All India Plastic Manufacturers

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SL No.

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1 Shri. Jayesh K Rambhia Director Premsons Plastics P! Ltd 221 A "o # $ndl.%state&
2 Shri. Jatin Dilip 'ed Director Sar(odaya Company )nit No.1*& Dee+an , Sons )shyog Nagar&
- Shri. . / /ahes+ari Director Shree "nb Polymers Limited 1-2010101 .ehind Prince Pipes
1 Shri. . L Agar+al Director Shri. Satish Kr .an2a Director %den Cosmetics Ltd Diamond 3arbo4r Road&
5 Shri. San6ay Ke6ri+al Partner Shradha 3andle 2-*& Rai .ahad4r Road&
7 Shri. Anil K4mar Director Shri. N K "aparia Director Paramo4nt Plastics P(t Ltd 18& .4roshibtalla /ain Road&
8 Shri. A K /ohta9 C A /r. S4nil Kr /ohta S4ra6 $nd4stries 22& Strand Road& 1St 9loor&
* Shri. 3ar6it Singh :andhi ProprietorShri. :4r6it Singh :andhi /anager : 3 Plastic $nd4stries ";1208<& Kalyan Singh Road&
< Shri. 3 / Paschia ProprietorShri. /adan / Paschia %=ec4ti(e3 / Paschia 9;*7& /ayap4ri&
1> Shri. $nder6eet Singh /anaging Director Shri. De(endra Pal Singh Director J K P /asterbatch P(t Ltd ?@;1& 3ind Nagar
11 Shri. 3 S Paintal Shri. /ahesh :4pta Jay 'inyls Limited S4rya Pla@a&
12 Shri. De(endra Jain Director Shri. Samit Jain/2rt /anager /anas Lamination 71> A Phase ; '& )dyog 'ihar
1- Shri. /aha(ir /angal ChieA %=e BAAicer Shri. 'i6ay /angal ChieA %=e BAAicer /angla 3andles No.1& Ra6 Nagar %ncla(e&
11 Shri. S4nil /onga Partner Shri. B P /onga Partner /onga Plastics J;2- )dyog Nagar&
15 Shri. Ratesh S4d C % B /r. Kamlesh S4d Director Niran6an Containers P! Ltd Sai Road& 'illage Cha22an&
17 Shri. :4r6eet Singh Proprietor P : %nterprises 1<& Kalyansingh Road&
18 Shri. Pra(een K4mar :4pta Director Radhas+ami Plast Prod4cts P(t Ltd D;1& Pan2i $nd4strial Area&
1* Shri. Shrini+as :4pta /anaging Director Shri. /anish :4pta Director /eera "hermoplast P(t Ltd 1<;.01-2& Chandra Nagar&
1< Shri. Ram Sahai Ka22ar /anaging Director Shri. Rah4l Ka22ar Director Reliable Plastics Ltd 12-& Phase;2&
2> Shri. .ashist Singh Cada( ProprietorShri. R S Cada(/anager .ryplast $nd4stries Pra2ash Nagar&
21 Shri. Krishnlal Sethi Partner Shri. Asho2 K4mar Sethi Partner Sethi Plastic Prod4cts .;-715&
22 Shri. Dinesh Saini Director Shri. /anish Saini Director Ch4li+al Containers P(t Ltd D;1>>& Deepali&
2- Shri. Kamal 3immatram2a Shree Shyam Plastic Street No.<& :ali Koyla ?ali&
21 Shri. K4ldeep S L4thra Partner Shri. :agan L4thra Partner Shan2er R4bber $nd4stries :.".Road& P.B.Amrit Nagar&
25 Shri. 3arish $srani 'ip4l %=tr4sions , "hermoAormers A;10-<& Co;Bp. $ndl. %state&
27 Shri. R K Aggar+al Director Prayag Poly "ech P(t Ltd L;1<8& Street No;8&
28 Shri. Amri2 Singh Director Aroson Plastics P(t Ltd .;<>& /ayap4ri $nd4strial Area&
2* /r. Ra6ender Pa4l 'erma Proprietor/r. /ano6 'erma Prod4ction 3ead Royal Polymers .;7<& /ayap4ri $nd4strial %state
2< Shri. 3ans Ra6 Shri. :han Shyamdas Partner :hansham Plastic ?or2s 717<&Pa22i :alli&
-> /r. . / Agar+al Syndicate Polymers $;111& /ain Road&
-1 Shri. . ' Ra6a Srini(as /g Director Shri. " 'i6aya .has2ar Director .ommidala 9ilaments Ltd D.No.1;2>;21&
-2 Shri. : 3an4manthia ProprietorShri. : Radha2rishnan /anager 9ibre :rips 901& .loc2 DDD&
-- Shri. R J Sayani Partner Shri. Ra6esh J Sayani Partner Plastometal 1-8& Nyniappa Naic2 Street&
-1 Shri. N Amarase2aran Shri. K C :4r4s+am Premier Plastic $nd4stries C;2 Sidco $nd4strial %state&
-5 Shri. K " .enny/g Director Shri. K ' "hareChairmanReliable+ares P(t Ltd -<071>;.& /onastery Road&
-7 Shri. Partap Singh .ardia Partner Shri. Ar4n24mar Jain Partner S4nshine Plastic $nd4stries 7*& Narayana /4d Ali Street&
-8 Shri. D Ra6a Rathinam S+arnarathinam $nd4stries 2102 .angalore Road&
-* Shri. ' "hir4na(422aras4 /anaging Director Shri. ' " Nathi(athani Director 'ipison "e2ni2s P(t Ltd .loc2 E 2& Pas4mai $llam&
-< Shri. " S4dha2ar /anaging Partner Shri. J Chandra /ohan Partner S4per Star P(c $nd4stries 'ellamadam P.B.&
1> Shri. S4bhash Chandra Director Shri. Satyapra2ash Con Atco Padma Pac2ages P(t Ltd Plot No.<&
11 Shri. : S4resh K4mar Partner Shri. Prem K4mar Partner S4preme Plasto Containers Plot No. 1>1&
12 Shri. ' No4shad /anaging Director Shri. ' Abd4l Ra@a2 Director 'ee2esy Polymers P(t Ltd 501& Ramanatt42ara&
1- Shri. K S Ra6endra Prasad ProprietorShri. K S Asho2 K4mar .rother S ' Polymers *7022& -Rd /ain Road&
11 Shri. Sitaram Agar+al Shri. Kiran Agar+al Preethi Plastics No.7;7;-*01& .ab4l Reddy Nagar &
15 Shri. .harath K4mar . C Partner Shri. 'i6ay . C Partner Ar64n Plasttic No.'p < , 1>& 1St Stage&
17 Shri. C App4 S+amy Shri. C Sel(ara6 Nirmal Plastic $nd4stries 1720A& K.R."hoopp4r&
18 Shri. Anil Kan4ga Partner R42ma Plastics 5-0A& 1"h FNF .loc2 &
1* Shri. A Ra(indra .ab4 /anaging Director Shri. A ' Appa Rao Director S4per BleAins P(t Ltd D;17>& Phase;$ii& $da Jeedimetla&
1< Shri. Ro4hit ProprietorShri. Dhr4( :eneral /anager Bm Plastics Arihant Apartment -3&-Rd 9lr&
5> Shri. K $ Na6eebProprietor 3ana Polymers /ana22alappady
51 Shri. R 'en4gopal Proprietor Prince Plastics -<0-& Kana2ap4ra Road&
52 Shri. / 'i6ay K4mar Director Shri. / Kamala2ar 'i6ay Poly Plast P(t Ltd --1 , --5 Al;Karim "rade Candar&
5- Shri. :a4tam Chand Sathiya ProprietorShri. Sandeep Sathiya %=ec4ti(e$ndo Pac2 /4thachari $nd4strial %state&
51 Shri. / S .hat /g Partner 'ar4n Plastics Lala La6path Rai /arg&
55 Shri. Ar4n K4mar Kainya /g Director Shri. Sa(ita Kainya Director Pondicherry Polymers P(t Ltd K.:. Pla@a& ";1 -Rd 9loor&
57 Shri. R K "4lsain Commercial /anager -A Associates $ncorporated 15* Lohar Cha+l&2Nd 9loor
58 Shri. Asho2 K4mar Khandel+al ProprietorSmt. Chha(i Khandel+alA K Plast 10<& A.K.Plast&
5* Shri. )day K Adhi2ari Shri. A@i@ %lectric+ala Al;A@i@ %nterprises 2 ;/ata Line $ndl.%state&
5< Shri. Ramchandra ' Ral2ar Director Shri. )day R Ral2ar Director /oderno(a Plastyles P(t Ltd 2>& Kot2ar $nd4strial %state&
7> Shri. .h4pendra P Sheth Partner Shri. 3 P ShethPartner Amar Plastic ?or2s 110.&Shalimar $nd4strial %state& Near;
71 Shri. A A KhanDirector Shri. R A A6ani Director Amigo Plastic Prod4cts P(t Ltd A07A08 .loc2& :hat2opar $ndl.&
72 Shri. /a2+ana /ans42h N ProprietorShri. 'inod N /a2+ana /anager Amrat $nternational 1- :eetan6ali& /ar(e Road&
7- Shri. Anir4dha Anant B2a Proprietor/rs. Jayashree A B2a /anager Anant Sridhar )nit No.1 :ro4nd 9loor&
71 Shri. Anilbhai J Jera6ani /anaging Director Shri. Ke2inbhai J "ha22ar "ech Dir Anil Polythylene $nd4stries P(t Ltd Colo4r Concentrate Corp.& 1>& Samhita ;
75 Shri. Sa(sani /anishbhai Director Shri. Sa(sani Pra(inbhai Director Archan Polymers P(t Ltd S4r(ey No.1701;C& Bpp./etoda :idc&
77 Shri. 9reddy 9 "4rel Ashish /Ag Company A018&Royal $nd4strial %state&
78 Shri. Cogesh P Shah Partner Shri. Ash+in P Shah Partner Ash+in Plastic $nd4stries 2><& Ar2 $nd4strial %state&&
7* Shri. 3 . Dar4+ala Shri. . 3 Dar4+ala . N %nterprises ->>& Shamaldas :andhi /arg&
7< Shri. Kailash /4rar2a Director Shri. A / .age+adi /anager .lo+pac2*>8& Rahe6a Centre& 211&
8> Shri. .harat Sh42la Partner Shri. 9aiya@ Ratangiri Partner Chetana Plastics ->& Nagindas /aster Road&
81 Shri. /42esh L Shahri Shri. Naresh R Shahri Creati(e Plastics Room No.15& :ro4nd 9loor&
82 Shri. ' " Khemlani Proprietor/rs. S4labha Raote /anager Dee2ay $nternational 2<01"h Da4lat .4ilding&
8- Shri. Nomesh Dedhia /anager Partner Dhiren %nterprises 5<0A& :irira6 $ndl. %state &
81 Shri. 'i6ay ' /erchant Partner Shri. Asho2 Sar2ar /anager Dynam Plastics 15& )niG4e 3o4se&
85 /s. Ren4 Arora Shri. K P :4pta 9airdeal Plastic Cons4ltants P(t Ltd /angal /eeth& :ro4nd 9loor&
87 Shri. Daniel A 9ernandes Proprietor 9rancis %ngineering ?or2s /arol Co;Bperati(e $ndl.%state&
88 Shri. Dinesh . Sharma ProprietorShri. )mesh Sharma : / Plastics A;77& Ne+ %mpire $nd. %state&
8* Shri. /42esh Khet+ani %=ec4ti(eShri. Ra2esh Khet+ani Director :agan Pac2aging P! Ltd ---& Pragati $ndl. %state&
8< Shri. Ramesh : Ka2er Shri. Anil : Ka2er :race $nternational 110A& 'ellard 'ie+ &
*> Shri. /ad42ar N Kothari Partner Shri. A6it Kothari Partner 3ind4stan "raders 720.& :o(t. $ndl. %state&
*1 Shri. D C 'ora Shri. J D 'ora 3ind4stan ?riting $nd4stries 101-& Kapadia $ndl. %st. No.-&
*2 Shri. /ohan K Jain Partner /rs. Deepi2a / Jain Partner $ndo PlastSG4are Bne 1St 9loor&
*- Shri. Jit4 Shah Proprietor $nd4 Corporates .ldg.No.2& Room No.7&
*1 /r. K P .osamaya /ar2eting /anager Shri. K P .osamaya /ar2eting /anager J 9ibre Corporation D;1801*& Nandan(an $ndl.%state&
*5 Shri. Jitendra "ha22ar Shri. Pan2a6 /ehta J R 9ibreglass $nds P(t Ltd 1021& Roc2y $ndl. %state&
*7 Shri. /ahendra Deshlahra /anaging Director Shri. A6ay P Deshlahra Partner 'i(e2 %lectroplast P(t Ltd 2>;21& 'i(e2 $nd4strial %state&
*8 Shri. 'asant24mar Kha22ar /anaging Director Shri. Ra6esh24mar Kha22ar Director Jalaram 9le=o Laminates P(t Ltd );1-8& /.$.D.C. $ndl. Area&
** Shri. Jitendra S Kothari Partner Jam2o :rease 1>5& Prem SonDS $ndl. %state &
*< Shri. Chetan J :andhi Partner Shri. Chirag J :andhi Partner Jayantilal 3 :andhi Near Dena .an2&
<> Shri. Deepa2 K Shah Partner Shri. K P Shah Partner Jayesh Plastics 112;A;.& :o(t.$ndl.%state&
<1 Shri. /eh4l .alsara Proprietor K . $nd4stries ->1& %=press "o+er&
<2 Shri. /42esh J Shah ProprietorShri. Shailesh J Shah Propritor K P Plastics 1>& Kalpatar4 $ndl.%state&
<- Shri. /ans42h Patel Partner Shri. 3itesh Patel Partner Kamani Plastics $nds K4mbhar+ada Circle&
<1 /rs. )6+al S Kothari Partner Shri. Kiran S Kothari Partner Kothari $nd4stries Saras+ati Cha+le&
<5 Shri. Kiran S Kothari Partner Shri. Ar(ind S Kothari Partner Kothari Polye=tr4sions 3./. Comple=&
<7 Shri. Ar4n S K4mbho62ar Partner Shri. Anand A K4mbho62ar Partner K4mbho62ar Plastic /o4lders 12<& Narayan Peth&
<8 Shri. .h4pendra P /ehta Proprietor /aha(ir Agencies 11012& Ne+ 3an4man .4ilding&
<* Shri. A6ay ' Shah Partner Shri. Jiten ' Shah Partner /a6or Plastics .;$;1> 9lat No.1>1&
<< Shri. Ra6ni2ant R Doshi Partner Shri. Asho2 R Doshi Partner /amta Plastic ?or2s -1- 3an4man $nd4strial %state&
1>> Shri. 'asant Liladhar Shah Partner Smt. /eena2shi ' Shah/arshal Pac2 S.No.*210*25;-;1;701&
1>1 Shri. L . Patel /g Director Shri. / R PatelDirector /ay4r PolyAilms P(t Ltd 111& Chancellor&
1>2 Shri. R N /ehtaDirector /etha 9le= P(t Ltd .;1*& Ne+ %mpire $ndl.%stateH
1>- Shri. R N /ehtaDirector Shri. K N /ehtaDirector /ehta 9le= P(t Ltd .;10*& Ne+ %mpire $ndl. %state&
1>1 Shri. /ahendra K /ehta ProprietorShri. Samir J /ehta Proprietor/ehta Plastics $nd4stries 2-1;$ .ombay "al2ies Compo4nd&
1>5 Shri. 3emant "ilo2oni ProprietorShri. 3aresh "ilo2oni /g Director /etro Plastics 211& )nited $ndl. Premises&
1>7 Shri. :o(indlal Aggar+al Director Shri. Pradeep Aggar+al Director /iltech $nd4stries P(t Ltd 9;2801& /.$.D.C. $ndl. Area&
1>8 Shri. N P ShahProprietorShri. D N Shah/anager N P Shah , Company 'imal )dyog .ha(an FAF&
1>* Shri. . " /al42ani Partner /rs. 'eena /al42ani Partner Shahbaa@ /an4Aact4ring Co 1270-&Ashir+ad $ndl %state&
1>< Shri. S P Kansara Partner Shri. P R Kansara Partner Na(sari $nd4strial Plastics NiA Compo4nd&
11> Shri. /ahindra P Chopra Partner /rs. Sangeeta / Chopra Partner Neel6yot Plastics Smt. S./.Chopra&
111 Ni2heel %ngineers 27& 1St Pathan Street&
112 Shri. K . %as+aran ProprietorShri. K S /ani %=ec4ti(eNisha %nterprises 9lat No.1& .;$0$i& F/ahade(F&
11- Shri. Satish /4rar2a Notions 1>-& S4n $ndl. %state&
111 Shri. $sh+arbhai 3 Padia ProprietorShri. 3imensh4bhai $ Padia Nylon .angles Nylon 3o4se&
115 Shri. : L :oen2a Partner Shri. S P :oen2a Partner Palla( Plastics , Pac2agings :reen 3o4se 2Nd 9loor&
117 Shri. Cogesh ' Shah Shri. Rasi2lal A Pare2h Paras Plastics 21<& :4r4 :o(ind $ndl. %state&
118 Shri. A6ay Desai Director /rs. /adh4 Desai Director Plasto CraAt -;A& Saahil&
11* Shri. 3 : Pare2h Proprietor/s. )r(i 3 Pare2h A4th Representati(e Poly .lo+1>2& Ashish .ldg.& Plot No.11
11< Shri. Asho2 ' 'ora Shri. Jitin P 'ira Poly 9l4oro Prod4cts A;15& Nand Jyot $ndl. %state&
12> Shri. Kirit P4rshottam Se6pal Partner Shri. /ano6 P4rshottam Se6pal Partner PolyAab Plastic $nd4stries 2011& Lal+ani $ndl.%state&
121 Shri. P : Sharma ProprietorShri. San6ay P Sharma Polygro+ Plastics 101>2& "4lsidham&
122 Shri. . : Poddar ProprietorShri. 'ishal Poddar /anager Polypac2 Shed No.1 , -& $nd4strial Area 1&
12- Shri. Ket4 Pari2h Director Shri. Chetan Da(e Director Premi4m Plast P(t Ltd 2&-&Shi( Shan2ar $nd4strial %state No.1
121 Shri. K R ShahPartner Shri. N K ShahPartner Prestige %ngg , Plastics Co Shyam %ngg. ?or2s Compo4nd&
125 Shri. Paresh .heda Director Protosys "echnologies Pri(ate Limited 11- Shanti $nd4strial %state
127 Shri. La=michand / Nagda Director Shri. / P Nagda Ra6deep Plastic Containers $! P(t Ltd .;-& ?agle $nd4strial %state&
128 Shri. K ' Sangha(i Shri. ' K Sangha(i Ra6esh %nterprises 2120215&
12* Shri. San6ay A Cho4hanShri. Ra6i( A Cho4han Rama Sil2 /ills P(t Ltd FChe@ No4sF .4ilding&
12< Shri. :opal S Rathi ProprietorShri. Jana2 : Rathi /anager Rathi Chemicals 781& Ra(i+ar Peth&
1-> Shri. /anish A Shah B+ner Royal %nterprise ->10A& Abd4l Rehman Street&
1-1 Shri. Shailesh Jayantilal Shah ProprietorShri. S4nit Shailesh J Shah S P Plastics 11;12& Kalpatar4 $ndl.%state&
1-2 Shri. S / :oen2a /anaging Director Shri. D&K&/ar+aha Director Samya2 )dyog Plastics P(t Ltd *>1 ?indsor Pla@a&
1-- Shri. Santosh /2t /anger Shri. A % )pre Sales /anager Sandeep Sprin2ler , Drip $nd4stries Plot No.81&
1-1 Shri. Kailash Agar+al Partner .hagatshiel Plastics A;-<& Royal $nd4strial %state&
1-5 Shri. $ . Ja(eri ProprietorShri. P J Pare2h Sha2o Plastic :46arat $nd4stries Compo4nd&
1-7 Shri. /ano6 K Sharma Partner Shri. .rahmade( S Sharma Partner Sharma Plastics )nit No.1& 'imala .ha(an&
1-8 Shri. .al4bhai Patel ProprietorShri. .hag+an6ibhai Patel /anager Shi( %lectricals 107& 'idhya $ndl.%state&
1-* Shri. Bm Pra2ash . :4pta /anaging Director Shri. Ram Kripal Shi( $nternational Ltd 511& Anand&
1-< Shri. Satish :4pta Shri. S4bhash S :4pta Shi( Plastics& -50A& Sidhp4ra $ndl.%state&
11> Shri. Bmpra2ash Saraogi Partner Shri. Ramesh Saraogi Partner Shree .ala6i Plastics <0<& Shi( Prasad&
111 Shri. Asho2 /odi Partner Shri. Anil N /odi %=ec4ti(eShri Ram $nd4stries -& Samro6 $ndl. %state&
112 Shri. P P :adani Partner Shri. Ra6esh 3 :adani Partner Dipam Plastic $nd4stries 1-01St 9loor& Shanti .h4(an .4nglo+&
11- /rs. Ran6ana A Ko+ley ProprietorShri. D : Danait /anager Silicon Polymers At Post Parand+adi&
111 Shri. S N /hatre Director Singmat Plastics P(t Ltd )nit No.22<& 2Nd 9loor&
115 Shri. 3arilal L .oolani /g Director Shri. 'i6ay 3 .oolani Director Sololite Plastic Prod4cts P(t Ltd Ra6 La=mi Co;Bp.3sg.Soc.Ltd.9lat No.5>2&
117 Shri. Pradip Lalla ChieA %=e BAAicer Shri. Soniya Lalla ProprietorSonad2a Lila 3o4se& -Rd 9loor&-1A&
118 Shri. Abd4l 3amid ProprietorShri. K4tbaddin /istry Representati(e Standard ?ood CraAts 1<;2>&
11* Shri. J / Dalal Partner Shri. Ra2esh J Dalal Partner S4per $nd4stries 2>1& Sona )dyog $ndl. %state&
11< Shri. Pan2a6 P Patel Partner Shri. 'i2ram P Patel Partner Synchromat %nterprises 2& Asian Chemical Compo4nd&
15> Shri. Jitendra R 'ora ProprietorShri. R R 'ora Prod4ct /anager "echno Polymer $nd4stries 1>1& Sah2ar .ha(an&
151 Shri. D ' Desai Shri. S4mantbhai D Patel "e6deep Plastics Panchal )dyognagar&
152 /rs. Smita K Ashar ProprietorShri. Ketan 3 Ashar ChieA %=e "e=ra6 Corporation 8 /ayani Shed&
15- Shri. R J P4n6abi Pro Shri. A R P4n6abi )nited Plastic $nd4stries 7>1& A Shree Ramesh+ar "o+er
151 Shri. Na(in Dharod Partner /rs. /rs 'imla / Dharod Partner 'andana %nterprises 5*& 9irst 9loor&
155 Shri. Nand4 P %2lahare Partner Shri. Rah4l %2lahare Partner 'aradhasta Plastics ->1& /ahim $nd4strial %state&
157 Shri. Shirish Chan2esh+ara Partner Shri. Deepa2 / Chan2esh+ara Partner 'ardhaman Polymers Shop No.7 , 8
158 Shri. 'asant24mar R 'ed Proprietor 'asant $nd4stries **& Sidhp4ra $ndl. %state&
15* Shri. Pradip A Ja2hete Proprietor/rs. /rs Asha Ja2hete Proprioter'yan2atesh $nd4stries D;1<& /.$.D.C.&
15< Shri. Narendra J /ehta Director Shri. Anit ' /ehta ChieA %=e Shree 'ina( Plastics P(t Ltd 2>8& /ane2 Commercial Centre&
17> Shri. Anand J B@a 'inplast $nd4stries A01<& 'almi2 Sadan&
171 Shri. N : De+da /anaging Director0Chairman Shri. 3anish N De+da Director ?instroni= Cable $nd4stries P(t Ltd 878& 'ish+anand Dham&
172 Shri. Ar(ind / Ra+al Proprietor R4chi Plastics 22& Ciem $nd4strial %state&
17- Shri. Kamlesh L Daga Director Plasti S4rge $nd4stries P(t Ltd Siddharath .ha(an&
171 Shri. / ' ShahPartner Shri. N ' Sampat Partner / R K $nd4stries 115;C& /.R.K. 3o4se&
175 Shri. S4rinde( Singh /rs. $nder6eet Ka4r ProprietorSatg4r4 $nd4stries %.L.-1& /.$.D.C.&
177 Shri. 3irendra ' Doshi Asian Acrylates A;->1&Lo2 "irth&
178 Shri. /anmohan J :h4+ale+ala /anaging Director .hagyashree $nd4stries Shop No.1& /ahatarangan& .mc Colony&
17* Shri. Dharmesh R /ahetalia Director Shri. 3emansh4 /ahetalia /anaging Director Premi4m Pipes , 9ittings P(t Ltd -5& /angaldas Road&
17< Shri. 3 J Shah Director Shri. N 3 ShahDirector 'eena Plastics P(t Ltd 2202-& /ano6 $ndl. %state&
18> Shri. Sa6andas Khat4mal 'as+ani ProprietorShri. 'ed Pra2ash 'as+ani Deepa2 Plastic $nd4stries Plot No. -50-7&$nd4strial %state&
181 Shri. /42esh 3 Sheth Director Shri. 3emendra 3 Sheth Director $nd4 Pac2aging Daman! Limited /eena2shi& S.'.Road&
182 Shri. / . Agar+al Director Shri. J4gal Agar+al S %=e BAAicer Amti2 Pac2aging P(t Ltd 2>1& Camy 3o4se&
18- Shri. Ra6 /ir6e Cmd "rim4rti Plast Containers P(t Ltd Krishna -10*--&
181 Shri. K4mar .i6lani London Plastic $nd4stries A;1& Sheel Apts.&
185 Shri. P / Sona+ala Partner Shri. R P Sona+ala Partner Sona+ala $nd4stries A2A0.8A& :hat2opar $ndl. %state&
187 Shri. . K Ket2ale Director Shri. . . Ket2ale Director S4nAle= Pipes P(t Ltd 1>02*>& Kapad /ar2et&
188 Deepa :opal Polymers Ramesh+ar& D052& 5"h 9loor&
18* Shri. S K Shah Partner Shri. S S Shah /anager Arihant Polymer %=tr4sions ?;-& /idc& Chincholi&
18< Shri. Nat+arlal Lasaria Shri. Paramesh+ar Lasaria Lasaria Plastics 18>& Dhyanesh Colony&
1*> Shri. De(6ibhai P /a2+ana Director Shri. Dilipbhai D /a2+ana Director S4ra6 9ilaments P(t Ltd )l;21& Pattani Pla@a
1*1 Shri. Na+al /odi PromoterShri. :opa K4mar /anager ; Commercial /ittal %nterprises 21*& Panchratna Comple=&
1*2 Shri. Ketan A6mera Partner .rito Plast *& Satym $nd4strial %state&
1*- Shri. /ano6 S4mermal .aAna Proprietor Simran Plastics 3o4se No.<*1.
1*1 Shri. Kho@ema S A Asst /anager Shri. Aliasger S #ari+ala /anager )nited "rading Company 1>8 Reti+ala $nd4strial %state&
1*5 Shri. Jas+antilal K Shah ProprietorShri. .ha(esh J Shah %=ec4ti(e. P %nterprises C0B /r.J.K.Shah&
1*7 Shri. S4bhash Cha+ra ProprietorShri. S4resh Dh4r(e C % B Cha+ra Plastics K;25 /.$.D.C. Area &
1*8 Shri. Pramod Somani Proprietor Plastopa2 $nd4stries D;180.& Sector ; C&
1** Shri. 'ip4l K Sangh(i %=e /anager Shri. Am4l K Sangh(i ProprietorRam4l $nd4tries :ala No.15;18& Kothari $nd4strial %stat&
1*< Shri. ' S Di=it Partner /r. K ' Di=it Partner ';Pla Prod4cts 101& Pari6at& Kar(e Road&
1<> Shri. Kanchanbhai Patel Partner Shri. .harat . Parmar Partner De(hari Plast 28508&:466ar .4ilding&
1<1 Shri. Alo2 K :arg Director Shri. /ihir /ehta ?or2s /anager /edpa2 $ndia P(t Ltd 71;A& Sector;$&
1<2 Shri. Chetan C Shah Shri. Dilip /ehta Jalaram Pac2aging 1<-05-17&
1<- Shri. 3iren / Shah Partner Shri. Ra6i( D Shah Partner Shree6i Shrin2 System :;2>102>2& Kailas $nd4strial Comple=&
1<1 Shri. 'i6ay R Arora Director /onar ?riting $nst4ment Shop No.2& Rameshp4ri /ohanp4ri Cha+l&
1<5 Shri. Paras Shah ProprietorShri. Samir /ohta /anager Parth Plastic $nd4stries -2& Ka@i Sayed Street& 1St 9loor&
1<7 Shri. .ansilal S L4n2ad Properietor Shri. Nilesh . L4n2ad .harat Plastic /Ag Co A;18-& 3 .loc2&
1<8 Shri. .ha(esh 3 Sheth Director Shri. Dhiren 3 Sheth Director Plastech $nternational P(t Ltd 21>& .ldg. No.-&
1<* Shri. L P Karia Partner Shri. N : ShahPartner :oodl4c2 Plastic $nd4stries :anco $nd4stries %state& Shed No.11&
1<< Shri. Rohit P Parmar Partner Parmar Polymers -1& Adinath Shopping Centre&
2>> Shri. Ramgopal Agar+al Partner /r. .imal Agar+al Partner C D Plastics 1<01>0C;2 Se2saria $nd.%state&
2>1 Shri. /ahendra C Kothari %=e /ar2eting Shri. San2et . Kothari %=e Sales/oon Plastic $nd4stries 8;C& De( Smr4ti&
2>2 Shri. 'i6ay : Kedia Ceo Allied Plastics A;21*& 'ir+ani $nd4srial %state&
2>- Shri. Naim Ahmed /eer ProprietorShri. #ahoor A /eer /irco Plastics $nd4stries 5& .;1& S4ryodaya /ills Compo4nd&
2>1 Shri. 3itesh " .h4ptani ProprietorShri. /anish R .h4ptani $ncharge 'rinda(an Polyplast A01>2& /adh4 'ihar&
2>5 Shri. Pra(een Sachde( Director Krypton Polymers P(t Ltd S;11& Neel2anth Shopping Arcade&
2>7 Shri. /ahendra K Jain Director Shri. Prashant K Jain Director Ka6al Plasto Chem P(t Ltd -8& 2Nd .hi+ada& 2Nd 9loor&
2>8 Shri. :irish R Desai Propreitor/s. Kin6al : Desai 9inance Controller Sai Plastics *2012& 'i6ay2ar ?adi No.1&
2>* Shri. Rameshchandra S .a6a6 ProprietorShri. 'aibha( R .a6a6 Pra2ash Plastics 1><& Allied $ndl. %state&
2>< Shri. A K Jain /anaging Director Shri. ' K Jain ChairmanBm Agro $nd4strial Plastics P(t Ltd 5 , 7& Sar(odaya $ndl. %state&
21> /rs. /aggie K Krishnan ProprietorShri. R K Krishnan0Jim Krishnan Amity Components )nit No.1--& Sonal Lin2
211 Shri. Asrani Prem Partner Shri. Asrani )mesh Partner Kaybee Agencies < Allied $nd4strial %state&
212 Shri. /oti Ah46a Director Shri. Anil / Ah46a Director "e6bhan Plastics P(t Ltd 1>7& Allied $ndl. %state
21- Shri. Cogesh Agra+al /anaging Director Shri. Ar(ind Agar+al Director Splendid "radelin2 P! Ltd 1525& Napier "o+n&
211 Shri. 'a64lal R .handani Partner /ira Plastics 11& Chirag $nd4strial %state&
215 Shri. Jagat Killa+ala Shri. Pa+ana K4l2arni Shri Krishnashray $! P(t Ltd 15;/& La=mi $ndl.%state&
217 Shri. /ay4r K Shah %=ec4ti(e Kan24 %nterprises 1 Sagar& 8205 '.P. Road&
218 Shri. Nand4 Joshi Proprietor Plastic Art $nd4stries -2& :anga&
21* Shri. /ano6 ' :ada Partner Shri. De(endra ' :ada Partner /4ltiplast 2*&Asho2 $ndl.%state&
21< Shri. 'i6ay Pra2ash Sachde( Partner Shri. Sachin 'i6ay Sachde( Nayasa 3ome+are Nissan 3o4se&
22> Shri. .i6al Sheth /anaging Director Shri. . Parab /ar2eting $ncharge $2on /o4lders P(t Ltd 1.& .tm Compo4nd& 1>> L...S./arg
221 Shri. Abhi6it Jail Proprietor Prabha(i Systems , %ngineering 11& /aitreyee&
222 Shri. /ohd Salim .hai ProprietorShri. 9aroo2h / Salim .ig .en %ngineering ?or2 1;Sadi .a@ar& 181& /a4lana A@ad Road&
22- Shri. Kamlesh / Chande Partner Shri. 3itesh / Chande Partner Ashap4ra Plastics 11*0A& Ne+ )niG4e $nd.%state&
221 Shri. Shai2h Ay4b S2 Ali P4rchase BAAicer Shri. A4radi Abd4l Jaleel Propritor Ra6esh Ch4na ?or2s -;2;11 :andhi Cho+2&
225 Shri. Adil Kharas /anager /rs. /rs R4by C Pare2h Partner Brient B(erseas Container /Ars 1<& Ra6tila2 $nd4strial %state&
227 Shri. Shaileshbhai P /aniyar Shri. Asho2bhai P /aniyar /aniyar Premchand .haidas /and(i Cho+2&
228 Shri. Shyamlal Saro6 Proprietor ) K .lister 9orming $nd4stries Ram Ashir+ad $ndl.
22* Shri. Ramgopal Agar+al Partner Shri. Kishore K4mar Agar+al Partner Panchratna Plastics 1<01>0C;2& Se2saria $ndl.%state&
22< /r. /anish Dedhia Director /r. San6ay Dedhlia /its4 $mpe= 22<& :ala Comple=&
2-> Shri. Ra6esh Jain /anaging Director Shri. Asho2 :o+ani ChairmanArihant :oldplast P(t Ltd Ragh4(anshi /ansion& BAAice No.1&
2-1 Shri. Amar S Ch4gh Proprietor J K Prod4cts 5>-& /a2er "o+ers&
2-2 Shri. Seliya C4s4A N Partner Shri. Nandolia Aslam / /anager Adm , 9in /odern Chemicals $ndia ! .;1>2& 3aAi@i 3o4se& S.'.Road&
2-- Shri. / J Patel ProprietorShri. S / PatelProprietorPatel Containers Near .an2 BA .aroda&
2-1 Shri. Shyams4nder /4ndra Partner Shri. :a6anand /4ndra Partner Sheenyple= $nd4stries <>1& Ra6endra Ratan&
2-5 Shri. A(adh K4mar "ayal /rs. Ansh4 "ayal Deep6yoti Plastics P(t Ltd -.;1-& "a2shilla&/aha2ali Ca(es Road&
2-7 Shri. Ar4n S4rana Partner .ds $nd4stries 1>1& Briental 3o4se&
2-8 Shri. Pra2ash Patel Partner Shri. Ram6i Sabhaya Partner $2on /4ltipac2 *1701& Pram42h %state&
2-* Shri. Dhiren / Shah ProprietorShri. Chirag / Shah Prod4ction /anager Dhiren Polymers
2-< Shri. Pan2a6 ) .achha+at Proprietor .achha+at $ncorporation 8101.0>7& D"D :eneral .loc2
21> Shri. Patel Pradip C Proprietor Phoeni= $nternational Near Rly.Crossing&
211 Shri. Ra6esh .ach+ani Shri. Ra2esh .ach+ani Shyam She+aram , Sons 51071& Jani2ar Street&
212 Shri. .ab4lal /4ndhra / Plast $ndia! 222&Nirman $nd4strial %state&
21- Shri. /ahesh / Agar+al Partner /rs. Kamla / Agar+al Ra(ira6 Plastics Rani Jhansi Cho+2
211 Shri. Lanceloe DDSo4@a Director Lares $nternational 2280A& /ittal %state&
215 Shri. Nandlal Khanchandani C / D Shri. Jaypra2ash Khanchandani Director /4lti Pac2 Plast P(t Ltd Sar2he6 .a(la Road&
217 Shri. Shi( Pra2ash Sharma Proprietor/s. /eena Sharma ProprietorB6hat Plastics 3o4se C0-5&Ra6 $nd4strial Comple=&
218 Shri. 3arish S /il+ani Partner Shri. 'ishan S /il+ani Partner Shama Agro Prod4cts FSham "ara Comple=F
21* Shri. Pradeep : Rathod Partner Shri. : D Rathod Partner Cello Plastic $nd4strial ?or2s 5& 'a2il $nd4strial %state&
21< Shri. Dharmendra D /atalia Partner Shri. Dinesh D /atalia Partner )ni(ersal $nd4stries 5& Ar2 $nd4strial %state& /a2a+ana Lane&
25> /r. Kirti . Shah Kin6al Plast Colo4rs Lab , Sales&
251 Shri. Karti2 K Deora Director Shri. Kailash . /4rar2a ' P /ar2eting Regent Plast P(t Ltd *>8& Rahe6a Centre&
252 Shri. / S :+alani Partner Shri. S S :+alani Associate:+alani Plastics 25;.& :irira6 $ndl. %state&
25- Shri. . J :andhi Shri. J / :andhi :andhi $nd4stries 28011& S+asti2 Society&
251 Shri. Ra6esh K Shah Shri. Deepa2 K Shah Ra6esh Plastic $nd4stries A701-0-<& Rolling 3ill Co;Bp.3sg.Scot.&
255 Shri. Ra6esh / :andhi Director Shri. Deepa2 D Agar+al Director Bracle Plastics P(t Ltd Shop No.:07I-2-& :eeta Sadan Society&
257 Shri. S4resh J Atre Partner Shri. At4l S Atre Partner Polymer Processors C101-1< Phase;$(&
258 Shri. A(nish :or Partner Shri. Rashmi2ant :or Ra6 $nd4stries ?;2>* A!& /idc& "alo6a
25* Shri. /ahendra Patel Shri. 'ishram Patel P4nit Pac2aging A;->& 1St 9loor& :hanshyam $nd4strial ;
25< Shri. Jethmal Jain Partner Shri. :a4tam Jain Partner /aha(eer $nd4stries Sp;$ 1St Phase $ndl.Area&
27> Shri. An2it Jha(eri Jha(eri Polymers P(t Ltd 5>2& Commerce 3o4se&
271 Shri. Nitin .edre Director Shri. S46ata .edre Director Camai 9iltech P(t Ltd 1-;. Na(gire 3o4se&
272 Shri. .harat Sariya /anaging Director Shri. /anish 3 Sariya Director .ombay .r4sh 'idharba! P(t Ltd 1<-& F:F Arther Road&
27- Shri. Ce@di Patel Partner Shri. /ara@ban 3ansotia /anaging Partner Patel Plastic Corporation 11 & 3ilton Apartment&1"h 9loor&
271 Shri. / A Ca4to Polysac2s /an4Aact4ring Company C;*& 3ind Sa4rashtra $ndl.%st.&
275 Shri. San64 Desai Director Jyoti Plastic ?or2s P(t Ltd <1& .ombay "al2ies Compo4nd&
277 Shri. S N Agar+al Director Shri. S R Kabre' P Bperations! Nandan $mpe= P(t Ltd 1<A& Sita %state Near A@i@ .a4g&
278 Shri. Ab4b2ar A .ha6i2hada Partner Shri. Sa6id A .ha6i2hada Partner Plastotech 1-7& 'eena Dal(ai $ndl %state&
27* Dr. / . Parmar Dr. S . Parmar Polyblend /asterbatch "echni2 212& Ashir+ad $nd4strial %state&
27< Shri. Shriram P Karandi2ar Chairman /g Director Shri. S4nil S Karandi2ar "ech Director Shri2rishna Nylon P(t Ltd Sahasrab4dheDS .4nglo+
28> Shri. . K :andhi Chairman , /anaging Director Smt. 3emali . :andhi %=ec4ti(e Director /ane2 Plastics P(t Ltd *>10A& 3ighland Par2
281 Shri. Ra6esh K Patel Partner Shri. Jayesh K Patel Ace Pac2.ha(ana K4n6& :ro4nd 9loor&
282 Shri. Jadish .ohra Shri. S4nil .ohra /4lti Colo4r Pac2s )nit No.<& )dyog .ha(an
28- Shri. Sameer " Palan Silton Polymers 1>-& Neel2anth $nd.No.1&
281 Shri. Sharad Doshi Director Shri. Rona2 Doshi Director /4nis4(arat Polymers P(t Ltd 302>2& K4ber Apt.& Ambadi /ain Road
285 /r. .h4pat . Shah Partner .h4pat . Shah 0 /alipat . Shah Pep;Cee Par2 $nd4stries&
287 Shri. /ahipat Shah Partner Shri. .h4pat Shah Partner Pep;Cee Pac2 $nd4stries A;17& .han4par2& Second 9loor&
288 Shri. Jitendra A Shah Proprietor S K $nd4stries 5& Jay4anti Apartment& :ro4nd 9loor
28* /r. 3iten C Shah Partner /r. 'ip4l J Shah A4thorised Signatory R4mi Plastics 118& Shi( Kr4pa $ndl. %state
28< /r. Aditya K Shetty Partner /r. A2hil K Shetty Partner Aditya $nd4stries Le2hra6 De(ra6 $nd. %state&
2*> /r. S4nil Cho4dhary Partner /r. Shyam Cho4dharyRama Pac2aging $nd4stries 21*& Allied $nd4strial %state&
2*1 Shri. Anand Ar4n /odi Shri. Ar4n K /odi Plasticators .;< Nand2ishore $ndl. %state&
2*2 Shri. 3iten .heda Director Shri. Ra64 K Patel Sales %ngg 'init PerAormance Polymers P(t Ltd 2210225& :o24l Rcade DAD&
2*- Shri. Sachin Desai Proprieter/s. Dhanshri Desai /ona Plastics A02>& 21 :iri24n6 $ndl.%state
2*1 Shri. A(inash N Ka+ale /anaging Director Shri. Ra6an A Ka+al+ Director A(con Controls P(t Ltd 2-;21 Ne+ Nand4 $ndl. Co;Bp Society&
2*5 /r. Sachin Sachde( Partner Nayasa /4ltiplast Plot No.7022 Nayasa 3o4se&
2*7 /r. Na(in Dharod Director /r. Pin2esh Chheda Director /ar2eting! No(el Plastics P(t Ltd 15*& Ra6a $nd4strial %state.
