Tutorial Como Mezclar Narracion Con Musica de Fondo
Tutorial Como Mezclar Narracion Con Musica de Fondo
Tutorial Como Mezclar Narracion Con Musica de Fondo
The objective in this tutorial is to record a simple narration, add some background music, cut the narration to fit the music, lower the volume of the music during the narration, and finally mix and export the final product. Give yourself an hour or so to complete this tutorial. On your first attempt:
You are learning and experimenting, exploring the many tools Audacity offers you. Don't expect to get it perfect the first time. It really doesn't matter what your narration is about, and whether you read it or ad lib. It also doesn't matter what the music is, but an instrumental track is preferable. Save your work often! If you are making a lot of changes save a new Project with a different name; use menu File > Save Project As... from time to time (this will give you incremental backups on disk).
At least once a day (more often if desired) save the Project on an external drive.
Consider where your microphone is going to be in relation to everything else in the room. Try to place it so that it picks up a minimum of computer noise (hard drives, fan). When speaking into the microphone, point the microphone at your mouth but don't point your mouth at the microphone. If you can, place the microphone so that you are talking past it think David Letterman and that microphone he has on his desk: he's always talking over it. Setting up the microphone so that it is level with your mouth but a little off to the side also works. This avoids "popped p's" and other breath effects from ruining your recording. Finally, try to set up the microphone so that it is 4 to 6 inches away from your mouth. While you are talking, try to keep looking in one direction - moving your head left or right, up or down, while you're talking will change the tonal quality of your voice, and may be distracting to your listeners. Speak in a normal, conversational tone of voice, but also speak clearly and enunciate carefully. Your listeners can't see you so don't have the visual cues they would have if your were speaking to them in person. So let us begin ... Start Audacity: a new untitled project window opens. Click on File > Save Project As... and name your project. You are now ready to record the narration. Don't worry about mistakes, pauses, coughs and similar - we can edit those out later. In fact you may want to make a few deliberate mistakes so you can practice editing them out later. When you stop to make a correction, go back to the start of a natural break - sentence or phrase - and start again in a normal voice: once you've tried to edit out your mistakes you will realize the importance of this. Click the Record button in the Transport Toolbar. Record your narration.
As you can see, the portion to be removed is selected. Press the C key to hear two seconds of audio before, and one second of audio after the selection - this lets you hear what it will sound like after the selection is deleted. This is called "Cut Preview". Adjust the length of the selection until the edit sounds natural. Various ways to adjust a selection were discussed in the Editing an Existing File tutorial. When you are happy with the selection, press the Delete key, choose Edit > Remove Audio > Delete or press CTRL + K to delete the selection. If you want to hear more than two seconds before or one second after the selection choose Edit > Preferences (on Mac it's Audacity > Preferences), select the Playback section, and in the Cut Preview section set the "Preview Before Cut Region" and "Preview After Cut Region" times to your liking. Continue in this manner correcting the mistakes until you are satisfied with the end result. Save your work.
The former means that Compressor will maximize the volume of the track after it does its work. The latter means that Compressor will look at the peaks of the waveform rather than its average value.
The "Threshold" control is the "tipping point" - the point where Compressor decides if something is "loud" (and should be made quieter) or "quiet" (in which case it leaves it alone).
The "Noise Floor" control tells Compressor that anything below that level is noise and it shouldn't make it any louder.
The "Ratio" control tells Compressor how much quieter it should make the loud parts.
Set it to "6:1".
Set the "Attack Time" to "0.5 secs" Set the "Decay Time" to "1.0 secs".
These two controls tell Compressor how fast it should respond to changes in volume.
Click the OK button and let Compressor do its work. Listen back to the result.
Are the quiet parts still too quiet? Choose Edit > Undo Compressor and try again with a Threshold setting of -18 dB. Does your voice sound unnaturally squashed? Undo and try again with a Threshold setting of -6 dB.
Note that once you've gone through setting everything up the first time, on subsequent tries you just change the Threshold. This make it easy to home in on the setting that works. When you have your narration edited to your liking, be sure to save your project. Now it's time to add the music.
Look at the Track Control Panel at the left of each track. Note the "Mute" and "Solo" buttons. You can use these to control which tracks you hear when you click the Play button. Clicking the "Mute" button will turn that track off - it will not be included in the mix when you press the Play button. Clicking the "Solo" button will cause only that track to be heard when you press the Play button. The exact behavior of the Solo button can be set in the Tracks Preferences panel.
Marking the places in the background music track where you want the narration clips to start
Remember, our goal is to cut the narration to fit the music. So our next step is to pick the spots in the background music track where we want the three narration clips to start Click the "Solo" button on the narration track to turn off the Solo function on that track. Click the "Solo" button on the background music track so you will only hear that track.
Identify the point in the background music track where you want the narration to begin. Click at that point with the Selection Tool. Choose Tracks > Add Label at Selection. Type a name for the label, for example "First Narration". Similarly, identify the points in the background music track where you want the second and third narration clips to begin, and create labels at those points. Your project window should look something like this:
You could continue in this manner doing the fades on the music track for each clip in the narration track. Or you could try using the Auto Duck effect. The advantage of using the Envelope tool is that you can always go back and change the fades. Auto Duck, being an effect, permanently alters the music track.
back a short portion of the project where there is narration and background music. Watch the playback level meters - if clipping occurs the red "clip bars" will appear at the righthand end of the playback meters. If this happens, use the Track Gain Slider to turn down the volume of both the narration and music tracks to -2 dB. Listen to the short section again and look for the red clip bars on the Playback Meters. If clipping still occurs, turn down the volume of the narration and music tracks to -4 dB each.
Choose Edit > Select > All o Mix and Render only mixes the selected tracks - you want to mix all of them Choose Tracks > Mix and Render
your project is mixed into a new stereo track and the previous, separate tracks are deleted
The Show Clipping command will put red vertical bars anywhere clipping has occurred in your track. If any red bars appear, choose Edit > Undo Mix and Render and go back to Step 7.
Click in the Track Control Panel of the newly-created track Choose Effect > Normalize
o o
accept the default values and click the OK button. the volume of your final mix is maximized.
You exported a project in a previous tutorial. If you need a refresher on how the File > Export command works, that information is on the File Export Dialog page. Congratulations, your narration over background music is now ready to share with the world.
Further reading
The following book on Podcasting was written by one of the co-founders and developers of Audacity:
Podcasting with Audacity - Purchasable e-book (PDF download or view online) by Dominic Mazzoni and Scott Granneman
How the Solo button works: Audio Tracks, Tracks Preferences Using the Time Shift Tool: Audacity Tracks and Clips Using the Envelope Tool: Envelope Tool Using Labels: Label Tracks The Compressor effect: Compressor The Auto Duck effect: Auto Duck The Mix and Render command: Tracks > Mix and Render