Sappress Object Services in Abap
Sappress Object Services in Abap
Sappress Object Services in Abap
Bonn Boston
Preface ....................................................................................................... 9
2.3 2.4
2.5.5 Where-Used List for Inheritance Relationships . ................. 2.6 Summary .....................................................................................
48 49
3.2 3.3
4.4.2 Defining the Filter Condition ............................................. 4.4.3 Defining the Sort Condition . ............................................. 4.4.4 Passing Concrete Values for Query Parameters . ................. 4.5 Comparing the Query Service and Open SQL ............................... 4.6 Handling Newly Created and Changed Objects ............................ 4.7 Summary .....................................................................................
7.2 7.3
8 Integration of the SAP Lock Concept and Object Services ....... 181
8.1 The SAP Lock Concept ................................................................. 8.2 Pessimistic and Optimistic Locking . ............................................. 8.2.1 Lock Mode ........................................................................ 8.2.2 Pessimistic Locking ............................................................ 8.2.3 Optimistic Locking ............................................................ 8.2.4 Using the Two Locking Strategies in an SAP System ........... 8.3 Integration of Optimistic Locking . ............................................... 8.3.1 Setting Optimistic Locks .................................................... 8.3.2 Registering the Check Agent . ............................................ 8.3.3 Converting Optimistic Locks Into Exclusive Locks .............. 8.4 Integration of Pessimistic Locking ................................................ 8.5 Integration of Both Locking Strategies ......................................... 8.6 Summary ..................................................................................... 182 186 186 187 189 191 192 193 197 199 204 205 207
Various options are available for identifying persistent objects that meet certain criteria. This chapter introduces these options, including classic Open SQL and the Object Services Query Service.
The previous chapters described how you can instantiate objects whose keys that is, either their business keys or their instance GUIDs you already know. In real life, however, you often have to instantiate objects whose keys you dont know. This chapter explains how to instantiate all objects that meet certain criteria. Criteria can be, for example, a part of a composed key, specific values or value ranges of attributes, or the class to which the objects belong.
Open SQL statements, which are integrated in ABAP and can be used independently of the database system, enable you to determine the keys of the objects that you want to instantiate. You can thus instantiate all objects that meet specific criteria without having to use other components of Object Services than the ones already introduced. Listing 4.1 follows this approach. A SELECT query in Open SQL first determines the business keys of all flights from the SAP flight data model that take place at the current date and temporarily stores them in an internal table. In a LOOP loop for the internal table of the business keys, the class agent then instantiates the corresponding persistent object in each loop run for a business key using the IF_ OS_CA_PERSISTENCY~GET_PERSISTENT_BY_KEY method. An additional internal table finally stores the references to the instantiated persistent objects.
DATA: rf_ca_sflightTYPEREFTO/iot/ca_sflight, rf_flightTYPEREFTO/iot/cl_sflight,
ta_business_keys_flightsTYPESTANDARDTABLEOF scol_flight_key, ta_rf_flightsTYPESTANDARDTABLEOF REFTO/iot/cl_sflight, wa_business_key_flightTYPEscol_flights_key. rf_ca_sflight=/iot/ca_sflight=>agent. *Determinebusinesskeysofallflightswithtoday'sdate *withanOpenSQLquery SELECTcarridconnidfldate INTOCORRESPONDINGFIELDSOFTABLE ta_business_keys_flights FROMsflight WHEREfldate=sy-datum. *Instantiateforeachbusinesskeythecorresponding *persistentobjectseparately LOOPATta_business_keys_flightsINTOwa_business_key_flight. rf_flight?= rf_ca_sflight->if_os_ca_persistency~get_persistent_by_key( wa_business_key_flight). APPENDrf_flightTOta_rf_flights. ENDLOOP.
Listing 4.1 Instantiating All Flights on the Current Date with Open SQL and the GET_ PERSISTENT_BY_KEY Method
Before Release 7.0 of SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP, the combination of an Open SQL statement and an instantiation that is implemented for each object separately was the only option to instantiate all persistent objects that meet specific criteria. As of Release 7.0, SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP delivers two new alternatives for instantiating multiple persistent objects. Since then, the class agents of persistent classes have provided two new mass instantiation methods. These methods enable you to use one method call to instantiate the persistent objects for multiple already known keys. Even more comprehensive are the innovations that a third newly introduced method in the class agent provides. You pass an object that contains conditions to this method. This object is called a query. The method then instantiates all persistent objects that meet the conditions of the query. You dont have to use Open
Mass Instantiation
SQL statements in your application in this case. The functions for formulating and executing queries are referred to as the Query Service. The Persistence Service, the Transaction Service, and the Query Service constitute the three current Object Services components.
Mass Instantiation
To instantiate persistent objects for multiple already known keys, every class agent contains a method to which you can pass an internal table with business keys or instance GUIDs. Like Listing 4.1, Listing 4.2 instantiates all flights on the current date. The business keys of the persistent objects again are determined by an Open SQL statement. Then, the GET_PERSISTENT_BY_KEY_TAB method from the IF_OS_ CA_PERSISTENCY interface is called. This method tries to load the appropriate persistent object from the database for every transferred business key. The method returns an internal table with references to the instantiated persistent objects. The reference to a persistent object is respectively specified in the result table in the same line that contained the appropriate key in the transferred table.
DATA:rf_ca_sflightTYPEREFTO/iot/ca_sflight, ta_business_keys_flightsTYPESTANDARDTABLEOF scol_flights_key, ta_ro_flightsTYPEosreftab. rf_ca_sflight=/iot/ca_sflight=>agent. *Determinebusinesskeysofallflightswithtoday'sdate *withanOpenSQLquery SELECTcarridconnidfldate INTOCORRESPONDINGFIELDSOFTABLE ta_business_keys_flights FROMsflight WHEREfldate=sy-datum. *Instantiateforeachbusinesskeythecorresponding *persistentobject ta_ro_flights= rf_ca_sflight->if_os_ca_persistency~get_persistent_by_key_tab( ta_business_keys_flights).
Listing 4.2 Instantiating All Flights on the Current Date with Open SQL and the GET_ PERSISTENT_BY_KEY_TAB Method
The GET_PERSISTENT_BY_KEY_TAB method is available in the class agents of all persistent classes for which you have defined a business key in the persistence representation. The transferred internal table can be a standard table or a sorted table. The line type of the table must correspond to the business key structure of the persistent class. In this context, remember that you have to use a structure in which the individual components are sorted by attribute names (see the warning box in Section 2.2.2, IF_OS_CA_PERSISTENCY~GET_PERSISTENT_BY_KEY, of Chapter 2). The return value of the method is of the OSREFTAB type. This is a standard table in which each line contains a reference of the OBJECT type. In case of later accesses to the persistent objects, downcasting is required here. Similar to the GET_PERSISTENT_BY_KEY_TAB method, the class agent contains the GET_PERSISTENT_BY_OID_TAB method, which enables you to instantiate multiple persistent objects via their respective instance GUID. You can use the method in the class agent of persistent classes in whose persistence representation an instance GUID is defined. You pass a standard table or a sorted table with the OS_GUID line type to the method and also receive a result of the OSREFTAB type by this method. The extent to which you can improve the speed, which can be achieved by implementing mass instantiation instead of calling the instantiation of one persistent object respectively several times (see Listing 4.1), depends on the system and the type of the objects used. Considerable speed improvements of more than 50% as well as a runtime behavior that hardly differs in both variants have been observed. As of Support Package 13 for SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.0, however, the process speed of the mass instantiation has in general always been as high as the speed of the separately called instantiation process. In previous releases (due to an error that has been eliminated in the meantime), it was possible that the mass instantiation process, if more than 500 persistent objects were instantiated in parallel, ran slower than the instantiation process that is subsequently called for individual objects several times. The methods for the mass instantiation only raise an exception of the CX_OS_ OBJECT_NOT_FOUND class if they detect an object that is in the DELETED or TRANSIENT management state for a transferred key. In an attribute, the exception object contains the business key or instance GUID of the object for which the exception
was raised. If such an exception occurs, the corresponding method terminates the instantiation of further persistent objects for the transferred keys. If you pass a key for which no object exists in the database to a method for mass instantiation, this doesnt raise an exception as its the case for an instantiation of individual objects. The instantiation of further objects is also not terminated in this case. Instead, the result table contains a null reference in the corresponding line. For example, if you pass a key to the method in the third line of the table, and the method cant find a persistent object for this key in the class agent management or in the database, the result table contains a null reference and not a reference to a persistent object in the third line. Each line of the result table for which you have passed a key of an existing persistent object contains a valid reference.
