4x4matrixmembranekeypad v1.2

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4x4 Matrix Membrane Keypad (#27899)

This 16-button keypad provides a useful human interface component for microcontroller projects. Convenient adhesive backing provides a simple way to mount the keypad in a variety of applications.

Features Ultra-thin design Adhesive backing Excellent price/performance ratio Easy interface to any microcontroller Example programs provided for the BASIC
Stamp 2 and Propeller P8X32A microcontrollers

Key Specifications Maximum Rating: 24 VDC, 30 mA Interface: 8-pin access to 4x4 matrix Operating temperature: 32 to 122 F
(0 to 50C)

Dimensions: Keypad, 2.7 x 3.0 in (6.9 x 7.6 cm) Cable: 0.78 x 3.5 in (2.0 x 8.8 cm)

Application Ideas Security systems Menu selection Data entry for embedded systems

Copyright Parallax Inc.

4x4 Matrix Membrane Keypad (#27899)

v1.2 12/16/2011 Page 1 of 5

How it Works
Matrix keypads use a combination of four rows and four columns to provide button states to the host device, typically a microcontroller. Underneath each key is a pushbutton, with one end connected to one row, and the other end connected to one column. These connections are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Matrix Keypad Connections In order for the microcontroller to determine which button is pressed, it first needs to pull each of the four columns (pins 1-4) either low or high one at a time, and then poll the states of the four rows (pins 5-8). Depending on the states of the columns, the microcontroller can tell which button is pressed. For example, say your program pulls all four columns low and then pulls the first row high. It then reads the input states of each column, and reads pin 1 high. This means that a contact has been made between column 4 and row 1, so button A has been pressed.

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4x4 Matrix Membrane Keypad (#27899)

v1.2 12/16/2011 Page 2 of 5

Connection Diagrams
Figure 2 For use with the BASIC Stamp example program listed below.

Figure 3 For use with the Propeller P8X32A example program listed below.

BASIC Stamp Example Code

The example code below displays the button states of the 4x4 Matrix Membrane Keypad. It uses the Debug Terminal, which is built into the BASIC Stamp Editor software. The software is a free download from www.parallax.com/basicstampsoftware.
' 4x4MatrixKeypad_Demo.bs2 ' Display buttons pressed on the 4x4 Matrix Membrane Keypad ' Author: Parallax HK Engineering ' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} row column keypad keypadOld temp VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR Nib Nib Word Word Nib ' ' ' ' ' Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable space space space space space for row counting for column counting to store keypad output to store old keypad output for polling column states

DEBUG CLS GOSUB Update DO GOSUB ReadKeypad DEBUG HOME, BIN16 keypad, CR, CR, BIN4 keypad >> 12,CR, BIN4 keypad >> 8, CR, BIN4 keypad >> 4, CR, BIN4 keypad

' Clear Debug Terminal ' Display keypad graphic

' ' ' ' ' '

Read keypad button states Display 16-bit keypad value Display 1st row 4-bit keypad Display 2nd row 4-bit keypad Display 3rd row 4-bit keypad Display 4th row 4-bit keypad

value value value value

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4x4 Matrix Membrane Keypad (#27899)

v1.2 12/16/2011 Page 3 of 5

IF keypad <> keypadOld THEN GOSUB Update ENDIF IF keypad THEN GOSUB display ENDIF keypadOld = keypad LOOP

' If different button is pressed, ' update the keypad graphic to clear ' old display ' Display button pressed in graphic

' Store keypad value in variable keypadOld

' -----[ Subroutine - ReadKeypad ]------------------------------------------------' Read keypad button states ReadKeypad: keypad = 0 OUTL = %00000000 ' Initialize IO DIRL = %00000000 FOR row = 0 TO 3 DIRB = %1111 OUTB = %0000 OUTA = 1 << row DIRA = 1 << row temp = 0 FOR column = 0 TO 3 INPUT (column + 4) temp = temp | (INB & (1 << column)) NEXT keypad = keypad << 4 | (Temp REV 4) NEXT RETURN

' Set columns (P7-P4) as outputs ' Pull columns low (act as pull down) ' Set rows high one by one

' Reset temp variable to 0 ' Set columns as inputs ' Poll column state and store in temp

' Store keypad value

' -----[ Subroutine - Update ]----------------------------------------------------' Graphical depiction of keypad Update: DEBUG CRSRXY,0,7, "+---+---+---+---+",CR, "| | | | |",CR, "+---+---+---+---+",CR, "| | | | |",CR, "+---+---+---+---+",CR, "| | | | |",CR, "+---+---+---+---+",CR, "| | | | |",CR, "+---+---+---+---+" RETURN ' -----[ Subroutine - Display ]---------------------------------------------------' Display button pressed in keypad graphic Display: IF KeyPad.BIT15 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 02,08,"1" IF Keypad.BIT14 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 06,08,"2" IF KeyPad.BIT13 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 10,08,"3" IF Keypad.BIT12 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 14,08,"A" IF KeyPad.BIT11 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 02,10,"4" IF Keypad.BIT10 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 06,10,"5" IF KeyPad.BIT9 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 10,10,"6" IF Keypad.BIT8 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 14,10,"B" IF KeyPad.BIT7 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 02,12,"7" IF Keypad.BIT6 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 06,12,"8" IF KeyPad.BIT5 THEN DEBUG CRSRXY, 10,12,"9"

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4x4 Matrix Membrane Keypad (#27899)

v1.2 12/16/2011 Page 4 of 5

IF Keypad.BIT4 IF KeyPad.BIT3 IF Keypad.BIT2 IF KeyPad.BIT1 IF Keypad.BIT0 RETURN




14,12,"C" 02,14,"*" 06,14,"0" 10,14,"#" 14,14,"D"

Propeller P8X32A Example Code

The example code below displays the button states of the 4x4 Matrix Membrane Keypad, and is a modified version of the 4x4 Keypad Reader DEMO object by Beau Schwabe. Note: This application uses the 4x4 Keypad Reader.spin object. It also uses the Parallax Serial Terminal to display the device output. Both objects and the Parallax Serial Terminal itself are included with the with the Propeller Tool v1.2.7 or higher, which is available from the Downloads link at www.parallax.com/Propeller. {{ 4x4 Keypad Reader PST.spin Returns the entire 4x4 keypad matrix into a single WORD variable indicating which buttons are pressed. }} CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 OBJ text : "Parallax Serial Terminal" KP : "4x4 Keypad Reader" VAR word keypad PUB start 'start term text.start(115200) text.str(string(13,"4x4 Keypad Demo...")) text.position(1, 7) text.str(string(13,"RAW keypad value 'word'")) text.position(1, 13) text.str(string(13,"Note: Try pressing multiple keys")) repeat keypad := KP.ReadKeyPad text.position(5, 2) text.bin(keypad>>0, 4) text.position(5,3) text.bin(keypad>>4, 4) text.position(5, 4) text.bin(keypad>>8, 4) text.position(5, 5) text.bin(keypad>>12, 4) text.position(5, 9) text.bin(keypad, 16) '<-- One line command to read the 4x4 keypad 'Display 1st ROW 'Display 2nd ROW 'Display 3rd ROW 'Display 4th ROW 'Display RAW keypad value

Revision History
v1.0: original document v1.1: Updated Figure 1 on page 2 v1.2: Updated Figure 1 on page 2 (again); updated BS2 comments

Copyright Parallax Inc.

4x4 Matrix Membrane Keypad (#27899)

v1.2 12/16/2011 Page 5 of 5

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