Internship Report On 222222
Internship Report On 222222
Internship Report On 222222
Internship report submitted to the department of human resources management studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Business Administration (MBA)
Internship Report On
External Examiner:
Signature: Designation: Date:
Department: Name: Signature:
I dedicate this project report on the name of those great Pakistanis who are living below the line of poverty and Struggling to save their lives
First of all my thaks to all mighty allah, who enabled me to complete this report. Professer Nawab khan ,sir mazhar, sir Iqbal sir Nuroz khan, miss mehreen , miss sheeba , miss Nabila, miss Rukhsana superv
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Difference section of SRSP Social sector and gender issue section Core objective of education section Administration section Physical infrastructure water and sanitation section Internal and enterprise development section Finance section
Implementation /action plan Plan for job rotation Plan for the compact building Bibliography
Chapter 1
The main purpose of this study is to fulfill the requirements of master of business Administration Degree at the University of AIOU .Human resource is the most important Intellectual Asset of any organization. No longer can organizations afford to devalue and demoralize their workers to succeed at the expense of those who help make success possible. The second purpose of this study is to analyze The Human Resource practices in the Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP) and to assist the management of the SRSP in optimal utilization of its human resources in best possible manner. SWOT analysis has done in order to know their strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. According to the SWOT analysis some recommendations are given.
Its main focus is on human resource management section of SRSP and in this way emphasize has been laid to study their approaches towards recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits etc.
As I was attached with SRSP for two months and in these two months internship in regional office at human resource management department I tried my level best to collect some information and data about this organizations working. However the following data collection method has been mainly used for the completion of this report. data collected for this report is developing from two sources i.e. primary data and secondary data.
1. Observation
Being an internee at the HRM section of SRSP I observed all the practice and dealing not only in HRM department but other department of the district Peshawar office also. So observation during the entire two months internship was the main source of primary data.
2. Interviews
To know the motivation ,commitment and about the working procedure of the organization I conducted interview/personal communication with different staff members of the SRSP Head Office.
SRSP review, Quarter report, Annual report, Brochures, Manuals and books on SRSP and internet were the main source of secondary data.
RSP are a group of non-government organization they have a distinct development philosophy that distinguishes them from the other non-governmental organization operating in Pakistan. Like other NGO,s the RSPs are based in private sector ,they have their own independent board of directors, a distinct financial and management system, philosophy and approach to the development.
The RSPs have a presence in 82 districts of the country and as of December 2003,had helped from 39,000 Community Organization (Cos). About one third of these organized forums are Womens Community Organizations (WCOs).At present by far the majority of these Cos is in rural areas. This vast outreach in rural areas, close contact and credibility with organized forums and staff trained and experienced in participatory consultation with communities gives RSPs a unique opportunity to contribute to community consultation process.
The largest network of non governmental rural development organization is Rural Support Program network. The RSPN has been set up by the Rural Support Programmed of Pakistan. The RSPN was registered on July 28, 2000 under section 42 of the companies, ordinance as a non-profit organization. It was set up in April 2001 as an institutional mechanism to bring the RSPs together on a common platform. The Department currently funds the Network for International Development of the Government of United Kingdom. It acts as an operational think tank for the RSPs, a policy advocacy body on behalf of the RSPs with the Government, Donors and undertakes selected research with the RSPs on issues that have bearing for overall RSP strategies. The network is owned by ten RSPs of Pakistan.
Following are the function of RSPN Provides RSPs and other organization with a network forum for policy discussion and strategic planning. Provision of quality guidance and advice to RSPs in the Formulation and implementation of their program in various sectors. Documentation and dissemination of best practice of RSPs between them and to other interested stakeholders. Supporting RSPs in mobilizing resources and liaison with donors. Demands responsive provision of high quality consultancy service to RSPs and other organizations.
Policy research and advocacy to improve the enabling environment for rural poverty reduction through RSPs.
1. 2. 3. 4.
All the activities carried out by the different components are channeled through organized forums at the village level known as womens community organization (WCOs) or Mans community organization (MCO,s).The primary objective of social o rganization is the evolution of cohesive rural institution at the village so that effective community participation and decision making can the place in he identification, planning and implementation of village development activities. The ultimate objective is that this organization will sustain themselves through increased cost sharing in certain activities and build linkages with government and other development agencies independently. The social organizers interact regularly with members of women and community organizations to promote co-operation ,develop a saving pool, assist in identifying and implementing activities, upgrade managerial and technical skills and monitor activities working for community.
The credit and enterprise development components of SRSP aim to correct the traditional neglect of rural poor by institution credit sources by providing them with easy access to credit. The credit program of SRSP facilitates generation of local pool of saving for further utilization of W/MCO members. In order to increase income of rural people, the section offers not only loans but also training in enterprise development to start small businesses in their villages. The community and women organization can avail of credit for livestock, micro enterprise and agriculture from three credit windows .i.e. short, medium and long term. The tenure for loan repayment ranges from six to thirty months, depending on the purpose of the credit. However, the W/MCO has final discretion on this matter.