Besides mass instantiation that enables you to instantiate multiple persistent objects for already known keys, Object Services also provide the option for instantiating all persistent objects whose persistent attributes meet certain conditions. The Query Service helps you formulate a query in which you define a filter condition specifying the conditions that the persistent attributes of the persistent objects are supposed to meet. You can also define a sort condition of a query according to which criteria the system is supposed to sort the persistent objects. There are two options for formulating the filter condition and the sort condition: You can use a syntax that is similar to the WHERE or ORDER BY clauses of an SQL query, and you can define filter and sort conditions using objects. This alternative way of formulating conditions is described in Section 4.4, More Complex Selections Using the Query Service. Listing 4.3 provides an example of how you can implement the determination of all flights on the current date. Here, the flights are determined and instantiated using the Query Service.
DATA:rf_ca_sflightTYPEREFTO/iot/ca_sflight, ri_query_managerTYPEREFTOif_os_query_manager, ri_queryTYPEREFTOif_os_query, ta_ro_flightsTYPEosreftab, v_filterTYPEstring.
rf_ca_sflight=/iot/ca_sflight=>agent. ri_query_manager=cl_os_system=>get_query_manager(). *Formulatefilterconditionandcreatequery CONCATENATE'FLDATE='''sy-datum''''INTOv_filter. ri_query= ri_query_manager->create_query( i_filter=v_filter). *Instantiateallpersistentobjectsthatcorrespondtothe *conditionsofthequery ta_ro_flights= rf_ca_sflight->if_os_ca_persistency~get_persistent_by_query( ri_query).
Listing 4.3 Instantiating All Flights on the Current Date Using the Query Service
Creating a query of the Query Service is similar to creating a transaction of the Transaction Service: The static method of the CL_OS_SYSTEM class (here: GET_QUERY_ MANAGER) provides you with a reference to the Query Manager. The Query Manager provides a method called CREATE_QUERY, which creates a new query and returns a reference to this query. You can pass the filter conditions and sort conditions to the CREATE_QUERY method when creating the query, or you can set them via various methods of the query object after you have created the query (see Section 4.4, More Complex Selections Using the Query Service). When formulating the filter and sort conditions, you have to refer to the names of the persistent attributes respectively. If youve assigned the same names to the persistent attribute in the persistence representation as to the field in the database table, this isnt a potential source of error. However, if youve defined attributes names in the persistence representation that arent identical to the field names in the database table, you have to take extra care to use the attribute names instead of the field names of the underlying database table when formulating the filter and sort criteria. Also, in filter and sort conditions, youre only allowed to use persistent attributes for which you have selected the Public visibility in the persistence representation. After defining the desired filter and sort conditions for the query, call the IF_OS_
CA_PERSISTENCY~GET_PERSISTENT_BY_QUERY method of the class agent of the class
for which you want to instantiate the persistent objects. To this method, you must pass the query object in which you defined the filter and sort conditions.
You can modify the behavior of the IF_OS_CA_PERSISTENCY~GET_PERSISTENT_BY_ QUERY method using the I_UPTO and I_SUBCLASSES parameters:
The I_UPTO parameter enables you to specify how many persistent objects the method is supposed to return as a maximum. This way, you can limit the number of instantiated objects and consequently the applications load time and memory consumption. This is particularly useful if you allow the user to define the filter condition, and numerous persistent objects are available for the persistent class. If the number of persistent objects that meet the filter condition is greater than the value of I_UPTO, the method provides a subset of the persistent objects that meet the filter condition. If youve specified a sort condition, the method provides the first persistent objects sorted according to this condition. If you havent defined a sort condition, you shouldnt make any assumptions of how the Query Service selects the returned subset of objects. If you dont use the I_UPTO parameter or pass the 0 value, the number of returned objects wont be limited. You shouldnt pass negative values to the parameter.
The I_SUBCLASSES parameter is only relevant if subclasses exist for the persistent class and if youve defined a type identifier in the persistence representation. If you pass the abap_true value to this parameter, the method also instantiates the objects of the persistent class, which simultaneously belong to a subclass of the persistent class. If a type identifier does exist, the method has a polymorphic behavior; that is, it will return objects of the subclasses automatically. Attributes that are defined in subclasses are also filled in this case, even if youve called the method in the class agent of the superclass. If the default setting, abap_false, is used and a type identifier is specified, the method only returns persistent objects that belong to the respective persistent class but not to a subclass. If no type identifier is defined, the method cant decide efficiently if an object belongs to a subclass. In this case, it also provides a reference to an object of the persistent class that is managed by the class agent even if the object also belongs to a subclass.
One of the major differences between the three different procedures that enable you to instantiate multiple persistent objects via Object Services lies in the number of required database accesses:
The single instantiation process (refer to Listing 4.1) accesses the database to determine the keys of the persistent objects. Afterwards, the instantiation of each persistent object leads to another database access. For mass instantiation (refer to Listing 4.2), ideally only two database accesses are necessary to instantiate multiple persistent objects: When youve determined the keys of the persistent objects with the first database access, the Persistence Service can often load all requested persistent objects from the database with only one additional database access. If there are numerous keys, its possible that the ABAP runtime environment performs multiple database access and only loads a subset of the requested persistent objects from the database with each access. You can reduce the number of database accesses to a minimum using the Query Service (refer to Listing 4.3). With only one database access, the Query Service passes the filter and sort conditions defined by you to the database system. As a result of this query, the database system returns the persistent attributes for all objects that correspond to this query so that no additional database access are necessary.
Due to the reduced communication requirement between application server and database system, you can further accelerate the instantiation process for persistent objects in many cases if you use the Query Service instead of mass instantiation. For example, the instantiation of 100,000 persistent objects using the Query Service can be twice as fast as with mass instantiation. Here as well, the factor by which the speed differs depends on the system and on the persistent class.
The simple example from Section 4.3, Simple Selections Using the Query Service, illustrated how you can create a query with a plain filter condition using the Query Service. This section now discusses how you can formulate a more complex filter condition consisting of several individual criteria and define the sort condition. Filter conditions also allow you to use query parameters. Query parameters enable you to create a query object with a filter condition once and then execute this query with different values in the individual criteria of the filter condition. For example, you can create a query object in whose filter condition you can define that you want to instantiate flight plans with a specific departure location and a
specific destination location. In the filter condition, you dont specify the concrete airports, but refer to the query parameters first. You can then execute the query created in this way several times and specify through the query parameters which concrete departure location and destination location is supposed to be used for this execution of the query.
