OSS-RC 11.2 Description

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OSS Software Architecture Users Management Fault management Platform Architecture (CIF) AXE Common Tools (EAM, APG architecture) Performance Management (STS in APG, SMIA, SGW, SDM) ARNE & new node integration. OSS health check Up.

GSM Operations Support System

Performance Management
Fault Management

Configuration Management

Security Management



BSC Voice Mail BGW


OSS Work Areas and Applications

Configuration Management
CNA (Cellular BTS

Network Administration)

View, plan and update cellular data

Management (BSW,BHM,BCM and BAM)

Base Station Software Management Base Station Hardware Management Base Station Configuration Management Base Station Alarm Management Work flow tool that supports O&M tasks

OSS Work Areas and Applications

Fault Management

Network monitoring Handling alarms Searching for alarms Statistical alarm analysis

Applications: ASV (Alarm Status Viewer) ASM (Alarm Status Matrix) ALV (Alarm List Viewer) ALB (Alarm Log Browser) FMX (Fault Management eXpert)

OSS Work Areas and Applications

Performance Management
Network Statistics (NWS) - a complete Performance Management solution with

NWS-A (NWS-Analyzer)
Reporting capabilities


SDM (Statistical Data Mart)

Storage and aggregation capabilities

SGw (Statistical Gateway)

Collection and mediation capabilities

SMIA (Statistical Measurement Initiator and Administration)

Measurement set-up and initiation capabilities

PSA (Performance Statistical Alarms)

Network performance monitoring capabilities

OSS Work Areas and Applicatio ns


Radio Network Optimization

FAS - Frequency Allocation Support
To improve the frequency plan due to quality problems (optimization) To find frequencies in order to add or expand a cell (planning) To supervise the interference levels in a certain area (supervision) To verify improvement after a frequency change (verification)

FOX - Frequency Optimization eXpert

Automated FAS

NCS - Neighboring Cell Support

To find missing neighboring cell relations (optimization) To find neighboring cell relations to a new cell (planning)

NOX - Network cell Optimization eXpert

Automated NCS

MRR - Measurement Result Recording

To analyze radio characteristics for problematic cells (optimization) To supervise radio characteristics in a certain area (supervision) To verify improvement after a change (verification)

TET - Traffic Estimation Tool

To find the most suitable location for a hot spot cell (planning) To give indications on dimensioning, output power and suitable neighbouring cells for the future cell (planning)

OSS Workareas

Security Management Authority support Activity tracing Security administration BoKS enhanced security

OSS Applications
Fault Management ASM ASV FMX

OSS 8.2

Configuration Management FAS FOX NCS NOX TET MRR

Performance Management SMIA SGw SDM PSA NWS-A

Element Management Tools SRM Tools WinFIOL ALEX CLS AM EMSA







OSS Architecture

CIF Self-Management

CIF Platform
Activity Manager CIF Common CIF SunOS Installer CNAM Configuration Service Directory Service Agent Ericsson SSH Installation Service Launch Service Model Parser Naming Service Agent Notification Agent Object Explorer Parameter Service APR 901 58 APR 901 146 APR 901 041 APR 102 80/1A APR 901 61 APR 901 070 APR 901 445 APR 901 68 APR 901 72 APR 901 63 APR 901 071 APR 901 53 CNZ 223 14/1 APR 901 084
Self Management Service Start/Stop/Restart Service Syntax Checker and plug-in test TBS, Telecom Basic Service TDS, Telecom Database Service TSS UML2XML APR 901 64 APR 901 62 APR 901 069 APR 102 13/9 APR 901 043 APR 901 133 APR 901 066

3PP Products
Sybase 12.5.1 ( ASE and Open Client ) Versant Novell eDirectory Visibroker OpenFusion Stronghold Veritas Adventnet RDBMS ODBMS LDAP ( Directory Service ) CORBA ( Naming Service ) Log Service, Notification Service Web Service Volume Manager, Veritas File System SNMP Manager

CIF Platform
Notification Service Configuration Service Directory Service Naming Service Parameter Service Self management

Managed Component,
Concept of Managed Components


The Managed Component, MC, is a Managed Object, i.e. an entity that is manageable. The MC is a set of one or more processes. One process can not exist in several MCs. The MCs is the smallest logical entity a system administrator has to manage.

Self Management Service

The following services are covered by self-management: Start/Stop/Restart Start, Stop and Restart MCs Product Inventory To see what is installed in the O&M system. System Logging Logging of normal system events in the O&M system. Error Handling Logging of abnormal system events in the O&M system. Alarms Generate alarms from errors. SW Trace Start, stop and collect debugging printouts in O&M applications. Self Test Perform self-tests on MCs. Instrumentation Get run time values, e.g. queue length. Configuration Handling of configuration parameters.

