Omnibus Iiib Great Depression Webquest
Omnibus Iiib Great Depression Webquest
Omnibus Iiib Great Depression Webquest
Introduction There are many different ways to analyze the Great Depression. In this WebQuest you will use four different analytical perspectives: social, cultural, political, and economic. This will broaden your nowled!e of this historical event, which affected millions of people. The Process and Resources In this WebQuest, you will e"plore four analytical perspectives of the Great Depression: social, political, economical, and cultural. #ou will familiarize yourself with the topic by usin! the lin s provided under each cate!ory. Follow these steps to get the most out of the Quest: $. % im &hapter ', familiarize yourself with the !eneral information in these sections. This will provide an overview of the Great Depression, before you be!in studyin! various perspectives. (isit the timeline lin s to see the )bi! picture*. +. &omplete each !raphic or!anizer that corresponds with its perspective usin! the lin s provided. ,e sure to provide support -specific information. from the lin s on your !raphic or!anizers. /. &hoose your assessment format and become the e"pert0 Background 1se the followin! lin s to learn about the bac !round or )bi! picture* of the Great Depression. ,efore you be!in your wor , you should visit the followin! websites. This will introduce you to the different perspectives. 2oo at the timelines to !et a sense of important events and presidential administrations precedin! the crisis. &hoose ' events between $3+3 and $3/+ and ' events between $3// and $34$. 5rint6&reate + timeline !raphic or!anizers. 1se the websites and your te"tboo . 7 &hronolo!y of the 8ew Deal 7 Timeline of The Great Depression 7 The Great Depression to WWII Great Depression Perspectives (isit the lin s for each perspective and fill in the correspondin! !raphic or!anizer. Economic Questions $. 2ist the economic causes of the Great Depression9 +. What was the ma:or economic cause of the Great Depression9 /. Did all economic reforms help the Great Depression9 7 ;conomic &auses of the Great Depression
7 Did the 8ew Deal 5rolon! the Depression9 7 Why did the %toc <ar et &rash9 ocia! Questions $. What was the social atmosphere durin! the Great Depression9 +. =ow were children affected by the Depression9 /. =ow were the farmers affected by the Depression and the devastatin! dustbowls9 4. =ow were ethnic6racial !roups affected by the Depression9 >. =ow did different social classes cope with the effects of the Depression9 7 Was the Great Depression felt by all ?mericans9 7 2abor 1nions Durin! The Great Depression 7 2ivin! @arm =istory 7 Aace Aelations in the $3/Bs 7 ?merican Aeactions to the Great Depression 7 Aidin! the Aails 7 2etters to <rs. Aoosevelt Po!itica! Questions $. &ompare and contrast =oover and @DACs responses to the Great Depression usin! WORDLE +. Which pro!rams of the 8ew Deal were the most successful9 /. Was the 8ew Deal a success or failure9 7 @DADs @ireside &hats 7 %uccesses and @ailures of the 8ew Deal 7 =erbert =ooverDs %peeches 7 2isten to @DACs %peeches 7 WEAD2; "u!tura! Questions $. What was the purpose of implementin! ?rts durin! the Depression9 +. What did the radio and newspaper e"plain about the era9 /. Did entertainment serve the same purpose and remain a prominent part of ?merican culture in the $3/Bs as it did in the $3+Bs9 7 @ilm durin! the $3/Bs 7 The $3/Bs in 5rint 7 ?rt and ;ntertainment durin! the $3/Bs 7 Aadio durin! the $3/Bs 7 The Great Depression and the ?rts ###$IBRAR% A"TI&IT%### Pick two audio recordings to listen to while in the library. Be sure that you can answer the following questions about each audio recording. Use your graphic organizer to fill in the details. 1. What perspective does this audio recording detail?
. !ow do you know? ". What clues does it provide about the #reat $epression fro% that point of view? &'tuds (erkel) *ecordings fro% !ard (i%es
tep '( "onc!usions 8ow you can see that there are many ways to approach studyin! the Great Depression. ItDs useful to !ain different perspectives for understandin! a topic as broad or comple" as the Great Depression: when you only now part of the picture, you only now part of the picture. 8ow you now a little more about the ways the Great Depression affected people in the 1nited %tates. 2oo over your !raphic or!anizersF can you answer all the Guestions in each section with the information you !athered9 @or your assessment on this chapter you will have two choices: $. Ta e a standard test on the material covered +. &hoose a perspective and write a narrative that describes the affects of the Great Depression within that uniGue view. Describe who, what, when, where, why, how of this era as it relates to that perspective. a. Typed, double spaced, $+ font, $* mar!ins, + pa!es b. %pellchec ed, proof read, e"hibits flow and continuity