To reach out its target population, SRSP has made a special provision of credit line for all community members .Collateral free loans up to Rs 25,000 with 20 percent service charge per annum are offered to individuals ,since January 1999.However ,loans required for improved breed of buffaloes for milking purposes, the upper credit ceiling per member is RS 30,000 at the rate of 20 percent service charge per annum. 2 percent of the recovered service charges of all loans are paid to the community activist for their services in loan processing and recoveries. Service charge of all loans is reimbursed to the community activist for their role in loan disbursements and recoveries.
The Social Sectors section was set up in mid 1996. Prior to the initiation of this section SRSP was already undertaking activities within the social sector issues through stronger institutional linkages with government program and to respond to the demands of the WCO Within these sectors. In this regard the section seeks to develop innovative models of community participation within the social sectors. This demonstration provides assistance to government in designing programs with strong community participation components. Social sector activities include interventions in the health, education and family planning sectors. SRSPs health strategy is essentially a three pronged: 1. Creating health awareness among the rural community; 2. Training of female and male health workers 3. Establishing linkages with existing health services. Whereas specific activities are undertaken under the health program, issues related to the food security of communities are an integral part of SRSPs program, with each section contributing towards this goal through its program packages. D. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT
The Human Resource development (HRD) component of SRSP aims at improving the skills of the professionals staff of SRSP to interact with rural communities. The objective of the staff training is to enhance employee, s abilities to plan, implement and monitor the program components with concept clarity and comprehensive understanding of program approach. At the community level, two types of training are given. Training to activities or office bearers of WCOs/MCO, s such as the manager and president, is provided to increase their managerial and record keeping skills as well to enable them to become better leaders.
Technical training is provided to villagers identified by the W/MCO, S to enable the community to have technical services available at their doorsteps. These training involve the knowledge about improved varieties of crops, spraying, improved livestock breed and fodder, vaccination, and micro enterprise.
development agencies. AKRSP has, over the years acted as a catalyst for integrated rural development, organizing local, physical and financial resources in order to enable communities bring about their own development in an equitable and sustainable manner. Program components include Social Organization, Womens development, Enterprise Promotion and credit and saving services.
The main donors are the European Commission, the Government of United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and Norway Pakistan, The World Bank and Aga Khan Foundation.
The Khushhali Bank is an ambition initiative to up-root poverty from the country using the RSP approach .In this way bank has built upon the best practices of existing RSPs in Dera Ghazi Khan the Punjab poorest district in August 2000. It was planned to works in 30 district end of 2001 and intended that within 6 years be present across the entire country. The Government of Pakistan through a loan granted by the Asian development Bank provides funds to this project.
The Ghazi Barotha Taraqiati Idara ,which is also known as Ghazi Barotha Development Organization ,was establish to help rehabilitees the affectless of hydroelectric project undertaken by the government. GBTI helps affecters in land compensation and resettlement and has recently expanded its mandate to include a typical RSP approach to social mobilization and rural development .The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has provided an endowment as GBTI, s core funding and funds its development project.
As clear from its name National Rural Support Program it has nationwide coverage and operates in 14 regions. It has recently rapidly expanded its coverage through the financial support of the PPAF particularly in community infrastructure project and was responsible for the establishment of SRSP an GBTI and worked closely with the Khushhali Bank in initially setting up the banks operation. It also works with government project. Donors include UNDP, Habib Bank Limited, Learning for Life ,the Government of Pakistan and the PPAF.
The BRSP has started its operation in April 2001 in three Tehsil (Dasht, Knaak/panjpai and Mastung) near Quetta ,and is in the process on mobilizing communities to undertake activities for community infrastructure, micro-credit, and capacity building .Initially ,during the earlier operations of BRSP during the 1991-97 period ,more than five hundred CO,s had been formed. BRSP now inlands to expand its program to ensure the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund is currently funding BRSP in implementation of quality interventions to reach the deserving communities of Baluchistan, including reactivating some of old CO,s.
SGA is a community-based development organization comprising largely of a volunteer force that works in the areas of rural water supply &sanitation, health and education through village based Village Development Associations. It supported schools, innovative eye and skin disease camps, and an emergency medical center. SGA has recently concluded an agreement with the Khushhali Bank to be its partner organization in SINDH. It has received funding from various agencies such as Action Aid, Government of Pakistan and technical support from Aga Khan University.
SRSP has developed a close working relationship with the Government of the KPK .Under the Mansehra Village Support Project, SRSP has worked with the Government of NWFP in Mansehra and Battagram, and similarly under the Barani Area Development Project it has worked with the government in Kohat , Karak Abbottabad and Haripur district .This relationship involved the linking up of CO and WO members to the Governments technical departments to procure training ,demonstration, inputs and advice, After the expiry of both projects , institutional mechanisms such as coordination meetings still exist and these linkages are continuing to endure in these areas .In Charsada , SRSP works independently while maintaining informal linkages with the Government.
