Cases and Materials On Employment Discrimination
Cases and Materials On Employment Discrimination
Cases and Materials On Employment Discrimination
Employment Discrimination
Professor McClendon
January 1! ""#
T$e course case%oo& is t$e se'ent$ edition of
Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination
%y (immer! Sulli'an! and )$ite* In addition to t$e
case%oo&! t$ere is a ""+ supplement ,it$ selected
-ead and %e prepared to discuss t$e follo,in./
011 Sections 2"1 t$rou.$ 2"3 of Title VII of
t$e Ci'il -i.$ts Act of 1#43
03 5*S*C* 66 """e t$rou.$ """e781
01 Sections ! 8! 1"1! 1"! and 9"8 of t$e
Americans ,it$ Disa%ilities Act
03 5*S*C* 66 11"1! 11"! 1111!
111! and 1"81
081 Sections ! 3! 11! 1 of t$e
A.e Discrimination in Employment Act
03 5*S*C* 41! 48! 48"! and 4811
031 Clackamas Gastroenterology Assoc. v. Wells
18 S*Ct* 1428 0""81
091 Arbaugh v. Y & Corp*
14 S*Ct* 183 0""41
041 !a"i v. #hompson
""4 ): 8"#13+8 0D*D*C* ""41
T$e statutory pro'isions listed in 011! 01! and 081
are set fort$ in t$e supplement*