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Revised 09/17/2013
Unit Title: Guided Reading Lesson
Lesson Title: Duration of Lesson (Days): Date: Izzys Move- Level D-HM Fantasy
1 day 12/12/13 Essential Question:
How can I identify and explain differences between story books and informational books?
Design Question Focus of the Lesson (elements from other DQs may be used as support) Introduce New Knowledge (DQ 2) Deepening or Practicing (DQ 3) Generating and Testing Hypothesis (DQ 4) Standard(s): LACC.1.RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details. LACC.1.RL.2.5 Explain major differences between story books and informational book. LACC.1.RF.2.2.a Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken single-syllable words. LACC.1.SL.1.1.a Follow rules for discussion. LACC.1.SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about details in a text read aloud, information presented orally, or through other media. Assessment and Monitoring: Formative Anecdotal Notes Teacher Observations
Summative Student book sort will be completed. Chart created to help them distinguish between story books and informational books.
Learning Goal: (based on Standards) I will be able to identify and explain differences between story books and informational books.
Learning Targets: (write in the scale below) 2.0 Simpler Content: I am able to identify one difference between story books and informational books. 3.0 Target (Objective/Learning Goal): I am able to identify and explain three differences between story books and informational books.
4.0 More Complex: Im a 3! AND I am able to write about three or more differences between story books and informational books. Depth of Knowledge (DOK) required from Standard: Level 1: 2: 3: 4: Question Stems: (as determined by learning targets)
How can I identify story books? How can I identify
Revised 09/17/2013 informational books? How can I explain the differences between story books and informational book?
Vocabulary Words to Know: starts, three, two, watch, five, four, into, over
Labels identify sun, sand, sun hat, Reba, snow hat, Ron, snow shovel, and sand shovel.
Lesson Sequence Monday: Guided reading Look at informational text
Tuesday: Guided reading Focus on story book text
Wednesday: Guided reading Read informational text Make a chart to help us decide between informational text and story book text
I do: The students will read the books that we have read together from earlier in the week to get their brains warmed up. We will review the differences between story books and informational books (see previous list that was created) Introduce the vocabulary for story books and informational books: fiction and nonfiction Discuss what our new book could be-a story book or informational book Build background: Read the title and have them point to Snake, Rabbit, and Iguana on the cover illustration. Encourage them to talk about what each animal is doingWhat is Rabbit holding? What is snake next too? What is Iguana holding? Why do you think they are together? What else is going on in the picture?
We will review reading strategies that good readers use when they are reading.
Introduce the text: Help with unfamiliar language and vocabulary so they can read the text successfully. Point out sentence patterns that are repeated on each page. Point out unfamiliar character names.
We do: Izzy the Iguana is tired of her home and wants to move somewhere else. The other animals want to help Izzy pack. Explain that the pictures in the book have labels (refer to books that have labels and what they do for us) to name the animals, the setting, and what they are holding. 2.) Where do you think Izzy lives by looking at the picture and the labels? 3.) What does Izzy pack in her suit case? What does the Rabbit hand to Izzy? 4.) Continue through the book talking about what the animals offer to Izzy and what she does. Revised 09/17/2013
You do: Students will read book. I will be listening to each student read a page or two and looking for them using those reading strategies that we have been working on if they come to a challenging part.
Responding to the text: Children will share their personal responses to the story. What did they like best in the story or what did they find interesting? Where would you like to live? Somewhere hot or somewhere cold?
The students will then sort the books they have read and determine if they are informational or story books. Books read as a class, books read in guided reading, and books from my library.
Closing: Refer to story book versus informational book chart to remember how we can distinguish between the two.
Assignment 2.0 The students identified one difference between story books and informational books but could not elaborate.
3.0 The students identified three differences between story books and informational books and tried to explain.
4.0 The students identified and explained three differences between story books and informational books and were able to use the fiction/nonfiction vocabulary.
Design Question 6: Establishing Classroom Routines Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom
Addressing Content Design Question 2: Identifying Critical Information Organizing Students to Interact with New Knowledge Previewing New Content Chunking Content into Digestible Bites Processing of New Information Elaborating on New Information Recording and Representing Knowledge Reflecting on Learning
Design Question 3: Reviewing Content Organizing Students to Practice and Deepen Knowledge Using Homework Examining Similarities and Differences Examining Errors in Reasoning Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes Enacted on the Spot Design Question 5: Noticing When Students are Not Engaged Using Academic Games Managing Response Rates Using Physical Movement Maintaining a Lively Pace Demonstrating Intensity and Enthusiasm Using Friendly Controversy Providing Unusual or Intriguing Information Providing Opportunities for Students to Talk about Themselves Presenting Unusual or Intriguing Information
Design Question 7: Demonstrating Withitness Applying Consequences for Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures Acknowledging Adherence to Rules and Procedures Revised 09/17/2013 Revising Knowledge
Design Question 4: Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks Engaging Students in Cognitively Complex Tasks Involving Hypothesis Generation and Testing Providing Resources and Guidance
Design Question 8: Understanding Students Interests and Background Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors that Indicate Affection for Students Displaying Objectivity and Control
Design Question 9: Demonstrating Value and Respect for Low Expectancy Students Asking Questions of Low Expectancy Students Probing Incorrect Answers with Low Expectancy Students
Resources and Materials (include technology):
Book-Izzys Move Story Book/Informational Book Chart previously made Student book Other guided reading books Books from my library
Adaptations for Unique Student Needs: (ELL, Special Education, Gifted, Students who lack support for school)
Visuals Allow students to share ideas or teach a friend Repetition