Ps Lesson 2

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Subject: Language Arts

Grades: PreK, K, 1, 2, 3
Grade level: Primary grades 1-3
The students will seek answers to the 5 Ws + H: who, what, when, where, why
and how.
The students will generate ideas (solutions) to the problem.
The students will develop an action plan for the most effective solution.
One copy of Goldilocks by Janice Russell
Easel Paper
Crayons or Markers
Begin by asking the students what they would do if they found a stranger had been
in their house. Listen to the feedback and tell them to listen closely to the story of
Goldilocks and the Three Bears. While reading the story, stop and ask what will
happen next and why.
Invite the students to help the bears solve their problem. First, ask them is there a
problem. Yes, the bears home has been trespassed and damage has been done to
their belongings. Students can pretend to be newspaper reporters in pursuit of a hot
news story as they gather the facts (ie. who, what, where, when, why and how).
Once the facts are reviewed, the students can help the bears by posing a problem
statement: How might Papa, Mama and Baby Bear keep Goldilocks away from their
home? Students will generate ideas (solutions) to the bears problem. Once
students have generated ideas help them move further into the creative problemsolving process by having them plan ways for the Three Bears to enact the
students best solution. When students have determined the best solution, they can
devise an action plan. For example, the students can create illustrations of how their
solutions would stop Goldilocks and other intruders.
Note for extension of this lesson plan: After the students have finished helping the
Three Bears with their problem, they can move on by helping other fairy tale
characters with their problems. How might Little Red Riding Hood solve the problem

of the pesky wolf without having to seek the help of the woodcutter? How might
Jack improve his financial lot without having to steal from or slay the giant?
Review with the students the three elements of problem solving: 1) identifying the
problem; 2) producing ideas; and 3) evaluating and implementing solutions. Relate
these elements back to Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
This should be done throughout the lesson by assessing student participation during
the discussion of the fairy tale. The number of ideas (solutions) students contributed
to help solve the bears problem. Once students learn creative-problem solving,
they can use it to confront problems outside of the classroom.

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