Since June 1933 All Federal Reserve Notes and Federal Reserve Notes Are Without Authority of Law Public Notice
Since June 1933 All Federal Reserve Notes and Federal Reserve Notes Are Without Authority of Law Public Notice
Since June 1933 All Federal Reserve Notes and Federal Reserve Notes Are Without Authority of Law Public Notice
are Wit out Aut orit! o" #a$% &ublic Notice In section 1 o" 'JR(19) a ver! im*ortant sentence states+ An! suc *rovision contained in an! la$ aut ori,ing obligations to be issued b! or under t e aut orit! o" t e -nited States. is ereb! re*ealed% t is is most signi"icant/ under Section 10 o" t e Federal Reserve Act 1see belo$2 t e Federal reserve notes issued under t at section $ere e3*ressl! said to be obligations o" t e -nited States4 Since June o" 1933 t e aut orit! to issue t ose section 10 Federal reserve notes $as re*ealed5 Resulting in A## Federal Reserve notes and Federal reserve notes are $it out aut orit! o" la$4 6Severe &enalties6 Since 1933 7esignation 8" 69mergenc!6 #egal 'olida! For Members 8" Federal Reserve S!stem. National :an;ing Associations W ereas de"ined *ursuant to: 1) -S< = 9> ( 9mergenc! #imitations And Restrictions 8n :usiness 8" Members 8" Federal Reserve S!stem+ 7esignation 8" #egal 'olida! For National :an;ing Associations+ e3ce*tions+ State% de"ined: <urrent t roug &ub4 #4 113(30 1See &ublic #a$s "or t e current <ongress2 1a2 In order to *rovide "or t e sa"er and more e""ective o*eration o" t e National :an;ing S!stem and t e Federal Reserve S!stem. to *reserve "or t e *eo*le t e "ull bene"its o" t e currenc! *rovided "or b! t e <ongress t roug t e National :an;ing S!stem and t e Federal Reserve S!stem. and to relieve interstate commerce o" t e burdens and obstructions resulting "rom t e recei*t on an unsound or unsa"e basis o" de*osits sub?ect to $it dra$al b! c ec;. during suc emergenc! *eriod as t e &resident o" t e -nited States b! *roclamation ma! *rescribe. no member ban; o" t e Federal Reserve S!stem s all transact an! ban;ing business e3ce*t to suc e3tent and sub?ect to suc regulations. limitations and restrictions as ma! be *rescribed b! t e Secretar! o" t e @reasur!. $it t e a**roval o" t e &resident4 Any individual, partnership, corporation, or association, or any director, officer or employee thereof, violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or, if a natural person, may, in addition to such fine, be imprisoned for a term not exceeding ten years. Each day that any such violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense. See: tt*:AA$$$4scribd4comAdocA191B1C3)1A<ommon(#a$(@rust(9mergenc!( #imitations(and(Restrictions(on(:usiness(o"(Members(o"(Federal(Reserve(S!stem(7e"ined(&ublic(Notice( &ublic(Record Also See: tt*:AA$$$4scribd4comAdocA1D9>CBE03A<ommon(#a$(@rust(:an;('olida!(o"(1933(7e"ined( &ublic(Notice(&ublic(Record In t eor! t e Federal Reserve Act o" 1913 1< a*ter 0. 3B Stat )>12 $as su**osedl! intended to *rovide a s!stem o" u* to a ma3imum o" t$elve reserve ban;s as an ad?unct to t e *reviousl! e3isting but FInde*endent National :an;sG $ ic $ere ban;s o" issue4 @ e various Federal reserve ban;s $ere organi,ed and created b! t e *re(e3isting FNational :an;s in a reserve district as t e stoc; olders o" t e Federal reserve ban; $as to act as a reserve ban; "or t e member ban;s in eac district and as suc t ere $as no need "or t e Federal reserve ban;s to be ban;s o" issue4 :ut under section 1B o" t e Federal Reserve Act 13B Stat4. )0B. )092 t e various Federal reserve ban;s could issue circulating notes o" t e same tenor and under nearl! identical terms and conditions as t e circulating notes o" t e FInde*endent National :an;s4G W ereas de"ined *ursuant to+ Section 104 Note Issues. Issuance o" Federal Reserve notes+ nature o" obligation+ $ ere redeemable: Federal reserve notes. to be issued at t e discretion o" t e :oard o" Hovernors o" t e Federal Reserve S!stem "or t e *ur*ose o" ma;ing advances to Federal reserve ban;s t roug t e Federal reserve agents as ereina"ter set "ort and "or no ot er *ur*ose. are ereb! aut ori,ed4 @ e said notes s all be obligations o" t e -nited States and s all be receivable b! all national and member ban;s and Federal reserve ban;s and "or all ta3es. customs. and ot er *ublic dues4 @ e! s all be redeemed in la$"ul mone! on demand at t e @reasur! 