2*8 /r. Ar(ind $ Rana+ad Proprietor /ahade( Plastic <& Sai Krishna Ni+as&
2** /r. Chandra2ant "4r42hia Director /r. 'ipinbhai "4r42hiaL4c2y $nd4stries $ndia! P(t Ltd -7;A& Nand2ishore $nd4strial
2*< /r. Jayesh / :anatra Partner Del4= Plastic %nterprise )ni(ersal Paint Compo4nd&
2<> /r. Pra2ash :irish .himani Director Ppi $mpe= Pri(ate Limited 11& J.K. $ndl. %state&
2<1 Shri. C .has2ar /anaging Director Epro $ndia Ltd 1& $nd4strial Area&
2<2 Shri. Dinesh Sonegara Director Shri. S4shil Sonegara : / Deepi2a Rotomo4lders P(t Ltd Plot No.11& -Rd 9loor&
2<- Shri. Sandeep Agar+al Director Shri. /adan Kandoi Director Karnata2a Plascom %ngineers P(t Ltd No.2-5"& -Rd Phase&
2<1 Shri. ' Sampath K4mar Sr /anager La2shmi %lectrical Control Systems Ltd P.B. Aras4r&
2<5 Shri. Jana2bhai S Patel Partner Soor /andir National 3igh+ay No.*&
2<7 Shri. P D Sampat Director0Ceo Shri. Kishore P Sampat ChieA %=ec4ti(e Polythene $nd4stries Post .o= 1->78&
2<8 Shri. Nemish D /ehta /anaging Director Shri. Ra6endra K Sharma ?or2 /anager /ehta 3+a 94h Plastics P(t Ltd Chemo= 3o4se& 2Nd 9loor&
2<* Shri. Sachin Damle Director Sch4mi $mpe= P(t Ltd 5& 'iresh+ar Dhara& .a6a6 Road&
2<< Shri. A2hilesh K .hargaon /anaging Director A(i :lobal Plast P(t Ltd .harga(a 3o4se& 1<;/arol Co.Bp.$nd. %state&
->> Shri. 3aresh N Shah /anaging Director Shri. As6 K4mar Director "oto Pac2aging P(t Ltd C0B. /oona Plastic $nd4stries&
->1 Shri. Ar(ind / /ehta /anaging Director Shri. Paresh A /ehta Director ?elset Plast %=tr4sions P(t Ltd 7;*;<& /etel Age $nd4strial Compo4nd&
->2 Shri. Kirit / /ehta Partner Shri. Jayesh K /ehta Partner ?elset Plastics 11012& Premsons $ndl. %state&
->- Shri. Amarnath 3 Singh Partner Shri. Panchdeo 3 Singh Partner Amar Deo;Plastic $nd4stries 8;<& Satg4r4 Nana2 $nd4strial %state&
->1 Shri. Dharmendra :andhi /anaging Director /4t4al $nd4striales Limited 7>1& De( Pla@a& 7"h 9lr.&
->5 Shri. Sharad ' Pare2h /anaging Director Shri. Nayan S Pare2h %=e Dir Nil2amal Crates , .ins 8808* Nil2aml 3o4se&
->7 Shri. Anil . JainJt /anaging Director Shri. A6it . JainJt /anaging Director Jain $rrigation Systems Limited Jain Plastic Par2&
->8 Shri. Piy4sh Chheda ChairmanShri. Sonia 9ernandes SecretaryPrince $nd4stries S4nshine Pla@a&
->* /r. P S San2ara Raman Di( /gr Bperations /r. Na(in Lal+ani Di( /gr Bperation %=cellence Raychem Rpg Ltd 17-& Ceat /ahal&
->< /r. Rah4l R :idh /ar2eting /anager Ppi .lo+ Pac2 P(t Ltd 18& /ittal Chambers&
-1> Shri. Dinesh Poddar Partner Shri. S N Lahoti .lo+ Pac2 -022& Chatrapati Shi(a6i /ar2et&
-11 /r. /anish ) Shah C % B /r. D / ShahPartner Rita $nd4stries 9lot No.7& .hag+an Shi( Shi(neri
-12 Shri. L S4nder 'ice President .ayer Abs Limited A...S. "o+ers&
-1- Shri. /ayh4r D Shah /anaging Director Ra(i Kiran Chemicals P(t Ltd 2;A& 'rinda(an Ramchandra Lane&
-11 /r. Dipa2 P46ari :m;/ar2eting Dr. .ab4ra6 $yer .4siness De(elopment /anager Clarint Chemicals $ndia! Limited Ra(indra Anne=e&
-15 Shri. R P Sh42la Director Shri. Ramprasad Sh42la Director / Plast $ndia Ltd A;15& Sector;7>&
-17 Shri. P 3ari .ab4 ProprietorShri. /adh4 S4dana Rao Acco4nt BAAicer Creati(e A4tomation , Systems %ngineering Plot No.21& Periyar Salai&
-18 Shri. Ratan Lal S4d ProprietorShri. Kamlesh S4d A4thorised Representati(e Niran6an Plastics P(t Ltd 1<08& .ota+ala .4ilding&
-1* Shri. N Chandra2ant Director Shri. 'inay C N Director Pimco /achines P(t Ltd A;2*& Nand Dham %state&
-1< Shri. /42esh Sheth Director Shri. )ma2ant Shah Director Comet Plast /achinery P(t Ltd 5021& Ashir+ad $ndl. %state&
-2> Shri. N / PatelPartner Shri. Chetal N Patel Partner Patel Plast 1& 1*& 'i(e2 $nd4strial %state&
-21 Shri. Dinesh . Solan2i /anaging Director Shri. /ahesh J Nariel+ala :eneral /anager /2tg ! Sms Plastics "echnology P(t Ltd 5>1& J4eens Co4rt&
-22 Shri. Deepa2 P Asrani /g Director Shri. Ra6esh P Asrani /2tg Director Deepa2 Poly;Plast P(t Ltd Plot No.1-11& :idc Phase;$ii
-2- Shri. 3 P .h4(a%=ec4ti(e Director Shri. / R .h4(a %=ec4ti(e Director Polymechplast /achines Limited D:old CoinD 3o4se&
-21 Shri. Ra6esh N Doshi Jt /anaging Director Shri. S4nil JainPresidentRa6oo %ngineers Limited 8>*& P.P. "o+ers&
-25 Shri. . D Das Director Shri. S . .aner6ee %=port /anager R4pali Plastic 11& Lenin Sarani&
-27 Shri. $lamaran R /anaging Director Shri. .alas4bramaniam % B Sr "ech /anager Pet /o4lds P(t Ltd S4ite 91& 9irst 9loor&No.5&
-28 Shri. )ma2ant Shah Shri. /42esh Sheth Poly Plast /achinery 5022& Ashir+ad $ndl. %state&
-2* Shri. Dhana6ay Panchal Partner Shri. .ha(in Dalal Partner Anita %nterprises -5;A;1& ..".Compo4nd&
-2< Shri. D / Sheregar Director Shri. ' / Sheregar Director De(4 "ools P(t Ltd A011& 2Nd 9loor& Nand6yot $nd4strial ;
--> Shri. A6ay "endol2ar Director S4bir Precision $nd4stries P(t Ltd )nit No.-50-70-8&$nca $nd4strial %state
--1 Shri. L P Narang ProprietorShri. / L Narang Director Continental /etal $nd4stries C011& Nand Dham $ndl.%state&
--2 Shri. A K .asarDirector .asar "echnoplast P(t Ltd C0-& Dalal %state& 1St 9loor&
--- Shri. S4nil J Shah Director Shri. Jyothipra2ash :eneral /anager Precio4s Prod4cts $ndia! Limited A02& Cogi Smr4ti&
--1 Shri. 3arold J :omes Partner Shri. Joseph :omes Partner :omes %ngineering ?or2s -& Sar(odaya $nd4strial %state
--5 /r. Sachin Sachde( /anager /o4ld /aster Plot No.7;22 Na(asa 3o4se&
--7 Shri. Asho2 Daga Partner AgroAle= ReinAorce $nc .;1*& $nd4strial %state&
--8 Shri. Cla4de Lasrado Shri. Christopher Lobo %astern Sales Corp )niG4e 3o4se&
--* Shri. J 3 D+i(edi Co4ntry /anager Lan %ngineering ->-& Radhi2a&
--< Shri. :4lab J :ala /anaging Director Shri. R S Risbood Director /ar2 Resin Agencies P(t Ltd 1> /ay4r /ahal&
-1> Shri. 3emant /ehta ProprietorShri. Dinesh "ha2ar /anager Nitin $nd4stries Shop No.*&
-11 Shri. /ano6 R Shah ProprietorShri. An24r /ano6 Shah R P Shah , Sons C;157& Antophill ?areho4sing Comple=&
-12 Shri. Anant /anilal Jain Shri. Shital S Jain Shantilal /ahendra24mar And Company 2-&:4r42r4pa Chsl.& N.C.Kel2ar Road
-1- Shri. Jiten P /ath4ria Director Shri. Narendra D Khande2ar /anager J P Polymers P(t Ltd J.P.3o4se& Plot No.11& Bpp.Sndt College&
-11 Shri. Nitin P :attani Director Ka4shal Polymers P(t Ltd 7-01& DShi(aniD 'ast4 )dyog&
-15 Shri. /anish .aboolal .orana Director Shri. 'ilas P Chandalia Director .orana Plastics Limited .;11 , 11& ?adala )dyog .ha(an&
-17 Shri. D R S P Ra64 PresidentShri. S4render Cho4dhary Con(enorAll $ndia 9lat "ape /Ars Assn 21-& Richmond "o+ers&
-18 Shri. ' Anil Reddy PresidentShri. Amrit S Patel 3on Secretary Andhra Pradesh Plastics /Ars Assn Room No.->1&-Rd 9loor&
-1* Shri. P J /athe+ :en Secretary Shri. / / Rasheed Past President Kerala Plastics /an4Aact4rerDS Association Syda .ldg.&
-1< Shri. /adan S4rana PresidentShri. L /eyyappan Secretary"he "amilnad4 Plastic /Ars Association C;1&FRams SG4areF&" 9loor&
-5> Shri. : San2aran PresidentShri. . : La2shmipathy SecretaryChennai Plastics /an4Aact4rers , /erchants Association&
-51 Shri. /oi@ $ .odeli+ala "reas4rerShri. .iren C Shah %= Committee /ember 9ederation BA Panchmahal $nds 9ederation .4ilding&
-52 Shri. :opal S Rathi PresidentShri. Nitin Shah:eneral Secretary /aharashtra Plastics /Ars Assn -*& 2Nd 9loor&
-5- Shri. Pra(in Patel PresidentShri. 3aresh :andhi 3on Secretary Sa4rashtra Plastics /Ars Assn La=man .ldg. -Rd 9loor&
-51 /s. S4re2ha C :4la(e Chairman Sa(itri /ahila A4dhyogic Saha2ari Sanstha ?aranagar&
-55 Shri. Asho2 K4mar 3on Secretary Shri. ' : Nambiar "reas4rerSociety BA Plastic %ngineers $nc 2A& Co4rt Chambers& -5&
-57 Shri. S4nil :helani 3on Secretary "he .ombay 9o4ntain Pen /ArsD,"raders 8 , * "rim4rti %ncla(e& /amledar ?adi&
-58 Shri. Parag Pare2h 3on Secretary Shri. Kantilal Sangha(i President"he Small Scale Acry Plast Prod /Ars.Association&
-5* Shri. Dilip24mar :andhi PresidentShri. At4l Pat+a Secretary'idarbha Plastic $nds Assn 121& 'ca Stadi4m Comple=&
-5< Shri. .h4pat Rai ' 'yas PresidentShri. Dilip24mar R Shah 3on Secretary .ha(nagar Plastic /an4Act4rers Association C0B :ayatri Plastic Corporation
-7> Shri. Ra6 /ir6e PresidentShri. Sameer Joshi SecretaryAssociation 9or "he Promotion BA Plastics 12<& Narayan Peth&
-71 Shri. /ahendra S Shah Chairman .ha(nagar District Small $nds Association 127& Sagar Comple=& 9irst 9loor&
-72 Shri. .hart Cho2si SecretaryShri. A6ay /ehta President/aharashtra Laminators Association C0B Shri La=mi Laminators&
-7- Shri. K4shal ' Doshi PresidentShri. 3 P %s+ar3on Secretary All $ndia ReinAorced Plastic /o4ldersD Asn 2>8& Ar4n Chambers& "ardeo Road
-71 Shri. Asho2 :ala Partner Arihant Plastics C;11<& Ansa $nd4strial %aste&
-75 Shri. Ramesh Pari2h Partner %lectronic , %ngineering Co %ec 3o4se Plot C;8&
-77 Shri. Samir A Sheth Samir A Sheth 802*8& Raman 'illa&
-78 Shri. Satish Lele Shri Satish Lele C0B Ar2ema& $ndia .ranch BAAice&
-7* Shri. San6ay /erchant Proprietor Sr4shti Polymers <8& Ratna Jyot $nd4strial %state&
-7< Shri. San6ay Dhame6ani Proprietor Kemco $nternational 1>1& /angal .hayna&
-8> Shri. Dilip K Shah Director Shri. An24r Dilip Shah /g Director Allied B(erseas .>>1& S4n 'ie+ Apartment; :r. 9l.
-81 ProAeel Sentinel -Rd 9loor& Jehangir .ldg.&
-82 Shri. / L Agar+al Director Shri. L K Agar+al Director D4roplast %=tr4sion P(t Ltd Plot No.*& Phase ; $i&
-8- Shri. 'i6ay K4mar /ohta Director S4mangal %lectronics P(t Ltd 2-& Kali Krishna "agore Street&
-81 Shri. S+arochis :h4+ale+alla Partner Shri. S4nil Agar+al /anager /o4lders , %=tr4ders $ndia 1><& Nar2eldanga North Road&
-85 Shri. Kishor :4pta Partner Shri. Asho2 :4pta Partner 3ind4sthan "rading Co 9;17& .agree /ar2et&
-87 Shri. C P .hartia /g Director Jagdamba Polymers Pri(ate Ltd 25&:anes+arp4r $nd.%state&
-88 Shri. Ra6endra K4mar .aid Partner Shri. Padam Chand :olechha Partner An6il Plastic $nd4stries 15& $nd4stril %state&
-8* Shri. R R /4ndra A2ash Chemicals , Polymers ?hite "o+er& 115 College Street&
-8< Shri. Asho2 Agar+al Director /s. 'arsha Agar+al Director Je+el Plastics P(t Ltd -2& %@ra Street& "odi Corner&
-*> /r. Pra2ash Agga+al / D /r. 'i2ash Aggar+al Partner Shi( :anga Allied $nd4stries 71801& Lala La6pat Ray Road&
-*1 Shri. / Jamar Shri. A Sha2oor Attashi %lectronics 1827& Ra@ia .eg4m Street&
-*2 Shri. 'i(e2 :oyal Partner S P Pac2agings 9;17& .ri6 $nd4strial Area&
-*- Shri. / L :4ptaChairman C4m /g Director Shri. S S :4ptaDirector Chemi Plast $nd4stries 55 , 58& $nd4strial Area&
-*1 /s. Anita Dhingra ProprietorShri. C R Dhingra /anager Chemical "rading Corporation 230Par2 /ar2eting& Shop No.1-1&
-*5 Shri. Deepa2 Chaddha Proprietor Cho+dhry R4bber , Chemical Co 1<0-1>& Bld Rohta2 Road&
-*7 Shri. /ahendra Cha+la ProprietorShri. Amit Cha+la /anager De( Plastic , %ngineering ?or2s A;1*0-& /ayap4ri $ndl.Area&
-*8 Shri. S K Agra+al /g Director Shri. Ashish Agra+al Director D4ro Pipe $nd4stries C 2101 Ka&
-** Shri. :o(ind Agar+al Partner Shri. 'inod Agar+al Partner %ssar Poly $nd4stries :;-7&.ri6 $ndl. Area Riico!&
-*< Shri. R K :4ptaProprietor 3aryana Plastic And %ngg ?or2s A;82 Naraina $nd4strial Area&
-<> Shri. Ra6i( .aidPartner Shri. Samta .aid Partner 3mi Corporation Rotary .ha+an&
-<1 Shri. Shi(am .ansal Director J J Pac2agers P(t Ltd A;2& .adshah .agh Colony&
-<2 Shri. S / Agar+al Director Shri. . / Di=it /anager Jhansi Plastics P(t Ltd 1-0-*7;D& Ci(il Lines& Prabh4 Rachna&
-<- Shri. .harat Panchal /anaging Director Shri. Dhira6 Panchal Director Kab Corporation .;8& :agandeep&
-<1 Shri. K4mar Arora /anaging Director Kanp4r Classic "hermo+are P! Ltd D;* Pan2i $nd4strial Area&
-<5 Shri. Sharad K4mar Jain Proprietor Kiran Plastics 251& Krishnap4ri&
-<7 Shri. 3asm42h Jain /anaging Director Shri. A6ay Kapoor Plast Alloys $ndia! Ltd 3;*7& 1St 9loor& Kirti Nagar&
-<8 Shri. Kamal Dara2 Partner Poly Plast $nd4stries .;8& 1St 9loor& Shri Ram /arg&
-<* Shri. R P Agar+al /g Director Shri. R K Agar+al Partner Polyplast $ndia :;105<1& /ar4dhar $nd4.Area&
-<< Shri. Ra6ee( Pra2ash ChieA %=ec4ti(e Shri. A K Sharma Sr Sales /anager Pracson %nterprises Plot No.72 Near Po+er 3o4se!
1>> Shri. Anil Sidh(a Partner Shri. Satish K Sidh(a Partner Prince Plastic Prod4cts 1>8071&Ja+ahar Nagar&
1>1 Shri. Kamal Sapra Partner Ra62amal $nd4stries .;11& $nd4strial %state&
1>2 Shri. R K :4pta/anaging Director Shri. Rah4l :4pta Director S . P Cons4ltants , %ngineers P(t Ltd 1<;A& Ansari Road&
1>- Shri. /ahesh Chat4r(edi Director Shri. :anesh Chat4r(edi Director Shri6i Casting , /an4Aact4ring ?or2s :eneral :an6&
1>1 Shri. Dinanath Agar+al Partner Shri. Ra2esh Agar+al Partner )nipa2 $ndia 1-017& N4niha&
1>5 Shri. Pradeep Aggar+al Director Shri. S4dhir Aggar+al Director Classic %nterprises R;22&
1>7 Shri. J K Jindal Smt. Sha24ntla #indal Jindal Plastic %nterprises 712802& Nabi Karim&
1>8 Shri. Asho2 /ittal : / Commercial! Shi(ali2 Agro Poly Prod Ltd Plot No.1& Sector;-&
1>* Shri. / S SethiDirector Shri. J K Sethi Director Parry /o4ldings P(t Ltd 1*& Ra6a :arden&
1>< Shri. Jag6i(an Singh ProprietorShri. / L .a6a6 Acrylic $ndia! %;7017& Krishna Nagar&
11> Shri. Satish K4mar .ansal Director Shri. P4r4shottam K4mar .ansal Director .ansal "ea Prod4ct P(t Ltd 1>2;1>-& Canal Patri&
111 Shri. Amit :4pta :eneral Director Smt. Smt Rosy :4pta Director 9ile= System P(t Ltd -028 Roop Nagar&
112 /rs. An64 .a6a6 ProprietorShri. Pa+an .a6a6 P DND A $nd4stries 12<7& /odern $nd4strial %state&
11- Shri. Ja(ed $Gbal Kashmir Plastic $nd4stries P... No.28>&
111 Shri. Ramgopal Kothari Partner Shri. Asho2 K4mar Kothari Partner Jayshree Prod4cts D071;18;A& /adhop4r Sigra&
115 /r. Shyamlal "alre6a Director /r. Ra(i "al6rea Director Plasto ; Pac2 12;%& Scheme No.81& $ndl Sector A!
117 /r. S4has :odbole Partner /r. S Pa4l Sales , P4rchase /anager Lalie A4to Plastics C;1& $( Phase&
118 /r. Pramod K Ag+e2ar Proprietor Pramod Plastics %015& :o(ernment $ndl. %state
11* /s. Sangeeta Jain Partner /r. K4shan2 Jain Partner /eena2shi %nterprises :;10171& Ne+ar $ndl. Area&
11< /r. Asho2 :andhi : / /r. An2it :andhi /anaging Director :anga "hermo+ares P(t Ltd :anga 3o4se&
12> /r. Neel Kamal Jain Director /r. Ra6 K4mar Jain Director Nircon Polymers P(t Ltd :;7<207<- Riico $ndl. Area&
121 /r. Ra6ee( Agar+al Director /r. Ra2esh Agar+al Director Prabhat Roto Pac2 P(t Ltd C;17& $nd4strial Area&
122 /r. An4pam :4lati /anaging Director /r. /adh4r :4lati /anager )niG4e /o4ldings P(t Ltd 2> A01& $nd4strial Area&
12- Shri. Amritlal Jain Partner Shri. Kap4rchand Jain :ian Chand Kap4r Chand Jain .a@ar .a2ar+ana& $nside Sheran+ala :ate&
121 Shri. A Jagadesan /g Director Shri. J Ar4n Director Ar4n Plast P(t Ltd 12;C& Chairman A.R.A.Road&
125 Shri. N .as2aran /anaging Director Shri. Jacob JoeDirector Carris Pipes , P(t Ltd P...No.2&
127 Shri. S4resh Chandralahoti ProprietorShri. Naresh Rathi S4rya Polymers 15;8;1<2& .eg4m .a@ar&
128 Shri. Ra6esh Sethia ProprietorShri. L C Jain Shri Shan2ar 3ind4stan Plastics S;7 , 8& Pete Channappa $ndl.%state&
12* Shri. S J %datt42aram Jomsons Plastics Ei& 7*>01& So4thern Shopping Comple=&
12< Shri. K .ala2rishna Director Shri. .alaram .hat Director Ka24n6e Plastipac2s P(t !Ltd BppI :.P./. College&
1-> Shri. C A Jose /anaging Director Shri. Sab4 Jose%=ec4ti( Director Kalpa2a Plastics P(t Ltd "hai22att4ssery P.B.&
1-1 Shri. S SridharPartner Karthic2 Poly Printers -0711A& Satt4r Road&
1-2 Shri. K D Ke6ari+al C % B Shri. Ra6esh Ke6ri+al /anager Adm ! Kodoor %ngineers P(t Ltd El0*51;1& A@ad Road&
1-- Shri. ' K4lase2har Naid4 Proprietor K4mar $nd4stries 15;-& Bpp. S4bbaiah K4nta .4s Stop&
1-1 Shri. P :nana(el ProprietorShri. / Srini(asan /anager National 3anger Co No.70->&
1-5 Shri. ' Krishna Reddy /anaging Director Shri. ' Anil Reddy "echnical Director Nayastrap P(t Ltd 11;5;1150A08& 2Nd 9loor&
1-7 Shri. ' S /ani Proprietor/s. Shobha /ani /anager Poly+in $nd4stries Plot No.12&
1-8 Shri. . S4bramaniam ChieA %=ec4ti(e Premier $nd4strial Plastics C;1>& Ra@ac2 :arden Road&
1-* Shri. " Solaisamy Shri. S Dharmara6 Sapthagiri Poly Printers $! P(t Ltd 1* Chairman A.R. Ar4nchalam Rd &
1-< Shri. A Jagadeesan Shri. J Jaya Chandran SoAeene Plastics P(t Ltd *01111& A;1& "richy Road&
11> Shri. Phool Chand Agar+al ProprietorShri. Ramesh K4mar Agar+al /anager Sri .ala6i "raders 11;1;-8801& .eg4m .a@ar&
111 Shri. ' .as2aran Shri. ' S4dha2ar S4ba Plastics *5& Jothip4ram&
112 Shri. S .alas4bramaniam Proprietor S4riya Plastic -2;Santhan Kar424&
11- Shri. /4raleedharan "hamp4ran 'arma $nd4stries "hott4m4ngham P.B.&
111 Shri. L :angadhar Proprietor 'inmag Plastics No.15& 2Nd /ain& 2Nd Stage&
115 Shri. K 3arishchandra Prasad /anaging Director Shri. ) 'iyaya K4mar La2shmi 9inance , $nd4strial Corp Ltd 1St 9loor& S4ryodaya&
117 Shri. S Na(arathan ProprietorShri. S Pra2ash:eneral /anager Progressi(e Poly;Pac2 $nd4stries No.<>& 1"h Phase& -Rd Road&
118 Shri. R / Ra(i /g Partner Cholamandal /arine 9ibres A;$& $nd4strial %state &
11* Shri. Jinendra :andhi /anager Smt. Smt .aby :andhi Proprietor/icro Straps 1>10C& "imber Card Layo4t&
11< Shri. : ' Nagesh ProprietorShri. S A Ra6gopal ?or2s /anager :argi %nterprises No.1>& .s2 $i Stage $nd4strial Layo4t&
15> Shri. Anil K4mar Agar+al Director .harat /onoAilament , "e=tiles P! Ltd 75& Pete Channappa $ndl.%state&
151 Shri. ' Ramayan Proprietor Saras+ati Plastic $nd4stries 5;--02101& Prashanthi Naga&
152 Shri. / Narayan Partner Shri. R Si(araman /anager Poly /o4ld $nd4stries .;12& $nd4strial %state&
15- Shri. Ra(inder K4mar :4pta Proprietor Sai Plastics 1<;2;2-<02&
151 Shri. P Ar(ind "ech Ad(iser Shri. Sreedhar Ar(ind ProprietorSreeplast1;A& Sarathy Nagar& "richy Road&
155 Shri. P D :eorge Proprietor Sharon Polymers Peroor P.B.&
157 Shri. / Ramesh K4mar Partner Km2 Polymers 28& Padi2att4th4ral
158 Shri. Kamal Sipani Chairman K /g Director Abhinandan Petro Pac2s P(t Ltd /aris+amappa Layo4t& Dorsani Palya&
15* Shri. Nilesh D /odi C % B Shri. Naresh Shah /anager /odi %=tr4sion /odiDS -A& Palace /anor&
15< Shri. / Palani(el4 /g Director Dr. P Sa2thi(el Director /4th4 Pipes P(t Ltd -%& /andira Apartments&
17> Shri. Shan2ar C ' Partner Shri. Chandra She2ar C ' Partner Shan2ar "ools , Components 1801;1-8& 1"h Cross& 1"h /ain&
171 Shri. R Sadesh K4mar /g Director Prime Pac2aging $! P(t Ltd R.S.No.15701.&
172 Shri. Alo2 K4mar Saboo /g Director Shri. San6i( Saboo %=ec4ti(e Partner Rohini Plasto Pac2 Sa(o Sadan&
17- Shri. C :o(indan Shri. K Ramesh K4mar :emini Plastics $nd4stries $(05>7& $nd4strial %state&
171 Shri. Ar4m4gas+amy S ProprietorShri. Ra6a /ohan A /anager Ar4na 9le=o Pac2s Ka22ad&Ka22ad State&
175 Shri. R Sri 3ariPartner Sri La2shmi 'ishn4 Plastics No.25& Palaya P4d4r&
177 Shri. ' Senthilm4r4gan C(s $nd4stries 12A;1& Kandampalayam&
178 Shri. San6ay :othi Jt /g Director Shri. P :othi :othi Plascon $ndia! Limited 1805.01A& 'a@h4da(4r Road&
17* Shri. Ra6esh K4mar Jain Partner Shri. S4ganchand Jain Partenr S4nshine Prod4cts No.18&
17< Shri. Ramesh Kini ChairmanShri. :anesh Kini /g Director Dasharath Plastics P(t Ltd D;No. 5012 J&
18> Shri. Ra624mar Do2ania Director Shri. Anil K4mar Do2ania Director /ody Plastics $nd4stries P! Ltd <1021-* S4ndada2atter&
181 Shri. Ketan J Damani Proprietor J J Polymers Shed No.12205;1& 12"h Cross&
182 Shri. Prem Kan2aria /anaging Director Shri. Ramesh Singhi Director Ra6 Pac2aging $nd4stries Ltd 7;-;1><>0C;1& Bpp.Kapadia Lane!&
18- Shri. 'ip4l Sancheti Director Shri. ' Srini(as Rao Acco4nt BAAicer An42ampa Polymers , "echnologies P! Ltd .;21 $nd4strial %state&
181 Shri. K Sa66ad Pasha #ain Design %ast 3all Appts.&
185 /r. S Ra6esh Pandya /anaging Partner /r. S Pan2a6 Partner S S 'inyl $nd4stries Plot No.71&
187 /r. . L .handari /anaging Director /r. Sampat Ra6 Jain Director S / Poly Prints P(t Ltd .;8>0A& Apie
188 /r. Naresh K4mar Proprietor /irror ProAile $nd4stries 22027& Kr4mbigal Road&
18* /r. A Senthil K4mar /anager /r. K Anbarasan ProprietorRam "raders Plot No.8*& Ath4r Sidco $nd.%state&
18< /r. S Ra6an .ab4 R .ee Prod4cts 5>& Per4mal Koil Street&
1*> Shri. Cogeshbhai : Shah %=ec4ti(eShri. Shailesh / Pare2h %=ec4ti(eAAlon %ngg Corporation City /ills Compo4nd &
1*1 Shri. J 3 Sachde( Partner Shri. Ra(i Sachde( Partner Agpha R4bber , Plastics 17& %=otic Place&
1*2 Shri. Amar Dha+na ProprietorShri. Amit Dha+na Propritor Amar Agency , Plastic $nd4stries -802-- /angra Para&
1*- Shri. D N 'a6ir Patneer Shri. D / 'a6irPartner Amar Plast $nd4stries :ondal Road&
1*1 Shri. : R Shenoy Partner Amber Plastics D;1& Nand6yot $ndl. %state&
1*5 Shri. 'inod / Patel Partner Shri. Alap ' Patel Partner Ambica %ngg , ?ire $nd4stries L;11;15& :idc %state&
1*7 Shri. D A Patel Shri. A K Patel An6ali Kitchen+are P(t Ltd 18>& .ombay "al2ies Compo4nd&
1*8 Shri. .a24l Kothari Partner Shri. Pradeep Kothari Partner Arihant 3i;"ech $nd4stries S+asti2 %state& Plot No.77&
1** Shri. Dinesh . Sa+la Director Shri. Nitin . Sa+la Director Aristoplast %nterprises P(t Ltd 7012<& San6ay .4ilding&
1*< Shri. /ilan Shah Partner Shri. 3itesh Chande Partner Ashap4ra /o4ld Plast :ala No.1>>& Ne+ )niG4e $nd4strial %sta&
1<> Shri. Dahyabhai R Panchal Director Shri. Ashishbhai R Panchal Ashish Agro Plast P! Ltd A;->5 DSam4dra Comple=D
1<1 Shri. / " Chhabria ProprietorShri. An24sh / ChhabriaAsian Plastics 227& Ramgopal $ndl.%state&
1<2 Shri. /adh42ar N Patil Partner Shri. )day /adh42ar Patil Partner Atom Plast .ha(na&122&'eer Sa(ar2ar /arg&
1<- Shri. S4rendra R Shah Partner Shri. )day R Shah Partner . R Plastics 5<& -Rd .hoai+ada&
1<1 Shri. ' R Somaiya Proprietor .aba Pac2aging ->7 Cama $nd.%state&
1<5 Shri. Naresh K Doshi Partner .a6a6 Plastic $nd4stries 52 "o 51 Co;Bp $nd4strial&
1<7 Shri. R K /4ndra Proprietor .ala6ee Plastics C;-2& /.$.D.C.&
1<8 Shri. 3iten /4chhala Director Shri. Sameer /4chhala Director .arron Plastics P(t Ltd /etro Chambers& 2Nd 9loor& 7*081&
1<* Shri. Deepa2 K "ha24r Director Shri. Dheera6 "ha24r Partner .onhomie %nterprises 2*&)6agar $nd4strial %state&
1<< Shri. S " Jobanp4tra Partner Shri. K S Jobnp4tra Partner Cello Plast 2> Jai 'ish(ambhari C.3.S.Ltd.
5>> Shri. Nanda Shi(a6i /an6i Proprietor Chirag $nd4stries 55;A& :4r4gobind Sing $nd.%state&
5>1 Shri. /ohd AtiG4e Shai2h ProprietorShri. 9aiy@ )sman Sheth+ala /anager Clarol .ea4ty Prod4cts %;18& Agar+al $nd4strial %state&
5>2 Shri. /eh4l "hac2er Proprietor Conto4r %ngineers 1>- Anmol& 18;A Anandrao De(ale Road&
5>- Shri. 'inay24mar Aggar+al /anager /2tg ! Shri. Ram2rishan Aggar+al Creati(e Plastics P(t Ltd 1*5 #a(eri .a@ar& -Rd 9loor&
5>1 Shri. R . L4lla Shri. A N Sa+ant Crystal $nd4stries -2& Raigad Ni2etan&
5>5 Shri. Joseph Lobo Delite Plastics Adarsha $nd4strial %state&
5>7 Shri. Dinesh / "ha22ar Partner Shri. Jayesh D "ha22ar Partner Delta Plastics 112 .harat $ndl. %state&
5>8 Shri. /ahesh /ehta Partner Shri. 9or4m / /ehta Acco4tant Dilip $nd4stries -01 Jayesh $nd4strial %state&
5>* Shri. / N Pandya Partner Shri. Ni2esh R Patel Partner Dimple Polymers C01;125;.& Phase;$(& :.$.D.C. %state&
5>< Shri. )day C Nana(ati /anaging Director /s. /s "riya ) Nana(ati %=ec4ti(eDynamic Plastics P(t Ltd .ldg.No.1& 2>5;2>* /ittal %state&
51> Shri. .harat / .ach+ani / D /s. Char4lata .ach+ani Director %asyAlo Polymer %ngineers P(t Ltd C;-58& /idc&
511 Shri. R R SaraAPartner Shri. Nira6 SaraA Partner %lectroplast $nd4stries 1>1& Nariman $nd4s. %state&
512 Shri. "4shar / Sanghani Partner Shri. Nira( / Sanghani Partner %(erest $nd4strial Corporation 1>2& Sona )dyog .ha(an&
51- Shri. P R Kacheria Partner Shri. Na(inchandra J Shah Partner 9ibro Chem $nd4stries A02>A ,.;<& :hat2opar $ndl.%state&
511 Shri. Jatin J /ehta Partner Shri. :a4tam Jha(eri Partner 9ibro $nd4stries -1& Ap4r(a $ndl.%state&
515 Shri. Pra2ash Deshm42h Partner Shri. Parag Deshm42h Partner : R Plastics 1015 Roc2y $nd4strial %state&
517 Shri. Ar4n .harga(a Director :ala=y $nd4strial Corporation <2& /arol Co;Bp.$ndl.%state&
518 Shri. : ' P4n6abi :eneral $nd4stries 2>& /arol Co;Bp $ndl. %state&
51* Shri. . De(araya Pai /anager Shri. P Nagara6 Prabh4 Partner :oa+are 9ilaments
51< Shri. Jagdish A Shah Partner Shri. Nir(an J Shah Partner :raphicAorm 2>& %(ergreen $ndl. %state&
52> Shri. Dhiren Shah Partner Shri. Sitesh Shah Partner :46arat Plastics 10-1& Agar+ala Nagar&
521 Shri. Nira( .a24l Sheth Partner Shri. S . ShethPartner 3em Plastics Shree Sai2r4pa& :ala No.1&
522 Shri. 3emant N Desai Director Shri. Na(nit C Desai Director Satyam $nd4stries 1>-& Koshal Apartment&
52- Shri. 3 N 'adallia Partner Shri. ' P Sh42la Partner 3em(in $nd4stries 158& :idc $nd.%state&
521 Shri. : . Ramchandani Properietor Shri. Chandan : Ramchandani /anager 3ind4stan Polythene , Plastic ?or2s $nd4strial Area&
525 Shri. 3itesh . Sangh(i Partner Shri. 'ipil 3 /ehta 3iren $nd4stries 120AA& Ne+ %mpire $ndl.%state&
527 Shri. Khim6i :indra Partner Shri. 'init K :indra Partner $mperial $nd4stries Adm.BAA. A;1>5& :hat2opar $ndl.%st.&
528 Shri. Chandra2antbhai : Shah /anager Shri. S4reshbhai J Shah "echnical Ad(isor $nd4strial Resins /Ag Co 7 :ai+adi $nd4strial %state&
52* Shri. 3424mchand . :4pta Proprietor Jatariya $nd4stries A;11& /.$.D.C.&
52< Shri. "apas .is+as ProprietorShri. Amit .is+as /anager Jaya Plastic 1>1& 'arsha .an2 BA /aharashtra Lane&
5-> Shri. / N Jham Shri. R N Jham Jaybee Plastic ?or2s Diamond /ansion&
5-1 Shri. $sh+ar .ansal Shri. Ra2esh .ansal Jaypee %nterprises 1>& /4nge2ar $nd4strial %state&
5-2 Shri. Ramesh D :anger Partner Shri. San6ay / "ri(edi Partner Jinal $nd4stries )nit No.<&.hoomi $nd4strial %state;2&
5-- Shri. 3 / 'ohraProprietor J4piter $nd4stries 1150.& :o(t. $ndl. %state&
5-1 Shri. J P NagoriPartner Shri. P N Nagori Partner Jyoti Polythene $nd4stries 1& Nayap4ra&
5-5 Shri. Ra6an Kamdar Partner Shri. Jayantilal Kamdar Partner Kep $nd4stries C0B. %ssar $nd4stries&
5-7 Shri. C P Khanna Shri. S P Khanna Khanna "4bes , Cond4its 11& Khar Satyam Premises&
5-8 Shri. R / Nar+e2ar Constit4ted Attorney King 9isher "+ines , Ropes A6anta Apartments&
5-* Shri. S ' KabraChairmanShri. S N Kabra/anaging Director Kolsite /achine 9abri2 Ltd Kolsite 3o4se&
5-< /rs. Ar4na L Dhr4(a /2rt /anager Shri. Lalit L Dhr4n L Kirit24mar , Co Sorento .ldg.& 1>2& .;?ing& Shanti Par2&
51> Shri. Shi(prasad R Khator C %=e BAAicer Shri. A6ay Khator "echnicalLittle Plastics $ndia! -1>0-1>A& -Rd 9loor&
511 Shri. 'i6ay R "ibre+ala Partner Lot4s $nd4stries 2& 'iolete 'illa&
512 Shri. P S /ehtaPartner /aha(eer Pipe $nd4stries 2*1& /angal+ar Peth&
51- Shri. 3arshad Kothari Partner Shri. Papp4 Kothari Partner /aha(ir Colo4r Plast Pigments 1>1 S+astic 3o4se 1St 9loor&
511 Shri. / N /aniar Shri. D / /aniar /aniar Plastic $nd4stries 7-& -Rd .hoi+ada&
515 Shri. /ano6 L .iyani Proprietor /ano6 $nd4stries /;175& /.$.D.C. Area&
517 Shri. Shi(naryan .aheti Director /anorama Ropes $ndia P(t Ltd Shed No.1&2&-&1 , 5 Plot No.1>>
518 Shri. L K :a64l Partner /ar4ti Plastics /idc A22al2ote Road&
51* Shri. S D /ehtalia Partner Shri. . D /ehtalia Partner /eghana Plastics 2*& :a4ra( $nd4strial %state&
51< Shri. Ra6i( /ota Partner Shri. Ketan /ota Partner /eh4l Polyplast 5>& Sidhp4ra $ndl.%st.&
55> Shri. 3arshad Shah Partner Shri. P 3 ShahPartner /eta Plast Prod4cts A011 Pera6 Plalace -Rd 9loor&
551 Shri. Ra6esh D /eta+ala /g Director Shri. Dhira6lal ' /eta+ala Chairman/eta+ala Plastics P! Ltd 2>1& Sheraton Classic&
552 Shri. J K Patel Partner Shri. ' C Patel BAAice .earer /ilan Agro 12 Anchor %state&
55- Shri. R R /odi Director Shri. . R /odi Director /odi PolyAab P(t Ltd 9lat No.-21& -2Nd 9loor&
551 Shri. /ans42h R Dedhia Proprietor /onoyarn-5& Asho2 $nd4strial %state&
555 Shri. Nira6 / Kothari N D Plastics :;-& Neel2anth Comple= Chs.& .;?ing&
557 Shri. 'i2as 3 Rane Proprietor :anesh Plastic $nd4str4es .;1& :iri24n6 $ndl. %state&
558 Shri. C . Jani Partner Shri. K C Jani Partner Ne+ /ay4r Plastics 18& Ka2ad $ndl. %state&
55* Shri. 3asm42h C Shah Partner Shri. 'is+anath Nair /anager Nyloplast Precision $nd4stries )nit No.1< 'ardhaman $nd.%state&
55< Shri. Asho2 R Joshi Ceo Shri. R D Sh42la /anager Bm $nd4stries /424nd Ni+as& :anesh+adi&
57> Shri. R K .ora Director /o4ld "ech P! Ltd
571 Shri. A / Shetty Shri. : Shinde Brganic Plastics P(t Ltd .;5>1& Prati2 $nd4strial %state&
572 Shri. 'inesh L Ad(ani Partner Shri. L L Ad(ani Partner Brient %nterprises :ala No.8-& Arihant $nd4strial %state&
57- Shri. Prabh4das C Parmar Chairman , /g Director Shri. /anish R Parmar ChieA %=e "ech! Pap;9lon %ngineering Co P(t Ltd Plot No.1821;22& Phase;$(&
571 Shri. A6it / 3aldan2ar ProprietorShri. 3emchandra / 3aldan2ar A4thorised Person Parsh4ram Plastic $nd4stries Shop No.1>& /anali .ldg.& No.2&&
575 Shri. Prasad /anaging Director Shri. Shitape 'asant /anger Patil "ehrmoplastics Plot No.12& $ndl. %state&
577 Shri. Deepa2 C .halani Director Shri. Chand4lal / .halani Director Penta= Plastics P(t Ltd 522& /arathon /a=&
578 /rs. $ndira Dalal ProprietorShri. Satish Dalal A4thorised Person Pin2ee $nd4stries 21-& 'inay $nd4strial %state&
57* Shri. 3ari6ee(an . .ha(sar Proprietor Pioneer Plastics 21& "arasingh $ndl.%state&
57< Shri. $ ) Sancheti Partner Shri. Shailesh Sancheti Partner Pioneer Plastics 11-& Sagar A(en4e& 1St 9loor&
58> Shri. " K Shahani /anaging Director Shri. Ram Pershad 'erma Prod /anager Pioneer "ools , Appliances P(t Ltd A;55& /idc&
581 Shri. Sharad Jas+ani Director Shri. Paras / Jas+ani Director Plast $ndia Pac2aging P! Ltd C;2<09& /alad $nd.)nit Co;Bp Soc.&
582 Shri. S4resh P Seth Partner Shri. PraA4l P Seth Partner Plastic %ngineering ?or2s 1<& .ombay "al2ies Compo4nd&
58- Shri. At4l S /4de Partner Shri. Shshi2ant " /4de Partner Plastomech %ngineering A;11& Lagh4 )dyog Kendra&
581 Shri. 'inay Poddar Proprietor Polycans /ahala=mi $nd4strial %state&
585 Shri. /adh42ar N Shah Polycell Corporation -;A& Satg4r4 $ndl. %state&
587 Shri. /ahendra R Sangh(i ProprietorShri. "4shar / Sangh(i ProprietorPolycolo4r Corporation 11* 'i(e2 $nd4strial %state&
588 Shri. : N ChagPartner Shri. D : ChagPartner Polystrips $nd4stries C011022& /.P.Shah $ndl.%state&
58* Shri. Pra2ash 3 Shah ChairmanShri. Dhr4( P Shah Director Prasad Koch;"echni2 P(t Ltd Plot No.11;170. Phase;$ :idc %state&
58< Shri. P4neet / ?ig Director ?ig Assocoates P(t Ltd 1>2&Amar Residency&S.".Road.P4n6ab ?adi
5*> Shri. Dayal A Dode6a ProprietorShri. Amit $ Dode6a /anager Ra6 Pac2aging C;7& Ratnadeep Shopping Centre&
5*1 Shri. Ra6i( . "olat Smt. 3 R "olat Ra62amal %nterprises -01><& Ashir+ad $ndl.%state&
5*2 Shri. Samir ) Shah Director Shri. .ha(i2 S Shah Ra6shree $nd4stries Plot No. D;8&
5*- Shri. J K Raman"ech Director Shri. /4rali Raman / D Raman "hermosets P(t Ltd Shop No.*& :ro4nd 9loor&
5*1 Shri. Pra(inchandra /ehta Shri. "4shar P /ehta Ra(i Corporation -2> .4ssa $ndl %state&
5*5 Shri. Nand42ishor .abelia Partner Shri. Ra(i .abelia Partner Ra(i %nterprises L0->01705 :idc $nd. %state&
5*7 Shri. 3itesh N Shah Reliance Plastics 110A& )niG4e $ndl. %state&
5*8 Dr. S4man / B@a Shri. Rohit C Shah Rene+ Plastics :ala No. 2& :ro4nd 9loor&
5** Shri. Nirmal . Jain Partner Shri. Jitendra : Da(e Partner Rishabh Plast $nd4stries .ab4lal Compo4nd& Bpp.N././etal&
5*< Shri. Ap4r(a /ehta R4shabh Colo4r , Chemicals De(chand Nagar&
5<> Shri. R S Shanbhag Shri. / . Shanbhag Sans42 $nd4stries .;-5& :iri24n6 $ndl. %state&
5<1 Shri. : / Kinger PresidentShri. Sa64 #achariah Partner Shanti Plastics <5A& /ittal "o+er&
5<2 Shri. . S Sharma Proprietor/rs. A . Sharma /anag+eSharma %nterprises )nit No.1&:r.9loor& Aghadi $ndl.%st&
5<- Shri. 'iren Sheth Director Shri. :hanshyam Sheth Director Sheth Pet , Polymers Ltd D;1>1& Sil(er Ba2&
5<1 Shri. A D DoshiPartner Shri. S A DoshiPartner Shital Chem Plast $nd4stries Sheetal 3o4se& Bpp."ha24r %ngg.College&
5<5 Shri. /ahendrabai J Sidhap4ra ProprietorShri. Rameshbhai J Sidhap4ra Shi( Sha2ti %ngineering ?or2s Plot No.5*& Near ?ater "an2&
5<7 Shri. Anant / Shah Proprietor Shree :a4tam $nd4stries J;.loc2 Kan64r Co;Bp $ndl.%state Ltd.&
5<8 Shri. Naresh .hatia ProprietorShri. 3arish .hatia Pro Shree6i $nd4stries :ala No.7&Kailash Sagar $ndl.%state&
5<* Shri. /ahendra K4mar " .ohra Shri. 3asm42h K4mar " .ohra Sneha Polypac2s P(t Ltd -02& Kapadia $ndl. %state&
5<< Shri. S C Cha4han ProprietorShri. L S Cha4han ChieA %=e Sona $nd4stries 1>8& Ashir+ad 3ea(y $nd.%state&
7>> Shri. Paresh Kailaschand "hole /anaging Director Shri. P . "holeDirector Sona Polyplast P(t Ltd /ani2 .ha(an&
7>1 Shri. 'imalchand / Shah ChieA %=ec4ti(e BAAicer Shri. Ar(ind ' Shah %=port /anager Sonal Plastics K8*;8<& Sonal %state&
7>2 Shri. 'as4de( ' Shah Partner Smt. Kalpana ' Shah Partner S4n Plastic $nd4stries 1*& Randeep 3o4se&
7>- Shri. Jayant Shah ProprietorShri. Kiran Shah S+asti2 $nd4stries C0221;222& Shreyas $ndl. %state&
7>1 Shri. S . /ordecai Partner "echni ; Chrome A;1; :iri24n6 $ndl. %state&
7>5 Shri. Dilip ShahCeo "ender;Care $nternational C012& 120A& Shreyas $ndl. %st.
