Online Career Guidance

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The document discusses an online career guidance system project submitted for a master's degree. It outlines the abstract, introduction, feasibility study, system analysis, implementation, maintenance and future scope.

The project is about developing an online career guidance system to automate the process of providing career guidance and reduce manual work.

The main users of the system are administrators and students.



Partial Fulfilment of

Aryan College of Technology, Ajmer

[Affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota]

Submitted By:
Arpit Jain
(SEM 4)


This is to certify that

Online Career Guidance

Has been Analysis and Designed by
In the partial fulfilment of

Master of Computer Application

Under our supervision and guidance.

Seema Hava
(Project Guide)

Aryan College of Technology

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Completing a task is never a one man effort. It is often the result of

valuable contribution of a number of individuals in a direct or indirect
manner that helps in shaping and achieving an objective. It is very
difficult for anyone to complete a project without the active cooperation
and the benefit of the advice from the people who are experts in their
field of specialization. The satisfaction and euphoria that accompanies the
successful completion of any task would not be complete without the
mention of the people who made it possible with due honour, we want to
thank all the personalities who made us able to do this interesting work.
First of all we would like to thank lovely professional university for
giving us this opportunity to carry out this minor project at their esteemed
institution. I am grateful to our honourable faculty who provided all the
facility. I acknowledge the earnest suggestions given by Maam Seema.

Aryan College of Technology

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Page No.

1. Introduction


Problem Definition

Proposed System



2. Feasibility Study


Technical feasibility


Economical feasibility


Time & Operational feasibility


Behavioral feasibility


3. System Analysis

Data Flow Diagrams


E-R Diagrams


Database Design


4. System Implementation


5. System Maintenance


6. Future Scope of the Project


7. Conclusion


8. Reference


Aryan College of Technology

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A. Abstract
Practical project forms an important component for any professional
course like computer. The real place where a computer professional faces
and tackles live problems and gets a rare opportunity to experiment and
implement the knowledge, which he has gained so far, is the industry and
the field . Its therefore important for a computer student to have a full of
field environment and culture.
This project Online Career Guidance has been made with a lot of hard
work. Through this project, an automation of Career Guidance System
has been done to reduce the manual and mental tedious work.
Before we get into the core of the topic, we must first have an idea that
what do we mean by web based project management system. It is a
system which takes the help of specifically designed software that can
actually carry of much diverse procedures and functions such as control
and manage the different streams/branches of education, perform
communication between students and institutes/colleges and performs
quality management procedures. This is just not the end it has many
functions. Project is related to online career guidance which provides the
career guidance services to all type of students. Any person can become
registered member of the career guidance by filling registration form.
They can get the career guidance issued in educational field, so that they
can take use the websites and choose their career way.
The aim of this project is to design and implementation an online career
guidance which will enable users to search for website and browse
information about the different career opportunities. These opportunities
are provided form the current job opportunities from market need. The
database of the online career guidance is based on the standardized
system for cataloguing and classifying the different career opportunities.

Aryan College of Technology

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Career Opportunities

Information about all

courses in all Streams &

Online Career Guidance

WEB SITE (Portal)

Searches Information
based on Criteria

Counselling & Admissions


Schools, Colleges, & other

Educational Institutes

Aryan College of Technology

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B. Problem Definition

This project is for Online Career Guidance, which guides the

students for the best career opportunities available for them. After
10th/ 12th/ bachelor, a student has many questions in his mind. The
objective of this project is to develop a web based career guidance
The main problems with the existing system: Manual System itself describe as an outdated.
Difficult to handle and manage.
Lots of paperwork as all data is maintained in legers,
sheets and files.
Searching of records is cumbersome as search process
takes place within paper records.
As paperwork is there, the readability of document might
not be proper due to improper handwriting, paper getting
older fades the ink, or any other reason.
Records can easily be accessible to any intruder.
Operations on records take much long time.
Requires much manpower.
More time consuming.
Not reliable and effective.
Reports generations have complexity.

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Existing system:
Time Delay: In the existing system, information related to all transactions
is stored in different registers. Since all transactions are stored in different
registers it takes lot of time to prepare different reports.
Redundancy: As the information passes through different register, each
registers consolidated and sent to next register. So the same information
is being tabulated at each register, which involves lot of complication and
duplication in work, thus it causes redundancy.
Information Retrieval: As the information is stored in the particular
format, it can only be retrieved in the same format. But if it is to be
retrieve in different format, it is not possible storage media; in existing
system, data transaction being stored on too long registers it is very
difficult to refer after some time.

