GoI, Annual Report, IT, 2008-09

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Overview 01

Industry Profile

Initiatives in Information Technology Sector

Technology and Application Development 27

Human Resource Development



National Informatics Centre

Promotional Matters

Appendices 105

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Information Technology

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The year 2008 was marked by unprecedented global engineering services from their centres in India. The
economic crisis. The Global economy slipped into growing nature of responsibilities and ownership
severe recession in 2008 inflicted by a massive assumed by these India–based resources are helping
financial crisis and acute loss of confidence. This India evolve into a strategic hub for R & D.
has cast its shadow on the Indian economy, which
The industry has enhanced India’s credibility as a
is estimated to grow at 6.7 per cent in 2008-09 as
business destination by creating a fundamentally
compared to 9.0 per cent in the fiscal year 2007-08.
new model of global 24X7 service delivery, forging

In spite of this uncertain global outlook, the Indian relationships with 75 per cent of the Fortune 500 1
companies, generating immense savings for customers
Information Technology- Business Process Outsourcing
(savings from global sourcing for customers amounted
(IT-BPO) industry was able to achieve sustainable
to an estimated US $ 20 billion to US $ 25 billion in
growth in the fiscal year 2008-09. The revenue
2008) and promoting a focus on quality (65 per cent
aggregate of IT-BPO industry is expected to grow by
of all Capability Maturity Model Level 5 firms are
over 12 per cent and reach US $ 71.7 billion in 2008-
based in India). In addition, the industry has fostered
09 as compared to US $ 64 billion in 2007-08. Industry
the emergence of a large number of first generation
performance was marked by sustained double-digit entrepreneurs.
revenue growth, steady expansion into newer service-
lines and increased geographic penetration. With the BPO going strong for the past few years, the
Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) - which may
The Indian software and services exports including be called the highest level of the BPO - is still at a
ITES-BPO exports is estimated at US $ 47 billion in nascent stage of development in the country. This
2008- 09, as compared to US $ 40.4 billion in 2007-08, evolution of the market to the KPO will drive trends
an increase of 16.3 per cent. The IT services exports that will ensure very high-value services, in off shoring.
is estimated to be US $ 26.9 billion in 2008- 09 as These opportunities in the KPO will help the Indian
compared to US $ 23.1 billion in 2007-08, showing a market climb the global value and knowledge chain.
growth of 16.5 per cent in 2008-09. ITES-BPO exports
Though the IT-BPO sector is export driven, the
is estimated to grow from US $ 10.9 billion in 2007-08
domestic market is also significant. The revenue from
to US $ 12.8 billion in 2008-09, a year-on-year (Y-o-Y) the domestic market (IT Services and ITES-BPO) is
growth of over 17.4 per cent. also expected to grow to about US $ 12.5 billion in
the year 2008-09 as compared to US $ 11.7 billion in
While US & UK remained the largest export markets
2007-08 an anticipated growth of about 6.8 per cent.
(accounting for about 60 per cent and 19 percent
BPO demand in the domestic market has witnessed
respectively, in 2007-08), the industry is steadily noticeable growth over the past few years.
increasing its exposure to other geographies. Exports
to Continental Europe in particular have witnessed The phenomenal growth of the Indian IT Software &
steady growth. Over 600 Multinational companies Services and ITES-BPO sector has had a perceptible
are known to be sourcing product development and multiplier effect on the Indian economy as a whole.
It has created immense opportunities for employment e-Governance Plan (NeGP) was approved on 16th
and has contributed to the growth of National Income. May 2006. NeGP consists of 27 Mission Mode
It has also spawned the mushrooming of several Projects (MMPs) encompassing 9 central MMPs, 11
ancillary industries such as transportation, real estate, State MMPs and 7 integrated MMPs that span multiple
catering and has created a rising class of young backend Ministries/ Departments. It also includes 8
consumers with high disposable incomes, triggered a program support components aimed at creating the
rise in direct-tax collections and propelled an increase right governance and institutional mechanisms, core
in consumer spending. infrastructure, policies & standards and the necessary
legal framework for adoption of e-Governance in the
The total IT Software and Services employment is country. It is implemented at the Central, State and
expected to reach 2.23 million in 2008-09 (excluding Local Government levels.
employment in Hardware sector), as against 2.01
million in 2007-08, a growth of 10.9 per cent YoY. This State Wide Area Networks
represents a net addition of 226,000 professionals to
the industry employee base in 2008-09. The indirect Under NeGP, Government had approved the Scheme

employment attributed to the sector is estimated to be for establishing State Wide Area Networks (SWANs)

about 8.0 million. across the country in 29 States/ 6 UTs at a total outlay of
Rs. 3,334 crore. Under this Scheme, it is envisaged to
The industry has also set a precedent for talent provide secured Network from State Headquarters up
practices in India. It has created career opportunities to the Block level with a minimum bandwidth capacity
for the youth, provided global exposure and offered of 2 Mbps. As of March 2009, 7 States/ UTs (Delhi,
extensive training and development. Furthermore, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Chandigarh,
the industry has been a front runner in diversity at the Tripura and Punjab) have already completed the
workplace (over 30 per cent of employees are women; SWAN implementation, while implementation is at an
over 60 per cent of industry players employ differently advance stage in 12 States /UTs.
abled people).
2 State Data Centres
The IT-ITeS industry’s contribution to the national GDP
is estimated to increase from 5.5 per cent in 2007-08 State Data Centres (SDC) have been identified as one

to 5.8 per cent in 2008-09. of the important elements of the core infrastructure for
supporting e-Governance initiatives under NEGP. The
While these achievements are a cause for satisfaction, Government has approved the scheme in January 2008
the IT-ITeS industry has to sustain its competitiveness. at an estimated outlay of Rs. 1623.20 crore to cover 28
There are several risks to industry growth in the near States and 6 UTs across the country. SDC Proposals
term. The global crisis is likely to result in a short- of 31 States/UTs have already been approved by the
term reduction in clients budgets (e.g. discretionary Department with a total outlay of Rs.1378.50 crore.
IT investments) and pricing pressures in certain
segments, particularly in core verticals (e.g. banking, Common Services Centres
financial services and insurance) and geographies (e.g.
the US, Western Europe). The threat of protectionism The Common Services Centres (CSCs) are one
also looms large in the wake of increasing global of the three infrastructure pillars of the National
unemployment. e-Governance Plan and would serve as the physical
font end for delivering Government and private sector
Notwithstanding the risks arising out of the at the doorstep of the citizen. The Government had
unprecedented economic downturn, the outlook approved this Scheme for facilitating establishment of
for Indian IT-BPO remains positive. The industry is more than 100,000 broadband Internet-enabled CSCs
expected to achieve its aspired export target of US in rural areas of the country at a total cost of Rs 5742
$ 60 billion by 2010-11. Key factors underlying the crore. It is being implemented under Public Private
optimism include more diversified geographic market Partnership mode. As of March 2009, number of CSCs
exposure, continued expansion of the service offerings rolled out in 20 States of India is 36,485.
portfolio and steady growth in scale by Indian–origin
Capacity Building Scheme
service providers.
In order to provide a mechanism for adequate
National e-Governance Plan
capacity building and training for end user, a Capacity
A major initiative of the Government for ushering Building Scheme at an outlay of Rs.313.00 crore
in e-Governance on national scale, called National has been approved in January 2008. This envisions

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establishment of institutional framework for State Level and fraud taking place, a need was felt to strengthen
Strategic decision-making including setting-up of State legislation pertaining to information security.
e-Governance Mission Team. A Capacity Building
The Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008
Management Cell has been set up in the Department
has been published in the Gazette. The Act upgrades
for overall coordination and implementation of Capacity
the existing legal framework to instil confidence in
Building Scheme.
the users and investors in the area of Information
e-District Technology in the country. This Act inter-alia adds
provisions to the existing Information Technology
e-District is a State Mission Mode Project under the Act, 2000 to deal with new forms of cyber crimes
National e-Governance Plan. The Project aims to target like publicizing sexually explicit material in electronic
certain high volume services currently not covered by form, video voyeurism, cyber terrorism, breach of
any MMP under the NeGP and undertake backend confidentiality and leakage of data by intermediary
computerization to enable the delivery of these and e-commerce frauds. The formulation of Rules
services through Common Service Centers. Under this under the Act is in the process.
Scheme, pilot projects, which were initiated in 2007,
have now been extended to 14 States covering 36 Cyber Security
districts. During the year significant ground has been
Government of India has setup the Indian Computer
covered in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Assam.
Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) for providing
Electronics / IT Hardware Manufacturing early security warning and effective incident response.
It operates on 24 x 7 basis and is actively engaging its
Electronics Hardware Manufacturing continues to users with early warning alerts and advisories.
be a thrust area for the Government. The Special
Incentive Package Scheme that was announced Nationwide efforts are being made to increase Cyber
on 21st March 2007 to encourage investments for Security education, awareness and skills in the country.
setting up Semiconductor Fabrication and other It is aimed at catering to the needs of critical sectors, 3
micro and nano technology manufacture industries law enforcement & judiciary and e-governance
in India has received very positive response from project owners. Special trainings programs are being
prospective investors. Seventeen proposals involving conducted for judicial officers and Law enforcement
an investment of the order of Rs. 157,000 crore, agencies. About hundred personnel from various
over a period of next 10 years covering setting up of Government agencies have been trained at the
Semiconductor fabrication, LCD panel manufacturing Carnegie Mellon University, USA as Master trainers
and Solar photovoltaics including polysilicon, under that can train many more in the country.
the Scheme have been received.
National Knowledge Network
Information Technology Investment Regions
Government had decided to establish a National
There is felt need to develop infrastructure facilities Knowledge Network (NKN) with scalable multi gigabit
in tier 2 and tier 3 cities, as there is little scope of capabilities which will connect 1000 nodes covering
building additional commercial space in the five tier the universities, research institutions, libraries,
1 cities, New Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai laboratories, hospitals and agricultural institutions
and Chennai. In order to address this need, a policy across the country. This will also act as a backbone
resolution for setting up of Information Technology for the e-governance. By facilitating the flow of
Investment Regions was notified by the Central information and knowledge, the network will address
Government on 29th May 2008. This transparent and the critical issue of access, create a new paradigm
investment friendly policy will help promote investment of collaboration and enrich the research efforts in the
in IT-ITeS / Electronic Hardware Manufacturing units. country. The initial phase of the establishment of NKN
has been started by upgrading 15 PoPs of NICNET at
The Information Technology (Amendment) 2.5 gbps capacity. Six virtual classrooms over NKN
Act 2008 have been established at six IITs.

The Information Technology Act 2000, a legal framework Indian Languages Technologies
for transactions carried out electronically was enacted
to facilitate e-Commerce, e-Governance and to take To enable wide proliferation of ICT in Indian languages,
care of computer related offences. Over the years, the Department has taken a major initiative to make
with several new forms of computer crime, misuse available Software tools & fonts in various Indian

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languages freely to the general public. During the year project will also take up about 40 research projects
Software tools & fonts for Gujarati, Sanskrit, Bodo, Dogri, in Nanoelectronics. A new R&D project on Synthesis
Maithili and Nepali were released in public domain & Characterization of Functional Nanostructures for
for free mass usage. This is in addition to Software MEMS & Optoelectronic Applications has been started
tools & fonts for 10 constitutionally recognized Indian with IIT Roorkee with a total outlay of Rs. 4.84 crore.
Languages viz. Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, Urdu,
Punjabi, Oriya, Kannada, Assamese & Malayalam Centre for Development of Advanced
which are already available in public domain for free Computing
mass usage.
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

Research & Development (C-DAC) is the premier R&D organization of the

Department for carrying out R&D in IT, Electronics
The Department has taken various initiatives towards and associated areas. A supercomputing system
promotion of Research & Development in Electronics developed by CDAC, named “PARAM Yuva”, ranked
& Information Technology. A scheme titled “Multiplier 68 in the Top 500 Supercomputing list, which was
Grants Scheme” has been launched to encourage released in November 2008. A supercomputing
collaborative R&D between industry and academics/ facility at North Eastern Hill University, Shillong was
R&D institutions for development of products and inaugurated.
packages. Another scheme has been launched
for Technology Incubation and Development of National Informatics Centre
Entrepreneurs (TIDE) in the area of Electronics & ICT
National Informatics Centre (NIC), an attached
to strengthen the technology incubation centers at the
organization of the Department, has been playing a
institutions of higher learning. Under the scheme, 15
pioneering role in propagating IT-led development.
TIDE centers will be supported at an outlay of Rs.23.40
The countrywide Network, NICNET consists of
Crore over a period of 4 years.
Satellite, Wireless and Wired networks. A number
4 Nanotechnology Development of work flow based applications and services like
Video Conferencing, e-mail, Web Portals, e-learning,
In the field of nanotechnology, the Department Geomatics etc, have been deployed in various
has taken steps to build Institutional capacity and sectors through this backbone network infrastructure
infrastructure for Research & Development. It has also for facilitating the e-governance initiatives across the
focused on human resource development in the area country. During the year over 500 additional portals
of Nanoelectronics for making India a front-runner in were hosted relating to various Government agencies.
this revolutionary area with all pervasive applications. Open Technology Centre has been set up to provide
Towards this, Department have initiated a major project open technology solutions. Project Sanctioned for
entitled “Indian Nanoelectronics Users Programme computerization of 14,000 courts across the country
(INUP)” with an outlay of Rs. 24.89 Crore at IIT Bombay is being implemented by NIC. Expert Committees on
and IISc Bangalore. This INUP programme aims to e-Governance have formulated standards for Digital
generate more than 750 trained students, professional Signature, Biometric, Meta Data & Data Standards
scientists and engineers etc at various levels. This and Technology standards for interoperability.

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Industry Profile
The Department of Information Technology (DIT) manufacturing in India. In order to address this
in the Ministry of Communications and Information issue Government decided to set up Information
Technology is inter-alia responsible for formulation, Technology investment Regions (ITIRs). A policy
implementation and review of national policies in the resolution to this effort has been published
field of Information Technology. All policy matters in the Gazette of India dated 29.5.2008. The
relating to silicon facility, computer based information regions would be a combination of IT/ITES and
technology and processing including hardware Electronics Hardware Manufacturing (EHM)
and software, standardization of procedures and units; public utilities, residential areas, social
matters relating to international bodies, promotion of infrastructure and administrative services. Such 5
regions could include new integrated townships,
knowledge based enterprises, internet, e-Commerce,
SEZs, industrial parks etc. The State Governments
information technology education and development of
would ensure that all physical infrastructure and
electronics & coordination amongst its various users
utilities within its jurisdiction (power, water, roads,
are also addressed by the Department.
transportation, sewerage and effluent treatment
Major Policy Initiatives facilities) are provided. The Central Government
will facilitate development of National Highways,
India has huge potential to develop and manufacture Airport and Rail links to the ITIRs.
Electronics hardware for the global markets and gain
higher global share besides meeting the country’s (ii) Incentives for Research & Development (R&D):
requirements in the converging areas of information, Electronics & IT is R&D intensive. In order to
communication and entertainment. Government of promote R&D, DIT has put in place the following
India has identified growth of Electronics hardware Schemes:
manufacturing sector as a thrust area. The National
Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) was • Support International Patent Protection in
set up by the Government to provide a continuing Electronics & IT (SIP-EIT): In order to encourage
forum for policy dialogue to energise and sustain filing of international patents, a Scheme
the growth of manufacturing industries, including IT “Support International Patent Protection in
Hardware, in India. Electronics & IT (SIP-EIT)” has been put in
place by DIT. Under this scheme, SMEs and
The Department of Information Technology (DIT) has Technology Start-up units will be reimbursed
been making continuous efforts targeted at making costs incurred in filing international patent
India an attractive Electronics hardware manufacturing applications in Electronics & ICT domain
destination. To tap the full potential for growth of the for their indigenous inventions to the extent
Electronics hardware industry, the Government has of 50% of the actual cost incurred by the
taken the following major initiatives: applicant on filing International Patent, subject
to a maximum of Rs.15 lakhs per application.
(i) Infrastructure Support: Inadequate infrastructure • Promote technology and innovation focused
has been identified as one of the inhibiting start ups: In order to promote technology and
factors for the growth of Electronics hardware innovation focused start-ups, DIT has initiated

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a Scheme for Technology Incubation and (v) Special attention and priorities to Electronics / IT
Development of Entrepreneurs (TIDE) in the Hardware Manufacturing: In the Foreign Trade Policy
area of Electronics, ICT and Management. The (FTP), updated as on 11th April, 2008, “Electronics
scheme aims to assist Institutions of Higher and IT Hardware Manufacturing Industries” has
learning, such as IITs, IIMs, NITs and IIITs, been included as a thrust sector in Chapter-1B
etc. to strengthen their Technology Incubation relating to “Special Focus Initiatives”.
Centres and thus enable young entrepreneurs (vi) Skill Development: DIT in consultation with the
to initiate technology start up companies NMCC completed the study on “Mapping the
for commercial exploitation of technologies manpower skills in the IT hardware and electronics
developed by them. The objective of the manufacturing industry” through Manufacturers’
scheme is to promote product oriented Association for Information Technology (MAIT).
research and development and bridge the
gap between R&D and commercialization. The salient features of the existing tariff structure /
The scheme shall provide financial support policy applicable to Electronics Hardware Industry are
for nurturing techno-entrepreneurs as well as brought out below:
for strengthening the technology incubation
activity at the institutions. Customs
• Multiplier Grants Scheme: In order to support
• Peak rate of basic customs duty is 10%.
industry sponsored research programs
• India is a signatory to the Information Technology
with Indian Universities, DIT has initiated a Agreement (ITA-1) of the World Trade Organization.
Multiplier Grants Scheme. Under this scheme, Therefore, the basic customs duty on all the
the Government would provide grants up to specified 217 tariff lines is 0%.
the maximum of twice the amount invested by • All goods required in the manufacture of ITA-1
the industry / industry consortium / association items have been exempted from customs duty
towards the innovation at academic / R&D subject to Actual user condition.
institution. • Customs duty on specified raw materials and
inputs used for manufacture of electronic
(iii) Tariff issues and fiscal incentives: Inverted components and optical fibres / cables is 0%.
duty structure in the Electronics hardware • Customs duty on specified capital goods used for
manufacturing is not conducive to the growth manufacture of electronic goods is 0%.
• Customs duty on MP3/ MP4 / MPEG4 players
of the industry. Government has been making
is 5%.
consistent efforts to address this anomaly in
• Set top boxes (STBs) and their major parts are
duty structure impacting Electronics hardware
exempted from basic customs duty.
industry. It has also made efforts to give a boost
to the domestic demand by reducing the mean Central Excise
rate of excise duty (CENVAT) from 14% to 10%
w.e.f December 7, 2008 and to 8% w.e.f. February • The mean rate of excise duty (CENVAT) is 8%.
24, 2009. • Microprocessors, Hard Disc Drives, Floppy Disc
(iv) Special Incentives for Fabs and other High Tech IT Drives, CD ROM Drives, DVD Drives/DVD Writers,
Products: The Special Incentive Package Scheme Flash Memory and Combo-Drives are exempted
from excise duty.
(SIPS) to encourage investments for setting up
• Parts, components and accessories of mobile
Semiconductor Fabrication and other micro
handsets including cellular phones are exempted
and nano technology manufacture industries in
from excise duty.
India, has been announced by the Government
on 21.3.2007. A set of Guidelines was issued Central Sales Tax
on 14.9.2007. The SIPS Notification as well as
the Guidelines are available on DIT’s website. • Central Sales Tax (CST) has been reduced from
The Scheme has received a very encouraging 3% to 2% w.e.f 1st June 2008.
response. Seventeen proposals amounting to
a total investment of the order of Rs. 157,000
Other Policy Measures
crore over a period of 10 years in the area
of semiconductor fab, TFT-LCD panel and Approvals for all foreign direct investment upto 100%
solar photovoltaic have been received under in the electronics hardware manufacturing sector are
the Scheme. under the automatic route.

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Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme (EPCG) The performance of electronics & IT industry in 2008-09
allows import of capital goods on payment of 3% has shown sustained growth. It has registered higher
customs duty. The export obligation under EPCG growth in 2008-09 as compared to 2007-08. Though
Scheme can also be fulfilled by the supply of a part of this improved performance is due to impact
Information Technology Agreement (ITA-1) items of Rupee Depreciation in 2008-09, the fundamentals
to the DTA provided the realization is in free foreign of IT-ITeS industry continue to inspire confidence in
exchange. Investors as indicated in net increase in employment
in the sector.
Supplies of Information Technology Agreement (ITA-1)
items and notified zero duty telecom/electronic items The production performance of various industry
in the Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) by Electronics groups in the hardware and Software sector in 2008-
Hardware Technology Park (EHTP)/Export Oriented 09 is given below:
Unit (EOU)/ Special Economic Zone (SEZ) units are
counted for the purpose of fulfillment of positive Net
Consumer Electronics
Foreign Exchange Earnings (NFE).
During the financial year 2008-09, the consumer
electronics industry continued its growth path. The total
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are being set up
production of consumer electronics was Rs.22,600
to enable hassle free manufacturing and trading for
crore during the year 2007-08, registering a growth
export purposes. Sales from Domestic Tariff Area
of about 13 per cent, compared to the previous year.
(DTA) to SEZs are being treated as physical export.
The estimated production of consumer electronics for
This entitles domestic suppliers to Drawback/
the fiscal year 2008-09 is Rs. 25990 crore, indicating
Duty Entitlement Pass Book (DEPB) benefits, CST
a growth of 15 per cent over previous year. Consumer
exemption and Service Tax exemption. 100% Income
electronics continues to be a major sector and its
Tax exemption on export profits is available to Special
contribution to the total electronic hardware production
Economic Zone (SEZ) Units for 5 years, 50% for next
in the country is about 27 per cent.
5 years and 50% of ploughed back profits for 5 years
The Colour TV is the largest contributor in this segment.

Production Profile During the current financial year, the domestic market
of CTV is estimated to cross 13.5 million units. This
The Software and Services Industry which is export includes about 2 million sets supplied to Electronics
driven continues to dominate Electronics & IT Industry. Corporation of Tamil Nadu (ELCOT) for free distribution
In 2007-08, the Indian Software and services industry by the Tamil Nadu Government. The high-end
exports witnessed a moderate growth, its total exports products, particularly Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
reaching Rs.164,400 Crore(US $ 40.4 Billion), an TVs continues to register a growth of over 130% for
increase of 16.6 per cent in rupee terms and 29.9 per 2008-09 over 2007-08. The LCD market is estimated
cent in dollar terms over the previous financial year. at 0.8 million units. The phenomenon of falling prices
in the LCD TV continued over the year and there is a
In 2008-09, the total value of software and services
marked tendency amongst the consumers to go in for
export is estimated at Rs. 216,300 Crore (US $ 47
bigger size LCD TVs. Manufacturing of LCD TV has
billion), an increase of 31.6 per cent in rupee terms
started in the country and it is expected that it would
and 16.3 per cent in dollar terms. The production and
increase, as the demand increases. The Indian DVD
growth trend of the Indian Electronics and IT/ITeS market is estimated at 7 million units and is growing at
industry since 2003-04 has been as follows: 15 per cent per annum. Market size is projected to be
10 million units by 2010.
Year Production Growth
(Rs. Crore) (%) There has been a good growth in the Home
Theatre segment. It is expected to increase as DTH
2003-04 118,290 21.9 subscribers increase due to more operators entering
into this platform. The Set Top Box (STB) market is
2004-05 152,420 28.9
growing rapidly due to the expansion of DTH and
2005-06 190,300 24.9 introduction of CAS in the metros. About 25-30% of the
total requirement of STBs is being met by indigenous
2006-07 244,000 28.3
sources. Production of B&W TV continues to decline.
2007-08 295,820 21.2 Some of the medium scale units have moved to the
tax exempted regions and these units are doing OEM
2008-09 368,220 24.5 work for reputed brands.

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Control, Instrumentation and possible. DIT’s support areas included technologies

Industrial Sector for improvement of Quality of Electric Power for critical
applications, Hardware items for Power Electronics
During the year 2008-09, the production in this Controllers, Traffic Signalling Technologies, etc.
sector is estimated to be Rs. 12,740 crore, as against For example, the Advanced Traffic Control System
Rs. 11,910 crore in the fiscal year 2007- 08, registering technology, developed and provided by DIT’s R&D
a growth of 7 per cent in 2008-09 as against 14.5 per organization, has been very successfully applied/
cent in 2007-08. Industrial Electronics/Automation are being applied commercially in the city of Kolkata,
Technologies form a critical component of industrial Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Pune, etc.
sectors like Steel, Mining, Power, Textile, Cement,
Railways and other transportation sectors. The large Computer Industry
players engaged in manufacturing of these equipments
The computer hardware & peripheral industry showed
in the country are able to meet this demand generally
lackluster performance during 2008-09. SMEs, retail,
with latest state-of-art technologies. However, it may
BPO/IT-enabled services and corporate sectors
be noted that in most of the cases such projects are
demonstrated restraint in IT purchases due to concerns
executed through import of the main hardware and
of liquidity and general economic performance. The
software technologies involved in such applications.
demand for Personal Computers (PCs) has remained
sluggish. Deteriorating overall business condition has
However, there are a good number of Small and
made a dent on demand in 2008-09, which is reflected
Medium Enterprises (SMEs) who also cater to the
in the decelerated growth rate in production of
medium and small application segments but with latest
computer hardware. Most hardware companies import
technologies and they are in many cases able to do so almost 70 per cent of their raw material requirement.
through technologies developed indigenously – either Depreciation in the Indian rupee adversely affected the
in-house or procured from Indian R&D organizations. raw material cost and continued to impact the industry
DIT through its Industrial Applications Programme margins and arrested the price drops in IT products.
has been able to support this sector by providing The overall PC sale for 2008-09 is expected to drop to
field proven indigenous technologies wherever 6.78 million as against 7.34 million during 2007-08.

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A total of 5.27 million desktops and 1.5 million The estimated production figure for this segment for
notebooks estimated to be consumed in 2008-09. the year 2008-09 is estimated to be Rs. 26,000 crore,
Desktop sales estimated to decline by 4% while that a growth of 39 per cent as against a growth rate of 97
of notebooks 21%. The slowdown in consumption can per cent in the previous fiscal 2007-08.
be attributed to the dampening of consumer sentiment
in India due to the global economic crises, especially Strategic Equipment
in the second-half of 2008-09.
The strategic electronic sector envolops satellite
based communication, navigation and surveillance
The production figure for this segment for the year
2008-09 is estimated to be Rs. 13,490.00 crore with system, radars, navigational aids, sonars, underwater
growth plummeting by 15 per cent. electronic system, infra-red based detection and
ranging system, disaster management system,
internal security system, etc. The Indian strategic
Communication and Broadcasting Sector electronic industry has been able to meet the bulk
of the requirements of one of India’s defence and
The Communication Technology has taken a big leap paramilitary forces.
forward and received the national recognition as the
key driver for development and growth. The gross It has become one of the important areas today
telephone subscribers in the country reached about because of the criticality of the technology development
429.76 million as of March 2009 (mobile telephone targeting two aspects, the technology applicable to
subscribes about 392 million) as compared to 300.49 the strategic sector for Defence purposes and the
million (mobile telephone subscribes about 261 million) emerging state-of-the-art technology, which is not
as of March 2008. The over all teledensity reached available off-the-shelf, and which is denied due to
36.98 per cent in March 2009 as compared to 26.22 its critical applications. At the national level, various
per cent in March 2008. India is the third largest in the
research institutions are developing strategic systems
world in terms of gross telephone subscribers, and the
and the public sector undertaking and some of
second largest in Asia. At the end of March 2009, total 9
the private agencies are mainly contributing the
broadband connections in the country have reached
production. There has been consistent growth in
6.22 million. The broadband subscribers are expected
production annually. It is difficult to make a precise
to be around 20 million by 2010.
estimation of its production.
India has currently achieved a distinction of having the
The estimated production figure for this segment for
world’s lowest call rates (1-2 US cents) and the fastest
the year 2008-09 is estimated to be Rs. 6,840 crore, a
growth in number of wireless phone subscribers (about
growth of 20 per cent as against a growth rate of 26.7
11 million per months). India also has an installed base
per cent in the previous fiscal 2007-08.
of over 36 million PCs, 110 million TVs, 80 million cable
television homes, 100 million Internet subscribers Electronic Components
including wireless mobile Internet subscribers.
The components industry forms a very important
FM Radio station has witnessed phenomenal growth part of the hardware industry. Globally, component
in new entrants. At the end of quarter ending 31st production has accounted for 29 per cent of the total
December 2008, 245 private FM Radio stations are electronics production. Of the leading five nations
in operation as compared to 177 private FM Radio in electronics production, four, namely, Japan, US,
stations quarter ending 31st December 2007. China and South Korea, are leaders in component
production. The supplies industry forms an important
Presently, there are 6 private Direct-to-home (DTH)
licensees apart from free DTH service of Doordarshan. part of the overall value chain. The presence of local
Out of these 6 licensees, 5 licensees are offering pay suppliers not only benefits timely delivery, keeping
DTH services to the customers as on 31.12.2008, inventory levels low, it also assists in the process of
while remaining one is in the process of rolling out innovation and upgrading technology. This is to be
its services. Total number of reported registered seen to be emerging from close working relationship
subscribers being served by these five Private DTH between the supplier and the user. In the technology
operators is 11.1 million at the end of quarter ending driven ICTE industry which is witnessing shortening
31st December 2008. At the end of December 2008, of product cycle, the proximity of the supply chain is
the Set top box (STB) subscribers are about 7.7 lakhs important for competing in the globalized sector. So
in the CAS notified areas of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata unless the component industry grows, the electronic
and Chennai. industry as a whole will really be able to do well.

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Component production is a highly capital intensive resistors. During the year, CPT prices came down
sector. Being a profit oriented industry, its viability is in the global and Indian markets. Despite the falling
closely related to volumes of production. On account prices, growth did not pick up due to subdued
of low domestic demand, the required volumes of investment climate in the country. This segment of the
various end-user products in the country were not industry could not gain as the high end Plasma and
high enough to make investment based on domestic Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) segment has only grown
requirements alone. in the year. The world market demand for the CRTs is
also expected to decline over the next few years.
The components with major share in production were
CD-R, Colour Picture Tubes (CPT), PCBs, DVD-R, The total production of electronic components is
connectors, semiconductor devices, ferrites and estimated at Rs. 9,630 Crore in 2008-09.


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Software and Services for more than 60% of the Indian IT-BPO exports.
Healthcare industry is likely to witness increased IT
The Information Technology – Business Process investments due to increased focus on public health,
Outsourcing (IT-BPO) Industry in India has today making healthcare and insurance affordable to all.
become a growth engine for the economy, contributing Other industries that will see growth include telecom,
substantially to increase in the GDP, employment and
retail and utilities, etc.
exports. This sector has continued to increase its
contribution to India’s economic development. The While US & UK remained the largest export markets
key factors driving the sector’s strong performance (accounting for about 60 per cent and 19 percent
are: more diversified geographic market exposure, respectively, in 2007-08), the industry is steadily
continued expansion of the service offerings portfolio
increasing its exposure to other geographies. Exports
and steady growth in scale by Indian–origin service
to Continental Europe in particular have witnessed
steady growth. Over 600 Multinational companies

The economic recession in the US and the Europe, are known to be sourcing product development and
the leading export destinations of the Indian software engineering services from their centres in India. The
and service industry has adversely impacted the growing nature of responsibilities and ownership
financial performance of the Indian IT companies. assumed by these India–based resources are helping
Largely, the economic downturn has resulted either India evolve into a strategic hub for R & D.
in clients delaying or downsizing their IT budgets, the
There is always a ‘first mover’ advantage. Countries
depreciating rupee against the US Dollar came to the
like Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, China and Central
rescue of the Indian IT companies which displayed a
and Eastern European countries offer IT-BPO services
strong resilience during 2008-09. Strong fundamentals
at competitive rates, and it is probable that India
of a large talent pool, sustained cost competitiveness
may lose its low cost advantage. Such countries are
and enabling business environment have helped progressively promoting IT-BPO business by offering
establish India as the preferred sourcing destination. various incentives and tax benefits. So developing
the Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) becomes
The size of the software and services is estimated
imperative. It will not only ensure that we move up
to grow to US $ 60 billion (Rs.273,530 crore) during
the value chain but also increase marginal revenue
2008-09, a growth of 15.4 per cent in dollar terms
vis-à-vis the BPO. The transition from the BPO to the
and 29.4 per cent in rupee terms against US $ 52
KPO offering a high quality of human capital and
billion (Rs.211,410 crore) during 2007-08. The Indian
ICT enablement can be relatively smooth, since our
software and services exports including ITES-BPO is
Information Technology- Information Technology
expected to touch US $ 47 billion (Rs.216,300 crore) in
Enabled Services (IT-ITES) companies are already
2008-09, as compared to US $ 40.4 billion (Rs.164,400
very well established.
crore) in fiscal year 2007-08, an increase of 16.3
per cent in dollar terms and 31.6 per cent in rupee
Though the IT-BPO sector is export driven, the
terms. The Software & services revenue have shown
domestic market is also significant. The revenue
healthy growth in 2008-09 in Rupee terms because
from the domestic IT market (excluding hardware) is
rupee appreciated by over 11 per cent in 2007-08 but
expected to grow to about US $ 12.5 billion in the year
depreciated by over 22 per cent in 2008-09, against
2008-09 as compared to US $ 11.7 billion in 2007-08
the US Dollar.
an anticipated growth of about 6.8 per cent in dollar
BPO is the fastest growing segment within the Indian terms. BPO demand in the domestic market has
IT-BPO sector with a five year CAGR of 29 per cent witnessed noticeable growth over the past few years.
over the past five years. BPO exports from India grew It is expected to reach US $ 1.9 billion in 2008-09 as
from US $ 3.1 billion in 2003-04 to over US $ 10.9 billion compared to US $ 1.6 billion in 2007-08.
in 2007-08. Over the same period, direct employment
The industry has enhanced India’s credibility as a
grew from 216,000 in 2003-04 to 700,000 in 2007-
business destination by creating a fundamentally
08. Despite the economic slowdown, this segment is
new model of global 24X7 service delivery, forging
estimated to grow at 17.4 per cent, and reach export
relationships with 75 per cent of the fortune 500
revenues of US $ 12.8 billion in 2008-09, employing
companies, generating immense savings for customers
over 790,000 professionals.
(savings from global sourcing for customers amounted
Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI), to an estimated US $ 20 billion to US $ 25 billion in
High Technology and Telecom continued to account 2008) and promoting a focus on quality (65 per cent of

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12 all Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Level 5 firms are for the youth, provided global exposure, and offered
based in India). In addition, the industry has fostered extensive training and development. Furthermore,
the emergence of a large number of first generation the industry has been a front-runner in diversity at the
entrepreneurs. workplace (over 30 per cent of employees are women;

Indeed, the phenomenal growth of the Indian IT over 60 per cent of industry players employ differently

Software & Services and ITES-BPO sector has had abled people).

a perceptible multiplier effect on the Indian economy

Indian IT companies take inorganic route to growth
as a whole. In addition to the direct positive impact in turbulent times. The IT industry geared up for
on National Income, the sector has grown to become acquisitions in the December 2008 quarter. Many IT
the biggest Employment generator, and has spawned
companies concluded large buy-outs during the last
the mushrooming of several ancillary industries
quarter. This helped them win large contracts especially
such as transportation, real estate and catering,
in such turbulent times when clients are postponing
and has created a rising class of young consumers
decision of tendering contracts to IT vendors. The
with high disposable incomes, triggered a rise in
deals won by the companies will provide them with
direct-tax collections and propelled an increase in
assured revenues and are, therefore, expected to
consumer spending.
bolster their revenue growth in the coming quarters.
The total number of IT and ITES-BPO professionals
A number of pro-active steps were taken by the
employed in India has grown from 284,000 in 1999-
Government to sustain and facilitate growth of the
2000 to 2.01 million in 2007-08. The total IT Software
sector. These include extension of the benefits of
and Services employment is expected to reach 2.23
income-tax exemption under Section 10A and 10B
million mark in 2008-09 (excluding employment in
for the Software Technology Park Units by one more
Hardware sector), a growth of 10.9 percent YoY.
year (i.e. upto 31.3.2010) and introduction of a new
The indirect employment attributed by the sector is
IT Investment Regions (ITIRs) Scheme to develop
estimated to about 8.0 million in year 2008-09.
infrastructure facilities in tier-II and tier-III cities. The
The industry has also set a precedent for talent Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008
practices in India. It has created career opportunities that provides for Protection of personal data and

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information, and implementation of security practices to Rs. 177,600 crore in 2007-08, showing a growth
and procedures related to electronic communications of 32.5 per cent. The software and services industry
was passed. continues to show a robust growth and the total
value of software and services export are estimated
The industry’s contribution to the national GDP is
at Rs. 216,300 crore (US $ 47 billion) in 2008-09, as
estimated to increase from 5.5 per cent in 2007-08 to
compared to Rs.164,400 crore (US $ 40.4 billion) in
5.8 percent in 2008-09.
the year 2007-08, an increase of 31.6 per cent in rupee
Electronics & IT Exports terms and 16.3 per cent in dollar terms.

During the year 2008-09, electronics and IT exports

are estimated to be Rs. 235,300 crore, as compared

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Initiatives in Information Technology Sector
E-Governance across the country in 29 States/ 6 UTs at a total
outlay of Rs.3,334 crore including GIA component
National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of Rs.2,005 crore over a period of five years. Under
this Scheme, it is envisaged to provide technical
The Approach, Implementation Methodology and
and financial assistance to States for establishing
Management Structure for National e-Governance
SWANs from State Headquarters up to the Block
Plan (NeGP) have been approved by the Government
on 16th May 2006. Broadly, the plan consists of 27 level with a minimum bandwidth capacity of 2 Mbps.
Mission Mode Projects encompassing nine central SWAN proposals from 33 States/ UTs have been
Mission Mode Projects (MMPs), eleven state MMPs approved so far, with a sanctioned total outlay of
and seven integrated MMPs that span multiple Rs.1964.97 crore from the Department. The SWANs
backend Ministries/ Departments. It also includes eight in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Tripura,
program support components aimed at creating the Delhi, Chandigarh and Punjab have been rolled out.
right governance and institutional mechanisms, core While other States/UTs are in the various stages of
infrastructure, polices & standards and the necessary
implementation, Implementation of SWANs at 12
legal framework for adoption of e-Governance. It is
States/UTs is in advance stage.
being implemented at the Central, State and Local
Government Levels. In addition to above, four States i.e. Haryana, Himachal
Pradesh, Punjab and Tripura have empanelled the
The Department has been in the process of creating
Third Party Auditor (TPA) agencies for the monitoring
the common Core and Support Infrastructure
of the performance of the SWAN in their respective
(National/State Wide Area Networks, National/State
Data Centres, Common Services Centres & Electronic State.

Service Delivery Gateways). It is also evolving/ laying

State Data Centres
down Standards and Policy Guidelines, providing
technical and handholding support, undertaking The Concept is to create State Data Centres for the
Capacity Building, R&D, etc., which is critical for States to consolidate infrastructure, services and
successful implementation of various e-Governance applications to provide efficient electronic delivery
Projects. Department is also playing the role of of G2G, G2C and G2B services. These services can
facilitator and catalyst for the implementation of NeGP be rendered by the States through common delivery
by various Ministries and State Governments and platform seamlessly supported by core Connectivity
is providing assistance to Ministries/ Departments Infrastructure such as State Wide Area Network (SWAN)
requesting assistance, either directly or in collaboration and Common Services Centre (CSC) connectivity
with external professional consultants. extended up to village level. State Data Centre would
provide many functionalities and some of the key
State Wide Area Networks (SWAN)
functionalities are Central Repository of the State,
The Government has approved the Scheme for Secure Data Storage, Online Delivery of services,
establishing State Wide Area Networks (SWAN) Citizen Information/Services portal, State Intranet

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Portal, Disaster Recovery, Remote Management and Rs.198 crore has been released in sixteen States.
Service Integration etc. Twenty-one States have initiated implementation of the
CSC Scheme covering 102,791 CSCs. Twenty-seven
The Government has approved the scheme in
States have issued the RFP for selection of Service
January, 2008 at an estimated outlay of Rs. 1623.20
Centre Agencies covering 111,349 CSCs.
crore to cover 28 states/ 7UTs across the country. SDC
proposals from 31 States/UTs have been approved The issue of connectivity to the CSCs has also been
so far with a total outlay of Rs. 1378.50 Crore. An addressed. BSNL will provide connectivity to 41500
amount of Rs. 120.44 crore as the Department share CSCs. This initiative is being funded by the Department
has been released to the 31 States/UTs. Out of the for Rs.550 crore. The first installment of Rs.150 crore
13 RFPs received so far, RFP for 11 States has been as the Department share has been released.
approved and out of which 8 States have initiated the
Further connectivity of 2500 CSCs situated in remote
areas of NE States and other areas is also being
addressed by using VSAT at the cost of Rs.49.88
crore. The first installment of Rs.12.50 crore of the
Department share has already been released to NIC
(the Implementing Agency).

The issue of enabling Service Delivery is being

addressed by earmarking funds to the tune of Rs.400
crore saved out of the funds of the sanctioned plan
for CSC Scheme, for establishing State Portals, State
Services Delivery Gateway and Gaps in Infrastructure.
As on March 2009, total number of CSCs rolled out in
20 states is 36485.
Capacity Building Scheme

The scheme is mainly for providing technical &

professional support to State level policy & decision-
making bodies and to develop specialized skills for
e-governance. The scheme for a period of three years
will be implemented by the Department. The scheme
Common Services Centres (CSCs) envisions:
• Establishment of Institutional Framework for
The Government has approved a Scheme for State Level Strategic decision- making, including
establishing 100,000+ CSCs, primarily in rural areas setting-up of State e-Governance Mission Team
of the country. These Centres would be Broadband (SeMT).
Internet Enabled and would provide all government • Imparting of specialized training, Orientation
and private services at the doorstep of the citizen. program for SeMTs and decision makers.
The Scheme is being implemented in Public Private • Strengthening of Training Institutions in States.
Partnership. The Scheme has been approved at a • Setting up of a central Capacity Building
total cost of Rs. 5742 crore with the Government of Management Cell for coordination and
India contribution being Rs. 856 crore and State
implementation of the scheme.
Governments contribution being Rs. 793 crore.
The balance funds would be brought in by the Capacity Building Scheme for an outlay of Rs. 313 crore
private sector. for all the States/UTs for taking National e-Governance
Plan (NeGP) forward across the country has been
In the current financial year, the Department has
approved by the Government in January 2008.
approved CSC proposal of one Union Territory and
over all there have been twenty six States where the The status of implementation of the scheme is as
CSC project at a total cost of Rs.1555.53 crore has follows:
been in progress and the Department has released
Rs.198 crore as the first installment of the Government i) The Department grant to all States and ACA has
of India to the States. The first installment of ACA for been released to all States/UTs.

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ii) Pilot Project implementation is progressing in the
state of Meghalaya.
iii) Rollout in entire state on Public Private Partnership
model has been completed in Puducherry and
iv) Rollout in entire state on Public Private Partnership
model is being carried out in Assam.