7>7 Shri. Pratap K "ha22ar Partner Shri. .hag+an K "ha22ar Partner "he 'en4s ?aterprooA Prds /Ag Co P4rshottam Khera6 $ndl. %state&
7>8 Shri. ' K /ehtani Shri. : K /ehtani "hermoplastic $nd4stries 8*;D& Ladpath&
7>* Shri. 3 K Dedhia Partner )day Plast 1>5& K.K. :4pta $ndl. %state&
7>< Shri. Ramprasad :oen2a Partner Shri. Anand :oen2a Partner )sha $nd4stries 2>*& Sati $nd4strial %state&
71> /r. .lo+ /o4lds /g Partner Shri. / ' Doshi Partner ' / $nd4strial Corporation 221& A6ay $ndl.%state&
711 Shri. Ar4n2ant A /ehta ProprietorShri. Dharmendra A /ehta ' R Polymers 2> Somaiya Shopping Centre&
712 Shri. ' / Shah Shri. A / Shah 'ac44m 9orm Prod4cts -8& 'adhani $ndl. %state&
71- Shri. Siddharth .al+ani 'ar4n $nd4stries Shi( Sadan :o2hale Road&
711 Shri. 'i6ay J /aniar Partner Shri. /anish ' /aniar Partner 'ishal $nd4stries Naharsing %state&
715 Shri. J P Chothani Shri. R P Chothani 'olga Plastics 2-8021-& Abd4l Rehman Street&
717 Shri. Shripal . Jain Shri. /ano6 . Jain ?alambia $nd4stries :ogate ?adi&
718 Shri. /ohanlal C Agra+al Director Shri. An2it / Agra+al :ayatri $nd4stries .;1& )ma .4ilding&
71* Dr. Ash4tosh K :or Partner Shri. /42esh J Sa(la Partner #enith Corporation :ala No.*& An4pam $nd. %state&
71< Shri. J K "i+ari/anaging Director Shri. Ramesh /ishra Partner Prime Poly 9illers P(t Ltd Plot No.15>501&Phase;$(&
72> Shri. S4nil N Joshi ProprietorShri. S4dhir N Joshi Kalpatar4 .lo+ Plast Shed No.?;11& Phase;$ii&
721 Shri. 9 3 Pari2hChieA %=ec4ti(e Shri. / . Pari2h /ar2eting /anager Dip;9lon %ngineering , Co .;11-& ..:. "o+ers&
722 Shri. Ra2esh Jain Partner Shri. Jeet4 JainPartner Lapar Creations C;1;C;2 Shreyas $ndl %state&
72- Shri. Nirmal S4re2a Partner Shri. Ashish S4re2ha Partner Narayani $nd4stries Narayani 3o4se&
721 Shri. . P Chotani Shri. R P Chotani /oti Plastics 1<&An4pam $nd4strial %state&
725 Shri. /ahendra C Sa2ariya C % B Jalore Plastic+are 18202& /ysore Road&
727 /s. Damayanti Dhira6lal Parmar B+ner /s. /anali / Kadam /anager Aco PlastPlot No.1--&
728 Shri. ' N /anel Partner Shri. S ' /anel Partner Phenoplast Corporation 2>1& /ahim $nd4strial %state&
72* Shri. J P Deshlahara /anaging Director Shri. ' J Deshlahara /2t Director Poonam Plastic $nd4stries 158 Aarey Road&
72< Shri. J P Deshlehara /anaging Director Shri. 'eer J Deshlahra /2t Director 'i6ay Plastic $nd4stries 158& Aarey Road&
7-> Shri. Jayesh 3 /ehtalia Shri. R4pesh 3 /ehtaliaAnant )dyog D;127& .onan@a $ndl.%state&
7-1 Shri. Jatin ' B@a Proprietor 'eniplast%;1>& /.$.D.C.&
7-2 Shri. /ahendra Patni Proprietor/s. Sangeeta Pandey Co %=e Nirmal Plastic $nd4stries )nit No.117& A ; # $nd4strial %state&
7-- Shri. . K :oen2a Director Shri. :irish . :oen2a Director S4i;:eneris Plastics P(t Ltd 7>& Sar6i(an Society &
7-1 Shri. .hogilal Shah Partner Shri. /ahesh Shah Partner Ar4na Plastic ?or2s Dayabhai Compo4nd&
7-5 Shri. Rit4ra6 :4pta Director Shri. Ra6esh :4pta Director "ir4pati 9le=opac2 P! Ltd C;8& Prasad Shopping Centre&
7-7 Shri. Liladhar P Jeth+a Partner Polyera $nd4stries C1.02170-& :idc Area&
7-8 Shri. Paras Shah /ar2eting /anager /s. S4man Shah "echnical /anager Paras Agro Plast P(t Ltd .;<& :ri4nd 9loor&
7-* Shri. Ra6esh :4pta Partner Shri. Rit4ra6 :4pta Partner "ripac2 C;8& Prasad Shopping Centre&
7-< Shri. / Seyed /4bara2 Ali Partner Shri. S Seyed /d SadiG Partner .harat Polymers No.1A& :ro4nd 9loor&%mbassy Apartment&
71> Shri. Ka4shi2 / Kamdar Director Shri. Kalpesh Dalal Partner Nobtech %nterprise 12<;C& :o(t.$ndl.%state&
711 Shri. Asho2 Chandnani Partner %lplas %nterprise 21021&N.J.$nd4strial %state&
712 Shri. K4n6al K Shah Partner Shri. /inesh A Shah Partner Kiran Plastics )niG4e $nd4strial %state&
71- Shri. S K R4parel ProprietorShri. J C .hayani /anager . J Polymer )nit No.21-& K.K.:4pta $ndl.%state &
711 Shri. N C Da(eProprietorShri. Parag N Da(e Da(e "echnical Ser(ice Soni Compo4nd Ch4ri+adi&
715 Shri. /ahendra S Solan2i Proprietor S / Corporation 1<0A0* Se2saria $nd4strial %state&
717 Shri. 'i6ay D )data ProprietorShri. P4r4shottam D )data )data Plastics $nd4stries C;->08& /idc& .ehind Bld A22al2oat Na2a&
718 Shri. /ahendra : Raisoni Director Shradha $nd4stries Ltd D;<1& /.$.D.C.&
71* Shri. Ra6endra Patel /g Director Shri. $lesh Patel Director Brbit /asterbatches P(t Ltd 515& Siddharth Comple=&
71< /s. Philomena Santiago Partner "homson %nterprise 1>1>01>12& .hand4p $nd4strial %state
75> Shri. . / /ahesh+ari Partner Shri. N K /ahesh+ari Partner "ir4pati Plastic $nd4stries -2<0272*& /otilal Nagar;2
751 Shri. Prati2 N Desai %=ec4ti(eShri. Nitin A Desai /anager Rashmi "raders 2->;.& .ombay "al2ies Compo4nd
752 Shri. K C "olani C /anaging Director S+etganga Pac2aging $nd4 P(t Ltd Sonesar Apartments& 2Nd 9loor&
75- Shri. .harat S Jain Director Shri. J N Jain Director Shri /aninatha Plastics P(t Ltd 21& Seedat /ention&
751 Shri. A2barali %ssani Arls4n Plast P.B..o= -7*&
755 Shri. Asho2 Sarda Shri. Shri2ant Sarda S4darshan Plastics Sarda .ha+an& :andhibagh&
757 Shri. De(endra S Dharamshi Partner Shri. Pina2in Chheda Partner 9le=o ?orld 211 :o(ind )dyog .h4(an&
758 Shri. Sameer A Joshi Partner Progressi(e Polymers 21 Amar Society&
75* Shri. Adhi2 / Nala+ade Partner Shri. Pradeep / Nala+ad+ Partner Pradeep Plastic $nd4stries 9;125& Sharad $nd4strial %state&
75< Shri. San6ay 'a2haria Shri. Alo2 Sa(a6ibani S / Pac2aging 1<& Ja+an Nagar &
77> Shri. Dilip Nagda Ra6esh Plastics 11& Ramgopal $nd.%state&
771 Shri. A(tar Singh Shri. Pradeep Arora 'ibgyor Plastics $nd4stries 2>1;.02>5;A& "e6pal $ndl.%state&
772 /rs. Lissy 9rancis ProprietorShri. K ' 9rancis /anager 9ashy Plastics , "ools -1>& K.K.:4pta $nd4strial %state&
77- Shri. 'inod ' Shah Partner /rs. Saro6 ' Shah Partner /ono Plastics 27& Asho2 $nd4stries %state&
771 Shri. Deepa2 "alre6a Proprietor /egna S4per Plast )nit No.5& Amit $nd4strial Area&
775 Shri. 3imansh4 Sheth Proprietor )ni(ersal %nterprises C0B. 3imansh4 Sheth&
777 Shri. Kishore R Shah R K Polymers $nd4stries P(t Ltd 1>& Chandi(li %state &
778 Shri. 'inrender J Patni ProprietorShri. Shailendra ' Patni ChieA %=ec4ti(e Patni %nterprises 1& Pradeep /ansion&
77* Shri. Amol A 3at2ar Proprietor Amol %nterprises A;*& Plot No.11015& Bld /idc .ldg.&
77< Shri. . N RathiDirector Shri. K . RathiDirector SpinAorm Plastics P(t Ltd .;-802& /idc&
78> Shri. Jamboo /otha Sales %=e Shri. S4bab4 /otha Director Padam Plastic $nd4stries C010-5& Sil(assa Road&
781 Shri. .ipin R Shah Partner Shri. Ra(esh R Shah Partner Shah Paper .ag Co P4rnima .loc2 No.*& 2Nd 9loor&
782 Shri. Ra6esh )padhyay Proprietor Ra(i Ra6 $nd4stries 15& Ne+ Nand+ana& Bpp. /tnl BAAice &
78- Shri. Pan2a6 K Sheth Director Shri. 3emant K Parasramp4ria :en /anager R K /etal Plastic P(t Ltd 122& 1St 9loor& Amar $ndl %state&
781 Shri. 'i(e2 'isaria Director Shri. Sachin /as4re2ar Plastic %ngineer Amar $nd4stries A;1* Lagh4 )dyog Kendra&
785 Shri. 'ithal ' Jathan Partner Shri. Ratna2ar K S4(arna Partner Siddhi(inaya2 $nd4stries :ala No.1 , 2&
787 Shri. :anpat N ?alne2ar Partner Shri. "42aram : ?alne2ar Partner Sainath Plastics .ldg. No.-& :ala No.215&
788 Shri. Ra6ni2ant ' Shah Partner Shri. Pra(in Po+ale "echnicalPremco Plastics D011& Nandan(an $nd4strial %state&
78* Shri. /anish Pandhi ProprietorShri. Chetan Pandhi ProprietorSan6ay Sales 1>& Neelam .4ilding&
78< Shri. Sachin :4ndecha ProprietorShri. Shantilal :4ndechaRa(i Polymers Plot No -1& 9lat No. 1>1&
7*> Shri. Roop24mar L ShroAA Partner Smt. Smt Neelam R ShroAA Partner ShroAA Plastics )nit -;. , K& La=mi $nd.%st.&
7*1 Shri. Pina2in Solan2i Partner Shri. Pra2ash Ni@ama Partner Polymer $nd4stries A;1;11*0-& :idc Phase;$i&
7*2 Shri. Ra6ee( Nittal Partner Shri. Satendra /ittal Partner Ad(ance %=tr4sion $nd4stries A;21& Piramal $ndl.%state&
7*- Shri. Kalpesh /aniar C % B Shri. /anish /aniar Director /aniar $n6ectoplast P(t Ltd 1*8072& "irhan2ar %state&
7*1 Shri. Kailash R Agar+al Director Shri. 'inod R Agar+al Director An24r Pac2aging P(t Ltd BAAice No..;11& 'at4shree Comple=&
7*5 Shri. D N .a2hai 3ead BA Pro6ect Shri. :irish Nits4re Asst 'ice President #oom A4tomobile Ancillaries P(t Ltd A;5-& /arol& /idc&
7*7 Shri. Naresh K4mar J .aAna Proprietor .ala6i Plastic :ala No.:;-& /.K.$nd4strial %state
7*8 Shri. /ahendra K4mar J .aAna Proprietor .aby Pl4s $nd4stries :ala No.:;1& /.K.$nd4strial %state&
7** Shri. /an4bhai J /a(ani Partner Shri. Nimesh / /a(ani Partner "ha22er Sales 112011*& :has+ala %state&
7*< Shri. /ohamed #4bair Khan Director Shri. Abd4llah #4bair Khan Director AliA Plastics P(t Ltd 8-& )ndaria Street& :ro4nd 9loor&
7<> Shri. Pan2a6 Shah Partner Shri. Kirit ShahPartner .harati Plastics -<01>& A;?ing& 2Nd 9loor&
7<1 Shri. Darpan J Shah Director Shri. 3arshal J Shah Director 'ira6 Polyplast "echnologies P! Ltd L4c2y $nd4strial %stae&
7<2 Shri. Ra6esh R Ah46a Partner /elcon Plastics )nit No.15& Ne+ Nand4 $ndl.%state&
7<- Shri. Pina2in J Chheda Proprieter 'ibgyor Polyprint 12& Asho2 Co;Bp $ndl.%state Ltd.
7<1 Shri. Pratap A :o2hale Director Shri. S4has P .ede2ar ?or2 /anager )nity Poly .arrels P(t Ltd 2 Sh+eta "erraces&
7<5 Shri. Asho2 Ramanlal Panchal Proprietor Jalaram $nd4stries 211& .ombay "al2ies Compo4nd&
7<7 Shri. Shriram Dayaram Patil Partner Shri. Pramod Dayaram Patil Shri Sairam Plastic , $rrigation Shriram Chamber& Sa(ada Road&
7<8 Shri. Antonio 9ernandes Partner Shri. Ramesh Cada( 9actory /anager Polyclass $nd4stries 11& Annarissa& DD/onte Par2 Road&
7<* Shri. Shei2h Ansar Ahmad ProprietorShri. Shei2h /ohamed Ali /anager S4preme Plast Plot No.7& Jatil Compo4nd&
7<< Shri. Jayesh Chheda Director )nicon Prod4cts , Pac2aging 2<;J& La=mi $nd4strial %state&
8>> Shri. Ke+al / /odi ProprietorShri. Sandeep K /odi /anager Plastic Prod4cts S0-& Paresh $nd4strial Comple=&
8>1 Shri. Chandrashe2har :o2hale ProprietorShri. Amit De(dhar /anager Jai PolyAorms 2-08*& /anmohan Society&
8>2 Shri. Anil S4resh Nai2 Proprietor Anil Plastic , %nterprises S4r(ey No.101& Plot No.12-&
8>- Shri. Abhi6eet A Patil Proprietor Absan Polymers 2>2& Amit Classic D.D&
8>1 Shri. Pra2ash S :andhi Partner Shri. 'ishal P :andhi Partner Saras Plastics ?;21& /idc Area&
8>5 Shri. Nayan "ha22ar Proprietor Anand Plastics 2-*& .oat 3ard Road&Potia $ndl. %state&
8>7 Shri. An2it :ondalia /g Partner Shri. :ordhanbhai : :ondalia Partner .hagyoday Plastic $nd4stries Ra62ot Road&
8>8 Shri. Na(in L Ra6de Jagr4ti "raders 7& Ji(an Jyot& 2Nd 9loor&
8>* Shri. /itesh D Desai Shri. Prashant D Desai Plastic 9abricators -1A& 2Nd 9loor& :hanshyam $ndl. %state&
8>< Shri. 3itesh . .hatt Proprietor 'aibha(i %nterprises N0-&Cama /4ncidal $nd.%st& ?albhat Road&
81> Shri. 'i(e2 A 'ir2ar Director 'corr Pac2sys P(t Ltd 1<& /ahamane& 'eershi(a Nagar&
811 Shri. S4resh S4r(e Partner Ar4na $nd4stries ?;->* "tc $ndl.Area&
812 Shri. Palla( ' Shah Partner Shri. Kalpesh K Shah ChieA %=ec4ti(e Plastic Prod4cts %ngineering Co P.B.Narol&
81- Shri. S J Atre Partner Shri. At4l 3 Kan4ga Partner S4deep $nd4stries C10125& Phase;$i&
811 Shri. Ra6ani A .arot /anager Shri. C $ Patel :eneral /anager Agro;"ech Shed No.C;10.;15>102 :idc %state&
815 Shri. Pra2ash . Ah46a Jt / Director Shri. $sh+arbhai Patel /anager S4per .a2ers $ndia! Limited Plot No.-<& Sardar $nd.%state
817 Shri. Ram2rishna J Dori2 /anaging Director Shri. Pradip :4pta Prod4ction /anager Pat2ar %=tr4sion Limited Plot No.12>2&
818 Shri. San6ay Kothari Shri. A2shaya Kothari S4n Diapet 1>-;A Panna Arcade&
81* Shri. # A Khateeb Partner Shri. Anees Ansari Partner N / Plastics 780A& S4ryahi Compo4nd&
81< Shri. Siddharth Patel Director Angel Plastics Limited 21-& )dhyog /andir .ldg.No.1&
82> Shri. R P Agar+al ProprietorShri. Rohit Agar+al C % B R R ?ire , Cables $! $nd4stries 1 . ; Sector;A& /ahara6ap4ra $ndl.Area&
821 Shri. K P Parasramp4ria Director Shri. C R "at2e:en /anager 'ishal .e(erages P(t Ltd Plastic Di( ! 1-;A& La=mibai Nagar $nd4strial %state
822 Shri. /ahesh /ittal Director Shri. Pra(in /ittal Dirctor Narmada %=tr4sions Limited 1>-& Ra6ani .ha+an&
82- Shri. Pra(inchandra Khatri /anaging Director Khatri Pipes P(t Ltd Dhabaliya /ansion&
821 Shri. S4ra6 Jagtiani Director Jaggy $nd4strial Plastics C;11& /.$.D.C.&
825 Shri. Popatlal S S4rana /anaging Director Shri. Piy4sh P S4rana Director S4rana $nd4stries Nasi2! 18 , 2>& $nd4strial %state
827 Shri. Ash4tosh A Kela Proprietor Shreedhar Pac2aging DNandadeepD .03. 3otel Natra6&
828 Shri. Anil K4mar Partner Shri. Ar4n K4mar Partner Poly Prod4cts Plot No.-1& Sector;2&
82* Shri. Amar "ha22ar Director /rs. Sheila "ha22ar Director "4rbhe Polycans P(t Ltd D;->05& ".".C. $nd4.Area&
82< Shri. Ramani2 3 Karia Proprietor R4ler Plastics Shed No.2& Ch4nilal /ehta Compo4nd&
8-> Shri. / R Kothari Partner Panna $nternational 5-0C& /ittal Co4rt&
8-1 Shri. Asho2 / Jain Partner Shri. Ra6endra / Jain Partner Ra6asthan Plastic $nd4stries -21& Alied $ndl.%state&
8-2 Shri. Amilal Ratilal Anandpara Director Shri. Parag A Anandpara Director Radiant Plastr4ders $ndia! P(t Ltd 7& J4h4 Sea 'ie+&J4h4 "ara Road&
8-- Shri. Samir 3irani Partner /rs. Ran6ana 3irani Partner K4shalchand $nd4stries 25& K& La=mi $ndl. %state&
8-1 Shri. Jayant .heda "ech Director Shri. S4nil 3anchate Sr Sales %ngr %ngineered Polymers $ndia! P(t Ltd 2>2& Kapadia Apartment&
8-5 Shri. P J Shah Partner Shri. S P Shah Partner %=tr4de= Plastic Corporation A;8* Ne+ %mpire $ndl %state&
8-7 Shri. .ipin Desai Partner /rs. .ela . Desai Partner Pali Polymers 9;110 Nanddham $nd4srial %state&
8-8 Shri. Asho2 D Rao Director /s. Ni2ita /ehta Director Daman Polymers $ndia P(t Ltd Satellite Classic&
8-* Shri. Ar(ind / /ehta Partner Shri. Paresh A /ehta Partner ?elset %=tr4tionists *& Ne+ /etalage $nd4strial Compo4nd&
8-< Shri. 3asm42h / Shah Partner Shri. Siddharth 3 Shah Partner $ C " $nd4stries S+asti2 $nd. Compo4nd&
81> Shri. /ay4r D Shah Partner /ay4r Plastics 20A& 'rida(an&
811 Shri. /ayh4r D Shah Partner /ay4r Plastic 2;A& 'rinda(an Ramchandra Lane&
812 Shri. Chandratan S :oyal ProprietorShri. Ra6 C :oyal Attorney No(elty Plastics Dayabhai Compo4nd Bpp.Canara .an2&
81- Shri. 'i6ayra6 C Rathod Partner Shri. Jayra6 C Rathod Partner Sheth /anaAact4ring ?or2s Shed No.2& Ram .agh&
811 Shri. K4mar La2hani /anaging Director Shri. Ra6(i Chandnani Partner K4mar %lastomech P(t Ltd :; 12- Ansa $ndl. %state&
815 Shri. 'aid Proprietor Reliable %nterprises )nit No.57&
817 Shri. R Sreeni(asan Chairman , /anaging Director Shri. R Narayana /4rthy %=e Director StyroAoam , Allied Prod4cts P(t Ltd :ala No.:;1,:;2&)dyog 'ihar $ndl.%state&
818 Shri. Padam Kanodia Director Shri. Pan2a6 Kanodia Director StyroAoam C4ps , Containers P(t Ltd 2>& )dyog2shtra&
81* Shri. S4nil Dha+an Partner Shri. Ramesh Ch4gh Partner . / Plast-2& Sar(odya $nd4strial %state&
81< Shri. Ra(endra Pra2ash Proprietor :old Seal $nd4stries .ldg.No.5& 57;.&/ittal $ndl.%state&
85> Shri. /anhar R Pare2h Shri. .ai64 R Pare2h /inima= %nterprises 1>8&D.S.$nd. Comple=&
851 Shri. 'inod K Sainani ProprietorShri. K4mar K Sainani 'inra6 Plastics $nd4stries )nit No.1>& Sainath $nd4strial %state&
852 Shri. 'ish+anath / Sheregar ' / Plastics A;-*& .4ilding No.-&
85- Shri. Prana( P Shah Partner Shri. Krishna P Shah Partner Pee2ay $nd4stries 1>1& Shatr4n6ay&
851 Shri. Nitin Kanaiyalal Shah ProprietorShri. 3arshad Kanaiyalal Shah /anager Jalaram Poly Print 7& /ath4ra .h4(an&
855 Shri. Ke(an R Pachahi Ra6 %nterprise Plot No.81& S4r(ey No.15>&
857 Shri. .ha(en Patel Spiral 9le= $nd4stries 11& Panchayat /ar2et&
858 Shri. 'i2ram / Kothari /g Director Anan Dr4g , Chem Limited S4r(ey No.--102&
85* Shri. 'i2as Sanganeria ProprietorShri. Pra2ash Sanganeria Shree La=mi Plastics A;10->-& :angotri Sadan&
85< /r. San6ay S Shah Partner /r. Jogesh A Joshi Partner Shree Plastics Plot No.7*& :o(ernment $nd4strial %state
87> /r. Asit S /ehta /r. S4rya2ant P /ehta9ort4ne Plastomac P(t Ltd S+asti2 Premises&
871 /r. Sachin Pasad Proprietor/r. Se6al Pasad /arss Pac2aging 1-& Arihant $nd4strial %state&
872 /r. Dharmesh Sachde( Partner /r. Somnath Sachde( Partner $n(i4m $nd4stries 15& %=otic Palace& BAA.Cari Road&
87- /r. Ra64 Prabh4das "an+ani Proprietor .aba %nterprises C01- Amina6ar $ndl. %state&
871 /r. Pra2ash S Shah /anaging Director /r. Shantilal / Shah Director Preetam 3itech P(t Ltd 1& /ahade( Comple=
875 Shri. 'inod C Jade Proprietor Prati2 %lastomer A;1>& Datta :4r424l Society
877 Shri. Shrichand Sachde( :4r4nana2 Plastic ?or2s -<& $nd4strial %state
878 /r. Parag K "hadesh+ar /anager /rs. Ra6shree P "hadesh+ar ProprietorRainbo+ Colo4r Pigments -2& Ambica )dyog Nagar&
87* /r. /eh4l : ShroAA Partner /r. Jitesh / Patel Partner Siddhi(inaya2 Plastics 2<& :.K..hatia .ldg&
87< /r. Amit A /ohin Director /r. R4t4ra6 R /ohin S4rya Decorati(es P(t Ltd 1011& S4tar Cha+l&
88> /r. Prashant Sangha(i Partner Sangha(i Polymers C0B.'ardhaman K.K.&
881 /r. Pra(in Nangia /d /r. 3arsh Nangia /ar2eting /anager Disha Plastics Rcc 111& /alad Sonal $ndl. %state&
882 /r. Rohit Nainani /r C R Nainani /r. Proprietor R R %nteprises 9;1>-& )dyog 'ihar $nd4strial %stae
88- /r. .ha(in Shah Proprietor Ra6(in Polymers S+astic Apartment 2Nd 9loor&
881 /r. 'imal JainProprietor :4r4 Plastics )nit No.11 1St 9lr& Jai;/aha(ir $ndl.
885 /r. Pradeep K4mar Sethi Proptirtor/r. Jeet Sethi Sethi $nd4stries <& Kamla .ha(an&
887 /r. Amarnath Jha Partner /r. Nilesh A Jha Sahara Plastics Room No.222& 707;A& Narsi Pada&
888 /r. D 3 S4rma Proprietor . / Ra6 $nd4stries :ala No.8& Ra6 $nd4strial %state&
88* /r. .ha(esh / :oradia Partner /r. )mesh Shah )niG4e $nd4stries :ala No.2-& .ldg.No.<&
88< /r. Pranay Bmpra2ash :4pta /r. Ketan Bmpra2ash :4pta "rim4rti Plastic ?or2s Plot No.22& /idc Area&
8*> /r. Shabbir " .harmal Proprietor/r. Damaciano Andrade /anager .harmal Plastic $nd4stries 17<& /oon 3o4se&
8*1 /r. "4shar P Shango2ar /r. Pra(in / "horat " " A4tocomponent Systems P Ltd C;10->-& %mpire %state&
8*2 /r. Anil K4mar Aggar+al / D /s. Sneha Aggar+al Director /a2 Polyplast P(t Ltd 5>5& /a2er .ha(an;$ii&
8*- /r. /ahendra Sangha(i ' P /aha(ir Polymers 22>& /as6id .4nder Road&
8*1 /r. Anant ' Di(e2ar Partner /r. S4dhir P4rani2 ?or2s /anager Shin2o %nterprises 2802*& Lona(ala Co;Bp. $nd. %st. Ltd.
8*5 /r. /ano6 / :oradia Director /ano6 Polypac2 P(t Ltd A;1-1 "tc $ndl. Area&
8*7 /r. 'allabhbhai .hai Partner 3ind Polymer FP4shpamF
8*8 /r. Ni@arali . 'asaya / D /r. So2atali . 'asaya Director /aharashtra /etal ?or2s P(t Ltd D;1<& Ansa $nd4strial %state&
8** /r. Anil Panchal /anager R N Polymer 1>7& Cash+ant Shopping Center&
8*< /r. San6ay Cha4dhery Partner Riddhira6 %nterprise :ala No.8& :obind )dyog .ha+an
8<> Shri. Salim : Porbandar+ala Partner Shri. Kho@eaim " Shipchandler Partner No(el Plast 1-7& "ardeo Road&
8<1 /r. Pandya .ha(ishya Proprietor 3arsh $ndra %nterprise 1<-07& :idc& $nd4strial %state&
8<2 /r. 'aibha( Agra+al Director /r. 'ishal Agra+al Director 'aibha( Plastimo4lds P(t Ltd J;2& /.$.D.C.&
8<- Shri. Ramesh Chandra :4pta /g Director Shri. Sanchit Agra+al Director Shi(a Polyt4bes P(t Ltd ->8& Narayan Pla@a&
8<1 Shri. So4rabh Khemani /anaging Director Shri. Na(neet Khemani 'ice President /Ag ! National /o4lding Co Ltd -0C& Camac Street&
8<5 Shri. Ratan Cha2raborty C %=e BAAicer /s. Kanchan Cha2raborty 9actory /anager $nd4strial Components $nd4stries 17301. Khanp4r Road&
8<7 Shri. She2har Agar+al Director Shri. Ran6it Agar+al Director Ka2arania $nno(ati(e Systems P(t Ltd S.R.C... Road&
8<8 Shri. " K 'i6ayan /g Director Shri. " K S424maran Director Diana 9oams P(t Ltd $nd4strial %state
8<* Shri. /anish Singhania Director Shri. Amit K4mar Agar+al Director /ana( Polymers P(t Ltd 12-& Canal Street
8<< Dr. San6i( Jindal /anaging Director /r. / D Jindal Chairman/achino Plastics Limited Plot No.-&
*>> Shri. 'i2ram Jain /g Director Shri. C / :andhi Director Sperry Plast Ltd ../.3o4se& 3;**A&
*>1 Shri. Chand /aghan %=ec4ti(e Director Shri. Deepa2 /aghan :eneral /anager Commercial! /aghan Pac2ers P(t Ltd Jind Road&
*>2 Shri. / S Agar+al %=e Chairman Shri. /ano6 Agar+al /g Director Kanp4r Plastipac2 Limited D;1<02> Pan2i $ndl. Area&
*>- Shri. Satya Pra2ash :4pta Director Shri. /eera :4pta Director Shi(a Polyplast P(t Ltd %;12& Site No.1&
*>1 Shri. Lo2esh Jain A4thorised Signatory Shri. 'eeresh Jain Director "rishla 'inyl "4bes Limited "rishla 3o4se&
*>5 Shri. R K Jain 'ice President Pro6ects! Shri. K K .handari :eneral /anager Abdos Polymers Limited .;2>& .4land Shahar Road&
*>7 Shri. Alo2 Jain "i6aria /g Director Shri. 'i2as Jain "i6aria Director "i6aria Poly Pipes Ltd A;1-> %!& Road No.<;D&
*>8 Shri. 3 P Agar+al Director Shri. Ar4n Agar+al Director Ar4n /an4Aact4ring Ser(ices P! Ltd .;5- 9latted 9actory Comple=&
*>* Shri. B / Shah4l 3ameed /g Partner Shri. B / S Ab4bac2er SiddiG Partner Del4=e Plastics Prod4cts No.1*01& 'inoba6i Street&
*>< Shri. /eela /ahade( Partner Shri. /eela Jayade( Partner S4dha2ar P(c Prod4cts /r./eela Jayade(
*1> Shri. San6ay Shand Director Shri. A6ay Shand Director Diamond Pipes , "4bes P(t Ltd No.5>& 8"h Cross&
*11 Shri. ' R Prabh4 /g Director Shri. K Dayanand Kamath Director;Admn Priyadarshini 9ilaments P(t Ltd 17& 1"h /ain& $nd4strial "o+n&
*12 Shri. 'i(e2 C .ondal Director Shri. R R Naya2:enral /anager Kon2an Speciality Prod4cts P(t Ltd Plot No.-8&
*1- Shri. S4dharshan K4mar Pare2h Director Shri. Alo2 Para2h Director National Polyplast $ndia! Ltd "hir4 Comple= $ind 9loor&
*11 Shri. C 'edamanic2am /anaging Director /s. 3elan /ary Director S4itall Polypro Limited 52& Sterling Road&
*15 Shri. C . .aid ProprietorShri. :anesh .aid .lo+ Plast $nd4stries 1>-& Sidco $nd4strial %state&
*17 Shri. C N 3ari Chairman , /g Director Shri. Ra6esh R Director .esma2 Components P(t Ltd No.21& /angali Nagar&
*18 Shri. R / 'ellayam Proprietor ?hite Polyte= C;1> , C;21 Pipdic $nd4strial %state
*1* Shri. K P Nelson /anaging Partner Shri. ' Janardhanan Commercial /anager A C Polymer $nd4stries -2011<5 A& 1St 9loor& Cha2os Chambers&
*1< /r. P /ohan /anaging Partner /s. . S4dha Priyadharsini Partner Sa22thi Polymers %dappadi /ain Road&
*2> /r. . R /ahabhan4 / D /r. . / .hageerath /anager;/2tg %lectro Plasts P(t Ltd No.17015& Kiadb $ndl. Area&
*21 Shri. A A Dalal Partner Shri. 9 A Dalal Partner Dalal Plastic Corporation )nit D01-& 1St 9loor&
*22 Shri. Nippon K 'yas Partner Shri. Ra6ni C Shah Partner Polyplast $nd4stries A0-2011 S4bh /angal Co;Bp 3sc.&
*2- Shri. ' ' "i2adia ProprietorShri. 3 ' "i2adia C % B Aeromec /ar2eting Co P(t Ltd 708& /ahesh $nd4strial %state&
*21 Shri. San6ay C Shah Director Shri. Sarala C Shah Director 'inis Prod4cts P(t Ltd C;11& Royal $nd4strial %state
*25 Shri. Shamsher Singh /anager Dinesh $rrigation P(t Ltd *7;. ; $i& Jhot+ara $ndl. Area
*27 Shri. Ra64 D Desai Director Shri. N C 'alentine Director $ntercontinental Polymers P(t Ltd <1& .ombay "al2ies Compo4nd&
*28 Shri. /42esh J Sangh(i Director $ndore Composite P(t Ltd Sethna& 55& /aharshi Car(e Road&
*2* Shri. Pan2a6 'alia Partner Shri. 3ardi2 'alia Partner )nited $nd4strial Corporation :;1& )niG4e 3o4se&
*2< Shri. /anish Agar+al Director Shri. 'ineet Agar+al Director %lecon Polymers P(t Ltd %;1>;A& Riico $nd4strial Area&
*-> Shri. /42esh .hai "il(a Partner Shri. Jimmy "il(a Partner Narmada Pipes S4r(ey No.211& N.3. *;.&Narmada Road&
*-1 Shri. P R R4parel Director Shri. ' P R4parel Partner R4parel Plastics 1-& $nd4strial Plot&
*-2 Shri. Alpesh . Patel Director Shri. Rasesh 3 Patel Director D4tron Plastics Limited De4tron 3o4se&
*-- Shri. Ni2hil R Pari2h /anaging Director Shri. Roc2y R Pari2h Director .on4s Plastics P! Ltd :07;8 Diamond SG4are &
*-1 Shri. Jana2 D Pari2h President , C % B Shri. 'inay K Patel :eneral /anager /alib4 Plastica P(t Ltd Na(deep 3o4se& 2Nd 9loor
*-5 Shri. Anil Ke6ri+al Partner Shri. San6ay Ke6ri+al Partner Ke6ri+al Plastic $nd4stries ->8& :.$.D.C.&
*-7 Shri. K . Patel /anaging Director Shri. /anish K Patel Director /anish Pac2aging P(t Ltd :hanti+ala Compo4nd&
*-8 Shri. . 9 Jasani%=ec4ti(eShri. Ar(ind Sona+ane %=ec4ti(eAllana Cold Storage Ltd Allana 3o4se&
*-* Shri. S K "imbadia %=ec4ti(e Director Shri. A ' Rao Sales /anager :ala=y Plastics .ombay! P(t Ltd 1>5012& .ombay Samachar /arg&
*-< Shri. Jayanthilal K Sayani Director Shri. Nemish Sayani Director Crystal Plastics , /etalli@ing P(t Ltd 72& 'ithal+adi&
*1> Shri. Pradip Shah Director S ' P Pac2ing $nd4stry P(t Ltd )nit No.21& Second 9lr& /ahala=mi $ndl %state&
*11 Shri. /anendra D "ha22er Chairman 3arlem Polycontainers P(t Ltd 1& Dam6i Khera6 .ldg.&
*12 Shri. Ra6esh K4mar 3ari2san2a Partner Shri. Shri Cogesh 3ari2san2a Partner Kala+ati $nd4stries 5>& Ramgopal $nd4stries %state&
*1- Shri. K : Chandand /anaging Director Shri. K D Shah:eneral /anager "echno(inyl Polymers $ndia Ltd ->& )niG4e $ndl.%state
*11 Shri. . S Ra6p4rohit Chemical Process %G4ipment Ltd .hat2a(i Shir6ibhai Desai /arg&
*15 Shri. 'ip4l J Sangha(i Partner Shri. 'ishal J Sangha(i Partner 'ardhaman Plastochem P(t Ltd Kast4ri Sangha(i %state&
*17 Shri. Anand K /andhana Director Sangir Plastics P(t Ltd Sangir 3o4se& -7702<--& /otilal Nagar No.2&
*18 Shri. .ihari S .atra /anaging Director Shri. Ra6ee( . .atra Director Asian Plasto+ares P(t Ltd D;801& Road No.17&
*1* Shri. Padamshi / Shah /anaging Director Shri. 'ip4l P Shah %=e Director /ilan Plast P(t Ltd .017& Nand .ha(an $nd4strial %state&
*1< Shri. Asho2 /42her6ee Sr 'ice President "ain+ala Chemicals , Plastics $! Ltd "ain+ala 3o4se &
*5> Shri. Ni2hil S Shah Partner Shri. R4pesh S Shah Partner Noble Plastic $nd4stries :ala No.2>1&Amar .4siness Center&
*51 Shri. P . Anand Rao /g Director Shri. A6it Shah: / Bps ! .almer La+rie;'an Leer Ltd D;1<502& "tc $nd4strial Area&
*52 Shri. /ilon K Nag /g Director K K Nag Limited :at No.-<-&
*5- Shri. Ra6endra24mar N Lodha Director Shri. Santosh24mar N Lodha Director /4ltiplast Printing $ndia! P(t Ltd :at No.--& Namp4r Road& Nilga(an Phata&
*51 Shri. Sandeep Jha(eri /g Director /rs. Ra64l S Jha(eri Chairperson Jha(eri 9le=o $ndia Limited :4t No.81&
*55 Shri. Shantan4 Deshpande Director Specialty PolyAilms $ndia! P(t Ltd 9;*<& /idc Area&
*57 Shri. Ram2ishor Khandel+al Director Shri. 3arish Khandel+al Director Bm2ar Polymers P(t Ltd Dist. Nagp4r&
*58 Shri. Ra624mar /asand /anaging Director Shri. Ra6esh /asand Director /asand Agro %G4ipments P(t Ltd 8> Shastri /ar2et &
*5* Shri. R P Kothari Partner Shri. / R Kothari Partner .lo+ Kings 5-& C /ittal Co4rt&
*5< Shri. Jayant S Chheda /anaging Director Shri. Parag J Chheda %=ec4ti(e Director Prince Pipes K 9ittings P(t Ltd 1St 9loor& Naiga4m
*7> Shri. 'eenit Cha+an /g %=port Shri. Kayom4s Soli $rani $mport BAAicer %ntermonde Polyecoaters Limited KilAire 3o4se&1St 9lr.& C;18&
*71 Shri. Ra6i( A Seth Partner Shri. San6i( A Seth Partner Ra6i( Plastics $nd4stries .4nglo+ No.1& Residency&
*72 Shri. S S .andi+adi Director /4ltiAilms Plastics P! Ltd :ro4nd 9loor& BAAice No.2&
*7- Shri. / N Ra6pal Partner Shri. S / Ra6pal Partner Ra6pal Plastics $nd4stries Palme= 3o4se&
*71 Shri. Jayesh C Sa(la Partner Shri. Sachin Sa(la Roman Plastic $nd4stries 2>8;A& 2Nd 9loor& Krishna Commercial;
*75 Shri. Sandeep / Shah Director Shri. Ra6ee( R /ehendale Director Kalpatar4 Brganics P(t Ltd A01 :yanesh+ari .4ilding& 1St 9loor&
*77 Shri. Ni24n6 Kothari Partner Kothari %nterprises -50A& 'ir+ani $nd4strial %state&
*78 Shri. Rayshi L Shah Proprietor Paras Plastic 1< Kamla .ha(an &
*7* Shri. Pramod K :oel /anaging Director :oel Airshrin2 $ndia! Ltd 1-<& A;1& Shah , Nahar $ndl. %state&
*7< Shri. Pra(in / Jeth+ani "echnical Director .asant R4bber 9actory Ltd 1>-;.& Lbs /arg&
*8> Shri. Ra6esh K4mar Kothari PresidentShri. /ano6 Kothari /gr Commercial Kalpana $nd4stries Limited 1>7& La=mi Pla@a& La=mi $ndl.%state&
*81 Shri. "rilochan Singh /ar+aha /g Director Smt. A S 'en2at %=port /anager Al2on Plastics P(t Ltd 5* Dd :o(t. $ndl. %state&
*82 Shri. Amar6it Singh /ar+aha /anaging Director Shri. Pradeep A /ar+aha Director& "echnical Allied $nstr4ment P(t Ltd Corporate BAA. 2*;Ab& :o(t. $nd. %state
*8- Shri. Ra6esh S Roongta Director Shri. San6ay S Roongta Director Dh+ani Polyprints P(t Ltd 21505 /agan /ahal& Sir /.'.Road&
*81 Shri. 'inod K Shah /anaging Director Shri. Padamshi K Shah Director Nirmal Polyplastic P(t Ltd 1<05> /ath4ria Apartment&
*85 Shri. Kho@ema A Jaora+ala Partner Sahara Plastic $nd4stries 12& Sidhp4ra $ndl.%state&
*87 Shri. Asho K :oyal Director Clear Plastics Limited )nit Sarigam! C;1->& Solaris $&
*88 Shri. Deepa2 Joshi Partner Shri. Pa(an Joshi Partner Joshi Plastic $nd4stries Joshi .4ilding&
*8* Shri. S4bhash K Kada2ia /anaging Director Shri. 'ishal S Kada2ia Kada2ia Plastic , Chemicals P(t Ltd 180A& Nand6yot $ndl.%st.
*8< Shri. Jaira6 3e6amady /2tg;/anager Precision :ro4p BA Companies 1*0D;Nand6oyt $ndl.&
**> Shri. San6ay Patel /rs. "ar4lata A Patel San6ay Plastics )nit No.11 A;# $ndl.%state&
**1 /r. 3arish S Agar+al /r. San6ay DhandhaniaLamiAab $nd4stries 1>1& /ohan Palace& "ps $ii
**2 /r. San6ee( Shah Proprietor/r. /itesh K Shah San6ee( 9le=i;Pac2 Rihal %state& Bpp. State .an2 BA $ndia&
**- Shri. Parch4e A K Admn BAAicer $nnotech PolyAabri2s Ltd 21;-1& Santosh 3eights&Bpp Apsara Cinema
**1 /r. Dinesh ' "ha22er Partner :bc Pac2aging 11>2& /arathon :ala=y;2&
**5 /r. /oi@ / Ch4na+ala Director /r. /ohammed A "in+ala Director Deccan Cans , Printers P(t Ltd 151& Adarsh $nd4strial %state&
**7 /r. 'inay Desai Partner )ltra Polymers S4r(ey No.--*01;C& Near Patel
**8 /r. Da(e Sho2ar President/r. S Jha Sr J4ality /anager $nternational Pac2aging Prod4cts P(t Ltd 5>2& City Point&
*** /r. /adha( A .hat Chairman/r. Ra6esh / .hat /anaging Director Shree Krishna PolyAilms P(t Ltd .;7>-& /4l4nd Cesh+ant Chsl&
**< Shri. R K .a6a6 /g Partner Shri. Ar4n .a6a6 Partner .a6a6 Nylon , Plastics Plot No.18>&
*<> Shri. Ramesh Aggar+al %=ec4ti(e Director Shri. 'i6ay :4pta /anaging Director Calco Polychem P(t Ltd /;*&
*<1 Shri. J S Cho4dhary Director Shri. Siddharth Cho4dhary %=e Director Cho4dh4ry , Company .;1--& /e+ar $nd4strial Area&
*<2 Shri. J K Khera/g Director /rs. /an64 Koila :eneral /anager Khera Plastichem Ltd /;1 , /;2& Kanchan 3o4se&
*<- /r. Nirmal Jain /r. Ratan Lal :ang+alSanmati /inerals , Chemicals $nd4stries 9;8>5A!& Road No.11&
*<1 Shri. San6ay /arda Director Shri. /anish Khanna Director Prabh4 Poly Color P! Ltd No.1-& Ponniamman Nagar&
*<5 Shri. A6ay C Nair Jt /anaging Director Shri. 3arish D Dharamsi Director Arya(art Chemicals P(t Ltd -1<& Aren6a Corner&
*<7 Shri. Patel Pra2ash Rao6ibhai Partner Shri. Patel .harat La=mi2ant Partner Colo;PlastPlot No.1<1;1<5&
*<8 Shri. S Santhanam D4ra Chemical Corporation Ltd 11& Sprott Road&
*<* Shri. A N /endhi Director /2rt Shri. S4bhash Cha2raborty /anager /2rt 9iltec Research , /an4Aact4ring Co :o24l Nagar& -Rd 9loor&
*<< Shri. Kishore R Dho2ne Director Shri. Nitin : Nagp4r2ar Director S ' Plastochem P(t Ltd A;102& Shriram24n6 Comple=&
<>> Shri. D R "h4se Speciality Plastics .asA $ndia Ltd ! Rbc& /ahindra "o+ers&
<>1 Shri. Shyam S4nder "4lsyan ProprietorShri. 3emant K4mar Singh /anager K4nal %nterprises 217& Sonal $nd.%state&
<>2 Shri. Rashmin Patel /anaging Director Shri. Satish Patel /anaging Director :ayatri /icrons Limited 218;21*& FAd(aitF&
<>- Shri. Jitendra . Pare2h ProperitorShri. :a4rang J Pare2h ProperitorShree6ee $nd4stries .017& Nand6yot $nd4strial %state&
<>1 Shri. Ra6esh 'aidya Regional /anager Shri. Ar64n Singh Sales BAAice ? $ndia! Jatar Petrochemicals Co Ltd 1>*& Centre Point& J...Nagar&
<>5 Shri. Srinand Agar+al Director Shri. Anil Agar+al Director Shristab P(t Ltd %;*>A! $ndraprastha $ndl.Area
<>7 Shri. : . Shah , J : Shah Proprieter Jay /inerals Plot No.1>>-01& Phase;$(&
<>8 /r. S 'en2ateshan Sr /anager .4ss De(p /r. Jaideep :hosh Jt : / %ssar :46arat Petrochemicals Ltd Cyber "ech 3o4se& .;75& Road No. 21&
<>* /r. Anil Anant Sa+ant Proprietor/rs. Arpana Anil Sa+ant 'ision $n2s , Resins A08>1 Prathmesh 3ori@on&
<>< Shri. Ra6at /42er6ei 'ice President , .h P! Shri. C Ragh4nath Dcm Shriram Consolidated Ltd 1< Ra6endra Place&
<1> Shri. Kamal JainDirector Shri. P4shp JainDirector Kl6 :ro4p BA Companies Kl6 3o4se& 7- Rama /arg&
<11 Shri. Anil K4mar .ansal /anaging Director Shri. S4nil K4mar .ansal Director Pondy B=ides , Chemicals Limited ?hite 3o4se& 9lat No.5& Door No.111&
<12 Shri. 3arish N /ehta Partner Shri. L / Pandya Partner Amee6a %nterprises 2>1 .4siness Pla@a&
<1- Shri. S S Dhanor2ar DirectorCommercial! Shri. ' ' Khande2ar President9inole= $nd4stries Limited D;101>& /.$.D.C.&
<11 Shri. 'inod K4mar Prod4ct /anager Plastic Chemials Shri. 3 J Ch4ganee $ndoAil Chemical Co Nirlon 3o4se -Rd 9loor&
<15 Shri. Samir24mar S Sheth Partner Shri. /ay4r S Sheth Director "ech Plastichemi= $nd4stries 7& Kirti "o+ers&
<17 Shri. Chandresh S Pari2h 2> /icrons Limited ->8& "hird 9loor& Ar4ndeep Comple=&
<18 Shri. D / .4tala :m& 9ibre $ntermediates Shri. . ' An2lesh+aria Agm& Research :46arat State 9ertili@ers , Chemicals Ltd /anager Library! ; Central Library&
<1* Shri. Shoban2ar Datta Shri. S S :4ne .aerlocher $ndia Additi(es P(t Ltd :odre6 $nd4stries Comple=
<1< Shri. R R Chary Shri. Shipra Kapoor Colorte2 $ndia! Ltd 21& Cashidham Shopping Centre&
<2> Shri. Sahadeo S Patil Sr 'ice President;/asterbatchs Clariant $ndia! Ltd P.B.Sando@ .a4g&
<21 Shri. 'ilas . "ipnis /2rt Controller Shri. P K Pandey /anager Sales Cabot $ndia Limited N.K./.$nternational 3o4se&
<22 Shri. . . Sen /anaging Director Shri. Atish P /ehta Comm Co;Brdinator Asha Penn Color P(t Ltd Asha 3o4se&
<2- /r. Ra2esh /ehta Sales /anager;PolyoleAins /r. 3orm4@d R Karan6ia De( /anager %==onmobil Company $ndia P(t Ltd Kalpatar4 Point& Plot No.1>8
<21 Shri. D N Pari2hDirector /r. : N Pari2hDirector Prasol Chemicals Ltd Plot No.A;18020-& ".".C. $ndl. Area&
<25 /r. :4rnam Singh Kohli / D /r. L C /al2ani Director 3igh :rade $nd4stries $ndia P(t Ltd A051>;51-& Crystal Pla@a&
<27 /r. 'i2as 'erma Director 3itco %lectricals P(t Ltd 510C;-& Rama Road&
<28 /r. /adan /ohan Arora Director Plast "ech /achines P(t Ltd ";11& Street No.1>&
<2* Shri. .obby K4rian /ar2eting /anager Shri. Jaise JoseArea;$n;Charge Chilton ReArigeration P(t Ltd Chilton "o+ers& Koonamthai J4nction&
<2< Shri. Dilip N Sheth %=ec4ti(e Director Shri. J / Ladhani /2rtg /anager An4pam 3eaters , Controls P(t Ltd S4mangal& A;2*1& Road No.->&
<-> Shri. A2thar /ool6i Shri. AshraA /ool6i Arshad %lectronics P(t Ltd ->5& 3ammersmith $ndl. %state
<-1 Shri. Amrit Patel /g Director Shri. An4p Patel Director Doll Plast %ngineering P(t Ltd 11& 'aibha( .4nglo+s;Part 2&
<-2 Shri. Cogendra J Patel ProprietorShri. Anish C Patel "ech /anager %e+a %ngineering Company P(t Ltd 1& Anant $ndl. %state&
<-- Shri. )day /ahendra Shah :eneral /anager Shri. Noop4r Shah Adm BAAicer :lobal Polytech Corporation C;21<&Bshi+ara $ndl.
