Axens Hydrocracking
Axens Hydrocracking
Axens Hydrocracking
World oil demand is primarily driven by the transportation fuels sector. Forecasts show signicant growth in these fuels, while the share of heavy fuel oil will decrease in the rened products slate. Among fuels, on-road diesel and jet fuel will exhibit the highest growth rates, about 2.5% per year over the period 20102020. Along with this trend, fuel specications continue to be tightened, pushing demand towards ultra-low-sulfur, low-polyaromaticscontent, high-cetane diesel. Hydrocracking technology can respond to the most demanding market constraints. This exible process is capable of converting a wide variety of feedstocks into diesel and jet fuel products that meet the most challenging specications. For cases where incomplete conversion is desired, the unconverted hydrocracked residue (also called unconverted oil, UCO) can, because of its excellent properties, be used as a high-viscosity-index (VI) lube oil base stock, as a superior steam cracker feedstock owing to its very low BMCI* value or as an FCC feed. High price differentials between on-road diesel/jet fuel and hydrocracking feedstocks encourage investment in hydrocracking units owing to high protability and short payback times.
Axens is an established name in hydrocracking licensing with more than 40 years experience in all types of hydrocracking processes. We have a large portfolio of hydroconversion processes, including xed- and ebullated-bed technologies. Our commercial units operate at low, medium and high conversion, and in oncethrough, single-stage recycle and two-stage modes.
Axens has a global reputation for basic engineering design excellence. We provide both limited and extended basic engineering packages and can extend this capability upon request. Our technical services are second to none, and include the provision of training, catalyst loading, start-up assistance, performance monitoring, troubleshooting and process optimization.
As of 2011, Axens hydrocracking technologies had been selected for more than 80 licensed units with a combined capacity of over 3.3 MMBPSD.
Conventional crude VGO Heavy crude VGO Coker VGO Visbreaker VGO VGO ex-resid HC DAO Lube by-products: aromatic extracts, parafns LCO, HCO High-grade diesel, jet fuel + high-VI lube oil bases or FCC, SC feeds
Our commercial hydrocracker designs can cover a large variety of feedstocks varying from light HGO and LVGO feeds to the most difcult feeds, such as highly resinous and organic-nitrogencontaining VGO, processed VGO or DAO. In addition, our hydrocracker designs are exceptionally adapted for upgrading lowquality products such as LCO, which is used as a cutter stock for heavy fuel oil. With the continuing decrease in demand for heavy fuel oil, additional low-cost LCO will be available for upgrading.
The considerable exibility available with these technologies is enhanced by a complete line of dedicated materials covering feed pretreatment and conversion steps. Applying the right combination of materials and process designs enables our technology to respond to a diverse set of economic and operational constraints with various feedstocks, desired conversion levels and product selectivities. Hydrocracking objectives are achieved while ensuring long catalyst cycle lengths and employing best practices relating to operational, environmental and safety concerns.
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Mild hydrocracking and HyC-10 For reneries equipped with a VGO FCC unit, mild hydrocracking (MHC) enables increased diesel production through VGO hydroconversion. This process simultaneously improves the quality of the treated VGO, which, once converted in the FCC unit, offers higher gasoline yields, higher octane retention, lower SOx emissions and lower-sulfur products. Under conventional MHC operating conditions (low-to-medium pressure range, 50100 bar [7301500 psi] and 2040% conversion levels) direct production of 10-ppm-sulfur diesel is not easily attained. Axens commercially proven HyC-10 technology achieves both objectives, thereby enabling diesel cut quality to be controlled independently from the VGO conversion. This has the added advantage of not putting excess hydrogen into the treated VGO and reducing the investment costs. In addition, HyC-10 systems can be designed to co-process other difcult feedstocks present in the renery such as LCO, light cracked GO, and visbroken GO. Streams like these can exhibit high metal or CCR values, which shorten run cycles. Axens permutable guard reactors can be installed to counteract this problem.
Lights, naphtha
VGO L Lows sulfur V VGO Prime-D HDT Diesel from CDU, FCC, VB, coker, etc. 10-ppmsulfur diesel to stripping
High-conversion hydrocracking (HyK) To achieve conversion levels higher than 50% and to maximize middle distillate production from VGO and light DAO, Axens offers three congurations of HyK processes: single-stage once-through, single-stage with liquid recycle, and two-stage. All the hydrocracked products, including unconverted oil (UCO), present excellent characteristics. The conguration selected will depend on the desired product slate and the investment criteria. For instance, when the hydrocracking project is driven by a high diesel incentive, a twostage full-conversion scheme provides maximum production of exceptional-quality diesel.
H-OilDC For the most refractory feeds, including heavy VGO and DAOcontaining feeds, the H-OilDC ebullated-bed technology is suitable for deep-conversion objectives. Conversion levels of over 80% are achievable by adjusting operating temperature, residence time and catalyst replacement rate. Recycling of unconverted VR to a solvent deasphalting unit enables nearly full conversion of the DAO. The addition of an integrated hydrotreater on the H-OilDC distillate fraction ensures ultra-low-sulfur-diesel quality.
