Instruction of Connection and Programming of OSCAR-N PLUS OBDCAN Controller

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Instruction of connection and programming of the

OSCAR-N OBD CAN controller

Table of content
Paragraph Description Page
Introduction 2
1 Installation of OSCAR-N OBD CAN sequential gas injection system
1!1 OSCAR-N OBD CAN sequential gas injection system installation diagram
1!2 "ro#er installation of OSCAR-N OBD CAN $C%
1!& Selection of #ressure regulator
1! Selection of injectors' no((les diameter
2 OSCAR-N OBD CAN diagnostic #rogram descri#tion )
2!1 1! C*oosing +", or CN, -or. mode )
2!2 2! Connecting controller to t*e "C /
2!& &! 0ain -indo- content 1
2! ! Setting t*e 2asic #arameters 3
2!!1 )! "etrol "anel 3
2!!2 /! ,as "anel 4
2!!& 1! S-itc* "anel 15
2!! Cali2ration "anel 12
1! 2!!) Oscillosco#e "anel 1
2! 2!) Ot*er features a6aila2le in t*e main -indo- 1)
2!)!1 ,as injectors7 corrections 1)
&! 2!)!2 Diagrams 1/
2!)!& $rrors 1/
2!)! Ser6ice 11
2!)!) +oad8Sa6e 13
2!)!/ +anguages 13
2!)!1 Calculator of injectors7 no((le diameter 13
2!)!3 9el# 14
2!)!4 A2out us 14
& Autocali2ration 14
1! &!1 Collecting t*e gasoline injection ma# -it* gasoline :gasoline ma#; 21
1! &!2 Collecting t*e gasoline injection ma# -it* +", :+", ma#; 21
1! &!& correction to ma# 2y using multi#lier! Calculating t*e adjustments 22
1! &! Setting multi#lier7s adjustments manually 22
1! &!) +$D s-itc*2oard 2&
! Injection ma# correction de#ending on engine7s R"0 2
)! ) Ad6anced settings 2/
/! / Reading OBD corrections using CAN 2us 23
1! /!1 3! OBD connector7s descri#tion &5
Sequential gas injection controller of I< generation OSCAR-N OBD CAN -as mainly
destined for modern cars= -*ic* *a6e tec*nologically ad6anced OBD2 system! It mig*t 2e
also used in older ty#es of cars! >*an.s to its modern construction and *ig*ly efficient C"%
it gi6es #ossi2ilities to fulfill strict emission e?*aust norms= .ee#ing t*e dri6ing dynamic
and #erformance identically as on #etrol!
OSCAR-N OBD CAN gi6es #ossi2ility of communication t*roug* digital serial 2us
CAN! It gi6es #ossi2ility of diagnosing OBD of original car7s #etrol $C% from t*e le6el of
+", controller7s soft-are!
Besides signals from original7s #etrol injectors controller uses additionally information from
car7s OBD system :li.e 6acuum= signals from 2ot* lam2da #ro2es= s*ort and long term fuel
trims; to determine amount of gas needed in t*e #articular moment! Controller reads t*e
#arameters of mi?ture7s correctors mentioned a2o6e and adjusts gas injectors o#ening times=
to ma.e t*e @S*ort >ime Auel >rimB and @+ong >ime Auel >rimB 6alues oscillate 2et-een
6alues e?#ected 2y t*e car7s manufacturer!
>*e ad6ance of suc* solution is #ossi2ility of cali2rating +", settings to o2tain almost
identical c*aracteristics of dri6ing as on #etrol! Controller reads t*e mi?ture correctors all
t*e time and automatically adjusts t*em to fulfill t*e $%RO emission standards!
In OSCAR-N OBD CAN controller t*e unique algorit*ms of controlling +", injectors *as
2een used! Injection o#ening time for eac* gas injector is 2eing calculated indi6idually= in
real time= 2asing on injection o#ening time of #etrol injector corres#onding to it! >*an.s to
t*at solution efficiency and dynamics of dri6ing on gas are #ractically identical li.e on
#etrol! Anot*er ad6antage of t*at solution is t*e fact t*at controllers -or.s -it*out any
#ro2lems -it* car7s engines li.e 9$0I :#art of cylinders are 2eing tem#orarily turned off
during -or.;= <al6etroni. :constant 6alue of 6acuum in t*e inlet manifold; and cars -*ic*
are *a6ing o#ening time differences 2et-een indi6idual injectors :Su2aru;!
New controller advantages:
1; "ossi2ility of connecting to CAN 2us t*oug*t diagnostic #lug :in cars -*ic* are *a6ing suc*
2; Automatically corrections of +", injection o#ening time on 2ase of #arameters read
from original car OBD :in real time;!
&; Calculation of injection o#ening time indi6idually for #articular gas injector 2asing on o#ening
time of adequate #etrol injector!
; >*e smallest de6ice on t*e of sequential injection gas system= -*ic* can control u# to 3
cylinders! Aluminum case dimensions areC 1&5 :lengt*; ? 155 mm :-idt*; ? 23 mm :t*ic.ness;!
); >*e fastest digital signal #rocessor e6er used in sequential injection gas controller! It runs at
frequency 12509(!
/; Automatic detection of #etrol injection ty#e signal!
1; 9olding u# on gas during tem#orary lac. of R"0 signal!
3; "ossi2ility of using tem#erature sensors -it* different im#edance!
4; "ossi2ility of connecting and reading signals from t-o se#arate lam2da #ro2es!
15; 2uilt in anti-su#ertensions #rotection!
11; Ad6anced digital filtration of all in#ut signals!
New software advantages:
1; "ossi2ilities of reading original OBD #arameters from CAN 2us= modification of t*ese
#arameters and erasing OBD errors!
2; "ossi2ility of collecting data for ad6anced ma##ing :fine tuning; -it*out necessity of *a6ing "C
connected to t*e controller!
&; $?tended #ossi2ilities of setting u# t*e controllerC cali2ration on idle= modifying t*e injection
o#ening time regarding 6acuum in t*e inlet manifold= regarding to R"0 and regarding to gas
#ressure ra#id c*anges!
; %#graded algorit*m of autocali2ration at idle :eac* cylinder cali2rated indi6idually;!
); Ne- algorit*ms of #re*eating +", injectors!
/; Ne- algorit*ms of #re6enting car7s engine from stalling during e?its from @cut-offB :for t*e
tur2oc*arged cars;!
1; Ne- algorit*ms -*ic* allo-s to o#erate in cars -*ere #etrol injectors are fully o#ened on *ig*
re6s :mainly tuned cars;!
3; Dide range of com#ati2le gas injectors!
4; Automatic detection of #etrol injectors controlling ty#e :sequence 8 semi sequence 8 full-grou#;!
15; "ossi2ility of setting distance remaining to ser6ice ins#ection!
11; "ossi2ility of setting minimal injection o#ening time 6alue of #etrol injector -*ic* s*ould 2e
directed to +", injector!
12; "ossi2ility of setting minimal +", injector o#ening time!
1&; "ossi2ility of *andling t*e cars controlled -it* E12< signal configured from t*e soft-are!
1; +ist of car models -*ic* are ca#a2le to connect -it* OBD system t*roug* CAN 2us!
1); <ery sim#le and user-friendly soft-are -it* ad6anced o#tions :a6aila2le on #ass-ord; and 2uilt
in gas injector no((le calculator!
1/; "ossi2ility of remote *el# in setting t*e #arameters and cali2ration of t*e car t*roug* t*e
Internet 2y our >ec*nical De#artment!
1. Installation of OSCAR-N OBD CAN seuential gas in!ection s"stem
1.1 OSCAR-N OBD CAN seuential gas in!ection s"stem installation diagram
1.#. Proper installation of OSCAR-N OBD CAN $C%
During t*e installation of OSCAR-N OBD CAN sequential gas injection system it is
suggested for t*e -ire set to #oint do-n-ards! It is also suggested t*at it s*ould 2e #laced in suc* a
-ay to a6oid t*e negati6e im#act of *ig* tem#erature and *umidity!
