Accelerometer-Based Control of An Industrial Robotic Arm

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AbstractMost of industrial robots are still programmed

using the typical teaching process, through the use of the robot
teach pendant. In this paper is proposed an accelerometer-based
system to control an industrial robot using two low-cost and
small 3-axis wireless accelerometers. These accelerometers are
attached to the human arms, capturing its behavior (gestures
and postures). An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) trained
with a back-propagation algorithm was used to recognize arm
gestures and postures, which then will be used as input in the
control of the robot. The aim is that the robot starts the
movement almost at the same time as the user starts to perform
a gesture or posture (low response time). The results show that
the system allows the control of an industrial robot in an
intuitive way. However, the achieved recognition rate of
gestures and postures (92%) should be improved in future,
keeping the compromise with the system response time (160
milliseconds). Finally, the results of some tests performed with
an industrial robot are presented and discussed.
ROGRAMMING and control an industrial robot
through the use of the robot teach pendant is still a
tedious and time-consuming task that requires technical
expertise. Therefore, new and more intuitive ways for robot
programming and control are required. The goal is to
develop methodologies that help users to control and
program a robot, with a high-level of abstraction from the
robot specific language. Making a robotic demonstration in
terms of high-level behaviors (using gestures, speech,
manual/human guidance, from visual observation of human
performance, etc.), the user can demonstrate to the robot
what it should do [1]-[5].
In the robotics field, several research efforts have been
directed towards recognizing human gestures, recurring to
vision-based systems [6], [7], motion capture sensors [2],
[4], or using finger gesture recognition systems based on

Manuscript received March 15, 2009. This work was supported in part
by the European Commissions Sixth Framework Program under grant no.
011838 as part of the Integrated Project SMErobot
, and the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), grant no.
Pedro Neto is a PhD student in the Industrial Robotics Laboratory -
Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Coimbra, POLO-
II, Pinhal de Marrocos, 3030-788, Coimbra, Portugal; (e-mail:
[email protected]).
J. Norberto Pires is with the Industrial Robotics Laboratory -
Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Coimbra, POLO-
II, Pinhal de Marrocos, 3030-788, Coimbra, Portugal; (e-mail:
[email protected]).
A. Paulo Moreira is with the Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR) -
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of
Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465, Porto, Portugal; (e-mail:
[email protected]).
active tracking mechanisms [8]. Accelerometer-based
gesture recognition has become increasingly popular over the
last decade. The low-moderate cost and relative small size of
the accelerometers make it an effective tool to detect and
recognize human body gestures. Several studies have been
conducted on the recognition of gestures from acceleration
data using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) [9], [10],
[11]. However, the specific characteristics of an industrial
environment (colors, non-controlled sources of light,
infrared radiation, etc.), the safety and reliability
requirements, and the high price of some equipment has
hampered the deployment of such systems in industry.
Given the above, the teach pendant continues to be the
common robot input device that gives access to all
functionalities provided by the robot (jog the manipulator,
produce and edit programs, etc.). In the last few years the
robot manufacturers have made great efforts to make user-
friendly teach pendants, implementing intuitive user
interfaces such as icon-based programming [12], color touch
screens, a 3D joystick (ABB Robotics), a 6D mouse (KUKA
Robot Group) [13], or developing a wireless teach pendant
(COMAU Robotics). Nevertheless, it remains difficult and
tedious to operate with a robot teach pendant, especially for
non-expert users.
In this paper is proposed an accelerometer-based gesture
recognition system to control an industrial robot in a natural
way. Two 3-axis wireless accelerometers are attached to the
human arms, capturing its behavior (gestures and postures).
An ANN system trained with a back-propagation algorithm
was used to recognize gestures and postures. Finally, several
tests are done to evaluate the proposed system. The results of
the performed tests are presented and discussed.
A. System Description
The demonstration cell (Fig. 1) is composed of an
industrial robot MOTOMAN HP6 equipped with the NX100
controller, two 3-axis wireless accelerometers to capture
human hand behaviors, and a computer running the
application that manages the cell.
The 3-axis accelerometers (ADXL330, Analog Devices)
are physically rated to measure accelerations over a range of
at least +/- 3g, with a sensitivity of 300 mV/g and sensitivity
accuracy of 10%. The accelerometers communicate with the
computer via Bluetooth wireless link, reporting back data at
100 Hz (Fig. 2).

