the area of the image.
To create complex borders, use the ImageAddBorder function. The following example shows how to nest borders:
Also, with the ImageAddBorder function, you can add a border that is an image effect. For example, you can use
the wrap parameter to create a tiled border from the source image. The wrap parameter creates a tiled border by
adding the specified number of pixels to each side of the image, as though the image were tiled.
In the following example, 20 pixels from the outside edge of the source image are tiled to create the border:
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff03.jpg")>
<cfset ImageAddBorder(myImage,20,"","wrap")>
<cfset ImageWrite(myImage,"testMyImage.jpg")>
<img src="testMyImage.jpg"/>
For examples of other border types, see the ImageAddBorder function in the CFML Reference.
Creating text images
You use the captcha action of the cfimage tag to create a distorted text image that is human-readable but not
machine readable. When you create a CAPTCHA image, you specify the text that is displayed in the CAPTCHA
image; ColdFusion randomly distorts the text. You can specify the height and width of the text area, which affects
the spacing between letters, the font size, the fonts to use for the CAPTCHA text, and the level of difficulty, which
affects readability. Do not use spaces in the text string specified for the text attribute: users cannot detect the
spaces as part of the CAPTCHA image.
The following example shows how to write a CAPTCHA image directly to the browser.
<!--- This example shows how to create a CAPTCHA image with the text "rEadMe" and
write the
image directly to the browser. --->
<cfimage action="captcha" fontSize="25" width="162" height="75" text="rEadMe"
fonts="Verdana,Arial,Courier New,Courier">
For the CAPTCHA image to display, the width value must be greater than: fontSize times the
number of characters specified in text times 1.08. In this example, the minimum width is 162.
The following example shows how to create CAPTCHA images with a high level of text distortion.
<!--- Use the GetTickCount function to generate unique names for the CAPTCHA files.
<cfset tc = GetTickCount()>
<!--- Set the difficulty to "high" for a higher level of text distortion. --->
<cfimage action="captcha" fontSize="15" width="180" height="50" text="rEadMe"
destination="readme#tc#.png" difficulty="high">
For a detailed example, see Using CAPTCHA to verify membership in Application examples that use ColdFusion
The following image shows three CAPTCHA images with low, medium, and high levels of difficulty, respectively:
To create a text image by using the ImageDrawText function, specify the text string and the x and y coordinates for
the location of the beginning of the text string. You can draw the text on an existing image or on a blank image, as
the following examples show:
<!--- This example shows how to draw a text string on a blank image. --->
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("",200,100)>
<cfset ImageDrawText(myImage, "Congratulations!",10,50)>
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write" destination="myImage.png"
<img src="myImage.png">
<!--- This example shows how to draw a text string on an existing image.
<cfset myImage2=ImageNew("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg")>
<cfset ImageDrawText(myImage2,"Congratulations!",10,50)>
<cfimage source="#myImage2#" action="write" destination="myImage2.png"
<img src="myImage2.png">
In the previous examples, the text is displayed in the default system font and font size. To control the appearance of
the text, you specify a collection of text attributes, as the following example shows:
attr = StructNew()>"bolditalic">
To apply the text attributes to the text string, include the attribute collection name in the ImageDrawText definition.
In the following examples, the "attr" text attribute collection applies the text string "Congratulations!":
<cfset ImageDrawText(myImage,"Congratulations!",10,50,attr)>
To change the color of the text, use the ImageSetDrawingColor function. This function controls the color of all
subsequent drawing objects on an image. In the following example, two lines of text, "Congratulations!" and
"Gabriella", inherit the color magenta.
<!--- This example shows how to draw a text string on a blank image. --->
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg")>
<cfset ImageSetDrawingColor(myImage,"magenta")>
<cfset attr = StructNew()>
<cfset attr.size=20>
<cfset attr.font="verdana">
<cfset attr.underline="yes">
<cfset ImageDrawText(myImage,"Congratulations!",10,50,attr)>
<cfset ImageDrawText(myImage,"Gabriella",50,125,attr)>
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write" destination="myImage.jpg"
<img src="myImage.jpg"/>
For a list of valid named colors, see the cfimage tag in the CFML Reference.
Drawing lines and shapes
ColdFusion provides several functions for drawing lines and shapes. For shapes, the first two values represent the x
and y coordinates, respectively, of the upper-left corner of the shape. For simple ovals and rectangles, the two
numbers following the coordinates represent the width and height of the shape in pixels. For a line, the values
represent the x and y coordinates of the start point and end point of the line, respectively. To create filled shapes,
set the filled attribute to true. The following example shows how to create an image with several drawing objects:
To draw a sequence of connected lines, use the ImageDrawLines function. For more
information, see the CFML Reference.
ColdFusion provides several functions for controlling the appearance of drawing objects. As shown in the ImageDra
wText example, you use the ImageSetDrawingColor function to define the color of text in an image. This
function also controls the color of lines and shapes. To control line attributes (other than color), use the ImageSetD
rawingStroke function. The ImageSetDrawingStroke function uses a collection to define the line attributes.
Drawing controls apply to all subsequent drawing functions in an image; therefore, order is important. In the
following example, the drawing stroke attributes defined in the attribute collection apply to the square and the two
lines. Similarly, the color green applies to the rectangle and the square, while the color red applies only to the two
lines. You can reset a drawing control as many times as necessary within an image to achieve the desired effect.
Resizing images
ColdFusion makes it easy to resize images. You can reduce the file size of an image by changing its dimensions,
enforce uniform sizes on images, and create thumbnail images. The following table describes the ways to resize
images in ColdFusion:
Resize an image
ImageScaleToFit function
ImageResize function
Use the cfimage tag resize action to resize an image to the specified height and width. You can specify the
height and width in pixels or as a percentage of the original dimensions of the image. To specify a percentage,
include the percent symbol (%) in the height and width definitions.
<!--- This example shows how to specify the height and width of an image in pixels.
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg" action="resize" width="100"
height="100" destination="jeff01_sm.jpg">
<!--- This example shows how to specify the height and width of an image as
percentages. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff02.jpg" action="resize" width="50%"
height="50%" destination="jeff02_sm.jpg">
<!--- This example shows how to specify the height of an image in pixels and its
width as a
percentage. Notice that this technique can distort the image. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff03.jpg" action="resize" width="50%"
height="100" destination="jeff03_sm.jpg" overwrite="yes">
The cfimage tag requires that you specify both the height and the width for the resize action.
The cfimage tag resize action uses the highestQuality interpolation method for the best quality image (at the
cost of performance). For faster display, use the ImageResize function or the ImageScaleToFit function.
Using the ImageResize function
The ImageResize function is like the cfimage tag resize action. To ensure that the resized image is
proportional, specify a value for the height or width and enter a blank value for the other dimension:
<!--- This example shows how to resize an image to 50% of original size and resize
proportionately to the new width. The height value is blank. --->
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("")>
<cfset ImageResize(myImage,"50%","")>
<!--- Save the modified image to a file. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write" destination="test_myImage.jpeg"
<!--- Display the source image and the resized image. --->
<img src=""/>
<img src="test_myImage.jpeg"/>
The ImageResize function also lets you specify the type of interpolation used to resize the image. Interpolation lets
you control the trade-off between performance and image quality. By default, the ImageResize function uses the h
ighestQuality interpolation method. To improve performance (at the cost of image quality), change the
interpolation method. Also, you can set the blur factor for the image. The default value is 1 (not blurred). The highest
blur factor is 10 (very blurry). The following example shows how to resize an image using the highPerformance fo
rm of interpolation with a blur factor of 10:
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/aiden01.jpg")>
<cfset ImageResize(myImage,"","200%","highPerformance", 10)>
<cfimage action="writeToBrowser" source="#myImage#">
Increasing the blur factor reduces performance.
For a complete list of interpolation methods, see ImageResize in the CFML Reference.
Using the ImageScaleToFit function
To create images of a uniform size, such as thumbnail images or images displayed in a photo gallery, use the Imag
eScaleToFit function. You specify the area of the image in pixels. ColdFusion resizes the image to fit the square
or rectangle and maintains the aspect ratio of the source image. Like the ImageResize function, you can specify
the interpolation, as the following example shows:
<!--- This example shows how to resize an image to a 100-pixel square, while
maintaining the aspect ratio of the source image. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" name="myImage"
<!--- Turn on antialiasing. --->
<cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage)>
<cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage,100,100,"mediumQuality")>
<!--- Display the modified image in a browser. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser">
To fit an image in a defined rectangular area, specify the width and height of the rectangle, as the following example
<!--- This example shows how to resize an image to fit in a rectangle that is 200
wide and 100 pixels high, while maintaining the aspect ratio of the source image.
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" name="myImage">
<!--- Turn on antialiasing. --->
<cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage)>
<cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage,200,100)>
<!--- Display the modified image in a browser. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser">
In this example, the width of the resulting image is less than or equal to 200 pixels and the height of the image is
less than or equal to 100 pixels.
Also, you can specify just the height or just the width of the rectangle. To do so, specify an empty string for the
undefined dimension. The following example resizes the image so that the width is exactly 200 pixels and the height
of the image is proportional to the width:
<!--- This example shows how to resizes an image so that it is 200 pixels wide,
maintaining the aspect ratio of the source image. The interpolation method is set
maximize performance (which reduces image quality). --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" name="myImage">
<!--- Turn on antialiasing. --->
<cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage)>
<cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage,200,"","highestPerformance")>
<!--- Display the modified image in a browser. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser">
A watermark is a semitransparent image that is superimposed on another image. One use for a watermark is for
protecting copyrighted images. To create a watermark in ColdFusion, you use the ImageSetDrawingTransparen
cy function with the ImagePaste function. You can create a watermark image in one of three ways:
Create a watermark from an existing image file. For example, you can use a company logo as a watermark.
Create a text image in ColdFusion and apply the image as a watermark. For example, you can create a text
string, such as Copyright or PROOF and apply it to all the images in a photo gallery.
Create a drawing image in ColdFusion and use it as a watermark. For example, you can use the drawing
functions to create a green check mark and apply it to images that have been approved.
Creating a watermark from an image file
The following example shows how to create a watermark from an existing GIF image located on a website:
<!--- This example shows how to create a watermark from an existing image. --->
<!--- Create two ColdFusion images from existing JPEG files. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/raquel05.jpg" name="myImage">
<cfimage source="" name="myImage2">
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write" destination="logo.jpg" overwrite="yes">
<cfset ImageSetDrawingTransparency(myImage,50)>
<!--- Paste myImage2 on myImage at the coordinates (0,0). --->
<cfset ImagePaste(myImage,myImage2,0,0)>
<!--- Write the result to a file. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" destination="watermark.jpg" action="write"
<!--- Display the result. --->
<img src="watermark.jpg"/>
The following example shows how to create a text image in ColdFusion and use it as a watermark:
The following example shows how to draw an image in ColdFusion and use it as a watermark. You use the ImageS
etDrawingStroke function to define the attributes of lines and shapes you create with drawing functions and the I
mageSetDrawingColor function to define the color.
<!--- This example shows how to draw a red circle with a line through it and use it
as a
watermark. --->
<!--- Use the ImageNew function to create a ColdFusion image that is 201x201 pixels.
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("",201,201)>
<!--- Set the drawing transparency of the image to 30%. --->
<cfset ImageSetDrawingTransparency(myImage,30)>
<!--- Set the drawing color to red. --->
<cfset ImageSetDrawingColor(myImage,"red")>
<!--- Create an attribute collection that sets the line width to ten pixels. --->
<cfset attr=StructNew()>
<cfset attr.width = 10>
<!--- Apply the attribute collection to the ImageSetDrawingStroke function. --->
<cfset ImageSetDrawingStroke(myImage,attr)>
<!--- Draw a diagonal line starting at (40,40) and ending at (165,165) on myImage.
The drawing
attributes you specified are applied to the line. --->
<cfset ImageDrawLine(myImage,40,40,165,165)>
<!--- Draw a circle starting at (5,5) and is 190 pixels high and 190 pixels wide.
The drawing
attributes you specified are applied to the oval. --->
<cfset ImageDrawOval(myImage,5,5,190,190)>
<!--- Create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/raquel05.jpg" name="myImage2">
<!--- Scale the image to fit in a 200-pixel square, maintaining the aspect ratio of
source image. --->
<cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage2,200,200)>
<!--- Paste the myImage2 directly over the myImage. --->
<cfset ImagePaste(myImage,myImage2,0,0)>
<!--- Save the combined image to a file. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write" destination="test_watermark.jpg"
<!--- Display the image in a browser. --->
<img src="test_watermark.jpg"/>
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/paul01.jpg")>
<cfset ImageBlur(myImage,5)>
<cfset ImageNegative(myImage)>
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser">
The following example shows how to create a form for uploading images. A visitor to the site can use the form to
upload an image file and generate a thumbnail image from it. You use ColdFusion image operations to perform the
following tasks:
Verify that the uploaded file is a valid image.
Ensure that the height or the width of the image does not exceed 800 pixels.
If the image is valid and within the size limits, generate a thumbnail version of the source image and save it to
a file.
Enter the following code on the form page:
<!--- This code creates a form with one field where the user enters the image file
to upload. --->
<cfform action="makeThumbnail.cfm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Please upload an image: <cfinput type="file" name="image">
<cfinput type="submit" value="Send Image" name="Submit">
<cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage,75,75,"bilinear")>
<!--- Specify the new filename as the source filename with
"_thumbnail" appended to it. --->
<cfset newImageName = fileUpload.serverDirectory & "/" &
fileUpload.serverFilename & "_thumbnail." &
<!--- Save the thumbnail image to a file with the new filename. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write"
destination="#newImageName#" overwrite="yes">
Thank you for uploading the image. We have created a thumbnail for
your picture.
<!--- Display the thumbnail image. --->
<img src="#getFileFromPath(newImageName)#">
<!--- If it is not a valid image file, delete it from the server. --->
<cffile action="delete"
The file you uploaded, #fileUpload.clientFile#, was not a valid image.
The following example extracts images and information from the cfartgallery database. You use ColdFusion
image operations to perform the following tasks:
Verify that an image exists for records returned from the database.
Display the text, SOLD! on images that have been sold.
Resize images to 100 pixels, maintaining the aspect ratio of the source image.
Add a 5-pixel border to the images.
Display the modified images directly in the browser without writing them to files.
<!--- Create a query to extract artwork and associated information from the
cfartgallery database. --->
<cfquery name="artwork" datasource="cfartgallery">
<cfset xctr = 1>
<table border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<cfoutput query="artwork">
<cfif xctr mod 3 eq 1>
<!--- Use the IsImageFile function to verify that the image files extracted
from the
database are valid. Use the ImageNew function to create a
ColdFusion image from valid image files. --->
<cfif IsImageFile("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/#artwork.largeImage#")>
<cfset myImage=ImageNew("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/#artwork.largeImage#")>
<td valign="top" align="center" width="200">
<cfset xctr = xctr + 1>
<!--- For artwork that has been sold, display the text string "SOLD!"
in white on the image. --->
<cfif artwork.isSold>
<cfset ImageSetDrawingColor(myImage,"white")>
<cfset attr=StructNew()>
<cfset attr.size=45>
<cfset ImageDrawText(myImage,"SOLD!",35,195, attr)>
<!--- Resize myImage to fit in a 110-pixel square, scaled proportionately. --->
<cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage,110,"","bicubic")>
<!--- Add a 5-pixel black border around the images. (Black is the default color.
<!--- Add a 5-pixel black border to myImage. --->
<cfset ImageAddBorder(myImage,"5")>
<!--- Write the images directly to the browser without saving them to the hard
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser"><br>
Artist: #artwork.firstName# #artwork.lastName#<br>
Price: #dollarFormat(artwork.price)#<br>
#artwork.mediaType# - #artwork.description#<br>
<cfif xctr-1 mod 3 eq 0>
The following example shows how to create a simple form to verify whether a person (rather than a computer
generating spam) is registering to receive an online newsletter. You generate the CAPTCHA image from a random
text string on the form page and verify the response on the action page.
<!--- Set the length of the text string for the CAPTCHA image. --->
<cfset stringLength=6>
<!--- Specify the list of characters used for the random text string. The following
limits the confusion between upper- and lowercase letters as well as between
numbers and
letters. --->
<cfset rndString="">
<!--- Create a loop that builds the string from the random characters. --->
<cfloop from="1" to="#stringLength#" index="i">
<cfset rndNum=RandRange(1,listLen(stringList))>
<cfset rndString=rndString & listGetAt(stringList,rndNum)>
<!--- Hash the random string. --->
<cfset rndHash=Hash(rndString)>
<!--- Create the user entry form. --->
<cfform action="captcha2.cfm" method="post">
<p>Please enter your first name:</p>
<cfinput type="text" name="firstName" required="yes">
<p>Please enter your last name:</p>
<cfinput type="text" name="lastName" required="yes">
<p>Please enter your e-mail address:</p>
<cfinput type="text" name="mailTo" required="yes" validate="email">
<!--- Use the randomly generated text string for the CAPTCHA image. --->
<p><cfimage action="captcha" fontSize="24" fonts="Times New Roman" width="200"
<p>Please type what you see: </p>
<p><cfinput type="text" name="userInput" required="yes" maxlength=6>
<cfinput type="hidden" name="hashVal" value="#rndHash#">
<p><cfinput type="Submit" name ="OK" value="OK"></p>
<!--- Verify whether the text entered by the user matches the CAPTCHA string. --->
<cfif #form.hashval# eq Hash(#form.userInput#)>
Thank you for registering for our online newsletter, #form.firstName#
A notification has been sent to your e-mail address: #form.mailTo#.
<cfmail from="[email protected]" to="#form.mailTo#" subject="Newsletter">
Thank you for your interest in our Newsletter.
<p>I'm sorry; please try again.</p>
The following example shows how to create an application that lets you generate four versions of the same image,
display the versions in a form, and choose which one to save. The application comprises three ColdFusion pages
that perform the following tasks:
Dynamically populate a drop-down list box from a database query.
Use the cfimage tag to create a ColdFusion image from the title selected from the list. Use the ImageNew fu
nction to create three clones of the ColdFusion image. Use the ImageSharpen function to change the
sharpness setting for each clone.
Save the file chosen from the form to a new location.
On the first form page, create a query that selects the artwork from the cfartgallery database and displays the
titles in a pop-up menu:
<!--- Create a query to extract artwork from the cfartgallery database. --->
<cfquery name="artwork" datasource="cfartgallery">
<!--- Create a form that lists the artwork titles generated by the query. Set the
value to
LARGEIMAGE so that the image file is passed to the action page. --->
<cfform action="dupImage2.cfm" method="post">
<p>Please choose a title:</p>
<cfselect name="art" query="artwork" display="ARTNAME" value="LARGEIMAGE"
multiple="no" size="8">
<br/><cfinput type="submit" name="submit" value="OK">
On the first action page, clone the original image three times, change the sharpness setting for each clone, and
display the results:
On the second action page, save the selected image to the C drive:
#back to top
About charts
The ability to display data in a chart or graph can make data interpretation much easier. Rather than present a
simple table of numeric data, you can display a bar, pie, line, or other applicable type of chart using colors, captions,
and a two-dimensional or three-dimensional representation of your data.
The cfchart tag, along with the cfchartseries and cfchartdata tags, provide many different chart types.
The attributes to these tags let you customize your chart appearance.
You can create 11 types of charts in Adobe ColdFusion in two and three dimensions. The following figure shows a
sample of each type of chart.
In two dimensions, bar and cylinder charts appear the same, as do cone and pyramid charts.
To create a chart with ColdFusion tags, you use the cfchart tag along with at least one cfchartseries tag. You
can optionally include one or more cfchartdata tags within a cfchartseries tag. The following table describes
these tags:
The following example shows an outline of the basic code that you use to create a chart:
<cfchartseries type="type">
<cfchartdata item="something" value="number">
The following example displays a simple pie chart that shows four values:
<cfchartseries type="pie">
<cfchartdata item="New car sales" value="50000">
<cfchartdata item="Used car sales" value="25000">
<cfchartdata item="Leasing" value="30000">
<cfchartdata item="Service" value="40000">
If you access charting functionality using Java calls, a watermark Developer Edition - Not for
Production Use might be displayed on the chart images. To avoid this, when you assign the
server object to a reference, instead of svr.getDefaultInstance(getPageContext().ge
tServletContext());), use the following code (by prefixing svr=) :*svr=*svr.getDefau
ltInstance(getPageContext().getServletContext());). Ensure that you restart the
server for the changes to take effect.
The ColdFusion Report Builder includes a wizard that lets you create charts easily. The wizard lets you specify all of
the chart characteristics that you can specify using the cfchart, cfchartseries, and cfchartdata tags. For
information about using the Report Builder chart wizard, see Creating Reports and Documents for Printing.
Charting data
One of the most important considerations when you chart data is the way that you supply the data to the cfchart tag.
You can supply data in the following ways:
Specify individual data points by using cfchartdata tags.
Provide all the data in a single query by using cfchartseries tags.
Combine data from a query with additional data points from cfchartdata tags.
Provide all the data in a report created with Report Builder. For more information, see Creating Reports and
Documents for Printing.
The cfchart tag charts numeric data only. As a result, convert any dates, times, or
preformatted currency values, such as $3,000.53, to integers or real numbers.
When you chart individual data points, you specify each data point by inserting a cfchartdata tag in the cfchart
series tag body. For example, the following code creates a simple pie chart:
<cfchartseries type="pie">
<cfchartdata item="New Vehicle Sales" value=500000>
<cfchartdata item="Used Vehicle Sales" value=250000>
<cfchartdata item="Leasing" value=300000>
<cfchartdata item="Service" value=400000>
This pie chart displays four types of revenue for a car dealer. Each cfchartdata tag specifies the income for a
department and a description for the legend.
If two data points have the same item name, ColdFusion creates a graph of the value for the last
one specified within the cfchart tag.
The cfchartdata tag lets you specify the following information about a data point:
Charting a query
Each bar, dot, line, or slice of a chart represents data from one row/column coordinate in your result set. A related
group of data is called a chart series.
Because each bar, dot, line, or slice represents the intersection of two axes, craft the query result set such that the
row and column values have meaning when displayed in a chart. Often, doing so requires you aggregate data in the
query. You typically aggregate data in a query using one of the following:
Specify a SQL aggregate function (SUM, AVG, MAX, and so on) using a GROUP BY clause in the SELECT
Use a Query of Queries.
Retrieve data from a view, instead of a table.
When you chart a query, you specify the query name using the query attribute of the cfchartseries tag.
For example, the code for a simple bar chart could be as follows:
yAxisTitle="Salary Average"
This example displays the values in the AvgByDept column of the DataTable query. It displays the Dept_Name
column value as the item label by each bar.
The following table lists the attributes of the cfchartseries tag that you use when working with queries:
The query that contains the data. Also specify the valu
eColumn and itemColumn.
In addition to charting the results of a query, you can also chart the results of a query of queries. For more
information about using query of queries, see Using Query of Queries. Query of queries provides significant power
in generating the data for the chart. For example, you can use aggregating functions such as SUM, AVG, and
GROUP BY to create a query of queries with statistical data based on a raw database query. For more information,
see Using Query of Queries.
You can also take advantage of the ability to dynamically reference and modify query data. For example, you can
loop through the entries in a query column and reformat the data to show whole dollar values.
The example in the following procedure analyzes the salary data in the cfdocexamples database using a query of
queries, and displays the data as a bar chart.
1. Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
2. Save the page as chartdata.cfm in the myapps directory under the web root directory. For example, the
directory path in Windows could be C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\myapps.
3. Return to your browser and enter the following URL to view the chartdata.cfm
If a query contains two rows with the same value for the itemColumn_ attribute, ColdFusion
graphs the last row in the query for that value. For the preceding example, if the query contains
two rows for the Sales department, ColdFusion graphs the value for the last row in the query for
<cfquery name="GetSalaries"
SELECT Departmt.Dept_Name,
FROM Departmt, Employee
WHERE Departmt.Dept_ID =
yAxisTitle="Salary Average"
You can also rewrite this example to use the cfoutput and cfchartdata tags within the cfchartseries tag,
instead of using the loop, to round the salary data, as the following code shows:
<cfoutput query="deptSalaries">
<cfchartdata item="#dept_name#" value=#Round(AvgByDept/1000)*1000#>
To chart data from both query and individual data values, you specify the query name and related attributes in the c
fchartseries tag, and provide additional data points by using the cfchartdata tag.
ColdFusion displays the chart data specified by a cfchartdata tag before the data from a query, for example, to
the left on a bar chart. You can use the sortXAxis attribute of the cfchart tag to sort data alphabetically along
the x axis.
One use of combining queries and data points is to provide data that is missing from the database; for example, to
provide the data for one department if the data for that department is missing. The example in the following
procedure adds data for the Facilities and Documentation departments to the salary data obtained from the query
shown in the previous section:
1. Open the chartdata.cfm file in your editor.
2. Edit the cfcharttag so that it appears as follows:
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
<cfchart chartwidth="600">
itemColumn ="Dept_Name"
<cfchartdata item="Facilities" value="35000">
<cfchartdata item="Documentation" value="45000">
3. Save the page as chartqueryanddata.cfm in the myapps directory under the web root directory. For example,
the directory path in Windows could be C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\myapps.
4. Return to your browser and enter the following URL to view the chartqueryanddata.cfm
Charting multiple data collections
Sometimes, you could have more than one series of data to display on a single chart, or you want to compare two
sets of data on the same chart. In some cases, you might want to use different charting types on the same chart. For
example, you could include a line chart on a bar chart.
To combine multiple data series into a single chart, insert multiple cfchartseries tags within a single cfchart ta
g. You control how the multiple data collections are charted using the seriesPlacement attribute of the cfchart
tag. Using this attribute, you can specify the following options:
default Let ColdFusion determine the best method for combining the data.
cluster Place corresponding chart elements from each series next to each other.
stacked Combine the corresponding elements of each series.
percent Show the elements of each series as a percentage of the total of all corresponding elements. The
following image shows these options for combining two bar charts:
You can also combine chart types. The following is a combination bar and line chart:
The only chart type that you cannot mix with others is the pie chart. If you define one of the data series to use a pie
chart, no other chart appears.
The example in the following procedure creates the chart in the previous figure, which shows a bar chart with a line
chart added to it. In this example, you chart the salary of permanent employees (bar) against contract employees
The layering of multiple series depends on the order that you specify the cfchartseries tags.
For example, if you specify a bar chart first and a line chart second, the bar chart appears in front
of the line chart in the final chart.
yAxisTitle="Salary Average"
seriesLabel="Contract Salaries"
<cfchartdata item="HR" value=70000>
<cfchartdata item="Marketing" value=95000>
<cfchartdata item="Sales" value=80000>
<cfchartdata item="Training" value=93000>
seriesLabel="Dept. Average Salaries"
3. Save the file as chart2queries.cfm in the myapps directory under the web root directory.
4. Return to your browser and view the chart2queries.cfm page.
<cfchart style="beige">
<cfchartseries type="pie">
<cfchartdata item="New car sales" value="50000">
<cfchartdata item="Used car sales" value="25000">
<cfchartdata item="Leasing" value="30000">
<cfchartdata item="Service" value="40000">
You can specify the appearance of charts by using the attributes of the cfchart and cfchartseries tags.
You can optionally specify the following characteristics to the cfchart tag on the types of charts indicated:
Chart characteristic
Attributes used
Chart type
File type
Grid lines
Slice style
Value axis
Axis type
3D appearance
Multiple series
You can also use the cfchartseries tag to specify attributes of chart appearance. The following table describes
these attributes:
Chart characteristic
Attributes used
Chart type
Multiple series
A comma-separated list of
colors to use for each
data point for bar,
pyramid, area,
horizontalbar, cone,
cylinder, step, and pie
charts.You can specify 16
color names, use any
valid HTML color format,
or specify an 8-digit
hexadecimal value to
specify the RGB value
and transparency. If you
use numeric format, use
double number signs; for
example, blue or
##FF33CC. To specify the
color and transparency,
use the format
##xxFF33CC, where xx
indicates the
transparency. The value
FF indicates opaque; the
value 00 indicates
transparent. For the
complete list of colors,
see Configuring and
Administering ColdFusion.
If you specify fewer colors
than data points, the
colors repeat. If you
specify more colors than
data points, the extra
colors are not used.
Data markers
You can create your own chart styles by doing either of the following:
Modifying the chart style XML files
Using WebCharts3D to create chart styles
Modifying the chart style XML files
You can modify the chart styles included with ColdFusion to create your own chart styles. The files that contain the
style information are XML files located in the cf_root\charting\styles directory. Modify only attributes specified in the
file. To specify additional attributes, follow the instructions in the section Using WebCharts3D to create chart styles b
Two XML files exist for each default chart style. For example, the beige style for pie charts is
defined in the beige_pie.xml file; the beige style for all other types of charts is defined in the
beige.xml file.
1. Open the XML file that you want to modify, for example beige.xml.
2. Modify the file contents.
3. Save the file with a different name; for example myBeige.xml.
Using WebCharts3D to create chart styles
Starting with ColdFusion MX 7, ColdFusion includes the WebCharts3D utility, which you can use to create chart
style files.
1. Start WebCharts3D by double-clicking the webcharts.bat file in the CFusion\charting directory.
2. (Optional) Open an existing chart.
3. Make the changes you want to the appearance of the chart.
To use the chart style file in the cfchart_ tag, you can only make the modifications
indicated in the table that follows this procedure._
8. Click Save.
The following table lists the attributes of the cfchart and cfchartseries tags and the associated
WebCharts3D commands:
WebCharts3D command
font: Size
X-axis: labelcount
Elements: markerSize
Elements: place
Legend: isVisible
Elements: showMarkers
Frame: isVGridVisible
Frame: isHGridVisible
Popup: background
Frame: xDepth
Frame: yDepth
The following table lists the attributes of the cfchartseries tag and the associated WebCharts3D commands:
WebCharts3D command
Elements: series:
The example in the following procedure adds a title to the bar chart, specifies that the chart is three-dimensional,
adds grid lines, sets the minimum and maximum y-axis values, and uses a custom set of colors.
1. Open the chartdata.cfm file in your editor.
2. Edit the cfcharttag so that it appears as follows:
gridLines = 4
show3D = "yes"
The example in the following procedure adds a pie chart to the page.
1. Open the chartdata.cfm file in your editor.
2. Edit the DeptSalaries query and the cfloopcode so that it appears as follows:
SUM(Salary) AS SumByDept,
<cfset DeptSalaries.SumByDept[i]=
backgroundColor = "##CCFFFF"
The example in the following procedure adds an area chart to the salaries analysis page. The chart shows the
average salary by start date to the salaries analysis page. It shows the use of a second query of queries to generate
a new analysis of the raw data from the GetSalaries query. It also shows the use of additional cfchart attributes.
1. Open the chartdata.cfm file in your editor.
2. Edit the GetSalaries query so that it appears as follows:
4. Add the following cfchart tag before the end of the bodytag block:
Curves charts use the attributes already discussed. However, curve charts require a large amount of processing to
render. For fastest performance, create them offline, write them to a file or variable, and then reference them in your
application pages. For information on creating offline charts, see Writing a chart to a variable.
Administering charts
Use the ColdFusion Administrator to administer charts. In the Administrator, you can choose to save cached charts
in memory or to disk. You can also specify the number of charts to cache, the number of charting threads, and the
disk file for caching images to disk.
ColdFusion caches charts as they are created. In that way, repeated requests of the same chart load the chart from
the cache rather than having ColdFusion render the chart over and over again.
You do not have to perform any special coding to reference a cached chart. Whenever you use
the cfchart tag, ColdFusion inspects the cache to see if the chart has already been rendered. If
so, ColdFusion loads the chart from the cache.
The following table describes the settings for the ColdFusion charting and graphing engine:
Cache Type
2. Save the page as chartToFile.cfm in myapps under the web root directory.
3. View the chartToFile.cfm page in your browser.
Reviewing the code
The following table describes the highlighted code and its function:
<cffile action="WRITE"
jpg" output="#myChart#">
yAxisTitle="Salary Average"
seriesLabel="Department Salaries"
You can use the following variables in the url attribute to pass additional information to the target page:
$VALUE$: The value of the selected item, or an empty string
$ITEMLABEL$: The label of the selected item, or an empty string
$SERIESLABEL$: The label of the selected series, or an empty string
For example, to let users click the graph to open the page moreinfo.cfm, and pass all three values to the
page, you use the following URL:
The variables are not enclosed in number signs like ordinary ColdFusion variables. They are enclosed in dollar
signs. If you click a chart that uses this url attribute value, it could generate a URL in the following form:
You can also use JavaScript in the URL to execute client-side scripts. For an example, see Linking to JavaScript
from a pie chart below.
Dynamically linking from a pie chart
In the following example, when you click a pie wedge, ColdFusion displays a table that contains the detailed salary
information for the department represented by the wedge. The example is divided into two parts: creating the detail
page and making the pie chart dynamic.
Part 1: Creating the detail page
This page displays salary information for the department you selected when you click a wedge of the pie chart. The
department name is passed to this page using the $ITEMLABEL$ variable.
1. Create an application page with the following content:
2. Save the page as Salary_details.cfm in the myapps directory under the web root directory.
<cfquery name="GetSalaryDetails"
SELECT Departmt.Dept_Name,
FROM Departmt, Employee
WHERE Departmt.Dept_Name =
AND Departmt.Dept_ID =
ORDER BY Employee.LastName,
url =
When the user clicks a wedge of the pie chart, call the
Salary_details.cfm page in the current directory, and
pass it the parameter named Item that contains the
department name of the selected wedge.
In the following example, when you click a pie wedge, ColdFusion uses JavaScript to display a pop-up window
about the wedge.
Create a dynamic chart with JavaScript:
function Chart_OnClick(theSeries, theItem, theValue){
alert("Series: " + theSeries + ", Item: " + theItem + ", Value: " + theValue);
yAxisTitle="Salary Average"
<cfchartseries type="bar" seriesLabel="Average Salaries by Department">
<cfchartData item="Finance" value="75000">
<cfchartData item="Sales" value="120000">
<cfchartData item="IT" value="83000">
<cfchartData item="Facilities" value="45000">
2. Save the page as chartdata_withJS.cfm in the myapps directory under the web root directory.
3. View the chartdata_withJS.cfm page in your browser:
4. Click the slices of the pie chart to display the pop-up window.
#back to top
Charting enhancements
The server-side charting introduced in ColdFusion 10 that allowed you to create highly interactive charts has been
further enhanced to produce visually more appealing charts.
Note that the new look and feel will not be available for the following tag attributes:
seriesPlacement with percent as the value
cfchart_xmltojson.bat <xml_file_path>
The converted JSON style will be created in the same location as the XML file.
See this document for usage examples.
<cfdocument format="FlashPaper">
<p>This is a document rendered by the cfdocument tag.</p>
The cfdocument tag supports all HTML and CFML tags, with the following exceptions:
Tags that generate content displayed in Flash Player.
Interactive tags, such as form, cfform, and cfapplet
JavaScript that dynamically modifies elements or element positions
Additionally, the HTML wrapped by the cfdocument tag must be well-formed, with end tags for every start
tag and proper nesting of block-level elements.
ColdFusion does not return HTML and CFML outside the <cfdocument> </cfdocument> pair.
You can convert HTML-based reports into PDF or FlashPaper output by wrapping the HTML in the cfdocument sta
rt and end tags, and specifying cfdocument attributes, as appropriate, to customize the following items:
Page size
Page orientation
Encryption (PDF only)
User password and owner password (PDF only)
Permissions (PDF only)
For complete information on these options, see the cfdocument tag discussion in the CFML Reference.
Embedding fonts in the report can help ensure consistent display across multiple browsers and
platforms. For more information on the considerations related to embedding fonts, see Creating a
simple report.
The following example displays a list of employees, using a cfoutput tag to loop through the query:
<cfdocument format="flashpaper">
<h1>Employee List</h1>
<!--- Inline query used for example purposes only. --->
<cfquery name="EmpList" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary, Contract
FROM Employee
<cfoutput query="EmpList">
#EmpList.FirstName#, #EmpList.LastName#, #LSCurrencyFormat(EmpList.Salary)#,
You can use the cfdocument and cfdocumentsection tags to fine-tune your printable output, as follows:
cfdocumentitem: Creates page breaks, headers, or footers.
cfdocumentsection: Divides output into sections, optionally specifying custom margins. Within a section,
use the cfdocumentitem tag to specify unique headers and footers for each section. Each document
section starts on a new page.
The cfdocumentitem tag
You use one or more cfdocumentitem tags to specify headers and footers or to create a page break. You can use
cfdocumentitem tags with or without the cfdocumentsection tag, as follows:
With cfdocumentsection: The cfdocumentitem attribute applies only to the section, and overrides
previously specified headers and footers.
Without cfdocumentsection: The cfdocumentitemattribute applies to the entire document, as follows:
If the tag is at the top of the document, it applies to the entire document.
If the tag is in the middle of the document, it applies to the rest of the document.
If the tag is at the end of the document, it has no affect.
You can use the cfdocumentitem tag to create a running header for an entire document, as the
following example shows:
<cfdocument format="PDF">
<!--- Running header --->
<cfdocumentitem type="header">
<font size="-3"><i>Directory Report</i></font>
<h3>cfdirectory Example</h3>
<!--- Use cfdirectory to display directories by name and size --->
name="myDirectory" recurse="yes"
sort="directory ASC, name ASC, size DESC">
<!---- Output the contents of the cfdirectory as a cftable ----->
<cftable query="myDirectory"
htmltable colheaders>
<cfcol header="DIRECTORY:" text="#directory#">
<cfcol header="NAME:" text="#Name#">
<cfcol header="SIZE:" text="#Size#">
When using cfdocumentsection, all text in the document must be enclosed within cfdocumentsection tags.
ColdFusion ignores HTML and CFML outside cfdocumentsection tags. The margin attributes override margins
specified in previous sections or in the parent cfdocument tag. If you specify margin attributes, the unit attribute of
the parent cfdocument tag control the units; the default for the unit attribute is inches.
Within a section, use the cfdocumentitem tag to specify unique headers and footers for each section and a page
break before each section, as the following example shows:
When you use the cfdocument tag, ColdFusion creates a scope named cfdocument. This scope contains the
following variables:
currentpagenumber Displays the current page number.
totalpagecount Displays the total page count.
currentsectionpagenumber Displays the current section number.
totalsectionpagecountDisplays the total number of sections.
You can use the cfdocument scope variables in expressions within the cfdocumentit
em tag only.
You typically use these variables in a header or footer to display the current page number and total number or
pages, as the following example shows:
You can use the cfdocument bookmark attribute to create bookmarks for each section within a PDF document, as
the following example shows:
You can use the cfhttp tag in combination with the cfdocument tag to display entire web pages in PDF or FlashPaper
output format, as the following example shows:
The cfdocument tag supports the Acrobat security options, as the following table shows:
Security option
User password
Owner password
Additionally, the cfdocument tag supports the following Acrobat security permissions through the permissions at
tribute. Specify one or more of the following values; separate multiple permissions with a comma:
Screen readers
Fill in
Degraded printing
The defaults for these options vary, based on encryption level. These options apply to PDF only.
For more information, see the cfdocument discussion in the CFML Reference.
The following example creates a PDF document that allows copying only:
You can use the cfdocument filename attribute to save the generated PDF or SWF content to a file, as the
following example shows:
For complete information on defining reports in Crystal Reports, see the Crystal Reports documentation.
#back to top
The Report Builder is a stand-alone application that creates report definitions, interacting with a ColdFusion server,
as necessary. The Report Builder stores report definition information in a ColdFusion Report (CFR) file. This file
contains field definitions, formatting, database SQL statements, CFML, and other information. You display a CFR file
by using the cfreport tag and, if enabled for the report, display the report by running the CFR file in a browser.
The Report Builder runs in the Windows platform only. However, the CFR files created by the
Report Builder run on all platforms that ColdFusion runs on and that have ColdFusion Reporting
Remote Development Services (RDS) is a proprietary protocol that uses HTTP to enable the Query Builder and
Chart Wizard to access database data through a ColdFusion data source. To enable this functionality in the Report
Builder, you define settings for an RDS server. RDS server is another name for an associated ColdFusion server
that has enabled RDS.
For more information, see Using CFML in reports in Common reporting tasks and techniques.
Run time
At run time, you display the CFR file by using a ColdFusion server that has ColdFusion Reporting enabled. You can
display the CFR file directly or run it through the cfreport tag. Also, you can save the report to a file instead of
returning output to the browser. If the report requires input parameters or a passed query, use the cfreport tag. If
you pass a query attribute in the cfreport tag, it overrides any internal SQL statement in the report definition.
Getting started
For installation instructions, see Installing ColdFusion. When you install the Report Builder, it also registers Windows
DLLs that RDS uses. If these DLLs fail to register properly, the Report Builder generates errors at startup and when
using RDS.
Setup Wizard
The first time you start the Report Builder, it runs the Setup Wizard. The Setup Wizard prompts you to define default
settings for an associated ColdFusion server. These settings include the following:
Default unit of measurement: Inches, centimeters, or pixels.
ColdFusion server. The RDS server that the Query Builder and Chart Wizard use to access database data
(RDS must be enabled on this server). The Setup Wizard requires the following information:
Host name or IP address.
Web server port. Typically, the port is 80 if you are using a web server connector, 8500 if you are using
the built-in web server in the server configuration, 8300 if you are using the built-in web server with an
instance created with the ColdFusion Enterprise Instance Manager, or a J2EE-server-specific web
server port number.
RDS password for the associated ColdFusion server.
Directory path to the web root used by the associated ColdFusion server (for example, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot or
URL for the web root used by the associated ColdFusion server (for example, or
After running the Setup Wizard, the Report Gallery dialog box appears. When you click the Using A Report
Wizard radio button, the Report Builder runs the Report Creation Wizard, which prompts you for information
and automatically generates a complete report definition.
For more information on the Report Creation Wizard, see the Report Builder online Help.
Configuring RDS
Configure one RDS server for each ColdFusion server for which you define reports. After you configure an RDS
server, you can use the Query Builder to access data sources that you defined in the associated ColdFusion server,
and select database columns for use as query fields in a report.
Open the Preferences dialog box by selecting Edit > Preferences from the menu bar.
Click Server Connection.
Click the plus sign (+) next to the pop-up menu in the upper-left corner of the dialog box.
In the Configure RDS Server dialog box, specify the following information, and then click OK:
Description A name for the server connection. This name appears in the pop-up menu on the left side of the
Query Builder.
Host name The host on which ColdFusion runs. Type localhost or an IP address.
Port Web server port number. Accept the default port (80) or enter the port number of the ColdFusion
server's built-in web server (8500 is the default port number).
Context Root (J2EE configuration only) The context root (if any) for the ColdFusion web application.
Use Secure Sockets Layer (Optional) Enables SSL security.
User Name Not applicable to ColdFusion RDS.
PasswordRDS password. You set this password in the ColdFusion Administrator.
Do not confuse the RDS password with the ColdFusion Administrator password, which
you also manage through the ColdFusion Administrator.
Prompt for password Specifies whether to prompt for an RDS password each time you use the Query
Builder. If you select this option, leave the User Name and Password fields blank.
To ensure a successful report, plan the following before defining it in the ColdFusion Report Builder:
Report design issues:
Audience Why are you creating this report? Who is the audience?
Data What data must be in the report? Where does it come from? Whether you use the Query Builder or pass
Ideally, reports achieve a consistent look across all client platforms and all browsers. ColdFusion handles this
consistency automatically for graphics and images, using the size specifications in the report definition. However,
potential differences in font availability across browsers, browser versions, languages, and platforms can affect the
font display for your report. A variety of factors ensure a consistent report display.
Embedded fonts
You can ensure consistent report display by embedding fonts. However, reports with embedded fonts have a larger
file size.
Output format
The FlashPaper and PDF output formats handle embedded fonts differently.
FlashPaper FlashPaper always embeds fonts, which ensures that reports always display appropriately.
PDF PDF reports can optionally embed fonts, however, if your report doesn't use embedded fonts, ensure
that the fonts are available on the client computers.
Font availability on the server computer and the client computer
ColdFusion has different requirements for rendering the fonts in a report, depending on where the fonts are located.
Server computer For all formats, the fonts used in a report must reside on the computer that runs
ColdFusion. ColdFusion requires these fonts to render the report accurately. ColdFusion automatically
locates Acrobat built-in fonts and fonts stored in typical font locations (such as the Windows\fonts directory).
However, if your server has additional fonts installed in nonstandard locations, register them with the
ColdFusion Administrator so that the cfdocument and cfreport tags can locate and render PDF and
FlashPaper reports.
Client computer If your PDF report does not embed fonts, the fonts reside on the client computer to ensure
If you are using Java logical fonts, such as serif, sans serif, or monospaced, ColdFusion maps these fonts to
physical fonts by using specifications in the cf_root/cfusion/lib/ file. (In the JEE configuration, this file
is in the cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/cfusion/lib directory). You can modify these mappings, if necessary. Also, if you
are using an operating system whose locale is not English, you can create a locale-specific mapping file by
appending .java-locale-code to the filename. If ColdFusion detects that it is running on a non-English locale, it first
checks for a file. For example, on a computer that uses the Chinese locale, name
the file For more information on Java locale codes, see the Sun website.
The ColdFusion install includes a file for the Japanese locale.
This discussion applies to both the cfdocument and cfreport tags. For more information, see the Report Builder
online Help.
You can add clarity to a report's organization by grouping the information. You can define separate headings for
each new group and also display group-specific summary information, such as subtotals at the end of each group's
area of the report. For example, you could create a report that displays departments, employees, and their salaries.
Grouping the data by department lets users quickly understand department salary characteristics. When the
department ID changes, the ColdFusion Report Builder triggers a group break. The group break completes the old
group by displaying the group footer and starts the new group by displaying the group header.
The ColdFusion Report Builder does not group data itself. Ensure that the SQL used to retrieve the result set is
already grouped in the appropriate order; typically you implement grouping by specifying an ORDER BY clause in
the SQL SELECT statement used for the report. For example, you could use the following SQL SELECT statement:
For this example, you can define two groups: one that corresponds to Country, and a second group that
corresponds to City. When you define more than one group, the Group Management dialog box appears with Up
Arrow and Down Arrow keys, which you can use to control group hierarchy. For example, country should precede
city, because countries contain cities.
Define a group
1. Create a calculated field to contain the group subtotal. Create the calculated field that uses the following
Specify a numeric data type.
Select Sum in the Calculation field.
Specify the field to sum on in the Perform Calculation On field. For example, a report on employees by
department could sum on query.emp_salary.
Specify to reset the field when the group changes.
2. Place the calculated field on the report.
For more information on calculated fields, see the Report Builder online Help.
Defining, modifying, and using fields and input parameters
The Report Builder supports variable data through query fields, input parameters, and calculated fields, as follows:
Query field Maps to columns in the database result set associated with the report. You define one query field
for each column in the associated database query.
Calculated field Analyzes or sums multiple detail rows in a report. ColdFusion dynamically generates
calculated field values at report-generation time, optionally recalculating the value with each new report,
page, column, or group.
Input parameter Specifies data fields that you pass to the report at run time through the cfreportparam ta
g or from a main report to a subreport. You can place input parameters directly on a report band or you can
use them as input to a calculated field.
Define a query field
Big Decimal
Time Stamp
7. Click OK.
The Query Builder defines query fields automatically for all database columns in the result set
(this action does not apply to the Advanced Query Builder). Also, if you run the Query Builder as
part of the Report Creation Wizard, the wizard places query fields on the report.
1. In the Fields and Parameters panel, use the radio buttons to specify whether to place the label, the field, or
2. Drag the query field, calculated field, or input parameter from the Fields and Parameters tab to the
appropriate report band.
3. Drag the query field, calculated field, or input parameter to the desired band.
4. (Optional) Use the Properties panel to customize the field display.
For example, you could have a query field named query.emp_salary and a calculated field that sums
query.emp_salary, resetting it with each group. Place query.emp_salary in the detail band, and the
associated calculated field in the group footer band.
Using toolbox elements on report bands
You use the toolbox to add graphic and textual elements, such as images, circles, squares, lines, dynamic fields,
charts, and subreports, to report bands.
The basic technique for adding toolbox elements is to click in the toolbox element and then drag to define an area in
the appropriate report band. For some toolbox elements, such as image and text box, a dialog box immediately
appears, prompting for more information. For all toolbox elements, you customize the appearance of the element by
using the Properties sheet.
You can add toolbox elements from the Insert menu.
For information on charts, see Using charts. For information on subreports, see Using subreports.
Create a text box
1. Click the image icon in the toolbox (the icon has a tree on it).
2. Define the area for the image by dragging on the desired band.The Image File Name dialog box appears.
You can also drag the BLOB field from the Fields and Parameters tab to a report band.
1. Click Cancel.The Expression Builder appears.
2. Click the Image Type pop-up menu and change File/URL to BLOB.
3. Select the query field or input parameter that contains the BLOB column.
The BLOB column must contain a binary image in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format.
1. Click OK.
These instructions assume that the contents of the BLOB column can be rendered as an image.
Pressing the Control key while resizing a rectangle, ellipsis, or line, constrains the element to a
square, circle, or angles that are multiples of 45 degrees.
5. Click OK.
Aligning elements
Organized element layout is essential to a visually pleasing report. You achieve this organization by aligning,
spacing, and centering visual elements on each band relative to each other, to the band itself, and to elements on
other bands.