Computerization of Property Registration

i) Pilot project has been completed in the state of

Rajasthan and Uttarakhand.
ii) Pilot project is progressing in the state of
iii) Rollout in entire state on Public Private Partnership
model has been completed in Punjab and
iv) Rollout in entire state on Public Private Partnership
model is being carried out in Rajasthan.

ii) Capacity Building Management Cell (CBMC) has Computerization of Transport system at RTOs: Rollout in
been setup. the entire state on Public Private Partnership model
iii) Five agencies have been empanelled centrally which is being carried out in Punjab.
for providing temporary staffing services as State
e-Governance Mission Teams (SeMTs) across all
India Portal
the States/UTs. The final selection of the agency India Portal Project is a Mission Mode Project under
is being done by respective States/UTs. the NeGP to provide a single window access to the
iv) The guidelines for utilization of CB funds has been information and services of the Indian Government
issued to all States/UTs.
at all levels from Central Government to State
v) Two agencies have been selected for providing
Government to District Administration and Panchayats
recruitment services for creation of SeMTs.
for the Citizens, Business and Overseas Indians. The
vi) The orientation/training programme for political
specific achievements made under this project during
& policy level, SeMT and Central Team members
the year are summarized below: -
level has been approved. Training guidelines also
has been issued to all States/UTs.
• The State wise roll-out of the Portal has been
Horizontal Transfer of Successful conceptualized.
e-Governance Initiatives • The guidelines to ensure certain minimum standard
for all government websites have been approved
The Department launched a major countrywide initiative
and would form a new chapter in the Central
“Horizontal Transfer of Successful E-Governance
Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure (CSMOP).
Initiatives” aimed at pervasively spreading the
The guidelines were released at the 12th National
benefits of e-Governance across the country. One
Conference on e-Governance held on 12th
key component of this multi-pronged initiative is to
identify and replicate major successes that have been -13th Feb’09 in Goa. This document consists of

achieved in some States. In the first phase, projects mandatory, advisory and voluntary standards of

on Land Records, Transport and Registration were uniformity to be followed by government Portals
taken as they have potential for improving significantly and websites at all levels.
Government-to-Citizen services.
Public Participation modules
Land Records Computerization Projects
• Complain & Appeal Module for Central Information
i) Pilot Project implementations in the state of Commission (CIC) is developed to receive
Jharkhand has been completed. Complaints and Appeals automating the entire

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process of filing of complaint and appeal to the Accolades
CIC. • Best System Demonstration Award, at the 9th
• NGO Partnership System (NGO-PS) –The India International Digital Government Research
Portal has developed and launched a special Conference, Montreal, Canada (2008).
web interface to improve transparency in • Finalist at the Stockholm Challenge 2008
government function by monitoring the funds (Public Administration Category).
granted to Non Governmental Organizations
under various welfare schemes. Standards for e-Governance

Content Contribution Government of India (GoI) has set-up an institutional

mechanism to evolve Standards for e-Governance.
• On-line Services - 281 new services offered The key objective of this standardization activity
by different State Governments have been is to enable collaboration and integration across
added. various e-Governance applications. The specific
• Documents – 2299 new documents have been achievements made under this project during 2008-09
are summarized below: -
• Forms – 1709 forms published on the portal.
• Schemes – 324 schemes have been added by
• The Draft Policy on Open Standards was released
the Ministries/States.
for Public Review and comments on 21st Nov’08.
• Rules/ACTS – About 333 new rules and 636
• The Specialist Committee has revised the draft
Acts of different States have been uploaded at
the National Portal. policy on Open Standards for e-Governance on

• Government Contacts – The Government the basis of the comments of the reviewers.
Contact Directory on the portal has been • As per the institutional mechanism set for the
enriched with 544 new contacts of various standardization, the following documents were
officials of different States and Central Ministries submitted for the closed group as well as for 17
and Departments. public feedback.
• Announcements – With 928 new
• Expert Committee on Meta data and
Announcements, the section gives vital
data standards.
updates by the various government ministries
and departments. • Person Identification & Land Region Codification
• Directory of Important Web Links – 527 new • Expert committee on Technology Standards
websites have been added to the Portal during in Interoperability Framework for e-Governance
the year 2008-09. (IFEG).
• Technology Standards in Indian Languages
My India My Pride Section
 Draft document on encoding standards for
An exclusive footage (video on demand) of the Indian languages
60th Republic Day Celebrations held at the India  Best practices for Indian language fonts
Gate has been covered. This section highlighted • Expert Committee on Security – The Draft
the Journey of Indian Republic, History of Indian documents on e-Gov. Security Assessment
Tricolour and Republic Day Celebrations held in Guidelines for Risk level wise categorization,
the capital and across the country. Catalogue of Security controls, Baselines
controls, Guidelines for Implementation of
Promotion of Portal
security controls, Assessment of effectiveness,
• Advertisement in Swagat – An In-flight Magazine Risk management etc., are being prepared
of the National Carrier is being regularly given for by Standardization, Testing and Quality
the Project.
Certification (STQC).
• State level workshops and training are also being
• Quality Assessment Framework
organized to increase the awareness on the India
Portal amongst its stakeholders. • Conformity Assessment Requirements for
• One Day Workshop was held for the NIC e-Governance.
Coordinators of the National Portal to deliberate • e-Forms Standards – The study of e-forms
on the content contribution through the Content requirements specifications has been done by
Service Providers. the Expert Committee and industry preparedness

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for Open Standards solutions being explored Impact Assessment
for submission to Technology Standards Expert
The Impact Assessment Study is a continuous effort
as a part of the NeGP objectives to assess the impact
• IFEG Committee submitted its report on openness
of various e-Governance initiatives on the lives of the
of e-Form Standards
citizens. The report of the first phase was released on
• Expert Committee on Language Technology
the 19th of November 2008 and is a public document
Standards - The beta version of 22 Indian available on the MIT website. The findings of the
Languages Enhanced in-script keyboard layout reports have been presented to line ministries, state
received from CDAC Pune has been circulated to nodal officers and other stakeholders.
SIOs of Hindi speaking states for their comments
on Devnagari script layout. As a part of the first phase of the three-phase impact
assessment schedule, three state level e-Government
• Expert Committee on Biometrics has revised the
projects – vehicle registration, property registration
draft reports on Facial Image and Fingerprint
and land records were selected for assessment
Image Standards to avoid copyright issues.
in twelve states across India. Three national-level
National e-Governance Service Delivery projects implemented by the Income Tax Department,
Gateway (NSDG) the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), and the issue
of passport by Regional Passport Offices were also
NSDG is a MMP project of the Department under assessed during the first phase.
the NeGP being implemented by C-DAC. NSDG is
standards based middleware architecture which will The key findings of the study across projects show
facilitate interoperability and seamless data exchange that:
amongst various government departments. NSDG • The number of trips to Government offices has
will also provide a secure and simplified interface to reduced from 8 trips to 1-2 trips.
the external world for the departments. The National • Waiting time at the offices has reduced in the
18 Gateway is Live since Aug’08. range 20-40%.
• People show strong preference to computerized
The specific achievements made under this project systems.
during 2008-09 are: - • There has been direct cost saving to citizens in
the range of Rs. 50 – 100.
• Successful ‘Go-Live for NSDG’ was held.
• In Land Records project, there has been a
• Inter Gateway Interconnect Specification
significant improvement in the perception of
(IGIS) has been revised and finalized by the
• The State wise roll-out of the NSDG has been In the second phase, which began in January 2009
and will continue through to the next financial year;
• Revised specifications (IIP and IGIS) for
primarily three projects are being assessed. These
communication with NSDG & the same has been
shared with TCS for integration with MCA21. include:
• Hardware installation for NSDG and NSD has • e-Governance initiatives under Jawaharlal Nehru
been completed at NICSI Data Center, Delhi. National Urban Renewal Mission(JNNURM), as
• First Round of System Testing at CDAC, Mumbai requested by Ministry of Urban Development,
has been completed. • e-District baseline study and
• A Demo of NSDG was given to Govt. of Andhra • Commercial Tax state project
• Interoperability of: e-Readiness Assessment
 PHP eForm and Java SAP Connector
integrated for India Portal Deployment is E-Readiness was defined as “the capacity of the
completed. states to provide governance equitably and cost
 SAP connector with PKI integration has effectively, to improve the degree of integration of
been completed. deprived segments of society through ICT application,
and to provide business, the capacity to participate
in the provincial and national level digital economies.”
The Assessment component of NeGP has two The e-Readiness assessment was first commissioned
independent streams of study – Impact Assessment by the Department in the year 2005. Presently the
and e-Readiness Assessment. e-Readiness 2008 assessment study is ongoing.

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This year, apart from e-Readiness assessment & projects, as well as formulation of Detailed Project
e-Governance rankings, the study is also looking Reports that could serve as the basis for appraisal.
at secondary sources for reassessing contribution Discussions are currently underway between the
of IT sector to the economy over the years using Department, DEA and the Bank to finalize the exact
disaggregated data on IT sector as a separate category size and scope of the project.
within services. Secondly, there is also an attempt to
Community Information Centres (CIC)
categories the employment characteristics (state-
wise, gender etc.) in the IT sector compared to other During 9th and 10th Five Year Plan, the Department
sectors using National Sample Survey Organization had taken up an initiative for setting up of Community
(NSSO) data. Information Centres (CICs) in the hilly, far-flung rural
areas of the country with an objective to bring the
Unique ID Project for BPL Families benefits of ICT to the people. The established CICs in
North East, Jammu & Kashmir, Andaman Nicobar and
The objective of the proposed Scheme is to create
Lakshadweep Islands continued to provide citizen-
a Central Database & generate UID for residents
centric services and training.
primarily for effective reach of social sector benefits.
Currently, a central database of 68.77 crore records
Information & Communications Technologies
has been created and work is going on for a Proof of
for Development (ICTD)
Concept to look at integrating the National Population
Register (NPR) and the UID. An Empowered Group A project on Information & Communications
of Ministers (EGOM) approved the proposed strategy Technologies for Development (ICTD) has been
for collation of the UID and NPR and also approved initiated by the the Department with an initial core
the creation of a UID Authority under the aegis of the
funding of USD 5.0 million from UNDP and additional
Planning Commission.
Swedish International Development Agency(SIDA)
e-District funding of USD 0.5 million. The key objectives of the
project are: 19
e-District is a State Mission Mode Project under the
National e-Governance Plan. The Project aims to i) To demonstrate and to build further on the use of
target certain high volume services currently not ICT for improved governance through sustainable
covered by any MMP under the NeGP and undertake pilot initiatives in delivery of key public services.
backend computerization to enable the delivery of ii) To encourage active Business Process
these services through Common Service Centers. Reengineering (BPR) efforts to make procedures
simple, rule based, non-discretionary and
The Department has approved 14 Pilot e-District transparent thereby facilitating use of ICT on
projects covering 36 districts. Significant ground has sustainable basis and outsourcing of functions.
been covered in Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Bihar. In iii) To build Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in ICT
Uttar Pradesh, pilot project has gone live in all six applications for governance.
pilot districts of Uttar Pradesh. In Assam and Bihar, iv) To develop solutions and applications based
application development is under progress. on open source and other technologies that
would improve access to and reduce cost of ICT
E-Bharat Project
To support NeGP, Goverment of India (GoI) has been v) To support the process of formulating master
carrying out extensive dialogue with World Bank for plans and road-maps for e-governance.
possible programme management and financial vi) To document lessons learnt for horizontal transfer
support (called “e-Bharat project”). This project is of success stories.
expected to finance a subset of NeGP activities (Mission
Mode Projects - MMPs and Program Components) as The programme has further intensified and
agreed between GoI and the World Bank. strengthened its activities during 2008-09 in order
to increase user uptake and acceptability through
As part of its preparatory activities, the Bank has awareness generation programmes, outreach
undertaken several missions for the project. It has and advocacy efforts. Accessibility to information
reported good progress achieved in advancing and provisioning of services has been intensified
project preparation activities including preparation of through new telecenters / information kiosks. Video
e-Bharat Program Management and Financial Manuals, documentation of programme activities, processes
finalization of Core Scope Guidelines for the eligible and outcomes has been completed. In addition,

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several case studies pertaining to ICT for development • Various MMPs like NSDG, India Portal and Land
have also been completed. Additional eight pilot Records etc have been tested for functionality,
initiatives have been taken in the area of mobile Performance & Security.
governance, financial inclusion, community radio etc. • State Level Projects from Madhya Pradesh and
The programme learnings have been disseminated
Uttaranchal are in progress.
through participation in international conferences and
• A Jeevan Portal of Delhi government is taken up
for quality evaluation.
India Development Gateway (InDG) • E-Passport an MMP under NeGP has been
initiated for the technical review of the documents
India Development Gateway (InDG) is a nation
and the testing is in progress.
wide initiative that seeks to provide responsive and
credible information, products and services in local Open Technology Centre (OTC)
languages catering to the needs of rural communities.
The portal hosts information related to key livelihood Government has initiated the setting up of an Open
sectors - currently those of Agriculture, Health, Technology Center through National Informatics Centre
Primary Education, Rural Energy and E-Governance (NIC) aimed at giving effective direction to the country
which are available in six languages viz. Hindi, Tamil, on Open Technology in the areas of Open Source
Telugu, Bengali, Marathi and English. Executed by Solutions, Open Standard, Open Processes, Open
C-DAC Hyderabad, the portal is a result of symbiotic Hardware specifications and Open Course-ware.
partnership with over 200 organisations representing
The OTC has provided the requisite support to the
varied development stakeholders for content
Standardization activity for e-Governance. The Specific
generation and outreach activities. InDG’s multilingual
achievements made under OTC project during 2008-
portal - www.indg.in was launched by the President of
09 are: -
India, on 04th July 2008.
• OTC has facilitated the signing of a MoU with
Conformance Assessment Centres C-DAC for using the BOSS-Linux Operating
System in identified e-Governance projects under
Under this project, the Department has created 7 NIC and the Department.
national infrastructures (region-wise) in terms of skills, • OTC has cleared the security audit for the “Open
knowledge and experience with technical and legal Source Issue Tracking System” namely “trac”.
expertise in the areas of Information Security, Software • Data replication and consolidation for transport
Quality, IT Service Quality, Legal and ethical issues project was carried out at Hyderabad with a
of web sites etc. Also with Conformity Assessment Regional Transport Office (RTO) site located at
Framework in place, compliance with applicable Chandigarh for the “SARATHI” project using Open
requirements and regulations can be assessed by Source Software.
• OTC has implemented Point In Time Recovery
independent Third Party rather than relying solely on
for the Open Source PostgreSQL Database. A
the assertion of developers and service providers.
document on the same was made available in the
The project is being executed by Standardization,
OTC portal. By using this facility e-Governance
Testing and Quality Certification (STQC). The specific
applications can implement incremental backup
achievements made under this project during 2008-09
and recovery operations for PostgreSQL based
are summarized below: - deployments.
• The Technical Standards Committee has
• Quality Assurance Framework and Conformity
processed openness of standards for static
Assessment Requirements document have been
Raster Graphics Image.
submitted for the closed Group as well as Public
Feedback under the standardization institutional Establishment of BOSS Support Centres and Business
mechanism. Development Centre: National Resource Centre for Free/
• The Kolkata and Bangalore Centres have been Open Source Software was set up at C-DAC Chennai
accreditated by A2LA USA.
for duration of three years. Achievements during year
• A workshop has been organized for India, Brazil &
2008-09 are as follows:
South Africa (IBSA) for e-Governance Standards
and Data Quality. • Ten BOSS Support Centres have been established
• A workshop has been organized for Information in C-DAC and the Department.
Security for e-Governance. • BOSS has been deployed by Chhattisgarh
• The annual audit of MCA 21 is in progress Infotech Promotion Society (CHIPS) in CHOICE

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e-Governance application currently deployed in Remote Sensing and GIS Project on Integrated Land
six districts in Chhattisgarh. Management and Administrative Planning (ILMAP) in
• Indian Navy has adopted BOSS for their office Manipur State on Pilot : This has been initiated in the
applications and training has been imparted to State of Manipur associating the Manipur Remote
Navy officers at Chennai, Vizag, Cochin, Mumbai Sensing Application Centre (MARSAC), to develop

and Delhi. and implement Integrated Land Management and

• A MOU has been signed with NIC for deployment Administrative Planning (ILMAP) on a pilot scale in one

of BOSS Linux across the country in e-governance district for improving land resource management and

applications developed and maintained by NIC. delivery system. System design has been completed
and hardware procurement is under process.
• BOSS implementation is on in Kerala in 101
villages across Palakkad and Thrissur districts. Development of GIS based Integrated Infrastructure,
• A Data Centre has been established in NRCFOSS, Resource and Utility, Planning & Management system
Chennai, with capacity of 2 Tera Bytes and (IIRUPM) for Assam State: On pilot initiated the
connectivity of 8 Mbps, where BOSS repository integration of information with all the attribute data of
has been stored for access by users and Government Line departments including resources
developers. such as forest, fisheries, water bodies, municipalities,
• Development of Indian GNU/ Linux distribution health, education, employment, public utilities etc and
(BOSS) development of Decision Support System.
• CDAC has signed MoU for the deployment of
BOSS GNU/Linux with ElCOT, Govt. of Bihar, NIC, Integrated Land Management and Administrative Planning

Govt. of Chhattisgarh & Indian navy. (ILMAP) in East and South Districts of the State of Sikkim :
Initiated on pilot for development of special database
Other Projects and Integration of information with all the attribute data
Land Resources Information System (LRIS) in Mysore of Government Line departments including natural

district, Karnataka: This is being implemented by resources such as forest, water bodies etc. and also

Karnataka State Remote Sensing Application Center, development of a web-based data dissemination
Bangaluru in collaboration with Govt. of Karnataka system. System Requirement Specification has been
for demonstration at Mysore district. In this project a prepared.
parcel level up-to-date comprehensive land information
Computerization of Enforcement Wing Motor Vehicles
system and digital cadastral map was to be prepared
Department : A project initiated in Kerala State
in support of a broad range for developmental and
on pilot basis for improving the efficiency of
managerial requirements. It has been completed.
department and bringing transparency/reducing

eG - Swaraj : This is an e Governance initiative in the harassment to citizens through implementation

Jharkhand State for creation of digital database of appropriate and common rules on law offenders

of multiple thematic layers and development of using information technology tools integrated

decision support system for various natural resources database. Detail study has been completed.

Development of Digital Land Resource Information

e-Kalyan : This is an e- Governance initiative for welfare System for Integrated Land Management for Mizoram

Department in Jharkhand State for development of State : On Pilot basis initiated for development of

web based Management Information System (MIS) special database and Integration of information

and Budget Creation System. with all the attribute data of Government Line
departments including natural resources such as
Computerization of Finance, Revenue and Expenditure forest, water bodies etc. and also development of
Department of Govt. of Sikkim : This has been initiated to a web-based data dissemination system. System
computerize the Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Requirement Specification has been prepared.
Department with an aim to have centralized processing
for the final accounts ofthe State and preparation of eGPX : One Year Post Graduate e-Governance Program
consolidated monthly report. All village map has been for Executives from State Government Department for
georeferenced and satellite data being processed. long term capacity building has been initiated.

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Remote Sensing and GIS Applications for Chennai City on The Information Technology (Amendment)
E-Governance Aspects : Web based spatial Decision Act 2008
Support System project has been initiated with the
The Information Technology Act 2000, a legal framework
following objectives: -
for transactions carried out electronically, was enacted
• Development of an interactive Database
to facilitate e-Commerce, e-Governance and to take
Information System for Government users with
care of computer related offences. Over the years,
GIS and develop a prototype e-governance
with several new forms of computer crime, misuse
website providing spatial, non-spatial and
and fraud taking place, a need was felt to strengthen
geotechnical MIS. legislation pertaining to information security.
• Development of geotechnical database for
surface and subsurface details The Information Technology (Amendment) Act 2008
• Formulation and design a rapid visual screening has been published in the Gazette. The Act upgrades

procedure based on seismic hazard map. the existing legal framework to instil confidence in

• Design of e-Governance website for information the users and investors in the area of Information

dissemination for public awareness. Technology in the country. This Act inter-alia adds
provisions to the existing Information Technology
Cyber Security Act, 2000 to deal with new forms of cyber crimes
like publicizing sexually explicit material in electronic
Information security R&D is one of the major initiatives
form, video voyeurism, cyber terrorism, breach of
identified to pursue the strategic activities for securing
confidentiality and leakage of data by intermediary
country’s cyber space. Promotion of information
and e-commerce frauds. The formulation of Rules
security R&D is carried out through sponsored projects under the Act is in the process.
at recognized R&D organizations. Broad research
thrust categories identified include (a) Cryptography Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
22 and Crypt analysis, (b) Network and Systems
Security, (c) Security Architectures, (d) Vulnerability CERT-In is the national nodal agency for responding
and Assurance and (e) Monitoring, Surveillance and to computer security incidents as and when they
Forensics. occur. CERT-In creates awareness on security issues
through dissemination of information on its website
R&D proposals were formulated in the areas of (http://www.cert-in.org.in) and operates 24X7 Incident
(i) quantum key distribution, (ii) development of Response Help Desk. It provides Incident Prevention
secure environment in mobile adhoc networks and Response services as well as Security Quality
and development of secure protocols for Wireless Management Services.

Mesh Networks, (iii) development of framework for

In the recent Information Technology (Amendment)
logging and analysis of network traffic to secure IT
Act 2008, CERT-In has been designated to serve as
infrastructure, (iv) network intrusion detection, (v) the national agency to perform the following functions
development of defence system against internet in the area of cyber security:
worms and (vi) development of biometric systems
for face recognition, speaker recognition, fingerprint • Collection, analysis and dissemination of
information on cyber incidents
identification and iris recognition. These proposals
• Forecast and alerts of cyber security incidents
were considered by the Working Group on Information
• Emergency measures for handling cyber security
Security and projects were initiated. There was a incidents
special emphasis to promote research efforts in North • Coordination of cyber incident response
East region and ten projects were initiated. activities
• Issue guidelines, advisories, vulnerability notes
A Resource Centre for Cyber forensics was set up at and whitepapers relating to information security
C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram and dedicated to the practices, procedures, prevention, response and
nation. A prototype system of multi-modal bio-metric reporting of cyber incidents
• Such other functions relating to cyber security as
system for authentication and human identification
may be prescribed
and also a prototype system for face recognition
system for automated recognition of human faces The activities carried out by CERT-In comprises of the
under controlled environment were developed. following:

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Activities January 2008 to and Security Teams (FIRST). CERT-In has become
March 2009 full member of Asia Pacific CERT (APCERT) since
August, 2008. CERT-In has become Research Partner
Security Incidents handled 4003 of Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) to counter
Security Alerts issued 57 and develop best practices for containing phishing
Advisories Published 93 attacks.
Vulnerability Notes Published 237
Security Guidelines Published 1 As part of this collaboration, CERT-In has successfully

White papers Published 1 participated in ASEAN CERTs Incident Handling Drill

(ACID 2008) held on 30th July 2008 and APCERT
Trainings Organized 22
International Incident Handling Drill 2008 held on 4th
Indian Website Defacements tracked 5859
December, 2008 involving CERTs from Asia Pacific
Open Proxy Servers tracked 2766
region, Europe and North America.
Bot Infected Systems tracked 1044975
CERT-In is interacting with other international
CERT-In has taken steps to implement National CERTs to exchange advance information regarding
Information Security Assurance Programme (NISAP) vulnerabilities and malicious code, responding to
to create awareness in government and critical incidents involving attackers and victims of international
sector organizations and to develop and implement jurisdiction. Functional relations are being established
information security policy and information security with international CERTs from USA, Japan, Korea,
best practices based on ISO/IEC 27001 for protection Australia, Brazil etc. CERT-In has signed MoUs with
of their infrastructure. For communicating with these National Cyber Security Centre, Republic of Korea,
organizations, CERT-In maintains a comprehensive JPCERT/CC and National Computer Board, Mauritius
database of more than 800 Point-of Contacts (PoC) for mutual cooperation in the area of cyber security.
and Chief Information Security Officers (CISO). As Two experts from CERT-In visited Mauritius for setting
a proactive measure, CERT-In has also empanelled up of CERT-MU in Mauritius and provided training on
76 information security auditing organizations to CERT operations to technical staff of CERT-Mauritius.
carry out information security audit, including the CERT-MU has been operationalised and launched in
vulnerability assessment and penetration test of the May 2008.
networked infrastructure of government and critical
CERT-In, Department of Information Technology
sector organizations. The technical competency of
and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) have
the empanelled organizations is regularly reviewed by
established the Information Security Advisory
CERT-In with the help of a test network.
Forum to foster cooperation between government,

CERT-In plays the role of mother CERT and is regularly industry, consumer and law enforcement agencies

interacting with the cyber security officers of sectorial on information security issues. As part of its many

CERTs in Defense, Finance and other sectors to advise activities the Forum organizes Conferences, Training

them in the matters related to cyber security. and Awareness Programs for the internet consumers
(that include children, parents and teachers) who are
To facilitate its tasks, CERT-In has collaboration often susceptible to cyber attack, and aims to provide
arrangements with IT product vendors, security tools and resources to counter such threats.
vendors and Industry in the country and abroad.
Security Cooperation agreements and MoUs have Creating security awareness among Indian IT
been signed with Microsoft, Red Hat, Cisco, EMC2, infrastructure organizations is one of the important role

eBay, Trend Micro, Symantec, Quickheal, Radware, of CERT-In. CERT-In is conducting training workshops
to train officials of Government, critical sector, public/
McAfee and Afilias. This collaboration facilitates
industry sectors, financial and banking sector and
exchange of information on vulnerabilities in relevant
ISPs on various contemporary and focused topics
products, developing suitable countermeasures to
of Information Security. CERT-In team members has
protect these systems and providing training on latest
provided training on Computer Forensics and Log
products and technologies.
Analysis to other Government organizations and Law
CERT-In has established collaborations with Enforcement. CERT-In members also participated in
international security organizations and CERTs to various national and international conferences and
facilitate exchange of information related to latest delivered lectures on topics related to information
cyber security threats and international best practices. security. In order to increase the outreach, CERT-In
CERT-In is a member of Forum of Incident Response has engaged NASSCOM and Data Security Council

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of India to spread the cyber security awareness and issued in the country grew to more than 11,00,000 by
facilitate interaction with various user groups. March 2009. A MoU was signed with the Information
and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA), of
CERT-in has established the facility for Computer
the Republic of Mauritius to foster cooperation with
Forensics for investigation of cyber crimes and to the aim of setting up a PKI for Mauritius based on the
provide hands on training to the law enforcement Indian PKI Model.
agencies and judiciary. This infrastructure is being
augmented to include network forensics and mobile While the Draft Interoperability Guidelines for Digital

forensics investigation facility. CERT-In is cooperating Signature Certificates (DSC) was prepared, significant

with defence, banks, judiciary and law enforcement efforts were put in coordinating the integration of

agencies in training their officials as well as extending Digital Signatures with e-Governance applications
the support in investigation of cyber crimes. and in addressing implementation issues & consumer
interests. Steps were also taken to confirm with the
CERT-In is implementing a project for Attack Detection Ministry of Finance regarding the Non-applicability of
and Threat Assessment at ISP and organization level. Service Tax on DSCs.
This project will enable detection of cyber threats
and attacks and issuance of early warning to take The process of registering the India PKI Forum as
a not-for-profit society commenced during the year
appropriate countermeasures to mitigate the attacks
during which the Asia PKI Consortium (APKIC) also
and contain the damage.
accepted India PKI Forum as a principal member.
CERT-In has been evolved as the most trusted referral CCA and other representatives from the India PKI
agency in the area of information security in the country. Forum participated in the Annual and the Executive
CERT-In is regularly interacting with CISOs of Critical Group meetings held during the year.

Infrastructure Organizations and sectorial CERTs to

Several initiatives were taken to further enhance trust
ensure security of the critical systems, collaboration
in the PKI set up in the country. While audits were
24 with IT product and security vendors to mitigate the
carried out by the CAs and the CCA for IT Act, 2000
vulnerabilities in various systems, cooperation with
compliance, recommendations on standards & best
international CERTs and security organizations on practices implementation were prepared based on a
information sharing and incident response, promote review of the existing PKI by an international expert.
R&D activities in the areas of Artifact analysis and Cyber Steps were also initiated for setting up an Online
Forensics and security training and awareness. Certificate Verification Service (OCVS), which would
provide a very important service, as more and more
Controller of Certifying Authorities e-Governance applications become Digital signature
enabled. Efforts continued towards incorporating
The Information Technology Act 2000 facilitates
CCA’s Root Certificate in Internet browsers for ease of
acceptance of electronic records and Digital Signatures
establishment of trust.
through a legal framework for establishing trust in
e-Commerce and e-Governance. The Root Certifying Towards building up a resource base for knowledge in
Authority of India (RCAI) set up by the Controller of respect of Digital Signatures and creating awareness
Certifying Authorities (CCA) is the root of trust for about its use, under the Nationwide PKI Awareness
authentication of electronic transactions. The National programme, One-day seminars were held in Bangaluru,
Repository of Digital Signatures Certificates (NRDC) Mumbai, Kolkata, Thiruvananthapuram, New Delhi,
which hosts the Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) Mohali and Hyderabad. Course on cyber forensics
issued by the licensed Certifying Authorities (CA) and was held for judiciary in Jabalpur and Nainital.
the website cca.gov.in are other components of the
technical infrastructure that has been established and Cyber Regulation Appellate Tribunal (CRAT)
is being operated by the CCA. The Disaster Recovery
Cyber Regulation Appellate Tribunal (CRAT) was
Site of CCA is also fully operational.
established under IT Act 2000 in October 2006. Any

The number of Certifying Authorities licensed by CCA person aggrieved by an order made by the Controller

to issue Digital Signature Certificates under the IT Act, of Certifying Authorities or Adjucating Officer can
2000 grew to Eight with the licensing of e-Mudhra CA prefer an Appeal to the Tribunal. During the period
of 3i Infotech Consumer Services in November 2008, of January 2008 to March 2009 no appeal was
while the total number of Digital Signature Certificates received. The new Presiding Officer (PO) joined CRAT

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in February 2009. PO has been interacting with the Information Technology Investment Regions
concerned authorities / officials to make them aware (ITIRs)
about the functioning of the Tribunal.
A policy resolution for setting up of Information
The Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Technology Investment Regions (ITIRs) have been
Layout-Design Act 2000 approved by the Central Government. A Gazette
Notification on this policy has been brought out on
The Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout- 29th May 2008.
Design Act (SICLDA) 2000 provides for protection of
Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Designs This policy will help to promote investment in the
and for the matters connected therewith or incidental Information Technology (IT), Information Technology
thereto. As per the provisions made under SICLDA, Enabled Services (ITES) / Electronic Hardware

a registry known as the Semiconductor Integrated Manufacturing (EHM) Units. The Government has
decided to attract major investment by providing a
Circuits Layout-Design Registry (SICLDR) has to
transparent and an investment friendly policy and
be established to facilitate examining the received
set up Information Technology Investment Regions
chip layout-design IPR applications and issuing the
registration to the qualifying layout-designs.
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI)
During the year, the works on establishing the two
technical resources of SICLDR viz Inspection and Five additional Internet Exchange Nodes have been
Verification Facilities (IVF) and Data Center (DC) were established at Ahmedabad (Gujarat), Bengaluru
initiated. Microscopic Zoom inspection equipment (Karnataka), Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), Mohali
capable of imaging the layout designs on the fabricated (Chandigarh) and Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) in
wafer/die was procured for IVF and commissioned. For addition to the existing NIXI hubs at Chennai, Kolkata,
DC, a layout design comparison tool was obtained. Mumbai and Noida. The nine NIXI nodes have 33
Servers, high end storage system were procured for ISPs connected with these nodes and carrying a 25
back end operations. Two sponsored R&D projects traffic exchange of 5 gigabit per second. The Internet
Exchange nodes have been successful in ensuring the
in the area of data base creation for Layout Design
Internet traffic originating within India and also with
for feeding the SICLD Registry were initiated. An RFP
destination in India, has remained within the country.
study on Semiconductor IC Layout Design registrations
was also commissioned.
Quality of Service (QoS) Network Test Bed
Bio IT Centre Six academic institutions IIT - Bombay, Delhi,
Kharagpur and Madras; CDAC Bangalore and IISc
The Government has taken this initiative to set up
Bio-IT centres in various regions to promote Bio- Bangalore with bandwidth provisioning through ERNET
IT activities in the country, generate professional (India) undertook study of Internet protocols, network
manpower and R&D development in Bio-IT area. and traffic engineering and monitoring principles and
States of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu have proposed to network architecture. Based on experiments, they
set up Bio-IT centers and the process is underway. established a Multi Protocol Label Switching network
testbed among themselves on the ERNET Backbone
Connecting ERNET India with European on which they demonstrated Quality of Service
Research Network GEANT (QoS) assured network based applications and
services viz. Distance Education, Voice over IP and
A Cooperation agreement has been signed under
Videoconferencing with a bandwidth cap of 2Mbps.
India EU Cooperation on Information Society
Technologies (IST) Programme, to link ERNET India IN Internet Domain Registry
with European Research Network GEANT Network
The Registry for the Country Code Top Level Domain
in Europe for collaboration between ERNET and
Name .IN is managed by the National Internet
Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe
Exchange of India. Presently, more than 45 Registrars
Limited (DANTE) to provide a reliable and efficient
have been accredited to offer .IN domain name
connectivity between the two research communities.
registration worldwide to customers. Efforts have
Presently the link is operational at 100 Mbps to meet resulted in increased awareness and registration of
the bandwidth requirements of Indian scientists and .IN Domain Names, which is more than 5,00,000 as
various academic and R&D institutions. on March 2009.
Internationalized Domain Names National Internet Registry (NIR)

The process of implementation of Internationalized As part of promotional activity for proliferation of Internet
Domain Names in Indian Languages includes the in the country and based on the recommendations
tasks of drawing out the Language character Tables, of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI),
Variant Tables, Normalization Tables and language the Department took the initiative to set up National
rule sets. These tasks have been completed for Internet Registry (NIR) in the country. The Department
Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, endorsed National Internet Exchange of India to act
Gujarati, Oriya, Punjabi, Urdu, Bangla and Assamese as National Internet Registry for India. The process of
languages in their respective scripts. The Policy setting up the NIR is currently underway.
formulation for the roll out of IDNs in Indian languages
is under validation. Further the Department in association with NIXI
has conducted several awareness and training
programmes among the network and service providers
Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) throughout the country.
Secretariat at DIT
Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
A Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC)
Secretariat of the Internet Corporation for Assigned The 3rd meeting of the Internet Governance Forum was
Names and Numbers (ICANN) is operational in the held during December 3-6, 2008 at HICC, Hyderabad.
Department. The GAC is an Advisory Committee The Department under the aegis of the United Nations
comprising representatives of national governments, hosted the event.
multinational governmental organizations and treaty
The focus of IGF was ‘Internet for All”. The meeting
organizations and distinct economies. It is the key
has addressed five main themes: Reaching the Next
forum for discussing the public policy issues relating
Billion; Promoting Cyber-Security and Trust; Managing
to the Internet concerning the standardization,
Critical Internet Resources; Taking Stock and the
26 protocols and technology and affecting the social
and economic life of the countries. Way Forward; and Emerging Issues – the Internet of
Hosting of ICANN
In this IGF, more than 1280 delegates participated
The Department hosted the ICANN Global meet from 94 countries representing Government, Private
2008 in New Delhi. The meeting attracted over 800 Sector, Civil Society, Academia, Internet Community
participants. The global meet deliberated on issues and Media.
pertaining to Internet domain names and Internet

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Technology and Application Development
Media Lab Asia Shruti-Drishti- Computer Aided Text to Speech and Text to
Braille System for the Visually Impaired: The objective
The Media Lab Asia has been set up by Government of the project is to Design, Develop and Integrate
of India, Ministry of Communications and Information the C-DAC’s Extractor and Vachantar applications of
Technology as a not-for-profit organization under Text-to-Speech with Text-to-Braille, Emboss-printer,
Section 25 of Companies Act with an aim to bring Braille script viewer and Tactile reader developed by
the benefits of the most advanced information and Webel Mediatronics Limited (WML) to enable visually
communication technologies to the common man. impaired persons to listen to and read the proceedings
from the texts available on the websites. 27
Media Lab Asia works on the paradigm of collaborative
research in the task of developing relevant and With C-DAC, Pune and Webel Mediatronics Limited
sustainable technologies and bringing them to the (WML), Kolkata as partners, the deployment of
daily lives of people. Media Lab Asia works with integrated system in 40 schools for Blind Girls students
academic and R&D institutions, industry, NGOs and has been undertaken. The system has been installed
Governments in this endeavor. It has reached 1500 in 10 Schools and installation in pipeline for 14 more
villages / remote sites in the country in almost all the schools.
states of the country. Media Lab Asia’s application
Tribal women as the Change Agent using ICT as an enabler:
development is focused on use of ICT for healthcare,
The project aims to empower these women to look
education, livelihood generation, empowerment of the
towards better and improved ways of life powered by
disabled and providing rural connectivity.
• The project was implemented in Baran District of
Chetna – Women and Child Empowerment Rajasthan where 100 women been identified and
being worked upon with.
The project aims to build enabling ICT platforms • A film capturing key aspects of Tribal women with
for empowering women and children in rural larger focus on Education, Health and Livelihood
communities. Deliverables of the projects includes have been prepared.
multimedia content (in various formats – audio, video, • Outlines for Course module development on
Education, Health & Livelihood generation are
CD based text etc). Eight community TV centres have
been established in 2 districts of Andhra Pradesh.
CTV Operators have been recruited in the 8 centres A website -www.tribalwomenindia.org is developed
and volunteer mobilisation has been started in all where content in Hindi & English is being uploaded.
the centres. The volunteers are now making video
programs and the telecasting of content is taking Digital Empowerment Foundation, New Delhi was
place from Juvvalapalem cluster (Two centres – a partner for this project since they have taken the
Juvvalapalem and Elurupadu). The content is being technology for preparing Multimedia based Course
telecast for 30 min on a day for 3 days a week. material for Nomadic Tribes.