<-1 Shri. Shan2arbhai Prem6i Patel ProprietorShri. Jigar S Patel %ngineer Jigar $nd4stries 1>7& 1"h 9loor&De( /ilan Co;Bp Soct.Ltd.
<-5 Shri. /aganbhai " Panchal /g Director Shri. 'ip4l Panchal /ar2eting Director Panchal Plastic /achinery P(t Ltd Plot No. 128& :idc&
<-7 Shri. Jana2 )padhyay ProprietorShri. 'ishal )padhyay Prod Design %ngg SimpliconD011>& .onan@a $ndl. %state &
<-8 Shri. .harat Shah /anaging Director %=cel 3eaters P(t Ltd 122& Andheri $nd4strial %state&
<-* Shri. Ni24n6 J Shah Director Jagmohan Pla /ach P(t Ltd 115& Sharad $nd4strial %state La2e Road&
<-< Shri. Nitin . Patel :a4ra( %ngineering Plot No.22-01& 2Nd Phase
<1> Shri. Amit R :a6ria C % B /anisha Cons4ltants )nit No. <& :emstar Commercial Comple=&
<11 Shri. Ran6an $yer Ramchandran Shreemomai Roto Cast Containers P!Ltd C;1;*21 , *22&
<12 Shri. :a66ar Par4l24mar / ChieA %=e BAAicer Ape= %ngineers Ape= %ngineers& Plot No.1817&
<1- Shri. /r R R .ha(sae Proprietor Pressme= 3ydra4lics C;1>20A& .onan@a $ndl.%state&
<11 Shri. S4hr4d P Pare2h Partner Na(bharat %lectrical $nd4stries -& Chemo= 3o4se&3ospital Lane&
<15 Shri. Ra(indra S Net2e %=ec4ti(e C4stomer Ser(ice Shri. Abhi6eet J /ane 9actory /anager %=pandable Polystyrene /achinery %=port! P(t.Ltd.
<17 Shri. Nilesh Patel Director Pri2an /achinery P(t Ltd A;-85& ".".C. $nd4strial Area&
<18 Shri. Kishorbhai R Pitha+a Shri. K Pitha+a "e2nica Corporation /ath4r /aster %state;2&
<1* /r. :opal P Shah C % B /r. Kan4 Patel /anager "agtron %lectronics 215& Jay+ant $nd4strial %state&
<1< /r. " ' "alele /r. P " "alele Noble Plastic /achinery P(t Ltd A;112& City /all&
<5> /r. /42esh Joshi / D /r. 3itendra 'yas /2tg /anager %sem Plast Plot No.8801>& Phase;$&:idc %state&
<51 Shri. Ra6endra Kininge ProprietorShri. 'eena Kininge /anager :a6la2shmi Plastics A;7>1& %2ta Society
<52 /r. 'asant Panchal Proprietor Piy4sh Rotomac Plot No.A0128& Road No.22&
<5- /r. Sa6id Ansari /r. Aslam Ansari Spar2 %ngineering 151>& Phase $(&
<51 /r. Dinesh Nand+ana Partner Pioneer %ngineering Corporation %;11& Ansa $nd4strial %state&
<55 /r. R ' :andhi Partner /r. J ' :andhi Partner "hermo;"ech Ser(ices 11>& SG4arters Colony&
<57 Shri. Deepa2 Pah+a PresidentShri. Prem Sagar :en /anager;Plastics .ry;Air Asia! P(t Ltd 2>& Ra6p4r Road&
<58 Shri. Ra624mar Lohia /anaging Director Shri. 'inay Shah Director Lohia Starlinger Ltd D;-0A&
<5* Shri. /ohammed )mar Partner Shri. /ohammed 3aroon C % B Central /achinery , Plastic Prods :ala No.1 La66a %state&
<5< Shri. C . Patel %=e Director Shri. A S Deshm42h /amata /achinery P(t Ltd 50101A& Phase ; 1&
<7> Shri. N K .algi PresidentShri. Nitin( Pandya Sr /anager Sales S4pport! 9erromati2 /ilacron $ndia Limited Plot No.<2& Phase;$ &
<71 Shri. N " AhireCeo Shri. Ra6esh .aid %= Director /achine 3o4se ?;*2 A!& /idc
<72 Shri. .ipin A Dodhia Director Shri. Narayan A Joshi Pro6ect Co;Brdiantor Dodhia "echno %ngineering P(t Ltd 7<0-& Per(in /ansion
<7- Shri. Ramesh 9 Kamble Director Shri. Jagdish Ramesh Kamble Director R R Plast %=tr4sions P(t Ltd .;-& Nand Jyot $nd4strials %state&
<71 /r. : R Kodnani : S 3ydra4lics 8>& Shanti $nd4strial %state&
<75 Shri. San6ay Pra2ash /g Director Shri. Prashant Shelar 'ice President;/ar2eting Syn(enti(e /olding Sol4tions Jb6 P(t Ltd 9;11& Sector ; *
<77 /rs. Jessy Santosh 3i;"ech /o4lds , Dies P(t Ltd .;5& A;<& .hatia %state&
<78 /r. Pra(in Sitpara /r. Nilesh Sitpara Shree Khodiyar %ngineering ?or2s A;1>011& De( Ashish $ndl. %state
<7* /r. San6ay .hap2ar Partner Sol4tec Sr.No.1>01& S4ra6 94rnit4re&
<7< Shri. $nderchand Jain Roop Coatings P(t Ltd .;571& Sarita 'ihar&
<8> Shri. S4nil Sa=ena :eneral /anager Shri. Abhimany4 :olcha Partner S #oraster , Company :olcha SG4are&Sardar Patel /arg&
<81 Shri. S4shil K4mar :4pta Director S K , Co P(t Ltd Rah4l Apartment&
<82 Shri. : ' Ram :opal 'ice President Shri. :4rmeet .h4llar Sr Sales /anager Sabic $ndia P(t Ltd 5"h 9loor& Apartment No.1>5.&
<8- Shri. S K Arora/anaging Director Shri. A K AroraDirector Princessa B(erseas P(t Ltd *>2 Pragati "o+er&
<81 Shri. Asho2 JainProprietor Plastic %nterprises $;1110112& :ro4nd 9loor&
<85 Shri. Jai Pra2ash J4mami :ag "rading Co -2>& A(en4e Road&
<87 Dr. K K Kan2ani Chairman , /anaging Director Shri. S K Chatter6ee K K Polycolor $ndia! Ltd 9;7& Ambatt4r $nd4strial %state&
<88 Shri. P D 'i(e2anandan /anaging Partner Shri. ' Prem24mar Partner Pioneer Agencies $ndending Agent! '.K.Arcade& 2Nd 9loor&
<8* Shri. Dhira6 Daga Director Shri. Ra2esh Daga Director So+bhagya Polymers Ltd 50-& Re2empanahaalli&
<8< Shri. A R Paras4raman ChairmanShri. Ramesh Paras4raman /anaging Director Allied Sol4tions $! P(t Ltd -1-0-11& Rai2ar Chambers &
<*> Shri. 'inod .himra62a /anaging Director Shri. 'ishn4 .himra62a Director .himra6a2a $mpe= Ltd 1*1;.& 1*"h 9loor&
<*1 Shri. A(inash 'yas /g Director /rs. )sha 'yas Director Chem $mpe= )sha P(t Ltd 8>10A ?ing& Atmaram "o+ers&
<*2 Shri. .harat P :andhi PresidentShri. Nira( . :andhi Director Chem Pac2 Corporation L
<*- Shri. /anish R Shah Director Shri. P S Shah /2rt %=e Crescent Petro Chem P(t Ltd 207& San6ay /ittle %state&
<*1 Shri. Niran6an Sheth ProprietorShri. $sh+ardas Sheth D P Plasti;Chem Corporation A08 $ndira 'ihar& 3imans4rai Road&
<*5 Shri. Cogesh Doshi Partner Doshi .rothers 1>- Span Land /ar2 .ldg.&
<*7 Shri. J K 'ora Partner Shri. ' K 'ora Partner %astern Polymer Corporation <-0<5& /4mbai Samachar /arg&
<*8 Shri. /eh4l A6mera Director Shri. Ra(i 9otedar Partner 9lamingo Additi(es , Colo4rants P(t Ltd Rai2ar Chamber 511;511&
<** Shri. " 3 Patheria Partner Shri. S 3 Patheria Partner 3 Salei= , Co Jee(an Saha2ar& 5"h 9loor&
<*< Shri. Naresh Pare2h Partner Shri. )pendra Pare2h Partner $ndian Chemical Corporation 2>-& /anda(i Na(6ee(an .ldg&.
<<> Shri. J R Shah Director Shri. Chetan J Shah Director Jay(ee Brganics , Polymers P(t Ltd 11& Nira6 $nd4strial %state&
<<1 Shri. Jagdish "anna Director Shri. 'i(e2 "anna ProprietorLila Polymers P(t Ltd 12- /ittal "o+er&DCD?ing
<<2 Shri. /adh4 Shah Director Shri. :a4rang / Shah ChieA %=e /adh4 /achines , Systems P(t Ltd 1St 9loor DAn4ragD A105&
<<- Shri. Narendra K Shah ChairmanShri. Ra6esh K Shah Director National Color Chem Corporation 1--& Ka@i Syed Street&
<<1 Shri. Coginder Khanna /g Director Shri. Pramod24mar Khanna ?or2ing Director Paramo4nt Dyes , Chemicals P(t Ltd %lphistone .4ilding&
<<5 Shri. K4nal Kamdar ProprietorShri. R R Shah/anager R4shabh %nterprises .;1>& 'ir+ani $nd4strial %state&
<<7 Shri. Ra6i( C Sangha(i Partner Shri. 3aren C Sangha(i Partner Satellite Plastic $nd4stries 2;A02& Co4rt Chamber&
<<8 Shri. Ra6esh Kabra Partner Shri. Abhishe2 :attani %=ec4ti(eShree /ahesh+ari "rading Co .;-2& Shree La=mi 'i6ay $nds.%state&
<<* Shri. D S Khand46a Partner Shri. / S Khand46a Partner "ranspo $nternational )nit No.<& Adhyaar4 $ndl.%state&
<<< Shri. . S KadamPartner Shri. S R Dh4riC Acco4ntant "r4pti "raders *& Patel Comple=&
1>>> /r. K Jagadeesan C % B /r. K :4nase2aran Director )nitech Plasto Components P(t Ltd Bld No.55& Ne+ No. 20*52& /4gali(a22am 'illage&
1>>1 Shri. Prashant 'alia Partner )nited .rothers ->1& 3eritage Pla@a& DAD ?ing&
1>>2 Shri. Sameer /ehta ProprietorShri. Rohan /ehta Proprietor)r(i Plastic $nd4stries 1-& Dam6i Sham6i $ndl. Comple=&
1>>- Shri. ' P Shah President 'ip4l Plastics , R4bber /achinery Co 50-*& "ardeo Air Conditioned /ar2et&
1>>1 Shri. Ra6esh R Doshi ProprietorShri. Amol J Doshi ProprietorJ R D Corporation ->5& Cogesh+ar .4ilding&
1>>5 Shri. Amit P /ehta Proprietor Pra(in Polymers Nargis Classic& 18& 1St 9loor&
1>>7 Shri. Kamlesh " Desai Shri. /ilan " Desai Kamlesh " Desai 1-& Sethi /ansion& 2Nd 9loor&
1>>8 Shri. San6ay .a2hda Partner Shri. Pranay .a2hda Partner Sonal Plastics A07>-& Presidensial "o+er&
1>>* Shri. Ra(indra S Pare2h /anaging Director Shri. S4rendra S Pare2h Director S R $ $mpe= P(t Ltd 5705*& :aribdas Street&
1>>< Shri. :o(ind "ha22ar Proprietor Nishan /ar2eting .;2>1& Krishna Comple=;.&
1>1> Shri. Aditya Kapoor Director P4neet Resins Ltd *1 Atlanta&
1>11 Shri. P P Jardosh /anaging Director Shri. J S Rodrig4ss Sales , Ser( %=ec4ti(e Radiant "echnologies :.K.'illa Plot;<&
1>12 Shri. Nitin N /ehta %=ec4ti(e BAAicer Shri. A6ay Sangha(i /anager K4nal %=ports Shop No.1& "ribh4(an Aprtment&
1>1- Shri. S4bhash Chat4r(edi ProprietorShri. )mesh .hatt /anager R S %nterprises -1 1"h 9loor& Da+a .a@aar&
1>11 Shri. . R /ehtaPropriector /ehta Polymers 7>107>2& C;?ing&
1>15 Shri. Dharmesh J "4ra2hia /anaging Director "4r2hia Polymers P(t Ltd 2& Chandan .4ilding& Port;*&
1>17 Shri. Deepa2 Sangha(i Proprietor Sandeep /ar2etings 5A .4ona Casa& 2 Nd 9loor&
1>18 Shri. /42esh :oradia ProprietorShri. :a4rang / :oradia BAAice $n;Charge Krishna %nterprise 28& LatiA 3o4se& 2Nd 9loor&
1>1* /r. . N /odi Proprietor /odi %nterprise 2& Nilesh Chs Ld.&Ramchandra Lane&
1>1< Shri. / A .alagopal Co4ntry /anager "a2aro24 Sho6i Co Ltd "+in Arcade& D ?ing&
1>2> Shri. Chandbhai S 3ingarh ProprietorShri. Rohiet C 3ingarh A4thorised Representati(e Ne+line Plast 1< Jay2ar Smr4ti :ro4nd 9loor
1>21 Shri. Kantilal ' Doshi Director Shri. 'ishn4 S Ding+aney Director 'i2ant Plastics $nds P(t Ltd )nit No.-1>&
1>22 /r. 3iren Shah /r. Paras Shah 'imal $ntertrade P(t Ltd C;-1>& Shyam2amal&
1>2- Shri. Premal Pare2h Partner Shri. R4pal Dholabhai Partner Parth %nterprises 2C;1& Sandipani "eachers 3sg. Soc.Ltd.&
1>21 Shri. Pa4lson Anthony Ceo Shri. Daniel Pa4lson Dy : / /2tg ! Jm6 Polymers , Chemicals .;1>1& Blps& /arine Nagar&
1>25 Shri. Ra6ee( S Shah Partner Sapphire $mpe= )nit No. --& 5"h 9loor& 3em Pra2ash&
1>27 /r. Sandeep Sangh(i Propritor "ns Corporation 1St 9loor&*& Kalyan Smr4ti
1>28 Shri. 3emant C 'alia Partner Shri. Nandan 3 'alia Partner Associated .rothers 1>1& 3eritage Pla@a& 1"h 9loor&
1>2* Shri. 3emant /ehta /anaging Director Shri. Dinesh "ha2ar /anager R4pal Plastics P Ltd * , < S+ami Shi(anand Society&
1>2< Shri. /adan . Dode6a Director Shri. /ohan . Dode6a Director 'ashi %lectricals P(t Ltd 175;A& .i6lee :har&
1>-> Shri. S4nil / "ha22ar Partner Shri. 3emant S Jadha( /2tg /anager S4nil Chemical $nd4stries 2015 Koli Sama6 .ldg.&
1>-1 Shri. /ahesh D Joshi ' P /ahesh $ndia! 21> )dyog .ha(an& Sona+ala Road&
1>-2 Shri. Jatin Pare2h Director Shri. Anil Pare2h Director 3 R Brgano Chem P(t Ltd 112;A0111& Re+a Chambers&
1>-- Shri. Pra2ash : Shah / D Shri. / Shrini(as /anager.4ss Di(! Padmini Petroplast P(t Ltd 1>5 "ir4pati )dyog&
1>-1 Shri. S4neel K4mar Jain Director Shri. Deepa2 K4mar Director Aroma Brganics Ltd 1>7;11>& Krishna .ha(an Anne= 22
1>-5 /r. Shami2 Shah Director /onachem Additi(ies P(t Ltd 7>1;A& :ala( Chambers&
1>-7 /r. Kailash L "rehan :eneral /anager Ade2a $ndia Pri(ate Limited )nit No.2>2&?ing ; .& Dynasty .4siness Par2&
1>-8 Shri. 3itesh /ehta PresidentShri. Anil Cho4dhary 'ice;President $ndian Plast;Pac2 9or4m 2<& 1"h 9loor& Da+a .a@ar&
1>-* Shri. . D Khandel+al PresidentShri. )day .h4+al2a :eneral Secretary Plastic /Ars Association Ra6asthan 9;<& Ashir+ad Comple= -&
1>-< ProA.Dr.! S K Naya2Director :eneral& Cipet;Corp /r. R K D+i(edi ChieA /anager Central $nstit4te BA Plastics %ng ,"ech ;C Director :eneral Cipet;Corporate&
1>1> Shri. Na(in "rambadia PresidentShri. Archish Shah 'ice President :46arat State Plastics /Ars Association 8"h 9loor& Span "rade Centre&
1>11 /r. Cogesh : / /r. Jitender Cogesh /adan Rr;2<& 1St 9loor& /ian+ali Nagar&
1>12 /r. Ra6an Arora Ra6an Arora D;1><7& Ne+ 9riends Colony
1>1- /r. J S4ryanarayana "ech /anager J S4ryanarayana A;55& Sriganesha 9lats&
1>11 Shri. A S Athalye Ceo Ar(ind Athalye "echnology "ransAer .;112& Paschim Apts.&
1>15 Shri. P K Shah Sr PartnerShri. A P Shah Partner Shah Narotamdas 3ar6i(andas Co 'allabhai Patel Road&
1>17 Shri. Ra6a / Shah Proprietor Sidharth Cons4ltancy Ser(ices C01>1 Satg4r4
1>18 Shri. N J /oti(ala Director /4ltitech %ngineers .;-2& 3astira6 .. 'ashi Road&
1>1* Shri. .has2ar Naresh /adan2ar Shri .has2ar Naresh /adan2ar 1;C& J4niper 3o4se& %den ?oods&
1>1< Shri. S R Bta+at Proprietor Arihant Cons4ltants C;->1& :aytri A(en4e& <>9t Road&
1>5> Shri. Sohan Ra6 Bta+at Cons4ltant Sohan Ra6 Bta+at Cons4ltant C;->1& :ayatri A(en4e& <> 9eet Road&
1>51 Shri. A K /42er6ee Proprietor /42er6ee Cons4ltancy Ser(ices ->5& Rainbo+;.&
1>52 Shri. :a6elli D Ra6alingam Shri :a6elli Dhanan6aya Ra6alingam /adh4s4dhan /ill Cha+l&
1>5- Shri. 3emang / Doshi Ceo As2 1 Plastic Com 2-1& Samaan Comple=
1>51 Dr. Catish . 'as4deo Dr Catish . 'as4deo 12;A& 3arishchandra :oregao2ar Road&
1>55 /r. Parag "ri(edi Cons4ltant Parag 3argo(ind "ri(edi ->1& /ana(asthal ; $&
1>57 Shri. A D .and2ar :eneral /anager / D ! Shri. C : Kale Sep4lchre .rothers $ndia! P(t Ltd "a6 .4ilding& 21> D.N.Road&
Add 2 Add - City State Pincode Phone 9a= %mail ?ebsite
Lo+er Parel& :anpatrao Kadam /arg& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 21<12*<-021<-8<*> 21<-11*8premsonsK(
Near SaAe=& .idco& Palghar ?! "hane /aharashtra 1>11>1 <1;2525;25785> sar(
Athal Road& Athal& Sil(assa Dn , N -<72-> >27>;2715-5< >27>;2715-57
.hasa 11 No.& P.B., P.S..ishn4p4r& Paragnas?est .engal 81-5>- 18><<8-087 <1;--;18><<88 edenKcal.(
2-*& Rai .ahad4r Road& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>5- -25>8<1*
18& .4roshibtalla /ain Road& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>-* 21>>>18*
22& Strand Road& 1St 9loor& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>>1 2221;1*5-& 222>;111* <1;--;221>;5>*7
$nside 3athi :ate& Amritsar P4n6ab 11->>1 >1*-;251*758 <1;1*-;255-81<
$nd4strial Area& Phase;$i& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>71 2-727525& 2-78158> R!2-78<155 <1;11;251>>25>&251>21<-
"ila2 Nagar& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>1* 25<<*-<>0<-1>-5><-80<-1>>*>272 <1;11;25<<1**7
"hird 9loor& 270--& %ast Patel Nagar& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>>*
71> A Phase ; '& )dyog 'ihar :4rgaon 3aryana 122>17 >121;1-><1<>;<1;<2 <1;121;1-><1<-
Pritamp4ra& Near .ritana Cho+2!& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>-1 281>5571&281*1*-*&281*1<<1 <1;11;281*18-1
Near Nangloi& Rohta2 Road& Delhi Delhi 11>>11 251811-50251821-5 <1;11;251811-5 yogicKdel2.(
P.B Kad4+ana& .addi& DistISolan3imachal Pradesh!& Solan 3imachal Pradesh 18-2>5 18<5;11>><& 172>2&-&1 <1;18<5;172>1 ncplK(
$nside 3athi :ate& Amritsar P4n6ab 11->>1 >1*-;251*758 <1;1*-;255-81<
Pan2i Site ; $i& Kanp4r )ttar Pradesh 2>*>22 >512;-257755 <1;512;27<1*18
Lal .anglo+ & Kanp4r )ttar Pradesh 2>*>>8 >512;21>211<& 21>17<5& 21>1158 <1;512;21>211<
$nd4strial Area& :angyal& Jamm4 Jamm4 , Kashmir 1*>>1> 2187888&21*2222&21*>>>- <1;1<1;2187->-
Nh;2< Road&/4galani Ch4c2 :a@ip4r )ttar Pradesh 2-->>1 >51*; 222>511& 222>*-1& 222>215 <1;51*;222>*<2
Bpp. .aba Deepsingh Nagar& Bpp. "ransport Nagar& L4dhianaP4n6ab 111>>* >171;7>125*& 828>11
Pitamp4ra& Delhi Delhi 11>>-1 -><51157& <-5>5>1852 <1;11;28<151-< ch4li+alK(
Samay P4r& $nd4strial Area& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>12 282<75>2
:.".Road& P.B.Amrit Nagar& :ha@iabad )ttar Pradesh 2>1>>< >12>;2*7771* <1;>12>;2*7771*
)dyog Nagar& Kanp4r )ttar Pradesh 2>*>22 -><71<7
Nr. Raddison 3otel& /ahipalp4r %=tn. Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>-8 >11<-051<8<1 >11<-;278*151-
Phase;$ Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>71 2*117888& 2*11788* <1;11;155>11>> H arosonK(
Phase;$& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>71 >11;11*--8-5 >11;11*--8-5 mano6(
.ara 3ind4 Rao& Delhi Delhi 11>>>7 2-5-1581& 2-78281- <1;11;2-5>78>1
Kirti Nagar& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>*5 28511>2>& <-12>5-22- 28511>2>
Ring Road& :4nt4r Andhra Pradesh 522>>7 *7-;-5><12& -5*<12& -5>-52 <1;*7-;-5>-52
$.D.A. A4tonagar& 'isa2hapatnam Andhra Pradesh 5->>12 518288& 5158<1& 518288&51<>25 <1;*<1;85>118
1-8& Nyniappa Naic2 Street&Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>>- 25-517>7& 25-51-1* <1;11;25-5-185
S4la22arai& 'ir4dh4nagar "amil Nad4 727>>1 1572;252>*>& 2525>8
Kari22am4ry& Kochi Kerala 7*2>11 1*1;-7>1*- <1;1*1;-7>181 reliable+aresK(
7*& Narayana /4d Ali Street& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>8< 25-*877-<1;11;25-*5578
2102 .angalore Road& Kona(attam& 'ellore "amil Nad4 7-2>1-
$nd4strial Par2& Ko(ilamba22am& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>118 22185258<1;11;22187<*8
Nagercoil& Kanya24mari "amil Nad4 72<->5 1752;2*5*58& ><-78521885
Sidco $nd4strial Comple=& Dharamp4ri& 3os4r "amil Nad4 7-5127 1-11;587<1*0587<5> <1;1-11;587<-1 padmapa2agesK(
2Nd Lin2 Road& Nehr4 Nagar Kotti(a22am & Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>11 2151>>88 0 2151>>77 s4premeplastoK( H s4premeM2>>*
501& Ramanatt42ara& Ko@hi2odeKerala 78-7-- 2111-*-& 2112225& 211>15- <1;1<5;2112755 (ee2eysK(
$nd4strial "o+n Ra6a6inagar& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>11 -->515<&-1>587<
Kattedan& 3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>88 1>1--<> <1;1>;1-71718
Peenya $nd4strial %state& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>5* 11282>>20>-0>1 <1;*>;11282>>5 (;
Konagapadi P4st! Salem "amil Nad4 7-75>2 >128;2-*118<& 2-*2-*5 <1;128;2-*5*<>
Ra6a6i Nagar& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>1> <*15> 2>15> <1;>*>;2-1211*-
D;17>& Phase;$ii& $da Jeedimetla& 3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>55 2-><518<<1;1>;2-><1>>7
22&Ra6a Annamalai Road& Bpp. Dharmapra2ash& P4ras+al2am& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>*1 <**17>>7<> omplasticsK(
Post I Konath424nn4 Dist.I"hriss4r "hriss4r Kerala 7*>12- >1*>;2*7-187 <1;1*>;2*7>772
.anshan2ari 2Nd Stage& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>8> 2781*2<*
Ranig4n6 /.:. Road& Sec4nderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>>- 55-21>22& 285127<>& 28511>22 <1;1>;55-2857-
Nayandhally& /ysore Road& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>-< 7817*88& 7817<88& 7811828 <1;*>;785812-
K4n6ibitt4& )d4pi Karnata2a5871>2 2522*<20252-<11 <1;2>;2522*<2
11;11& :eneral Patters Road& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>>2 2*5511--&-><28211 <1;11;2*511111
Kan6i :o24ldas .ldg.& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2 22>*8>-5<1;22;22>7>-<5
Near Nagp4r :oldn "ransport& /ohoba .a@ar& :.%.Road& Raip4r /adhya Pradesh 1<2>>1 881;251->**& 2585*18& 5512588
Near 'i6ay Print& /.'.Road&Sa2ina2a& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82
BAA. Aarey Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*85-1-5&2*8517-7 <1;22;2*8111*2
"ata Po+er 3o4se&/at4nga& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1< 21>87>1-<1;22;21><->81
%state& L... Shastri /arg& :hat2opar ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*7 25>>8***&25>>88*7 <1;22;25>>8555
/alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2-*>8<1;22;2**1>1>5 amratgro4pK(
Amit $nd4stries %state& 71&Dr.S.S.Rao Road& Lalba4g& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>12 211--*8-& 21->>82* <1;22;211--*8-
?areho4sing Comple=&Sa2ina "el.%=h.Lane& Andheri;K4rla Road& Andheri%ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 -><11718<1;22;2*511>58
Near Radhe ?ay;.ridge& Kala+ad Road& AtI 'ad;'a6adi& "al.I Lodhi2a& Ra62ot :46arat -7>>>2 <1;2*28;2*871* <1;2*28;2*8>75
A018&Royal $nd4strial %state& ?adala& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 <1;22;2111*112 <1;22;2115>758 pa2t4relK(
/a2+ana Road& /arol& Andheri %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>5111& 2*5>1*57&21>-555* >22;2*5>1*57&<-21>-555* ash+in5Kbom5.(
->>& Shamaldas :andhi /arg& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2
9ree Press Jo4rnal /arg& Nariman Point /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>21 22**1*1*& 22**115205- <1;22;22**1155
Bld Briental .an2 .ldg& Bpp. ?elcome 3otel& 9ort& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2- 2278-1<2& 27881>7&<-2218-1<2 <1;22;227881>< chetanaplasticsK(
725& Nareman .4ilding& J.S.S. Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>2 ->>-278< 0 278*1>*10278*1*71 <1;22;278*1>*1
Near Colaba Post BAAice& -1 Colaba Road& Colaba& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>5 22151572& <-2-282<71 <1;22;21<81>8* (
/aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 2*-28212 createrK(
5"h 9loor& 25& S.A..rel(i Road& 9ort& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 22772728&2275>-<2&<*21251777 <1;22;22771-7* polycraAtK(
Arya 'idya /andir School /arg& J.'.P.D.Scheme& J4h4& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1< 278>>-25&278>5851&278>>*17 <1;22;278>>-25 +++.p(
Plot No.8808*& /.'. Road& J... Nagar& /arol& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>55>7 , 77<5>-2- <1;22;2*5>55>7
Kondi(ita Road&J...Nagar& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*-7<82202*-7<1>- <1;22;2*2><552 g.m.plasticK(
N./. Joshi /arg Lo+er Parel& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>11 2->11---&2-><7*1<&2-><11>- <1;22;2->7>-21 bhag+atiK(
7"h 9loor& 3a6i "ardeo Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1
Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*7*717>&2*7*2187&<*2>>1>8<8 <1;22;2*7*-*1> bpplK(
Bpp. Sangam Cinema& K4rla;Andheri Rd.& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 2*-21*71& <*2>15<--- <1;22;2*-21*71& 21><71--
Abo(e /arccain Sho+room&Near Pitambari :4lmohar Road J.'.P.D!& 'ileparle?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1< 7825<*<>;<1& 2781**>> <1;22;2785<*<2 6ainmohanK(
K4n6 Ni(as& Saha2ar Road& Jogesh+ari ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>2 278*1>>1&278*888* <1;22;278*7-85
L...Shastri /arg& "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>1 25*2>*55& <*2117115> <1;22;25*2-2-< 6AibreK(
$... Patel Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*5-7>-0>1 <1;22;27*5-7>7
?allbhatt Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- >22;77<<1-*-0 <*2>112*270<-2>112*27 <1;22;77<<1-<-
);1-8& /.$.D.C. $ndl. Area& Nagp4r /aharashtra 11>>17 >81>1;-7**1&-2<277 >81>1;-7**2 6alaram;ngpKsancharnet.inH6alaram;
Ca(es Road& Jogesh+ari %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7> 2*-2<171&2*-7852- <1;22;2*-<>88<
.hayandar ?est!&"hane /aharashtra 1>11>1 *1<2-150*1*>-27 <1;22;2*1*>-27 cygK( b4siness.(snl.com0cyg
Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*7*-517&2*78*>17& <*21-2222> <1;22;2*78*>17 deepa2shah2*
L.".Road&.ori(ali?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><2 2*1<28<-&2*1<2718 <1;22;2*1<18<<
K.".$ndl.Comple=& ?ali(& 'asai %ast!& "hane /aharashtra 1>12>2 <525>;2151-12& 215-->8 <1;<525>;215-->8
K4mbhar+ada Circle& .ha(nagar :46arat -71>>7 21-*-*70 <*25>77>1 <1;28*;21-*5*8
Bpp. Aish+arya 3otel& Solap4r /aharashtra 11-->8 8211<>&8211<*&8288<* <1;218;8211<* 2othariKpn-.(
Bpp. Aish+arya 3otel& Saras+ati Cha+le& Solap4r /aharashtra 11-->1 8211<>&8211<*&821<<* <1;218;8211<* 2othariKpn-.(
Sitaphalba4g Colony& Near /ati :anpati /andir& P4ne /aharashtra 111>-> 2>;2115>>5502115>>7> <1;2>;211*>511
No.1& 17& Shamrao 'ithal /arg& Lamington Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>8 2-**1<-1<1;22;2-*8725<
Rachanan Apartment& :o(erdhan Nagar& Agra Road& Lbs /arg& /4l4nd?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 257812<8025717<77& <*2>>-82-1 <1;22;257*5122 6iten(
:.D.Ambe2ar Road & ?adala& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 21118-18&2115><52 <1;22;2115><52
Plot No.12& Chint4pada Road& Post .o= No.1-& Palghar& "hane /aharashtra 1>11>1 <52525;25275-0-2<-2- <1;<52525;25275-
Bpp. R.".B.& Ring Road& S4rat :46arat -<5>>1 277<8>2& 277<7-7 <1;271;277>>-- an2oor;
Kondi(ita Road& Andheri %.! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*-2117-02*-75725 2*-75<>1Ale=AilmK(
Kondi(itta Lane& Andheri K4rla Road& Andheri%ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*-2117-&2*-75725 <1;22;2*-75<>1 Ale=AilmK(
/alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**218-1&2**2*<<1 <1;22;2**2*<<1
/4gal Lane& /ahim& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 21-81775&21-1>*>5&21-87721 <1;22;21-8-52- 6aypeeKbom-.(
3ingna Road& Nagp4r /aharashtra 11>>17 81>1;2-821>& 2-2*>< <1;81>1;2-858-& 2-2*1>
1St 9loor& )nit No. 1 , <& "ai2al+adi Road& /at4nga& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 21->8587<1;22;21212522 npshahcoK(
Ram /andir Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 57>*2-12<1;22;57<-11*1
Chhapara Road P.B. 7<& Na(sari :46arat -<7115 27-8;5>778&5*77* <1;27-8;5<1*2 propylonKbom5.(
1>1& Shashi Apts. BAA Aarey Road& St.Pio4s College& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- <*212*5<21 <1;22;27*7>271 neel6yoteK(
Bpp.Radha;Krishna /andir& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1
'eer 3an4man Nagar&Ka4tharpada& Dahisar ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7* 2*<--*72<1;22;2*<--*72 2blyerK(
S4n /ill Compo4nd& Lo+er Parel& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 21<251<8
Ramchandra Lane %=tn.& Kach Pada& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2721102**2-->8 <1;22;2**2--15
:reen Street& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2- 22771>-<&2277211- <1;22;227717>8&21<-7222 spgoen2aKgiasbm>1.(
?estern %=press& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7-
11 Altamo4nt Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>27 >22;2-5-55*5&<-21><712* <1;22;27*85>81 plastocraAtK(
/ani Nagar Chs Ltd.!.ab4bhai 'eshi Road 'ile;Parle ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 27*-1**1<1;22;27*-1**1
SaAed Pool K4rla Andheri Road& Sa2ina2a&/4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*51><5& 2*511158 <1;22;2*511-1> polyAl4oroK(
:.D. Ambed2ar Road & ?adala& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 57721<1>& 57721<11 <1;22;57721<12 se6palKbom8.(
:hod .4nder Road& "hane ?est!& "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>8 55<*5<1*& 55<22<*50*7 <1;22;2*811<* pretiimpK(
A...Road& De+as /adhya Pradesh 155>>1 8282;25*828
.ehind .4rma Shell Petrol P4mp& 'ilage 'aali(& 'asai %ast!& "hane /aharashtra 1>12>* >25>;21*1181 <1;25>;21*>11>& <*2>>28-*- premi4msK(
$...Patel Road& :ala No.7& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*71215&27*7>5-1 <1;22;27*52>51 nainmailK(
Saro6ini Naid4 Road& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25<*5<>> 0 25<>5<>> <1;22;25<>5-11
Near FA4tomaticF .4s Stop& Bpp. Aplab& "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>1 25*-7-17& 25*-8*8< <1;22;25*-8*8< rpciplK(
Ramratan "ripati Compo4nd& S.'.Road& Jogesh+ari ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>2 278<82->&2*87>25< <1;22;27*7>*1<
--501-& 'eer Sa(ar2ar /arg& Dadar& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2* 21221<8*& 2122**7< <1;22;21-85-<* rsmp(tltdK(
781& Ra(i+ar Peth& P4ne /aharashtra 111>>2 2>;2118<1<5& 211*188> <1;2>;211*188>
->10A& Abd4l Rehman Street& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2-1-8<55&2-1--5>1&2-1118*8 <1;22;2-><1111
K.".$ndl.Comple=&Sr.No.<5& ?ali(& 'asai %ast!& "hane /aharashtra 1>12>* >25>;215-->8 >25>;2151-12 0
R.C. D4tt Road& Al2ap4ri& .aroda :46arat -<>>>5 2-51521& 2->>278 <1;275;2-1>82<
/idc Area .eed /aharashtra 1-1122 <12-17*528 <1;2112;2-2-1<
Naiga4n Cross Road& ?adala& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 2111**1*&21128*22 <1;22;2111**1* agar+al-K(
"ila2 Nagar& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*8527-1&2*8-<182
Sharma $ndl. %state& ?albhat Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*51181& 27*52215 <1;22;27*5182>
Bpp.Shrirang Chemicals& Near Ambica Nagar& Bdha(& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 22*8><52& 22*8151< <1;8<;22*8><52 shi(M(al(
*20*1 Ka@i Sayed Street& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2-11<*>50 2-1-82*7 <1;22;2-1211>< sanbrosKbom2.(
S.'. Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2*8521*-&2*82<<55 <1;22;2*82<<55
2Nd 9loor& Kothari ?adi& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2*811>-8& 2***18<*& -<12<*1> <1;22;2**>1*71
Ram /andir Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2*82><11&2*8-2-8- <1;22;2*8-*-57 shriramKbom8.(
.ehind Ah4shan Art Je+ellers& S.'.Road Bpp.Star Apartment& .ori(ali ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><2 2*<<15<<&27<>52-1
"al.I /a(al& P4ne /aharashtra 11>5>7 222522& 2222-1 <1;2111;222*-7 siliconKpn2.(
3iranandani $ndl. %state& Kan64r /arg& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8* 258*778><1;22;2588--*8
Adarsh Society Cross&Road No.2&Plot No.* BAA Ram Chandra Lane& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 >22;75278*1-0<<7871>*52
9rench Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>8 <22-->>1<5 2-711< +++.Ailter;
Lal+adi& Salabatp4ra& .ehind Ra624mar Sil2 /ills& S4rat :46arat -<5>>- 2-21188& 2-22222 <1;271;2------
Parsi Panchayat Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7< 2*->>-5<&2*-2827* <1;22;2*-7772<
1St 9loor& S4bhash Nagar& Jogesh+ari %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7> 2*-28>>> synchromatK(
1"h 9loor& -1>0-1*& Narshi Natha Street& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>< 2-111211<1;22;2-11>715 techno6rKbom5.(
.hayander %ast& "hane /aharashtra 1>11>1
Sona+al Cross Road No.2& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*5-158& 27*5-151 <1;22;277>1-<5
Shipoli Rd& Ne=t "o :o2le School& .ori(ali ?! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><2 2*<<878>& <*-->25815 ra6ppKli(
Ra6a $nd4strial %state & P.K. Road& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25752718&2571-<<2&25<>1<11 <1;22;25<>1<11 a4dioplaK(
Plot No. 581& BAA /ori Road& /ahim ?est! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 2111><87&2117117> <1;22;2111>12< (arad-> +++.(
Shi(;Smara2 Shopping Centre& :old 9inch Peth& Bpp..hag+at "heater& Solap4r /aharashtra 11->>2 218;2728**5& 28112>1 <1;218;28112>1 (
/asrani Lane& K4rla& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8> 25>-27*><1;22;27122*51 2arti2(
Jalgaon& Jalgaon /aharashtra 125>>1 258;22-><-& 21>-*-& 2--7*-
Near Lodha+ad Cho+2& S.'.P.Road& Ra62ot :46arat -7>>>2 >2*1;228>*>& 2222*> <1;2*1;22-<*2
Rani Sati /arg& /alad %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><8 2*88758*&2**<85>5 <1;22;2*88-27- o@aM(
878& 'ish+anand Dham& Khar ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>52 271<*<8*&27>1>-71
Ramchandra Lane %=tention& Kachpada& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**<-81*<1;22;2**<-81* ar(
S.'.Patel /arg& Post .o= No.<5& Bpp. Saha2ar .ha(an& Amra(ati /aharashtra 1117>1 >821;2781278027811-> <1;821;278>1>-
:o(t. $nd4strial %state& Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*7*->81& <<7<51711< <1;22;2*7*7><7
Chi2thana& A4rangabad & A4rangabad /aharashtra 1-121> 21>;21*-5*1& 57>2-<7 <1;21>;21*-5*1
.ehind La=mi Narayan "emple& /ar(e Road& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2*>828*7&2*>8>118 <1;22;2*71*<*1
Sector;5& Anand Nagar& Bshi+ara& Jogesh+ari ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>2 27->1>18& 5728->51 <1;22;27->1>18
/angaldas /ar2et .ldg.No.-.& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2 77--58>-0>1 <1;22;77--58>5
:... Ambed2ar Road& ?adala& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 21125721&2112-1-<&2118272> <1;22;2112<5<> (eenaplaKbom-.(
Dh4le Road& Chalisgaon /aharashtra 1211>1 25*<;222>-5& 222>-7 <1;25*<;22-2*>
Bpp :olden "obacco 'ile Parle ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 27811715&27815872&27<>18*< <1;22;278171>-
- Dhns ?adi& BAA C.N.Street& Near /arine Lines Ch4rch /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2 22>77>>5<1;22;22>5-<5> H
:anesh Nagar& Dhan2+adi& P4ne /aharashtra 111>1- 21-821*-& 21-8-1>1& 21-8--*< <1;<52>;21-8--*< trim4rtiplastK( +++.blo+;
"s;17"h Road & .andra& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5> 271>1*82&2*211<1-
L...S. /arg& :hat2opar& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*7 25>>*1<8& 25>>*<*< <1;22;25>>8<<7
Dist.I Kolhap4r& $chal2aran6i /aharashtra 117115 >2->;21--<<1& 21->27* >2->;21-11-8H >2-22;2521*7
S.'.Road& Bpp.Khiranagar& Santacr4@ ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>51 271>2>1-<1;22;27181-*2
"al.I /ohol& Solap4r /aharashtra 11-255 >218;2-58172 <1;218;2-1-*<-
A24rdi& P4ne /aharashtra 111>-5
Comple=& De(4ba4g& .ha(nagar :46arat -71>>2 28*;21-*11-021-*277 28*;21-*2*>
:idc& Char Rasta& 'api :46arat -<71<5 >27>;21-2*2202122821 <1;27>;2122821
S4bhash Road& Jogesh+ari %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7> 2*-*8-27& 2*2117>8 <1;22;2*2117>8
Near Ji(an Jyoti 3ospital& D4rga Compo4nd& .ehind Apsara Cinema .hi(andi /aharashtra 121->2 <52522;21<58-& 21718- <1;<52522;21718-
3.A.Palla( /arg& .yc4lla & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>28 2-827171<1;22;2-881-75 alhayatKbom2.(
*>1 'imal Darshan& *"h 9loor& Khet+adi& <"h Lane& Near P4n6ab "ra(el /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 2-**<-<2& 2-*8228- <1;22;2-*8228- <*2>2*-112N
3ingna Road& Nagp4r /aharashtra 11>>17 >81>1;2-77<1& 2-77<- <1;81>1;2-77<-
$nd4strial Area& San+er Road& $ndore /adhya Pradesh 152>15 >8-1;282>1-2 <1;8-1;25-2>57
$...Patel /arg& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*7>*1<& -><8>221 <1;22;27*7>*1- <*21-57578!
