The review of the research must include the following: 1. Give a full APA citation for the article you are reviewing. Berikan citation lengkap bagi artikel yang ditinjau. General (Am): a) What is (are) the specific purpose(s) of the study? Apakah tujuan spesifik kajian? b) What research design or methodology does the author employ? Apakah rekabentuk kajian atau metodologi kajian? c) What methods of data collection does the author employ? Apakah kaedah pengumpulan data? d) In your opinion, was the research design the best choice the author could have made in order to achieve the research purpose? Why? (Support your position). Pada pendapat anda, adakah rekabentuk kajian yang telah digunakan merupakan suatu pilihan terbaik? Kenapa? (Sokong pendirian anda). e) What suggestions do you have for improving the research design? Nyatakan cadangan anda untuk memperbaiki rekabentuk kajian berkenaan Problem Formulation: a) State the research hypothesis, or research question. Nyatakan hipotesis kajian, atau persoalan kajian. b) Indicate the independent variables and dependent variables. Kenal pasti pembolehubah tak bersandar dan pembolehubah bersandar. c) Give the operational definitions of both independent and dependent variables. Berikan definisi operasional bagi pembolehubah-pembolehubah Tak bersandar dan bersandar Data Analysis and Conclusions Analisis Data dan Kesimpulan: a) How was the data analyzed? Bagaimanakah data dianalisis? b) What are the principle conclusions of the article? Apakah kesimpulan-kesimpulan utama bagi artikel ini? c) In your opinion, did the author accomplish the purpose of the study? Why? Or why not? Pada pendapat anda, adakah tujuan kajian ini tercapai? Kenapa? Jika tidak kenapa? Critique Kritik: a) What do you see as the major strengths of this study? Bagi anda, apakah kekuatan utama kajian ini? b) What do you see as the major weaknesses of this study? Bagi anda, apakah kelemahan utama kajian ini? c) Of what potential use is this study? Apakah potensi kajian ini?
d) What suggestions can you make for future research in this area? Apakah kajian-kajian masa depan yang dapat anda cadangkan berdasarkan kajian ini?