Accelerometer-Based Control of an Industrial Robotic Arm
Pedro Neto, J. Norberto Pires, Member, IEEE, and A. Paulo Moreira, Member, IEEE

B. Methodology
The 3-axis accelerometer attached to the right arm is used
to recognize gestures (dynamic arm positions) and postures
(static arm positions), whereas the accelerometer attached to
the left arm recognizes the postures used to activate and
deactivate the system (only two postures). In practice, the
user should make a gesture with the right arm and at the
same time use the left arm to activate or deactivate the
system. When activated, the system acquires data from the
accelerometer attached to the right arm, recognizes the
gesture or posture and starts the robot movement. Performing
a specific posture with the left arm, the robot stops. If the
user never stops the robot, the robot continues the movement
up to the limit of its field of operation.
An ANN system trained with a back-propagation
algorithm was used to recognize gestures and postures. The
ANN system has as input the motion data (extracted from the
accelerometer attached to the right arm) and as output the
recognized gestures and postures.
The application that manages the cell receives data from
the accelerometers, interprets the received data and acts in
the robot, using for this purpose the MotomanLib, a Data
Link Library created in our laboratory to control and manage
the robot remotely via Ethernet (Fig. 3). Given that the
accelerometers communicate with the computer via
Bluetooth, it is important to take into account the reliability
of this type of communication and use it with care. The
system here presented is continuously receiving data from
the accelerometer attached to the left arm and if the
communication fails, the robot immediately stops.
A. Robot Control
The robot is controlled remotely via the Ethernet using a
command that moves the robot linearly according to a
specified pose increment [ ]
6 5 4 3 2 1
i i i i i i i = . The
first three components represent the robot translation along
the X, Y and Z axes, respectively, whereas the last three
components represent the robot rotation about the X, Y and
Z axes, respectively. These components i have the necessary
information to control the robot. It is therefore necessary to
identify them by examining the behavior of the user right
In this system it is completely unnecessary to extract
precise displacements or rotations, being only required to
know which of the pose increment components must be
activated. In a first approach, the robot control strategy was
to identify translation movements and rotations of the user
hand and, depending on these inputs, small pose increments
were continuously sent to the robot. However, it was quickly
concluded that this approach was not viable because the
robot was constantly halting, presenting a high-level of
vibration. The achieved solution was to send to the robot
only one pose increment that will move the robot to the limit
of the field of operation.
B. Increment calculation
According to the user right arm behavior, the robot is
moved from the current pose to the limit of its field of
operation, or more specifically, for a pose close to the limit
of the robot field of operation. The field of operation of a 6-
DOF robot manipulator is approximately a volume region
bounded by two spherical surfaces. This way, it can be
considered that the field of operation of the robot is bounded
by two spherical surfaces (1), both with the centre coincident
with the zero reference point of the robot, and where
R and
R are respectively the radius of the external and
internal spherical surface.

Fig. 2. 3-axis accelerometer coupled to the transmitter system. The
dimensions of the device are 60x30x20 millimeters and weights 90
grams (including the battery weight). To facilitate their use, the
device is placed inside a bag (right side of the image).

Fig. 1. Industrial robot MOTOMAN HP6 controlled by arm gestures
and postures.

Fig. 3. A schematic representation of the platform, in terms of
communication technology. The accelerometers transmit data without
wires (via Bluetooth), giving a greater freedom to the user.

+ +
+ +
2 2 2
2 2 2
R z y x
R z y x

Before starting any robot movement, the current robot
position ( )
r r r
z , y , x is acquired. In order to calculate the
pose increment i , firstly it is necessary to achieve the
increment components which must be activated. This is done
by referring to the acceleration values ( ) 1 a , a , a
z y x
that will
define the robot movement direction d . This vector d in
conjugation with the current robot position point
( )
r r r
z , y , x will be used to achieve a straight line (2) that will
intersect the external spherical surface at two points (Fig. 4).
In a first approach, it is considered that only the external
spherical surface limits the robot field of operation.

( ) ( ) ( ) + = k , d , d , d k z , y , x z , y , x
3 2 1 r r r

From (1) and (2)

( ) ( ) ( ) . R k d z k d y k d x
3 r
2 r
1 r
= + + + + + (3)

Extracting k from (3), and considering only the positive
value of k (vector d direction), the distance from the
current robot position to the external spherical surface
point (robot increment) is

( ) ( ) ( ) . k , d , d , d k i , i , i z , y , x
3 2 1 3 2 1
= = (4)