101& Pari6at& Kar(e Road& P4ne /aharashtra 111>>1 <*22>511<- >2>;252<1118 (plaK( +++.(
Ne=t "o Prince 3otel&Lal Dar+a6a& Station Road& S4rat :46arat -<5>>- 1271<5&1*1*7> de(
Pithamp4r $ndl.Area& Dist. Dhar& $ndore /adhya Pradesh 152>>1 82<2;25-12-& 5>881-& 5>8811 <1;82<2;5>8812
Pant Nagar& :hat2opar& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>85 251-82<1/B.$L% <*21>;28522
2Nd 9loor& BAA Lbs /arg& Par2site& 'i2hroli ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8< 251*>-8*0** <1;22;251*>-<* shrin2syK(
Bpp.3an4ma "emple& Ko2anpada& /alad%ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><8 2*1<7771072 <1;22;2*1<777- monarpensK(
/as6id .4nder& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2-1118*>&2-121111& -2121111 <1;22;2-121111& 2-1118*> parth@olK(
/.$.D.C. Pimpri&.ehind Pimpri Co4rt P4ne /aharashtra 111>1* 2818522->2> 7711---7
Ashir+ad $ndl. %state& Rammandir Road& :oregaon ?est! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2*827><8&2*8-*18<&2*8-<1>- <1;22;2*81><8* plastechK(
2Nd 9lHPlot No.5&/oti )dyognagar& Ramchandra Lane& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**22781&2**2177<&2**28511 <1;22;2**2177<
P4ne;Satara Road&P4ne /aharashtra 111>-8 -252-<<<<1;2>;21285118
BAA S.'.Road& /alad ?est! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2*8257**&2*8-7-7*&<*8>>52->> <1;22;2*8257**
5"h North;So4th Road& J4h4 Schem& 'ileparle ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 272-581-& 2711512- <1;22;2711512-
?estern %=press 3igh+ay :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*82-1>1<1;22;2*8<1-2* alliedplasticsK( +++.allied;
2Nd 9loor& 1-7& "ardeo Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 21<28151& <1;22;21<1-5>2
%hind Patel Nagar& /.:.Road No.1& Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*>5<287<1;22;21-8<751
S;11& Neel2anth Shopping Arcade& Chemb4r&/4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>81 -.><->>11<-2eO>18 <1;22;252*--7< 2ryptonpolymersK(
.h4lesh+ar& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2 22125-12&2212>1*>& <*2>2>-<21 <1;22;22122717
S.'.Road& .ab42ne& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**115>7&2**><755 <1;22;2*>82*11
ProA. Ram Pan6+ani /arg& /ahim ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 21177112<1;22;577717*< (
/aha2ali Ca(es Road & Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- <*2>17772>
$nd4strial Premises Co.Bp.Society Ltd. Bpp./o(ie "ime&Lin2 Rd. /alad?! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**1121*& 7152-1<- <1;22;2**1121*
BAA /./.Chh6otani Road& /ahim& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 2115111><1;22;21178127
Ram Pan6+ani /arg /ahim& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 21175>8-&21171*>2 <1;22;21155751
3ome Science Collage Road& Jabalp4r& Jabalp4r /adhya Pradesh 1*2>>1 2-11221& 2-11*11& 5>>7221 <1;871;2-12*11
Near .ap4nagar "olna2a& .03& Anil Starch /ill& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>25 >8<;222>>857& 222>117- <1;8<;222>>857
Andheri Lin2 Road& Andhri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 27-255**& 27-7**11 <1;22;27-1*>*>
Andheri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5* 27*8-111& 27*8-7*2 <1;22;27*82--7
"4ngaresh+are $nd4stries Comple= & Sati(ali& 'asai %ast!& "hane /aharashtra 1>12>* <525>;21*>*22
Lbs /arg&/4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25<>>2-1&257>>215 <1;22;25<>>2>5 m4ltiplastK( +++.m4lti;
Plot No. 7022& /arol Co;Bp.$nd4strial %s Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*52<>>102 <1;22;2*51<<>>
.ehind State .an2 BA $ndia& .hand4p ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8* 25<1>*<><1;22;25<>1<*7
88& Ramb4g& Pa4d Road& Kothr4d& P4ne /aharashtra 111>-* 2517<>**& <122-;>1<<1 2517<>**
/adanpoora& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>* 2-><12><<1;22;2-><752- bigbenKbom5.(
1"h 9loor& R.P.Road& Bpp.Ja+ahar "al2ies& /4l4nd?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 257<-7>1&257117<1&257<112102> <1;22;257117<1
Dist Nanded& Degloor& Degloor /aharashtra 1-1818 >217-;25858*& 255217& 255-1* <1;217-;25758*
Chinchpada& 'asai %ast!& Dist I "hane& "hane /aharashtra 1>12>* <525>;2151128& 21515>* <1;<525>;2151128
/and(i Cho+2& Ra62ot :46arat -7>>>1 >2*1;2158>*<& <*212>2>82
Premises& 2>-02& Ram /andir Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2*82-78<& 2*8778*> <1;22;2*8778*> 42blistK(
Chincholi Road& BAA S.'.Road& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2*8-7-7*<1;22;2*8257** 2ishoragar+alK(
Din Dayal )padhaya /arg& /4l4nd ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25<2>>55<1;22;25<2>>88
2Nd 9loor&.ldg.No.12&Senapati .apat /arg Ne=t "o .ig .a@ar& Lo+er Parel ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 21<8518-<1;22;21<85185
.ehind Prabhat "al2ies& )lhasnagar& )lhasnagar /aharashtra 121>>5 <5251;52-78<
.ehram .a4g J4nct.Ng& Jogesh+ari ?est! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>2 278*>*5>&278*>851 <1;22;278*1<15
Rail "oly& :ondia /aharashtra 111711 >81-2;25281-& 22772>& 22--1> <*2-15--1>
/ahesh Nagar& :oregaon ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2*821>25<1;25>;21*1>78 sheenyple=K(
Andheri %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 2*27727*& <*7<>15-7-
22<& Sam4el Street& /as6id ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2-11---<& 57-1>**5 <1;22;2-11---<
"al42a H Kalol& Dist.H :andhinagar& Ra2anp4r:46arat -*2821 >2871;27*111& 27*115 <1;2871;27*1>5
2>-& $ndraprastha& -Rd Dominic Lane& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2*81--71&2*8*8777& 25>;-<5>>1- <1;22;2*>8><<1& 25>;21511>1
Paras $ndl.Premises& Phase;'& :ala No.-& P4ne /aharashtra 111>27 2811><<5& 5711*7-1&<122>>7*5>
Dattamandir Compo4nd& Na(li& "al42a I Palgar& "hane /aharashtra 1>11>1 <52525 2511<1
51071& Jani2ar Street& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>-
Chincholi&Lin2 Road& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2*81>*-7& <-21><><-> <1;22;2*855<1<
Chapan+adi& Ca(atmal/aharashtra 115>>1 <-8271>->7 >82-2;211*1< ra(
.4lding No.-& /.'.Road& Andheri%ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 7787>151052 <1;22;2*517<28 laresK(
Changodar& Dist.IAhmedabad& Changodar :46arat -*221- 2818;25>121& 25>122 <1;2818;25>12-
/ilitary Road& Andheri %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*52122<&2*5<75>10>5 <1;22;2*5<75>5
A.K. Road& Post .o= No.-<& Jalgaon /aharashtra 125>>1 22-11<80 22--1<- <1;258;22-5727
?albhat Road & :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*51>28027*52-7-027*51777 <1;22;27*5---- celloKbom2.(
BAA /.'.Road& /arol Na2a& Andheri %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>752-& 57<2>*55 <1;22;2*5>752-
Shop No.2& Sat Kripa Co;Bp.3sg.Soct.& Prem Nagar& .ldg.No.7& .ori(ali ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><2 2*7-2-**<1;22;2*>18552
Nariman Point&9.P.J. /arg& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>21 22**1*1*022**1151 <1;22;22**1155
/aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 27*8>1><& 27*8>288 <1;22;27*8>288
N.S.Road;2& J4h4 Scheme& 'ile Parle& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 271151-<& 2711><-5&<-2228>>17 >22;271151-<
Lic Colony& .ori(ali ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>- 2*>1>5>1& <-222171>1
:o24l Nagar& .hi+andi& Dist. "hane& "hane /aharashtra 121->2 >2522;2588>5& 22<12>
:.$.D.C. 'at(a& Ahmedabad Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 >8<;25*1>**-& <*2>>811>1
Bpp. .hangar Knata& "alo6a& "al.Pan(el& Dist.Raigad Pan(el /aharashtra 11>2>* 28112>2<& -2722**> a(
%state& 'eera Desai Road& Andheri ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 278-2151& 278-21-> p4nitM*>
Sp;$ 1St Phase $ndl.Area& .armer Ra6asthan-11>>1 2<*2;222185& 221--< <1;2<*2;22>152
11>& N. /. Road& 9ort& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 <1;22;1>-72727 6ha(eriK6ha(
Pitamber Lane& /ahim ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 21158*81& 25-;2-*1>81 <1;22;25*2222-& 25-;2-*-51>
:has+ala %state& Sane :4r42i /arg.& BAAI "ardeo Circle& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 21<1-71*&21<-8811 <1;22;21<-8811 bcccomK(
-5 A 3ill Road& .andra ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5> 27125*88& 1>>711>- 0 7581771- <1;22;2751*<71 silooKbom2.(
Andheri K4rla Road& /arol Na2a& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5<
/alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2-211012& <*2>>2>717 <1;22;2**2>72<
/ah4l Road& Chemb4r&/4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>81 25515211<1;22;25515*71 l4be2ingKbom-.(
S.'. Road& Jogesh+ari ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>2 278*271*<1;22;278*1-88
.4ilding No. 1& Ram /andir E Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 27871>1-0278<21-7 77<5187<;dir <1;22;27871>1-
.rahmin Society & Na4pada&"hane /aharashtra 1>>7>2 2512112<& 25*2>12* <1;22;512112<;5*2>12* s2np(tltdK(
Lo2hand+ala Comple=& Ne+ Lin2 Road& Andheri ?est /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- <525>21*>11>& <*2>1->1<1 <1;25>;21*>11> bha(eshMgandhiK(snl.com0mdKmane2plastics
17& 3at2esh Society& N.S.Road No.7& J.'.P.D.Scheme& 'ileparle ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 271*511>& <-2>12<1-- <1;22;271>-812 r2patelK(
Sona+ala Road& :oregaon %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*71757<1;22;27*78-><
Sati(ali& 'asai %ast! "hane 1>12>* >25>;21*>-78& -225**1> <1;<525>;21*>2-*
'asai Road ?est!& Dist. "hane& "hane /aharashtra 1>12>2 >25>;2---1>8& ><-2278<2-2 maha(eer;entK(
A;17& .hen4 Par2& Kast4rba Road& Kandi(ali ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2.*721<11<-2eO>18 2*721<
Kast4rba Road&Near Cine Star Cinema& Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*721<110-251<**102*7212>- <1;22;2*721<11
J.D. Dosa Road& /4l4nd ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 2578118>0257>>1*1 <1;22;2578118>
L...S./arg& 'i2hroli ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*- 258*1>1<0182-0->2* 258*--1*m2tKr4miplastics.comH
Kherany Road& Sa2ina2a& Andheri %!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 >22;2*51>287& <*2>->1115 2*5>58>1adityaK(
ProA. Ram Ban6+ani /arg& /ahim /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 2117-<->
/aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><-
S4bash Road& 'ile Parle %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>58 2*2>112>&2*2>1218&2*2>121* <1;22;2*2>1>-< polymatK(
BAA. /aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 27*81-21<1;22;27*81<87 monasticsK(
/aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 2*-1<1-10<<810- <1;22;2*21-2<*0-2<* a(conKbom-.(
/arol Co;Bp. $ndl. %state& /.'. Rd& Andheri %!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*51<>>12*51<<>>
P.K. Road& Sar(oday Nagar& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> >22;25<>1<11&257<5-27&25752718 >22;257<5-28
*-1 S.K. .ole Road& Agar .a@aar& Dadar ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2* 21->5-22& <-2->8>877 21->5-22mahade(
%state& /aha2ali Road& Near Paper .o=& Andheri %!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- >22;77<271*70*8&<*21>2---- >22;27*81885 l4c2y(
/ilitary Road& BAA. /arol /aroshi Road& Andheri %!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2<2>282*&2<2>7-<<&<-2>21177>
/aha2ali Road& Andheri %!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 77<-5*2827*81281pa24K(
N.$.".& 9aridabad3aryana 121>>1 22--<15018 <1;12<;5>2*->>
Jigani $nd4stries Area& Jigani Ane2al "al42& Jigani Karnata2a5721>7 >*>;28*25<7< <1;*>;2758*111 2a(eri1Kbgl.(
.ommasandra $nd4strial Area& 3os4r Road& .angaloreKarnata2a57215* >*>;28*-2578028*-211< 2plascomK(
P.B. Aras4r& Coimbatore "amil Nad4 7111>8 122;2-7>->7 <1;122;2-7>->8 lecsK(
At , Po /ogar Anand :46arat -**-1> >27<2;211*81& 21-18< <1;27<2;211*8-
218& Sam4el Street& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2-11--**&2-1--121&2-1--5>8& <*2>17812-& <*2>17812- <1;22;2-1--5>8 polytheneK(
8 .arrac2 Road& Near .ombay 3ospital /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2> 22>>51*-&22>>51*1 <1;22;22>-*225
'ile Parle ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 271*111<<1;22;27118887& 7151282 sch4miMimpe=K(
/.'. Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- <1;22;1>1*1>1* 0 <*2>>52<2- <1;22;1>1*1>28 inAoKa(
K.C.$nd4strial %state& S4bhash Road&& Jogesh+ari %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7> 2*-2551*<1;22;2*-*1<-- totoK(
S4bhash /arg& BAA Ca(es Road& Jogesh+ari %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7> 2*-*8>51&2*-**-2>&2*2158-1 <1;22;2*-*1>** ar(
Ca(es Road& Jogesh+ari %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7> 2*-2<>-1&2*-5-5*7 <1;22;2*-*2-75 +elsetK(
?estern %=press 3igh+ay& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*8-11<*& 2*8-88<*& 2*8*<-<<2* <1;22;2*855*88& 1>7<><>> amardeoK(
Bpp. Andheri 9ire .rigade& S.'. Rd& Andheri ?!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5* 77*<5->>77*<5-11m4t4alKbom5.(
Road No.1-011& /idc& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 2*-71-7702*21118202*-1-<5* <1;22;2*-78*<102*-71<2-
P.B. .o= 82&N.3.7& .ambhori& Jalgaon /aharashtra 82 258;225*>11 <1;258;225*111
1St 9loor& Naiga4m Cross Road& Dadar %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>11 <1;22;1>->----011055 <1;22;1>->--22
Dr.Annie .esant Road& Near Bld Passport BAAice& ?orli& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-> 21<-81*521<-**8<
Nariman Point& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>21 -.>2*8185<*2eO>18 ->2*818*
Palton Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 227821*<& <*2>>581-2 <1;22;22751<--
.ldg.& 1St 9loor& Sahar Rd.& Cha2ala& Parsi+ada& Andheri %!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><< >22;-2571187 >22;2*->2>2*
Bld Padra Road& .aroda :46arat -<>>>8 275;2-55*7>07-08108- <1;>275;2-55*7>
/alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2>55<&2**2>122 <1;22;2**<55<1 de(otionKbom5.(
1<1& Ch4rchgate Reclamation& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2> 22>221710<*2>*>*<1* <1;22;22>2<8*1 +++.colo4r;
Phase $ii& Noida )ttar Pradesh 2>1->8 <1;12>;25*1>*80*<& 25*>--<0-1> <1;12>;25*1><> mplastKnda.(
Krishna Nagar& /anapa22am& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>117 >11;-212<<81& ><-*2---<*> <1;11;22-155*1 creati(
Sitlade(i "emple Road& /ahim?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 21157-5805*& 2*-271110>8>8 <1;22;21151218& 2*-*7<71
/arol& /arol /aroshi Road& Andheri%ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2<2581850708. 77<5;55<10<2 0 <*2>>*--88 0 <*2>-21> <1;22;2<2>>-51&278*1-2> pimcoKol21.netHpimcoK(
.4ilding No.5& Ram /andir Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2*8-21<>&2*8-571> <1;22;2*81*>>2 cometKbom5.(
?albhat Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*51*7>&27*517<1 <1;22;27*51885
Jan2alyan Nagar. BAA /ar(e Road& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><5 2*72512*& <1;22;27<-*128 +++.sms;
'at(a& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 25*<2<>><1;>8<;25*->*1-
885& :.$.D.C. /a2arp4ra& 'adodara& .aroda :46arat -<>>1> 275;271-211&2755>81&2715>15 <1;275;27-*1-1
C;12-& Pitamp4ra& Neta6i S4bhash Palace& Delhi Delhi 11>>-1 >11;12181-12 >11;12181-1-
-Rd 9loor& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>1- 275**151&275*117*& 275*->15 <1;--;275*21*70<1----0<51-21 r4paliKcal.(
9irst Street& Sena Sri 'ari Apartment& .ala6i Nagar& %22at4thangal Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>><8 >11;12718-55& 2225>27- <1;11;222512*5
.4ilding No.5& Ram /andir Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2*8-21<>&2*8-571>
BAA S.'.Road& /alad ?est! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2***-815&2**-2157&<*2>51>11- <1;22;1>>--1-1 anitaentKbom-.(
%state& K4rla;Andheri Road& SaAed Pool& Sa2ina2a& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*5127-5028>102*5<>--20><7< <1;22;2*51*7<> de(otoolKbom2.(
Chichpada& ?ali(& 'sai %ast! & "hane /aharashtra 1>12>* >25>;-<52777&78 <1;25>;215-7<1 s4birpreK(
Agni Shaman Dal /arg& /arol& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>185<<1;22;2*5>51<1
/4mbai Central& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>* 2->1578207- <1;22;2->15517& 2->81*78 basarK(
Ne+ Ren4 Co;Bp.3sg.Soc.&Par2 Road 'ile Parle %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>58 >22271225<10<20<- 0 <1;<*787<75>5 >22;271225<1
BAA /aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 27*8-<58& 27*8-<1>&<*21115<-< <1;22;57<21*27 moldK(
/arol Co;Bp. $ndl.%state& /.'. Rd& Andheri %!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*52<>>12*51<<>>
:4indy& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>-2 225>1128& 225>>522& 225>>177 225>1*
25& S.A..rel(i Road& 9ort& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1
Plot No.-1& Sector 18& 'ashi& Ne+ /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>8>5 8711<-1& 87-551<& 8<>1521 <1;22;87111>8& 87-551< 6ainendrK(
/.:.Road& Bpp. Andhra .an2& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 2571><*8&2571><-5 <1;22;257<1<1*
S+ami Shi(ananda Society& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><< 2*-1<-72<1;22;2*217<>* r4pplastKbom5.(
'idyalan2ar Collage Road& ?adala %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-8 2117---1&2117-->1 <1;22;2117-->1
Bpp. Shi(a6i Par2 Post BAAice& Dadar ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2* 21->-221& 21->7<21& 21-85115 <1;22;21225*1-
Liberty :arden Road& Ramchandra Lane J4nction& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 78*<5555<1;22;78*<55>>
Nehr4 Nagar Road& Pimpri P4ne /aharashtra 111>1* >2>;28185*88& 281-5*85 >2>;281-5*85
Naigaon& Cross Road& ?adala& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 <1;22;1>582<<< 2> L$N%S! <1;22;21>582<>>
12& Richmond Road& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>25 *>;222-17>- <1;*>;222-17>-
Ragha(a Ratna "o+er & Chirag Ali Lane& 3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>>1 2-2>-1<1<1;1>;2-2>1211
%lam24lam Road& Kaloor& Kochi Kerala 7*2>18 >1*1;251111<& -21111< <1;1*1;251>-17& 2512-1*
2& 'illage Road& N4ngamba22am& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>-1 >11;1211 5*<7 >11;2*2- 5*<-
Ne+ No.27 Bld No.112!& Choolai 3igh Road& Choolai& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>112 277<2-21& 277<285* <1;11;277<281>
Near Circ4it 3o4se& Ci(il Lines& :odhra :46arat -*<>>1 2782;21171- <1;>2782;21171-
Santosh 3eights& Bpp Apsara "al2es& /ar2et Card Road& P4ne /aharashtra 111>-8 2>;271-2271 <1;2>;27111177
Paramo4nt 3all Dhebarbhai Road& .h4t2hana Cho+2& Ra62ot :46arat -7>>>2 222**>2 <1;2*1;22--8<*
"2I Panhala& Dist.Kolhap4ra& Kolhap4r /aharashtra 11711- >2-2*;2212-20221-<8 >2-2*;221-<8
Ne+ /arine Lines& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2> 27-1---5& 22>>7188&77-17*17 <1;22;22>>7557
Cross Road No.7& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2*117>-><1;22;2*117>->
C0B /r.Anand B@a&.08 'almi2i Sadan & Rani Sati /arg&/alad %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><8 2*88758*&2*88-27-&278<82-> <1;22;271->*27&2*7->158
Ci(il Lines& Nagp4r /aharashtra 11>>>1 812;252*-2>& 251588- (
:adhechi Road& K4mbhar+ada& .ha(nagar :46arat -71>>7 28*;21-*>*8& 21-***7 <1;28*;21-*>*8
Sitaphalba4g Colony& Near /ati :anpati /andir& P4ne /aharashtra 111>-> 2115>>5507> <1;<52>;2115>>7>0 211*>511
Jashonath Cho+2& .ha(nagar :46arat -71>>1 >28*;2125-81 <1;28*;21-81*1
211 Par(ati $ndl %st. $i 9loor& Ne+ Sil2 /ill Comp Lo+er Parel& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 21<--5-<<1;22;2122*51-
2>8& Ar4n Chambers& "ardeo Road /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 77772<*7 0 777>21<2 <1;22;2-52>552 airpma2>>
Sa2i 'ihar Road& Sa2ina2a Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*1852<*& <*2>>171>< <1;22;1>>552<*
Dalia %state Ne+ Lin2 Road& Andheri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 77<211>1<1;22;77<211>5 eeciK(
Station Road& /at4nga&/4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1<
R4bi 3o4se& .;?ing& 2Nd 9loor& J.K.Sa+ant /arg& Dadar ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2* 21-*85>-& 21-*85>>
$rla Lane 'ile Parle ?! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 272*8><> 751*11** san6ay.merchantK(
11"h Khar Pali Road& Khar ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>52 77<5222<& 27171-2<&<-21*17112 <1;22;77<5222<
"ila2 Nagar& Chemb4r&/4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*< <1;22 252<5575& <-21>575-1 <1;22;252<5575 allied.o(
/.:.Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1
Kasba $nd4strial %state& %./. .y Pass& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>1>8 2112>*72088>7& 211-1-55 <1;--;211-1115 droplsKcal2.(
2-& Kali Krishna "agore Street& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>>7 >--;2281>188 <1;>--;2281--1<
1><& Nar2eldanga North Road& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>11 2-52;17520127- <1;--;2-51;1>2< mo4lde=indK(
81& Canning Street& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>>1 22-1;1>8>081082 <1;--;22-11>81082
Po. Jan4gan6& .alasore Brissa 857>1< >78*2;2118*8& 2118** <1;78*2;2118<-
Ne+ .ongaigaon& Assam& .ongaigaon Assam 8*--*1 >-771;2-><-1& 22-*15 <1;-771;22511<
-Rd 9loor& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>12 22217<2>& 22-7*8-- <1;--;22-8>2<1 plastipac2K(
Room No.-51& -Rd 9lr& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>>1 22-5>27<& 22-5>18< <1;--;22-5>27<
Ashram Para& Silig4ri ?est .engal 8-1 >>1 >-5-;271>*85 >-5-;2712581
3a4@ Ja@i& Delhi Delhi 11>>>7
9;17& .ri6 $nd4strial Area& .haratp4rRa6asthan-21>>1 <211-;125-1&<111>;2--2> <1;5711;221*>< (i(
Sector 1& Par+anoo3imachal Pradesh 18-22> 2-258>& 2-2*7-071 <1;18<2;2-288>
N.$.".& 9aridabad 9aridabad3aryana 121>>1 12<;211*27>& 211*18> <1;12<;21>2*18>
Sheh@ada .agh& Delhi Delhi 11>>-5 2-7577*>0*8><0<>55 <1;11;2-717>11 crccK( +++.indiamart.com0crcc
Phase;$& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>71 2*1151<5<1;11;2*1151<5 de(
9irst 9loor& /aldahiya& 'aranasi )ttar Pradesh 221>>2 >512;-2<18>1 <1;512;21>-155 dpiK(
.haratp4r& .haratp4rRa6asthan-21>>1 >5711;2258-1& 2-11-7& 2-7<85
Phase;$& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>2* 258<5257& 258<7>-< <1;11;25*<5>7<
Ch4rch Road& /.$.Road& Jaip4r Ra6asthan->2>>1 -7->1<& -88>18 <1;111;-88>17
/aldahiya& 'aranasi )ttar Pradesh 221>>2 512;2-<1<1-&-25-778 <1;512;2-<1<15 66ppl(
9lat No.-& Bpp.RAc BAAice!& Kanp4r )ttar Pradesh 2>*>>1 25--577& 25--111*;15> <1;512;25-1118
12 Ra6endra Place&Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>>* 2587278<& 2582517*& 25588<2> <1;11;258871<*1
Site;$i& Kanp4r )ttar Pradesh 2>*>22 27<11-1;27<25-1
251& Krishnap4ri& /4@aAAarnagar )ttar Pradesh 251>>2 1-1;2151*12& 2151*1- <1;1-1;21>*217
3;*7& 1St 9loor& Kirti Nagar& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>15 2517722-&251-<125&25<1---8 <1;11;25<1---808<81 plastKdel-.(
Shyam Nagar& A6mer Road& Jaip4r Ra6asthan->2>1< <*2<>5-<18
Phase;$i& .asni& Jodhp4r Ra6asthan-12>>5 >2<1; 281117< & 281557< <1;2<1;281>215
$nd4strial Area& Phase;$i& Chandigarh P4n6ab 17>>>2 182;27577*2& -251-7< <1;182;5>*7>7<
Near Lenin Par2& Kanp4r )ttar Pradesh 2>*>12 512;251>888& 2522>2*& 2211111
.;11& $nd4strial %state& Kota Ra6asthan-21>>8 >811;2-7-7*- >811;2-71121
Darya :an6 & Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>>2 2-2*12120 2-21->850 2-21->8* <1;11;2-21->8* sbpconKndA.(
:eneral :an6& /ath4ra )ttar Pradesh 2*1>>1 >575;21>-82-& 21><-<1 <1;575;25>5711
1-017& N4niha& Agra )ttar Pradesh 2*2>>7 572;22;*>8-8& 21*181-
Khane6a Comple=& Sha2arp4r& Delhi Delhi 11>><2 2252-->1& 2252->8* <1;11;221-2<28 aggar+aK(
Jhande+alan Road&Delhi Delhi 11>>55 2-721<18<1;11;28521<18
$nd4strial Area& Par+anoo3imachal Pradesh 18-22> >18<2;2--115& 2-211>& 2-2-*> <1;18<2;2-2<1>
1*& Ra6a :arden& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>15 2517115*& 2515<>87
%;7017& Krishna Nagar& Delhi Delhi 11>>51 >11;22>>12*8022>>-85- <1;11;281-118<
%=press Road& Kanp4r )ttar Pradesh 2>*>>1 >512! 2-811>8 0 2-122>8 <1;>512;2-12151
-028 Roop Nagar& Delhi Delhi 11>>>8 2-*1-1>1& 2-*1575< <1;11;22<2575<
12<7& /odern $nd4strial %state& .ahad4rgarh 3aryana 1215>8 25288>*1& 55115885& 55851*77 <1;1287;278>1>
P... No.28>& Srinagar Jamm4 , Kashmir 1<>>>1 >1<1;21->>1-&1->1-<&<8<88251** <1;1<1;1->>1-
D071;18;A& /adhop4r Sigra&'aranasi )ttar Pradesh 221>1> >512;2221*55& 222>*15 <1;512;2-8>-8- 6ayshree(
Bpp./ahesh :as :odo+n& Nr :4masta Nagar 152 >>< $ndore /adhya Pradesh 152>>< >8-1;2-*8><* >8-1;2-*<><>
Adithyap4r $ndl.Area& :amaria& Jamshedp4r& Jamshedp4r Jhar2hand*-1>>1 >758;75-<212
Patel Nagar& Dehrad4nDehrad4n)ttar Pradesh 21*>>1 >1-5;-2>-1<-
Road No.12& .03.A2ash(ani )daip4r )daip4r Ra6asthan-1->>1 >2<1;21<1 22- 0 21<>51<
1.5 Kms /ilestone& Delhi Road& )ttar Pradesh 218 >>1 >1-2;28751-> 0 28771-2 0 -- >1-2;28751->
Sitap4r& "an2 Road& Jaip4r Ra6asthan->2>22 288>**1 288>**1
Site;A& /ath4ra& ).P. /ath4ra )ttar Pradesh 2*1>>1 >575;-2>-<1>& ><1122*12>8 >575;2121*27&217>22*
N.$.".& 9aridabad9aridabad3aryana 121>>1 >12<;1>212>8&1>212>*&1>-*<-7 >12<;1>212>8
.a@ar .a2ar+ana& $nside Sheran+ala :ate& Amritsar P4n6ab 11->>7 2518112& 22<1112 >1*-;22<1112& 2551511
Ar4nachala Nadar Road& Si(a2asi "amil Nad4 72712- 228>-8& 228*-8& 227*-8 <1;1572;2281-8
Koo(appady P.B. %rna24lam Dist.& %rna24lam& Cochin Kerala 7*-511 >1*1;71<781071<>710711>71 <1;1*1;71<781 aG4atechK(
Poonam Comple= &3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>12 >1>;55528578 <1;1>;21751112 s4ryapoly2>>>
Kama2shipalya& /agadi /ain Road& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>8< *>;2-5*152*& 2-5*158* <1;*>;2--51<>7 hindplasK(
'eliyann4r& "hriss4r Kerala 7*>>21
BppI :.P./. College& /an6esh+ara& Kerala 781-2- 1<<*;2825>2& 28272>
Katt424@hy Road& "hriss4r Kerala 7*>-22 >1*8;-2<27>-H<-1<1272-* >1*8;2-5528* inAoK2+ality.inAo
Post .o= No.-25& Si(a2asi "amil Nad4 72712- 2858*1028*51102875>* <1;1572;2875>*
Kaloor& Cochin Kerala 7*2>18 2-188-*& 2-1*-82& <1;1*1;2-1581<
N4nna 'i6aya+ada /ain Road& N4nna& 'i6aya+ada Andhra Pradesh 521212 >*77;2*5--87& 2*52>2*
Jammanai Street & "ir4p4r "amil Nad4 7117>1 <11->2*-*1 <1;121;221>8*1
.ehind Pragati Art Printers& Red 3ills&3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>>1 2--<18>1& 2--<2555 <1;1>;2--2*57>
$nd4strial De(elopment Plot So4th Kalamessery& Kochi Kerala 7*-1>< >1*1;25-21-70255<77-02551227 (
/mda Colony& Ar4mba22am& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>1>7 2-7-177*<1;11;2-7-1*55 pipKmd1.(
S.N. P4ram Road& Si(a2asi "amil Nad4 72712-
Post .o= No.8155& Coimbatore "amil Nad4 711>15 2-1-<-8&-* 2-185>1 <1;122;2-1-<-7
/ain Road& Near Chatri& 3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>12 1>;2181->8<
/ett4palayam Road& Coimbatore "amil Nad4 711>18 122;*<2251 <1;122;*<-*-1
Near Lingammal Kalyana /andapam!& S4rampatty Road& %rode "amil Nad4 7-*>>< 2281115& 2281<55 <1;121;2281<55
"hott4m4ngham P.B.& Al+aye Kerala 7*-1>5 1*1;2725*>8
Chandra Layo4t .hcs!& 'i6ayanagar& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>1> *>;2--<*17> <1;*>;2--<*17> (
101>*07>0-& .egampet& 3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>17 1>;887>->1088788<1 <1;1>;88788<-
.ommasandra $ndl.Area& .angaloreKarnata2a57>><< *>;8*-58>< <1;*>;8*-58>< progressK(
/ett4palayam& Pondicherry "amil Nad4 7>5>>< >11-;2281<>2 <1;11-;228182-
/ysore Road& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>27 27812><7& 2781-17- <1;*>;2781-17-
<"h /ain& 2<"h Cross& .anshan2ari 2Nd State & .angaloreKarnata2a57>>8> 278125*7& 2781>88< <1;*>;27817171 gargiK(
/agadi /ain Road& Kama2shipalya& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>8< 2-1*1--<<1;*>;2-1*<>-1
K42atpally $.%.! &3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>82 2->885>*<1;1>;2->8857>
:4indy& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>-2 22--1*><& 22-1*7*1 <1;11;22-1*7*1
$da Chand4lal .aradari& .ahad4rp4ra& 3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>71 21177->>& 211758<- <1;;>1>;21177->> saiplastics2>>
Singanall4r& Coimbatore "amil Nad4 711>>5 258->->& 1-1*1*50 1-1*2*- <1;22;25<<28> pra(
%tt4manoor& Kottayam& KottayamKerala 7*77-8 >1*1;25-<82-& 25-7718 <1;1*1;25-<81-
28& Padi2att4th4ral Kar4r "amil Nad4 7-<>>1 >1-21;7511*1 <1;1-21;271<<1
Bpp.$ndian $nst.BA /anagement& .annerghatta Road& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>87 275*1<7>& 275*1<71 <1;*>;275*1<7- abhinandanM12-K(
-1 , -2& .alAo4r Road& Kellys& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>1> >11;15517-2*&2<&-> <1;11;15517-2*
2-;A& North .o4g Road& ".Nagar& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>18 2*151-17& 2*155171 <1;22;2*151-17
Chandana Layo4t& S4n2ada2atte& .angaloreKarnata2a57>><1 >*>;2-2*2<-<07*><07*1>
Door No.18& /anapet Road& Kannia Koil& Pondicherry "amil Nad4 >11-;2711<21
/./. Ali Road & Calic4t Kerala 78->>2 1<5;8>11*1& 8>11>* <1;1<5;8>11<8 ghaeanaKmd-.(
"ellicherry Palayad Kerala 78>771 2-1751*& 2-1*>>< <1;1<>;2-1751*
Ka22ad&Ka22ad State& Kann4r Kerala 78>>>5 >1<8;282*857
S.R.K.'. Post& 'ia Perianaic2enpalayam& Coimbatore "amil Nad4 711>2> 122;27<1*12 <1;122;27<1*12
12A;1& Kandampalayam& Per4nd4rai "amil Nad4 7-*>52 >12<1;2<15& 21<15
K4r4mbapet& Pondicherry& Pondicherry "amil Nad4 7>5>>< 11-;2281151& 2281115 <1;11-;22811>1
Sidco $nd4strial %state& Ambtt4r& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>><* 27251217027255-82 <1;11;27-581>8 s4nshineplasticsK(
:4ddeangady& )dya(araKarnata2a58111* *2>;252211> <1;*2>;252-11*
Srigandhada Ka(al& /agadi /ain Road& Ne=t "o /4ddanna Kalyana /antapa& .angaloreKarnata2a57>><1 -5*>1*2& -5*>1*- <1;*>;--11*5<
Doddanna $ndl.%state& 'ish+aneedam Post& Near Peenya 2Nd Stage .angaloreKarnata2a57>>1> 2*-72558& <*1521<*81
7;-;1><>0C;1& Bpp.Kapadia Lane!& Ra6 .ha(an Road& 3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>*2 2--<2>21& 2--<2>25& <1;1>;2--<<>--
Sanathnagar& 3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>1* 2-8>15<1& 2-8>11-7& 555>1-** <1;1>;2-8>2*-8 contactKp(
No.21& 3all Road& Richerds "o+n& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>>5 >*>;25111*<102518-5180715>22-5 <1;*>;251118<1 @aingro4psK(
'yasarpadi Co;Bp.$ndl. %state& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>-< >11;25517<81& 255118>> ss(inylKdataone.inH ss(in4l2>>>
.alanagar 3yderabad 3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>-8 >1>;2-*8555> 0 51 >1>; 2-*85552
/a(alli& .angalore.angaloreKarnata2a57>>>1 >275;8*111 >*>;2758*111
Salem .ye;Pass Road& 'ennaimalai Post& Kar4r "amil Nad4 7-<>>7 >1-21;222725022-525 >1-21;2->7<>
Choolaimed4& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>><1 >11;21*-7<*-
Kan2aria Road& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>22 251785<-& 2518>*<> <1;8<;251787*<
1"h 9loor& Panch /arg& BAA Cari Road& 'arso(a& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 27--11<7&25>;571-><1&21*1>-5!
