Activity Intolerance

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Subjective Medyo nanghihina ako, as stated by the patient. Objective Facial expression looks weak.

ctivity intolerance related to sedentary li!estyle as "ani!ested by weakness.


)denti!y patient*s needs versus desires. ssess e"otional& psycho logic !actors a!!ecting the current situations. +lans care with rest periods between activities to reduce weakness. +rovide positive at"osphere, while acknowledging di!!iculty to the situation !or the patient to "ini"i,e !rustration and rechannel energy. +lan !or progressive increase o! activity level as patient tolerates. $ive patient in!or"ation that provides evidence o! daily weekly progress to sustain "otivation.

!ter % hours o! nursing intervention the patient were able to participate willingly in necessary& desired activities. !ter ( days o! nursing intervention the patient was able to de"onstrate behaviors that will help her to decrease activity intolerance.

!ter % hours o! nursing intervention the patient will participate willingly in necessary& desired activities. !ter ( days o! nursing intervention the patient will de"onstrate behaviors that will help her to decrease activity intolerance.


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