The Report Builder Align Palette includes the following options:
Align left, center, and right
Align top, horizontal, and bottom
Same heights, widths, and both
Space equally horizontally
Space equally vertically
You align, size, and space multiple report elements, as follows:
Relative to the band they are in: You control relative alignment through the Align to Band icon, which is the
bottom icon in the Align Palette. When it is enabled, the Align to Band icon has a rectangle surrounding it,
and the Report Builder aligns and spaces one or more elements relative to the height and width of the band.
Relative to each other: When Align to Band is disabled, Report Builder aligns and spaces two or more
elements relative to each other.
Use the Align Palette
1. Select two or more elements by pressing Control-click, Shift-click, or using lasso select.
2. Click the alignment icon, or select Modify > Alignment > alignment option from the menu bar.
The Align Palette options are also available from Modify > Alignment on the menu bar.
For complete information on fine-tuning element display, see the Report Builder online Help.
Using report styles
A report style is like a font style in Microsoft Word. Instead of explicitly associating an element with formatting
specifications, you associate the element with a style. doing so provides you with report-wide control of the
formatting characteristics of your report.
Additionally, you can specify style that is the default for the report. The ColdFusion Report Builder uses the default
style for all fields for which you have applied no other font specifications or styles. The default style, if defined, is
displayed in bold in the Report Styles panel.
Report Builder also lets you import styles from a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file and export styles defined in
Report Builder to a CSS file. This way you can enforce standard formatting across reports and override styles at run
time from a CFM page. For more information, see Using Cascading Style Sheets and the CFML Reference.
When choosing fonts for your report, ensure that the fonts are available on the server that runs
ColdFusion and (if you don't embed fonts) on the client computer. For more information on fonts,
see Creating a simple report.
Define a style
Report building is an iterative process and most developers periodically display the in-progress report to review their
most recent changes. If your report uses an internal query and you established default web root settings, preview
functionality is enabled automatically. If your report uses a passed query, define an associated CFM page and
associate that page with the report. The Report Builder runs this page when you request Report Preview.
Preview a report that uses an internal query
1. (Optional) Define default server connection information using the Preferences dialog box, if you did not define
these settings previously:
Default RDS server configuration (used for Query Builder and Chart Wizard only; not required for
report preview).
Fully qualified path for the local web root directory; for example, C:_ColdFusion_\wwwroot or
URL for the local web root, for example, or
2. (Optional) Specify the output format in the Report Properties dialog box (the default format is FlashPaper).
3. (Optional) If a CFM page runs, specify the URL of the CFM page in the Report Properties dialog box.
4. Save your report.
5. Select File > Preview from the menu bar to display the report.
If the Report Builder displays the Edit Preview Report URL dialog box instead of
displaying the Preview window, select Edit > Preferences from the menu bar and insure
that the web root file and URL settings are correct on the Server Connection pane.
The Report Builder includes a built-in calculated field named PAGE_NUMBER, which displays the current page
number when you place it on a report band.
Add a built-in calculated field
For information on the other built-in calculated fields, see the Report Builder online Help.
Using layered controls
Layered controls are elements that you place at the same location of a report band, and then use PrintWhen expre
ssions to conditionally display one or the other at run time. You can use layered elements to customize the
circumstances under which the elements display and enhance a report's ability to communicate important
Place an element directly over another element
You can include hypertext links from query fields, calculated fields, input parameters, charts, and images to a variety
of destinations:
An anchor or page within the same report
An anchor or page within another report
An HTML page, optionally specifying an anchor and URL parameters
One use for links is to create drill-down reports, in which you click an item to display detailed information. For
example, clicking an employee line item passes the employee ID as a parameter to a page that displays
complete information for the employee.
For complete usage information on creating anchors and hypertext links, see the Report Builder online Help.
Defining properties for report elements
A set of properties defines every element on a report, including the report itself. These properties affect the look,
feel, and behavior of each element.
For many properties, the Report Builder lets you define their values through user interface elements, such as dialog
boxes, toolbar icons, and menu items. For example, you set a text label's font size using a toolbar icon. You can set
values for all properties, however, through the Properties panel, which display all properties for the currently
selected element.
Sometimes a report contains multiple, closely spaced elements and it is difficult to select an
individual element using the mouse. In this case, selecting the element from the Properties panel
pop-up menu is an easy way to select an element.
Select the element from the pop-up menu. When you select a new element, the Report Builder selects the element
and displays its properties.
Although the Properties panel is a powerful way to set properties, you typically set properties
through dialog boxes and toolbar icons. For example, you use the Report Properties dialog box
to set report-wide settings. For complete information on setting properties, see "Property
reference" in the Report Builder online Help.
Displaying reports
Your application can run a report by displaying the CFR file in a browser or by displaying a CFM page whose cfrep
ort tag runs the report.
You can optionally use the cfreport tag to save the report to a file.
The cfreport tag supports advanced PDF encryption options. For more information, see cfreport in the CFML
For information on report preview, see Previewing reports.
Display a report by using the cfreport tag
ColdFusion does not render text that occurs before or after the cfreport_ tag._
1. Open a browser and display the CFM page.ColdFusion generates the report.
If you display an HTML report, ColdFusion generates temporary files for images in the report.
You can specify how long the temporary files are saved on the server by using the resourceTi
mespan attribute of the cfreport tag. For more information, see the CFML Reference.
1. Create a report that uses an internal query and does not use input parameters.
2. Open a browser and display the CFR file.
Save a report to a file
If you write the report output to an HTML file, ColdFusion creates a directory located relative to
the HTML file, generates files for the images (including charts) in the report, and stores the
image files in the directory. For more information, see Exporting the report in HTML.
Use the .pdf extension for PDF output format, the .swf extension for FlashPaper output format,
.xml extension for an XML file, .rtf extension for an RTF file, .html extension for HTML files, and
the .xls extension for Excel format.
1. Open a browser and display the CFM page. ColdFusion generates the report, saves the file, and displays an
empty page in the browser.
Disable browser display of the CFR file
1. Open the Report Properties dialog box by selecting Report > Report Properties from the menu bar.
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
2. Clear the Allow Direct .CFR Browser Invocation option, and click OK.
Using input parameters to pass variables and other data at run time
Input parameters are data fields that you pass to the report at run time. You can place input parameters directly on a
report band or you can use them as input to a calculated field.
Define input parameters in the same manner as query fields. You can specify a default value that ColdFusion uses
when no corresponding parameter exists. For more information on defining input parameters, see Defining,
modifying, and using fields and input parameters.
You use input parameters in the following ways:
Through the cfreportparam tag: Input parameters must correspond, by name, to cfreportparam tags
embedded in the CFM page invocation. For example, if you define an input parameter named ReportTime,
you pass a cfreportparamtag with a name attribute set to ReportTime, as the following example shows:
Subreport parameters: When a subreport requires information from a main report, you define subreport
parameters in the main report and corresponding input parameters in the subreport. For more information,
see Using subreports.
For information on dynamically populating input parameters at run time, see Advanced query mode.
Using CFML in reports
CFML is the scripting language for the Report Builder. By leveraging CFML, you can create reports that select and
format data to meet your needs. You use CFML in the following areas of the Report Builder:
Advanced query mode
Report functions
Advanced query mode
In some cases, you create a complex query, reuse an existing query, or encapsulate additional CFML processing as
part of query creation for the report. To use a query in these ways, you use advanced query mode to create CFML
that returns a query. When you click the Advanced button at the top of the Query Builder, the Report Builder
displays a text entry area in which you can enter CFML that generates a query. ColdFusion executes this tag at
report execution time and passes the query result set to the report.
When you use advanced query mode, the Query Builder does not create query fields
automatically. create the associated query fields manually.
The CFML used in advanced query mode must include a query object whose name matches that in the Variable that
contains the query object field. You can use any CFML tag that returns a query object or the QueryNew function.
The CFML can use multiple query objects, but can only return one.
If you set an empty variable (for example, <cfset name=" ">), the Report Builder throws a Report
data binding error.
Another possible use of advanced query mode is to test for passed parameters in the URL or FORM scopes and
use those parameters to retrieve data, as the following example shows:
<!--- First look for URL param. URL overrides cfreportparam. --->
<cfif isDefined("url.deptidin")>
<cfset param.deptidin = url.deptidin>
<!-- Then look for FORM param. Overrides URL param. --->
<cfif isDefined("form.deptidin")>
<cfset param.deptidin = form.deptidin>
<cfquery name="CFReportDataQuery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECTLastName, FirstName, Dept_ID
WHERE (Dept_ID = #param.deptidin#)
Report functions are user-defined CFML functions that you code using the Report Function Editor and run in report
fields. You can use them to format data (such as concatenating and formatting all the field that make up an
address), to retrieve data, and for many other purposes.
Three built-in functions are unique to Report Builder: InitializeReport, BeforeExport, and FinalizeRepor
t. For more information, see the Report Builder online Help.
Report Builder built-in functions
Select Report > Report Functions from the menu bar.The Report Function Editor displays.
Click the Add Default Functions icon (the first on the left).The built-in functions are added to the left pane.
Select a function from the left pane.Commented code associated with the function appears in the right pane.
Modify the code and click OK.
Select Report > Report Functions from the menu bar.The Report Function Editor displays.
Click the plus sign to add a new report function.The Add Report Function dialog box displays.
Specify a name and click OK.
The Report Function Editor places a cfreturn tag in the text entry area.
Code the function, and click OK. The function is a ColdFusion user-defined function so all UDF rules and
features are available for use. The following example shows a report function that concatenates address
name="Name" required="yes"/>
name="Address1" required="yes"/>
name="Address2" required="yes"/>
name="City" required="yes"/>
name="State" required="yes"/>
name="Zip" required="yes"/>
1. Place a dynamic field on the appropriate report band.The Add Field dialog box displays.
2. Specify Manually Entered Expression, and click OK.The Expression Builder displays.
3. Specify "report.functionname", and click OK.
Using expressions
Many elements of the Report Builder (including query fields, calculated fields, input parameters, images, and report
object attributes) are single operand ColdFusion expressions. Because these elements are expressions, you can
Charts can help clarify large or complex data sets. The Report Builder lets you place a chart in any report band and
supports many types of charts.
To add a chart to a report, you use the Chart Wizard, which steps you through the chart building process. The Chart
Wizard, which is fully integrated with the Query Wizard to facilitate database-driven charts, helps you define the
chart type, the data used for the report and other formatting options.
As you use the Chart Wizard to choose and define the various aspects of a given chart, the
Report Builder uses RDS to generate chart images in real time. However, the data in these chart
images is not real.
For complete information on ColdFusion charting capabilities, see Creating Charts and Graphs. For more
information on charting using the Report Builder, see Report Builder online Help.
Using subreports
Subreports let you nest a report within your report. The data that you display in a subreport is typically related to the
data in the main report. You enable this display by passing one or more subreport parameters to the subreport.
However, the data displayed in a subreport can also be unrelated to the data in the main report.
Reasons to use subreports including the following:
You prefer to avoid complex SQL, such as a RIGHT OUTER JOIN.
Your report requires data from multiple databases.
The following example shows the use of subreport parameters and the relationship between a report and a
Although the Report Builder supports multiple levels of nesting, it displays one level of nesting
For additional information on subreports, see the Report Builder online Help.
Defining a subreport
You can define a subreport and include it in a report, or you can define it as part of inserting the subreport in the
main report.
A subreport has the following characteristics:
Data displayed in the detail band only. A subreport uses no header or footer bands.
If the subreport is related to the main report, it must include an internal query that uses a SELECT statement
with a WHERE clause specifying the name of the input parameter used in the main report's Subreport
Expression property.
If you have already defined a subreport, you add it to the main report and define subreport parameters, as
Add an existing subreport
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
7. Specify a WHERE clause for the report by using the Condition and Criteria columns for the key columns.
Specify a WHERE for Condition and either ='#CFVariable#' (string column) or =#CFVariable# (numeric
column) for Criteria, and then overtype CFVariable with the name of the input parameter for the subreport
(you define the input parameter name later in the procedure.)
8. Click Save, and then click Next.
9. Specify grouping fields, if appropriate for your subreport, and click Next.
10. Specify Free Form or Grid, and click Next.
11. Specify Only Detail Band, and click Next.
12. Specify a color scheme, and click Next.
13. Specify headings, as appropriate, and click Next.
14. For each parameter required by the subreport, specify the following:
Parameter name.
Associated value from the main report (select from the pop-up menu).
Data type.
15. Click Next.
16. Specify a fully qualified filename for the subreport, and then click Next.
17. Click Finish.Report Builder adds the subreport to the main report. Report Builder lets you change subreport
name and modify subreport parameters in a main report.
Modify subreport settings
By default, the Report Wizard uses the column name for the column headers in the report, but you can change the
label text for column headings.
Edit the heading label text
Change the display of the ISSOLD value to a yes/no expression. By default, Report Builder displays 0 (not
sold) or 1 (sold) for the ISSOLD column based on how the data is stored in the database. You can use a
function to change the display to yes or no.
Change the value of the PRICE column to a dollar format.
Concatenate the artists' first and last names. Even though the FirstName field is a nonprinted field in the
report, you can add it to an expression because it is part of the SQL query that you created.
Change a Boolean value to yes/no
1. Double-click the query.ISSOLD element in the detail band. Report Builder displays the Expression Builder for
that element.
2. In the Expression Builder, expand the Functions folder.
3. Choose Display and Formatting from the Functions list. Report Builder displays the list of functions in the right
pane of the Expression Builder.
4. Double-click YesNoFormat from the list of functions. Report Builder automatically completes the following
expression in the expression pane:
Notice that the Expression Builder prompts you with the available field names as you type.
3. Click the OK button in the Expression Builder.
4. Choose File > Save from the Report Builder menu bar to save your changes to the report.
5. Press F12 to preview the report.Report Builder displays the first and last name for each of the artists. Notice
that the report still is grouped alphabetically by last name.
6. Close the preview window.
Adding page breaks before group changes
Create a page break so that each artist name starts on at the top of a page in the report output.
1. Choose Report > Group Management from the main menu bar. The Group Management dialog box appears
with LASTNAME selected.
2. Click the Edit button.
3. Select the Start New Page option and click OK.
Adding a calculated field
Calculate the sum of the artwork sold by artist
This expression multiplies the total price of the artwork per artist by the number of items sold to
calculate the total sales per artist. If the ISSOLD value for a record is 1 (sold), the value is multiplied by
1 and added to the total; if the ISSOLD value for a record is 0 (unsold), the value is multiplied by 0.
f. Change the Reset Field When value to Group.
g. Change the Reset Group value to LASTNAME, and click OK. Report Builder adds the calculated field
definition in the Fields and Parameters panel.
Add the calculated field to your report
4. Press F12 to preview the report. Report Builder displays the sum of the artwork sold for each artist.
Adding and formatting fields
You can add a text field to your report and define a style for it. When you define a style, you can reuse it throughout
your report or export the style so that you can use it in other reports. Also, you can override report styles at run time
by using the cfreport and the cfreportparam tags. For more information, see Overriding report styles.
Add a text field
1. In the Controls toolbox on the left side of the Report Builder window, click the text icon (the button with abc on
it) and place the text field to the left of the calculated field in the LASTNAME footer.
2. In the Edit Label dialog box, type Total Sales, and click OK.
Select the Total Sales text box in the LASTNAME Footer band.
Choose Window > Properties Inspector.
Choose GroupFooter from the Style pop-up menu.
Select the calculated field element and apply the GroupFooter Style to it.
Press F12 to preview your report:
Adding images
When you add images with Report Builder, you can perform the following types of tasks:
Replace the company name text box with a company logo in the report header.
Use the Query Builder to add images from a database.
Display the report in RTF format for faster display.
Add a logo to the report header
Select the Company Name text box located in the header band preceding Sales Report.
Choose Edit > Cut to remove the text box from the report.
Click the Add Image icon in the Controls toolbox. (The icon has a picture of a tree on it.)
Drag the mouse in the header band preceding the Sales Report text box. When you release the mouse, the
Image File Name dialog box appears.
Navigate to the Art World logo file:C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\cfdocs\getting_started\photos\somewhere.jpg
Click Open. Report Builder displays the Art World logo in the area that you selected.
With the image selected in the workspace, choose Windows > Properties Inspector. The Properties Inspector
for the image appears:
a. Under Colors and Style, change the Transparency to Transparent.
b. Under Formatting, change Scale Image to Retain Shape.
In the Header band, control-click the logo image and the Sales Report text box in the workspace to select
Click the Align Left Sides icon in the Controls toolbox.
Choose File > Save to save your changes.
Press F12 to preview the report.
Close the preview window and readjust the image size and location as needed.
Click the Open button. Report Builder adds the column to the Detail band of the report.
Align the image column with the top of the Detail band.
With the image element selected in the detail band, choose Window > Properties Inspector.
Change the following properties:
a. Transparency: Transparent.
b. Scale Image: Retain Shape. This option scales the images proportionately within the bounding box.
c. Error Control: No Image. This option ensures that Report Builder displays blank images rather than
generates an error for images missing from the database.
d. Using Cache: False. This option refreshes the display each time you preview the report output in the
13. Choose File > Save to save your changes.
Change the report output format
You can use the Chart Builder to add two pie charts to your report: the first pie chart shows the total dollar amount of
the art sold versus the total dollar amount unsold art for each artist; the second pie chart shows the sum of artwork
sold versus unsold for all of the artists.
The two pie charts are the same except for the scope. To apply a pie chart to a group (the ratio of sold to unsold art
for each artist), add the pie chart to the group footer band. To apply the pie chart to the report (the ratio of sold to
unsold art for all artists), add the pie chart to the report footer band.
In Adding a calculated field, you added a calculated field for the total dollar amount of artwork sold. Before you can
create the pie chart for this example, create a second calculated field for the total dollar amount of unsold art.
Add a calculated field for the sum of unsold art
f. In the Reset Field When field, choose Group from the pop-up menu.
g. In the Reset Group field, choose LASTNAME.
h. Click OK to close the Add Calculated Field dialog box and return to the report.
4. Choose File > Save from the menu bar to save your changes to the report.
Add a pie chart to the group footer
2. Choose Insert > Chart from the Report Builder menu bar:
a. Choose Pie from the Base Chart Type list. The Chart Sub-Type appears to the right of the Base Chart
b. Choose the 3D chart.
3. Click the Next button. Then click the Add button:
a. In the Series Label field, type Total Sales.
b. In the Paint Style field, choose Light.
c. In the Data Label field, choose Value.
d. In the Color List, type Teal,Gray.
e. In the Chart Data Source area, ensure that the Data From A Fixed List of Values option is selected.
4. Click the Add button:
a. In the Label field, type Sold.
b. In the Value field, choose #calc.Sold# from pop-up menu.
c. Click OK.
5. Click the Add button again:
a. In the Label field, type Unsold.
b. In the Value field, choose #calc.Unsold# from the pop-up menu.
c. Click OK twice to return to the Chart Series dialog box.
6. Click the Next button. In the Chart Formatting dialog box, click the Titles & Series tab and make the following
a. In the Chart Title field, type Total Sales for #query.LASTNAME#.
b. In the X Axis Title field, type Sold.
c. In the Y Axis Title field, type Unsold.
d. In the Label Format field, choose Currency from the pop-up menu.
e. Click the 3-D Appearance tab and ensure that Show 3-D is selected.
7. Click the Font tab and make the following changes:
a. Change the Font Name to Arial.
b. Change the Font Size to 9.
8. Click the Finish button. Report Builder adds a place holder for the pie chart in the report.
9. Resize and move the chart to the desired location within the LASTNAME Footer band.
10. Choose File > Save to save your changes to the report.
11. Press F12 to preview the report.
Add a pie chart to the report footer
1. Create two calculated fields to use in the report footer pie chart with the following parameters:
Total Sold
Total Unsold
Data Type:
Big Decimal
Big Decimal
) and query.ISSOLD,
) and not(query.ISSOLD),
Initial Value:
Report (Changes)
Report (Changes)
Reset Group:
Expand the Report Footer band, which is located directly below the Page Footer band.
Copy the pie chart from the Group Footer and paste it in the Report Footer.
Double-click the pie chart and click the Next button.
Double-click Total Sales to display the Edit Chart Series dialog box.
Change the Series Label to Total Sales for Artists.
Change the chart series values:
Click the Next button, and then Click the Title & Series tab.
Change the Chart Title to Total Sales for Artists, and click Finish.
Choose File > Save from the menu bar to save your changes to the report.
Press F12 to preview the report.
The Total Sales for Artists pie chart appears only on the last page of the report. Verify that the calculations
are correct.
The Report Creation Wizard automatically creates and applies the following styles to your report:
DetailData (default style)
The instructions on Adding and formatting fields show how to add a field called GroupFooter and apply it to a
text field and a data field in the GroupFooter band. You can export the styles in a report to a CSS file. Report
Builder automatically generates the CSS code for the styles. This technique is an efficient way to maintain a
single set of styles to use with multiple reports. You can modify the styles in the CSS file by using any text
editor and either import the CSS file in Report Builder or override the styles in the report at run time.
Export report styles to a CSS file
5. Change the ReportTitle style color attribute to Red and add the font-weightattribute, as the following
code shows:
font-weight: bold;
You can use the cfreport tag in ColdFusion to override report settings in a Report Builder report at run time. The
examples use the CFR file that you created in Creating a simple report.
Overriding the report query
This example filters the data in the report based on the login ID of the artist. When the artist logs on, the report
displays the data and pie chart for that artist. The report also includes the pie chart with data from all the artists.
The following code creates a simple login page in ColdFusion. The form uses artist's last name as the user ID. (The
code does not include password verification):
On the processing page, add a query like the one you created in the Report Builder report. The ColdFusion query
must contain at least all of the columns included in the Report Builder query; however, the ColdFusion query can
contain additional data.
The query in the following example selects all of the data from the ART and ARTISTS tables based on the artist's
last name. The cfreport tag uses the pathname of the CFR file as the report template.
ColdFusion displays the report for the artist in RTF format. Notice that the value of the format attribute overrides
the Default Output format defined in the CFR file.
Exporting the report in HTML
To generate a report in HTML and display it directly in the browser, change the format attribute to HTML:
ColdFusion automatically generates a temporary directory where it stores all of the image files in the report (charts
are saved as PNG files). The location of the temporary directory is:
You can specify when the temporary directory is removed from the server by using the CreateTimeSpan function
as a value for the resourceTimespan attribute:
You can specify the time span in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. In this example, the temporary directory is
deleted after one hour. For more information, see the CFML Reference.
To export the report output to an HTML file, specify the filename attribute. The following code writes the report
output to an HTML file called artSales.html:
ColdFusion creates an image directory relative to the HTML output file in the format filenamefiles. In this example,
ColdFusion automatically generates PNG files for the charts in the report and saves them to a directory called
artSales_files. Also, it generates copies of all of the JPG images extracted from the cfartgallery database and stores
them in the artSales_files directory. For more information, see the _CFML Reference .
Overriding report styles
To override the report styles in a report, specify the style attribute of the cfreport tag. The value must contain
valid CSS syntax, the pathname to a CSS file, or a variable that points to valid CSS code. The CSS style names
must match the report style names defined in Report Builder.
The following code shows how to override the styles in the ArtSalesReport1.cfr report with the styles defined in the
artStyles.css file:
The following code shows how to apply a CSS style as a value of the style attribute:
The following code shows how to create a variable called myStyle and use it as a value of the style attribute:
For more information, see the cfreport tag in the CFML Reference.
#back to top
You specify at least one slide for the presentation and can assign each presenter to one or more slides. The
following example shows a slide presentation with content from four different sources and two presenters:
<cfpresentation title="myPresentation">
<cfpresenter name="Tuckerman" title="V.P. of Marketing"
email="[email protected]">
<cfpresenter name="Anne" title="V.P. of Sales" email="[email protected]">
<cfpresentationslide src="slide1.swf" title="Overview" duration="10"
<cfpresentationslide src="slide2.htm" title="Q1 Sales" duration="30"
<cfpresentationslide src=""
title="Market Trends" duration="30" presenter="Tuckerman"/>
<cfpresentationslide title="Summary" duration="10">
<li>Projected Sales</li>
<li>Challenges Ahead</li>
<li>Long Term Goals</li>
The cfpresentationslide tag requires an end tag. If you specify a source file as the slide
content, use the end slash as a shortcut for the end tag.
When the presentation runs, the slides appear in the order they are listed on the ColdFusion page for the duration
specified in each slide. The presenter information is displayed in a control panel next to the slide to which it is
The title appears at the top of the control panel. The color settings affect the presentation interface, but not the
format of the slides within the presentation. Set the showNotes attribute to yes to display text notes that are
defined for individual slides.
If you do not specify a directory, as in the previous example, ColdFusion runs the presentation directly in the client
browser. The presentation uses files written to a temp directory on the server. To save the presentation, specify an
absolute path or a directory relative to the CFM page. (ColdFusion does not create the directory; it must exist
already.) In the following example, the presentation files are stored in the salesPresentation directory on the local
ColdFusion automatically generates the following files necessary to run the presentation and saves them in the
specified directory:
Also, ColdFusion creates a subdirectory called data where it stores the following files:
srchdata.xml (which creates the search interface)
A SWF file generated for each slide in the presentation
Copies of the media files referenced in the presentation slidesMedia files can include JPEG files, FLV and
SWF video files, and mp3 audio files. To run the presentation that you saved to files, double-click the
index.htm file.
ColdFusion does not overwrite the files referenced by the slides in the presentation; changes to
the generated presentation files do not affect the source files.
Adding presenters
Optionally, you can add one or more presenters under the cfpresentation tag. ColdFusion displays the
presenter information in the control panel for the current slide to which it is assigned. A slide does not require a
Use the cfpresenter tag to specify personal information. This information can include a title, an e-mail address, a
logo and an image of the person, as the following code shows:
The name attribute is required. You use this value to assign the presenter to one or more slides. To assign a
presenter to a slide, use the cfpresenter tag name attribute value as the cfpresentationslide tag present
er attribute. The following example creates a presenter named Tuckerman and assigns him to a slide called
Assign presenters explicitly to slides. To assign a presenter to more than one slide, use the
presenter name in each of the cfpresentationslide tags.
When you assign a presenter to a slide, the presenter information is displayed in the control panel for the duration of
the slide. Images must be in JPEG format and the files must be located in a path relative to the ColdFusion page.
ColdFusion maps the email attribute value to the contact link in the control panel. This link opens an e-mail
message in the local e-mail application when you click it.
The following code creates three presenters for a presentation and assigns two of the presenters to slides:
The presenter Hannah is assigned to one slide and Anne is assigned to two slides. The last slide in the presentation
has no presenter assigned to it. Because Wilson is not assigned to a slide, his information does not appear in the
presentation. In the second slide, Anne's photo is displayed in the control panel. In the third slide, however, the
video called promo.flv runs in place of Anne's photo in the control panel for the duration of the slide. The video does
not display in the slide.
Videos must be in SWF or FLV format. You cannot specify audio and video for the same slide.
Adding slides
Use one cfpresentationslide tag for each slide in the presentation. The presentation runs the slides in the
order they are listed beneath the cfpresentation tag. You can create content for a slide in one of the following
title="slide 1"
title="slide 2"
title="slide 3"
otal Sales</h3><cfchart
s type="pie"
The following code creates a presentation with three slides from source files in different locations:
In this example, ColdFusion generates the files required to run the presentation in the gardenPresentation directory.
It generates a new SWF file in the data subdirectory from each of the slides. ColdFusion also copies the
hendrix.mp3 file and saves it in the data subdirectory.
Links within slides created from HTML files are not active.
If you do not specify a source file for a slide, create the content by using HTML or CFML in the cfpresentations
lide tag body. The following presentation contains one slide with each with the following types of content:
Generated from HTML
Generated from HTML and CFML
Extracted from an HTML file on an external website
The value for the format attribute of the cfchart tag must be JPG or PNG.
The content for slides is not limited to static data: you can generate content from information extracted from a
database or a query of queries.
Sample presentations
This section provides two sample presentations.
Example 1
The following example creates a simple presentation that incorporates data retrieved from the cfdocexamples
database. It shows how to perform the following tasks:
Create slides generated from HTML and CFML.
Add images to slides.
Add charts and tables with data extracted from a database.
Add audio tracks to individual slides.
<!--- The following query extracts employee data from the cfdocexamples
database. --->
<cfquery name="GetSalaryDetails" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT Departmt.Dept_Name,
From Departmt, Employee
Where Departmt.Dept_ID = Employee.Dept_ID
ORDER BY Employee.LastName, Employee.Firstname
<!--- The following code creates a presentation with three presenters. --->
<cfpresentation title="Employee Satisfaction" primaryColor="##0000FF"
glowColor="##FF00FF" lightColor="##FFFF00" showoutline="no">
<cfpresenter name="Jeff" title="CFO" email="[email protected]"
<cfpresenter name="Lori" title="VP Marketing" email="[email protected]"
<cfpresenter name="Paul" title="VP Sales" email="[email protected]"
<!--- The following code creates the first slide in the presentation
from HTML. --->
<cfpresentationslide title="Introduction" presenter="Jeff"
audio="myAudio1.mp3" duration="5">
<li>Company Overview</li>
<li>Salary by Department</li>
<li>Employee Salary Details</li>
<!--- The following code creates the second slide in the presentation.
The chart is populated with data from the database query. --->
<cfpresentationslide title="Salary by Department" presenter="Lori"
duration="5" audio="myAudio3.mp3">
<h3>Salary by Department</h3>
<cfchart format="jpg" xaxistitle="Department" yaxistitle="Salary">
<cfchartseries type="bar" query="GetSalaryDetails"
itemcolumn="Dept_Name" valuecolumn="salary">
<!--- The following code creates the third slide in the presentation. The table is
populated with data from the query. The table also contains an image located
relative to the CFM page on the server. --->
<cfpresentationslide title="Salary Details" presenter="Paul"
duration="10" audio="myAudio1.mp3">
<h3>Employee Salary Details</h3>
<table border cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 valign="top">
<table border cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 valign="top">
<th>Employee Name</th>
<th>Start Date</th>
<cfoutput query="GetSalaryDetails">
<td>#FirstName# #LastName#</td>
<td>#dateFormat(StartDate, "mm/dd/yyyy")#</td>
<td>#numberFormat(Salary, "$9999,9999")#</td>
<td width="200" >
<img src="images/raquel02.jpg"/>
Example 2
The following example shows how to create a simple sales presentation with data from the cfartgallery database.
Specifically, it shows how to perform the following tasks:
Create slides generated from HTML and CFML.
Create a slide from a URL that returns HTML content.
Add charts with data extracted from a database and a query of queries.
Add video and audio tracks to individual slides.
<!--- The following query extracts data from the cfartgallery database. --->
<cfquery name="artwork" datasource="cfartgallery">
<!--- The following query of queries determines the total dollar amount of
sales per artist. --->
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="artistname">
SUM(PRICE) AS totalSale
ORDER BY totalSale
<!--- The following code determines the look of the slide presentation.
ColdFusion displays the slide presentation directly in the browser because no
destination is specified. The title appears above the presenter information.
<cfpresentation title="Art Sales Presentation" primaryColor="##0000FF"
glowColor="##FF00FF" lightColor="##FFFF00" showOutline="yes" showNotes="yes">
<!--- The following code defines the presenter information. You can assign
each presenter to one or more slides. --->
<cfpresenter name="Aiden" title="Artist" email="[email protected]"
<cfpresenter name="Raquel" title="Artist" email="[email protected]"
<cfpresenter name="Paul" title="Artist" email="[email protected]"
<!--- The following code defines the content for the first slide in the
presentation. The duration of the slide determines how long the slide plays
before proceeding to the next slide. The audio plays for the duration of the
slide. --->
<cfpresentationslide title="Introduction" presenter="Aiden" duration="5"
<li>Art Sales Overview</li>
<li>Total Sales</li>
<li>Total Sales by Artist</li>
<td><img src="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/maxwell01.jpg"/></td></tr>
<!--- The following code generates the second slide in the presentation from
an HTML file located on an external website. --->
<cfpresentationslide title="Artwork Sales Overview" presenter="Raquel"
audio="myAudio2.mp3" duration="5" src=""/>
<!--- The following code generates the third slide in the presentation, which
contains a pie chart with data extracted from the initial database query.
ColdFusion runs the video defined in the cfpresentationslide tag in place of
the presenter image defined in the cfpresenter tag. --->
<cfpresentationslide title="Total Artwork Sold" presenter="Aiden"
duration="5" video="video1.flv">
<h3>Total Sales</h3>
<cfchart format="jpg" chartwidth="500" show3d="yes">
<cfchartseries type="pie" query="artwork"
colorlist="##00FFFF,##FF00FF" itemcolumn="issold"
<!--- The following code generates the fourth slide in the presentation with
data extracted from the query of queries. --->
<cfpresentationslide title="Sales by Artist" presenter="Paul"
duration="5" audio="myAudio3.mp3">
<h3>Total Sales by Artist</h3>
<table border cellspacing=10 cellpadding=0>
<table border cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
<th>Artist Name</th>
<th>Total Sales</th>
<cfoutput query="artistname">
<cfchart format="jpg" xaxistitle="Artist" yaxistitle="Total Sales"
<cfchartseries type="bar" query="artistname"
itemcolumn="fullname" valuecolumn="totalSale"/>
<!--- The following code defines the final slide in the presentation. This
slide does not have a presenter assigned to it. --->
<cfpresentationslide title="Conclusion" duration="1" notes="Special thanks to
Lori and Jeff for contributing their art and expertise.">
<h1>Great Job Team!</h1>
<p><img src="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/paul05.jpg"></p>
Example 1
Example 2
The following terms are the commonly used in <cfhtmltopdf> (WebKit):
Service - Refers to the process which carries out series of activities to convert HTML documents to PDFs.
Service Manager - Manages the PDF generation service processes, monitors the service process states,
spawns new processes for conversions, and facilitates recycling of processes.
WebKit - Is a layout engine software designed to allow web browsers to render web pages.
To add or edit a remote service manager, you need to provide the details of Jetty service running on local or remote
machine over which the service manager is deployed. Follow the instructions below to complete this process:
1. Enter the Name. A unique name representing the PDF service manager.
2. Enter the Host Name. This is the host name of the remote PDF service manager.
3. Enter the Port number. This is the port number of the PDF service manager. By default, the port is set to
4. Enter the Weight detail of the PDF service manager. Weight is the load balancing factor and determines the
amount of PDF conversions that the service manager can handle. Set this based on the configuration of your
5. If the PDF service manager is running on HTTPS protocol, select the HTTPS Enabled check box.
6. Click Add PDF Service Manager button to complete the process.
Local Service Manager: You can edit, enable, disable,
and verify the service manager. Note that a local
service manager cannot be added or deleted and it's
host name cannot be changed.
Using the remote service manager, you can add, edit, delete, enable, disable, and verify the service manager.
Working with the PDF service manager
PDF Service Managers section lists all the available PDF service managers.
Note: The hostname for the local PDF service manager must be one of the server's local
The description for each Action button (in the above image) is as follows:
Button Description
Note: Verify All Service Manager button is used to verify all the listed PDF Service Managers.
Configuring the PDF service manager
To configure the PDF service manager, use the configuration file (web.xml) located at <cf_install_root>/<CF
Instance>/jetty/webapps/PDFgServlet/WEB-INF/. The available configuration settings are:
minService = Minimum number of services running in process pool. Default value is 1.
maxService = Maximum number of services that can run in the process pool. Default value is 2. As PDF
Conversion is a CPU intense operation, it should be appropriately configured based on the number of
processors in the system. Ideally, keep this value lesser than or equal to the number of CPUs in the machine.
idlePDFGServiceTimeout = Idle timeout for services in the process pool. After timeout, the services are
removed. Default value is 2 minutes. Creation and initialization of service is a costly operation. Also the
service consumes memory for conversion. Based on the conversion frequency and load, this parameter must
be tuned.
waitingQueueSize = The number of PDF conversion requests which can wait in the service manager queue.
Default value is 10. Once the available services are engaged in the conversion process, upcoming
conversion requests are queued up. Based on the load on the service manager at the given point of time, the
queue size must be configured.
waitingQueueTimeout= Timeout (in seconds) for queued PDF task in the service manager queue. Default
value is 60 seconds. This value needs to be tuned considering the following parameters:
The average PDF generation time.
Total number of service managers configured with the Server. If more than one service manager is
configured with the Server, having a high value for waitingQTimeout may result in unnecessary wait for
conversion task, even though the other service managers have idle service which can take up the task.
maxPDFConversionForService = Maximum PDF conversion allowed per service. Default value is
1000.Once service does the specified number of PDF conversions, the service will be restarted. Note:
Based on how large or small PDF your application generates, this value needs to be tuned. For large
PDFs, the memory usage of the service increases at faster rate than the smaller PDFs. Hence the
maxPDFConversionForService value needs to be lower.
startScanPort = Start scanning port used by the services. Default value is 1600.
endScanPort = End scanning port used by services. Default value is 1800.
enableLogging =By default logging for PDF service manager is disabled. To enable logging, set the
flag to true. Use this option only for debugging purpose.
About logging audit log details
PDF service manager logging is used to track service manager related issues and generates verbose log that
contains complete details about the service and conversion request lifecycle. Use it to track the PDF conversion
Note: Logging should not be used for an extended period of time in a production environment. Extended use will
produce large logs and impact performance.
The following sections describe the enhancements made to the PDF generation process.
The PDFG service logs will be available at <cf_install_root>\cfusion\jetty\webapps\PDFgServlet\.
The descriptions of the basic and node views use the following simple XML document. This document is used in
many of the examples in the ColdFusion XML documentation.
Basic view
The basic view of an XML document object presents the object as a container that holds one root element structure.
The root element can have any number of nested element structures. Each element structure represents an XML
tag (start tag/end tag set) and all its contents; it can contain additional element structures. A basic view of the simple
XML document looks like the following:
The DOM node view presents the XML document object using the same format as the document's XML Document
Object Model (DOM). In fact, an XML document object is a representation of a DOM object.
The DOM is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation (specification) for a platform- and
language-neutral interface to dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of documents.
ColdFusion conforms to the DOM Level 2 Core specification, available at
In the DOM node view, the document consists of a hierarchical tree of nodes. Each node has a DOM node type, a
node name, and a node value. Node types include Element, Comment, Text, and so on. The DOM structures the
document object and each of the elements it contains into multiple nodes of different types, providing a finer-grained
view of the document structure than the basic view. For example, if an XML comment is in the middle of a block of
text, the DOM node view represents its position in the text while the basic view does not.
ColdFusion also lets you use the DOM objects, methods, and properties defined in the W3C DOM Level 2 Core
specification to manipulate the XML document object.
For more information on referencing DOM nodes, see XML DOM node structure below. This document does not
cover the node view and using DOM methods and properties in detail.
XML document structures
An XML document object is a structure that contains a set of nested XML element structures. The following image
shows a section of the cfdump tag output for the document object for the XML in A simple XML document. This
image shows the long version of the dump, which provides complete details about the document object. Initially,
ColdFusion displays a short version, with basic information. Click the dump header to change between short, long,
and collapsed versions of the dump.
The following code displays this output. It assumes that you save the code in a file under your web root, such as
At the top level, the XML document object has the following three entries:
Entry name
XmlText orXmlCdata
The following table lists the contents of an XML DOM node structure:
Entry name
The cfdump tag does not display XmlNode structures. If you try to dump an XmlNode structure,
the cfdump tag displays "Empty Structure."
The following table lists the contents of the XmlName and XmlValue fields for each node type that is valid in the
XmlType entry. The node types correspond to the objects types in the XML DOM hierarchy.
Node type
Tag name
Empty string
Empty string
PI (processing
Empty string
Entity name
Empty string
Notation name
Empty string
Empty string
Empty string
Empty string
Although XML attributes are nodes on the DOM tree, ColdFusion does not expose them as XML
DOM node data structures. To view an element's attributes, use the element structure's
XMLAttributes structure.
The XML document object and all its elements are exposed as DOM node structures. For example, you can use the
following variable names to reference nodes in the DOM tree that you created from the XML example in A simple
XML document:
<cfxml variable="objectName"[caseSensiti
The tags and functions that create XML document objects let you specify whether ColdFusion treats the object in a
case-sensitive manner. If you do not specify case sensitivity, ColdFusion ignores the case of XML document object
component identifiers, such as element and attribute names. If you do specify case sensitivity, names with different
cases specify different components. For example, if you do not specify case sensitivity, the names
mydoc.employee.name1 and mydoc.employee.NAME1 always specify the same element. If you specify case
sensitivity, these names specify two separate elements. You cannot use dot notation references for element or
attribute names in a case-sensitive XML document; for more information see Referencing the contents of an XML
object in Using an XML object.
Use the following rules when you reference the contents of an XML document object on the right side of an
assignment or as a function argument:
By default, ColdFusion ignores element name case. As a result, it considers the element name MyElement
and the element name myELement to be equivalent. To make element name matching case-sensitive,
specify CaseSensitive="True" in the cfxml tag, or specify True as a second argument in the XmlPars
e or XmlNew function that creates the document object.
If your XML object is case sensitive, do not use dot notation to reference an element or attribute name. Use
the name in associative array (bracket) notation, or a reference that does not use the case-sensitive name.
For example, do not use names such as the following:[1]
Because ColdFusion_ always treats variable names as case-insensitive, using dot notation for
element and attribute names in a case-sensitive XML document can generate unexpected results
(such as all-uppercase variable names), exceptions, or both._
If your XML object is case sensitive, you cannot use dot notation to reference an element or attribute name.
Use the name in associative array (bracket) notation, or a reference that does not use the case-sensitive
name (such as XmlChildren1) instead.
Use an array index to specify one of multiple elements with the same name; for example, #mydoc.employe
e.name1 and #mydoc.employee.name2.If you omit the array index on the last component of an element
identifier, ColdFusion treats the reference as the array of all elements with the specified name. For example, refers to an array of two name elements.
Use an array index into the XmlChildren array to specify an element without using its name; for example, m
Use associative array (bracket) notation to specify an element name that contains a period or colon; for
example, myotherdoc.XmlRoot["Type1.Case1"].
You can use DOM methods in place of structure entry names.
For example, the following variables all reference the XmlText value "Almanzo" in the XML document
created in A simple XML document:
The following variables all reference the EmpType attribute of the first name element in the XML document created
in A simple XML document:[1].XmlAttributes.EmpType[1].XmlAttributes["EmpType"]
Neither of these lists contains a complete set of the possible combinations that can make up a reference to the value
or attribute.
Assigning data to an XML object
When you use an XML object reference on the left side of an expression, most of the preceding rules apply to the
reference up to the last element in the reference string.
For example, the rules in Referencing the contents of an XML object apply to 1.first in the
following expression:
The rule for naming in case correct document objects, however, applies to the full reference string, as indicated by
the following caution:
Because ColdFusion_ always treats variable names as case-insensitive, using dot notation for
element and attribute names in a case-sensitive XML document can generate unexpected results
(such as all-uppercase variable names), exceptions, or both. In case-sensitive XML documents,
use associative array notation or DOM notation names (such as XmlRoot or XmlChldren 2)._
The following rules apply to the meaning of the last component on the left side of an expression:
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
1. The component name is an element structure key name (XML property name), such as XmlComment,
ColdFusion sets the value of the specified element structure entry to the value of the right side of the
expression. For example, the following line sets the XML comment in the 1.first
element to "This is a comment":
2. If the component name specifies an element name and does not end with a numeric index, for example mydo, ColdFusion assigns the value on the right of the expression to the first matching
element. For example, if both mydoc.employee.name1 and mydoc.employee.name2 exist, the following
expression replaces mydoc.employee.name1with a new element named address, not an element named
After executing this line, if there had been both mydoc.employee.name1 and mydoc.employee.name2,
now only one element exists with the contents of the original mydoc.employee.n
3. If the component name does not match an existing element, the element names on the left and right sides of
the expression must match. ColdFusion creates an element with the name of the element on the left of the
expression. If the element names do not match, it generates an error.For example if a, mydoc.employee.n
ame.phoneNumber element does not exist, the following expression creates an
4. If the component name does not match an existing element and the component's parent or parents also do
not exist, ColdFusion creates any parent nodes as specified on the left side and use the previous rule for the
last element. For example, no mydoc.employee.phoneNumberelement exists, the following expression
creates a phoneNumber element containing an AreaCode element:
To identify that element text is CDATA by placing it inside CDATA start and end marker information items, assign
the text to the XmlCdata element, not the XmlText element. Specify CDATA because ColdFusion escapes the < and
> symbols in the element text when you assign it to an XmlText entry. You can assign a value to an element's
XmlText entry or its XmlCdata entry, but not to both, as each assignment overwrites the other.
When you retrieve data from the document object, references to XmlCdata and XmlText return the same string.
The following example shows how ColdFusion handles CDATA text:
myCDATA = "This is CDATA text";
MyDoc = XmlNew();
MyDoc.xmlRoot = XmlElemNew(MyDoc,"myRoot");
MyDoc.myRoot.XmlChildren[1] = XmlElemNew(MyDoc,"myChildNodeCDATA");
MyDoc.myRoot.XmlChildren[1].XmlCData = "#myCDATA#";
<h3>Assigning a value to MyDoc.myRoot.XmlChildren[1].XmlCdata.</h3>
The type of element MyDoc.myRoot.XmlChildren[1] is:
The value when output using XmlCdata is: #MyDoc.myRoot.XmlChildren[1].XmlCData#<br>
The value when output using XmlText is: #MyDoc.myRoot.XmlChildren[1].XmlText#<br>
The XML text representation of Mydoc is:
<h3>Assigning a value to MyDoc.myRoot.XmlChildren[1].XmlText.</h3>
<cfset MyDoc.myRoot.XmlChildren[1].XmlText = "This is XML plain text">
The value when output using XmlCdata is: #MyDoc.myRoot.XmlChildren[1].XmlCData#<br>
The value when output using XmlText is: #MyDoc.myRoot.XmlChildren[1].XmlText#<br>
The XML text representation of Mydoc is:
The cfxml tag creates an XML document object that consists of the XML markup in the tag body. The tag body can
include CFML code. ColdFusion processes the CFML code and includes the resulting output in the XML. The
following example shows a simple cfxml tag:
This example creates a document object with a root element MyDoc, which includes text that displays the value of
the ColdFusion variable testVar. MyDoc has four nested child elements, which are generated by an indexed cfloop t
ag. The cfdump tag displays the resulting XML document object.
When you use the cfxml tag, do not include an <?xml ?> processing directive in the tag body.
This directive is not required, and causes an error. To process XML text that includes the <?xml
?> directive, use the XmlParse function.
The XmlNew function creates an XML document object, which you must then populate. For information on how to
populate a new XML document, see Adding, deleting, and modifying XML elements in Modifying a ColdFusion XML
You cannot set the XmlDocType property for an XML document object that you create with the X
mlNew function.
The following example creates and displays the same ColdFusion document object as in Creating an XML
document object using the cfxml tag above.
The XmlParse function converts an XML document or document fragment represented as text into a ColdFusion
document object. You can use a string variable containing the XML or the name or URL of a file that contains the
text. For example, if your application uses cfhttp action="get" to get the XML document, use the following line
to create the XML document object:
The following example converts an XML text document in a file to an XML document object:
The XmlParse function takes a second, optional, attribute that specifies whether to maintain the case of the
elements and attributes in the document object. The default is to have the document object be case-insensitive. For
more information on case sensitivity, see Referencing the contents of an XML object.
The XmlParse function also lets you specify a DTD or Schema to validate the XML text; if the XML is not valid,
ColdFusion generates an error. You can specify the filename or URL of the validator, or the DTD or Schema can be
in a CFML variable. You can also tell ColdFusion to use a DTD or Schema that is identified in the XML text. If you
specify validation, also specify whether the document is case sensitive. The following example validates an XML
document on file using a DTD that it specifies using a URL:
myDoc=XMLParse("C:\CFusion\wwwroot\examples\custorder.xml", false,
The ToString function converts an XML document object to a text string. You can then use the string variable in
any ColdFusion tag or function.
To save the XML document in a file, use the ToString function to convert the document object to a string variable,
then use the cffile tag to save the string as a file. For example, use the following code to save the XML document
myXMLDocument in the file C:\temp\myxmldoc.xml:
<cfset XMLText=ToString(myXMLDocument)>
<cffile action="write" file="C:\temp\myxmldoc.xml" output="#XMLText#">
The following table lists the ColdFusion array and structure functions that you can use to manage XML document
objects and their functions, and describes their common uses. In several cases you can use either an array function
or a structure function for a purpose, such as for deleting all of an element's attributes or children.
Array and structure functions not in the preceding or table or the table in the next section, do not
work with XML document objects, XML elements, or XML node structures.
In many cases, an XML element has multiple children with the same name. For example, the example document
used in many XML examples has multiple name elements in the employee elements. In many cases, you can treat
the child elements with identical names as an array. For example, to reference the second name element in
mydoc.employee, you can specify mydoc.employee.name2. However, you can only use a limited set of Array
functions when you use this notation. The following table lists the array functions that are valid for such references:
Array function
ArrayDeleteAt(elemPath.elemName, n)
ArrayToList(elemPath.elemName, n)
The following tables provide a quick reference to the ways you can modify the contents of an XML document object.
The sections that follow describe in detail how to modify XML contents.
If your XML object is case sensitive, you cannot use dot notation to reference an element or
attribute name. Use the name in associative array (bracket) notation, or a reference that does not
use the case-sensitive name (such as xmlChildren1) instead.
