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You Alone
W/M by Don Harris 1990 Integritys Hosanna! Music
CCLI 8269 G Bm Em !ou are t"e #eace t"at guar$s %y "eart Cmaj7 Dsus D My "e&# in ti%es o' nee$ G Bm Em !ou are t"e "o#e t"at &ea$s %e on Cmaj7 Bsus B (n$ brings %e to %y )nees Em Bm Cmaj7 G *or t"ere I 'in$ !ou +aiting, an$ t"ere I 'in$ re&ease Am7 G -o +it" a&& %y "eart I&& +ors"i# Cmaj7 A7 Dsus (n$ unto !ou I&& sing D Cmaj7 D *or !ou a&one $eser.e a&& g&ory Bm Em *or !ou a&one $eser.e a&& #raise Cmaj7 D *at"er, +e +ors"i# an$ a$ore !ou Bm Esus E7 *at"er, +e &ong to see) !our 'ace Cmaj7 D *or !ou a&one $eser.e a&& g&ory Bm Em *or !ou a&one $eser.e a&& #raise Am7 Dsus D Dadd9 D G *at"er, +e &o.e !ou an$ +e +ors"i# !ou t"is $ay