Aryan College of Technology

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C. Proposed System
Online Career Guidance System maintains information about the
different career opportunities as well as the institutes & colleges. It
notifies every student with the availability of career opportunities as per
the criteria in which the student has registered users resume. The system
also notifies the job provider with the information about the persons
registered under category required by the job provider. It also maintains a
specialized search engine which provides instant availability of the jobs
as the users category. The system maintains information of the users who
have registered with site and every user can post multiple resumes in
every category. The system helps the user in formulating the resume in
proper manner.

Aryan College of Technology

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D. Scope
Developing system on a topic like Online Career Guidance has
much scope. It is an automated computerized system that will provide
career opportunities and counselling to all types of students. It will be
proved effective and efficient in reducing the problems and errors that are
faced in the manual system.
It will be a web based online career guidance system, an online
website in which the students can get information about career according
to their academics. They will register themselves and according to their
profile, the updates will be sent to them through email/message.
It will make the students aware of the current career opportunities
according to their qualifications/stream and current market requirements.

Aryan College of Technology

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Feasibility Study
The primary objective of this feasibility report is to inform the
objective of proposed system would be to overcome the problem faced in
the manual system. Updating records would not be a problem and also
cross checking of records in the proposed system would not be required.
There is an increased risk of error in the manual system. Redundancy of
data creeps in the manual system and it becomes a very time consuming
job to search information criteria related to the students stream as well as
his requirements. This burden can be reduced by making the Online
Career Guidance related whole process automated right from the
In view of the above problems, a proposed automated Medical store
management system is strongly needed.
The user about following matters:

What are the problems with conventional (manual) system?

What are the goals and sub goals of the new system?

What the proposed system would achieve?

What will be the requirements for this achievement?

Who will be involved in operating the system?

The benefits, the system will give over conventional (Manual) System?

The estimated cost of implementation?

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Technical Feasibility :

It involves determining whether or not a system can actually be

constructed to solve the problem at hand. Some user expect too much of
computer, assuming that computers can accurately predicted the future,
immediately reflect all information in an organization, easily understand
speech, or figure out how to handle difficult problems.
The technical purchases raised during the feasibility stages of the
investigation are:
1. Does the necessary technology exist (can it be acquired) to do
what is suggested?
2. Does the proposed equipment have the technical capacity to hold
the data required to use the new system?
3. Will the proposed system and components provide adequate
responses to enquiries, regardless of the number or location of users?
4. Can be system expanded, if developed?
5. Are there technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of
access and data security?
For examples, if the proposal includes a printer that prints at rate of
2,000 lines per minute, a brief search shows that this is technically
feasible. Whether it should be include in the configuration because of its
cost is an economic decision. On the other hand, if user is requesting
audio input to write, read, and change stored data, the proposal may not
be technically feasible.
I had found in my analysis that there are quite sufficient technical
resources available at the organization and capable of handling user
Aryan College of Technology

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Economical Feasibility :

It involved estimating benefits and costs. These benefits and cost

may be tangible or intangible.
Tangible benefits may include deceasing salary costs (by automating
manual procedures), preventing costly but frequent errors, sending bill
earlier in the month, and increasing control over inventory levels. Such
benefits may directly estimate in rupees without much trouble. Tangible
cost is easily estimated.
Intangible benefits may include increasing quality of goods
produced, upgrading or creating new customer, and developing a better
understanding of the market.
The economic and financial questions raised by analysts during the
preliminary investigation seek estimates of:

The cost to conduct a full system investigation.


The cost of hardware and software for the class of

application being considered.


The benefits in the form of reduced costs or fewer costly



The cost if nothing changes (the system is not developed).

Because of already availability of computer software and
hardware in the organization it is economical feasible.

Aryan College of Technology

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Time & Operational Feasibility :

Proposed projects are of course beneficial only if they can be turned

into information systems that will meet the organizations operating
requirements. Simply stated, this test of feasibility asks if the system will
work when developed and installed. Here are questions that will help test
the operational feasibility of a project:
1. Is there sufficient support for the project from the management
and from users? If the current system is well liked and used to the extent
that persons will not see reasons for a charge, there may be resistance.
2. Have the users been involved in the planning and development of
the project? Early involvement reduces the chances of resistance to the
system and charge in general, and increases the likelihood of successful
No qualified and trained person is required for this system because all the
transactions and entry are through integrated development environment
so it is quite easy to operate.

Aryan College of Technology

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Behavioural Feasibility :

People are inherently resistant to change, and computers have been

known to facilitate change. An estimate should be made of how strong a
reaction the user staff is likely to have toward the development of a
computerized system. It is common knowledge that computer
installations have something to do with turnover, transfers, retraining, and
changes in employee job status. Therefore, it is understandable that the
introduction of a candidate system requires special effort to educate, sell,
and train the staff on new ways of conducting business. It answers the
following questions:

Is the audience likely to adopt the behavior? Is the current

behavior seen as a problem? How engrained or rewarding are the
current or competing behaviors?