1.&. Selection of pressure regulator
Connection of -iring s*ould 2e #erformed according to t*e connection diagram! During
connection of t*e OSCAR-N OBD CAN sequence gas injection system #ay s#ecial attention to
#ro#er selection of a #ressure regulator for gi6en engine #o-er and injectors' no((les! Im#ro#er
selection of t*e #ressure regulator in relation to engine #o-er -ill cause t*at -*en t*e +", deli6ery
is *ig* :i!e! t*e t*rottle fully o#ened; t*e #ressure regulator -ill 2e not a2le to ensure nominal +",
#ressure and t*e #ressure in t*e system -ill dro#! If t*e +", #ressure -ill dro# 2elo- t*e minimum
6alue set at t*e controller t*e system -ill s-itc* o6er to su##ly -it* gasoline! Aor most of t*e cars
t*e #ressure regulator s*ould 2e regulated close to 1 2ar :Fou can o2ser6e t*e t*is 6alue in OSCAR-
N OBD CAN soft-are;!
1.'. Selection of in!ectors( no))les diameter
Injection rail ty#e RAI+= <A+>$G s*ould 2e cali2rated -it* a s#ecial cali2ration de6ice
2efore installing it in t*e car! Cali2ration is needed for c* t*e #iston stro.e -*ic* must 2e

equal for all of t*e cylinders! Aor s*orter times of injection :2=5 H 2=/ ms; it is recommended setting
smaller #iston stro.e -*ic* s*ould 2e 2et-een 5=5 H 5=) mm! Aor longer #etrol injection timings
:&=5 H =5 ms; t*e #iston stro.e s*ould 2e 2et-een 5=) H 5=/) mm!
Selection of injectors' no((les diameter de#ends also on t*e engine #o-er! >*e injectors' no((les
s*ould 2e selected in suc* -ay so t*at at *ig* engine load and *ig* R"0 t*e multi#lier for gi6en
injection time s*ould 2e close to 1! 0ost engines *a6e injection times amounting to 1) ImsJ! >*e
ta2le 2elo- contains list of no((le diameters de#ending on #o-er for 1 cylinder! >o read out t*e
no((le diameter for gi6en engine correctly it is necessary to di6ide t*e engine #o-er 2y num2er of
No))le diameter ,mm-
Reducer.s pressure 1 ,/ar-
Po0er for 1 c"linder ,1P-
123-# 1# 4 15
#21-#2& 13 4 #'
#2'-#26 #7 4 &#
#25-#28 && 4 '9
&29 '1 4 '3
Pa" special attention that the figures in ta/le are onl" rough :alues and in some cases ma" not
agree 0ith real ones.
Suc* situation can a##ear in 6e*icles fitted -it* semi-sequential or full grou# :all injectors acti6ated
simultaneously; injection! In suc* 6e*icles no((le diameters -ill 2e smaller t*an t*ese gi6en in t*e
ta2le due to t*e fact t*at in suc* ty#e of +", su##ly control t*e 6olume of su##lied +", is greater
t*an for full sequence H t-ice for t*e semi-sequential and four times for full grou# injectors! Aor
selecting t*e si(e of injectors adequate to engine *orse#o-er injection no((le calculator :2uilt in t*e
soft-are; mig*t 2e used!
#. OSCAR-N OBD CAN diagnostic program description
#.1 Choosing ;P< or CN< 0or= mode
During e6ery start of t*e soft-are #lease c*oose t*e OSCAR-N OBD CAN $C% -or. mode
;P< or CN< :de#ending on t*e ty#e of installation in t*e car;!
#.#. Connecting controller to the PC
If t*e all t*e connections are made correctly= connect OSCAR-N OBD CAN to t*e "C -it* installed
OSCAR-N OBD CAN diagnostic #rogram= 2y using $%RO"$,AS OSCAR-N interface :RS 2&2
or %SB ty#e;! Before starting the program please turn on the ignition and start the car to
suppl" the controller 0ith >1#? :oltage. >*is is necessary 2ecause -it*out *a6ing #o-er su##ly
t*e controller goes to t*e slee# mode= -*ere t*e communication is im#ossi2le! >*at situation -ill 2e
signalised as connection error! In t*is situation soft-are -ill #ro#ose to -or. in @DemoB mode=
-*ic* -ill simulate t*e -or. of soft-are as t*e controller on car -ould 2e connected to
t*e "C!
After starting t*e soft-are automatically is searc*ing all t*e CO0 #orts! D*en it finds OSCAR-N
OBD CAN controller on one of t*e #orts t*e communication t*e communication -ill 2e esta2lis*ed
and soft-are is ready to -or.! >*at fact is signali(ed 2y KConnectedB message in t*e left u##er
corner of t*e #rogram main -indo-! D*en t*e communication *as 2een lost t*e message -ill
c*ange to @No connectionB! In demo mode t*e message @D$0OB -ill a##ear!
#.&. @ain 0indo0 content
On t*e to# of t*e main -indo- t*ere is 2ar -it* follo-ing iconsC
Corrections -t*is o#tion let us to c*ange t*e time corrections8adjustment :in ms; of #articular gas
injectors! >*an.s to t*at o#tion it is #ossi2le to correct t*e air8fuel mi?ture for #articular cylinders!
O#tion useful es#ecially for @<B ty#e engines!
Diagrams -enlarges t*e cali2ration ma# and oscillosco#e 2oo.mar.s to full si(e of main -indo-
Errors -*ere -e could read and erase list of errors registered in controllers memory!
Service -*ere -e can read t*e $C% information a2out t*e controller li.eC time of -or. on #etrol and
gas= date of last settings modification= ser6ice code of "C on -*ic* settings modification *as 2een
made= time lasting to ser6ice ins#ection etc!
Load / Save #ossi2le to read or -rite from8to L!?set file actual controller7s settings= read
manufacturers setting and u#date firm-are!
Languages -c*ooses t*e language 6ersion of soft-are7s interface
Injectors -Calculator of gas injectors no((les for #articular car! It 2ases on #o-er of t*e engine :in
9"s;= num2er of cylinders= injection ty#e and ty#e of fuel :+", or CN,;
Help -O#ens folder -*ic* contains controller *arness installation diagram and t*is installation
manual in electronic form!
About us -Information a2out $%RO"$,AS S#! ( o!o! com#any
Bet-een t*e icons and "anels = on t*e left to# side of t*e -indo-= t*ere are follo-ing grou#sC
AActi:e in!ectorsB grou# - *ere -e can turn off 8 on acti6e +", injectors -*ic* s*ould 2e inacti6e 8
acti6e during -or. on +",! If Fou disa2le se#arate injector 2y -it* left mouse 2utton on
t*e tic. under t*e num2er of injector t*e adequate #etrol injector -ill start in its #lace=
-*ile t*e rest of t*e cylinders -ill 2e on +",! >*is o#tion is 6ery useful for diagnostic
#ur#oses! After turning off t*e ignition on ne?t c*angeo6er to gas all gas injectors -ill 2e acti6e
Belo- t*e tic.s of t*e acti6e injectors Fou can find t*e injection times on #etrol of adequate petrol
in!ectors :red colour; and calculated gas in!ectors o#ening time :2lue colour; no matter on -*at
ty#e of fuel car -or.s in t*e moment! >*e 6alues are read and calculated in real time for eac*
AS0itchB grou# -t*e four squares al-ays s*o- t*e current gas indication le6el -*ic* is s*o-n on
t*e s-itc* in t*e coc.#it! >*e ,as 8 "etrol 2utton is used for instant c*angeo6er 2et-een 2ot* fuels!
>*e Auto mode turns controller in auto mode! It means t*at car -ill c*angeo6er to gas
automatically after 15 seconds :& -*en KAast 0odeB is acti6e; from fulfilling all t*e 6alues required
for c*angeo6er i!e! tem#erature= R"0 le6el= #ressure etc! D*en t*e controller is in Auto mode t*e
red diode flas*es! D*en it is on #etrol t*e diodes are off! D*en it is on gas t*e diodes are on=
s*o-ing actual gas le6el indication set in t*e soft-are!
