Original Poem Criteria Rubric
Original Poem Criteria Rubric
Original Poem Criteria Rubric
Below are the figurative language/elements of poetry we have learned thus far:
o o o o o o o o o o
Assonance Alliteration Hyperbole Imagery Simile Metaphor Personification Rhyme Scheme Refrain Graphic Element
Instructions: In order to assess your understanding of the stylistic elements of poetry and figurative language you will create an original poem. Remember, poetry is about the deeper meaning created by those elements and your word choices. The poem MUST contain the following: o 1 example of Personification o A refrain o Include at least 3 previously learned elements (assonance, alliteration, hyperbole, imagery, simile or metaphor) o Be at least 4 stanzas o Include 1 of your 5 pictures taken be the cover for your Podcast o 1 TYPED copy must be submitted via email to the Teacher for viewing of the Graphic Elements, be sure to highlight in yellow your figurative language used o of QUALITY (typed version) No misspellings Legible (appropriate font text & size selected) Use of the writing process should be apparent
(15 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
At least 4 STANZAS
(15 points)
Relevant Photograph
( 10 points)
Typed copy with figurative language highlighted Quality (see criteria in instructions)
( 5 points)
( 5 points)
Turned in ON TIME
( 5 points)
Figurative Language
Adequate and effective use of all the figurative languages taught. Meaning of poem is developed and enhanced by its correct usage.. Effectively uses lines, space and stanza to reinforce rhythm.
Adequate and effective use of most of the figurative languages taught. Meaning of poem is developed and enhanced by its correct usage. Lines, space and stanza reinforce rhythm.
Use of figurative language but not used effectively or consistently correct in poems. Use of a different figurative language would be stronger. Lines, space and stanza attempt to reinforce rhythm.
Stylistic Elements
No errors!
Lack illustrations.
Sensory images