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Establishment of CHANDERI Weavers ICT Resource Centre Hindi keyboard layout and typewriter keyboard layouts
in Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh: The objective of this have been incorporated. Installer of the software has
project is to provide various livelihood and soft skills been improved. SAFA has been made compatible
through ICT based empowerment and facilitation of with TTS (LipikathaTM) developed by Media Lab Asia
textile weavers in Chanderi community. The project hub at IIT-Kharagpur. It supports 10 Indian Languages

will establish an ICT based resource centre with e.g. Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Sanskrit, Nepali, Bhojpuri,

appropriate textile facility design software and 20 Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Gujarati. Support for
special characters and punctuation in Hindi has
computers. The project will facilitate in other skill
been incorporated. New version of SAFA has
training programmes like English language and to
been released.
provide training on Vocational ICT Skills to at least
500 children and youth. Media Lab Asia’s CAD tools Content Generation for Capacity Building of persons with
namely “CarpetCAD” “CHIC” will be customized and Blindness & Low Vision: The project has been undertaken
used in the project. to empower the Visually Impaired persons by making
education easy for them by producing study material
The work on the project has been initiated. 17 Chanderi in Braille, audio, large print and E-text. 56 books in
designs have been developed and digitized. Course Hindi and 127 books in English have been converted
manuals for ERP, Vocational skill based training have into e-Text. 337 titles of higher education books have
been developed CAD software manual has been been prepared in human voice recorded format and
prepared to give ICT based software training to 83 books have been prepared in synthesized voice.
weavers for design making using software. These are text books of university level at IGNOU,
Bhoj University & Delhi University and competitive
Teacher training has been done for English Relay exams like CAT.
Program, Computer and CAD based software design.
Total of 400 students has been enrolled so far. Smart Cane: The aim is to assist visually impaired
persons in independent mobility by enabling them
28 The project is being implemented by Media Lab Asia to detect waist above obstacles and identify route
with Digital Empowerment Foundation. number of buses. Prototypes of both the devices
‘Waist above Obstacle Detection System’ and ‘User
ICT for Empowerment of the Disabled Triggered Bus Identification System’ are ready and
have been tested.
ICT enabled Integrated Assessment tool for Mentally
Retarded (MR) Children: The project aims to develop Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Computerized
and deploy an ICT based assessment tool for mentally Braille Transcription System at 40 Blind Schools throughout
retarded children. Three methods viz., FACP, MDPS, the country: The objective is to provide IT enabled
and BASIC-MR for assessment of a child are in technology in blind schools across the country to
practice. All three methods have been included and enhance Braille Literacy and enable schools to meet
automatic generation of charts and graphs including every day need of Braille materials like question
Statistical analysis and prediction have been made papers, notes, notices and books etc. System has
available through the software. been installed in 25 schools and dispatched to further
8 schools.
This software aids the teachers for the progress
assessment and evaluation of the MR children and Development of multimedia CD to support activity based
analysis of the results is very useful for the teachers as nursery rhymes book: Bagher Chakri in Bengali: The
well as the MR children. Archived information can also project has been taken to develop multimedia version
provide valuable insight to their condition. The system of Activity based nursery rhymes book “Bagher
consists of 4 modules - School Registration Module Chakri” in Bengali for “Inclusive Education” and all
(SRM), Child Registration Module, Child Assessment round mental development of all types of children. The
Module and Child Goal set Module. Out of these, first CD containing all 24 rhymes in 3 languages – English,
3 modules are ready and have been tested. Hindi & Bengali is ready. Sound recording and editing
has also been completed.
Screen Reading Software SAFA (Screen Access for All):
A screen reading software in Indian Languages to Sanyog: Visual Language with particular application to the
enable the visually impaired persons to use PC is being communication needs of the children with neuro-motor
developed in collaboration with National Association disorders: Sanyog is a multilingual augmentative &
for the Blind, New Delhi. alternative communication system to serve individuals

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with speech impairment and neuro-motor disorders. It on www.gyanpedia.in. The project has been taken up
allows the individuals to form and vocalize their own with Digital Empowerment Foundation, New Delhi.
messages. In Phase II of the project, development
of embedded system and enhancement of existing Shikshan Multimodal Participatory Content Tutoring System
system has been undertaken. A user interface has been for the Rural Children: The objective is to develop an
developed and object based iconic communication Intelligent Tutoring system that is participatory in nature
with complex and compound sentences have been and provides the teachers (para-teachers) a facility to
developed for enhancement of the system. author the content in accordance to the needs of a
locality. It has been test deployed in 8 schools of West
Comprehensive Satellite / Internet based National Network
Bengal. It is ready for large scale deployment. The
for Education, Training and Empowerment of the Disabled:
project has been taken up with IIT, Kharagpur.
The aim is to facilitate interactive program through
Edusat based channel and information through Implementation of Digital Classroom Teaching in
Internet for students, parents, trainee teachers Secondary and Senior Secondary Govt. Schools in the
and professionals associated with and engaged in remote areas of Mizoram : The objective of this project
different areas of disabilities. The project is being is to implement ICT in rural schools in Mizoram, to test
implementation two parts:- the effectiveness of ICT and to empower the teachers
in Govt Schools in rural areas of Mizoram. In first
a. A distance learning network based on EDUSAT: The
phase the project has been implemented in 50 rural
studio for channel “Navshikhar” has been set up schools. The achievements during the first phase are
at RCI, New Delhi. There is a regular telecast of
as follow: -
programs from 10:00 to 15:00 Hours from Monday
to Friday. 300 DRS centers including 3 Centres (i) 900 teachers from 50 schools trained in use of
in Assam, 3 in Manipur, 2 in Meghalaya, and 1 in computers and usage of content 1332 capsules of
Tripura have been set up across the country. computer aided software installed in 50 schools.
(ii) These capsules have the following content on 29
b. A Comprehensive Internet Portal: Portal for providing subjects of:
information related to different disability issues – a) Physics, Chemistry, Biology including practical
a. National Disability Register and Maths for classes XI and XII.
b. Online Courses through LMS run by RCI b) Science and Technology, History, Civics,
c. Repository of Braille Ready Text, Audio Files, etc. Geography and Maths for classes VIII to X.
d. List of MSJ&E offices, Special Schools, NGOs &
The project has been taken up with State Education
Special Educators
Dept., Mizoram. Around 16458 SC/ST candidates
e. All Government Policies, Schemes, Laws,
have been benefited.
Circulars & Orders related to disabled
f. Availability of Assistive Devices & its details Multimedia based pre-primary Teacher’s Resource kit for
g. Programs of RCI. English and Hindi: The Project aims to design, develop
and deploy multimedia based pre-primary teacher’s
The portal “www.punarbhava.in” was launched on
resource kit.
March 12, 2008. The portal is now available live.
Rehabilitation Council of India is partner of MLAsia for The portal has major modules for Play group, Nursery,
this project. LKG & UKG. The teachers would be able to use this
resource kit in the classrooms for effective learning
ICT for Education
Content in School (Gyanpedia Portal): The objective of
The technological infrastructure in the shape of a portal
this project is to provide a virtual platform for country
& WAP site has been created. The sample experiments
wide content exchange programme for the school
are being uploaded on portal and WAP site. C-DAC,
community in rural and semi-urban India; to serve
Pune is technology partner in this project.
educational objectives of agencies, departments and
service providers; and to create a very strong virtual Design, Development and Deployment of Mobile and
community of students and teachers to create and Internet based Math Prep-guide Application: The objective
share content. To achieve this objective a nationwide is to develop an application for the mathematics
freely accessible educational web platform has been students of Class XI and XII (35 topics) who give
developed. The alpha version of this portal is available their curriculum-based Maths examinations and also

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to guide them for the competitive exams (common used to help rural health clinics like Primary Health
entrances) where Mathematics is a subject for testing Centres in India to get on-line medical consultancy
their skills. from the Speciality Centres situated in big cities. Field
testing of the product is completed at Medical College,
The technological infrastructure in the shape
of a portal and a WAP site has been created. Thiruvananthapuram. Development of Business model
C-DAC, Pune is technology partner in this project. for manufacturing and marketing, Certification for
commercialization of the product are in pipiline. NeST,
Design, Development and Deployment of Internet based
Thiruvananthapuram is the Research Partner in this
Virtual Laboratory for Life Science Experiments for Higher
Secondary Education: The project aims to design,
develop and deploy multimedia based lessons (44 Development and pilot implementation of Health Care
experiments) with required diagrams for Botany & Delivery System through Telemedicine using ICT: The
Zoology subjects for Secondary & Higher Secondary
objective of the project is to develop and pilot
Education (creating digital Library). Virtual tools and
implement a resources sharing, integrated, rural
apparatus are provided as objects on the screen to
healthcare delivery system through web based
perform the practical task.
Telemedicine (e-Dhanwanthari) using ICT at Tirur
The technological infrastructure in the shape of a Taluk of Mallapuram District using available network
portal and a WAP site has been created. C-DAC, Pune Coverage provided by Akshaya network. A Field
is our technology partner in this project. testing e-Dhanwanthari telemedicine software with
telemedicine terminal has been done by Media Lab
ICT for Livelihood Generation Asia. Installation of telemedicine software at Data
centre and implementation of the telemedicine system
Gramin Gyan Kendra (GGK), BHU Varanasi: Multimedia
at six remote locations and four specialty centres has
content is being developed for applications in
been completed. Development of business model &
agriculture, carpet industry, local art and craft,
30 horticulture, chunar ceramic works, cultural heritage, deployment of e-Dhanwanthari telemedicine software

Banarasi saree, embroidery, primary healthcare, stone in the other parts of the Kerala on revenue/royalty
sculpture, ayurvedic and traditional medicines, folk basis, ToT & Commercialization of e-Dhanwanthari
literature/music and local culture, looms and weaving. telemedicine system is in the pipeline.C-DAC,
The multimedia programs would contain video content Thiruvananthapuram is the Research Partner for
and text based material covering the aspects of raw this project.
material, sources, technical know-how, potential
markets and various cost components. Gramin Gyan Development and pilot implementation of Resource shared
Kendra’s (GGK) would be established using self help Rural Health Management & Information Infrastructure
groups in rural areas around Mirzapur district for using ICT: The objective of the project is to develop
creating access to information. An operational model and pilot implement a resource sharing, integrated,
is being prepared to sustain the GGKs to made the Rural Health Management & Information Infrastructure
model replicable. using ICT utilizing the Akshaya wireless broad-brand
infrastructure in Mallapuram District of Kerala. The
Investigating e-Sagu-based Multimodal Services to Roll
project is being implemented at 20 PHCs/CHCs/
out Integrated Agri Services Programme: -A project
BPHCs of Tirur Taluk of Mallapuram, Kerala.
has been taken up to investigate e-Sagu-based
multimodal services to roll out Integrated Agri Services The project has two components: Handheld based
Programme. E-Sagu services has been started at three
data collection and Health Management Information
new Mandals of Mahaboobabad in collaboration with
Department of Rural Development, A.P in 24 villages.
Advices are being provided for Citrus & Mango. The software development part for version-1 is
completed. The preparation of operational and
ICT for Healthcare
technical document for the system is in progress.C-
Development of low cost feature rich telemedicine DAC, Thiruvananthapuram is the Research Partner for
terminal and its deployment in multiple applications: this project.
This is a feature-rich multimedia terminal, providing
a cost-effective Hardware and Software Platform with Low cost Mobile telemedicine facility: The objective
Telemedicine Applications and Services. It may be of the project is to set up a mobile telemedicine

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facility, for (a) Early detection of TB. (b) Detection in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Family
and treatment for diabetes. (c) Extending specialist Welfare. An expert eye treatment provided to more than
care to the rural areas for providing better pre-natal 700 patients in 6 months. The transfer of technology of
healthcare. (d) Providing the facility for dissemination Sehat Saathi (Ophthalmology module) system to M/s
of health information. The operation of the van on Sobha Renaissance Information Technology, (SRIT)
the field has been started, the van is traveling 22 and Venu Eye Institute & Research Centre (VEIRC),
locations per month and more than 600 patients have New Delhi has been made. The field implementation
been treated. Preparation of technical documents of the Tele-Ophthalmology System has been done
of an affordable mobile telemedicine system and at seven satellite centres of VEIRC in Uttar Pradesh,

development of business model is in progress. Haryana & Uttaranchal state. The dermatology,
E.N.T., Pathology & Cardiology modules are ready.
C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram is the Research Partner
The dermatology module is being tested with Hallet
for this project and it is being deployed at KVM
Hospital in Kanpur.
Medical College, Cherthala – Alappuzha district
of Kerala. ICT for Rural Connectivity
Digital Health at every doorstep using integrated High Development of Cost Effective Solution for Community
Bandwidth wireless Communication Networks: The Radio Station (CRS) and its deployment for livelihood
objective of the project is to develop affordable generation: The project envisages development of
wireless integrated biomedical devices for rural a low cost solution for community Radio Station, its
healthcare. These wireless integrated biomedical deployment at five Agricultural Universities in India
devices are useful in the mobile telemedicine and assessment of its impact for improved methods
system for providing treatment to the patients in
of agriculture, education and social development.
the rural areas. The development of Telemedicine
The Agricultural Universities are (i) Birsa Agriculture
exchange server and biomedical Device has been
University, Ranchi (ii) Community Radio Station
completed. The prototype of wireless network and
at Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and
mobile van has been tested. Preparation of the 31
Technology – Faizabad, (iii) CCS University, Hissar,
final documents on project is in progress. Amrita
(iv) Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyala, Raipur and (v)
Vishwa Vidyapeetham is the Research Partner for
TamilNadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. World
this project.
Development Foundation, New Delhi is the Research
Adaptive & Automatic Insulin Pump: The objective of and implementation partner in this project.
the project is to develop affordable automatic insulin
pump based on MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical Agro Sense (Real time monitoring of the Climatological
conditions of agricultural field for precision Agriculture
systems) mechanism and a biosensor for estimating
using Sensor-based wireless Mesh Networks): This project
blood glucose level. The software logic of the pump
is useful for computing drug dosage for automated is aimed at investigation, design, development and

injection through coupling of the biosensor to MEMS implement a sensor-based wireless mesh network in a
(micro-electro-mechanical systems). Field testing & pilot scale to monitor the parameters like temperature,
Certification of Automatic insulin pump, development of humidity, rainfall and wetness of soil etc., in real time for
business model for commercialization, manufacturing better management and maintenance of agricultural
& marketing of the product & integration of insulin production. Discussions with various parties are going
pump for other medical application is in the pipeline. on for Transfer of Technology.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is the Research Partner
for this project GALLA- A low cost “Retail Management System” designed
and developed to empower India Retailers Traders: This
Sehat Saathi- Portable Model of Primary Healthcare project is initiated by Utilizing the financial support
Delivery, IIT, Kanpur: Sehat Saathi is a rural telemedicine from TATA Consultancy Services. The purpose of this
system that can be used to extend medical care to
project is to develop a low cost retail management
patients in the remote parts of the country. The model
system for small & medium retailers. For increase
provides for front-end contact through a suitably
in efficiency of livelihood generation. Initial survey
trained non-medical person; back end support from
doctors, pathologists and other health professionals of existing systems used by traders, requirements

for diagnosis and treatment. The pilot deployment of analysis of traders across different domains, feasibility
Sehat Saathi (ophthalmology module) telemedicine study of using existing hardware for Galla device and
software has been done at PHC Chaubepur (Kanpur) study of existing open source automation software has

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been completed and Initial Galla device prototype has Technology (ICT). Advances in Human Language
been developed. Technology will offer nearly universal access to
information and services for more and more people
in their own language. Multilingual web-content is
poised for accelerating growth and there is, therefore,
a need to provide user friendly and cost-effective
tools, applications and contents that enable access to
ICT infrastructure in Indian Languages.

Focus Areas

Development of technologies in multilingual computing

areas involves intensive indigenous R&D efforts due to
variety and complexity of Indian languages.

The focus areas of the TDIL programme may be

divided into following domains:
Other Achievements / Awards
• Standardization
MLAsia alongwith its partner IIT, Bombay has been
• Machine Translation Systems
selected for ‘UNESCO ICT in Education Innovation
Awards 2007-2008 for learning the 3Rs through • Cross Lingual Information Access and Retrieval
Discovery, Interaction and Participation for children • Optical Character Recognition & Online
of Nomadic Tribes’ under Non-formal Educator Handwriting Recognition
category. • Linguistic Resources
• Human Machine Interface systems
The project ‘e-Sagu’ of Media Lab Asia developed
• Language processing and Web tools
32 at IIIT, Hyderabad was selected as a finalist in the
• Localization
Stockholm Challenge Trophy-2008 in Sweden in the
category of ‘Economic Development’. National Roll-Out Plan
Transfer of Technology Under National Roll-out Plan, software tools and
fonts for Gujarati and Sanskrit Languages have been
Ophthalmology Module of “Sehat Saathi” has been
released in public domain for free use by the masses
transferred to Sobha Renaissance Information
during the year 2008. Language CDs for Bodo, Dogri,
Technology Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore & Venue Eye Institute
Maithili and Nepali was released on International
& Research centre, New Delhi.
Mother’s Language Day 21st February, 2009 at Delhi.
Training Tools for Nomadic Tribes has been transferred to Software Tools and Fonts for ten Indian languages
Digital Empowerment Foundation. namely Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Assamese, Kannada,
Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Urdu have been
Sahayika has been transferred to Digital Empowerment
released earlier in public domain. These software and
Foundation, and also to JIL Information Technology
tools are also free-downloadable from the website
Polysensor has been transferred to Ltek System,
Nagpur. Consortium Mode Projects

Six consortium mode Projects are being continued for

Technology transfer of aAQUA has been completed to
the development of:
AGROCOM, Mumbai.

Technology Development for Indian (1) English to Indian Language Machine Translation
Languages Programme (TDIL) System
(2) English-to Indian Language Machine Translation
Scope and Objectives system based on Angla-Bharti Technology

India is a multi-lingual and multi-script country. The (3) Indian Language to Indian Language Machine
world is in the midst of a technological revolution Translation system
nucleated around Information and Communication (4) Cross-Lingual Information Access

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(5) Robust Document Analysis and Recognition Recently Initiated Projects
System -Printed Text OCR and
(6) On-line Handwriting recognition systems (1) Consortium Mode project has been initiated for
development of annotated corpora in 11 Indian
The Alpha versions, of the systems under the above
languages with JNU as consortia leader and will
projects, have been developed.
also evolve the standards for natural language
Speech Corpora: processing.
(2) Development of Open Type Font and
Speech Corpora are the essential database for Standardization of Enhanced Inscript keyboard
development of speech processing technologies and Script Grammar for major Indo Aryan and
such as text-to-speech, speech to text and speech to Dravidian Languages at C-DAC, Pune.
speech systems. So far, about 50 hours of annotated
speech corpora for Hindi , Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali, Standardization
Assamese and Manipuri languages have been
developed by C-DAC Noida and C-DAC Kolkata.
Unicode Standard is a 16-bit storage encoding
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA): Since phonetic
standard, which is being used internationally by the
representation of symbols is required for present-day
Industry for the development of Multilingual Software.
speech mark-up language like W3C Speech synthesis
Department of Information Technology is the voting
mark-up language (SSML), standardization of IPA
member of the Unicode Consortium to ensure the
symbols is necessary. Standardization of International
adequate representation of Indic scripts in the Unicode
Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for Hindi , Bengali and
Standards. The Department finalized the changes
Assamese has been initiated at C-DAC Kolkata.
in the Unicode Standard and majority of changes

Phonetic Engine: Research work on Phonetic Engine have been accepted and incorporated in Unicode

which devises a new method for development of Standards version 5.1. Sixty five characters have been
continuous speech recognition has been initiated recommended for inclusion in the Unicode Standard
for representation of Vedic Sanskrit in Unicode. Also,
for Hindi and Telugu languages at Indian Institute of
56 characters as recommended by Government of
Information Technology, Hyderabad.
Manipur have been recommended for encoding for
Development of Open-Type fonts representation of Manipuri language in Meetei Mayek
To develop open type fonts for 11 Indian languages,
286 open type fonts for various Indian languages Common Local Data Repository (CLDR)
have been developed. Under this project, unique font
The Unicode CLDR provides key building blocks for
entitled ‘sakal-bharati’ has been developed which
software to support the world’s languages. CLDR is by
maintains font-size and shape in Indian languages.
far the largest and most extensive standard repository
Human Resource Development in Language of locale data. This data is used by a wide spectrum of
Technology companies for their software internationalization and
localization: adapting software to the conventions of
Under this initiative M.Tech in Computational Linguistics/ different languages for such common software tasks
Knowledge Engineering/ Language Technology and as formatting of dates, times, time zones, numbers,
PG Diploma in Language Technology courses have and currency values; sorting text; choosing languages
been initiated at premier universities/ institutions to or countries by name; and many others. Modifications/
fulfill increasing demand of trained manpower in the Development of Common Locale data repository in
area of Natural Language Processing. A number of Indian languages have been initiated in consultations
students have passed out under these courses and with state governments and other stake holders.
working in R&D labs/MNCs.
Language Tag Representation
Sanskrit-Hindi Machine Translation System
Language Tags are being used in most of the
Consortium Mode project for Development of multilingual applications such as web development,
Linguistic Resources, Tools and Systems in Sanskrit Multilingual Internet Data Exchange, Language
and Sanskrit-Hindi Machine Translation System is Negotiation and web services. The nomenclatures of
being implemented with University of Hyderabad as the Language Tags are being standardized under ISO
consortia leader. 639 standard. The Language Tag Standard ISO 639-x

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(x stands for different versions) are being used in many 1. Development of Manipuri language Technology at
other international Standards and Best Practices such Manipur University.
as IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) RFC 4646, 2. Resource Centre for Indian Language Technology
RFC 4647 and W3C web standards. They are also Solutions (Assamese and Bodo) at IIT Guwahati.

related to ISO 3166 (for region codes) and ISO 15924 3. Consortium Mode Projects to develop linguistic
resources and basic information processing tool
(script codes). The present forms of ISO 639-2, ISO
for North-Eastern languages namely Assamese,
639-3 and the futuristic ISO 639-5 and ISO 639-6 have
Bodo Manipuri and Nepali languages have been
many ambiguous entries for Indian languages, which
initiated with C-DAC, Pune as consortia leader.
need to be corrected urgently in order to prevent
propagation of incorrect nomenclatures for Language Projects for North-Eastern Region
sets. Modification / Additions of Language Tags in
(1) A Consortium Mode project NE-Word-net has
Indian languages have been taken up in consultations
been initiated for development of integrated
with the state governments and all stake holders. Word-Net in four North East Languages namely
Assamese, Bodo, Manipuri and Nepali with IIT
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Mumbai as consortia leader. It will be linked with
The Project “Web Internationalization Initiative” Hindi and English Word-net.
(2) A Project has also been initiated for development
has been initiated with the objective of adequate
of Speech Corpora and International Phonetic
representation of Indic scripts in the existing and
Representation (IPA) in Bodo language at
future Web Technology Standards being evolved by
University of Guwahati.
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The Department,
is voting member of W3C. Efforts have been taken to Project for Specially Enabled
incorporate adequate representation of Indic scripts in
the emerging web technology standards. Consortium Mode project has been initiated for
34 development of Text-to-Speech systems in Indian
Information Dissemination languages for the domain of visually challenged
(a) TDIL Web-site: The TDIL website (http://tdil.mit.gov.
in) is bi-lingual UNICODE compliant (English and Hindi) Convergence Communications & Broadband
and contains information about the TDIL Programme, Technologies
it’s initiatives and achievements. It provides access to
Indian scriptures, standards (Indian scripts, keyboard Nine projects were completed during the year which
layout, font layout, etc), articles and reviews. The have resulted in development of TETRA based secure
website also provides downloadable software and communication system, Ultra Wide Band (UWB)
tools in Indian Languages. communication system, video messaging on mobile,
RF shield for mobile handset and wireless sensor
(b) Technical Journal of Indian Language Technologies: network for agriculture monitoring, RF bug detector,
The VishwaBharat@tdil is a technical journal of Indian
autonomous vertical profiler and autonomous buoy
Language Technologies, which consolidates in one-
place information about products, tools, services,
activities, developments, achievements in the area Thirty two on-going projects are addressing the areas
of Indian Language software. It serves as a means of Software Defined Radio, Wimax Assessment,
of sharing ideas among technology developers. Wireless Sensor Network, Next Generation Wireless/
This creates awareness in the society regarding the Wireline Communication and Network Systems, Smart
availability of language technology resources All the Antenna, Tetra Radio Network, UWB transceiver and
issues are accessible through TDIL Web site. radio, Broadband on Power Line, Wi-Fi Broadband for
NE Region, Robotics for handling hazardous objects,
Information on Development of women, SC/ Hybrid dryer, SIP telephone and microwave dis-
ST, Specially Enabled, Weaker sections and infection system for NE region etc.
North-Eastern Region
Strategic Electronics Technology
Developmental work for building Linguistic Resources
and Basic Information Processing Kit for North-Eastern
Languages are being implemented under following Under this programme, development of integrated
projects: ICT technologies are pursued catering to strategic

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applications as well as impetus is made to achieve • Digital co-relator module for CDMA
excellence in development of ICT enabled strategic • Board for smart Antenna
technologies for civilian as well as defence sector. • Radio modem GSM networks

Major area of focus are as follows : - Ongoing Projects are as follows : -

• Secure communication and networking • Development of Low Cost Wireless Network for
• Navigational aides (air/land/underwater) SCADA Application ; SAMEER Chennai. ToT
• Surveillance (air/land/underwater) under consideration.
• Development of Hybrid Dryer in NE States by
• Multimedia Surveillance
SAMEER Mumbai.
• Application of Electro-magnetics
• Deployment of Microwave Dis-infection System for
• Advanced robotics
treating Hospital Waste in NE States by SAMEER
• Development of Intelligence systems for
• Establishment of Millimeter wave Facility at
• Development of Intelligent sensors using SAMEER – Kolkata. Five devices have been
biometrics lasers etc. developed.
• Development of underwater data collection which • Establishment of Compact Antenna Test Range
has application in naval communication systems, Facility at SAMEER – Kolkata. Set up is under
validation of satellite mapping system as well as commissioning.
pollution monitoring, etc.
• Development of fiber-optic sensors for safety and Evolving ICT Programme in the NE States
security application
• Deployment of Hybrid Dryer in the NE States by
• Strategic application of RFID
SAMEER e.g. Agartala & Assam (Jorhat).
• State-of-the-art technology development for
• Deployment of Microwave Dis-infection Unit in the
modern warfare systems.
NE States by SAMEER e.g. Agartala & Sikkim.
Keeping in view the aforesaid thrust areas, some of
New Projects Approved
the specific projects undertaken are as follows : -
• ST Radar establishment at Guwahati University.
Safety and Security Gadgets: The project on Development
• Multimedia Surveillance System- CDAC Pune.
of RF Bug Detector for detecting any active device in
a particular space by CSIO - New Delhi has been Technology Development Council (TDC)
The TDC programme supports technology development
Underwater Surveillance/Data Collection: Development in the emerging areas of Information Technology, Free
of Autonomous Vertical Profiler for Water Columns / Open Source Software, e-Commerce, IT applications
in Coastal Waters by NIO-Goa. Development in the Industrial sectors, Bio-informatics, and IPR
of Autonomous Buoy’s System for Radio Acoustic promotion. The main emphasis of the programme is
Positioning and Tracking by CUSAT – Cochin. i) to facilitate proliferation and absorption of emerging
technologies in IT by supporting research and
Surveillance / Safety over land: The project on development, ii) Promote the use of Free and Open
Development of Autonomous Mobile Vehicle Source Software, iii) develop and apply state-of-art
for handling hazardous objects by C-DAC, cost effective indigenous solutions for the important
Thiruvananthapuram has been completed. industrial sectors, iv) technology development
in Bio-Informatics, v) technology development in
Development of Critical Technologies: Establishment e-Commerce, and vi) IPR promotion.
of Electronics Design Centre for the technology
related to System on Package (SoP) at SAMEER –
Major achievements in various areas are summarised
Chennai. The technology is being acquired from
Packaging Research Centre, Georgia Institute of
Technology, USA. This facility is likely to give impetus Technology Development in the Emerging
to the development of electronics circuits with better Areas of IT
reliability and economy, in packaged form. Under this
project following products have been developed: Innovation Promotion

• Radio guide transmitter and digital receiver With a view to enable young entrepreneurs to initiate
• Radio theudolite receiver technology start up companies for commercial

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exploitation of know-how in the area of Electronics IIT, Kanpur has been progressed. The specifications
and IT, Department had initiated a Technological have been finalized and a prototype reader/ terminal
Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs for contact and contact-less Smart Cards has been
(TIDE) Scheme at Institutions of Higher learning. The developed. The prototype is being tested on specific
scheme provides financial support for nurturing the SCOSTA application.
techno-entrepreneurs as well as for strengthening the
The project on development of next generation
Technology Incubation centre. Ten TIDE Centres were
operating system for Smart Card based on SCOSTA
supported during the year.
has been progressed. Contact-less Smart Card
The “Multiplier Grants Scheme” aims to encourage Interface on SCOSTA has been developed. PKI is
collaborative R&D between industry and Academic being implemented based on RSA Cryptography
/ Government R&D institutions for development standard PKCS v2.1. The system is being tested on a
of products/ packages. Under this scheme, the few SCOSTA applications.
government provides grants up to twice the
amount invested by the industry. The Government
Scientific Computing & Nurturing New
thus absorbs partial risk of investment in R&D for
R&D Areas
development of products and packages. The scheme Projects in the area of Grid computing have been
was disseminated to premier Academic institutions progressed. Research issues in Grid Virtualization,
and Industry associations. Semantic/ knowledge Grid, Grid Scheduling and
Grid resource monitoring are being addressed under
Ubiquitous Computing
the project on “Advanced Computing Research and
The Research Initiative in Ubiquitous Computing Education” at the Madras Institute of Technology,
(UbiComp) and enabling technologies at C-DAC and Anna University, Chennai. Four papers have been
select academic institutions has progressed. The published.
objective of the initiative is to create a R&D base in
The project on “Coupled Climate Models on Grids”
36 the multi-disciplinary areas of UbiComp, resulting
at IISc, Bangalore has been progressed. Different
in development of core technologies, qualified
components of coupled climate system, namely the
researchers, and tools.
atmosphere, ocean, land surface, and sea-ice have
The C-DAC centres at Hyderabad, Chennai been parallelized and a few scheduling techniques on
and Bangalore organised a workshop under the clusters have been experimented. Grid enablement of
name `Ubicomp India – 2008’ at Hyderabad. The application is being progressed.
achievements of the centres in the areas of context-
aware-computing, intelligent home technologies for
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
illumination control, HVAC, body area networks etc. A project to undertake research and development
was presented. Proof-of-concept applications in the in the areas of RFID technologies, train manpower,
areas of Dry-land Agriculture, e-learning, intelligent and take-up application development and pilot
rooms, etc were also discussed. The workshop was deployment was initiated at IIT, Kanpur, C-DAC, Noida
well attended. and SAMEER, Mumbai.

IIM, Kolkata developed Temperature and Humidity The manpower development activities undertaken
sensors and deployed them in a Wireless Network as by IIT, Kanpur included: A short term RFID course in
a part of their work on “Pollution Monitoring System which 24 faculty members from different engineering
using Sensor based Wireless Mesh Network” project. colleges participated, Summer training to expose
IIM is interacting with industry for commercialisation of students of various engineering colleges to RFID
this technology. technologies and systems, and 8 short term projects
in the area of RFID where 27 students from IIT Kanpur
A project on “Wireless Sensor Network for Real-
and other engineering colleges participated. IIT,
Time Landslide Monitoring” was initiated at Amrita
Kanpur also made a detailed study on the effect of
University, Kollam, Kerala.
intervening, interfacing, and enclosing materials on
the RFID performance. The pilot deployment of Bag/
Multi Application Smart Cards
Parcel Tracking system based on RFID Tags by CDAC
The project on development of standards and at selected Speed Post Centers (SPC) and Transit Mail
reference implementation of associated hardware Office (TMO) was revised as per the suggestions of
and software for Smart Card readers and terminals at Department of Posts. The scope of the project has

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been enhanced to include Chennai SPC/TMO and Next Generation Automation Technologies: This national
also to include end-to-end testing by inclusion of up- collaborative programme under the project called
to 25 post offices in each of the cities. Automation System Technology Centre (ASTeC) has
progressed further during the year. New technology
A People attendance system was developed and
modules like colour sensors, embedded controllers,
deployed within the C-DAC premises for demonstration
open SCADA are nearing completion and would be
and testing. C-DAC is also in discussion with Guru
taken up for field deployment shortly.
Gobind Singh Hospital, New Delhi for deployment
of RFID Technology for Bio-Medical Waste
National Mission on Power Electronics Technology
(NaMPET): Laboratory infrastructure upgradation

SAMEER carried out RF testing and characterization at 11 engineering institutes have been completed

of the RFID system procured by C-DAC Noida. and are being well utilized for Undergraduate and
SAMEER has also developed various planar and Postgraduate training in the area of Power Electronics.
Helical antennas in UHF range, which can be used as Technologies like IGBT Gate Driver, Hall Effect Current
interrogator antenna for RFID systems. Sensors, Hardware/Teaching Aid Modules are already
in market through technology transfer. High-end
S&T Cooperation application projects for Railway Traction and Electric
Power Quality improvement for industries are in
S&T cooperation with ASEAN was further progressed.
A two-week training programme on Free & Open various stages of hardware assembly and integration.
Source Software was organized by C-DAC for ASEAN A special Power Electronics Hardware System to
in Chennai. enable renewable energy sources like wind, solar and
biomass to be connected to the grid in an integrated
Industrial Electronics Applications manner has been developed and the field installation
Development for demonstration of the same in the Sunderban area
have started. 37
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS): The success of
Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) technology has
further enabled commercial application of the same
in the city of Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Pune (Phase-
II) and Jaipur (Phase-II). To continue with further
progress of technology development in this area, the
Department has been able to put forward an overall
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) programme
encompassing various components like upgradation of
the present ATCS, integrated parking lot management,
red light violation detection system and applications
on highways, etc. This is based on a collaborative
network among IIT-Bombay, IIT-Madras and IIM-
Kolkata with C-DAC playing the nodal role. A proposal
in this regard has already been duly recommended
by the concerned Working Group of the Department.


A project Bioinformatics Resource and Application

Facility ( BRAF phase II) is being implemented at
CDAC, Pune. It utilizes the Garuda grid infrastructure

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and a grid-enabled Bioinformatics Resources teraflop Various technology development projects which can
(TF) computing power, terabyte storage and 10 Mbps augument IPR infrastructure, add efficiency to the IPR
bandwidth.1TF machine has been commissioned. process, reduce piracy and help the IPR implementing
Porting and benchmarking of various applications on agencies have been initiated/completed. The
the 1TF machine and deploying GIPSY Bioinformatics completed projects include, IPR management
portal on the 1TF machine has also been completed. System-CDC, New Delhi, Development of Electronics
Complete productization of Genome Grid software is Resource for Optimal Choice of base S/W and tools
in progress. for computers S/W developers particularly in category
of small and medium enterprise- IISc. Bangalore,
Three Centres of excellence for research and training
Software IPR Protection tool – Punjab University
in the field of Bioinformatics have been initiated.
Chandigarh, Text Plagiarism detection S/w tool- Amrita
Initiation of modular courses and setting up research
University Coimbatore. Projects on Patent Analysis,
infrastructure through procurement of the required
Devleopment of Semantic Web Portal for TKDL and
hardware and software is in progress.
Development of web based tool for e-verification and
Development of a Web-enabled Protein Structure distinguishing verbal similarities of Trademarks are
Prediction Software with application in drug discovery being implemented.
is in progress. For this Algorithm improvement and
A Scheme to Support International Patent Protection
parallalization of code of the Bhageerath software
in Electronics & IT by SMEs and Technology Start-
of IIT Delhi is being done and Scaling the software
Up so as to encourage indigenous innovation and to
upto 128 processors- is in progress.
recognize the value and capabilities of global IP and

A software for sequence alignment of proteins has been capture growth opportunities in the area of information

developed and a tool based on chaos game theory for technology and electronics has been initiated. Under

sequence visualization has been developed. this scheme, 50% of the total costs towards filing
international patent by SMEs / Start Ups will be
In North Eastern region IIT, Guwahati and Nehu, reimbursed by the Department. During the year till
Shillong have been identified for initiating the research date 17 ICT based international patents have been
activities. Projects launched include (i) Development supported.
on novel therapeutics against leishmaniasis, (ii) DNAB
(DNA Barcoding) based biodiversity inventory in Free & Open Source Software (FOSS)
Zingiberaceae of Northeast etc. Initiative
Agri- Bioinformatics Promotion Programme with 5 Free & Open Source Software and the associated
centres has been launched for crop improvement and “network effect” is playing an accelerating role in
research. emergence of the Information Society.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) The Department has taken a number of key initiatives
Promotion Program for promotion of Free & Open Source Software in the
country like setting up of National Resource Centre for
Facilitation services are being provided by filing
FOSS, Open Technology Centre and Support Centres
Patents (including International Patents), Copyrights,
to address the issues related to FOSS in Indian context
Designs and Trademarks in respect of creativities
and to explore how FOSS can help to bridge the digital
/ innovations of the Department scientific societies
divide and strengthen the Indian software industry.
and institutions which are implementing R&D projects Several milestones have been achieved including our
funded by the Department. More than 300+ IPRs own GNU/Linux Operating system distribution “Bharat
that include 100 Patents, 180 software copyrights, Operating System Solutions – BOSS” with Indian
32 designs and 5 Trademarks have been filed by languages support, National Help-Desk for FOSS,
the Department till date and 100 obtained. During FOSS Portal and HR Development in FOSS.
the year 14 Patents, 12 software copyrights and 12
trademarks were filed. 12 patents were granted in Achievements during 2008-09
the year making the total granted patents as 24. 12
Research & Development
Trademarks and 12 copyrights were also granted in
the year. During the year 10 IPR clinics and about 20 • NRCFOSS Centre has brought out enhanced
lectures were delivered. version of GNU/ Linux localised desktop distribution

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Bharat Operating System Solutions, BOSS BOSS Support Centres & Proliferation
version 3.0, which has wide Indian languages
• BOSS Support Centres have been established
support, fully localised to 18 Indian languages
in C-DAC and the Department. Support Centres
and includes packages that are relevant for use
have also been at CHIPS in Chattisgarh and
in Government and Educational domains. Also,
ELCOT in Tamil Nadu.
variants are available to suit enterprise users
• BOSS Linux is being deployed by NIC in
(Server Edition). BOSS also supports ORCA
e-governance applications developed and
screen reader, an extensible assistive technology
maintained by NIC across the country and
developed for visually impaired users. NRCFOSS
MOU has been signed for the same. BOSS
has made extensive efforts for adoption of BOSS
implementation is going on in Kerala in over 100
in the country by way of creating awareness
villages across Palakkad and Thrissur districts
through training and workshops and providing
(NIC DC application suite). MOUs have been
handholding support. BOSS can be downloaded
signed with many States for deployment of BOSS
for installation from http://www.bosslinux.in. CC
in the States. Indian Navy has adopted BOSS for
certification of BOSS 3.0 for EAL compliance has
their office applications.
been undertaken by STQC. • Punjab State Government, under Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyaan programme, is deploying BOSS in
• Data Centre has been established in Chennai
46000 desktop computers in 5000 schools in
under the project NRCFOSS with capacity of 2
Tera Bytes and connectivity of 8 Mbps, where
BOSS repository has been stored for access by Medical Electronics & Telemedicine
users and developers. National Help-Desk facility
Development of software and hardware for the education
has been set up in Chennai for which trial runs are
of visually challenged persons: A project was initiated at
going on. 39
M/s. Webel Mediatronics Limited (WML), Kolkata to
develop software and hardware products for Braille
• NRCFOSS portal www.nrcfoss.org.in has
education of blind children in Indian languages.
been developed using open source tools and
Software and hardware products developed have
components. Detailed information about products
been deployed in more than 100 schools in the country.
and publications from NRCFOSS is available on
Recently, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment,
the portal.
Govt. of India has awarded M/s. WML a National
Award for “Development of new cost effective product
• FOSS Lab server, a 200 GB searchable FOSS
for manufacture aimed at improving the life of persons
repository to provide a virtual internet environment
with disability” for the year 2008.
to access FOSS packages, documentation, code,
etc., developed by NRCFOSS is being deployed Medical Linac for cancer treatment
in various Engineering colleges.
6 MV Medical Linac
Human Resource Development
The cancer is a curable disease if it is diagnosed and
• Efforts in HR development has resulted in treated at an early stage. Presently linear accelerator
creation of pool of FOSS trained teacher/ student for radiation treatment of cancer is imported and
community of 300 teachers and 2500 students. is costly. The Department in order that the linear
Two FOSS elective courses have been introduced accelerator machine could be made available locally
in various engineering colleges and two textbooks initiated the project for development and deployment
under NRCFOSS series, (i) Introduction to LINUX: of 6 MV integrated medical linac for cancer treatment
Installation and Programming (ii) Enterprise at SAMEER, Mumbai. The technology has been
Solutions Using FOSS Tools, have come out. developed and in the first phase two machines have
• Collaboration has been made with various national been installed : one in Mahatma Gandhi Institute of
and international institutions. Close linkages have Medical Sciences (MGIMS), Wardha and the other
been developed with FOSS community and Linux machine in Regional Cancer Center (RCC), Adyar.
User Groups. These two machines are being regularly used for

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treatment of cancer patients. The second phase of Electronics Components and Materials
the project for fabrication of four more machines has Development Programme
been initiated.
Electronic materials and component development
High Energy Linear Accelerator (Linac) For are critical backbone of electronic hardware, IT and
Cancer Treatment telecommunication sectors. Innovation of advanced
material and associated process technology enable the
High energy x-rays are required for deep seated
world to miniaturize electronics devices, which in turn
tumours. For skin cancer electron therapy is used.
excels the growth of Information and Communication
Presently, these machines are imported and are very
Technology. Electronic Materials Developments
costly. A project for development and fabrication of
Programme (EMDP) focuses on sponsoring R&D
dual energy linear accelerator for photon (6/15 MV)
programmes in the emerging field of material science
and multiple energy electron (6 MeV to 18 MeV) has
and technology at leading institutions such as IITs,
been initiated.
IISc, CSIR labs, etc. The scope of the programme is
Development of multi leaf collimator to develop new materials, process methodologies,
technologies leading to components or equipments,
A project on development of multi leaf collimator
environmental impact during manufacturing, energy
for the cancer machines has been initiated. This
saving aspects of equipment operations, electronic
would make the 6 MV machines already developed
waste management and other key areas. Thrust areas
comparable to the international standard and would
include photovoltaic, phosphor, information storage
help in reducing the damage to the healthy tissues
materials, chip components (resistors, capacitors,
adjacent to the cancerous tumours due to radiation
inductors), sensor materials, electronic device
during the treatment.
packaging, lead free glass, paste etc.
Highlights of important programmes include
In order to develop telemedicine software and development of tunable microwave dielectric materials
demonstrate its efficacy in the delivery of specialised using perovskite composites for ring resonators,

health care services to rural and under served areas linear phase shifters etc., indigenous technology of
magnesium oxide coatings (MgO) for plasma display
and also to improve the access to expertise of medical
panels for the end user industry, multi-layer coatings
specialists to larger population without physical referral
of GeTe, SbTe and metal films for high density optical
thus reducing the economic burden of the disease, a
storage devices for industry, lead free thick film using
number of pilot projects were initiated in the following
RuO2 based nano size complex materials for thermal
states : Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, sensors, development of liquid crystalline polymers
Tripura and West Bengal. Various diseases have been such as polysulfones for application in photonics,
covered for telemedicine namely tropical diseases, lead free X-ray absorbing materials, optically active
skin diseases, HIV, cancer etc. Ministry of Health polymers using polycarbonate (PC) based blends
& Family Welfare, encouraged by the success of the and composites for industry application to achieve
telemedicine pilot projects for cancer treatment and cost effectiveness of the product without affecting
follow up, has initiated a roll-out plan for connecting 27 quality and specifications, cost effective processing
RCCs and 108 peripheral centers. technology for recycling and reusing of electronic
waste to recover the valuable metals and to reduce
Indo – Swedish Collaboration the environmental hazards caused by such waste,
metal oxide nanostructures based hybrids for
As a result of the initiative taken by the Department,
potential application as energy conversion devices,
two projects have been formulated involving
advanced sensors and energy systems, p-type ZnO
C-DAC (Pune), C-DAC (Thiruvananthapuram), RCC thin films for electronic paper, metal-insulator/polymer
(Thiruvananthapuram), IIT(Kharagpur) from the Indian nanocomposites for high-permeability GHz-frequency
side and the Swedish Institute of Computer Science inductors, Tunelling Magnetoresistance (TMR) material
and Uppsala University from Sweden. Out of these, a and system for high density data storage technology
project to create a framework for building a distributed, and spintronic devices, nano NTC material synthesis
scalable, and reliable healthcare information store and development of chip in glass as fast response
system that can have a single EHR for every individual thermal sensors. During the year, following new
of the nation, has been initiated. projects are under consideration for financial support.

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• Preparation of carbon aerogel and development
of aerogel capacitors for electronic applications
at C-MET, Thrissur
• Development of concentrator based photo voltaic
systems, C-MET, Hyderabad
• Development of piezo-ceramic multilayer actuator
for automobile fuel injection system at C-MET,
• Microbial degradation of the electronics wastes:
A green chemistry approach at University of Pune
and C-MET, Pune.

