CTH Epication
CTH Epication
CTH Epication
Im seeing your fast growing organization and I heard that your company has a good reputation, so I would like to join with your
company as Credit Marketing officer (CMO).
I am 29 years of age and I graduated from Mechanical echni!ue "aculty, #enderal $chmad %ani &ni'ersity, (andung, Majoring
in Metallurgy.
I ha'e an e)cellent health, high moti'ation, good communication skill, computer skill, creati'e, high loyalty, integrity, I am ready
to work hard, motorcycle, SIM * and highly moti'ated to works e'ery where.
+opefully, you could consider my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
%ours faithfully,
,iki Sahari, S
Address Details
Contact Numbers
Email address
*Dear xxxx,
Re Administrator !acanc"
#irst $aragra%&
'econd and 'ubse(uent $aragra%&s
Closing $aragra%&
)ours fait&full",
*ean +ro,n (Miss)
Curriculum !itae
* .f t&e name is unkno,n t&en address to /0o ,&om it ma" concern/ or /Dear 'ir or
#irst 'am%le $aragra%&
. learned of t&e %osition of Administrator at Zzedro Inc in "our ad1ertisement in t&e 23t& No1ember edition of t&e Dail"
0imes and . belie1e t&at . &a1e t&e necessar" credentials for t&is role-
. learned of t&e %osition of Administrator at Zzedro Inc t&roug& online researc& using t&e FindaJob,ebsite and . belie1e
t&at . &a1e t&e necessar" credentials for t&is role-
Main +od" 'am%le $aragra%&
. &a1e considerable ex%erience ,orking as anAdministrator and enclose t&e follo,ing rele1ant documentation to su%%ort
m" a%%lication
Curriculum !itae
Reference from current employer
Closing 'am%le $aragra%&
. ,ould ,elcome t&e o%%ortunit" to discuss m" suitabilit" for t&is interesting %osition in %erson- $lease let me kno, if .
can %ro1ide "ou ,it& an" furt&er information or need to com%lete an A%%lication #orm- 0&ank "ou for "our kind
Enclose rele1ant 4 su%%orting documentation