/.:. Road& Raip4r /adhya Pradesh 1<2>>1 881;22-1>>7& 25-***1 <1;881;25-75>1
B4tside Bctroi Na2a& 'a(di& Ra62ot :46arat -7>>>1 2-**82-& 2-**8>-& 21518-> <1;2*1;2-7>15<
SaAed Pool& Andheri K4rla Road /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*5111*7& 2*5111*7&
Bdha( & Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 22*81215&22*818*7 <1;8<;22*8121508*7 +++.ambica
/alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2>11>& 2**2171>& <-2125711< >22;2**>1287
?ali( Phata& 'asai %ast! "hane /aharashtra 1>12>* <525>;-25*>5*&-2<<<8< <1;22;2*8>>52< apcpK(
/ittal $ndl.%state& Andheri K4rla Road& Andheri%ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>7821&2*5>2<27 <1;22;2*5>-2>> aristoKbom8.(
Dr.R.P.Road& Bpp.J A+ahar "al2ies& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25<15188<1;22;78<8-178
Nagar 3otel Klassic :old& BAA. C.:.Road& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>>7 2712785*& 271151<5 <1;8<;27572221
Bpp. Ja+ahar "al2ies& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 257*7*--&2571<><>&25<>11-- <1;22;25715187 asianplasticsK(
.ha(na&122&'eer Sa(ar2ar /arg& Prabhade(i& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>25 21221-17&21222<2* <1;22;212272<5 atomplastK(
.h4lesh+ar& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2 2212-51*02212>82> <1;22;2212>22-
S4n /ill Compo4nd& Lo+er Parel ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 21<7>212&21<8>778&<*2>15>57- <1;22;21<71*18
Dh4lia Road& Chalisgaon /aharashtra 1211>1 25*<;2221<*&222><*&22258* <1;25*<;225*<*
$nd4strial %state& Nagp4r /aharashtra 11>>2* 81>1;2-8->5&25-5->*
"rinity Street& S.S.:ai2+ad /arg& Kit;Kat 3otel Lane& Dhobitalao& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2 22>88-18&22>12>7<& <*2>>>-8-> <1;22;22>12>-1
Deonar& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>** 78<85>81& 78<8*-11&<*2>>82>-1 <1;22;255>88>1
Bpp "4ra2hia Par2& /.:.Road& Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*757*75& 758>7*51&<-2227>17> <1;22;2*>8*5<*
?estern %=press 3igh+ay& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*552<5& <-2121-752 <1;22;27*552<5
S.'. Road& Jogesh+ari ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>2 57<2>- <1;22;278*11><
J4h4& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1< 272>*<2<<1;22;272-55*5 conto4rK(
.an2 BA $ndia .4ilding& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2 2-11--51& 2-11-2>8
Andheri Sahar Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><<
)nit No.15-& $ 9loor& Sahar Road& Cha2ala& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 2*-28525& 2*-2<-*2 <1;22;2*211-2- deliteplasticsK(
"o2arsi Ji(ra6 Road& Se+ri& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>15 211--->7& 211--->1
Ramchandra Lane%=tn.! /alad ?est! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**<1771& <*211882-5 <1;22;2**28582 hetal28*
P.B. I 'ithal )dyognagar& Anand :46arat -**121 27<2;-7-75& -71->& -75-1 <1;27<2;-7551
/.'asan6i Road& /arol Na2a& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>77-5& 75<1<1>> <1;22;2*5>7>>1
"tc $ndl.Area& Pa+ane& "hane .elap4r Road& Ne+ /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>8>- 287*78-1<1;22;287551-*
Lin2 Road& Chincholi& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 771-----<1;22;2*858*1-
Parsi Panchayat Road Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7< 2*21>21<& 2*21>25> <1;22;2*21>251 eic1<
L...S./arg& Bpp.$ndian B=ygen Ltd.& :hat2opar& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*7 25>>8<7>& 25>>*1*1 <1;22;25>>888> Aibro2emKbom2.(
/a2+ana Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>><7-& 2*5>722- <1;22;2*5>5551 AibroK(
:oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*8-5*7-
/.'. Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>12-5 2*5277-* <1;22;2*5<5<8<
/.'. Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>1-1-
21025& .ethora $nd4strial %state& .ethora& Ponda;:oa& Ponda :oa 1>-1>< *-2;2-->-1>& 2-->1-> <1;*-2;2-->11>
Dr. %. /oses Road& Sha2ti /ill Lane& /ahala=mi& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>11 ->12227-071 <1;22;->122272
Dr. Ambed2ar Road& King Circle& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1< 21121->1&2111*--5
Lin2 Road& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2****782& <*2>>><5-1 <1;22;2****782 nira(
Shan2ar Lane& Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*>815110 <-21-11<<* <1;22;2*>115<-
P... No.818& /a2arp4ra Road& .aroda :46arat -<>>1> 275;271-*151& 2715*>2 <1;275;2715*>2 hem(inKhem( +++.hem(
?adi;Cam4na /ill Road& Near Cam4na /ill .4s Stand Pratapnagar& .aroda :46arat -<>>>1 275;75-<<11& 25*>1>2 <1;275;25*>1>2
Kondi(itta Lane& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*2>1*>5&<-22218>-7&<*2>111727
BAA. L...S. /arg& :hat2opar ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*7 25>>8811& 25>>*>8* <1;22;25>>8811
S.'.Road& Sidhap4ra $nd.%state Lane& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2*812<51&2*81217> <1;22;2-111**-
A;11& /.$.D.C.& Amra(ati /aharashtra 1117>8 >821;252>7*50<*2->17772
Se(en .4nglo+s& Andheri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 27-1>75<01-*&27-1>1-* <1;22;2*82<7<7
-7707*& Kalbade(i Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2
1St 9loor& 'ish+esh+ar Nagar& BAA Aarey Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*818511&2*8572<5 <1;22;2*8572<5 6pe2>>
S4r(ey No. *7&Sati(ali Road& 'ali(a 3otel&'asai %ast!& "hane /aharashtra 1>12>* >25>;-2<15>> <1;25>;2157221
Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*7*-882&2*7*7727
Patthar :odam Road& $ndore /adhya Pradesh 152>>- 2511>88& 25-75<1 <1;8-1;25-75<1
21;'inay $ndl.%state& Chincholi .4nder& Lin2 Road& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**28<<5
-1*& Lin2ing Road& Khar ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>52 271*8722& 2-& 21 <1;22;271*8721& 271*8881 2ipplK(
85& S...Road& Colaba .4s Station& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>5 221*2<<-<1;22;22171-8* nar+e2erK(
'eera Desai Road& Andheri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5* 278-1*21&278-1*22& <*2>>*1*>5 <1;22;278-5>11
'allabh .a4gh %=tn.Lane& :arodia Nagar& :hat2opar %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>88 25>7<5**<1;22;2512<5** lM2irit24marK(
Sardar :riha .ldg.&Nr.Cro+Aord /2t.& 1<*& Lo2manya "ila2 /arg& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2 22>5158<& <*2122<227 <1;22;22>8>275
?est A(en4e Road& Santacr4@ ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>51 27171>7<& <*21>1*<51 <1;22;271<<111
/adha(nagar& Sangli /aharashtra 1171>7 2--;2-1>->5& 2-115>5
8>;Ka@i Sayaed Street& 'adgadi& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2-11>2>7<1;22;2-12>2>7
7-& -Rd .hoi+ada& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2
N.3.No.7& Jalgaon /aharashtra 125>>- >258;2211<**
/ini $nd4strial %state& Dist Parbhani Sel4 /aharashtra 1-15>- 2151;222221 <1;2151;22211* (
Plot No&A;5& Solap4r /aharashtra 11->>7 <1>-11*7<8 <1;218;2811<<1 sprM(
.harat Coal Compo4nd& .ail .a@ar& K4rla& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8> 2511--1>
/asrani Lane& 3ala(pool& K4rla ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8> 25>-1-<<& <-2-*>>2>5 <1;22;25>-2185
"ila2 Road& :hat2opar %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>88 2511**-1025>>*>12
Near Post;BAAice& Ram /andir Road& 'ile Parle %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>58 2*185781& -25881>-& <-21>1>1<8 <1;22;-25881>-
Near Aashish Cinema& Bpp.:4r4d+ara& Bdha(& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 8<;22*<--*5& 22*<-787 <1;8<;22*<-787 inAoKs4gar(al(
R4shabh Apartment& Dr.Pare2h Street& Near :irgaon Co4rt& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 <-2-151*2* <1;22;77-88822 modipolyK(
L...S./arg& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 257112><<1;22;257112><
:r.9loor& Sahar Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><<
BppI /aha2ali Ca(es Road & Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 27*8518< 0 <*21>-7215 <1;22;27*81<-1
BppI L.J.Cross Road No.-& /ahim& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 21-8*7*8<1;22;21-881>1
85 'illage Road& Bpp ?./.$. & .hand4p ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8* 2577<521<1;22;25778-<5
Near Bld :yan /andir 3igh School& Kalayan %ast! "hane /aharashtra 121->7 >251;2--1<1< 0 2-7>1<1
L;1>8& /idc& Ahmednagar /aharashtra 111111 288*157 <1;211;2128-1>
/4l4nd;:oregaon Lin2 Road& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8* 2578181*&5781*1<&571211< <1;22;25715158
Plot No..07& La=mi Nagar& BAA Lin2 Road& :oregaon ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><> -2<-7>7<<1;22;21>21588
:.$.D.C. %state& 'at(a& BppI ?ater "an2& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 25*1><5-& 25*1>-71& 25*1217* <1;>8<;25*1>-71 +++.pap;
%(ershine Nagar Near :4r4d+ara& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**215*>2**111*>
Pal4s Dist& Sangli /aharashtra 117-1> <*<>5282110<*<>11552- <1;2--;27>*2
/4l4nd :oregaon Lin2 Road& Near Krishna /otors& /4l4nd ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25715<-<<1;22;78<<8151
Chincholi .4nder Road& BAA I Lin2 Rd.& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2*85>122&2*8-<7*5 <1;22;2*8-7<*5 pin2ee2>>1K(
Near Dahisar Chec2 Na2a& Post /ira&"hane /aharashtra 1>11>1 *158712 <1;22;2*155<22 bha(sarKbom8.(
55& S.'.Road& Abo(e $.C.$.C.$. .an2& Andheri?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5* 2721782-2721782-nira(
Bpp. /arol .4s Depot.& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 2*-287*2& 77<21-8* <1;22;77<21-8*
Kanch Pada& Ramchandra Lane %=tn& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2*11>8>8&2*11>8>*&2*11>--2 <1;22;2*11>-27 plastindK(
/alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2-<11&2**2>*18 <1;22;2**2>77- plastengK(
$...Patel Road& :oregoan %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*55**20*<80<1> <1;22;27*55**2
)nit No.12& 1St 9loor& :andhi Nagar& Lo+er Parel ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 21<257<- 0 <*2>7717<7 <1;22;21<1>115 poddarM(
'ish+esh+ar Nagar& BppI Aarey Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*812-*7<1;22;27---<*1 (
P;Plot& N././etal Compd. ?albhat Road :oregaon%ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*512<-& 5727127-
Sar4 Section Road&Jamnagar:46arat -71>>2 2**;255-*55& 2557<18 <1;2**;255-5>8
'at(a& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 25*->112& 25*<>7*8 <1;8<;25*->12<
1>2&Amar Residency&S.".Road.P4n6ab ?adi De(nar& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>** >22;-2<1>1-* >22;25585*88 +igsKrediAAmail.comH +igs*
Shastri Nagar& Bpp S...$.& L...S./arg& .hand4p ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8* 2571<75*<1;22;25<282*- ra6;
Ram /andir Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 >22;2787-51*& <*7<5882<< <1;22;2787-51*
/.$.D.C. Area & Amra(ati /aharashtra 1117>8 >821;252>*85 <1;821;2585**1 bha(i2Mshah1>
Shi(giri .ldg. No.1& Chempa@anti Chs Ltd P.L.Lo2hande /arg& Chemb4r ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 255>8>*5& -><1>>7< <1;22;255>8>*5 ramanthermosetsK(
Cent4ry .a@ar Lane& ?orli& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>25 2122151><1;22;271*-8>7
Phase;-& Naroda& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2--> 22*2>->2& 22*1>-><& 22*2>->1 <1;8<;22*2>->1 inAoKra(ip( +++.ra(ip(
Bpp I Ja+ahar "al2ies& Dr.R.P.Road& /4l4nd& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 2571<<<1& 25712278 <1;22;257*11-1
Shanta $nd4strial %state& $& ..Patel Road&:oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*52>1<& 27*558<1 <1;22;27*558<1
Cross ?albhat Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*521--0-82> <1;22;27*525-> rishabhplastK(
Near National "orch , "4bes& 3a6i .ap4 Road& /alad%ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><8 2*88*55>2*88*55>ap4r(ametha1<8>
/aha2ali Ca(es Road& Cha2ala& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 2*-5121<
Nariman Point & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>21 22*211>*& 22*2>817& 22>21878 <1;22;22>27-<8& 21->125> 2ingerK(
/arol;/aroshi Road& /arol& Andheri %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>51>2&77<-*117 <1;22;2*5>51>2 seplastKbom5.(
'asant :ardens&Nr.S+apna Nagri& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25<172<><1;22;25<27-11
Bpp.:ate No.5& Ne=t "o Samta Nagar& Kandi(li %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2**8-12* s4pshitlK(
Chitra :idc& Chitra&.ha(nagar :46arat -71>>1 2115<15 <1;28*;211187> shi(sha2tiM2>>
J4arry Road& Near /angat Ram Petrol P4mp .hand4p ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8* 25<1*-85<1;22;25<1*-85
Chinch Pada& :o2hi+are& 'asai;?ali( Road& 'asai;%ast!& "hane /aharashtra 1>12>2 **81>*<
:ro4nd 9loor& Andheri;K4rla Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><-
Ram /andir Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2*82228-<1;22;57<5<7-8 smartcomKbom5.(
P... No. 1 &Kopargaon Ahmednagar /aharashtra 12-7>1 <12222-2>> <1;212-;22--11
Kachpada& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2--12& <1;22;2**2>82< sonplastK(
Dr.D.D.Sathe /arg& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 2-**1-<- (as4de((
?estern %=press 3igh+ay & :oregaon %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*51<11<1;22;27*51--1
/aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 27*81<71& 27*85112 <1;22;27*81<71& 27*85112
BAAI ?estern %=press 3igh+ay& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*51<>*<1;22;27*55<->
Dr. Ra6endra Prasad Road& /4l4nd& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 257*721*&257*5-75 <1;22;257*>525
Kalacho+2i Road& Lal .a4g&/4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>--
BppI Ja+ahar "al2ies& Dr.Ra6endra Prasad Rd.&/4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 257>5855&257>5857 <1;22;257>5857
$... Patel /arg& :oregaon %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*7>5-1& 27*7287* <1;22;27*71>-5
..An6eer+adi&Dr./ascarenhas Road& P...72->& /a@gaon& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1> 2-882>5-051 <1;22;2-882>58 +++.(antageele(
Sainath E Road& BAA.S.'.Road& /alad ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2.**<25222*<eO>15 2**>*218
BppI Shreyas Cinema& L...S. /arg& :hat2opar ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*7 572<>188<1;22;25>>1**5 (acAormKbom*.(
Bpp. Port4g4ese Ch4rch& Dadar ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2* 2122<1>>&21->1*5>& 577>55-10-2 <1;22;1->1><5
Bpp. Acme Soap ?or2& Ram /andir Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2*82>15*<1;22;2*81771> (ishalinK(
.harat /ar2et& Room No.1& 1St 9loor& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2-1-7>>5&2-117581
Aarey Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*81-152&2*81<122 <1;22;2*8718*1
Bpp /odel "o+n& /4l4nd ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 2575281-&257<-*21 <1;22;257<112-
No.-& BAA P.K. Rd& .ehind Saidham .ldg& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> >22;257*->1>0758-<8-- >22;758-<8--
Bpp. :eb S4b Station& :idc& Anand! 'ithal )dyognagar :46arat -**121 <127>8-1-7 <1;27<2;2--511
/.$.D.C.Shi(ni!& At , Dist.IA2ola & A2ola /aharashtra 1111>1 821;5*7*>
Shahiba4g Road B0S. Delhi :ate& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>>1 25721>>-& 2572117<& 2572>55- <1;8<;25725775
BAA. ?estern %=press 3igh+ay& .ehind Jay Coach :oregoan %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*51255& 27*75721&<*2>11882> <1;22;27*511-2 laparK(
211& 3ill Road& Dharampeth %=tn.& Nagp4r /aharashtra 11>>1> 22221770178 <1;812;2222><*8
No.1& Bpp. Rali+olA& Agra Road& /4l4nd& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*>
A(alahalli& Ne+ "imber Card Layo4t& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>27 27817712<1;*>;2781551< 6aloreK(
:o(t.$nd4strial %state&Char2op& Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*7*-*2101858 <1;22;2*7*1752 acoAan+or2sK(
/ahim& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 21178-<1&2111<>5* <1;22;21178-<1
:oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2*82>18*<1;22;2*85<<81
:oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2782>18*&27822>-- <1;22;2*85<<81
Asho2 Cha2ar(arty Road& Kandi(li %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2**85<27&2*>*<511&<<->52>21< <1;22;2**85<27
%;1>& /.$.D.C.& Jalgaon /aharashtra 125>>- 2211557& 221>-2< <1;258;221>-2<& <1222851>2 +++.(eni;
:anpatrao Kadam /arg& Lo+er Parel& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 21<2-28-<1;22;21<7>752
S.K.Patil 3ospital Road& /alad %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><8 2***1281<1;22;2**>8152 +++.S4igenelis
Bpp.Natra6 /ar2et& S.'.Road& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2-<>1&2**<2*-* <1;22;2**2-<>1 ar4na;
2Nd 9loor& Bpp.Rail+ay Station& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2*85*<28&2*8725*7 <1;22;2*8587>2 tripac2Kbom5.(
Dist. 'alsad )mbergaon :46arat -<7181 >27>;2572>8-& 25711<- <1;27>;257>*5*
3ind Sa4rashtra $nd.%state& /arol Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5><1<1&2*5>171> <1;22;2*5><1<1& 2*57-275 parassK(
Bpp.Rail+ay Station & :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2*85*<28&2*8725*7 <1;22;2*8587>2 tripac2Kbom5.(
2<1& .ellasis Road& Near St .4s Depot& /4mbai Central& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>* 2->8<1<1& <-2-<-1587 <1;22;2->71-<1
Char2op& Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*7<1112<1;22;2*7<1118
Chinchpada&275 :o2hi(are& ?ali(& 'asai %ast!& "hane /aharashtra 1>12>* <*21>117-- elplasK( +++.satyamplastic.com0elplas
:ala No.<5& Bpp.Ja+ahar "al2ies& Dr.R.P.Road& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 78<818-<& 5727172>
Bpp.Ja+ahar "al2ies Dr.Rp Road& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 257*<11>&257<17<-&<*2122<->1
:oregaon %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*852>-*<*2>7<<2-1 da( +++.polymer4pdate.com0dts
Chincholi Road& S.'.Road& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2*8-1-17<1;22;2*8*1-17
Near Callaling /ath& Solap4r /aharashtra 11->>7 <*22>-*1<1 <1;218;2--12<7
D;<1& /.$.D.C.& Jalgaon /aharashtra 125>>- >258;22828>1& 221>7>> <1;258;22828>2
R.C.D4tta Road& Al2ap4ri& .aroda :46arat -<>>>8 >275;2-2>5>1 0 2-11258 <1;275;2--787*
Pannalal Compo4nd& L...S./arg& .hand4p ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8* 2571*281
Bpp. .ang4r Nagar Police Cho+2i& Lin2 Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><> 2*82711<& 2*872>27 <1;22;2*827>22 shripolyKbom5.(
/alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**<*8><
9lat No.1& Near Aman "al2ies& )lhasnagar /aharashtra 121>>- <52521022-2**&<12->;*>27> <1;<5251;22-2**&2521;22-2**
1St 9loor& 2>7& Dr.Ambed2ar Road& Dadar %!& Near Chitra Cinema& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>11 21125511021021 <1;22;21125><7
P.B..o= -7*& /argao :oa 1>-7>1 >*-2;28->**<0 28<1**< <1;*-2;28<>**<
Sarda .ha+an& :andhibagh&Nagp4r /aharashtra 11>>>2 >812;28725<* <1;812;28771-<
Bpp./odel "o+n& 'eena Nagar& Phase;$i& .alra6esh+ar Road&/4l4nd ?est! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 2572>111&257>1*22 <1;22;2572>111
1102& %rand+ane& P4ne /aharashtra 111>>1 >2>;-2<2*181& 22<22722 <1;2>;25177<*> progpolyK(
1St 9loor& La2e Road& Ne=t "o .hand4p ; Police Station&.hand4p?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8* -2<52158<1;22;25<721*1
Near $ndra Prasth& S.'.Road& .ori(ali ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><2 2*755>2*&2*>*2*<< <1;22;2*755>2*
Dr.R.P.Road& /4l4nd ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 257*1788&257*181>
K4rla;Andheri Road& Sa2ina2a/4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*51-><>
Bpp.Ja+ahar "al2ies& Dr.R.P.Road& /4l4nd?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 2571-58-& <-22*5<>1> <1;22;78<817<8
L...S./arg& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25717*>1<1;22;25717*>- +++.geocities.com0monoplastics
.ha46i Nagar& 'ithal+adi Rly.Station& )lhasnagar /aharashtra 121>>- <5251;2821822 <1;<5251;282182>
227&2Nd 9loor&Anandra6&$nd4strial %state Sonap4r Lane& .hand4p ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25772172 4ni(
BppI Sa2i 'ihar Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82
Kast4rba Road No.1& .ori(ali %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>77 2*>71211&-<1>7<1< <1;22;2*77-788 (
/.$.D.C. Satp4r& Nasi2 /aharashtra 122>>8 >25-;2-7-<*1& 2-1>1-> <1;25-;2-5>>*1
Chi2althana& A4rangabad /aharashtra 1-121> 21*7187& 2--72<8 <1;21>;2-2>518
:.$.D.C.& 'api :46arat -<71<5 >27>;55-1<*1& 21211<1 <1;27>;21-1<-1
/.:.Road& /4l4nd ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 2572-18< 0 <*7<2**551 <1;22;25721<11 6e+elKbom2.(
Lbs /arg&/4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25781>18& <1;22;77<7<112 ra(ira6ind4stries<<<
Andheri K4rla Road& Sa2ina2a& Andheri %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*51->18& 2*51--17 <1;22;2*51251* (
$...Patel Road& :oregaon %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*555-5& 27*551<1& 27*5-2-8 <1;22;27*51-1
S4bhash Cada( %state& Dam4nagar %=tn.& Kandi(li %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2**5>178& 2**158-1 <1;22;2**158-1 siddhi(inaya2m4mbaiK(
Rah4l /ittal $ndl.%state& Andheri K4rla Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5><2*7& 57<25*88 >22;1>>511<>
L...S./arg& "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>1 25*22182& 25*2-5-7 <1;22;25*2--*-
Da4lat Nagar& .ori(ali %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>77 2*<-<->*& 2*<-1257& 5581<582 <1;22;2*<-1257
Concorde Apartments& .h4rani Colony& :4lte2di& P4ne /aharashtra 111>-8 >2> 2127<>-1& <*22>-87<> <-25-5<>--& <-25-5<>-1 ra(
Ne+ Lin2 Road& Andheri ?est!&& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 27-155-*&27-72182 <1;22;27-155-*
Narmadanagar& .har4ch :46arat -<2>15 21*511& 218127 <1;2712;21*511 pin42inM1<
S.'.Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2*8158-2
:ogte+adi& BAA Aarey Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*87>-55<1;22;2*82*1*7
Near 3ydepar2 Co. 3sg. Soc. /ar2etyard P4ne /aharashtra 111>-8 <1;2>;21285->>&2127-18> <1;2>;21285->>
Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 2*2>78*20*- <1;22;2*-52811
Sona+ala Cross Road No.2& :oregaon %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*51>55
Sona+ala Cross Road No.2& :oregaon %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*5111-
Bpp. 21 Karat /4ltiple=& S.'.Road& Jogesh+ari?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>2 278*581<& 278<1855 <1;22;278<8155
Cho+2i /ohalla /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>* 2-1-7811<1;22;2-1-7812
:hanshyam $nd4strial %state& 'eera Desai Road& Andheri ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 278-2181& 278-1**7&<*2>><-1>7 <1;22;77<217<<
)dyog Nagar& Near KamatDS Cl4b& S.'.Road& :oregaon ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2*85->>7& 2*858<<2& 2*8*5>11 <1;22;57<12>>5 mar2etingK(
/aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 27*8>1-<& 27*8>252& <*21--5*11 ah46aM8>
L...S./arg& /4l4nd ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 2571>-1<<1;22;25<22121 (
1>02< .honde Colony& P4ne /aharashtra 111>>1 27>8>2& --2<1> <1;2>;-7--1>
Shree Ram /arg& /alad?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2***-75-<1;22;2**-7**< +++.indiamart.com06alaram
Ra(er& Dist. Jalgaon& Jalgaon /aharashtra 1255>* >25*1;25>17-& 2521>1& 2521>2
.andra ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5> 27551-1>& <*2>51>578
Sion;/ahim Lin2 Road& /ahim %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>18 21><-5-1& <-227<<788
Ne+ Lin2 Road& Andheri ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 27-->18>& 57<21-1< <1;22;21<-211<
Near Dhobi :hat& 2Nd 9loor&1502& Shan2er Shet Road& P4ne /aharashtra 111>-8 2>;27157118 <1;2>;77>158<*
DDinshaD Kar(e Nagar& P4ne /aharashtra 111>52 >2>;25117*11& 578-1>22 <1;>2>;25117*11
.ehind Cho4dhari 'itt .hatti ?ar6e /al+adi& P4ne /aharashtra 111>52 252->**-<1;2>;252->**- anilplasticsK(
Dhanra6 Society& P4ne /aharashtra 111>>1 28>5>*12
?;21& /idc Area& Ahmednagar /aharashtra 111111 211;2888271 <1;211;57>-271
2Nd 9loor&Ab )nion ?eigh .ridge& Reay Road& Dar42hana& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1> 2-82875>
'ia 'adal& Dist.IJ4nagadh& S42hp4r :46arat -72-1> 277>1550 277>157 <1;2*5;277>111
Nanepada Road& /4l4nd %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*1
'eera Desai Road& Andheri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 278-2128& 2788*>21 <1;22;278-2128 plastAabKbom*.(
:oregaon %.! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- >22;27*5211<02*72 <1;22;27*5>**7 (aibha(
Chincholi .4nder Road& /alad ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2*8-1-2-& <*<22<7<1> <1;22;2*8-1-2-
"hane .elap4r Road& Rabale& Ne+ /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>8>1 287<1>1<& <1;>22;2871>-18
Bpp.Narol 'illage& Near Bld Dist.Co4rt& Ahmedabad :46arat -*21>5 8<;258122*8&2581><<>&2581>-1- <1;8<;2581275< palla(
:idc $nd4strial %state& 'at(a& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 8<;2712<5*>& 25*<2->* <1;8<;5*->7><
Phase;1& 'ithal )dyognagar& 'ithal )dyognagar :46arat -**121 27<2;2-7815 <1;27<2;2-781>
A6+a Road& .aroda :46arat -<>>1< 2511***& 2515>88 <1;275;57-***
:idc $ndl.%state& Dist. .har4ch& An2lesh+ar :46arat -<->>2 2717;2-*858& 2282<> <1;2717;25>1<7
.ehind Panchratna& "ata Road No.2& Bpera 3o4se& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 2-7-8881&2-7-118>&2-7*8881 <1;22;2-7*8881
"an2 Pa2hadi Road & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>11 2->*1288&2->711<8 <1;22;2->711<* nmplastK(
2Nd 9loor& 80C& Pitamber Lane& /ahim ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 2111--**&2111--*< <1;22;2111<852 angelplasticsK(
Airport Road& :+alior /adhya Pradesh 181>>5 851;2775-1>& 1>171*2 <1;851;217-><5
1-;A& La=mibai Nagar $nd4strial %state $ndore /adhya Pradesh 152>>7 2111>7< <1;8-1;21-22-5
57<02& /.:. Road &$ndore /adhya Pradesh 152>>1 8-1;1-2817& 1-2818& 5-*-17& <1;8-1;1->2>< narmadaKbom1.(
Bpp. :opal Krishna /andir& Ambapeth& Amra(ati /aharashtra 1117>1 821;2782><5& 2787-*1
?al46& A4rangabad /aharashtra 1-11-- 21>;25512*8 <1;21>;2571---
/anmad& /anmad /aharashtra 12-1>1 22221*0222>1* <1;25<1;22271*
Nashi2 Road& Nasi2 /aharashtra 1221>1 >25-;215278<& -2<*75< <1;25-;217218*
"he 'asai "al42a $nd4strial Co;Bp.%state 'asai %ast! "hane /aharashtra 1>12>* 25>;21522-1&21522--&<*2>>-*-17 <1;25>;21522-- polyprodKbom5.(
BppI Allana Cold Storage& "4rbhe& Ne+ /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>8>5 28721-1*<1;22;287*>757
3.A.P./arg&Ne=t "o Reti+ala $ndl.%state& 'ictoria :arden& .yc4lla& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>28 2-8111--& 2-811155& 2-8---88 <1;22;2-8---<< r4lerK(
Nariman Point & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>21 22*1>12>& 22*1>-<- <1;22;22*-1121 blo+2ingsK(
BAA././.C. Road& /ahim ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 2115*-7*& -2<2718-& -2<27<*5 <1;22;2117125*
Bpp.J4h4 Koli+ada& Near Rotary Cl4b& Santacr4@ ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1< 277><-5*&277>1715&277>17*5 <1;22;277>7**2 radtcorpKbom5.(
Ne+ Lin2 Road& Andheri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 27-7*151& 27--*>2-& 77<21<78 <1;22;27-22<<> 2indsK(
-< S.'.Road& Ne=t "o An@ :rindlays .an2& 'ile Parle ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 271<2-2502702802*&<*15>27>15 <1;22;271<2--1 bhedaKbom2.(
Kondi(ita Road& J... Nagar Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*-22512&2*-718<7 <1;22;2*-<*--8 epcplastK(
/arol /aroshi Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< >22;2<>511-02<2>7->5 <1;22;2<2>11-2
.ldg. No.C;2& 9lat No.8>-& 8"h 9loor& Near Jogesh+ari Rly.Sta.& Jogesh+ari%! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7> 2*217<17&2*-227>5 <1;22;2*22511< ni2ita.12K(
S4bhash /arg& BAA Ca(es Road& Jogesh+ari %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7> 2*-*8>51& 2*2158-1& 2*-**-2> <1;22;2*-*1>** ar(
Ramba4g& Chincholi .4nder Road& /alad;?est! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2>851& <*21788-<< <1;22;2**<*5>1
Ramchandra Lane& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2>122&2**2>55< <1;22;2**<55<1 de(otionKbom5.(
/alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2>55<&2**2>122 <1;22;2**<55<1 de(otionKbom5.(
S.'.Road&/alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2->*2& 2**22<8* <1;22;2**22<8* no(
Near Chincholi Signal& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**22885& -><7-151 <1;22;2**22885
Sa2i 'ihar Road& Andheri %!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*18-827<1;22;2*18152<
Ra6a $ndl. %state& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 2571878*0257>>*28 <1;22;2571878* reliableMns(
Rail+ay Station Road& 'ithal+adi ?est! )lhasnagar /aharashtra 121>>- <5251;25588<2& <*2><12271 <1;<5251;2515211
/4l4nd :oregaon Lin2 Road /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 257151-<<1;22;25<>1>-5 sart24pK(
/aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 77<21<-2<1;22;27*8-87< dha+anKbom-.(
/arol Na2a& Andheri;K4rla Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>577<& 2*5>-7<> <1;22;2*21>2-* goldsealK(
/aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 27*8-71*0 27*85*11 <1;22;27*8-1<8 e=cl4si(
/aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 77<555170* <1;22;77<55517 (inra6Kbom8.(
Lagh4 )dyog Kendra& $...Patel Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*5585<<1;22;27*5585< (
'ithal Cha(an /arg Parel& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>12 752<>125& 218>-*81& <*21<1-221 <1;22;25771**7 binaypK(
Liberty :arden Road No.-& 1St 9loor& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**1-717& <*2>-1182< <1;22;7528222-
/ar4ti $ndl.Area& :ondal Road& .03.Bctro .03.Bctroi Na2a&Kothariya& Ra62ot :46arat >2*1;-2<18<1& <-85855888
Near Chec2 Post Dadra& ).". BA D. , N.3.! Dadra :46arat 27>;277<111&2<<-2-2&<*211212>* <1;27>;277<1<<
Karde6 Nacgam! Dist.I .ha(nagar& .ha(nagar :46arat -71>7> 28*;251>1<2& 251>7>10-2<- <1;28*;2511>-* abhina(
.ang4r Nagar& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><> 2*8**-1>
Char2op& Near Asho2a 9o4ndary& Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*7*1>81 0 -2<872>1
Amrai+adi& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>27 >8<;7512**17 >8<;2281<1-1
K.Narayan Dh4mal Nagar& .03.Rashmi Par2& 'ali(& 'asai %ast! "hane /aharashtra 1>12>* >25>;-211511
Panch /arg& 'erso(a Andheri ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 >22;27-75-*1& >25>;21*>1<- >25>;21*>--7 salesKin(
77 K(a Road& 12801 Amli& Sil(assa ; -<72-> Sil(assa :46arat -<72-> 2712>81 Sil(assa!
Patel Cho+2 Sangli /aharashtra 117117 >2--;271527-& 271587-& 2-2287- >2--;271187-
:am;De(i Road& Near Shi( Par2& Anant Nagar& .adlap4r %ast!& "hane /aharashtra 1215>- >251;27<5**< >251;27<5**<
Bpp. Rto BAAice Katni /adhya Pradesh 1*-5>1 >8722;1>1<8< 0 221<8< >8722;22528<
Bld Satpati Road& Shirgaon& Palghar "hane /aharashtra 1>11>1 >2525;21>175
Kha64ria Road& Kandi(ali ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*>8*>282*>8*>28salesKsiddhi(
1St 9loor&BAA. Abd4l Rahman Street& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2 2-11>**<02-11-*>2 2-1215*
182& 'isana6i Nagar& Jalgaon Jalgaon /aharashtra 125 >>1 >258;222-117&221>><1&22522>1 >258;222<117 sangha(
Ramchandra Lane %=t.& Kanchpada& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 77<1>8<7
Near 'ithal+adi Station& )lhasnagar )lhasnagar /aharashtra 121>>- 255725- 0 <*<>1->7-7
.loc2 No.1>& -Rd Dadabhai Cross Rd& 'ile Parle ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 2*21-5*5& <*2115>1-- 2*21-5*5ra6(
.ehind Lathia R4bber Co. Andheri K4rla Road& Sa2ina2a& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*515822
Sharma $ndl. %state& ?albhat Road& :oregaon %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- -2<--77<
3an4man Nagar& D4rga /andir Road& Kandi(li %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2**88<*< 0 2**1 >881
Bpp. 77 K(a Road& Amli& Sil(assa ).".BA Dadra , 3a(eli Sil(assa -<72-> >27>;-2<1>51 >27>;27122-7 abcMsl(
Agar+al )dyog Nagar& Sati(ali Road& 'asai %ast!& "hane /aharashtra 1>12>2 >25>;-2<55>> >25>;215->7< 4niG4eMind>
Plot No.22& /idc Area& .eed /aharashtra 1-1122 >2112;2282-< >2112;2282-<
/.A@ad Road& D4ncan Road!& 1St 9loor& Bpp. Adarsh Lodge& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 2-171-<2&2-1711<8 2-1775*
Chinch+ad& P4ne /aharashtra 111>1<
21& Ne+ /arine Lines& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2> 77-<1<1101201- 77-<1<11ma2Kbom5.(
22>& /as6id .4nder Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2-1>17*<&77-8157-&2-1-775> 2-1- 775> maha(
Nangargaon& Lona(ala&P4ne /aharashtra 11>1>1 >2111;28-*7< 0 28*>51 >211;28-*7< H
/idc& /ahape& Na(i /4mbai Ne+ /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>8>1 288*2>88& <*2>>-2115
Near 'eg. /ar2et& Patel Road& Keshod :46arat -7222> >2*81;2-1281
Sa2i(ihar Road& Sa2ina2a& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*1811<>;<-& <*2>>51>15 2*18121>mahmetalKbom5.(
Carter Road No. 8& .ori(ali %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>77 2*>*1188 0 <-2>111<-2 2*>*1188rn;
Bpp./odel "o+n& /4l4nd ?!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25<1>>71& <*2>2*12-5
S4r(odaya /ill Compo4nd& .ehind .achoo /otor , Cyclel /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 2-525181 no(
/a2arp4ra 'adodara:46arat -<>>1> <2281-5-*-& <127511*-> >275;27-8*7* bha(
3ingna Road& Nagp4r /aharashtra 11>>>17 >81>1;2-7781& 2-7782 >81>1;2-7781082 salesK(aibha(
%=hibition Road& Patna .ihar *>>>>1 22-***7& -><1*88 <1;712;22-5112 shi(
-0C& Camac Street& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>17 222<;1125011-5&2771;8877 to 8> <1;--;11-5
P.B. Na2tala& Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>18 211211<8& 21812188& 21812188 <1;--;211-<>5<
9ancy .a@ar& Bpp.Jain "emple& :4+ahatiAssam 8*1>>1 >-71;25111-8& 251121> <1;-71;2511888
Rairangp4r Rairangp4r Brissa 858>1- >78<1;2221810222155 <1;78<1;22218-0222181
Shribh4mi&9lat No.A01 Kol2ata Kol2ata ?est .engal 8>>>1* 25215>>5& 25-1128* <1;--;25-151*7 mana(
/ar4thi Joint 'ent4re Comple=& :4rgaon Road& :4rgaon 3aryana 122>15 <1;121;2-1121*& 2-1>*>7 <1;121;2-1>7<2
Kirti Nagar& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>15 25112-1>& 25151>7-& 25112818 <1;11;11121-85 sperryKdel2.(
Jind Road& Sangr4r P4n6ab 11*>>1 -121<& -1<77& --2<2 <1;1782;-121<
P.B. )dyog Nagar &Kanp4r )ttar Pradesh 2>*>>2 27<111- "B 117 <1;512;27<1118
Pan2i $nd4strial Area Kanp4r )ttar Pradesh 2>*>22 27<1>1-& 27<1>75 <1;512;27<1821
1;A;Race Co4rse& Dehrad4n)ttar Pradesh 21*>>1 2721725& 272<857 <1;1-5;2721728
$nd4strial Area& :ha@iabad )ttar Pradesh 2>1>>1 28>1*<2& 28>1<-8 <1;>12>;28>1*8*
'.K.$.Area& Jaip4r Ra6asthan->2>1- >111;2---82202---82- <1;>111;2---8222
Rani Jhansi Road& Jhande+laln& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>55 2-51155502-5517<<0<-1-1*--7-0<-5>1>8211 <1;11;2-7-*5*8 amspolyK(
:ill Nagar %=tention& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>><1 2-7128>-2-71 281> del4=eKmd1.(
Shop No.17& Ragha(a Ratna "o+ers& Chirag Ali Lane& Abids 3yderabad Andhra Pradesh 5>>>>1 >1>;2-2>1582& 2-2>11<1 <1;>1>;2-2>12*<
?ilson :arden& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>28 222-5827&222258-1&22281<>2 <1;*>;222-188< diamondpipesK(
?est BA Chord Road& Ra6a6inagar& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>11 22<811*> 7 Lines! <1;*>;2-->172<
Kiadb $nd4strial Area& .ai2ampady& /angalore Karnata2a585>11 *21;21>*12<& 21><281 <1;*21;21>*758
11 Pantheon Road& %ngmorl& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>>* 2*52*555<1;11;2*55--<1 nationalKmd2.(
N4ngamba22am& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>-1 2*2122<>& 2*211--7 <1;22;2*212155
Ambatton Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>><* 11;27217><>& 27255>51 <1;11;272558*2 blo+Kmd5.(
$i Street& Ar4mba22am& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>1>7 >11;218515<8& 27*>221> <1;11;2185<8*2& 27*>221> ra6eshr.>
/ett4palyam& Pondicherry Coimbatore "amil Nad4 711>>2 122;25171*7& 25175>5 <1;122;251<812
Ci(il Lines Road& Palari(attom& .ye Pass Jn Kochi Kerala 7*2>25 1*1;-2<81150708 <1;1*1;25-5255 AactoryKac;
K4pann4r P.B.& San2ari& Salem "amil Nad4 7-8->1 >12*-;212<-7& 212<-8 >12*-;212<7*
$i Phase& K4mbalgod4& .ig .aniyan "ree Road& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>81 >*>;2*1-8>1102*1-8>12 >*>;2*1-8>1>01201- electroplateK(
Nandan(an $ndl. %state& "hane Agra Road& "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>1 25*21178& <*7811*1<- <1;22;25*2*178 +++.see2andso4rcs.com0dalal
Ananad Nagar& Dahisar %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7* 2*2*>*27<1;22;2*2*>*27 6d;
Sagar $ndl.Comple=& Chinchpada& 'ali( Road& 'asai %ast!& "hane /aharashtra 1>12>* 25>;215-*<702151<15 <1;25>;215558< aeromecKbom5.(
Naig4m Cross Road& ?adala& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 2111<1<<& 75*>**<< <1;22;2111<1<< (inisK( H (
*7;. ; $i& Jhot+ara $ndl. Area Jaip4r Ra6asthan->2>12 >111;2-181*1 <1;111;2-181*>
<1& .ombay "al2ies Compo4nd& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**2-211&2**2-212&2**21558 <1;22;2**2>72< inAoKintelpolymer
/arine Lines& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2 22><>---<1;22;22>**<** msangh(
Cardinal :racio4s Road& Cha2ala& Andheri %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><< 2*-75<88& 2*-*>>11 <1;2;2*-71-7<
.haratp4r .haratp4rRa6asthan-21>>1 >5711;221*1<& 22->1> <1;5711;22->1>
Dist. Ra62ot& 'era(al Shapar! Ra62ot :46arat -7>>>2 <12*282521180252172 <1;2*28;252*18
/ah4(a DistI.ha(nagar& :46arat -712<> 22272502227*1 <1;2*11;222*52
Near /itha2hali )nderbridge& Na(arangp4ra& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>>< 27128522& 27571*1<& 2757177< <1;8<;2712>*<1
Near Na(6ee(an Press& Ashram Road& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>11 8<;->>*>22> <1;>8<;->>*>11> bon4sK(
Ashram Road Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>11 28512277& 285111** <1;8<;285111>>
Dist.IPanchmahals&3alol :46arat -*<-51 2787;221>88 <1;2787;2211*71
Nr. A.S. /otor& Ash+ani K4mar Road& S4rat :46arat -<5>>8 2-<<<<<& 2-<<*<< <1;271;2-<<<<*
1 Allana Road & Colaba& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 22*11>>>& <*2>2>72*1 <1;22;22>11*21
1>5012& .ombay Samachar /arg& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 227725120 >118 <1;22;228>-2-5 6lgro4pK(
Kalbade(i Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>2 2211->57&2211<1-5&<*2>>-->57 <1;22;2211*582
Daini2 Shi(ner Road& :andhi Nagar& Lo+er Parel ?!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>8 77-51517018&21<15117018 <1;22;21<1511* inAoKs(pmagicseal.comHs4ppiK(
1St 9loor& R.R.".Road& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25<>28*8& 25<>28*5& <1;22;257<>8-7
Dr. Ra6endra Prasad Road& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 2571725<&257555-> <1;22;257*-52*
Dr.R.P.Road& /4l4nd ?est! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 25<-><1>011011 <1;22;25712588 22Mgro4pK(
:o(andi Station Road!& BAAI Sion "rombay Road&Chemb4r& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>** 55<8*111012001-0110015 <1;22;2557221*&2557--85 cpeKgiasbm>1.(
BAA :o(andi Station Road& :o(andi%ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>** 78<8555105205- <1;22;78<8555> (ardhmanK(ardhman;
Sangir 3o4se& -7702<--& /otilal Nagar No.2& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 >22;2*821>2-02*82712> <1;22;2*8118<1 sangirK(
/.$.D.C.& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 77<7>>--&77<52127&77<<2>81 <1;22;77<7>>11 asianadKbom5.(
/aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 2*-12>7*& 2*-12>7<& <*21>2*7-> <1;22;2*-78<1<
Bpp. Plot No.11*& Road No.1*& /idc /arol&Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 77<2712>022 <1;22;2*-*8>-<
D.J.$nd4.%state& Ram /andir Road& :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2787-721& 2787-8>1 <1;22;27871>>7 npiK(snl.comH +ellmacK(
"4rbhe& Ne+ /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>8>5 287->>-50-70-8 <1;22;287->>-* bl(lM(2K(
At Post ; )rse& "al ; /a(al& P4ne /aharashtra 111>>1 >2111;2-8>*10*20*- <1;2111;2-8>*1 22nag.4rseK(
Post .o= No.<2& DistINashi2& /alegaon/aharashtra 12-2>- 25-8<>01020- <1;2551;25-8<> m4ltiplastKbom7.(
9arola Paithan Road& A4rangabad /aharashtra 1-11>5 >21-1;25177-0105 <1;21-1;251771 sadashi(
?al46& A4rangabad /aharashtra 1-11-7 2551>15& 2551>17 <1;21>;2551>15017 e=portKspecialty;Ailms.comH shantan4Kspecialty;
Nar2hed& Nar2hed /aharashtra 111->1 81>5;2-2221 <1;81>5;2-2-21
8> Shastri /ar2et & $ndore /adhya Pradesh 152>>8 25-821>& 25-1-8< <1;8-1;218211*
Nariman Point& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>21 22*1>12>&22*1>-<- <1;22;22*-1112 blo+2ingsK(
Cross Road& Dadar %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>11 <1;22;1>->----011055 <1;22;1>->--22
Dalia $nd.Area&BAAINe+ Lin2 Rd& Bpp.La=mi $nd.%st.&Andheri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 278-257- 5 L$N%S! <1;22;278-257* entermodeK(
B4ter Road& Lo2hand+ala Comple=& Andheri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 27->2215<1;22;27-51*1< ra6i(
La=mi Nilayam& Nanda Pat2ar Road& 'ile Parle%ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>58 2712>7>8& 2715-8<1 <1;22;271*5<<2 mpplKbom8.(
<& /arol Co;Bp. $ndl. %state& Sir './. Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>22>1&2*5<7->8& 5587*152 <1;22;57<5<>**
Centre& 7&)dhyog Nagar& Near Kamat Cl4b& BAA S.'.Road& :oregaon?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2*88<<77& 2*8811<<& -<5><1<> <1;22;2*88<1<>
Per4 .a4g& .ehind 3otel Pritam& Aarey Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*71572&27*75172& <*2>2--*<5 27*7175<salesKgoldstab.comH
BAA Aarey Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*8512**& 2*87>**1 <1;22;2*87>**1 2otentK(
Sharma $ndl.%state& ?albhat Road& :oregoan %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*5>8>80>*>*0>7>7 <1;22;27*5>1>1 raisiKbom5.(
Dhanra6 /ill Compo4nd& Lo+er Parel ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 21<1*288 0 21<1*287021<1*28< <1;22;21<1*28< gailK(
'i2hroli ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*- 258*12850258*1287 <1;22;258*-1>5
Ne+ Lin2 Road& Andheri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 78>2118>0102& <*21>-1>51 <1;22;78>2118-
Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*7*1>81&2*7<-<5< <1;22;2*7*81*8
Kandi(li ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*7**<21&2*7**<22&2*7**<2-021 <1;22;2*7*2*11 libaK(
Andheri %ast! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7< 27*-515<& 27*1*118 <1;22;27*11>-*
1St 9loor Near 'ishal 3all& Sir /( RdH Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7< 27*-->>>&27*-1>>>& <*21155585 <1;22;27*1>>>>
/asrani Lane& K4rla ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8> 25>-5>>>& 25>-5>>1& 25>-5>>2 <1;22;25>-5>>1
Bpp. L," :ate No.7& Sa2i(ihar Road& Po+ai& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 1>>175>><1;22;2*581775 hoKclearplastics.inAo
Sa2i 'ihar Road& Po+ai& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*58>8><&2*585<5< <1;22;77<252-1 (ipKbom5.(
K4rla;Andheri Road& SaAed Pool& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*517721;25& <*21>2>712 <1;22;2*517727 s4bashM2K(
SaAed Pool& Andheri K4rla Road& Andhri%ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 >22;2*5<8-8*08<0*> <1;22;2*517<-2
:.K. /arg& Lo+er Parel& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1-
58"h Road& Nr..hatia+adi& .ori(ali ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><2 2*<<7<*5& 2*<<7<*8 2*<**-*
.ehind /ansa 3otel& Lbs /arg& .hand4p ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8* 25777><525777*22inAoKsan6ee(
-<& :4lte2di /ar2et Card Rd& BAA. Shan2ar Shet Road& P4ne /aharashtra 111 >-8 2715*7*2& 2715*7<2 27158< H inopolyKpn2.(
Bpp.'asant Bscar .4ilding& Lbs /arg& /4l4nd ?! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 287*212<0-> 2ana(K(
Sahar Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><< 2*-1111>& 2*-11117 2*
Cric2et :ro4nd& 'illage Kachigam Daman /aharashtra -<721> >27>;221>17-01 221>175
"elly :ali& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7< >22;781177>>02> >22;781177<< abh4(
7"h 9loor& :.'.& Scheme Rd.;2& /4l4nd %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*1 257-125<&257-2>8&-2122<>2 257-125<
Sector 21& 9aridabad3aryana 121>>5 12<;22-2*21& 22-1157 <1;12<;1>715-1
.adli $nd4strial Area& Delhi Delhi 11>>12 28*58815&28*5-1<<& <1;11;28*5-811
Road No.1& /adri& )daip4r Ra6asthan-1->>- <1;2<1;21<1-2>& 21<>5>7 <1;2<1;21<>112
Karamp4ra Comple=& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>15 >11;25<2>>*8025<2>>** <1;11;25<2>><> 2heraKndA.(
'.K.$.Area& Jaip4r Ra6asthan->2>1- >111;217><*- >111;22*12>7
Ayanamba22am& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>><5 275--<2<& 275--<-8 <1;22;275--<51 prabh4polyK(
Plot No.81&Sector 18& D...C. 'ashi& Ne+ /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>8>5 78<12**1 to *5 <1;22;78<12**>& 7812**8 +++.arya(
:.$.D.C.& '.).Nagar& 'allabh 'idyanagar :46arat -**121 27<2;2-7112 <1;27<2;2-7>8> coloplast1<*
.allard %state& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-*
Bpp. Na(nit /otors Ltd.& L...S./arg& "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>1 25181>8-& <1;22;2518828-
"a2li Road& Nasi2 /aharashtra 122>11 >25-;25<8*15&25<1*1>& 25<5--* <1;25-;25>112< s( +++.s(
1St 9loor& A;?ing& Dr.:./..hosale /arg& ?orli& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1* 5771*>> <1;22;21<->75-
Kanch Pada& /alad ?est! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**<5<8*&2**1-728 <1;22;2**<<128
Near Sandesh Press& 'astrap4r& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>51 8<;2787-7<2;<- <1;8<;278785*7
A.K.Road&Sa2ina2a& SaAed Pool& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*5>-55>027<8>2<< <1;22;2*5<*-2> shree6ee;
Andheri ; K4rla Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 771->><70>><8 <1;22;771->>8<
Road No.1& Kota Ra6asthan-21>>5 >811;21281>< <1;811;21281><
:idc %state Naroda Ahmedabad :46arat -*2--> >8<;22*1-2<1 <1;8<;22*221>2
J... Sa+ant /arg& /idc ?agle %state& "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>1 >22 777>11>> >22 25*2111> (
Ne+ /.3...Colony& Lin2 Road& Bpp. Don .osco School& .ori(ali ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><1 2*7*-51-2*7*-51-(isionin2sK(
Kirti /ahal Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>>* 25811>>7<1;11;258*1585
Na6aA :arh Road& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>15 >11;2515<8>7 "B * <1;11;11128128 "B 2<
Chintamani Road& Anna Nagar %ast! Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>1>2 277-11170277-111- <1;11;277-1-71
Plot No. --& :a@dar .andh Road & Near Ra6esh Khanna :arden& SDCr4@ ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>51 277>><51&277>1>*7 <1;22;277>><51 amee6aK(
Chinch+ad& P4ne /aharashtra 111>1< 28181-*1<1;2>;28188218& 281852-2022-< Ail.p4neKgnp4n.globalnet.ems.(
Dr.Anni .e@ent Road& ?orli& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>25 21<-8-<1&21<7>>>> <1;22;21<-5778 m2ti(all;
"ila2 Road& 'adodara:46arat -<>>>1 <1;275;2121*11 <1;275;212212<
Race Co4rse So4th!& .aroda :46arat -<>>>8 275;-->811& --88-> <1;275;---855 smdK2> +++.2>
/anager Library! ; Central Library& Po.I 9ertili@ernagar& .aroda :46arat -<185> <1;275;2212>51&2212151&2212851 O<1;275;221><77& 221>11<
Pir6shanagar& 'i2hroli %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8< 78<81151052 <1;22;251**8>-
Near 3otel Royal Challenge& 9ilm City Road& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*1<78<7;<* <1;22;2**-5*85 colorte2K(
Kolshet Road& /asterbaches .4ilding "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>8 25-15527<1;22;25-15525
18*& .ac2bay Relamation& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2> 22>21<11&22>28<72 <1;22;22*5>1>7 +++.cabot;
*>*0C& Dr...A. Road& Dadar ".". /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>11 2111>>2>0<8<2521<15 0 2118*>57 <1;22;211-81<>
Road No.*& Sion %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>22 21>11<-*& 21>12255 21>1587*[email protected]
Khairne& /idc& Ne+ /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>81> 288*2555>22;288*21->
Ne+ Lin2 Road& Andheri ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 1>885>87278- 171<
$nd4strial Area Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>15 >11;11>71>11;11 11>71>
Near Kalsi Dry Cleaner& Anand Parbat& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>>5 >11;2*875*5202*875*5- >11;2*87-711
%dappally P.B.& Cochin Kerala 7*2>21 >1*1;251158>0251158102511582 <1;1*1;2511582
?agle $nd4strial %state& "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>1 25*-*>51& 25*-*>52& 25*-*>5- <1;22;25*-*>51 an4pamhtK(
BAA I Sitlade(i "emple Road& /ahim ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 2117272*&211518><&2117>-*- <1;22;2115*22-
Near S4n N Step Cl4b& Sola Road& Ahmedabad& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>71 551-51-1&551111>1&<*25>><>71 <1;8<;281*288-
Bpp Comet %state Ra2hial& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>2- 8<;2281->85& 2281*55< <1;8<;2281*55<& 2281->85
Centre& Ne+ Lin2 Road& :oregaon ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 <1;22;2*8128- 0 2*811281 0 272>8>81 0 2*811285 <1;22;272>8>81 gpcK( H
Near "itop Pla@& Lbs /arg& "hane ?est! "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>1 25*>-**1<1;22;25*1>277
'alsad Dist.!& )mbergaon :46arat -<7181 27>;257--<10<2 <1;27>;2572*<2 panchalKpanchal; +++.panchal;
Asho2 Cha2ra(ati Road& Asho2 Nagar& Kandi(ali %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2**85->>&2**82522 <1;22;2**8-17< simpliconK(
'eera Desai Road& Andheri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- <1;>22;278->*** 0 278-1188 0 278-1182 <1;>22;278-118- e=celheatersK( H H
.hand4p ?!& Ne+ /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>8* 25<5>2170 <-2->5>>18 25<
Near /orar6i Carcle& :.$.D.C.& 'api :46arat -<71<5 >27>;5511<-- <1;27>;212<1-- ga4ra(
Ramchandra Lane& Kach Pada /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 <1;22;2**<51-< <1;22;2*11-785
:idc ?aghodia& 'adodara& :46arat -<187> <1;277*27-11> <1;277*27--5* H
Phase;$ii& :idc& 'at+a& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 >8<;5*-><*<&5*-7227& 5*<5127 <1;8<;5*-><*<
Cha2ra(arti Road& Kandi(ali %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2**8111-& 2**177>5 <1;22;2**175*8
Near .ombay 3ospital& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2> 22>-7<11<1;22;27171*>-
C0B./ane %lectricals& %l;-<07&%lectronic /idc& .hosari& P4ne /aharashtra 111>27 >2>;2812*>110281251>-02812-1-- <1;2>;2812>2-<& ->72>2-< meepsmcKpn2.(
/ahape& Ne+ /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>8>1 288*->-* 0 -< 288*
Near Nagar(el 3an4man "emple& Amrai+adi Road& Ra2hial& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>27 >8<;551->778& <*<*5->511 <1;>8<;22818>71
2Nd 9loor& 7-& "ardeo Road& Bpp. 9ilm Centre! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 2-512112& 77728115
Nr.Pendhar2ar College /.$.D.C.& Dombi(ali /aharashtra 1212>- >251;-271-55
'at(a $nd4strial Area& 'at(a& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 >8<;25*-1><2 >8<;25*<1125
Na(pada& /arol Na2a& Andheri %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*-1-521& <*211121>* 2*5>*1*<
?agle $nd4strial %state& "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>1 25*122<857271>*
:idc %state& 'at(a& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 >8<;25*1>21- >8<;25*1>>>* sa6id<<<M<<
Sa2i(ihar Road& Sa2ina2a& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*18-11-2*18-8*
Chincholi& /alad ?!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 >22;2*85>5*< >22;2*8-5<-2
2>& Ra6p4r Road& Delhi Delhi 11>>51 2-<12*>><1;11;2-1<5128
Pan2i $nd4strial %state & Kanp4r )ttar Pradesh 2>*>22 512;27<1221;8 <1;512;27<121<
/ogra Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7< 2*-771<*&2*-715>- <1;22;2*-85281 cmpKbom-.(
'at(a& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 8<;55-><*>>& 25*-2>2- <1;8<;25*-2>27
:idc 'at(a& Ahmedabad :46arat -*2115 25*->>7-& 25*<>>*10>1-- <1;8<;25*->125
Ambad& Nasi2 /aharashtra 122>1> 2-*2255& 2-*18<1 <1;25-;2-52*<*& 2-*7>21 H [email protected] H inAoKanti(
Road No.25;C& Sion ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>22 21>*28<2& 21>8127<& <*2>>5>-*- <1;22;21>*28<2 dodhiaK(
SaAed Pool& Sa2ina2a& Andheri %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*5>52>*& 2*5><7>- <1;22;2*5><7>- rrnggK(
S.N. Road& /4l4nd ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*> 78<*5<71&78<<-<71&2578>2-7 78<*5<
9;11& Sector ; * Noida )ttar Pradesh 2>1->1 >12>;21251*>;*5 <1;12>;21251*70<> spr2shahKsyn(enti(
Bpp. :ar4da Petrol P4mp& Char2op& Kandi(ali ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2<781785 0 2<7888<5 <1;22;2<78178502<7888<5
1St 9loor& .har4cha Road& Dahisar %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7* 2*2*251-01*<1
"42aramnagar& Kharadi& P4ne /aharashtra 111>11 >2>;711>8->1
.;571& Sarita 'ihar& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>11 27<1-->1& 27<1*8>5 <1;11;27<11*<2 rooopcoatKdel-.(
C;Scheme& Jaip4r Ra6asthan->2>>1 222<75> * L$N%S! <1;111;222<-*1
21021& Ansari Road& Dariya :an6& Delhi 11>>>2 >11;2-28<<** <1;11;2-278<1< shi(
"he Capital Co4rt& /4nir2a& BloA Palme /arg& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>78 2781-121022202-021 <1;11;2781-125027
27 Ra6endra Place&Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>>* 25*2-727& 115-<511 <1;11;25*2-728
Kirti Nagar Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>15 251151<>5& 25151<>7&-<51>1>< <1;11;25151<>5& >7
-2>& A(en4e Road& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>>2 222-<<-2& 2222512* <1;222251<2
9;7& Ambatt4r $nd4strial %state& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>5* 2725><>1<1;11;2725>1*1 22pKmd-.(
No.1* Plot No.-!& /inambal Salai& 'i(e2anandha Nagar& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>11* 2551><<1050< <1;11;255128*8 pioneerKmd2.(
1-"h Cross& ?ilson :arden& .angaloreKarnata2a57>>28 2757*--71& 275721>1 <1;*>;2757727* So+bhagyaK(
Near Jain /andir. :o(andi %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>** 78<8*>5705805* <1;22;255872-1
/a2er "o+er D%D C4AAe Parade& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>5 1>5>1>5>1>5>1>>>
$.C.Colony Road& .ori(ali ?est! & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>- 2*<>->*2<1;22;2*<>->*2 4sha(iKbom5.(
15& Ne+ /arine Lines& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2> 22>>1221 0 22>>8*8> <1;22;22>72*75 chempac2K(
Andheri K4rla Road & /arol& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 2*5>2-2>& 1>5>2-2> <1;22;2*5>7121 cpplKbom5.(
Bpp. .ombay "al2ies Compo4nd& /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**1-*85&2**2>8*1&<-2112>8*1 <1;22;2**1-*85 2*711>>8
1 St 9loor& Andheri K4rla Road&Cha2ala& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 2*-21*->&2*-151>*&2*25157< <1;22;2*-77<2* y(
%ngineer 3o4se& Apollo Street& 1St 9loor& 9ort & /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2- 227<2*17& <*2>>71*2* <1;22;22771*>70271*2*2> (2(oraK(
5"h 9loor Bpp. 9ire=&& :o(andi %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>** 25555>7>&25551<1<& 78<855>< <1;22;25555>8> ra(
3om6i Street& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 2277><--&22772<-1 <1;22;22772855 salei=Kgiasbm>1.(
Second 9loor& 1210128& Ka@i Syed Street& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2-1--2-8&2-1-588<&2-11<>78 <1;22;2-11-122 4pendraKbom2.(
BAAI /aha2ali Ca(es Road& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 27*81-5>&27*811-<& <*2112<521 <1;22;27*8>211& 27*81<-1 6ay(eeKbom-.( +++.6ay(ee;additi(
Nariman Point& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>21 1>*-1111<1;22;1>*-1122
:anesh Kr4pa Society& Chi24+adi& .aroda :46arat -<>>>8 275;2-5-**702-211>1 <1;275;2--128* inAoKmadh4; H machineryKmadh4;
:4rr42r4pa& :ro4nd 9loor& Khand .a@ar& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2-112*11&2-12>118&2-115285 <1;22;2-1--*1> natchemK( +++.indiamart0b4lb4l
1>& 'eer Namriman Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2- 22>125-5&22>1<>*7 <1;22;22>11<7* pdcplKbom5.(
?estern %=press 3igh+ay& :oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 22*87-8*<1;22;77<<>1>1
-5& Ne+ /arine Line& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2> 2.2>>718822eO>15 <1;22;22>>7557 satelliteK(
La=mi $nds.%state& Ne+ Lin2 Road& Andheri ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5- 27->22>2& >- <1;22;57<2111* deepa2etK(
S4n /ill Compo4nd& Lo+er Parel /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 21<-5-7*&21<52815& 7511125> <1;22;21<-2815
Bpp.Johnson , Johnson Co.Ltd. SaAed Pool&Andheri K4rla RdHAndheri%ast /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*51-5*2<1;22;2*51**<5 tr4pti1<<>
Bpp."o. L," Ser(ice Centre& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>117 >11;22521811022522821 >11;22522821
R.S./ahara6 /arg& "eli :alli Cross Lane& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7< 27*11712 1 L$N%S! 27*22<12 <1;22;27*22<11
2* /ahal $nd.%state&/aha2ali Ca(es Road Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- 27*8-7**& 27*85518& 27*8-15< <1;22;27*8-17- 4r( +++.4r(
"ardeo Road& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>-1 2-5227*5<1;22;2-5122-1 (
1-501-< Ka@i Sayed Street& /as6id& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2121>1-2<1;22;21->*7>- amolchemK(
/424nd Nagar& P4ne /aharashtra 111>-8 21271-11015 <1;<52>;2127>7>- pra( H pra(polyKpn-.(
12& K4mtha Street& .allard %state& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 227128*1&2271<75-&2271>15> <1;22;2271><-5 milan*<1Kbom5.( +++.2td;
Near :odre6 Company& Lbs /arg& :hat2opar?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>*7 2*52*>1202>8- <1;22;2*522>8-
Dada6ee Dha26ee .4ilding& 1St 9loor&/4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>- 2-11-*81& 272511>7 <1;22;2-11>1<7& 272511>* s4sacoK(
Nr. De(ashish School& Bpp.Ra6path Cl4b& BAA.S.:.Road& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>51 27*8-5>1;>- 27*8-51>
Nariman Point& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>21 1><52>>><1;22;22*828<7 rishiroopK(
"en Stars Chs& "a24r Pa2hadi& %2sar Road& .ori(ali?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><1 2*7-*22*<1;22;2*7-->>* H
Dada .hai Road& 'ile Parle ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 278>-1<1&27811822& <-2278>-8< <1;22;27811822 hem1<
1-;11& R.N."./arg&$ndore /adhya Pradesh 152>>1 >8-1;28>1*8-& 1>8>>8*& -25<<<2 <1;8-1;28>17**
Ramde( Commercial Comple=&Dr.Dal(i Road& Ne=t "o .an2 BA $ndia& Kandi(li ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 2*>81827& 2*72-812&<*1<155288 <1;22;2*722811 ricK(
Rail+ay Society& Bpp.Pappilon 3otel $rla Road& 'ile Parle ?est! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 78157-70-8-70*82102<78 <1;22;27815781
Sir P./.Road& 9ort /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 2278<115
25> Sant "42aram Road& /as6id .4nder /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>< 2-11211>& 2-12>252 <1;22;2-1112<<
Near Allahabad .an2 /alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**<<5-1<1;22;2**<><1* modientK(
)nit 1>2& Bpp. .lossom Society& /ilitary Road& /arol&Andheri%ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 77<1<815& 78>12<-2
Aarey Colony :oregaon ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>72 2*87*211& 2*8-88>5 2*8-88>
Adhyar4 $ndl.%state& S4n /ill Comp4nd& Lo+er Parel& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 21<1171*& 21<1-7>7 <1;22;21<-1521 AytcKbom5.(
Agar+al /ar2et 'ile Parle %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>58 271282*127128-*2plastpac2K(
Anand Nagar& Bshi+ara Lin2 Road& Jogesh+ari ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>2 -2<12<<8 0 <-2221>52* 27-<51>
/ahim /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>17 2111>887 0 <*8>-1>--1 2115>5<*
<>0<2& Ka@i Syed Street& /ano(i& /as6id ?! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><- <1;22;2-17518- <1;22;2-17515- 0
/g Cross Rd No.-& Bpp. /ane2 Nagar Kandi(ali ?! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>78 <1;22;2*7-82270-278>188 <1;22;2*725<<1
R.S./ahara6 /arg& "elligalli Cross Lane& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7< 27*25-8>081082081&<*21>21**> <1;22;27*25*-> n(aliaKbom-.(
Cha2ala Road Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><< 2*-1<-72& 2*-18118&2*-8>5>* <1;22;2*217<>*
Cardinal :racio4s Road& Cha2ala& Andheri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>><< 2*27-<<><1;22;2*-1<817 salesK( +++.(
Bpp.Se+ri Rly.Stn. Se+ri %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>15 211227-7 &2112<5><& 211-51>5 <1;22;211-<*>> s4nilchemK(
:oregaon %ast!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 27*7821> 0 15*1 0 2>81 <1;22;27*7--57 maheshindiaK(
-1;Ne+ /arine Lines& Ch4rchgate& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2> 22>>-517080* <1;22;22>>-51<
$...Patel Road& :oregaon %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- <1;22;1>72-5>>& 27*55778 <1;22;1>72-555 padminipK(
..S.D./arg& Deonar& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>** >22;25585>1>011 <1;22;255712>>
Near Sardar Patel Stat4e& Saya6igan6& 'adodara 'adodara:46arat -<>>>5 >275;222721- >275;2227>8<
Andheri ; K4rla Road& Andheri %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>5< 1>27;-->1020- 1>27;-->7
1-;11 R.N.". /arg&$ndore /adhya Pradesh 152>>1 8-1;1>1>7>> <1;8-1;28>17** 2alindi(
Central Spine& 'idyadhar Nagar& Jaip4r Ra6asthan->2>2- 111;2--8-<- <1;111;2--85<5
:4indy& Chennai& :o(t.BA $ndia& 3.J.:4indy& Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>-2 >11;222518*>& 222518*1 >11;222518*8 cipethGK(
Bpp.Kochrab Ashram& Paldi& %llisbridge& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>>7 8<;2758*228 <1;8<;2758<2>1
1 Peeragarhi Cho+2& Ne+ Delhi Delhi 11>>*8 <*<15;17**- 25278>71
D;1><7& Ne+ 9riends ColonyNe+ Delhi Delhi 11>>25 27<21<21<1;11;27<21<22
Bpp. 3ind4mission 3ospital& 3ind4colony& Nanganall4r Chennai "amil Nad4 7>>>71 >11;22-2-<88
K.Dh4r4 Road& Dadar ?! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>2* 2122515>021->>118 <1;22;211811*5 plastechKbom-.(
'allabhai Patel Road& 'alsad :46arat -<7>>1 27-2;25-51> <1;27-2;21*51> snhcK(
.ehind /other .a2ery "4rel Pa2hadi Road&/alad ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>71 2**>>*-*& <*--117>51 <1;22;278<-*51 siddharthM*
'ile Parle ?est!& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>57 27811-17<1;22;278>8118 nitin18K(
:ladys Al(ares /arg& "hane ?est! & "hane /aharashtra 1>>7>1 25*<<1*1
"ha24r Comple=& Kandi(ali %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 >22;2*515-22 0 <*<222<*5<
Bpp.St.La+arence School. "ha24r Comple=& Kandi(li %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>1>1 2*515--2& <*<222<*5< <1;22;2-**8-1- srota+atK(
Rahe6a 'ihar Po+ai& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>82 2*58-81<&2*581818& <<2>5115*5
Room No.8-& P... /arg& ?orli& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>1- 21<*5->2
Nr Kamesh+ar School&Bpp.Nalanda Comple=& Jodhp4r Premchandnagar Road& Satellite& Ahmedabad :46arat -*>>15 >8<;27872181 <1;8<;1>>-1>->
:amde(i /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>8 2-*8151>& 2-*82-5* 22711-->yatishKdr(
Sai /arg& :o24ldham& :oregaon %ast! /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>7- 2*1>*1>5& <-21772>1-
Second 9loor& 9ort& /4mbai /aharashtra 1>>>>1 22>81*81&22>81*82&22>81*8- <1;22;22>8-187 sep4lchrKbom*.(
Sports .ottle&?ater .ottle&"oys&L4nch .o+&Child Care
'acceme 9orming& .lisier Pac2ing&C4ps , Container
Corr4gated Sheet& %=tr4ded Sheets& %=tr4ded Roads& Pipes , Pipe 9ittings Plastic
Nylon 7012&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&%lastomeric Alloy "pes&Styrenic "pes&Dyes&Pearlescent Pigments&"ooth .r4shes And Bther .r4shes 9illing %G4ipment
Decorati(e Articles And Promotional :oods
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches& 9illers
Calendered 9ilms And Sheets&P(c Leather Cloth And )pholstery /aterials&Re;$nAorced "hermoplastics & Laminated
/aleated PolyleAines&$mpact /odiAiers&3igh /Ai Pp& Co4pling Agents&Symthctic Paper Com.