Microelectronics and Nanotechnology

Development Programme


Microelectronics is vital for producing competitive

and technologically advanced electronics and IT
products. MicroElectro Mechanical System (MEMS),
an associated area of microelectronics which
operated in other signal domains in addition to
electrical signal domain, is a fast growing area finding
wide applications in all fields including aerospace, been designed and sent for fabrication to United
automobiles, healthcare etc. Therefore, thrust has Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) Taiwan through
been given to acquire competence and develop Europractice Programme and 0.18um CMOS process
products in this area. has been used for design of these devices. Besides
this, design of 10-bit ADC and DAC, low power
In addition to the ongoing R&D projects, during the
adaptive radio, 1000 channel nerve stimulator, 1000
year 2008-09, 6 new projects have been initiated in
channel nerve recorder, time to digital converter for
the areas of Analog Mixed Signal, Natural Language
skew measurement & compensation in high speed
Processing and Design of Digital Programmable
Hearing Aid with a total outlay of Rs. 33.91 crore in the interfaces are currently in progress.

area of Microelectronics.
Digital Programmable Hearing Aid (DPHA)
Analog Mixed Signal Devices An FPGA based Digital Programmable Hearing

Today’s complex systems-on-a-chip (SoCs) typically Aid(DPHA) has been designed and developed

integrate analog and digital circuitry, requiring (with 45dB to 85dB gain) covering hearing impaired
implementation and verification of a combination of patients with mild to severe hearing loss with C-DAC,
custom digital, memory, mixed-signal and analog Thiruvananthapuram. Over 150 numbers of DPHA
blocks. Four projects were initiated this year on were successfully field tested on over 300 patients
analog mixed signal design at CEERI Pilani, IIT at leading medical institutes and hospitals. A hearing
Madras, IISc Bangalore and IIT Kharagpur for aid programming software (SHRUTHI) has also been
instrumentation applications, wireless communication
developed. The software provides the audiologist an-
systems, high speed signal processing as applied
easy-to-use platform to program the hearing aid with
to data communication and data conversion and for
the help of a computer and the hardware interface
developing a computer aided design environment for
CMOS analog circuits’ especially operational amplifier
in submicron technology. For large scale production of DPHA, a project has
been taken up with C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram for
Chip Design & Development
development, fabrication and production of ASIC
Two chips viz. :(i) A 20 MHz active-RC filter and (ii) A based Digital Programmable Hearing Aid (DPHA) and
15-bit continuous-time Delta-Sigma Analog-to-Digital its field deployment.
Converter for audio signals (24 kHz bandwidth) have

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MEMS based Sensors Indian Nanoelectronics Users
Programme (INUP)
A Micro-Electrical Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based
Gas sensor alongwith control circuitry for sensing LPG The Department has initiated a major project entitled “
has been designed and developed and its evaluation Indian Nanoelectronics Users Programme (INUP)” with
and testing is in progress. A quantity of 100 sensors an outlay of Rs. 24.89 Crore at IIT Bombay and IISc
have been assembled using TO-39 package. The Banaglore. The objective of this project is to facilitate
module gives warning alarm in case of leakage and support generation of expertise and knowledge
of gas. in nanoelectronics through participation and utilization
by external users of the facilities established at the
Nanoelectronics Centres at IISc and IIT-Bombay

New R&D projects

A new R&D project on Synthesis & Characterization of

Functional Nanostructures for MEMS & Optoelectronic
Applications with a total outlay of Rs. 4.84 crore has
been started with IIT Roorkee.
Software Development for Interconnects
Nanoelectronics Infrastructure
Interconnects are vital components of physical • Calibration facilities for the electrical parameters
design in the deep sub-micron CMOS semiconductor namely nanovolt, nano-scale current, nano-scale
technology. An algorithm has been developed for resistance and nano-scale charge have been
optimal placement of modules with minimum possible developed and established at National Physical
occurrence of hot spots and reasonable estimated Laboratory to serve as national facility.
• A Transferred Arc Plasma Reactor (TAPR) has
42 interconnect lengths. A software package for solving
been installed and commissioned at C-MET, Pune
the crossing distribution problem in nets having two
for large-scale generation of nano-sized metals/
regions has been developed and a copyright has
metal oxides/metal nitrides.
been obtained for the same. Under the project at IIT
• A nanoelectronics centre has been established
Kharagpur, a software has been developed to reduce
at IIT Bombay housing nanofabrication and
the time for model parameter extraction from an characterization equipment over a period of 3
analog design. Earlier this entire process used to take years for nanoelectronics capacity building. This
more than two months, which is now reduced to only facility is available for use by all nanoelectronics
8 hours. This software is very useful to reduce porting researchers in the country and is also currently
time of a design in a new technology. being used by over 60 project staff/students.
• Dip-Pen-Nano writing (DPN) based nano-
Publications patterning facility has been setup at CEERI,
Pilani. This DPN lithography facility will serve
More than 28 papers have been published/presented
as a powerful nanofabrication tool in a number
in National/international conferences/workshops/
of applications including for biosensor arrays,
seminars under the ongoing projects.
photonics and nano-circuitry.
Nanotechnology Initiative • A state-of-art facility and multidisciplinary
expertise has been created for development of
Nanotechnology applications have started appearing bio-nano sensors for healthcare and agriculture
in the market for areas like automobiles, packaging, application at CSIO.
healthcare etc. The nanotechnology initiatives • The facilities at various academic and R&D

programme of the Department has been concentrating organizations have been augmented with
additional equipment to take up R&D activities.
on Institutional capacity building and Infrastructure
• A state-of-art facility for the deposition and
for Research & Development and human resource
characterization of aligned Single-wall and Multi-
development in the area of nanoelectronics. The
wall carbon nanotubes has been established at
activities and achievements in the Nanotechnology IIT Delhi.
Initiatives Programme during this year are given here • Facility for synthesis & characterization of
briefly. Nanostructured Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Thin

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Films & Heterostructures and semiconductor
Quantum Dots has been created at IIT Roorkee. 8 Silicon nanoparticles have been synthesised on
silicon substrate with different insulating layers
Nanoelectronics Technology Development SiO2/Si3N4, by two different processes namely,
Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition
Technology development has been progressed in the
(LPCVD) and Plasma Enhanced CVD (PECVD) at
current projects. Some of the important results are as
CEERI Pilani.
9 A software has been developed for the calculation

1 A nanocrystalline silicon MEMS pressure sensor of nano measurement uncertainty in the project at

in the range of 1mbar to1bar has been designed, National Physical Laboratory New Delhi.

fabricated and tested in the lab at Jadavpur 10 A polymeric cantilever technology with an

University Kolkata. A Patent application has been embedded polysilicon piezo-resistor has been
demonstrated, by IIT Bombay
filed on this technology.
11 An explosive vapour sensor using poly(3-
2 A process has been developed for the generation
hexythiophene) and cu-tetraphenyl-porphyrin
of Silver Nano powder at 200gm batch level at
composite based organic field effect transistor
has been demonstrated by IIT Bombay.
3 A technology for growing size and shape
12 A low cost sensor platform for determining
controlled Ge quantum dots with excellent optical
ionizing radiation using sensors based on
properties has been developed.
organic semiconducting materials has been
4 Technology for fast and stable dispersion and
demonstrated, at IIT Bombay.
functionalization of Carban Nano Tubes (CNTs)
13 7 research projects from all over the country have
has been developed at CSIO. been identified under INUP programme at IIT
5 Technology for interfacing bio-molecules and Bombay.
quantum dots with CNTs for applications in
predictive diagnosis and preventive treatment
Patents 43
including drug delivery has been developed at
The patents filed during this period include the
6 A complete bio-sensor platform for cardiac
diagnostics has been developed and shown to
1 Single Halo DeMOS for robust protection in
be suitable for integration towards a complete la- advanced high voltage CMOS –US patent.
on-chip development for cardiac diagnostics at 2 A DeMOS Device realized using dual STI process
IIT Bombay. –US patent
7 A SILICON LOCKET has been developed which 3 Microheater based explosive sensor – Indian
is an efficient and intelligent remote health –care patent
system for cardiac diagnostics, embedded 4 Independently Driven Double Gate (IDDG)
into an ultra small form factor. The system is nonvolatile floating gate analog memory cell –
a web enabled heart monitoring device with Indian patent

a host of advanced features to accelerate 5 Method and device for determining ionizing
radiation –Indian patent
modern telemedicine schemes at IIT Bombay.
6 A novel dry method of surface modification of SU8
for immobilization of biomolecules using hotwire
pyrolytic process –Indian patent
7 Method for doping a fin based semiconductor
device –US patent
8 An IGBT device with plugged-in SCR for robust
ESD protection in FinFET technology- US patent
9 A Novel Architecture for Improving Slew Rate in
FinFET based Op-Amp and OTAs- US patent.

Photonics Development Program

The well known applications of photonics/

Optoelectronics have been to Optical Communication
and Networking. However, it also includes on Silicon on Insulator for designing and fabricating
Biophotonics, Nanophotonics, Polymer for Photonics, Add-drop Multiplexer which could be useful in Optical
Photonic Crystal Fibers etc. Communication system. The design of single mode
optical Waveguide based on etched rib of silicon
Biophotonics and Photonics for Health Care : Under the
worked out. Novel design for S-band Waveguide
project the design, testing and modifications of FCS
fabrication & characterization carried out.
kits for Construction & Muti-site Commissioning of
Multiple Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometers (a FBG (Fibre Bragg Grating). Under the project
single molecule Biophotonics tool) have been done “Development of a unified approach for realizing Fiber
at TIFR, Mumbai. A workshop conducted during 7-24
Bragg Grating with long term stability” at IIT Madras
March 09 where groups from 10 institutions were
& IISc Bangalore, the Algorithm for Decay prediction
trained to build up the complete system.
from Growth Data which enables prediction of the
Optical Fibre and Fibre Lasers : Under the project lifetime and decay parameters of the FBG based on
“Fabrication of Rare-Earth Doped Fibres needed the change in refractive index and Bragg wavelength
to Fibre Lasers” at CGCRI Calcutta with Er/Yb vs. time during growth has been formulated. Design
concentration of around 5000 ppm and core diameter of single mode optical Waveguide based on etched
around 20 µm has been done. In the project Tunable rib of silicon worked out. Novel design for S-band
and Multi Wavelength Fibre Laser for Fibre Optic Waveguide fabrication & characterization carried
Applications by IIT (Bombay), ring cavity for fiber out. A Matlab-based user friendly software has
laser implemented. Modelling of fiber laser based on
been developed. Copyright is being applied for and
existing analytical approach done.
provisional patent application filed.
Material Growth And Component Development Technology:
Nanophotonics and Photonic Crystal Fibre: The project
The project “Growth of dilute III-V-nitride materials
on Photonic Micro-nano system-Advancement of
for mid-infrared Optoelectronic devices” aims to
Research and Education was implemented at IISc. A
44 ascertain the possibility of using LPE for growth of
workshop on Photonic Microsystems for engineering
dilute III-V-N alloys, InAsN grown by LPE using InN.
college faculty organized from 5th-9th May 2008
Material characterized by EDX & HRXRD inhouse & in
.Second Workshop on Photonic Nano Biosystems
Lancaster Univ, UK. The project on Molecular Beam
held between 13-15 October, 2008.
Epitaxy of Gallium Indium Nitride Arsenide & related
materials for 1.3 micron communication Lasers aims Polymers for Photonics: Under the project “Polymer
to work on GaInNAs and demonstrate edge emitting
Waveguide based Optical Power Splitters” at BITS
lasers on GaAs substrate, thirty eight material synthesis
Pilani, fabrication of 1 X 4 splitter carried out. Designed
runs carried out. GaAsN & InGaAsN synthesized.
a new mask for 1 x 4 as well as 1 x 8 power splitters.
Structures such as SQW, DQW & Edge-emitting laser
BITs also organized a workshop on Polymer Photonics
grown. Under the project “Ultra Wideband Optical
in April 2008.
Sources from rare-earth codoped glass Waveguides-
Fabrication and Characterization” at IIT (Delhi), new Fibre Sensors: The project “ Development of FBG
type of glass system (with more than 8Wt.% rare earth) Sensor system for detection and location of hot spots
suitable for ion-exchange waveguides fabricated. in electrical equipment” at CSIO, Chandigarh is
being executed jointly by CSIO and ERDA Vadodara,
Optical Amplifier: The project “Design and Development MoU between CSIO & ERDA signed in March 09.
of Mid-stage Access EDFA” at IIT (D) and Optiwave ERDA has carried out calibration of FBG at different
Photonics, Hyderabad work to realize two units of MSA temperatures.
EDFA modules with desired specifications and to test
performance of MSA amplifier modules in test beds, Optoelectronic Packaging: The SAMEER facility is
multi channel measurements on 8–channel WDM being used for polymer splitter device fabrication
carried out. Design & simulation for gain-flattening by BITS Pilani and Silica-on-Silicon waveguide

filters done. characterization by CEERI Pilani for Work on Silicon

photonics for developing Add-Drop Multiplexer for
Silicon Photonics: The project “Development optical communication. SAMEER along with IIT(Delhi)
of Integrated Optic Single channel Add-Drop is involved in the project on Ultra Wideband optical
Multiplexer” (SCADM) in SOI Platform for fiber optic sources from rare-earth codoped glass waveguides.
communication system and packaging of it at IIT (M) This is being used by CEERI, BITS, Pilani, IIT(M),
in collaboration with SAMEER Mumbai aims to work IRDE, NeST etc.

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E-Commerce of India web site -http://www.new.dli.ernet.in. Hyper-
link of this site has been provided on the Department
Initiative has been taken on Mobile Commerce for web site http://www.mit.gov.in.
developing Mobile Payment Framework specific to
India along with Mobile Payment Forum of India. A Achievements during January 2008 to March 2009:

mobile payment certification lab has been initiated at

(i) Project for Digitizing and Preserving of folios and
IIT Madras, to promote standards for interoperability manuscripts available with Namgyal Institute of
and to facilitate existing proprietary mobile payment T’betology, Sikkim has been completed.
systems adhere to the guidelines issued by RBI. (ii) Three more projects namely “ Rajasthan Heritage:
Digitization of Rare Books” at Banasthali
Digital Library Vidyapith, Mega Center Digital Library of India

Libraries are the storehouse of knowledge as they “2nd Phase: Content Creation (in East Indian
Languages as well as in English)” at CDAC,
maintain the book and other knowledge resource
Kolkata and “Digitization of Libraries” at CDAC,
available - mostly in printed form. However, with the
Noida have been initiated.
advent of digital technology and Internet connectivity,
(iii) Digitization: 13.5 Million Textual pages and 25,124
the library scenario is changing fast. Data available
images have been digitized.
in physical form is being preserved digitally in Digital
(iv) Recording: 315 Hours of Audio, 107 Hours of
Library. Digital Libraries have the ability to enhance video and 2 Walkthrough of monument have been
access to information and knowledge through recorded.
Internet connectivity. They also Bridge barriers of time (v) Providing the Connectivity and Hosting of
and space. digitized data: Bandwidth connectivity to Indian
Institute of Sciences- Bangalore, President House
The Department has taken the Digital Library Initiatives
library-Delhi, IIIT- Hyderabad, IIIT- Allahabad and
and as part of this, copyright free books, manuscripts,
C-DAC, Noida has been provided. The digitized
and theses etc. have been digitized. Most of the
data has been hosted on Digital Library of India
digitized data has been web enabled on Digital Library
web for accessing.

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Human Resource Development
HRD activities are targeted to ensure availability levels viz., Desktop security, Network security and
of trained human resources for the manufacturing Server end security. Training is being imparted
& service sectors of electronics and IT industry. through e-learning mode through constant support
Initiatives include identifying gaps emerging from the for queries via email and also through feedback
formal sector, planning programmes in non-formal and monitoring and corrective actions. About 1000 users
formal sectors for meeting these gaps. In pursuance, have been registered for the course. The e-security
projects have been initiated for generation of quality content for Post Graduate/ Engineering students and
46 manpower in the areas of Information Security and
System Administrators/ Officers in charge of e-security
VLSI Design; setting up of a Regional Institutes for
has been developed and hosted on CDAC, Noida/
e-Learning and Information Technology (RIELIT)
DOEACC websites. The development of content for
at Kohima, Nagaland and at Tripura, Agartala for
Scientists is in progress.
creating skilled manpower in the area of Computer
Science/IT. A Scheme for Manpower Development for Content Based Streaming and Real
the Software Export Industry has also been initiated Time Regional Language Captioning of
under which various projects are being implemented. E-Learning Video Data at IIT, Roorkee
The Department has also setup a Working Group
on Human Resource Development in Information This project is to design a framework for an end to
Technology. The main objective of the Working Group end E-Learning solution capable of dynamic video
is to evolve long-term HR strategies and suitable compression and transmission over scarce resource
approach for the implementation of these strategies network and also to ensure quality of service in terms
for significantly increasing the number of well-trained of perceptual importance of video data. A subtitling
professionals in line with economic projections, for software which can be easily installed and downloaded
various IECT and related areas. has been developed. Real-time captioning system
can put captions on the live video using video/ audio
E-Learning is one of the thrust areas identified by the
Department for imparting education using educational Development of Interactive Learning
tools and communication media. The Department has Material on Introduction to Animation and
been financially supporting R&D projects at various Multimedia, DOEACC Centre Kolkata
Academic Institutes, R&D Labs.
The objective of the project is to develop interactive
Design & Development of e-Learning digital multimedia content on introduction to
Contents for e-Security Solutions animation and multimedia. Work pertaining to
Developers, C-DAC, Noida content development has been completed and has
been further tested/ evaluated. The project has been
The objective is to provide overall in-depth knowledge
of all security concepts involved at different security

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Brihaspati phase-2: Development of Open resource in the area of Information Security at various
source content delivery tools with advanced levels. This activity is presently being implemented
features, IIT, Kanpur through 5 Resource Centres (RC) as mentoring
institutions and 34 Participating Institutes (PI). The
The main objective of this project is to enhance the project also has a component on Awareness aimed
LMS Software namely Brihaspati software develop in towards Industry/ Educational Institutes and the
the first phase. The new features include online lecture masses which is being implemented through CDAC
delivery tool, and open source content delivery tools.
Hyderabad. The project also aims at imparting training
to the Central and State Government Officers on issues
During the year 2008-09 the new features added
interalia language user interfaces for French, Marathi, related to Cyber / Information Security which is being

Bangla, Urdu and Hindi; academic calendar, web implemented through six implementing agencies

based interface for Brihaspati_sync related database (CDAC, ERNET India, DOEACC Society, CERT-In,
information, assignment submission module, quiz STQC Dte., & NIC).
Generation conduction and marks analysis; multilingual
Various courses in the area of Information Security
whiteboard; online registration and documentation.
–B.Tech & M. Tech (retrofit), New M. Tech in
Training of Teachers in E-Learning –DOEACC Information Security, M. Tech in Computer Science
Centres at Imphal, Calicut and Gorakhpur with specialization in Information Security, short-
term courses/ training programmes were continued
The main aim of this project is to propagate the to be organized at all the RCs/PIs. The 4th Faculty
knowledge on e- learning and its applications among Training Programme for the PIs was organized through
teachers to integrate e-learning methodology and IISc. Bangalore. The training programmes for govt.
approach with teaching and learning for improvement officers were continued through the six implementing
in pedagogy agencies. Information Security awareness workshops
for school children were conducted through some of
An E-Learning Lab has been established at Gorakhpur 47
the participating institutes.
centre and a book “Basics of E-Learning” has been
published. A website www.eshiksha.edu.in has been
Scheme for Manpower Development for the
developed and content hosted.
Software Export Industry
National Competitiveness in Knowledge The scheme is aimed at creating course contents,
Economy, IIT, Roorkee
generating mentors & quality faculties and skilled
The project was initiated with the following broad graduates in the Information Technology Sector. The
objectives: scheme is being implemented through C-DAC-Pune,
C-DAC-Noida, C-DAC-Hyderabad, IIT-Allahabad,
A. Mapping the directions of transition from industrial IIITM-Gwalior, IIIT- Bangaluru, IIIT-Hyderabad,
economy to knowledge economy. State Government of Tamil Nadu and UP Technical
B. Developing strategies of chang management for University.
transformation from industrial age to information
age. The progress made in the scheme towards achieving
C. Identifying new knowledge streams/disciplines the deliverables is as under:
likely to emerge in the evolving knowledge
economy and suggesting specialized courses • Necessary training infrastructure like setting up of
to help meet manpower requirements of the lab etc., has been created at IIIT-Allahabad, IIITM-
knowledge economy etc. Gwalior, CDAC-Pune and CDAC-Hyderabad.
Training infrastructure like construction of build
The participating organizations in the project are (i) up space and additional floor is in progress at
IIT, Roorkee (ii) IIT, Madras (iii) National Productivity IIIT-Bangaluru and IIIT-Hyderabad.
Council (NPC), New Delhi & (iv) International • Various ICT training programme in the area of
Management Institute (IMI), New Delhi. Embedded System, System Software Design,
Faculty Updation Programme, Information
Information Security Education and
Technology Outsourcing, e-Content Development
Awareness Project
and Delivery etc., have been started at IIITM-
The Information Security Education and Awareness Gwalior, CDAC-Hyderabad, CDAC-Pune, IIIT-
Project is aimed towards development of human Allahabad, IIIT- Bangaluru and IIIT-Hyderabad.
• The development of National Online Examination c. VLSI Design Resource website and mirror sites of
System Software is in progress at C-DAC, RCs have been created.
Noida. System Design and the customization d. Support has been provided for fabrication of
of Registration and Question Pool modules have chips under India Chip Project for siliconization of
been completed. design done by students of RCs and PIs.
e. During the year 2008-09 about 4500 students at
Development of North-Eastern Region various levels (i.e.) B. Tech, M. Tech, & PhD.) in

The Department through DOEACC Society, has the domain of VLSI Design and Microelectronics

initiated projects for setting up Regional Institutes were trained under this program.
for e-Learning and Information Technology (RIELIT)
Development of Weaker Section
at Kohima (Nagaland) and Agartala (Tripura).
Further, setting up of a DOEACC Centre at Shillong The Government is committed to the development of
(Meghalaya) has been approved. These institutes/ weaker section for the inclusive growth. Department
centers are aimed to create skilled manpower in the accordingly has supported ICT projects for
area of Computer Science and Information Technology development of SC/ST.
and related disciplines.
The lists of such Projects are as under:
Productivity and Employment Generation
1 Training in IT for M.Ed & B.Ed degree holders
Several industries, based on their domain expertise among SC/STs – Kerala
have been approached, for IT support developments, 2 Empowerment of Women and/or SC/ST using ICT
in the non IT Manufacturing, Trade, Energy and tools - Haryana
Services, in the broad areas such as extended ERP, 3 Capacity Building of Women and/or SC/ST using
extended SCM, extended CRM. ICT - Chandigarh
4 Empowering Women and SC/ST using ICT tools –
Special Manpower Development in VLSI Goa.
Design and Related Software 5 Creation of ICT Infrastructure a 15 high/residential
schools – Orissa
In 2005, Department has initiated a Special Manpower 6 Capacity building for training of women and ST
Development Programme in the area of VLSI Design youth in IECT in North East region – Mizoram.
and related software to generate the key catalyst 7 Bachelors & Maters courses in computer
ingredient for the design sector. This programme applications – Manipur.
has been initiated at 7 Resource Centres (RCs) and 8 Training of 2880 qualified Women and SC/ST
25 Participating Institutions (PIs) with a total outlay candidates in Tripura for preparing for NASSCOM
of Rs. 49.98 crore for a period of five years. The Assessment of Competence (NAC) Test - Tripura
programme is steered by a Project Review Steering 9 Capacity Development of Tripura Youth in IT
Group, which has representation from MAIT, ISA, VLSI Entrepreneurships - Tripura
Society of India and other Government departments. 10 Capacity Building for IT skill based Self Help
Group (SGH) of North East (NE) region (Tripura,
ZOPP – Objective Oriented Project Planning workshop
Mizoram, Manipur and Sikkim)
is conducted every year, involving all the stakeholders
of the program, for smooth implementation of the Gender Issues
Gender Empowerment through ICT has been one of
The major achievements during the period from Jan the major initiatives of the Government. The objective
2008 to March 2009 are as below: of the initiative is to empower women through capacity
building in ICT, entrepreneurship development and
a. Four Instruction Enhancement Programme (IEP),
IT training so as to enhance their employability in IT/
for the training faculty of PIs were conducted in
ITES sector where the employment opportunities are
area of VLSI Testing & Verification, Technology
growing. Department has supported ICT projects
CAD, Electronic Design Automation Tool, and
relating to empowerment of women. The list of 21 such
Mixed signal design. About 80 faculty of PIs were
projects (ongoing) is as under: -
b. Financial support was provided to faculty of PIs 1 Advance level course in the area of ICT
as well as students to present technical papers in for improving the employability of Women
National and International conferences. Candidates, Gorakhpur – Uttar Pradesh.

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2 Bridging the Digital Divide: ICT for the centers have learnt ICT skills enabling them to seek
Empowerment of Rural Women along with employment and earn livelihood.
providing addition IT skills to 300 entrepreneurs
– Tamil Nadu
ICT for Empowerment of the Disabled
3 Women Empowerment through ICT - Kerala.
ICT enabled Integrated Assessment tool for Mentally
4 ICT tools for education of girls in 5 Govt. Women
Retarded (MR) Children: The project aims to develop
Colleges - West Bengal.
and deploy an ICT based assessment tool for mentally
5 Training of Graduate / Undergraduate women of retarded children. Three methods viz., FACP, MDPS,
NER in ITES – BPO –Assam. and BASIC-MR for assessment of a child are in
6 Creation of educational technology infrastructure practice. All three methods have been included and
in 50 Govt. Girls Middle Schools of Mizoram - automatic generation of charts and graphs including
Mizoram Statistical analysis and prediction have been made
7 Creation of educational technology infrastructure available through the software.
in 100 Govt. girls’ schools - Assam.
8 Training of Graduate/Undergraduate Women This software aids the teachers for the progress
Candidate for ‘O’ and ‘A’ level at DOEACC Centers, assessment and evaluation of the MR children and
Kolkata, Gorakhpur, Srinagar and Jammu. analysis of the results is very useful for the teachers as
9 Establishment of ‘Chanderi Weaver ICT Resource well as the MR children. Archived information can also
Centre’ (CWICTRC) - Madhya Pradesh provide valuable insight to their condition. The system
10 Skill enhancement computer training and resource consists of 4 modules - School Registration Module
Centre in Women Colleges – Kerala. (SRM), Child Registration Module, Child Assessment
Module and Child Goal set Module. Out of these, first
11 ICT enabled Anti-Poverty programme to create
3 modules are ready and have been tested.
Women entrepreneurs in BPL families – Orissa
12 Training of Undergraduate/Graduate Women
Screen Reading Software SAFA (Screen Access for All):
for ‘O’ & ‘A’ level coursed at DOEAC Society, A screen reading software in Indian Languages to
Chandigarh, three extension centers. enable the visually impaired persons to use PC is being 49
13 Capacity Building for IT skill based Self Help developed in collaboration with National Association
Group (SGH) of North East (NE) region (Tripura, for the Blind, New Delhi.
Mizoram, Manipur and Sikkim)
14 Visual Impaired Women Empowerment through Hindi keyboard layout and typewriter keyboard layouts
Shruti Drishti – All India. have been incorporated. Installer of the software has
15 Creation of Infrastructure facilities in 8 Girls been improved. SAFA has been made compatible
Colleges– Rajasthan with TTS (LipikathaTM) developed by Media Lab Asia
16 Empowerment of Women and/or SC/ST using ICT hub at IIT-Kharagpur. It supports 10 Indian Languages
tools - Haryana e.g. Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Sanskrit, Nepali, Bhojpuri,
Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Gujarati. Support for
17 Empowering of Women and SC/ST using ICT
special characters and punctuation in Hindi has
tools in Information Technology, Gorakhpur –
been incorporated. New version of SAFA has been
Uttar Pradesh
18 Capacity Building of Women and/or SC/ST using
ICT -Chandigarh Content Generation for Capacity Building of persons with
19 Empowering Women and SC/ST using ICT tools – Blindness & Low Vision: The project has been undertaken
Goa. to empower the Visually Impaired persons by making
20 Capacity building for training of Women and ST education easy for them by producing study material
youth in IECT in North East region – Mizoram in Braille, Audio, Large print and E-text. 56 books in
21 Training of 2880 qualified Women and SC/ST Hindi and 127 books in English have been converted
candidates in Tripura for preparing for NASSCOM into e-Text. 337 titles of higher education books have
Assessment of Competence (NAC) Test – Tripura been prepared in human voice recorded format and
83 books have been prepared in synthesized voice.
Vocational Centers for Skill Creation for the
These are text books of university level at IGNOU,
Children with Disabilities Bhoj University & Delhi University and competitive
exams like CAT.
20 ICT Vocational Centers in National Capital Region
(NCR) and TamilNadu for training the physically Smart Cane: The aim is to assist visually impaired
challenged children were set up in Phase-I. The persons in independent mobility by enabling them
less privileged children in the proximity of these to detect waist above obstacles and identify route

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number of buses. Prototypes of both the devices Comprehensive Satellite / Internet based National Network
‘Waist above Obstacle Detection System’ and ‘User for Education, Training and Empowerment of the Disabled:
Triggered Bus Identification System’ are ready and The aim is to facilitate interactive program through
have been tested. Edusat based channel and information through
Internet for students, parents, trainee teachers
Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Computerized
and professionals associated with and engaged in
Braille Transcription System at 40 Blind Schools throughout
different areas of disabilities. The project is being
the country: The objective is to provide IT enabled
implementation two parts:-
technology in blind schools across the country to
enhance Braille Literacy and enable schools to meet a. A distance learning network based on EDUSAT: The
every day need of Braille materials like question studio for channel “Navshikhar” has been set up
papers, notes, notices and books etc. System has at RCI, New Delhi. There is a regular telecast of
been installed in 25 schools and dispatched to further programs from 10:00 to 15:00 Hours from Monday
8 schools. to Friday. 300 DRS centers including 3 Centres in
Assam, 3 in Manipur, 2 in Meghalaya, and 1 in
Development of multimedia CD to support activity based
Tripura have been set up across the country.
nursery rhymes book: Bagher Chakri in Bengali: The
project has been taken to develop multimedia version b. A Comprehensive Internet Portal: Portal for providing
of Activity based nursery rhymes book “Bagher information related to different disability issues –
Chakri” in Bengali for “Inclusive Education” and all
round mental development of all types of children. The a. National Disability Register
CD containing all 24 rhymes in 3 languages – English, b. Online Courses through LMS run by RCI
Hindi & Bengali is ready. Sound recording and editing c. Repository of Braille Ready Text, Audio Files,
has also been completed. etc.
d. List of MSJ&E offices, Special Schools, NGOs
Sanyog: Visual Language with particular application to the & Special Educators
50 communication needs of the children with neuro-motor e. All Government Policies, Schemes, Laws,
disorders: Sanyog is a multilingual augmentative & Circulars & Orders related to disabled
alternative communication system to serve individuals f. Availability of Assistive Devices & its details
with speech impairment and neuro-motor disorders. It g. Programs of RCI
allows the individuals to form and vocalize their own
messages. In Phase II of the project, development The portal “www.punarbhava.in” was launched on
of embedded system and enhancement of existing March 12, 2008. The portal is now available live.
system has been undertaken. A user interface has been Rehabilitation Council of India is partner of MLAsia for
developed and object based iconic communication this project.
with complex and compound sentences have been
developed for enhancement of the system.

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Standardization, Testing and Quality segment of industry, Government departments, R&D
Certification (STQC) organizations etc.

Introduction STQC Directorate has also introduced a range of IT

related services. These Services include: -
Standardization, Testing and Quality Certification
(STQC) Directorate, an attached office of the • Software Application Testing
Department is a major Infrastructure of National • Website Quality Certification
importance in the field of Quality Assurance. • Information Security Management System (ISO
27000) Certification and training as well as IT
STQC provides quality assurance services, which security product testing.
includes Testing, Calibration, Training and Certification • Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis of
services, through its well-developed network of IT Networks and Systems.
Electronics Regional Test laboratories (ERTL), • Certification of IT Service Management (ISO
Electronics Test & Development Centers (ETDC), 20000).
Center for Electronics Test Engineering (CETE), STQC • Quality Assurance and Conformity Assessment
IT Centers, Indian Institute of Quality Management Support for e-governance products and
(IIQM) and Center for Reliability (CFR). Locations services.
of the Laboratories / Centers are indicated below:
STQC services are provided based on International
Laboratories / Locations Standards with the required accreditations. In the
Centers current year, STQC laboratories maintained national
accreditation (NABL) and expanded scope for on-
ERTL Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, site testing and calibration. In IT area, international
Thiruvananthapuram accreditation from A2LA USA for software testing
ETDC Bangaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, at Bangaluru and Kolkata, IRCA UK for ISO 27000
Pune, Goa, Mohali, Solan, training at IIQM Jaipur, RVA Netherlands for ISO 20000
Guwahati, Agartala, Jaipur certification have been achieved.
IIQM Jaipur
Infrastructure Development
CETE Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune,
Noida, Kolkata To give the distinct identity to CETEs, permanent
CFR Chennai buildings for Kolkata and Noida centers were planned.
IT Centers Delhi, Kolkata, Bangaluru, Construction activities for the building of CETE Kolkata
Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, are nearly completed. Construction of building for the
Guwahati Noida center is under progress.

Currently, STQC services are being utilized by more Center of Excellence for Information Security with
than 10,000 organizations representing the entire state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities has been

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established at Kolkata. Network Penetration Test Lab 1. Website quality certification for both Government
has been established at Hyderabad. & private websites and
2. Capability Approval of Website Designers and
Seven Conformity Assessment Centers established
Developers (requirements based on ISO/IEC
under NeGP project of the Department for assessing
conformity with standards on quality and security.
Infrastructure tools and test environment have been The scheme has three-quality levels: -
upgraded to meet the requirements of industry and the
Quality Level I : Functional website
NeGP. These centers are providing services to mission
Quality Level II : Secured transactional website
mode and other state government e-Governance
Quality Level III: Assured quality of
service website
STQC IT Services
Software Testing and Evaluation
STQC IT services, initiated three years back are fully
Two IT Centers at Bangaluru and Kolkata have been
operational. Following services for the benefit of
accredited as per international standard ISO / IEC
Government, industry and general public are being
offered: 17025 from A2LA, USA for Software Testing. Following
certification services are provided:
• Software Application Testing
 Functional characteristics; • Smart Card Testing and certification scheme

 Non-functional characteristics (Performance, covering Card Layout, Card OS, Software

application for the following:
Usability, Security, etc.)
• Documentation Review
 DL/ RC (NIC), Ministry of Surface Transport
 Software Documents (SRS, SDD, SW Plans)
 Multipurpose National ID Card (ORGI),
 Policy and Procedural documents
52 Ministry of Home Affairs
• Process Audit
 e-Passport (NIC), Ministry of External Affairs
 SW Development, Operation & Maintenance
 Rashtriya Swasth Bima Yojana (RSBY),
Ministry of Labour
 Service Delivery & Support Processes
• Software Product Evaluation & Certification
• IT Infrastructure Audit (BoM & Architecture)
Scheme (SPEC)
 Data Centre, Disaster Recovery site,
• Website Quality Certification Scheme
Network, Gateway, Hardware
• Information Security services Information Security
• IT Service management Services
Various Certified / training programmes have been
National e-Governance Quality Assurance designed and delivered for Information Security
Framework Professionals and Auditors. These courses are
accredited by international agencies. The activities
A set of documents on Quality Assurance Framework
of application security audit, IT infrastructure audit,
supported with Conformity Assessment requirements
vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are
(CARE) has been prepared. Documents are structured
in the following categories: being carried out for both Govt. and private sector.

STQC is a Permanent Member representing India,

• Requirements of Govt. departments and Project
in the Security Audit Team (SAT) and is periodically
conducting Information Security Audits of the Technical
• Conformity Assessment requirements and
Secretariat of Organization for the Prohibition of
• User Satisfaction. Chemical Weapons (OPCW) located at Hague.

Website Quality Certification Scheme Certification scheme based on Common Criteria

(ISO 15408) standard has been launched with
STQC has developed a `Website Quality Certification an internationally accredited Common Criteria
Scheme` based upon International and National Security Test/ Evaluation Laboratory. India has
standards / Best Practices.. The scheme has been become a signatory to Common Criteria Recognition
launched and has two components: - Arrangements (CCRA). The project aims to meet the

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needs of the Government and industries for evaluation • Advance Ground Control Station (AGCS) for
and certification of IT security products. unmanned air vehicle (UAV).
• Artillery Command Control Communication
STQC has also been entrusted with the responsibility System (ACCCS).
for development of security standards and guidelines
• Battle Field surveillance Radar- short Range
for e Governance.
IT Services Management (ITSM)
Details of IT Training Programs conducted are as
With a view to improve the quality of IT services such follows:-
as Web services, Facility Management, Internet,
• 184 training courses were conducted at seven IT
BPO Services and Telecom Services, a certification
centers helping 2828 participants to gain insight
scheme, accredited by ITSMF, UK, based on
international standard ISO / IEC 20000-1 has been on various topics of Software Quality and IT
introduced. Additionally, ITSMF accredited training Security.
programs for ISO 20000 auditors have also been • Five workshops at Mohali, Hyderabad, Bangalore,
conducted by STQC both in India and abroad. STQC Chennai and Delhi were organized on Website
has also developed a Lead Auditor program based on quality, Software Quality and IT Security.
ISO 2000.
Test and Calibration Services
STQC is the only Indian Agency providing both the
accredited certification and the accredited training Test and Calibration services have been provided to
programs within the country. Support services on ISO MSMEs, Govt. Organizations such as ISRO, Defence,
20000 to DOHA Bank, Qatar and Training programs Nuclear Power Corporation, Railways, Civil Aviation,
on software testing to Kofi-annan institute at Ghana Energy etc., Industries and users in the areas of
were also provided.
Electronics. Special emphasis has been given to obtain

Major contributions in IT Services accreditation from different national / international 53

bodies such as NABL, IECEE-CB, FCC, IRCA, QCI,
Significant progress has been made in software testing DGCA, BIS, SASO, SONCAP, S-Mark, EMC Mark etc
and evaluation activities of e Governance. They are:
for global acceptance of STQC services.

• Project Jeevan – Department of Information

Major facilities created are as follows: -
Technology, Delhi government
• Birth and death computerization for Bruhat Upgradation of High Precision Calibration Centers:
Bangaluru Mahanagar Palike State of the art Calibration facilities for Precision
• Inspector General of land registration (IGR) for
Temperature standard using Fixed point cells
(Primary Temperature Calibration Facility) covering
• Annual Audit activity initiated for MCA 21 project
Quality Evaluation.
• Website Quality of ‘India Portal’ Certified for
level 1.
• National Service Delivery Gateway (NSDG) (MMP
under NeGP)
• Income Tax (MMP under NeGP)
• Rashtriya Swastha Bima Yogna (RSBY)
• Municipality Applications like NDMC, MaiNet,
Nagrik, Municipality Software Solutions for Gujarat
and Punjab
• India Portal, NIC
• MPVATIS, IGRS, MPED projects for Madhya
temperature points from –38 deg. C to +660 deg. C.
• SWD, CVD, ULBs, HRMS projects for ITDA,
Uttranchal . has been established at ERTL (North) New Delhi.

Services have been provided for Mission critical Opto calibration facility for fiber communication
projects of strategic importance from Ministry of equipments such as Optical Power Meter, Attenuator,
Defence. They are:- Spectrum analysers, OTDR, Optical wave Meter and

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Optical light sources has been established at ERTL Up gradation of facilities for Safety and EMI / EMC:
(North) New Delhi. Established Glow wire system to stimulate the effect
of thermal stresses for testing at ERTL (N), Delhi.
Safety and PV module test facilities created at ETDC
Bangalore have been IECEE-CB accredited.

Major contributions in Test & Calibrations

ERTL (South) supported VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram for

Chandrayan project by screening various components
used in it. Electrical safety testing of 6mV and 4 mV
LINAC machine for SAMEER Mumbai and COBOLT 60
cancer Treatment machine for BARC, Mumbai were
carried out. The laboratory has established full-fledged
RF screening facility for Crystals & Crystal Oscillators
and got accredited by VSSC. By Indigenesation of
SMD test jigs & burn-in jigs, laboratory had established
RF Calibration measurement facility from 26.5 GHz to full screening facilities for passive and discrete
40 GHz and Oscilloscope calibration upto 3.5 GHz devices. Test facilities are accredited by Vikram
bandwidth augmented at ETDC Bangaluru. Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram for
screening of 136 types of Integrated circuits. ERTL
Centre of Excellence in Explosive Atmosphere Testing:
(South) has also carried out Safety testing of medical
Established Centre of Excellence to provide test equipments like Multi Function monitors, Ultra Sound
services for compliance to IEC standards on Flame Scanner, Surgical operation table, X ray machines,
Proof Testing and Calibration of Gas Sensors at ERTL Lithrotripsy etc as per IEC standard for number of
(E). This facility has received recognition of reputed manufactures for CE marking. These facilities have
international certification bodies namely UL-DEMKO been approved by St Jude Medicals, Canada for testing
(Denmark) and BV-LCIE (France). medical test equipments for Pace makers, Implant
defibrillators etc.
Upgrading climatic and durability test facilities:
Programmable climatic test chamber having 15 deg. ERTL (South) has also developed automatic check
C per minute rise & fall capability for Environment out test setup by using internal resources for testing
Stress Screening has been established at ERTL (W). different types power packages used in satellite
Established 5000Kgf vibration system combined with launch Vehicles by ISRO. The software for this testing
Climatic chamber for reliability testing at ERTL (N), has been developed in house in LABVIEW, which can
Delhi. be used for the DC-DC converter testing also. ERTL
(South) also has started testing Data Acquisition Units
(DAU), which is used in GSLV & PSLV projects of ISRO.
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram
has located two automatic test set up in ERTL (S) for
the evaluation of DAU’s.

ETDC, Bangaluru is in the process of developing test

procedures for the testing of emergency beacons with
active coordination with ISTRAC, Dept. of Space. Their
PV test laboratory has been accredited for IECEECB
for edition 2 and EMC lab relisted under FCC (USA).

ETDC Pune evaluated comprehensively different

modules used in PSLV for VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram.
Up gradation of facilities for Energy Meters & CFL testing:
Established Integrating sphere with spectro photo ETDC Goa. provided Calibration services to Nuclear
calorimeter for CFL/Ballast testing at ERTL (N), Delhi. Power corporation, Goa Ship yard, TCS etc.
To enhance the test efficiency of Energy Meters,
Automated Test benches have been installed at ERTL (East), Kolkata, rendered effective test services of
ERTL (North), ERTL (West), ETDC Guwahati & ETDC Solar Photovoltaic appliances as a part of the country’s
Chennai. SPV program.

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ERTL (West) carried out Energy Saving evaluation Certified Calibration Professional and ISO 15189 for
of Color TVs as per IEC 62087 and IEC 62301 Clinical Labs. Centre had also conducted twice the
standard for the award of BEE star rating. IECEE - Refresher Course for STQC Auditors.
CB accredited Safety testing of home appliances, IT
products, medical equipment were made. Various Surveillance audit of ISMS LA, QMS LA and QMS
machinery like induction heating machine, injection IQA courses were conducted successfully. IRCA
filling machine, granulators, capsule filling machine, has empanelled the ISO 20000 Lead Auditor course
blow molding machines were tested for EMC for CE being conducted by STQC. Intermediary scheme for
marking. Laboratory, accredited for IECEE CB testing, empanelment of External Training Providers has been
participated in APLAC proficiency testing program released.
APLAC T-063, initiated by TAIWAN Accreditation
foundation and another proficiency testing program Certification Services
initiated by IFM Quality Service Pty Ltd., Australia both
in the areas of Safety testing. To create awareness STQC Certification group continues to provide
among the industry, laboratory also organized one day Internationally Accredited Certification services
seminars on the topics such as, Calibration - Electro- for ISO 9000 (Quality Management System), ISO
technical, Calibration - Non-Electrical and Energy 14000 (Environmental Management System), EMC
Meter testing. Compliance and Product Safety to about 773 customers
in India and abroad. STQC is also offering International
ETDC Hyderabad has carried out crucial Certification services for safety of electrical products
environmental tests on electronic Interlocking System under IECEE-CB and for electronics components
developed by Hyderabad based organization as under IECQ system.
per RDSO requirements for Indian Railways. Also,
provided calibration services for cable manufacturing STQC assessors were qualified for assessment
industry for calibration of automated Jelly filled cable against ISO 9001:2008 standard and certification
test system, power generating unit, energy meter against this standard conducted. RVA and QCI audit
manufacturing units, etc. for the certification activities were carried out.
CFR, Chennai undertook consultancy project for Services in the North-East Region
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. VIZAG refinery
to improve plant reliability and facilitate formation of ETDC, Guwahati and ETDC, Agartala are providing
Reliability Cell. Centre has carried out maintainability test, calibration and training service to the industry in
analysis for HPCL, Vizag Refinery. Additionally, the North East region. Apart from the normal test and
conducted a specialized training program on calibration services in the field of electro-technical and
“Reliability Measurement and Demonstration Methods” non electrical parameters, laboratories are providing
for officers of DGQA, Ministry of Defence at Chennai test & calibration services to the hospitals, health
during February 2009. care units, clinical and pathological laboratories of
NE region.
ETDC Chennai established test facilities for Low
Pressure Calibration of Vacuum Gauge and set up Laboratories are providing Computer Awareness
work bench MTS 300 (Accuracy 0.02%) for testing training programs periodically for the benefit of SC/
closed link meter. Also, undertook quality certification ST / OBC / Women community of NE region. A number
of Nickel Cadmium Batteries as per IEC 61373 for use of DOEACC ‘O’ and ‘A’ level computer courses are
in Metro Railway, France. conducted at concessional fee for unemployed youth,
women and weaker sections of NE Region.
Training Services
STQC Overseas Services
STQC continued to provide Skill based practice oriented
training programs in the area of Quality Management, Testing and Calibration services were provided to
Test Engineering, Laboratory Accreditations and SAARC Countries, Bahrain, UK, South Africa and USA
e-Governance quality through IIQM, Jaipur and CETEs were provided by ERTL (E).
located at Bangaluru, Hyderabad, Pune, Noida, and
Quality Management System Certification services
Kolkata. These courses are for unemployed youth,
were provided to clients located at China, USA, Korea,
industry, Govt. organizations, etc.
and Philippines. Information Security Management
This year CETE Kolkata conducted training courses for System Certification services were also provided to
participants from SAARC countries. CETE Bangalore clients at Doha, China, Argentina, USA, Netherlands
has designed and developed two new courses namely and Ecuador.