Without you having to make further specifications, each query provides three query parameters, which you can use to formulate filter conditions. These are called PAR1, PAR2, and PAR3. If you want to use more than three query parameters in the filter condition or assign meaningful names to the query parameters, you have the following two options:
You pass the I_PARAMETERS importing parameter to the CREATE_QUERY method when creating the query. To do so, you use a string in which the individual names of the query parameters are separated by a blank. Listing 4.4 shows the definition of two query parameters called PAR_AIRPFROM and PAR_AIRPTO. For this way of defining query parameters, case sensitivity isnt relevant. Irrespective of whether you use only lowercase letters or only uppercase letters to write the names of the parameters, the system creates query parameters with names in uppercase letters.
DATA:ri_query_managerTYPEREFTOif_os_query_manager, ri_queryTYPEREFTOif_os_query. ri_query_manager=cl_os_system=>get_query_manager(). *Createa newqueryanddefinethenamesoftheparameters *simultaneously ri_query= ri_query_manager->create_query( i_parameters='PAR_AIRPFROMPAR_AIRPTO').
Listing 4.4 Setting the Parameter Names When Creating a Query
Alternatively, you can define the names of the query parameters using a socalled parameter expression after you have created the query. For this purpose, you can have the query object provide a reference to an expression factory using the GET_EXPR_FACTORY method. The expression factory provides a method called CREATE_PARAMETERS_EXPR, which creates a parameter expression and
returns a reference to the object. You can then successively transfer the names of the query parameters to the APPEND method of the parameter expression with each call of the method. Finally, you pass the complete parameter expression with the names of all query parameters to the SET_PARAMETERS_EXPR method of the query. When creating parameter expressions, case sensitivity is relevant for the names of the query parameters. You should only use uppercase letters for all parameter names to avoid problems during the execution of the query. Like Listing 4.4, Listing 4.5 illustrates the described process by means of two parameters called PAR_AIRPFROM and PAR_AIRPTO.
DATA:ri_query_managerTYPEREFTOif_os_query_manager, ri_queryTYPEREFTOif_os_query, ri_expr_factoryTYPEREFTOif_os_query_expr_factory, ri_parameters_exprTYPEREFTOif_os_query_parameters_expr. *Create anewquery ri_query_manager=cl_os_system=>get_query_manager(). ri_query=ri_query_manager->create_query(). *Getareferencetotheexpressionfactory ri_expr_factory=ri_query->get_expr_factory(). *Createa newparameterexpression ri_parameters_expr=ri_expr_factory->create_parameters_expr(). *Definethenamesoftheparametersintheparameter expression ri_parameters_expr->append('PAR_AIRPFROM'). ri_parameters_expr->append('PAR_AIRPTO'). *Assignparameterexpressiontothequery ri_query->set_parameters_expr(ri_parameters_expr).
Listing 4.5 Setting the Parameter Names Using a Parameter Expression
Defining the parameter names via a parameter expression involves much more effort than defining the names during the creation of the query. Because the expressive power of the two variants is the same, you should always define parameter names during the creation of the query.
The names of the query parameters can consist of the letters A to Z, the numbers 0 to 9, and the underscore. The name must start with a letter. To avoid naming conflicts, the name of a parameter mustnt be identical to the name of an attribute of the persistent class for which you want to instantiate the persistent objects. You can use the defined parameters for the formulation of the filter condition. When executing the query, you then have to specify a value for any parameter that you used in the filter condition.
You specify the filter condition in an SQL-similar syntax when creating the query. You define a so-called filter expression after creating the query.
Defining the Filter Condition During the Creation of the Query When creating a query using the CREATE_QUERY method, you can work with the
I_FILTER parameter to pass a string that contains the filter condition. To formu-
late filter conditions, you can use a subset of the basic language elements, which also enable you to define a WHERE clause in Open SQL. Also, an additional operator is available, which allows for using references to further persistent objects in conditions. The relational operators, = (equal), <> (not equal), < (less than), <= (less than or equal), > (greater than), and >= (greater than or equal), enable you to define which values a persistent attribute may adopt so that the result of the query includes the persistent object. You always have to define the name of a persistent attribute
on the left side of the relational operator, but the right side can be the name of a persistent attribute, the name of a query parameter, or a value in the form of a literal. Literals with all data types, including numbers, always need to be enclosed in single inverted commas (') in the string that contains the filter condition. Listing 4.6 shows three possible filter conditions with relational operators:
v_filter_1 selects all flight plans in which a maximum flight time of 120 minutes is specified. Here, as a literal, the maximum flight time is enclosed in inverted commas. When specifying the filter condition as a string literal in the ABAP source code, you have to use two single inverted commas, respectively, so that the string contains an inverted comma at the appropriate position. v_filter_2 enables you to instantiate all flights that take place on a specific date. For this purpose, you must pass a concrete date value for the default PAR1 query parameter when executing the query. v_filter_3 compares two persistent attributes. You can use this filter condition
to select all flights for which the same number of seats is occupied in the business class and in the first class.
DATA:v_filter_1TYPEstring, v_filter_2TYPEstring, v_filter_3TYPEstring. v_filter_1='FLTIME<=''120'''. v_filter_2='FLDATE=PAR1'. v_filter_3='SEATSOCC_B=SEATSOCC_F'.
Listing 4.6 Filter Conditions with Relational Operators
The LIKE operator enables you to check the value of a persistent attribute against a template. In the template, you can use the underscore (_) if exactly one random character is possible at the corresponding position. If any number of characters can be used here, use the percentage sign (%). You can use the ESCAPE addition to define an escape character. If the selected escape character is used in front of the underscore or the percentage sign, these characters lose their special function. This way, you can express that the actual underscore or percentage sign is required at a specific position also when using the LIKE operator. Listing 4.7 provides examples of the use of the LIKE operator:
v_filter_4 searches for all flight customers with email addresses that contain
the characters "@sap.". The number of additional characters that precede these characters is unlimited, but there can be only two arbitrary characters after these characters.
v_filter_5 searches for all customers with an email address that contains the name Benjamin followed by an underscore. Because the actual underscore sign is needed here and not the meaning of the underscore as a wildcard for any character, the number sign (#) is defined as the escape character. Written one after the other, the number sign escape character and the underscore effect that the query searches the email address for the underscore and doesnt interpret the underscore as a wildcard for any character. DATA:v_filter_4TYPEstring, v_filter_5TYPEstring. v_filter_4='EMAILLIKE''%@sap.__'''. v_filter_5='EMAILLIKE''%Benjamin#_%''ESCAPE''#'''.
Listing 4.7 Filter Conditions with the LIKE Operator
Null values, that is, fields of a database table that have explicitly been defined as empty, usually dont occur if you work with Object Services in a database table. Only if youve created new fields for a database table that already contains data records or if you write to the database table directly with Open SQL and without Object Services, can it happen that a database table contains a null value instead of the respective initial value of the data type. To identify this kind of constellation, you can use the IS NULL operator. In addition to the operators described before, which are also available in Open SQL, you can also work with the EQUALSREF operator in the filter condition of a query when using the Query Service. The EQUALSREF operator enables you to check if a persistent reference refers to the same persistent object as a usual reference to a persistent object in the running application. Before the EQUALSREF operator, you always have to specify the name of a persistent attribute that is defined as a persistent reference in the persistence representation. The name of a parameter must always follow the operator. You can use the logical operators AND and OR to merge two expressions into a new expression. The logical operator NOT enables you to invert the result of the
expression. You can use parentheses to define the sequence in which the system is supposed to evaluate the individual logical operators. In this case, every parenthesis needs to be separated by at least one blank from all other parts of the filter condition. The query, which you can execute with the filter condition from Listing 4.8, instantiates all flight plans in which a departure airport is in Germany and a destination airport is in the United States or in Japan.
