International Monetary Theory and Policy
International Monetary Theory and Policy
International Monetary Theory and Policy
= 5. The interest rate on these
liabilities, denoted r
, is 20 percent. Finally, suppose that the country enjoys free capital mobility and that
the world interest rate on assets held between periods 1 and 2, denoted r
, is 10 percent.
1. Compute the equilibrium levels of consumption, the trade balance, and the current account in periods
1 and 2.
2. Assume now that the endowment in period 2 is expected to increase from 10 to 15. Calculate the eect
of this anticipated output increase on consumption, the trade balance, and the current account in both
periods. Compare your answer to that for item 1 and provide intuition.
3. Finally, suppose now that foreign lenders decide to forgive all of the countrys initial external debt.
How does this decision aect the countrys levels of consumption, trade balance, and current account
in periods 1 and 2. (For this question, assume that Q
= Q
= 10.) Compare your answer to that
given for item 1 and explain.