H-OilDC and Solvahl (solvent deasphalting) combine for nearly 100% conversion of heavy DAO
Grading materials and reactor internals For xed-bed hydrocracking processes, ultimate performance of the technology begins with feed pretreatment and a design that provides near-perfect liquidgas distribution throughout the process. Axens EquiFlow reactor internals are designed and commercially proven to provide the industrys best uid distribution. This ensures that the entire catalyst inventory is used uniformly and that the longest catalyst cycles are attained. Once the hydrodynamic design is established, the next step is to ensure that undesirable feed materials, such as scale, polymer, other entrained solids, and highly reactive molecules do not prematurely end the operation cycle through pressure drop buildup, catalyst plugging or deactivation. To reduce the effect of this type of frequent problem, the top bed of the unit is loaded with ACT series grading materials that vary from non-porous to porous, large to small and low to high activity. Depending on the metals content (V + Ni) in the feed, the addition of Axens HF & HMC Series demetallization catalysts may be required before contact with the pretreatment catalyst to ensure long cycle lengths. The cleaned, uniformly distributed feedstock and hydrogen are now in the optimum condition to be catalytically hydrotreated to remove sulfur and nitrogen and then hydrocracked into lighter products.
Our new-generation commercial hydrocracking catalysts treat a wide range of feeds to produce a diverse slate of products that respond to specic quality targets. For high conversion hydrocracking applications, the combination of HRK, HDK and HYK series is denitely the best solution to squeeze more middle distillates from heavy ends while reaching high conversion levels. A once-through HyK hydrocracker operating with straight-run VGO at 80% conversion (see gure right) would typically be loaded with: several sets of EquiFlow reactor internals; different ACT materials; HF / HMC Series demetallization catalyst; the winning combination of HRK Series + HDK Series + HYK Series and; HR Series catalyst to ensure optimal product quality.
High-conversion hydrocracking application The HRK Series hydrotreating catalyst features very high denitrogenation activity while affording deep sulfur and aromatics removal. HDK Series lls the gap between the HRK and HYK Series for both middle distillate selectivity and conversion activity. The combination of HRK Series and HDK Series is the most effective way to maximize HDN activity in pretreating section. The formulation strongly orients overall selectivity toward middle distillates and affords better UCO characteristics, particularly for high-VI lube-oil base stocks. HYK Series, the zeolite-based hydrocracking catalysts, displays high activity coupled to exceptional selectivity. HYK Series catalysts are well suited for the processing of heavier and more refractory feedstocks, and their high activity enables them to be extremely tolerant to nitrogen.
Mild hydrocracking application and HyC-10 units The proposed catalyst arrangement, combined the following high performance products: HR 500 series hydrotreating catalyst: a catalyst with exceptional HDS activity as well as high HDN and HDA performance. HDK series hydrocracking catalyst specially designed to maximize diesel production while providing higher activity. When the FCC VGO feed is already pretreated in a catalytic feed hydrotreater (CFHT), this unit can be revamped into a MHC in order to increase the conversion of VGO to diesel. In this case, the HR 500 series catalyst (CFHT service) is replaced by the catalyst combination: HR 500 Series + HDK Series.
H-OilDC For conversion applications with the most refractory feeds, the H-OilDC technology associated with HTS Series catalysts provides substantial benets owing to its continuous and uniform operation.
Grading ACT series Demetallization - HF/HMC series
HYK series
Hydrofinishing - HR series
Net Conversion (wt%) HR Series HDS + HDN HDK series HDA + HCK
50 40 30 20 10
Pretreating Section
Hydrocracking reactor performance is determined by both the catalysts and the reactor internals. For xed-bed reactors, EquiFlow internals ensure uniform liquidgas ow distribution in the catalyst beds. This facilitates effective utilization of the entire catalyst inventory and minimizes radial temperature gradients, which can result from non-ideal ow. The images below show the efciency of EquiFlow distributor trays. The yellow, light blue and green areas indicate the desired uid ux, whereas dark blue indicates uid ux that is too low and red too high.
EquiFlow quench boxes provide optimal remixing of the efuents between beds. These devices are particularly useful when hot product from the previous bed is mixed with fresh, cooler hydrogen. They provide the mixture with a uniform temperature before it makes contact with the subsequent bed. For hydrocracking applications in which highly exothermic reactions occur, compact EquiFlow quench boxes provide near-perfect ow performance and higher catalyst loading, which lead to substantial activity gains and margins improvements. The gure below shows the improvement in the temperature prole of the mixture as it exits the quench box: red and blue indicate high and low temperatures, green and yellow show temperatures close to the ideal mix temperature.
Fluid ux
Fluid ux
EquiFlow, the latest generation of commercial distributors a. Conventional design b. EquiFlow design
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