DATA:v_filter_6TYPEstring. v_filter_6= 'COUNTRYFROM=''DE''AND'& '(COUNTRYTO=''US''ORCOUNTRYTO=''JP'')'.
Listing 4.8 Filter Condition with Logical Operators
If you define the filter condition when creating the query, case sensitivity isnt relevant. When executing the query, the system automatically converts the names of parameters and attributes as well as the logical operators to uppercase. Case sensitivity is only important for literals against which you want to check the values of attributes. Defining the Filter Condition Using a Filter Expression Similarly to the definition of the names of the used query parameters, you can also use the expression factory to define the filter condition. Here, the expression factory enables you to generate a filter expression, which you finally assign to the query. The basic idea of this kind of filter condition definition is that you create a tree of objects in which each object represents a part of the filter condition. Every leaf of a tree stands for an individual condition referring to a persistent attribute. The internal nodes link partial conditions by means of logical operators. Four types of expression objects can be used as the leaves of the tree:
Operator expressions enable you to compare a persistent attribute with another persistent attribute, with a parameter, or with a passed value using a relational operator. Here, you can use the same relational operators as for the definition of the filter condition during the creation of the query.
LIKE expressions allow you to check a persistent attribute against a template using the LIKE operator.
Checks for the null value are carried out using the IS NULL expression. These checks correspond to the use of the IS NULL operator. Like the EQUALSREF operator, the reference expression determines if a persistent reference refers to a persistent object defined by you.
You create all expressions using the corresponding method of the expression factory. Every method provides individual parameters that you can use to transfer specifications such as the persistent attribute that is supposed to be compared, the relational operator, or the comparison value. In most of the methods, an importing parameter called I_IDX is defined. If you want to refer to a parameter of the query in an expression, use this importing parameter to specify the index of the query parameter. The index of the query parameter can be derived from the sequence in which you have defined the names of the query parameters. The first query parameter is assigned index 1; the Query Service numbers all other parameters in ascending order. For several methods, you can either pass a value that the Query Service automatically encloses in inverted commas in the database query, or you can pass a value that already contains the required inverted commas. The names of the importing parameters for which you have to pass values including the inverted commas end with the _W_QUOTES (with quotes) suffix. If in doubt, you should always use the alternative importing parameter without the _W_QUOTES suffix.
AND and OR expressions enable you to link two expressions with a logical and or with a logical or. Because the linked expressions can be both individual expressions and a tree of already-created links of several expressions, you can use these expressions to create trees of any size. When creating a NOT expression, you only transfer a single expression. The NOT expression then negates this expression.
Figure 4.1 and Listing 4.9 show the same filter condition, which was already formulated in Listing 4.8. The UML object diagram in Figure 4.1 illustrates the objects the filter condition consists of. There is one object for each subexpression the filter condition contains. The tree as a whole describes the filter condition that states that the departure airport is supposed to be in Germany and the destination airport in the United States or in Japan.
DATA:rf_ca_spfliTYPEREFTO/iot/ca_spfli, ri_query_managerTYPEREFTOif_os_query_manager, ri_queryTYPEREFTOif_os_query, ri_expr_factoryTYPEREFTOif_os_query_expr_factory, ri_filter_from_deTYPEREFTOif_os_query_filter_expr, ri_filter_to_usTYPEREFTOif_os_query_filter_expr, ri_filter_to_jpTYPEREFTOif_os_query_filter_expr, ri_filter_toTYPEREFTOif_os_query_filter_expr, ri_filterTYPEREFTOif_os_query_filter_expr, ta_ro_spfliTYPEosreftab. ri_query_manager=cl_os_system=>get_query_manager(). rf_ca_spfli=/iot/ca_spfli=>agent. *Createquery ri_query=ri_query_manager->create_query(). *Get referencetoexpressionfactory ri_expr_factory=ri_query->get_expr_factory(). *Createfilterexpression:departurecountryGermany ri_filter_from_de= ri_expr_factory->create_operator_expr( i_attr1='COUNTRYFR' i_operator='=' i_val='DE').
*Createfilterexpression:destinationcountryUSA ri_filter_to_us= ri_expr_factory->create_operator_expr( i_attr1='COUNTRYTO' i_operator='=' i_val='US'). *Createfilterexpression:destinationcountryJapan ri_filter_to_jp= ri_expr_factory->create_operator_expr( i_attr1='COUNTRYTO' i_operator='=' i_val='JP'). *Createfilterexpression:"or"linkbetweendestination *countries ri_filter_to= ri_expr_factory->create_or_expr( i_expr1=ri_filter_to_us i_expr2=ri_filter_to_jp). *Createfilterexpression:"and"linkbetweendeparture *countryandthetwoalternativedestinationcountries ri_filter= ri_expr_factory->create_and_expr( i_expr1=ri_filter_from_de i_expr2=ri_filter_to). *Assigncompletefilterexpressiontoquery ri_query->set_filter_expr(ri_filter). *Executequery ta_ro_spfli= rf_ca_spfli->if_os_ca_persistency~get_persistent_by_query( ri_query).
Listing 4.9 Definition and Use of a Filter Expression
To create the individual objects that are supposed to form the tree with the filter condition, you first require a reference to the expression factory again. In the expression factory, you call the respective methods, one after the other, for creating the specific expression objects.
For more complex filter conditions that consist of multiple objects (see Listing 4.9), you have to create the tree according to the bottom-up approach: You first generate the trees leaves, that is, the conditions that directly refer to a persistent attribute. The names of the attributes must be transferred in uppercase characters only. Then, you create the internal nodes, which link the already-existing objects by using the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT. Finally, you assign the query as a filter condition to the root of the tree (in Figure 4.1, the highest-level object) via its SET_FILTER_EXPR method. Because only the root is connected to all parts of the tree via the references, its the only object from which the Query Service can derive the complete filter condition. Comparing the Two Variants for the Definition of the Filter Condition The expressive power of the two variants for the definition of filter conditions is the same; that is, you could also use the respective other variant to formulate any filter condition that you can create using one of the two variants. However, you should create filter conditions during the creation of the query, because compared to using a filter expression this can be implemented with less effort, and the source code is more legible. It only makes sense to use the filter expression if you want to compose the filter condition dynamically at runtime.
You pass the I_ORDERING parameter to the CREATE_QUERY method during the creation of the query. You define a sort expression via the expression factory and pass it to the SET_ ORDERING_EXPR method of the query.
Defining the Sort Condition During the Creation of the Query To the I_ORDERING parameter of the CREATE_QUERY method, you have to transfer a string that contains the name of a persistent attribute followed by the ASCENDING (sorted in ascending order) or DESCENDING (sorted in descending order) keyword. The persistent attributes and the keywords for the sorting sequence must be separated by blanks, respectively. For this variant, case sensitivity isnt relevant. The sequence in which you specify multiple persistent attributes determines the sequence in which the system sorts the individual attributes: The system initially sorts the persistent object by the first specified persistent attribute. If required and defined, it then sorts all other persistent attributes. Listing 4.10 shows an example of a sort condition with two persistent attributes. The query that is created in the listing instantiates flights from the flight data model. Object Services sort the flights in descending order according to the flight date. Consequently, earlier flights are listed higher in the result table than later flights. The query sorts all flights on the same date in descending order according to the SEATSMAX attribute. So, it first returns the flights with the most seats in the economy class and lastly the flights with the lowest capacity.
ri_query= ri_query_manager->create_query( i_ordering='FLDATEASCENDINGSEATSMAXDESCENDING').