On t*e rig*t side of t*e OSCAR-N OBD CAN #rogram -indo- Fou can find actual indication of
most im#ortant system #arametersC ,as #ressure= 6acuum in t*e inlet manifold= gas and reducers
tem#erature= 6oltage of controllers #o-er su##ly= R"0= time of o#ening of #etrol and gas injectors!
2 *ori(ontal 2ars 6isuali(e t*e readings of t-o lam2da sensors :if connected;! De can enlarge t*ese
#arameters into full screen 2y #ressing C19 2utton t-ice! In t*e left 2ottom #art of main -indo- -e
can find t*e 2oo.mar.s= -*ic* grou#s t*e configura2le system settings!
#.'. Setting the /asic parameters
#.'.1. Petrol Panel
Airst ste# after connecting t*e interface from t*e com#uter to OSCAR-N OBD CAN $C% and
turning on t*e #rogram is to set t*e #arameters from t*e "etrol "anel #ro#erly!
No. of cylinders for one ignition coil H num2er of cylinders for one ignition coil :-rong
selection -ill cause im#ro#er indication of R"0 signal;
Revolutions signal re6olutions signal source= E12 < H signal from t*e ignition coil= )< H
signal from t*e 6e*icle's $C%
Engine type engine ty#e= Standard H standard engine -it*out su#erc*arger= >ur2o H
su#erc*arged engine
Lambda Type --e can c*oose from ty#es of lam2da #ro2e:s;
Petrol Injection controlled wit !"# - injection signals reading in systems -*ere signals are
K#ositi6eB! In t*e most of cars injectors and 2eing controlled 2y negati6e signal!
#.'.#. <as Panel
Second ste# -ill 2e selecting t*e t*e #ro#er injector rail ty#e :for RAI+,AS & O*m injectors #lease
select <A+>$G8RAI+892555 & O*m;= and ty#e of sensors from ,as "anel! Selection of -rong
sensor -ill cause im#ro#er sensor indication :i!e! -rong selection of gas tem#! sensor may cause
s*o-ing 6ery lo- reducer tem#erature on t*e screen after t*e start of -arm engine;
%sually in OSCAR-N OBD CAN t*ere are follo-ing sensors attac*ed! Standard ty#e of sensors
-ill 2e selected automatically after first controller connection -it* t*e "C :-e can 2ring t*em u#
-it* restoring t*e manufacurer7s settings anytime; C
"ressure sensor H $%RO"$,AS
reducer tem#erature sensor H 2=2 .O90
gas tem#erature sensor -2=2 .O90
AttentionD In case of connecting reducer or tem#erature sensors from 0agic Met or 0agic Com#act
reducer =1 .O90 sensors s*ould 2e selected in field Kreducer temperature sensor K
Cali/ration parameters are t*e #arameters automatically set after autocali2rationC
!inimum pressure" is t*e lo-est 2order of gas #ressure 6alue :standard 6alue is /5."a; -*ic* is
2eing set during autocali2ration! If t*e gas #ressure -ill fall 2elo- t*is 6alue= for time longer t*an
6alue set in @"ressure error timeB= 2ut t*e gas le6el in tan. is 2igger t*at )5N= controller -ill
signali(e t*at gas #ressure is too lo- 2y signal of 2u((er= c*anging o6er 2ac. to #etrol and -aiting
for conditions to c*angeo6er 2ac. to gas :in @Auto modeB;! It is 2eing considered as tem#orary dro#
of #ressure 2ut not em#ty tan. :t*ere -ill 2e no @+o- gas #ressureB error stored in t*e controllers
If t*e #ressure dro#s do-n to 25."a :it is 2eing registered as em#ty gas tan.; controller -ill
signali(e it 2y 2u((er sound and flas*ing red diode= and -ill c*angeo6er to #etrol #ermanently!
9o-e6er t*e user can #ress t*e s-itc* c*angeo6er 2utton and go 2ac. into KAuto modeB again!

#or$ing pressure" is t*e 6alue of gas #ressure during last autocali2ration on idle!
#.'.&. S0itch Panel
Ne?t stage is t*e t*e S0itch settings grou# -*ic* contains t*e follo-ing #arametersC
*O <AS -#arameters related -it* c*angeo6er from #etrol to gas
Temperature H #ressure regulator minimum tem#erature required for controller's first
c*angeo6er to +",! Controller -ill 2e -aiting -it* c*ange o6er to +", until t*e gas
tem#erature -ill reac* t*is le6el
%&! c'angeover level$engine R"0 required for t*e controller to c*angeo6er to +",
Time H additional time #eriod -*ic* -ill 2e added to Kc*angeo6er to gasB time from cold
engine :if reducers tem#erature is lo-er t*an )5 C degree;
C'angeover dela( per c(l)H time 2et-een c*angeo6er 2et-een su2sequent cylinders! In
e?am#leC -*en t*is #arameter is set at 5!2 IsJ t*e c*ange o6er of a -cylinder engine from
gasoline to +", or from +", to gasoline -ill last L5!2ImsJ! >*is o#tion -or.s regardless
of t*e fact t*at t*e gasoline injection system is t*e so-called full sequence or not! D*en t*is
#arameter is set to 5 ImsJ all t*e cylinders -ill c*angeo6er to gas 8 #etrol at t*e same time!
AttentionD During autocali2ration t*is setting is ignored 2y default! Default 6alue of delay during
autocali2ration is 5 ImsJ! 1o0e:er if engine stalls during chango:er of all c"linders to gas at the
same time 0e should increase this :alue Efor eFample 127 sG and chec= in the field A%se for
autocali/rationB. It -ill cause c*angeo6er from #etrol to gas and from gas to #etrol -it* t*e
entered time delay 2et-een su2sequent cylinders c*angeo6er during autocali2ration!
*O P$*RO; -#arameters related -it* c*angeo6er from gas to #etrol
!a* %&! H ma?imum le6el of engine7s R"0 at -*ic* car can run on +",! $?ceeding t*is
le6el -ill cause c*angeo6er to gasoline! D*en t*e R"0 -ill fall 2ac. 2elo- t*is le6el t*e
car -ill go 2ac. to gas!
Load value - #etrol injection o#ening time 6alue -*ic*= -*en -ill 2e e?ceeded
simultaneously -it* !a* %&! 6alue= -ill cause tem#orarily t*e c*angeo6er to "etrol!
&ressure error time H time #eriod :in ms; -*ile t*e +", #ressure could 2e lo-er t*an t*e
Kminimum #ressureB 6alue! If t*e #ressure error -ill last longer t*an t*is time #eriod t*e car
-ill c*ange o6er to gasoline from lo- gas #ressure!
!in) gas %&! $lo-est 2order of engine7s R"0 at -*ic* t*e car could run on +",! If t*e
R"0 -ill fall 2elo- t*is le6el t*e car -ill c*ange o6er to gasoline!
!in) gas Temp) + C degree H ena2ling t*is o#tion t*e car to tem#orarily c*angeo6er
to gasoline for &5 seconds #eriod e6ery time -*en gas tem#erature -ill fall do-n 2elo- & C
degree :during t*is c*angeo6er t*e diode flas*es constantly once #er second;! After &5
seconds= if gas tem#erature -ill 2e *ig*er t*an & C degree= car c*angeo6ers 2ac. to gas!
AttentionD C*angeo6er to #etrol due to e?ceeding a2o6e #arameter7s 6alues :2esides !in) gas
Temp) + C degree; is 2eing reali(ed 2y closing t*e injectors= -it*out closing t*e solenoid 6al6es!
Only 6isi2le effect -ill 2e tem#orary turning off t*e s-itc* diodes :during dri6e on #etrol; and
turning t*em u# again :during dri6e on gas;!
AttentionD After turning t*e engine on controller automatically goes into @Auto modeB! It means
t*at after turning on= after reac*ing desired reducer7s tem#erature= controller -aits 15 seconds to
o#en t*e solenoid 6al6es and to o#en t*e first injector! Additionally -e need to add time of
C'angeover dela( per c(l) to full c*angeo6er to gas! Controller goes to auto mode automatically
after e6ery conditional c*angeo6er to #etrol! *ime of dela" of AAuto modeB can /e reduced from
19 do0nto & seconds2 /" acti:ating ACast modeB in Ad:anced /oo=mar=.