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Technical Publication National Knowledge Network (NKN)

A total of twelve books covering the areas of Software An important recommendation of the National
Testing, Calibration, EMC Testing and Quality were Knowledge Commission is the setting up of a National
published. Fourteen technical papers covering Knowledge Network to inter-connect all knowledge
Website quality, information security, Quality in e institutions through high speed data communication
Governance were presented / published in various network. The intention to establish National Knowledge
conferences in India and abroad. Network (NKN) was announced in the Budget Speech
of 2008-09 and a specific provision of Rs. 100 crore
Growth in Revenue Earning towards this end was made in the budget of the
One of the major initiatives taken during the current
financial year was to accelerate growth in STQC IT The objective of the National Knowledge Network
services. At the same time conventional STQC services is to bring together all the stakeholders in Science,
like testing, calibration, certification & training were Technology, Higher Education, Research &
consolidated and expanded. Due to these initiatives, Development, and Governance with speeds of the
the growth in revenue earning was continued. The order of 10s of gigabits per second coupled with
revenue earning was Rs.38.5 Crores in the financial extremely low latencies. NKN will interconnect all
year 2008-09. institutions engaged in research, higher education and
scientific development in the country, over a period
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI)
of time.
Five additional Internet Exchange Nodes have been
A High Level Committee (HLC) was set up to
established at Ahmedabad (Gujarat), Bangaluru
coordinate and monitor the establishment of the NKN.
(Karnataka), Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), Mohali
The Detailed Project Report had been worked out by
(Chandigarh) and Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) in addition
the Technical Advisory Committee. The initial phase
56 to the existing NIXI hubs at Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai
of the establishment of NKN has been started by
and Noida. The nine NIXI nodes have 33 ISPs connected
upgrading 15 PoPs of NICNET at 2.5 gbps capacity.
with these nodes and carrying a traffic exchange of
5 gigabit per second. The Internet Exchange nodes Projects for Creating Minimum Infrastructure at about
have been successful in ensuring the Internet traffic 57 institutions with an outlay of Rs. 48.35 crore for a
originating within India and also with destination in period of 6 months, and for Creation of 50 Virtual class
India, has remained within the country. rooms at IITs over NKN with an out lay of about Rs. 45.5
crore over a period of one year have been initiated.
Bio IT Centre
Creation of minimum infrastructure at 16 Institutions
The Government has taken this initiative to set up
(out of 57 Institutions) to connect to NKN have been
Bio IT centres in various regions to promote Bio-
completed. Six virtual classrooms (out of 50 Virtual
IT activities in the country, generate professional
classroom) over NKN have been established at six
manpower and R&D development in Bio-IT area.
IITs (Chennai-Hyderabad, Mumbai-Gandhinagar,
States of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu have proposed to
set up Bio-IT centers and the process is underway.
Centre for Development of Advanced (peak performance) is 54.01 TFs. It ranked 68th in
Computing (C-DAC) the list of TOP500 supercomputers announced in
November 2008 at Supercomputing Conference
Overview ‘SC08’ at Austin, Texas, USA. The system is an

The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

(C-DAC) has today emerged as a premier R&D
organization of the nation in IT&E (Information
Technologies and Electronics). It focuses on
incubating, nurturing and strengthening national
technological capabilities in the context of global
developments in selected foundation areas. In that
process, it continuously works towards realizing
nation’s policy and pragmatic interventions and
initiatives in Information Technology (IT) mandate of its
parent department, the Department and requirements
of other stakeholders including funding agencies,
collaborators, users and the market-place.
intermediate milestone of C-DAC’s HPC roadmap
High Performance Computing (HPC) and towards Petaflop computing.
Grid Computing • Several in-house technologies, including
PARAMNet III (a high speed System Area
In HPC and grid computing, C-DAC continues to
Network with bi-directional speed of 10 Gbps
build on competencies built so far towards R&D in
and low latency and non-blocking switch), NIC
technology drivers of Petaflop computing, shared
based on Gemini co-processor and software
HPC facilities, grid computing and grand challenge
stack, FPGA based hardware accelerators called
and research applications. For all these, it works in
Reconfigurable Computing System (RCS), and
close conjunction with associated communities in
flexible HPCC software environment, have also
academia, research laboratories and industries.
been developed by C-DAC as basic building
Significant achievements during the year in this area blocks of PARAM ‘‘Yuva’’. Scalable high bandwidth
include the following: three-tier storage architecture providing minimum
of 100 Terabytes scalable to Petabytes of storage
High Performance Computing (HPC)
having I/O bandwidth of 6 GBytes/sec is also
• C-DAC commissioned a supercomputing system being added.
called PARAM “Yuva” in November 2008. Its Rmax • PARAM Yuva (with 37.8 TFs Linpack performance)
(sustained performance) is 37.80 TFs and Rpeak and PARAM Synergy (with 2.01 TFs Linpack pe

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established. IGCA will enable all Indian Grids
to be securely interconnected to each other and
with grids globally.
• Grid enablement of several applications is in
progress. These include Disaster Management,
Bioinformatics, Computer Aided Engineering
(CAE), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD),
Collaborative Learning and Molecular Modelling.

Multilingual Computing and Heritage

A range of new and emerging tools and technologies
including Machine Assisted Translation (MAT), Optical
rformance) ranked at No. 2 and No. 9 positions Character Recognition (OCR)/Optical Hand Recognition
respectively among India’s Top Supercomputers (OHR), Cross Lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR),
list announced by Indian Institute of Science Indian language browser, speech interfaces (text-to-
(IISc), Bangalore in HiPC’08 Conference on speech, speech-to-text and speech-to-speech), and
December 18, 2008. search engines have been developed and supported
• 1 TF facility for BRAF (Bioinformatics Resources in major Indian languages. Development of support
& Applications Facility) was established in April to .IN domain with Indian language domain names is
2008. another target area.
• Phase-I of Seismic Inversion Modeling software,
INWAV, has been completed. Significant achievements during the year in this area
• Integrated Composites Structural Analysis include the following:
58 (INTCOMP), a finite element based application
• Free Gujarati language software tools and fonts
for stress analysis was released.
(CDs & downloads) was released on May 1,
• EQ-Check v1.0 - Software for Computer Aided
Seismic Checking and Design of Concrete
• Free Sanskrit language software tools and fonts
Structures was launched on March 27, 2009 on (CDs & downloads) was released on October 25,
the occasion of C-DAC’s 22nd Foundation Day. 2008.
• Free software tools and fonts for Nepali, Dogri,
Grid Computing
Bodo and Maithili was released on February 21,
• Proof of Concept (PoC) phase of Garuda, a 2009.
National Grid Computing Initiative, was completed • GIST Online Writer Independent Text Entry (GO-
Write) was launched on March 27, 2009.
• Mantra-Rajbhasha (English-to-Hindi translation
system for education and banking domains),
Vachanthar-Rajbhasha, E-Mahashabdakosha,
LILA Hindi Prabodh (for Bodo, Tamil, Telugu,
Kannada and Malayalam languages) were
launched on September 14, 2008.
• EILMT (English to Indian Language Machine
Translation): Alpha version for tourism domain
was demonstrated in the month of June 2008.
Machine translation for all language pairs was
and its Foundation phase was started. As part • ILILMT (Indian Language to Indian Language
of this phase, a testbed consisting of four HPC Machine Translation): Pre-alpha version was
clusters has been setup and put in operation. demonstrated in the month of July 2008.
• Semantic grid resource broker was developed • CLIA (Cross Lingual Information Access): Alpha
and integrated with Gridway metascheduler. version was demonstrated in the month of July
• Indian Grid Certification Authority (IGCA) was 2008.

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• Nepali Text To Speech (TTS) has been developed • After successful prototype deployment of Area
and is ready for use. Traffic Control System (ATCS) in Pune, Pune
• Shruti-Drishti system has been deployed at ten Municipal Corporation is now expanding it by
girls blind schools all over India. adding thirty more junctions. ATCS installation
• An International Conference (ICON2008) on has also been completed at nine junctions in
Natural Language Processing (NLP) was
Jaipur under Phase I. Installation is in progress at
organized in collaboration with IIIT-Hyderabad on
five additional junctions under Phase II.
December 20-22, 2008 at Pune.
• Four development and four infrastructure projects
have been initiated under NaMPET (National
Mission on Power Electronics Technology).
• Eight new development projects have been
initiated by ASTEC (Automation Systems
Technologies Centre).
• About 200 prototypes of Digital Programmable
Hearing Aid (DPHA) passed field trials.
• Automated Dial 100 System deployed in

Software Technologies Including FOSS

During the year, C-DAC addressed issues of

Professional Electronics including VLSI and developing eco-system for Free and Open Source
Embedded Systems Software (FOSS), national initiatives on standards,
architecture and contemporary technology driven
With its proven expertise and capabilities developed delivery for e-Governance infrastructure, applications
over the years in electronics, VLSI design, embedded and services on public private partnership mode,
systems design, and real-time systems design, and major field work in ICT4D efforts and initiatives.
C-DAC has developed several tools and technologies
for sectors like power, industry automation,
communication, agriculture, and automotive industry.

Significant achievements during the year in this area

include the following:

• Technology developed by C-DAC for front-end

converter of UPS was transferred to Keltron, and
the same has been commercialized.
• a-version of integrated ENV (Electronic Nose
and Vision) system was delivered in May-
June, 2008 to a few reputed tea manufacturers.

Significant achievements made during the year in this

area include the following:

• The InDG (India Development Gateway) web

portal (www.indg.in) was launched on July 4,
• NSDG (National e-Governance Service Delivery
Gateway) Go Live was inaugurated on August 14,
• BOSS Linux Advanced Server edition was
released during IndiaSoft 2009 in Kolkata. BOSS
• Prototype II of hybrid 3-wheeler electric vehicle was 3.0 (Tejas), the version of Bharatiya Operating
fabricated for development testing at Automotive System Software (BOSS) was released on
Research Association of India (ARAI). September 04, 2008.

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cyber forensics laboratory at offices of the DGIT
• IGR (Inspector General of Registration) solution (Inv.), Delhi; DGIT (Inv.), Mumbai; and DG, DRI,
with suitable enhancements is being deployed in Mumbai.
the states of Goa and Karnataka. • C-DAC signed a MoA with Pyramid Cyber
• Web GIS (Geographical Information System) Security & Forensics (P) Ltd. (PCSF), New Delhi
based application software has been developed
for marketing CyberCheck suite.
by C-DAC to effectively manage and monitor
• Face recognition software has been developed
various activities under PMGSY (Pradhan Mantri
and released for beta testing. Civilian use for
Gram Sadak Yojna) and flow of information
face-verification systems is under development.
at all levels. GIS component of PMGSY has
• First version of Malware Prevention System (MPS)
been implemented as a pilot for Rajasthan and
has been completed. It deals with behaviour
Himachal Pradesh.
modeling and enforcement components design
• Saarathy - An Indigenous Multilingual GPS-based
and implementation for proof-of-concept MS
Mobile Navigation Software was launched on
office and PDF reader applications.
March 27, 2009.
• Adaptive Intrusion Detection, analysis, and
Cyber Security and Cyber Forensics response system product (N@G) has been
launched and deployed at IB, Navy and Army.
In the area of cyber security, C-DAC is working towards Associated training has been imparted for
developing tools and technologies. These include effective use of the product.
cyber forensics tools, adaptive intrusion detection • The 1st Indo-Japan conference on Science and
system, end systems security solution, document Technology of Facial Expression Analysis was
security solution, and steganographic tools. organized jointly by C-DAC, Kolkata and NICT,
Japan on 12th March, 2009
Significant achievements made during the year in this
area include the following:
Health Informatics
60 • On August 23, 2008, Resource Centre for Cyber
C-DAC continued to widen the deployment base of
Forensics (RCCF) at C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram
its flagship healthcare solutions namely, Hospital
was dedicated to the nation. Information System (HIS) and Telemedicine.
• RCCF has developed tools for network forensics
and device forensics. The network forensics
suite “NetForce” has recently been supplied
to Mauritius police. The device forensics suite
comprises of PDA imager and analyzer and SIM
card reader and analyzer.
• Among the hardware tools developed by RCCF
are “TrueImager” and “TrueLock”. TrueImager is a
high speed disk imaging tool, and TrueLock is a
hard disk write protect tool.
• CyberCheck suite has been supplied to several
law enforcement agencies. Significant achievements during the year in this area
• Several cyber crime cases have been analyzed include the following:
using CyberCheck suite and associated reports
have been submitted to different courts of • Telemedicine facility of Tamil Nadu was launched
Kerala. on April 8, 2008. Mercury telemedicine system
• C-DAC and the Central Board of Direct Taxes has been deployed as part of this facility at
(CBDT), New Delhi signed a MoA for setting up of Government Royapetta hospital, Chennai and
six Remote Telemedicine Centres (RTCs) in
Tamil Nadu.
• Development of additional software modules
for nephrology and dermatology support
in Sanjeevani (telemedicine solution), and
additional features in Sushrut (HIS package) is in
progress. With the view to deploy under Onconet
India program, a fully web-based version of
Mercury has been built with focus towards low-

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cost and central/distributed deployments. Its
productization is underway. Sushrut deployment
at PGI, Chandigarh, and SMS hospital, Jaipur are
under progress.
• SDKs for international healthcare standards
named DICOM and HL7 were developed. Medical
Informatics web portal was launched. The
commercial versions of the SDKs were launched
on March 27, 2009.
• AyuSoft, a software package for Ayurveda, was
ported to Open Source database. It was selected
for Innovations 2009 award by IIT Mumbai Alumni
Association & Tie Foundations. It is deployed at
more than 200 locations in India and abroad in
hospitals, clinics, multinational industry, research
institutes and universities.
• Telemedicine software e-Dhanwanthari was
developed as part of the Mobile telemedicine
project m-Dhanwanthari.
• A meet on Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid:
Cooperation for Cancer Research was conducted
on February 11-12, 2009.

Ubiquitous Computing
A meet of all Principals from the various institutes
National ubiquitous computing research centres have
which are part of Tech Sangam was conducted at
been established at C-DAC’s Hyderabad, Chennai,
Pune on November 27, 2008. 61
and Bangalore centres. The activities initiated by these
• A one-week workshop-cum-training program on
centres include futuristic technologies development
Computational Linguistics was organized for the
for smart spaces, location sensing, and context-aware
students of North Eastern Hill University (NEHU),
Shillong during January 2-8, 2008.

Significant achievements during the year in this area • A new course, Diploma in Geo-Informatics, has
been launched from August 2008.
include the following:
• “India–Myanmar Centre for Enhancement of
• Design of intelligent room: Hardware architecture IT Skills” at Yangon and ten CICs in Myanmar
for Zigbee based home network and artefacts was inaugurated in October 2008. With the
such as interactive mirror, smart kitchen cabinet, assistance of Ministry of External Affairs (MEA),
and smart bed have been finalized.
C-DAC provided the requisite hardware including
• Context aware framework: Design and
networking and video-conferencing equipment,
implementation of context builder and context-to-
and technical consultancy for setting up of the
service modules have been completed.
centre. C-DAC has also begun the process of
Education & Training conducting various training programs like the
Department, ADIT, DBC, DWT and DIL courses
C-DAC’s education and training programs are based for around 1000 aspirants in Yangon.
on finishing school model. Various courses offered • The Faculty Updation Training Utilizing R&D
under these programs are designed to produce
Expertise (FUTURE) was launched on May 12,
industry-ready professional for the IT industry.
2008. C-DAC, Hyderabad has conducted the

Significant achievements during the year under this first training program during May 12, 2008 with 62

activity include the following: participants from all over the country.
• C-DAC conducted a feasibility study for setting
• Under a new scheme called Tech Sangam, C-DAC up of ICT centre at Armenia,
tied up with various engineering colleges in the Turkmenistan, Belarus, Seychelles and Lesotho.
country and thereafter planned to provide faculty • National level Common Campus Placement
orientation/training programmes, seminars, and Program (CCPP) was completed for the students
customized IT training programmes for students. of C-DAC-s training programs. More than 150

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companies visited the campus and about 1400 • To provide statutory services to the exporters by
students were placed in various IT companies. implementing STP/EHTP Scheme.
• To provide data communication services including
Initiatives for uplift of North-East India various value added services to IT industries and

C-DAC has initiated few development projects for corporate houses.

North-East (NE) India during the year 2008-09, which • To provide Project Management and Consultancy
include: services both at national and international level.
• Setup of an early warning system at NEIST, Jorhat • To promote small and medium entrepreneurs by
for dissemination of scientific data to publicize creating a conducive environment in the field of
hazard related information on real–time basis has Information Technology.
been undertaken. • To promote Bio-informatics/Bio-technology
• Development of a comprehensive DSS for forest industries by providing infrastructural and
management in Bodoland Territory (BTC) has statutory support.
been undertaken.
Promotion of Development of software and
• A project for creating model e-villages in NE
software services
region has been initiated.
• A project for pilot deployment of Electronic Nose STPI has been serving the cause of the software
& Vision (ENV) system for tea industries in NE exports sector right from its inception in 1991. With just
India has been undertaken. over 10000 units registered with STPI and about 60%
• A project for Near-Real-Time (NRT) flood of these registered units engaged in active exports,
monitoring in Brahmaputra valley using Microwave the statutory service charges received by STPI during
Remote Sensing (MRS) has been initiated. 2008-09 is around Rs 68 crore.
• A centre of excellence has been established at
North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong to
Provision of statutory services to the
address scientific and engineering research in
exporters across the country
strategic areas with respect to NE region. PARAM
In an effort to achieve its prime objective of promotion
SHEERSH supercomputing system has been
of development software and software services as
commissioned at this centre. well as to provide statutory and incubation services
• A CAD and training centre for weavers/artisans of to industry, major thrust was given to establishing of
Gangtok, Imphal and Aizawl is being setup. new centres as well as revamping existing centres, as
• A project has been initiated for muticriteria spatial given below:
data modelling for identification of potential
afforestation/reforestation (AR) sites for claiming • Chennai Centre: The new building of the Chennai
‘carbon credits’ and analysis of futuristic landuse centre having state of the art incubation facility
dynamics. was inaugurated on the 8th April 2008.
• Gurgaon Building: STPI launched project to
Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) enhance Gurgaon NOC and Incubation centre,
from a mere G+1 floor building to G+7 building
Software Technology Parks of India was established
(5410 sq.m) at an additional cost of Rs 22.72 crore.
and registered as an Autonomous Society under the
CPWD has been entrusted with the responsibility
Societies Registration Act 1860, under the Department
of its construction.
of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications
• New Centre at Berhampur: Software Technology
and Information Technology, Government of India on
5th June 1991 with an objective to implement STP/ Parks of India has set up a new center at
EHTP Scheme, set-up and manage infrastructure Berhampur in the State of Orissa. The new facility
facilities and provide other services like technology at Berhampur, provides the basic infrastructure
assessment and professional training. facilities required for IT exports activities like Air-
conditioning, 24 Hour un-interrupted power supply
Objectives of the Society with stand-by Generator, High Speed Internet,
office automation equipment, etc, including
The objectives of the Software Technology Parks of
India are: built-up space. Besides general infrastructure,
technical infrastructures like data communication
• To promote development of software and software and Plug & Play Incubation facility are available
services. depending on the needs of the member units.

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• Renovated Incubation Centre at Tirupati: STPI, Communication (HSDC) services. SoftNET, state-of-
Hyderabad has developed the incubation space the-art HSDC network, designed and developed by
of 6693.81 Sq ft. in two buildings at Tirupati. STPI is available to software exporters at internationally
• STPI sub centre at Gwalior: Work has been competitive prices. Since its inception, STPI is credited
commenced for construction of STPI sub centre with setting up its own International Gateways at 45
at Gwalior, 935.67 sq.m of built up space, at a locations for providing HSDC links to the software
cost of Rs. 4 crore approximately. industry.
• Shillong Sub Centre Phase II : With the existing
Shillong sub centre facility reaching almost Local access to International Gateways at STPI
complete utilization, a proposal for launching centres is provided through Point-to-Point & Point-to-
Phase II of the Shillong Sub centre was approved Multipoint microwave radios for the local loop, which
for an outlay of Rs 1.51 crore for 465 sq.mtr of has overcome the last mile problem and enabled
built up area. The civil work has been entrusted STPI to maintain a high up time of nearly 99.9%. The
with CPWD. terrestrial cables (fiber/copper) are also used wherever
• Construction of Buildings in PPP model: STPI feasible. These communication facilities immensely
has been engaged in launching construction of contribute to the development of offshore software
buildings (leased to it by State governments) in
activities and act as the backbone for the success of
Hyderabad and Kolkata. In Hyderabad, Incubation
these enterprises.
project in the 1.5 acres being developed under
PPP Model is nearly completed. The building is STPI provides the following HSDC services through its
in advanced stage of completion. network:

As of now a total of 51 STPI centres/Sub-centres • International Private Leased Circuits (IPLCs)

are operational across the country. Out of these 51 • Shared Internet Services
centers, 44 centers are in Tier II and Tier III cities. • VSAT Services

Provision of data communication services • Value added services

• Collocation services
One of STPI’s remarkable contributions to the software-
exporting sector is provision of High-Speed Data

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SoftPOINT Department of Revenue GoK (‘Bhoomi’ VSAT Network):
This project envisages networking of 203 taluk offices
The SoftPOINT service is the provisioning of of Revenue Department across the state of Karnataka
“International Private Leased Circuit” (IPLC). IPLC’s and electronically processing the Land records and
are digital circuits available for international data revenue transactions. The objective is collection
communications, which are used for data transmission, and consolidation of the daily transactions data from
communication, etc. Secure and exclusive to the user, all branches of the department at a central server
IPLC’s are ideal for companies that have high volume proposed to be placed at Head Office of Dept of
of International data transmission. Revenues in Bangaluru.STPI-Bangalore is providing
network design consultancy services and Project
SoftLINK Management services. STPI-B shall also provide hub
management services.
SoftLink is a service offering Internet access on a
shared and dedicated basis. Today SoftLink services Commercial Tax Dept, GoK: This project envisages
enjoy a large customer base amongst STPI’s datacom networking of 22 Check Posts spread across the
services. In 2008-09, STPI was carrying 0.8 Gbps of state of Karnataka belonging to Commercial Taxes
internet bandwidth to approximately 555 customers department. The integrated check post reduces
across the country, mostly STPI units, and earning the time to check each vehicle and bring in the
around Rs 31 crore approximately. New value added transparency in commodities checking. These check
service by way of Bandwidth on Demand was launched posts electronically issue entry and exit passes to
as pilot in Hyderabad. the vehicles carrying goods. STPI has designed
the network to connect 22 offices with a hybrid
Access Network/ Last Mile Connectivity model consisting of VSAT, Leased Line and Dial up
(Local Loop) connections. Presently 70% of the sites have been
STPI has set up its own digital Microwave networks
using Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint microwave E-Governance Cell, GoK, (KSWAN Project): STPI has been
networks, which cater to the primary needs of the engaged by GOK as a KSWAN Project Consultant for
customers. With the addition of Point-to-Point radio preparation of RFP, assistance during tendering and
networks, the network was further strengthened project implementation overseeing. The project is
enabling the delivery of 2 Mbps, NxE1 links over the currently under implementation.
last mile under the STPI’s overall control. With the
establishment of POP in Guwahati, internet is being Directorate of Municipal Administration, GoK: DMA is
now provided from Guwahati to Shillong, whereas a nodal agency for Government of Karnataka, to
supervise the function of municipalities, work out
previously it was being provided from Kolkata.
suitable human resource policies, monitor the tax
Provision of Project Management and collection of ULB’s etc. STPI B has been providing
consultancy services to DMA, GoK such as Operation
Consultancy services
& Maintenance Services for Municipal Data Centre, IT
Department of Treasuries, GoK (Khajane VSAT Network): Management Services, Help Desk Support Services,
KhajaneNET is the Project undertaken by Govt. of SAN Services and Internet services.
Karnataka aimed at electronically interconnecting
CGSWAN Project, Govt Of Chattisgarh: STPI – Bhilai has
all the Treasuries across the state of Karnataka. The
been according PMC services to Govt of Chattisgarh
Treasuries are interconnected over a VSAT Network
for Chattisgarh State Wide Area Network(CGSWAN)
with the hub at Bangalore.STPI-Bangalore worked as
which envisages bandwidth connectivity upto block
a Consulting and Project management agency for this
level . The project execution is in progress.
project. In addition, STPI-Bangalore is also managing
the VSAT Hub operations as part of the project for a MP-SWAN Project, Govt Of Madhya Pradesh: STPI – Indore
period of 5 years and the contract has been extended has been according PMC services to Govt of Madhya
for a period of one more year upto Oct 2009. Pradesh for Madhya Pradesh State Wide Area Network
(MP-SWAN), which envisages bandwidth connectivity
Commercial Taxes Department, GoK : The project
upto block level. Project execution is in progress.
envisages networking of nearly 91 branches of the
Department of Commercial taxes, Governments of Commonwealth Games 2010 Project: STPI is providing
Karnataka. The objective is collection and consolidation professional services for development, installation,
of the daily VAT (Value Added Tax) transactions data commissioning, Application Support, Support
from all 91 locations to a central server proposed to be services, Value added features and enhancement,
placed at Head Office of Dept of Commercial taxes in Data updation, Hardware and Software support of
Bangalore. STPI-Bangalore worked as the Project Project Monitoring tools and generation of MIS Reports
for Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Commonwealth • Organized Interactive Meet with IT/ ITES SMEs
Games 2010, Delhi. at Bangalore.
• Organized IT EXPORT Award Felicitation
Special Incentive Package Scheme Project: STPI is event at Bangalore.
providing assistance to the Department for financial • Jointly organized a seminar on E-Waste
appraisal of various investment proposals received Awareness program along with M/s Earth
from various companies under Special Incentive Sense Recycle Pvt Ltd at Hyderabad.
Package Scheme (SIPS) and SIPS-PMU. • Organized National Conference on Telecom
Software held at New Delhi.
MCSN PROJECT – VPT: STPI –HYD, as a project
management and consultant, monitored and controlled Sponsorship/co-sponsorship of events
the installation, commissioning and integration of new  Sponsored:
equipment in to existing network at Vizag Port Trust. • Connect 2008, at Coimbatore.
• ISA EXCITE 08, at Bangalore.
PMC Assignments In North-East: STPI- Bhubaneswar has • E-revolution 2008, at Chandigarh
been involved in implementation of following projects • NICT 2008, at Guwahati
through its Guwahati centre, as part of PMC initiative: • 12th National Expo, at Kolkata.
• Connect 2008, at Chennai.
• Turnkey consultancy for “Computerization of
• TiECON 2008, at New Delhi
Employment Exchanges in the state of Assam”.
• ISA VISION SUMMIT 2020 of Indian
Project implementation has started. Semiconductor Association, at Bangalore.
• Turnkey consultancy for “Broadband Wireless • E-waste Management conference at BHU, at
Network of AIDC”. The project implementation is Varanasi
in progress. • Connect 2008 organized by CII at
• DPR preparation, selection of implementer has Coimbatore
been completed for setting up of IT Park on behalf  Co-sponsored:
of Government of Manipur at Imphal, Manipur. • Kerala IT.Com. 2008, at Thiruvananthapuram. 65
• Driving Value creation through ICT, at Kolkata.
New Initiatives/Projects • ICT East 2008 at Kolkata.
• National IT Symposium , at Kolkata.
STPI-Noida is a member unit of Town Official
• Bangaluru IT.Biz, at Bangaluru.
Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC) under
• 3rd IGF held in Hyderabad.
the Chairmanship of Chairman, Inland Water Ways
• INFOCOMM 2009 at Kolkata.
Authority of India. All together TOLIC has more than
• International Conference on Business
38 Govt organizations in Noida. STPI-Noida has Incubation organized by TREC-STEP-TRCHI
developed a package with personnel information at Chennai.
including history of employment and uploaded on
intranet. Participation in Events
• ELITEX 2008, at New Delhi.
STPI-HYD has developed a software application for • “wireless and mobility world 2008” at
online submission of EXIM reports. On PMC services, Bangalore
STPI-HYD(thru’ its Vizag Centre) has been providing • Jharkhand.it@ranchi2008 at Ranchi.
Consultancy services to Vizag Port Trust which include • NASSCOM BPO SUMMIT 2008 at Bangalore.
studying the existing network, requirement analysis, • NASSCOM CEO Summit at Kolkata.
designing network topology, preparation and floating • Internet Governance Forum held at
of tenders for equipment procurement. Hyderabad.
• Global Symposium on Project Management
Organization of events Associate 2008, at New Delhi.
• Organized 2nd Anniversary celebration of • NASSCOM 2009, at Mumbai.
eWIT at Chennai. • NASSCOM 2008 at Bangalore.
• Organized Hyderabad IT Summit at
Finishing School Program
• Organized Business technology Summit 2008 In an effort to help industry with manpower development
at Bangalore. in order to face in knowledge driven competition, STPI-
• Organized Joint Monitoring meet of STP/ EHTP
Chennai launched an Innovative Finishing school
units with customs dept at Bangalore.
program along with TESI on 10th Feb 2009.
• Exports Promotional activities Technical Achievements
STPI- participated CeBIT 2009 Hannover, from 3-6th During this period, SAMEER has completed the
March 2009 at Germany as part of exports promotional following major projects and handed over to user
program and efforts to find out opportunities for mainly agencies:
SMEs in IT sector in India. STPI- visited Mexico on
Secured digital data link: A code division multiple
invitation from their government for launching joint
access transmitter and receiver designed and
developed by SAMEER has been integrated with
MTNL STPI Joint Venture a strategic system and field tested by the user
agency. This electronics communication system is
MTNL-STPI IT Services Limited (MSITSL), a joint venture not commercially available in the international market.
company of MTNL and STPI, has started setting up of Based on the successful deployment, the user agency
a state of the art world class Tier-III Data centre of size has indented SAMEER to make advanced version of
3500 sq ft with associated office (over 5000 sq ft) and the system for future applications.
upward scalable in STPI Facilities center at Chennai.
This is being set up to launch Portal Services offering Fire control System: SAMEER designed and developed
information repository, Email Services, Web hosting, an electronic communication and control system for
Content syndication, Application and data hosting, use by Indian navy in their rocket launching system
DR services, etc. The data centre is in final stages of fitted in a ship. SAMEER has developed efficient
commissioning. algorithms to support launch of rockets precisely
from a moving platform. Based on the successful
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) demonstration, Indian navy has indented SAMEER to
develop advanced systems for large ships.
Five additional Internet Exchange Nodes have been
established at Ahmedabad (Gujarat), Bengaluru The height sensing device, basically a frequency
(Karnataka), Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), Mohali modulation-Continuous wave (FMCW) radar,
(Chandigarh) and Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) in addition development from SAMEER has been field tested by
to the existing NIXI hubs at Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai defence agency and certified its usefulness for the
and Noida. The nine NIXI nodes have 33 ISPs connected intended application.
with these nodes and carrying a traffic exchange of
5 gigabit per second. The Internet Exchange nodes SAMEER made two Medical linear accelerators for
have been successful in ensuring the Internet traffic cancer treatment, under Jai Vigyan programme and
originating within India and also with destination in installed in Chennai and Chandigarh.
India, has remained within the country.
Sound detection and ranging (SODAR), an audio signal
Society for Applied Microwave Electronics based radar developed by SAMEER was installed at
Engineering and Research (SAMEER) Kaiga Power plant, near Goa for M/s NPCL. This unit
helps to monitor the environmental pollution around
Introduction the power plant.

SAMEER in its entire three centers viz: Mumbai, RF dryer for food, yarn and seeds developed by
Chennai and Kolkata have been doing research and SAMEER has been successfully installed at Laxmi
development activities in the following areas: Narayan Institute of food technology, Nagpur and
Textiles factory at Bhiwandi. The new RF dryer has
• Linear accelerators for both medical and industrial
been demonstrated to a wood processing industry
from Malaysia. A technical collaborative agreement for
• Atmospheric instrumentation and radar,
advanced research in this area has been made with
• RF and microwave applicators for industrial and
University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
medical applications,
• RF and Microwave communication systems, Thermal design analysis of Indian satellite systems
• Millimetric wave components, carried out by SAMEER has been verified and
• Opto-electronics components, accepted by Indian Space Research Organization
• High performance antennas and numerical (ISRO) and used in the launch of its satellites INSAT
Electromagnetics, 3C and 4A.
• Electronics packaging and thermal design,
• EMI/EMC testing, analysis and EMC design. SAMEER supplied two numbers of C band Telemetry
and tele command (TTC) transponders to ISRO which

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were deployed in INSAT. Based on the supply of collaboration from Packaging Research centre (PRC)
reliable transponders ISRO has requested SAMEER to Georgia institute of technology (GT), Atlanta, USA for
make TTC transponders in S band. establishing EDC for SoP at SAMEER, Chennai. The
civil infrastructure is under construction.
The fibre optic gyroscope was developed by SAMEER
in its opto-electronics division for motion monitoring in Establishment of Linear accelerator test facility: To
moving platforms. Demonstration of two axis system support research and development on the medical
was made to potential users. linear accelerator, SAMEER is establishing a full
–fledged test facility in New Mumbai campus. The civil
Millimetric wave components development work infrastructure is nearing completion.
by SAMEER has resulted demonstration of high
performance sub-systems like Low-noise amplifiers, Establishment of Compact Antenna test range (CATR):
frequency multipliers, mixers. SAMEER has been developing high performance
antennas for both civilian and strategic communication
Radio Sonde and Theodolite: SAMEER has improvised use. SAMEER is establishing CATR facility in its Kolkata
the Radio Sonde transmitter and receiver for use by centre. Necessary capital equipments were procured
Indian Meteorological department (IMD). and tested.

RF and Microwave system for drying Tea leaves and Milli metric wave component development facility
boost the quality of tea production in North east has being established at Kolkata centre is to design,
been successfully completed by SAMEER. develop and batch produce components for use in
Millimetric wave systems. SAMEER has established
EMI/EMC design, testing and analysis services by
sophisticated design, test and fabrication facility. Sub-
SAMEER have helped 400 industries in India and
systems and components developed under this project
abroad. Integrated defence Services has recognized
have already been accepted by potential users.
SAMEER as the center of Excellence in EMI/EMC and
made a Memorandum of Understanding for offering International Co-operation and joint ventures: SAMEER
SAMEER services for all defence services. has initiated technical interactions with the following
university /agencies during this period: -
Grants-in-aid projects executed and recently
completed by SAMEER University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada: A
memorandum of agreement has been made to co-
Software defined Radio: SAMEER and CDAC worked
operate with SAMEER in the areas of RF/Microwave
together for the development of software defined radio
dryer for agricultural and wood products and applied
in the frequency range of 10 MHZ to 3200 MHz, which
research in the Linear Accelerator for medical
is under testing.

GSM based radio modem: SAMEER has developed

University of Nottingham, UK through its off-shore
low-cost GSM based radio modem with complete campus at Malaysia: Proposals submitted by University
hardware and software for possible use in industrial of Nottingham, UK through its off-shore campus in
SCADA and tele-medicine applications. Malaysia for technological co-operation with SAMEER
in understanding and applying RF/Microwave dryer
Indium Tin-Oxide coating facility: SAMEER has
for Wood, is under active consideration for joint
developed a Indium Tin Oxide development facility for
coating ITO on non-metallic materials like plastics and
glass to act as electromagnetic interference shielding Advanced Thermal Solutions, USA: A memorandum
materials. SAMEER is developing a mechanical retrofit of understanding has been made with ATS, USA for
to coat ITO on Kapton rolls as per the requirement of joint work on Thermal design of electronic equipments
VSSC, Trivananthapuram. and systems and undertake design and validation
assignments in Asia.
Infrastructure development programmes
DOEACC Society
SAMEER has initiated four major infrastructure
development programmes in the last financial year DOEACC Society, an Autonomous Scientific Society
and major achievements during the current year are: under the administrative control of Department of
Establishment of Electronic design centre (EDC) for Information Technology, Ministry of Communications
System on package (SoP): SAMEER has a technical and Information Technology, Govt. of India, was set

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up to carry out Human Resource Development and Under the Scheme, ‘O’ Level (equivalent to Foundation
related activities in the area of Information, Electronics Level), ‘A’ Level (equivalent to Advanced Diploma), ‘B’
& Communication Technology (IECT). The Society Level (equivalent to MCA level) and ‘C’ Level (designed
has 11 Centres at Agartala, Aizawl, Aurangabad, to be at M.Tech Level) are being offered. O/A/B Level
Calicut (with Southern Regional Office at Pudukkottai), courses are recognized by MHRD for the purpose of
Chandigarh (with 3 branches at Shimla, Lucknow & employment. Since introduction of the Scheme more
New Delhi), Gorakhpur (with Eastern Regional Office than 7.2 lakh candidates have been registered and
at Patna, Bihar), Imphal, Srinagar/Jammu, Kohima, about 1.43 lakh candidates have qualified the various
Kolkata and Tezpur/Guwahati with its Headquarter at DOEACC Computer Courses at O/A/B & C Levels.
New Delhi. The Department has also approved setting
The Centres are also undertaking government
up of DOEACC Centres at Shillong (Meghalaya) &
sponsored projects in the field of ICT & related
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) during the year 2008-09.
activities and also embarking upon training programme
The Society is engaged both in the Formal & Non- to develop entrepreneurs and provide ICT based
Formal Education in the area of IECT besides services to users.

development of Industry oriented quality education and

About DOEACC Centres
training in the state–of-the-art areas and to establish
standards to be the country’s premier institution for DOEACC Centres are conducting long-term courses
Examination and Certification in the field of IECT. It (both formal & non-formal) and short-term courses
is also a National Examination Body, which accredits in the area of IECT and projects sponsored by the
institutes/organizations for conducting courses in the Department / Department of North-Eastern Region
(DONER). The Centres at Kolkata and Chandigarh
non-formal sector of IT Education & Training.
have been engaged in data processing software
DOEACC Centres are conducting long-term courses development and consultancy projects in addition to
at Post-Graduate level (M.Tech) in Electronics Design the activities relating to IT education & training.
68 & Technology, Embedded Systems etc., which are
The courses offered by Centres are in the area
normally not offered by Universities/Institutions in the
of Information Technology, Information Security,
formal sector. Other long term courses conducted by
Electronics Design & Technology, Embedded Systems,
the Centers are Diploma Level courses in Electronics
VLSI, Process Control and Industrial Automation,
Production & Maintenance, Electronic Engineering,
Computer Systems & Maintenance and Repair &
Computer Science & Engineering, Masters in Computer Maintenance of Consumer Electronics Products.
Application, Bachelor in Computer Applications etc.,
which are affiliated to respective State Universities/ Courses offered by DOEACC Centres are
Technical Boards. As for non-formal Sector, the given below: -
Centres are also conducting various long term courses
offered under DOEACC Scheme, O & A level Courses Formal Courses
in Computer Hardware & Maintenance and O/A/B
M.Tech in Electronics Design & Technology (2 years
level courses in Bio-informatics, Entrepreneurship
duration at Aurangabad, Calicut, Gorakhpur Centres)
development, etc. depending upon the demand in
M.Tech in Embedded Systems (2 years duration at
respective areas. The DOEACC Centres are also
Calicut Centre)
imparting training in Short Term Courses in the areas
MCA (3 years duration at Calicut, Srinagar, Aizawl
of Information Technology, Electronics Design &
Technology, Manufacturing Technology, Maintenance
BCA (3 years duration at Aizawl, Imphal, Kohima
Engineering, ITES-BPO etc.. Besides the training
activities, DOEACC Centres are offering consultancy
Diploma in Electronics Production & Maintenance (3
services and undertaking software development
years duration at Aurangabad Centre)
projects in addition to Govt. sponsored projects in the
Diploma in Electronic Engineering (3 years duration at
area of Education & Training, R& D, etc.
Imphal Centre)
In the Non-Formal Sector, the Society is implementing Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering (3 years
the DOEACC Scheme on Computer Courses,- a duration at Imphal, Aizawl Centres)
joint scheme of the then Department of Electronics Diploma in Electronic Engineering & Telecommunication
(DoE), now the Department at the National Level by Engineering (3 years duration at Aizawl Centre)
utilizing the facilities and infrastructure available with Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications (1
the institutions/organizations in the non-formal sector. year duration at Chandigarh Centre)

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Non-Formal Courses at a total GIA of Rs. 258.15 lakh. The Department has
released Rs. 73 lakh as 1st installment. The proposal
DOEACC ‘O’ / ‘A’ / ‘B’ / ‘C’ level IT Courses envisages to revive the activities of the Centre by
DOEACC ‘CHM-O’ / ‘CHM-A’ level H/W course introducing formal degree courses like MCA, PG
Bio-Informatics ‘O’ / ‘A’ / ‘B’ level Diploma in Information Security in affiliation with
ITES-BPO customer care. Kashmir & Jammu University respectively and other
short term courses like CCNP, GIS, Multimedia &
Short-Term Courses on the following topics: Content creation etc. The Centre has launched three

Electronics Design Technology years MCA programme in affiliation with University

• Embedded System of Kashmir.

• VLSI Design
Development of Test Bed for Information
• PCB Design and Fabrication Security Skill Development with Virtual
• Surface Mounted Device Technologies Training Environment (VTE)
• Fiber Optics
• VHDL Programming. Gorakhpur Centre is developing a State of the Art
Virtual Training Environment for Information Security to
Information Technology
serve as a test bed. Using this test bed, information
• Computer Science and Applications
security concepts, attacks on networks & systems and
• Computer Hardware & Networking
practical scenarios would be simulated for imparting
• C, C++, Core JAVA & VB programming
hands on training. Under the project, the modules of
• Internet & Web Page Designing
Phase-I have been developed and field testing task of
• Basic Multimedia
modules developed is under progress.
• Cyber Law.
Information Security Education & Awareness
Manufacturing Technologies
Programme (ISEA) 69
• CAD and 3D Modelling
• CAM / CAE Tools DOEACC Society is implementing the following
• Maintenance Engineering components of the ISEA project:
• Consumer Electronics
• Telecom and Office Automation a. Training of Govt. officials by DOEACC Centre

• Process Control etc. Imphal, Calicut, Kolkata and Srinagar/Jammu.

• Entrepreneurship Development Programme b. CISSP- Certification programme on Information

• CCC (Certificate Course on Computer Concepts) system Security Professionals –by DOEACC
Centre, Gorakhpur. (Nodal Centre)
New Initiatives c. Participating Institutes (PIs) are DOEACC Centres,
Aurangabad, Imphal, Gorakhpur and Calicut (in
Launching of DOEACC Scheme on ITeS-BPO
association with NIT Calicut)
(Banking) Courses
As participating institutes, DOEACC Centres are
The Department has approved the launching of
organizing various training programmes and other
DOEACC Scheme on ITES-BPO (Banking) courses by
DOEACC Society. The Scheme is to be implemented awareness activities. Under the training of Govt.
by DOEACC Centre, Aurangabad jointly with Indian officials project, DOEACC centres have trained a total
Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF), Mumbai. A of 249 candidates so far.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been
signed between DOEACC Society and IIBF for The objective of the CISSP project is to develop a
launching the joint certification scheme. National Level Certification scheme for Information
Security Professionals and conduct of examination at
The Department sponsored Projects: three levels of proficiency. For the CISSP project, the
Refurbishment of DOEACC Centre, Srinagar syllabus of Level-1 has been approved by the ISEA
/ Jammu with the financial support of the Academic Committee. Gorakhpur Centre, which
Department is also a participating institute, has initiated action
for launching Level–1 of the certification scheme
The Department has approved the proposal for
alongwith a six months training programme which will
Refurbishment of DOEACC Centre, Jammu / Srinagar be run initially at three other DOEACC Centres.

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Programmes under Women Empowerment for capacity building through training of women by
exposing them to the most recent technologies used
Capacity Building for training of Women and ST Youths in the field of Information Technology (IT) enabling
in IECT in NE Region by DOEACC Centre, Aizawl with the them from the middle class and weaker section and
financial support of the Department: The project envisages enhancing their employability.
to train a total 1690 Women & ST Youth through MCA,
BCA, Diploma in Electronics & Telecommunication Advance Course in Software Development for Women:
Engg., Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering Gorakhpur Centre is conducting a one year advance
and Certificate in Computer Concepts courses in level Diploma course in Software Development for
3 years time. Women candidates will be charged Women. The course focuses on .NET and Java
only 10% of the course fee and ST candidates will
Technology. After completing this course the women
be provided free training. The Department has
candidates will develop knowledge competencies and
approved a total GIA of Rs.429.45 lakhs and released
practical skills in Software Development, which would
Rs.168.68 lakhs
provide them employment and entrepreneurship
Fee Subsidization of Professional IT / Electronics opportunities and help them to become economically
Courses for Training of ST Youth & Women in strong. A total of 42 women candidates are undergoing
Mizoram: The Department has approved a project training under this project.
for Fee Subsidization of Professional IT / Electronics
Courses for Training of ST Youth & Women in Mizoram ITES-BPO Course: Under this project, it is proposed
with a total outlay of Rs. 39.11 lakh with the Department to train 4800 women candidates at 16 locations in
contribution of Rs. 35.20 lakh for over a period of 01 the North East Region on 90% fee concession. Total
year. The proposal envisages to train 100 candidates project duration is 3 years. The fee concession offered
in EDP in CAD for textile, Diploma in Multimedia and
to the candidates will be borne by the Department
Computer Animation, DOEACC ‘O’ level, Advance
(70% fee) and DOEACC Society (20% fee). SC/ST
Diploma in Computer Hardware, Networking &
candidates are offered free training.
70 Information Technology.