7e*artment o" t e -nited States. in t e cit! o" Was ington. 7istrict o" <olumbia. or at an! Federal Reserve ban;4 I1) -S< C114 As amended b! act o" Jan4 3E. 193C 1CB Stat4 33D24 For redem*tion o" Federal reserve notes $ ose ban; o" issue cannot be identi"ied. see act o" June 13. 19334J
International Registered Mail Number: 6All coins and currencies o" t e -nited Stated 1including Federal Reserve notes and circulating notes o" t e Federal Reserve ban;s and national ban;ing associations2 ereto"ore or erea"ter coined or issued. s all be legal tender "or all debts. *ublic and *rivate. *ublic c arges. ta3es. duties. and dues. e3ce*t t at gold coins. $ en belo$ t e standard $eig t and limit o" tolerance *rovided b! la$ "or t e single *iece. s all be legal tender onl! at valuation in *ro*ortion to t eir actual $eig t4K A**roved. June >. 1933. C:CE *4m4 31 -4S4<4A4 C0). C03 'ouse Joint Resolution 19). D3d <ongress. Sess4 I. < 4 CB. June >. 1933 1&ublic #a$ No4 1E2 See+ "or all debts. *ublic and *rivate4% I" !ou loo; at a recent Federal Reserve note 1series o" )EE32 !ou $ill "ind t ose e3act same $ords *rinted on t e "ace4 From t at it is suggested !ou can ;no$ it is a ca*ital R% t!*e o" Federal Reserve note+ one issued into general circulation $it out aut orit! and "urt er is not and $as not o" legal tender status $ en it $as *ut into circulation4 Most certainl!% all Federal Reserve notes as *resentl! in general circulation are de"ective in t e same t ree *articulars/ namel!: @ ere is no aut orit! "or t em to be in general circulation4 @ e! are not a note at all in t at t ere is no *romise to *a! an!t ing4 In la$ t e! are a "raud4 @ e! are not legal tender and avenGt been since 19B)5 In 19B) <ongress re(codi"ied @itle 31. Mone! and Finance b! $a! o" a statute ;no$n as &4#4 9D()>B. 90 Stat4 BDD4 In t at statute t e legal tender status o" -nited States coins and currencies $as re(assigned. at section >1E3+ 31 -S< = >1E3 ( #egal tender <urrent t roug &ub4 #4 113(314 1See &ublic #a$s "or t e current <ongress42 -nited States coins and currenc! 1including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes o" Federal reserve ban;s and national ban;s2 are legal tender "or all debts. *ublic c arges. ta3es. and dues4 Foreign gold or silver coins are not legal tender "or debts4 @ ere are t$o t ings to be noticed+ namel!: 12 t e ;ind o" Federal reserve notes as s*eci"ied in section >1E3 are t e small FrG ;ind4 <om*are t is $it Section 10 o" t e Federal Reserve Act 1see belo$2 or see t e codi"ication at @itle 1) -4S4<4 section C11+ @itle 1) < a*ter 3 Subc a*ter LII = C11 (( = C11 Issuance to reserve ban;s+ nature o" obligation+ redem*tion <urrent t roug &ub4 #4 113(>04 1See &ublic #a$s "or t e current <ongress42 Federal reserve notes. to be issued at t e discretion o" t e :oard o" Hovernors o" t e Federal Reserve S!stem "or t e *ur*ose o" ma;ing advances to Federal reserve ban;s t roug t e Federal reserve agents as ereina"ter set "ort and "or no ot er *ur*ose. are aut ori,ed4 @ e said notes s all be obligations o" t e -nited States and s all be receivable b! all national and member ban;s and Federal reserve ban;s and "or all ta3es. customs. and ot er *ublic dues4 @ e! s all be redeemed in la$"ul mone! on demand at t e @reasur! 7e*artment o" t e -nited States. in t e cit! o" Was ington. 7istrict o" <olumbia. or at an! Federal Reserve ban;4 17ec4 )3. 1913. c 4 0. = 10. 3B Stat4 )0>+ Jan4 3E. 193C. c 4 0. = )1b2112. CB Stat4 33D+ Aug4 )3. 193>. c 4 01C. = )E31a2. C9 Stat4 DEC42 )2 @ e $ording $ ic s*eci"ies t e e3tent o" t e legal tender status states. legal tender "or all debts4% It does not sa! an!t ing about *ublic and *rivate% or *ublic c arges. ta3es or et cetera4 <om*are $it t e language used in Section ) o" 'JR(19) 1see belo$24 @ e c ange in t e $ording "rom t e old as in 'JR(19) to t e ne$ as in >1E3 is a ma?or clue and *oint o" evidence $ ic distinguis es a Federal Reserve note "rom a Federal reserve note4 8ne needs onl! to read t e legal tender statement as *rinted on t e "act o" a Federal Reserve note to be able to ;no$ t at so(called note% is a "raud4 I" t e legal tender statement sa!s. @ is note is legal tender "or all debts. *ublic and *rivate.% t at so(called note is "raudulent4 And es*eciall! so i" t e note% s o$s a series o" issue date a"ter 19B35 Mou also ;no$ t at t e note% in Nuestion is a Federal Reserve note because it is 8N#M t e notes% issued under t e terms o" 'JR(19) $ ic used t e language o" *ublic and *rivate% in t e legal tender statement4 All o" t ose notes% $ere Federal ca*ital FR% Reserve notes because it is 8N#M t e ca*ital FR% Federal Reserve notes $ ic $ere made a legal tender as *ursuant to 'JR(19)4 @ e statute &4#4 9D()>B $ ic created section >1E3 also contained a lengt ! listing o" la$s and statutes $ ic $ere e3*ressl! re*ealed4 @ e re*eals *rovision is at Section > 190 Stat4 1E0B2. and in t e tabular sc edule !ou $ill "ind > June 1933 near t e bottom o" t e *age 1EDC 190 Stat4 1EDC24 @ e com*lete s*eci"ication o" t at entr! is: > June 1933. < a*4 CB. CB Stat4 11) O 113. and t at *articular la$% is also ;no$n as 'JR(19)5
In ot er $ords. 'JR(19) $as re*ealed in 19B) not ?ust a *ortion o" it. all o" it $as re*ealed5% <oncurrent $it t e re*eal o" 'JR(19) t e legal tender status o" t ose ca*ital FR% Federal Reserve notes $as also re*ealed. t is $as t irt!(t$o !ears ago4 W at t is means t irt!(t$o !ears later4 7uring t e time $ en 'JR(19) su**osedl! $as la$% Americans ad no resort to t e common(la$ remedies $ ic ad been available $ enever t ere ad been a breac o" contract 1obligation2 $ ic reNuired *a!ment in a *articular ;ind o" coin or currenc! 1or ma!be. commodit!24 @ e la$% *ursuant to 'JR(19) set aside or sus*ended% t e common(la$ in regards to *a!ments o" contracts in mone!. or as it mig t be said in anot er $a!. 'JR(19) $as ver! muc a ban;Gs delig t because it e""ectuated a sus*ension o" redem*tion% o" all o" t e outstanding circulating notes as $ell as ne$l! created legal% abilit! to negotiate% c ec;s and ot er mone!. denominated securities $it out aving to *a! out la$"ul mone!. meaning gold or silver coin4 Instead t e ban;s could disc arge t eir "iduciar! dut! b! o""ering t at is tendering% an!t ing t at $as legal tender at t at time4 &lease ta;e note 'JR(19) did not b! e3*ress terms re*eal an! *re(e3isting common(la$ remedies4 At most. it indirectl! sus*ended t e abilit! to use common(la$ remedies "or a $ ile4 @ e $ ile lasted "rom 1933 to 19B) almost >E !ears4 -*on re*eal o" 'JR(19) all% o" t e older common(la$ remedies became available again and t e ban;s could not legall!% evade t eir "iduciar! dut!% to *a! in la$"ul mone!4% :an;s ave continued to avoid t eir dut! 1obligation2 it seems because t e &eo*le% ave not demanded t at ban;s *a! in dollars o" la$"ul mone!% and re"used to acce*t an!t ing less including Federal Reserve notes $ en tendered4 Since 'JR(19) as been re*ealed &eo*le% can re"use to be *aid in an!t ing less t an la$"ul mone!4% 8nce t e &eo*le% re"use to acce*t an!t ing less t an la$"ul mone!% *laces t e ban;s in a most di""icult *osition4 #a$"ull!% t e ban;s must% *a! in la$"ul mone!4% ItGs more li;el! t an not t at t e ban;s donGt ave la$"ul mone!% or ma!be not enoug to "ul"ill !our transaction. $ ic translates to t e ban;s are insolvent. also ;no$n as ban;ru*t5 In section 1 o" 'JR(19) a ver! im*ortant sentence states+ An! suc *rovision contained in an! la$ aut ori,ing obligations to be issued b! or under t e aut orit! o" t e -nited States. is ereb! re*ealed% t is is most signi"icant. under Section 10 o" t e Federal Reserve Act 1see belo$2 t e Federal reserve notes issued under t at section $ere e3*ressl! said to be obligations o" t e -nited States4 Since June o" 1933 t e aut orit! to issue t ose section 10 Federal reserve notes $as re*ealed5 Resulting in A## Federal Reserve notes and Federal reserve notes are $it out aut orit! o" la$4 &lease Note: 6*a!ment o" debt6 is no$ against <ongressional and 6*ublic *olic!6 and ence"ort . 69ver! obligation 4 4 4 S all be disc arged46 As a result o" 'JR 19). and "rom t at da! "or$ard 1June >. 19332. no one in t is nation as been able to la$"ull! *a! a debt or la$"ull! o$n an!t ing4 @ e onl! t ing one can do. is tender in trans"er o" debts. $it t e debt being *er*etual4 @ e sus*ension o" t e gold standard. and *ro ibition against *a!ing debts. removed t e substance "or our common la$ to o*erate on. and created a void as "ar as t e la$ is concerned4 @ is substance $as re*laced $it a 6&-:#I< NA@I8NA# <R97I@ SMS@9M6 $ ere debt is 6#9HA# @9N79R6 mone!4 'JR 19) $as im*lemented immediatel!4 @ e da! a"ter &resident Roosevelt signed t e resolution. t e treasur! o""ered t e *ublic ne$ government securities. minus t e traditional 6*a!able in gold6 clause4 'JR 19) states t at one cannot demand a certain "orm o" currenc! t at t e! $ant to receive i" it is dollar "or dollar4 I" !ou revie$ t e Modern Mone! Mec anics article !ou $ill discover t at all currenc! is !our credit5 @ e Federal Reserve calls it 6moneti,ed debt46 Federal Reserve Act !ecember "#, 1$1#% An Act @o *rovide "or t e establis ment o" Federal reserve ban;s. to "urris an elastic currenc!. to a""ord means o" rediscounting commercial *a*er. to establis a more e""ective su*ervision o" ban;ing in t e -nited States. and "or ot er *ur*oses4 S9<4 )4 As soon as *racticable. t e Secretar! o" t e @reasur!. t e Secretar! o" Agriculture and t e
International Registered Mail Number: <om*troller o" t e <urrenc!. acting as 6@ e Reserve :an; 8rgani,ation <ommittee.6 s all designate not less t an eig t nor more t an t$elve cities to be ;no$n as Federal reserve cities. and s all divide t e continental -nited States. e3cluding Alas;a. into districts. eac district to contain onl! one o" suc Federal reserve cities4444 &rovided. @ at t e districts s all be a**ortioned $it due regard to t e convenience and customar! course o" business and s all not necessaril! be coterminous $it an! State or States4444 Suc districts s all be ;no$n as Federal reserve districts and ma! be designated b! number4444 Said organi,ation committee 4 4. s all su*ervise t e organi,ation in eac o" t e cities designated o" a Federal reserve ban;. $ ic s all include in its title t e name o" t e cit! in $ ic it is situated. as 6 Federal Reserve :an; o" < icago46 -nder regulations to be *rescribed b! t e organi,ation committee. ever! national ban;ing association in t e -nited States is ereb! reNuired. and ever! eligible ban; in t e -nited States and ever! trust com*an! $it in t e 7istrict o" <olumbia. is ereb! aut ori,ed to signi"! in $riting. $it in si3t! da!s a"ter t e *assage o" t is Act. its acce*tance o" t e terms and *rovisions ereo"4 W en t e organi,ation committee s all ave designated t e cities in $ ic Federal reserve ban;s are to be organi,ed. and "i3ed t e geogra* ical limits o" t e Federal reserve districts. ever! national ban;ing association $it in t at district s all be reNuired $it in t irt! da!s a"ter notice "rom t e organi,ation committee. to subscribe to t e ca*ital stoc; o" suc Federal reserve ban; in a sum eNual to si3 *er centum o" t e *aid(u* ca*ital stoc; and sur*lus o" suc ban;4444 An! national ban; "ailing to signi"! its acce*tance o" t e terms o" t is Act $it in t e si3t! da!s a"oresaid. s all cease to act as a reserve agent. u*on t irt! da!sK notice. to be given $it in t e discretion o" t e said organi,ation committee or o" t e Federal Reserve :oard4 S ould an! national ban;ing association in t e -nited States no$ organi,ed "ail $it in one !ear a"ter t e *assage o" t is Act to become a member ban; or "ail to com*l! $it an! o" t e *rovisions o" t is Act a**licable t ereto. all o" t e rig ts. *rivileges. and "ranc ises o" suc association granted to it under t e national(ban; Act. or under t e *rovision o" t is Act. s all be t ereb! "or"eited4444 No individual. co*artners i*. or cor*oration ot er t an a member ban; o" its district s all be *ermitted to subscribe "or or to old at an! time more t an P)E.EEE *ar value o" stoc; in an! Federal reserve ban;4 Suc stoc; s all be ;no$n as *ublic stoc; and ma! be trans"erred on t e boo;s o" t e Federal reserve ban; b! t e c airman o" t e board o" directors o" suc ban;4444 S9<4 34 9ac Federal reserve ban; s all establis branc ban;s $it in t e Federal reserve district in $ ic it is located and ma! do so in t e district o" an! Federal reserve ban; $ ic ma! ave been sus*ended4 S9<4 >4 @ e ca*ital stoc; o" eac Federal reserve ban; s all be divided into s ares o" PI88 eac 4444 S9<4 D4 A"ter all necessar! e3*enses o" a Federal reserve ban; ave been *aid or *rovided "or. t e stoc; olders s all be entitled to receive an annual dividend o" si3 *er centum on t e *aid(in ca*ital stoc;. $ ic dividend s all be cumulative4 A"ter t e a"oresaid dividend claims ave been "ull! met. all t e net earnings s all be *aid to t e -nited States as a "ranc ise ta3. e3ce*t t at one( al" o" suc net earnings s all be *aid into a sur*lus "und until it s all amount to "ort! *er centum o" t e *aid(in ca*ital stoc; o" suc ban;4 @ e net earnings derived b! t e -nited States "rom Federal reserve ban;s s all. in t e discretion o" t e Secretar!. be used to su**lement t e gold reserve eld against outstanding -nited States notes. or s all be a**lied to t e reduction o" t e outstanding bonded indebtedness o" t e -nited States under regulations to be *rescribed b! t e Secretar! o" t e @reasur!4444 S9<4 94 An! ban; incor*orated b! s*ecial la$ o" an! State. or organi,ed under t e general la$s o" an! State or o" t e -nited States. ma! ma;e a**lication to t e reserve ban; organi,ation committee. *ending organi,ation. and t erea"ter to t e Federal Reserve :oard "or t e rig t to subscribe to t e stoc; o" t e Federal reserve ban; organi,ed or to be organi,ed $it in t e Federal reserve district $ ere t e a**licant is
International Registered Mail Number: located4444 S9<4 I84 A Federal Reserve :oard is ereb! created $ ic s all consist o" seven members. including t e Secretar! o" t e @reasur! and t e <om*troller o" t e <urrenc!. $ o s all be members e3 o" "icio. and "ive members a**ointed b! t e &resident o" t e -nited States. b! and $it t e advice and consent o" t e Senate4 In selecting t e "ive a**ointive members o" t e Federal Reserve :oard. not more t an one o" $ om s all be selected "rom an! one Federal reserve district. t e &resident s all ave due regard to a "air re*resentation o" t e di""erent commercial. industrial and geogra* ical divisions o" t e countr!4 @ e "ive members o" t e Federal Reserve :oard a**ointed b! t e &resident and con"irmed as a"oresaid s all devote t eir entire time to t e business o" t e Federal Reserve :oard4444 @ e members o" said board. t e Secretar! o" t e @reasur!. t e Assistant Secretaries o" t e @reasur!. and t e <om*troller o" t e <urrenc! s all be ineligible during t e time t e! are in o""ice and "or t$o !ears t erea"ter to old an! o""ice. *osition. or em*lo!ment in an! member ban;4 8" t e "ive members t us a**ointed b! t e &resident at least t$o s all be *ersons e3*erienced in ban;ing or "inance4 8ne s all be designated b! t e &resident to serve "or t$o. one "or "our. one "or si3. one "or eig t. and one "or ten !ears. and t erea"ter eac member so a**ointed s all serve "or a term o" ten !ears unless sooner removed "or cause b! t e &resident4 8" t e "ive *ersons t us a**ointed. one s all be designated b! t e &resident as governor and one as vice governor o" t e Federal Reserve :oard4 @ e governor o" t e Federal Reserve :oard. sub?ect to its su*ervision. s all be t e active e3ecutive o""icer4444 S9<4 II4 @ e Federal Reserve :oard s all be aut ori,ed and em*o$ered: 1a2 @o e3amine at its discretion t e accounts. boo;s and a""airs o" eac Federal reserve ban; and o" eac member ban; and to reNuire suc statements and re*orts as it ma! deem necessar!4 @ e said board s all *ublis once eac $ee; a statement s o$ing t e condition o" eac Federal reserve ban; and a consolidated statement "or all Federal reserve ban;s4 4 1b2 @o *ermit. or. on t e a""irmative vote o" at least "ive members o" t e Reserve :oard to reNuire Federal reserve ban;s to rediscount t e discounted *a*er o" ot er Federal reserve ban;s at rates o" interest to be "i3ed b! t e Federal Reserve :oard4 1c2 @o sus*end "or a *eriod not e3ceeding t irt! da!s. and "rom time to time to rene$ suc sus*ension "or *eriods not e3ceeding "i"teen da!s. an! reserve reNuirement s*eci"ied in t is Act4444 1e2 @o add to t e number o" cities classi"ied as reserve and central reserve cities under e3isting la$ in $ ic national ban;ing associations are sub?ect to t e reserve reNuirements set "ort in section t$ent! o" t is Act+ or to reclassi"! e3isting reserve and central reserve cities or to terminate t eir designation as suc 4444 1?2 @o e3ercise general su*ervision over said Federal reserve ban;s4 1;2 @o grant b! s*ecial *ermit to national ban;s a**l!ing t ere"or. $ en not in contravention o" State or local la$. t e rig t to act as trustee. e3ecutor. administrator. or registrar o" stoc;s and bonds under suc rules and regulations as t e said board ma! *rescribe4444 S9<4 I)4 @ ere is ereb! created a Federal Advisor! <ouncil. $ ic s all consist o" as man! members as t ere are Federal reserve districts4 9ac Federal reserve ban; b! its board o" directors s all annuall! select "rom its o$n Federal reserve district one member o" said council4444 @ e meetings o" said advisor! council s all be eld at Was ington 4 4 4 at least "our times eac !ear. and o"tener i" called b! t e Federal Reserve :oard4444 @ e Federal Advisor! <ouncil s all ave *o$er. b! itsel" or t roug its o""icers. 112 to con"er directl! $it t e Federal Reserve :oard on general business conditions+ 1)2 to ma;e oral or $ritten re*resentations concerning matters $it in t e ?urisdiction o" said board+ 132 to call "or in"ormation and to ma;e recommendations in regard to discount rates. rediscount business. note issues. reserve conditions in t e
International Registered Mail Number: various districts. t e *urc ase and sale o" gold or securities b! reserve ban;s. o*en(mar;et o*erations b! said ban;s. and t e general a""airs o" t e reserve ban;ing s!stem4 S9<4 I34 An! Federal reserve ban; ma! receive "rom an! o" its member ban;s. and "rom t e -nited States. de*osits o" current "unds in la$"ul mone!. national(ban; notes. Federal reserve notes. or c ec;s and dra"ts u*on solvent member ban;s. *a!able u*on *resentation+ or. solel! "or e3c ange *ur*oses. ma! receive "rom ot er Federal reserve ban;s de*osits o" current "unds in la$"ul mone!. national(ban; notes. or c ec;s and dra"ts u*on solvent member or ot er Federal reserve