BACKGROUNDS OF THE SRSP Sarhad Rural Support Program was established in 1989 as private L IMITED Company under Article 42, of the Companys Ordinance 1984. The basic aim behind Established of SRSP by NWFP Government is to bridge the gap between the poor and their development along with the assistance and guidance of SRSP staff. The human resource of any country is capable of achieving anything but the question Would they receive any proper attention from their Government s. And it is fact that every country is not by birth a develop country. So as well all know it very well that most of poor people of the world live in the rural areas. Pakistan Government has developed a network known as RSP network .Ten NGO,s are working under this Network to help rural communities.
2.8.2 VISION
Managing self sustaining self-management financially viable grassroots institution for poverty reduction
Harnessing peoples potential to help them through establishing a network of grass roots institution for poverty reduction, sustainable and equitable development
The objectives of SRSP are:
Building resource base of the poor and remove infrastructure constrains utilizing potential existing in communities. Expending the frontiers of finance by providing access to credit to the poorer segments of the population. Building social capital by mobilizing communities for poverty reduction, livelihoods and sustainable development. Enhancing individual capacities for leadership &organizational capacity for internal and external environment. Enabling communities to link up with providers of social services.
The physical landscape of Sarhad Rural Support Program starts ranges from the lowest planes of Karak District in the South KPK with an elevation of only 600 meters to as high as 3,658 meters of Chitral Districts in the North KPK.SRSP is operation in 11 out of the 22 districts of KPK. These 11 districts are spread over an area of 35,437 square kilometers. The 11 districts have a combined population of 8.575 millions .There are 446 union councils in 11 districts. If the physical terrain of its regions located in the North is difficult, than the social terrain of its regions located in the central part and south of KPK present different kinds of predicaments. The principles of social mobilization remain the same but the approach adopted, in reaching out to people for contact ,demand flexibility.
The travelling to people in the north involves hazardous journeys on jeeps, and by fool. The distances are measured not in kilometers but in time. In the south it is not the difficult traveling options but conservatism of the people to accept the program willingly, which in turn presents and undoubting task of facing par latent opposition, Turing violent at times. The September 11 event has opened new viataa of donor funding to Pakistan presented threats of program closures at the same time. The severity of the situation at least in the central and south KPK .This was a case of Afghan crises spillover .Political problems in that country immediately placed KPK in a different perspective than the rest of Pakistan .The business of social mobilization ,as a direct consequence of external and internal situation in SRSP program areas, present a different physical and social landscape and therefore .is imbued with challenges country to face by down-country similar programs .
In the Northwest frontier Province, agriculture is the principal economic activity but 70% of the land ,being mountainous ,is not fit for efficient productive agriculture. Only about 25% of the remaining land is irrigated. The rain fed areas generally produces only one crop a year. The province is essentially a Land of small Landholder farmers 90% of the farms are less than 5 hectares. Although the province has only 13% of the country, s population, it has 40% of Pakistanis farms less than 0.4 hectares and 30% of the farms less than 2 hectares. KPK, a net deficit province, lacks the capacity to invest in programs to raise living standards of rural people. The annual population growth rate of the province is 3.06 %.According to the 1981 census; the literacy rate is 17%.The literacy rate for females is even lower, i.e. 6.5 %. According to the UNDP Report (1996) 40% of the population lives below the poverty line identified with US 1$ per capita. It is in this backdrop that the sarhad Rural Support Program, a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization committed to the poverty reduction and the sustainable & equitable development of the area, started its activities.
SRSPs approach emphasizes the participation of the marginalized rural communities at all levels as planners, designers, implementers and maintainers for a process of sustainable development. SRSP believes in a people centered participatory approach.
The SRSP mobilizes grass-root communities to form local institutions called community Organizations (CO), which are then used as vehicles for building the self help capacity and potential of the communities. These Organizations are also a vehicle to Identify and undertake a variety of diverse developmental projects related to, for example, credit and savings, infrastructure development, natural resource management, enterprise promotion, and social development with particular attention to gender equity concerns. In its micro credit operations, SRSP work through groups of 30 to 40 members.
a) The Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP) formally known as Sarhad Rural Support Corporation (SRSP) was established in 1989 as a private non-government and non-profit organization located in South & North of NWFP. Theses six regions are
a. b. c. d. e. f.
These are the employees of Grade 08 to 10.This include CEO who is G10 and the program managers of SRSP who are placed in G08 to G09 according to their tenure. Their pay starts from Rs.45000/-
The category of professional staff starts from G03 to G07. According to their job description and job Specification. These include internal Auditor, Accountants, human resource development officers (HRDO), Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and research officers (PMEROs), Social Organizers (SOs), Computer Operators, Telephone operators etc. Their pay ranges from RS.25000/ - to 35000/ - .