Listing 4.10 Defining the Sort Condition During the Creation of the Query
Defining the Sort Condition Using a Sort Expression Similar to parameter expressions and filter expressions, you can also create a query, in which no sort condition is defined, and then use the expression factory to create a sort expression. You can call two methods on a sort expression: a method for adding a persistent attribute according to which the sorting is to be done in ascending order (APPEND_
the sorting is to be done in descending order (APPEND_DESCENDING). You always have to transfer the name of the persistent attribute in uppercase letters. Here, the sequence in which you add the persistent attributes also determines the sequence in which the persistent attributes will be used to determine the order of the persistent objects. Listing 4.11 defines the same sort condition as Listing 4.10 using a sort expression. For this purpose, the CREATE_ORDERING_EXPR method of the expression factory is called. It creates a sort expression. The respective methods for adding persistent attributes by which the persistent objects will be sorted in descending and ascending order then are called on the sort expression. Object Services are supposed to sort the query result based on these attributes. Finally, the sort expression is assigned to the query.
DATA:ri_query_managerTYPEREFTOif_os_query_manager, ri_queryTYPEREFTOif_os_query, ri_expr_factoryTYPEREFTOif_os_query_expr_factory, ri_ordering_exprTYPEREFTOif_os_query_ordering_expr. ri_query_manager=cl_os_system=>get_query_manager(). *Createquery ri_query=ri_query_manager->create_query(). *Getreferencetoexpressionfactory ri_expr_factory=ri_query->get_expr_factory(). *Createsortexpression ri_ordering_expr=ri_expr_factory->create_ordering_expr(). *Definepersistentattributesbywhichtheobjectsare *sorted: *-Ascendingbyflightdate *-Descendingbymaximumseatingineconomyclass ri_ordering_expr->append_ascending('FLDATE'). ri_ordering_expr->append_descending('SEATSMAX'). *Assignsortexpressiontoquery ri_query->set_ordering_expr(ri_ordering_expr).
Listing 4.11 Defining the Sort Condition Using a Sort Expression
Comparing the Two Variants for the Definition of the Sort Condition The expressive power of the two variants for the definition of the sort condition is identical, too. In general, you can always use both variants to formulate any kind of sort condition. However, the variant for defining the sort condition during the creation of the query is usually more comfortable and less complex, particularly for constant sort conditions. The variant for the definition via a sort expression might be more useful if you want to create the sort condition dynamically at runtime.
If you use three parameters at the most and dont evaluate persistent references in the query, you can pass the values of the query parameters to the IF_OS_ CA_PERSISTENCY~GET_PERSISTENT_BY_QUERY method using the I_PAR1 to I_PAR3 importing parameters. You can transfer an internal table with data references to the IF_OS_CA_ PERSISTENCY~GET_PERSISTENT_BY_QUERY method in any case, that is, irrespective of the number of the parameters and also if you work with persistent references.
Passing Individual Parameters: I_PAR1 to I_PAR3 The parameter interface of the IF_OS_CA_PERSISTENCY~GET_PERSISTENT_BY_QUERY method contains three optional importing parameters called I_PAR1, I_PAR2, and I_PAR3. You can use these parameters to transfer concrete values for the parameters used. Because the importing parameters are defined with the ANY type, you can pass any value of an elementary type to them. Passing a reference to a persistent object, in contrast, isnt possible. Listing 4.12 instantiates all flights that take place in October 2009. Here, the filter condition refers to the default parameters, PAR1 and PAR2. The concrete values
(October 01 and October 31, 2009, in this case) arent passed until the query is being executed. Without having to create a new query object, you can execute the query any number of times and always request flights from a different date interval.
DATA:ri_query_managerTYPEREFTOif_os_query_manager, ri_queryTYPEREFTOif_os_query, ta_ro_flightsTYPEosreftab, rf_ca_sflightTYPEREFTO/iot/ca_sflight. rf_ca_sflight=/iot/ca_sflight=>agent. ri_query_manager=cl_os_system=>get_query_manager(). *Createquery ri_query= ri_query_manager->create_query( i_filter='FLDATE>=PAR1ANDFLDATE<=PAR2'). *Executequery ta_ro_flights= rf_ca_sflight->if_os_ca_persistency~get_persistent_by_query( i_query=ri_query i_par1='20091001' i_par2='20091031').
Listing 4.12 Query Passing Individual Parameters
To use the I_PAR1 to I_PAR3 importing parameters when executing a query, you dont necessarily have to work with query parameters called PAR1 to PAR3. The I_PAR1 to I_PAR3 importing parameters, respectively, refer to the first, second, and third defined query parameter, irrespective of its name. For example, if you have defined two query parameters with user-defined names, you can assign concrete values to them using the I_PAR1 and I_PAR2 importing parameters when executing the query. Passing an Internal Table Using Query Parameters: I_PARAMETER_TAB The I_PARAMETER_TAB importing parameter provides an alternative for passing values for query parameters. This importing parameter enables you to transfer an internal table in which each line contains a data reference to the value to which you want to pass the query parameter. A data reference allows for referring to a variable, a constant, a literal of an elementary type, or a reference to an object. 110
This variant for passing query parameters also doesnt require a direct reference to the names of the query parameter. The sequence in which you defined the names of the query parameters also determines the sequence you have to use for the data references in the internal table: The data reference to the value for the first defined query parameter needs to be specified in the first line, the data reference to the value for the next defined parameter in the second line, and so on. Listing 4.13 illustrates how you can populate an internal table with data references and then use this table to execute a query.
DATA:dr_rf_airportTYPEREFTOdata, rf_ca_airportTYPEREFTO/iot/ca_sairport, rf_ca_counterTYPEREFTO/iot/ca_scounter, rf_airportTYPEREFTO/iot/cl_sairport, ri_query_managerTYPEREFTOif_os_query_manager, ri_queryTYPEREFTOif_os_query, ta_parametersTYPEosdreftab, ta_ro_countersTYPEosreftab. rf_ca_airport=/iot/ca_sairport=>agent. rf_ca_counter=/iot/ca_scounter=>agent. ri_query_manager=cl_os_system=>get_query_manager(). *Createquery ri_query= ri_query_manager->create_query( i_filter='RF_AIRPORTEQUALSREFPAR1'). *InstantiateFrankfurtAirport rf_airport=rf_ca_airport->get_persistent(i_id='FRA'). *Appendairportobjectdatareferencetoparameter *table GETREFERENCEOFrf_airportINTOdr_rf_airport. APPENDdr_rf_airportTOta_parameters. *Executequery ta_ro_counters= rf_ca_counter->if_os_ca_persistency~get_persistent_by_query( i_query=ri_query i_parameter_tab=ta_parameters).
Listing 4.13 Query with Transfer of an Internal Table with Parameters
The filter condition of the query contains the EQUALSREF operator, that is, a condition referring to a persistent reference. In this case, the query is supposed to determine all airline sales counters at a specific airport. For this purpose, the filter condition refers to the RF_AIRPORT attribute. For each counter, this attribute contains a persistent reference to the airport at which the counter is located. To use a condition with a persistent reference in a query, you need a reference to an already-instantiated persistent object. Consequently, the corresponding persistent object is instantiated to determine the counters at Frankfurt Airport. The GET REFERENCE OF statement generates a data reference, which you require for the internal table with the values of the query parameters. If you apply this to the reference to a persistent object, you receive a two-level reference, that is, a data reference to a reference to a persistent object in this case. Then, you have to append this data reference to the internal table that contains the values of the query parameters before passing the table to the I_PARAMETER_TAB importing parameter during the execution of the query. Comparing the Two Variants for Passing Concrete Values for Query Parameters Its considerably easier to pass individual parameters, I_PAR1 to I_PAR3, than the internal table with the I_PARAMETER_TAB parameters. You should therefore only use the internal table if a transfer of individual parameters is out of question, that is, if more than three parameters are used or a persistent reference is referenced.
