Sel 421 r117 PTT User Manual Enu
Sel 421 r117 PTT User Manual Enu
Sel 421 r117 PTT User Manual Enu
Connection for SEL-421
(*) Obligatory for SOTF tests
(**) Obligatory for SOTF (enabled only with Close logic) test
(***) Bridge these signals if only a 3-pole trip is available
Figure 1: CMC test set connection diagram
4. Functional Range
Supported functions:
21 Phase Distance Protection
21 Ground Distance Protection (Mho and Quad)
50P/67P Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection
50G/67G Residual Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection
50Q/67Q Negative-Sequence Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection
51 Time-Overcurrent Elements 1, 2 and 3
Switch-Onto-Fault (SOTF)
OMICRON PTL Schweitzer SEL 421 PTT User Manual
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Not supported functions:
Breaker Monitor
Out-of-Step Tripping/Blocking
Directional Element (32Q, 32V and 32I)
Communications-Assisted Tripping Schemes
Breaker Failure
Synchronism Check
Reclosing and Manual Closing
Although the functions listed above are not supported by the Protection Test Template, the
Relay Parameter Section of the XRIO Converter includes all protection parameters of the relay.
5. XRIO Converter
The Test Object already contains the Schweitzer SEL 421 XRIO Converter, which includes setting
parameters of the modelled protection relay. The setting parameters are built as an image of the
AcSELerator software.
The Import Filter for SEL 5010-5030 .txt Settings can be used for importing settings into the Relay
Parameter section. The option "Include Unused and Invalid Settings" must be used while exporting
parameters from the AcSELerator software.
Some setting parameters can be set to "OFF" in the relay software. Instead of that, these parameters
have to be set to an infinity value (+inf) in the XRIO Converter. Consequently, the protection functions
that are disabled by setting them to "OFF" in the relay behave the same way in the converter.
5.1 Specialties of the Additional Information Block
The parameters included in this block must be entered manually by the user since they are not relay
setting parameters. They depend on the ordered relay model.
CT's / Inom Secondary: secondary nominal current (1A or 5A)
Configuration Details Sub-Section
The parameter "Test overcurrent as backup" should not be changed by the user. It influences the
modeling of the overcurrent functions in the XRIO Converter and is set to fit the test conditions of the
Protection Test Template.
Configuration Setails / Trip Logic Sub-Section
Distance protection block: the parameters inside this block determine if a distance protection
element (e.g. M1P, Z2GT, etc) is connected to the trip output.
Overcurrent block: the parameters inside this block determine if an overcurrent element (e.g.
51S1T, 51S2T, etc) is connected to the trip output. The parameters related to the phase
overcurrent level 1-4, residual ground overcurrent level 1-4 and negative sequence overcurrent
level 1-4 determine also how the function is used (instantaneous non-directional, instantaneous
directional or time delayed directional).
These parameters are initially linked to the direct trip (TR) logic equation from the relay setting
parameters. However, due to numerous possibilities of configuring trip outputs in the SEL-421 relay, these
parameters must be confirmed by the user prior to testing. If the automatically generated configuration
doesn't correspond fully to your setting please remove the links in the formula field (Advanced view) and
adjust it by hand.
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6. Specific Protection Tests
In this chapter is described any existent test specialty of the Schweitzer SEL 421 Protection Test
Template that differs from the explained in the OMICRON PTL user manual.
6.1 Circuit Breaker Simulation
The Circuit Breaker (CB) status is simulated using the CB Configuration test module. To activate this
simulation the user has to send the CB parameters to the CMC test set using the existing CB
Configuration test module before the execution of any test. Three CMC test set binary outputs are
predefined to simulate the CB 52a auxiliary contact of phases A, B and C. The required signals have to be
connected to the relay. This simulation is optional.
For the SOTF tests the CB simulation is obligatory and is done internally by the State Sequencer test
module. Therefore the CB Configuration test module has to be deactivated. A test module is already
available for this deactivation in the Protection Test Template.
6.2 Distance Protection Test
6.2.1 Test Model
The Mho characteristic modeled in the XRIO Converter is only valid for constant test current (ITest) test
model. If constant source impedance test model is set in the test settings of an Advanced Distance test
module, the Mho characteristic is different from the shown characteristic in the impedance plane. This
happens due to the test voltage and test current dependency of the dynamic expanding Mho
characteristic in the SEL-421 relay.
6.2.2 Tripping Logic
If a distance zone is active in the settings but is not connected to a trip output (parameters in the
Additional Information / Configuration details / Trip logic / Distance protection block), its shape will
be shown in the test module but no trip of this zone is expected, i.e. the trip time is set to infinity.
The distance zones 2 until 5 are considered in the XRIO Converter only when they are set to time
delayed. If MxP and ZxG word bits are used in the TR logic equation, it may lead to an incorrect
representation of the distance characteristic.
6.2.3 Directional Element
The SEL-421 relay has a complex algorithm for the directional decision. The directional element setting
may cut off some parts of the distance characteristic depending on its setting parameters. In this case the
relay will not trip inside a distance zone. This may occur especially in the area left of the line angle or on
the R-axis in backward distance zones. That's not caused by incorrect behavior of the relay but different
methods of recognizing fault direction by the Advanced Distance test module and SEL-421 relay.
6.2.4 Ground Distance Protection
The distance characteristics for phase to ground faults are modeled as loop impedances. This means, the
residual compensation modifies the replica impedance for each zone. Therefore their shape and size
shown in the impedance plane may differ from what can be expected from the setting values. In this case,
the representation of the line angle can be of no significance anymore. Check the pre-set test points and
adapt them if necessary.