Using a function
es, "key",
Child element
To append:
To insert:
n, position,
To append:
ldren[i] =newElem
ldName =newElem
Using a function
All attributes:
Not available
A specific attribute:
Child element
Not available
A specific child:ArrayDeleteAt(x
Using a function
me", "value")
tyName ="value"
rtyName"] ="value"
, "value")
Name"] = "value"
Child element(replace)
mentName[index] =
= newElement
Several basic techniques exist for adding, deleting, and modifying XML elements. The example code in the
technique description uses the XML document described in A simple XML document.
Counting and finding the position of child elements
Often, an XML element has several children with the same name. For example, in the XML document defined in the
simple XML document, the employee root element has multiple name elements.
To manipulate such an object, you often must know the number of children of the same name, and you could have
to know the position in the XmlChildren array of a specific child name that is used for multiple children.
Counting child elements
The following user-defined function determines the number of child elements with a specific name in an element:
function NodeCount (xmlElement, nodeName)
nodesFound = 0;
for (i = 1; i LTE ArrayLen(xmlElement.XmlChildren); i = i+1)
if (xmlElement.XmlChildren[i].XmlName IS nodeName)
nodesFound = nodesFound + 1;
return nodesFound;
The following lines use this function to display the number of nodes named "name" in the mydoc.employee element:
Nodes Found: #NodeCount(mydoc.employee, "name")#
The XmlChildPos function determines the location in the XmlChildren array of a specific element with a
common name. You use this index when ColdFusion must know where to insert or delete child elements. For
example, if several name elements exist in mydoc.employee, use the following code to locate name 2 in the XmlChi
ldren array:
Adding an element
XmlElemNew(docObject, elementName)
where docObject is the name of the XML document object in which you are creating the element, and elementName
is the name you are giving the new element.
Use an assignment statement with an existing element on the right side to create an element using an existing
element. See Copying an existing element for more information on adding elements using existing elements.
Adding an element using a function
You can use the ArrayInsertAt or the ArrayAppend function to add an element to an XML document object.
For example, the following line adds a phoneNumber element after the last element for employee.name2:
The following line adds a new department element as the first element in employee. The name elements become
the second and third elements.
Use the format parentElement.XmlChildren to specify the array of elements to which you are adding the new
element. For example, the following line causes an error:
If you have multiple child elements with the same name, and you want to insert a new element in a specific position,
use the function XmlChildPos to determine the location in the XmlChildren array where you want to insert the
new element. For example, the following code determines the location of 1 and inserts a new
name element as the second name element:
nameIndex = XmlChildPos(mydoc.employee, "name", 1);
ArrayInsertAt(mydoc.employee.XmlChildren, nameIndex + 1, XmlElemNew(mydoc,
Using a namespace: When you use a function to add an element, you can assign the element to a namespace by
including the namespace prefix in the element name. If you have not yet associated the prefix with a namespace
URI, also include a parameter with the namespace URI in the XmlElemNew function. This parameter must be the se
cond parameter in the method, and the element name must be the third parameter. ColdFusion then associates the
namespace prefix with the URI, and you can omit the URI parameter in further xmlElemNew functions.
The following example adds two to the supplies document root two elements in the Prod namespace. The first XmlE
lemNew function use sets the association between the Prod namespace prefix and the URI; the second use only
requires the prefix on the element name.
<cfscript>[1] = XmlElemNew(mydoc,
"", "Prod:soap");[2] = XmlElemNew(mydoc, "Prod:shampoo");
You can use direct assignment to append a new element to an array of elements. You cannot use direct assignment
to insert an element into an array of elements.
When you use direct assignment, you can specify on the left side an index into the XmlChildren array greater than
the last child in the array. For example, if two elements exist in mydoc.employee, you can specify any number
greater than two, such as mydoc.employee.XmlChildren6. The element is always added as the last (in this case,
third) child.
For example, the following line appends a name element to the end of the child elements of mydoc.employee:
If the parent element does not have any children with the same name as the new child, you can specify the name of
the new node or the left side of the assignment. For example, the following line appends a phoneNumber element to
the children of the first name element in mydoc.employee:
You cannot use the node name on the left to add an element with the same name as an existing element in the
parent. For example, if mydoc.employee has two name nodes, the following line causes an error:
You can add a copy of an existing element elsewhere in the document. For example, if a 1.p
honeNumber element exists, but no mydoc.employee. name2.phoneNumber, the following line creates an
mydoc.employee. name2. phoneNumber element with the same value as the original element. This assignment
copies the original element. Unlike with standard ColdFusion structures, you get a true copy, not a reference to the
original structure. You can change the copy without changing the original.
When you copy an element, the new element must have the same name as the existing element. If you specify the
new element by name on the left side of an assignment, the element name must be the same as the name on the
right side. For example, the following expression causes an error:
Deleting elements
Use the ArrayDeleteAt function to delete a specific element from an XML document object. For example, the
following line deletes the second child element in the mydoc.employee element:
If an element has only one child element with a specific name, you can also use the StructDelete function to
delete the child element. For example, the following line deletes the phoneNumber element named in the second element:
When multiple child elements have the same name, specify the element position, either among the elements of the
same name, or among all child elements. For example, you can use the following line to delete the second name
element in mydoc.employee:
You can also determine the position in the XmlChildren array of the element you want to delete and use that
position. To do so, use the XmlChildPos function. For example, the following lines determine the location of
mydoc.employee.name2 and delete the element:
If an element has multiple children with the same name, use the StructDelete function or ArrayClear function
with an element name to delete all of an element's child elements with that name. For example, both of the following
lines delete all name elements from the employee structure:
Use the StructDelete or ArrayClear function with XmlChildren to delete all of an element's child elements.
For example, each of the following lines deletes all child elements of the 2 element:
You modify an element's attributes the same way you change the contents of any structure. For example, each of
the following lines adds a Status attribute the second element:
<cfset StructInsert([2].XmlAttributes, "Status", "Inactive")>
To change an element's properties, including its text and comment, use a standard assignment expression. For
example, use the following line to add "in the MyCompany Documentation Department" to the mydoc.employee XML
The XML DOM does not support changing an element name directly. To change the name of an element, create an
element with the new name, insert it into the XML document object before or after the original element, copy all the
original element's contents to the new element, and then delete the original element.
Clearing an element property value
To clear an element property value, either assign the empty string to the property or use the StructDelete functio
n. For example, each of the following lines clears the comment string from mydoc.employee:
To replace an element with a new element, use a standard replacement expression. For example, to replace the
mydoc.employee.department element with a new element named organization, use either of the following lines:
To replace an element with a copy of an existing element, use the existing element on the right side of an
expression. For example, the following line replaces the phoneNumber element for 2 with the
phoneNumber element from mydoc.employee.name1:
<cfset StructDelete([1], "phoneNumber")>
You cannot copy or move an element from one document object to another document object.
You can convert XML documents into ColdFusion query objects and manipulate them using queries of queries. This
technique does not require the use of XPath and provides a method of searching XML documents and extracting
data that is natural to ColdFusion programmers.
Converting XML to a ColdFusion query
The following example reads an XML document, converts it to a query object, and then performs a query of queries
on the object to extract selected data:
<!--- Read the file and convert it to an XML document object --->
<cffile action="read" file="C:\CFusion\wwwroot\myexamples\employees.xml"
<cfset mydoc = XmlParse(myxml)>
<!--- get an array of employees --->
<cfset emp = mydoc.employee.XmlChildren>
<cfset size = ArrayLen(emp)>
Number of employees = #size#
<!--- create a query object with the employee data --->
<cfset myquery = QueryNew("fname, lname") >
<cfset temp = QueryAddRow(myquery, #size#)>
<cfloop index="i" from = "1" to = #size#>
<cfset temp = QuerySetCell(myquery, "fname",[i].first.XmlText#, #i#)>
<cfset temp = QuerySetCell(myquery, "lname",[i].last.XmlText#, #i#)>
<!--- Dump the query object --->
Contents of the myquery Query object: <br>
<cfdump var=#myquery#>
<!--- Select entries with the last name starting with A and dump the result --->
<cfquery name="ImqTest" dbType="query">
SELECT lname, fname
FROM myquery
WHERE lname LIKE 'A%'
<cfdump var=#imqtest#>
The following example shows how to convert a query object to XML. It uses cfquery to get a list of employees from
the cfdocexamples database and saves the information as an XML document.
<!--- Query the database and get the names in the employee table --->
<cfquery name="myQuery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT FirstName, LastName
FROM employee
<!--- Create an XML document object containing the data --->
<cfxml variable="mydoc">
<cfoutput query="myQuery">
<!--- dump the resulting XML document object --->
<cfdump var=#mydoc#>
<!--- Write the XML to a file --->
XSL and XSLT are specified by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). For detailed information on XSL, XSLT,
and XSL style sheets, see the W3C website at Several books are available on using XSL
and XSLT.
<cffile action="read"
myxmldoc = XmlParse(myxml);
selectedElements = XmlSearch(myxmldoc, "/employee/name/last");
for (i = 1; i LTE ArrayLen(selectedElements); i = i + 1)
writeoutput(selectedElements[i].XmlText & "<br>");
XPath is specified by the World Wide Web Consortium. For detailed information on XPath, see the W3C website at Most books that cover XSLT also discuss XPath.
<order id="4323251">
<customer firstname="Philip" lastname="Cramer" accountNum="21"/>
<item id="43">
Large Hammer
<item id="54">
<item id="68">
<cfset numItems = ArrayLen(mydoc.order.items.XmlChildren)>
<b>Number of items ordered=</b> #numItems#
<!--- Process the order into a query object --->
<cfset orderquery = QueryNew("item_Id, name, qty, unitPrice") >
<cfset temp = QueryAddRow(orderquery, #numItems#)>
<cfloop index="i" from = "1" to = #numItems#>
<cfset temp = QuerySetCell(orderquery, "item_Id",
<cfset temp = QuerySetCell(orderquery, "name",
#mydoc.order.items.item[i].name.XmlText#, #i#)>
<cfset temp = QuerySetCell(orderquery, "qty",
#mydoc.order.items.item[i].quantity.XmlText#, #i#)>
<cfset temp = QuerySetCell(orderquery, "unitPrice",
#mydoc.order.items.item[i].unitprice.XmlText#, #i#)>
<!--- Display the order query --->
<cfdump var=#orderquery#>
<!--- Determine the discount --->
<cfquery name="discountQuery" datasource="cfdocexamples">
FROM employee
WHERE Emp_Id = #accountNum#
<cfset drate = 0>
<cfif #discountQuery.RecordCount# is 1>
<cfset drate = 10>
<!--- Display the discount rate --->
<b>Discount Rate =</b> #drate#%
<!--- Compute the total cost and discount price--->
<cfquery name="priceQuery" dbType="query">
SELECT SUM(qty*unitPrice)
AS totalPrice
FROM orderquery
<cfset discountPrice = priceQuery.totalPrice * (1 - drate/100)>
<!--- Display the full price and discounted price --->
<b>Full Price=</b> #priceQuery.totalPrice#<br>
<b>Discount Price=</b> #discountPrice#
The following table describes the CFML code and its function. For the sake of brevity, it does not include code that
displays the processing results.
<cffile action="read"
order.xml" variable="myxml">
<cfset mydoc = XmlParse(myxml)>
<!--- Extract account number --->
<cfset orderquery =
QueryNew("item_Id, name, qty,
unitPrice") >
<cfset temp =
<cfloop index="i" from = "1" to =
<cfset temp =
<cfset temp =
QuerySetCell(orderquery, "name",
lText#, #i#)>
<cfset temp =
QuerySetCell(orderquery, "qty",
y.XmlText#, #i#)>
<cfset temp =
ce.XmlText#, #i#)>
<cfquery name="discountQuery"
FROM employee
WHERE Emp_Id = #accountNum#
<cfset drate = 0>
<cfif #discountQuery.RecordCount#
is 1>
<cfset drate = 10>
<cfquery name="priceQuery"
SELECT SUM(qty*unitPrice)
AS totalPrice
FROM orderquery
<cfset discountPrice =
priceQuery.totalPrice * (1 drate/100)>
<cfxml variable="receiptxml">
<receipt num = "34">
<cfif drate GT 0 >
<cfoutput query="orderQuery">
<name> #name# </name>
<qty> #qty# </qty>
<price> #qty*unitPrice#
WDDX is a valuable tool for ColdFusion developers, however, its usefulness is not limited to CFML. If you serialize a
common programming data structure (such as an array, recordset, or structure) into WDDX format, you can use
HTTP to transfer the data across a range of languages and platforms. Also, you can use WDDX to store complex
data in a database, file, or even a client variable.
WDDX has two features that make it useful for transferring data in a web environment:
It is lightweight. The JavaScript used to serialize and deserialize data, including a debugging function to dump
WDDX data, occupies less than 22 K.
Unlike traditional client-server approaches, the source and target system can have minimal-to-no prior
knowledge of each other. They only must know the structure of the data that is being transferred.
WDDX was created in 1998, and many applications now expose WDDX capabilities. The best source of
information about WDDX is This site offers free downloads of the WDDX DTD and SDK
and additional resources, including a WDDX FAQ, a developer forum, and links to additional sites that
provide WDDX resources.
Uses of WDDX
WDDX is useful for transferring complex data between applications. For example, you can use it to exchange data
between a CFML application and a CGI or PHP application. WDDX is also useful for transferring data between the
server and client-side JavaScript.
Exchanging data across application servers
WDDX is useful for the transfer of complex, structured data seamlessly between different application server
platforms. For example, an application based on ColdFusion at one business could cfwddx use to convert a
purchase order structure to WDDX. It could then use cfhttp to send the WDDX to a supplier running a CGI-based
The supplier could then deserialize the WDDX to its native data form, the extract information from the order, and
pass it to a shipping company running an application based on ASP.
Transferring data between the server and browser
You can use WDDX for server-to-browser and browser-to-server data exchanges. You can transfer server data to
the browser in WDDX format and convert it to JavaScript objects on the browser. Similarly, your application pages
can serialize JavaScript data generated on the browser into WDDX format and transfer the data to the application
server. You then deserialize the WDDX XML into CFML data on the server.
On the server, you use the cfwddx tag to serialize and deserialize WDDX data. On the browser, you use
WddxSerializer and WddxRecordset JavaScript utility classes to serialize the JavaScript data to WDDX. (ColdFusion
installs these utility classes on your server as webroot/CFIDE/scripts/wddx.js.)
WDDX and web services
WDDX does not compete with web services. It is a complementary technology focused on solving simple problems
of application integration by sharing data on the web in a pragmatic, productive manner at low cost.
WDDX offers the following advantages:
It can be used by lightweight clients, such as browsers or Flash Player.
It can be used to store complex data structures in files and databases.
Applications that take advantage of WDDX can continue to do so if they start to use web services. These
applications could also be converted to use web services standards exclusively; only the service and data
interchange formats: not the application model, must change.
How WDDX works
The following example shows how WDDX works. A simple structure with two string variables could have the
following form after it is serialized into a WDDX XML representation:
<var name='x'>
<var name='a'>
<string>Property a</string>
<var name='b'>
<string>Property b</string>
When you deserialize this XML into CFML or JavaScript, the result is a structure that is created by either of the
following scripts:
Conversely, when you serialize the variable x produced by either of these scripts into WDDX, you generate the XML
listed in the preceding code.
ColdFusion provides a tag and JavaScript objects that convert between CFML, WDDX, and JavaScript. Serializers
and deserializers for other data formats are available on the web. For more information, see
The cfwddx tag and the wddx.js JavaScript functions use UTF-8 encoding to represent data.
Any tools that deserialize ColdFusion-generated WDDX must accept UTF-8 encoded characters.
UTF-8 encoding is identical to the ASCII and ISO 8859 single-byte encodings for the standard
128 "7-bit" ASCII characters. However, UTF-8 uses a two-byte representation for "high-ASCII"
ISO 8859 characters where the initial bit is 1.
The following text describes the data types that WDDX supports. This information is a distillation of the description in
the WDDX DTD. For more detailed information, see the DTD at
Basic data types
Date-time values
The following table compares the basic WDDX data types with the data types to which they correspond in the
languages and technologies commonly used on the web:
Query object
Producers and consumers of WDDX packets can be in geographically dispersed locations. Therefore, it is important
to use time zone information when serializing and deserializing data, to ensure that date-time values are
represented correctly.
The cfwddx action=cfml2wddx tag useTimezoneInfo attribute specifies whether to use time zone information
in serializing the date-time data. In the JavaScript implementation, useTimezoneInfo is a property of the WddxSe
rializer object. In both cases, the default useTimezoneInfo value is True.
Date-time values in WDDX are represented using a subset of the ISO8601 format. Time zone information is
represented as an hour/minute offset from universal time (UTC); for example, "2002-9-8T12:6:26-4:0".
When the cfwddx tag deserializes WDDX to CFML, it automatically uses available time zone information, and
converts date-time values to local time. In this way, you need not worry about the details of time zone conversions.
However, when the JavaScript objects supplied with ColdFusion deserialize WDDX to JavaScript expressions, they
do not use time zone information, because in JavaScript it is difficult to determine the time zone of the browser.
Using WDDX
ColdFusion provides several tools for creating and converting WDDX that you can use for common application uses.
Using the cfwddx tag
A typical cfwddx tag used to convert a CFML query object to WDDX looks like the following:
In this example, MyQueryObject is the name of the query object variable, and WddxTextVariable is the name of the
variable in which to store the resulting WDDX XML.
For more information on the{{cfwddx}} tag, see the CFML Reference.
The cfwddx tag has a Validate attribute that you can use when converting WDDX to CFML or JavaScript. When
you set this attribute to True, the XML parser uses the WDDX DTD to validate the WDDX data before deserializing
it. If the WDDX is not valid, ColdFusion generates an error. By default, ColdFusion does not validate WDDX data
before trying to convert it to ColdFusion or JavaScript data.
The IsWDDX function returns True if a variable is a valid WDDX data packet. It returns False otherwise. You can use
this function to validate WDDX packets before converting them to another format. For example, you can use it
instead of the cfwddx validate attribute, so that invalid WDDX is handled within conditional logic instead of
error-handling code. You can also use it to pre-validate data that JavaScript at the browser deserializes.
Using JavaScript objects
ColdFusion provides two JavaScript objects, WddxSerializer object and WddxRecordset object, that you
can use in JavaScript to convert data to WDDX. These objects are defined in the file webroot/cfide/scripts/wddx.js.
The CFML Reference describes these objects and their methods in detail. The example Transferring data from the
browser to the server shows how you can use these objects to serialize JavaScript to WDDX.
Converting CFML data to a JavaScript object
The following example demonstrates the transfer of a cfquery recordset from a ColdFusion page executing on the
To see how cfwddx Action="cfml2js" works, save this code under your web root directory,
for example in wwwroot/myapps/wddxjavascript.cfm, run the page in your browser and select
View Source in your browser.
The following example serializes form field data, posts it to the server, deserializes it, and displays the data. For
simplicity, it only collects a small amount of data. In applications that generate complex JavaScript data collections,
you can extend this basic approach effectively. This example uses the WddxSerializer JavaScript object to
serialize the data, and the cfwddx tag to deserialize the data.
Use the example
Save the file under your web root directory, for example in wwwroot/myapps/ wddxserializedeserialze.cfm.
Display in your browser.
Enter a first name and last name in the form fields.
Click Next. The name appears in the Names added so far box.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add as many names as you wish.
Click Serialize to serialize the resulting data. The resulting WDDX packet appears in the WDDX packet
display box. This step is intended only for test purposes. Real applications handle the serialization
7. Click Submit to submit the data.The WDDX packet is transferred to the server-side processing code, which
deserializes it and displays the information.
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
The following simple example uses WDDX to store complex data, a data structure that contains arrays as a string in
a client variable. It uses the cfdump tag to display the contents of the structure before serialization and after
deserialization. It uses the HTMLEditFormat function in a cfoutput tag to display the contents of the client
variable. The HTMLEditFormat function is required to prevent the browser from trying to interpret (and throwing
away) the XML tags in the variable.
#back to top
Web services
Since its inception, the Internet has allowed people to access content stored on remote computers. This content can
be static, such as a document represented by an HTML file, or dynamic, such as content returned from a
ColdFusion page or CGI script.
Web services let you access application functionality that someone created and made available on a remote
computer. With a web service, you can make a request to the remote application to perform an action.
For example, you can request a stock quote, pass a text string for translation, or request information from a product
catalog. The advantage of web services is that you do not have to re-create application logic that someone else has
already created and, therefore, you can build your applications faster.
Referencing a remote web service within your ColdFusion application is called consuming web services. Since web
services adhere to a standard interface regardless of implementation technology, you can consume a web service
implemented as part of a ColdFusion application, or as part of a .NET or Java application.
You can also create your own web services and make them available to others for remote access, called publishing
web service. Applications that consume your web service can be implemented in ColdFusion or by any application
that recognizes the web service standard.
Accessing a web service
In its simplest form, an access to a web service is like a function call. Instead of the function call referencing a library
on your computer, it references remote functionality over the Internet.
One feature of web services is that they are self-describing. A person who makes a web service available also
publishes a description of the API to the web service as a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file.
A WSDL file is an XML-formatted document that includes information about the web service, including the following
Operations that you can call on the web service
Input parameters that you pass to each operation
Return values from an operation
Consuming web services typically is a two-step process:
1. Parse the WSDL file of the web service to determine its interface. A web service makes its associated WSDL
file available over the Internet. You must know the URL of the WSDL file defining the service. For example,
you can access the WSDL file for the TemperatureService web service at the following URL:
For an overview of WSDL syntax, see Working with WSDL files.
2. Make a request to the web service. The following example runs an operation on the Temperature web service
to retrieve the temperature in ZIP code 55987:
<cfinvokeargument name="zipcode" value="55987"/>
<cfoutput>The temperature at ZIP code 55987 is #aTemp#</cfoutput>
For more information on consuming web services, see Consuming web services.
Basic web service concepts
To fully understand how web services work make sure that you are familiar with the underlying architecture of a web
service provider.
For detailed information, consult one of the many web services books.
The following are three primary components of the web services platform:
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration)
Supporting web services with SOAP
SOAP provides a standard XML structure for sending and receiving web service requests and responses over the
Internet. Usually you send SOAP messages using HTTP, but you also can send them using SMTP and other
protocols. ColdFusion integrates the Apache Axis SOAP engine to support web services.
The ColdFusion Web Services Engine performs the underlying functionality to support web services, including
generating WSDL files for web services that you create. In ColdFusion, to consume or publish web services does
not require you to be familiar with SOAP or to perform any SOAP operations.
You can find additional information about SOAP in the W3C SOAP 1.1 note at
Describing web services with WSDL
A WSDL document is an XML file that describes the purpose of the web service, where it is located, and how to
access it. The WSDL document describes the operations that you can invoke and their associated data types.
ColdFusion can generate a WSDL document from a web service, and you can publish the WSDL document at a
URL to provide information to potential clients. For more information, see Working with WSDL files.
Finding web services with UDDI
As a consumer of web services, you want to know what web services are available. As a publisher of web services,
you want others to be able to find information about your web services. Universal Description, Discovery, and
Integration (UDDI) provides a way for web service clients to dynamically locate web services that provide specific
capabilities. You use a UDDI query to find service providers. A UDDI response contains information, such as
business contact information, business category, and technical details, about how to invoke a web service.
Although ColdFusion does not directly support UDDI, you can manually register or find a web service using a public
UDDI registry, such as the IBM UDDI Business Registry.
You can find additional information about UDDI at
To publish a web service, you construct the service functionality and then create the WSDL file defining the service.
In ColdFusion, you use components to create web services. ColdFusion automatically generates the WSDL file for a
component that you use to produce a web service. For more information on creating web services, see Publishing
web services.
For more information on components, see Building and Using ColdFusion Components.
Accessing web services using Dreamweaver
The Dreamweaver Components tab lets you view web services, including operation names, parameter names, and
parameter data types.
Open the Components tab in Dreamweaver and add a web service
Select Window > Components, or use Control+F7, to open the Components panel.
In the Components panel, select Web Services from the drop-down list in the upper left of the panel.
Click the Plus (+) button.The Add Using WSDL dialog box appears.
Specify the URL of the WSDL file.
After the web service is defined to Dreamweaver, you can drag it onto a page to call it using the cfinvoke ta
For more information on using Dreamweaver, see its online Help system.
The Web Services option is not available if you are running Dreamweaver on the Macintosh.
However, you can still use web services by writing code manually.
A WSDL file takes practice to read. You can view the WSDL file in a browser, or you can use a tool such as
Dreamweaver, which contains a built-in utility for displaying WSDL files in an easy-to-read format.
The following example shows a WSDL file for the TemperatureService web service:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<definitions name="TemperatureService"
<message name="getTempRequest">
<part name="zipcode" type="xsd:string"/>
<message name="getTempResponse">
<part name="return" type="xsd:float"/>
<portType name="TemperaturePortType">
<operation name="getTemp">
<input message="tns:getTempRequest"/>
<output message="tns:getTempResponse"/>
<binding name="TemperatureBinding" type="tns:TemperaturePortType">
<soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
<operation name="getTemp">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:xmethods-Temperature"
<soap:body use="encoded" namespace="urn:xmethods-Temperature"
<service name="TemperatureService">
<documentation>Returns current temperature in a given U.S. zipcode</documentation>
<port name="TemperaturePort" binding="tns:TemperatureBinding">
<soap:address location=""/>
port type
For additional descriptions of the contents of this WSDL file, see Consuming web services.
CFML operator
CFML tag
CFML tag
One important consideration is that all consumption methods use the same underlying technology and offer the
same performance.
About the examples
The examples shown here reference the TemperatureService web service from XMethods. This web service returns
the temperature for a given ZIP code. You can read the WSDL file for this web service in Reading a WSDL file.
The TemperatureService web service has one input parameter, a string that contains the requested ZIP code. It
returns a float that contains the temperature for the specified ZIP code.
Passing parameters to a web service
The message and operation elements in the WSDL file contains subelements that define the web service operations
and the input and output parameters of each operation, including the data type of each parameter. The following
example shows a portion of the WSDL file for the TemperatureService web service:
<message name="getTempRequest">
<part name="zipcode" type="xsd:string"/>
<message name="getTempResponse">
<part name="return" type="xsd:float"/>
<portType name="TemperaturePortType">
<operation name="getTemp">
<input message="tns:getTempRequest"/>
<output message="tns:getTempResponse"/>
The operation name used in the examples is getTemp. This operation takes a single input parameter defined as a
message of type getTempRequest.
You can see that the message element named getTempRequest contains one string parameter: zipcode. When
you call the getTemp operation, you pass the parameter as input.
Handling return values from a web service
Web service operations often return information back to your application. You can determine the name and data
type of returned information by examining subelements of the message and operation elements in the WSDL file.
The following example shows a portion of the WSDL file for the TemperatureService web service:
<message name="getTempRequest">
<part name="zipcode" type="xsd:string"/>
<message name="getTempResponse">
<part name="return" type="xsd:float"/>
<portType name="TemperaturePortType">
<operation name="getTemp">
<input message="tns:getTempRequest"/>
<output message="tns:getTempResponse"/>
The operation getTemp returns a message of type getTempResponse. The message statement in the WSDL file
defines the getTempResponse message as containing a single string parameter named return.
Using cfinvoke to consume a web service
With the cfinvoke tag, you reference the WSDL file and invoke an operation on the web service with a single tag.
The cfinvoke tag includes attributes that specify the URL to the WSDL file, the method to invoke, the return
variable, and input parameters. For complete {{}}syntax, see the CFML Reference.
You can pass parameters to a web service using the cfinvokeargument tag or by specifying
parameter names in the cfinvoke tag itself. For more information, see Passing parameters to
methods by using the cfinvoke tag in Passing parameters to methods.
<cfinvokeargument name="zipcode" value="55987"/>
<cfoutput>The temperature at ZIP code 55987 is #aTemp#</cfoutput>
You can also use an attribute collection to pass parameters. An attribute collections is a structure where each
structure key corresponds to a parameter name and each structure value is the parameter value passed for
the corresponding key. The following example shows an invocation of a web service using an attribute
stArgs = structNew();
stArgs.zipcode = "55987";
<cfoutput>The temperature at ZIP code 55987 is #aTemp#</cfoutput>
In this example, you create the structure in a CFScript block, but you can use any ColdFusion method to create the
Using CFScript to consume a web service
The following example uses CFScript to consume a web service. In CFScript, you use the CreateObject function
to connect to the web service. After connecting, you can make requests to the service. For CreateObject syntax,
see the CFML Reference.
After creating the web service object, you can call operations of the web service using dot notation, in the following
You can handle return values from web services by writing them to a variable, as the following example shows:
Or, you can pass the return values directly to a function, such as the WriteOutput function, as the following
example shows:
ws = CreateObject("webservice",
xlatstring = ws.getTemp("55987");
ws = CreateObject("webservice",
xlatstring = ws.getTemp(zipcode = "55987");
writeoutput("The temperature at 55987 is " & xlatstring);
To consume a web service that is implemented in a technology other than ColdFusion, the web service must have
one of the following sets of options:
rpc as the SOAP binding style and encoding as the encodingStyle
document as the SOAP binding style and literal as the encodingStyle
The following example shows a portion of the WSDL file for the TemperatureService web service:
The WSDL file for the TemperatureService web service is compatible with ColdFusion because it uses rpc as the
binding style, and encoding as the encodingStyle.
Calling web services from a Flash client
The Flash Remoting service lets you call ColdFusion pages from a Flash client, but it does not let you call web
services directly. To call web services from a Flash client, you can use Flash Remoting to call a ColdFusion
component that calls the web service. The Flash client can pass input parameters to the component, and the
component can return to the Flash client any data returned by the web service.
For more information, see Using the Flash Remoting Service.
Catching errors when consuming web services
During processing, you can catch in your application errors, including SOAP faults, that otherwise propagate to the
To catch errors, you specify an error type of application to the ColdFusion cfcatch tag, as the following example
Place your application code here ...
<cfcatch type="application">
<!--- Add exception processing code here ... --->
<cfcatch type="Any">
<!--- Add exception processing code appropriate for all other
exceptions here ... --->
Some web services define inout and out parameters. You use out parameters to pass a placeholder for a return
value to a web service. The web service then returns its result by writing it to the out parameter. Inout parameters let
you pass a value to a web service and lets the web service return its result by overwriting the parameter value.
The following example shows a web service that takes as input an inout parameter containing a string and writes its
results back to the string:
<cfset S="foo">
ws=createobject("webservice", "URLtoWSDL")
Even though this web service takes as input the value of S, because you pass it as an inout parameter, you do not
enclose it in number signs.
ColdFusion supports the use of inout and out parameters to consume web services. However,
ColdFusion does not support inout and out parameters when creating web services for
The ColdFusion Administrator lets you register web services so that you do not have to specify the entire WSDL
URL when you reference the web service.
The first time you reference a web service, ColdFusion automatically registers it in the
For example, the following code references the URL to the TemperatureService WSDL file:
ws = CreateObject("webservice",
xlatstring = ws.getTemp("55987");
If you register the TemperatureService web service in the Administrator using (for example, the name wsTemp), you
can then reference the web service as follows:
ws = CreateObject("webservice", "wsTemp");
xlatstring = ws.getTemp("55987");
writeoutput("wsTemp: " & xlatstring);
Not only does registering the service in the Administrator enable you to shorten your code, it lets you change a web
service URL without modifying your code. So, if the TemperatureService web service moves to a new location, you
only update the administrator setting, not your application code.
For more information, see the ColdFusion Administrator online Help.
Data conversions between ColdFusion and WSDL data types
A WSDL file defines the input and return parameters of an operation, including data types. For example, the
TemperatureService web service contains the following definition of input and return parameters:
<message name="getTempRequest">
<part name="zipcode" type="xsd:string"/>
<message name="getTempResponse">
<part name="return" type="xsd:float"/>
As part of consuming web services, understand how ColdFusion converts WSDL defined data types to ColdFusion
data types. The following table shows this conversion:
complex type
For many of the most common data types, such as string and numeric, a WSDL data type maps directly to a
ColdFusion data type. For complex WSDL data types, the mapping is not as straight forward. In many cases, you
map a complex WSDL data type to a ColdFusion structure. For more information on handling complex data types,
see Handling complex data types.
Consuming ColdFusion web services
Your application can consume web services created in ColdFusion. You do not have to perform any special
processing on the input parameters or return values because ColdFusion handles data mappings automatically
when consuming a ColdFusion web service.
For example, when ColdFusion publishes a web service that returns a query, or takes a query as an input, the
WSDL file for that service lists its data type as QueryBean. However, a ColdFusion application consuming this web
service can pass a ColdFusion query object to the function as an input, or write a returned QueryBean to a
ColdFusion query object.
For a list of how ColdFusion data types map to WSDL data types, see Data conversions between
ColdFusion and WSDL data types in this page.
The following example shows a ColdFusion component that takes a query as input and echoes the query back to
the caller:
<cffunction name='echoQuery' returnType='query' access='remote'>
<cfargument name='input' type='query'>
<cfreturn #arguments.input#>
In the WSDL file for the echotypes.cfc component, you see the following definitions that specify the type of the
function input and output as QueryBean:
<wsdl:message name="echoQueryResponse">
<wsdl:part name="echoQueryReturn" type="tns1:QueryBean"/>
<wsdl:message name="echoQueryRequest">
<wsdl:part name="input" type="tns1:QueryBean"/>
<title>Passing queries to web services</title>
<cfquery name="GetEmployees" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary
FROM Employee
webservice = ""
method = "echoQuery"
returnVariable = "returnedQuery">
Is returned result a query? #isQuery(returnedQuery)# <br><br>
<cfoutput query="returnedQuery">
#FirstName#, #LastName#, #Salary#<br>
ColdFusion components (CFCs) encapsulate application functionality and provide a standard interface for client
access to that functionality. A component typically contains one or more functions defined by the cffunction tag.
For example, the following component contains a single function:
<cffunction name="echoString" returnType="string" output="no">
<cfargument name="input" type="string">
<cfreturn #arguments.input#>
The function, named echoString, echoes back any string passed to it. To publish the function as a web service,
modify the function definition to add the access attribute and specify remote, as the following example shows:
By defining the function as remote, ColdFusion includes the function in the WSDL file. Only those functions marked
as remote are accessible as a web service.
The following list defines the requirements for how to create web services for publication:
1. The value of the access attribute of the cffunction tag must be remote.
2. The cffunction tag must include the returnType attribute to specify a return type.
3. The output attribute of the cffunction tag must be set to No because ColdFusion converts all output to
XML to return it to the consumer.
4. The attribute setting required="false" for the cfargument tag is ignored. ColdFusion considers all
parameters as required.
Specifying data types of function arguments and return values
The cffunction tag lets you define a single return value and one or more input parameters passed to a function.
As part of the function definition, you include the data type of the return value and input parameters.
The following example shows a component that defines a function with a return value of type string, one input
parameter of type string, and one input parameter of type numeric:
<cffunction name="trimString" returnType="string" output="no">
<cfargument name="inString" type="string">
<cfargument name="trimLength" type="numeric">
As part of publishing the component for access as a web service, ColdFusion generates the WSDL file that defines
the component where the WSDL file includes definitions for how ColdFusion data types map to WSDL data types.
The following table shows this mapping:
ColdFusion data type
complex type
component definition
complex type
In most cases, consumers of ColdFusion web services can easily pass data to and return results from component
functions by mapping their data types to the WSDL data types shown in the preceding table.
Document-literal web services use XML schema data types, not SOAP-ENC data types. For
more information, see Publishing document-literal style web services.
For ColdFusion structures and queries, Some clients must process their data to map it to the correct type. For more
information, see Publishing web services that use complex data types.
You can also define a data type in one ColdFusion component based on another component definition. For more
information on using components to specify a data type, see Using ColdFusion components to define data types for
web services.
Producing WSDL files
ColdFusion automatically creates a WSDL file for any component referenced as a web service. For example, if you
have a component named echo.cfc in your web root directory, you can view its corresponding WSDL file by
The cfcomponent tag includes optional attributes that you can use to control the WSDL that ColdFusion
generates. You can use these attributes to create meaningful WSDL attribute names, as the following example
<cfcomponent style="document"
namespace = ""
serviceportname = "RestrictedEmpInfo"
porttypename = "RestrictedEmpInfo"
bindingname = "myns:RestrictedEmpInfo"
displayname = "RestrictedEmpInfo"
hint = "RestrictedEmpInfo">
For complete control of the WSDL, advanced users can specify the cfcomponent wsdlFile_
attribute to use a predefined WSDL file._
The following example defines a ColdFusion component that can be invoked as a web service:
name = "echoString"
returnType = "string"
output = "no"
access = "remote">
<cfargument name = "input" type = "string">
<cfreturn #arguments.input#>
If you register the component in Dreamweaver, it appears in the Components tab of the
Application panel.
<!--WSDL created by ColdFusion -->
<schema targetNamespace=""
<import namespace=""/>
<complexType name="CFCInvocationException">
<wsdl:message name="CFCInvocationException">
<wsdl:part name="fault" type="tns1:CFCInvocationException"/>
<wsdl:message name="echoStringResponse">
<wsdl:part name="echoStringReturn" type="xsd:string"/>
<wsdl:message name="echoStringRequest">
<wsdl:part name="input" type="xsd:string"/>
<wsdl:portType name="echo">
<wsdl:operation name="echoString" parameterOrder="input">
<wsdl:input message="impl:echoStringRequest" name="echoStringRequest"/>
<wsdl:output message="impl:echoStringResponse"
<wsdl:fault message="impl:CFCInvocationException" name="CFCInvocationException"/>
<wsdl:binding name="echo.cfcSoapBinding" type="impl:echo">
<wsdlsoap:binding style="rpc" transport="
<wsdl:operation name="echoString">
<wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
<wsdl:input name="echoStringRequest">
<wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="
encoding/" namespace="" use="encoded"/>
<wsdl:output name="echoStringResponse">
<wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="
encoding/" namespace="" use="encoded"/>
<wsdl:fault name="CFCInvocationException">
<wsdlsoap:fault encodingStyle="
encoding/" name="CFCInvocationException" namespace=
"" use="encoded"/>
<wsdl:service name="echoService">
<wsdl:port binding="impl:echo.cfcSoapBinding" name="echo.cfc">
<wsdlsoap:address location=""/>
<cfcomponent output="false">
name = "echoString"
returnType = "string"
output = "no"
access = "remote">
<cfargument name = "input" type = "string">
<cfreturn #arguments.input#>
You can also invoke the web service using the following code:
ws = CreateObject("webservice", "");
wsresults = ws.echoString("hello");
ColdFusion lets you define components that contain only properties. Once defined, you can use components to
define data types for web services. The following code defines a component in the file address.cfc that contains
properties that represent a street address:
<cfproperty name="AddrNumber" type="numeric">
<cfproperty name="Street" type="string">
<cfproperty name="City" type="string">
<cfproperty name="State" type="string">
<cfproperty name="Country" type="string">
The following code defines a component in the filename.cfc that defines first and last name properties:
<cfproperty name="Firstname" type="string">
<cfproperty name="Lastname" type="string">
You can then use address and name to define data types in a ColdFusion component created to publish a web
service, as the following example shows:
name="echoName" returnType="name" access="remote" output="false">
<cfargument name="input" type="name">
<cfreturn #arguments.input#>
name="echoAddress" returnType="address" access="remote" output="false">
<cfargument name="input" type="address">
<cfreturn #arguments.input#>
If the component files are not in a directory under your web root, create a web server mapping to
the directory that contains them. You cannot use ColdFusion mappings to access web services.
The WSDL file for the web service contains data definitions for the complex types name and address. Each
definition consists of the elements that define the type as specified in the ColdFusion component file for that type.
For example, the following example shows the definition for name:
<complexType name="name">
<element name="firstname" nillable="true" type="soapenc:string"/>
<element name="lastname" nillable="true" type="soapenc:string"/>
You can also specify an array of CFCs in the returnType attribute, as the following example shows:
name="allNames" returnType="name[]" access="remote" output="false">
<cfset var returnarray = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset var temp = "">
<cfquery name="empinfo" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT firstname, lastname
FROM employee
<cfloop query="empinfo" >
<cfobject component="name" name="tempname">
<cfset tempname.Firstname = #empinfo.firstname#>
<cfset tempname.Lastname = #empinfo.lastname#>
<cfset temp = ArrayAppend(returnarray, tempname)>
<cfreturn returnarray>
When you invoke the web service, it returns an array of CFCs. Access the properties in the CFC by using dot
notation, as the following example shows:
In addition to RPC-oriented operations, for which consumers specify a method and arguments, ColdFusion also lets
you publish web services using the document-literal style. When you use document-literal style, the WSDL for the
web service tells the client to use XML schemas rather than RPC calling conventions.
In most cases, the publisher of a web services identifies it as document-literal or RPC style. To identify the type,
open the WSDL document and find the soap:binding element and examine its style attribute, as the following
example shows:
In this example, the style is document-literal. Examine the WSDL to determine the methods you can call and the
parameters for each method.
On the client side, the cfinvoke tag and other ColdFusion methods for calling web services handle the style
automatically. In most cases, no modifications are necessary. Similarly, when publishing CFCs as document-literal
style web services, ColdFusion automatically creates and manages the appropriate WSDL.
To publish CFCs as document-literal style web services, specify cfcomponent style="document", along with
the other attributes required for document-literal style web services. For example, ColdFusion publishes the
following CFC using document-literal style:
You can restrict access to your published web services to control the users allowed to invoke them. You can use
your web server to control access to the directories containing your web services, or you can use ColdFusion
security in the same way that you would to control access to any ColdFusion page.
To browse the HTML description of a CFC file, you request the file by specifying a URL to the file in your browser.
By default, ColdFusion secures access to all URLs that directly reference a CFC file, and prompts you to enter a
password upon the request. Use the ColdFusion RDS password to view the file.
To disable security on CFC file browsing, use the ColdFusion Administrator to disable the RDS password.
For more information, see Building and Using ColdFusion Components.
Most web servers, including IIS and Apache, implement directory access protection using the basic HTTP
authentication mechanism. When a client attempts to access one of the resources under a protected directory, and
has not properly authenticated, the web server automatically sends back an authentication challenge, typically an
HTTP Error 401 Access Denied error.
In response, the client browser opens a login prompt containing a user name and password field. When the user
submits this information, the browser sends it back to the web server. If authentication passes, the web server
allows access to the directory. The browser also caches the authentication data as long as it is open, so subsequent
requests automatically include the authentication data.
Web service clients can also pass the user name and password information as part of the request. The cfinvoke t
ag includes the user name and password attributes that let you pass login information to a web server using
HTTP basic authentication. You can include these attributes when invoking a web service, as the following example
webservice = ""
returnVariable = "foo"
ColdFusion inserts the user name/password string in the authorization request header as a base64 binary
encoded string, with a colon separating the user name and password. This method of passing the user
name/password is compatible with the HTTP basic authentication mechanism used by web servers.
The ColdFusion Administrator lets you predefine web services. As part of defining the web service, you can specify
the user name and password that ColdFusion includes as part of the request to the web service. Therefore, you do
not have to encode this information using the cfinvoke tag. For information on defining a web service in the
ColdFusion Administrator, see Configuring web services in the ColdFusion Administrator in Consuming web
Using ColdFusion to control access
Instead of letting the web server control access to your web services, you can handle the user name/password
string in your Application.cfc or Application.cfm file as part of your own security mechanism. In this case, you use the
cflogin tag to retrieve the user name/password information from the authorization header, decode the binary
string, and extract the user name and password, as the following excerpt from an Application.cfc onRequestStart
method shows:
<cfset isAuthorized = false>
<cfif isDefined("cflogin")
<!--- Verify user name from and password from
cflogin.password using your authentication mechanism. --->
<cfset isAuthorized = true>
<cfif not isAuthorized>
<!--- If the user does not pass a user name/password, return a 401 error.
The browser then prompts the user for a user name/password. --->
<cfheader statuscode="401">
<cfheader name="WWW-Authenticate" value="Basic realm=""Test""">
This example does not show how to perform user verification. For more information on verification, see Securing
Best practices for publishing web services
ColdFusion web services provide a powerful mechanism for publishing and consuming application functionality.
However, before you produce web services for publication, consider the following best practices:
1. Minimize the use of ColdFusion complex types, such as query and struct, in the web services you create for
publication. These types require consumers, especially ones that consume the web service using a
technology other than ColdFusion, to create special data structures to handle complex types.
2. Locally test the ColdFusion components implemented for web services before publishing them over the
The following example CFM page uses the AddSOAPRequestHeader, getSOAPRequest, and GetSOAPRespons
e functions:
<cfsavecontent variable="my_xml">
<Request xmlns="">
<cfset xml_obj = xmlparse(my_xml)>
ws = CreateObject("webservice",
addSOAPRequestHeader(ws, "", "testrequestheader",
inxml = getSOAPRequest(ws);
outxml = getSOAPResponse(ws);
<h2>Return Value</h2>
<!--- This code is XML, so use HTMLCodeFormat. --->
The return value was #ret#
<h2>Complete Request XML</h2>
<h2>Complete Response XML</h2>
The following example CFC uses the IsSOAPRequest and AddSOAPResponseHeader functions:
name = "showSOAPHeaders"
returnType = "string"
output = "no"
access = "remote"
hint="After calling this function, use GetSOAPRequest and GetSOAPResponse to view
<cfset var xml_obj = "">
<cfset var ret = "">
<cfif IsSOAPRequest()>
<!--- Define a response header --->
<cfsavecontent variable="response_xml">
<ThisResponseHeader xmlns="">
<cfset xml_obj = xmlparse(response_xml)>
<!--- Add the response header --->
addSOAPResponseHeader("", "testresponseheader",
ret = "Invoked as a web service. Use GetSOAPRequest and GetSOAPResponse to view
<cfset ret = "Not invoked as a web service">
<cfreturn ret>
The following table shows how WSDL data types are converted to ColdFusion data types:
ColdFusion data type
complex type
This table shows that complex data types map to ColdFusion structures. ColdFusion structures offer a flexible way
to represent data. You can create structures that contain single-dimension arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, and
other structures.
The ColdFusion mapping of complex types to structures is not automatic. Accessing the data as a structure requires
some processing of the data. The next sections describe how to pass complex types to web services, and how to
handle complex types returned from web services.
Passing input parameters to web services as complex types
A web service can take a complex data type as input. In this situation, you can construct a ColdFusion structure that
models the complex data type, then pass the structure to the web service.
For example, the following excerpt from a WSDL file shows the definition of a complex type named Employee:
<s:complexType name="Employee">
<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"
<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"
<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"
<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"
<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"
<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"
The Employee data type definition includes six elements, the data type of each element, and the name of each
Another excerpt from the WSDL file shows a message definition using the Employee data type. This message
defines an input parameter, as the following code shows:
<message name="updateEmployeeInfoSoapIn">
<part name="thestruct" type="s0:Employee" />
A third excerpt from the WSDL file shows the definition of an operation, named updateEmployeeInfo, possibly one
that updates the employee database with the employee information. This operation takes as input a parameter of
type Employee, as the following code shows:
<operation name="updateEmployeeInfo">
<input message="s0:updateEmployeeInfoSoapIn" />
To call the updateEmployeeInfo operation, create a ColdFusion structure, initialize six fields of the structure that
correspond to the six elements of Employee, and then call the operation, as the following code shows:
<!--- Create a structure using CFScript, then call the web service. --->
stUser = structNew(); = TRUE;
stUser.fname = "John";
stUser.lname = "Smith";
stUser.age = 23;
stUser.hiredate = createDate(2002,02,22);
stUser.number = 123.321;
ws = createObject("webservice", "");
You can use structures for passing input parameters as complex types in many situations. However, to build a
structure to model a complex type, inspect the WSDL file for the web service to determine the layout of the complex
type. This process can take some practice.
Handling return values as complex types
When a web service returns a complex type, you can write that returned value directly to a ColdFusion variable.
The previous section used a complex data type named Employee to define an input parameter to an operation. A
WSDL file can also define a return value using the Employee type, as the following code shows:
<message name="updateEmployeeInfoSoapOut">
<part name="updateEmployeeInfoResult" type="s0:Employee" />
<operation name="updateEmployeeInfo">
<input message="s0:updateEmployeeInfoSoapIn" />
<output message="s0:updateEmployeeInfoSoapOut" />
In this example, the operation updateEmployeeInfo takes a complex type as input and returns a complex type as
output. To handle the input parameter, you create a structure. To handle the returned value, you write it to a
ColdFusion variable, as the following example shows:
<!--- Create a structure using CFScript, then call the web service. --->
<!--- Write the returned value to a ColdFusion variable. --->
stUser = structNew(); = TRUE;
stUser.fname = "John";
stUser.lname = "Smith";
stUser.age = 23;
stUser.hiredate = createDate(2002,02,22);
stUser.number = 123.321;
ws = createObject("webservice", "");
myReturnVar = ws.echoStruct(stUser);
<!--- Output the returned values. --->
<br>Name of employee is: #myReturnVar.fname##myReturnVar.lname#
<br>Active status:
<br>Hire Date: #myReturnVar.hiredate#
<br>Favorite Number: #myReturnVar.number#
You access elements of the variable myReturnVar using dot notation in the same way that you access structure
fields. If a complex type has nested elements, in the way a structure can have multiple levels of nested fields, you
use dot notation to access the nested elements, as in a.b.c.d, to whatever nesting level is necessary.
