Top of filter
Filter media
•Depth removal
Depth removal refers to SS removal below the
surface of the filter bed. There are two types of
“depth removal”.
Interstitial straining
Larger particles become trapped in the void space
between granular media particles.
Suspended solid
Filter media
Suspended solids are typically flocculent by design
(filter often follows coagulation/flocculation) or by
nature (clays, algae, bacteria). Therefore, attachment
or adsorption of suspended solids is a good
possibility. Attachment can be electrostatic,
chemical bridging or specific adsorption. Attachment
is enhanced by addition of small amount of coagulant
and as the filter bed becomes coated with suspended
solids ("ripened" filter). It is easier for suspended
solids to attach to other SS that are already attached
to the filter media.
Suspended solid
Filter media
In general all three mechanisms of removal are
occurring at the same time during a filter run. The
relative predominance of these mechanisms depends
•character of media
•character of SS
•flow rate
•bed depth
•time (throughput volume)
Filter Cycle
V = K p Sl = K p
V = superficial approach velocity (ft/min).
Vi p
+ + Z + h f = constant
2g γ
Vi = interstitial flow velocity, ft/sec.
+ Z = constant
Head loss patterns change as the filter run
proceeds; interstitial velocity increases as pore
size decreases (first in the upper portions of filter)
and as the velocity increases the frictional head
loss increases. Since the progression of head loss
increases non- uniformly throughout the filter we
get the following head loss pattern.
In the region of negative pressure degasification of
the water can occur. This may cause air binding
and reduction in the effective filter surface area.
Negative pressure regions can also cause cracking
of the filter (results in fissures in bed that allow
unfiltered water to pass through to effluent).
If the sand filter is not preceded with a
coagulation/flocculation process (as is typically
the case for water treatment systems),
pretreatment of the suspended solids is often
employed, particularly if the water contains
fine clays. Pretreatment is usually the addition
of coagulant just before the filter. The filter
acts as a flocculation process as described
Head loss patterns
When depth removal is the primary mechanism
for SS removal the head loss pattern is shown in
the following figure. Head loss increases with
surface loading rate due to higher solids loading
rate as well as higher frictional head loss.
At lower surface loading rates surface removal is
significant because the velocity is not high enough
to drive the SS into the media (At higher loading
rates the suspended solids are driven into the
media). The compressibility of the surface layer
results in higher headloss at higher velocity.
Reverse graded filters are used to enhance depth
removal and reduce surface removal. A more
uniform solids distribution results. Thus longer
filter runs can be attained. Filter runs of 2-5 times
longer than single media filters are attainable.
Head loss patterns for a reverse graded filter are
shown in this figure.
Effluent Quality (turbidity) patterns for various
depths in a granular filter are shown here:
Effluent quality at any layer tends to improve
initially, then get worse with time or throughput.
As SS are removed by adsorption and straining the
media surface area increases (giving better
adsorption/attachment) and the void spaces
become smaller (giving better straining). As the
channels become smaller interstitial velocity
increases and we get greater shear which results in
sloughing to lower layers of media.
D e (1 − ε)
D (1 − ε)
ε = 1− (1 − ε)
V = K e (ε )
Where V is the approach velocity required to attain a
certain level of bed expansion.
ne and Ke are constants that can be evaluated by a
settling analysis of the media.
The following is an empirical expression that
relates minimum fluidization velocity to media
particle settling velocity.
Vs = 8.45 ⋅ Vf
(units don’t matter as long as they are
Vs = settling velocity of the media
n e 4.45 Re 0 (dimensionless)
ρ l ⋅ Vs ⋅ d 60
Re 0 =
ρ l ⋅ 8.45 ⋅ Vf ⋅ d 60
Re 0 =
Re 0 = 8.45 ⋅ Re f
n e 4.45(8.45 Ref )
3.59 Re f
Vf can alternatively be computed using
another empirical relationship:
1.82 0.94
0.00381(d 60 ) {ωs (ω m − ωs )}
Vf = 0.88
' 0.1
Then use: n e 3.59(Re ) f
Use initial porosity and the empirical equation for
fluidization velocity to compute Ke.
Ke = ne
Now the fluidization velocity for any bed
expansion can be calculated using :
V = K e (ε )
Pressure drop through the expanded bed is equal to
the buoyant wt. of the bed (no expansion
D(1 )(m s )
D(1 )( )
For multimedia beds apply expansion and
pressure drop equations separately to each media
Underdrain and washwater gutter design
Q = 2.5W ⋅ (D u )
W = width of gutter (ft)
Du = depth of water in channel (ft)
Q in cfs
The filtration media is hydraulically deposited on
a septum. The filtration media is usually perlite
(siliceous volcanic rock), activated carbon or
diatomaceous earth (siliceous exoskeletons of
algae and diatoms).
Mechanism of SS Removal
Filter cycle: