Cole Plan B
Cole Plan B
Cole Plan B
Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy from the Internet.
Your job title (be specific : !lectrical !ngineer "ob o#er#ie$%What the& do ('ro#ide a paragraph description of the job( What $ould a t&pical da& on the job look like) : !lectrical engineers design and manufacture products from po$er supplies to mp*+s( ,he& are inno#ators and bring ne$ ideas to the market and change the $a& $e use our phones- cars- and t#s(
Working conditions (.ours &ou can e/pect to $ork) Risk of injuries) ,ime of da&%time of &ear) 0ndoors%outdoors) Clothing re1uired) !tc2 : 3n 4567 hour da&- indoor and outdoor- non5 conducti#e clothing re1uired some risks of job are falling from high places and electrocution
8alar& ($hat $age can &ou e/pect to earn) : around 94:777 annuall&
;uture outlook ($ill this job be in demand in the future) Wh&%$h& not) : Yes because this is the age of technolog& and e#er&thing is becoming electric and not e#er&one $ill kno$ ho$ to fi/ it
What are * related occupations &ou could take if this one didn+t $ork out for &ou ($hat $ould &ou do if &ou don+t end up doing this career and $h&) : !lectrical ,echnician- !lectronics ,eacher- !lectrician because the& are based around the same field of $ork
3nd most importantl&2 Wh& are &ou interested in this career) (.o$ long ha#e &ou been interested in it) What led &ou to $anting this job) .o$ does it suit%fit &our personalit&- interests- characteristics- strengthsetc2) : 0 am good at it and m& teachers think that 0 should follo$ this career path if 0 enjo& doing it- $hich 0 do( 0t comes to me fairl& eas& and most of the time 0 can look at circuits and see the problems right a$a&(