VoIP Attacks PDF
VoIP Attacks PDF
VoIP Attacks PDF
About Me
ustin . !ramme"" a.k.a. I#ruid $mp"oyed by BreakingPoint Systems, Inc. % http&''(((.bpointsys.com )ounder, Computer Academic Underground % http&''(((.caugh*.org' Co+)ounder, A,A- .Austin ,ackers Association# % http&''(((.austinhackers.org' Contributor, /oIP Security A""iance % http&''(((.0oipsa.com'
Attack C"asses
% Attack against A0ai"abi"ity % Attack against Integrity % Attack against Con1identia"ity
5otes on Mitigation
61ten there are no c"ear+cut 7so"utions8 to any 0u"nerabi"ity or attack I (i"" re1rain 1rom using the 7iso"ate your /oIP net(ork8 cop+out 7so"ution8 Some mitigation techni*ues suggested do (ork9 In part three, I2"" on"y be discussing&
% !hose that don2t (ork (e"" % !hose that ha0e signi1icant dra(backs % !hose that ha0e signi1icant barriers to imp"ementation
/oIP Basics
/oIP 1or the uninitiated...
/oIP + /oice o0er Internet Protoco" Ca"" + the session aggregate o1 signa"ing and media bet(een endpoints $ndpoint + Point (here a ca"" terminates So1t+phone + /oIP phone imp"emented entire"y in so1t(are ,ard+phone + /oIP phone (ith a physica" presence, a"so sometimes re1erred to as a 7handset8 PS!5 + Pub"ic S(itched !e"ephone 5et(ork, or your traditiona" te"ephony net(orks.
% Rea"+time !rans1er Protoco" .R!P# & ynamic % Secure Rea"+time !rans1er Protoco" .SR!P# & ynamic
% Inter+Asterisk e:change 0.@ .IA:#& U P =>E? .obso"ete# % Inter+Asterisk e:change 0.; .IA:;# & U P B=?F
% R!P + Audio + % R!P + /ideo + ynamic U P ynamic U P
Audio Codecs
o C$3P + B.H Ibps AIPS )ami"y + @E.E Ibps and up i3BC + @= Ibps, ;>ms 1rames ' @E.E Ibps, E>ms 1rames I!U A.C@@ + ?BIbps .a.k.a. a"a( ' u"a(# I!U A.C;; + BH ' =? ' ?B Ibps I!U A.C;E.@ + =.E ' ?.E Ibps, E>ms 1rames I!U A.C;? + @? ' ;B ' E; ' B> Ibps I!U A.C;H + @? Ibps I!U A.C;F + H Ibps, @>ms 1rames 3PC@> + ;.= Ibps Spee4 + ;.@= to BB.; Ibps, )ree 6pen+Source codec http&''(((.0oip+in1o.org'(iki+Codecs
Aenera"iJed Attacks
% Most hard+phones ha0e "imited or underpo(ered hard(are % Protoco"s pro0ide unauthenticated and unauthoriJed 1unctions
% )"ood the de0ice (ith /oIP protoco" packets&
SIP I5/I!$, 6P!I65S Bogus R!P media packets
% % egraded ca"" *ua"ity e0ice crash, ha"t, 1reeJe, or respond poor"y
% Scapy + Aenera" purpose packet too"
% Protect your core net(ork de0ices 1rom e4terna" access % Rate+"imit /oIP tra11ic at points o1 contro"
)"ood Amp"i1ication
% Protoco"s pro0ide unauthenticated 1unctiona"ity % Some protoco"s use a connection"ess transport .U P#
% Spoo1 the source address o1 your packet as originating 1rom your 0ictim % Spread the "o0e around % In0oke 1unctiona"ity that responds (ith more data than the re*uest
% 7Smur18+"ike amp"i1ication 1"ood
)"ood Amp"i1ication
% Scapy + Aenera" purpose packet too"
% 5etSamhain
% 5emesis
% Use a connection oriented transport .!CP# % Authenticate protoco" messages % Rate+"imit net(ork tra11ic
% Protoco" stack imp"ementations are immature ' poor
% Send ma"1ormed messages to a de0ice2s input 0ectors
% Many endpoint de0ices (i"" crash, ha"t, 1reeJe, respond poor"y, or other(ise enter a oS condition % Some core de0ices may beha0e simi"ar"y % /ery e11ecti0e method o1 identi1ying so1t(are bugs
% Su""ey )uJJer http&''(((.1uJJing.org % PR6!6S Suite + SIP, ,!!P, S5MP
% ohr(urm + R!P
% 6ther too"s
% Use open+source so1t+phones and hard+phone 1irm(are % emand resi"ient de0ices 1rom your de0ice 0endor % Ask about and re0ie( your 0endor2s GA processes
% InLect ma"icious signa"ing messages into a signa"ing channe" % Send ne( signa"ing messages to endpoints or ser0ices
% )orced ca"" tear+do(n oS % Media redirection, inLection, or ca"" hiLacking % Registration manipu"ation oS ' hiLack
% InLect spoo1ed ca"" tear+do(n messages into the signa"ing channe" such as&
SIP& BK$ IA:& ,A5AUP .)rame type >4>?, Subc"ass >4>=#
% oS& A ca"" in progress is 1orcib"y c"osed.
