This document contains declarations for various subroutines in different libraries. It declares subroutines for tasks like making digital signatures, mapping debug information, opening forms in MAPI, moving memory, disconnecting from servers, and more. The declarations specify the subroutine name, library it belongs to, parameters it accepts, and in some cases the data type of parameters.
This document contains declarations for various subroutines in different libraries. It declares subroutines for tasks like making digital signatures, mapping debug information, opening forms in MAPI, moving memory, disconnecting from servers, and more. The declarations specify the subroutine name, library it belongs to, parameters it accepts, and in some cases the data type of parameters.
This document contains declarations for various subroutines in different libraries. It declares subroutines for tasks like making digital signatures, mapping debug information, opening forms in MAPI, moving memory, disconnecting from servers, and more. The declarations specify the subroutine name, library it belongs to, parameters it accepts, and in some cases the data type of parameters.
This document contains declarations for various subroutines in different libraries. It declares subroutines for tasks like making digital signatures, mapping debug information, opening forms in MAPI, moving memory, disconnecting from servers, and more. The declarations specify the subroutine name, library it belongs to, parameters it accepts, and in some cases the data type of parameters.
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Declare Sub MakeSignature lib "digest" (ByRef phContext As Long, ByVal fQOP As L
ong, ByRef pMessage As PSecBufferDesc, ByVal MessageSeqNo As Long)
Declare Sub MapDebugInformation lib "dbghelp" (ByVal FileHandle As Long, ByVal F ileName As String, ByVal SymbolPath As String, ByVal ImageBase As Long) Declare Sub MapGenericMask lib "advapi32" (AccessMask As Long, GenericMapping As GENERIC_MAPPING) Declare Sub MAPIOpenFormMgr lib "mapi32" (ByVal pSession As Long, ByVal ppmgr As Long) Declare Sub MAPIOpenLocalFormContainer lib "mapi32" (ByVal ppfcnt As Long) Declare Sub McastApiCleanup lib "DHCPCSVC" () Declare Sub memmove lib "crtdll" (pVoid As Any, pVoid As Any, ByRef FunctionCall As Long) Declare Sub MenuHelp lib "comctl32" (ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, B yVal lParam As Long, ByVal hMainMenu As Long, ByVal hInst As Long, ByVal hwndSta tus As Long, ByRef lpwIDs As Long) Declare Sub MIDL_user_allocate lib "mstlsapi" (ByVal Long As Long) Declare Sub MIDL_user_free lib "mstlsapi" (pVoid As Any) Declare Sub MIDL_wchar_strcpy lib "rpcrt4" (t As Any, ByRef s As Byte) Declare Sub MkParseDisplayName lib "ole32" (ByVal pbc As Long, ByVal szUserName As Long, ByRef pchEaten As Long, ByVal ppmk As Long) Declare Sub MkParseDisplayNameEx lib "URLMON" (ByVal pbc As Long, ByVal szDispla yName As String, ByRef pchEaten As Long, ByVal ppmk As Long) Declare Sub MonikerCommonPrefixWith lib "ole32" (ByVal pmkThis As Long, ByVal pm kOther As Long, ByVal ppmkCommon As Long) Declare Sub MonikerRelativePathTo lib "ole32" (ByVal pmkSrc As Long, ByVal pmkDe st As Long, ByVal ppmkRelPath As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) Declare Sub MonitorFromPoint lib "user32" (ByVal pt As Struct_MembersOf_POINT, B yVal dwFlags As Long) Declare Sub MonitorFromRect lib "user32" (ByRef lprc As RECT, ByVal dwFlags As L ong) Declare Sub MonitorFromWindow lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) Declare Sub mouse_event lib "user32" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, B yVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) Declare Sub MoveMemory lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Declare Sub MprAdminMIBServerDisconnect lib "mprapi" (ByRef hMibServer As MIB_SE RVER_HANDLE) Declare Sub MprAdminServerDisconnect lib "mprapi" (ByRef hMprServer As MPR_SERVE R_HANDLE) Declare Sub MprConfigServerDisconnect lib "mprapi" (ByVal hMprConfig As Long) Declare Sub MQFreeMemory lib "mqrt" (pvMemory As Any) Declare Sub MQFreeSecurityContext lib "mqrt" (ByVal hSecurityContext As Long) Declare Sub MsiCreateRecord lib "MSI" (ByVal cParams As Long) Declare Sub MsiGetActiveDatabase lib "MSI" (ByRef hInstall As MSIHANDLE) Declare Sub MsiGetLastErrorRecord lib "MSI" () Declare Sub MsiSetExternalUI lib "MSI" (ByRef puiHandler As INSTALLUI_HANDLERA, ByVal dwMessageFilter As Long, pvContext As Any) Declare Sub Msv1_0SubAuthenticationRoutineEx lib "iissuba" (ByVal LogonLevel As Struct_MembersOf_NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS, LogonInformation As Any, ByVal Flags As Long, ByRef UserAll As PUSER_ALL_INFORMATION, ByRef UserHandle As SAM_HANDLE , ByRef ValidationInfo As PMSV1_0_VALIDATION_INFO, ByRef ActionsPerformed As Lon g)
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