Those employees who are rated in G01 and G02 It include drivers, peons. Gardeners and cooks etc. their pay is up to Rs 6000/-.
benefit analysis with an emphasis on the envisaged impact on the poverty situation especially poorest of the poor. All the development inputs received by the community or womens organizations are need and opportunity driven. The villagers express their needs and opportunity in dialogues and in the form of resolutions passed during general body meetings. For the implementation of an identified activity, a term of partnership is finalized, if investment in the proposed activity is feasible. The villagers spell out the manner in which they will plan, implement, manage and maintain the specific activity.
The Regional Programmed officer are assisted by a team of Male and Female Social Organizer (SO,s )and technical experts of natural resource management (NRM)( agriculture ,livestock, forestry ) Engineering Human resources development, Social Sector and credit and Enterprise with management support from Planning, monitoring Evaluation and Research, finance and Administration.
The regional program offices are mandated to: Facilitate CO/WOs formation Support the target group in designing their village development plans to achieve sustainable live hood. Implement responses developed by program specialist through the regional specialists. Facilitates the assessment impact of program implementation
Sarhad Rural Support Program has a board of directors, which have rich experience and unrelinquishing commitment to people contract principle policy maker body in addition to the policy implementation and timely feedback and program implementation. The next lair is the management at the head office and regional levels. Management has a clear programmatic focus, a clear vision with an appropriate strategy and more importantly it has the skill and capacity to design and implement programs. The regions are complete decentralized in terms of operations and staff matters. The budget is allocated to the regional program manages, which they manage for effective implementation of the program. The core management at the head office provides technical & managerial support to the regions, streamline system of finance humans resource development ,planning monitoring evaluation & research, micro finance, engineering ,monitor program progress of SRSP is 315 of which 161 are professionals and 143 are support staff. Of these 18% is women staff members.
HRD Section of SRSP has developed itself in to full fledge training center with the capacity to impart any kind of training. Most of the capacity building events like training, exposure visit, and workshop are organized in HRD center of SRSP. The HRD center of SRSP is located on in town University Road Peshawar.
SRSP has recruited a group of professional staff to plan and manage day- to- day Operation. The core group consists of Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Program Manager, PMER, Program Manager Finance & Credit, Program Manager Social & Gender Issue, Program manager Physical Infrastructure and Water &Environmental Sanitation.
Departmentalization is the process of grouping jobs according to some logical arrangement .The manner in which activities should be divided and formed into specialized group usually referred to as departmentalization.
donors to evaluate the overall program activities thereby highlighting achievements and making recommendations for future improvements also conduct mid-term and yearly reviews.
PMER section facilitates the short term and long term strategic planning process by introducing various modules e.g. the logical framework analysis. The use of these modules will assist section in systematic and holistic planning of activities and projects, setting realistic targets and gaining a picture of the wider objectives and impact of the program.
Due to the ever changing socioeconomic environment and the needs of the people is also changing so SRSP will respond positively by revising its strategy after every four to five years to appropriately address the practical need of the people and this is done by a series of interactive dialogues with the concerned section, staff and the communities.
The annual planning will base on past performances, the meeting of targets ,continuous assessment and appropriate adjustment of programs and activities .and agreements reached with the government and with the donors.
For regular monitoring information is necessary for the improvements in program, regular monitoring of activities at the field level as well as through evaluation studies is carried out . In 1994, the PMER (Planning Monitoring, Evaluation and Research) had design a monitoring system from the field to the Head Office level for the purpose of regular monitoring.
Case studies are most useful in assessing program impact. These cover technical as well as institutional aspect of the program PMER has put greater emphasis on conducting evaluation of program activities in the field. For this purpose they pursued two strategies :First training field staff for writing their own case studies because they actually involved in implementing program components. Second more in depth and less frequent, analytical case studies assessing the longer term impacts and progression towards sustainable development.
Although research is also one of the function of PMER section but they have not started it yet .
a. Education. b. Health c. Gender Issue
The social sector was set up in the mid 1996, where as SRSP undertaking activities within the social sectors before the setting up of a separate section, the role of this section is to deal with social sector issues through strong institutional linkages with government program leading to the establishment of a separate section.
The education section was initiated in 1997, funding from PDP-SAP-1,30 schools were financed for a period of two years. Teachers were trained with the support of government. All the programmers in education sector are for primary level. Community based schools (CBS) and adultery centers are established after a detailed survey. For establishing of schools willingness of community is required. The communities should be ready to run the schools on self help basis. After this situational analysis a village education consists of 6 members, males & 3 females. community (VEC) is formed. It
Their main job is record keeping, which includes record of enrollment, existing facilities, required facilities &selection of teacher as well.
To upgrades the knowledge and skills through health awareness and to reduce mortality in rural women and children. To establish an effective liaison with the government and non-government health, education ,family planning , water & sanitation services providing agencies in order to link them with WCO,s. (women Community Organization).
A network was established soon after completion of training in 1998 for the gender voices. The founder members of this gender issue network were SRSP, IUCN, SSEP, FRC, and PAK-CDP. The secretariat of this network in SRSP
Its objective is to develop appropriate strategies/approaches through information sharing and exchange of experiences. Build capacity of the members through trainings and seminars. Develop strategies for making the network a viable and sustainable forum.