ban;s. *a!able u*on *resentation4 -*on t e indorsement o" an! o" its member ban;s. $it a $aiver o" demand. notice and *rotest b! suc ban;. an! Federal reserve ban; ma! discount notes. dra"ts. and bills o" e3c ange arising out o" actual commercial transactions+ t at is. notes. dra"ts. and bills o" e3c ange issued or dra$n "or agricultural. industrial. or commercial *ur*oses. or t e *roceeds o" $ ic ave been used. or are to be used. "or suc *ur*oses. t e Federal Reserve :oard to ave t e rig t to determine or de"ine t e c aracter o" t e *a*er t us eligible "or discount. $it in t e meaning o" t is Act4444 An! Federal reserve ban; ma! discount acce*tances $ ic are based on t e im*ortation or e3*ortation o" goods and $ ic ave a maturit! at time o" discount o" not more t an t ree mont s. and indorsed b! at least one member ban;4 @ e amount o" acce*tances so discounted s all at no time e3ceed one( al" t e *aid( u* ca*ital stoc; and sur*lus o" t e ban; "or $ ic t e rediscounts are made4 @ e aggregate o" suc notes and bills bearing t e signature or indorsement o" an! one *erson. com*an!. "irm. or cor*oration rediscounted "or an! one ban; s all at no time e3ceed ten *er centum o" t e unim*aired ca*ital and sur*lus o" said ban;+ but t is restriction s all not a**l! to t e discount o" bills o" e3c ange dra$n in good "ait against actuall! e3isting values44 44 S9<4 IC4 An! Federal reserve ban; ma!. under rules and regulations *rescribed b! t e Federal Reserve :oard. *urc ase and sell in t e o*en mar;et. at ome or abroad. eit er "rom or to domestic or "oreign ban;s. "irms. cor*orations. or individuals. cable trans"ers and ban;ersK acce*tances and bills o" e3c ange o" t e ;inds and maturities b! t is Act made eligible "or rediscount. $it or $it out t e indorsement o" a member ban;4 9ver! Federal reserve ban; s all ave *o$er: 1a2 @o deal in gold coin and bullion at ome or abroad. to ma;e loans t ereon. e3c ange Federal reserve notes "or gold. gold coin. or gold certi"icates. and to contract "or loans o" gold coin or bullion. giving t ere"or. $ en necessar!. acce*table securit!. including t e !*ot ecation o" -nited States bonds or ot er securities $ ic Federal reserve ban;s are aut ori,ed to old+ 1b2 @o bu! and sell. at ome or abroad. bonds and notes o" t e -nited States. and bills. notes. revenue bonds. and $arrants $it a maturit! "rom date o" *urc ase o" not e3ceeding si3 mont s. issued in antici*ation o" t e collection o" ta3es or in antici*ation o" t e recei*t o" assured revenues b! an! State. count!. district. *olitical subdivision. or munici*alit! in t e continental -nited States. including irrigation. drainage and reclamation districts4444 1c2 @o *urc ase "rom member ban;s and to sell. $it or $it out its indorsement. bills o" e3c ange arising out o" commercial transactions. as ereinbe"ore de"ined+ 1d2 @o establis "rom time to time. sub?ect to revie$ and determination o" t e Federal Reserve :oard. rates o" discount to be c arged b! t e Federal reserve ban; "or eac class o" *a*er. $ ic s all be "i3ed $it a vie$ o" accommodating commerce and business+ 1e2 @o establis accounts $it ot er Federal reserve ban;s "or e3c ange *ur*oses and. $it t e consent o" t e Federal Reserve :oard. to o*en and maintain ban;ing accounts in "oreign countries. a**oint corres*ondents. and establis agencies in suc countries $ eresoever it ma! deem best "or t e *ur*ose o" *urc asing. selling. and collecting bills o" e3c ange. and to bu! and sell $it or $it out its indorsement. t roug suc corres*ondents or agencies. bills o" e3c ange arising out o" actual commercial transactions $ ic ave not more t an ninet! da!s to run and $ ic bear t e signature o" t$o or more res*onsible *arties4