Sensor ty#e -c*aracteristics of le6el indication sensor installed on t*e tan.7s multi6al6e! De can
c*oose from / #redefined sensorsC )5 .O*om :falling8gro-ing;= 5-45 O*m :gro-ing8falling; le6el
sensors :R$SIS*I?$ ty#es; and t-o ty#es of CN, 9all #ressure gauges :?O;*A<$ ty#es;
By using t*e sliders 2elo- -e can also set t*e le6els at -*ic* t*e #articular le6el diodes on t*e
s-itc* -ill turn on and off! >*e status of #articular diodes de#ends on t*e electrical signal readout
from t*e le6el indication sensor! >*at 6alue is al-ays s*o-n in t*e OSCAR-N OBD CAN #rogram=
2elo- t*e sensor ty#e selection field! >*e setting defined 2y user -ill 2e automatically stored in
controllers memory! De can restore t*e original settings anytime 2y restoring t*e manufacturers
Signal of gas le6el from t*e sensor is 2eing s*o-n in t*e soft-are -it*out a6eraging! On t*e s-itc*
gas le6el is s*o-n -it* a6eraging of /5 seconds= so t*e c*ange made in t*e soft-are -ill 2e #resent
at t*e s-itc* das*2oard after t*at #eriod! >*an.s to a6eraging t*e +", le6el is not c*anging ra#idly
-*en car is t*e cur6es and t*e multi6al6e in tan. is floating fast u# and do-n 6ery!
#.'.' Cali/ration Panel
In Cali/ration #anel t*ere is ma# of gas controller s*o-ing de#endency of #etrol injectors o#ening
time on #etrol :red #oints; and on gas :2lue #oints; ImsJ related to 6alue of #ressure :6acuum; in t*e
inlet manifold of t*e car I."aJ! On t*e rig*t side of t*e screen -e can see t*e first #etrol :red colour;
and first gas injector :2lue colour; o#ening time 6alue ImsJ and #rogress 2ar of autocali2ration!
,reen square on t*e ma# s*o-s t*e actual 6alues of #ressure and #etrol injectors o#ening time!
+eft a?is is t*e for t*e 0ulti#lier line :2lue; -*ic* sets t*e elongation of injection o#ening time of
#etrol injector on gas :lig*t 2lue #oints;
>*e follo-ing 2uttons are a6aila2leC
Autocali/ration -calculates t*e time correction for gas injectors on idle! Aunction descri2ed more
#recisely in C*a#ter & of t*is manual!
$rase petrol -erases t*e ma# of #etrol injection o#ening times on #etrol from controller7s memory!
Bloc=ade -from t*e moment of turning t*at o#tion on= no more #oints -ill 2e collected on t*e
#etrol ma#!
$rase gas -erases t*e ma# of #etrol injection o#ening times on gas from controller7s memory!
$rase ad!ustments -automatically sets 6alue for all #oints of multi#lier to 1!5!
Calculates ad!ustments -automatically calculates and sets t*e line of multi#lier to le6el t*e
difference 2et-een #etrol and gas ma#s!
AttentionD Belo- -e can find 6alues of filling #ercentage of #etrol and gas ma# 2uffers in $C%
memory! D*en t*ese 6alues are a2o6e 155N no more #oints for #etrol 8 gas -ill 2e collected in t*e
a##lication screen! It is reccomended to erase the petrol and gas map after each autocali/ration
and to erase the gas map after e:er" change of multiplier. Before e:er" another
autocali/ration i t is strongl" recommended to erase all e:entual earlier multiplier corrections2
/" pressing the H$rase ad!ustmentsB /utton2 other0ise the main correction from
Autocali/ration might /e not calculated properl".
#.'.7 Oscilloscope Panel
On t*e rig*t side of t*is #anel -e can select -*ic* signals measured 2y t*e controller -e -ould li.e
to see on oscillosco#e and t*e 2uttons for +oad= Sa6e= Start and Sto# t*e oscillosco#e! De can -or.
-it* follo-ing signalsC
%as pressure H +", #ressure 6alue :#ressure difference 2et-een t*e #ressure regulator and
t*e suction collector;
&acuum H '(P $#ressure 6alue -it*in t*e inlet manifold :t*e a2solute #ressure 6alue;
Lambda ) voltage H 6oltage at t*e lam2da 1 #ro2e
Lambda * voltage H 6oltage at t*e lam2da 2 #ro2e
Petrol injection H #etrol injection o#ening time
%as injection $gas injection o#ening time
%as temperature H +", tem#erature at t*e #ressure regulator outlet
Reducer temperature H tem#erature of t*e liquid gas -it*in t*e #ressure regulator
RP' +rev,min- H engine re6olutions #er 1 minute
All signals descri2ed a2o6e are 6isi2le on t*e oscillosco#e and can 2e turned on and off
anytime! After #ressing K"auseB 2utton t*e lines sto# 2eing dra-n! >*is o#tion can 2e used for
c* -*at -ere earlier indications of signal! Belo- -e can turn on t*e 6alues of measurement
for t*e #arameters -*ic* -e -ould li.e to see t*e 6alues in #articular moment :on t*e screen a2o6e
-e can see injection o#ening time of #etrol and gas in ms;
#.7 Other features a:aila/le in the main 0indo0
#.7.1 <as in!ectors corrections
In t*is -indo- -e can read and adjust time corrections calculated for eac* injector during
autocali2ration! >*ese settings ena2le a correction of t*e fuel mi?ture for eac* cylinder! D*en
o#tion !.ange for all# in unc*ec.ed -e can use it to correct t*e injection time 6ariations #resent
in a K<B ty#e engine cylinders! >o cali2rate t*e injectors= use t*e follo-ing #rocedureC %#on auto-
cali2ration= c*ec. t*e gasoline in!ection times for eac* cylinder -*en using gasoline! >urn t*e
+", injectors on= one at a time= and o2ser6e if t*ere are any differences in t*e injection times after
s-itc*ing from gasoline to +",! Adjust t*e correction time ImsJ settings Eonl" 0hen necessar"+G
for eac* injector so t*at s-itc*ing to +", one injector at a time -ill not result in c*anging t*e
gasoline in!ection times.
A**$N*ION +++ %se this option as a last resort2 i.e. 0hen sure that the installation 0as
performed properl"2 all mechanical issues ha:e /een eliminated and in!ection times :ariations
for gi:en in!ectors are still present 0hen using ;P<. Do not e:er use in!ection strip-collector
pipes of different lengths and then the in!ectors( cali/ration to accommodate this difference+++
Also ne:er use this option 0hen the s"stem is not in a perfect 0or=ing condition or 0hen some
of its elements ha:e 0orn out. %sing this option in a manner not consistent 0ith the a/o:e
instructions ma" result in damage to the car+++
#.7.# Diagrams
>*is function a6aila2le to -or. -it* @ap and Oscilloscope 2oo.mar. ma?imi(ed to t*e
si(e of main -indo-! >*is feature is recommended during collection of #etrol and gas ma#!
#.7.& $rrors
$rror a##earance is signali(ed 2y 2ee#ing from a 2u((er :if connected; and c*angeo6er 2ac. to
#etrol! >*e diode on t*e s-itc* -ill start! In t*e soft-are -indo- t*e red dot -ill a##ear
on t*e /Errors# icon! After t*at icon 2y left mouse 2utton t*e /Errors# -indo- -ill
a##ear! >*e $rror -indo- s*o-s t*e follo-ing fieldsC
Erase Errors" -t*is o#tion a6aila2le to erase errors -*ic* *a6e occurred
,Continuous signal for errorsB H if selected= acoustic signals -ill inform of an error until
manually turned off 2y t*e user! If unselected= t*e acoustic signal -ill a##ear only once for a
s*ort #eriod of time!