Gender sanitization, gender policy, gender focal points and gender groups
Program level
Gender budgeting, gender dimensions in community training
Networking for gender equality
Clearance in case of termination is also done by this section EOBI card is made for employees from the old age bnefit institute by administration. For the purpose monthly payment is made by the employees and employer to the institute, Which is RS .170? The employees have to pay RS. 20/- and employer has to pay Rs. 150/For this purpose finance department issues cheque to the administration department Salary to the employees is given on the basis of time sheet. For this purpose the Administration use the attendance register to make a time sheet for the employees Salary. Inventory record is maintained for whole SRSP by admin.
Arrangements like air tickets, hostel reservation, rented cars etc for foreigner visitors are done by admin. Arrangements for seminars, workshops and training etc are also made by administration Department . Staff transport or any other arrangements for staff are done by admin.
After the community formation in a certain village a series of dialogues are Start with the community. Engineers go to the area where the project is planned. Three types of feasibility are carried out for implementation of physical infrastructure projects. 1. Social social organizer 2. Technical Field Engineer 3. Financial MER Section The next step is term of partnership (TOP). For this purpose a project Digest is required which contains project description, environment screening, site plan, Time frame, location, map and community resolution. SRSP does not give not give the project to the contractor rather communities are responsible. Engineers and social organizer will sign TOP and on the behalf of communities not less than 75% Of the members of the community should sign the TOP (name of the members, amount of contribution & name of communities should be given in TOP).
Then they ask for the previous receipt and are signed by the project manager. 90% of the amount is given for the project completion and remaining 10% is given after the project is completed properly. This 10% is kept as security. When project is completed perfectly then the community is awarded by a project completion certificate. Type of project, timings, total cost and main components are mentioned on it, which is signed by Social Organizer, Field Engineer and community organization. During the project management committee is also trained.
Following are the objectives of Credit and Enterprise Development program: Increase the access to credit for productive purpose for the WCOs. Ensure that the local pool of capital generated by the WCO,s is able to meet the credit needs of the members in the future by leveraging against funds from institutional credit sources . Institutionalism marketing system within and with WCO,s for a sustainable and self generating demand for community products and services. The Credit enterprise Development components of SRSP aims to correct traditional neglect of rural poor by institutional credit source by providing them with easy access to credit .In order to increase the income of rural people, this section offers not only loans but also training in enterprise development to start small business in their villages. A farmer being marginal in nature, the SRSP program seeks to meet the needs of framers through providing easy access to credit. Loans and training are offered to farmers to increase farm production and to develop micro-enterprise in order to reduce dependence on the traditional, informal and often exploitative lending source.
The community and women organization can avail of credit for livestock, microenterprise and agriculture. Regular and compulsory savings are necessary as communities use this capital for non lending purposes. It was essential to first create a capital pool for lending purposes. SRSP however has a pool of capital (donors, funds) which it lends out as part of regular credit to villagers. For this purpose it is necessary that the credit is easily available to the rural poor and the most important is to identify an activist within each CO/WOs who will take the responsibility for the repayment of loans. The operational strategy for this purpose is to identify democratic person with the help of SOs (social organization) MCO/WCOs. After this the credit need will be identified and activist will submit a credit demand to SRSP. So after this the loan will be sanctioned by the SRSP. The village activist will be held responsible for the disbursement and recovery of the loans. The SO,s can do monitoring of loans periodically.
Organization are increasingly focusing ,and rightly so, on the management and development of Human Resources .As there is nothing more exciting ,more challenging ,than dealing with the strategic dimensions of the Human Resource (HR).The human resource of an organization ,which is one of te most important stakeholders ,is not only the beneficiary but also one of the
critical doers .This has led to a growing awareness that the productive utilization of human resources is the key to overall organizational success. Whatever, the organizational structure and goals may be but to cater the threat of globalization they must develop their human resources or other wise they will drown in the global cross currents. In May 1998, at a brain storming session of the UNDP Dr: Mahboob-UlHaq presents the idea like this.If globalization was supper imposed on a poorly educated and poorly trained labor force with poor system of governess and infrastructure it would not lead to growth nor does it reduce poverty. Prior to mid 1960,s personnel department in organization was often perceived the Health & Happiness .Their primary job activities involved planning company picnics, scheduling vacations ,enrolling workers for health care coverage and planning retirements parties that have certainly change during the past three decades. Federal and state laws have many new requirements concerning hiring and employees practices on employees. Job have also changed and they have become mere technical and require employees with greater skills .Further more the job boundaries are becoming blurred. Therefore , the importance of Human Resource management HR department has increases and now human resources have become a competitive advantage if they are properly employed .