Training of Graduate / Under-graduate women candidates

DONER sponsored project:
for ‘O’ & ‘A’ level at DOEACC Centres at Kolkata, Gorakhpur, Certification of Information Science for Colleges (CISC) in
Srinagar & Jammu: The Department has approved the
Assam supported by DONER at DOEACC Centre, Guwahati
project for Training of 400 Graduate / Under-graduate
/ Tezpur: DOEACC Centre, Guwahati / Tezpur is
women candidates for ‘O’ & ‘A’ level at DOEACC
implementing a project to facilitate the youths of NE
Centres at Kolkata, Gorakhpur, Srinagar & Jammu with
Region to have easy access to education and training
a total outlay of Rs. 78.10 lakh with the Department
in the field of Computer Science and Technology by
contribution of Rs. 54.67 lakh over a period of 01
introducing a value addition ICT training programme
year. The proposal envisages upliftment of women
to Under-Graduate Students from all streams i.e.
by exposing them to ICT thereby enabling them to
Arts, Science & Commerce at four locations in Assam
enhance their employability and to generate human
i.e. Udalguri, Silchar, North Lakhimpur & Tinsukia.
resource for IT sector and to create a pool of skilled
Under this project, 800 students have been trained
women work force.
and another 400 students are under going training.
Training of Graduate / Under-graduate women candidates for Another proposal has been submitted to DONER
‘O’ & ‘A’ level at DOEACC Centre Chandigarh and its extension for implementing the project at 04 new locations viz;
Centres at Shimla, Lucknow and Delhi and Monitoring & Digboi, Dibrugarh, Bongaigaon & Nalbari for over a
Impact Assessment for IT for Masses programme at Economic period of 02 years.
Planning Division of the Department: The Department
has approved the project Training of 600 Graduate / DOEACC Scheme for SC/ST/OBC/Female/Physically
Under-graduate women candidates for ‘O’ & ‘A’ level Handicapped and other Economically Weaker Sections:
at DOEACC Centre Chandigarh and its extension The society has got a large number of candidates
Centres at Shimla, Lucknow and Delhi and Monitoring belonging to the SC/ST/OBC and other weaker
& Impact Assessment for IT for Masses programme sections of the society including female candidates
at Economic Planning Division at D/o Information enrolled and qualified in the courses. Keeping in view
Technology, New Delhi with a total outlay of Rs. 174.62 the demand of the courses among the weaker sections
lakh with the Department contribution of Rs. 134.12 of the society, DOEACC Society has implemented
lakh for a period of 01 year. The proposal envisages following scheme for the financial assistance to the

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Women/SC/ST/OBC and other weaker sections of the year on free of cost basis under the Scheduled
Society:- Caste Sub-Plan (SCSP) and Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP)
of the Government as per the guidelines issued
Scholarship Scheme to SC/ST/Physically Handicapped
by the Planning Commission from time to time.
and Female Students: The Society has introduced
a Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST/Physically Opening up of New DOEACC Centres
Handicapped and Female Students who are pursuing
O/A/B/C level courses of the DOEACC Society as a full Setting up of DOEACC Centre – RIELIT at Agartala,
time course through an Accredited Institute authorized Tripura with the financial support of the Department: The
to conduct the DOEACC Courses. As per the scheme, Department has approved the setting up of RIELIT,
the candidates shall have to clear all the papers in Agartala, Tripura during the year 2007-08, with an
the first attempt and the income of the parents of the estimated cost of Rs. 45.47 crores with the Department
students should not be more than Rs.1 lakh per year contribution of Rs. 44.90 crores. Govt. of Tripura has
from all sources. handed over 7000 sq. ft. of built-up area for starting
the academic activities and 15 acres of land at Radha
• Details of SC/ST and female candidates registered Kishore Nagar for setting up of permanent campus.
The activities of the Centre have already been initiated
for DOEACC IT Software Scheme are as under:-
since December, 2008 from temporary training
No. of Female Students = 22450
accommodation provided by the State Govt.
No. of SC/ST Students = 2466
• DOEACC Centres has trained more than 5000 Setting up of DOEACC Centre – RIELIT at Shillong,
SC/ST candidates during the current financial Meghalaya with the financial support of the Department:
The Department has approved the setting up of RIELIT,

Achievements as on 31.03.2009
Sl. Activities Target Achievements
No. (2008-09) during the year 71
No. of 2008-09 (upto
Students to 31.03.2009)
be trained No. of students
(Trained /


1. O/A/B & C Levels (Non-formal Sector of 20000 12412

IT Education & Training) Half Yearly (July’ 08 & Jan’ 09
Examinations Exam qualifiers)

DOEACC Centres

2. To Conduct Training for formal sector 980 1450

Long Term Courses (M. Tech, MCA,
BCA, PGDCA, Diploma, Diploma in
Electronics Engg. & Computer Science etc.)

3. To conduct training for non-formal Sector 2400 10,403

Long Term Courses O/A/B Level Course,
Bio-informatics O/A Level Courses,
Hardware Courses O/A Level

4. Training for Short Term Courses of 10125 *10,455

duration less than 1 year

5. IT Literacy Programme (CCC course) 70000 57,525 (qualified)

*Note- This includes 2800 students trained under CAM DTP Programme of NCPUL and 835 students under Training to SC/ST/
Minority students sponsored by Welfare Department of Govt. of Himachal Pradesh by DOEACC Centre, Chandigarh.

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Shillong, Meghalaya during the year 2008-09, with an transfer the same to the industry for
estimated cost of Rs. 799.03 lakh. The activities of commercialization.
the Centre are expected to be launched shortly from • To establish routine characterization facilities.
rented accommodation.
• To undertake applied research activities in the

Setting up of Regional Institute of e-learning and Information areas of operation.

Technology at Kohima, Nagaland: The Department has • To establish national Data Base on Electronics
approved the revised estimates of Rs. 41.96 crores for Materials.
over a period of 6 years for the project RIELIT, Kohima,
Nagaland. The activities of RIELIT, Kohima have been Achievements during 2008-09
started from a rented premises since July, 2004. The
Integrated Electronics Packaging
construction of the campus of the RIELIT, Kohima has
been started in October, 2007 and present activities • Scale up of silver thick film paste to the tune of 10
are likely to be shifted to the new campus by July, g batch size was carried out.
2009. Construction of the campus is expected to be
• First design of the package has been realized
completed by March, 2010.
and submitted to the collaborators at IIT, Powai,
Setting up of Eastern Regional Office of DOEACC at Patna Mumbai.
in Bihar: The Department has approved setting up of • Dielectric materials with varied composition have
Eastern Regional Office of DOEACC Society at Patna been prepared using solid state method.
in Bihar at a total estimated cost of Rs. 97.60 lakhs • Developed ceramic filled planar laminates through
SMECH process for high-power microwave
over a period of 5 years. The Regional Office, Patna
will function under the charge of DOEACC Centre,
• Signed MOU with R & DE (Engrs), Dighi, for joint
Gorakhpur. Accordingly, DOEACC Centre at Patna development of “Integrated LTCC Packages for
has been established with Director, DOEACC Centre, MEMS Devices & LTCC Structural Elements” and
72 Gorakhpur as its Regional Director. The CCC course with BRNS for the “Development and Pilot Plant
has since been started at Regional Office, Patna. Production of Microwave substrates”.
A total of 106 students have been enrolled during
the year. Nanomaterials and Devices

Setting up of DOEACC Centre, Chennai: The Department • The AlN nanoparticles synthesized by Transferred

has approved setting up of DOEACC Centre, Chennai Arc Thermal Plasma (TATP) technique.
• Large scale preparation of 5 and 6-membered
at a total estimated cost of Rs. 1375.67 lakhs with the
selenadiazole was completed (100gm level) to
Department contribution of Rs. 1165.67 lakhs over a
yield about 40% pure compound.
period of 4 years. The Chief Investigator of the project
• Synthesized BaBi2S4 with controlled particle size
has been appointed for starting the activities of the
at 1200C.
• FePt alloy nanoparticles with 2-5 nm size were
Centre for Materials for Electronics synthesized.
Technology (C-MET) • Synthesized nano NTC material by Self propagated
high temperature synthesis method, with an
Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology
average crystallite size of 30 nm. Developed
(C-MET) has been set up as a Registered Scientific
five NTC Thermistor compositions and given
Society in March 1990 under Department of Information
for testing and evaluation to FCRI, Palakkad, an
Technology for development of viable technologies in
external agency.
the area of electronics materials. C-MET is operating
with its laboratories with well carved out programs at Ultra high purity materials
Pune, Hyderabad and Thrissur.
• Process parameters were optimized for 20 Kg
The main objectives for which C-MET has been niobium pilot plant technology.
established are: • Solvent extraction system was erected &Hafnium
enrichment upto 98% achieved.
• To establish technology up to pilot scale for a
• 10 Kg of Niobium and 1.5 Kg Hafnium hydroxide
range of electronics materials and
were prepared.

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• 4 Kg of 7N purity zone refined &certified tellurium Participation in Global Expositions
was delivered to SSPL, Delhi
• 6N purity Zinc was produced by multiple vacuum • ESC organized Indian pavilion at the ICT Expo
distillations. 2008 held between 14 to 17 April, 2008 at Hong
• 4N purity Gallium was purified to7N purity by Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong.
vacuum and zone melting processes. 11 Indian member companies participated under
• 5N purity Gallium was purified to 7N purity the Council’s banner.
directional solidification process. • OUTSOURCE WORLD on 16& 17th April 2008 at
London, UK: The Council organized participation
Materials for Renewable Energy
of 10 member companies, which displayed a
• Synthesis of CdIn2S4 was carried out by chemical world of IT innovation & services.
method with variation in capping agent (CTAB or • EXPOCOMM on 12th - 16th May 2008 , at
PVP) concentration. Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
• Preparation of ZnIn2S4 was carried out using : Under the Council’s banner, 5 Indian member
thiourea as a sulphur precursor by hydrothermal companies explored EXPO COMM to enhance
route. their exports to Russia and other CIS markets.
• Prepared resorcinol-formaldehyde based carbon • COMPUTER FAIR on 20-23 May, 2008 at Sandton,
aerogel and fabricated aerogel supercapacitor Johannesburg, South Africa :7 Indian companies
of specific capacitance 35F/gm. participated under the Council’s banner.
• Developed PEO-based nanocomposite solid • INTERSOLAR on June 13 to 17, at Germany:
electrolyte tapes with 50-75 micron thickness for Five Indian manufacturing exporters of solar
lithium battery applications equipments, modules, photo voltaic cells, panels,
systems, etc., participated under the Council’s
Piezo sensors and Actuators banner. 73

• Fabricated PZT-Thickfilm unimorph and • COMMUNIC ASIA, 2008 on June 13 to 17, at

established piezo characteristics . Singapore: The Council organized participation
of 13 Indian IT companies under its banner.
Intellectual output during year 2008-09 • World BPO Forum at New Jersey, USA, on July
2008: The Council participated at World BPO
S.No. Activity Status Forum in New Jersey, USA wherein it highlighted
India’s IT industry achievements, outsourcing
advantages etc.
1 Research publications 52
in journals • The Call Centre Expo And Customer Management

2 Conference presentations 35 Expo on 6-17 SEPTEMBER 2008, at BIRMINGHAM,

3 Invited talks 15 UK: 4 Indian companies participated under the
4 Awards and Honors 04 Council’s banner.
5 Fellowships/visits (Abroad) 03 • OUTSOURCE WORLD, NEW YORK on 15 & 16
6 International/ National 01 October, 2008, at NEW YORK, US: The Indian ICT
conferences organized brigade at Outsource World New York included
16 Indian companies under the banner of ESC.
• GITEX DUBAI, on October 19-23 at DUBAI: GITEX,
Electronics and Computer Software Export
Promotion Council (ESC) is the rallying point for IT companies, developers,
outsourcing companies for showcasing their
Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion products and solutions With the overwhelming
Council (ESC) is India’s largest and the apex response at the past editions, ESC organized
association of ICT companies comprising of 2300 the participation at GITEX Dubai in 2008 again.
Under the Council’s banner, 35 Indian companies
members across the length & breadth of the country.
participated in GITEX Dubai 2008.
Headquartered at Delhi, the Council has regional
• ELECTRONICA 2008 on 11-14, November 2008,
offices at Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata
at Germany: ESC organized India’s participation
as well as a representative office in Dubai. in Electronica ‘2008 –held at New Munich Trade

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Fair Centre, Munich, Germany between 11-14 promote IT trade with Tunisia.
November 2008.Under the Council’s banner, • The Council signed a MoU with Tunisian Chamber
28 exhibitors have participated. During the of Service Enterprises Engineering (UTICA) to
exhibition, ESC organized a networking alliance
promote IT trade with Tunisia. Several Indian
meet between Indian Exhibitors and local IT
Companies also signed MoUs and business
buyers & prospective customers.
agreements with several buyers globally.
• CeBIT 2009 on 3rd to 8th March 2009, at
Hannover, Germany : The Council organized Incoming Delegations
India’s participation in CeBIT-2009 in Hannover,
Germany from 3rd to 8th March 2009. ESC had set A 15 member Chinese IT delegation by visited ESC on
up an India Pavilion wherein 17 Indian IT software
9th May 2008 to discuss the possibilities of cooperation
and services firms displayed their products and
in the IT software and services sector especially in the
services in their respective booth.
area of EmbeddedTechnology.
Buyer Seller Meets: Abroad
A seven member delegation from Bangladesh visited
• ESC’s Business Networking Meets in South Africa Kolkata and Delhi from 9 - 14 June 2008, to share
& Botswana from 28th September to 4th October experiences with Indian sector specific business/
2008: ESC sponcered an Electronics and ICT export promotion councils.
delegation comprising of 8 members.
• ESC’s Business networking meets in Spain & An 8 member delegation from Venezuela visited ESC

France in 2nd to 9th November 2008: The Council on 20th August 2008 with the objective to explore

organised IT softwere and services industry strategies to promote IT trade between the two

Delegation. ESC’s Delegation Comprised of 8 countries.

Export Facilitation and Business Support
74 • ESC’s Business Networking Meets in Jamaica on Centre (EFBSC)
21st October, 2008 :The Council sponsored a 7
member delegation to Jamaica under the MDA The Council launched it’s Export Facilitation and
programme of Department of Commerce. Business Support Centres (EFBSC) in Rockville
• ESC’s Business Networking Meets, USA on 20th Center, Montgomery County, USA under the Market
October, 2008: With the aim to assist our member Access Initiative (MAI) Programme of Department of
companies strengthen their foothold in the US Commerce, Government of India. Two Centres have
Software/Services market, the Council organized been started.
exclusive Buyer Seller Meets in US under MAI
The EFBSC will enable the Indian IT SMEs to enter
programme of Department of Commerce. The
the US IT Software/Services market. 10 member
Indian ICT brigade included 15 Indian companies
under the banner of ESC. companies have started reaping benefits of these 2
Council’s Export Facilitation and Business Support
MoUs Signed Centres (EFBSC) in USA.

• ESC and Sophia Antipolis entered into a INDIASOFT 2009 26th & 27th February, 2009, Kolkata,
cooperation agreement so as to help both Indian West Bengal: To assist Indian IT companies build
& French IT SMEs to be innovative and globally their foothold strong globally, ESC organized the 9th
competitive. edition of INDIASOFT series at Kolkata, on 26th & 27th
• ESC has signed a MoU with India Trade Centre in February, 2009.
Levalois, Perret in France on 19th February 2009.
The Hon’ble Chief Minister, Govt. of West Bengal
• ESC has also signed another MoU with CAPEMM,
inaugurated INDIASOFT 2009. 70 Indian exhibitors for
in Nancy France in March 2009 to provide
80 booths showcased their expertise and innovations
interested Indian IT firms to participate in Incubator
in several sectors of IT & ITES.
facilities in India Europe Business Centres at a
special package. Being an outsourcing mega event and a business-to-
• The Council signed a MoU with Tunisian Chamber business (B2B) partnering Forum, INDIASOFT 2009
of Service Enterprises Engineering (UTICA) to attracted 151 foreign delegates from 40 countries.

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ERNET India Communication Network platform has been built to
facilitate knowledge-exchange and its exploitation
ERNET provides four types of services, namely,
on eInfrastructures, and create value for research.
Network Access Services, Network Applications BELIEFF Digital Library of e-Infrastructure has been
Services, Hosting Services and Operations Support created containing documentation produced by other
Services. ERNET, over a period of decade, has on-going e-infrastructure projects. First International
completed the four stages in the development, namely, Symposium on Distance Learning as an e-Infrastructure
initiation, growth, control and maturity. It has grown in Application, organized along with 6CHOICE project,
size, range and quality of service and is connected was held in New Delhi, India in Jan., 2009.
to the educational and research networks worldwide.
EU-India Grid
Under this project, EU-India Grid has been
• MPLS Backbone established that supports interconnectivity between
the European Grid infrastructure(EGEE), and the
During the year, the backbone for ERNET has
Indian Grid infrastructures (GARUDA) to build a
been redesigned for deployment of MPLS (Multi
common infrastructure to carryout data processing for
Protocol Label Switching). This will help ERNET
offering its users various services like MPLS VPN e-Science application areas. The project promotes the

services, IP telephony, video conferencing, Quality use of advanced Grid technologies within the created
of Service (QoS) and other related services. network community relying on pilot applications in
biology and high energy and condensed matter
• First IPv6 Network physics and specific outreach and dissemination

With the deployment of dual stack backbone activities.

ERNETIndia has become the only network in the

country which supports IPv4 and IPv6 Internet
Protocol in native mode – dual stack, unicast and This project is an Indo-European Cooperation to

multicast. promote IPv6 adoption implemented by a consortium

of eight members from Europe and India. The aim of
• Connectivity to European Research the project is to promote close cooperation between
Network GEANT Indian Research network ERNET, European research

ERNET has been connected with Pan European network GEANT as well as between Indian grid

Research Network GEANT on 100 Mbps . The initiative “GARUDA” and European Grid initiative

link is being used for participation in the LHC “EGEE”. ERNET had organized workshop on IPv6
experiment at CERN, Geneva by Tier-2 centers at Indore & Pune in Dec’08 to create awareness
(TIFR & VECC), BARC & other participating about IPv6.
Universities in India. Healthcare applications
have greatly benefitted from this interconnect E-Linkage to the Farmers
by enabling Collaborative environments through
ERNET India has made commitment to implement 200
provisioning of networking and video conferencing
Nos. Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) under ICAR and
facilities to medical institutions. develop them into Information Hubs.

• Indian Grid-GARUDA Connecting Schools

Network for GARUDA has been set up by Through a Memorandum of Understanding with
ERNET which connects 45 institutions in 17 cities Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, VSAT connectivity is
connected on 2.4 Gbps backbone. The network being extended to 100 more schools across the
has enabled high performance computing country in the 3rd phase of the project. ERNET
(HPC) applications to integrate geographically India has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) with Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), for
distributed resources.
collaboration in strengthening computer education in
BELIEFI (BringingEurope’s electronic Infrastructures to Kendriya Vidyalayas. The MOU highlights plans for
Expanding Frontiers): Along with EU partners an effective ERNET India to provide connectivity to the offices and

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around 200 Vidyalayas of KVS. ERNET India will also the Children with Disabilities in the Area of Information
help KVS in making effective use of IT in its day-to- Technology: ERNET had implemented Phase-I of the
day academic and administrative work including the programme wherein 21 ICT vocational training centers
conduct of examinations and in the upgradation of were setup and steps were initiated to undertake
computer facilities in the Vidyalayas. Phase-II of the project.

Setting up of Vocational Centres for Skill Creation for


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National Informatics Centre
National Informatics Centre (NIC) under the Department NICNET: – e- Governance Network Backbone
has been playing a leading role in promotion of
Information Communication Technology (ICT) led The NICNET, set up by NIC, utilizes state-of-the art
development in the country. A country-wide satellite network technologies to provide connectivity to Central

based communication network NICNET has been Government Ministries / Departments and all States/

set up as backbone network infrastructure for Govt. Districts of India. This high band width leased line

informatics providing linkages in 611 districts and 35 network forms the backbone in the country to support

States/ Union Territories. The network infrastructure e-governance initiatives in various sectors and is 77
links over 3000 nodes in Wide Area Network and about extending Intranet Services with NICNET Gateway

35000 nodes of Local Area Network with a dense for Internet resources, e-Governance, e-Commerce,

coverage of the North Eastern part of the country. Multimedia Information System and Geographical

The network operations incorporate Cyber Security, Information System. The NICNET utilizes variety of

Internet Data Centre, Disaster Recovery Centres, VSAT technologies e.g. Time Division Multiple Access

Network Operations facility, Certifying Authority, Video- (TDMA), FTDMA, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB),

Conferencing and Capacity Building set up across the Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) and

country. Signal Channel Percarrier (SCPC) based Network

across the country. The Wireless Metropolitan Area
A wide range of services are provided through Network (MANs) and Local Area Networks (LANs) are
National Informatics Centre Network (NICNET) and established to access the NICNET services.
these include e-mail, websites, video-conferencing,
Salient features of the Network Infrastructure include
geospatial services, e-learning, intra-GOV, etc. NIC
enhancement of Terrestrial bandwidth to State Capitals
has successfully implemented many national level
to 45/100 Mbps on OFC from BSNL / PGCIL / RailTel.
e-governance programs in various sectors such as
2 Mbps Leased data circuits from State Capitals
Web-enabled systems, Judiciary (e-courts), Accounts
made operational in 576 districts. STM1 on fiber
Computerization, Rural Information, Panchayati Raj
is operational for State Capitals & 285 NIC Districts
Computerization, Agriculture, e-Procurement, Utility
Centres. Terrestrial bandwidth of 100 / 155 Mbps
Mapping, Geographic Information, etc. ICT support in
provided to Data Recovery (DR) Centre Hyderabad.
terms of planning, software design, development and
Leased circuit connectivity has been provided to
roll out is provided to almost all Central Government
organizations including Regional Passport offices,
Ministries, Departments, State Governments and MNIC, RGI etc. Over 35,000 nodes of Local Area
District Administrations. ICT support at block level has Networks in Central Government offices and State
been set up through Community Information Centre Government Secretariats are operational including
(CICs) in a few states. ICT support and consultancy 6500 nodes in NE States. Network Operations are
has also been extended to a few neighbouring streamlined for NIC Centres in States, Districts &
countries. Bhavans in Delhi. Video-Conferencing services

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connect 700 locations. The 24x7 operation of NICNET appliances at the critical network segments of NICNET
is supported with Network Security, Integrated Network using network firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems/
Operation Centre (INOC) at NIC (HQ) to monitor all the Intrusion Prevention Systems, Application Firewalls
Wide Area Network (WAN) links across the country etc. Additionally, work has been undertaken in the
areas on formulation of NICNET Security Policies,
and Facility Management Service established at NIC
restructuring of the network, Patch Management, Anti-
HQ, States, Districts and Bhavans.
virus Services, Secure Communication Establishment
Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) VPN/ SSL, Scanning of servers for vulnerabilities
Services and hardening, Security Auditing of networks and
applications, Security incident monitoring and
For network services, the back up and recovery response, etc.
systems have been put in place. Automatic geographic
redundancy of DAMA Network Management System Certifying Authority(CA)
(NMS) (Geo-redundancy) between Delhi and
National Informatics Centre Certifying Authority
Hyderabad DR centre has been implemented. This
(NICCA) has been established at NIC HQ under
ensures any failure in DAMA NMS at Delhi to be
section 21 of the IT Act 2000 for issuance of Digital
automatically taken over by DAMA NMS at Disaster
Signature Certificates (DSC) for e-governance
Recovery Centre at Hyderabad and the VSATs will
applications. A state-of-the-art Symmetric Key
continue to operate on the HUB from Hyderabad.
Infrastructure for issuance of DL & RC Authority Cards
Backup Skyblaster HUB established at Disaster
for State Transport Authorities has been Co-hosted
Recovery Centre at NIC Hyderabad during current
and established in the common NICCA infrastructure.
year enables the Skyblaster VSATs to continue to
Over 14,000 DSCs (individual & device) were issued.
operate even if the Skyblaster HUB at Delhi fails.
Registration Authorities (RA) were set up at ECIL &
National Knowledge Network NIC, Orissa and a Sub-CA at NICCA, for e-Passport
application of Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).
78 NIC has been designated as Implementing Agency
for National Knowledge Network (NKN). An outlay NIC Web Services
of Rs.100 crores has been announced by Finance
A comprehensive World Wide Web (WWW) services
Minister during the Union Budget for 2008-09. As
have been extended to the users of NICNET with
a part of this, a Multi-Gigabit backbone for NKN has
respect to consultancy, web design and development,
been established by NIC connecting 15 locations
web hosting, value added web services, enhancement
across the country. 57 Institutions of higher learning
and advanced research are connected on high speed of web sites & training. NIC has designed, developed
NKN Backbone in the first phase connecting Labs & maintained the major Portals that include India
of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research CSIR, Image, Government of India Web Directory, etc. Portal
Department of Atomic Energy and Indian Institute of development work was also carried out for Districts,
Technology (IITs). Exam Results, Government Policies and Tenders. NIC
provided hosting infrastructure support to various
National Data Centre e-governance projects running at National level such
as NREGA , E-Lekha and AGMARKNET etc.
The Data Centres are the core infrastructure for the
e-governance programme. Additional National Data Video-conferencing
Centres (NDC) at NIC, Hyderabad was established
during 2008-09. This centre, at present, has 85TB of Videoconferencing is supported as a core service
SAN storage and 450 Mbps connectivity to NICNET over NICNET. Decentralization of VC facilities is
and 120 Mbps link to direct Internet cloud. The Centre being carried out by providing MCUs in 11 states. VC
is providing hosting services and also acts as Disaster facility has been established in all the districts of West
Recovery Centre (DRC) for IDC at NIC HQ. The Bengal. District level services are being extended to
NDC set up at NIC are proposed to act as Disaster other states. Executive Videoconferencing facility has
Recovery Centre for the State Data Centres (SDC) been set up for Secretaries of GOI & Chief Secretaries.
being established by the State Governments under Also, NIC has set up Virtual Classrooms and High
the SDC scheme of the Department. Definition VC for National Knowledge Network(NKN).

Cyber Security Geographical Information System

NIC provides necessary security for network, servers, GIS has been one of the emerging technologies which
applications and client systems by introducing security have a crucial role in implementation of e-governance

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programmes. A state- of- the -art GIS infrastructure e-Learning Solutions ( NIC-IELS )
has been setup at NIC Hq. and State Units. Setting
up of seamless spatial data on a common National Integrated Enterprise Learning Services (NIC-IELS)
Geospatial Framework for the entire country is a has been implemented and. multiple numbers of live
milestone. The core data include various vector layers sessions have been conducted. The services have
like administrative boundaries, locations including been extended to States. The consolidated e-Learning
village/habitations, infrastructure, natural resources Portal has around 100 course modules.
along with Raster Data repository of different
topographic maps and Satellite data of different Major National Level Projects
resolutions. NIC has successfully demonstrated
the streaming of high resolution voluminous satellite Analytics and Modelling Services
images along with the vectors through an Intra NIC
Enterprise wide project management system for
application. GIS concepts have been demonstrated
Navodaya Vidhyalaya Samiti has been made
successfully in the areas of Health, Agriculture, Village
operational across the country. Business Intelligence
level mapping of demographics and Amenities etc.
(BI) System for Decision Support Analytics for On Line
Capacity building Admission Counseling System for the State of Haryana
has been implemented. A proof of concept model on
NIC Training Services Data mart for Central Government Health Scheme has
been designed and developed.
Training Division at NIC Hqrs. conducted over
65 update training programs during 2008-09 in Bibliographic Informatics
technologies like Java, J2EE, .NET, PHP, Postgres,
NIC continued to cater to the bibliographic information
SQL Server, Oracle, JBoss, Zope/Plone, Joomla,
needs of the medical and S&T professionals. The
Linux and Windows. Over 1600 officers from NIC
Indian MEDLARS Centre’s webpage is currently
and other Government offices were trained at various
ranked amongst the first three Indian health sites by
NIC state units and under Government Informatics
Google. The medIND has full text of 40 peers reviewed. 79
Sponsored Training Programmes. Management
Development Programme (MDP) Lecture Series were OpenMED Archive has 1100 registered users with over
organized for Senior Technical Officers. Sponsored 2000 submissions and was nominated 2nd time for the
programs included Skill development on ICT Tools Stockholm Challenge Award in 2008. NIC participated
for e-Readiness (DOP&T sponsored) and Hindi in a special workshop organized on Health Information
courses. Sectoral training programs covered training by Rockefeller Foundation in Bellagio, Italy.
on Biomedical Information Retrieval, Application of IT
in Library Sciences, e-Granthalaya and Workshops on
Common Integrated Police Application
Comprehensive DDO system.
The Project has been included in the 11th five-
NIC Training Unit, LBSNAA, Mussoorie
year Plan named as Crime and Criminals Tracking
The NIC training Unit set up at Lal Bhadhur Shastri Network and Systems (CCTNS). Scope of work
include continued implementation of CIPA Software
National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA,)
at remaining Police Stations, and vertical integration,
Mussoorie continued to conduct ICT training programs
which envisages transmission & consolidation of
as per the requirement of the academy. During the
Police Stations Database at a Central location (State
current year 260 sessions were conducted which were
Hqrs.) by providing appropriate high-speed network
attended by 613 participants. The Mid Career Training
connectivity along with developing appropriate web-
Programs for IAS Officers Phase III and Phase IV (2008),
based Software Interfaces for required interactions
the ICT modules were conducted in collaboration with
and sharing information by other higher offices in the
Duke and Maxwell School of Syracuse Universities,
Police hierarchy. CIPA Software rollout about 4000
USA and IIM, Bangalore. Software development was Police Stations across all the States/UTs has been
carried out for Online Examination System, End of completed, and another 15% are going to be covered
Course Evaluation System, House Hold Schedule for during 2008-09.
Socio Economic Assignment, CRS (Centre for Rural
Studies), and VBA Modules for Management and Community Information Centres (CIC)
Faculties, Store & Supply Inventory Management,
etc. The unit also participated in Hands On Project CICs, set up in the North East and J&K, continued
Experience (HOPE), course material preparation, operations in providing valuable informatics services
articles in the Book Published by Centre for Rural to the citizens in the difficult terrain. They also offer
Studies, 2008, and other forums. strong digital communication link for the state.

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Computer Aided Design and Modelling Intellectual Property and Know-how

CollabCAD is an indigenously designed and developed Operational since 1980, Intellectual Property website
CAD / CAM / CAE Solution, developed by NIC in has the most comprehensive and the largest database
collaboration with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre on patent bibliography, containing more than 49
(BARC) and Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC). millions patent references published by around 72
The 2D/3D Constraint Solver has been released. patent issuing authorities across the globe. NIC jointly
with National Research Development Corporation,
The Assembly Framework and Parametric Modeling
Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), and
capability of CollabCAD is under testing. Induction
Defence Research and Development Organization,
Training has been conducted for the engineers at arranged workshop to spread the Intellectual Property
BARC and VSSC successfully. Training centres for Rights (IPR) awareness.
Collab CAD have been set up at various educational
institutes. International Cooperation

Courts Information Systems (COURTIS) Lao PDR - India Bilateral Cooperation on ICT
continue with three years MCA Program for 30 Laos
For ICT enablement of District & Subordinate courts students in India, started through Guru Gobind Singh
in the country, 13365 Laptops & 12559 Laser Printers Indraprashtha University (GGSIPU), New Delhi.
were supplied to the judges under the e-Courts
project. 11005 judges & 44020 court staff have
also been trained by a professional faculty. 9733 The IntraGOV Open Architecture deployed in the
judges and 489 district courts and 740 taluka courts IntraGov makes it a reusable framework for deployment
have been provided with broadband connectivity. across Ministries / Departments/Organizations. The
Site preparation is under process at 1450 places. Open Architecture adopted in IntraGOV framework has
the ability for easy integration with external applications
Hardware, Software and networking tools are getting
80 and thus build conduits between various applications
procured for the subordinate judiciary. 6 pilot sites are
to provide a seamless mechanism of sharing data.
selected for application software testing.
Project Management, Payroll and Personal Information
DISNIC Plan System are a few of the applications that are offered
through IntraGOV.
The pilot phase of the project envisages building a
Web based Village Information system integrated
Land Records Computerization Project
with Geo-Spatial Technologies. Financial Evaluation of
Computerization of Land Records has been made
the short listed vendors for outsourcing of the various
operational in 3915 Tehsils of the country where
project activities is under progress. mutation update and Records of Rights (ROR) prints
are being given on demand from the Tehsil Computer
e-Governance Standards
Centre. Land Records Data of 12 States is available
NIC is an active member of the Expert Group online for public access. The Application Software of
Committee of Government Policy on Open Standards two States namely Karnataka and Maharashtra has
, Metadata and Data Standards in Person Identification
and Land Region Codification , Technology Standards
in Indian Languages , Biometrics, Digital Signature,
Information Security, Technology Standards
in Interoperability Framework for e-Governance(
IFEG), e-Forms Standards , Quality Assessment
Framework , Conformity Assessment Requirements
for e-Governance.


A portal Disha has been developed in line with the

11th five year plan period objectives. Collaborative
framework is being created in consultation with various
Government organizations. A job portal incorporating been audited for Information Security requirements as
educational, business and livelihood opportunities per ISO:27001:2005. The domain parameters for Land
was developed Records and registration have been standardized for

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integration and interoperability. The Computerization National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
of Land Records (CLR) have been revamped and (NREGA) Program
is being modernized and implemented as National
Land Records Modernization Program (NLRMP) NREGASoft (http://nrega.nic.in) is one of the key
with the prime objective to implement Land Titling activities which support the various processes involved
System in the country. Integrated architecture of
NLRMP envisages convergence of land records,
registration and cadastral mapping system.

Library Services

e-Granthalaya, the Library Management Software

for automation and networking of libraries has been
deployed and has an installation base of around 1000
libraries. Regular training programs were organized.
NIC Library has subscribed to e-Books from renowned
publishers. Online services like Research Reports
from GARTNER, Science Direct from Elsevier Science,
IEEE, ACM, NEWSNIC, Web browser access to Books in the implementation of NREG Scheme at grass root
level. The offline version (using open source) of the
Catalogue, Articles database, Journals holdings, etc,
package has been made operational. The software
are provided.
provides the roles for various stakeholders and has
National Do Not Call Registry been implemented in most of the states. The entire
physical and financial progress monitoring is done
The National Do Not Call (NDNC) Registry launched
using the package.
during the year 2007-08 is fully operational now. There
Office Procedure Automation 81
are 21140 Total Number of Registered Telemarketers,
24 Million Telephone Numbers Registered in NDNC
Office Procedure Automation Package (OPA) has
Registry database, 14 No. of Telecom Operators been enhanced with operations in Linux & Windows,
in India using NDNC Registry, 55 Million Average additional workflows and reports like tracking of letters
No. of telephone numbers scrubbed by TMs per and files by officers in hierarchy. OPA software was
day, 103.2 Million Highest scrubbing of telephone upgraded in 11 locations and new implementation
numbers in a day by TMs, 0.44% No. of complaints undertaken in 10 Ministries/Departments in the
year 2008.
received from registered subscribers and 15151 No.
of disconnections (registered and unregistered both). Open eNRICH
National Portal of India Open eNRICH is an in-house content management
system prepared by NIC, using open source tools and
National Portal Project is a Mission Mode Project under is being maintained by NIC. The product has been used
the National E-Governance Plan executed by NIC to by many national and international organizations.
provide a single window access to the information and
services of the Indian Government at all levels for the Property Registration
Citizens, Business and Overseas Indians aggregating
Property Registration system includes implementation
over 5000 Indian Govt. websites. An attempt has been
of e-Stamping system for payment of Stamp Duty online
made through this Portal to provide comprehensive,
and implemented in 2400 Sub-registrar offices. Efforts
accurate, and reliable and one stop source of are being made to implement system in all the States
information about India and its various facets. Under including online property valuation through circle rate
the aegis of National Portal the team has formulated calculator, availability of sample deed formats for
guidelines for all Indian Government Websites. These citizen to download and edit, capturing of deed details,
guidelines have become integral part of the Central photographs, thumb impression and endorsements,
Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure (CSMOP). scanning of deeds and issue of non-encumbrance
Standardization, Testing and Quality Certification certificate. The system will be integrated with land
(STQC) has also accepted these guidelines for records mutation process for continuous land records
certification. update and genuine land transitions under National

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Land Resource Management Programme (NLRMP) Systems Software
Under Linux Distribution Programme, customization
Right to Information Portal was undertaken for CIPA project and implemented at
over 4500 locations. This is a single CD distribution
The Right to Information (RTI) Portal has been
customized to work both as a database server
redesigned and provides a central platform for
and a client with upgraded OS components. Also
information about Public Information Officers (PIO’s)
implemented “Many to One Distributed Database
and the proactive disclosures of various Public
Heterogeneous Replicator” using open source version
Authorities including the State Governments. The
of Daffodil and removed many anomalies in Daffodil
portal also includes RTI hand books, RTI Circulars,
product. IVH (India Virtual Herbarium) Project has
RTI Act in several Indian languages, RTI Quiz, Thanks
been designed and developed using Open Source
to RTI, details about Public Authorities, Chief Public
based ground breaking Digital Library Product
Information Officers (CPIOs), and Appellate Authority
“Dspace” on a Linux platform with PostgreSQL as a
etc. RTI Request and Appeal Management Information
RDBMS. Also developed and implemented eAMS.Net
System (RTI-MIS) has been enriched by incorporating
for the Department and Document Audit Work Flow
the concept of user id based Deemed PIO, Multiple Management System for Ministry of External Affairs.
forwarding etc.
Unique ID Project (UID)
Smart Card
A working Group was created by the Department for
Smart Card based Driving Licence (DL) and Registration
studying the initial linkage and ongoing linkage of the
Certificate(RC), Key Management System(KMS) for
UID database with the electoral roll database. The
Smart Cards for Driving license and vehicle Registry
findings of the working group were sent to Election
has been implemented for many states of the country.
Commission for issuing the necessary guidelines.
The same is being extended to a few States. Key
A Proof of Concept (POC) was done jointly by the
82 Management infrastructure of Multi-purpose National
Identity Cards (MNIC) project has been developed. Department and RGI for incremental enumeration of
Under e-passport project, new operating system has National Population Register based on UID.
been standardized and application development has
been completed. Issue of diplomatic e-passport has
Utility Mapping
been started. Smart card based Rashtriya Swasthya
Digital Mapping for Six Cities continued to progress.
Bima Yojana project has been implemented in many
The system is functional in Kolkata and utility data
states. Smart cards are being issued to the Below
compilation process was in progress. Base map
Poverty Line (BPL) families. Personalization software
for NREGS beneficiary cards has been developed. compilation of Mumbai, Hyderabad was completed and
installed on the central server. Base map compilation
Software Development work of Chennai and Ahmadabad is in progress. The
aerial photography with extended area of Bangalore
Budget Estimation, Allocation & Monitoring System
(BEAMS) for the Department of Finance, Govt. and Kolkata is completed. Update of digital base map

of Maharashtra has been implemented for the of SW area of Delhi using aerial photography of the
29 Administrative Departments at Mumbai, 691 year 2002 is completed. The digital base map is being
Controlling Officers and 12,506 Drawing and accessed by Delhi Jal Board, Delhi Police and Delhi
Disbursing Officers(DDO) spread across the State Traffic Police on the 24 x 7 basis.
via Intranet and Internet. This software enables quick
& accurate electronic transfer of budgetary grants NIC Services to Central Government
and allows each DDO to incur expenditure within the Ministries and Departments
grants. The system has demonstrated many benefits
for use of various Departments of the Government and Accounts
the Accountant General. Roll out of IFMS (Integrated
New modules for Central Plan Scheme Monitoring
Financial Management System) was undertaken
(CPSMS) have been included on e-Lekha, a web
for many States. Rojgar Wahini, the web portal for
the Department of Employment & Self-Employment, based application for providing a Core Accounting
Government of Maharashtra was awarded the Solution (CAS) for the Civil Accounts Organization
Outstanding E-Governed Project in the CSI-Nihilent to generate Sanction Identifications against plan
E-Governance Awards 2007-2008. expenditure and grant-in-aid. It facilitates segmented

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reporting of plan expenditure and releases scheme Card software for Integrated Nutrient Management for
wise, geographical location wise, e-Payments with 8 states.
digitally signed authorizations for processing through
Animal Husbandry
NEFT (National Electronics Funds Transfer), Real
Time Gross Settlement System(RTGS) or Direct Credit Action Plan for e-governance Applications in
through Core banking. This has been successfully Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and
extended to all PAO’s of the Ministry of Agriculture. Fisheries has been prepared. Fisheries Information
e-Samarth, a G2E application, has been developed System Network (FISNNET) has been taken up
and implemented successfully and makes centrally for implementation. Proposal for development of
available the GPF ledgers, annual statements and application software for preparedness, monitoring and
bill status of all employees. COMPACT Ver.6.0 control of Avian Influenza has been prepared. Software
for creating 18th Live Stock Census Quick Results
(Computerization of Accounts) and New Version of
database at Village level has been implemented and
CompDDO for management of receipt and payment
master training at 5 locations has been provided.
functions of Drawing and Disbursing Officers, to
generate all kinds of Bills with electronic interface Audit
with COMPACT and Banks had been released after
incorporation of the 6th Pay Commission changes. ICT support was extended to Comptroller and Auditor
General (CAG) for development of S/w packages,
Agriculture Networking, Mail services, Website Hosting &
management, etc. Activities towards this include
As a step towards providing information and services
hosting and maintenance of websites of office of CAG
to the farming community, NIC has developed
and its field offices, Web based system, MIS on Returns
six portals and 40 websites for the Department of
received from field offices, Application Software
Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC) and its field
for Payroll–Pay bills, General Provident Fund (GPF)
offices/Directorates. The website of National Food
for Field Offices, Office automation System in R&D 83
Security Mission(NFSM) has been hosted. NavKrishi
section of CAG office, Personnel Information System
Portal, implemented at all Doordarshan Kendras,
National Horticulture Mission (District Level Interface), etc. Interface developed for On-line submission of

was launched on 12th December 2008 in Panchkula Application of Charted Accountant (CA) Firms for

Haryana. AGMARKNET(Agricultural Marketing the year 2009-2010. Online Software for Preparing

Information Network) spans over 2900 Agricultural Gradation List and Cadre Control of Commercial Audit,
Processing and publishing result of Section Officer
Produce Wholesale Markets is being constantly
Grade Examination on Internet.
enriched. Online Monitoring System of AGMARKNET
Certification Program, Retail Prices Monitoring System, Central Excise and Customs
PPIN (Plant Protection Informatics Network) are some
of the few web based applications made operational. Electronic Accounting System in Excise and Service

AGRISNET (Agricultural Informatics & Communication Tax (EASIEST ) under G2B and G2G developed and
launched to facilitate the assessee to enter the Challan
Network) has been implemented in 18 states.
information for electronic transfer by the banks to the
SeedNet India Portal has been a National initiative for
Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) and to
information on Quality seeds for the prosperity of the
its associated offices. The package “e-Management of
farmers. The data for the Agriculture Census 1995- Revenue Data for DDM” developed for the Directorate
96 & 2000-01 and Input Survey 1996-97 & 2001-02 of Data Management of CBEC for collection,
has been made available on the net. Crop Production compilation and MIS of Customs, Excise and Service
Statistics Information System and Land Use Statistics Tax revenue information, has been extended to a
Information System have been made operational. Commissionerates.