+ist of errors -*ic* mig*t occurC
,&ressure sensor error" -#ressure error is 2eing signali(ed -*en t*e #ressure dro#s do-n 2elo-
t*e 6alue of 25 ."a! Situation li.e t*is *a##ens -*en t*e gas tan. is nearly em#ty! In case if t*e
6alue of #ressure is not t*at lo-= 2ut it7s 2elo- t*e @0inimum #ressureB 6alue set in t*e a##lication
:default it7s 2eing set at /5 ."a; it is 2eing considered as end of gas= and controller c*angeo6ers to
#etrol= 2ut it is not registered as #ressure error!
AttentionD H"ressure sensor errorB is t*e t*e only error -*ic* is 2eing signali(ed 2y 2u((er!
,-o %&! signal" -In case of lac. of R"0 signal for s*ort duration :2elo- seconds;= t*e gas
injectors are 2eing closed and car automatically goes 2ac. to #etrol! $rror of !No RP' signal# is
2eing registered in t*e controller! If t*e R"0 signal -ill a##ear again 2efore t*e seconds #eriod=
t*e car -ill automatically go 2ac. to gas! If after seconds t*ere still -on7t 2e R"0 signal= t*e
solenoid 6al6es -ill s*ut off! After recei6ing R"0 signal again t*e controller -ill go in @Auto
modeB :-aiting for c*angeo6er to gas;!
,.as temperature sensor error" -*a##ens in case of reading to 6alue our of range from gas
tem#erature sensor :mig*t 2e caused 2y disconnected or damaged sensor;!
,%educer temperature sensor error" -*a##ens in case of reading to 6alue our of range from gas
tem#erature sensor :mig*t 2e caused 2y disconnected or damaged sensor;!
,&o/er voltage suppl( too lo/" -t*e controller #o-er su##ly *as fallen 2elo- 4 I<J and it7s too lo-
to -or. on +",! It is recommended to c*ec. t*e E12< ignition and 2attery connection :es#ecially
2ot* fuses;! >*e controller -ill not c*angeo6er to gas!
,EE&%0! memor( %ead/#rite Error" -doesn7t cause c*angeo6er to #etrol!
#.7.' Ser:ice
S*o-s t*e amount of time t*at controller *as 2een dri6ing on #etrol8gas! #ossi2le to set time
remaining to t*e ne?t system ins#ection! $?ceeding t*at time -ill 2e signali(ed 2y 2ee#ing of t*e
2u((er and s-itc* +$D7s after eac* turning on t*e controller in Auto mode until ne?t
system ins#ection -ill 2e set 2y t*e installer!
All ser6ice num2ers of t*e "Cs connected to t*e $C% and c*anging its settings -ill 2e -ritten in its
memory! >*is feature #ossi2le to detect easily interference of "C ot*er t*an used 2y ser6ice!
#.7.7 ;oadISa:e #ossi2le to Save" current #rogram settings in a L!?set file! All t*e settings li.e t*e
multi#lier 6alues= sensor ty#es etc! can 2e sa6ed on dis. and easily restored in any moment 2y
#ressing t*e Load" 2utton! In any moment -e can restore original 6alues of t*e controller 2y
#ressing t*e ,!anufacturers settings" 2utton! It is also #ossi2le to u#date t*e controller7s firm-are!
#.7.6 ;anguages
>*ere are follo-ing soft-are interface languages a6aila2le to c*oose fromC
#.7.5 Calculator of in!ectors. no))le diameter
>*is function #ossi2le to calculate injection no((le7s diameter according to amount of B9"
to one cylinder and injection o#ening strategy ty#e!
AttentionD Algorit*m assumes t*at reducer7s #ressure *as 2een set at 1 2ar :for +", reducer; or 1=3
2ar :for CN, reducer;! Calculated :alues are onl" approFimate :alues and it is recommended
to drill the in!ector no))les from a diameter smaller from calculated one /" 92#mm and
de#ending on t*e communicates during autocali2ration e6entually increasing it 2y ste# of 5=2mm!
#.7.3 1elp
O#ens directory including t*is manual and controller7s *arness -iring diagrams!
#.7.8 A/out us
Some information a2out K$uro#egasB S#! ( o!o! Com#any di6isions in "oland -it* all addresses=
e-mails and ot*er contact information!
&. Autocali/ration
In .alibration 2oo.mar. t*ere are t*ree ma#sC
0ulti#lier7s ma# -2lue colour
"etrol injection o#ening times :on #etrol; -red colour
"etrol injection o#ening times :on gas; -2lue colour
+eft 6ertical a?is :'ultiplier value; and 2ottom *ori(ontal a?is :Time; ImsJ are assigned to t*e
multi#lier ma#! 0ulti#lier ma# is used to set t*e multi#lier for #articular injection o#ening time!
>*at function is 2eing reali(ed 2y t*e 2lue #oints #laced on t*e -*ole ma# -it* inter6al of one
second! >o mo6e t*e acti6e multi#lier #oint :green one; it s*ould 2e selected 2y it 2y t*e
left mouse 2utton and drag it u# and do-n! >o adjust t*e multi#lier -e can also use follo-ing .eysC
O - left arro- -c*anges acti6e #oint to #re6ious one 2y 1 ms :c*anges acti6e #etrol injection
o#ening time;!
P - rig*t arro- -c*anges acti6e #oint to su2sequent one 2y 1 ms :c*anges acti6e injection o#ening
Q - 2ottom arro- -decreases t*e multi#lier for #articular injection o#ening time! In e?am#le
c*anging t*e multi#lier 6alue from 1=5 to 5=3 -ill cause s*ortening of gas injection o#ening time 2y
R -u##er arro- -increases t*e multi#lier for #articular injection o#ening time! In e?am#le c*anging
t*e multi#lier 6alue from 1=5 to 1=2 -ill cause elongation of gas injection o#ening time 2y 25N!
@"age %#B H mo6es t*e -*ole multi#lier line u#!
@"age Do-nB -mo6es t*e -*ole multi#lier line u#!
Besides t*e multi#lier ma# t*ere are t-o ot*er ma#s #resent in t*at -indo-! Red colour #oints
create t*e ma# of #etrol injection o#ening times :on #etrol;! Blue colour #oints create t*e ma# of
#etrol injection o#ening times :on gas;! Rig*t 6ertical a?is :6acuum; I0PaJ and 2ottom *ori(ontal
a?is :Time; ImsJ are assigned to t*ese ma#s! D*en enoug* #oints *as 2een collected t*e controller7s
soft-are dra-s continuous lines 2et-een t*ese #oints!
On t*e ma# -e can also find green created 2y t-o crossed lines= -*ic* #osition c*anges
de#ending on t*e collector #ressure and gasoline injection times! It is 6ery useful during collection
of t*e ma# 2ecause it s*o-s at -*ic* load and injection time t*e engine -or.s!
Buttons A$rase petrol mapB A$rase gas mapB are used for erasing gasoline and +", ma#s!
Near2y t*e 2uttons is situated t*e selection field KBloc.adeB= -*ic* is t*e gasoline ma# i!e!
t*e controller *a6ing collected t*e gasoline ma# :-*en t*e ma# is dra-n -it* a continuous line;
-ill not modify it in a##lication after c* t*at field!
In t*e @@apB 2oo.mar. t*ere is @Auto-cali/rationB 2utton -*ic* Fou s*ould #ress for starting t*e
autocali2ration! On t*e 2ottom rig*t side of t*e -indo- a #rogress 2ar of cali2ration #rocess -ill
a##ear! "rior to starting autocali2ration= start t*e engine and -ait until t*e lam2da #ro2e starts to
-or.! *o start autocali/ration the reducer.s temperature must /e at least 79 C degree!
During auto-cali/ration the engine should 0or= on idle. Do not increase R"0= s-itc* off air-
conditioning and lig*ts= do not turn t*e steering -*eel= 2ecause t*is may cause errorous action of
t*e autocali2ration! "lease notice t*at during t*e autocali2ration all ot*er #rogram functions remain
inacti6e :Only K*urn-off auto-cali/rationB is a6aila2le in case of any #ro2lems -it* t*e engine;!