Human Resource management section was established at the SRSP in early 1996.personal and training & development departments were operating as separate departments in starts bur after sometime both of the departments were merged . Keeping in view the process of institutional development for poverty alleviation from grassroots in the rural communities of KPK of Pakistan. Establishment of these section was extremely essential in the sense that SRSP is committed to form and empower community organizations for addressing the needs and priorities of the impoverished communities ,and a systematic building of capacities in these poverty stricken areas was not possible without the assistance of a professional HRM section .Moreover ,staff development was also on the agenda of SRSP but there was no staff available to coordinate activities and do the necessary arrangements for the staff training .So the HRM section was established to work as a vehicle for interaction and networking with development agencies along with taking responsibilities for the above- mentioned functions.
Since its establishment HRM section has organized different activities relating to different tiers of project operation i.e. the community, SRSP staff and other agencies and organizations working with the same aims and objectives. The section has aimed at identifying individuals at village levels and developing their managerial and technical skills. Secondly, it equipped SRSP staff with a conceptual understanding of issues relating to participatory development. Lastly, it provided training facilities to other to development.
All these developments and achievements clearly indicate that it was essential to establish an HRM section at SRSP for making it self reliant in relation to its training needs, as it could not depend upon any other organization for focused, contextualized and sustained training for its partner communities and its spirited staff. Since its establishment the HRM section has been focusing on the training of community members and building the capacity of the identified activist through different leadership and management related coursed as SRSP strives to enable the community members to augment their capacity for improved management of their communities in their struggle towards empowerment and poverty alleviation at the grassroots level. HRM is also focusing on basic and advance courses for its own and staff of other government and line agencies. HRM training for the professionals and communities have specially been made suitable and flexible enough to respond to their training needs. With the passage of time and increased experience in the field, HRM section is incorporating new course according to the feedback to the need and feedback from the previous trainings.
To embed our values, we give our people 360 degree evaluation with input from superiors , peers and subordinates .These are the roughest evaluations you get because people hear things about themselves they have never heard before.
John F. Welch
Once the future demand for human resources is projected, the next major concern is filling projected opening , there are three sources of supply ;internal and external and head hunting . The internal supply consists of present employees who can be promoted, adjusted to fill expected openings.
STRATEG: A company decisions regarding where to find employees, how to select them, the max of employees skill and strength. We can no longer hire individuals haphazardly we must have a well defined reason for needing individuals who posses specific skills, knowledge, and abilities that are directly linked to specific jobs required in organization.
Process of determining organizations human resources needs Employment planning is one of the important elements in a successful human resources management program, because it is the process by which an organization ensures that it has right number and kind of people, at the right place , at the right time capable of effectively & efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization to achieve its overall strategic objectives. SRSP,s employment planning depends on the projects .Whenever SRSP gets a new project they require new staff. When the project is completed than the managing staff of HRM arrange meeting & they decide what to do with the staff of that project, if they can be accommodated in the office than they are accommodated in the office ,if they cannot be accommodated than they are given one month prior notice & next time when they get a new project than they do consider staff of previous project.
After getting new project job analysis is done. In job analysis detailed information is examined about job duties in order to prepare job descriptions .These descriptions explain the duties, training, and skills that each job requires. This job analysis is used in making Job description &job specification.
Work force analysis is done on the basis of the job description .Based on this information recruiting, selection, training & development are done.
Recruitment involves attracting candidates to fill the position in the organization structure The process of discovering potential candidates for actual and anticipated organizational vacancies are called recruitment .This is the way to fill the human resource needs of the organization. Recruitment in SRSP is done by two ways. Internal Advertisement External Advertisement
After work force analysis if they feel that the vacancies can be filled by the own staff of SRSP then through internal advertisement they select people from their own organization.
When the vacancies be filled by the SRSP staff then the vacancies are advertised externally .There are different types of external advertisement. It can be done through advertisements in news papers , head hunting , by reference, they sometimes hire people from sister NGOs .In advertisement they advertise the required qualification, age, experience & skills etc
After the applications are received the next step is short listing. HRM short lists those applications. Call letters are sent to the potential candidates in whom date, time ,and place of interviews are mentioned.
A panel or interview committee is formed. This panel consists of 4-5 members .One person should be from concerned department member from HRD section are also present in the panel.
If computer literacy is required then computer test is conducted ,written test will be conducted in case of selection in PMER section or report Writer h
The next step is selection, appointment letter is sent to the selected person and copies are sent to all concerned departments including personal file. A contract letter is signed by the selected candidate and CEO.
An up to date personal file is also maintained for each and every employee, who contains all the information, related the employee e.g. Name Father name/ Permanent address Date of appointment Up gradation Performance evaluation form Copy of job description Copy of national identity card etc.
The selected candidate is selected on the basis of six months probation period. At the end oof probation period a form known as Performance Evaluation sheet is filled by the employee , in this form information regarding all the activities the employee has performed during the probation period is entered. This PR form is then filled by the concerned section/ immediate supervisor also , they give their comments ,then this form is sent to the HRM section ,on the basis of this sheet the employee is regularized . This form is also put in the personal file.
Orientation involves the introduction of new employees to the enterprise, its function, tasks and people SRSP also try to arrange orientation training for their new employee s. This orientation can be formal and can be informal.