Agriculture Research Indian Customs EDI System (ICES) application has

been migrated and implemented at Dadri, NOIDA.
Under the ARISNET (Agricultural Research Informatics
ICES enables EDI message exchange with Customs
System Network) project, e-Granthalaya has been
trading partners namely Banks, Airport Authority of
implemented in Indian Council of Agricultural Research India, Ports etc. Around 135 message formats have
Library. Software for Nutrient Recommendation using been adopted and implemented. NIC has been
STCR methods of Indian Institute of Soil Science has providing technical assistance to all the Customs
been developed towards standardization of Soil Health locations.
Central Vigilance Commission Online Placement of Supply Order and Generation of
e-Inspection Note is operational at DGS&D HQ and
Development and implementation of Direct Inquiry its various regional / field offices. Online Submission
Cases Monitoring System, Intra-CVC, Generation of the of Bills & e-Payment in the O/o Chief Controller of
Annual Analytical Critical Report and Implementation Accounts (CCA) has been made operational.
of the new versions of COMP-DDO has been
undertaken. NIC has developed and implemented various computer
based systems for Department of Public Enterprises
Civil Aviation such as Web based systems for rehabilitation of
rationalized employees of PSEs and for taking out
Network infrastructure has been upgraded with Higher Annual Financial Performance Survey of Central
band width fiber optic WAN connectivity , leased line PSEs. An online requisition system for stationery
& back up RF. NIC continued to provide centralized items has been implemented in Department of Heavy
e-governance services like RTI-MIS, Centralized Industries.

Public Grievance Redress & Monitoring System

Communications and Information
(CPGRAMS) and monitoring of ACC vacancies Technology
services, File Tracking system (OPA), website update
etc. Sector specific applications like Flight Crew A number of standard software products e.g. e-Leave,
Licensing System for issue & renewal of Pilots License, File tracking, Project Monitoring System, Record
Management of old and New files, Online temporary
Civil Aircraft Registration System, Domestic Airlines
Pass Issue/Renewal System etc. were deployed at the
Schedule Information System, Accident Incident Ministry and its Departments.
Reporting System and Dangerous Goods Surveillance
Information System are made operational. For Department of Information Technology, the software
packages Electronic Industry Information System,
Cooperatives IntraDIT portal and COMPACT-2000 have been made
84 operational.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
(NABARD) has decided to implement the Cooperative Software Development was undertaken for Licensing
Banking Software, COIN, developed and made Finance (LF) and Wireless Planning Finance (WPF)
operational in the State of Bihar by NIC (Patna), in along with other regular assignments.

other State Cooperative Banks as well as in Primary

NIC has provided NICNET connectivity to 724
Agricultural Societies (PACS) in the country, for which Administrative offices of Department of Posts to access
an MOU would be signed between NIC and NABARD. the various services hosted on the Departmental
NABARD would fund for converting this Software National Data Centre. A Web based system has been
COIN (which is Total Banking Automation) into Core implemented regarding Postal Life Insurance (PLI)
and Rural PLI at the postal circles and regional offices
Banking Solution (CBS) Software.
across the country. The Web based system regarding
Commerce & Industry fund flow information has been developed for PLI. A
Pilot project has been initiated for payment to NREGA
NIC has implemented front Office and Back Office workers through mobile phones in 25 Blocks of Orissa
Web based systems for Intellectual Property Offices Circle. The Instant money order system has been
of Patent & Trademark Administration System for extended to 842 locations in country.
e-Filing Patent & Trademark. It has been integrated
Culture & Art
with Payment Gateway using Digital Signature
A web-based portal for United Nations Educational,
Solution. Web based search of patent records,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has
trademarks, discussion forums & interactive guidance/
been developed. The portal facilitates to add and
online consultation are operational. Computerized
moderate the contents by select reviewers before
systems have been developed and implemented for
publishing by central publishing authority. A web-
performance monitoring of Tea Board, India’s Trade based system is under development for National
at a glance, monitoring systems for action points Mission on Monuments and Antiquities set up under
of Senior Officers meetings and CAG Audit Para, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). Software
Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) Requirement Specification(SRS) has been approved
Secretariat. e-filing and processing of application by Centre for Cultural Resource and Training (CCRT)
in DGFT, e-Procurement system for DGS&D etc. and include seven identified functional areas of CCRT.
Leased line connectivity has been provided between Emergency Planning and Response (GEPR) product
Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA) office, has been developed to address chemical disasters
New Delhi and NIC HQ and Email facility made using GIS tools with spatial and non-spatial data
available to all officials. and chemical modeling. This provides technical
assistance to multiple stakeholders to prepare
Defence for chemical emergencies. Chemical Accident
Information and Reporting system (CAIRS) takes
Content Management system for Air Force, Army and
care of chemical accidents reporting and related
Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA),
MIS. National Hazardous Waste Information System
setting up of Defence Data Centre, hosting and auditing
provides inventories and monitors compliance status
of web sites of all Defence Establishments and Armed
for Hazardous Waste generating Industries. Integration
Forces, E-procurement solution to Ordnance Factory
of data on GIS helps generating the thematic maps
Board are some of the major activities carried out for
as per the requirements. GIS for Indian State Level
Ministry of Defence.
Basic Environmental Information Database (ISBEID)
provides environment related information with each
Department of Disinvestment
parameter as a thematic layer to different stakeholder.
Public Grievance Monitoring, IntraDOD portal, File Real-time Air Quality Monitoring system through Air
quality monitoring stations, Indian Forest Services
Tracking and Website update work was undertaken.
Cadre Management system takes care of various
Development of North Eastern Region aspects of Indian Forest Service (IFS) Officers Service
(DONER) Records.

The Intra-doner Portal was launched during the year. External Affairs
It facilitates document access, departmental forms,
file tracking etc. The web based project monitoring Web enabled application of Passport Management
software (PMS) for Non-Lapsable Central Pool of System has been made operational in Passport
offices. NIC continues to provide the ICT support
Resource (NLCPR) Projects has been implemented.
in this sector. Silent features of this system includes 85
Election Commission Passport printing, digitization of application files etc.
Online registration of Passport applications has also
ICT support and training on iGENESYS (pre-counting been implemented where ever applicants are over
the counting software) extended for Assembly Elections 20000 on daily basis.
held in 2008. A central Control Table Structure for
Electoral Rolls standardized with link to Election GIS. Passport and Visa issuance system has been
Spatial data development work initiated for Parliament implemented at 29 Indian Missions/Posts abroad.
and Assembly Constituencies and Polling stations. Passport and Visa data from these Missions/ Posts is
A website was hosted with publishing of maps. VC consolidated at central system which is accessible by
facilities at Election Commission of India (ECI) were set Ministry of Home and External Affairs and concerned
up and services provided for its use. MoU’s have been security agencies.
formulated with ECI and State Chief Election Officers
for appointment of NIC as service level agency with Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs
regard to the electoral process.
Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) system has been
Energy implemented at over 130 Indian Missions/ Posts
abroad. OCI Misc. services have been implemented
The ICT support extended to this sector include for providing services to existing OCI holders. The
development of Integrated e-Governance applications, system is issuing over 400 OCI documents/ U-Visa
website development and WAN/LAN connectivity stickers on daily basis. Project on computerization of
to allied departments. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen “Protector of Emigrants “(POE) has been completed
Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) Portal was launched. and implemented at all the POE offices across the
An integrated work-flow based software application country. System has the facility of online registration
with Complaints Submission and Redress System has for individual applicants and agents.
been developed for National Pharmaceutical Pricing
Authority (NPPA). Employee Provident Fund Organization
Environment and Forests
For EPFO project, the system study and design phase
Generic system implemented for covering chemical has been completed. Connectivity for over 120 offices
disasters across India using ICT tools. GIS for has also been initiated.

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Finance order to fully automate the working of Central Fertilizer
Quality Control & Training Institute (CQQC&TI), the IT
A number of application and systems have been based systems have been prioritized for development
implemented for Department of Economic Affairs covering receipt, Registration and Analysis of
(DEA). A few of them include eHRADM for filling leave Fertilizer Sample, Fertilizer Quality Control by State
application online, Web based application software for Governments and Central Teams of CFQCTI, Quality
FIPB Unit to enable capture details of FIPB applications, Control of Imported Fertilizers.
generation of acknowledgement letter and MIS reports,
ACR Information System that facilitate the officials Food Processing
in the department to know the current status of their
To support Ministry’s Decentralization of Setting up
ACR. COMPDDO software was upgraded in DEA,
/ Modernization Schemes, a prototype of e-portal
Department of Expenditure, Department of Revenue
software has been designed and demonstrated. On-
and Department of Financial Services to incorporate
line display of the status of the e-Portal cases has
recommendations of Sixth CPC. ECS module of the
been facilitated on Ministry’s Website. Revamping
software was implemented in Department of Revenue.
of Ministry’s Website has been undertaken and new
Networking and Computerization support was provided
version of the website is to be launched shortly.
to 13th Finance Commission. The S/w implemented
E-governance applications like e-Granthalaya,
includes file tracking system, e-Granthalaya to the
new version of Comp-DDO, File Tracking has been
library and e-news for uploading and disseminating
news items from various newspapers. Developed and implemented in the Ministry.
implemented E-Bill processing S/W in department of
Health and AYUSH
revenue to enable employees to submit and monitor
their status on various categories of bills. A centrally developed automated system for Central
Government Health Scheme (CGHS) dispensaries,
Food, Public Distribution and Consumer
has been successfully rolled out at 86 dispensaries,
4 Zonal Offices, Medical Stores Depot and First-aid
A pilot scheme has been initiated on Introduction of Posts in the Delhi/NCR region & CGHS HQ.
Smart Card based delivery of essential commodities
for setting standards for Public Distribution System Home Affairs
related parameters. The application under Integrated
Information System for Food grains management The Immigration Control System (ICS) has been
for FCI has been rolled out at all depot locations. implemented under mission mode project of the
H/W supply, training and onsite support are other Government of India. The computerization of

components of the project. Computer Networking of immigration services at international ports provide

Consumer Forum in Country (CONFONET) is a project desired immigration facilitation at Varanasi, Gaya,
connecting consumer forums in the country and MIS Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Lucknow.
reports can be generated from the central server. It is Passport reading machines have been installed at
extended to 11th Five Year Plan and the mandate is to all computerized ICPs under modernization of ICPs.
continue support, upgrade features in the application System implementation was undertaken in different
s/w including mobile phone interface, training and areas that include Advance Passenger Information
hand holding at field locations, etc. S/W development System (APIS), web-enabled management system
was undertaken for Sugar Directorate in the areas for for Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) & National Calamity
sugar production, export incentive, buffer subsidy, Contingency Fund (NCCF), IPS-ACR Monitoring
pulses export, commodity prices etc. System, System for Service allocation of Assistant
Commandant AC in CPOs, AGMU Cadre IAS, IPS,
Fertilizers Danics & Danips Monitoring System, Border Area
Development Program and Composite Payroll System
Fertilizer Management On-line has been developed
(COMDDO) for SSO at MHA.
to meet the national objective of making fertilizers
available timely, adequately in good quality and at Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
affordable price to the farmers. IT based tools have been
introduced for Integrated Plant Nutrient Management. IT support has been extended to Integrated Poverty
A web based application system “Organic Farming Monitoring System (IPoMS) and Jawahar Lal Nehru
Grant-In-Aid Monitoring System” has been developed National Urban Renewable Mission (JNNURM) file
for National Centre of Organic Farming (NCOF). In Tracking System and hosting of the web site.

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Human Resources Development National Human Rights Commission
Website has been hosted for submission of All India
Engineering Entrance Exams (AIEEE) 2009 and All Complaint Management System (CMS) application
India Pre-Medical Test (AIPMT)2009 applications. Web software developed for the NHRC India was replicated
based centralized counseling has been undertaken at NHRC Uganda and Rwanda after its customization
for Central Counseling Board of Ministry of Human in their local working environment and language. The
Resources Development (MHRD) for admission to CMS has been converted into web based technologies.
various universities. National Portal on Sarva Shiksha NIC has conceptualized Human Rights Complaint
Abhiyan has been successfully launched with Training Network (HRCNet). Training on the Complaint handling
and Handholding sessions for portal in 24 locations. mechanism and other aspects of CMS was imparted
Website of HRD Ministry has been substantially to the probationers, Officials of NHRC and SHRCs and

enhanced in terms of features. Feasibility study report Special Rapporteurs.

for flagship program “Mid Day Meal Scheme” has

Official Language Department
been undertaken. Delhi University is being provided
requisite technical support for Enterprise Resource NIC implemented and made operational web-based
Planning (ERP). Hindi enabled Office Procedure Automation (OPA)
package in the Department. Technical support is
Information & Broadcasting provided to the Department for its Bilingual portal.
Processing of Hindi Teaching Scheme examination
NIC hosted the News Portal of Doordarshan. It
results i.e. Prbodh, Praveen, Pragya, Hindi typing,
provides 24x7 News update and has provision for
Hindi Stenography have been switched over to
web casting. NIC has also been supporting Intra-
Windows based ASP.net software. NIC implemented
Portal of Doordarshan, On-line Legal Prasar System,
CompDDO in Central Translation Bureau for Pay Bills,
On-line Parliament Query reply System, e-Budgeting
Pay Slips etc.
System, Human Resources Module and All India Radio
Streaming Portal.
Panchayat Informatics
For DAVP, Software has been developed for the full
NIC has been assisting Ministry of Panchayati Raj
cycle of advertisements printing i.e. composition
in formulation of e- Panchayati Raj Institutions (e_
of media list, online Release Order with artwork etc.
PRI) Mission Mode project. The project envisages
Similar software has been implemented for the Audio
providing panchayats with computing infrastructure,
Visual Division of DAVP. An online system has been
core & common application software package,
developed for empanelment of newspapers and TV
content management, etc. Maintenance of National
channels. This is being extended to all accreditations.
Panchayat Portal consist of 2, 40,000 dynamic
New MIS software developed for Community Radio
websites of all Panchayati Raj institutions (PRI) of
Stations, FM Radio Stations and Teleports for Television
India and being managed by respective PRIs. The
Channels in Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
framework provides facility to PRIs to manage content,
for Directorate of Field Publicity. Online feedback and
language, exchange content etc. PlanPlus has been
report generation software development has been
undertaken. a product to strengthen decentralized & participatory
planning exercise (including work-flow) being taken
Natural Hazards Management Information up by rural & urban local bodies. Over 1600 officials
System in 21 states have been trained so far. The division
has prepared web enabled system for the ministry to
Low cost ICT solutions (Version-1.0) for Disaster track and manage the fund disbursement work-flow.
Management have been developed using Open This is being effectively used under BRGF program to
Source Technologies using PHP with MySQL as begin with.
backend database. Basic modules of Alert Messaging
System, Resource Analysis & Relief Needs and System Parliament
Administration tools module have been completed
and are operational. LAN and Video Conferencing Redesigning of website of the Lok Sabha and Rajya

facilities have been made operational at National Sabha, Implementation of Document Management

Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Bhawan. The System (DMIS), windows desktop Gadget for

training imparted in handling the VC and other ICT Rajya Sabha website, web based Personnel and

infrastructure. Establishment, web based publishing system for

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Legislative Business, Daily business, committee Sanction and expenditure for all the Lok Sabha/ Rajya
Reports , Uploading of Secretariat Organization chart Sabha members.
and section-wise chart etc. are some of the activities
undertaken during the year. Prisons

Personnel and Administrative Reforms The Prisons Management System (PMS) application
software, customized for Tihar Prisons, has been
CCA module was incorporated in Central Staffing replicated at 26 districts jails of Jharkand and 10
Scheme (CSS) Processing System. Generated average central Jails of Rajasthan. The Closed Circuit TV facility
tenure of IAS officers posted as DM for each District, was made functional at the Tihar Prisons Complex and
each State and National average. NIC implemented Rohini District Jail using the OFC with 258 cameras.
Comprehensive DDO Payroll package, Online The Visitor Management System (VMS) developed for
Stationery Management System, Online Computer Tihar Prisons.
Complaints System, GPF / Festival Advances System,
On-Line submission of training proposal, e-service Rural Development
book, e-HRAdm-leave and computer based cadre
NREGASoft is one of the key activities which support
allocation of IAS officers, etc. The Pensioners Portal,
the various processes involved in the implementation
a Mission Mode Project under NeGP, and Centralised
of NREG Scheme at grass root level. Web based
Pension Grievances Redress & Monitoring system Integrated Monitoring Information System (IMIS) for
(CPENGRAMS) have been enriched based on the
Drinking Water Supply & Sanitation facilitates efficient
feedback from the concerned stakeholders.
monitoring by states and district level functionaries.

Pension and Pensioners Welfare Total Sanitation Component (TSC) manages the
information related with sanitation conditions Gram
PARAS software has been updated to incorporate Panchayat wise. Workflow system for application and
the changes due to sixth pay commission process management for Nirmal Gram Puruskar was
88 recommendations and implemented. A project report developed. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension
on e-Pension (Comprehensive Electronic Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) MIS has been initiated to address
System) has been prepared. the planning and monitoring needs of old Age
pension scheme. Some of the other major activities
Planning Commission
carried out include Portal for Below Poverty Level
Central Plan Monitoring Information System - CPLAN- survey, Management of Water Sources-Habitation
MIS, a web-based Monitoring Information System wise database, providing consultancy, hosting,
has been developed for online update of Annual Plan implementation support to rural connectivity for
discussion of Central Sector and Centrally Sponsored Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) project,
Schemes for 2008-09 and for the Eleventh Five Year providing consultancy to National Institute of Rural

Plan. Desktop Executive Video Conferencing System Development (NIRD) and Council for Advancement of
People’s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART).
(EVCS) provided at locations including Yojana
Bhavan, Chief Secretaries/ Administrators of States/
Social Justice and Empowerment
Union territories. The inaugural and valedictory
address sessions of all National Development Council The Website of the Ministry has been redesigned
meetings chaired by Prime Minister to discuss and to include information on Constitutional Provisions,
finalize the Agriculture, Education sector were web- Legislations, National Policies, Audio and Video
caste. MIS for Yojana Prashashan , National Schemes clippings of popular schemes, etc. The web based
(CS & CSS) for Annual Plan 2005-06, 2006-07 and monitoring system for release of assistance to the
2007-08, Flagship Programs including Bharat Nirman, disabled persons and NGO Grant-in-Aid monitoring
State Finance, National Human Development Report, system has been made operational.
2008 have been developed.
Shipping, Road Transport & Highways
Programme Implementation and Statistics
Networking facilities were upgraded and ICT support
The Member of Parliament Local Area Development was provided at 22 Regional offices of the Roads
Scheme (MPLADS) and Central Project Monitoring wing, Directorate of Road Transport and Highways.
System was regularly updated and enhanced with Developed and implemented project monitoring
on-line Monthly Progress Reporting system for fund system for monitoring various ongoing roads &

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highways projects. Offices of Directorate General Gateway with 2mbps leased line and 20 mbps RF
of Shipping located at Mumbai have been rendered backup (full duplex). Web based scheme monitoring
advisory support for managing and outsourcing the IT information system, & utilisation certificates monitoring
induction functions. for States Grant Division, implementation of File
Tracking System (FTS) & CompDDO software were
Urban Development some of the activities undertaken during the year.

For Ministry of Urban Development and its

Water Resources Informatics
organizations, Website and MIS for the Jawaharlal
Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, File Tracking Data Processing software for 4th Minor Irrigation
System (FTS) in the Secretariat and new version of Census Project has been implemented in all the states/
Central Public Works Department (CPWD) have been
Union territories and progress monitored through a
developed and launched.
web based application. A brainstorming session was
Science and Technology organized at NIC Hqrs. for development of National
Water Portal and also to identify the database at
NIC computerised National Survey on Science and grassroots level. Various E-Governance applications
Technology relating to Research and Development such as Very Important Person (VIP) references
(R&D) Resources i.e. manpower, expenditure, monitoring system, Recording & Reviewing of files
patents sealed, etc available with the scientific for weeding, File Tracking System, Composite Payroll
institutes/laboratories/ industries etc. The survey is
System, e-Granthalaya, Court Cases Monitoring
being conducted online and is in the final stage of
System and Vacancy Monitoring System have been
completion. NIC has also computerised International
implemented. ICT support is extended to National
Travel Support Scheme (Partial Finance Assistance
Projects Construction Corporation.
Application) in which financial assistance towards
travel cost for participation in various conferences is
Women and Child Development (WCD)
considered by DST.
The status on Non Government Organization (NGO) 89
Tourism Grant-in-Aid application which includes NGO directory

Video Conferencing facility was established in Ministry of 4000 records and other details was inaugurated.
of Tourism at Transport Bhawan, New Delhi. Leased Loan Operations Management System for Rashtriya
Circuit has been set up between C1- Hutment office Mahila Kosh and MIS for monitoring of adoption of
of the Ministry and NIC head office. Executive Video children continued to be operational. Portal for Missing
Conferencing at Secretary Office is made operational. and recovery children has been implemented across
System study was undertaken for financial assistance in West Bengal in all Police Stations, Juvenile Homes
the areas of large revenue generating projects, product etc. Online chat with experts/doctors on women and
development and capacity building programs. child issues has been launched.

Transport Youth Affairs and Sports

Computerization of Regional Transport offices (RTO) MIS project for Panchayat Youth Krida Khel Abhiyan,
and District Transport Offices (DTO) was undertaken. the flagship program for creation of infrastructure at
SARATHI and VAHAN are important packages village level for preparing sports talent to take part in
developed in this domain for management of Driving competitions has been undertaken. Other projects like
Licenses and Vehicle Registration. Roll out of these e-Gov, File tracking system, COMPDDO, MIS package
products being undertaken at the state level. Innovative for tracking and monitoring of grants release to National
solution with the Smart Card as a front-end product Sports federations have been implemented
has been implemented for issuing the driving licenses
and registration certificates by developing Smart Card NIC services to States and Union Territories
Operating System for transport Application (SCOSTA)
indigenously with the help of IIT, Kanpur. Enforcement Andhra Pradesh
modules of these products help tracking vehicles/
A web based grievance redresses system (Prajavani)
driving Licenses.
through citizen interface kiosk has been customized for
Tribal Affairs district administration and implemented in 11 districts
of AP with SMS support. Photo and thumb impression
Established 24 nodes LAN at the Ministry in August security (integrated with CARD software) has been
Kranti Bhawan with WAN connectivity through NICNET implemented in all 432 offices. Web based pattadar

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passbook interface for bankers implemented in Land computerized monitoring of disbursement of benefits,
Records. Services like Birth & Deaths registrations, accounting and management. Software Implemented
House tax and Trade licenses are being extended in for national level projects include Agricultural Census,
about 370 Gram Panchayats. For Rural Development, CIPA, CONFONET, District courts, IDSP, Immigration,
Habitation status, Asset management, Proposal & National portal, NREGA, PAO 2000, Compact for
Estimate preparation and works monitoring modules Accounts, Transport sector packages of SARATHI and
of water soft have been enhanced and implemented. VAHAN, National Horticulture Mission (NHM)
A decentralized planning tool for PRI has been
implemented. For Civil Supplies, Field support is being Arunachal Pradesh
extended for permanent Designated Photo Location
centres in the state for issuing of IRIS based ration cards. Jan Suvidha – A single window facilitation system for
In Agriculture & Animal husbandry - AGMARKNET providing various certificates like PRC, Schedule Tribe
, DACNET, NHM, NFSM, Karshak Mithra, Disha, Certificate, Identity card, Inner Line Permit etc has
Animal diseases surveillance system etc., information been developed and implemented in 6 Administrative
systems implemented in AP. IDSP SMS based disease offices. Under the Wi-Max Project, 6 districts identified
surveillance, online drug indent e-Hospital modules for implementation of the project and Installation
with registration, MRD investigations etc., developed is underway at 5 districts. Web based Employee
and implemented at important hospitals and PHCs Information System has been developed for the Health
in Andhra Pradesh. For State Police, SMS based Services. Implementation undertaken for CIPA at 21
police stations, IDSP Project in 14 Districts, CONFONET
services like FAST ACT, HOSHIYAAR, vehicle tracing,
in 8 locations, SARATHI and VAHAN operational at
petition and task monitoring are implemented. Support
District Transport Office (DTO) Yupia and Tezu. Some
extended for State & all district for A.P. high court,
of the other activities undertaken are expansion of
CCLA office and comprehensive pension package.
NICNET to sub-divisions, design, development and
E-Governance applications developed for welfare of
hosting of website, update of National Portal etc.
women, child, handicapped persons, senior citizens,

minorities and under privileged. 9.1 mt VSAT Hub fully Assam
operationalised from Hyderabad.
E-Registration Project was inaugurated by the Chief
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Minister in Jorhat District. Transport Project has been
implemented in 4 DTOs including Kamrup, where
Web based Electronic Citizen Services (ECS) has
smart-card-based DL & RC are being issued. WiMAX
been implemented at district collector offices of South
connectivity provided to 10 government offices/
Andaman and Nicobar districts. This received the
institutes in each of 12 districts. Department of Post
Lt. Governor’s Rolling Trophy on E-Gov in 2008 for
offices connected through Leased Lines. Base maps/
“Best use of IT in Departments”. Software for Relief
spatial data are created for six districts with update of
and Rehabilitation for monitoring of construction of
villages and habitations with the help of Directorate of
permanent shelters received the National award of
Assam Survey & Settlement, Guwahati. 11 web sites
DAR&PG, GOI (Silver Medal) in 2008 for “Innovative
designed and launched. Online counting support
usage of Technology in E-Governance”. The Software
provided for Panchayat Elections for Kamrup district
for Online Hotel Accommodation for tourists was
launched for Govt. owned star hotels in Andaman,
Developed and implemented the Teachers Database
with integrated Payment gateway interface with AXIS
project for primary and middle school teachers. 27
bank. e–Tehsil software for delivery of services offered
training programs were conducted which covered a
by Tehsil offices launched at two pilot tehsils, e-BASIC
total of 436 participants.
software of “Billing, Accounting System and Inventory
Control” for Sagarika Emporium, Industries department Bihar
launched, with facilities of bar coding, automatic supply
order, re-order maintenance etc. Software on Jarawa Software development and implementation undertaken
Tribes developed and implemented for the Port Blair for High Court, Patna, District Activity Monitoring,
office of Anthropological Survey of India. Software Rural Development Department website, Municipal
developed undertaken for online registration of dealers Corporations & Municipalities, Chief Ministers Relief
for Central Sales Tax, online filing of monthly and periodic Fund. Rural Informatics Kiosk for 534 Blocks and
returns by dealers, DC (SA) office, online monitoring 38 DRDAs have been set up to deliver G2C service.
of Issue of C & F Forms to dealers, Social Welfare e-Granthalaya was implemented at six institutes
Department with MIS for Beneficiary level tracking including Bihar State Records Directorate, Patna.
across multiple schemes, Work flow automation and PlanPlus workshop organized at Patna. E-Gazette

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developed for Bihar Government Printing press. were conducted. 18 Department of Post Offices (DOPs)
80 websites have been added with inclusion of connected over NICNET with 2 Mbps Leased Line.
multilingual technology. 81 number of Multipoint Video The Public Distribution System project of Chhattisgarh
Conferencing sessions were organized from MCU at has bagged 5 different National/International awards.
NIC. ‘Interactive Classroom’, training was conducted BHUIYAN the Land Records Computerization project,
through Vide-Conferencing facilities. Patwaris are directly updating the data on mutation and
periodically consolidating the data on Tehsil servers.
Chandigarh Software (Bhu-Naksha) for handling GIS based
Khasra map has been developed. GIS application is
Chandigarh State Wide Area Network is fully
also included enabling review of cases over map up
operational with 8 manned PoPs (Point of Presence).
to village level. Web based application for monitoring
Tertiary connectivity also extended thus facilitating
National Leprosy Eradication Program (NLEP).
application and information exchange. e-Sampark,
e-Panjeeyan launched at Bilaspur on pilot basis.
e-Jan Sampark and e-Gram Sampark services initiated.
Property guidelines data for 2008-09 made available
Chandigarh UT has been identified as a pilot for
on web. Vehicle Registration project implementation
Smart Card based Ration Card for Public Distribution
consolidated at RTO, Raipur and rolled out to RTO,
System and work in this area has been initiated. CIPA
Dhamtari. Web based software developed for copying
Application implemented in all the 11 Police stations
section of the High Court. Monitoring software for seed
through Managed Leased Line Network (MLLN).
procurement, schemes of Agriculture Department,
Contents update work carried out for National Portal
and SARATHI Project are under progress.
of India. SARATHI implemented along with a Module
for Learner License Test and SCOSTA compliant Dadra and Nagar Havelli
smart card based licenses are generated with Key
Management System (KMS) to ensure authenticity The NIC Unit continued to provide ICT support to UT

and security. The project VAHAN has been under Administration. Roll out programs were undertaken

implementation. Websites developed for State Legal for Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) for
Health sector, CIPA implementation at a few Police 91
Services Authority, Model Jail and Consumer Court.
Application for Museum, Food License for Health and Stations Corporate Millennium Software at Silvassa.

Cheque Reconciliation for Treasury completed.

Daman and Diu
Chhattisgarh Implemented central projects VAHAN & SARATHI

Software to monitor agriculture department’s fertilizer for Transport, CONFONET, IDSP, CIS, CIPA, etc.
Fisheries Department computerization project is
related activities (AGRIMIS) has been developed and
under implementation. Various website updates for
implemented. Case Information System (CIS) ver. 2.0
Daman, RTO, UT Health Mission etc were undertaken.
implemented in all the district courts and some sub-
Installation and training on EVCS was provided at
courts. Data entry on SeedNet has been completed.
Administrator’s office.
Salary system of state government employees is linked
to treasury software, e-Challan and “Online Question Delhi
Monitoring and Answer Monitoring System” for
monitoring the Vidhan Sabha questions and answers District Information System for Election (DISE)
software implemented successfully. Pensioners has been implemented for Delhi Vidhan Shaba
Grievance system launched enabling pensioners to elections. Counseling for admission to diploma level
lodge the grievances online and find the status. A program (2008-2009) was supported through web
data centre is established with three rack servers for
based system. Delhi Govt. SWAN Connectivity has
running web enabled MIS. Extended support in State
increased to 57 locations with 2 Mbps Leased lines.
Assembly Elections 2008, nearly 300 DSCs have been
issued. Employment Exchange, National Panchayat Provided connectivity with secured and authenticated
Portal, PlanPlus projects are being implemented. broadband (Tri Band-DG) facility (increased to more
Using “Digital Signature Certificate Management than 400 locations) also to MTNL, BSES & NDPL
Information System (DSCMIS)” around 2000 smart for Jeevan Project of Delhi Govt. Public Assets
cards have been issued. Leased Line connectivity Management System, e-Gazette, Conversion of
with 45 Mbps is established between NIC CGSC and conventional measurements (Bigha-Biswa) into Metric
NICHQ. District level connectivity upgraded to 2Mbps. System in Land Records, e-Gazette system have been
MCU (Multipoint Conferencing Unit) has been installed implemented. For Chief Minister’s Office, the project,
in CG State Centre. Over 600 multipoint VC sessions My Delhi I Care Monitoring System has been made

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operational. Bhagidari workshops were conducted Haryana
through VC with various districts. E-Lekha has been
under implementation. Integrated Workflow System for Paperless Admissions
and Mustard Procurement Management System at
Goa Rohtak received Gold and silver Icon National Awards
at 11th NeGov Conference. CSI-Nihilent e-Governance
Digital Signatures have been introduced in the issuance
“Best e-Governed Project”, Excellent Project Award
of Birth, Death Certificates and Record of Right (RoR).
2007-08 at ICEG 2008. Property Registration (HARIS),
The RoR issuance module implemented at all the 13
Land Records (HALRIS) Management System
Mahithi Ghars (CFC). Software for Value Added Tax implemented across the state and got STQC Quality
Management implemented in the 7 Ward Offices and Certification. ICT Based Examination System &
at the Head Office of the Department of Commercial Publication of the Results of Haryana School Education
Taxes, Govt. of Goa. Loans and Advances System has Board received Skoch Challenger Award 2007-08.
been developed and implemented at the Directorate Web Portal of Haryana Tourism with Payment Gateway
of Accounts. Online Financial Information System for Interface got security audit clearance. Haryana
Govt. of Goa implemented to view Receipts/Payments State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) interface for
and Budget position. Extended IT support to 39th G2C services delivery through CSCs (e-DISHA Ekal
International Film Festival of India. Status Information Sewa Kendras). Haryana State Industrial Portal was
System implemented in the High Court of Bombay launched by CM during International Conference “CII
at Goa. District Courts and all the Taluka level Court Partners Summit” at Gurgaon.
complexes were computerized. SMS based Case
IP Addressing Scheme integrating State Wide Area
Status Enquiry Facility implemented at the High Court.
Network (SWAN) and NICNET was implemented.
CONFONET, NREGA, software package for Mines
BPL Household Census Survey finalized. NREGA,
Management at Directorate of Mines & Geology were
Project implemented for all districts and blocks,
implemented. During the Bye-Election software was Software for Integrated monitoring Works and Assets
92 used for nomination filing, Poll staff management, Poll of PWD (Water Supply and Sanitation) COMPWSSA,
team formation, Poll day and Counting day activities. e-Finance.Net, Integrated Workflow System for State
Around 300 State and Central government staff was Annual Budget 2008-2009 preparation, Smart Card
trained on Computer Fundamentals Web sites were Based Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY) for BPL
developed and launched for 11 user departments / Families for 4 districts were implemented successfully.
organizations. IDSP National workshop was organized. The Smart
Card Based Ration Cards (SCbRC) and Targeted
Gujarat Public Distribution System (TPDS) Pilot Project was
approved. Technical Consultancy services, software
The socio economic Survey data is compiled and
customization, implementation support and capacity
a general query system has been developed for
building services provided on continuing basis
dissemination on internet. The land record system
for State & central MMPs and department specific
is fully operational at all blocks. The Registration of
e-Governance Projects. These include State Sector
Documents system is implemented in all 150 sub-
MMPs (Treasuries, Property Registration, Land
registrar offices. The SWAGAT program is extended
Records, Transport, Police, Panchayats, Commercial
up to taluka level. The Pension Authorization
Taxes, Agriculture, Municipalities, Employment,
and Voucher Auditing system for Dept of Post is
e-District), State Specific Addl. MMPs (e-Finance.
developed. Krishimahotsava 2008 monitoring system,
Net, e-Health.Net, Social Welfare Project etc), Other
New Jantry, One Day Governance system, and work
State e-Governance Projects, Central e-Governance
flow application for City Survey Records programs
were implemented. Extended Green Node (XGEN)
is utility based software, developed and operational Himachal Pradesh
for the Gujarat Pollution Control Board. The system to
compile gram sabha reports from village and taluka E-Gazette has been implemented for all departments
is made operational. The web based application for in the state. e-Samadhan a web-based software,
Nerogibaal, VAHAN module used by respective RTOs implemented in many departments. CIPA project
is made operational. The Allopathic Drug Licensing has been implemented in 65 Police Thanas. OLTIS-
application for Food and Drugs Control Administration Treasuries software has been extended to all
has been developed. The lease lines in all NIC districts Treasuries and Sub-Treasuries. The Works MIS (HPIPH
and 46 Post offices have been installed. Software) implemented in 4 divisions. Land Records

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Computerization made online/operational at 101 agriculture marketing boards & data transmitted on
Tehsil Centres. Property (Land Deeds) Registration regular basis.
(HimRis) has been made operational in 81 Tehsils.
Integration of Land Records and Property Registration Jammu & Kashmir
achieved. e-Praman (Certificate Issuance System has
Social Welfare Beneficiary Information System (SWBIS)
been operational in all the tehsils (131) and 31 Sub-
has been implemented in all 22 districts of J&K. The
divisions. e-Governance Centres known as Sugam
Websites of SMSE has been launched. Technical
centres have been set up in additional 48 RLAs.
and s/w development support was provided to ECI /
Double-entry accounting system is implemented in
CEO J&K for J&K State Assembly election. CEO J&K
new blocks. Police Web Portal, HimPOL Web portal
website was launched with transliterated Electoral
developed for police department. National Portal of Rolls in three language Urdu, Hindi and English.
India updated regularly. Shastra (Arms Licensing 133 CIC were made functional. Implementation was
Software), the web-enabled software in two districts, undertaken for VAHAN and SARATHI at 6 locations
Integrated software Pay & Accounts implementation (RTO/ARTO), Computerized Energy Billing System
across the state, HP AG Office G2E interface for GPF/ for Power Development Department at 34 locations,
Pension, e-Budget for Budget Department, Visitor Cashless transaction system of Treasuries at 4
system and Sealed and Restricted Roads Permit locations. Single Window Transaction system, Assets
issuance system, AGMARKNET in 35 locations, Management System and Payroll implemented at
DACNET implementation in CIPM Institute, Solan, were Jammu Municipal Corporation. CIPA implemented at
undertaken and completed successfully. High speed all 23 police stations and curriculum included at Police
Leased Line Connectivity provided for all 12 districts. Academy.