During autocali2ration controller is c*anging o6er t*e fuel ty#e from #etrol to +", se6eral times in
order to calculate main time correction 2et-een #etrol and gas injectors o#ening time! Calculated
correction is constant 6alue ImsJ -*ic* is t*e difference 2et-een #etrol injector o#ening time and
gas injector o#ening time! It is al-ays 6isi2le on t*e to# rig*t side of Cali2ration "anel!
If t*e gas #ressure and injection no((le diameter *as 2een selected adequate to #articular car
engine7s #o-er main correction should /e /et0een 927 ,ms- and #27 ,ms- Erecommended :alue
is /et0een 927 ,ms- and 127 ms ,ms-G.
If the main correction is lo0er than 927 ms= it means t*at t*e in!ectors no))le should /e changed
to smaller ones or reducer7s #ressure s*ould 2e lo-ered :it is not recommended to set t*e reducer7s
#ressure lo-er t*an 1 2ar;!
If the main correction is higher than #27 ms= it means t*at t*e in!ectors no))le should /e
changed to /igger ones or reducer7s #ressure s*ould 2e *ig*er!
AttentionD D*en t*e injection no((le diameter is far from t*e #ro#er 6alue= some of t*e cars mig*t
stall -*ile t*e car is c*anging o6er from #etrol to gas during autocali2ration! In t*is case if -e -ant
to finis* autocali2ration to see t*e correction it is #ossi2le to run t*e autocali2ration on *ig*er re6s!
>o do t*is -e need to increase t*e re6s u# to constant 6alue :li.e 2)55-&555 R"0; and .ee# it li.e
t*is till t*e autocali2ration ends! 9o-e6er after c* calculated corrections -e need to c*ange
injection no((le diameter or8and reducers #ressure and run t*e autocali2ration again!
AttentionD Before running e:er" another autocali/ration 0e need to set the main correction
/ac= to 129 ms and use the /utton A$rase the ad!ustmentsB Ein Cali/ration /oo=mar=G
&.1 Collecting the gasoline in!ection map 0ith gasoline Egasoline mapG
If autocali2ration *as finis*ed and calculated #ro#er main correction 0e should erase petrol and
gas map so can s-itc* o6er t*e 6e*icle to gasoline and dri6e a2out 1)-25 minutes to collect t*e
gasoline ma#!
AttentionD In case if -e -on7t erase #etrol8gas ma# 2efore ma##ing during t*e dri6e= and t*e car
*as -or.ed for a long time on idle on #etrol8gas= so t*e 2uffer of #etrol8gas is near to 155N= -e
could *a6e #ro2lem -it* collecting ma# in -*ole range of injection o#ening time!
During collection of t*e ma# try to dri6e -it*out c*anging gears i!e! at t*e t* gear and in suc* -ay
so t*at t*e lam2da #ro2e K-or.sB :c*anges its mode from -ea. to ric*;! During dri6ing red #oints
s*ould start a##earing on t*e ma#! >o collect t*e ma# select 6e*icle load in suc* -ay so
t*at collect #oints in #laces= -*ic* are em#ty until no-! Collection of maps is performed 0ithout
participation of the diagnostic program2 thus can /e done 0ithout PC connected! 9o-e6er=
-*ile #erforming t*is action -it* connected com#uter and diagnostic #rogram -e can do it muc* and -e see accurately= -*at *a##ens to t*e 6e*icle! D*en t*e controller recogni(e t*at t*e
num2er of collected red #oints is sufficient= t*e ma# -ill 2e dra-n -it* a continuous red line! >*e
accuracy of dra-n line de#ends on t*e density of #oints collected in gi6en area! >*e more #oints
-ill 2e collected in gi6en area= t*e more accurate t*e #etrol ma# line -ill 2e!
AttentionD It is recommended to collect 155N of #etrol ma#!
&.# Collecting the gasoline in!ection map 0ith ;P< E;P< mapG
9a6ing collected t*e gasoline ma# 6e*icle can 2e s-itc*ed to +", so -e can start to collect t*e
+", ma#! >*e +", ma# s*ould 2e collected in t*e same road conditions and -it* similar loads as
t*e gasoline ma#! >*e +", ma# is dra-n -it* 2lue #oints! 9a6ing collected sufficient num2er of
#oints t*e ma# -ill 2e dra-n -it* a continuous 2lue line! >*e accuracy of dra-n line de#ends on
t*e density of #oints collected in gi6en area! De can say t*at t*e +", ma# *as 2een collected -it*
enoug* accuracy -*en t*ere -on7t 2e narro- cur6es in its *ori(ontal a?is! >*e more #oints -ill 2e
collected in gi6en area= t*e more accurate t*e gas ma# line -ill 2e!
AttentionD After ma=ing an" changes to multiplier line it is recommended to erase the gas map
and collect in again ! In t*is -ay -e can u#date t*e ma# on in t*e a##lication :es#ecially
-*en t*e #ercentage of gas ma# 2uffer is near to 155N;
&.& @a=ing correction to map /" using multiplier. Calculating the corrections.
If t*e injectors no((le diameter and reducers #ressure *as 2een selected #ro#erly :-*ic* -ill 2e
confirmed 2y #ro#er main correction calculated during autocali2ration; t*e #etrol and gas ma#
s*ould agree! In case if t*ere are 2ig differences 2et-een 2ot* lines -e can use ACalculate
ad!ustmentsB o#tion! ,as injectors o#ening time -ill 2e automatically corrected -*ere t*e distance
2et-een 2ot* ma#s :for t*e same #etrol injection o#ening time; -ill 2e too 2ig!
After sa6ing t*e calculated adjustments into controllers memory -e could erase gas ma# and collect
it again! Bot* ma#s s*ould agree from no- on!
During collection of gas ma# -it* "C connected -e can adjust t*e multi#lier adjustments manually
in t*e #laces -*ere -e see t*at 2lue line is not agreeing -it* red one!
&.' Setting multiplier.s corrections manuall"
>*e controller can 2e also set manually! De start t*e setting of t*e controller H as for t*e #re6ious
met*od H -it* autocali2ration :it is indis#ensa2le for correct o#eration of t*e controller= see #oint
&;! >*en= if t*e autocali2ration *as 2een finis*ed successfully and correction 6alues for t*e gas
injectors are correct= -e s-itc* o6er t*e 6e*icle to gasoline and dri6e it for t*e test! >*e setting of
t*e multi#lier c*aracteristic s*ould 2e #erformed as follo-sC
De dri6e t*e 6e*icle using gasoline= -e ma.e efforts to .ee# t*e constant engine load i!e! gasoline
injection times s*ould 2e sta2le! De matc* t*e load so t*at t*e gasoline injection time -as i!e! a2out
) ImsJ! $6aluation of gasoline injection times -ill 2e easier -it* *el# of t*e green -*ic*
6ertical #osition at t*e *ori(ontal a?is de#ends on injection time! No- -e s-itc* o6er t*e 6e*icle to
+", and -atc*= if t*e green -ill not c*ange its #osition at t*e injection time a?is i!e! t*e
gasoline injection time *as not c*anged! If t*e gasoline injection time 2ecame s*orter :t*e
*as s*ifted to t*e left;= t*is means t*at for gi6en gasoline injection times t*e multi#lier is to *ig*
:t*e mi?ture is too ric*;! In suc* case correct t*e multi#lier H in our case for t*e time ) ImsJ -
do-n-ards! If after c*angeo6er from gasoline to +", t*e goes to t*e rig*t= t*is means t*at
t*e mi?ture is too -ea. and t*e multi#lier ma# s*ould 2e s*ifted u#-ards for gi6en injection times!
>*e #rocedure descri2ed a2o6e s*ould 2e #erformed for a fe- injection times 2eginning from t*e
cali2ration #oint as far as to injection times for great load! De can c*ec. t*e multi#lier ma# -it*
lea# of e6ery 2 ImsJ starting from idle re6s injection o#ening time #oint!
After e?ecution of descri2ed manual setting 2ot* ma#s H gasoline and +", H s*ould agree!