You can benefit from two advantages if you work with a simple query using the Query Service to instantiate persistent objects instead of determining the keys of persistent objects with a SELECT query in Open SQL and then loading them: The ABAP source code that you need to implement is more compact, and the whole process requires only one database access, which reduces the load on the application server and database system as well as the communication between them. This, in turn, may make your application significantly faster. If you use the Query Service, the keys of the objects on the application server arent known before the objects are instantiated. Consequently, you cant work with the keys of the objects before the instantiation. As further described in Chapter 8,
Integration of the SAP Lock Concept and Object Services, this is a disadvantage, particularly in the SAP Lock Concept context. The expressive power of the queries using the Query Service and the expressive power of the SELECT queries in Open SQL differ considerably. The Query Service always instantiates complete persistent objects. Therefore, SELECT clauses for the specification of the fields that are supposed to be loaded, equivalents to the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses, and aggregate functions dont exist. The functional scope of the Query Service also doesnt include subqueries or joins for arbitrary tables. A FROM clause isnt required if you work with the Query Service because the Query Service uses the information from the persistence representation, which contains the underlying database tables. Concerning persistent references, the Query Service also uses already-existing information in the system and thus reduces the development work compared to an equivalent query in Open SQL. Open SQL is an integral part of the ABAP programming language. As a result, the system can check the syntax of queries in Open SQL already during the development time if they dont contain dynamic components. The syntactic correctness of a filter condition of a query that was implemented using the Query Service, in contrast, can be checked by the system at runtime only. Both the selection via the Query Service and the selection with Open SQL are solely based on the databases data. If youve created, changed, or deleted persistent objects in the running program, and you dont want to transfer these changes to the database yet, the result of the selection is still based on the original state without considering the changes. The next section describes how you can use the functions of the class agents to have the selections consider changes that youve made to persistent objects only in the memory of the running application.
Each class agent of a persistent class contains methods that you can respectively use to determine the persistent objects of the class that have a certain management state. This way, you can among other things determine all persistent objects of the class that youve created, changed, or deleted in the current top-level transaction. The methods are defined in the IF_OS_CA_INSTANCE interface. Their respective names begin with the GET_ prefix, which is then, except for one exception, followed by the
name of the corresponding management state. This exception is the GET_CREATED method, which determines the persistent objects in the NEW management state. The respective methods only provide objects that belong to the respective persistent class that the class agent manages. The methods dont return objects that are included in the management of a class agent of a subclass or superclass. Listing 4.14 shows how you can adapt the result of a query in such a way that it also considers newly created objects. The query determines all flights that take place on the current date. When the query has been executed, the GET_CREATED method determines all references to newly created objects. In a LOOP loop, its then manually checked for every newly created flight if it meets the filter condition. If so, the GET_FLDATE access method reads the flight date and compares it to the current date. If the flight date is identical to the current date, the newly created flight is added to the internal table that contains all previously determined flights on the current date.
DATA:rf_ca_sflightTYPEREFTO/iot/ca_sflight, rf_sflightTYPEREFTO/iot/cl_sflight, ri_query_managerTYPEREFTOif_os_query_manager, ri_queryTYPEREFTOif_os_query, ro_sflightTYPEREFTOobject, ta_ro_sflightsTYPEosreftab, ta_ro_createdTYPEosreftab. rf_ca_sflight=/iot/ca_sflight=>agent. ri_query_manager=cl_os_system=>get_query_manager(). *Createquery ri_query= ri_query_manager->create_query( i_filter='FLDATE=PAR1'). *Executequery ta_ro_sflights= rf_ca_sflight->if_os_ca_persistency~get_persistent_by_query( i_query=ri_query i_par1=sy-datum). *Determinenewlycreatedpersistentobjects ta_ro_created= rf_ca_sflight->if_os_ca_instance~get_created().
*Checkeverynewlycreatedpersistentobjectagainst *filtercondition LOOPATta_ro_createdINTOro_sflight. *Typecast:OBJECT->/IOT/CL_SFLIGHT rf_sflight?=ro_sflight. IFrf_sflight->get_fldate()=sy-datum. *Objectcorrespondstofiltercondition *->Addtoresulttable APPENDrf_sflightTOta_ro_sflights. ENDIF. ENDLOOP.
Listing 4.14 Manual Consideration of Newly Created Objects
To also include changed objects in a selection, you have to consider two constellations:
Owing to the change, a persistent object can correspond to the filter condition while the present state in the database doesnt meet the filter condition yet. Consider this case in the same way as in Listing 4.14 and determine the changed objects using the GET_CHANGED method. In addition, remember that a changed object might have already met the filter condition previously. You therefore need to ensure that the result table doesnt add an already-contained object again. In the reverse case, the present state in the database meets the filter condition, but the changed objects in the memory of the running application no longer meets the condition. To remove such objects from the querys result, you should initially check the management state of any determined object (IF_OS_ CA_INSTANCE~GET_STATUS method, see Section 3.4, Management States of Persistent Objects, in Chapter 3). You have to check all objects in the CHANGED management state manually against the filter condition using the access methods. If an object no longer meets the filter condition, remove it from the result.
Object Services automatically consider objects that were deleted in the running program to a certain degree. If you try to use mass instantiation or a query via the Query Service to instantiate an object that has already been deleted in the running program, the system raises an exception of the CX_OS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND class. As a result, the deleted object automatically isnt instantiated. If the exception occurs, the instantiation of further objects is also terminated.
That means you dont receive a result that doesnt include the deleted objects, you receive no result at all. To still instantiate all objects that havent been deleted despite existing deleted objects you can use an approach as implemented in Listing 4.1: Determine the keys of the objects by means of a query in Open SQL and then instantiate them separately. This way, you only include the persistent objects in the result during whose instantiation no exception of the CX_OS_OBJECT_ NOT_FOUND class occurs. As of EhP2 for Release 7.0 of SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP, you can also control the Query Services behavior regarding deleted objects. If you pass the IGNORE_DELETED option when executing a query, the Query Service doesnt raise an exception when it detects deleted objects. Instead, the query provides a result that doesnt include the deleted objects. In more complex applications that change a lot of persistent objects during a toplevel transaction, you usually have to consider newly created and changed objects in the selection of persistent objects. If your application allows for the execution of queries when youve already changed persistent objects in the current top-level transaction, the queries dont provide a result that is correct with regard to content if newly created and changed objects arent considered. However, if your application is structured in such a way that every top-level transaction begins with loading all involved objects first and then makes all changes, special handling for newly created and changed objects isnt required in the selection.
This chapter described how you can select persistent objects according to userdefined criteria. In some cases, you can use the Object Services Query Service for this purpose. You also learned in which cases its necessary and useful to use Open SQL statements that have already been available in classic ABAP instead of the Query Service. This chapter also provided a first proposal for an enhancement of the Object Services functionality: considering objects in the memory for selections. The next chapter explains the internal functioning of Object Services and thus introduces the basic principles of the additional enhancements, which are discussed in Chapters 6 to 8.