However, the variable myReturnVar is not a ColdFusion structure. It is a container for the complex type, but has
none of the attributes of a ColdFusion structure. Calling the ColdFusion function isStruct on the variable returns
You can copy the contents of the variable to a ColdFusion structure, as the following example shows:
ws = createObject("webservice", "");
myReturnVar = ws.echoStruct(stUser);
realStruct = structNew(); =;
realStruct.fname = "#myReturnVar.fname#";
realStruct.lname = "#myReturnVar.lname#";
realStruct.age = #myReturnVar.age#;
realStruct.hiredate = #myReturnVar.hiredate#;
realStruct.number = #myReturnVar.number#;
Calling IsStruct on realStruct returns True and you can use all ColdFusion structure functions to process it.
This example shows that ColdFusion variables and structures are useful for handling complex types returned from
web services. To understand how to access the elements of a complex type written to a ColdFusion variable,
inspect the WSDL file for the web service. The WSDL file defines the API to the web service and provides you with
the information necessary to handle data returned from it.
Publishing web services that use complex data types
The two ColdFusion data types that do not map exactly to WSDL data types are struct and query. When you publish
a ColdFusion web service that uses parameters of type struct or query, the consuming application must be able to
handle the data.
If the consumer of a ColdFusion web service is another ColdFusion application, you do not have
to perform any special processing. ColdFusion correctly maps struct and query data types in the
web service publisher with the consumer. For more information, see Consuming ColdFusion web
services in Consuming web services.
Publishing structures
A ColdFusion structure can hold an unlimited number of key-value pairs where the values can be of any ColdFusion
data type. While it is a useful and powerful way to represent data, it cannot be directly mapped to any XML data
types defined in the SOAP 1.1 encoding and XML Schema specification. Therefore, ColdFusion structures are
treated as a custom type and the complex type XML schema in WSDL looks like the following:
<complexType name="mapItem">
<element name="key" nillable="true" type="xsd:anyType"/>
<element name="value" nillable="true" type="xsd:anyType"/>
<complexType name="Map">
<element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="item"
This complex type defines a representation of a structure, where the structure keys and values can be any type.
In the WSDL mapping of a ColdFusion structure, each key-value pair in the structure points to the next element in
the structure except for the final field, which contains a value. Use dot notation to access the key-value pairs.
Publishing queries
ColdFusion publishes query data types as the WSDL type QueryBean. The QueryBean data type contains two
elements, as the following excerpt from a WSDL file shows:
<complexType name="QueryBean">
<element name="data" nillable="true" type="intf:ArrayOf_SOAP-ENC_Array" />
<element name="ColumnList" nillable="true"
type="intf:ArrayOf_SOAP-ENC_string" />
<complexType name="ArrayOf_SOAP-ENC_Array">
<restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
<attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="SOAP-ENC:Array[]" />
<complexType name="ArrayOf_SOAP-ENC_string">
<restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
<attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="xsd:string[]" />
You can use the getSOAPRequest and getSOAPResponse functions to retrieve and display the XML passed to
and from a web service. Although advanced users can use this information for custom functionality, you typically use
these functions for debugging.
Use these functions in the following places:
GetSOAPRequest Clients call this function after the web service request; web service CFCs call this
function in the web service CFC method.
GetSOAPResponse Clients call this function after the web service request completes; web service CFCs
cannot use this method.
The following example uses the GetSOAPRequest and GetSOAPResponse functions in a web service
ws = CreateObject("webservice",
addSOAPRequestHeader(ws, "", "username", "randy");
ret = ws.echo_me("value");
<cfset soapreq = GetSOAPRequest(ws)>
<h2>SOAP Request</h2>
<cfdump var="#soapreq#">
<cfset soapresp = GetSOAPResponse(ws)>
<h2>SOAP Response</h2>
<cfdump var="#soapresp#">
The following example uses the GetSOAPRequest function in a web service CFC method:
TCPMonitor is a swing-based application that lets you watch the request and response flow of HTTP traffic. You can
also watch the request and response flow of SOAP traffic. TCPMonitor replaces the JRun-based Sniffer tool
(sniffer.exe) which existed in ColdFusion 9 and earlier, though it works the same way in its interface.
To run TCPMonitor:
On Windows and UNIX platforms, you can execute the TCPMonitor by using the following command:
The TCP Monitor main window appears. Enter the values in the main window as described in the following table:
Listen Port#
Target Hostname
Target Port#
1. To add this profile to your TCPMonitor session, click Add. A tab appears for your new tunneled connection.
Select the new tab.
Note that you can also specify the port and host names when launching the tool, as in:
In that case, the tool will use the specified port/host values and open a new tab automatically.
2. If port conflicts exist, TCPMonitor alerts you in the Request panel.
3. Request a page using the Listen Port defined in this TCPMonitor session. For example, if you entered 8123
for the Listen Port, enter the following URL in your browser:
TCPMonitor displays the current request and response information:For each connection, the request appears
in the Request panel and the response appears in the Response panel. TCPMonitor keeps a log of all
request-response pairs and lets you view any particular pair by selecting an entry in the top panel.
4. To save results to a file for later viewing, click Save. To clear the top panel of older requests that you do not
want to save, click Remove Selected and Remove All.
5. To resend the request that you are currently viewing and view a new response, click Resend. You can edit
the request in the Request panel before resending, and test the effects of different requests.
6. To change the ports, click Stop, change the port numbers, and click Start.
7. To add another listener, click the Admin tab and enter the values as described previously.
8. To end this TCPMonitor session, click Close.
#back to top
Access ColdFusion services using SOAP
You use SOAP to access ColdFusion services as document/style web services. To see the available service
requests and responses, view the service WSDL in the cfWebRoot\CFIDE\services directory. The service WSDL is
available from the following CFC files: chart.cfc, document.cfc, image.cfc, mail.cfc, pdf.cfc, pop.cfc.
For example, to see the image services, use a URL such as the following:
All the methods and attributes exposed through services can be found in WSDL. Attribute explanation is same as
the attributes of corresponding ColdFusion TAGS/Functions.
In this code snippet, serviceusername is the user name set in the ColdFusion administrator with the
permission to access the specific service being requested.servicepassword is the password set for the
service user name.source is the source URL of the image in the PHP server.Other attributes are the same
as the ImageAddborder() ColdFusion function.
Batch operation on Image:
The following code performs multiple operations on an uploaded image such as batchOperation() to crop an
image and add a border to it.
Following is the sample .NET code for creating a PDF from the web site
Publishing features
Here, you have specified SOAP 1.2 endpoint and therefore, SOAP 1.2 protocol is used to send SOAP
messages.|Supports SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2. ColdFusion 9 supports only SOAP 1.1 endpoint. Integration with Axis
2 in ColdFusion 10 provides support for SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 protocols.That is, if you publish a Web service
with WSVersion set to 2, the endpoints W3C SOAP 1.2 and W3C SOAP 1.1 are supported whereas if you specify 1
as the value, only W3C SOAP 1.1 is supported. For details on specifying WSVersion, see the configuration
section.For details on SOAP, see|
Specifying the Axis settings
You can specify the Axis version at server level, application level, or component level.
Server level changes
Modify the following section in the neo-xmlrpc.xml available in the directory CFusion\lib.
<struct type='coldfusion.server.ConfigMap'>
<var name='version'>
<string> 2</string> </var>
You could also specify web service version in the application.cfc by modifying the following tag:
<cfset this.wssettings.version.publish="1|2">
You can specify the Axis version that you want to use at the application level as follows:
For publication: <cfset this.wssettings.version.publish="2">.
The version you specify overrides the version specified at server level.
For consumption: <cfset this.wssettings.version.consume="2">
Axis 2 generates WSDL by introspecting CFC's method signatures. In this function, both argument type and return
type are any. Therefore, the schema generated with WSDL will not contain the schemas for ColdFusion's complex
datatypes such as struct, query, or xml. If these schemas are not present in the WSDL, then at the client side, there
will not be stub classes for the complex types, making the function useless.Similarly, in the following function, both
argument type and return type are struct. In this case also, the WSDL will contain schema only for the struct. If you
want to pass Document inside struct or Query inside struct, they are not available as schemas in the WSDL.
New attribute wsversion has been added to cfcomponent.}}If you specify {{2, CFC is deployed
using Axis 2 engine. The value you specify overrides the value you specify at application or server level.
A new value wrapped can be specified for the attribute style. If you are setting wsversion as 2, the
default value is wrapped and if it is 1, then the default value is rpc.
If you have set style at the application level, in both the cases, instead of the default values, the
values at the application level are used.
wsversion = 1|2>
style = "rpc|document|wrapped"
<cffunction ...>
<cffunction ...>
New property wsVersion has been added to createObject to specify the Axis version.
New attribute wsVersion has been added to the tag cfobject to specify the Axis version.
Variations from ColdFusion 9
If the same display name is used in multiple CFCs, in ColdFusion 9, both the CFCs are published. But in ColdFusion
10, if wsVersion is set to 2, in the case of multiple CFCs with same display name, only the first CFC is published.
Attempt to access the second CFC results in an error.
Web services are not automatically registered when you access the service using cfinvoke, cfobject, or creat
eObject. You have to register the Web service in the ColdFusion Administrator (Data & Services > Web Services).
The following limitations will be addressed in the future releases of ColdFusion 10.
Unlike in Axis 1, Axis 2 cannot support two CFCs having the same display name.
The following attributes in the tag cfinvoke are not supported in Axis 2: Serviceaddress, portTypeNam
If you are publishing JWS files, only Axis 1 is supported.
#back to top
ColdFusion pages, like HTML pages, can incorporate client-side JavaScript and Java applets. To use JavaScript,
you write the JavaScript code just as you do on any HTML page. ColdFusion ignores the JavaScript and sends it to
the client.
The cfapplet tag simplifies using Java client-side applets.
Use an applet on a ColdFusion page
1. Register the applet .class file in ColdFusion Administrator Java Applets Extensions page. (For information on
registering applets, see the ColdFusion Administrator online Help.)
2. Use the cfapplet tag to call the applet. The appletSource attribute must be the Applet name assigned in
the ColdFusion Administrator.
For example, ColdFusion includes a Copytext sample applet that copies text from one text box to another.
The ColdFusion Setup automatically registers the applet in the Administrator. To use this applet, incorporate
it on your page. For example:
Some Java servlets are not exposed as JSP pages; instead they are Java programs. You can incorporate JSP
servlets in your ColdFusion application. For example, your enterprise could have an existing servlet that performs
some business logic. To use a servlet, the ColdFusion page specifies the servlet by using the ColdFusion GetPageC
ontext function.
When you access the servlet with the GetPageContext function, the ColdFusion page shares the Request,
Application, and Session scopes with the servlet, so you can use these scopes for shared data.
ColdFusion pages can also access servlets by using the cfservlet tag, use the servlet URL in a form tag, or
access an SHTML page that uses a servlet tag.
The cfservlet tag, which provides access to servlets on JRun servers, is deprecated since
ColdFusion MX.
ColdFusion dynamically loads classes that are either .class files in the web_root/WEB-INF/classes directory or in
JAR files in the web_root/WEB-INF/lib directory. ColdFusion checks the timestamp on the file when it creates an
object that is defined in either directory, even when the class is already in memory. If the file that contains the class
is newer than the class in memory, ColdFusion loads the class from that directory. To use this feature, make sure
that the Java implementation classes that you modify are not in the general JVM classpath.To disable automatic
class loading of your classes, place the classes in the JVM classpath. Classes located on the JVM classpath are
loaded once per server lifetime. To reload these classes, stop and restart ColdFusion.
About GetPageContext and the PageContext object
Because ColdFusion pages are JEE servlet pages, all ColdFusion pages have an underlying Java PageContext
object. CFML includes the GetPageContext function that you can then use in your ColdFusion page. The
PageContext object exposes several fields and methods that can be useful in JEE integration. In particular, it
includes the include and forward methods that provide the equivalent of the corresponding standard JSP tags.
For more information on other features of the PageContext object, see Java documentation. You can find the
Javadoc description of this class at
About CFML variables and Java variables
Because ColdFusion variables are case-independent and Java variables are case-dependent, be careful about
variable names. Use the following rules and guidelines when sharing data between ColdFusion and Java code,
including JSP pages and servlets.
If you use mixed case variables, all variable names must be unique, independent of case. For example, you
must not have two Java variables, MyVariable and MYVARIABLE. ColdFusion cannot distinguish between
the two.
If you share Request scope variables between a CFML page and a JSP page or servlet, all shared Request
scope variable names must be all-lowercase in the JSP page or servlet. Mixed case or all-uppercase
variables cause null pointer exceptions if CFML refers to these variables.
If you share Application or Session scope variables between a CFML page and a JSP page or servlet and
use a named ColdFusion application (the common usage), the variables on the JSP page or servlet are
If you share the Application or Session scope variables between a CFML page and a JSP page or servlet,
and use an unnamed ColdFusion application, the variable names in the JSP page or servlet must be all
When you specify a class name in the cfobject tag or CreateObject function, the name must be
You can integrate JSP pages and servlets in your ColdFusion application. For example, you can write some
application pages in JSP and write others in CFML. ColdFusion pages can access JSP pages by using the JSP inc
lude and forward methods to call the page. As with any web application, you can use href links in ColdFusion
pages to open JSP pages.
The ability to use JSP lets you incorporate legacy JSP pages in your ColdFusion application, or conversely, use
CFML to expand an existing JSP application using ColdFusion pages.
If you have a JSP page that must call a ColdFusion page, you also use a jsp:forward or jsp:include tag to
call the ColdFusion page. For an example of calling a ColdFusion page from a JSP page, see Calling a JSP page
from a ColdFusion page in this page.
Accessing a JSP page or servlet from a ColdFusion page
To access a JSP page or servlet from a ColdFusion page, you use the GetPageContext function with the forward
or the include method. For example, to include a JSP "Hello World" page in your ColdFusion application, use the
following line:
To pass parameters to the JSP page, include the parameters in the page URL.
For example, you could want to integrate an existing JSP customer response component into a new ColdFusion
order processing application. The order processing application provides the order number, total cost, and expected
shipping date, and the customer response component sends the response to the e-mail address on file for the
particular customer number. The ColdFusion application could use the following CFScript code to call the response
JSP page:
urlParams =
To access a servlet that exposes the same functionality, you use the same code, although the URL would change.
For example, to run a servlet called HelloWorldServlet, you place the servlet .java or .class file in the
_serverroot/_WEB-INF/classes directory and access the servlet with the URL /servlet/HelloWorldServlet.
Accessing ColdFusion application and session variables in JSP pages
ColdFusion runs as a JEE application on a JEE application server. The JEE application ServletContext is a data
structure that stores objects as attributes. A ColdFusion Application scope is represented as an attribute named by
the Application scope name. The attribute contains the scope values as a hash table. Therefore, you access
ColdFusion Application scope variable in a JSP page or servlet using the following format:
Similarly, the ColdFusion Session scope is a structure within the JEE session (assuming that the J2EE Sessions fea
ture has been enabled, as discussed in the next session.) Because ColdFusion identifies sessions by the application
name. the session structure is contained in an attribute of the JEE session that the application name identifies.
Therefore, you access ColdFusion session variables as follows:
If an application includes ColdFusion pages and JSP pages or servlets, they can share data in the Request, Session
and Application scopes. The following table lists the ways that you can access JSP pages with which you want to
share the scope data:
When you share data between ColdFusion pages and JSP pages, be careful about data type
conversion issues. For more information, see Java and ColdFusion data type conversions in Usin
g Java objects.
To share session variables, specify J2EE session management in the ColdFusion Administrator. For more
information on configuring and using J2EE Session scope management, see ColdFusion and J2EE session
management in Configuring and using session variables. (While the term "J2EE" has been updated in Java parlance
with the simpler JEE, the ColdFusion Administrator still refers to storing sessions in the JEE servlet scope as "J2EE
For example, you could put the customer order structure used in the previous example in the Session scope. Then,
you would not have to pass the order values as a set of parameters. Instead, the JSP pages could access the
Session scope variables directly, and the ColdFusion page would only require a line like the following to call the JSP
For examples of using the Request, Session, and Application scopes to share data between ColdFusion pages and
JSP pages, including samples of the appropriate JSP code, see Using JSP with CFML below.
When running in the server configuration, ColdFusion also shares the Form scope when calling a
JSP or servlet. In the JEE configuration, however, sharing the Form scope is dependent on the
JEE application server. For example, JRun shares the Form scope, IBM WebSphere does not.
ColdFusion always shares the Request, Session, and Application scopes.
If you do not specify an application name in the variable in the Application.cfc initialization code or by
using the ColdFusion cfapplication tag, the application is unnamed, and the Application scope corresponds to the
ColdFusion JEE servlet context. ColdFusion, therefore, supports only a single unnamed application. If multiple cfap
plication tags and Application.cfc files do not specify an application name, all pages in these applications share
the servlet context as their Application scope.
All sessions of unnamed applications correspond directly to the session object of the JEE application server. (If you
do not use J2EE session variables, ColdFusion ensures that the JEE session lasts at least as long as the session
You access an Application scope variable from a ColdFusion unnamed application in a JSP page using the following
When you use application and session variables for the unnamed ColdFusion application in JSP
pages and servlets, the variable names must be case-correct. The characters in the variable
name must have the same case as you used when you created the variable in ColdFusion. You
do not have to use case-correct application and session variable names for named ColdFusion
The following simple examples show how you can integrate JSP pages, servlets, and ColdFusion pages. They also
show how you can use the Request, Application, and Session scopes to share data between ColdFusion pages,
JSP pages, and servlets.
Calling a JSP page from a ColdFusion page
The following page sets Request, Session, and application variables and calls a JSP page, passing it a name
<cfapplication name="myApp"
Request.myVariable = "This";
Session.myVariable = "is a";
Application.myVariable = "test.";
The ColdFusion page calls the hello.jsp page. It displays the name parameter in a header and the three variables in
the remainder of the body.
The following table describes the JSP code and its function (line breaks added for clarity):
<br>request.myVariable: <%=
<br>session.myVariable: <%=
The following JSP page sets Request, Session, and application variables and calls a ColdFusion page, passing it a
name parameter:
)).put("myVariable", "is a");%>
<jsp:include page="hello.cfm">
<jsp:param name="name"
The JSP page calls the following hello.cfm page. It displays the Name parameter in a heading and the three
variables in the remainder of the body.
The following table describes the CFML code and its function:
<cfapplication name="myApp"
JSP pages use a standard set of tags, such as jsp:forward and jsp:include. You can also import custom JSP
tag libraries into a JSP application. You can use both the standard JSP tags and custom JSP tags in ColdFusion
Standard JSP tags and ColdFusion
ColdFusion tags provide equivalent features to most standard JSP tags. For example, the cfapplet tag provides the
same service as the jsp:plugin tag, and cfobject tag lets you use JavaBeans, as does the jsp:usebean tag.
Similarly, you do not use the jsp:getproperty tag because ColdFusion automatically gets properties when you
reference them. Therefore, ColdFusion does not support the use of standard JSP tags directly.However, two
standard JSP tags provide functionality that is useful in ColdFusion pages: the forward and include tags invoke
JSP pages and Java servlets. The PageContext object described in About GetPageContext and the PageContext
object section has forward and include methods that provide the same operations. For more information about
using these methods, see Accessing a JSP page or servlet from a ColdFusion page in Interoperating with JSP
pages and servlets.
Using custom JSP tags in a ColdFusion page
1. Place the tag library, consisting of the taglibname.jar file, and the taglibname.tld file, if one is supplied, in the
web_root/WEB-INF/lib directory. The JSP custom tag library must be in this directory for you to use the cfim
port tag.
2. Restart ColdFusion.
3. In the ColdFusion page that uses a JSP tag from the tag library, specify the tag library name in a cfimportta
g; for example:
If the TLD file is not included in the JAR file, use the .tld extension in place of the .jar extension.
The cfimport tag must be on the page that uses the imported tag. You cannot place the
cfimport_ tag in Application.cfm._
1. Use the custom tag using the form prefix:tagName; for example:
You cannot use the cfsavecontent tag to suppress output of a custom JSP tag.
The following example uses the random tag library from the Apache Jakarta Taglibs project and calls the number ta
g. The number tag initializes a random number generator that uses a secure algorithm to generate a six-digit
random number. You get a new random number each time you reference the variable randPass.random.
For more information on the Jakarta random tag library and how to use its tags, see the documentation at the
Apache Jakarta Taglibs project website, The Taglibs project includes
many open source custom tag libraries.
ColdFusion 10 lets you load Java libraries from a custom path that you specify. In the previous versions, you use
Java libraries placed in the lib directory of ColdFusion. Those libraries are not application-specific and adding a
Java library or updating an existing library is not easy. You also have to restart ColdFusion.
ColdFusion 10 lets you place the Java libraries for an application in a directory of your choice. You specify the path
of this directory in the Application.cfc. Then, use the libraries in your application by creating a cfobject of Java
Specifying custom Java library path in the Application.cfc without dynamic loading
Specify the custom path from where you want to load the Java library in the Application.cfc. of your project.
In this case, if there is an update to the file, you have to restart ColdFusion to load the updated files.
Add the following entry in this file:
Specifying the custom Java library path in the Application.cfc with dynamic loading
Specify the custom path from where you want to load the Java library in the Application.cfc of your project.
In this case, if there is an update to the file, you need not restart ColdFusion to load the updated files.
Add the following entry in this file:
Save the Java class files or JARs in the directory that you specified in the Application.cfc. Then, access the methods
in the JARs or class files by creating a cfobject of Java type.
In this example, you create a Java class and access a method in the Java class in the sample application.
1. Create a Java file,
Using the CFC Proxy, you can access a ColdFusion component from Java classes. To call CFC, ColdFusion class
loader must be the current class loader. For example, the following code creates a CFC Proxy from the file location
CFCProxy(String fully-qualified-path-of-CFC-file)
Similarly, the following code creates a CFC Proxy from the file location provided. It also initializes the This scope of
the CFC with the name value pairs.
import coldfusion.cfc.CFCProxy;
public class CFCInvoker
public String directInvoke(String cfcPath)
String myMessage = "";
CFCProxy myCFC = new CFCProxy(cfcPath, true);
Object[] myArgs = { "Hello" };
myMessage = (String)myCFC.invoke("getData", myArgs);
catch (Throwable e)
return myMessage;
2. Compile the file and place it in the lib directory of the project folder.
3. Create a ColdFusion component as follows:
<cffunction name="getData" returntype="string">
<cfargument name="msg" required="Yes">
<cfreturn msg & "Java" />
The function createDynamicProxy creates a dynamic proxy of the ColdFusion component that is passed to a
Java library. Dynamic proxy lets you pass ColdFusion components to Java objects. Java objects can work with the
ColdFusion components seamlessly as if they are native Java objects.
To create a dynamic proxy, provide the name of the ColdFusion component and an array of Java interfaces. The
component is treated as if it implements the specified interfaces.
Create a dynamic proxy as follows:
createDynamicProxy("fullyQualifiedNameOfCFC", ["interfaceName"]);
The following example shows how to create a Java interface. Interface defines a method. A ColdFusion component
implements the method as a ColdFusion function. The dynamic proxy of the ColdFusion component calls a Java
class by passing the object of the interface. It then calls the method in ColdFusion as if it is a native Java class.
1. Create a Java interface, MyInterface.
<cffunction name="sayHello" returntype="string">
<cfreturn "Hello World!!!!">
7. Add a CFM file that creates a dynamic proxy for HelloWorld as interface, MyInterface. Create an object
of InvokeHelloProxy class and initiate the class.The code creates a dynamic proxy of MyInterface.
You can use ColdFusion to invoke Java objects and access object methods and properties.
Invoking objects
The cfobject tag makes Java objects available in ColdFusion. It can access any Java class that is available on
the JVM classpath or in either of the following locations:
In a Java archive (.jar) file in web_root/WEB-INF/lib
In a class (.class) file in web_root/WEB-INF/classes
For example:
Although the cfobject tag loads the class, it does not create an instance object. Only static methods and fields
are accessible immediately after the call to cfobject.
If you call a public non-static method on the object without first calling the init method, ColdFusion makes an
implicit call to the default constructor.
To call an object constructor explicitly, use the special ColdFusion init method with the appropriate arguments
after you use the cfobject tag; for example:
The init method is not a method of the object, but a ColdFusion identifier that calls the new fun
ction on the class constructor. So, if a Java object has an init method, a name conflict exists
and you cannot call the object init method.
To have persistent access to an object, use the init function, because it returns a reference to an instance of the
object, and cfobject does not.
An object created using cfobject or returned by other objects is implicitly released at the end of the ColdFusion
page execution.
Using properties
Use the following coding syntax to access properties if the object does either of the following actions:
Exposes the properties as public properties.
Does not make the properties public, but is a JavaBean that provides public getter and setter methods of the
form get_PropertyName_() and set_PropertyName_(value). For more information, see Calling JavaBean get
and set methods below.
To set a property: <cfset = "somevalue">
To get a property: <cfset value =>
ColdFusion does not require consistently capitalized property and method names. However, it is
good programming practice to use the same case in ColdFusion as you do in Java to ensure
Calling methods
Object methods usually take zero or more arguments. Some methods return values, while others might not. Use the
following techniques to call methods:
1. If the method has no arguments, follow the method name with empty parentheses, as in the following cfsett
2. If the method has one or more arguments, place the arguments in parentheses, separated by commas, as in
the following example, which has one integer argument and one string argument:
<cfset x = 23>
<cfset retVal = obj.Method1(x, "a string literal")>
When you invoke a Java method, the type of the data being used is important. For more
information see Java and ColdFusion data type conversions below.
ColdFusion can automatically invoke get_PropertyName_() and set_PropertyName_(value) methods if a Java class
conforms to the JavaBeans pattern. As a result, you can set or get the property by referencing it directly, without
having to explicitly invoke a method.
For example, if the myFishTank class is a JavaBean, the following code returns the results of calling the
getTotalFish() method on the myFish object:
There are currently #myFish.TotalFish# fish in the tank.
The following example adds one guppy to a myFish object by implicitly calling the setGuppyCount(int number)
You can use the direct reference method to get or set values in some classes that have
getProperty and setProperty methods but do not conform fully to the JavaBean pattern. However,
you cannot use this technique for all classes that have getProperty and setProperty methods. For
example, you cannot directly reference any of the following standard Java classes, or classes
derived from them: Date, Boolean, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Char, Byte, String, List,
ColdFusion supports nested (scoped) object calls. For example, if an object method returns another object and you
invoke a property or method on that object, you can use the following syntax:
Similarly, you can use code such as the following CFScript line:
In this code, the ColdFusion GetPageContext function returns a Java PageContext object, and the line invokes the i
nclude method of the PageContext object.
Creating and using a simple Java class
Java is a strongly typed language, unlike ColdFusion, which does not enforce data types. As a result, some subtle
considerations exist when calling Java methods.
The Employee class
The Employee class has four data members: FirstName and LastName are public, and Salary and JobGrade are
private. The Employee class has three overloaded constructors and an overloaded SetJobGrade method. Save the
following Java source code in the file, compile it, and place the resulting Employee.class file in a
directory that is specified in the classpath:
<cfobject action="create" type="java" class="Employee" name="emp">
<!--- <cfset emp.init()> --->
<cfset emp.firstname="john">
<cfset emp.lastname="doe">
<cfset firstname=emp.firstname>
<cfset lastname=emp.lastname>
Employee name is #firstname# #lastname#
When you view the page in your browser, you get the following output: Employee name is john doe
Reviewing the code
The following table describes the CFML code and its function:
Java considerations
The following points are important when you write a ColdFusion page that uses a Java class object:
The Java class name is case sensitive. Ensure that the Java code and the CFML code use Employee as the
class name.
Although Java method and field names are case sensitive, ColdFusion variables are not case sensitive, and
ColdFusion does any necessary case conversions. As a result, the sample code works even though the
CFML uses emp.firstname and emp.lastname; the Java source code uses FirstName and LastName for
these fields.
If you do not call the constructor (or, as in this example, comment it out), ColdFusion automatically runs the
default constructor when it first uses the class.
Using an alternate constructor
The following ColdFusion page explicitly calls one of the alternate constructors for the Employee object:
<cfobject action="create" type="java" class="Employee" name="emp">
<cfset emp.init("John", "Doe", 100000.00, 10)>
<cfset firstname=emp.firstname>
<cfset lastname=emp.lastname>
<cfset salary=emp.GetSalary()>
<cfset grade=emp.GetJobGrade()>
Employee name is #firstname# #lastname#<br>
Employee salary #DollarFormat(Salary)#<br>
Employee Job Grade #grade#
In this example, the constructor takes four arguments: the first two are strings, the third is a float, and the fourth is an
Java and ColdFusion data type conversions
ColdFusion does not use explicit types for variables, while Java is strongly typed. However, ColdFusion data does
use underlying Java types to represent data.
Under most situations, when the method names are not ambiguous, ColdFusion can determine the data types that a
Java object requires, and often it can convert ColdFusion data to the required types. For example, ColdFusion text
strings are implicitly converted to the Java String type. Similarly, if a Java object contains a doIt method that expects
a parameter of type int, and CFML is issuing a doIt call with a CFML variable x that contains an integer value,
ColdFusion converts the variable x to Java int type. However, ambiguous situations can result from Java method
overloading, where a class has multiple implementations of the same method that differ only in their parameter
Default data type conversion
Real number
Query object
Not supported.
ColdFusion component
Not applicable.
The following table lists how ColdFusion converts data returned by Java methods to ColdFusion data types:
Real Number
Real Number
Comma-delimited list
You can overload Java methods so a class can have several identically named methods. At runtime, the JVM
resolves the specific method to use based on the parameters passed in the call and their types.
In the section The Employee class, the Employee class has two implementations for the SetJobGrade method. One
method takes a string variable, the other an integer. If you write code such as the following, which implementation to
use is ambiguous:
<cfset emp.SetJobGrade("1")>
The "1" could be interpreted as a string or as a number, so no way exists to know which method implementation to
use. When ColdFusion encounters such an ambiguity, it throws a user exception.
The ColdFusion JavaCast function helps you resolve such issues by specifying the Java type of a variable, as in the
following line:
The JavaCast function takes two parameters: a string representing the Java data type, and the variable whose
type you are setting. You can specify the following Java data types: boolean, int, long, float, double, and String.
For more information about the JavaCast function, see the CFML Reference.
Handling Java exceptions
You handle Java exceptions just as you handle standard ColdFusion exceptions, with the cftry and cfcatch tags. You
specify the name of the exception class in the cfcatch tag that handles the exception. For example, if a Java
object throws an exception named myException, you specify myException in the cfcatch tag.
To catch any exception generated by a Java object, specify java.lang.Exception for the cfcatch
type attribute. To catch any Throwable errors, specify java.lang.Throwable in the cfcatch tag
type attribute.
The following Java code defines the testException class that throws a sample exception. It also defines a
myException class that extends the Java built-in Exception class and includes a method for getting an error
The myException class has the following code. It throws an exception with a message that is passed to it, or if no
argument is passed, it throws a canned exception.
//class myException
public class myException extends Exception
public myException(String msg) {
public myException() {
super("Error Message from myException");
The testException class contains one method, doException, which throws a myException error with an error
message, as follows:
The following CFML code calls the testException class doException method. The cfcatch block handles the
resulting exception.
The following examples show several examples of using Java objects in CFML. They include examples of using a
custom Java class, a standard Java API class in a user-defined function, a JavaBean, and an Enterprise JavaBean
Using a Java API in a UDF
The following example of a user-defined function (UDF) is functionally identical to the GetHostAddress function
from the NetLib library of UDFs from the Common Function Library Project, It uses the InetAddress
class from the standard Java 2 package to get the Internet address of a specified host:
function GetHostAddress(host) {
// Define the function local variables.
var iaddrClass="";
var address="";
// Initialize the Java class.
iaddrClass=CreateObject("java", "");
// Get the address object.
// Return the address
return address.getHostAddress();
Using an EJB
ColdFusion can use EJBs that JRun 4.0 servers provide. The JRun server jrun.jar file must have the same version
as the jrun.jar file in ColdFusion.
To call an EJB, you use cfobject to create and call the appropriate objects. Before you use an EJB, do the
1. Have a properly deployed EJB running on a J2EE server. The bean must be registered with the JNDI server.
2. Have the following information:
Name of the EJB server
Port number of the JNDI naming service on the EJB server
Name of the EJB, as registered with the naming service
3. Install the EJB home and component interface compiled classes on your ColdFusion web server, either as
class files in the web_root/WEB-INF/classes directory or packaged in a JAR file the web_root/WEB-INF/lib
To use an EJB served by a JRUN server, your ColdFusion installation and the JRun server that
hosts the EJB must have the same version of the jrun.jar file (located in cf_root\runtime\lib
directory in ColdFusion).
Although the specific steps for using an EJB depend on the EJB server and on the EJB itself, they generally
correspond to the following order.
1. Use the cfobject tag to create an object of the JNDI naming context class (javax.naming.Context). You use
fields from this class to define the information that you use to locate the EJB. Because you only use fields,
you do not initialize the object.
2. Use the cfobject tag to create a java.util.Properties class object to contain the context object properties.
3. Call the init method to initialize the Properties object.
4. Set the Properties object to contain the properties that are required to create an initial JNDI naming context.
These properties include the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY and PROVIDER_URL properties. You could
also need to provide SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and SECURITY_CREDENTIALS values required for secure
access to the naming context. For more information on these properties, see the JNDI documentation.
5. Use the cfobject tag to create the JNDI InitialContext (javax.naming. InitialContext) object.
6. Call the init method for the InitialContext object with the Properties object values to initialize the object.
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
7. Call the lookup method of the InitialContextext object to get a reference to the home interface for the bean
that you want. Specify the JNDI name of the bean as the lookup argument.
8. Call the create method of the bean home object to create an instance of the bean. If you are using Entity
beans, you typically use a finder method instead. A finder method locates one or more existing entity beans.
9. Now you can use the bean methods as required by your application.
10. When finished, call the close method of the context object to close the object.
The following code shows this process using a simple Java Entity bean on a JRun 4.0 server. It calls the get
Message method of the bean to obtain a message.
<title>cfobject Test</title>
<H1>cfobject Test</H1>
<!--- Create the Context object to get at the static fields. --->
<!--- Create the Properties object and call an explicit constructor--->
<!--- Call the init method (provided by cfobject)
to invoke the Properties object constructor. --->
<cfset prop.init()>
<!--- Specify the properties These are required for a remote server only --->
<cfset prop.put(ctx.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "jrun.naming.JRunContextFactory")>
<cfset prop.put(ctx.PROVIDER_URL, "localhost:2908")>
<!--- <cfset prop.put(ctx.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "admin")>
<cfset prop.put(ctx.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "admin")>
<!--- Create the InitialContext --->
<!--- Call the init method (provided through cfobject)
to pass the properties to the InitialContext constructor. --->
<cfset initContext.init(prop)>
<!--- Get reference to home object. --->
<cfset home = initContext.lookup("SimpleBean")>
<!--- Create new instance of entity bean.
(hard-wired account number). Alternatively,
you would use a find method to locate an existing entity bean. --->
<cfset mySimple = home.create()>
<!--- Call a method in the entity bean. --->
<cfset myMessage = mySimple.getMessage()>
<!--- Close the context. --->
<cfset initContext.close()>
The following code provides a more complex custom class than in the example Creating and using a simple Java
class. The Example class manipulates integer, float, array, Boolean, and Example object types.
The Example class
The following Java code defines the Example class. The Java class Example has one public integer member, mPub
licInt. Its constructor initializes mPublicInt to 0 or an integer argument. The class has the following public
The following useExample.cfm page uses the Example class to manipulate numbers, strings, Booleans, and
Example objects. The CFML JavaCast function ensures that CFML variables convert into the appropriate Java data
<title>CFOBJECT and Java Example</title>
<!--- Create a reference to an Example object --->
<cfobject action=create type=java class=Example name=obj>
<!--- Create the object and initialize its public member to 5 --->
<cfset x=obj.init(JavaCast("int",5))>
<!--- Create an array and populate it with string values,
then use the Java object to reverse them. --->
<cfset myarray=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset myarray[1]="First">
<cfset myarray[2]="Second">
<cfset myarray[3]="Third">
<cfset ra=obj.ReverseStringArray(myarray)>
<!--- Display the results --->
original array element 1: #myarray[1]#<br>
original array element 2: #myarray[2]#<br>
original array element 3: #myarray[3]#<br>
after reverseelement 1: #ra[1]#<br>
after reverseelement 2: #ra[2]#<br>
after reverseelement 3: #ra[3]#<br>
<!--- Use the Java object to flip a Boolean value, reverse a string,
add two integers, and add two float numbers --->
<cfset c=obj.Flip(true)>
<cfset StringVal=obj.ReverseString("This is a test")>
<cfset IntVal=obj.Add(JavaCast("int",20),JavaCast("int",30))>
<cfset FloatVal=obj.Add(JavaCast("float",2.56),JavaCast("float",3.51))>
<!--- Display the results --->
StringVal: #StringVal#<br>
IntVal: #IntVal#<br>
FloatVal: #FloatVal#<br>
Because you use the .NET assembly classes the same way that you use any other ColdFusion object, you do not
have to understand the details of .NET technology; you only have to understand how to use the specific .NET class
that you are accessing. Code that uses a .NET method can be as simple as the following lines:
For ColdFusion to access .NET assemblies, ColdFusion .NET extension software must run on the system that hosts
the assemblies. A ColdFusion system that accesses only remote assemblies does not require the .NET extension.
The .NET extension software provides the .NET-side connectivity features that enable access to .NET assemblies,
including a .NET-side agent (which normally runs as the ColdFusion .NET service) that listens for and handles
requests from the ColdFusion system.
On the ColdFusion system, the ColdFusion objects use Java proxies that act as local representatives of the .NET
classes. These proxies use binary TCP or SOAP-based HTTP communication to access a .NET-side agent. The
agent then uses a DLL to invoke the .NET assembly classes. This communication is required in all cases, even if
ColdFusion and the .NET assemblies are on the same system.
The following image shows how CFML-to-.NET access works:
If your .NET assemblies are on the local system, ColdFusion automatically creates and manages all required
proxies and configuration information. Ensure only that the .NET extension is installed on your system and that the
ColdFusion .NET Service is running. You can use the cfobject tag or CreateObject function to access the
assemblies without any additional steps.
If the assemblies are on a remote system, you install and use the ColdFusion .NET extension software on the .NET
system to create Java proxies for the .NET classes, and then move or copy them to the ColdFusion system. Also
edit the JNBDotNetSide.exe.config file on the remote system to specify the .NET classes you use. The .NET system
requires the following .NET extension software:
JNBDotNetSide.exe, the .NET-side agent that communicates with the ColdFusion system (normally run as
the ColdFusion .NET service).
JNBDotNetSide.exe.config, a configuration file that identifies the .NET assemblies that ColdFusion can
jnbproxy.exe and jnbproxyGui.exe are command line and GUI-based programs that generate the Java
proxies that represent the .NET assemblies.
Additional support files, including JNBShare.dll, which invoke the .NET assembly classes.
For information on installing the ColdFusion .NET extension, see Installing ColdFusion guide.
When you install a new .NET version, reinstall the ColdFusion .NET extension.
For local access, ColdFusion automatically generates and uses proxies for the required .NET assemblies when you
first use the cfobject tag or CreateObject function. ColdFusion caches the proxies for future use, so it does not
generate assembly proxies each time.
Usually when you are accessing local .NET assemblies, you do not have to override the default communication
configuration settings. Sometimes you could have to specify these settings, however. If other software on your
system uses the default 6086 port, for example, change the port number specification in the
jnbridge\DotNetSide.exe.config file, and specify the changed port number in your cfobject tag or CreateObject
tag. For information on changing the port number specification, see Configuring the .NET-side system below,
To use the local access method, use the cfobject tag or CreateObject function to create and access the proxy.
You can use the resulting ColdFusion object to construct the .NET object, call the .NET object's methods, and
access its fields. For detailed information on using .NET classes, see Using .NET classes.
Accessing remote assemblies
The remote access technique accesses .NET assemblies by using TCP or HTTP to communicate with a .NET-side
agent on a remote system. You create proxy instances and call assembly methods as you do in the Local access
method, but first configure the remote .NET-side agent and, in most cases, the proxy classes that represent the
remote .NET classes.
Configure remote .NET access
1. On the remote system, install the ColdFusion .NET integration software and run the .NET-side agent (see Inst
alling ColdFusion guide).
2. If the .NET assemblies reside only on the remote system, generate proxy JAR files on that system that
represent the assemblies (see Generating the Java proxy classes below). Then copy or move the proxy files
to the local system. If identical .NET assemblies also reside on the local system, you can skip this step.
3. Configure the .NET-side system for remote access (see Configuring the .NET-side system below).
Generating the Java proxy classes
The Java proxy generation code requires direct access to the .NET assemblies to generate the proxy classes.
Therefore, if the system that runs your ColdFusion application does not have the assemblies installed, run a tool on
the .NET-side system to create the Java proxies. ColdFusion installs two proxy generation programs,
jnbproxyGui.exe and jnbproxy.exe in the jnbridge directory when you install the .NET services. The jnbproxyGui.exe
program is a Windows user interface application, and the jnbproxy.exe program is a command line application. Both
programs have identical capabilities.
If the system running the ColdFusion application has the assemblies installed, but must access
remote versions of the assemblies (for example, because of configuration differences), you need
not manually generate the proxy classes, and you can skip this step. Instead, specify the paths
to the local .exe or .dll files in the assembly attribute of the cfobject tag (or CreateObject f
unction) and specify the remote server in the server attribute. Configure the remote system for
access, however.
On a ColdFusion system, the jnbproxyGui and jnbproxy programs are located in the cfroot\jnbridge directory. When
you use the stand-alone installer, the programs are located in the installDir\jnbridge directory.
This document provides the basic information necessary to generate a proxy JAR file using the jnbproxyGui tool.
Additional information is available in the following locations:
The jnbridge directory includes a jnbproxy.chm Windows Help file with more complete documentation on the
JNBridge technology that powers the ColdFusion .NET feature, including detailed information on both the
jnbproxyGui and jnbproxy programs.
The jnbridge\docs subdirectory includes additional documentation, including users guide.pdf, a PDF version
of the information in the Help file.
The JNBridge documentation includes information on features that are not supported in
ColdFusion. ColdFusion, for example, does not support access from .NET assemblies to
ColdFusion or memory-only communication.
1. Start JNBProxyGui.exe.
2. The first time you run the program, it displays the Enter Java Options dialog box. Configure the options, and
click OK. You can change the configuration settings at a later time by selecting Project > Java Options.
On a system with ColdFusion: If ColdFusion is currently running on this system, ensure that the Start Java
Automatically option, located on the right side of the JNBProxy Enter Java Options (Project > Java Options) dialog
box is cleared. Leave the default values for the other settings.When you open an existing project, you could get a
Restart Java Side pop-up window with the message "You must stop and restart the Java side before these changes
to the classpath can take effect." You can ignore this message and click OK to proceed. When you start the
program, the Java Options dialog box could appear. You do not have to change anything; click OK or Cancel to
open the Launch JNBProxy dialog box.In some cases, JNBProxyGui could behave as follows when the Start Java
Automatically option is not selected.
On a system without ColdFusion: If ColdFusion is not currently running on the system, ensure that the following
options, which are located on the right side of the interface, are set. Leave the default values for the other settings.
Ensure that the Start Java Automatically option is selected.
Specify the java.exe file to use to compile the JAR file. You can use a Java 1.4 or 1.5 (J2SE 5.0)
version of this file.
Specify the jnbcore.jar file. The ColdFusion server installer places this file in the cfroot\lib directory.
The J2EE installer places the file in the _cf_webapp_root_WEB-INF\cfusion\lib directory.
Specify the bcel.jar file. The ColdFusion server installer places this file in the cfroot\lib directory. The
JNBProxy can generate proxies not only for the .NET classes that are explicitly listed, but also for_ supporting
classes_. A supporting class for a given .NET class is any class that could be needed as a direct or indirect result of
using that .NET class. For a given .NET class, supporting classes include all of the following:
The class.
The class's superclass or superinterface (if it exists) and all of its supporting classes.
The class's implemented interfaces (if any) and all of their supporting classes.
For each field in the class:
The field's class and all of its supporting classes.
For each of the field's index parameters, the parameter's class and all of its supporting classes.
For each method in the class:
The method's return value's class (if any) and all of its supporting classes.
For each of the method's parameters, the parameter's class and all of its supporting classes.
For each constructor in the class, for each of the constructor's parameters, the parameter's class and all of its
supporting classes.
Unlike Java, where supporting classes include exceptions that methods throw, .NET supporting classes don't
include thrown exceptions, because they are not declared in advance.
The number of supporting classes depends on the classes explicitly listed, but it often can be 200-250
classes. Usually you generate all supporting classes. However, to save time or space, you can generate only
those classes explicitly specified, without supporting classes.
If a proxy for a supporting class has not been generated, and a proxy for such a class is later needed when
the proxies are used, the proxy for the nearest superclass to the required class is used instead. If that proxy
hasn't been generated, the proxy for the superclass of that superclass is used if it has been generated, and
so forth, until the proxy for System.Object (which is always generated) is encountered. Thus, even with an
incomplete set of proxies, code executes, although functionality and other information could be lost.
In the jnbproxyGui tool, when you click the Add button, the list includes only the explicitly listed classes. When
you click the Add+ button, the list also includes the supporting classes. In the jnbproxy command line
program, the default command generates proxies for the supporting classes; use the /ns option to override
this default.
Configuring the .NET-side system
To configure the .NET-side system, you edit the jnbridge\JNBDotNetSide.exe.config configuration file in the
following ways:
For local assemblies, edit this file only if you do not use the default port, or if you use SSL security.
For a .NET assembly on a remote machine, register the assemblies in this file to make it accessible to
Edit the configuration file
1. Ensure that the following lines are in the <configSections> subsection of the <configuration> section:
<javaToDotNetConfig scheme="Protocol" port="local port number"
useSSL="true|false" certificateLocation="server certificate path"/>
The scheme attribute specifies the communications protocol, and must be jtcp or http.
The port number is the port of the .NET-side agent, normally 6086.
The useSSL attribute specifies whether to use SSL for secure communications. The attribute is
optional; the default is to not use SSL.
The certificateLocation attribute specifies the location of the server SSL certificate. It is required
only if the useSSL attribute is true.
These settings must be the same as the corresponding attributes in your cfobject tag.
2. If the .NET assemblies are on a remote system, specify the assemblies that ColdFusion accesses by adding
the following elements inside the <jnbridge> section.
<assembly file="path to assembly or fully qualified name"/>
3. Stop and restart the .NET-side agent, if it is running. For example, on a ColdFusion system, restart the
ColdFusion .NET Service. Your ColdFusion application can now access the .NET classes that you
The following example is a bare-bones JNBDotNetSide.exe.config file that specifies a .NET-side TCP server
configuration. The server communicates by using TCP binary mode and listens on port 6086. Java clients can
access \\\\x
Using CFScript and the CreateObject function, you can do the following:
mathInstance = CreateObject(".NET", "mathClass",
myVar = mathInstance.multiply(1,2);
You cannot load two DLLs with same fully qualified name. ColdFusion always uses the first DLL
that it accesses until the server is restarted. For example, if page1.cfm uses c:\dev\a.dll and
page2.cfm uses c:\dev2\a.dll, and both DLLs have the same fully qualified name, the first DLL file
to be loaded remains loaded, and both CFML pages use it.
When you create objects and access class methods and fields, and convert data types between ColdFusion and
.NET, be aware of the following considerations and limitations:
Data type conversion considerations described in Converting between .NET and ColdFusion data types belo
Limitations described in the "Limitations" section of [cfobject: .NET object] in the CFML Reference.
Instantiating objects and calling class constructors
When you use the cfobject tag to create a .NET object, ColdFusion does not create an instance of the object.
ColdFusion creates the object instance in either of the following cases:
If the class has a default constructor, ColdFusion automatically calls the constructor when you first invoke a
non-static method of the object.
If the class does not have a default constructor, or if the class has multiple constructors and you do not want
to use the default, call the special init method of the ColdFusion object. The cfobject tag{{}}
automatically creates init methods for all class constructors. Using the initmethod causes ColdFusion to
call the class constructor with the corresponding number and types of parameters. For example, the following
tags cause ColdFusion to call the MyClass constructor that takes two integer parameters:
ColdFusion does not create instances of objects if you use only their static methods.
Calling methods
You call .NET methods in the same way that you use any other ColdFusion object methods. For example, if the
MyClass class has a getName method that takes a numeric ID and returns a name, you would call the method as
<cfset theID="2343">
<cfset userName=mObj.getName(theID)>
You can access and change public fields of any .NET class by calling the following methods:
For example, if the .NET class has a public field named accountID, you can access and change its value by using
the Get_accountID() and Set_accountID() methods, as follows:
You can access, but not modify final fields, so you can only call Get_fieldName() for these fields.
Converting between .NET and ColdFusion data types
Accessing .NET classes requires a Java proxy on the ColdFusion system and .NET code on the target system, so
data must be converted among ColdFusion, Java, and .NET (to be exact, Microsoft Intermediate Language, or
MSIL) data types. ColdFusion converts data types automatically. Usually, you do not have to take any special steps
to ensure correct conversion. Some conversion limitations exist, and in some cases you must explicitly specify a
data type when you call a method in a .NET proxy object.