When the selected employees are large in number then arrange a formal orientation at Human Resource Management center. All the departments are formally introduced by the member of concerned departments; he/she tells the employees about the objective function of concerned department .They are also given handouts.
When there are one or two new employees they are sent to be the different departments of SRSP so that they can know about the working of the different departments and can know about other employees working in organization.
Increase in its age) is expanding complex and sophisticated.
This is a 12 days course. The participants are selected on the basis of good performance in level II .Some of the contents are derived from level II but with more detail while some of the course are totally new. It also builds their capacity as trainers. This course is also planned in different disciplines like agriculture, livestock and health.
An efficient way of providing information to the communities is made through manger conferences. The line agencies attend such conferences. The line agencies disseminate information about their departments and communities get an opportunity to express their grievances, thus making the linkages between the community and line departments more sustainable. The community leaders also exchange their experience of working with people.
Those issues or points, which cannot be easily presented in normal training sessions, are explained through audio and video techniques. Even audiocassettes are provided to the community members for their personal uses so that they are able to take benefits out of it on permanent basis.
An effective way of communicating with the communities, disseminating information, developing their skills a creating awareness is through theaters. Though SRSP at the moment does not have any such communication technique but consider it a viable way of communities development. Activist during LMST courses had shown their potential through Role-Play on many organizational and cultural issues. Such activities can be identified and developed into threat group.
Exposure visits are arranged by the community members and staff so that they are able to take benefit of the experience and achievements of other communities and programmers and could analyze their own organizational capacity.
Need based technical training is imparted to the villagers in agriculture, livestock, enterprise, forestry, health, and nutrition discipline. Other fields of agriculture training are: Mushroom culture, Book keeping, integrated pest Management, sunflower cultivation and promotion, etc. Technical training is imparted to the villagers in agriculture, livestock, and enterprise, forestry, health and nutrition disciplines. All training is need based .Villagers express their need for training in a general body meeting of community organization /Women, s organization. The need for training is forwarded to SRSP in the form of a resolution signed by a majority of members.
The credit and enterprise is a vital program of SRSP, which is designed to increase rural communities, access to credit for productive purposes. In this context, the credit program helps the members of CO/WOs to meet their credit needs by arranging access to credit through its own and institutional credit sources. Furthermore, the CED program encourages micro enterprise development to achieve higher productivity and increased Incomes for the rural communities. Additionally the CED helps institutionalize
Marketing systems within and with CO/WOs for a sustainable and self generating demand for community products and services. In this regard, Human Resource Development Section has Section has Assumed responsibilities for training the communities and has initiated several training courses for the members nominated by the community Organizations. These training courses include basic accountancy skill to the Trainees such training schedules have the potential of increasing the quality Of record keeping within the CO/WOs and enabling SRSP to expand its CED operations organically. Successful training program have been launched aiming at increased self employment opportunities. Such proggrammes focus on the skills in demand such as welding, tailoring Etc. Improved technologies such as mini wheat threshers, incubators, moldboard ploughs and peanut sellers have been demonstrated to the villagers and some of these were sold to the communities as well.
The closing of last century brought many challenges to SRSP. Many projects that SRSP initiated with the help of different donors were coming to
close. It included Mansehra Village Support Project (MVSP) funded by IFAD, Barani Area Development Project (BADP) .Novib funded project in Charsada. This project had given a new vision to the communities where they could take the regions of destiny in their own hands. However there was a need for continuity of such project or programs. The success of different participatory development project had encouraged SRSP to expand its activities to other parts of the province as well .Thus on one hand SRSP had the pressure to find new donors for continuation of their poverty reduction projects and on the other hand it had the desire to expend to the new areas. The problems of SRSP were multiplied manifold when differences occurred between SRSP and the government. At that time despite the great achievements in the province, the BADP and MVSP closed at a strained note with the government .Also in Charsada, the changes in social fabric, which SRSP strive , yielded results. The traditional power structure was threatened which raised a huge cry against SRSP. SRSP was dubbed as spreading vulgarity and disbelief among the faithful. The credit which SRSP had disbursed among the communities was stuck for various reasons. The quality of physical infrastructure schemes among the communities was also questioned and serious charges of malpractice and corruption were leveled against SRSP. Thus it was a hard time for SRSP both externally and internally. To carry SRSP vision of poverty reduction in KPK, many proposals were developed and lot of negotiations took place with the donors. IT was in this context that SRSP in 1998 carried out a preliminary survey in the southern districts of KPK to assess the possibility of poverty reduction project in these districts of KPK. The initial information collected by SRSP, showed a high level of poverty in the areas, on the basis of which SRSO proposed a project for alleviating poverty in this region. Many donors were contacted at that time that within the present capacity of SRSP, it would not be possible to make such an expansion. On this basis it was suggested that a two-year capacity building project would be more important for SRSP before its expansion for other parts of KPK .Accordingly , DFID approved two year capacity building project for SRSP with a total funding of 1.83 million pounds. The overall objective of the proposal was to strengthen SRSP to create a greater depth in its program, expand its coverage and support to the government in decentralization.
