Tinea Cruris Abq Journal

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Tinea Cruris (Jock Itch)

Author: MediResource Clinical Team

Reviewer: Jeffrey Heit, MD
Jock Itch Groin Ringworm
The Facts
Symptoms and Complications
Making the Diagnosis
Treatment and Prevention
The Facts
Tinea cruris, commonly referred to as ock itch, is a fungal infection in the groin
area, affecting mostly adult men! It's caused by a type of fungus called dermatophytes.
It gros in a circle on your skin and often looks like a ring! Due to irritation" the skin
becomes red!
Some people think the infection looks like there is a orm under the skin! #ecause of
this" this infection is often referred to as $ringorm"$ although no orm is actually
involved! The fungi are commonly found on the skin surface and nails and are usually
%uite harmless! &nder certain conditions" hoever" they can multiply dramatically"
causing irritation and surface tissue damage!
'ou don't have to be athletic to get (ock itch! Infections caused by these organisms go by
the medical name tinea. Tinea pedis is athlete's foot) tinea capitis is ringorm of the
scalp! *ock itch is tinea cruris, from the +atin ord for leg! They are all caused by
dermatophytes , only the infected area differs!
Classic ock itch affects the inner thighs, groin, and lower "uttocks, not the genitalia
themsel#es! If the scrotum is inflamed" it's probably due to a different yeast condition
called candidiasis" and a physician should be consulted!
$ermato%hytes like to grow on skin that&s moist and warm and thri#e in areas
where skin comes into contact with other skin, such as the groin or "etween the toes!
-vereight men are more likely to develop (ock itch if they seat a lot or have folds of
touching skin! Tight clothing and hot" humid eather are other risk factors!
Men ho play sports and use a male athletic guard are particularly prone to tinea
infection! Seaty e%uipment left in a locker makes an ideal environment for tinea to
gro! The fungi can live on toels" floors" carpets" and toilet seats! Sharing toels"
combs" and shoes can easily transmit fungal infections!
Since the same dermatophytes can cause different types of tinea" it is not uncommon for
someone ith athlete's foot to get (ock itch by toeling his feet before his groin!
'ym%toms and Com%lications
Tinea is often %ainful or itchy, "ut not in e#ery case! There are #isual clues to hel%
identify a fungal infection! These include(
inflammation of the groin" anal area" and upper thigh , sparing the genitals
slightly raised patch
sharp borders
e.panding or spreading" ith clearing in the center
dry or scaly blisters /occasionally oo0ing or crusting1
abnormally dark or light skin
skin redness or inflammation
Fungal infections often spread out in a circle" leaving normal,looking skin in the middle!
2t the leading edge of the infection the skin is raised" red" and scaly!
)aking the $iagnosis
*ny num"er of conditions (e!g!, ec+ema, lice, candidiasis, sca"ies, and se"orrhea)
can make the groin area itch, but a doctor can determine hat is causing the problem! 2
doctor may scrape a small piece of irritated skin and e.amine it under a microscope!
Sometimes" a doctor may send a skin sample to a laboratory to determine hat is causing
the skin irritation!
3hen a man sees his doctor about (ock itch" he may be asked hat sort of e.ercise he
does" or hat clothes he ears" or if he has any pets! Tinea can easily recur after
treatment if the source of infection is not removed" so it's important to kno here it
came from!
Treatment and ,re#ention
Tinea cruris is considered a mild condition and is usually treated with medications
that often do not re-uire a %rescri%tion! It should easily clear up after 4 to 5 eeks
ith topical use of an antifungal cream" poder" or lotion applied to the affected area 4 or
6 times a day!
2ntifungal creams and poders such as clotrima0ole7 or micona0ole" available ithout
prescription at the pharmacy" are effective against most dermatophytes! It's important to
continue use after the infection has disappeared for as long as the instructions
If inflammation persists for much more than 4 or 6 eeks despite antifungal medication"
a doctor should be consulted! 2 doctor may prescribe a different antifungal cream or
possibly an antifungal medication taken by mouth to treat the infection!
Folloing these tips ill help to relieve and prevent (ock itch8
3ear loose,fitting clothing and underear!
Change underear often" especially after seating!
Shoer as soon as possible after e.ercising!
3ash e.ercise clothes after each use!
Don't sit around in a et bathing suit!
2fter shoering" put socks on first! If underpants are put on first" foot fungus can
rub off into the underear and cause (ock itch!
&se corn starch or talcum poder in areas more likely to become infected to keep
them free of moisture!

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