How To Build Relationship
How To Build Relationship
How To Build Relationship
By Azriel Winnett
Second Edition
Copyright strictly reserved, Azriel Winnett 2001-2008
[email protected]
Assertiveness Skills
Body Language
Conversation Skills
Conflict Resolution
Family Life
Interpersonal Relationships
Table of Contents
Empathy is King!................................................... 37
Time to Be Assertive............................................. 64
But never let this put you off! Not only are the rewards
far greater than you possibly ever imagined, but you may
well find even the effort itself, with the right attitude and
adequate preparation, to be infinitely satisfying.
Azriel Winnett
Israel, February 2008
Chapter One
Chapter Two
few weeks ago? I think I’ve hit upon the way to deal with
it. But first, can you just check out and confirm a couple of
things for me...”
Chapter Three
But all she had wanted to convey was her delight that
her client had progressed to that point. Her words had
been intended to encourage him, not to mask a secret
desire to wash her hands of him. “It’s better that way” was
meant to be a praise for wanting to manage on his own.
Chapter Four
Now it was the mother’s turn to cry, but not for long. As
emotions and fears that had been pent up for too long
came tumbling out into the open at rapid pace, the two of
them were soon laughing together and feeling ever so
much better -together.
That secret tool is the first step, and the last, in good
communication. It’s the central ingredient in any effective
recipe for building, cementing or mending relationships.
Chapter Five
Yes, their words did reach our ears, but that’s hardly
the same thing as listening. At the end of the journey, I
Yet for all that, I had a very real feeling of deja vu.
Chapter Six
But little did Jill know then that on that very afternoon
her new life partner, Jack, had been involved in a nasty
altercation of his own. An unexpected showdown with the
boss had almost persuaded him to walk out of the job.
“OK, relax. What’s the big deal, really? I’ll take care of
that busybody!”
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
But for all that, just like her counterpart in the other
story, she doesn’t feel any better On the contrary, she
feels worse..
This does not mean that, some other time, she would
not have appreciated her husband’s well meaning advice.
But certainly not now. At this moment, what she was
longing to hear was something like: “Yep, you look so
tired. It must have been a really rough day. Why don’t you
relax a little while I attend to the kids?”
Let’s say you want little Johnny to drink up his milk, his
juice, or whatever else you want him to imbibe. You
believe it’s good for him.
The parent hasn’t stated that she agrees with the child.
But in five or six words, she has acknowledged how she
feels. She has validated his concern. Having come this
far, she can continue:
Chapter Ten
Empathy is King!
Chapter Eleven
Yes, Sue was enjoying her new role very much, and
yes, she cared for her new husband more than words can
describe. But the change overwhelmed her. Against her
better inclinations, she found herself longing for the old
routine. Willy-nilly, the feeling grew so strong that one day
she announced to Joe that she wanted to leave -and not
just for a few hours.
For your part, you may possibly view the marital bond
as a fast vanishing relic of a bygone era, rapidly being
replaced by the more fashionable -and allegedly more
“practical” -custom of “shacking up”. Isn’t it just great to
have all the pleasures and privileges without the
corresponding commitment?
Sure, you will also know -let us not deny it -that even
with all the commitment in the world, a marital relationship
is not the fairy tale that you dreamed about in a previous,
more naïve, life. Who works hard in fairy tales? And
marriage is hard work. Very much so.
It’s not easy. But when our children are frustrating and
difficult, we don’t abandon them. Should our spouses barring
extreme situations that require drastic measures be
treated differently?
Chapter Twelve
“You and John are husband and wife. John has a debt.
He’s struggling to pay it. What difference does it make
what the debt is for? It’s a debt, period! His problems are
your problems. You’re in this together. Why on earth
shouldn’t you help to pay the debt?”
“If, after all, it’s difficult for you to accept this, it must be
that there’s some deeper problem in your marriage...”
“Do you know how I love them? Just look at all the
sacrifices we made for them. From the very moment they
came into this world, my spouse and I gave them our all!
Just as much as whimper from them in the middle of the
night, and we were there to attend to their every need!
Even now, they may disappoint us, anger us or hurt us,
but we continue to cater to their slightest whim!
Could be. But even more, I would say it’s the other way
round. You love them so intensely BECAUSE you’ve
done so much for them!
“You wash the dishes, and I’ll pay the rent. Sundays to
Tuesdays I’ll take out the garbage, and for the remainder
of the week you will. Other duties will be divided by
mutual consent. For very suit I buy, you can buy two pairs
of shoes...”