The following paragraphs describe data conversion issues and how to handle them. For a detailed specification of
how ColdFusion converts among ColdFusion data, Java data types, and .NET data types, see [cfobject: .NET
object] in the CFML Reference.
Data type conversion rules and techniques
ColdFusion converts data automatically among ColdFusion, Java, and CLR data types. The following table indicates
how ColdFusion converts among .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) primitive and standard data types, the
Java data types used in the proxies to represent CLR data types, and ColdFusion data types in your CFML
.NET type
Java type
ColdFusion type
Integer or string
Structure*Note:* ColdFusion
converts from .NET type to
ColdFusion type only, it does not
convert ColdFusion Structures to
.NET Hashtables
Query*Note:* ColdFusion converts
from .NET type to ColdFusion type
only, it does not convert ColdFusion
Queries to .NET DataTables
Use the JavaCast function to convert ColdFusion data into BigDecimal format before you pass the value to a .NET
function, as in the following example:
<cfset netObj.netFunc(javacast("bigdecimal","439732984732048"))>
ColdFusion automatically converts returned decimal and System.Decimal values to ColdFusion string
Ensuring decimal and date/time conversions
ColdFusion converts .NET decimal or System.Decimal types only if the proxy for System.Decimal is a value type
proxy. Similarly, it converts .NET System.DateTime values to ColdFusion Date-time values only if the proxy for
System.DateTime is a value type proxy. The ColdFusion server always uses value proxies when it generates these
proxies. If you use the JNBProxyGUI.exe tool to generate the proxy, however, make sure to generate the proxy for
System.Decimal as value type.
Converting data to System.Object type
When a .NET method specifies System.Object (as opposed to a specific Object subclass, such as System.Bool
ean) as the argument type, and you want to pass primitive values as arguments to that method, use the javacast f
unction to identify the data conversion. Once ColdFusion knows the data type, it automatically converts to the
appropriate .NET type. Here is the table that describes the conversion rule from ColdFusion type to .NET type.
.NET Type
bool / System.Boolean
bool[] / System.Boolean[]
char / System.Char
char[] / System.Char[]
double / System.Double
double[] / System.Double[]
float / System.Single
float[] / System.Single[]
int / System.Int32
int[] / System.Int32[]
long / System.Int64
long[] / System.Int64[]
sbyte / System.Sbyte
byte []
short / System.Int16
short[] / System.Int16[]
You do not have to use a JavaCast function to convert ColdFusion string variables. They are
automatically converted to .NET System.String.
Create special objects for .NET primitive unsigned data types, such as byte (unsigned byte), ushort (unsigned
short), uint (unsigned int) and ulong (unsigned long), for which no corresponding java types exist. The following table
lists the .NET primitive types and the corresponding class you must use.
.NET type
byte / System.Byte
ushort / System.UInt16
uint / System.UInt32
ulong / System.UInt64
Use the createObject function or cfobject tag to create these special objects, in the same manner as you
create other .NET classes, before you use them in your assignment statement. For example, the following line
creates a ushort representation of the value 100:
The following example creates a System.Hashtable object and populates it with examples of all types of primitives.
ColdFusion cannot determine the correct data type conversion if a method has multiple signatures with the same
number of parameters that differ only in the parameter data types. In this case, use the JavaCast method to convert
the ColdFusion data to the Java type that corresponds to the .NET type.
For example, if a .NET class has methods myFunc(ulong) and myFunc(int), use the JavaCast method to convert
your ColdFusion variable to the Java float or int data type, as the following line shows:
myFunc(JavaCast(int, MyVar));
Similarly, if a .NET class has methods myFunc(int) and myFunc(String), use the JavaCast method to convert your
ColdFusion variable to the Java int or String data type, as shown in the following line:
myFunc(JavaCast(String, "123");
In some cases, the JavaCast function cannot eliminate ambiguity because a single Java type corresponds to
multiple .NET types. In these cases, ColdFusion creates a proxy with only one method, which uses the .NET data
type that corresponds directly to a Java type.
For example, if the .NET class has methods myFunc(ulong) and myFunc(float), the generated proxy has only one
method. This method calls myFunc(float), because the Java float type used to handle ColdFusion floating-point
numbers corresponds directly to the .NET float type. In this case, you can never call the .NET myFunc(ulong)
Working with complex .NET data types
When you use complex .NET data such as Hashtable, ArrayList and DataTable, ColdFusion normally automatically
converts the data to the corresponding ColdFusion data type: structure, array, and query, respectively. When you
work with this data you take specific actions to enable the proper access and conversion of the data, as follows:
Use associative array notation to properly access .NET Hashtable data from ColdFusion
You cannot use ColdFusion variables directly in parameters that take Hashtable, ArrayList, or DataTable
You can disable automatic conversion of complex .NET data to ColdFusion types.
You can manually convert complex .NET data to ColdFusion types.
Using Hashtable data in ColdFusion
.NET Hashtables are case sensitive, but most methods of ColdFusion structure access are not case sensitive. Only
associative array notation of the form structName["keyName"] is case sensitive. When .NET Hashtables are
converted to CF structure, the entire data set is converted, even if the element keys differ only in case. Therefore, to
get the values of the keys that differ only in case, use associative array notation.
The following example shows this issue. It creates a Hashtable object with three entries whose key values vary only
in case. In the example, output using dot-delimited structure notation always returns the same value, corresponding
to the all-uppercase key, but associative array notation returns the correct result.
ColdFusion converts System.Collections.ArrayList objects to ColdFusion arrays, and you can perform all standard
ColdFusion array operations on them. The following example shows this usage:
.Net Code:
ColdFusion Code:
ColdFusion converts System.Data.DataTable objects to ColdFusion query objects, and you can perform all standard
ColdFusion query operations on them. The following example shows this usage:
.Net code:
ColdFusion code:
When a .NET method returns an ArrayList, Hashtable, or DataTable, ColdFusion automatically converts it to a
ColdFusion array, structure, or query, respectively. However ColdFusion does not automatically convert from
ColdFusion data types to these .NET types. (ColdFusion does automatically convert ColdFusion arrays to .Net array
types.) Therefore, you cannot use ColdFusion variables directly as input parameters to .NET object instance
methods that require .NET System.Collection.ArrayList, System.Collection.Hashtable, or System.Data.DataTable
types. Instead create instances of these .NET types and populate them with the required data before you pass them
to the .NET method. For an example of creating and populating a System.Collection.Hashtable object, see the
example at the end of the "Converting data to System.Object type" section.
Disabling automatic conversion of complex .NET data
.NET fields and return values with class types are available in ColdFusion as .NET objects. You can use the object's
methods to access object data and make it available to ColdFusion using supported data types.
The following example gets information about a system's drives. It calls the System.IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives() method
to get an array of System.IO.DriveInfo objects, one per drive. It then calls the object methods to get specific
information about the drives, and displays the information. The example uses a cfdump tag to simplify the code.
The System.IO.DriveInfo is not included in the .NET 1.x framework. It is included in .NET 2.0 and
later frameworks. For information on determining the .NET framework, see Determining and
changing the .NET version in Advanced tools.
Example applications
The first application example uses a Microsoft .NET system class method directly. The second application example
uses a custom C# class to access Microsoft Word.
Example: Using a .NET class directly
The following example uses the Microsoft .NET System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping class method directly to ping
servers. This class is supported in .NET version 2.0 and later.
The following ColdFusion application uses a custom C# WordCreator class, and supporting classes in Microsoft
Office and Word DLLs, to create a Word document. The application opens Microsoft Word, writes five copies of the
text specified by the someText variable, and saves the document in the file specified by the filename variable. The
application leaves the instance of Word open.
For an example that uses a .NET System class directly and does not require any cousin .NET
code, see the "Limitations" section of [cfobject: .NET object] in the CFML Reference.
The second listing shows the WordCreator C# source code. To run this application locally, compile this class and
the Microsoft Interop.Word.dll file, and place them in the C:\dotnet directory. (Alternatively, you can place them
elsewhere and change the paths in the cfobject assembly attribute.) You could need additional or different
Microsoft DLL files, depending on the version of Microsoft Office that you have installed.
The ColdFusion application contains the following code:
<cfset filename="C:\dotNet\demo.doc">
<cfif fileexists(filename)>
<cffile action="delete" file="#filename#">
<cfobject type=".NET"
assembly="C:\dotNetApp\WordApp.dll,C:\dotNet\Interop.Office.dll" name="wordCreator"
<cfset wordCreator.init("#filename#")>
<cfdump label="WordCreator Class Dump" var="#wordCreator#">
<cfset someText = "ColdFusion created this sample document using Windows .NET class
methods. The text is long enough to appear in the Word file on multiple lines.">
<cfloop from=1 to=5 index =i>
<cfset wordCreator.addText(someText)>
<cfset wordCreator.newParagraph()>
<cfset wordCreator.newParagraph()>
<cfset wordCreator.addText("Starting a new paragraph. It starts a
a new line.")>
<cfset wordCreator.newParagraph()>
<cfset wordCreator.newParagraph()>
app.Visible = true;
if (File.Exists(fileName))
doc = app.Documents.Open(ref this.fileName, ref missing, ref
readOnly, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing,
ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref
isVisible, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);
else {
doc = app.Documents.Add(ref template, ref newTemplate,
ref docType, ref isVisible);
isNewDoc = true;
public void addText(String text) {
public void newParagraph() {
public void save() {
else doc.SaveAs(ref fileName, ref format, ref missing, ref missing,
ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing,
ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing,
ref missing, ref missing);
Advanced tools
Occasionally, the use of additional tools for generating proxies and running the .NET extension software can be
helpful in some workflows.
Using the jnbproxy command
You can use the jnbproxy command-line tool as an alternative to the jnbproxyGui program, to generate Java
proxies. For more information, see Generating the Java proxy classes in Accessing .NET assemblies.
For example, you can use this command in a batch file to generate multiple proxy JAR files in a single operation.
The jnbproxy command has the following format:
For example:
The following table lists the options that you can use. To create proxies on a system that is running ColdFusion, use
the /nj option and do not specify the /bp, /java, or /jp options.
/al assemblylist
/bp bcelpath
Specifies a
series of file paths of .NET
assemblies (DLL and EXE
files) that contain the
required .NET classes.
/d directory
/f classfile
/host hostname
/java javapath
/jp jnbcorepath
/n name
/port portNum
/pro protocol
Specifies the
mechanism between the
.NET and Java sides. The
valid values are:
/wd dir
A space-separated sequence of fully qualified .NET class names (for example, CSharpDatatypes.PrimitiveTy
pes) for which to generate proxies. The proxies for System.Object and System.Type are always generated, even if
they are not listed in the class list.
The proxy generators let you specify whether to pass parameters and return values by reference or by value.
About passing by reference and value
When you pass data by reference, the information transferred between the Java Proxy and the .NET side is a logical
pointer to the underlying .NET object, which continues to reside on the .NET side. When you pass data by value, the
transferred information contains a copy of the contents of the .NET object, which could or continue to reside on the
.NET side after a function call. Passing by reference and value have different advantages.When you pass data by
reference, only changed values are passed between the Java proxy and the .NET object directly. All other
information is passed as reference to its representation in the corresponding objects. Because the reference is
typically much smaller than the actual object, passing by reference is typically fast. Also, because the reference
points to a .NET object that continues to exist on the .NET side, if that .NET object is updated, the updates are
immediately accessible to the proxy object on the Java side. The disadvantage of reference proxies is that any
access to data in the underlying object (for example, field or method accesses) requires a round trip from the Java
side to the .NET side (where the information resides) and back to the Java side.When you pass data by value, a
copy of the data is passed between .NET and Java. Because the data object itself is typically bigger than a
reference, passing an object by value takes longer than passing it by reference. Also, the value that is passed is a
snapshot of the object taken at the time that it was passed. The passed object maintains no connection to the
underlying .NET object, therefore, the passed value does not reflect any updates to the underlying .NET object that
are made after the object is passed. The advantage of passing data by value proxies is that all data in the object is
local to the Java side, and field accesses are fast, because they do not require a round trip to the .NET side and
back to get the data.The choice of whether to use reference or value proxies depends on the desired semantics of
the generated proxies, and on performance.
In general, use reference proxies (the default), because they maintain the normal parameter-passing
semantics of Java and C#.
In general, use value proxies in any of the following cases:
The class functions always must pass parameter values and return values back and forth.
The class object contains little data.
The object data changes frequently, and the object is either relatively small or the frequency of
accesses to data outweighs the time taken to transfer the object.
Specifying the data passing method
When you use the JNBProxy.gui tool to generate proxies, you can designate the proxies that pass by reference and
which proxies pass by value. The default proxy type is reference.To set the data passing method for a class,
right-click on the class in the Exposed Proxies pane. Select the desired passing method from the list that appears.
After you select the passing method, the color of the proxy class changes, to indicate its type: black for reference, or
blue for value (public fields/properties style).
Set the passing method for multiple proxy classes simultaneously
1. Select Project > Pass By Reference / Value from the menu bar.
2. The Pass by Reference / Value dialog box lists all proxy classes in the Exposed Proxies pane. Select the
classes whose passing value you want to set.
3. Click the Reference or Value (Public fields/properties) button to associate the selected classes to the desired
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to select multiple groups of classes and set their passing methods.
5. Click OK.
Determining and changing the .NET version
If you get errors when using a .NET object in your application, you could have version issues. For example, many
Microsoft system classes were added in .NET Version 2.0, including System.IO.DriveInfo and
System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping. For examples of these classes in applications, see Using .NET objects in Usin
g .NET classes and Using a .NET class directly in Example applications, respectively.
Use the following function to get the current .NET version:
If the function reports that the active version is not the one you require, install or reinstall the correct version of the
.NET framework redistributable package on the system that runs ColdFusion. Then reinstall the ColdFusion .NET
extension so that it uses the correct .NET version.
Running the .NET extension agent as an application
The ColdFusion .NET extension installer configures the .NET-side extension agent to run automatically as the
ColdFusion .NET service. You can also run the .NET extension agent as an application.
Run the .NET extension agent as an application
1. Ensure that you stopped the ColdFusion .NET service, if it was running.
2. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the jnbridge directory. On a stand-alone ColdFusion server
configuration, this directory is installDir\jnbridge. On a system with a stand-alone .NET extension installation,
or a JEE configuration, it is in the .NETInstallDir\jnbridge directory, and the default installation directory is
3. Enter the following command:
#back to top
COM and CORBA are two of the object technologies supported by ColdFusion. Other object technologies include
Java and ColdFusion components. For more information on ColdFusion components see Building and Using
ColdFusion Components.
An object is a self-contained module of data and its associated processing. An object is a building block that you can
together with other objects and integrate into ColdFusion code to create an application.
A handle, or name, represents an object. Objects have properties that represent information. Objects also provide m
ethods for manipulating the object and getting data from it. The exact terms and rules for using objects vary with the
object technology.
You create instances of objects using the cfobject tag or the CreateObject function. You then use the object
and its methods in ColdFusion tags, functions, and expressions. For more information on the ColdFusion syntax for
using objects, see Creating and using objects.
About COM and DCOM
COM (Component Object Model) is a specification and a set of services defined by Microsoft to enable component
portability, reusability, and versioning. DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) is an implementation of COM
for distributed services, which allows access to components residing on a network.
COM objects can reside locally or on any network node. COM is supported on Microsoft Windows platforms.
For more information on COM, go to the Microsoft COM website,
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) is a distributed computing model for object-oriented
applications defined by the Object Management Group (OMG). In this model, an object is an encapsulated entity
whose services are accessed only through well-defined interfaces. The location and implementation of each object
is hidden from the client requesting the services. ColdFusion supports CORBA 2.3 on both Windows and UNIX.
CORBA uses an Object Request Broker (ORB) to send requests from applications on one system to objects
executing on another system. The ORB allows applications to interact in a distributed environment, independent of
the computer platforms on which they run and the languages in which they are implemented. For example, a
ColdFusion application running on one system can communicate with an object that is implemented in C++ on
another system.
CORBA follows a client-server model. The client invokes operations on objects that the server manages, and the
server replies to requests. The ORB manages the communications between the client and the server using the
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP).
Each CORBA object has an interface that is defined in the CORBA Interface Definition Language (IDL). The CORBA
IDL describes the operations that can be performed on the object, and the parameters of those operations. Clients
do not have to know anything about how the interface is implemented to make requests.
To request a service from the server, the client application gets a handle to the object from the ORB. It uses the
handle to call the methods specified by the IDL interface definition. The ORB passes the requests to the server,
which processes the requests and returns the results to the client.
For information about CORBA, see the following OMG website, which is the main web repository for CORBA
You create, or instantiate (create a named instance of) an object in ColdFusion with the cfobject tag or CreateO
bject function. The specific attributes or parameters that you use depend on the type of object you use, and are
described in detail in Creating and using COM objects and Creating CORBA objects. The following examples use a
cfobject tag to create a COM object and a CreateObject function to create a CORBA object:
ColdFusion releases any object created by cfobject or CreateObject, or returned by other objects, at the end
of the ColdFusion page execution.
Using properties
As shown in this example, you do not use parentheses on the right side of the equation to get a property value.
Calling methods
Object methods usually take zero or more arguments. You send In arguments, whose values are not returned to the
caller by value. You send Out and In,Out arguments, whose values are returned to the caller, by reference.
Arguments sent by reference usually have their value changed by the object. Some methods have return values,
while others do not.
Use the following techniques to call methods:
If the method has no arguments, follow the method name with empty parentheses, as in the following cfsett
If the method has one or more arguments, place the arguments in parentheses, separated by commas, as in
the following example, which has one integer argument and one string argument:
<cfset x = 23>
<cfset retVal = obj.Method1(x, "a string literal")>
If the method has reference (Out or In,Out) arguments, use double quotation marks (") around the name of
the variable you are using for these arguments, as shown for the variable x in the following example:
<cfset x = 23>
<cfset retVal = obj.Method2("x","a string literal")>
<cfoutput> #x#</cfoutput>
In this example, if the object changes the value of x, it now contains a value other than 23.
Calling nested objects
ColdFusion supports nested (scoped) object calls. For example, if an object method returns another object, and you
invoke a property or method on that object, you can use the syntax in either of the following examples:
To use COM components in your ColdFusion application, you need at least the following items:
The COM objects (typically DLL or EXE files) that you want to use in your ColdFusion application pages.
Ensure that these components implement the IDispatch interface, and therefore allow late binding.
Microsoft OLE/COM Object Viewer, available from Microsoft. This tool lets you view registered COM objects.
Object Viewer lets you view the class information of an object so that you can properly define the class attri
bute for the cfobject tag. It also displays the interfaces the object supports, so you can discover the
properties and methods (for the IDispatch interface) of the object.
Registering the object
After you acquire an object, register it with Windows for ColdFusion (or any other program) to find it. Some objects
have setup programs that register objects automatically, while others require manual registration.
You can register Inproc object servers (.dll or .ocx files) manually by running the regsvr32.exe utility using the
following form:
regsvr32 c:\path\servername.dll
You typically register Local servers (.exe files) either by starting them or by specifying a command-line parameter,
such as the following:
C:\pathname\servername.exe -register
Your COM object supplier provides documentation that explains each of the component methods and the ProgID. If
you do not have documentation, use either the ColdFusion cfdump tag or the OLE/COM Object Viewer to view the
component interface.
Using the cfdump tag to view COM object interfaces
Effective with ColdFusion, the ColdFusion cfdump tag displays the following information about a COM object:
Public methods
Put properties
Get properties
The method and property information include the parameter or property types and whether they are in, out,
optional, or retval values. The cfdump tag output does not include the ProgID of the object.
The dump header indicates the ColdFusion object class, which is, and the COM object CLSID.
The OLE/COM Object Viewer installation installs the executable, by default, as \mstools\bin\oleview.exe. You use
the Object Viewer to retrieve a COM object ProgID, as well as its methods and properties.
To find an object in the Object Viewer, it must be registered, as described in Registering the object. The Object
Viewer retrieves all COM objects and controls from the Registry, and presents the information in a simple format,
sorted into groups for easy viewing.
By selecting the category and then the component, you can see the ProgID of a COM object. The Object Viewer
also provides access to options for the operation of the object.
To view object properties:
1. Open the Object Viewer and scroll to the object that you want to examine.
2. Select and expand the object in the left pane of the Object Viewer.
3. Right-click the object to view it, including the TypeInfo. If you view the TypeInfo, you see the object methods
and properties. Some objects do not have access to the TypeInfo area, which is determined when an object
is built and by the language used.
<cfobject type="COM"
The following line shows how to use the corresponding CreateObject function in CFScript:
note. >>>The CDO for NTS NewMail component includes methods and properties to perform a wide range of
mail-handling tasks. (In the OLE/COM Object Viewer, methods and properties can be grouped, so you could find it
difficult to distinguish between them at first.)
The CDO for NTS NewMail object includes the following properties:
Body [ String ]
Cc[ String ]
From[ String ]
Importance[ Long ]
Subject[ String ]
To[ String ]
You use these properties to define elements of your mail message. The CDO for NTS NewMail object also includes
a send method which has optional arguments to send messages.
Connecting to COM objects
The action attribute of the cfobject tag provides the following two ways to connect to COM objects:
Create method (cfobject action="Create") Takes a COM object, typically a DLL, and instantiates it
before executing methods and assigning properties.
Connect method (cfobject action="Connect") Links to an object, typically an executable, that is
already running on the server.You can use the optional cfobject context attribute to specify the object
context. If you do not specify a context, ColdFusion uses the setting in the Registry. The following table
describes the context attribute values:
Attribute value
The following example, which uses the sample Mailer COM object, shows how to assign properties to your mail
message and how to execute component methods to handle mail messages.
In the example, form variables contain the method parameters and properties, such as the name of the recipient, the
desired e-mail address, and so on:
Use the cftry and cfcatch tags to handle exceptions thrown by COM objects. For more
information on exception handling, see Handling runtime exceptions with ColdFusion tags.
By default, COM object resources are released when the Java garbage collector cleans them. You can use the Rel
easeCOMObject function to immediately release resources if an object is no longer needed.
Use the ReleaseCOMObject function to release COM objects that are launched as an external process, such as
Microsoft Excel. The garbage collector does not always clean these processes in a short time, resulting in multiple
external processes running, which drains system resources.
If the COM object has an end method, such as a quit method that terminates the program, call this method before
you call the ReleaseComObject function. If you use the ReleaseComObject function on an object that is in use,
the object is prematurely released and your application gets exceptions.
The following example creates a Microsoft Excel application object, uses it, then releases the object when it is no
longer needed:
<h3>ReleaseComObject Example</h3>
obj = CreateObject("Com", "excel.application.9");
//code that uses the object goes here
When you use COM objects, consider the following to prevent and resolve errors:
Ensuring correct threading
Using input and output arguments
Understanding common COM-related error messages
Ensuring correct threading
Improper threading can cause serious problems when using a COM object in ColdFusion. Make sure that the object
is thread-safe. An object is thread-safe if it can be called from many programming threads simultaneously, without
causing errors.
Visual Basic ActiveX DLLs are typically not thread-safe. If you use such a DLL in ColdFusion, you can make it
thread-safe by using the OLE/COM Object Viewer to change the threading model of the object to the Apartment
If you are planning to store a reference to the COM object in the Application, Session, or Server scope, do not use
the Apartment threading model. This threading model is intended to service only a single request. If your application
requires you to store the object in any of these scopes, keep the object in the Both threading model, and lock all
code that accesses the object, as described in Locking code with cflock.
Change the threading model of a COM Object
COM object methods in arguments are passed by value. The COM object gets a copy of the variable value, so you
can specify a ColdFusion variable without surrounding it with quotation marks.
COM object out method arguments are passed by reference. The COM object modifies the contents of the variable
on the calling page, so the calling page can use the resulting value. To pass a variable by reference, surround the
name of an existing ColdFusion variable with quotation marks. If the argument is a numeric type, assign the variable
a valid number before you make the call. For example:
The string "Hello Object" is passed to the object's calculate method as an input argument. The method sets the
value of outNumericArg to a numeric value.
Understanding common COM-related error messages
The following table described some error messages you could encounter when using COM objects:
ColdFusion supports Java proxies to access COM objects. If you do not create Java proxies in advance, ColdFusion
must dynamically discover the COM interface. This technique can have two disadvantages:
Dynamic discovery takes time and can reduce server performance with frequently used complex COM
Dynamic discovery uses the IDispatcher interface to determine the COM object features, and does not
always handle some complex COM interfaces.
To overcome these problems, ColdFusion includes a utility, com2java.exe, that creates static Java stub proxy
classes for COM objects. ColdFusion can use these Java stubs to access COM objects more efficiently than
when it creates the proxies dynamically. Additionally, the com2java.exe utility can create stubs for features
that the dynamic proxy generator could miss.
ColdFusion ships with pregenerated stubs for the Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows 97 editions of
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Access. ColdFusion is configured to automatically use these
If you create Java stub files for a COM object, you continue to use the cfobject tag with a type attribute
value of COM, or the CreateObject function with a first argument of COM, and you access the object
properties and methods as you normally do for COM objects in ColdFusion.
Use the following steps to use the com2java.exe utility. This procedure uses Microsoft Outlook as an
To create Java stub files for COM objects:
mkdir C:\src\outlookXP
This directory can be temporary. You add files from the directory to a ColdFusion JAR file.
3. Run the CF_root\Jintegra\bin\com2java.exe program from a command line or the Windows Start Menu. A
window appears.
a. If a COM class implements multiple interfaces that define methods with the same names, click the
Options button and clear the Implement interfaces that may conflict option. The generated Java stub
classes do not implement the additional, conflicting, interfaces. You can still access the interfaces
using the getAs_XXX_ method that is generated. See the generated comments in the Java files.
b. Click the Select button.
c. Select your COM object's Type Library or DLL. For Microsoft Outlook in Windows XP, it is normally
Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSOUTL.OLB.
d. Enter a package name (for example, outlookXP) in the Java package field in the com2java dialog box.
This package will contain all the classes for the Java stubs for the COM object.
Adobe uses a package name that starts with for
the packages that contain the preinstalled Java stubs for Microsoft Excel, Microsoft
Word, and Microsoft Access. For example, the name for the package containing the
Microsoft Word XP Java stub classes is_ This package name hierarchy results
in the wordXP classes having a path inside the msapps.jar file of
coldfusion\runtime\com\com2java\wordXP\className.class. Although this naming
convention is not necessary, consider using a similar package naming convention
for clarity, if you use many COM objects._
a. Click the Generate Proxies button to display the File browser. Select the directory you created in step
2., and click the file browser OK button to generate the stub files.
b. Click Close to close the com2java.exe utility.The files generated in your directory include the following:
A Java interface and proxy class for each COM interface
A Java class for each COM class
A Java interface for each ENUM (a set of constant definitions)
2. Compile your Java code. In a command prompt, do the following:
a. Make the directory that contains the Java stubs (in this example, C:\src\outlookXP) your working
b. Enter the following line:
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
The compiler switches ensure that you have enough memory to compile all the necessary files.
If you did not place jintegra.jar on your CLASSPATH in step 1b, add the switch -cl
asspath:/cf_root/lib/jintegra.jar, where cf_root is the directory
where ColdFusion is installed, to the command.
1. Ensure that the ColdFusion server is not running. To stop the ColdFusion server, open the Services control
panel, select ColdFusion application server, and click Stop.
2. Add your .class files to the ColdFusion Microsoft application Java stubs file by doing the following:
a. In the Windows Command prompt, make the parent directory of the directory that contains your class
files your working directory. In this example, make c:\src your working director by entering cd .. in the
Command prompt from step 4.
b. Enter the following command:
Where cf_root is the directory where ColdFusion is installed and directoryNameis the name of the
directory that contains the class files. For the OutlookXP example, enter the following line:
3. Update the cf_root/lib/neo-comobjmap.xml file by appending your object definition to the list. The object
definition consists of the following lines:
<var name="progID">
<var name="access.application.9">
<var name="outlook.application.10">
In this example, outlook.application.10 is the ProgID of the Outlook COM object, outlookXP is the package
name you specified in step 3c, and Application is the main class of the COM object.
1. Restart the ColdFusion server: Open the Services control panel, select ColdFusion application server, and
click Start.
2. After you have installed the stubs, you can delete the directory you created in step 2., including all its
Using the Application Scope to improve COM performance
The Java call to create a COM object instance can take substantial time. As a result, creating COM objects in
ColdFusion can be substantially slower than in ColdFusion 5. For example, on some systems, creating a Microsoft
Word application object could take over one second using ColdFusion, while on the same system, the overhead of
creating the Word object could be about 200 milliseconds.
Therefore, in ColdFusion, you can improve COM performance substantially if you can share a single COM object in
the Application scope among all pages.
Use this technique only if the following are true:
The COM object need not be created for every request or session. (For session-specific objects, consider
using the technique described here with the Session scope in place of the Application scope.)
The COM object is designed for sharing.
Because the object can be accessed from multiple pages and sessions simultaneously, also consider the
following threading and locking issues:
For best performance, make the object multi-threaded. Otherwise, only one request can access the object at
a time.
Lock the code that accesses and modifies common data. In general, you do not have to lock code that
modifies a shared object's data, including writable properties or file contents, if multiple requests do not share
the data (as opposed to the object) . However, specific locking needs depend on the COM object's semantics,
interface, and implementation.
All cflock tags in the application that use an Application scope lock share one lock. Therefore, code that
accesses a frequently used COM object inside an Application scope lock can become a bottleneck and
reduce throughput if many users request pages that use the object. In some cases, you can avoid some
contention by placing code that uses the COM object in named locks. Place the code that creates the object
in an Application scope lock.
You can also improve the performance of some COM objects by creating Java stubs, as
described in Accessing Complex COM Objects using Java proxies above. Using a Java stub
does not improve performance as much as sharing the COM object, but the technique works with
all COM objects. Also, generate Java stubs to correctly access complex COM objects that do not
properly make all their features available through the COM IDispatcher interface. Therefore, to
get the greatest performance increase and prevent possible problems, use both techniques.
The following example uses the Microsoft FileSystem Scripting object in the Application scope. This code creates a
user-defined function that returns a structure that consists of the drive letters and free disk space for all hard drives
on the system.
The following example uses the Microsoft Word application COM object in the Application scope to convert a Word
document to HTML. This example works with Word 2000 as written. To work with Word 97, change "Val(8)" to
This example uses an Application scope lock to ensure that no other page interrupts creating the object. Once the
Word object exists, the example uses a named lock to prevent simultaneous access to the file that is being
<cfset converteddoc = application.mywordobj.activedocument>
<!--- Val(8) works with Word 2000. Use Val(10) for Word 97 --->
<cfset converteddoc.saveas("c:\CFusion\wwwroot\temp.htm",val(8))>
<cfset converteddoc.close()>
Conversion of temp.htm Complete<br>
For example, use the following CFML to invoke a CORBA object specified by the tester.ior file if you configured your
ORB name as Visibroker:
When you use the CreateObject function to invoke this CORBA object, specify the name as the function return
variable, and specify the type, class, context, and locale as arguments. For example, the following line creates the
same object as the preceding cfobject tag:
Currently, ColdFusion can only resolve objects registered in a CORBA 2.3-compliant naming service.
If you use a naming service, make sure that its naming context is identical to the naming context specified in the
property file of the Connector configuration in use, as specified in the ColdFusion Administrator CORBA Connectors
page. The property file must contain the line "SVCnameroot=name" where name is the naming context being used.
The server implementing the object must bind to this context, and register the appropriate name.
When you use the cfobject tag or the CreateObject function to create a CORBA object, ColdFusion creates a handle
to a CORBA interface: the cfobject name attribute or the CreateObject function return variable. For example,
the following CFML creates a handle named myHandle:
You use the handle name to invoke all of the interface methods, as in the following CFML:
<cfset ret=myHandle.method(foo)>
Method names in IDL are case sensitive. However, ColdFusion is not case sensitive. Therefore, do not use methods
that differ only in case in IDL.
For example, the following IDL method declarations correspond to two different methods:
However, ColdFusion cannot differentiate between the two methods. If you call either method, you cannot be sure
which of the two gets invoked.
Passing parameters by value (in parameters)
CORBA in parameters are always passed by value. When calling a CORBA method with a variable in ColdFusion,
specify the variable name without quotation marks, as shown in the following example:
CORBA out and inout parameters are always passed by reference. As a result, if the CORBA object modifies the
value of the variable that you pass when you invoke the method, your ColdFusion page gets the modified value.
To pass a parameter by reference in ColdFusion, specify the variable name in double-quotation marks in the
CORBA method. The following example shows an IDL line that defines a method with a string variable, b, that is
passed in and out of the method by reference. It also shows CFML that calls this method.
In this case, the ColdFusion variable foo corresponds to the inout parameter b. When the CFML executes, the
following happens:
1. ColdFusion calls the method, passing it the variable by reference.
2. The CORBA method replaces the value passed in, "My Initial String", with some other value. Because the
variable was passed by reference, this action modifies the value of the ColdFusion variable.
3. The cfoutput tag prints the new value of the foo variable.
Using methods with return values
Use CORBA methods that return values as you would any ColdFusion function; for example:
<cfset foo=3.1415><cfset
ColdFusion supports specific CORBA data types and converts between CORBA types and ColdFusion data.
IDL support
The following table shows which CORBA IDL types ColdFusion supports, and whether they can be used as
parameters or return variables. (NA means not applicable.)
General support
As parameters
As return value
unsigned short
unsigned long
unsigned longlong
The following table lists IDL data types and the corresponding ColdFusion data types:
IDL type
ColdFusion type
One-character string
One-character string
One-character string
Real number
Real number
unsigned short
unsigned long
An object reference
"yes", "true", or 1
"no", "false", or 0
You can use any of these values with CORBA methods that take Boolean parameters, as the following code shows:
module Tester
interface TManager
void testBoolean(in boolean a);
void testOutBoolean(out boolean
void testInoutBoolean(inout
boolean a);
boolean returnBoolean();
<cfset handle =
"d:\temp\tester.ior", "IOR", "") >
<cfset ret =
<cfset mybool = True>
<cfset ret =
<cfset mybool = 0>
<cfset ret =
<cfset ret =
For IDL struct types, use ColdFusion structures. You can prevent errors by using the same case for structure key
names in ColdFusion as you do for the corresponding IDL struct field names.
Enum type considerations
ColdFusion treats the enum IDL type as an integer with the index starting at 0. As a result, the first enumerator
corresponds to 0, the second to 1, and so on. In the following example, the IDL enumerator a corresponds to 0, b to
1 and c to 2:
module Tester
enum EnumType {a, b, c};
interface TManager
void testEnum(in EnumType a);
void testOutEnum(out EnumType a);
void testInoutEnum(inout EnumType
EnumType returnEnum();
<cfset handle =
"d:\temp\tester.ior", "IOR", "") >
<cfset ret = handle.testEnum(1)>
In this example, the CORBA object gets called with the second (not first) entry in the enumerator.
Double-byte character considerations
If you are using an ORB that supports CORBA later than version 2.0, you do not have to do anything to support
double-byte characters. Strings and characters in ColdFusion convert appropriately to wstring and wchar data when
they are used. However, the CORBA 2.0 IDL specification does not support the wchar and wstring types, and uses
the 8-bit Latin-1 character set to represent string data. In this case, you cannot pass parameters containing those
characters, however, you can call parameters with char and string types using ColdFusion string data.
<cfset ret0 =
<cfset exceptStruct=
<cfdump var ="#exceptStruct#">
CORBA example
The following code shows an example of using a LoanAnalyzer CORBA object. This simplified object determines
whether an applicant is approved for a loan based on the information that is supplied.
The LoanAnalyzer CORBA interface has one method, which takes the following two in arguments:
An Account struct that identifies the applicant's account. It includes a Person struct that represents the
account holder, and the applicant's age and income.
A CreditCards sequence, which corresponds to the set of credit cards the user currently has. A member of
the CardType enumerator represents the credit card type. (This example assumes that the applicant has no
more than one of any type of card.)
The object returns a Boolean value indicating whether the application is accepted or rejected.
The CFML does the following:
1. Initializes the values of the ColdFusion variables that are used in the object method. In a more complete
example, the information would come from a form, query, or both. The code for the Person and Account
structs is straightforward. The cards variable, which represents the applicant's credit cards, is more complex.
The interface IDL uses a sequence of enumerators to represent the cards. ColdFusion represents an IDL
sequence as an array, and an enumerator as 0-indexed number indicating the position of the selected item
among the items in the enumerator type definition.In this case, the applicant has a Master Card, a Visa card,
and a Diners card. Because Master Card (MC) is the first entry in the enumerator type definition, it is
represented in ColdFusion by the number 0. Visa is the third entry, so it is represented by 2. Diners is the fifth
entry, so it is represented by 4. To represent the sequence, place these numbers in an array. Doing so results
in a three-element, one-dimensional array containing 0, 2, and 4.
2. Instantiates the CORBA object.
3. Calls the approve method of the CORBA object and gets the result in the return variable, ret.
4. Displays the value of the ret variable, Yes, or No.
struct Person
long pid;
string name;
string middle;
string last_name;
struct Account
Person person;
short age;
double income;
double loanAmountl
typedef sequence<cardType> CreditCards;
interface LoanAnalyzer
boolean approve( in Account, in CreditCards);
The ColdFusion implementation of SMTP mail uses a spooled architecture. If you select to spool mail on the Mail
page in the ColdFusion Administrator, when an application page processes a cfmail tag, the messages that are
generated are not sent immediately. Instead, they are spooled to disk and processed in the background. This
architecture has two advantages:
End users of your application are not required to wait for SMTP processing to complete before a page returns
to them. This design is especially useful when a user action causes the sending of more than a handful of
Messages sent using cfmail are delivered reliably, even in the presence of unanticipated events like power
outages or server crashes.
You can set how frequently ColdFusion checks for spooled mail messages on the Mail page in the
ColdFusion Administrator. If ColdFusion is busy or has a large existing queue of messages, however, delivery
can occur after the spool interval.
Some ColdFusion editions have advanced spooling options that let you fine-tune how ColdFusion sends mail.
For more information, see Configuring and Administering ColdFusion.
Error logging and undelivered messages
ColdFusion logs all errors that occur during SMTP message processing to the file mail.log in the ColdFusion log
directory. The log entries contain the date and time of the error as well as diagnostic information about why the error
If a message is not delivered because of an error, ColdFusion writes it to this directory:
In Windows: _CFusion_\Mail\Undelivr
On UNIX: /opt/coldfusion/mail/undelivr
The error log entry that corresponds to the undelivered message contains the name of the file written to the
UnDelivr (or undelivr) directory.
To have ColdFusion try to resend a message that it could not deliver, move the message file
from the Undelivr directory to the Spool directory.
For more information about the mail logging settings in the ColdFusion Administrator, see Configuring and
Administering ColdFusion.
The cfmail tag provides support for sending SMTP e-mail from within ColdFusion applications. The cfmail tag is
like the cfoutput tag, except that cfmail outputs the generated text as an SMTP mail message rather than to a
page. The cfmail tag supports all the attributes and commands that you use with cfoutput, including query.
The following table describes basic cfmail tag attributes that you could use to send a simple e-mail message. For
a complete list of attributes, see the cfmail description in the CFML Reference.
Adobe ColdFusion Documentation
<title>Sending a simple e-mail</title>
<h1>Sample e-mail</h1>
from="[email protected]"
subject="Sample e-mail from ColdFusion">
This is a sample e-mail message to show basic e-mail capability.
The e-mail was sent.
2. Save the file as send_mail.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root directory.
3. Open your browser and enter the following URL:
**[email protected]_(Replace
[email protected] with your e-mail address.)The page sends the e-mail message to you, through
your SMTP server.
If you do not receive an e-mail message, check whether you have configured ColdFusion to work
with your SMTP server; for more information, see Sending e-mail messages.
The cfmail tag has many options that let you customize your mail or control how it is sent. For a description of all
attributes, including options to wrap mail text at a specified column, specify the mail character encoding, and specify
the mail server, user name, and password, see the cfmail description in the CFML Reference.
Sending HTML e-mail
If you know all the mail recipients use mail applications that are capable of reading and interpreting HTML code in a
mail message, you can use the cfmail tag to send an HTML message. The cfmail tag type="HTML" attribute
informs the receiving e-mail client that the message contains embedded HTML tags that must be processed. For an
example that sends HTML mail, see Including images in a message in Using the cfmailparam tag.
Sending multipart mail messages
The cfmailpart tag lets you create multipart mail messages, with each part having a different MIME type or character
set. For example, if you do not know that all recipients can interpret HTML mail messages, you can send your
message as a multipart mail with a text part and an HTML part. To do so, use two cfmailpart tags, one with the
HTML version of the message and one with the plain text message, as shown in the following example. To test this
example, replace the To attribute value with a valid e-mail address, save and run the page, and check the incoming
e-mail at the address you entered.
In the HTML version of the message, escape any number signs, such as those used to specify
colors, by using two # characters; for example, bgcolor="##C5D9E5".
In the following example, the contents of a customer inquiry form submittal are forwarded to the marketing
department. You could also use the same application page to insert the customer inquiry into the database. You
include the following code on your form so that it executes when users enter their information and submit the form:
to="[email protected],[email protected]"
subject="Customer Inquiry">
A customer inquiry was posted to our website:
Name: #Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName#
Subject: #Form.Subject#
In the following example, a query (ProductRequests) retrieves a list of the customers who inquired about a product
during the previous seven days. ColdFusion sends the list, with an appropriate header and footer, to the marketing
from="[email protected]"
to="[email protected]"
subject="Widget status report">
Here is a list of people who have inquired about
MyCompany Widgets during the previous seven days:
#ProductRequests.FirstName# #ProductRequests.LastName# (#ProductRequests.Company#) #ProductRequests.EMailAddress#&##013;
The webmaster
[email protected]
(#ProductRequests.Company#) #ProductRequests.EMailAddress#&##0
In addition to simply using a comma-delimited list in the to attribute of the cfmail tag, you can send e-mail to
multiple recipients by using the query attribute of the cfmail tag. The following examples show how you can send
the same message to multiple recipients and how you can customize each message for the recipient.
Sending a simple message to multiple recipients
In the following example, a query (BetaTesters) retrieves a list of people who are beta testing ColdFusion. This
query then notifies each beta tester that a new release is available. The contents of the cfmail tag body are not
dynamic. What is dynamic is the list of e-mail addresses to which the message is sent. Using the variable #Tester
EMail#, which refers to the TesterEmail column in the Betas table, in the to attribute, enables the dynamic list:
In the following example, a query (GetCustomers) retrieves the contact information for a list of customers. The query
then sends an e-mail to each customer to verify that the contact information is still valid:
<cfquery name="GetCustomers"
SELECT * FROM Customers
<cfmail query="GetCustomers"
from="[email protected]"
subject="Contact Info
Company Name:
Contact: #GetCustomers.FirstName#
Phone: #GetCustomers.Phone#
Fax: #GetCustomers.Fax#
Home Page:
To add digital signature to your mail, specify the attributes sign, keystore, keystorepassword, keyalias, and
keypassword as provided in the following example:
To add digital signature to all the mails you send, instead of adding the attributes to the tag, specify the settings in
the Server Settings > Settings page of the ColdFusion Administrator.
The supported keystores are JKS and PKCS12.
Due to import control restrictions in various countries, the policy files (local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar)
support only limited cryptography. If the key strength exceeds the limit, you might encounter the error suggesting
that the keystore cannot be loaded. If you are from an eligible country, you can download the unlimited strength
version of the policy files and replace the default cryptography JAR files with them. The files are available on the
Java SDK web site.
You can use one cfmailparam tag for each attachment, as the following example shows:
<cfmail from="[email protected]"
to="[email protected]"
subject="Requested Files">
Here are the files you requested.
<cfmailparam file="c:\widget_launch\photo_01.jpg">
<cfmailparam file="c:\widget_launch\press_release.doc">
Use a fully qualified system path for the file attribute of cfmailparam. The file must be located on a drive on the
ColdFusion server machine (or a location on the local network), not the browser machine.
Including images in a message
You can use the cfmailparam to include images from other files in an HTML message, as follows:
1. Place a cfmailparam tag for each image following the cfmail start tag.
2. In each cfmailparamtag, do the following
Set the file attribute to the location of the image.
Specify disposition="inline"
Set the contentID attribute to a unique identifier; for example, myImage1.
3. In the location in your HTML where you want the message included, use an imgtag such as the following:
<img src="cid:myImage1">
The following example shows a simple mail message with an inline image. In this case, the image is located
between paragraphs, but you could include it directly inline with the text. To test this example, replace the cfmail t
o parameter with a valid e-mail address and change the file parameter to the path to a valid image.
<cfmail type="HTML"
to = "[email protected]"
from = "[email protected]"
subject = "Sample inline image">
<cfmailparam file="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\web.gif"
<P>There should be an image here</p>
<img src="cid:image1">
<p> This text follows the picture</p>
When the recipient of an e-mail message replies to the message, the reply is sent, by default, to the address
specified in the From field of the original message. You can use the cfmailparam tag to provide a Reply-To e-mail
address that tells the mail client to override the value in the From field. Using cfmailparam, the reply to the
following example is addressed to [email protected]:
<cfmail from="[email protected]"
to="[email protected]"
subject="Requested Files">
<cfmailparam name="Reply-To" value="[email protected]">
Thanks very much for the sending the widget press release and graphic.
I'm now the company's Widget Master and am accepting e-mail at
[email protected].
See you at Widget World 2002!
You can combine the two uses of cfmailparam within the same ColdFusion page. Write a
separate cfmailparam tag for each header and for each attached file.
For more information on the cfpop tag syntax and variables, see the CFML Reference.
Using the cfpop tag
Like any ColdFusion query, each cfpop query returns variables that provide information about the record:
RecordCount The total number of records returned by the query.
ColumnList A list of the headings of the columns that the query returns.
CurrentRow The current row of the query that cfoutput, or cfloop in a query-driven loop, is processing.
The query includes one variable that the cfquery tag does not return: the UID variable contains the unique
identifier of the e-mail message file.
You can reference these properties in a cfoutput tag by prefixing the query variable with the query name in
the name attribute of cfpop:
This operation returned #Sample.RecordCount# messages.
For all cfpop actions, you can tell the tag to perform the action on all messages, or to do it on selected messages.
To operate on all messages, for example to get all message headers, do not specify a messageNumber or UID attri
bute. To operate on specific messages, for example, to delete three selected messages, specify a messageNumber
or UID attribute with a comma-delimited list of messages to act on.
Retrieving message headers
To retrieve message headers without getting the messages, specify action="GetHeaderOnly" in the cfpop tag.
Whether you use cfpop to retrieve the header or the entire message, ColdFusion returns a query object that
contains one row for each message in the specified mailbox. you specify the query object name in the cfpop tag na
me attribute. The query has the following fields:
header (A string with all the mail header fields, including entries that have separate fields in the query object)
messageNumber (The sequential number of the message in the POP server; identical to the row number of
the entry in the query object)
messageID (The mail header Message-ID field)
UID (The mail header X-UID field)
The cfpop tag with the getHeaderOnly attribute retrieves any file attachments if you specify an attachme
ntPath attribute; otherwise, it does not get the attachments, and the attachmentfiles column contains empty
Retrieve only the message header
<title>POP Mail Message Header Example</title>
<h2>This example retrieves message header information:</h2>
<cfpop server=""
<cfoutput query="Sample">
MessageNumber: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.messageNumber)# <br>
To: #HTMLEditFormat( <br>
From: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.from)# <br>
Subject: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.subject)# <br>
Date: #HTMLEditFormat(<br>
Cc: #HTMLEditFormat( <br>
ReplyTo: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.replyTo)# <br><br>
2. Edit the following lines so that they use valid values for your POP mail server, user name, and password:
<cfpop server=""
3. Save the file as header_only.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view it in your web
browser:This code retrieves the message headers and stores them in a cfpop recordset called Sample. For
more information about working with recordset data, see Using Query of Queries.
The HTMLCodeFormat function replaces characters that have meaning in HTML, such as the less than (<)
and greater than (>) signs that can surround detailed e-mail address information, with escaped characters
such as < and >.
In addition, you can process the date returned by cfpop with the ParseDateTime function, which accepts an
argument for converting POP date/time objects into a CFML date-time object.
You can reference any of these columns in a cfoutput tag, as the following example shows:
#ParseDateTime(, "POP")#
When you use the cfpop tag with action="GetAll", ColdFusion returns the same columns as with getheaderon
ly, plus the following additional columns:
attachments (A tab-delimited list of attachment filenames)
attachmentfiles (A tab-delimited list of paths to the attachment files retrieved to the local server, if any. You
get the files only if you specify an attachmentpath attribute.)
If the message is multipart, the htmlbody and textbody fields contain the contents of the HTML and plain text
parts, and the body field has the first part in the message. If the message has only one part, the body
contains the message, and either the htmlbody or textbody field, depending on the message type, also has a
copy of the message.
Retrieve entire messages
<head><title>POP Mail Message Body Example</title></head>
<h2>This example adds retrieval of the message body:</h2>
<cfpop server=""
<cfoutput query="Sample">
MessageNumber: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.messageNumber)# <br>
To: <br>
From: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.from)# <br>
Subject: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.subject)# <br>
Date: #HTMLEditFormat(<br>
Cc: #HTMLEditFormat( <br>
ReplyTo: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.replyTo)# <br>
2. Edit the following lines so that they use valid values for your POP mail server, user name, and password:
<cfpop server=""
3. Save the file as header_body.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view it in your web
This example does not use a CFML function to encode the body contents. As a result, the browser displays
the formatted message as you would normally see it in a mail program that supports HTML messages.