% IA:,angup
% ,;;=RegReLect
% $ncrypt the signa"ing channe" % Authenticate e0ery signa"ing message
% 6bser0e a "egitimate endpoint registration % Use obser0ed in1ormation and credentia"s to rep"ace the "egitimate registration % 6bser0e a ca""+setup message
% 5e( ca""s 1or the endpoint are routed to the ma"icious de0ice rather than the "egitimate de0ice
% Registration Remo0er
% Registration Adder
% RedirectPoison
http&''(((.hacking0oip.com'too"s'redirectpoisonN0@[email protected]
% $ncrypt signa"ing tra11ic
Media ,iLacking
% Signa"ing protoco"s are unencrypted and unauthenticated % Signa"ing e4tends to endpoint de0ice
% InLect ma"icious signa"ing messages into a signa"ing channe" % Send ne( signa"ing messages to endpoints or ser0ices
% Media redirection, dup"ication, or termination
Media ,iLacking
% sip+redirectrtp D rtppro4y
% $ncrypt the signa"ing channe" % )i4 protoco"s to authenticate A33 signa"ing messages re"ated to a ca""
Ca""er+I Spoo1ing
% Protoco"s are un+authoriJed and un+0eri1ied end+to+end % $nd+point supp"ied data is not cha""enged % Many automated systems use Ca""er+I in1ormation to authenticate users
% Initiate a ca"" (ith 1a"si1ied Ca""er+I in1ormation
% An attacker may appear to the ca""ed party as someone they are not % An attacker may be erroneous"y authenticated
Ca""er+I Spoo1ing
% Most so1t+phones % Asterisk IPB: % /oIP to PS!5 ser0ice pro0iders that honor user+ supp"ied Ca""er+I in1ormation
http&''(((.ia4.cc' + IA:'SIP /oIP Ser0ice pro0ider http&''(((.spoo1card.com' + Ca""ing+card based http&''(((.te"espoo1.com' + )or 7business8 use http&''(((.1akeca""er.com' + !e4t to /oice 7prank8 messages-
% % on2t honor user+supp"ied Ca""er+I in1ormation on2t trust Ca""er+I in1ormation 1or user authentication
% Set your Ca""er+I to the number you (ant to identi1y % Ca"" yourse"1 so that the path o1 your ca"" routes through the PS!5 % Recei0e the Ca""er+I in1ormation (hich (i"" ha0e the name associated (ith the number
% Phone 5umber to 5ame 3ookup % isc"osure o1 potentia""y un"isted in1ormation
% ,a0e the PS!5 te"ephony pro0ider remo0e the Ca""er+ I name associated (ith your number
% Send ma"1ormed ca"" set+up signa"ing to a de0ice
% e0ice si"ent"y ans(er the incoming ca"" % Audio 1rom the de0ice2s en0ironment may be ea0esdropped
% A11ected 0endors need to patch their protoco" stacks % e0ices (ith a0ai"ab"e patches need to be updated
irectory $numeration
% Protoco"s pro0ide unauthenticated 1unctiona"ity % Protoco"s respond di11erent"y to 0a"id 0s. in0a"id usernames % Protoco"s are unencrypted on the (ire
% Acti0e& Send specia""y cra1ted protoco" messages (hich e"icit a te""ing response 1rom the ser0er % Passi0e& Oatch net(ork tra11ic 1or de0ice registration messages
% /a"id usernames are disc"osed % Usernames may be used in a more targeted attack such as pass+phrase cracking.
SIP';.> B>B 5ot )ound
irectory $numeration
% SIPCrack + Sni11s tra11ic 1or 0a"id usernames and then attempts to crack their pass(ords
% enumIA: + Uses IA: R$AR$G messages against Asterisk http&''(((.tippingpoint.com'security'materia"s'enumia4+>.Ba.tar.gJ % SIPSCA5 + Uses SIP 6P!I65S, I5/I!$, and R$AIS!$R messages against SIP ser0ers
% $ncrypt signa"ing to pre0ent passi0e enumeration % )i4 protoco"s that respond di11erent"y to 0a"id 0s. in0a"id username registrations.
