The document provides a table listing virtual key codes that can be used to identify keys pressed on a keyboard. The table includes the decimal, hexadecimal, and character values for keys such as letters, numbers, function keys, arrows, and numpad keys. Virtual key codes provide a platform-independent way to identify keys in keyboard events.
The document provides a table listing virtual key codes that can be used to identify keys pressed on a keyboard. The table includes the decimal, hexadecimal, and character values for keys such as letters, numbers, function keys, arrows, and numpad keys. Virtual key codes provide a platform-independent way to identify keys in keyboard events.
The document provides a table listing virtual key codes that can be used to identify keys pressed on a keyboard. The table includes the decimal, hexadecimal, and character values for keys such as letters, numbers, function keys, arrows, and numpad keys. Virtual key codes provide a platform-independent way to identify keys in keyboard events.
The document provides a table listing virtual key codes that can be used to identify keys pressed on a keyboard. The table includes the decimal, hexadecimal, and character values for keys such as letters, numbers, function keys, arrows, and numpad keys. Virtual key codes provide a platform-independent way to identify keys in keyboard events.
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General Info
ContentsVirtual Key Codes
Virtual key codes provide a hardware- and language-independent method of identifying keyboard keys. The following table contains the list of key codes that you can use to identify what key was pressed in an On Key event: Decimal Hex Character 8 8 Backspace 9 9 Tab 13 D Enter 16 10 Shift (both) 17 11 Ctrl (both) 19 13 Pause 20 14 Caps Lock 27 1B Esc 32 20 Spacebar 33 21 Page Up 34 22 Page Down 35 23 End 36 24 Home 37 25 (left arrow) 38 26 (up arrow) 39 27 (right arrow) 40 28 (down arrow) 45 2D Insert 46 2E Delete 48 30 0 49 31 1 50 32 2 51 33 3 52 34 4 53 35 5 54 36 6 55 37 7 56 38 8 57 39 9 65 41 A or a 66 42 B or b 67 43 C or c 68 44 D or d 69 45 E or e 70 46 F or f 71 47 G or g 72 48 H or h 73 49 I or i 74 4A J or j 75 4B K or k 76 4C L or l 77 4D M or m 78 4E N or n 79 4F O or o 80 50 P or p 81 51 Q or q 82 52 R or r 83 53 S or s 84 54 T or t 85 55 U or u 86 56 V or v 87 57 W or w 88 58 X or x 89 59 Y or y 90 5A Z or z 91 5B (left Windows key) 92 5C (right Windows key) 93 5D (application key - located between the right Windows and Ctrl keys on most keyboards) 96 60 0 (numpad with Num Lock on) 97 61 1 (numpad with Num Lock on) 98 62 2 (numpad with Num Lock on) 99 63 3 (numpad with Num Lock on) 100 64 4 (numpad with Num Lock on) 101 65 5 (numpad with Num Lock on) 102 66 6 (numpad with Num Lock on) 103 67 7 (numpad with Num Lock on) 104 68 8 (numpad with Num Lock on) 105 69 9 (numpad with Num Lock on) 106 6A * (numpad) 107 6B + (numpad) 109 6D - (numpad) 110 6E . (numpad) 111 6F / (numpad) 112 70 F1 113 71 F2 114 72 F3 115 73 F4 116 74 F5 117 75 F6 118 76 F7 119 77 F8 120 78 F9 122 7A F11 123 7B F12 144 90 Num Lock 145 91 Scroll Lock 186 BA ; 187 BB = 188 BC , 189 BD - 190 BE . 191 BF / 192 C0 ` 219 DB [ 220 DC \ 221 DD ] 222 DE '