Retrieving messages and attachments
When you use the cfpop tag with an attachmentpath attribute to specify the directory in which to store
attachments, ColdFusion retrieves any attachment files from the POP server and saves them in the specified
directory. The cfpop tag fills the attachmentfiles field with a tab-separated list of the locations of the attachment
files. Use the cffile tag to delete these temporary files when they are no longer needed. ColdFusion creates the
directory if it does not exist. (ColdFusion must have the appropriate rights on the system to create the directory.)
If a message has no attachments, the attachments and attachmentfiles columns contain empty strings.
CFML does not provide a way to change the name of a mail attachment returned by cfpop befor
e it tries to save the file. If the attachment name is invalid for the file system on which ColdFusion
is running, the attachment cannot be saved.
<title>POP Mail Message Attachment Example</title>
<h2>This example retrieves message header,
body, and all attachments:</h2>
<cfpop server=""
<cfoutput query="Sample">
MessageNumber: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.MessageNumber)# <br>
To: #HTMLEditFormat( <br>
From: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.from)# <br>
Subject: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.subject)# <br>
Date: #HTMLEditFormat( <br>
Cc: #HTMLEditFormat( <br>
ReplyTo: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.ReplyTo)# <br>
Attachments: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.Attachments)# <br>
Attachment Files: #HTMLEditFormat(Sample.AttachmentFiles)# <br>
#Sample.body# <br>
HTMLCodeFormat(Sample.header)# <br>
2. Edit the following lines so that they use valid values for your POP mail server, user name, and password:
<cfpop server=""
3. Save the file as header_body_att.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view it in your web
To avoid duplicate filenames when saving attachments, set the generateUniqueFilenames a
ttribute of cfpop to Yes.
Deleting messages
Using the cfpop tag to delete a message permanently removes it from the server. By default, retrieved messages
remain on the POP mail server. To delete the messages, set the action attribute of the cfpop tag to Delete. Use
the messagenumber attribute to specify the messages to delete; omit the attribute to delete all the user's messages
from the server.
Message numbers are reassigned at the end of every POP mail server communication that
contains a delete action. For example, if you retrieve four messages from a POP mail server, the
server returns the message numbers 1,2,3,4. If you delete messages 1 and 2 with a single cfpo
p tag, messages 3 and 4 are assigned message numbers 1 and 2, respectively.
Delete messages
<title>POP Mail Message Delete Example</title>
<h2>This example deletes messages:</h2>
<cfpop server=""
2. Edit the following lines so that they use valid values for your POP mail server, user name, and password:
<cfpop server=""
3. Save the file as message_delete.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view the file in your
web browser.
4. Run the header_only.cfm page that you created to confirm that the messages have been deleted.
When you view this page in your web browser, ColdFusion_ immediately deletes the messages
from the POP server.
#back to top
Mail messages
Calendar events
The following list describes a few of the activities you can do using ColdFusion with the Exchange server:
Build a customized Exchange web client interface.
View information about upcoming tasks.
Create mailing lists based on contact entries.
Automatically add tasks to users' task lists based on new bug reports or customer contacts.
Schedule meetings and appointments.
1. Open the IIS manager from the Administrative Tools control panel on the machine where the Exchange
server is installed.
2. Expand the Web Sites node in the tree on the left pane. If you see Exchange there, the web application is
configured for Exchange. If you do not see it, follow the Microsoft instructions for configuring Exchange in the
3. Click the Web Service Extension node in the tree on the left pane. The right pane shows Web Service
Extensions and their status. Make sure that Microsoft Exchange Server and WebDav entries are both
allowed. If either entry is prohibited, select it and click the Allow button.
Enabling Outlook web access
To establish any connection, the Exchange server must grant the login user Outlook web access.
Check and grant web access
1. In the Exchange administrator, open Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers > your
domain name > users.
2. Right-click the user whose ID you use to establish connections.
3. Select the Exchange Features tab.
4. In the Protocols section, enable the Outlook Web Access entry if it is disabled.
Enabling HTTPS access to the Exchange server
To enable HTTPS access from ColdFusion to the Exchange server you must
Use the following steps to enable SSL on the Exchange server system:
1. On the system where the Exchange server is installed, open the IIS manager from the Administrative Tools
control panel.
2. In the tree on the left pane, expand the Web Sites node,
3. Right-click Exchange and ExchWeb in the expanded list and open the Web Site Properties dialog, then click
the Directory Security tab.
4. In the Secure Communications section, click Edit to open the Secure Communications dialog. Select the
Require secure channel (SSL) option, click OK, and click Apply.
As an alternative to steps 3 and 4, you could do the following: Right-click Default Web Site. In Secure
Communications->Edit, check the Require secure channel (SSL) option, click OK, and Click Apply. Select the
nodes (for example Exchange) for which to enable SSL.
Enabling HTTPS access on the ColdFusion server
To use HTTPS to access the exchange server, you must have a valid client certificate in the JRE certificate store. If
a known authority did not issue the certificate on the Exchange server, install a certificate. The Java certificate store
already contains certificates from some authorities.
You can ask your system administrator to give you a certificate that you can install on the ColdFusion server, or you
can do the following:
1. Open Outlook Web Access in Internet Explorer and go to File->Properties.
2. Click the certificates button.
3. Click the Details tab and the 'Copy To File' button on the tab. Then follow the wizard options to save the
To install the certificate, run the following command using keytool.exe, which is in the jre\bin folder:
The keytool.exe program requires you to enter a password. The default password is change
To open a persistent connection, you use the cfexchangeconnection tag and specify the open action, the
server IP address or URL, the user name, and the name of the connection (which you use in subsequent tags to
specify the connection). You typically also specify a password, and can specify several other attributes, including a
proxy host or a delegate mailbox ID. For details, see cfexchangeconnection in the CFML Reference.
Persistent connections use HTTP or HTTPS protocol with the keepAlive property set to true. As a result, the
connections do not automatically close at the end of an HTTP request or ColdFusion page. Close the connection
when you are done using it. If you do not, ColdFusion retains the connection until an inactivity time-out period
elapses, after which, ColdFusion recovers the connection resources.
You can store a connection in a persistent scope, such as the Application scope, and reuse it on
multiple pages. However, you get no advantage by doing so, because the connections are
lightweight and you get no substantial performance gain if you use a persistent scope.
The following example opens a connection, gets all mail sent from, and deletes the messages
from the Exchange server:
action = "open"
username = "#user1#"
password = "#password1#"
server = "#exchangeServerIP#"
connection = "conn1">
<cfexchangemail action = "get" name = "spamMail" connection = "conn1">
<cfexchangefilter name = "fromID" value = "">
<cfloop query="spamMail">
<cfexchangemail action = "delete" connection = "conn1"
uid = "#spamMail.uid#">
action = "close"
connection = "conn1">
Transient connections last only as long as the tag that uses them takes to complete processing. To create a
transient connection, you specify the connection directly in your action tag (such as cfexchangetask) by using
the same attributes as you do in the cfexchangeconnection tag (except for the connection name).
The following example uses a transient connection to create a single task:
In Exchange, one user can grant, or delegate, another user access rights to their account. Users can delegate
reviewer (read-only), author (read/write), or editor (read-write-delete) rights to any combination of the calendar,
contacts, Inbox, or task list.
You cannot use ColdFusion to delegate access rights.
To access the delegator's account as a delegated user, specify the following information:
Specify the delegated user's user name and password in the username and password attributes.
Specify the mailbox name of the account that you are accessing in the mailboxName attribute.
You can access the account in a cfexchangeconnection tag that opens a persistent connection, or in a
ColdFusion Exchange tag that uses a transient connection.
For example, if access rights to the docuser3 account are delegated to docuser4, you can use the cfexchan
geconnection tag as in the following example to open a connection to the docuser3 account by using
docuser4's credentials:
<cfexchangeconnection action="open"
You can use this connection for any activities that docuser3 has delegated to docuser4. If docuser3, for example,
has only delegated reviewer rights to the calendar, you can use this connection only with the cfexchangecalenda
r tag with get and getAttachments attributes.
Enclose in number signs (#) the variable that contains the details of the event, contact, or task data, as in the
following example:
The contents of the entry information structure depend on the tag. For details of the structure contents, see cfexchan
gecalendar, cfexchangecontact, and cfexchangetask in the CFML Reference.
To create an Exchange calendar appointment, create a calendar event and do not specify any
required or optional attendees.
The following example lets a user enter information in a form and creates a contact on the Exchange server with the
<!--- If the form was submitted, fill the contact structure from it. --->
<cfif isDefined("Form.Submit")>
<!--- Create the contact in Exchange --->
<cfexchangecontact action="create"
username ="#user1#"
<!--- Display a confirmation that the contact was added. --->
<cfif isDefined("theUID")>
<cfoutput>Contact Added. UID is#theUID#</cfoutput>
For another example of creating items, which creates a task, see Using transient connections in Managing
connections to the Exchange server.
To get the names of folders in the mailbox, or the subfolders of a particular folder, use the cfexchangeconnection tag
with the getSubfolders action. This action returns a query with a row for each subfolder. The query has three
folder name
full path from the mailbox to the folder, including the Inbox
folder size, in bytes
You can specify the folder whose subfolders you are getting and whether to recursively get all levels of
You can use a folder path from the getSubfolders action in the cfexchangemail tag folder attribute to
specify the folder that contains the mail message that requires action. If you do not specify a folder, the cfex
changemail tag searches only the top level of the Inbox for the message on which to act.
To perform operations on mail from multiple folders, including getting mail items or attachments, you can loop
over the entries in the query returned by the getSubfolders action, as the following example shows. This
example generates a report of all declined meeting messages in the Inbox and all its subfolders.
Getting items
You get one or more events, contacts, mail messages, or tasks from the Exchange server by using a cfexchangecal
endar, cfexchangecontact, cfexchangemail, or cfexchangetask tag, respectively, and specifying an action attribute
value of get. ColdFusion returns the items in a query object that you specify in the name attribute. You determine
the items to get by specifying selection conditions in {{cfexchange}}filter child tags. The code to get items from the
Exchange server has the following pattern:
name="results query object name"
connection information>
name="filter type"
value"filter value>
name="data/time filter type"
from="start date/time"
to="end date/time">
When ColdFusion gets the results, it creates the query object specified in the name attribute, if it does not
exist, and populates each row with a single item such as a mail message. The query columns depend on the
type of item. For example, a mail message has FromID and ToID fields, and a contact has FirstName and
LastName fields. For detailed information on the returned structures, see the corresponding tag in the CFML
The query results for all types of items have two columns:
A UID column with the unique ID of the item. You use this value to specify the item when you delete, modify,
or (for calendar entries) respond to it. You also use the UID value to get the item attachments.
A HasAttachments column with a Boolean value specifying whether the item has any attachments. If this
field is true, you can use the getAttachments action to get the attachments.
The following example gets the mail messages that were sent during the last week to the docuser1 user from
any e-mail address that includes To keep this code short, the example uses the cfdump tag to
show the results.
To get the attachments to an Exchange contact, event, message, or task, use a ColdFusion Exchange tag with a ge
tAttachments action. Also specify the following information in the tag:
The UID of the message that contains the attachment or attachments.
The name of the query to hold the information about the returned attachments. When the tag completes
processing, the query object contains one record for each retrieved attachment. The query has six columns
that contain the filename, complete path to the saved attachment file, MIME type, file size, CID value (or an
empty string) and an indicator that shows whether the attachment is a message.
The path where the attachment is saved. (If you omit the path, ColdFusion does not get the attachments, but
does get the information about the attachments.)
Optionally, whether to create unique filenames by appending numbers to the names when two or more
attachments have the same names. (The default is to not create unique filenames.)
The following ColdFusion Exchange tag gets all attachments to the message identified by the theUID variabl
e, saves them in the C:/temp/cf_files/attachments directory, and stores information about the attachments in
the attachInfo structure:
<cfexchangemail action="getattachments"
To get message attachments, you must have the UID of the message and know that the message has attachments.
Use a ColdFusion Exchange tag, such as cfexchangemail, with the get action to determine this information.
When the tag completes processing, the query specified by the name attribute includes the following columns:
The HasAttachments field is true if a message has one or more attachments
The UID field contains the Exchange UID of the item. The exact UID format depends on the type of item;
event, contact, message, or task.
You can use these fields in your decision logic that determines whether to get attachments for a message
and determines the message UID.
The following example gets the attachments to all mail messages from docuser2 in the last week. It places
each messages attachments in a directory whose name is the hexadecimal part of the message UID. For
each message with attachments, the application reports subject and date of the message, followed by a table
listing the messages attachments. The table includes the attachment name, MIME type, and size.
Notice that if a message has multiple attachments with the same name, the attachment information query
always lists the attachments with their original, duplicate names, even if you specify
generateUniqueFilenames="true". The generateUniqueFilenames attribute only affects the names of the files
on disk. The attachmentFilePath column of the attachment information structure does have the unique
filenames, however.
If an HTML message includes inline images, the Exchange server saves the images as attachments. Take the
following steps to display the images in the retrieved message:
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
connection = "testconn">
You can modify calendar, contact, and task items by using the cfexchangecalendar, cfexchangecontact, or
cfexchangetask tag with an action attribute value of modify. You specify a contact, event, or task attribut
e with a structure that contains the item properties that you want to change, and their new values. You do not have
to specify the values for properties that you are not changing. To change the end time of a calendar task, for
example, you specify only an EndTime field in the event attribute structure.
The following example lets you create, and then modify a calendar event. When you first submit the form,
ColdFusion creates the calendar event and redisplays the form with the data you entered. Accept the event before
you modify the form and resubmit it. When you submit the form a second time, ColdFusion sends the modification
information. For information about accepting events, see Working with meetings and appointments.
The following example resends all the event data (to limit the example length), but you could change the example so
that it only sends modified data. This example also omits recurrence information to keep the code relatively simple:
<!--- If the form is being submitted for the first time,
create an event. --->
<cfif form.eventID EQ 0>
<!--- Create the event in Exchange --->
<cfexchangecalendar action="create"
username ="#user1#"
<!--- Display the new event UID and set form.eventID to it. --->
<cfif isDefined("theUID")>
<cfoutput>Event Added. UID is #theUID#</cfoutput>
<cfset Form.eventID = theUID >
<!--- The form is being resubmitted with new data; update the event. --->
<cfexchangecalendar action="modify"
username ="#user1#"
<cfoutput>Event ID #Form.eventID# Updated.</cfoutput>
<!--- A self-submitting form for the event information --->
<cfform format="xml" preservedata="true" style="width:500" height="600">
<cfinput type="text" label="Subject" name="subject" style="width:435">
<br />
<cfinput type="checkbox" label="All Day Event" name="allDay">
<cfinput type="datefield" label="Date" name="date" validate="date"
<cfinput type="text" label="Start Time" name="startTime" validate="time"
<cfinput type="text" label="End Time" name="endTime" validate="time"
style="width:100"><br />
<cfinput type="text" label="Location" name="location"
style="width:435"><br />
<cfinput type="text" label="Required Attendees" name="requiredAttendees"
style="width:435"><br />
<cfinput type="text" label="Optional Attendees" name="optionalAttendees"
style="width:435"><br />
<cfinput type="text" label="Resources" name="resources"
style="width:435"><br />
<cfinput type="text" label="Reminder (minutes)" validate="integer"
name="reminder" style="width:200">
<cfselect name="importance" label="Importance" style="width:100">
<option value="normal">Normal</option>
<option value="high">High</option>
<option value="low">Low</option>
<cfselect name="sensitivity" label="Sensitivity" style="width:100">
<option value="normal">Normal</option>
<option value="company-confidential">Confidential</option>
<option value="personal">Personal</option>
<option value="private">Private</option>
<cfinput type="textarea" label="Message" name="message" style="width:435;
<cfinput type="hidden" name="eventID" value="#Form.EventID#">
To set a mail message's Importance, Sensitivity, or IsRead flag, use the cfexchangemail tag with an action
attribute value of set. Specify only the flags that you are changing in the message attribute.
The following example snippet implements a catch-up operation by changing the IsRead flag to true on all mail
messages that are directly in the Inbox and are more than two weeks old. The example does not change the flags
on any messages in folders in the Inbox; to do so, use a separate cfexchangemail tag for each folder. For
information on accessing and using multiple folders, see Getting and using folder names in Getting Exchange items
and attachments.
To move a one or more mail messages from one folder to another, use the cfexchangemail tag move action, as
shown in the following code snippet, which moves all messages with the subject "Rams and Ewes" from the Unread
folder in the Inbox to the Sheep folder in the inbox.
username ="#user#"
<!--- Get all meeting notifications from the Inbox. --->
<cfexchangemail action="get" name="requests" connection="conn1">
<cfexchangefilter name="MessageType" value="Meeting">
<!--- Get the meeting request data and put it in an array. --->
<cfset i=1>
<cfset meetingData=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfloop query="requests">
<cfexchangemail action="getmeetinginfo" connection="conn1"
name="meeting" meetinguid="#MeetingUID#" mailUID="#UID#">
<cfset meetingData[i]=meeting>
<cfset i=i+1>
<!--- Loop through the request data array and delete any outdated
meeting messages from the Inbox. --->
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(meetingData)#" >
<cfif meetingData[i].StartTime LTE now()>
<cfexchangemail action="delete" connection="conn1"
For another example that deletes all mail from a known spam address, see Using persistent connections in Managin
g connections to the Exchange server.
Your mailbox gets a meeting notice when someone takes any of the following actions:
Sends you a meeting request
Cancels a meeting in your calendar
Responds to a meeting request that you sent and tells Exchange to notify you
The information provided by the cfexchangemail tag with the get action does not provide detailed
information about meeting. It only includes the following meeting-related information:
The event UID
The type of message type: a meeting request, response, or cancellation
If the message is a response to a meeting request, an indication whether the meeting was accepted,
declined, or tentatively accepted
Also, a meeting request does not appear in your calendar (so you cannot get detailed information about it
using the cfexchangecalendar tag) until you accept it.
To get detailed information about a meeting message, use the cfexchangemail tag with the getMeetingI
nfo action. After getting the information, you can take the necessary action, such as using an cfexchangec
alendar tag with the response action to accept or decline a meeting request.
Get meeting message details and respond to meeting requests
1. Get the mail messages that contain the meeting notifications by using a cfexchangemail tag with an acti
on attribute value of get and a cfexchangefilterchild tag with the following attributes:
A name attribute with a value MessageType
A value attribute with a value of Meeting, Meeting_Request, Meeting_Response, or Meeting_
Cancel. A value of Meeting gets all meeting notifications.
You can use additional cfexchangefilter tags to further limit the messages you get.When the cfe
xchangemail tag completes processing, the MeetingUID column of the structure specified by the c
fexchangemail tag name attribute contains the UIDs of the meetings.
2. For each meeting, get the information about the meeting by using a cfexchangemailtag with the following
An action attribute value of getMeetingInfo.
A meetingUID attribute value with the value from the MeetingUID column of the structure specified
by the cfexchangemail tag name attribute.
(Optional) A mailuid attribute with the UID of the message that contained the meeting notification.
Use this attribute to identify a specific message if the Inbox contains multiple messages about a single
3. Use the information returned in step 2 in application-specific logic to determine the required messages and
actions. For example, you could display all meeting requests in a form that lets a user submit a response to
each message.
4. To respond to a meeting request, use the cfexchangecalendar tag with an action value of respondand
set the following the attributes:
Set the uid attribute to the Meeting UID you received in step 2. Do not use the Message UID.
Specify a responseType value of accept, decline, or tentative.
(Optional) Specify a notify value of true (the default value) or false to control whether the event
username ="#user2#"
<cfif isDefined("Form.Submit")>
<!--- When the form has been submitted, send the responses. --->
<cfloop index="k" from="1" to="#Form.responses#">
<cfset resp = Form["response" & k] >
<cfset msg = Form["respMessage" & k] >
<cfset msguid = Form["UID" & k] >
<cfexchangecalendar action="respond" connection="conn1"
uid="#msguid#" responseType="#resp#" message="#msg#">
<cfoutput><h4>Response #k# sent!</h4></cfoutput>
<!--- Get all messages with meeting Requests. --->
<cfexchangemail action="get" name="requests" connection="conn1">
<cfexchangefilter name="MessageType" value="Meeting_Request">
<!--- Get the meeting request data. --->
<cfloop query="requests">
<cfexchangemail action="getmeetinginfo" connection="conn1"
name="meeting" meetinguid="#MeetingUID#">
<cfset meetingData[requests.currentrow]=meeting>
<!--- Display the invitation data in a form. --->
<cfform name="bar">
<cfloop index="j" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(meetingData)#">
<h3>Meeting Request #j#</h3>
Subject: #meetingData[j].Subject# <br />
Sensitivity: #meetingData[j].Sensitivity# <br />
Organizer: #meetingData[j].Organizer# <br />
All Day?: #meetingData[j].AllDayEvent# <br />
Day: #DateFormat(meetingData[j].StartTime)#
Starts: #TimeFormat(meetingData[j].StartTime)#
Ends: #TimeFormat(meetingData[j].EndTime)# <br />
Duration: #meetingData[j].Duration# <br />
Location: #meetingData[j].Location# <br />
Message: #meetingData[j].Message# <br />
<!--- Specify the response to this invitation. --->
For an example that gets information about all declined meeting messages in the Inbox and all its subfolders, see
the example in Getting and using folder names in Getting Exchange items and attachments.
Specifying Calendar recurrence
To create an event that recurs multiple times, you specify the following fields in the event attribute structure:
Set the IsRecurring field to true.
Specify a RecurrenceType field value of DAILY, WEELY, MONTHLY, or YEARLY.
(Optional) Specify one of the following mutually exclusive fields: RecurrenceCount, RecurrenceEndDate,
or RecurrenceNoEndDate.
If you omit all three of these fields, the event is created with no end date, and if you
specify a count or end date, the RecurrenceNoEndDate value is automatically false;
therefore, Specify a RecurrenceNoEndDate field only if you are changing an existing
event with a recurrence count or end date to one with no end date.
Specify the recurrence details in additional fields that depend on the recurrence type.
To change an event recurrence, including to change whether the event recurs, you specify only the fields
whose values change. To stop an event from recurring, set the IsRecurring field to false. To convert an
event from nonrecurring to recurring, set the IsRecurring field to true and set all the necessary
recurrence fields.
The following sections describe how to specify each type of recurrence. For detailed descriptions of the fields
that you use, see cfexchangecalendar in the CFML Reference.
If you specify a recurrence rule that conflicts with the start date that you specify, the first
occurrence of the event is on first day following the start date that conforms to the rule, not on
the start date. For example, if you schedule an event for the second Tuesday of the month, and
specify a start date of June 2, 2007, the first occurrence of the event is on June 12, 2007.
You can create an event that always occurs on the same day or days of the week, and occurs every week or every
several weeks by specifying RecurrenceType="WEEKLY". You use the following fields to control the frequency:
Define a RecurrenceFrequency field to specify the frequency of the event, in weeks. If you omit this field,
the event occurs every week. To schedule a meeting for every fourth week, for example, specify Recurrenc
Specify a RecurrenceDays field with a comma-delimited list of one of more of the following strings: MON, TU
E, WED, THUR, FRI, SAT, SUN. If you omit this attribute, the event recurs on the day of the week determined
by the startTime field value.
The following CFScript code sample sets an event that occurs on Tuesday and Thursday of every other week
until December 3, 2007.
You can create an event that always occurs on a monthly basis, or occurs every several months by specifying Recu
rrenceType="MONTHLY". You can schedule two types of events:
Events that occur on the same date of each scheduled month, for example, on the tenth day of every three
Events that occur on the same week of the month and the same day of the week, for example, on the second
thursday of every month, or on the last Friday of every six months.
To specify a date-based monthly event, you only specify the recurrence type, and, if the recurrence is not
every month, the frequency. ColdFusion schedules the event to occur on the day of the week determined by
the startTime field value. To schedule a meeting that occurs on the start date every four months, specify
the following recurrence fields:
To specify an event that occurs on the same day of the week, specify the following fields in addition to Recurrence
The following CFScript code sample sets an event that occurs on the third Thursday of every three months:
You can create an event that always occurs on a yearly basis by specifying RecurrenceType="YEARLY". You can
schedule two types of events:
Events that occur on the same date of each year, for example, on every August 10.
Events that occur on a specific day week and month, for example, on the second Thursday of August.
To specify a date-based yearly event, you only specify the recurrence type. ColdFusion schedules the event
to occur each year on the date determined by the startTime field value. To schedule a meeting that occurs
on the start date every year, specify the following recurrence fields:
To specify an event that occurs on the same day of the week and month each year, specify the following fields in
addition to RecurrenceType:
The following CFScript code sample sets an event that occurs on the third Thursday of August three months:
The following example lets you create events with all types of recurrence. To limit the code length, it does not
prevent you from attempting to create events with invalid field combinations. When you submit the form, if an event
is created, the form redisplays, preceded by a dump that shows the field values that were used to create the event,
and the event UID. You cannot resubmit the form to modify the event, but you can change some values in the form
and create an event.
if (IsDefined("Form.recurrenceNoEndDate")) {
if (Form.recurrenceCount NEQ "") {
if (Form.recurrenceEndDate NEQ "") {
Month(Form.recurrenceEndDate), Day(Form.recurrenceEndDate), 0, 0,
if (Form.recurrenceFrequency NEQ "") {
if (IsDefined("Form.recurEveryWeekDay")) {
if (Form.recurrenceDays NEQ "") {
if (Form.recurrenceDay NEQ "") {
if (Form.recurrenceWeek NEQ "") {
if (Form.recurrenceMonth NEQ "") {
<cfdump var="#sEvent#">
<!--- Create the event in Exchange. --->
<cfexchangecalendar action="create"
username ="#user1#"
<!--- Output the UID of the new event --->
<cfif isDefined("theUID")>
<cfoutput>Event Added. UID is#theUID#</cfoutput>
<cfset Form.eventID = theUID >
<cfform format="xml" preservedata="true" style="width:500" height="700">
<cfinput type="text" label="Subject" name="subject" style="width:435">
<br />
<cfinput type="checkbox" label="All Day Event" name="allDay">
<cfinput type="datefield" label="Date" name="date" validate="date"
<cfinput type="text" label="Start Time" name="startTime" validate="time"
<cfinput type="text" label="End Time" name="endTime" validate="time"
style="width:100"><br />
<cfinput type="text" label="Location" name="location"
style="width:435"><br />
<cfinput type="text" label="Required Attendees" name="requiredAttendees"
style="width:435"><br />
<cfinput type="text" label="Optional Attendees" name="optionalAttendees"
style="width:435"><br />
<cfinput type="text" label="Resources" name="resources"
style="width:435"><br />
<cfinput type="text" label="Reminder (minutes)" validate="integer"
name="reminder" style="width:200">
<cfselect name="importance" label="Importance" style="width:100">
<option value="normal">Normal</option>
<option value="high">High</option>
<option value="low">Low</option>
<cfselect name="sensitivity" label="Sensitivity" style="width:100">
<option value="normal">Normal</option>
<option value="company-confidential">Confidential</option>
<option value="personal">Personal</option>
<option value="private">Private</option>
<hr />
<!--- Recurrence Information --->
<cfinput type="checkbox" label="IsRecurring" name="isRecurring">
<cfinput type="checkbox" label="RecurrenceNoEndDate" name="noEndDate">
<cfinput type="text" label="RecurrenceCount" validate="integer"
required="false" name="recurrenceCount">
<cfinput type="text" label="RecurrenceEndDate" validate="date"
required="false" name="recurrenceEndDate">
<cfselect name="RecurrenceType" label="Recurrence Type"
<option value="DAILY">Daily</option>
<option value="WEEKLY">Weekly</option>
<option value="MONTHLY">Monthly</option>
<option value="YEARLY">Yearly</option>
<cfinput type="text" label="RecurrenceFrequency" validate="integer"
<cfinput type="checkbox" label="RecurEveryWeekDay"
<cfinput type="text" label="RecurrenceDays" name="recurrenceDays">
<cfinput type="text" label="RecurrenceDay" name="recurrenceDay">
<cfselect name="RecurrenceWeek" label="RecurrenceWeek" style="width:100">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="first">First</option>
<option value="second">Second</option>
<option value="third">Third</option>
<option value="fourth">Fourth</option>
<option value="last">Last</option>
<cfinput type="text" label="RecurrenceMonth" name="recurrenceMonth">
<hr />
<cfinput type="textarea" label="Message" name="message" style="width:300;
Adobe ColdFusion can interact with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1. The enhancements offer support for
Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) which brings in efficacy with the following operations:
Folder operations such as create, modify, or delete.
Get rooms and roomlist in the exchange organization.
Information on user availability, that helps effective scheduling.
Conversation operations such as find conversation details, copy, move, and the status if the conversation is
In ColdFusion 9, the protocol support was limited to WEBDAV.
If you are installing the J2EE configuration of ColdFusion, all JARs in the ews folder (residing in
cfusion/lib) have to be present in the system classpath while deploying.
This release does not support form-based authentication to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.
At application level
You can specify the Microsoft Exchange Server version at the application level by providing a value for the variable
exchangeServerVersion as follows:<cfset this.exchangeserverversion="version">This
corresponds to the attribute with the same name in the tag cfapplication.
In cfapplication
<cfapplication name="app_name" exchangeServerVersion="2010">
Use this attribute to specify the version of Microsoft Exchange Server that ColdFusion interacts with. You can also
set the version in the Application.cfc
At tag level in any of the cfexchange tags
A new attribute folderID supports the following actions: get, move, and set. This is the case-sensitive
Exchange UID value that uniquely identifies the folder.If not specified, folder is used. If either folder or folderI
D are not specified, the inbox is used as the default folder to perform the operation.
New actions added to the tag cfexchangecalendar
For all the cfexchangecalendar actions, the value of the attribute uid is as follows:
If exchangeServerVersion is set to 2003 or 2007: The uid indicates the ID of the appointment in the
mailbox of the organizer.
If exchangeServerVersion is set to 2010: The uid indicates the ID of the received appointment in the
mailbox of the attendee.
In the case of interaction with Microsoft Exchange server 2003 or 2007, whenever an appointment is created,
the UID of the organizer can be used by the attendee for any operation such as responding, deleting, or
getting attachments. In the case of Microsoft Exchange server 2010, the behavior is different. If attendees
have to perform appointment-related actions, they have to first search for the appointment in their mailbox
and then use the UID of that appointment.
#back to top
You use Get to retrieve files, including text and binary files, from a specified server. The retrieved information is
stored in a special variable, cfhttp.fileContent. The following examples show several common Get
Retrieve a file and store it in a variable
<title>Use Get Method</title>
#cfhttp.FileContent# <br>
2. (Optional) Replace the value of the url attribute with another URL.
3. Save the file as get_webpage.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view it in the web
browser.The browser loads the web page specified in the url attribute.
<cfhttp method="Get"
#cfhttp.FileContent# <br>
Get the page specified in the URL and make the links
absolute instead of relative so that they appear
<title>Use Get Method</title>
method = "Get"
(Optional) Replace the value of the url attribute with another URL and change the filename.
(Optional) Change the path from C:\temp to a path on your hard drive.
Save the page as save_webpage.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root directory.
Go to the specified path and view the file that you specified in a text editor (using the values specified in step
1, the path is C:\temp\macr_software.htm).The saved file does not appear properly in your browser because
the Get operation saves only the specified web page HTML. It does not save the frame, image, or other files
that the page could include.
method = "Get"
Get the page specified in the URL and save it in the file
specified by the path and file attributes.When you
use the path and file attributes, ColdFusion ignores
any resolveurl attribute. As a result, frames and
other included files cannot appear when you view the
saved page.
2. (Optional) Replace the value of the url attribute with the URL of a binary file that you want to download.
3. (Optional) Change the path from C:\temp to a path on your hard drive.
4. Save the file as save_binary.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and open it in the web browser
to view the MIME type.
5. (Optional) Verify that the binary file now exists at the location you specified in the path attribute.
<cfhttp method="Get"
Get a binary file and save it in the path and file spec
001,001,01/01/01,01/11/01,Mr. Shipper,123 Main Street
002,002,01/01/01,01/28/01,Shipper Skipper,128 Maine Street
2. Save the file as text.txt in the myapps directory under your web_root.
3. Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<cfhttp method="Get"
<cfoutput query="juneorders">
OrderID: #OrderID#<br>
Order Number: #OrderNum#<br>
Order Date: #OrderDate#<br>
<!--- Now substitute different column names --->
<!--- by using the columns attribute --->
Now using replacement column names<br>
<cfhttp method="Get"
<cfoutput query="juneorders">
Order ID: #ID#<br>
Order Number: #Number#<br>
Order Date: #SDate#<br>
4. Save the file as query_textfile.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view it in the web
<title>HTTP Post Test</title>
<h1>HTTP Post Test</h1>
<cfhttp method="Post"
<cfhttpparam type="Cookie"
<cfhttpparam type="CGI"
value="cgivar "
<cfhttpparam type="URL"
<cfhttpparam type="Formfield"
value="[email protected]"
<cfhttpparam type="File"
File Content:<br>
Mime Type:#cfhttp.MimeType#<br>
2. Replace the path to the GIF file to a path on your server (just before the closing cfhttp tag).
3. Save the file as post_test.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root.
Write a page to view the variables, as described in next procedure.
Post an HTTP request to the specified page.
<cfhttp method="Post"
<cfhttpparam type="File"
File Content:<br>
Send a file in the request. The </> tag ends the http
<head><title>HTTP Post Test</title> </head>
<h1>HTTP Post Test</h1>
<cffile destination="C:\temp\"
The URL variable is: #URL.myurl# <br>
The Cookie variable is: #Cookie.mycookie6# <br>
The CGI variable is: #CGI.mycgi#. <br>
The Formfield variable is: #Form.emailaddress#. <br>
The file was uploaded to #File.ServerDirectory#\#File.ServerFile#.
<cffile destination="C:\temp\"
The following code runs a CGI program search.exe on a website and displays the results, including both the MIME
type and length of the response. The search.exe program must expect a "search" parameter.
<cfhttp method="Post"
<cfhttpparam type="Formfield"
Response Mime Type: #cfhttp.MimeType#<br>
Response Length: #len(cfhttp.filecontent)# <br>
Response Content: <br>
For server/browser operations, use the cffile, cfcontent, and cfdirectory tags.
Using cfftp involves two major types of operations: connecting, and transferring files. The FTP protocol also
provides commands for listing directories and performing other operations. For a complete list of attributes that
support FTP operations and additional details on using the cfftp tag, see the CFML Reference.
Open an FTP connection and retrieve a file listing
<title>FTP Test</title>
<h1>FTP Test</h1>
<!--- Open ftp connection --->
<cfftp connection="Myftp"
<!--- Get the current directory name. --->
<cfftp connection=Myftp
<!--- output directory name --->
The current directory is:#cfftp.returnvalue#<p>
<!--- Get a listing of the directory. --->
<cfftp connection=Myftp
<!--- Close the connection.--->
<cfftp action="close" connection="Myftp">
<p>Did the connection close successfully?
<!--- output dirlist results --->
<p>FTP Directory Listing:</p>
<cftable query="dirlist" colheaders="yes" htmltable>
<cfcol header="<B>Name</b>" TEXT="#name#">
<cfcol header="<B>Path</b>" TEXT="#path#">
<cfcol header="<B>URL</b>" TEXT="#url#">
<cfcol header="<B>Length</b>" TEXT="#length#">
<cfcol header="<B>LastModified</b>"
<cfcol header="<B>IsDirectory</b>"
2. Change MyServer to the name of a server for which you have FTP permission.
3. Change MyUserName and MyPassword to a valid user name and password.To establish an anonymous
connection, enter "anonymous" as the user name and an e-mail address (by convention) for the password.
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
4. Save the file as ftp_connect.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view it in the web browser.
Reviewing the code
<cfftp connection="Myftp"
action="Open" stoponerror="Yes">
<cfftp connection=Myftp
The current directory is:
<cfftp connection=Myftp
name="dirlist" stoponerror="Yes">
<cfftp action="close"
<p>Did the connection close
<cftable query="dirlist"
colheaders="yes" htmltable>
<cfcol header="<B>Name</b>"
<cfcol header="<B>Path</b>"
<cfcol header="<B>URL</b>"
<cfcol header="<B>Length</b>"
<cfcol header="<B>IsDirectory</b>"
After you establish a connection with cfftp, you can reuse the connection to perform additional FTP operations
until either you or the server closes the connection. When you access an already-active FTP connection, you need
not respecify the user name, password, or server. In this case, make sure that when you use frames, only one frame
uses the connection object.
For a single simple FTP operation, such as GetFile or PutFile, you need not establish a
connection. Specify all the necessary login information, including the server and any login and
password, in the single cfftp request.
The FTP connection established by the cfftp tag is maintained only in the current page unless you explicitly assign
the connection to a variable with Application or Session scope.
Assigning a cfftp connection to an application variable could cause problems, since multiple users could access
the same connection object at the same time. Creating a session variable for a cfftp connection makes more
sense, because the connection is available to only one client and does not last past the end of the session.
Example: caching a connection
In this example, the connection cache remains available to other pages within the current session. For this approach
to work, enable session variables in your application, and lock code that uses session variables. For more
The following table shows the available cfftp actions and the attributes they require when you use a named (that
is, cached) connection. If you do not specify an existing connection name, specify the username, password, and s
erver attributes.
#back to top
Using cffile
You can use the cffile tag to work with files on the server in several ways:
Upload files from a client to the web server using an HTML form
Move, rename, copy, or delete files on the server
Read, write, or append to text files on the server
You use the action attribute to specify any of the following file actions: upload, move, rename, copy, del
ete, read, readBinary, write, and append. The required attributes depend on the action specified. For
example, if action="write", ColdFusion expects the attributes associated with writing a text file.
Consider the security and logical structure of directories on the server before allowing users
access to them. You can disable the cffile tag in the ColdFusion Administrator. Also, to
access files that are not located on the local ColdFusion system, ColdFusion services must run
using an account with permission to access the remote files and directories.
Uploading files
2. Save the file as uploadfileform.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view it in the browser.
The form does not work until you write an action page for it (see the next procedure).
<input type="file"
name="FiletoUpload" size="45">
The user can enter a file path or browse the system and select a file to send.
1. Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<head> <title>Upload File</title> </head>
<h2>Upload File</h2>
<cffile action="upload"
You uploaded #cffile.ClientFileName#.#cffile.ClientFileExt#
successfully to #cffile.ServerDirectory#.
This directory must exist on the server.
1. Save the file as uploadfileaction.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root.
2. View uploadfileform.cfm in the browser, enter a file to upload, and submit the form.The file you specified
<cffile action="upload"
You uploaded
ClientFileExt# successfully to
Inform the user of the file that was uploaded and its
destination. For information on scope variables, see Ev
aluating the results of a file upload below.
This example performs no error checking and does not incorporate any security measures.
Before deploying an application that performs file uploads, ensure that you incorporate both error
handling and security. For more information, see Securing Applications and Handling Errors.
When you save a file to the server, a file with the same name could exist. To resolve this problem, assign one of
For some applications, you could want to restrict the type of file that is uploaded, for example, to not accept graphic
files in a document library.
You use the accept attribute to restrict the type of file that you allow in an upload. When an accept qualifier is
present, the uploaded file MIME content type must match the criteria specified or an error occurs. The accept attrib
ute takes a comma-separated list of MIME data names, optionally with wildcards.
The browser determines the file MIME type. Common types, such as image/gif and text/plain, are registered in the
Current versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape support MIME type associations.
Other browsers and earlier versions might ignore these associations.
ColdFusion saves any uploaded file if you omit the accept attribute or specify "/". You can restrict the file types, as
demonstrated in the following examples.
The following cffile tag saves an image file only if it is in the GIF format:
<cffile action="Upload"
The following cffile tag saves an image file only if it is in GIF or JPEG format:
<cffile action="Upload"
accept="image/gif, image/jpeg">
If you receive an error like "The MIME type of the uploaded file (image/jpeg) was not accepted by
the server", enter accept="image/jpeg" to accept JPEG files.
This cffile tag saves any image file, regardless of the format:
<cffile action="Upload"
In Windows, you specify file attributes using attributes attribute of the cffile tag. In UNIX, you specify file or
directory permissions using the mode attribute of the cffile or cfdirectory tag.
In Windows, you can set the following file attributes:
To specify several attributes in CFML, use a comma-separated list for the attributes attribute; for
example, attributes="ReadOnly,Hidden". If you do not use the attributes attribute, the existing
attributes of the file are maintained. If you specify any other attributes in addition to Normal, the additional
attribute overrides the Normal setting.
In UNIX, you can individually set permissions on files and directories for each of three types of users' owner, group,
and other. You use a number for each user type. This number is the sum of the numbers for the individual
permissions allowed. Values for the mode attribute correspond to octal values for the UNIX chmod command:
4 = read
2 = write
1 = execute
You enter permissions values in the mode attribute for each type of user: owner, group, and other in that order. For
example, use the following code to assign read permissions for everyone:
To give a file or directory owner read/write/execute permissions and read-only permissions for everyone else:
After a file upload is completed, you can retrieve status information using file upload status variables. This status
information includes data about the file, such as its name and the directory where it was saved.
You can access file upload status variables using dot notation, using either file.varname or cffile.varname. Although
you can use either the File or cffile prefix for file upload status variables, cffile is preferred; for example,
cffile.ClientDirectory. The File prefix is retained for backward compatibility.
File status variables are read only. They are set to the results of the most recent cffile operati
on. If two cffile tags execute, the results of the first are overwritten by the subsequent cffile op
The following table describes the file upload status variables that are available after an upload:
With the cffile tag, you can create application pages to manage files on your web server. You can use the tag to
move files from one directory to another, rename files, copy a file, or delete a file.
The examples in the following table show static values for many of the attributes. However, the value of all or part of
any attribute in a cffile tag can be a dynamic parameter.
Example code
Move a file
<cffile action="move"
c" destination="c:\files\memo\">
Rename a file
<cffile action="rename"
Copy a file
<cffile action="copy"
c" destination="c:\files\backup\">
Delete a file
<cffile action="delete"
This example sets the ReadOnly flag bit for the uploaded file:
<cffile action="Copy"
Ensure that you include the trailing slash () when you specify the destination directory.
Otherwise, ColdFusion treats the last element in the path as a filename. This rule only applies to
copy actions.
In addition to managing files on the server, you can use the cffile tag to read, create, and modify text files. As a
result, you can do the following things:
Create log files. (You can also use cflog to create and write to log files.)
Generate static HTML documents.
Use text files to store information that can be incorporated into web pages.
Reading a text file
You can use the cffile tag to read an existing text file. The file is read into a local variable that you can use
anywhere in the application page. For example, you could read a text file and then insert its contents into a
database, or you could read a text file and then use one of the string replacement functions to modify the contents.
<title>Read a Text File</title>
Ready to read the file:<br>
<cffile action="read"
2. Replace C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mine\message.txt with the location and name of a text file on the server.
3. Save the file as readtext.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view it in the browser.
Writing a text file on the server
You can use the cffile tag to write a text file based on dynamic content. For example, you could create static
HTML files or log actions in a text file.
<title>Put Information into a Text File</title>
<h2>Put Information into a Text File</h2>
<form action="writetextfileaction.cfm" method="Post">
<p>Enter your name: <input type="text" name="Name" size="25"></p>
<p>Enter the name of the file: <input type="text" name="FileName"
<p>Enter your message:
<textarea name="message"cols=45 rows=6></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
2. Save the file as writetextfileform.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root.
The form does not work until you write an action page for it (see the next procedure).
<title>Write a Text File</title>
<cffile action="write"
output="Created By: #Form.Name#
#Form.Message# ">
You can use the cffile tag to append additional text to the end of a text file; for example, when you create log files.
<title>Append a Text File</title>
<cffile action="append"
output="Appended By: #Form.Name#">
3. Save the file as writetextfileaction.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root.
4. View the file in the browser, enter values, and submit the form.The appended information displays at the end
of the text file.
Using cfdirectory
Use the cfdirectory tag to return file information from a specified directory and to create, delete, and rename
directories. When listing directory contents or deleting a directory, you can optionally use the recurse attribute to
access or delete all subdirectories.
As with the cffile tag, you can disable cfdirectory processing in the ColdFusion Administrator. For details on
the syntax of this tag, see the CFML Reference.
Returning file information
When you use the action="list" attribute setting, the cfdirectory returns a query object as specified in the n
ame attribute. The name attribute is required when you use the action="list" attribute setting. This query object
contains result columns that you can reference in a cfoutput tag, using the value specified in the name attribute:
name Directory entry name.
directory Directory containing the entry.
size Directory entry size.
type File type: File or Dir.
dateLastModified Date an entry was last modified.
attributes (Windows only) File attributes, if applicable.
mode(UNIX only) The octal value representing the permissions setting for the specified directory.
ColdFusion supports the ReadOnly and Hidden values for the attributes attribute for c
fdirectory sorting.
Depending on whether your server is on a UNIX system or a Windows system, either the Attributes column or
the Mode column is empty. Also, you can specify a filename in the filter attribute to get information on a
single file.The following procedure describes how to create a ColdFusion page in which to view directory
View directory information
<title>List Directory Information</title>
<h3>List Directory Information</h3>
sort="size ASC, name DESC, datelastmodified">
<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=10>
<cfoutput query="mydirectory">
Using cfcontent
The cfcontent tag downloads files from the server to the client. You can use this tag to set the MIME type of the
content returned by a ColdFusion page and, optionally, define the name of a file for the current page to download.
By default, ColdFusion returns a MIME content type of text/html so that a web browser renders your template text as
a web page.
As with the cffile and cfdirectory tags{{,}} you can disable processing in the ColdFusion Administrator.
About MIME types
A MIME type is a label that identifies the contents of a file. the browser uses the MIME type specification to
determine how to interact with the file. For example, the browser could open a spreadsheet program when it
encounters a file identified by its MIME content type as a spreadsheet file.
A MIME content type consists of "type/subtype" format. The following are common MIME content types:
Changing the MIME content type with cfcontent
You use the cfcontent tag to change the MIME content type that returns to the browser along with the content
generated from your ColdFusion page.
The cfcontent tag has one required attribute, type, which defines the MIME content type returned by the current
Change the MIME content type with cfcontent
<p>This is a <em>test message</em> written in HTML.</p>
<p>This is the <em>second paragraph</em> of the test message.
As you might expect, it is also written in HTML.</p>
2. Save the file as cfcontent_message.htm in the myapps directory under your web_root.The ColdFusion file
that you write in steps 3 through 7 calls this file.
3. Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<title>cfcontent Example</title>
<h3>cfcontent Example</h3>
type = "text/html"
file = "C:\CFusion\wwwroot\myapps\cfcontent_message.htm"
deleteFile = "No">
2. Save the file as employees_to_excel.cfm in the myapps directory under your web_root and view it in the
browser.The data appears in an Excel spreadsheet.
#back to top
Because event gateways provide a generalized asynchronous messaging mechanism, you can use them with many
kinds of event or messaging resources. For example, ColdFusion includes gateways (either product quality, or
lighter weight example gateways) for communicating between ColdFusion applications and the following types of
Mobile phones and other devices that support short messaging services (SMS)
XMPP or IBM Sametime Instant message clients
Java Sockets (which let your ColdFusion application communicate with TCP/IP-based devices and programs,
such as Telnet terminal clients).
Java Messaging Service (JMS) resources, such as storefront sales order handling systems.
Event gateways are not limited to sending or receiving information using communications protocols. For
example, ColdFusion includes an example event gateway that monitors changes to a directory and invokes a
CFC method whenever the directory changes. ColdFusion also includes an event gateway that lets a CFML
application "call" a CFC asynchronously and continue processing without getting a response from the CFC.
Just as you can create event gateways that serve many different event or messaging based technologies,
you can write many kinds of applications that use them. Just a few examples of possible gateway uses
include the following.
Server to client push examples
An application that sends an instant message (IM) or SMS text message to a person who can approve a
purchase order, get a response, and mark the purchase order as approved or denied.
A bot that notifies users through their preferred messaging method (mobile phone, instant messaging, or
even e-mail) when watch list stock goes up, and offers to buy or sell the stock immediately.
An application that authenticates web users by sending them an SMS message that includes code that they
must to enter into the browser to proceed.
Client to server examples
A menu-based SMS application that lets users get information from any of several web service data
providers. ColdFusion includes an SMS menuing example int the gateways/cfc directory.
An instant messaging application that takes messages from users to technical support and assigns and
directs the messages to the most available support staff member. The application could also log the user ID
and session, and you could use ColdFusion to generate usage reports.
A directory lookup robot IM "buddy" that responds to messages chat contain an employee name with the
employee's phone number or buddy ID.
Server to serve examples
A JMS subsystem that publishes status updates that business intelligence systems consume.
A system that monitors and publishes download events from a website.
Event gateway terms and concepts
This document uses the following terms when referring to event gateways:
Event A trigger that ColdFusion can receive from an external source. ColdFusion event gateways receive
Message The information provided by an event. In ColdFusion, a message is the data structure that the
event gateway receives when an event is triggered.
Event gateway Java code that receives events and sends them to and from ColdFusion application code.
This document uses the term event gateway, without the word type or instance, for the general concept of a
ColdFusion event gateway. Where the context makes the meaning obvious, the term can also mean event
gateway type or event gateway instance.