How costly is it (time, effort, resources) for the audience segment

to perform the behavior?

How complex is the behavior (does it involve few or several


How frequently must the behavior be performed?

How compatible is the proposed behavior with the audiences

current practices (is the behavior socially approved)?

Are there major barriers to engaging in the desired behavior?

What information, skills, resources and/or access must the
audience segment acquire to overcome the barriers and make the
desired behavior change?

Are there at least some members of the segment (doers) who

manage to do the desired behavior? Do they have unusual

Aryan College of Technology

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System Analysis and Design


Data Flow Diagram










Student Database

Information Database





Aryan College of Technology

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Context Level DFD




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E-R Diagram










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Database Design
1. Administrator
2. Student
3. Information

Administrator Table
Field Name

Data Type





Primary Key

Administrator _Name



Unique, Not Null



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Student Table
Field Name

Data Type





Primary Key




Unique, Not Null



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Information Table
Field Name

Data Type





Primary Key




Unique, Not Null



Aryan College of Technology


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System Implementation

Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert

from the old system to the new one. The new system may be completely
new, replacing an existing manual or automated system or it may be
major modification to an existing system.

Direct Conversion
This method converts from old to the new system abruptly,
sometimes over a

weekend or even overnight. The old system

is used until a planned conversion day, when it is replaced by the

new system. There are no parallel activities .The main
disadvantage of this approach are: no other systems to fall back
on, if difficulties arise with new system. Secondly, wise and
careful planning is required.

Pilot System
The Pilot approach is often preferred in the case of the new
systems which involve new technique or some drastic changes in
organization performance. In this method, a working version of
the system is implemented in one part of the organization, such as
single work area department. Based on feedback, the changes are
made and the system is installed in the remaining departments of
the organization, either all at once (direct conversion method) or
(gradually (phase-in method). This approach provides experience
and lives test before implementation.

Aryan College of Technology

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Phase-In Method
This method is used when it is not possible to install a new
system through an organization all at once the conversion of files,
training of the personnel or arrival of equipment may force the
staging of the implementation over a period of time, ranging from
weeks to months. It allows training and installation without
unnecessary use of resources.

Parallel conversion:
If it is possible to keep the old system in place and running while
the new system is installed, you gain certain benefits. We can
directly compare the effectiveness and efficiency of the new and
old systems. If the new system fails, the old system is still there
chugging away as normal so no harm is done. Parallel conversion
is only possible if the old and new systems are completely
independent. It is impossible to achieve if the new system is built
on the old system.

Aryan College of Technology

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System Maintenance
It needs to continually maintain the system. Programmers/ analyst spend
sufficient time for maintaining programs.
The study on the maintenance requirement for the information system
revealed that:

60-90 percent of the overall cost of software during the life

of the system is spent on the maintenance.

In document cases, the cost of maintenance, when measured

on the basis of writing each instruction in coding form, is more

than 50 times the cost of developing a system.

The software demand is increasing at faster rate than supply

.there is a backlog of new development work.

The maintenance can be classified as corrective, adaptation or
perfective Corrective maintenance means repairing, processing or
performance failure or making alterations because of previous ill-defined
problems Adaptation maintenance means changing the program function.
Enhancing performance the programs according to users additional
needs are included in perfective maintenance more time and money are
spent on perfective than on corrective and adaptive maintenance together
Maintenance covers a wide range of activities including correcting coding
and design errors, updating documentation and test data and upgrading
user support.

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Future scope of the project

For further development of this project, we will be adding more
features in our next version to make our project match the maximum
requirement of Online Career Guidance.
Some of the features which will be added are as follows: Job Portal-Job guidance
Recruiters Login
Career as well as job opportunities

Aryan College of Technology

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Online Career Guidance is a web based project. It provides a

collection of different career opportunities, normally offered by a number
of different educational institutes, schools and colleges. This project is
designed for the reason of easy up-to-datedness and comfortable use.
Online Career Guidance contains two main users that are
Administrator and Student. The wider areas of job searching facilitate the
quick and easy access to opportunities. The increasing job opportunities
and changing scenario of the business environment today has made more
people to search for better career and employers to search for better
potential. This situation has prompted many to move to job portals to
look for the ways that has been widely accepted and fully useful in job
searching. In this sense the job portals assumes greater importance and
we could develop such an efficient system which is used by lot many job
hunters and employers.

Aryan College of Technology

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Books & Documents

Software Engineering (A Practitioners Approach) Roger S.
ASP.Net Bible

Aryan College of Technology

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