Jharkhand Video Conferencing has been established for the

office of Chief Secretary J&K. The entire 14 NIC District
The state unit received CSI- Nihilent e - Governance
Centres connected with 2Mbps lease line provided
Award 2007-08, best e-Governed Project for Integrated
10 Mbps leased line to NIC District Centre, Srinagar 93
Prison Management, Jharkhand. Prison Management
and 2 Mbps lease line-based network for Post offices
System implemented at all the Jails & sub jails of the
at 20 locations and 18 SSP/DIG/IG of J&K police
state. VC facility between court & jail was established.
from respective NIC districts. 1 terra byte storage
Online VAT made functional in all 28 Circles, Land
established at State Centre, Jammu. Generated
Records (Vasudha) was implemented as a pilot at Assembly segment wise (87) and new districts maps
East Singhbhum, A web based Treasury Information (22) using ARC view on RGI village database.
System (KUBER), SMS alert (TV No. & Date) is given to
the subscribers for GPF/CPS contribution or advance Karnataka
recovery. The Bhavishya Nidhi software implemented
The products, NEMMADI & VATSOFT received National
at the GPF Directorate and all its District offices of
E-Governance awards. NEMMADI has received
the state. The VAHAN and SARATHI software was
the silver icon under the category “outstanding
implemented at all the 18 District, 4 Regional and State
performance in citizen centric service delivery”.
Transport Authority offices. Government websites
The single window system have been implemented
were developed & hosted. iMO project implemented
in 177 talukas of the State through 800 tele-centres
at all the identified post offices, Computerization of
established at the Hoblies (Sub Taluk). Salient features
consumer forums in all the districts, IT supports to the
include Electronic workflow system, Biometric and
passport office at Ranchi CIPA project at 38 police
Digitally signed documents. BHOOMI, Integrated
stations in Ranchi district, NREGA MIS Software in Mutation Process between survey department & land
all the 22 districts were successfully completed. records system deployed in all talukas and records
Computerization of the High court including Daily issued in four talukas. VAT e-filing system has been
/ weekly Cause List are prepared and uploaded on implemented for 500 dealers which enables dealers
the national web site. All the districts of the state to submit the relevant VAT documents electronically.
were connected with 2 MBPS leased line from the e-Tendering for APMC, enables traders to quote their
NIC Data centre and are operated on 24/7 basis. A prices for the agriculture commodities in 15 markets.
LAN based network (98 nodes) with high end servers Permit Management system (PMS) for related
were established at Ranchi CC Court. The Software to administration of transportation of minerals in
of Central excise was implemented & supported at 4 department of Mines & Geology, Postal Accounts
districts. AGMARKNET was implemented at all the Current System (PACS), to capture the government

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transactions with banks from postal units, SARALA Engineering, Medical, and other institutions in Kerala.
LEKKA, accounts management system for Gram Online file tracking system (IDEAS) implemented
Panchayats operational in 20 GPS, High Court- Litigant in 29 Departments and 12 Minister’s offices. Online
Management System in Dharwad and Gulbarga circuit digital file flow system MESSAGE implemented in
benches are a few projects implemented successfully. 5 departments, National Level Joomla capacity
Cause list of circuit benches has been hosted on building was done by NIC Kerala through workshops
website. Digital Library of High Court Judgments at Trivandrum, Pune, Assam and Bangalore. Four
released. Lokayukta, a web based work flow module technology update programs and 208 project based
is launched for provision of Information under PC Act. training programs were conducted during 2008.
Randomization software for randomization of polling Automated web statistics analysis using “awstat” open
personnel, State trend & District Trend applications source tool enabled for data centre monthly statistics
for counting process implemented successfully for report. Collabland has been put on commercial use
state assembly election 2008. Revenue Management in Kerala where FMB Counter was setup at Thycaud
Information System (RMIS) modules have been village and a printout of the ownership data and map
developed by various district offices for Regional was given to citizens using the Ideals - CollabLand
commissioners of Karnataka. suite. Candidate registration, tabulation, processing,
result dissemination, mark list printing was completed
Support provided to National Projects VAHAN &
(Generalized Examination Management System)
financial accounting system for Karnataka Food & civil
for 2008. Integrated ISDP (Survey, Revenue and
Supplies Corporation successfully implemented for
Registration Integration) pilot project implemented at
30 pilot offices. Public Query system implemented for
Thiruvanathapuram. Implemented a system named
Karnataka State Consumer & redressal commission.
EWS- Community based Early Warning System to
Aaraike, a system to keep track of information pertaining
provide location specific alert mechanism in the case
to pregnant lady welfare and child immunization at PHC
of a possible disaster. In EWS registered users will
level for health departments has been implemented at
94 receive alerts in the form of SMS and email on authentic
all PHCs of Dharwad district. SAANTHVANA, a system
disaster information. Realcraft system for issuing
to keep track of all grievances has been developed for
license and registration certificate to the fishing vessel
district office, Dharwad. Department of Cooperation
owners for fishing in Kerala waters implemented for 9
and Yeshasvini-Cooperative Health Insurance scheme
marine districts of Kerala. Dr SMS Project for locating
for members of Cooperatives- access facility to
the health facilities through SMS and portal was
authenticate over 30 Lakh beneficiaries of the scheme
launched. NIC-SAND was implemented in 3 districts
has been extended through NIC web server. Bruhat
of Kerala. SAND is a fully computerized centralized
Bangalore Maganagare Palike (BBMP)-Property
booking mechanism for booking and monitoring
Tax calculation system has been implemented. of river based sand in the district. It is an effort in
Karnataka employment Service Portal-Backlog Data ensuring good governance in resource conservation,
Entry, Data Migration activities were completed and management and sharing. DC*Suite Internet Services
launched in 18 Employment Exchanges in Karnataka. (G2C) of 9 districts launched, DC*Suite Alert /
OFS (Order for Supplies) & Excise Permit System Dashboard developed, DC*Suite Quick Reference
for KSBCL(Karnataka State Beverages Corporation Guide released. Subversion, a free/open-source
Limited), Online processing & issue of Digitally Signed version control system was installed and configured
OFS (Order For Supplies), Online Generation of Excise at NIC Kasaragod for the decentralized development,
Permit by State Excise Department, launched for all version control and release management of DC*Suite
the IML Suppliers in Karnataka. software. FMS 24X7 Helpdesk facility was initiated
during 2008. In Postal Net, 109 of 117 post offices
connected. 127 VC sessions, 55 E-learning sessions
NIC State Centre has received following awards: were conducted. 56 digital certificates were issued.
CSI Nihilant Project awards for MESSAGE - Best
e-Governed Project (Excellent Project), Motor Vehicles
Department Kerala - Best e-Governed, Department The awards won during the year 2008 include Manthan
(Joint Winner), Palakkad - Best e-DISTRICT in Award of DEF for Total Digitization of Employment
Computerization (Winner) and State Award for Kerala Services, CSI-Nihilent Award for Total IT Solutions
- Progressive e-Governance States (Joint Winner). for the electricity department, CSI-Nihilent Award
Online counseling 2008 has been completed for for Medicine, Appliances & Stock Management

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System (EverAlert) of best e-governed project. The extended to 20,000 users. Established Leased Line
DoPAR, GOI has short listed the Total Digitization of based Network for Departments e.g. Forest, Posts,
Employment Services for best e-governance Projects Chief Election Office etc. Video Conferencing Services
Award. Websites developed for Social Welfare & Tribal is being regularly used. 115 websites were hosted.
Affairs Dept., Directorate of Planning & Statistics, Operation & maintenance of IDC infrastructure was
Department of Women & Child Development and carried out. 32 courses for 28 sectors were conducted
Administrative Training Institute. Various projects attended by 900 participants for the year 2008.
implemented include Multi-purpose Citizen Identity
Card, Indira Old Age Pension Scheme, eCourts, Sarva
Shiksha Abayan, NREGA. STM1 Connectivity has been provided in 15 districts
of Maharashtra. MPLS enabled on NICNET. Technical
Manipur support extended for various projects including Project

Infrastructure projects implemented are SWAN, implementation undertaken for State Human Right

WiMax in the Districts, Setting up and running Network Commission, AGMARKNET , CONFONET, VC project
for Jails, Village level land record computerization
Operating Centre (NOC), Setting up of Lease Lines to
for Partur Tehsil of Jalna, maintenance of districts
all the 9 districts and Providing Internet services in all
websites, training programs for Police dept and Govt.
Govt. offices through LAN, MAN (RF & WiMax). The
of Maharashtra Depts., MIS for all departments of
National and State level project undertaken during
State using Status Information Management System.
this period are Personnel Information Systems (
IDSP, Dept. of Post Project (65 Post offices), CIPA
CPIS), VAHAN & SARATHI with Smart Card systems,
Project for 43 Police Stations, NREGS in all districts
Treasury Computerization (TreasuryNet), Land
records ( Loucha Pathap), Registration of Documents and RSBY in 8 BRGF districts were implemented.
(CORD), Employment Exchange, Pension, e-Court Services were provided for issue of Digital Signature
Projects , Energy Billing, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Certificate, creation of Email accounts, VPN accounts,
(SSA), CONFONET, IDSP, Exam Processing System at Videoconference, technical assistance to Govt.
of Maharashtra for setting up of SWAN and SDC. 95
Council of Higher Secondary, Manipur, Monitoring of
Technology Mission Scheme, PMGSY,AGMARKNET , Creation of village level content on Panchayat Portal
Website Development, Video Conferencing , Planplus of Maharashtra Govt. Price Dissemination project for
and Training. display of Commodity price at APMCs in India. PMP
of National Land Record Modernization prepared.
Madhya Pradesh Web services (Web registration, hosting, and security
audit) for the websites of Central and State Govt.
CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Awards 2007-08 was Departments.
received for the project “Computerization of Mantralya
Madhya Pradesh”. Established 3500 Nodes Gigabit Meghalaya
Backbone (Upgradeable to 10 G) based 1000
Mbps Structured & Managed Local Area Network at TreasuryNET (Payment & Compilation modules)
Secretariat, Government of Madhya Pradesh. OFC has been implemented in Shillong District, Shillong
Gigabit backbone connectivity among various HOD South, Jowai & Khliehriat Sub-Treasuries. Regular
buildings including Secretariat was established. 24 uploading of Taxation information to the TINXSYS
x 7 network services were provided Work-flow based server is carried out. Pension Automated System is
Education portal implemented for Rajya Shiksha implemented in Shillong South Treasury. Web based
PHED MIS Software Implemented. VAHAN s/w has
Kendra, Financial Management System for Forest
been implemented in all the District Transport Offices.
Department, and Portal for Directorate of Training. Web-
Backlog data entry of Property Assessment and Tax
based application for Contributory Pension Scheme
on Property (PATP) modules had been underway. The
Accounts, Election Management & Information System
Computerized Electricity Bills have been generated.
(EMIS) for Assembly Election 2008, and Election work
Hospital Management System is implemented at
support in all the Districts in Madhya Pradesh was Ganesh Das Hospital, Shillong, PDS System at East
extended. CIPA project implemented at 191 police Khasi Hills District, Revenue Collection of the Excise
stations. GIS based Application Model for Planning Department, Ri Bhoi District, Computerization of
Electricity distribution to Rural Entities, spatial data exams and Ration Card Management System is under
development for 40 Districts, Digitization of Forest progress. Hardware and software has been procured
maps and s/w development work was completed. for all District Supplies Offices. IT support was provided
NICNET has been extended to around 3000 Nodes to District Administration & CEO’s Office during the
covering various departments. NICNET Mail services Assembly Election 2008 and MP Bye Election 2008. A

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website for NEC has been launched. Project proposal RFS etc. GIS-Based Micro-Level Planning for Ganjam
for the RFID Project for NEC Library was approved. & Nuapada District has been implemented. Online
WiMax installation has been completed in all 7 District Donation to Shree Jagannath Temple using payment
for various state government departments /institutions. gateway. National Manuscripts Mission Project,
Other Central Projects include Various Central Projects e-Soochana, e-RTI for State Information Commission,
such as CIPA/CCTNS, CONFONET, IDSP, City Civil e-GPF for Accountant General, Orissa etc. have been
Court (CCC), AGMARKNET , NREGA, DACNET, implemented. AGMARKNET project has covered 73
AgrisNET, CPAO, NEC, Central Excise, FCI, etc. has regulated markets and Kiosk based system provided
been taken up and implemented. at 28 markets. Twenty-four mission districts are using
National Horticulture Mission Project Web cast lab
Mizoram has been setup at NIC, OSC, Bhubaneswar and web
casting of Rathyatra-2008 was done from this centre.
Mizoram provided ICT support to Election Department
for Randomization of Polling Personnel, EVM, Micro Puducherry
Observers, Counting Personnel, Data management
and processing of election results during the General Implementation of SARATHI, VAHAN, Employment
Election Legislative Assembly Election 2008 held on Exchange portal, Event Management of International
2nd Dec 2008. SRS on AGRISNET Project approved. Yoga Festival, Interactive Kiosk for Karaikal, have been
45 MBPS LL in between Aizawl-Guwahati installed undertaken. CIPA implemented in 38 Police Stations.
and made operational. EVCS was installed for the Web Sites completed for Tourism, Planning and
Chief Secretary. Two day State Level Workshop on Research, Adi-dravidar Welfare, Animal Husbandry
Plan plus conducted at Aizawl. One day Workshop- and Animal Welfare, Forest and Wild Life Welfare,
cum-Training program on the District Level SSA Portal Prisons, Kendriya Vidyalaya, University Campus,
at the NIC Training Hall, Aizawl. Mother Theresa Institute of Health Sciences, Transport,
Higher and Technical Education, District Industries
Nagaland Centre, Women and Child Development

96 NICNET bandwidth has increased to 45 MBPS Punjab

(PGCL) as primary link and 45 mbps (BSNL) for
backup. 2MBPS Lease Line commissioned for five Web-based Off-Campus Counseling for PSBTE
districts. Implementation of Employment Exchange has been implemented for Diploma courses in
Computerization initiated and data for Regional Engineering, in 70 institutes across the state. Software
Employment Exchange, Kohima, Dimapur and development of web based SUWIDHA to integrate
Mokokchung has been ported. Work on Design
with Common Service Centres. Election Software
Document for PHED project, BRGF Plan Plus
developed and implemented in Karnataka, Delhi,
Workshop, implementation of Inner Line Permit (ILP)
Mizoram. Implementation of CIPA completed at
software at Nagaland House and Kolkata, were
successfully completed. Support was extended to 145 police stations, OPA in General Administration,
Assembly election held in March 2008. NREGA MIS AGMARKNET in all APMCs and major market yards
software training conducted for 11 districts. 44 VC Punjab Civil Secretariat, SARYHI, VAHAN and EVCS
meetings were held in the year 2008. installed in Chief Secretary Punjab office. Kisan
Awareness Program sand NREGA workshop was
Orissa conducted. Use of Open Office, Thunder Bird and Fire
Fox was promoted for day to day work. Web based
e-Procurement system has been rolled out with 1943 applications were implemented for Sarv Shiksha
tenders successfully hosted. Rainfall Information Abhiyaan (SSA) and IDSP. 23 Post Offices were
System has been implemented across the state provided network connectivity.
has received e-Governance award by Data Quest.
Land Records computerization implemented at 171 Rajasthan
tehsils. Land Records Web Portal of Orissa hosts
more than 1 crore RORs. A number of systems The BPL census project received best IT
implemented include Orissa Registration Information implementation of the year 2008 award from PC Quest.
System at 19 DSR / SR offices, Water & Sewerage Sub-centre Management System under HEALING
Billing system continuance for Bhubaneswar, CIPA has been developed for monitoring health services.
in 45 Police Stations, SARATHI & VAHAN in all RTO Computerization initiated for central jails with Prison
offices, payment of wages through mobile computing Management System deployed in four central Jails.
through Post offices, Web based Kalyan Mandap Online counseling for admissions to Engineering and
Reservation, Marriage Registration, Birth & Death Management Colleges was taken up. Data Centre for
Registration, Grievance monitoring, DACNET, PDMIS, Rajasthan State Cooperative Bank has been set-up

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under technical supervision of NIC and 13 branches of (TWADNEST)’ project, an Internet / Intranet based
the bank are connected to this. 60 Leased line circuits enterprise class application has been developed and
of 2 Mbps have been extended to the Department made operational at 114 Boards. Open Source based
of Posts. STM1 circuits have been established in software for maintaining the spatial data relating to
12 districts. 45 Mbps link has been commissioned
Land Records, implemented at 18 districts of Tamil
from Hyderabad to Jaipur. Network support services
Nadu. Websites hosted for various departments
have been set up on 24 x 7 basis. CIPA has been
include Prosecution Department, Stationery and
deployed in 217 Police Stations. MIS developed for
Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board and mid day Printing, State Land Use Board, Archaeology, Water
meal program monitoring implemented for all districts. Resources and Rural development.
Touch Screen kiosks installed at district Collectorate
offices with LRC application.
Land Records Information Systems (Jami) has been
rolled out in 5 revenue circles. Implemented Workflow
On-line projects GPF withdrawal and Property based e-PSC solution for Tripura Public Service
registration project “ORCHID” for east district in Commission, Workflow based e-PSC, Employment
Sikkim has been completed. SWAN Project completed Exchange Software, comprehensive MIS solution
which covering about 90 % of the blocks. District on ICDS, database on differently abled persons,
WIMAX project completed for all the feasible Districts RuralSoft@NIC at RD offices, Internal Audit solution
in Sikkim and WIFI connectivity established at the Audit@NIC for Audit Directorate. Tripura SWAN made
District Administrative Centres in Sikkim. A GIS based operational in 29 PoPs during the financial year totaling
Landslide Vulnerability Study is carried out and 49 Operational PoPs in the State.
completed for pilot district.
Uttar Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Many flagship e-Governance projects have been
implemented focusing on improvement of service 97
Tamil Nadu Government website has been given the
National Award for the Best Government Website at delivery to the rural masses. Major activities were
carried out in areas of Infrastructure improvement,
the 11th National e-Governance Conference held at
change management, Government Process Re-
Chandigarh. Tamil version of the Web site has been
engineering & simplifying the delivery channels of
created. e-Procurement system is implemented
Government Services. Undertaken work for UPSWAN,
in Tamil Nadu, Orissa, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh
an 885 node network connecting all the blocks, tehsils
and NICSI. The Open Source based system handles
and districts on an Intranet to serve as the backbone
all the stages in tender process and is PKI enabled. for all e-Governance applications in the State. Some
The system was used for 3032 tenders (approx. of the major projects include e-Scholarship which is
7488 crores). The schemes launched include one of its kind project in the country for electronic
‘Anytime/Anywhere Land Record’ web site, E-filing of disbursement of scholarship and used for more than
Entrepreneur Memorandum, e-Services for Transport 3.5 Crore beneficiaries, ‘e-District’ which became
offices, CIPA implementation at 135 police stations, the first in the country to start this NeGP project in 6
online system for arriving at monthly PDS Allotment districts where complete automation of more than 25
Statements, Work flow based Specimen Analysis Status services has been done for single window delivery
Monitoring and Publishing’ software, Department of to the citizens, VAT computerization, e-Procurement,
Tourism system which allows update of Work Progress Advocate General Office Computerization, Health
details by all Tourist and TTDC offices, Smartcard MIS, VAHAN, SARATHI, NREGA, UPTU Counseling,
based Driving License and Registration Certificate, Koshvani, Bhulekh etc. UPSWAN rollout, e-District
e-Attendance Monitoring System, e-Filing of monthly framework as suggested by the committee,
return by 75,000+ Dealers for Commercial Taxes and e-Prashasan are some of the activities proposed to

incorporates e-Payment through internet banking. be completed by March 2009.

Web based GIS system implemented for two districts,

State Planning Commission with 80 layers of spatial
data from various Departments. An Intranet based The leased line capacity upgraded to 45 Mbps at State
Counseling software developed for the Directorate Unit and 2 Mbps leased line connectivity at 13 NIC-
of Teacher Education Research Training (DTERT). District Centres. SWAN is being implemented in 135
The “TWAD Board Integrated e-Governance System POPs. Work was undertaken in the areas that include

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Treasury Computerization, update of MIS Jal Sansthan/ - Pilot Implementation done for fertilizer Control &
PeyJal-Nigam under Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Management System, Seed Management Information
Water Mission Program, implementation of VAHAN & System, Generation of Soil Health Card, Project
SARATHI applications in 8 locations , Land Records Monitoring System, Information System on Plant
Computerized in all 84 Tehsils and Data is made Protection & Quality Control of Pesticides, CIPA was
available on Internet for Citizens, Computerization implemented in 47 police stations.
of Property-Registration in 6 locations, CONFONET
Turn-Key Projects
Software made operational at State Consumer Forum,
e-Citizen-RTI Requests and Appeals Management NIC has undertaken projects on turnkey basis relating
System implemented in 10 departments, Extended to deployment of infrastructure, networking, analysis,
IT support to Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan up to grass root design and development of application software,
level, Employment Exchanges rolled out in 13 districts. testing, implementation, maintenance/handholding
ICT support was extended in conducting the Urban services. NIC has set up a Project Evaluation

Local Bodies and 3-Tier Panchayat Elections. Online Committee, an in house mechanism to scrutinize the

counseling provided for the admissions in various turnkey projects with reference to NIC commitments,

colleges. Implementation was undertaken for centrally technology proposed, implementation methodology

sponsored projects that include CIPA, NREGA, Plan- and costing. This has streamlined the process of

plus and AGMARKNET . undertaking turnkey projects.

West Bengal Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) Software

rollout at more than 4,000 Police Stations across all the
Detailed Project Report (DPR) as part of Consultancy States/UTs has been completed. For ICT enablement
Assignment was completed for 7 Departments of District & Subordinate courts in the country, 13365
(Commercial Taxes, Labour, etc.) under the Mission Laptops & 12559 Laser Printers were supplied to the
Mode Projects. Online services operational in 7 judges under the e-Courts project. There are 21140
98 Employment Exchanges, data captured for 36 Total Number of Registered Telemarketers, 24 Million
exchanges (26 lakh records) and data hosted for Telephone Numbers Registered in NDNC Registry
20 exchanges (15 lakh records) for the National database. AGMARKNET (Agricultural Marketing

level Employment Exchange Portal. VAHAN and Information Network) spans over 2900 Agricultural
Produce Wholesale Markets spread across the
SARATHI implemented in 7 RTOs. Implementation of
Immigration Control System (ICS) at GEDE Railway
Check post (Indo-Bangladesh Boarder). Advance Some of the major ongoing projects on turn-key basis
Passenger Information System (APIS) developed during 2008-09 have been : AGMARKNET Project,
and implemented at IGI Airport, New Delhi. Kolkata Passport Offices in India, Multipurpose National
Port Trust ( HDC & KDS) & Ennore Port Limited (EPL), Identity Card (MNIC), Central Board of Excise and
Completion of ‘Container Yard Planning & Management Customs (SERMON Project), Urban Development
System’& ‘Scale of Rate Change’ Projects for HDC. Board, Road Transport & Highway (VAHAN Project),
Land Acquisition process automated. NIC is engaged Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA), 7th
as technical consultant & software developer for the AISES NCERT Project, Computerization of Agricultural
flagship mega cadastral map digitization project Census, COURTIS, National ID Card Pilot Project,
of the State for digitizing 66348 mouza map sheets
Multilayer GIS for Planning Commission, Department
of the State. Map management software has been
of Secondary and Higher Education, Advance
developed and implemented to automate the process
Passenger Information System, Establishment of
starting from handing over the map to vendor to its final
Network in Department of Posts, Ministry of External
acceptance. 29766 maps out of 66348 maps (43%)
have been completed. So far 198 offices have been
commissioned with CORD system out of which 140 Open Technology Centre
Offices have been operational during the year and the
remaining shall be completed by March 2009. e-Filing Open Technology Centre (OTC) is a nodal agency for
of VAT & CST return implemented. Pilot Implementation Open Technology aiming to increase the adoption of
with respect to Generation of Passes and Permits has Open Technology (which includes components like
been completed in Excise Directorate, Kolkata South, Open Source Software, Standards, Open Hardware,
Kolkata North and Burdwan West Excise District. In Open Course ware and Open Product Design) in
AGRISNET (Agricultural Information System Network) e-Governance applications.

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Many activities have been undertaken in this area To strengthen the ICT support, NICSI has set up a
which includes Collaborative Mechanisms like Portal, Data Centre in close coordination with NIC to provide
Issue tracking system, Resource Management System, value added services. Data Centre Services include
Project Management System by using open source Server Co-location, Consultancy and Shared Hosting.
tools. Training on Open Source was organized in the Other activities in this domain include Software as a

open source technologies like Postgresql database, Service (like e-procurement), System Integration etc.

Dspace digital repository & archival system, Liferay

NICSI is providing services for number of major
Java Portal, Joomla PHP CMS etc. Data Consolidation ICT e-governance projects undertaken by NIC
between heterogeneous databases for National and the Department. More than 1200 projects are
Register for Transport Department was carried out executed annually. The major projects taken up
by using open source Data Synchronization solution include e-District, SWAN in the states/UTs of Sikkim,
in Delhi and Tamil Nadu. Consultancy provided Tripura, UP, Chandigarh & Delhi, Integrated Disease
for preparation of project proposal for Tamil Nadu Surveillance Project of Health Ministry, Community
Secretariat on issues pertaining to use of Open Information Centre (CIC) in the states of North East
Source Technologies like diskless intelligent thin client, and J&K, e-Governance replication, National Portal
collaborative portal with local language support, of India, Unique ID projects, Computerization of
database, desk top & server operating system etc. OTC High Courts, Integrated Information System for Food
has established Expert Committees on e-Governance grains Management (IISFM) of FCI, e-Procurement,
standards in the areas of Digital Signature, Biometric, Transport Computerization, Counseling for admission
Meta Data & Data Standards, Technology standards
to Engineering/Medical/B.Ed courses, DC * Suite
for interoperability.
project, Kerala, Public Health Engineering Department
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has Computerization, e-Services projects in the state of
been signed with C-DAC for using the BOSS-Linux Tamil Nadu etc.
Operating System for identified e-Governance
NICSI has developed Government e-Procurement 99
projects. Work on the Educational Institute, Industry
(GeP) application using open source tools jointly with
and NIC interaction for induction of Open Technology
NIC. The application takes care of tender publishing,
for Live Issues/Problems involving Research activity
bid submission/opening, evaluation process using
has been initiated. Commercial Support Service
Class II Digital Signature Certificates for enhanced
from Industry for Open Source Tools like Dspace,
security. More than 2000 tenders have been processed
PostgreSQL was initiated. OTC had represented NIC
on-line using web based e-Procurement application by
at BIS (the National Level) in standardization process
NICSI, Orissa, UP, and other Sate Govts. As a strategy
of ISO-29500-ECMA-OOXML; also participated as
Indian Representative at ISO meeting held in Geneva. towards exploring new business opportunities, a

Represented India in the UN/CEFACT Trade standards project named “Re-inventing NICSI” has been initiated
meeting held in Senegal. for business process re-engineering and end-to-
end automation. NICSI also plans to expand in all
National Informatics Centre Services the States.
Incorporated (NICSI)
National Informatics Centre Services Inc. (NICSI) was
NIC has been playing a pioneering role in propagating
set up in 1995 as a section 25 Company under National
Informatics Centre, to provide total IT solutions to the IT-led development facilitating rapid economic growth

Government organizations. It promotes development and social transformation in India. The countrywide
of services, technologies, infrastructure and expertise Hybrid Network, NICNET, consists of Satellite, Wireless
developed by NIC for economical, technological social and Wired networks. The network provides connectivity
and cultural development of India. NICSI encourages across the Nation to various Ministries, Departments,
the development of value added ICT services over State Governments, UT Administrations, all Districts
NICNET. In furtherance of these objectives, NICSI and Blocks in a few states including North East and
has been providing services to organizations in the Jammu & Kashmir. A number of work flow based
Central Government, State Governments and PSUs applications and services like Video Conferencing,
which includes Turnkey Projects, Hardware/Software e-mail, Web Portals, e-learning, Geomatics etc,
Procurement, LAN/WAN/VC/VSAT Setup, and have been deployed in various sectors through
Technical Support. this backbone network infrastructure for making

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the e-governance initiatives operational across the (NSDB) and applications to demonstrate the GIS
country. A brief summary of activities carried out in concepts for e-governance programme.
different areas is summarized.
The capacity building programmes developed by
NICNET deploys state-of-the-art communication NIC cover wide range of technologies related to skill
technologies incorporating VSAT, Terrestrial and RF development, project implementation issues etc.
connectivity. Terrestrial bandwidth to State capitals Training was imparted to 1200 officers within NIC and
over 400 officers under the Government Informatics
enhanced to 45/100 Mbps on OFC from BSNL / PGCIL
Training Programme. NIC training unit at LBSNA
/ RailTel. Dedicated 2 Mbps Leased data circuits are
Academy, Mussorrie had conducted 260 sessions.
made operational at 576 Districts. STM1 on fiber is
An innovative Integrated Enterprise Learning Services
operational for all the States & 285 NIC Districts Centres. (NIC-IELS) have been set up for wider reach to
About 35,000 nodes of Local Area Networks, including participants and extended to NIC State units. The
6500 nodes in NE, are operational. NIC designated consolidated e-Learning Portal has around 100 course
as the implementing agency for National Knowledge modules.
Network (NKN) is one of the major milestone. An outlay
of Rs.100 crores has been allocated during the year Design, development and testing of National level
projects are carried out as per the requirements from
2008-09. As a part of this, a Multi-Gigabit backbone
the Ministries/departments in various sectors. These
has been established by connecting 15 locations.
also include National Mission Mode Projects (MMP).
The 24 x 7 Network operations are facilitated through Some of the major National level projects include
Integrated Network Operation Centre (INOC) at NIC India Portal, Common Integrated Police Application
Hqrs. and State Centres in order to improve the (CIPA), NREGASoft, which supports the various
services. Cyber Security services support formulation processes involved in the implementation of NREG
of network policies. Security systems were put in Scheme at grass root level , Establishment of network
place at the critical network segments using Network at the Posts Offices, e-Courts, Courts Information
100 Firewalls, Intrusion Detection etc. Internet Data Centre System, (COURTIS), IntraGOV Open Architecture,
(IDC), which acts as the hub for storage of information, Land Records computerization, CollabCAD based
was upgraded with restructuring and enhancement of CAD / CAM / CAE Solution to showcase as National
capacity, delivery speed and improved functioning. Knowledge Network application, Office Procedure
Disaster Recovery (DR) centre has been set-up at Automation Package(OPA), Property Registration
Hyderabad with 33 TB capacity and bandwidth of system, Smart Card based applications such as issue
100/155 Mbps with Automatic geographic redundancy of vehicle registration (VAHAN) and driving licenses
of DAMA NMS (Geo-redundancy). National Data (SARATHI), Digital Mapping of six Mega cities,
Centre (NDC) being established at Hyderabad, Pune National Panchayat Portal, Agriculture Marketing
and Bhubaneswar, would also act as DR centre as per Network, AGMARKNET, Consumer Forum Network
SDC scheme of the Department. (CONFONET), Multipurpose National ID Card (MNIC),
Passport Management System, Immigration Control
NIC has extended comprehensive World Wide Web System, e-Procurement etc.
(WWW) services to Central and State Government
Ministries & Departments. Designed, developed NIC is providing ICT support to various Central
& maintained the major Portals like India Image, Ministries and Departments. Local Area Network,
Directory, District portals, Exam Results, Government LAN, has been installed in most of the Bhavans across
Policies and Tenders etc. Over 500 additional portals the Ministries/Departments and connected to NICNET.
were hosted related to various Govt. agencies. Video ICT support is provided through the expert groups set
Conferencing services are extended up to the District up in various sectors include Network restructuring,
level in a few states and were utilized for various maintenance, h/w and s/w specifications, software
administrative activities. The core technologies are development, installation, training and handholding
developed centrally to provide support to various etc. Various services are extended include Mail
ICT groups. National Informatics Centre Certifying Services, Design and application of Web services and
Authority (NICCA) has issued 14,000 DSCs with new Video Conferencing. Executive Video Conferencing
Registration Authorities opened at ECIL & NIC, Orissa System was installed in the office of Secretaries in
and Sub-CA for e-passport, MEA. Executive Virtual all the Ministries and Departments. In addition, some
Classrooms using High Definition VC on NKN network of the other projects includes “Do Not Call Registry”,
has been undertaken. Framework GIS architecture web based centralized counseling for admissions,
has been set up with core National Spatial Database Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, MHRD, Right to Information

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Portal, Integrated Monitoring Information System with 36 jails of Jharkhand and Rajasthan.
collecting habitation level data for Deptt. Of Drinking
Water Supply and Sanitation, Prison Management Turn Key projects are undertaken in a few sectors
System etc. to provide end-to-end solutions for implementation
of requirements. Some ongoing projects on turn-
ICT support has been extended through NIC Unit set key basis are Central Board of Excise and Customs
up at the various State/UT Head Quarters and District (SERMON Project), Computerization of Agricultural
Centres across the Country. Work in respect of roll Census, National ID Card Pilot Project, Multilayer
out of Central and State Mission Mode Projects, work GIS implementation, Advance Passenger Information
flow based applications and expansion of network System etc.
infrastructure was undertaken. The ICT support
extended at State level include web based grievance Main objective of OTC is to promote the Open
redressal system implemented in 11 districts of Technologies and provide solutions to various
AP, Rural Informatics Kiosk for 534 Blocks and 38 programmes. Expert Committees on e-Governance
DRDAs set up in Bihar, PDS project at Chhattisgarh standards are set up for Digital Signature, Biometric,
which has bagged 5 different awards, DISE software Meta Data & Data Standards, Technology standards
which handles functionalities like randomization of for interoperability. Commercial Support Service from
the polling parties & EVM at Delhi, Punjab, Karnataka Industry for Open Source Tools like Dspace, PostgreSQL
etc. In Goa, Digital Signatures have been introduced was also initiated. Collaborative Mechanisms like
in the issuance of Birth, Death Certificates. In HP, Portal, Issue tracking system, Resource Management
e-Praman (Certificate Issuance System) has been System, Project Management System are undertaken
made operational in 131 tehsils and 31 Sub-divisions. by using open source tools.
14 districts in J&K have been provided with minimum
NICSI is providing services for number of major
2 Mbps leased line and 133 CIC has been made
ICT e-governance projects taken by NIC and the
operational. NEMMADI, the single window system
Department. More than 1200 projects were executed.
for delivery of G2C services is implemented in 177 101
The major projects taken up include e-District, SWAN,
talukas of the Karnataka through 800 tele-centres
Integrated Disease Surveillance Project of Health
established at the Sub-Taluk. e-Procurement system,
Ministry, Unique ID project, Computerization of High
developed at Tamil Nadu is implemented in 5 states
Courts, Integrated Information System for Food grains
including Orissa, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh. Jan
Management (IISFM) of FCI, e-Procurement, Transport
Suvidha System for various certificates like PRC, ST
Computerization, Counseling for admission, DC * Suite
Certificate, Identity cards etc. has been implemented in
project from Kerala, e-Services projects in the state of
6 Administrative offices of Arunachal Pradesh. Prisons
Tamil Nadu etc.
Management System software has been replicated at

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Promotional Matters
International Co-operation and Feasibility study on networking for Madagascar
Bilateral Trade President’s Office with other offices and organizations
has been conducted. Feasibility studies for setting
Given due recognition to India’s strength in IT sector, up IT Center and IT Park at Antigua and Barbuda,
several countries in South America, Caribbean region, Armenia, Belarus, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles and
Africa and CIS regions are approaching Indian Turkmenistan have been conducted and submitted to
government for seeking technical assistance in the MEA for their consideration.
102 area of IT infrastructure, networking, capacity building,
Hole-in-the-Wall (HiWEL) project has been
HRD and e-government, etc.
implemented in African countries like Namibia, Zambia
The Development Gateway Foundation funded project and Uganda to enable uneducated rural children in
“ICT Research and Training Centre for Bridging information gathering, knowledge acquisition and
the Digital Divide” has resulted in the development skills development.
of several useful applications and their successful
WTO – GATS Services Negotiations
deployment at several locations in India. IBSA Technical
seminar on e-governance standard and Quality of The services negotiations under the General
Data was organized in October 2008 at New Delhi to Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World
emphasize on the need of standards, specifically in Trade Organization (WTO) are going on. India has
inter-operability, security in e-Governance, managing submitted Request-Offers to the WTO member-
countries and the same are being negotiated with
e-Governance projects, architecture, scalability,
an objective to achieve full liberalization for market
reliability and security of e-Governance solutions.
access and national treatment in all the four modes
Bilateral development cooperation is focused on over of services delivery as defined in the GATS (Mode
25 priority countries in regions like Middle East, Africa, 1 : Cross Border Supply, Mode 2 : Consumption
Abroad, Mode 3 : Commercial Presence and Mode 4
Asia, Latin America, Europe, North America, etc.
: Movement of Natural Persons) by way of removal of
Recently held Working Group meetings with US, EU,
tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, permitting foreign
India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) etc., have seen
direct investment, introducing simple and flexible visa
enhanced participation of ICT industries from both
regime enabling easy movement of professionals
sides. Bilateral cooperation has witnessed enhanced
for rendering various services and bringing in
participation of ICT industries from both sides and
transparency in domestic regulations.
broadly focused in areas like cyber security, global
workforce mobility, research collaboration in the areas The negotiations in all the service sectors are still in
of Free Open Source Software, RFID, New Generation progress. Department of Commerce in the Ministry
Networks, Smart Cards, e-Governance, Telecom of Commerce and Industry is the Chief Negotiator
and Media. from India.

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Support for Conferences/Seminars were received out of which 15 were redressed during
the year.
The Department provides financial support for
organizing conferences / seminars / workshops / Electronics Information and Planning
symposia, etc., at regional / national/international level Journal
in electronics and ICT sector.
The bi-monthly techno-economic journal ‘Electronics
Information and Planning’ published by the Department
During the year about forty six proposals from various
is in its 36th year of publication. The journal has a
organizations like R&D institutions and academia from
all over the country were approved under the scheme. wider readership among the Industry and users. Its

Through these events the latest trends in high tech coverage in all includes aspects of promotion of
areas like Intelligent Systems for Rural Development, Electronics, including technology developments,
Artificial Neural Networks, Scientific Computing in applications, policies and data.
Biomedical Engineering, Smart Materials, Structures
During the year, the journal covered in-depth
and Systems, Nanotechnology and its Applications in
Quantum Computing, Real-time Video Data Analysis analysis reports/articles by professionals, on the
and Processing, Mobile Computing, Performance latest technology, such as, Scoping Study for the
Enhancement on Emerging Parallel Processing Measurement of Trust in the Online Environment done by
Platform, Magnetic Materials and their Applications for OECD, Articles presented in the Seventh International
21st Century, Graph Theory and Application, Image Electronics Recycling Congress- (IERC 2008), Austria,
Processing, Computer Vision, Spoken Language Role of Ontologies in e-Governance, Smart Antenna
Technology, Future Libraries, Advanced GSDL and Technology and its Potential Benefits in Wireless
RFID, Photonics, Nanotechnology, Wireless and Optical Communication Systems, OECD E-Government
Communication, Digitization and Digital Preservation,
Studies- Denmark, etc. To streamline the distribution
Phosphors and Applications, Microwaves, Propagation
and accounting system, a computerized data base for
and Remote Sensing, Cryptology, Intelligence Systems
the subscribers is being maintained. 103
and Controls, Active/Smart Materials, Bioinformatics
of Intracellular Pathogens, Luminescence and its Electronics Industry Information System
Applications etc., were shared by the experts.
Office Automation The data received from Industries pertaining to
production, exports, manufacturers and product
An Intra-DIT Portal for G to G and G to E Services is
already operational in the Department. Now a new directory and other statistics related to electronic

version of Intra-DIT Portal has been designed, which IT industry are being maintained in an information

is more user friendly with added features like Record system, called, ‘LIPS Information System’. A monthly

Management, e-HRAdm-online Leave Application. summary report on Indian Economy and IT-ITeS

The portal already provides services like on-line file Industry is being compiled.

tracking, Project monitoring, Expenditure monitoring,

IT in Parliament
Parliament questions/answer, Knowledge management
(Library, E-magazine, Newspaper/news). All dynamic Information Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2008 was
forms related to Personnel, Store, Finance, ACRs, introduced , passed and considered by the Lok Sabha
Property Return are made available to the Department on 22nd December, 2008 and by the Rajya Sabha on
users at the Intra-DIT portal. Also hosted on the portal 23rd December, 2008. Hon’ble President assented to
is (i) Online Complaint Monitoring System, (ii) On the IT (Amendment) Bill, 2008 on the 5th February 2009.
line IT Performa for all the employees, (iii) E-profile Thereafter, the Information Technology (Amendment)
containing the detailed resume of the employee, (iv) Act, 2008 has been notified in the Gazette of India on
Enhanced EDBS (Electronic Display Board System), 5th February, 2009.
(v) Reports on Utilization certificates and expenditure
monitoring by Project Coordinators and IFD. The Consultative Committee attached with the Ministry
of Communications and Information Technology
Public / Staff Grievances Redress discussed the subject matter on the National
E-governance Project (NeGP).In compliance of
A total of 11 cases relating to staff grievances were directions of Speaker of Lok Sabha and Chairman,
received during the year 2008-09, out of which 6 Rajya Sabha, Hon’ble Minister of Communications and
cases were redressed. A total of 16 public grievances Information Technology made Statement on status of

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Implementation of each recommendation made by prize money for the cash awards as also the quantum
the Standing Committee on IT. The Annual Reports of financial assistance was almost doubled. Entries
of 2007-08 and Audited Accounts of all Societies were invited through nation wide advertisements and
under the Administrative control of the Department the proposals evaluated through eminent experts in
of Information Technology were laid on the Table concerned areas. Three books were selected for the
of both Houses of Parliament during the Winter National Awards for 2008 and prizes awarded. As for
Session, 2008. financial assistance, three proposals were accepted
during the year.
Use of Hindi and Requisit Technology
Development MOUs for bilateral cooperation in the field of Information
Technology were continued to be signed in bilingual
The Second Sub-Committee of the Committee of
form during the year with different countries.
Parliament on Official Language visited 11 offices,
including the Department proper, during the year During the year, four centres of STPI at Lucknow,
for reviewing the progressive use of Hindi and Allahabad, Kanpur & Dehradun, and DOEACC Centre
implementation of OL Act, Rules etc. The other at Aurangabad were notified under Rule 10(4) of
offices include the C-DAC Headquarters at Pune and Official Language Rules, 1976.
its centers at Mumbai & Delhi; NIC Headquarters at
New Delhi and its State unit, at Cochin; ETDC, Goa, Various Subordinate offices of the Department were
ERTL (W), Mumbai, ETDC, Chennai and the STPI visited and discussions held with the officers of such
Headquarters at New Delhi & its centre at Delhi. The offices to review the progressive use of Hindi and
suggestions given by the Sub-Committees are being guide them on implementation of various provisions of
complied with by the respective offices. Compliance OL Act and Rules.
reports of inspections during the previous year in
Hindi books worth over Rs. 59,000/- were purchased
respect of DOEACC Centres at Kolkata, Chandigarh &
for the library.
104 Jammu; C-DAC, Noida and NIC District Unit, Kavaratti
were sent to the Committee. Hindi fortnight was organized and messages from the
Hon’ble Home Minister & Cabinet Secretary together
In order to encourage original writing and ensure
with an appeal from the Secretary, the Department
availability of books on Electronics & Information
were circulated to all officers and staff on Hindi Day
Technology in Hindi, the Department has instituted
i.e. 14th September, 2008. Various competitions were
incentive schemes like financial assistance for writing
also held during the period and prizes awarded.
original books & translation of books and national
awards for the best original books. During the year,

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Appendix I

Electronics & IT Production (Calendar Year) (Rs. crore)

Item 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008*

1. Consumer Electronics 14,850 16,500 17,500 19,500 21,950 25,140

2. Industrial Electronics 5,980 8,300 8,600 10,100 11,530 12,530

3. Computers 6,600 8,680 10,500 12,500 15,100 14,090

4. Communication. & Broadcast Eqpt. 5,150 4,770 6,300 9,200 16,400** 24,180

5. Strategic Electronics 2,670 2,850 3,070 4,500 5,400 6,560

6. Components 7,450 8,700 8,530 8,600 9,420 9,630

Sub-Total 42,700 49,800 54,500 64,400 79,800** 92,130

7. Software for Exports 55,000 75,000 97,000 132,025 158,550 203,330 105

8. Domestic Software 15,500 20,500 27,000 35,150 44,510 54,670

Total 113,200 145,300 178,500 231,575 282,860 350,130

* Estimated

** The high growth in hardware production in 2007 is mainly due to the phenomenal growth of Communication
& Broadcasting Equipment sub-sector.
Appendix II

Electronics & IT Production (Financial Year) (Rs. crore)

Item 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09*

1. Consumer Electronics 15,200 16,800 18,000 20,000 22,600 25,990

2. Industrial Electronics 6,100 8,300 8,800 10,400 11,910 12,740

3. Computers 6,800 8,800 10,800 12,800 15,870 13,490

4. Communication. & Broadcast Eqpt. 5,350 4,800 7,000 9,500 18700** 26,000

5. Strategic Electronics 2,750 3,000 3,200 4,500 5,700 6,840

6. Components 7,600 8,800 8,800 8,800 9,630 9,630

Sub-Total 43,800 50,500 56,600 66,000 84,410** 94,690

106 7. Software for Exports 58,240 80,180 104,100 141,000 164,400 216,300

8. Domestic Software 16,250 21,740 29,600 37,000 47,010 57,230

Total 118,290 152,420 190,300 244,000 295,820 368,220

* Estimated

** The high growth in hardware production in 2007-08 is mainly due to the phenomenal growth of
Communication & Broadcasting Equipment sub-sector.
Appendix III

Electronics & IT Exports (Rs. crore)

Items 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09*

1. Consumer Electronics 825 1,150 2,000 1,500 1,600

2. Industrial Electronics 1,515 1,500 2,300 3,000 3,885

3. Computers 1,440 1,200 1,025 1,500 990

4. Communication & Broadcast Eqpt. 165 350 500 650 625

5. Components 3,755 3,800 3,800 5,850 6,100

Sub-Total 7,700 8,000 9,625 12,500 13,200 19,000

6. Computer Software 58,240 80,180 104,100 141,000 164,400 216,300

Total 65,940 88,180 113,725 153,500 177,600 235,300 107

* Estimated
Appendix IV

Summary of Audit Observations

Para No. CA 3 of 2008 – Avoidable expenditure of Rs. 1.21 crore on hiring of office space.

Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA) under the Department of Information Technology hired office space
from the Sports Authority of India in August 2001. However, in June 2004, CCA vacated the hired premises
and shifted back to Electronics Niketan. CCA incurred avoidable expenditure on rent for Rs. 1.21 crore
towards hiring of space in excess of prescribed norms and further, there was loss of Rs. 44.58 lakh due
to non- removal of fixed installation for which approval of Ministry of Finance to write off the amount is

Action Taken: As advised by Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, necessary action has been taken. Action
Taken Note has been sent to Office of the Principal Director of Audit for vetting.

Appendix V

Department of Information Technology - Annual Plan 2009-10 (Rs. crore)

SCHEMES Budgetary Support *


1 SAMEER 27.50

2 Microelctronics & Nonotechnology Development Programme 35.00

3 Technology Development Council 32.00

4 Convergence, Communications & Strategic Electronics 22.00

5 Components & Material Development Programme 12.50

6 C-DAC 105.00

7 Electronics in Health & Telemedicine 13.33

8 Technology Development for Indian Languages 8.89

9 IT for Masses ( Gender, SC/ST) 8.00

10 Media Lab Asia 1.00

R&D Sub-Total 265.22 109


11 STQC 56.00

12 STPI & EHTP 0.01

13 Digital DNA Park 0.01

14 Electronic Governance 700.00

15 Cyber Security (including CERT-In, IT Act, CCA) 33.00

16 ERNET 0.01

17 Promotion of Electronics/IT Hardware Manufacturing 0.80

Infrastructure Sub-Total 789.83


18 DOEACC 0.44

19 Manpower Development 45.00

20 Facilitation of Setting-up of Integrated Townships 0.11

HRD Sub-Total 45.55


21 Headquarter (Secretariat & Building) 30.40

22 NIC 449.00

23 National Knowledge Network 800.00

Grand Total 2380.00

*Union Budget 2009-10 (Interim)

Appendix VI


(Department of Information Technology including its Attached & Subordinate Offices)

Group/ Permanent / Total SC %age of ST %age of

Class Temporary No. of Total Total
Employees Employees Employees

GROUP A Permanent

(i) Other than lowest 2569 160 6.2 65 2.5

rung of Class – I

(ii) Lowest rung of 416 38 9.1 23 5.5

Class - I


(i) Other than lowest 0 0 - 0 -

110 rung of Class – I

(ii) Lowest rung of Class I 0 0 .. 0 ..

GROUP B Permanent 365 28 7.7 15 4.1

Temporary 16 2 12.5 11 68.8


(Non Gazetted)

Permanent 434 75 17.3 23 5.3

Temporary 180 27 15.0 14 7.8

GROUP C Permanent 606 149 24.6 36 5.9

Temporary 37 6 16.2 1 2.7

GROUP D Permanent 312 148 47.4 22 7.1

(Excl. Sweeper& Farash) Temporary 9 2 22.2 1 11.1

Sweeper Permanent 39 36 92.3 3 7.7

Temporary 0 0 .. 0 ..

Farash Permanent 18 5 27.8 1 5.6

Temporary 2 0 .. 0 ..

TOTAL 5003 676 13.5% 215 4.29%

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