Event gateway type A specific event gateway implementation, represented by a Java class. Each event
gateway type handles messages belonging to a particular a communications method or protocol, such as
short message service (SMS), an instant messaging protocol, or Sockets. You generally have one event
gateway type per communication protocol. You configure each event gateway type on the Gateway Types
page in the Event Gateways area in the ColdFusion Administrator.
Event gateway instance A specific instance of an event gateway type class. You configure each event
gateway instance on the ColdFusion Gateway Instances page by specifying the event gateway type, an ID,
the path to the event gateway application CFC that uses this instance, and a configuration file (if needed for
the selected event gateway type). You can have multiple event gateway instances per event gateway type,
for example, for different event gateway applications.
Event gateway application One or more CFCs and any supporting CFM pages that handle events from an e
vent gateway instance and send messages using the event gateway instance. The event gateway application
is not part of an event gateway instance, but the code that is responsible for processing event messages to
and from the instance.
Event gateway listener Code in an event gateway that receives events from an event source and passes
them to the ColdFusion_ gateway service_ for delivery to a CFML listener CFC.
Listener CFC A CFC that contains one or more methods that respond to incoming messages from one or
more event gateway instances. Part of an event gateway application.
ColdFusion gateway service The part of ColdFusion that provides underlying support for event gateways,
including a path between an event gateway instance and listener CFCs.
How event gateway applications work
The following diagram shows the architecture of ColdFusion event gateway applications:
Typically, a ColdFusion event gateway instance, a Java object, listens for events coming from an external provider.
For example, a general socket event gateway listens for messages on an IP socket, and an SMS event gateway
receives messages from an SMSC server.
Each event gateway instance communicates with one or more listener CFCs through the ColdFusion event gateway
service. The listener CFCs receive CFEvent object instances that contain the messages, process them, and can
send responses back to the event gateway, which can send the messages to the external resources.
Alternatively, a ColdFusion application can initiate a message by calling a ColdFusion function that sends the
message to the event gateway. The event gateway then forwards the message to an external resource, such as an
instant messaging server. A CFC in the application listens for any responses to the sent message.
Some event gateways can be one way: they listen for a specific event and send it to a CFC, or they get messages
from a ColdFusion function and dispatch it, but they do not do both. The example DirectoryWatcherGateway discuss
ed in Example event gateways listens for events only, and the asynchronous CFML event gateway receives
messages from CFML only. (You could even say that the directory watcher gateway doesn't listen for events; it
creates its own events internally by periodically checking the directory state.) For information on the asynchronous
CFML event gateway, see Using the CFML event gateway for asynchronous CFCs.
Event gateway structure
Java programmers develop ColdFusion event gateways by writing Java classes that implement the
coldfusion.eventgateway.Gateway interface. ColdFusion event gateways normally consist of one or more threads
that listen for events from an event provider, such as a Socket, an SMSC server, or some other source. The event
gateway sends event messages to the ColdFusion event gateway service message queue, and provides a method
that gets called when an event gateway application CFC or CFM page sends an outgoing message.
The event gateway class can also do the following:
Provide the ColdFusion application with access to a helper class that provides event gateway-specific
services, such as buddy-list management or connection management.
Use a file that specifies configuration information, such as IP addresses and ports, passwords, and other ID
information, internal time-out values, and so on.
About developing event gateway applications
ColdFusion application developers write applications that use event gateways. The person or company that provides
the event gateway supplies gateway-specific information to the ColdFusion developer. This information must include
the structure and contents of the messages that the ColdFusion application receives and sends to the event
gateway, plus any information about configuration files or helper methods that the ColdFusion application could use.
The ColdFusion developer writes a CFC that listens for messages. Many event gateway types send messages to a
listener CFC method named onIncomingMessage. A minimal event gateway application could implement only this
single method. More complex event gateway types can require multiple CFC listener methods. For example, the
ColdFusion XMPP IM event gateway sends user messages to the onIncomingMessage CFC method, but sends
requests to add buddies to the onAddBuddyRequest CFC method.
Depending on the event gateway and application types, the event gateway application could include CFM pages or
CFC methods to initiate outgoing messages. The application also could use an event gateway-specific
GatewayHelper object to do tasks such as getting buddy lists in IM applications or getting the status of a messaging
The ColdFusion application developer also configures an event gateway instance in the ColdFusion Administrator,
and possibly in a configuration file. The ColdFusion Administrator configuration information specifies the listener
CFC that handles the messages from the event gateway and other standard event gateway configuration details.
The configuration file, if necessary, contains event gateway type-specific configuration information.
Adobe provides several event gateways as part of ColdFusion. These event gateways support the following
messaging protocols:
SMS (Short Message Service) A system designed for exchanging short, often text, messages with wireless
devices, such as mobile phones or pagers. For detailed information on using the SMS event gateway, see Us
ing the SMS Event Gateway.
*XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol): * An open, XML-based protocol for instant
messaging. For detailed information on using the XMPP event gateway, see Using the Instant Messaging
Event Gateways.
IBM Lotus Instant Messaging (commonly referred to as Lotus Sametime):The IBM product for real-time
collaboration. For detailed information on using the Lotus Sametime event gateway, see Using the Instant
Messaging Event Gateways. ColdFusion also provides an event gateway, the CFML asynchronous event
gateway, that lets a CFML application invoke a CFC method asynchronously. This event gateway does not
follow the model of providing a mechanism for exchanging messages with resources outside ColdFusion.
Instead, it provides a one-way path for invoking CFCs when an application does not require (indeed, cannot
receive) a return value from the CFC. For detailed information on using the CFML asynchronous event
gateway, see Using the CFML event gateway for asynchronous CFCs.
Development tools and example code
ColdFusion provides the following tools and example code for developing your own event gateways and event
gateway applications:
An SMS client (phone simulator) and a short message service center (SMSC) server simulator, for
developing SMS applications without requiring an external SMS provider.
Four sample event gateways with source code:
A template for an empty event gateway that contains a skeleton on which you can build your own
event gateways
A TCP/IP socket event gateway that listens on a TCP/IP port
A directory watcher event gateway that monitors changes to the contents of a directory
A Java Messaging Service (JMS) gateway that acts as a JMS consumer or producer.
Several sample applications, including the following:
A menu application that uses an inquiry-response drill-down menu to provide services such as weather
reports and stock quotes.
A simple echo application that sends back the messages that it receives.
A temperature converter, an asynchronous logging application.
An application that returns employee phone number and other information.
The chapters in this document use these example applications.
JavaDoc documentation for the Java interfaces and classes that you use to create gateways.
For more information on these examples, see Using the example event gateways and gateway applications.
Event gateways provided with ColdFusion log event gateway errors and events to the cf_root\WEB-INF\cfusion\logs\
eventgateway.log file on J2EE configurations, or the cf_root\logs\eventgateway.log file on server configurations.
ColdFusion includes methods that let any event gateway use this file. This log file can be useful in debugging event
gateways and event gateway applications.
ColdFusion Administrator event gateway pages
The ColdFusion Administrator includes a Gateways section with three pages for managing event gateways:
Gateway types
Gateway Instances
The Settings page lets you enable and disable support for event gateways, specify the number of threads that
ColdFusion can devote to processing events, specify the maximum number events that ColdFusion can hold
in its event queue (which holds events that are waiting to be processed) and start the SMS test server.
The Gateway Types page lets you add, remove, and configure event gateway types by specifying a name, a
Java class, and startup time-out behavior.
The gateway type name in the ColdFusion Administrator does not have to be the same as the
gateway type that is used in the gateway Java code and the CFEvent data structure; however,
use the same name in both places for consistency.
The Gateway Instances page lets you add, remove, configure, start, and stop individual event gateway instances.
You configure an event gateway instance by specifying a unique ID, the gateway type, one or more listener CFC
paths, a configuration file (not required for all gateway types), and a startup mode (manual, automatic, or disabled).
All incoming event messages must be handled by one or more listener CFCs. You specify the listener CFCs when
you configure an event gateway in the ColdFusion Administrator. Specify at least one CFC in the administrator.
Some gateway types can use more than one CFC. By default, the ColdFusion event gateway service delivers
events by calling the onIncomingMessage method of the CFC.
The event gateway developer must inform the event gateway application developer of methods that the listener CFC
must implement (could be only the onIncomingMessage method) and of the structure and contents of the event
message data, contained in the CFEvent instance, that the listener CFC must handle. Outgoing messages have the
same event message data structure as incoming messages.
Many gateways let the listener CFCs send a response by calling the cfreturn function, but ColdFusion does not
require a return value. Listener CFCs can also use the SendGatewayMessage function, which provides more
flexibility than the cfreturn tag.
The role of ColdFusion pages
ColdFusion CFM pages cannot receive event messages. However, they can send messages using an event
gateway. Therefore, an event gateway application that initiates outgoing messages could use one or more SendGat
ewayMessage functions to send the messages. An application that sends an SMS message to notify users when a
package ships, for example, could use the SendGatewayMessage function to send the notification.
The role of the ColdFusion Administrator
The Gateway Instances page in the ColdFusion Administrator associates a specific event gateway instance with one
or more listener CFCs that processes messages from the event gateway. It tells the ColdFusion event gateway
service to send messages received by the event gateway to the listener CFC. It also lets you specify a configuration
file for the event gateway instance and whether to start the event gateway instance (and therefore any responder
application) when ColdFusion starts. For more information on using the Administrator, see the ColdFusion
Administrator online Help.
The role of the GatewayHelper object
A ColdFusion event gateway provides an information conduit: at its most basic, it receives and dispatches event
messages. In some cases, however, an event gateway must provide additional functionality. An instant messaging
event gateway, for example, must provide such services as managing buddies and providing status information. To
support such use, an event gateway can enable access to a GatewayHelper object. The event gateway developer
writes a Java class that provides the necessary utility routines as Java methods, and ColdFusion application
developers can get an instance of the class by calling the CFML GetGatewayHelper method. The application calls
the GatewayHelper object methods using normal ColdFusion object access techniques. The ColdFusion instant
messaging event gateways and the example socket event gateway provide GatewayHelper objects.
A ColdFusion application can send an outgoing message to the event gateway in either of the following ways:
In a cfreturn tag in the listener CFC listener method
By calling the ColdFusion SendGatewayMessage function
The first method is useful to automatically respond to incoming messages. Some complex applications that
respond to incoming messages could use the SendGatewayMessage function either in place or in addition
to the return value.
Some event gateway types also use a GatewayHelper object to send information to external resources. For
example, the ColdFusion XMPP and Lotus Sametime instant messaging event gateways provide a
GatewayHelper object that can manage buddy lists, and set configuration and status information on the
instant messaging server. For more information on the GatewayHelper object, see Using the GatewayHelper
object. For more information on the instant messaging GatewayHelper object, see Sample IM message
handling application.
The example code in Example event gateway CFC shows the use of a listener return value, and indicates
how event gateways can require different data in the return structure to send equivalent messages.
Developing event gateway listener CFCs
The listener CFC responds to event gateway messages. The listener CFC uses, at a minimum, the following basic
software elements:
One or more listener methods
CFEvent structures that contain the messages
Listener CFCs can use ColdFusion persistent scopes to store data that must be preserved over multiple CFC
invocations or shared with other CFML elements.
Listener methods
The ColdFusion event gateway service calls one or more listener methods in the CFC to process incoming
messages. The number of listener methods that you must write and their names depends on the event gateway. For
example, the ColdFusion SMS event gateway requires a single listener method, which is typically named onIncomi
ngMessage. (You can change the SMS event gateway listener method name in the event gateway configuration
file.) The ColdFusion XMPP IM event gateway expects the listener CFC to have five methods: onIncomingMessag
e, onAddBuddyRequest, onAddBuddyResponse, onBuddyStatus, and onIMServerMessage. By default, if
the event gateway does not specify the method name, ColdFusion calls the onIncomingMessage method of the
listener CFC. For the sake of consistency, Adobe recommends you to use the onIncomingMessage method for
any event gateway with a single listener method.
The listener method does the following:
1. Takes a single parameter, a CFEvent structure.
2. Processes the contents of the instance as required by the application.
3. Optionally, returns an outgoing message to the event gateway in a cfreturn tag. It can also send a
message back to the event gateway by calling the ColdFusion SendGatewayMessage function.
The following code shows a listener CFC with an onIncomingMessage method that echoes a message
back to the Socket event gateway that sent it. It contains the minimum code required to process an incoming
message and respond to the sender using the socket gateway.
Other event gateways require different fields in the return structure. For example, to echo a message using the SMS
event gateway, you use the following lines to specify the return value:
retValue.command = "submit">
retValue.sourceAddress = arguments.CFEVENT.gatewayid>
retValue.destAddress = arguments.CFEVENT.originatorid>
retValue.ShortMessage = "Echo: " & arguments.CFEvent.Data.MESSAGE>
The ColdFusion event gateway service passes a CFEvent structure with information about the message event to the
listener method. The following table describes the structure fields:
The event gateway that sent the event; the value is the
ID of an event gateway instance configured on the
ColdFusion Administrator Gateway Instances page. If
the application calls the SendGatewayMessage functi
on to respond to the event gateway, it uses this ID as
the function's first parameter.
When a ColdFusion application responds to an event gateway message, or sends a message independently, it does
not use a CFEvent structure. However, the ColdFusion event gateway service creates a Java CFEvent instance with
the message data before calling the outgoingMessage method of the event gateway.
Using persistent scopes in listener CFCs
ColdFusion listener CFCs can use the Application, Client, and Session persistent scopes.
Because incoming event gateway messages are not associated with HTTP requests, ColdFusion uses different
session and client IDs for interactions initiated by these events than for CFM Page requests, as follows:
Session ID
The gatewayID value is the event gateway ID that you set in the ColdFusion Administrator, and gatewayType and or
iginatorID are the values that the event gateway sets in the CFEvent instance for an incoming message.
Application scope
The Application scope lets the CFC share data with any ColdFusion page or CFC that uses the same application
name. This way, a listener CFC can use the same Application scope as CFML pages that send messages. Also, you
can place multiple listener CFCs in a single directory and have them share an Application.cfc or Application.cfm file
and application name.
As with all ColdFusion code, use the Application.cfc variable or the cfapplication tag to set the application
name. The listener CFC can use an Application.cfc or Application.cfm file if the CFC is in a directory that is in or
under one of the following places:
the ColdFusion web root
a directory that is in the ColdFusion Administrator Mappings list.
The ColdFusion installer creates a mapping in the ColdFusion Administrator for the gateway\cfc directory.
Client scope
The Client scope can store long-term information associated with the ID of the message sender. For example, it can
store information about an IM buddy.
To use Client variables across multiple connections, your gateway type must use the same client ID for all
interactions with a particular client. For many technologies and gateways, such as the IM and SMS gateways, this
requirement is not an issue.
To use Client scope variables with gateways, you must store the Client scope variables in a data
source or the registry. You cannot store the variables in cookies, because gateways do not use
Session scope
The Session scope can store information required across multiple interactions. For example, an interactive IM or
SMS application that uses a drill-down menu to select a service can store the information about the menu selections
in the Session scope.
Event gateway sessions terminate when they time out. Because the identifiers for event sessions and clients differ
from request-driven session and client identifiers, you cannot use the same Session or Client scope on a standard
CFM page that sends an outgoing message and in a listener CFC that handles an incoming response to that
For an example of using the Session scope, see the example Menu application in the gateway\cfc\examples\menu
ColdFusion cannot create a session if an initiator application uses a SendGatewayMessage met
hod to start an interaction with a client, such as an SMS user. In this case, the sending code
must keep track (for example, in a database) of the messages it sends and their destinations.
When a response event arrives, it can look up the originatorID to determine whether it was in
response to an outgoing message.
When an event gateway CFC responds to an event, it cannot display debugging information in the response page,
as CFM pages do. As a result, many of the normal ColdFusion debugging techniques, including the cfdump tag, are
not available. When you develop event gateway CFCs, consider the following debugging techniques:
Place trace variables in the Application scope. These variables persist, and you can specify an application
name for your CFC (see Application scope). You can inspect the Application scope contents, including your
trace variables, in any CFML page that has the same application name as your CFC.
Use cflog tags to help you trace any errors by logging significant events to a file. Also, carefully inspect the
eventgateway.log and exceptions.log files that ColdFusion maintains. For more information on using the
eventgateway.log file, see The eventgateway.log file below.
You can simulate responses from CFCs to the event gateway by using the SendGatewayMessage function
in a CFM page. The function's message parameter should contain the information that the CFC would place
in its return variable.
If you run ColdFusion from the command line, you can use the Java System.out.printlnmethod to write
messages to the console window, as the following code shows:
sys = createObject("java", "java.lang.System");
sys.out.println("Debugging message goes here");
You do not have to restart the event gateway instance when you change a CFC. ColdFusion
automatically uses the updated CFC when the next event occurs.
The following code shows a temperature scale converter tool that can work with any of several event gateways:
SMS, XMPP, Lotus Sametime, or the example Socket event gateway. Users enter a string that consists of the
temperature scale (F, Fahrenheit, C, or Celsius), a comma, and a temperature on their device. The CFC converts
Celsius to Fahrenheit or Fahrenheit to Celsius, and returns the result.
This example shows how a responder event gateway application can work, and illustrates how different event
gateway types require different outgoing message formats:
<!--- Process the input, generate a message with the new temperature. --->
<!--- Input format is: degrees, temperature. --->
<cfif listlen(message) eq 2>
<cfif (listgetat(message,1) IS "F") OR
(listgetat(message,1) IS "Fahrenheit") OR
(listgetat(message,1) IS "C") OR
(listgetat(message,1) IS "Celsius")>
<cfset scale=listgetat(message,1)>
<cfif isNumeric(listgetat(message,2))>
<cfset temperature=listgetat(message,2)>
<cfswitch expression="#scale#">
<cfcase value="F, Fahrenheit">
<cfset retmsg = temperature & " degrees Fahrenheit is "
& (temperature-32.0) * (5.0/9.0) & " degrees Celsius">
<cfcase value="C, Celsius">
<cfset retmsg = temperature & " degrees Celsius is "
&(temperature * 10.0/5.0) + 32 & " degrees Fahrenheit">
<cfset retmsg=errormsg>
<cfset retmsg=errormsg>
<cfset retmsg=errormsg>
<!--- Fill the return value as required for the event gateway type. --->
<cfif arguments.CFEVENT.GatewayType is "Socket">
<cfset retValue = structNew()>
<cfset retValue.MESSAGE = retmsg>
<cfset retValue.originatorID = orig>
<cfelseif (arguments.CFEVENT.GatewayType is "Sametime") OR
(arguments.CFEVENT.GatewayType is "XMPP")>
<cfset retValue = structNew()>
<cfset retValue.MESSAGE = retmsg>
<cfset retValue.BuddyID = arguments.CFEVENT.DATA.SENDER>
<cfset retValue.originatorID = orig>
<cfelseif arguments.CFEVENT.GatewayType is "SMS">
<cfset retValue = structNew()>
<cfset retValue.command = "submit">
<cfset retValue.sourceAddress = arguments.CFEVENT.gatewayid>
<cfset retValue.destAddress = arguments.CFEVENT.originatorid>
<cfset retValue.shortMessage = retmsg>
<!--- Send the return message back. --->
<cfreturn retValue>
SendGatewayMessage(gatewayID, messageStruct)
The gatewayID parameter must be the gateway ID specified in the ColdFusion Administrator for the event
gateway instance that sends the message.
The messageStruct parameter is a structure whose contents depends on the requirements of the outgoingM
essage method of the event gateway, and possibly the recipient application. For example, in addition to any
message, the structure could include a destination identifier.
The CFEvent instance passed to the event gateway contains these two parameters in the GatewayID and
Data fields; the remaining fields are empty.
The following example sends a message to a logging CFC, which logs information to a file. If the SendGatew
ayMessage function returns "OK", the example code displays a message. The code uses an instance of the
asynchronous CFML event gateway named Asynch Logger. The props variable used in the messageStruct p
arameter has two entries, the destination file and the message to log.
status = "No";
props = structNew();
props.Message = "Replace me with a variable with data to log";
status = SendGatewayMessage("Asynch Logger", props);
if (status IS "OK") WriteOutput("Event Message ""#props.Message#"" has been
To see the code for the CFC that logs the information, see Using the CFML event gateway for
asynchronous CFCs.
The ColdFusion GetGatewayHelper function tells ColdFusion to create and initialize a Java GatewayHelper object
that provides event gateway-specific helper methods and properties. To use this function, the event gateway must
implement a GatewayHelper class. For example, an instant messaging event gateway could make buddy list
management methods available in a GatewayHelper object.
The ColdFusion GetGatewayHelper function takes a single parameter, the ID of the event gateway instance that
provides the helper, and returns a GatewayHelper Java object. The parameter value must be the gateway ID for the
instance that is specified in the ColdFusion Administrator. If you do not want to hard-code an ID value in the
application (for example, if your listener CFC can respond to multiple event gateway instances), get the gateway ID
from the CFEvent structure of the first incoming message.
The CFML code accesses the GatewayHelper object's methods and properties using standard ColdFusion Java
object access techniques (see Integrating JEE and Java Elements in CFML Applications). For example, if an event
gateway's GatewayHelper class includes an addBuddy method that takes a single String parameter, you could use
the following code to get the ColdFusion XMPP or Sametime gateway GatewayHelper object and add a buddy to the
buddies list:
myHelper = GetGatewayHelper(myGatewayID);
status = myHelper.addBuddy("jsmith23", "Jim Smith", "support");
When a standard ColdFusion event gateway encounters an error that does not prevent the event gateway from
continuing to process, it logs it to the eventgateway.log file in the ColdFusion logs directory. Other event gateways
can also to log information in this file, or to other application-specific files in the logs directory.
The standard ColdFusion event gateways log errors in interaction with any messaging server, errors in messages
sent by the ColdFusion application, and recoverable errors in event gateway operation. The event gateways also log
informational status messages for significant normal events, including event gateway initialization and restarts.
ColdFusion event gateway messages in the eventgateway.log file normally have the following format:
When you are developing an event gateway application, you can use the ColdFusion Log viewer to inspect the
eventgateway.log file and filter the display by using the gateway type and possibly the gateway ID as keywords. By
selecting different severity levels, you can get a good understanding of errors and possible inefficiencies in your
application and event gateway operation.
1. Ensure that the ColdFusion Administrator is configured with the required event gateway type. If it is not,
deploy the event gateway type (see Deploying an event gateway).
2. If the event gateway type requires a configuration file, ensure that a valid file exists in the gateway\config
directory. Some event gateways could be designed to let multiple event gateway instances share a
configuration file. Others could require a separate file for each event gateway instance.
3. Install the event gateway application listener CFC and any other application components. ColdFusion
provides a cf_root\gateways\cfc directory as a convenient location for these CFCs, and includes a mapping in
the ColdFusion Administrator page for that directory. However, ColdFusion does not require you to install the
listener CFC in this directory.
4. Configure an event gateway instance on the Gateway Instances page of the Event Gateways section in the
ColdFusion Administrator (see Configuring an event gateway instance)
The structure that you use in the CFML SendGatewayMessage function can include two types of fields:
The structure can include any number of fields with arbitrary contents for use in by the CFC.
Several optional fields can configure how the gateway delivers the information to the CFC.
The CFML gateway looks for the following optional fields, and, if they exist, uses them to determine how it
delivers the message. Do not use these field names for data that you send to your CFC method.
The following procedure describes how to use an asynchronous CFC that has a single, onIncomingMessage meth
Use an asynchronous CFC
1. Create a CFC with an onIncomingMessage method. Place the CFC in an appropriate directory for your
application. For example, you can place it in the cf_root\WEB-INF\cfusion\gateway\cfc directory on J2EE
configurations, in the cf_root\gateway\cfc directory on server configurations, or in a subdirectory of these
directories. ColdFusion is installed with mappings to these cfc gateway directories.The onIncomingMessag
e method must take a CFEvent structure that contains input information in its Data field, and processes the
contents of the Data field as needed.
2. Use the Gateway Instances page in the ColdFusion Administrator to add an instance of the CFML event
gateway type. Specify the following:
A unique Gateway ID.
The path to the CFC that you created in step 1.
The startup mode. Select Automatic startup mode to start the event gateway when ColdFusion starts
Do not specify a configuration file.
3. Start the event gateway instance.
4. Write CFML code that uses SendGatewayMessage functions to send messages in structures to the event
gateway instance ID that you specified in step 2. The SendGatewayMessage function returns true if the
gateway successfully queues the message in the ColdFusion Gateway Service; false, otherwise. It does not
ensure that the CFC receives or processes the message.
5. Run your CFML application.
Example: logging messages
The following asynchronous CFML event gateway CFC uses the cflog tag to log a message to a file in the
ColdFusion logs directory. The CFC takes a message with the following fields:
file:The name of the file in which to place the message. The default value is defaultEventLog.
type:The cflog type attribute to use. The default value is info.
message:The message text.
<cffunction name="onIncomingMessage" output="no">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="yes">
if (NOT IsDefined("CFEvent.Data.file")) {
CFEvent.Data.file="defaultEventLog"; }
if (NOT IsDefined("CFEvent.Data.type")) {
CFEvent.Data.type="info"; }
<cflog text="#CFEvent.Data.message#"
The gateway\src\examples directory and its subdirectories include the sources for the example event gateways.
Compiled versions are located in the gateway\lib\examples.jar file. This document briefly describes the event
gateways and their functions. For more detailed information, see the code and comments in the files.
The file contains an event gateway template that you can use as a skeleton for creating your
own event gateway. For more information on this class, and on creating new event gateways, see Creating Custom
Event Gateways
The SocketGateway event gateway listens on a TCP/IP port. Therefore, you can use this gateway for applications
that send and respond to messages using TCP/IP-based protocols such as Telnet, or for applications that send
messages between sockets. For example, a simple gateway application that responds to messages from a Telnet
terminal client without supporting the full Telnet protocol.
The ColdFusion Administrator uses Socket as the gateway type name for the SocketGateway
The file defines two classes: SocketGateway, the event gateway, and SocketHelper, a
GatewayHelper class. The Source file is located in the gateway\src\examples\socket directory.
SocketGatewayListens on a TCP/IP port. This event gateway is multi-threaded and can handle multiple
clients simultaneously. It can send outgoing messages to existing clients, but cannot establish a link itself.By
default, the SocketGateway class listens on port 4445, but you can specify the port number in a configuration
file. The file should contain a single line in the following format:
SocketHelper A GatewayHelper class with the following methods: getSocketIDs() returns an array
containing the socket IDs of all Java sockets that are open. The event gateway opens a socket for each
remote client.killSocket(String socketid{{)}}removes the specified socket. Returns a Boolean success
The DirectoryWatcherGateway event gateway sends events to the listener CFC when a file is created, deleted, or
modified in a directory. The watcher runs in a thread that sleeps for an interval specified in the configuration file, and
when the interval has passed, checks for changes since the last time it was awake. If it finds added, deleted, or
changed files, it sends a message to a listener CFC. You can configure separate CFCs for add, delete, and change
events, or use a single CFC for all events. The source for this event gateway is located in the
gateway/src/examples/watcher directory.
The ColdFusion Administrator uses DirectoryWatcher as the gateway type name for the
DirectoryWatcherGateway class.
Configuration file
This event gateway requires a configuration file, consisting of lines in the following format:
If you use backward slash characters () as directory separators in Windows the file paths, escape
them by using double slashes, as in C:
temp. You can use forward slashes
as the directory separator on all operating systems,
including Windows.
When you specify filename extensions in the Directory Watcher configuration file, do not include
the period, instead use a comma, for example, doc,txt.
The configuration file can have comment lines, preceded by a number sign (#). If you omit a property or comment it
out, ColdFusion uses the default value. If you specify a property with no value, ColdFusion sets an empty property.
The configuration file can define the following values:
When the directory contents change, the event gateway calls one of the following CFC listener methods, unless you
change the names in the configuration file:
The CFEvent.Data field sent to the listener methods includes the following fields:
The date and time that the file was created or modified.
This field is not included if the file was deleted.
The event gateway supports multiple listener CFCs and sends the event messages to all listeners. The event
gateway is one way; it watches for events and dispatches event information to a CFC, but it does not accept return
values from the CFC or input from SendGatewayMessage functions.The directory watcher logs errors to the
watcher.log file in the ColdFusion logs directory.
Example DirectoryWatcher application
The following code shows a simple directory watcher application. It enters a line in a log file each time a file is
added, deleted, or changed in the directory specified in the configuration file. ColdFusion includes the date and time
that a log entry is made. However, if the directory watcher monitors changes infrequently, for example once every
minute or more, the time in the log entry could differ from the time a file was added or changed, so the information
includes the time (but not date) for these actions.
<cffunction name="onAdd" output="no">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="yes">
<cflog file="MydirWatcher" application="No"
text="ACTION: #data.type#;FILE: #data.filename#;
TIME: #timeFormat(data.lastmodified)#">
<cffunction name="onDelete" output="no">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="yes">
<cflog file="MydirWatcher" application="No"
text=" ACTION: #data.type#;FILE: #data.filename#">
<cffunction name="onChange" output="no">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="yes">
<cflog file="MydirWatcher" application="No"
text=" ACTION: #data.type#;FILE: #data.filename#;
TIME: #timeFormat(data.lastmodified)#">
The JMSGateway class acts as a Java Messaging Service consumer or producer. The source for this event
gateway is located in gateway/src/examples/JMS. The gateway requires a configuration file, which is in
gateway/config/jmsgateway.cfg. For full documentation of the configuration options, See the configuration file. The
ColdFusion Administrator lists the compiled gateway (which is included in the gateway\lib\examples.jar file) on the
Gateway Types page.
The ColdFusion Administrator uses JMS as the gateway type name for the JMSGateway class.
The JMSGateway class creates a subscriber to the topic specified in the configuration file. The gateway consumes
the following types of messages:
BytesMessage containing raw UTF-8 text
The gateway passes the contents of the message to the configured CFC in the event structure, as follows:
Message correlation ID
The listener CFC method must be named onIncomingMessage. If the CFC method does not send a message in
response, it should return a structure containing a status field with a value of OK or EXCEPTION. (In this case, The
gateway checks the return status field, but does not process these return values further.) To send a message, the
CFC method must return a structure as documented in the following section.
Using the JMS Gateway as a producer
To send a JMS message, the return value of your CFC method or the second, messageStruct, parameter to the Sen
dGatewayMessage function must be a structure with the following fields:
Must be SEND.
If you send the message in a SendGatewayMessage function, the function returns OK if the gateway sends the
message, or EXCEPTION if it fails to send the message.
ActiveMQ JMS event gateway
Apache ActiveMQ is a message broker that implements JMS. The source for this event gateway is located in
gateway/src/examples/ActiveMQ. For information about using the ActiveMQ JMS event gateway, see the
gateway\docs\ActiveMQDeveloperGuide.pdf file.
Menu example application
ColdFusion is installed with a menu-based responder application. The menu application is written to work with any of
the standard ColdFusion event gateways (SMS, XMPP, and Sametime) and with the Socket example event
gateway, and ColdFusion is preconfigured with an instance of the application that uses SMS, as follows:
The Gateway Instances page in the ColdFusion Administrator includes a gateway instance for this application
that uses the SMS gateway type.
The gateway/cfc/examples/menu directory and its subdirectories include the CFML for the application
The gateway/config/sms-test.cfg file is configured to use this application with the SMS client (phone
simulator), and short message service center (SMSC) server simulator that are provided with ColdFusion.
The application presents users with a drill-down menu of tools that they can use, including a weather report,
stock information, status and configuration information, and language tools such as a dictionary.
The code for this application is relatively complex and is distributed among 13 files. The following brief
description provides an overview of how it works. To get a full understanding of how the application works,
see the source code.
The top level, menu, directory contains two files: Application.cfm and main.cfc.
The Application.cfm file consists of a single cfapplication tag that enables session management and
names the application. Session variables maintain the current state information of the session, such as the
active menu, and so on.
The main.cfc file contains the master CFC; the event gateway configuration in ColdFusion Administrator uses
it as the listener CFC. The main CFC file processes CFEvent structures from the event gateway. It does the
1. Inspects the gatewayType field to determine the rest of the structure contents. This check is necessary
because different event gateways place the message in fields with different names.
2. If a variable does not exist, initializes the menu system. To do so, it calls methods in
two other CFCs: menu and menunode. These two CFCs contain the menu system code.
3. Calls the method to process the user input. This method can dispatch a
message to an individual application for processing, if appropriate.
The apps directory contains several CFCs. Each file contains the code for a single application, such as the
weather report or dictionary lookup (definition.cfc).
Use the menu application with the Socket event gateway
1. On the Gateway Settings page in the ColdFusion Administrator, click the Start SMS Test Server button.
2. On the Gateway Instances page in the ColdFusion Administrator, start the SMS Menu App - 5551212 event
gateway by clicking the green play button (third button from the left in the Actions column). If the Status does
not say Running after a few seconds, click Refresh to check that the server started.
3. In the cf_root\WEB-INF\cfusion\bin directory on J2EE configurations or the cf_root\bin directory on server
configurations, run the SMSClient.bat file (on Windows) or file (on UNIX or Linux) to start the
SMS phone simulator. The simulator is preconfigured by default to "call" the default SMS event gateway
4. Enter any character by typing or by using the mouse to click the simulator keypad, and press Enter on your
keyboard or click Send on the simulator.
5. The menu application responds with the top-level menu. Enter L for language tools such as a dictionary and
thesaurus, S to get stock quotes or weather forecasts, or C to get information about the server. Press Enter
on your keyboard or click Send on the simulator.
6. The application displays a submenu. For example, if you select S in step 5, the options are Q for a stock
quote, W for weather, or B to go back to the previous menu. Enter your selection.
7. The application requests information such as a Zip code for the weather, stock symbol for a price, word for
the dictionary, and so on. Enter and send the required information (or enter B to go back to the menu).
8. The application gets and displays the requested information. Depending on the application, you could also be
prompted to enter M to get more. Enter M (if more information is available), another term, or B to return to the
previous menu.
9. Continue by entering menu items and detailed information requests.
10. To exit, select File > Exit from the menu bar.
#back to top
XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) is an open, XML-based protocol for instant messaging. It is
the core protocol of the Jabber Instant Messaging and Presence technology that the Jabber Software Foundation
develops. As of November 2004, four Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) specifications (RFCs) defined XMPP,
numbers 3920-3923. RFC 3920 covers the XMPP core, and 3921 covers instant messaging and presence.
Numerous XMPP servers and clients are available. ColdFusion supports the IETF XMPP protocol.
The following websites provide additional information about the XMPP protocol:
Jabber Software Foundation: This site includes information on available XMPP servers and
IETF has copies of the Internet standards for XMPP:
The website was under development as of December 2004; at that time it included several useful
links, including links to relevant specifications:
About IBM Lotus Instant Messaging (Sametime)
IBM Lotus Instant Messaging, commonly referred to as Lotus Sametime, is the IBM product for real-time
collaboration. For more information about this product, see
In the Enterprise Edition, to use the Lotus Sametime event gateway, disable FIPS-140 Compliant
Strong Cryptography by adding the following to the JVM arguments in the ColdFusion
About IM application development and deployment
The following information introduces the ColdFusion IM application development tools and process, and discuss IM
messaging providers.
ColdFusion IM gateway classes
Each IM event gateway instance has a single instant messaging ID. Establish the ID and its related password on the
IM server using server-specific tools, such as a standard instant messaging client. In ColdFusion, you set the ID,
password, and other gateway-specific information in a gateway configuration file, and you create a gateway instance
that uses this file.
When you start the gateway, it logs on to the IM server with the ID and password, and receives and sends the
messages for the ID. The gateway sends incoming messages to a CFC, which you specify when you configure the
gateway instance in the ColdFusion Administrator. The gateway passes outgoing messages from this CFC and from
other CFML code to the IM server.
The IM event gateway also provides several helper methods for managing the gateway and its configuration
Incoming message handling
You write the following ColdFusion CFC methods to handle incoming messages and requests from the IM event
gateway. These CFCs receive messages from the IM server and can respond to them by setting a return value.
CFC method
Message type
IMGatewayHelper methods
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
The ColdFusion IM gateway provides the IMGatewayHelper class, a gateway helper that you can access by calling
the CFML GetGatewayHelper function. The IMGatewayHelper class has methods that let you do the following:
Get and set gateway configuration information and get gateway statistics
Get and set the gateway online presence status
Manage the gateway's buddy list
Manage permissions for others to get information about the gateway status.For more information on using
GatewayHelper methods, including lists of all the methods, see Using the GatewayHelper object.
Default value
XMPP: 5222Sametime:1533
If you do not have a CFC method to handle any of the event types, specify the corresponding
property without a value. Use the following entry in the configuration file, for example, if you do
not have a method to handle IMServerMessage events: onIMServerMessageFunction=
For detailed information on each method, including examples of their use, see IM Gateway CFC incoming message
methods in the CFML Reference. For an example that uses these functions, see Sample IM message handling
The message structure that you return in the gateway listener CFC function or use as the second parameter in the
CFML SendGatewayMessage function can have the following fields. The table lists the fields and the commands in
which they are used, and describes each field's use.
accept, decline
In typical use, a ColdFusion application uses the accept, decline, and noact commands in the return value of the on
AddBuddyRequest method, and uses the submit command (or no command, because submit is the default
command) in SendGatewayMessage CFML functions and the return value of the onIncomingMessage CFC
The SendGatewayMessage CFML function can send any command, and can be used to send an accept or decline
message. One possible use is in an application where someone must review all buddy requests before they are
added. In this case, the onAddBuddyRequest CFC method could initially send a noact command in its return
value, and save the request information in a database. Administrators could use a separate ColdFusion application
to review the request information. This application could use the SendGatewayMessage function with an accept or
The following CFC implements a simple employee phone directory lookup application. The user sends an instant
message containing some part of the name to looked up (a space requests all names). The onIncomingMessage r
esponse depends on the number matches.
If there is no match, the onIncomingMessage function returns a message indicating that there are no
If there is one match, the function returns the name, department, and phone number.
If there are up to ten matches, the function returns a list of the names preceded by a number that the user
can enter to get the detailed information.
If there are over ten matches, the function returns a list of only the first ten names. A more complex
application can let the user get multiple lists of messages to provide access to all names.
If the user enters a number, and previously got a multiple-match list, the application returns the information
for the name that corresponds to the number.
The following listing shows the CFC code:
<cffunction name="onIncomingMessage">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES">
<!--- Remove any extra white space from the message. --->
<cfset message =Trim(>
<!--- If the message is numeric, a previous search probably returned a
list of names. Get the name to search for from the name list stored in
the Session scope. --->
<cfif isNumeric(message)>
if (structKeyExists(session.users, val(message))) {
message = session.users[val(message)];
<!--- Search the database for the requested name. --->
<cfquery name="employees" datasource="cfdocexamples">
select FirstName, LastName, Department, Phone
from Employees
where 0 = 0
<!--- A space indicates the user entered a first and last name. --->
<cfif listlen(message, " ") eq 2>
and FirstName like '#listFirst(message, " ")#%'
and LastName like '#listlast(message, " ")#%'
<!--- No space: the user entered a first or a last name. --->
and (FirstName like '#listFirst(message, " ")#%'
or LastName like '#listFirst(message, " ")#%')
<!--- Generate andreturn the message.--->
retrunVal = structNew();
retrunVal.command = "submit";
retrunVal.buddyID =;
//No records were found.
if (employees.recordCount eq 0) {
retrunVal.message = "No records found for '#message#'";
//One record was found.
else if (employees.recordCount eq 1) {
// Whitespace in the message text results in bad formatting,
// so the source cannot be indented.
retrunVal.message = "Requested information:
#employees.firstName# #employees.lastName#
//Multiple possibilities were found.
else if (employees.recordCount gt 1) {
//If more than ten were found, return only the first ten.
if (employees.recordCount gt 10)
retrunVal.message = "First 10 of #employees.recordCount# records";
retrunVal.message = "Records found: #employees.recordCount#";
// The session.users structure contains the found names.
// The record key is a number that is also returned in front of the
// name in the message.
session.users = structNew();
for(i=1; i lte min(10, employees.recordCount); i=i+1)
// These two lines are formatted to prevent extra white space.
retrunVal.message = retrunVal.message & "
#i# - #employees.firstName[i]# #employees.lastName[i]#";
// The following two lines must be a single line in the source
return retrunVal;
The following CFC handles all IM events, except onIncomingMessage. It maintains an Application scope
buddyStatus structure that contains information on the gateway buddies. This structure limits the interactions that
are needed with the IM server to get buddy and status information. The application also logs significant events, such
as requests to add buddies and error messages from the IM server. In particular, it does the following:
The onBuddyStatus function updates the Application scope buddy status structure when the gateway gets
an event message indicating that a buddy's status has changed.
The onAddBuddyRequest function searches for the requested buddy's name in a data source. If it finds a
single instance of the name, it adds the buddy and updates the status in the Application scope buddyStatus
structure. If it doesn't find name, it declines the buddy request. If it finds multiple instances of the name, it tells
the gateway to take no action. It also logs all actions.
The onAddBuddyResponse function adds the buddy to the Application scope buddy status structure if the
buddy request is accepted, and sets the current status. It logs all responses.
The onIMServerMessage function logs all messages that it receives.This example uses the IM_ID column
of the Employees database of the cfdocexamples database that is included with ColdFusion. The entries in
this column assume that you use an XMPP server "company." To run this exampleconfigure an XMPP server
with this name and with clients with names in this database, or change the database entries to match IM
server clients. Also, configure a gateway instance in the ColdFusion Administrator that uses this server.
The following listing shows the CFC code:
<cffunction name="onBuddyStatus">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES">
<cflock scope="APPLICATION" timeout="10" type="EXCLUSIVE">
// Create the status structures if they dont exist.
if (NOT StructKeyExists(Application, "buddyStatus")) {
if (NOT StructKeyExists(Application.buddyStatus, CFEvent.Data.BUDDYNAME)) {
// Save the buddy status and timestamp.
<cffunction name="onAddBuddyRequest">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES">
<cfquery name="buddysearch" datasource="cfdocexamples">
select IM_ID
from Employees
where IM_ID = '#CFEvent.Data.SENDER#'
<cffunction name="onAddBuddyResponse">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES">
<cflock scope="APPLICATION" timeout="10" type="EXCLUSIVE">
//Do the following only if the buddy accepted the request.
if (NOT StructKeyExists(Application, "buddyStatus")) {
if (#CFEVENT.Data.MESSAGE# IS "accept") {
//Create a new entry in the buddyStatus record for the buddy.
if (NOT StructKeyExists(Application.buddyStatus,
CFEvent.Data.SENDER)) {
//Set the buddy status information to indicate buddy was added.
"Buddy accepted us";
<!--- Log the information for all responses. --->
<cflog file="#CFEvent.GatewayID#Status"
text="onAddBuddyResponse; BUDDY: #CFEvent.Data.SENDER# RESPONSE:
<cffunction name="onIMServerMessage">
<!--- This function just logs the message. --->
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES">
<cflog file="#CFEvent.GatewayID#Status"
text="onIMServerMEssage; SENDER: #CFEvent.OriginatorID# MESSAGE:
The following table describes the methods that you can use to get and set configuration information and get gateway
The following table describes the methods that you can use to get and set the gateway's online availability status
(presence information):
The following table describes the methods that you can use to manage the gateway's buddy list:
The IM gateways can manage the information that other users can get about the gateway's online status.
XMPP permission management is included in the XMPP 1.0 specification, but several XMPP
servers that were available at the time of the ColdFusion release do not support permission
Returns the list of users that the server has been told
not to send state information to.
Returns the list of users that the server has been told to
send state information to.
GatewayHelper example
This example lets you use the XMPP or SameTime GatewayHelper class to get and set status and other
information, including managing buddy lists and view permissions lists.
index="e"><a href="#cgi.script_name#?cmd=setpermitmode&mode=#e#">#e#</a> |
</cfloop> <span class="note">doesn't work for XMPP</span>
<li><a href="#cgi.script_name#?cmd=getpermitmode">getpermitmode</a>
<cfloop list="PLAIN_TEXT,RICH_TEXT" index="e">
<a href="#cgi.script_name#?cmd=setplaintextmode&mode=#e#">#e#</a> |
<li><a href="#cgi.script_name#?cmd=getplaintextmode">getplaintextmode</a>
<!--- The url.cmd value exists if one of the previous links or forms has been
submitted, and identifies the type of request. --->
<cfif isdefined("url.cmd")>
<!--- Get the GatewayHelper for the gateway. --->
<cfset helper = getGatewayHelper(session.gwid)>
<!--- Get the buddy list if the list or full buddy information was requested. --->
<cfswitch expression="#LCase(url.cmd)#">
<cfcase value="buddylist,buddyinfo">
<cfset ret=helper.getBuddyList()>
<cfcase value="denylist">
<cfset ret=helper.getDenyList()>
<cfcase value="permitlist">
<cfset ret=helper.getPermitList()>
<cfcase value="addbuddy">
<cfset ret=helper.addBuddy("#session.buddyid#",
"#session.buddyid#", "")>
<cfcase value="addpermit">
<cfset ret=helper.addPermit("#session.buddyid#",
"#session.buddyid#", "")>
<cfcase value="adddeny">
<cfset ret=helper.addDeny("#session.buddyid#",
"#session.buddyid#", "")>
<cfcase value="removebuddy">
<cfset ret=helper.removeBuddy("#session.buddyid#", "")>
<cfcase value="removepermit">
<cfset ret=helper.removePermit("#session.buddyid#", "")>
<cfcase value="removedeny">
<cfset ret=helper.removeDeny("#session.buddyid#", "")>
<cfcase value="setstatus">
<cfset ret=helper.setStatus(url.status, "")>
<cfcase value="setstatus2">
<cfset ret=helper.setStatus(url.status, url.custommsg)>
<cfcase value="getcustomawaymessage">
<cfset ret=helper.getCustomAwayMessage()>
<cfcase value="getname">
<cfset ret=helper.getName()>
<cfcase value="getnickname">
<cfset ret=helper.getNickname()>
<cfcase value="getprotocolname">
<cfset ret=helper.getProtocolName()>
<cfcase value="getsignontimestamp">
<cfset ret=helper.getSignOnTimeStamp()>
<cfcase value="getstatusasstring">
<cfset ret=helper.getStatusAsString()>
<cfcase value="getstatustimestamp">
<cfset ret=helper.getStatusTimeStamp()>
<cfcase value="isonline">
<cfset ret=helper.isOnline()>
<cfcase value="numberofmessagesreceived">
<cfset ret=helper.numberOfMessagesReceived()>
<cfcase value="numberofmessagessent">
<cfset ret=helper.numberOfMessagesSent()>
<cfcase value="setnickname">
<cfset ret=helper.setNickName(url.nickname)>
<cfcase value="setpermitmode">
<cfset ret=helper.setPermitMode(url.mode)>
<cfcase value="getpermitmode">
<cfset ret=helper.getPermitMode()>
<cfcase value="setplaintextmode">
<cfset ret=helper.setPlainTextMode(url.mode)>
<cfcase value="getplaintextmode">
<cfset ret=helper.getPlainTextMode()>
<cfset ret[1]="Error; Invalid command. You shouldn't get this.">
<!--- Display the results returned by the called GatewayHelper method. --->
<cfdump var="#ret#">
<!--- If buddy information was requested, loop through buddy list to get
information for each buddy and display it. --->
<cfif comparenocase(url.cmd, "buddyinfo") is 0 and arraylen(ret) gt 0>
<b>Buddy info for all buddies</b><br>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arraylen(ret)#">
<cfdump var="#helper.getBuddyInfo(ret[i])#" label="#ret[i]#"></cfloop>
#back to top
The following discussion simplifies SMS technology and describes only a typical use with a ColdFusion application.
For a more complete discussion of SMS, see the publicly available literature, including the several books that
discuss SMS.
In a ColdFusion SMS application, a mobile device such as a mobile phone communicates (via intermediate steps)
with a message center, such as a short message service center (SMSC). For example, a mobile phone user calls a
telephone number that the SMS provider has associated with your account; the SMSC gets the messages that are
sent to this number. The SMSC can store and forward messages. A ColdFusion application can initiate messages to
wireless devices, or it can respond to incoming messages from the devices.
The SMSC communicates with a ColdFusion SMS event gateway using short message peer-to-peer protocol
(SMPP) over TCP/IP. Information is transferred by exchanging Protocol Data Units (PDUs) with structures that
depend on the type of transaction, such as a normal message submission, a binary data submission, or a message
intended for multiple recipients.
Because the SMSC is a store-and-forward server, it can hold messages that cannot be immediately delivered and
try to deliver them when the receiving device is available. The SMSC provider configures the time that a message is
held on the server for delivery. For example, AT&T Wireless saves messages for 72 hours; after that time, any
undelivered messages are deleted. Your messages can request a different time-out (by specifying a ValidityPer
iod field). The message can also use a registeredDelivery field to tell the SMSC to inform you about whether
and when the message is delivered.
SMS communication can be secure. Voice and data communications, including SMS message traffic between the
SMSC and the mobile device is encrypted as part of the GSM standard. The SMSC authenticates the mobile user's
identity before the encrypted communication session begins. Secure the communications between ColdFusion and
the SMSC. Typically, you use a secure hardware or software VPN connection around the SMPP connection.