She must have been taken aback quite a bit with her
friend’s brief but firm reply:
Many people will tell you that for a happy marriage, you
need what they describe as “give-and-take.” Give-andtake?
More likely, that’s a recipe for disaster, not
What you need is “give and give”. And give again. And
Chapter Thirteen
The Ego that insists that I’m right, that will not yield on
the most trivial issue. The Ego that demands the honor
that’s due to me. The Ego that pursues justice at all costs,
irrespective of everything that it knocks down in that way.
Chapter Fourteen
“You know, Stan, I really love you and I think it’s terrific
that you want to bring me flowers and you never miss a
week, come hell or high water. But you know, I’m not
really mad about flowers that much. Besides, they die so
soon afterward that I feel guilty that we’re wasting our
money. If you insist on buying me something, I’d rather
you saved up for a more lasting gift...”
Chapter Fifteen
Polly had a four year old child who nearly every day
would scream at her: “I want to kill you!” Polly tried her
best to keep her cool but predictably, the point was soon
reached when she would feel herself almost bursting with
rage every time she heard the offensive words.
One day when he said them, she locked the child in his
room for an hour. He yelled his lungs out all the while, but
it didn’t stop him from later saying the same thing again.
Another day, Polly poured black pepper on the kid’s
tongue, and another time she tried washing his mouth out
with soap. All these “remedies” may have helped her little
son understand who the “boss” was, but for all that, he
went on informing her regularly, in a nasty tone, that he
wanted to kill her.
The next day, true to form, the little chap shouted out
the four dreaded words. Acting on her friends advice,
Polly hugged him, smiled and said: “Even if you want to
kill me, I love you more than anything in the world.”
Let’s say that a man gets really hot under the collar
while checking the family credit card statement, after
noticing that his wife had bought some big ticket items
Chapter Sixteen
Time to Be Assertive
“And then the fun really begins. That grunt is really the
signal for a vicious verbal attack that might begin with:
’What on earth made you do such-and-such today? And
since you insisted on carrying out such a lunatic act, why
didn’t you at least do it in a sensible way?’ “
“They said you should pretend that your lips are glued
tightly together, so that you’re not tempted to say
something you’ll regret, and before you know it,
everything gets completely out of hand. Then you need
to imagine you are covered in wax, and that all the
destructive criticism is bouncing off the wax.
Not only can it save you from a lot of misery, but I’ll go
even further. Under some conditions, there may be no
greater way of showing love and concern than remaining
Chapter Seventeen
Sally, you know you can do it, and you will! You, too,
are created in the Divine image. Your sense of self-worth
and your emotional stability are important to you. They
cannot be negotiated away.
Chapter Eighteen
What the father didn’t realize was that his daughter was
not even aware of this decision. When she was told about
this, she apologized immediately -and the father broke
down in tears.
Chapter Nineteen
Sure, it’s the victims who feel the pain, but it’s the
attackers who somehow manage to “anesthetize”
themselves, so that they no longer have to think about
the consequences of their actions. Sometimes the
desensitization is so complete that they even go on to
shift the blame for their verbal abuse onto the victims:
“Aw come on, why on earth are you so touchy? Anyone
would think I hit you with a sledgehammer, or something!”
If you believe the outfit doesn’t suit her very well, but it’s
already too late to do anything about it, do you tell her
what you think? Or, do you find some way to evade the
question, or to put a positive spin on the event, thereby
sparing your friend unnecessary distress?
Concluding Comments
This is the time to fan, once and for all, the fire that’s
already burning, whether you know it or not, somewhere
inside you. The time to feed it and stoke it until it rises
higher and higher and spreads in all directions. It’s not a
fire of death and destruction, Heaven forbid, but a fire of
life, enthusiasm, desire and determination.
It’s the fire that will ignite that passion for perfection
that might bring lasting happiness and self-fulfillment to
you, your husband or wife, your children or parents, your
friends and associates.
[email protected]
The site has many topical sections, and for your convenience,
I'm repeating here (with direct links) those that are most
relevant to the subject matter of this e-book:
Assertiveness Skills
Body Language
Conversation Skills
Conflict Resolution
Emotional Maturity
Family Life
Interpersonal Relationships
Business Ethics
Business Etiquette
Business Writing
Creative Thinking
Customer Relations
Management Strategies
Marketing Communication
Presentation Skills
Telephone Skills
Team Building
Azriel Winnett