Soweto Student Uprising

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Soweto Student Uprising

On the morning of June 16, 1976, thousands of students from the African
township of Soweto, outside Johannesburg, gathered at their schools to
participate in a student-organized protest demonstration. Many of them carried
signs that read, 'Down with Afrikaans' and 'Bantu Education to Hell with it;'
others sang freedom songs as the unarmed crowd of schoolchildren marched
towards Orlando soccer stadium where a peaceful rally had been planned. The
crowd swelled to more than 10,000 students. En route to the stadium,
approximately fifty policemen stopped the students and tried to turn them back.
At first, the security forces tried unsuccessfully to disperse the students with tear
gas and warning shots. Then policemen fired directly into the crowd of
demonstrators. Many students responded by running for shelter, while others
retaliated by pelting the police with stones.
That day, two students, Hastings Ndlovu and Hector
Pieterson, died from police gunfire; hundreds more
sustained injuries during the subsequent chaos that
engulfed Soweto. The shootings in Soweto sparked a
massive uprising that soon spread to more than 100
urban and rural areas throughout South Africa.
The immediate cause for the June 16, 1976, march was student opposition to a
decree issued by the Bantu Education Department that imposed Afrikaans as the
medium(way) of instruction in half the subjects in higher primary (middle school)
and secondary school (high school). Since members of the ruling National Party
spoke Afrikaans, black students viewed it as the "language of the oppressor."
Moreover, lacking fluency in Afrikaans, African teachers and pupils experienced
first-hand the negative impact of the new policy in the classroom.
The brutal killing of the school children on June 16, 1976, shocked the
international community. Newspapers across the world published Sam Nzima's
photograph of a dying Hector Peterson on their front page. In the meantime,
South African security forces, equipped with armored tanks and live ammunition,
poured into Soweto. Their instructions were to shoot to kill, for the sake of "law
and order." By nightfall another eleven more people had been shot dead
(Bonner). Students in Soweto responded by pelting the police with stones and
attacking what they regarded to be symbols of the apartheid government. Across
much of Soweto government buildings and liquor stores were looted and burned.
The politicization and activism of young South Africans in Soweto and beyond
galvanized the liberation movements and set in motion a series of
transformations that ultimately led to the demise(end) of apartheid (Karis and
Carter 180-84).

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