3angers&Po+der Coated 3andles
Cons4mer Prod4cts&Stationery&Reclaimers0Reprocessors
Jars& Carb4oys&%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding&/4ltilayer .lo+ /o4lding
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene;%=pandable&Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&$n6ection /o4lding "hermosets
Plastic 3o4se ?are
C4ps And Containers Disposable!
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Pac2aging Prod4cts&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
Polyeth4lene& Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldp!& 3m;/d0Ld0Lld .ags& Sheet& LAt , Linner %tc.
/edical , 3ealth & Pac2aging Prod4cts& Caps , Clds4res& Pharma Prod4cts
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches H arosonK(
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Plastic Ra+ /ataials Recyeled!
3igh ;Density 3dpe!
%lectrical Components And Appliances&:lass 9ibres
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding "hermosets&C4ps , Containers&3air Combs&Pac2aging Prod4cts
Containers&.lo+ /o4lds
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares
Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
Polypropylene&%=tr4sion Dies
A4tomoti(e Parts&%ngineering Components
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets
.lo+ /o4ld Containers&Caps 0 Clos4res
:ran4lator& Cr4sher
S4spension P(c
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms&Stretch 9ilm
.ag /a2ing
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Polyethylene "erephthalate Pet!&Containers
%lectrical $ns4cating /aterials
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
$n6ection /o4lding
Plastic .4tton& :armen Accessories& Plastic .4c2les
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene
?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics&"arpa4lins&Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!
"ooth .r4shes& Dent4re .r4sh& $n6ection /o4lding& 3air .r4shes;All "ypes
Pipe& "4bing& ProAile "a2e;BAA
$n6ection /o4lding
$n6ection /o4lding
Carrier .ags&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Containers&Caps 0 Clos4res&.lo+ /o4lding
P(c Compo4nd
/o4lds& $n6ection /o4lding
%=tr4ded Sheets
Containers&$n6ection /o4lding
$n6ection /o4lding
Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene
?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics
/ono /4ltiAilaments
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Acetal& Acrylic& %thylene;'inyl Acetate& PtAe& Polyamide& Nylon "ransparent& Polycarbonate&Polyb4tylene "erphthalate& 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&Random Copolymer& Reprocessed "hermoplastics /aterial& Styrenic Resin& Acryl
%=tr4ded 9ilm&Laminated Papers And 9abrics&Non;?o(ens&Pac2aging Prod4cts&9le=ible Po4ches&?o(en Sac2s&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastic .ags& PerAorated 9ilm
Cons4mer Prod4cts&.ottles&Containers
Bptical :oods&Cello+ness
%lectrical Components And Appliances&"elecom4nication Components
"ooth .r4sh
/ono And /4ltiAilaments&Ropes And "+ines
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
/achine Components Plastici@ing Scre+&Liners&.arrels&No@@les&Printing , %mbossi
.ag /a2ing
Cond4it %lectrical Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&:ran4lator& Cr4sher&Processors
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
Carrier .ags& /4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets& 9le=ible Po4ches& 3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal , Laminated!& Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms& "4b4lar .lo+n 9ilm&
%=tr4ded Rods And "4bes&/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets
%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry!&%ngineering Components
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles
Cons4mer Prod4cts&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares
Plastic /o4lded Spare Parts 9or /an;/ade 9ibre $nd4stry
Polypropylene&%lectrical Components And Appliances&$n6ection /o4lding
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&'al(es And 9ittings
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
Accessories 0 Components 3ydra4lic 0 Pne4matic
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Pigments; Brganic And $norganic
Pac2aging Prod4cts
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&A4tomoti(e Parts&.4ilding And Constr4ction Components&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry!&Containers
%ngineering Components&'al(es And 9ittings&PtAe Lined Articles
Polypropylene&?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
Pac2aging .o=0 Strapping
Polypropylene&.inder Cord S4tli!&.ag /a2ing& Polypropylene& .inder Cord S4tli!
A4tomoti(e Parts&.ottles&Caps 0 Clos4res&.lo+ /o4lding
.lo+ /o4lding&$n6ection /o4lding
Rapid Prototyping , SoAt "ooling
.lo+ /o4lding
/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets& Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms& Stretch 9ilm& "4b4lar .lo+n 9ilm& Plastic 9ilm
Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
"ooth .r4sh
3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal And Laminated!
3epe Pipe& P(c Pipe & Sprin2les System&Pipe System
%ngineering Components&/o4lds
/edical And 3ealth Care :oods
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Polystyrene :p&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding
Nylon "ransparent&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&Polypropylene&$n6ection /o4lding
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles
:ran4lator& Cr4sher
%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Containers&Po+der Coaters
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polystyrene :p&Caps 0 Clos4res&.lo+ /o4lding&$n6ection /o4lding
?ater P4riAiers&9ilter Candles&9ilter 3o4sings&Polys4lAon /embante 9itler :andle
"e=tile /achinery Parts 0 .obbins
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles
Pac2aging Prod4cts&.ottles&Containers
9l4roplastics&Silicones&/edical And 3ealth Care :oods
P(c Compo4nd
Nylon 7&Polypropylene
Pac2aging .o=0 Strapping&Processors
Pac2aging Prod4cts
Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&Slee(ings
:ran4lator& Cr4sher
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&%=tr4ders
Acrylic&Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&Decorati(e Articles And Promotional :oods
Recycling& .lo+ /o4ling& "oyection /o4ling& BAAset Printing /achine& 3otstamping& Sreen Printing
Disposable /edical , S4rgical Prod4cts& Brtho Appliances , 3ospital ?ares& 3ealth Care Kits , 9ield ?ater , "esting Kits& 3eld Kits
P(c Compo4nd
)rea 9ormaldehyde&Adhesi(es "apes And 9oils&Carrier .ags&$ns4lating "apes
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&$n6ection /o4lding&Laminating
Caps 0 Clos4res&/o4lded Parts "a2e;BAA System
Carrier .ags
Carrier .ags&/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets&3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal And Laminated!&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags Plain , Printed!
Caps 0 Clos4res
3d0Ld0Pp0Pet&.ottles&Containers&Jar&.lo+ /o4lding&Articales
$n6ection /o4lding
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles
Rigid P(c Pipes
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
/ono And /4ltiAilaments&Ropes And "+ines And 9abrics&Processors
Carbon .lade&Pigments&Addit4es&St@brili@iers&9lame Petardants&Lmbri
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Pearlescent Pigments
.ottles&Caps 0 Clos4res
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
.ia=ially Briented 9ilms And Sheets&Pac2aging Prod4cts&Special Decorati(e0Lamination 9ilm&%=tr4ded 9ilm& 3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal , Laminated!& "4b4lar .lo+ 9ilm
Carrier .ags& "ab4lar .lo+n 9ilm& DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
.ottles&Caps &C4ps , Containers& Caps , Clos4res& /edical , 3ealth Care Prod4cts
Pac2aging Prod4cts
Pac2aging Prod4cts&.4bble Pac2
Pac2aging Prod4cts&/eas4ring $nstr4ments
Shrin2 ?rapping
?ritting $nstr4ments
DiAAerent "ypes BA Polyethylene .ags
"oys And :ames
P(c Compo4nd&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
%=tr4ded Sheets
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Pac2aging Prod4cts&Slee(ings&.ag /a2ing
Plain0Printed Plastic .ags&D"D Shirt Bn Roll&Shrin2 ?rap 9ilm0"4bing0.ags&:arbage .ags0La4ndry .ags& Laminated Po4ch& Star Seal .in Liner
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&.ag /a2ing
Carbon .lac2&Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches&C4stom Processors , Con(erters& $mporters , %=porters& Color /atching
$n6ection /o4lding
"hermoset ReinAorced& "hermoset Composites& 9ilm 9or Pond0 Canal Lining& .4lding And Constr4ction Componets
$n6ection /o4lding "hermoplastic& $n6ection /o4lds;"hermoplastics
/achine Components Plastici@ing Scre+&Liners&.arrels&No@@les&Printing , %mbossi
Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are&3angers
%lectrical Components And Appliances&%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry!
ArtiAicial Je+ellary And Brnaments&Cons4mer Prod4cts&Containers&Cases&Stationery
%thylene;.4tyl;Acrylate %ba!&Nylon 7
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Pac2aging Prod4cts
.ottles&Jars& Carb4oys&$n6ection /o4lding&.lo+ /o4lds
.listers&"hermoAormed "rays
/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets&"arpa4lins&.ag /a2ing
.lo+ /o4lding&%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding&$n6ection .lo+ /o4lding&$n6ection /o4lding Special;P4rpose
Abs Sheets& 3dpe Sheets& Pp Sheets& 3ips Sheets& :p03ips Sheets& Syntre=
.ottles&Caps 0 Clos4res
/etalli@ed 9ilms And Sheeting
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&Stationery&"oys And :ames
Polyamide&Polycarbonate&Polyethylene&Polypropylene&Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&Styrene ; Acrylonitrile San!&'inyl ; .ased Resins
3air Combs
Polythene .ag , Sheet&?o(en Sac2s
Adhesi(e "apes And 9oils& .ia=ially Briented 9ilms And Sheets& $ns4lating "apes& Pac2aging Prod4cts& 3ea(y D4ty .ags& DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastic .ags& Pac2aging Strapping& Stretch 9ilm& Shrin2 ?rapping& Slitting , Re+inding
/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets&%=tr4sion Coating , Laminating
?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics&3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal And Laminated!&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&J4mbo .ags 9bc!&"arpa4lins
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&%ngineering Components&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene&%=tr4ders
%=tr4ded Sheets&"hermoAorming
%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&%=tr4ded Rods And "4bes&/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&Slee(ings
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&%=tr4ders
Cons4mer Prod4cts&.ottles&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
"ooth .r4shes And Bther .r4shes 9illing %G4ipment
/an4Aact4rers , %=porters BA .athroom Accessories $n $ndia
?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
%ngineering Components& $n6ection /olding& $n6ection /o4ld /a2ing& Composite Components
Containers&.lo+ /o4lding
Cloc2 And ?atch Case&Cases
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
Polypropylene&/ono And /4ltiAilaments&Ropes And "+ines And 9abrics
?heel Chair ?heel& 3elmet& Key .oard "ray& ?ire /anager& Cp4 "rolly& 9iber Brganistion "ray& DiAerent Si@es BA Je+ellery Pac2aging .o=es& Part BA Dental E;Ray /achine& Lence 3older& Jeanse .otton.
Pdpe 0 Lldpe& "reater Rolls& 3h0 3dpe 'irgin "4bing& Shrin2 Rolls& Sheets& .ags& Loop 3andle .ags& Loop Palti
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Containers&Caps 0 Clos4res
Pac2aging Prod4cts& .ottles& C4ps And Containers& Jars& Carboys& Storage And "ransport Containers&
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
%ngineering Components&%=tr4ded Rods And "4bes
Acetal Copolymer&Nylon 707&$n6ection /o4lding&Cad0Cam0Cae
Cloc2 And ?atch Case
.opp 9ilms&Cast Coe=tr4ded 9ilms&Phenolic Resins&Coe=tr4ded Plasitic Sheets&"herhoset /o4lding /aterials&Capacitor 9ilms
$n6ection /o4lding
Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!
Carrier .ags& %=tr4ded 9ilm& Laminated Papers And 9abrics& Pac2aging Prod4cts& 3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal , Laminated!& DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastic .ags& ReinAorced "hermoplastics Laminated."4b4lar .lo+n 9ilm& $mporters , %=porters
Pp Stationery& %=tr4ded Sheet& Pac2aging Prod4cts
Polypropylene&Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&Styrene ; Acrylonitrile San!&$n6ection /o4lding
Rigid P(c Calendered 9ilms And Sheets& Pet 9ilms And Collar .ands 9or Shirt Pac2aging
$n6ection .lo+ /o4lding
P(c Compo4nd&Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
P(c Compo4nd&Rigid Poly4rathane&.ottles&Caps 0 Clos4res
/o4lds And $n6ection /o4lded Components 9or A4tomoti(e .4mpers& Dashboards , Bther Parts& %lectronic , %lectrical Components And Appliances
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares
Agric4lt4ral And 3ortic4lt4ral Parts&Corr4gated Pipes , %=tr4ded "4bes& 9oamed Plastic Sheets
Pac2aging Prod4cts&Semi 9inished , 9inished Prod4ct
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
94rnit4re& Crates
Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&Styrene ; Acrylonitrile San!
/anA4. BA Non ; "o=ic Polymers Additi(e& L4bricants I %=ternal 0 $nternal& /o4ld Relases Agents& Processing Aids& /i= Calci4m #inc Non;"o=ic& Anti .olc2 Agents
Pigments& ?a=es& Bba& Dyes& Additi(es
Primary Processing /achinery&Rotational /o4lding&:ran4lator& Cr4sher&/i=ers& Kneaders
Process Control Complete Systems
Jars& Carb4oys&%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding&/4ltilayer .lo+ /o4lding
:ran4lators0Cr4shers& Colo4r /i=ers Conical 0 'ertical!& 3ighspeed /i=ers& L4mp C4tters& Reprocess %=tr4der ?ith Pelletiser& KnieA Sharpner& Aggl Bmerator
$n6ection /o4lding
"hermoplastic $n6ection /o4lding&$n6ection /o4lding "hermosets
Primary Processing /achinery
:eneral0Rheological Properties&/echanical Properties&"hermal Properties&Permeability&?eathering&%scr&"ests 9or Pipes And Laminates
$n6ection /o4lding
/o4lds And Dies
Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%ngineering Components&Caps 0 Clos4res&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&/o4lds And Dies
Cad0Cam0Cae&/o4lds And Dies&%=tr4sion Dies&/o4lds .ases , /o4ld Parts
/o4lds And Dies
$n6ection .lo+ /o4lding
$n6ection /o4lding
/aterial 3andling&Distrib4tors
Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&Polystyrene :p&"hermoplastic09illed&"hermoplastic Compo4nds Bther!
$mporters And %=porters
"hermoAorming Articles& Lo4ndry Acti(ity
"ooth .r4shes And Bther .r4shes 9illing %G4ipment
)ltasonic ?elding
Cons4ltancy Ser(ices 9or Plastic Processing
Cons4ltancy Ser(ices 9or Plastic Processing
Plastiblends 9or /asterbatches& Lohmann 9or 9le=o "apes& Sieg+er2 9or $n2s
Cons4ltants 9or Prod4cts Design&/ar2eting&/ar2et Research&Pro6ects , De(elopment
Polypropylene& 3omopolymer& $mpact Copolymer& 3o4se+ares0Kitchen+are& $ns4lated& 3air Combs& /ats& Pac2aging Prod4cts& P.'.C. 9looring "iles& "arpa4lins& ?ires And Cables& ?riting $nstr4ments& 'acc4m 9las2s& %=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding& $n6ection .lo+ /o4ldin
%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections
%lectrical Components And Appliances&%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry! %ngineering Componets
%ngineering Components&9abricators
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares
/o4lded 94rnit4re And 94rnit4re Components& $ns4lated "hermo ?are!& Non;$ns4lated 3o4se ?are
Pet .ottles& Pet Jars& P.P. Caps
Sprin2ler $rrigation
Acetal Copolymer&Nylon 707&Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene&Carbon .lac2&"itanates&Silica
A4tomoti(e Parts& %lectrical Components And Appliances& 3o4se+ares0 Kitchen+are
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
A4tomoti(e Parts&Sanitary Articles&$n6ection /o4lds "hermoplastic!&Compression /o4ld
.ottles&Containers&Jars& Carb4oys
Plastic Compo4nds , /aster .atches &Pet PreAormst Jars& C.S.BA :ail $ndia Ltd.
3mhdpe0Ldpe0Lldpee Sheet&.ags And "4bes&%=tr4ded 9ilm
.ottles&Containers&/o4lded Parts "a2e;BAA System
C4ps And Containers Disposable!
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
P(c 9ilms& "hermoAormed "rays& 3ips 0 P(s Sheets& Disposable Dona& P(c Compo4nds& .listers
DiAAerent Kind BA Plastic .ags& "4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
/o4ld Ser(icing Plating& %tching %tc!
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
3oses :eneral And ReinAorced!& Pipes And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Cons4ltants 9or Prod4cts Design&/ar2eting&/ar2et Research&Pro6ects , De(elopment&"raining $nstit4tions&9inancial $nstit4tions&"echnical P4blishers
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Pac2aging .o=0 Strapping&%=tr4ders
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh; Density 3m+;3dpe!&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
Cross Lin2ing Agents
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
P(c Compo4nd&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&C4ps And Containers Disposable!&9abricators
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Acrylic&Acrylic; $mide Copolymers
Containers&Jars& Carb4oys&%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding&"hermoplastic $n6ection /o4lding&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
Cons4mer Prod4cts& 3ot Stamping
%=tr4ded Sheets
Reser(oir "an2s
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&C4ps And Containers Disposable!
3mhdpe 9ilms And .ags
Plastic .ac2et&Plastic C4p , Conainers&Kitchen ?ares&A4to /oti(e Parts
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Sprin2ler $rrigation
A4tomoti(e Parts
S4pply "o :arment %=ports 3angers & Si@e $ndicator
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Pac2aging .o=0 Strapping
%ngineering Components&$n6ection /o4lds ; "hermoplastics
"e=tile /achinery Parts 0 .obbins&$n6ection /o4lding
.ag /a2ing
Pac2aging Prod4cts&Stationery
$n6ection .lo+ /o4lding
"e=tiles; Plastic Coated
.ottles&.lo+ /o4lding
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene
3igh ;Density 3dpe!
Pac2aging .o=0 Strapping
P(c Compo4nd
/ono And /4ltiAilaments&Ropes And "+ines And 9abrics
:ran4lator& Cr4sher
Pp .ags& Ldpe .ags& P(c .ags& Pac2aging
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
9le=ographic Printing /achine
Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
%=tr4ded 9ilm&9le=ographic Printing /achine
Polyethylene&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
C4ps And Containers Disposable!&"hermoAorming
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilm %G4ipment
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
/4lti Layer Co;%=tr4ded& 9ilm
P(c Compo4nd
.lister 9orming& "hermoAormed& "hermoAorming "rays
$n6ection /o4lding BA "hermoplastics
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Laminates& Sheets&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
.lo+ /o4ld Containers , Parts& $n6ection /o4lds , Parts
%=tr4der Screen Changers
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares
P(c Compo4nd
Po+der Coaters
3air Combs
Pac2aging Prod4cts
9ibrilated Carn&/ono And /4ltiAilaments&Ropes And "+ines And 9abrics&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
.lo+ /o4lding& %=tr4ders& $n6ection /o4lding& Recycling :ran4lation Lines& "hermoAorming& Agglo /erator& :ran4lator& Cr4sher& .lo+ /o4lds& $n6ection /o4lds; "hermoplastics& R4nner Less /o4lds 3ot R4nner!&
Polyester& "hermoset& Plastici@ers& :lass 9ibers
.ottles&/eas4ring $nstr4ments
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&ArtiAicial Je+ellary And Brnaments
/o4lds .ases , /o4ld Parts&/etal Deacti(ators0Chelators
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
.ag /a2ing
3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal And Laminated!&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
"e=tiles; Plastic Coated
9l4oroplastics&PtAe&9ep& %ctAe& P(dA& Chemical And Petrochemical %ngineering Components& %=tr4ded Rods And "4bes& Pipes And Pipe 9ittings BA PoasticRigid And 9le=ible!
%lectrical Components And Appliances
A4tomoti(e Parts&%ngineering Components&.ottles
Chemicals And Petrochemical %ngineering Components
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
"hermoAorming&.lister Pac2ing& .lister Pac2aging /ach.& C4ps , Containers
%ngineering Components&Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
/ono And /4ltiAilaments&Ropes And "+ines And 9abrics
Pac2aging "heromoAormed "rays Pop& .listers Acrylic 9abrication
.inder Cord S4tli!
Ldpe 0 Lldpe 0 3mhdpe 9ilm& .ags Sheets& 3eat Shrin2 9ilm& .ags And Slee(es& Pallet Co(ers
3.".L.". S+itchgears Control :ears&%ngineering %lectrical :oods And $nd4strial Allied Prod4cts.
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
Collapsible "4bes
3o4se+are0 Kitchen+are
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene
Rigid P(c Pipes
Cons4mer Prod4cts&.ottles&9le=ible Po4ches
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Conc4mer $n6ection /o4lding& $nd4strial $n6ection /o4lding
Cons4mer Prod4cts&9oot+are
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&%=tr4ded Netting 0 ?o(en Nets
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles
%ngineering Components&/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&.ottles&Caps 0 Clos4res
Plastic Net 3dpe /onoAilment ?o(en Net !
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
:ran4lator& Cr4sher&Processors
/ono Ropes , "+ines
Lo+ Density& Polypropylene&Printing
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&Sanitary Articles
Plastic 'al(es And 9ittings
.lo+ /o4lded& Jerry Cons
$mporters And %=porters
A4tomoti(e Parts& Cons4mer Prod4cts& %lectrical Componets And Appliances& Crates& $n6ection /o4lding "hermosets& $n6ection /o4lds ; "hermoplastic& .4AAing , Polishing %G4ipment& Corona "reaters& DeAashing& Shrin2 ?rapping& )ltrasonic ?elding& C4bic Printi
/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&.ottles
Acetal 3omopolymer&Nylon 7&Polypropylene&Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!
.lo+ /o4lded Containers& $n6ection /o4lded Prod4ct& Kitchen ?are
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Polystyrene :p&$n6ection .lo+ /o4lding
Agric4lt4ral And 3ortic4lt4ral Parts "heroA&%lectrical Components And Appliances&.ottles&Containers
P(c Pipes , Compo4nd&Reprocessed Plastics&
Nylon 7&Nylon707&)itra 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight&Cast Rods&"4bes And ProAiles&Castor ?heels&%=tr4ded Rods And "4bes
Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&Pac2aging Prod4cts&.ottles
/edical And 3ealth Care :oods
Reprocess :ram4als& ?ide ?idht 9ilm& :arbage .ags
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&9abricators
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lds ; "hermoplastics
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&%ngineering Components&.ottles&Containers
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
9ood Containers
C4ps And Containers Disposable!&.listers&"hermoAormed "rays
Pp Ropes&"arpa4lins& 3dpe /09 Ropes
"hermoset 0 9illed
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Laminating Papers And 9abrics&Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms
Jars& Carb4oys
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Colo4r P2ts , /aster .atch& All "ypc BA Additi(es
Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&%po=y Resins
Decorati(e Articles And Promotional :oods
Cons4mer Prod4cts&Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
.ottles&Jars& Carb4oys
Polyster )nsat4rated&Sheet /o4lding Compo4nd Smc!&9ilm 9or Pond 0Canal Lining&Cast 9ilms And Sheets&Chemicals And Petrochemical %ngineering Components&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&%=tr4ded Sheets&/ats&Re;$nAorc
:ear .o=& /onoAilament %=tr4sion Plant& Sheet %=tr4s4in Plant& "ape %=tr4sion Plant& Single Scre+ %=tr4der
Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!
$n6ection .lo+ /o4lding
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&Polypropylene&%=tr4ders&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
A4tomoti(e Parts&.ottles&Jars& Carb4oys&"oys And :ames&$n6ection .lo+ /o4lding
Pipes And Pipe 9itting BA Plastic& 3igh Density& Lo+ Density
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&/o4lds And Dies&Printing And Decorati(e %G4ipments&Distrib4tors
%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&%=tr4ded Rods And "4bes
Cosmetics And "oilatery&.ottles&Caps 0 Clos4res
.listers Pac2ging&
Pac2aging Prod4cts
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares
Plastic ?orld Ra+ /aterials& %ngineering Polymers
Acrylic&Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!
Sprayer P4mps0 Sprayers
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Polystyrene :p&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding
Containers&Jars& Carb4oys
Anti 9ele& /aster .atches& 9illers& /4ltilayer 9ilms& Stretch 9ilms& Shrin2 9ilm
.ottles&Containers&Caps 0 Clos4res
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding
"e=tile /achinery Parts 0 .obbins&$n6ection /o4lding
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&94rnit4re And 94rnit4re Components&Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
$n6ection /o4lding BA Plastic Parts
"hermoplastic Compo4nds Bther!
Acrylic&%=tr4ders&$n6ection /o4lding
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
PtAe&Cast Rods& "4be And ProAiles&Chemicals And Petrochemical %ngineering Components&Parts BA BAAshore And /arine %G4ipments&Casting&Compression /o4lding&%=tr4ders
Plastic Processing& $n6ection /o4lding& .lo+ /o4lding& Plastic Container And Cons4mer Prod4cts.
SaAety Cap 9or Lpg Cylienders
/ono And /4ltiAilaments&Ropes And "+ines And 9abrics
DiAAerent Kinds $A Plastics .ags& P(c Compo4nd
Polyethylene&'ery;Lo+;Density 'ldpe!&/edi4m ; Density /dpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Carrier .ags&%=tr4ded Sheets&9oamed Plastic Sheets 0Rolls&Laminates& Sheets&/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
3ot Stamping 9oil&.ottles&Caps 0 Clos4res&$n6ection .lo+ /o4lding&Pad Printing
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&$n6ection /o4lding
'ery;Lo+;Density 'ldpe!&Carrier .ags&9oamed Plastic Sheets 0Rolls&Laminates& Sheets&/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets&3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal And Laminated!&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
:ran4lator& Cr4sher
$n6ection /o4lded Plastic Prod4cts
ArtiAical Je+ellery And Brnaments& A4tomoti(e Parts& .angles& Decotati(e Articles And Promotional :oods& %lectrical Components And Appliances& %lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4strial ! %ngineering Components& 3o4se+ares0Kitchen+are& Non;$ns4lated&
$n6ection /o4lding
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Reclaimers0Reprocessors
Cons4ltaney And "raining Pro6ects , De(elopment .lo+ And $n6ection /o4lding /achines
Plastic Ra+ /ataials; Reprocessors
3dpe Pipes& Recycling& .o= Strapping& $n6ection /o4lding& S4tli
"ooth .r4shes And Bther .r4shes 9illing %G4ipment
%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&%=tr4ded Sheets&%=tr4ded Rods And "4bes&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
/o4lded Parts "a2e;BAA System
/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets&Laminating
Storage And "ransport Containers
.lo+ /o4lding
.ag /a2ing&.ag And Sac2 9illing %G4ipments
.ag /a2ing
$n6ection /o4lds ; "hermoplastics
ArtiAicial Je+ellary And Brnaments
Rotogra(4re Printing /achine
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&Containers&Jars& Carb4oys
.ottles&Containers&Jars& Carb4oys&%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding&$n6ection /o4lding
Jerry Cons&Carboys&Jars& Dr4ms
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Acrylic&Polyben@imida@ole&Polyb4tylene&Allyl&.listers&"hermoAormed "rays&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
"ransAer /o4lding
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&$n6ection /o4lding
$n6ection /o4lding
Pellets&Rotational /o4lding
Paper .ag& Plastic .ags& Al4mini4m 9oil Laminates& Poly Coated Paper& Polyester Laminaed Reel , Po4ch& 9la=ible Pac2aging
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
?riting $nstr4ments
%ngineering Components&Pac2aging Prod4cts
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Roll Coating&.ag /a2ing
$n6ection /o4lding&3ydra4lic 0 Pne4matic %G4ipment , Components
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&Polypropylene&.ag /a2ing
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Carrier .ags&9le=ible Po4ches&?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"arpa4lins
P(c Compo4nd
A4tomoti(e Parts
Polyeth4lene "erephthalate Pet!& .ottles& Pet& Jars& 3dpe Jars )pto 2>Ltr. CaPAcity& 15 Kg. "incontainers
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$ns4lated "hermo+are!&Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$ns4lated "hermo+are!
Polypropylene& Bptical :oods&Spectacle 9rames& Pp Cases& %eA Cases
P(c Compo4nd&.icycle Parts&%ngineering Components&9oot+are&94rnit4re And 94rnit4re Components&/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&$n6ection /o4lding Special P4rpose&$n6ection /o4lds ; "hermoplastics
$n6ection /o4lding
9le=ographic Printing /achine& Polyethylene
Decorati(e Articles And Promotional :oods
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
3dpe Pipes&Ldpe Pipes&P(c Pipes&%=tr4ded $tems&P(c Siee(ings
Reprocessed :ram4alsReprocessors!
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
PtAe0Eylon Coatings&9ep Coatings&PAa Coatings&%ctAe Coatings&%tAe Coatings&P(dA Coatings
%ngineering Components&Compression /o4lding
"hermoplastic Compo4nds Bther!&/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
%=tr4ded Netting 0 ?o(en Nets
9le=ographic Printing /achine&Rotogra(4re Printing /achine
Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&$n6ection /o4lding
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!
Polyethylene "erephthalate Pet!
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic
A4tomoti(e Parts&Cons4mer Prod4cts
?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics&"arpa4lins
Polyethylene&Agric4lt4ral And 3ortic4lt4ral Parts "heroA&Pac2aging Prod4cts&.ag /a2ing
Dispersion P(c&Sprayer P4mps0 Sprayers
P(c Compo4nd
Processor BA Plastic Scrap And Ra+ /aterial Dealers $n All Kinds BA Plastic Ra+ /aterial , Reprocess& Ldpe& 3dpe& Pp& Ps& 3ips& DerlinAcetal Polymer!& Nylon& Abs
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!
C4stom /o4lded .ottles , Containers $n P(c& Petg& Pc& 3dpe& Pprcp& Ldpe& %tc.& Caps And Clos4res& P(c Compo4nd& /o4ld De(elopment
%ngineering Components&Casting BA Nylon&/achine Components Plastici@ing Scre+&Liners&.arrels&No@@les&Printing , %mbossi
3oses :eneral And ReinAorced!&Slee(ings
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&/edi4m ; Density /dpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&Polypropylene $mpact Copolymer&Polypropylene Random Copolymer
P(c Compo4nd&Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
9oot+are&94rnit4re And 94rnit4re Components
.4ilding And Constr4ction Components
/anA4. BA 3dpe Pipes 9or ?ater S4pply And S+erages ?ith .is /ar2 And Plb D4cts 9or Cable Protection
%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry!&%ngineering Components&Accessories 0 Components 3ydra4lic 0 Pne4matic
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&"oys And :ames
Nylon 7& $n6ection /o4lding& /o4lding BA SaAety Cap 9or Lpg& Bther Plastic /o4lded $tem
C4ps And Containers Disposable!&.lister Pac2ing
Pac2aging Prod4cts&Containers
%thylene Acrylic Acid %aa!
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles
%=tr4ded Sheets
'al(es And 9ittings
ArtiAicial Je+ellery And Brnaments& 3ot Stamping 9oil& "arpa4lins& 3ot Stamping Dies&
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&Polystyrene $mpact&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding&/o4lds And Dies&Accessories 0 Components 3ydra4lic 0 Pne4matic&Pigments; Brganic And
Carrier .ags&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
3o4se ?ares
DeAence Prod4cts And Components
$n6ection , Compression /o4lded Components )sing %ngineering Plastics
.eads& 3andi CraAts Articals
3angers& "oys& 9ishing 9loats& $n6ection /o4lding
Pipes And Pipe 9itting BA Plastic& Reser(oir "an2s& Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms& Slee(ing
P(c Compo4nd&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
%ngineering Components&Containers&.listers
%=tr4ded Sheets& /4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets& 9le=ble Po4ches& ?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics
$n6ection /o4lds ; "hermosets
Acetal 3omopolymer
.ottles&Containers&Caps 0 Clos4res
?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics&J4mbo .ags 9bc!
94rnit4re And 94rnit4re Components&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares
.lo+ /o4lding
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&3oses :eneral And ReinAorced!&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
94migation0Storage Co(ers& 9ilm 9or :reen 3o4se& 9ilm 9or Pond0Canal Lining& "4b4lar .lo+n 9ilm
3o4se ?ares& 3angers& 3air Combs
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
3oses :eneral And ReinAorced!
/ono And /4ltiAilaments&Ropes And "+ines And 9abrics&Raschel .ags
Containers&Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
$n6ection /o4lding
%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Compo4nding %G4ipment&Distrib4tors
A4tomoti(e Parts&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry!&BAAice %G4ipments And Parts "heroA
.lo+ /o4lding&$n6ection /o4lding
3dpA Pipe , Coil& P(c Rigid Pipes& %iastomeric Ring;9it Pipes&Sprin2lers , Accessories&S+r0Casing0.l4e Pipes&/dpA0Pp;R Pipes&Pe Pipes 9or S4pply BA :aseo4s 94els
Nylon 7
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
P(c Press4re Pipe& P(c Casing Pipe& 3dpe Pipe& Pe;E Pipe& Pe;E 9ittings& Pp;R;Pipe
P.P.Ropes&9ishing Nets&3dpe Ropes
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
/ono And /4ltiAilaments&Ropes And "+ines & .elts
Carrier .ags&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
/etalli@ed 9ilms And Sheeting
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&%=tr4ders
Rigid Poly4rathane&Corr4gated Sheets
3air Combs 0 3air .r4shes 0 Stationery
#iploc2 .ags& Pe , Pp #ipper ProAiles& Pe , Pp Attached #ipper .ags
Plastic Containers , Articles
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
"hermoplastic .lends Alloys&"hermoplastic %lastomers&P(c Compo4nd&Pp Comp4nds& "hermoplastic '4lcani@ates& %=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections
Cast Rods&"4bes And ProAiles&Corr4gated Pipes And "4bes&Corr4gated Sheets&%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&%=tr4ded0Components&9oam Pipe
$ns4lated "hermo+are!&Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
%=tr4ded Plastic Sheets
Plastic .ottles&Plastic .4c2ets&Plastic Containers&Plastic Pails
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Containers
Carrier .ags&9le=ible Po4ches
?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics
Cling 9ilm& S4rAace Protec& "ion 9ilm& Stretch 3ood 9ilm& Adhesi(e 9ilm& Stretch ?rap 9ilm& /4lch 9ilm
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Sprayer P4mps0 Sprayers
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Poly4rethane&/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&Containers&.lo+ /o4lding
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&'al(es And 9ittings
9oamed Plastic Sheets 0Rolls&P(c Leather Cloth And )pholstery /aterials
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene& .lo+ /o4lded Contaners
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&Cons4mer Prod4cts&Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
P(c Compo4nd
P(c 3eat Stabili@ers& L4bricants
Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are&$mporters And %=porters
Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene
Stationery& "iebarless $n6. /o4lding& $n6ection /o4ld."hermoplastic
Carrier .ags
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&'ac44m 9las2s
$n6ection /o4lding
.ottles&Containers&Caps 0 Clos4res&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
P(c Compo4nd
Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&P(c Pipe 9ittings
Polypropylene&Polystyrene :p
9le=ible Laminated
?o(en Sac2s 2ana(K(
3dpe .ottles& ?o(en Sac2s
:eo /embrane And :eo "e=tile& RooAing Prod4cts 9or )nderlayment& Constr4ction Prod4cts& Speciali@ed "arpa4lin& .anner 9abric& 'ci "reated /etal Pac2aging& $nd4strial 9abric& L4mber ?rap , Co(ers.
Polythene .ag , Sheet
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches&9illers
Special %AAects /arble0:ranite %AAects Chips
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
Speciality Chemicals& Additi(es
Speciality Chemicals& Additi(es
Anti B=idants&L4bricants&Stabili@ersI3eat0Light
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!
%=tr4ded Sheets
Calci4m Carbonate&Calci4m /agnesi4m Carbonate&.ari4m S4lphate&Kaolin&/ica Silica&"alc
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!
