Chapter 2

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2.0) DEFINITION , FUNCTIONS AND CONSTRUCTION Before you learn PLC in detail , the things that need to be learned in advance are as follows :

Definition of PLC Background PLC The PLC Types of Construction PLC The advantages of PLC Hardware Design PLC

2.1) DEFINITIONS PLC To your knowledge , PLC is defined by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association of America ( NEMA ) as : - A digitally operating electronic system used in the industrial environments - which can be programmed using the memory for the internal storage of instructions to perform functions such as logic , sequence , timing, counting - mathematical calculations to control a variety of machine or process through the input module and analog or digital output .

2.2) BACKGROUND PLC Among the factors that create the initial design and development of systems can control the aturcarakan are as follows : - Requirements of low cost - The use of intelligently

2.2.1) The Guard is easily controlled The first PLC was designed by a group of engineers in the States General Motors ( GM) - the United States in 1968 when the company find other methods to replace the complicated system relay control . They also have determined that the control system specifications This new must meet the following requirements : = Easily programmed = No need rewiring of the state in the event changes on the program = Smaller, cheaper and high reliability . = The construction simple and cheap penyelenggaraanya . = Cost competitive . 2.3) FUNCTIONS AND TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION PLC 2.3.1) FUNCTION PLC = CONTROL OF FUNCTIONS a) sequence control. Replacement Control Relay logic Convebtional b) Timer / Counters c) Replacement Circuit Board Control Card printed d) Machine and Process Controllers for Control Automatic, SemiAutomatic and Manual

= Advanced control a) Solve Mathematical Operations (+, -, , x) b) managing Information c) Analog control (temperature, pressure etc..) d) Servo Motor Control e) Stepper Motor Control f)control P.I.D (Propotional - Integral - derivation)

= Supervisory Control a) Process display and alarm b) Diagnosis and Fault Display c) Interface to Computer (RS-232C / RS-422) d) Printer Interface / ASCII e) Factory Automation Networks f) Local Area Network (LAN) g) Wide Area Network (WAN) h) Factory Automation (FA), Manufacturing System Flexible (FMS), Integrated Manufacturing Computers (CIM) etc..

2.3.2) TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION PLC Figure 2.3.2 below shows the types of PLC Construction appearing on the market today.

Figure 2.3.2 : Types of construction PLC

2.4) ADVANTAGES PLC The advantages of the PLC is as follows: Duration of the course of a short control projects. Easy to program pengubahsuiaan made. Calculate the cost of the project is right. Requires a short training time. Designing a simple control system is adjusted to use the software.

Extensive control applications. easy maintenance. High Kebolehharapannya. Hardware controller standard. Resistance to environmental problems process (temperature, moisture, voltage instability and noise) is good.


Microprocessors (UPP)

ROM system operation

RAM event and data

unit input

unit output

Bus address

Bus control

Figure 2.5: Design A Basic Microcomputer

2.5) CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT -This unit is the most important unit in the architecture of a PLC. -This unit is located in a circuit chip of microprocessor chips is perfect which controls the overall operation of the process control PLC. -Microprocessor contains arithmetic unit, a control unit and a number of number of units memory known as a registrar. Please refer to figure 2 .5 above. 2.6) UNIT MEMORY Figure 2 .5 above shows the available memory in the design internal PLC. This unit consists of two (2) types of memory:

a) RAM ( RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY ) -RAM is the memory of the read / write and is easy to be programmed and improved. -All user programs are stored in this memory . This program was will be lost when the power is disconnected to it . b) ROM ( READ ONLY MEMORY ) -ROM is a read-only memory types . -The program is stored in the system in the memory . -This program will not be lost when power is removed to it . - Special equipment is used to delete the programs that are in it . 2.7) INPUT AND OUTPUT unit Referring to Figure 2.5 , -The input unit and the output unit is a unit contained in interior design PLC .

-Input Unit is a unitwhere the input devices ( switches , sensors ) connected to it . -The output unit is a unit to turn the output device ( Lamps , motors ) connected to it . 2.8 ) DISPLAY AND INDICATORS unit -The display unit and the indicator refers to the internal relay status display PLC . -This can be seen in the Programming Console if users programming using mnemonic code and computer screen if the user is using the programming software . 2.9) HOUSING UNIT This unit provides protection for the circuit and components components internal PLC . 2:10) PROGRAMMING UNIT

Unit programming of a PLC consists of two devices, namely: Programming Console. Computers. 2:11) SECONDARY STORAGE UNIT This unit is linked to the Central Processing Unit where all program and the information is stored.

2:12 ) VDU (Video Display Unit) UNIT The unit is operating and status information processing system which will in post by PLC.

2:13) POWER UNIT This unit provides power to the Central Processing Unit, Input Unit and Output Unit. 2:14) printers unit This unit is used to print the program a control system controlled by the PLC either graphics or text.

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