X-Series EEG Headset Systems

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X-Series EEG Headset Systems

All of the X-Series wireless EEG headsets deliver high quality, dependable signals in portable, easy-to-use and comfortable-for-hours designs. The elimination of all wires ensures mobility during recordings, while also avoiding the artifacts and noise typically associated with the wires of traditional EEG systems. The included X-Basic Software and complete Software Developers Kit (SDK) provide user-friendly tools for checking connection quality at each sensor site, viewing raw data in real-time, and inserting time-stamped annotations. The medical grade EEG data allows users to compute Power Spectral Densities (PSDs) in real-time or during offline analyses, and signals can be event-locked for single-trial or averaged ERP analyses.

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X-Series X24
The X-Series X24 EEG system combines power and flexibility for mobile neurophysiological monitoring, offering two interchangeable, pre-configured sensor strips -- each of which assures individualized fit and accurate site placement across subjects. From biomarker development to

neurorehabilitation applications, the X-Series X24 is the most versatile wireless-EEG system available.

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X-Series X10
The X-Series X10 EEG system is the premiere solution for mobile EEG applications, delivering a balance of functionality and simplicity. The 9-channel combination of mid-line and lateral EEG sites -- plus the additional channel of ECG data -- allows for multiple analysis opportunities, as evidenced by numerous peer-reviewed publications.

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X-Series X4
The X-Series X4 EEG system features a compact form factor to maximize ease-of-use and comfort in real-world environments. For first-time and experienced EEG users alike, X-Series X4 is a practical solution for quickly implementing psychophysiological assessment.

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