_SCOPE;scope, 185 Class Abstract, 45, 117, 184 Persistent, 13, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 30, 37 Class agent, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 47, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 65, 80, 81, 82, 89, 91, 94, 113, 117, 121, 124, 127, 132, 134, 137, 140, 149, 165, 170, 176, 179, 188, 190, 192, 193, 197, 202, 204, 206, 210 Class Builder, 20, 21, 170, 172, 176 Class constructor, 68, 119, 124 Class GUID, 39, 40, 42, 47, 123, 135 Class Identifier, 24, 40 Class initializer, 69 CL_OS_CA_COMMON, 118 CL_OS_STATE, 132 SET_OBJECT_FROM_STATE, 133 SET_STATE_FROM_OBJECT, 133 CL_OS_SYSTEM, 61, 67, 73, 94, 117, 122, 134, 140 ACTIVE_CLASS_AGENT, 135 EXTERNAL_COMMIT, 136 GET_CLASS_AGENT, 134 GET_CLASS_AGENT_INFO, 135 GET_QUERY_MANAGER, 94 GET_TRANSACTION_MANAGER, 61 INIT_AND_SET_MODES, 67, 73 INIT_STATE, 136 CL_OS_TRANSACTION, 129, 200 CHAINED, 130 CHECK_AGENTS, 130 DATA_SAVE_STATE, 130 FLAG_UPDT_MODE_CHANGED, 131 SUBTRANSACTION, 130 SUPER_TRANSACTION, 130 TRANSACTION_STATE, 131 UNDO_RELEVANT, 131 UPDATE_MODE, 131 CL_OS_TRANSACTION_MANAGER, 129 CURRENT_TRANSACTION, 129 TOP_TRANSACTION, 129 CL_SYSTEM_UUID, 27
ABAP Debugger, 172 Abstract class, 45, 117, 184 Activation, 26, 30, 125, 172 ACTIVE_CLASS_AGENT, 135, 140 AGENT, 31, 32, 68, 119, 124 ALV grid control, 151 AND, 103 APPEND_ASCENDING, 108 APPEND_DESCENDING, 108 Append structure, 26 ASCENDING, 107 Assignment type, 24, 40, 47, 124 Asynchronous update, 71, 73, 74 Attribute Persistent, 29 Transient, 29, 56, 84, 125, 146, 153, 154, 161, 177 Type, 25, 41, 43
Base agent, 117, 124, 149, 194 Business key, 24, 26, 29, 31, 33, 52, 53, 54, 55, 89, 91, 120, 146, 149, 193
CALL FUNCTION IN UPDATE TASK, 72 Casting operator, 32, 33, 34, 52 Changeability, 24, 57, 146 CHANGED, 82, 87, 115, 138, 153, 198, 200 Check agent, 74, 77, 79, 126, 130, 192, 196, 197, 199, 204 CL_ABAP_WEAK_REFERENCE, 128
COMMIT WORK, 59, 64, 72, 74, 78, 87, 131, 185 Compatibility mode, 64, 72, 74, 77, 80, 87, 131, 136, 185, 199 Concatenate method, 62, 66, 77, 80, 87 Constructor, static, 69 CREATED, 114 CREATE_PERSISTENT, 54, 55, 81, 84 CREATE_STRUCTURE, 148 CREATE_TRANSIENT, 56, 81 Current transaction, 63, 129 CX_DYNAMIC_CHECK, 35, 55, 64 CX_NO_CHECK, 36, 67, 74 CX_OS_CHECK_AGENT_FAILED, 76, 193, 204 CX_OS_DB, 74 CX_OS_NO_IMPLEMENTATION, 36, 55 CX_OS_OBJECT_EXISTING, 55 CX_OS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, 35, 37, 42, 57, 92, 115 CX_OS_SYSTEM, 67 CX_OS_TRANSACTION, 64, 74 CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_METHOD, 143 CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR, 43 CX_SY_NO_HANDLER, 43
Option, 169, 178 Enhancement Framework, 162, 169, 172, 176, 177 EQUALSREF, 101, 112 ESCAPE, 100 Exclusive lock, 187, 189, 192, 195, 197, 199, 204, 205 Expression factory, 97, 102, 107 EXTERNAL_COMMIT, 136
Filter Condition, 93, 96, 97, 99, 109, 112, 114, 179, 197, 210 Expression, 99, 102 Flight data model, 16, 31, 34, 39, 46, 89, 107, 120, 149, 152, 181 Function module SYSTEM_UUID_CREATE, 27
Garbage collection, 117, 119, 127, 140 Generator setting, 85, 124, 125 GET_PERSISTENT, 34, 36, 83 Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), 26, 27
Data Persistent, 13 Transient, 13 Database LUW, 59, 182 Database status, 120 DELETED, 82, 87, 92, 116, 138, 200 DELETE_PERSISTENT, 81, 83 DESCENDING, 107 Design pattern, singleton, 31, 69, 119 Direct update, 71, 73, 74, 185, 189 Downcast, 34, 92, 179, 198
HANDLER_CHANGED, 197, 200 Horizontal mapping, 44, 45, 47
IF_OS_CA_INSTANCE, 80, 113, 122, 202 GET_STATUS, 80, 202 IF_OS_CA_PERSISTENCY, 31, 33, 36, 89, 91, 94, 109, 121, 149 GET_PERSISTENT_BY_KEY, 33, 36, 89, 121, 149 GET_PERSISTENT_BY_KEY_TAB, 91, 121
Enhancement, 169, 176, 178 implementation, 171 Implementation, 169
GET_PERSISTENT_BY_OID, 31, 36 GET_PERSISTENT_BY_OID_TAB, 92 GET_PERSISTENT_BY_QUERY, 94, 109 IF_OS_CHECK, 75, 126, 198, 199 IS_CONSISTENT, 75, 199 IF_OS_FACTORY, 51, 52, 53, 55, 81, 82, 121, 138, 140, 149, 179, 196 CREATE_PERSISTENT, 52 CREATE_PERSISTENT_BY_KEY, 53, 55, 121, 149 DELETE_PERSISTENT, 81, 83 REFRESH_PERSISTENT, 82, 138, 179, 196 RELEASE, 82, 84, 140 IF_OS_FACTORY~CREATE_TRANSIENT, 56 IF_OS_FACTORY~CREATE_TRANSIENT_BY_ KEY, 56 IF_OS_INSTANCE_MANAGER, 122 IF_OS_PERSISTENCY_MANAGER GET_PERSISTENT_BY_QUERY, 123 IF_OS_STATE, 124, 132, 179 GET, 132 INIT, 126 INVALIDATE, 126, 179 SET, 132 IF_OS_TRANSACTION, 129 END, 61, 63, 65, 75, 77, 79, 86, 185 END_AND_CHAIN, 62, 80, 87, 130 GET_STATUS, 78 REGISTER_CHECK_AGENT, 75 START, 61, 79 UNDO, 61, 63, 65, 76, 77, 79, 86, 132, 185, 199 UNDO_AND_CHAIN, 62, 80, 87, 130, 132 IF_OS_TRANSACTION_MANAGER, 129 CREATE_TRANSACTION, 61, 79 GET_CURRENT_TRANSACTION, 63 GET_TOP_TRANSACTION, 64 IGNORE_DELETED, 116 Initialization block, static, 69 INIT_STATE, 136 Instance GUID, 26, 29, 31, 33, 35, 38, 39, 40, 43, 52, 53, 54, 55, 89, 91, 119, 124, 147, 195 Instantiation, 20, 30 Is-a relationship, 44 IS NULL, 103
Lazy loading, 37, 42, 161, 176 LIKE, 100, 103 LOADED, 82, 84, 86, 122, 128, 138, 141, 193 Local update, 71, 74 Lock Conversion, 187, 189, 192, 195, 197, 199, 205, 206 Exclusive, 187, 189, 192, 195, 197, 199, 204, 205 Optimistic, 187, 189, 192, 193, 196, 197, 199, 205 Lock concept, 181 Locking strategy, 186 Optimistic, 186, 189, 192, 193, 195, 197, 200, 204, 206 Pessimistic, 186, 187, 191, 195, 204, 205 Lock mode, 186, 195 Logical Unit of Work (LUW), 59
Management state, 35, 51, 80, 113, 119, 127, 132 Mapping Horizontal, 44, 45, 47 Object-relational, 11 Vertical, 44, 46, 47 Mapping Assistant, 21 Mapping, object-relational, 20, 161, 165, 167, 175, 195, 209 MOVE-CORRESPONDING, 141, 144 Multiple-table mapping, 28, 44
NEW, 79, 81, 87, 114, 138, 200 NOT, 103 NOT LOADED, 81, 82, 86, 119, 126, 127, 138, 140, 193, 205 NULL, 93, 101, 103, 128, 130 Number range object, 27, 55
Object Persistent, 13, 19, 26, 30, 37, 51 Transient, 35, 55, 82, 86, 122 OBJECT_INFO, 119, 128 Object Navigator, 20 Object-oriented transaction, 60, 86 Object-oriented transaction mode, 64, 69, 87, 131, 185, 198 Object Reference, 24, 40 Object-relational mapping, 11, 20, 161, 165, 167, 175, 195, 209 OBJECT_TO_STRUCTURE, 142 OO transaction, 69 OO transaction model, 69 Open SQL, 89, 91, 99, 112, 116, 119, 153, 184, 195, 210 Operator expression, 102 Optimistic lock, 187, 189, 192, 193, 196, 197, 199, 205 Optimistic locking, 186, 189, 192, 193, 195, 197, 200, 204, 206 OR, 103 OSCON, 73, 78, 80, 202 OS_GUID, 25, 26, 39, 47, 92, 147 OSREFTAB, 92 OSTYP_CA_INFO, 135
Persistent object, 13, 19, 26, 30, 37, 51 Persistent reference, 25, 27, 38 Pessimistic locking, 186, 187, 191, 195, 204, 205 Plausibility check, 153, 161, 176 Polymorphism, 49 Prefix DEQUEUE_, 184 ENQUEUE_, 184 GET_, 23, 37, 113, 143, 144, 163, 175 /IOT/, 17 OSCON_DMODE_, 73 OSCON_OSTATUS_, 80 OSCON_SSTATUS_, 131 OSCON_TSTATUS_, 78 SET_, 57, 145, 163, 175 Private, 24 Protected, 24 Public, 24, 94
Query, 90, 93, 94, 96 Query Manager, 94, 122 Query parameter, 96, 97, 100, 102, 109, 110 Query Service, 13, 91, 93, 96, 112, 115, 122, 152, 157, 179, 196, 210
Parameter expression, 97 Persistence representation, 21, 22, 26, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 44, 47, 51, 53, 55, 57, 85, 92, 94, 101, 113, 118, 124, 146, 149, 162, 167, 193 Persistence Service, 13, 19, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 60, 62, 63, 66, 72, 80, 83, 84, 86, 91, 96, 117, 118, 124, 127, 137, 147, 149, 162, 163, 165, 168, 177, 194, 196 Persistent attribute, 29 Persistent class, 13, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 30, 37 Persistent data, 13
Read Only, 24, 146 Reference Expression, 103 Persistent, 25, 27, 38 Strong, 127 Usual, 127 Weak, 127 REFRESH_ALL_OBJECTS, 139 REFRESH_OBJECTS_BY_AGENT, 139 REFRESH_PERSISTENT, 82, 138, 179, 196 Relationship, is-a, 44 RELEASE, 82, 84, 140 Representative object, 37, 41, 42, 57, 62, 81, 84, 85, 87
ROLLBACK WORK, 59, 61, 64, 87, 185 RTTC, 143, 147, 149 RTTI, 143 RTTS, 143 Run Time Type Creation, 143, 147, 149 Run Time Type Identification, 143 Run Time Type Services, 143
Superordinate transaction, 63, 130 Synchronous update, 71, 73, 74 System state, 136 SYSTEM_UUID_CREATE, 27
Top-level transaction, 61, 63, 64, 73, 77, 80, 83, 84, 86, 113, 126, 129, 159, 185, 188, 189, 193, 197, 199, 205 Transaction, 58 Concatenate, 61 Concatenation, 130 Current, 63, 129 Object-oriented, 60, 86 SE24, 20 SE80, 20 Subordinate, 130 Superordinate, 63, 130 Transaction code, 59, 69, 73 SE93, 69 Transaction Manager, 60, 63, 67, 79, 122, 129, 159, 198 Transaction mode, 64, 69, 136, 158 Compatibility mode, 64 Object-oriented, 64, 69, 87, 131, 185, 198 Transaction model, 69 Transaction Service, 13, 51, 52, 58, 129 Transaction status, 78, 131 TRANSIENT, 82, 86, 141 Transient attribute, 29, 56, 84, 125, 146, 153, 154, 161, 177 Transient data, 13 Transient object, 35, 55, 82, 86, 122 TYP_BUSINESS_KEY, 121, 149 Type group, 73 Type identifier, 24, 47, 95, 147 Type object, 143, 145, 148 Type, OS_GUID, 25, 26
SAP Control Framework, 150 SAP Help Portal, 21 SAP Lock Concept, 14, 113, 182 SAP LUW, 58, 59, 61, 64, 72, 77, 80, 83, 86, 185, 187 SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP, 11, 17, 19, 59, 125, 141, 176, 181, 182, 210 Release 6.10, 19, 35, 175 Release 6.40, 147 Release 6.40 SP16, 85 Release 7.0, 90, 169, 175 Release 7.0 EhP2, 27, 29, 33, 85, 116 Release 7.0 SP6, 85 Release 7.0 SP13, 92 SE24, 20 SE80, 20 SE93, 69 SEOCLSKEY, 123 SET_MODE_UNDO_RELEVANT, 77 SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL, 71 Singleton, 30, 69, 119 Sort condition, 93, 96, 106, 107, 157 Sort expression, 107 SPECIAL_BKEY_TAB, 121 SPECIAL_OBJECT_INFO, 121 SPECIAL_OID_TAB, 121 STATE_WRITE_ACCESS, 85 Static constructor, 69 Static initialization block, 69 Strong reference, 127 STRUCTURE_TO_OBJECT, 144 Subordinate transaction, 130 Subtransaction, 63, 66, 77, 86, 129, 199 Suffix _W_QUOTES, 103
Undo mechanism, 77, 79, 86, 131 Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), 27
Update Asynchronous, 71, 73, 74 Direct, 71, 73, 74, 185, 189 Local, 71, 74 Synchronous, 71, 73, 74 Update mode, 70, 73, 131 Usual reference, 127
Weak reference, 127 Web Dynpro ABAP, 154 WHERE clause, 93, 99 Where-used list, 48 WRITE_ACCESS, 134 Write lock, 186
Value attribute, 24, 54, 146 Vertical mapping, 44, 46, 47 Visibility, 24, 57, 94 Private, 24, 38, 163 Protected, 24, 38, 119, 149 Public, 24, 143, 149, 163