02-20-2014 She Unnames Them and Lamb To The Slaughter
02-20-2014 She Unnames Them and Lamb To The Slaughter
02-20-2014 She Unnames Them and Lamb To The Slaughter
The Judeo-Christian origin story of Adam and Eve (the Christian God created Adam and then formed Eve from his rib). Adam was given the task to name everything, including Eve.
The Takeaway
What is the takeaway tone (authors intended emotional reaction)? In what way is this story advocating a balance in power, both in terms of gender dynamics and in terms of identity?
a cartoon; a misrepresentation; a distortion of reality
Caricature = one-dimensional One aspect is exaggerated for a specific effect One feature is emphasized and other features are sacrificed.
Non-Sardonic Caricatures
What are common caricatures you have seen in pop culture? Why is it easy for people or accept and internalize caricatures? What makes them so appealing?
Why is it necessary to point out when a character is actually a caricature?