Antimoni "rio=ide& 9lam Retadent& "ri .asic Lead S4lAate& Di .asic Lead Sterate& Lead Sterate& Calci4m Sterate& Bme Pac2 P(c Stabli@er& #inc Sterate& D...L. Phosphite& Dbl Phthalate& ?hite Lead& .ari4m Stearate& Cadim4m Stearate& Lead B=ide
Calci4m Carbonate
P(c Compo4nd
/onomeric Plastici@ers
S4spension P(c&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Speciality Chemicals& Additi(es
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
Kaolin China Clay!&/agnesi4m Carbonate
Speciality Chemicals& Additi(es
Speciality Chemicals& Additi(es
Colo4rants&Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches&$mporters And %=porters
Pigment& Dispersion
[email protected]
%d4cation Prod4cts And Appliances&%lectrical Components And Appliances&3elmets
3eaters& .arrels& Single Scre+& Ring Pl4ngers Set
.ag /a2ing
Reclaim0Recycling %G4ipment&Agglomerator&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
Deh4midiAier& Dryers&3eaters&B(ens&.ag And Sac2 9illing %G4ipments&3igh 9reG4ency Sealing
Colorants 9or Pet PreAorms And .ottles& Special %AAect /asteAbatches& /o(acolor Dosing )nits& $n6ection /o4lding /achines And /o4lds 9or Pet PreAorms
Cooling , Si@ing Parts 9or .lo+n 9ilm Plants& %=tr4sion Lines& Recycling :ran4lation Lines& Single Scre+ %=tr4ders& Palleti4is 0 Dicis& Scre+& .ased R P Set& %=tr4sion Dies
Compo4nding %G4ipment&%=tr4ders&%=tr4der Screen Changers&Reclaim0Recycling %G4ipment&Agglomerator&D4st Separator&9eeder ;Loaders&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
"hermoset 0 9illed&Process Control Complete Systems
$nd4strial 3eaters , "hermoco4ples
%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding&$n6ection /o4lds& All %lectric .lo+ /o4lding /achine&/4ltilayer .lo+&$n6ection /o4lding& $n6ection .lo+ /o4ding /0C
Primary Processing /achinery&Printing And Decorati(e %G4ipments
/an4Aact4rers BA Scre+s& .arrels BA Plastic Processing /achines As Per C4stomer Dra+ings Br Samples
/an4Aact4rer , %=ports BA All "ype Rotational /o4lding /achine& P4l(eriser& /o4lds
"esting %G4ipments 9or Plastic Prod4ct And Bther& Special P4rpose "esting /achine& /eas4ring $nstr4ments&Bther %G4ipments , De(ices Relati(e "o /eas4ing , Controlling&/echanical Properies& Bptical $nde=& Permeability
$n6ection /o4lding /achines
Agglomerator&:ran4lator&Cr4sher&.lenders&Kni(es 9or C4tters , :ran4lators
.lenders&Chillers 0Cooling "o+ers&Con(eyor %G4ipment&Deh4midiAier& Dryers&9eeder ;Loaders&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&J4mbo .ags 9bc!&9abricators
.lo+ /o4lding
.ag /a2ing&9orm 9ill;Seal /achines 9or 9le=ible Po4ches All "ypes!&$mporters And %=porters
$n6ection /o4lding&$n6ection /o4lding Special P4rpose H [email protected] H inAoKanti(
A4to /oti(e Parts& /o4lds , Pipes
Polyethylene "erephthalate Pet!&Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&S4spension P(c&/elamine 9ormaldehyde
3ot Stamping
Polyb4tylene "erephthalate Pbt!&Polyethylene "erephthalate Pet!
Co4pling Agents
Resins And Compo4nds "hermoplastics Prod4ct&Ra+ /aterials0Speciality ReinAorcement , $ntermediates& "hermosets& SemiAinished , 9inished Chemicals& Additi(es& 9illers , 9ilers
Polyethylene&Polypropylene&'inyl ; .ased Resins&Distrib4tors&$mporters And %=porters
%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding& Coe=tr4sion Systems& :as;Aided $n6ection /o4lding /achine& /4lti Component $n6ection /o4lding /achine& %=tr4sion Lines& :ran4lator& Cr4sher& P4l(eri@ing& R4nner Less /o4lds 3ot R4nner!& Pipe Coiling %G4ipment& Control System 9or
Plastic All& R4bber All& Chemical Related "o Polymer Processing
Japanese Ne+ And Re;Conditiones $n6ection /o4lding /achines 9rom Si@e 5> ; ->>> "ons& )sed $n6ection /o4lds BA Japanese 0 $talian Brigin 9or $nd4strial And Cons4mer Prod4cts& )sed Cnc "ool Room %G4ipments& :lass 9ibers
Distrib4tors Ldpe& 3dpe& Lidpe& P.'.C.& Polyprorylene!
Polycarbonate& Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&Polystyrene :p&Polystyrene $mpact& Polystyrene %=pandable .eads %ps!&Styrene ; Acrylonitrile San!&
$mporters And %=porters
%thylene;'inly Acetate&Polyeth4lene&3igh Density&3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Lo+ Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&)ltra 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&$npact Copolymer&Reprocessed "hermoplastics /aterial&Acrylonitrile;.4tad
3ot R4nner Systems& /old Parts& 3ydra4lic Cylinders& "4nnel :ate $nserts& $n6ection /olding /achines& Ancillary %G4ipments& Static /i=ers
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
Stabili@ersI3eat0Light&?a=es&$ndentors&$mporters And %=porters
Colo4r 0 Additi(e /asterbatches&Co4pling Agents&
Reclaim0Recycling %G4ipment&"hermoAorming&"ooth .r4shes , Bther .r4shes 9illing %G4ipment&Pipe .elling0Soc2eting&Corr4gated Pipe "a2e;BAA&Do+nstream %G4ipment 9or /an4Aact4ring BA /ono /4litiAilaments&Ropes , "+ines
A4tomoti(e Parts&Decorati(e Articles And Promotional :oods
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches& Colo4rants& 9le=ographic Printing /achine0$n2s& Rotogra(4re Printing /achine0Lin2s
A4tomoti(e Parts& /edical , 3ealth Care :oods
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Stoc2ists
%ngineering Components&$ndentors
$mporter BA R4bber /achinery
Polyb4tylene "erephthalate Pbt!
Acrylic Nylon 7& Nylon 707& Polycarbonate& Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ; Styrene Abs!& Polystyre :p& Polystrene $mpact& Polystyrene& %=pandable .eads %ps!
Cling Agents
'inyl ; .ased Resins&L4bricants&Plastici@ers&Distrib4tors
Agents 9or 3+a Chin;"ai+an $n6ection /o4lding /achines
Acetal& Acrylic& Polyamide& Polycarbonate& Polyeth4lene "erphthalate& Polyethylene& Polymide& Polyphenylene S4lAide& Polyphthalamide& Polypropylene& Acrylonitrile;.4tadiene;Styrnene& Polystyerne& Styerne;Acrylonitrile& Polys4lAone& "hermoplastic Alloys0.l
.ia=ially Briented 9ilms And Sheets&Cons4ltants 9or Prod4cts Design&/ar2eting&/ar2et Research&Pro6ects , De(elopment
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
3dpe&Lepe&Pp.Cp.&%(a P(c S4spension& Lldpe& P.P. 3omopolymer& P.P. Random& Pet
LiGi4d Crystal Polymers Lcp!&ReinAorced Plastic 0 Composites Processing And Prod4cts %G4ipment
Carbon .lac2&Dyes&Pigments; Brganic And $norganic
Acrylic&Cell4lose Acetate&%thylene;'inyl Acetate&Nylon 7& Nylon 707& Polycarbonate& 3igh Density&3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&$mpact Copolymer&Racdom Copolymer&Acrylonitrile;.4tadiene;Styren
Cons4mer Prod4cts
.lo+ /o4lds& Compression /o4ld& %tching /o4lds& $n6ection /o4lds& "hermoplastics& $n6ection /o4lds ; "6ermoplastic& Rotational /o4lds& R4nner Less /o4lds& 3ot R4nner!
%thylene Acrylic Acid&%thyle;Proylene;Diene;"erpolymer&%thylene;'inyl Acetate&Nylon 107& Nylon 707&Polyb4tylene&Polyeth4lene "erephthalatate&Polyethylene&3igh Density& 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Lo+ Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&)ltra 3
$mporters And %=porters
'inyl ; .ased Resins
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&:ran4lator& Cr4sher&Distrib4tors
Pre;%=panded /icrospheres :i(ing %=tremely Light Density& $n "echnical Collabotation ?ith %=pancel& S+eden& An A2@o Nobel :ro4p Company
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Polyamide&Polypropylene&Carbon .lac2&Pigments; Brganic And $norganic
Anti;B=idanis&9lame Retardants& Stabili@ers 3eat0Light& Calci4m Carbonate& .lo+ing Agent& Plastici@ers& Chal2 , Calci4m Carbonate
9lame Retardants&Polymer Additi(es&Stabili@ersI3eat0Light&"hi=otropic "hic2eners&).'.Stabili@er&?hite Pigments
ClariAiers& N4cleating Agents& Polymer Additi(es& ).'. Stabili@er& Stabili@ers& 9oam Kic2ers& Plastici@ers
Cons4ltants 9or Prod4ct Design& /ar2eting /ar2et Researsch&Pro6ets& "echnology "ransAer , De(elopment , "4rn;Key Pro6ects
Distrib4tors BA Plastic Ra+ /aterials
Cons4ltancy 9or Prod4ct Design& /ar2eting /ar2et Research& Pro6ects& "echnology "ransAer , De(elopment
/4ltilayer .lo+n 9ilm %G4ipment& %=tr4sion Laminator& Do+nstream %G4ipment 9or /an4Aact4ring BA ?o(en 9abrics , Sac2s& Corr4gated Pipe "a2e ; BAA& 9le=ographic Printing /achine& Rotogra(4re Printing /achine& Dry , ?et Laminator& Coating %G4ipment& $n6ecti
Cons4ltancy Ser(ices 9or Plastic Processing
Cons4ltants 9or Prod4ct Design& /ar2eting /ar2et Researsch&Pro6ets& "echnology "ransAer , De(elopment
Cons4ltants 9or Prod4cts Design&/ar2eting&/ar2et Research&Pro6ects , De(elopment
Cons4ltancy Ser(ices 9or Plastic Processing
9l4oroplastics&Anti;B=idents&Silanes&"pes0"p(s&Carbon .lac2&9lo+ $mpro(ers&Polymer Additi(es0Processing Aids
Nylon 7012&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&%lastomeric Alloy "pes&Styrenic "pes&Dyes&Pearlescent Pigments&"ooth .r4shes And Bther .r4shes 9illing %G4ipment
Calendered 9ilms And Sheets&P(c Leather Cloth And )pholstery /aterials&Re;$nAorced "hermoplastics & Laminated
/aleated PolyleAines&$mpact /odiAiers&3igh /Ai Pp& Co4pling Agents&Symthctic Paper Com.
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene;%=pandable&Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&$n6ection /o4lding "hermosets
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Pac2aging Prod4cts&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
Polyeth4lene& Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldp!& 3m;/d0Ld0Lld .ags& Sheet& LAt , Linner %tc.
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding "hermosets&C4ps , Containers&3air Combs&Pac2aging Prod4cts
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Containers&Caps 0 Clos4res&.lo+ /o4lding
Acetal& Acrylic& %thylene;'inyl Acetate& PtAe& Polyamide& Nylon "ransparent& Polycarbonate&Polyb4tylene "erphthalate& 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&Random Copolymer& Reprocessed "hermoplastics /aterial& Styrenic Resin& Acryl
%=tr4ded 9ilm&Laminated Papers And 9abrics&Non;?o(ens&Pac2aging Prod4cts&9le=ible Po4ches&?o(en Sac2s&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastic .ags& PerAorated 9ilm
Cond4it %lectrical Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&:ran4lator& Cr4sher&Processors
Carrier .ags& /4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets& 9le=ible Po4ches& 3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal , Laminated!& Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms& "4b4lar .lo+n 9ilm&
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&A4tomoti(e Parts&.4ilding And Constr4ction Components&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry!&Containers
/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets& Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms& Stretch 9ilm& "4b4lar .lo+n 9ilm& Plastic 9ilm
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Polystyrene :p&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding
%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polystyrene :p&Caps 0 Clos4res&.lo+ /o4lding&$n6ection /o4lding
Acrylic&Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&Decorati(e Articles And Promotional :oods
Recycling& .lo+ /o4ling& "oyection /o4ling& BAAset Printing /achine& 3otstamping& Sreen Printing
Disposable /edical , S4rgical Prod4cts& Brtho Appliances , 3ospital ?ares& 3ealth Care Kits , 9ield ?ater , "esting Kits& 3eld Kits
Carrier .ags&/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets&3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal And Laminated!&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags Plain , Printed!
.ia=ially Briented 9ilms And Sheets&Pac2aging Prod4cts&Special Decorati(e0Lamination 9ilm&%=tr4ded 9ilm& 3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal , Laminated!& "4b4lar .lo+ 9ilm
Plain0Printed Plastic .ags&D"D Shirt Bn Roll&Shrin2 ?rap 9ilm0"4bing0.ags&:arbage .ags0La4ndry .ags& Laminated Po4ch& Star Seal .in Liner
Carbon .lac2&Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches&C4stom Processors , Con(erters& $mporters , %=porters& Color /atching
"hermoset ReinAorced& "hermoset Composites& 9ilm 9or Pond0 Canal Lining& .4lding And Constr4ction Componets
%lectrical Components And Appliances&%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry!
ArtiAicial Je+ellary And Brnaments&Cons4mer Prod4cts&Containers&Cases&Stationery
.lo+ /o4lding&%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding&$n6ection .lo+ /o4lding&$n6ection /o4lding Special;P4rpose
Polyamide&Polycarbonate&Polyethylene&Polypropylene&Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&Styrene ; Acrylonitrile San!&'inyl ; .ased Resins
Adhesi(e "apes And 9oils& .ia=ially Briented 9ilms And Sheets& $ns4lating "apes& Pac2aging Prod4cts& 3ea(y D4ty .ags& DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastic .ags& Pac2aging Strapping& Stretch 9ilm& Shrin2 ?rapping& Slitting , Re+inding
?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics&3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal And Laminated!&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&J4mbo .ags 9bc!&"arpa4lins
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&%ngineering Components&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&%=tr4ded Rods And "4bes&/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&Slee(ings
?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
%ngineering Components& $n6ection /olding& $n6ection /o4ld /a2ing& Composite Components
?heel Chair ?heel& 3elmet& Key .oard "ray& ?ire /anager& Cp4 "rolly& 9iber Brganistion "ray& DiAerent Si@es BA Je+ellery Pac2aging .o=es& Part BA Dental E;Ray /achine& Lence 3older& Jeanse .otton.
Pdpe 0 Lldpe& "reater Rolls& 3h0 3dpe 'irgin "4bing& Shrin2 Rolls& Sheets& .ags& Loop 3andle .ags& Loop Palti
Pac2aging Prod4cts& .ottles& C4ps And Containers& Jars& Carboys& Storage And "ransport Containers&
.opp 9ilms&Cast Coe=tr4ded 9ilms&Phenolic Resins&Coe=tr4ded Plasitic Sheets&"herhoset /o4lding /aterials&Capacitor 9ilms
Carrier .ags& %=tr4ded 9ilm& Laminated Papers And 9abrics& Pac2aging Prod4cts& 3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal , Laminated!& DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastic .ags& ReinAorced "hermoplastics Laminated."4b4lar .lo+n 9ilm& $mporters , %=porters
Polypropylene&Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&Styrene ; Acrylonitrile San!&$n6ection /o4lding
Rigid P(c Calendered 9ilms And Sheets& Pet 9ilms And Collar .ands 9or Shirt Pac2aging
/o4lds And $n6ection /o4lded Components 9or A4tomoti(e .4mpers& Dashboards , Bther Parts& %lectronic , %lectrical Components And Appliances
Agric4lt4ral And 3ortic4lt4ral Parts&Corr4gated Pipes , %=tr4ded "4bes& 9oamed Plastic Sheets
/anA4. BA Non ; "o=ic Polymers Additi(e& L4bricants I %=ternal 0 $nternal& /o4ld Relases Agents& Processing Aids& /i= Calci4m #inc Non;"o=ic& Anti .olc2 Agents
Primary Processing /achinery&Rotational /o4lding&:ran4lator& Cr4sher&/i=ers& Kneaders
:ran4lators0Cr4shers& Colo4r /i=ers Conical 0 'ertical!& 3ighspeed /i=ers& L4mp C4tters& Reprocess %=tr4der ?ith Pelletiser& KnieA Sharpner& Aggl Bmerator
:eneral0Rheological Properties&/echanical Properties&"hermal Properties&Permeability&?eathering&%scr&"ests 9or Pipes And Laminates
Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%ngineering Components&Caps 0 Clos4res&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&/o4lds And Dies
Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&Polystyrene :p&"hermoplastic09illed&"hermoplastic Compo4nds Bther!
Cons4ltants 9or Prod4cts Design&/ar2eting&/ar2et Research&Pro6ects , De(elopment
Polypropylene& 3omopolymer& $mpact Copolymer& 3o4se+ares0Kitchen+are& $ns4lated& 3air Combs& /ats& Pac2aging Prod4cts& P.'.C. 9looring "iles& "arpa4lins& ?ires And Cables& ?riting $nstr4ments& 'acc4m 9las2s& %=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding& $n6ection .lo+ /o4ldin
%lectrical Components And Appliances&%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry! %ngineering Componets
/o4lded 94rnit4re And 94rnit4re Components& $ns4lated "hermo ?are!& Non;$ns4lated 3o4se ?are
Acetal Copolymer&Nylon 707&Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Polyester "hermoplastic&Polyethylene&Carbon .lac2&"itanates&Silica
A4tomoti(e Parts& %lectrical Components And Appliances& 3o4se+ares0 Kitchen+are
A4tomoti(e Parts&Sanitary Articles&$n6ection /o4lds "hermoplastic!&Compression /o4ld
P(c 9ilms& "hermoAormed "rays& 3ips 0 P(s Sheets& Disposable Dona& P(c Compo4nds& .listers
3oses :eneral And ReinAorced!& Pipes And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Cons4ltants 9or Prod4cts Design&/ar2eting&/ar2et Research&Pro6ects , De(elopment&"raining $nstit4tions&9inancial $nstit4tions&"echnical P4blishers
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Pac2aging .o=0 Strapping&%=tr4ders
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh; Density 3m+;3dpe!&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
Containers&Jars& Carb4oys&%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding&"hermoplastic $n6ection /o4lding&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&C4ps And Containers Disposable!
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding
Laminates& Sheets&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
9ibrilated Carn&/ono And /4ltiAilaments&Ropes And "+ines And 9abrics&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
.lo+ /o4lding& %=tr4ders& $n6ection /o4lding& Recycling :ran4lation Lines& "hermoAorming& Agglo /erator& :ran4lator& Cr4sher& .lo+ /o4lds& $n6ection /o4lds; "hermoplastics& R4nner Less /o4lds 3ot R4nner!&
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&ArtiAicial Je+ellary And Brnaments
3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal And Laminated!&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
9l4oroplastics&PtAe&9ep& %ctAe& P(dA& Chemical And Petrochemical %ngineering Components& %=tr4ded Rods And "4bes& Pipes And Pipe 9ittings BA PoasticRigid And 9le=ible!
Ldpe 0 Lldpe 0 3mhdpe 9ilm& .ags Sheets& 3eat Shrin2 9ilm& .ags And Slee(es& Pallet Co(ers
3.".L.". S+itchgears Control :ears&%ngineering %lectrical :oods And $nd4strial Allied Prod4cts.
A4tomoti(e Parts& Cons4mer Prod4cts& %lectrical Componets And Appliances& Crates& $n6ection /o4lding "hermosets& $n6ection /o4lds ; "hermoplastic& .4AAing , Polishing %G4ipment& Corona "reaters& DeAashing& Shrin2 ?rapping& )ltrasonic ?elding& C4bic Printi
Acetal 3omopolymer&Nylon 7&Polypropylene&Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Polystyrene :p&$n6ection .lo+ /o4lding
Agric4lt4ral And 3ortic4lt4ral Parts "heroA&%lectrical Components And Appliances&.ottles&Containers
Nylon 7&Nylon707&)itra 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight&Cast Rods&"4bes And ProAiles&Castor ?heels&%=tr4ded Rods And "4bes
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lds ; "hermoplastics
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&%ngineering Components&.ottles&Containers
Polyster )nsat4rated&Sheet /o4lding Compo4nd Smc!&9ilm 9or Pond 0Canal Lining&Cast 9ilms And Sheets&Chemicals And Petrochemical %ngineering Components&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&%=tr4ded Sheets&/ats&Re;$nAorc
:ear .o=& /onoAilament %=tr4sion Plant& Sheet %=tr4s4in Plant& "ape %=tr4sion Plant& Single Scre+ %=tr4der
3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&/o4lds And Dies&Printing And Decorati(e %G4ipments&Distrib4tors
DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&Polystyrene :p&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&94rnit4re And 94rnit4re Components&Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
PtAe&Cast Rods& "4be And ProAiles&Chemicals And Petrochemical %ngineering Components&Parts BA BAAshore And /arine %G4ipments&Casting&Compression /o4lding&%=tr4ders
Plastic Processing& $n6ection /o4lding& .lo+ /o4lding& Plastic Container And Cons4mer Prod4cts.
Polyethylene&'ery;Lo+;Density 'ldpe!&/edi4m ; Density /dpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Carrier .ags&%=tr4ded Sheets&9oamed Plastic Sheets 0Rolls&Laminates& Sheets&/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
'ery;Lo+;Density 'ldpe!&Carrier .ags&9oamed Plastic Sheets 0Rolls&Laminates& Sheets&/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets&3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal And Laminated!&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
ArtiAical Je+ellery And Brnaments& A4tomoti(e Parts& .angles& Decotati(e Articles And Promotional :oods& %lectrical Components And Appliances& %lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4strial ! %ngineering Components& 3o4se+ares0Kitchen+are& Non;$ns4lated&
Cons4ltaney And "raining Pro6ects , De(elopment .lo+ And $n6ection /o4lding /achines
%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&%=tr4ded Sheets&%=tr4ded Rods And "4bes&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
Acrylic&Polyben@imida@ole&Polyb4tylene&Allyl&.listers&"hermoAormed "rays&"4b4lar .lo+n 9ilms 0 Lay 9lat 9ilms
Paper .ag& Plastic .ags& Al4mini4m 9oil Laminates& Poly Coated Paper& Polyester Laminaed Reel , Po4ch& 9la=ible Pac2aging
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Roll Coating&.ag /a2ing
Carrier .ags&9le=ible Po4ches&?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags&"arpa4lins
Polyeth4lene "erephthalate Pet!& .ottles& Pet& Jars& 3dpe Jars )pto 2>Ltr. CaPAcity& 15 Kg. "incontainers
P(c Compo4nd&.icycle Parts&%ngineering Components&9oot+are&94rnit4re And 94rnit4re Components&/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&$n6ection /o4lding Special P4rpose&$n6ection /o4lds ; "hermoplastics
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
PtAe0Eylon Coatings&9ep Coatings&PAa Coatings&%ctAe Coatings&%tAe Coatings&P(dA Coatings
"hermoplastic Compo4nds Bther!&/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches
Polyethylene&Agric4lt4ral And 3ortic4lt4ral Parts "heroA&Pac2aging Prod4cts&.ag /a2ing
Processor BA Plastic Scrap And Ra+ /aterial Dealers $n All Kinds BA Plastic Ra+ /aterial , Reprocess& Ldpe& 3dpe& Pp& Ps& 3ips& DerlinAcetal Polymer!& Nylon& Abs
C4stom /o4lded .ottles , Containers $n P(c& Petg& Pc& 3dpe& Pprcp& Ldpe& %tc.& Caps And Clos4res& P(c Compo4nd& /o4ld De(elopment
%ngineering Components&Casting BA Nylon&/achine Components Plastici@ing Scre+&Liners&.arrels&No@@les&Printing , %mbossi
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&/edi4m ; Density /dpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&Polypropylene $mpact Copolymer&Polypropylene Random Copolymer
/anA4. BA 3dpe Pipes 9or ?ater S4pply And S+erages ?ith .is /ar2 And Plb D4cts 9or Cable Protection
%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry!&%ngineering Components&Accessories 0 Components 3ydra4lic 0 Pne4matic
Nylon 7& $n6ection /o4lding& /o4lding BA SaAety Cap 9or Lpg& Bther Plastic /o4lded $tem
ArtiAicial Je+ellery And Brnaments& 3ot Stamping 9oil& "arpa4lins& 3ot Stamping Dies&
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&Polystyrene $mpact&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding&/o4lds And Dies&Accessories 0 Components 3ydra4lic 0 Pne4matic&Pigments; Brganic And
Pipes And Pipe 9itting BA Plastic& Reser(oir "an2s& Shrin2 "4bing And 9ilms& Slee(ing
%=tr4ded Sheets& /4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets& 9le=ble Po4ches& ?o(en Sac2s 0 9abrics
Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&3oses :eneral And ReinAorced!&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
94migation0Storage Co(ers& 9ilm 9or :reen 3o4se& 9ilm 9or Pond0Canal Lining& "4b4lar .lo+n 9ilm
A4tomoti(e Parts&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry!&BAAice %G4ipments And Parts "heroA
3dpA Pipe , Coil& P(c Rigid Pipes& %iastomeric Ring;9it Pipes&Sprin2lers , Accessories&S+r0Casing0.l4e Pipes&/dpA0Pp;R Pipes&Pe Pipes 9or S4pply BA :aseo4s 94els
"hermoplastic .lends Alloys&"hermoplastic %lastomers&P(c Compo4nd&Pp Comp4nds& "hermoplastic '4lcani@ates& %=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections
Cast Rods&"4bes And ProAiles&Corr4gated Pipes And "4bes&Corr4gated Sheets&%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&%=tr4ded0Components&9oam Pipe
Cling 9ilm& S4rAace Protec& "ion 9ilm& Stretch 3ood 9ilm& Adhesi(e 9ilm& Stretch ?rap 9ilm& /4lch 9ilm
Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Poly4rethane&/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&Containers&.lo+ /o4lding
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&Cons4mer Prod4cts&Non;$ns4lated 3o4se+are
.ottles&Containers&Caps 0 Clos4res&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!
:eo /embrane And :eo "e=tile& RooAing Prod4cts 9or )nderlayment& Constr4ction Prod4cts& Speciali@ed "arpa4lin& .anner 9abric& 'ci "reated /etal Pac2aging& $nd4strial 9abric& L4mber ?rap , Co(ers.
Calci4m Carbonate&Calci4m /agnesi4m Carbonate&.ari4m S4lphate&Kaolin&/ica Silica&"alc
Antimoni "rio=ide& 9lam Retadent& "ri .asic Lead S4lAate& Di .asic Lead Sterate& Lead Sterate& Calci4m Sterate& Bme Pac2 P(c Stabli@er& #inc Sterate& D...L. Phosphite& Dbl Phthalate& ?hite Lead& .ari4m Stearate& Cadim4m Stearate& Lead B=ide
%d4cation Prod4cts And Appliances&%lectrical Components And Appliances&3elmets
Deh4midiAier& Dryers&3eaters&B(ens&.ag And Sac2 9illing %G4ipments&3igh 9reG4ency Sealing
Colorants 9or Pet PreAorms And .ottles& Special %AAect /asteAbatches& /o(acolor Dosing )nits& $n6ection /o4lding /achines And /o4lds 9or Pet PreAorms
Cooling , Si@ing Parts 9or .lo+n 9ilm Plants& %=tr4sion Lines& Recycling :ran4lation Lines& Single Scre+ %=tr4ders& Palleti4is 0 Dicis& Scre+& .ased R P Set& %=tr4sion Dies
Compo4nding %G4ipment&%=tr4ders&%=tr4der Screen Changers&Reclaim0Recycling %G4ipment&Agglomerator&D4st Separator&9eeder ;Loaders&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding&$n6ection /o4lds& All %lectric .lo+ /o4lding /achine&/4ltilayer .lo+&$n6ection /o4lding& $n6ection .lo+ /o4ding /0C
/an4Aact4rers BA Scre+s& .arrels BA Plastic Processing /achines As Per C4stomer Dra+ings Br Samples
/an4Aact4rer , %=ports BA All "ype Rotational /o4lding /achine& P4l(eriser& /o4lds
"esting %G4ipments 9or Plastic Prod4ct And Bther& Special P4rpose "esting /achine& /eas4ring $nstr4ments&Bther %G4ipments , De(ices Relati(e "o /eas4ing , Controlling&/echanical Properies& Bptical $nde=& Permeability
.lenders&Chillers 0Cooling "o+ers&Con(eyor %G4ipment&Deh4midiAier& Dryers&9eeder ;Loaders&:ran4lator& Cr4sher
.ag /a2ing&9orm 9ill;Seal /achines 9or 9le=ible Po4ches All "ypes!&$mporters And %=porters
Polyethylene "erephthalate Pet!&Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene&S4spension P(c&/elamine 9ormaldehyde
Resins And Compo4nds "hermoplastics Prod4ct&Ra+ /aterials0Speciality ReinAorcement , $ntermediates& "hermosets& SemiAinished , 9inished Chemicals& Additi(es& 9illers , 9ilers
Polyethylene&Polypropylene&'inyl ; .ased Resins&Distrib4tors&$mporters And %=porters
%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding& Coe=tr4sion Systems& :as;Aided $n6ection /o4lding /achine& /4lti Component $n6ection /o4lding /achine& %=tr4sion Lines& :ran4lator& Cr4sher& P4l(eri@ing& R4nner Less /o4lds 3ot R4nner!& Pipe Coiling %G4ipment& Control System 9or
Japanese Ne+ And Re;Conditiones $n6ection /o4lding /achines 9rom Si@e 5> ; ->>> "ons& )sed $n6ection /o4lds BA Japanese 0 $talian Brigin 9or $nd4strial And Cons4mer Prod4cts& )sed Cnc "ool Room %G4ipments& :lass 9ibers
Polycarbonate& Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&Polystyrene :p&Polystyrene $mpact& Polystyrene %=pandable .eads %ps!&Styrene ; Acrylonitrile San!&
%thylene;'inly Acetate&Polyeth4lene&3igh Density&3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Lo+ Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&)ltra 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&$npact Copolymer&Reprocessed "hermoplastics /aterial&Acrylonitrile;.4tad
3ot R4nner Systems& /old Parts& 3ydra4lic Cylinders& "4nnel :ate $nserts& $n6ection /olding /achines& Ancillary %G4ipments& Static /i=ers
Reclaim0Recycling %G4ipment&"hermoAorming&"ooth .r4shes , Bther .r4shes 9illing %G4ipment&Pipe .elling0Soc2eting&Corr4gated Pipe "a2e;BAA&Do+nstream %G4ipment 9or /an4Aact4ring BA /ono /4litiAilaments&Ropes , "+ines
Colo4r0Additi(es /asterbatches& Colo4rants& 9le=ographic Printing /achine0$n2s& Rotogra(4re Printing /achine0Lin2s
Acrylic Nylon 7& Nylon 707& Polycarbonate& Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ; Styrene Abs!& Polystyre :p& Polystrene $mpact& Polystyrene& %=pandable .eads %ps!
Acetal& Acrylic& Polyamide& Polycarbonate& Polyeth4lene "erphthalate& Polyethylene& Polymide& Polyphenylene S4lAide& Polyphthalamide& Polypropylene& Acrylonitrile;.4tadiene;Styrnene& Polystyerne& Styerne;Acrylonitrile& Polys4lAone& "hermoplastic Alloys0.l
.ia=ially Briented 9ilms And Sheets&Cons4ltants 9or Prod4cts Design&/ar2eting&/ar2et Research&Pro6ects , De(elopment
LiGi4d Crystal Polymers Lcp!&ReinAorced Plastic 0 Composites Processing And Prod4cts %G4ipment
Acrylic&Cell4lose Acetate&%thylene;'inyl Acetate&Nylon 7& Nylon 707& Polycarbonate& 3igh Density&3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&$mpact Copolymer&Racdom Copolymer&Acrylonitrile;.4tadiene;Styren
.lo+ /o4lds& Compression /o4ld& %tching /o4lds& $n6ection /o4lds& "hermoplastics& $n6ection /o4lds ; "6ermoplastic& Rotational /o4lds& R4nner Less /o4lds& 3ot R4nner!
%thylene Acrylic Acid&%thyle;Proylene;Diene;"erpolymer&%thylene;'inyl Acetate&Nylon 107& Nylon 707&Polyb4tylene&Polyeth4lene "erephthalatate&Polyethylene&3igh Density& 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Lo+ Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&)ltra 3
Pre;%=panded /icrospheres :i(ing %=tremely Light Density& $n "echnical Collabotation ?ith %=pancel& S+eden& An A2@o Nobel :ro4p Company
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Polyamide&Polypropylene&Carbon .lac2&Pigments; Brganic And $norganic
Anti;B=idanis&9lame Retardants& Stabili@ers 3eat0Light& Calci4m Carbonate& .lo+ing Agent& Plastici@ers& Chal2 , Calci4m Carbonate
9lame Retardants&Polymer Additi(es&Stabili@ersI3eat0Light&"hi=otropic "hic2eners&).'.Stabili@er&?hite Pigments
ClariAiers& N4cleating Agents& Polymer Additi(es& ).'. Stabili@er& Stabili@ers& 9oam Kic2ers& Plastici@ers
Cons4ltants 9or Prod4ct Design& /ar2eting /ar2et Researsch&Pro6ets& "echnology "ransAer , De(elopment , "4rn;Key Pro6ects
Cons4ltancy 9or Prod4ct Design& /ar2eting /ar2et Research& Pro6ects& "echnology "ransAer , De(elopment
/4ltilayer .lo+n 9ilm %G4ipment& %=tr4sion Laminator& Do+nstream %G4ipment 9or /an4Aact4ring BA ?o(en 9abrics , Sac2s& Corr4gated Pipe "a2e ; BAA& 9le=ographic Printing /achine& Rotogra(4re Printing /achine& Dry , ?et Laminator& Coating %G4ipment& $n6ecti
Cons4ltants 9or Prod4ct Design& /ar2eting /ar2et Researsch&Pro6ets& "echnology "ransAer , De(elopment
Cons4ltants 9or Prod4cts Design&/ar2eting&/ar2et Research&Pro6ects , De(elopment
9l4oroplastics&Anti;B=idents&Silanes&"pes0"p(s&Carbon .lac2&9lo+ $mpro(ers&Polymer Additi(es0Processing Aids
Nylon 7012&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&%lastomeric Alloy "pes&Styrenic "pes&Dyes&Pearlescent Pigments&"ooth .r4shes And Bther .r4shes 9illing %G4ipment
Acetal& Acrylic& %thylene;'inyl Acetate& PtAe& Polyamide& Nylon "ransparent& Polycarbonate&Polyb4tylene "erphthalate& 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&Random Copolymer& Reprocessed "hermoplastics /aterial& Styrenic Resin& Acryl
Ad(ertisements And Display Articles0:iAt Articles&A4tomoti(e Parts&.4ilding And Constr4ction Components&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4stry!&Containers
.ia=ially Briented 9ilms And Sheets&Pac2aging Prod4cts&Special Decorati(e0Lamination 9ilm&%=tr4ded 9ilm& 3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal , Laminated!& "4b4lar .lo+ 9ilm
Adhesi(e "apes And 9oils& .ia=ially Briented 9ilms And Sheets& $ns4lating "apes& Pac2aging Prod4cts& 3ea(y D4ty .ags& DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastic .ags& Pac2aging Strapping& Stretch 9ilm& Shrin2 ?rapping& Slitting , Re+inding
?heel Chair ?heel& 3elmet& Key .oard "ray& ?ire /anager& Cp4 "rolly& 9iber Brganistion "ray& DiAerent Si@es BA Je+ellery Pac2aging .o=es& Part BA Dental E;Ray /achine& Lence 3older& Jeanse .otton.
Carrier .ags& %=tr4ded 9ilm& Laminated Papers And 9abrics& Pac2aging Prod4cts& 3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal , Laminated!& DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastic .ags& ReinAorced "hermoplastics Laminated."4b4lar .lo+n 9ilm& $mporters , %=porters
Acrylonitrile ; .4tadiene ;Styrene Abs!&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%ngineering Components&Caps 0 Clos4res&Pipe And Pipe 9ittings BA Plastic Rigid And 9le=ible!&/o4lds And Dies
Polypropylene& 3omopolymer& $mpact Copolymer& 3o4se+ares0Kitchen+are& $ns4lated& 3air Combs& /ats& Pac2aging Prod4cts& P.'.C. 9looring "iles& "arpa4lins& ?ires And Cables& ?riting $nstr4ments& 'acc4m 9las2s& %=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding& $n6ection .lo+ /o4ldin
.lo+ /o4lding& %=tr4ders& $n6ection /o4lding& Recycling :ran4lation Lines& "hermoAorming& Agglo /erator& :ran4lator& Cr4sher& .lo+ /o4lds& $n6ection /o4lds; "hermoplastics& R4nner Less /o4lds 3ot R4nner!&
9l4oroplastics&PtAe&9ep& %ctAe& P(dA& Chemical And Petrochemical %ngineering Components& %=tr4ded Rods And "4bes& Pipes And Pipe 9ittings BA PoasticRigid And 9le=ible!
A4tomoti(e Parts& Cons4mer Prod4cts& %lectrical Componets And Appliances& Crates& $n6ection /o4lding "hermosets& $n6ection /o4lds ; "hermoplastic& .4AAing , Polishing %G4ipment& Corona "reaters& DeAashing& Shrin2 ?rapping& )ltrasonic ?elding& C4bic Printi
Polyster )nsat4rated&Sheet /o4lding Compo4nd Smc!&9ilm 9or Pond 0Canal Lining&Cast 9ilms And Sheets&Chemicals And Petrochemical %ngineering Components&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&%=tr4ded Sheets&/ats&Re;$nAorc
PtAe&Cast Rods& "4be And ProAiles&Chemicals And Petrochemical %ngineering Components&Parts BA BAAshore And /arine %G4ipments&Casting&Compression /o4lding&%=tr4ders
Polyethylene&'ery;Lo+;Density 'ldpe!&/edi4m ; Density /dpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Carrier .ags&%=tr4ded Sheets&9oamed Plastic Sheets 0Rolls&Laminates& Sheets&/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
'ery;Lo+;Density 'ldpe!&Carrier .ags&9oamed Plastic Sheets 0Rolls&Laminates& Sheets&/4ltilayer 9ilms And Sheets&3ea(y D4ty .ags Normal And Laminated!&DiAAerent Kinds BA Plastics .ags
ArtiAical Je+ellery And Brnaments& A4tomoti(e Parts& .angles& Decotati(e Articles And Promotional :oods& %lectrical Components And Appliances& %lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4strial ! %ngineering Components& 3o4se+ares0Kitchen+are& Non;$ns4lated&
P(c Compo4nd&.icycle Parts&%ngineering Components&9oot+are&94rnit4re And 94rnit4re Components&/edical And 3ealth Care :oods&$n6ection /o4lding Special P4rpose&$n6ection /o4lds ; "hermoplastics
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&/edi4m ; Density /dpe!&3igh ;Density 3dpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&Polypropylene $mpact Copolymer&Polypropylene Random Copolymer
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&Polystyrene $mpact&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding&/o4lds And Dies&Accessories 0 Components 3ydra4lic 0 Pne4matic&Pigments; Brganic And
:eo /embrane And :eo "e=tile& RooAing Prod4cts 9or )nderlayment& Constr4ction Prod4cts& Speciali@ed "arpa4lin& .anner 9abric& 'ci "reated /etal Pac2aging& $nd4strial 9abric& L4mber ?rap , Co(ers.
Antimoni "rio=ide& 9lam Retadent& "ri .asic Lead S4lAate& Di .asic Lead Sterate& Lead Sterate& Calci4m Sterate& Bme Pac2 P(c Stabli@er& #inc Sterate& D...L. Phosphite& Dbl Phthalate& ?hite Lead& .ari4m Stearate& Cadim4m Stearate& Lead B=ide
Cooling , Si@ing Parts 9or .lo+n 9ilm Plants& %=tr4sion Lines& Recycling :ran4lation Lines& Single Scre+ %=tr4ders& Palleti4is 0 Dicis& Scre+& .ased R P Set& %=tr4sion Dies
"esting %G4ipments 9or Plastic Prod4ct And Bther& Special P4rpose "esting /achine& /eas4ring $nstr4ments&Bther %G4ipments , De(ices Relati(e "o /eas4ing , Controlling&/echanical Properies& Bptical $nde=& Permeability
Resins And Compo4nds "hermoplastics Prod4ct&Ra+ /aterials0Speciality ReinAorcement , $ntermediates& "hermosets& SemiAinished , 9inished Chemicals& Additi(es& 9illers , 9ilers
%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding& Coe=tr4sion Systems& :as;Aided $n6ection /o4lding /achine& /4lti Component $n6ection /o4lding /achine& %=tr4sion Lines& :ran4lator& Cr4sher& P4l(eri@ing& R4nner Less /o4lds 3ot R4nner!& Pipe Coiling %G4ipment& Control System 9or
Japanese Ne+ And Re;Conditiones $n6ection /o4lding /achines 9rom Si@e 5> ; ->>> "ons& )sed $n6ection /o4lds BA Japanese 0 $talian Brigin 9or $nd4strial And Cons4mer Prod4cts& )sed Cnc "ool Room %G4ipments& :lass 9ibers
%thylene;'inly Acetate&Polyeth4lene&3igh Density&3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Lo+ Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&)ltra 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&$npact Copolymer&Reprocessed "hermoplastics /aterial&Acrylonitrile;.4tad
Reclaim0Recycling %G4ipment&"hermoAorming&"ooth .r4shes , Bther .r4shes 9illing %G4ipment&Pipe .elling0Soc2eting&Corr4gated Pipe "a2e;BAA&Do+nstream %G4ipment 9or /an4Aact4ring BA /ono /4litiAilaments&Ropes , "+ines
Acetal& Acrylic& Polyamide& Polycarbonate& Polyeth4lene "erphthalate& Polyethylene& Polymide& Polyphenylene S4lAide& Polyphthalamide& Polypropylene& Acrylonitrile;.4tadiene;Styrnene& Polystyerne& Styerne;Acrylonitrile& Polys4lAone& "hermoplastic Alloys0.l
Acrylic&Cell4lose Acetate&%thylene;'inyl Acetate&Nylon 7& Nylon 707& Polycarbonate& 3igh Density&3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&$mpact Copolymer&Racdom Copolymer&Acrylonitrile;.4tadiene;Styren
.lo+ /o4lds& Compression /o4ld& %tching /o4lds& $n6ection /o4lds& "hermoplastics& $n6ection /o4lds ; "6ermoplastic& Rotational /o4lds& R4nner Less /o4lds& 3ot R4nner!
%thylene Acrylic Acid&%thyle;Proylene;Diene;"erpolymer&%thylene;'inyl Acetate&Nylon 107& Nylon 707&Polyb4tylene&Polyeth4lene "erephthalatate&Polyethylene&3igh Density& 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Lo+ Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&)ltra 3
/4ltilayer .lo+n 9ilm %G4ipment& %=tr4sion Laminator& Do+nstream %G4ipment 9or /an4Aact4ring BA ?o(en 9abrics , Sac2s& Corr4gated Pipe "a2e ; BAA& 9le=ographic Printing /achine& Rotogra(4re Printing /achine& Dry , ?et Laminator& Coating %G4ipment& $n6ecti
Acetal& Acrylic& %thylene;'inyl Acetate& PtAe& Polyamide& Nylon "ransparent& Polycarbonate&Polyb4tylene "erphthalate& 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&Random Copolymer& Reprocessed "hermoplastics /aterial& Styrenic Resin& Acryl
Polypropylene& 3omopolymer& $mpact Copolymer& 3o4se+ares0Kitchen+are& $ns4lated& 3air Combs& /ats& Pac2aging Prod4cts& P.'.C. 9looring "iles& "arpa4lins& ?ires And Cables& ?riting $nstr4ments& 'acc4m 9las2s& %=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding& $n6ection .lo+ /o4ldin
A4tomoti(e Parts& Cons4mer Prod4cts& %lectrical Componets And Appliances& Crates& $n6ection /o4lding "hermosets& $n6ection /o4lds ; "hermoplastic& .4AAing , Polishing %G4ipment& Corona "reaters& DeAashing& Shrin2 ?rapping& )ltrasonic ?elding& C4bic Printi
Polyster )nsat4rated&Sheet /o4lding Compo4nd Smc!&9ilm 9or Pond 0Canal Lining&Cast 9ilms And Sheets&Chemicals And Petrochemical %ngineering Components&%lectrical Components And Appliances&%=tr4ded ProAiles And Sections&%=tr4ded Sheets&/ats&Re;$nAorc
ArtiAical Je+ellery And Brnaments& A4tomoti(e Parts& .angles& Decotati(e Articles And Promotional :oods& %lectrical Components And Appliances& %lectronic Components Cons4mer And $nd4strial ! %ngineering Components& 3o4se+ares0Kitchen+are& Non;$ns4lated&
%thylene;'inyl Acetate%(a!&Liner Lo+ ; Density Lldpe!&Lo+ ;Density Ldpe!&Polypropylene 3omopolymer&Polystyrene $mpact&3o4se+are 0 Kitchen+ares&$n6ection /o4lding&/o4lds And Dies&Accessories 0 Components 3ydra4lic 0 Pne4matic&Pigments; Brganic And
%=tr4sion .lo+ /o4lding& Coe=tr4sion Systems& :as;Aided $n6ection /o4lding /achine& /4lti Component $n6ection /o4lding /achine& %=tr4sion Lines& :ran4lator& Cr4sher& P4l(eri@ing& R4nner Less /o4lds 3ot R4nner!& Pipe Coiling %G4ipment& Control System 9or
%thylene;'inly Acetate&Polyeth4lene&3igh Density&3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Lo+ Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&)ltra 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&$npact Copolymer&Reprocessed "hermoplastics /aterial&Acrylonitrile;.4tad
Acetal& Acrylic& Polyamide& Polycarbonate& Polyeth4lene "erphthalate& Polyethylene& Polymide& Polyphenylene S4lAide& Polyphthalamide& Polypropylene& Acrylonitrile;.4tadiene;Styrnene& Polystyerne& Styerne;Acrylonitrile& Polys4lAone& "hermoplastic Alloys0.l
Acrylic&Cell4lose Acetate&%thylene;'inyl Acetate&Nylon 7& Nylon 707& Polycarbonate& 3igh Density&3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&Polypropylene&3omopolymer&$mpact Copolymer&Racdom Copolymer&Acrylonitrile;.4tadiene;Styren
%thylene Acrylic Acid&%thyle;Proylene;Diene;"erpolymer&%thylene;'inyl Acetate&Nylon 107& Nylon 707&Polyb4tylene&Polyeth4lene "erephthalatate&Polyethylene&3igh Density& 3igh;/olec4lar;?eight 3igh;Density&Lo+ Density&Linearlo+;Density&/edi4m;Density&)ltra 3
/4ltilayer .lo+n 9ilm %G4ipment& %=tr4sion Laminator& Do+nstream %G4ipment 9or /an4Aact4ring BA ?o(en 9abrics , Sac2s& Corr4gated Pipe "a2e ; BAA& 9le=ographic Printing /achine& Rotogra(4re Printing /achine& Dry , ?et Laminator& Coating %G4ipment& $n6ecti

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