Resistive reach test
A resistive reach test is included for the ground distance protection when a quadrilateral characteristic is
used. The Check Test is used with a check line set at 0 in the R-axis. A second check line at 180 in the
R-axis is available in case there is any reverse zone active.
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Figure 2: Resistive reach test example
This test may however fail due to influence of the "directional element" logic. If that's the case, adapt the
test points. Delete the existing test points and set them not so close to the R-axis as shown in the figure
Figure 3: Example of new resistive reach test points
6.3 Overcurrent Protection Test
The overcurrent protection is tested in this Protection Test Template as a backup function. Thus no
voltages are applied during the test to simulate a loss-of-potential condition. A State Sequencer test
module is used to assert the loss-of-potential (LOP) logic and block the distance protection.
The TR logic equation, Loss-of-Potential (LOP) logic, Torque Control and Directional setting parameters
influence testing the Overcurrent function. The overcurrent elements are modeled in the XRIO Converter
according to its behavior during a loss-of-potential condition, as described in the SEL-421 manual:
All Overcurrent elements: The Torque Control setting parameter (e.g. 51SxTC, 67PxTC, etc) can
be freely defined in the relay. Therefore it is not taken in consideration for disabling the function in
the XRIO Converter. If set to a value that blocks the function under a loss-of-potential condition, it
may lead to an incorrect representation of the overcurrent characteristic.
Residual Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent: If 67Gx or 67GxT word bit is used for tripping, the
function will be activated for the test only if it is set to forward and ELOP parameter is not set to
Y1. This restriction doesn't apply if 50Gx word bit is used for tripping.
Negative Sequence Instantaneous Overcurrent: If 67Qx or 67QxT word bit is used for tripping, the
function will be activated for the test only if it is set to forward and ELOP parameter is not set to
Y1. This restriction doesn't apply if 50Qx word bit is used for tripping.
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6.3.1 Time-Overcurrent Elements
The time-overcurrent elements (51S1, 51S2 and 51S3) can be freely selected in the relay to operate with
different quantities. These elements are defined in the XRIO Converter, with regards to its supervised
current, as follow:
Phase element (IL) if operation quantity selected to IAn, IBn, ICn, IMAXn or I1L. These elements
can be tested with the fault type selected to A-B-C in the Overcurrent test module.
Ground element (IN) if operation quantity selected to 3I0L. These elements can be tested with the
fault type selected to 3I0 in the Overcurrent test module.
Negative sequence element (I2) if operation quantity selected to 3I2L. These elements can be
tested with the fault type selected to I2 in the Overcurrent test module.
Test points for the time-overcurrent elements are predefined in all test modules designated to test the
different fault types (phase, residual and negative sequence). However, if an element doesn't correspond
to a specific fault type, or if it's not active, its test current is automatically set to zero and it will not
influence the test. This is done by setting the Factor field in the test module to zero. All these unnecessary
test points can be deleted by the user.
Figure 4: Example of unnecessary test points
6.3.2 Tripping Logic
If an overcurrent element is not connected to a trip output (parameters in the Additional Information /
Configuration details / Trip logic / Overcurrent block), it is removed from the resultant characteristic
and its test is automatically deactivated in the Protection Test Template.
6.4 SOTF Test
A fault at the end of the line is simulated. The test is only active if the SOTF works with a distance
protection instantaneous element that covers 100% of the line. This condition is checked based on the
TRSOTF (switch-onto-fault trip conditions) logic equation (relay setting parameter).
Two State Sequencer test modules are available: one to be used when the SOTF is enabled using the
close logic and the other to be used when the SOTF is enabled using the 52A logic or both logics
together. The simulation of the CB status is obligatory for both tests. Assure you have connected the CMC
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test set binary outputs correctly to your relay. The CB simulation is done internally by the State Sequencer
test module.
6.4.1 SOTF Enabled with Close Logic Test
For this test assure you have connected the CB Close Command signal to the designated binary input of
the CMC test set.
Following states are used in the simulation:
1. Open-Line: simulate a circuit breaker opened condition and wait the time necessary for the SOTF
function to be enabled;
2. Close Command: a circuit breaker close command is expected from the user;
3. Closed-Line: simulate the time duration the CB remains closed;
4. Fault: simulate a three-phase fault at the line end;
5. Post-Fault: circuit breaker opened condition.
The states above are executed two times. In the first sequence, the Closed-Line state remains for a time
less than the SOTFD setting parameter, i.e. the Fault state occurs after the SOTF active time. A delayed
trip is expected for this simulation. In the second sequence (sequence repetition) the Fault occurs within
the SOTF active time. A faster trip is expected in this case.
Figure 5: State Sequencer for the SOTF enabled with Close logic test
6.4.2 SOTF Enabled with 52A (or both) Logic(s) Test
Following states are used in the simulation:
1. Open-Line: simulate a circuit breaker opened condition and wait the time necessary for the SOTF
function to be enabled;
2. Closed-Line: simulate the time duration the CB remains closed;
3. Fault: simulate a three-phase fault at the line end;
4. Post-Fault: circuit breaker opened condition.
The states above are executed two times. In the first sequence, the Closed-Line state remains for a time
less than the SOTFD setting parameter, i.e. the Fault state occurs after the SOTF active time. A delayed
trip is expected for this simulation. In the second sequence (sequence repetition) the Fault occurs within
the SOTF active time. A faster trip is expected in this case.
Figure 6: State Sequencer for the SOTF enabled with 52A (or both) logic(s) test