Homo Ousios or Homoi Ousios
Homo Ousios or Homoi Ousios
Homo Ousios or Homoi Ousios
philosophy and idle fancies, following human traditions and the world's crude notions
instead of following Christ.
Colossians 2:8-10
Homo-ousios or Homoi-ousios;
This debate goes back to before 324 AD when it was addressed at Nicaea in
response to the Arian heresy and continued until 451 when at Chalcedon the
struggles over the official position and understanding of Christ's duos nature
was "finally" 'defined' in such a way as to be seemingly unassailable by the
inclusion of both sides of the debate as to His humanity and His divinity. That is
He is declared to be 100% of both without nixture or conflict.
I bring these and other elements of this debate together in the following thesis
where I show to say that Christ had to have a human spirit and human will in
union with His divinity to qualify as Savior of man is to ignore the fact that a
"Being" of that nature is as different from humanity as "Logos enfleshed" and so
is no more qualified in respect of His identification with humanity to be the
ransom than the other.
In Genesis, where it is stated that man was created in the image of God, there is
a difficuty in translation due to the Hebrew idiom and verb tenses. The english
translation has a tendency to interpret this in what sounds literaly to mean that
to be made in God's Image is to be "like" God, or that before that "image" was
marred by sin, to be an exact replication of the Creator. The Septuagint gives a
better translation in that rather than "homo-ousios" or "same as" the word
"homo-iousios" (similar to) is used. Being created as the Homoiousios of God is
to be created in His "likeness of being" which is to say as His representative,
exercising just and kind, merciful and wise authority and dominion in the world.
If man had been created the "same" as God in his likeness to God, man would
have been as "immutable" and "Impeccable" as God and would, Could not sin
against God. Please note that I do not violate the Apostle
John's warning against those who deny that the Savior came in the flesh. I am
only engaging the theological discussion as to what that actually meant as far
as all the components of Christ's substance or being in view of His Impeccability.
Joe Robinson