International Registered Mail Number: S9<4 1>4 @ e mone!s eld in t e general "und o" t e @reasur!. e3ce*t t e "ive *er centum "und "or t e redem*tion o" outstanding national(ban; notes and t e "unds *rovided in t is Act "or t e redem*tion o" Federal reserve notes ma!. u*on t e direction o" t e Secretar! o" t e @reasur!. be de*osited in Federal reserve ban;s. $ ic ban;s. $ en reNuired b! t e Secretar! o" t e @reasur!. s all act as "iscal agents o" t e -nited States+ and t e revenues o" t e Hovernment or an! *art t ereo" ma! be de*osited in suc ban;s. and disbursements ma! be made b! c ec;s dra$n against suc de*osits4 No *ublic "unds o" t e & ili**ine Islands. or o" t e *ostal savings. or an! Hovernment "unds. s all be de*osited in t e continental -nited States in an! ban; not belonging to t e s!stem establis ed b! t is Act4 4 S9<4 I04 Federal reserve notes. to be issued at t e discretion o" t e Federal Reserve :oard "or t e *ur*ose o" ma;ing advances to Federal reserve ban;s t roug t e Federal reserve agents as ereina"ter set "ort and "or no ot er *ur*ose. are ereb! aut ori,ed4 @ e said notes s all be obligations o" t e -nited States and s all be receivable b! all national and member ban;s and Federal reserve ban;s and "or all ta3es. customs. and ot er *ublic dues @ e! s all be redeemed in gold on demand at t e @reasur! 7e*artment o" t e -nited States. in t e cit! o" Was ington 4 4 4. or in gold or la$"ul mone! at an! Federal reserve ban;4 An! Federal reserve ban; ma! ma;e a**lication to t e local Federal reserve agent "or suc amount o" t e Federal reserve notes ereinbe"ore *rovided "or as it ma! reNuire4 Suc a**lication s all be accom*anied $it a tender to t e local Federal reserve agent o" collateral in amount eNual to t e sum o" t e Federal reserve notes t us a**lied "or and issued *ursuant to suc a**lication4 @ e collateral securit! t us o""ered s all be notes and bills. acce*ted "or rediscount under t e *rovisions o" section t irteen o" t is Act4444 9ver! Federal reserve ban; s all maintain reserves in gold or la$"ul mone! o" not less t an t irt!("ive *er centum against its de*osits and reserves in gold o" not less t an "ort! *er centum against its Federal reserve notes in actual circulation. and not o""set b! gold or la$"ul mone! de*osited $it t e Federal reserve agent4444 S9<4 )C4 An! national ban;ing association not situated in a central reserve cit! ma! ma;e loans secured b! im*roved and unencumbered "arm land. situated $it in its Federal reserve district. but no suc loan s all be made "or a longer time t an "ive !ears. nor "or an amount e3ceeding "i"t! *er centum o" t e actual value o" t e *ro*ert! o""ered as securit!4444 @ e Federal Reserve :oard s all ave *o$er "rom time to time to add to t e list o" cities in $ ic national ban;s s all not be *ermitted to ma;e loans secured u*on real estate in t e manner described in t is section4 S9<4 )>4 An! national ban;ing association *ossessing a ca*ital and sur*lus o" P1.888.888 or more ma! "ile a**lication $it t e Federal Reserve :oard 4 4 4 "or t e *ur*ose o" securing aut orit! to establis branc es in "oreign countries or de*end on agencies o" t e -nited States "or t e "urt erance o" t e "oreign commerce o" t e -nited States. and to act. i" reNuired to do so. as "iscal agents o" t e -nited States4444 @ e Federal Reserve :oard s all ave *o$er to a**rove or to re?ect suc a**lication i". in its ?udgment. t e amount o" ca*ital *ro*osed to be set aside "or t e conduct o" "oreign business is inadeNuate. or i" "or ot er reasons t e granting o" suc a**lication is deemed ine3*edient444 4 Approved, !ecember "#, l$&#, @8 <8-N@9RF9I@ de"ined: criminal la$4 @o ma;e somet ing "alse. in t e semblance o" t at $ ic is true+ it al$a!s im*lies a "raudulent intent4 Qide Qin4 Ab4 4t4 Forger!4 A #a$ 7ictionar! Ada*ted @o @ e <onstitution and #a$s o" t e -nited States o" America and o" t e Several States o" t e American -nion b! Jo n :ouvier Revised Si3t 9dition. 1B>0