The following image shows the SMS path between mobile devices and ColdFusion gateways:
Using the SMS event gateway, ColdFusion establishes a two-way (transceiver) connection to the SMSC of the
telecommunications carrier or other SMPP account provider. The SMPP provider assigns an address for your
account, and you associate an event gateway instance with the address. Addresses are normally telephone
numbers, but carriers often support "short code" addresses that do not require a full 10-digit number. You also
configure the gateway instance to communicate with the provider's specified TCP/IP address using a system ID and
a password.
The ColdFusion SMS event gateway conforms to the SMPP 3.4 specification, which you can
download from the SMS Forum at
A ColdFusion application can initiate and send messages to SMS-enabled devices by specifying the destination
mobile device telephone number, or mobile devices can send messages to a ColdFusion listener CFC by using the
gateway instance's telephone number. Incoming messages include the sender's number, so listener CFCs can
respond to messages sent by mobile devices.
About SMS application development and deployment
To develop an SMS gateway application, you use the ColdFusion SMS application development tools and process
to interact with SMS messaging providers.
ColdFusion SMS application tools
The following is a typical process for developing and deploying an SMS application:
Before you can deploy an SMS application, establish an account with a provider that supports SMPP 3.4 over
TCP/IP. Two kinds of providers exist:
Telecommunications carriers such as nation-wide cellular phone providers
Third-party SMPP aggregators
The type of provider and specific provider you use depend on your needs and provider capabilities and price
structures. Less expensive providers could have slower response times. Telecommunications carriers could
be more expensive but might provide more throughput and faster SMPP response times.
How the SMS event gateway and provider SMSC interact
This following information provides a brief overview of the interactions between the ColdFusion SMS event gateway
and the SMPP provider's SMSC. It is designed to help you to understand the basics of SMPP interactions, and
defines the terms necessary to for you to understand gateway configuration and message handling. For more
details, see the SMPP specification, which is available at
A typical interaction between an SMSC and a ColdFusion SMS event gateway instance consists of messages, or
PDUs sent between the two entities, such as a mobile device and a ColdFusion event gateway instance (and
therefore, and event gateway application).
Gateway binding
The event gateway must bind to the SMSC before they can communicate. The SMS event gateway instance
initiates a binding by sending a bind_transceiver PDU to the SMSC, which includes the gateway's ID and password.
If the initial bind request fails, the gateway retries the bind at the rate specified by the gateway configuration file
retry-interval value until either the bind is successful or the gateway reaches the maximum number of retries,
specified by the retries configuration value. If the bind operation fails, ColdFusion logs an error to the
eventgateway.log file, and you restart the gateway instance in the ColdFusion Administrator to establish the
Some SMSCs can send a prohibited status in response to a bind request. If the gateway
receives such a status response, it sets the retry interval to one minute and the maximum
number of retries to 15. The SMS gateway detects SMPP 5.0-compliant and AT&T prohibited
status responses.
When the SMSC accepts the bind request, it returns a bind_transceiver_resp PDU. The binding remains in effect
until the gateway instance shuts down and sends an unbind PDU to the SMSC. Because the gateway binds as a
transceiver, it can initiate messages to the SMSC, and the SMSC can send messages to it.
Incoming PDU handling
If the ColdFusion SMS event gateway gets an Unbind PDU from the SMSC, it sends an unbind_resp PDU to the
SMSC, does a restart, and attempts to rebind to the SMSC.
When the event gateway receives an EnquireLink or any other request PDU from the SMSC, it sends a default
response to the SMSC.
The gateway receives incoming messages from the SMSC in deliver _sm PDUs; it does not handle data_sm PDUs.
Deliver_sm PDUs can contain user- or application-generated messages, or disposition responses for messages that
the gateway has sent. The gateway extracts the short message field and source and destination addresses from the
PDU, places them in a CFEvent object, and sends the object to ColdFusion event gateway services for delivery to
the listener CFC. For information on how the CFML application must handle these incoming messages, see Handlin
g incoming messages.
Outgoing message handling
The gateway supports three types of outgoing messages from ColdFusion applications. The CFML sendGatewayM
essage function or a listener CFC method cfreturn tag can specify the following commands:
submit Sends a submit_sm PDU with the message contents to the SMSC. This PDU sends a message to a
single destination.
submitMulti Sends a submit_multi PDU with the message contents to the SMSC. This PDU sends a
message to multiple destinations.
data Sends a data_sm PDU with the message contents to the SMSC. This command is an alternative to the
submit command, and interactive applications such as those provided via a wireless application protocol
(WAP) framework typically use it. The SMS gateway lets you control the contents of all of the fields of these
PDUs. For more information on the individual commands, see Sending outgoing messages.
When you send a message, if the SMSC responds with a status that indicates that the message was rejected
or not sent, ColdFusion logs information about the failure in the eventgateway.log file. If the SMSC indicates
that the service type is not available (SMPP v5 ESME_RSERTYPUNAVAIL status or AT&T Serviced denied
status), and the gateway configuration file transient-retry value is set to yes, the gateway also tries to resend
the message.
Outgoing message synchronization and notification
The gateway and SMSC communicate asynchronously: the gateway does not wait for a response from the SMSC
for one message before it sends another message. However, you can configure your gateway instance so that the
CFML sendGatewayMessage function behaves asynchronously or synchronously.
In asynchronous mode, the function returns when the message is queued in ColdFusion gateway services.
In synchronous mode, the function waits until the SMSC receives the message and returns a message ID, or
an error occurs.
For more information on configuring message synchronization and sending messages synchronously, see Co
ntrolling SMS message sending and response in Sending outgoing messages-event gateway.
IP address of the SMSC, as
specified by the SMPP provider. For
the ColdFusion SMS test server,
you normally use
empty string
empty string
empty string
-1 (try forever)
You can also set the following values in each outgoing message: source-ton, source-npi, source-address,
destination-ton, destination-npi, and service-type. The message field names differ from the configuration file property
The event gateway sends the object to event gateway services, which delivers it to the listener CFC. The CFEvent
object that the listener CFC receives contains the following fields:
Consider SMS messages and any other data that enters through an Event Gateway handler to
be potentially hostile. For example, if SMS data is archived in a SQL database, an attacker could
construct a message that modifies or deletes data, or even takes over the SQL Server.
Therefore, be sure to perform Event Gateway input validation, just as you would validate web
form input.
Message type
Message contents
Always SMS
For a detailed description of each field, see SMS Gateway incoming message CFEvent structure in the CFML
The CFC's listener method extracts the message from the Arguments.CFEvent.Data.MESSAGE field and acts on it
as appropriate for the application. If necessary, the listener can use two fields to determine the required action:
CFEvent.Data.esmClass indicates the type of information in the MESSAGE field.
CFEvent.Data.registeredDelivery indicates whether the sender requested any type of delivery receipt or
CFEvent.Data.esmClass field
The CFEvent.Data.esmClass field identifies whether the CFEvent.Data.Message field contains a message, or any of
the following types of message disposition responses. For these responses, the CFEvent object Data.MESSAGE
field contains the acknowledgment or receipt information.
SMSC Delivery Receipt An indication of the message's final status, sent by the SMSC. The short message
text includes the message ID of the original message, the number of messages sent and delivered (for
messages sent to a distribution list), the date and time that the message was sent and delivered or otherwise
disposed of, the message disposition, a network-specific error code (if available), and the first 20 bytes of the
message. For details of the SMSC delivery receipt message structure, see Appendix B of the SMS 3.4
SME Delivery Acknowledgement An indication from the recipient device that the user has read the short
message. Supported by TDMA and CDMA wireless networks only.
SME Manual/User Acknowledgement An application-generated reply message sent in response to an
application request message. Supported by TDMA and CDMA wireless networks only.
Intermediate Delivery Notification A provider-specific notification on the status of a message that has not
yet been delivered, sent during the SMSC retry lifetime for the message. Intermediate Notification support
depends on the SMSC implementation and SMSC service provider. For more information, see your provider
documentation. When you send a message, you can request any combination of message disposition
responses in the outgoing message's registered_delivery parameter. If your application requests
responses, the listener CFC must be prepared to handle these messages, as appropriate.
CFEvent.Data.registeredDelivery field
The CFEvent.Data.registeredDelivery field indicates whether the message sender has requested a receipt or
acknowledgment. Your application can respond to a request for an SME Delivery Acknowledgement or an SME
Manual/User Acknowledgement. (Only the SMSC sends the other notification types.) For more information on these
notification types, see the SMS 3.4 specification. Appendix B contains detailed information on the information that
you must place in the shortMessage field of the returned acknowledgment message.
Incoming message handling example
The following example code is an SMS-only version of the echo.cfc example that is included in the ColdFusion
gateway/cfc/examples directory. This example shows the minimal code required to receive and respond to an SMS
To send a message to a single destination address in an SMPP SUBMIT_SM PDU, the structure used in the Data p
arameter of a SendGatewayMessage function or the return variable of the CFC listener method normally has the
following fields:
You can also set optional fields in the structure, such as a field that requests a delivery receipt. For a complete list of
fields, see submit command in the CFML Reference. For detailed descriptions of these fields, see the
documentation for the SUBMIT_MULTI PDU in the SMPP3.4 specification, which you can download from the SMS
Forum at
To send long messages, you can separate the message into multiple chunks and use a submit
command to send each chunk separately. In this case, a CFC would use multiple SendGateway
Message functions, instead of the cfreturn function.
The following example from a CFM page uses a sendGatewyMessage CFML function with a submit command to
send an SMS messages that you enter in the form. This example uses the SMS gateway that is configured in the
ColdFusion installation, and sends the message to the SMS client simulator.
For a simple example of a listener CFC uses the submit command to echo incoming SMS messages to the
message originator, see Incoming message handling
example in Handling incoming messages-SMS event gateway.
The submitMulti command
To send a single text message to multiple recipients using an SMPP SUBMIT_MULTI PDU, the Data parameter of a
SendGatewayMessage function or the return variable of the CFC listener method normally has the following fields:
Must be "submitMulti".
You can also set optional fields in the structure, such as a field that requests delivery receipts. For a complete list of
fields, see submitMulti command in the CFML Reference. For detailed descriptions of these fields, see the
documentation for the SUBMIT_MULTI PDU in the SMPP 3.4 specification, which you can download from the SMS
Forum at
Example: Using the submitMulti command in an onIncomingMessage method
The following example onIncomingMessage method sends a response that echoes an incoming message to the
originator address, and sends a copy of the response to a second address. To test the example, run two instances
of the ColdFusion SMS client application. Use the default phone number of 5551212 for the first, and set the second
one to have a phone number of 555-1235. (Notice that the second phone number requires a hyphen (-).) Send a
message from the first simulator, and the response appears in both windows.
To send binary data to a single destination address in an SMPP DATA_SM PDU, the Data parameter of a SendGat
ewayMessage function or the return variable of the CFC listener method must have the following fields:
Must be "data" .
You can also set optional fields in the structure, such as a field that requests a delivery receipt. For a complete list of
fields, see data command in the CFML Reference. For detailed descriptions of these fields, see the documentation
for the SUBMIT_MULTI PDU in the SMPP3.4 specification, which you can download from the SMS Forum at www.s
Example: Using the data command
The following example onIncomingMessage method converts an incoming message to binary data, and sends the
binary version of the message back to the originator address:
This documentation describes some of the more common options for sending messages, and how they affect your
application. For information on other ways to configure outgoing message, see the SMPP specification.
Synchronization mode
You can specify asynchronous or synchronous message mode in the gateway configuration file.
If you specify asynchronous mode, the sendGatewayMessage function returns an empty string when the
gateway submits the message to service code for sending to the SMSC. ColdFusion logs errors that occur
after this point, such as if a message sent by the gateway to the SMSC times out or if the gateway gets an
error response; the application does not get notified of any errors.
If you specify synchronous mode (the default), the sendGatewayMessage function does not return until the
gateway gets a response from the SMSC or the attempt to communicate times out. If the message is sent
successfully, the function returns the SMPP message ID string. If an error occurs, the function returns an
error string.
Use synchronous mode if your application must determine whether its messages reach the SMSC. Also use
synchronous mode if the application requests return receipts.
If you use synchronous mode and the SMSC returns the messgeID as a hexadecimal string,
ColdFusion converts it automatically to its decimal value.
The following example is an expansion of Example: Using the submit command in sendGatewayMessage function di
scussed in The submit command. It checks for a nonempty return value and displays the message number returned
by the SMS. This example uses the SMS gateway that is configured when ColdFusion is installed. If you change the
gateway specified in the SendGatewayMessage function, make sure that your gateway's configuration file specifies
synchronous mode.
You can send vendor-specific optional parameters by way of ColdFusion SMS gateway.
To set the optional parameters, specify them using the optionalparameter attribute.
If the gateway receives optional parameters in a message, they are included in the data struct that is returned to the
listener CFC method named onIncomingMessage under the optionalParameters key.
The following code describes how to add optional parameters:
params["parameter"]=CharsetDecode("string, encoding");
Ensure that the Java Short.decode(String) function can parse the key or the value is a byte.
You can request the SMSC to return a message disposition response to indicate the fate of your message. To
request a delivery receipt, include a RegisteredDelivery field in the Data parameter of a SendGatewayMessage fun
ction or the return variable of the CFC listener method. This field can have the following values:
Some providers also support intermediate delivery notifications. For more information, see your provider's
To use delivery notification, send your message using synchronous mode, so you get a message ID. Your incoming
message routine must be able to handle the receipts (see Handling incoming messages).
Validity period
You can change the length of time that the SMSC keeps a message and tries to deliver it. (Often the default value is
72 hours.) For a message sent to an emergency worker, for example, a short validity period (such as 15 min.) can
be appropriate. To change this value, include a validityPeriod field in the Data parameter of a SendGatewayMessa
ge function or the return variable of the CFC listener method. To specify a time period, use the following pattern: YY
MMDDhhmmsst_00R. In this pattern, _t indicates tenths of seconds, and 00R specifies that this value is a relative
time period, not a date-time value. The time format 000001063000000R, for example, specifies a validity period of 0
years, 0 months, 1 day, 6 hours, 30 minutes.
The ColdFusion SMS test server is a lightweight SMSC simulator that listens on TCP/IP port 7901 for SMPP
connection requests from other SMS resources, such as ColdFusion SMS gateways or the SMS client simulator.
The resource supplies a user name, password, and telephone number (address). The user name and password
must correspond to a name and password in the simulator's configuration file (described later).
After the SMS test server establishes a connection, it listens for incoming messages and forwards them to the
specified destination address, if the destination address also corresponds to an existing SMPP connection.
The SMS test server lets you develop SMS applications without having to use an external SMSC supplier such as a
telecommunications provider. The server supports the ColdFusion SMS gateway submit and submitMulti comm
ands. It also accepts, but does not deliver messages sent using the SMS gateway data command. It does not
include any store and forward capabilities.
Start the SMS test server by clicking the Start SMS Test Server button on the Settings page in the Event Gateways
area in the ColdFusion Administrator.
The SMS test server does not automatically restart when you restart ColdFusion. Manually
restart the server if you restart ColdFusion.
The SMS test server reads the cf_root\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib\sms-test-users.txt file on J2EE configurations or cf_root\l
ib\sms-test-users.txt file on server configurations to get valid user names and passwords. ColdFusion includes a
version of this file configured with several names and passwords. One valid combination is user name cf and
password cf. You can edit this file to add or delete entries. The file must include a name and password entry for
each user that connects to the test server. Separate user entries with blank lines, as the following example shows:
The ColdFusion SMS client simulator is a simple External Short Message Entity (ESME) that simulates a
(limited-function) mobile phone. It can connect to the SMS test server and exchange messages with it.
On UNIX and Linux systems, the client simulator requires X-Windows.
1. Ensure that you have started the SMS test server and configured and started an SMS event gateway
3. A dialog box appears, requesting the server, port, user name, password, and the phone number to use for
this device. The simulator sends this phone number as the source address, and accepts SMS messages sent
by the SMSC server to it using this number as the destination address. To connect to the SMS test server,
accept the default values and specify an arbitrary phone number; you can also specify any user
name-password pair that is configured in the cf_root\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib\sms-test-users.cfg file or cf_root\lib\
sms-test-users.cfg or file.
4. Click Connect.
5. The SMS device simulator client appears. In the Send SMS To field, enter a phone number in the
address-range property specified in the configuration file of the SMS event gateway that you want to send
messages to.
6. Type a message directly into the message field (to the left of the Send button), or use the simulator keypad to
enter the message.
7. Click the Send button.
The client simulator has a Connection menu with options to connect and disconnect from the SMSC server,
and to check the connection. The connection information appears in a status line at the bottom of the client.
<cffunction name="onIncomingMessage">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES">
<!--- Remove any extra white space from the message. --->
<cfset message =Trim(>
<!--- If the message is numeric, a previous search probably returned a
list of names. Get the name to search for from the name list stored in
the Session scope. --->
<cfif isNumeric(message)>
if (structKeyExists(session.users, val(message))) {
message = session.users[val(message)];
<!--- Search the database for the requested name. --->
<cfquery name="employees" datasource="cfdocexamples">
select FirstName, LastName, Department, Phone
from Employees
where 0 = 0
<!--- A space indicates the user entered a first and last name. --->
<cfif listlen(message, " ") eq 2>
and FirstName like '#listFirst(message, " ")#%'
and LastName like '#listlast(message, " ")#%'
<!--- No space: the user entered a first or a last name. --->
and (FirstName like '#listFirst(message, " ")#%'
or LastName like '#listFirst(message, " ")#%')
<!--- Generate andreturn the message.--->
returnVal = structNew();
returnVal.command = "submit";
returnVal.sourceAddress = arguments.CFEVENT.gatewayid;
returnVal.destAddress = arguments.CFEVENT.originatorid;
//No records were found.
if (employees.recordCount eq 0) {
returnVal.shortMessage = "No records found for '#message#'";
//One record was found.
else if (employees.recordCount eq 1) {
// Whitespace in the message text results in bad formatting,
// so the source cannot be indented.
returnVal.shortMessage = "Requested information:
#employees.firstName# #employees.lastName#
//Multiple possibilities were found.
else if (employees.recordCount gt 1) {
//If more than ten were found, return only the first ten.
if (employees.recordCount gt 10)
returnVal.shortMessage = "First 10 of #employees.recordCount# records";
returnVal.shortMessage = "Records found: #employees.recordCount#";
// The session.users structure contains the found names.
// The record key is a number that is also returned in front of the
// name in the message.
session.users = structNew();
for(i=1; i lte min(10, employees.recordCount); i=i+1)
// These two lines are formatted to prevent extra white space.
returnVal.shortMessage = returnVal.shortMessage & "
#i# - #employees.firstName[i]# #employees.lastName[i]#";
// The following two lines must be a single line in the source
session.users[i]="#employees.firstName[i]# #employees.lastName[i]#";
return returnVal;
#back to top
How ColdFusion and Flash Media Server interact through the FMS gateway
The FMS event gateway lets you modify data through the ColdFusion application or the Flash client, and reflect the
change in the Flash Media Server shared object. The FMS event gateway listens to the shared object, and notifies
ColdFusion when other clients modify shared objects. The FMS event gateway also lets ColdFusion modify shared
ColdFusion provides the following tools for developing FMS applications:
FCSj.jar The JAR file that implements the Java API to communicate with Flash Media Server.
FMSGateway The class for the FMS event gateway type. You implement your FMS application by creating a
ColdFusion application that uses an instance of the FMSGateway class to communicate with one or more
Flash Media Server.
Modifying data in the Flash client
The FMS event gateway listens to Flash Media Server shared objects, and notifies ColdFusion when a Flash client
modifies a shared object. The following steps occur when a Flash client modifies a Flash Media Server shared
The FMS event gateway lets ColdFusion applications modify Flash Media Server shared objects. The following
steps occur when data that affects a shared object is modified in a ColdFusion application:
The user submits a form that contains data to modify using a ColdFusion page.
The ColdFusion page calls the appropriate CFC, which contains a method to update the database.
The method in the CFC updates the database and calls a method in the FMS Gateway Helper.
The FMS Gateway Helper calls the FMS event gateway to update the appropriate shared object.
Flash Media Server updates the shared object.
Flash Media Server notifies the Flash client that a shared object has changed.
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
You provide FMS event gateway-specific configuration information to the FMS event gateway in a configuration file.
You specify the configuration file location when you configure the FMS event gateway instance in the ColdFusion
Administrator. The configuration file contains the URL of the Flash Media Server application and the name of the
Flash Media Server shared object. The following example is a sample configuration file:
# FMS event gateway configuration
# This is the URL to the Flash Media Server application.
# This is the shared object you would like this gateway to connect and listen to.
The following table lists the FMS event gateway GatewayHelper class methods:
Data translation
ColdFusion and Flash Media Server use different data types; therefore, data translation is required to pass data
from one to the other. In addition to basic data types such as numeric, String, and Boolean, you can pass
ColdFusion queries, structures, and arrays to Flash Media Server. You pass a ColdFusion query object to Flash
Media Server as an array of java.util.HashMap. Each HashMap object in the array contains a key-value pair for
column names and values for each row in the query. When you pass a ColdFusion array to Flash Media Server, the
FMS event gateway converts it to a Java array of objects. When you pass a ColdFusion structure, no conversion is
The FMS event gateway does not support passing CFCs in shared objects.
#back to top
You can send messages from a ColdFusion application to a Flex application, through the Data Services Messaging
event gateway. Conversely, you can send messages from a Flex application to a ColdFusion application.
Either the ColdFusion application or the Flex application can initiate sending a message.
1. The Flex application generates a message.
2. The Flex Message Service passes the message to the ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter.
3. The ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter sends the message to the Data Services Messaging event gateway,
by using Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI).
4. The Data Services Messaging event gateway and the ActionScript translator convert ActionScript 3.0 data
types to the appropriate ColdFusion values and add the message to the event gateway queue.y
5. The ColdFusion server calls the onIncomingMessage method of the Data Services Messaging event gateway
listener CFC.
6. The ColdFusion application generates a message, which it sends to the ColdFusion server.
7. The ColdFusion server sends the message to the Data Services Messaging event gateway.
8. The Data Services Messaging event gateway and the ActionScript translator convert ColdFusion values to
the appropriate ActionScript 3.0 data types and then the gateway sends the message to the ColdFusion
Event Gateway Adapter.
9. The ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter sends the message to the Flex Message Service.
10. The Flex Message Service passes the message to the Flex application.
The RMI registry, which facilitates communication between the ColdFusion Event Gateway
Adapter and the Data Services Messaging event gateway uses port 1099, which is the default
port for Java RMI. You cannot change this port number. To ensure that the RMI registry provides
registry service for both LiveCycle Data Services and ColdFusion, start LiveCycle Data Services
first, and then start ColdFusion. If you stop Flex, restart LiveCycle Data Services, and then
restart the gateway.
The following is a typical process for developing and deploying a ColdFusion application that communicates with a
Flex application through the Data Services Messaging event gateway:
# Flex event gateway configuration
# This is the destination of the messages.
# host name or IP address of the Flex Enterprise Server
If you create a configuration file, save it in the cf_root/gateway/config/ directory, with the extension .cfg.
In addition, the Data Services Messaging event gateway automatically provides values for the following Flex
message fields:
A single instance of the Data Services Messaging event gateway can send messages to any
destination that is registered with the ColdFusion Event Gateway Adapter. However, if the
destination is configured in the Data Services Messaging gateway configuration file, the
destination in the message is ignored.
The following example from a CFM page creates a structure that contains the message. The destination is the
destination ID specified in the flex-services.xml file for the instance of the Data Services Messaging event gateway
to send the message to. The body is the body of the message. The sendGatewyMessage CFML function sends
the message to the instance of the gateway.
success = StructNew()>
success.msg = "E-mail was sent at " & Now()>
success.Destination = "gateway1">
ret = SendGatewayMessage("Flex2CF2", success)>
To ensure that properties maintain the correct case, define Flex-related information as follows:
The following is an example of using headers to send to a specific subtopic of the destination:
The incoming message data structure also includes the values of messageID and timeToLive from the Flex
Incoming message handling example
The following example places data that is contained in the body of the message from the Flex application into a
structure. It then uses the contents of the structure to generate an e-mail message.
If the Flex application sends the message in the header instead of in the body, you create and populate the
structure, as the following example shows:
messageheader = StructNew()>
messageheader.sendto =>
messageheader.sentfrom =>
messageheader.subject =>
messageheader.mailmsg =>
mailmessage ="#messageheader.mailmsg#">
The following new methods have been introduced in ColdFusion Messaging Gateway CFCs:
allowSubscribe}}Both the methods take {{subtopic as the parameter. These methods help you
place control over subscribing and sending data to a particular subtopic.
To call these methods on their gateway CFC, specify the gateway id under the messaging
destination in messaging-config.xml (Web_INF/Flex). By default, the value is *.
Data translation
The following table lists the ColdFusion data types and the corresponding Flash or ActionScript data type:
ColdFusion data type
[] = Array
{} = untyped Object
CFC Date
ActionScript Date
CFC String
ActionScript String
CFC Numeric
ActionScript Numeric
#back to top
You can send messages from a ColdFusion application to a Flex application through the Data Management event
gateway. This gateway type only lets you send messages from a ColdFusion application to a Flex application.
The following image shows the process in which a message is sent from the ColdFusion application to the Flex
1. The ColdFusion application generates a message, which it sends to the ColdFusion server.
2. The ColdFusion server sends the message to the Data Management event gateway.
3. The Data Management event gateway and the ActionScript translator convert ColdFusion values to the
appropriate ActionScript 3.0 data types, and then the gateway sends the message to the ColdFusion Data
Service Adapter.
4. The ColdFusion Data Service Adapter sends the message to the LiveCycle Data Services Message Service.
5. The Message Service passes the message to the Flex application. If you are running LiveCycle Data
Services ES on the ColdFusion server, communication between LiveCycle Data Services ES and ColdFusion
does not use RMI.If you are running LiveCycle Data Services ES remotely, to ensure that the RMI registry
provides registry service for both LiveCycle Data Services ES and ColdFusion, start LiveCycle Data Services
ES first, and then start ColdFusion. If you stop LiveCycle Data Services ES, restart LiveCycle Data Services
ES, and then restart the gateway.If you are running LiveCycle Data Services ES remotely, the RMI registry,
which facilitates communication between the ColdFusion Data Service Adapter and the Data Management
event gateway uses port 1099. This port is the default value for Java RMI. You can change the port number
by adding -Dcoldfusion.rmiport=}}1234, replacing {{1234 with the appropriate port number, to
the Java JVM arguments on both the ColdFusion server and the Flex server.
Application development and deployment process
The following is a typical process for developing and deploying a ColdFusion application that communicates with a
Flex application through the Data Management event gateway:
# Data Management event gateway configuration
# This is the destination where messages are sent.
# Host name or IP address of the LiveCycle Data Services ES Server
If you create a configuration file, save it in the cf_root/gateway/config/ directory, with the extension .cfg.
A single instance of the Data Management event gateway can send messages to any destination
that is registered with the ColdFusion Data Service Adapter. However, if the destination is
configured in the Data Management event gateway configuration file, the destination in the
message is ignored.
Sending messages
Your ColdFusion application sends a message to a Flex application by calling the ColdFusion SendGatewayMessag
e function. In messages sent from CFML, the following structure members are translated to the Flex message:
The following example creates a structure for each event type. It then creates a structure that contains the message.
The message structure contains an array of event structures to send to Flex. The destination is the destination ID
specified in the flex-services.xml file for the instance of the Data Management event gateway to send the message
to. The body is the body of the message. The sendGatewyMessage CFML function sends the message to the
instance of the gateway.
// Create event
createEvent = StructNew();
createEvent.action = "create";
createEvent.item = newContact;
// Create update notification
updateEvent = StructNew();
updateEvent.previousversion = oldContact;
updateEvent.newversion = updatedContact;
// Create delete notification
identity = StructNew();
identity["contactId"] = newId;
deleteEvent = StructNew();
deleteEvent.action = "deleteID";
deleteEvent.identity = identity;
// Send a batch notification
all = StructNew();
all.changes = ArrayNew(1);
all.changes[1] = createEvent;
all.changes[2] = updateEvent;
all.changes[3] = deleteEvent;
r = sendGatewayMessage("LCDS", all);
[] = Array
{} = untyped Object
CFC Date
ActionScript Date
CFC String
ActionScript String
CFC Numeric
ActionScript Numeric
#back to top
Receiving messages: The event gateway listener thread receives events from an external event source such as a
socket or SMSC server, and calls the GatewayServices addEvent method to send a CFEvent instance to
Sending messages: The ColdFusion event gateway service calls the outgoingMessage method of the event
gateway and passes it a CFEvent instance with the destination and message information. The event gateway
forwards the message as appropriate to the external receiver.
The event gateway architecture is not limited to handling messages from external sources, such as SMS devices or
IM clients. It can also be used to handle events that are internal to the local system or even the ColdFusion
application. Also, a gateway does not have to implement two-way communications.
The sample directory watcher gateway provided with ColdFusion is an example of an internal, one way, gateway. It
has a single thread that periodically checks a local directory and sends a message to a CFC when the directory
contents change. This gateway does not support outgoing messages. (The code for this gateway is in the
gateway/src/examples/watcher directory.)
Another internal gateway, the asynchronous CFML gateway, is provided as part of the ColdFusion product. Unlike
most gateways, it does not have a listener thread. Its outgoingMessage method gets messages from CFML Send
GatewayMessage functions, and dispatches them to a CFC onIncomingMessage method for handling. This
gateway lets ColdFusion support request-free asynchronous processing. For more information on using this
gateway, see Using the CFML event gateway for asynchronous CFCs.
Gateway interface
The ColdFusion event gateway must implement the coldfusion.eventservice.Gateway interface. The following table
lists the interface method signatures:
For detailed information on implementing each method, see Building an event gateway. For
reference pages for these methods, see Gateway interface in the CFML Reference.
GatewayHelper getHelper()
Returns a coldfusion.eventgateway.GatewayHelper
class instance, or null. The GatewayHelper class
provides event gateway-specific utility methods to
CFML applications. ColdFusion calls this method when
a ColdFusion application calls the GetGatewayHelpe
r function.
String getGatewayID()
int getStatus()
void start()
void stop()
void restart()
GatewayServices class
The Gateway class uses the coldfusion.eventgateway.GatewayServices class to interact with the ColdFusion event
gateway services. This class has the following methods:
GatewayServices getGatewayServices
boolean addEventmsg)
int getQueueSize
int getMaxQueueSize
CFEvent class
The Gateway class sends and receives CFEvent instances to communicate with the ColdFusion listener CFC or
application. The Gateway notifies ColdFusion of a message by sending a CFEvent instance in a GatewayService
s.addEvent method. Similarly, the Gateway receives a CFEvent instance when ColdFusion calls the gateway out
goingMessage method.
The CFEvent class extends the java.util.Hashtable class and has the following methods to construct the instance
and set and get its fields. (In CFML, you treat CFEvent instances as structures.)
String getGatewayID
GatewayHelper class
ColdFusion includes a coldfusion.eventgateway.GatewayHelper Java marker interface. You implement this interface
to define a class that provides gateway-specific utility methods to the ColdFusion application or listener CFC. For
example, an instant messaging event gateway could use a helper class to provide buddy list management methods
to the application.
The Gateway class must implement a getHelper method that returns the helper class or null (if the gateway does
not need such a class).
ColdFusion applications call the GetGatewayHelper CFML function, which calls gateway's the getHelper metho
d to get an instance of the helper class. The application can then call helper class methods using ColdFusion object
dot notation.
The following code defines the SocketHelper class, the gateway helper for the SocketGateway class. It has an
empty constructor and two public methods: one returns the socket IDs; the other closes a specified socket. These
classes let an application monitor and end session connections.
Gateways can use a configuration file to specify information that does not change frequently. For example, the
ColdFusion SMS event gateway configuration file contains values that include an IP address, port number, system
ID, password, and so on.
You can specify a configuration file path for each event gateway instance in the ColdFusion Administrator.
ColdFusion passes the file path in the gateway constructor when it instantiates the event gateway. The configuration
file format and content handling is up to you. It is the responsibility of the gateway class to parse the file contents
and use it meaningfully.
One good way to access and get configuration data is to use the java.util.Properties class. This class takes an
ISO8859-1 formatted input stream with one property setting per line. Each property name must be separated from
the value by an equal sign (=) or a colon (:), as the following example shows:
The example SocketGateway event gateway uses this technique to get an optional port number from a configuration
file. For an example of reading a properties file and using its data, see the code in Class constructor.
Gateway development classes
ColdFusion provides two classes that you can use as building blocks to develop your event gateway classes. Each
corresponds to a different development methodology:
The coldfusion.eventgateway.GenericGateway class is an abstract class from which you can derive your
gateway class.
The EmptyGateway class in the gateway\src\examples directory is a template gateway that you can complete
to create your gateway class.
The GenericGateway class
The gateway\src\examples\ file contains an event gateway template that you can use as a
skeleton for creating your own event gateway. (The gateway directory is in the cf_root directory in the server
configuration and the cf_root\WEB-INF-cfusion directory on J2EE configurations.) This file contains minimal versions
of all methods in the coldfusion.eventgateway.Gateway interface. It defines a skeleton listener thread and initializes
commonly used Gateway properties. The EmptyGateway source code includes comments that describe the
additional information that you must provide to complete an event gateway class.
The gateway constructor must throw a coldfusion.server.ServiceRuntimeException exception if an error occurs that
otherwise cannot be handled. For example, throw this exception if the event gateway requires a configuration file
and cannot read the file contents.
If your gateway uses a configuration file, have the constructor load the file, even if the Start method also loads the
file. Load the file because the constructor does not run in an independent thread, and ColdFusion can display an
error in the ColdFusion Administrator of the file fails to load. If the Start method, which does run in a separate
thread, fails to load the file, ColdFusion logs the error, but it cannot provide immediate feedback in the administrator.
The sample Socket event gateway has a single constructor that takes two parameters. It tries to load a configuration
file. If you specify a configuration file in the ColdFusion Administrator, or the file path is invalid, it gets an IO
exception. It then uses the default port and logs a message indicating what it did. The following example shows the
Gateway constructor code and the loadProperties method it uses:
Several gateway methods perform event gateway configuration services and provide event gateway information.
The ColdFusion event gateway services call many of these methods to configure the event gateway by using
information stored by the ColdFusion Administrator, and to get access to resources and information that the event
gateway services and applications require. Some of these methods can also be useful in event gateway code. The
following methods provide these services and information:
ColdFusion calls the setCFCListeners method with the CFC or CFCs that are specified in the ColdFusion
Administrator when it starts a gateway. ColdFusion also calls the method in a running event gateway when
the configuration information changes, so the method must be written to handle such changes. The setCFCL
isteners method must save the listener information so that the gateway code that dispatches incoming
messages to gateway services can use the listener CFCs in setCFCPath methods.
ColdFusion calls the setGatewayID method when it starts a gateway. The getGatewayID method must
return the value set by this method.
ColdFusion calls the getHelper method when an application calls the CFML GetGatewayHelper function.
The following code shows how the SocketGateway class defines these methods. To create a gateway,
modify the getHelper definition to return the correct class, or to return null if no gateway helper class exists.
Most gateways can leave the other method definitions unchanged.
Because an event gateway uses at least one listener thread, it must have start, stop, and restart methods to
control the threads. These methods must also maintain the status variable that the Gateway class getStatus meth
od checks, and change its value among STARTING, RUNNING, STOPPING, STOPPED, and FAILED, as appropriate.
The start method
The start method initializes the event gateway. It starts one or more listener threads that monitor the event source
and respond to any messages it receives from the source.
The start method should return within a time-out period that you can configure for each event gateway type in the
ColdFusion Administrator. If it does not, the ColdFusion Administrator has a Kill on Startup Timeout option for each
gateway type. If you select the option, and a time-out occurs, the ColdFusion starter thread calls an interrupt on the
gateway thread to try to kill it, and then exits.
If the start method is the listener (for example, in a single-threaded gateway), the method does
not return until the gateway stops. Do not set the Kill on Startup Timeout option in the
ColdFusion Administrator for such gateways.
If the gateway uses a configuration file, load the configuration from the file. Doing so lets users change the
configuration file and restart the gateway without restarting ColdFusion. Also load the configuration file in the
constructor; for more information, see Class constructor.
In the SocketGateway class, the start method starts an initial thread. (In a single-threaded Gateway, this thread
would be the only one.) When the thread starts, it calls a socketServer method, which uses the Java
ServerSocket class to implement a multi-threaded socket listener and message dispatcher. For more information on
the listener, see Responding to incoming messages below.
The stop method performs the event gateway shutdown tasks, including shutting down the listener thread or
threads and releasing any resources. The following example shows the SocketGateway stop method:
In most cases, you implement the restart method by calling the stop method and the start method
consecutively, but you could be able to optimize this process for some services. The following code shows the
SocketGateway class restart method:
One or more listener threads respond to incoming messages (events). The threads must include code to dispatch
the messages to ColdFusion event gateway services, as follows:
2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
The ColdFusion event gateway services call the outgoingMessage method of the gateway to handle messages
generated when the listener method of an event gateway application listener CFC returns a message or any CFML
code calls a SendGatewayMessage function. This method must send the message to the appropriate external
The outgoingMessage method parameter is a CFEvent instance, containing the information about the message to
send out. The CFEvent getData method returns a Map object that contains event gateway-specific information
about the message, including any message text. All CFEvent instances received by the outgoingMessage contain
information in the Data and GatewayID fields.
CFEvent instances returned from listener CFC onIncomingMessage methods include the originator ID of the
incoming message and other information. However, a gateway that could handle messages from the ColdFusion Se
ndGatewayMessage function cannot rely on this information being available, so it is good practice to require that all
outgoing messages include the destination ID in the data Map.
The outgoingMessage method returns a String value. The CFML sendGatewayMessage function returns this
value to the ColdFusion application. Indicate the status of the message in the returned string. By convention,
ColdFusion event gateway outgoingMessage methods return "OK" if they do not encounter errors and do not
have additional information (such as a message ID) to return.
Because event messages are asynchronous, a positive return normally does not indicate that the message was
successful delivered, only that the outgoingMessage method successfully handled the message. In some cases,
however, it is possible to make the outgoingMessage method at least partially synchronous. The SMS gateway,
for example, provides two outgoingMessage modes:
Asynchronous mode The outgoingMessage method returns when the message is queued internally for
delivery to the short message service center (SMSC) of the messaging provider.
Synchronous mode The method does not return until the message is delivered to the SMSC, or an error
occurs.This way, an SMS application can get a message ID for later use, such as to compare with a message
Example outgoingMessage method
The following outgoingMessage method is like the version in the SocketGateway class. It does the following:
1. Gets the contents of a MESSAGE field of the Data Map returned by the{{}} CFEvent class getData method.
2. Gets the destination from an outDestID field in the data Map.
3. Uses the socket server thread of the destination to write the message.
The following example tells ColdFusion to log messages from the gateway to the mygateway.log file in the
ColdFusion logs directory:
The Logger class has the following methods, all of which take a message string. The method you use determines
severity level that is set in the log message.
You can also pass these methods an exception instance as a second parameter. When you pass an
exception, ColdFusion places the exception information in the exception.log file in the ColdFusion logs
You can use these methods to log any messages that you find appropriate. If you use the default
eventgateway.log file, however, remember that all ColdFusion standard gateways us it, and other gateways
could use it. As a result, limit the messages that you normally log to this file to infrequent normal occurrences
(such as gateway startup and shutdown) or errors for which you want to retain data.
ColdFusion uses the following format for the message text, so have your application follow this pattern:
The SMS event gateway, for example, includes the following exception catching code, which logs a general
exception messages and the exception name in the eventgateway.log file, and also (automatically) logs the
exception in the exceptions.log file:
catch(Exception e)
logger.error("SMSGateway (" + gatewayID + ") Exception while processing
incoming event: " + e, e);
When you are developing an event gateway application, you can use the ColdFusion Log viewer
to inspect your log files and the standard ColdFusion log files, including the eventgateway.log file
and exception.log file. You can use the viewer to filter the display, for example, by selecting
different severity levels, or searching for keywords.
1. Compile your Gateway class and place it in a JAR file along with any other required classes.
The ColdFusion_ class loader includes the gateway \lib directory on its classpath and
includes any JAR files that are in that directory on the class path._
1. Place the JAR file in the cf_root_WEB-INF\cfusion\gateway\lib directory on J2EE configurations or the
_cf_root\gateway\lib directory on server configurations. This directory is on the ColdFusion classpath.
2. Ensure that ColdFusion event gateway services are enabled on the ColdFusion Administrator Data &
Services > Event Gateway > Settings page.
3. On the ColdFusion Administrator Data & Services > Event Gateways page, click the Manage Gateway Types
button to display the Gateway Types page.
4. On the Add/Edit ColdFusion Event Gateway Types form, enter a type name (for example, SMS for the SMS
event gateway), a description, and the full Java class name (for example,
coldfusion.eventgateway.sms.SMSGateway for the SMS event gateway). If appropriate, change the Startup
Timeout settings from the default values.
5. Click the Add Type button to deploy the event gateway type in ColdFusion.
The following procedure describes how to configure an event gateway instance that uses the gateway type.
Configure an event gateway instance
1. If you have finished deploying the event gateway type, click the Manage Gateway Instances button;
otherwise, select Event Gateways > Gateway Instances in the ColdFusion Administrator.
2. On the Add/Edit ColdFusion Event Gateways Instances form, do the following:
Enter the instance name in the Gateway ID field
Select the event gateway type that you added from the Gateway Type menu
Specify the paths to the listener CFC or CFCs that handle the messages.
If the event gateway requires a configuration file, enter the path to the file in Gateway Configuration
File field.
If you do not want the gateway to start up automatically when ColdFusion starts, change the Startup
Mode selection to Manual or Disabled
3. Click the Add Gateway Instance button.
4. In the list of configured instances, click the start button (green triangle) on the entry for the gateway instance
to start the instance.
#back to top
1. In Flash Builder or Eclipse, select Window > Preferences > ColdFusion > RDS Configuration.
2. To configure the default localhost server, select localhost and specify the following:
Host name (
Port number (8500 if you are using the built-in web server)
Context root, if necessary (For more information about the context root, see Installing ColdFusion guid
Password, which is the RDS password
3. To specify additional servers, click New, and specify the following:
Description, which can be any name you want
Host name (IP address or machine name)
Port number (8500 if you are using the built-in web server)
Context root, if necessary For more information about the context root, see Installing ColdFusion guide
Password, which is the RDS password
4. To remove a server definition, select the server and click Remove.
5. To test a connection, select the server and click Test Connection.
If you are using ColdFusion MX 7 or earlier, the message "The RDS server was successfully
contacted, but your security credentials were invalid," appears. The message indicates that the
password was not validated, even if it is correct. Click OK to close the message.
Once you have configured the RDS connection to your CF servers, you can view the files, folders and data sources
on RDS servers. Each RDS server appears as a node in the RDS Fileview and Dataview, with the name you
specified when you configured the RDS server.
View files and folders or data sources do the following
In Flash Builder, select Window > Other Views. In Eclipse, select Window > Show View > Other.
Select RDS.
To access the file system on the RDS server, select RDS Fileview.
To access data sources on the RDS server, select RDS Dataview.
The RDS Fileview lists all the folders and files on the RDS server. You use the navigation buttons as indicated in the
following table:
Refresh the active RDS server.
RDS Eclipse Support does not support file operations such as copy and paste, drag and drop,
and changing file attributes. However, delete, save, save as, and rename are supported. Also, on
ColdFusion servers after ColdFusion 5, the date last modified field does not appear.
The RDS Dataview lists all the data sources on the RDS server. You use the buttons as indicated in the following
Query Viewer
You can build queries using either the RDS Query Viewer or the Visual Query Builder. The RDS Visual Query
Builder is like the ColdFusion Report Builder Query Builder and the HomeSite Query Builder.
Build and execute a query using the RDS Query Viewer
1. Click the RDS Query Viewer icon on the RDS Dataview tab.The RDS Query Viewer opens in its own tab,
which means that if you have other documents open, the RDS Query Viewer has focus.
2. Do one of the following:
Enter the SQL, and double-click the field names and table names as appropriate.
Click the Visual Query Builder button.
For more information about using the Visual Query Builder, see Using Visual Query Builder below.
3. To try the query, click Execute query.The first 50 records of the result set appear.
You use the Query Builder to define a SQL statement. The following image shows the Query Builder user interface:
Build a SQL statement using the Table pane and the Properties panel
You code SQL manually to use an INNER JOIN instead of a WHERE clause, use an
OUTER JOIN, or use a database stored procedure.
Before starting the ColdFusion/Flex Application wizard, you should determine which pages to include in your
application, including the following:
Whether each page is a master, detail, or master/detail page
The fields to display in each page
The fields that connect one page to another
In the following example, you create an application for an art gallery. The first page lists all the artists that
your gallery represents. When a user selects an artist, a page that lists all the works by that artist appears.
When the user then selects a work of art, a page that contains details about that piece of art appears. In this
example, your application contains the following pages:
A master page that lists the artists
A master/detail page in which the master page lists the works of art by the artist selected on the List of Artists
master page, and a detail page that contains details about the artwork selected on the Artwork master page.
You may find it helpful to draw a diagram of the tables and fields that you want to include in your application,
including which ones to display in your application, as the following image shows:
Configure your RDS servers. For more information, see Configuring RDS in Eclipse RDS Support.
In Eclipse or Flash Builder, select File > New > Other.
Under ColdFusion Wizards, select ColdFusion/Flex Application wizard, and then click Next.
After reading the introductory text, click Next.
To load the settings from an application you previously created using the ColdFusion/Flex Application wizard,
select the configuration file, and then click Load ColdFusion/Flex Application Wizard Settings.
Click Next.
Select the RDS server on which you want the application to reside.
Specify the data source to use. The data source is configured in the ColdFusion Administrator.Although you
specify one default data source at this point, you can access data from other data sources in your application.
Click Next.
The Form Layout dialog box lets you specify the pages to use in your application. You can create master, detail, or
master/detail pages. In your application, you can link master, detail, and master/detail pages as follows:
Page type
Can link to
Create a page
Although the ColdFusion/Flex Application wizard greatly simplifies creating CRUD applications, keep in mind the
following information to ensure that you create the application that you designed.
To adjust UI elements, open the MXML file in Flash Builder or Eclipse design mode.
When you create a project that has the same name as a project you previously created, the wizard creates a
backup folder that contains the files from the project you previously created.
If you create a master page and a detail page for a table in which there is no primary key defined, the wizard
selects the first field in the database as the key value to represent the row.
In master pages, link a field to the Parameters box to add type validation to the query by using the cfqueryp
aram tag. Doing this is optional.
You must select a primary key column in the master form; the wizard chooses the key by default. If you
create a master page and do not link it to the id property, you cannot add it to the site tree under another
master page.
Deselect the Display column for fields that your application uses that you do not want to appear in your
Specify the sort order for the field by which to sort data in the page, and specify any other conditions as
Change the labels for fields by clicking the field name in the Label column, and then entering a new field
In a detail page, create a combo box that is populated by dynamic data. To do this, change the value in the
Input Control column for the field to use to populate the combo box to be ComboBox, click the Input Lookup
Query (sub-select) column in that field, and then use the Visual Query Builder to specify the data to use.
When you create a detail page, display of the primary key is disabled automatically.
When you create a detail page, input controls are assigned by default. You can change them from the default
values, which appear as follows:
Boolean and bit values appear as a check box.
Memo and CLOB values appear as a text area.
Everything else appears as a text input control.
Services Browser
The ColdFusion Services Browser lets you view all of the CFCs and web services on your computer.
Use the Services Browser
1. In Flash Builder or Eclipse, select Window > Show View > Other.
2. Select ColdFusion > Services Browser.
The Services Browser can do the following:
Browse components
Manage web services
Browsing components
The first line of the listing contains the path. The second line includes the name of the CFC. The next two lines
contain the names of the functions in the CFC. The function name is followed by any argument, a colon, then the
type of the return value. The listing echo(echoString):STRING indicates that the echo function has an argument
named echoString, and that it returns a string. The myCFC CFC appears as follows:
<cffunction name="echo" output="No" returntype="string">
<cfargument name="echoString" required="Yes">
<cfreturn "echo: #arguments[1]#">
<cffunction name="getArtists" returntype="query" hint="query the database and
return the
<cfquery name="artists" datasource="cfcodeexplorer">
select *
from artists
<cfreturn artists>
The Services Browser lets you manage a list of web services by adding or deleting WSDL URLs from a list. In
addition, when you are editing a ColdFusion file, you can use the Services Browser to generate CFML code to
invoke a web service or to create a web service object. Similarly, when you are editing an ActionScript file, you can
use the Services Browser to generate ActionScript.
To view the list of web services, click the Show Web Services button in the top right corner of the Services Browser
Add a web service to the list
Place your mouse pointer where you want to insert the code.
View the list of web services.
Highlight a web service or a method in a web service and right-click.
Select Insert CFInvoke.
The code that the Service Browser generates appears in the ColdFusion file. The following is an example of
the code that the Service Browser generates:
returnVariable="convertMapCoordToPixelCoord" >
<cfinvokeargument name="mapCoord" type="" />
<cfinvokeargument name="viewExtent" type="" />
<cfinvokeargument name="mapImageSize" type="" />
Place your mouse pointer where you want to insert the code.
View the list of web services.
Highlight a web service or a method in a web service and right-click.
Select Insert CFInvoke.
The code that the Service Browser generates appears in the ColdFusion file. The following is an example of
the code that the Service Browser generates:
oord, viewExtent, mapImageSize);