Self Management CLI

If and when it is impossible to start a graphical user interface you can also control most self management features from a command line interface: #/opt/ericsson/nms_cif_sm/bin/smtool ( Nowdays smtool is in $PATH ) Using this tool you can for example:

View status of MCs Start/Stop/Restart MCs Display/Set configuration parameters Start/Stop CIF Trace for MC[s]
You might also want to take a look at a similar unofficial tool: #/opt/ericsson/sck/tmp/ssr.sh

Self Management CLI

smtool command examples: smtool list smtool list | grep v started smtool offline sdm smtool online sdm smtool warmrestart eam_handlerMtp smtool coldrestart FM_DistributionServer smtool trace ARNEServer 1-199 arne_trace.log smtool trace stop smtool cancel text in RED are examples of MCs Lists status off all MCs Lists not started MCs Re-reads MC / process configurations Same as offline + online smtool trace <MC> <trace type> <file> Cancels ongoing start/stop of MCs

FM Architecture

FM Architecture

EAM Concepts

Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance Management

PM Architecture.

Performance Management

What is SMIA ?

Performance Management - SMIA

SMIA Statistical Initiation and Administration Tool SMIA is an tool which facilitates Initiation and Administration of statistical measurements towards Network Elements built on the AXE platform Part of the performance management suite of applications (Network Statistics - NWS) in the OSS RC
















New Node Integration

Command Daily Tasks # uptime # iostat -E # /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag v # vmstat


Check the Servers uptime on daily basis to verify that whether it has been rebooted without the administrators knowledge. Verify that all the physical disks or disk arrays are having any Soft Error, Hard Errors or Transport Errors. Verify that all the system components, like CPU, Amount of Cache, Cooling FAN, Power Supplies etc., are working properly. By means of the UNIX command `vmstat' it is possible to identify if a performance problem is caused by a shortage of memory or CPU power. Use the following command to monitor which application/process is using the CPU resource most. It is a real time CPU monitoring sun command. Logically read the system generated administrative message which gives the information for the successes and failures occurred during operation. Very useful for troubleshooting. To determine the amount of disk space available and used on the file system. Check the amount of disk space in number of 1 Kbytes blocks used by the current directory and subdirectories if you have space problem for file systems. Check the Status of the Disks Under Veritas Control, all disks must show Okay status. Check the status of mirroring.

# prstat # tail 1000 /var/adm/messages | more # df k # du k # vxprint # vxdisk list # vxprint p # vxprint ht # /opt/ericsson/nms_cif_sm/bin/smtool list # /opt/versant/ODBMS/bin/dblist # more /var/opt/ericsson/sdm/log/SDM_GRAN_dispatcher.log # cd /var/opt/sybase/sybase/log # /ericsson/syb/util/db_check.sh # isql Usa w2000 Psybase11 1> sp_helpdb 2> go

Check that all processes are running in CIF Management Console. Open the CIF Management console and observe that all the processes are online.If offline, make them as online. Check the status of the versant databases whether it is active or not. Read SDM error reports messages for statistics data missing & other messages. Check the Sybase error log Check database space.

Check None of the Databases should be Offline.

# df # df # df # df # df # df # df

kh kh kh kh kh kh kh

/ossrc/sybdev/sybmaster /ossrc/sybdev/pm/pmsybdata /ossrc/sybdev/pm/pmsyblog /ossrc/sybdev/oss/syblog /ossrc/sybdev/fm/fmsyblog /ossrc/sybdev/fm/fmsybdata /ossrc/sybdev/oss/sybdata

Check Remaining disk space on sybase filesystem.

# cd /var/opt/ericsson/sgw/outputfiles/apg40files/sts # isql Usa w2000 Psybase11 1> use bsddb 2> go 1> select max(TIME), NE from CELL_ADM where RES=1 group by NE

Observe the latest time stamp of the files coming from APG40.

Verify that the STS data coming from the nodes are getting loaded properly in the database/Sybase for each of the active nodes



Weekly tasks

# cd /var/opt/ericsson/sybase/sybase/dumplogs/ # ls la syb_dbdump*

Check the weekly database dump succeeded in directory

# find / -type f -name core

Scan & Delete Core Files

# find / -type f -size +10000000c -ls.

Scan filesystem for large files and delete them if not required.

# df k /export/dbdumps/<SQL Server Name>

4.2.3 Check the Space Availability for Automatic Database Dumping, Make sure there is enough disk space left for the automatic database dumps.

Delete or archive FMA and EAC logs in log administration

Monthly Tasks Remove the CNA printouts, Check that all adjustment and update jobs are completed before removing them.

# rm /var/opt/ericsson/cna/log/reports

Clean the RNO Database

Delete the older and unwanted RNO recordings from the RNO GUI for smooth operation of RNO.

# cd /ericsson/dmr/log # ls lrt db_dump*

Check the backup log files

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