Staff members Sarhad Rural Support Program also sends their employees for Training to the other organizations for training & sometimes they Finance them as well. If SRSP is introducing new techniques or Technologies they give trainings to their employees. All these activities are very beneficial for the employees as well as for the organization in long run.
This refers the duties and responsibilities, hours of work ,complexity of the job and other aspects of the job under consideration.
In general the upper management and line staffs are over worked. While the middle managements under worked but this is not the case in all departments. Some of the departments are overstaffed and hence the line staff is under worked. Some of the employees do not complete their assignments in time. A lot of time is wasted in other activities like either chatting with each other or on the phone due to which there is always a lot of pending work.
Most of the activities of SRSP are unplanned but one can not blame the SRSP for this. As SRSP is service providing organization and their projects depends on the donors funding, due to the sudden visits of the donors, sudden meetings etc often their planned activities are delayed. Due to the sudden visits of the donors HRD section cannot plan for long run because of the new staff requirements new training requirements depending on the new projects.
An organizational reward system includes anything an employee values and desires that an employer is able and willing to offer in exchange for employee contributions. More specifically, the reward system includes both financial and non financi al rewards Financial rewards system includes direct payment plus indirect payments in the form of employee benefits. Non financial rewards include every thing in a work environment that Enhances a worker s sense of self-respect & esteem by others (e.g. work environments) Healthy. Opportunities for training & personal development, effective supervision, Recognition. SRSP provide different type of benefits to their employees. These benefits/ rules are Prescribed by Board of directors & changed/ modified from time to time. The benefits provides by SRSP are staff advances, medical & hospitalization allowance, Vehicle provided, visits accommodation & vehicle maintenance. SRSP also give benefits to female also if they have any problem & other benefits
Also provided by SRSP. It also dose life insurance of every employees of the organization. The SRSP benefits & pay are more as compared to others national level NGOs. But they are less if we compare it with international NGOs Due to these benefits employees are comparatively confident, motivated & Committed with the organization. Sarhad rural support program also provides non-financial rewards. Which includes Good working environment & promotion, which keeps employees motivated towards Their work. They have good communication system with their boss so they feel confidence & solve their problems.
It has been observed that some of the staff of the HRD section Was very much uncooperative with the internee.
SWOT analysis is an acronym that stands for strengths, weakness,
Opportunities & threats SWOT analysis is the starting poi nt in formulation a strategy For an organization. Because it evaluates an organization internal strengths & weaknesses as well as its environmental opportunities & threats. It can always be upgraded & is like A chess game where the more you think the better move you you make. SWOT Analysis of the SRSP has been carried out to help us in understanding that where the Organization stands at this stage and that in which direction it is moving strengths & Weaknesses serve as an indicator of internal fluctuations while opportunities & threats show the external flucations.
Sound organizations. The organization is good network in the province. SRSP is addressing the needs of rural communities in the area of social mobilization, Natural resource management, credit & enterprise development, productive investment, human resource development & social sector. SRSP is working in 11 districts of KPK With a combined population of 6.58 million SRSP has advantage because its head office is located in provincial capital. It Mainly focuses on participation of the whole community in identification & solution of the problem. SRSP has been providing staff & community training for the past decade & both of Them occupy an equally substantial place. SRSP is very prestigious name in the non government sector & has earned good will from its stake holders. SRSP are working in collaboration with international organization & govt. SRSP has the advantage of well-equipped tools & techniques. SRSP organization sponsor & conducts different activities, which are very helpful in Earning, good name for the organization. SRSP has development a well- equipped training center by the name of HRDC. It has two training halls with full-fledged training equipments like multimedia & overhead projector. It has residential facility also .Several events are organized here includind international events. The open communication system and friendly environment developed by the management & staff of the organization makes it very easy for the management of the SRSP to take the right decision at the right time.
Organization weakness is skills and capabilities that dont enable an organization to chose and implement strategies that support its mission
Following are some of the weakness of the SRSP. There is no proper building for organization as their office in defence is divided in three different buildings. Low level of employees satisfaction because other NGO, s working in the same line provide more benefits to their employees. Unwanted government interference hampers the organization good well. Lack of space due to which staff faces a lot of problems. Misuse of facilities provided by SRSP to staff especially there is no proper check on the use of transport. High administrative expense, although research department exists in SRSP but still there is no system of research. PMER section has hired employees for creating MIS for this department , but still the job is not performed satistactory. SRSP has spent a lot of money for creating MIS. Very unhygienic food is being prepared for SRSP steff, which affects the health of employees very much & no attention is given to it.
5.3 5.3.1
An area in the environment that if exploited may generate high performance There is a great opportunity for SRSP because of reconstruction of Afghanistan. Strong promotional strategise will attract more people towards SRSP There is also a great opportunity for SRSP to play role in development of rural area of