&.7. ;$D s0itch/oard
>*e +$D s-itc*2oard consists ofC
+$D line indicating gas le6el
2utton for c*angeo6er 2et-een 2ot* fuels! "us* to c*ange 2et-een #etrol and gas :Auto
;$D lineH s*o-s current +", le6el in t*e tan.! & green +$Ds indicate a full tan.S a red +$D
indicates Kreser6eB!
*he ;$D 4 s*o-s current o#erating statusC
off H t*e engine runs on gasoline
slo- :once #er second; H Controller is in Auto mode and -*en t*e tem#erature of
reducer is lo-er t*an )5 C degree= it7s a-aiting for reducer to reac* minimal tem#erature set
in t*e S-itc* "anel! If reducer tem#erature *as reac*ed tem#erature of )5 C degree= if t*e
required R"0 le6el -as reac*ed= from t*at moment after 15 seconds solenoid 6al6es are
going to 2e o#ened and gas injectors are going to 2e o#ened!
Aast :t-ice #er second; H If reducer7s tem#erature is lo-er t*an )5 C degree= after
reac*ing required reducer7s tem#erature :set in S-itc* "anel;= controller o#ens t*e solenoid
6al6es and -aits -it* c*angeo6er until required time amount -ill #ass :set in >ime
#arameter from S-itc* "anel;! If reducer7s tem#erature is lo-er t*an )5 C degree=
controller -ill -ait additionally for t*e time required for #re*eating gas injectors :if o#tion
*as 2een turned on in Ad6anced "anel;! After t*at total amount of time= if t*e #ro#er R"0
le6el :set in S-itc* "anel; *as 2een reac*ed t*e controller -ill c*angeo6er to gas!
AttentionD If 2u((er signal *as 2een acti6ated fast means controller error
:c*angeo6er to #etrol due to lo- gas le6el in t*e tan.;
on H t*e engine runs on gas
>*e controller Kremem2ersB t*e last fuel ty#e setting 2efore s-itc*ing t*e ignition s-itc* off!
In order to start the engine on ;P< Ee.g. 0hen the gasoline pump is damagedG2 press in and
hold the /utton on the ;$D s0itch/oard 0hile turning the ignition on. *he ;$D should come
on. Jhen the engine re:olutions are detected2 the controller turns the solenoid :al:es on and
the engine starts on ;P<. In this mode2 it is not possi/le to turn /ac= to gasoline. *urn the
ignition off to turn this special mode off.
'. In!ection map correction depending on engine.s RP@

OSCAR-N OBD CAN controller #ossi2le to adjust t*e com#osition of air8fuel mi?ture in t*e
-*ole range of engine load! >o do t*is -e can use Corrections ma# #laced in t*e K@apB 2oo.mar.
:feature #rotected 2y #ass-ord;!
On t*e #icture a2o6e -e can see ma# of corrections for #etrol injection o#ening time de#ending on
R"0 le6el! In t*e screens*ot a2o6e t*e o#ening time of gas injectors *as 2een elongated 2y 1)N in
range of *ig* re6s! >*an.s to t*at ma# -e can adjust mi?ture 2y s*ortening or elongating t*e gas
injectors o#ening time in range from H79K u# to >79K.
$diting of t*e ma# cells can 2e done in follo-ing -ayC
1; Dit* rig*t mouse 2utton -e mar. t*e area in -*ic* -e -ould li.e to enter t*e #ercentage
correction of gas injectors o#ening time!
2; Dit* left mouse 2utton -e clic. on any of cells mar.ed 2y us!
&; "o#-u# menu -ill s*o- u#= -it* follo-ing o#tionsC
a; AAddB -adds 6alue -ritten from .ey2oard to all t*e cells selected!
2; ASu/tractB -su2tracts 6alue -ritten from t*e .ey2oard from all t*e cells selected!
c; ASetB -sets t*e 6alue -ritten from t*e .ey2oard to all t*e cells selected!
d; AClear correctionsB -sets t*e 5 6alue to all t*e cells selected!
After selecting t*e area on t*e ma# it is #ossi2le to modify it -it* usage of Page 1p and Page
2own .eys!
Page 1p H increase 6alue 2y 1N
Page 2own H decrease 6alue 2y 1N
AttentionD @ain time correction ,ms-2 correction of the multiplier ,K- Efrom Cali/ration
/oo=mar=G and correction from RP@ ,K- Efrom @ap /oo=mar=G summed together gi:e total
gas in!ectors opening time
AttentionD If the RP@Ims map has /een modified /efore running e:er" another
autocali/ration 0e need to use the /utton AClear correctionsB to sets the 9 :alue to all the cells
7. Ad:anced settings
In (dvanced 2oo.mar. -e can find follo-ing features :#rotected 2y #ass-ord;
1; Injectors /arming up" $After ena2ling t*at o#tions -e can set #eriod of time for -*ic* t*e gas
injectors coils s*ould 2e #re*eated 2y single #ulses from $C% :#ro#erly s*ortened so t*ey -on7t
cause o#ening of injector; 2efore first c*angeo6er to gas Efunction 0or=s onl" if the reducer
temperature is less than 79 C degreeG ! >*e lengt* of #ulse is 2eing set automatically de#ending on
t*e ty#e of selected injector from injection rail in %as Panel!
2; &ressure corrections" -o#tions -*ic* #ossi2le follo-ing correction de#ending
on 6alue of differential #ressureC
#or$ing pressure" -gas #ressure at t*e gas injectors during autocali2ration= during -or. on idle!
Default set at 155 ."a :and reducer s*ould 2e set at t*is 6alue 2efore running autocali2ration;!
Correction" -Descri2es *o- t*e mi?ture s*ould 2e enric*ed :2y elongating t*e injectors o#ening
times; -*en t*e #ressure at t*e injector rail -ill start falling :to com#ensate t*e mi?ture
a34or0ing pressure -155."a= .orrection -1!5 P during c*ange of #ressure do-n to 45."a= times of
gas injection -ill 2e elongated 2y 15N
2;4or0ing pressure -155."a= .orrection -5!2 P during c*ange of #ressure do-n to 45."a= times of
gas injection -ill 2e elongated 2y 2N
a34or0ing pressure -155."a= .orrection -1!5 P during c*ange of #ressure do-n to 4)."a= times of
gas injection -ill 2e elongated 2y )N
a34or0ing pressure -155."a= .orrection -5!2 P during c*ange of #ressure do-n to 4)."a= times of
gas injection -ill 2e elongated 2y 1N
If t*e injector no((le7s diameter *as 2een selected #ro#erly t*e default correction 6alue is 1!
+1 2ast mode" -ena2ling t*is feature reduces t*e time of c*angeo6er to gas in KAuto modeB from
15 do-n to & seconds!
'G Enable Cut-off e*it t'roug't petrol" -t*is feature mig*t 2e es#ecially usefeul -*en installed
reducer:s; are 6ery *ig* #ressure at t*e outlet during cut-off conditions! If t*e reducer7s gas
#ressure :differential; -ill e?ceed 6alue gi6en in t*e field K.ut$off pressure# t*e controller closes
t*e gas injectors and turno6er 2ac. to #etrol! After t*e amount of time IsJ gi6en in field KReturn to
gasB t*e controller is going 2ac. to KAuto modeB!
7G !inimum gas injector opening time" -t*is #arameter set minimum time of t*e +", injectors
o#ening time! 0ig*t 2e used -*en t*e s*ort #etrol injection o#ening times= t*e times of +",
injection o#ening time are close to minimum 6alue of +", injectors o#ening time= -*ic* may
cause engine stalling :in e?am#leC during e?it from cut-off;! In e?am#leC -*en -e set t*is #arameter
at &=1 ms= if t*e controller *as calculated gas injector o#ening time less t*an &=1 ms :li.e 2=3 ms; its
o#ening time -ill 2e not less t*an &=1 ms!
AttentionD Aor <A+>$G ty#e injectors t*e #arameter s*ouldn7t 2e *ig*er t*an &=3 IsJ!
6G Ignoring t'e petrol opening belo/" -t*is #arameter sets t*e minimum 6alue of #etrol injectors
o#ening time -*ic* -ill 2e mo6ed onto +", injectors! >*is o#tion s*ould 2e ena2led -*en #etrol
injection controller generates 6ery s*ort #ulses on #etrol injectors :from 5=& ImsJ u# to 1 ImsJ;=
-*ic* normally doesn7t cause dosage of fuel 2ut after summing -it* all t*e corrections :main
correction= multi#lier correction and ma# correction; mig*t cause unnecessary gas injection :#artial
cut-off;! Default 6alue K5B means t*at e6ery #ulse from #etrol injector -ill 2e mo6ed onto +",
AttentionD 0a?imum 6alue of t*is #arameter is K1=4B ImsJ!
5G Enable petrol injectors full opening mode" -t*is o#tion s*ould 2e ena2led only -it* cars -*ere
t*e injectors during *ig* re6s are fully o#ened! >*is can cause engine stalling during dri6e on gas!
>*ese *a##ens mainly to tuned cars!
3G 2irst c'angeover enric'ment" $After acti6ating t*at feature it is #ossi2le to enric* t*e mi?ture
once after first c*angeo6er from #etrol to gas! After first c*angeo6er t*e gas injection o#ening time
-ill 2e elongated 2y selected 6alue :in 5;! During desired time #eriod :in sec!;t*e enric*ment -ill
2e decreasing linearly do-nto 5N! Aor an e?am#le after setting t*e enric*ment to 25N for 25 sec!
"eriod= after 15 sec! Arom c*angeo6er enric*ment 6alue -ill 2e 15N= after 1) sec! It -ill 2e )N
and after 25 sec! 5N!
6. Reading OBD correction using CAN /us
In OSCAR-N OBD CAN controller it is #ossi2le to connect directly to CAN 2us and to read actual
car7s OBD -or. #arameters and errors! >o use t*is feature it is necessary to connect to t*e car7s
OBD connector -it* CAN ;o0 i CAN 1igh -ires from *arness of OSCAR-N OBD CAN
After connecting to OBD CAN 2us and turning on t*e o#tion AOBD connectedB -e can -atc*
selected #arameters in a##lication!
After t*e 2utton ARead OBD errorsB it is #ossi2le to read t*e OBD errors -ritten in
original car7s #etrol controller! De can erase t*ese errors from its memory 2y #ressing 2utton
A$rase OBD errorsB.
By ena2ling o#tion %eading corrections from 03D" -e *a6e #ossi2ility of correcting gas
injectors o#ening time according to actual readings of /6ort Term 7uel Trim# and /Long Term
7uel Trim#! >*e time inter6al of reading t*e corrections can 2e set in #arameter Adjusting 03D
corrections") >*an.s to a2o6e feature t*e -or. of gas injection controller is self-ada#ting itself to
car7s original OBD in real time! If elements rest of sequential gas injection system *as 2een c*osen
and installed #ro#erly it #ossi2le to eliminate @I; :Kc*ec. engineB lig*t; during dri6e on
gas! >o fulfill t*e emission norms used 2y manufacturers of most modern cars it is necessary to use
injectors of *ig*est #recision of gas dosing and reducers -it* #o-er adequate to #articular car
engine7s B9"!
AttentionD Aeature /Reading corrections from 892# mig*t 2e used only in cars -*ic* are *a6ing
OBD on CAN 2us= 2ecause only t*is ty#e of data 2us is ca#a2le to ensure #ro#er communication
quality -it* t*e controller! Anot*er condition needed to fulfill for t*is feature to -or. is t*e fact of
#re6iously autocali2ration on idle= and corrections to t*e multi#lier #ro#erly!
Recommended 6alue for Adjusting t'e 0D3 corrections" #arameters is ) seconds! >*is #arameter
sets t*e time inter6al after -*ic* t*e a6eraged 6alue of Long Time 7uel Trim is 2eing read!
"arameter !a*imum correction from 03D" s*ouldn7t 2e 2igger t*an 1)N! >*is #arameter sets
t*e ma?imum 6alue of Long Time 7uel Trim -*ic* gas controller -ill try to adjust 2y c*anging gas
injection o#ening time! In e?am#le= -*en t*is #arameter -ill 2e 1)N and t*e +>A> 6alue -ill 2e
2)N= t*e OSCAR-N OBD CAN controller -ill 2e trying to adjust t*e injection o#ening time just
li.e for t*e 1)N 6alue!
OSCAR-N OBD CAN controller reads t*e 6alue of mi?ture correctors from OBD and sets t*e
amount of gas injected so t*e !6ort Time 7uel Trim# :S>A>; i !Long Time 7uel Trim# :+>A>;
-ill 2e oscillating as close to e?#ected car7s manufacturers default 6alues as #ossi2le!
S>A> and +>A> mi?ture correctors are referring to t*e corrections dynamically im#orted to ta2le of
injection o#ening times in original #etrol $C%! >*ese corrections are 2eing made all t*e time to
o2tain t*e ideal #ro#ortions of stoic*iometric 6alue of air8fuel mi?ture :1=1 C 1;! S>A> are referring
to tem#orary conditions of dri6ing :li.e accelerating= etc!;! +>A> are referring to long
lasting conditions :li.e -or. t*e engine on idle; and t*ey are 2eing an a6eraged 6alue from S>A>!
Corrections are s*o-ed u# as a #ercentage! "ositi6e 6alue means t*at in t*at #articular moment t*e
mi?ture is too lean and #etrol $C% is trying to elongate t*e #etrol injectors o#ening time to enric*
it! Negati6e 6alue means t*at mi?ture is too reac* and #etrol $C% is trying to s*orten t*e injection
o#ening time to ma.e it leaner!
>*e conce#t of ban0s is referring to K<B ty#e engines! Cylinder mar.ed as no! 1 s*ould 2e al-ays in
2an. no! 1! K<B ty#e engines s*ould al-ays *a6e one side assigned to 2an. no! 1 :cylinders -it*
num2ers from 1 to & or from 1 to ; and anot*er side to 2an. no! 2 :cylinders -it* num2ers from
to / or from ) to 3;! Straig*t ty#e engines s*ould *a6e all t*e cylinders assigned to 2an. no! 1!
Algorit*m of controller7s ada#tation in de#endency of OBD corrections is 2asing on reading actual
6alues of S>A> and +>A> and de#ending on t*ese 6alues elongating or s*ortening gas injection
o#ening times! In result of suc* actions mi?ture is 2eing enric*ed or leaned to .ee# t*e S>A> and
+>A> in desired range!
In e?am#leC if +>A> are going too far in #ositi6e direction :t*ey are gro-ing;= algorit*m is
increasing t*e gas injection o#ening time to enric* t*e mi?ture= so finally t*e +>A> are going in
negati6e direction :t*ey are falling;!
If t*e +>A> are going to far in negati6e direction :t*ey are falling;= algorit*m is s*ortening t*e gas
injection o#ening time to lean t*e mi?ture= so finally t*e +>A> are going in #ositi6e direction :t*ey
are gro-ing;!
Acutal 6alue of calculated corrections -e s*ould control from time to time! >o 2ig a2solute 6alue of
t*ese correction mean t*at some mec*anical #art mig*t 2e -orn out and -e s*ould ma.e some
mec*anical adjustments to some #arts of sequential gas injection system!
6.1 OBD connector.s description
Pin ' - <ND
Pin 7 - <ND
Pin 6 - CAN 1igh EL-##3'G
Pin 1' - CAN ;o0 EL-##3'G
Pin 16 - >1#?
If the car has OBD on the CAN /us then on pins no. 6 and no. 1' should /e >#.7? :oltage
regarding the <ND.
OBD system on CAN 2us *as 2een introduced in %nited States! At t*e 2eginning it -as installed
only in some cars manufactured after year 255&! Arom year 2553 it is o2ligatory for all t*e 6e*icles
manufactured on %S! In $uro#ean cars t*ere is no suc* requirement yet :2eginning of year
2553; and from t*e cars 2eing sold on $uro#ean only 6e*icles manufactured 2y Ma#anese
and Gorean concerns *a6e t*e OBD on CAN 2us!

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