Media InLection
% Media channe" packets are unauthenticated and unencrypted
% InLect ne( media into an acti0e media channe" % Rep"ace media in an acti0e media channe"
% Modi1ication o1 media % Rep"acement o1 media % e"etion o1 media
AdLust se*uence numbers o1 inLected packets so that they (i"" arri0e 7be1ore8 "egitimate packet Send a(ay-
Media InLection
% R!PInsertSound
http&''(((.hacking0oip.com'too"s'rtpinsertsoundN0E.>.tar.g J
% R!PMi4Sound
% R!PInLect .AUI#
% Authenticate or 0eri1y recei0ed media packets % $ncrypt the media channe"
Co0ert Communication
% Media channe" packets are unauthenticated and unencrypted
% Manipu"ate an acti0e media channe" and embed co0ert communication data % $4tract co0ert communication data 1rom an acti0e media channe"
% Send co0ert data using someone e"se2s ca"" media % Recei0e co0ert data embedded into someone e"se2s ca"" media
Co0ert Communication
% SteganR!P
% /o;IP
5o "onger a0ai"ab"e
% Authenticate or 0eri1y media packets % $ncrypt the media channe" .some protection#
% 6bser0e ' Record the media packets % Reconstruct the pay"oad into an easi"y p"ayab"e media 1i"e
% Ca""s are not pri0ate-
R!P $a0esdropping
R!P $a0esdropping
R!P $a0esdropping
% $therpeek /:
% $ncrypt the media channe"
isc"osure& In1rastructure
% Most hard+phones use )!P or !)!P (hen booting % )!P is an insecure protoco" % !)!P is an e0en more insecure protoco"
% % % % % )!P& 6bser0e the de0ice2s "ogin credentia"s !)!P& Auess or obser0e 1i"enames Arab the con1iguration 1i"e and 1irm(are 1rom the ser0er 6r Lust reconstruct the 1irm(are ' con1iguration 1i"e 1rom obser0ation isc"osure o1 sensiti0e in1ormation such as&
Usernames ' Pass(ords Ca"" Ser0er, Aate(ay, Registration Ser0er, etc. A0ai"ab"e /oIP ser0ices
% $therea" ' Oireshark %
isc"osure& In1rastructure
educti0e Reasoning
Cisco phones ha0e MAC based 1i"enames&
% % % % C!3S$PReth.addrS.t"0 S$PReth.addrS.cn1.4m" SIPReth.addrS.cn1 MACReth.addrS.cn1
% on Tt use !)!P- )!P is better, but sti"" not secure... % Use non+de1au"t 1i"enames
% Point a bro(ser at the de0ice on port H> % S5MP+(a"k the de0ice % Attach a remote /:Oorks debugger
% isc"osure o1 sensiti0e in1ormation such as&
Usernames ' Pass(ords Ca"" Ser0er, Aate(ay, Registration Ser0er, etc. A0ai"ab"e /oIP ser0ices e0ice interna"s
% /:Oorks debugger .A B#
% % isab"e de0ice admin ports "ike ,!!P and S5MP isab"e remote debugging ports
% $mbed :SS code into a signa"ing message % Send cra1ted message to target de0ice % Oait 1or user to disp"ay "ogs'message 0ia the de0ice2s (eb inter1ace
% Cross+Site+Scripting code e4ecution % Potentia" tra0ersa" o1 trust boundaries
% % on2t use de0ice (eb management inter1aces emand more secure protoco" stacks 1rom your de0ice 0endors
/endor+Speci1ic Attacks
/endor+Speci1ic Attacks
% InLect a RS! packet into the signa"ing channe"
% !he IP phone per1orms a 1u"" reboot % Ser0ice is una0ai"ab"e (hi"e doing so
% !he de0ice shou"d re+estab"ish the session rather than per1orming a 1u"" de0ice reboot. % ."ike (hen you prompt a RS! 0ia an ICMP destination'protoco" unreachab"e .!ype E, Code ;# attack against the CCM .BI &@;@EB##
/endor+Speci1ic Attacks
isc"osure& >F';;'>?
% !e"net to the phone on port ;E % Authenticate (ith username 7@8, pass(ord 7@8
% e0ice con1iguration disc"osure % Authentication credentia"s disc"osure % oS 0ia memory corruption, disk 1ormat'corruption
/endor Response
% 5oti1ied >F'@='>? by Uachary McAre(, no response. % 5oti1ied >F';?'>? by myse"1, no response.
% Issue the 7td t!e"netd8 command (ithin the /:O orks conso"e % Update the 1irm(are
5o updated 1irm(are a0ai"ab"e Re*uires proprietary USB cab"e that you can on"y get 1rom )iOin !hey apparent"y don2t se"" it-
% 5e( protoco"&
Use open+source so1t+phones ' 1irm(are Un1ortunate"y, most open+source so1t+ phones a"so ha0e poor protoco" stacks
% But at "east you can&
Audit the code Report prob"ems to the maintainers