Thus, in terms of robot translation movements, the pose
increment is [ ]
3 2 1
0 0 0 i i i i = . For example, if it is
found that the robot should be moved along the Y axis in the
negative direction, the vector d becomes ( ) 0 , 1 , 0 , and then
[ ]
0 0 0 0 i 0 i = . An analog approach was employed
to obtain i when the robot field of operation is limited by the
internal spherical surface. In this case, if k has no value
(impossible to calculate), it means that the straight line does
not intercept the internal spherical surface and it is the
external spherical surface that limits the robot field of
In terms of rotation increments, since it is known the robot
rotation limit values and the current robot pose, it is easy
to obtain the increments.
A. Mode of operation
The robot moves along the X, Y and Z axes separately
(robot translations). The rotation around each of the three
axes is also done separately, an axis at a time.
When the accelerometer is operating in a dynamic way,
the gravity components will appear mixed with the inertial
components of acceleration. In order to prevent this
situation, when the user makes gestures, the accelerometer
must be kept horizontal (Fig. 5). Thus, it is known that the
force of gravity acts along the Z axis. For example, to move
the robot in the X direction, the user should move the
accelerometer along the X axis, keeping it in the horizontal.
Of course it is humanly impossible to keep the accelerometer
exactly in the horizontal, but this is a way to have some
control over the process. Thus it is relatively easier to control
the acceleration due to gravity and recognize gestures.
B. Recognition of gestures and postures
When the arm is moved in the positive X direction (X+)
(Fig. 6), initially the value of acceleration
a increases
because the arm begins to move and then, when the arm
begins to slow the positive value of
a is converted to a
negative value. This point ( 0 a
= ) marks the point of
maximum speed. The acceleration
a remains near to zero
a remains near to one because the accelerometer is
held horizontally (acceleration due to gravity). A similar
reasoning can be done to the other gestures (X-, Y+, Y-, Z+
and Z-).

Fig. 4. The two spherical surfaces that define the robot field of
operation. The current robot point and the acceleration vector
components that will define the robot movement direction are shown
in figure.

Fig. 5. The system recognizes six different gestures, the necessary to
represent the robot translations (X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+ and Z-). In both
movements the accelerometer should remain horizontally.

To interpret the acceleration values and recognize the
right arm movements (X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+ and Z-), an ANN
trained with a back-propagation algorithm was implemented
into the system. In a first approach, the acceleration values
(from the beginning of the movement to the first point of
zero acceleration (maximum speed)) were used as input
pattern for the ANN. However, under this approach, the
robot begins to move after the user finishes the gesture,
showing a significant delay from the beginning of the gesture
to the moment when the robot starts to move. The aim is that
the robot starts the movement almost at the same time as the
user activates the robot movement (left arm) and makes a
gesture with the right arm. To do this, immediately after the
user activates the robot movement, the system extracts the
acceleration values from the accelerometer attached to the
right arm (only three measurements), identifies the gesture
and sends a command to move the robot. These three
measurements of acceleration will be used to recognize
gestures, allowing a fast recognition. However, if the number
of measured accelerations is reduced, it is more difficult to
recognize a gesture and the recognition rate becomes low.
Thus, these three measurements represent a compromise
between the time delay and the achieved recognition rate.
In addition to the robot translations, the robot control
architecture needs also to have as input six different robot
rotations (Rx+, Rx-, Ry+, Ry-, Rz+ and Rz-). If the
accelerometer is in free fall, it will report zero acceleration.
But if the accelerometer is held horizontally, it will report an
acceleration along the Z axis, the acceleration due to gravity
g . Thus, even when the user is not accelerating the arm, a
static measurement can determine the rotation of the arm
(posture recognition). Analyzing figure 7-A, when the
accelerometer is held horizontally, it will report an
acceleration g along the Z axis; g a
, 0 a
0 a

When the accelerometer is rotated around the Y axis (Fig. 7-
B); g a
0 a

, 0 a
. On the contrary, when the
accelerometer is rotated around the Y axis in the reverse
direction (Fig. 7-C); g a
0 a

, 0 a
. A similar
approach detects rotations around the X axis (Fig. 7-D and 7-
E). In terms of rotation around the Z axis (Fig. 7-F, 7-G),
nothing can be concluded as in both cases the gravity is
along the Z axis. To solve this problem, an ANN was used to
detect rotation movements around the Z axis. The ANNs
were also used for recognition of postures (Rx+, Rx-, Ry+
and Ry-).
In order to identify the posture of the left arm (start or stop
robot movement), analyzing figure 8, when the
accelerometer is held horizontally, it will report an
acceleration g along the Z axis in the positive direction,
g a
, 0 a
0 a

(the robot stops). When the
accelerometer is rotated around the Y axis, g a
0 a

0 a
(the robot starts the movement).

Fig. 6. Measured accelerations when the accelerometer is moved
along the X axis in the positive direction (X+).

Fig. 7. Postures and gestures performed by the user right arm. A - No
rotation. B - Rotation around the Y axis in the negative direction (Ry-
), C - (Ry+), D - (Rx-), E - (Rx+), F - (Rz+), G - (Rz-).

C. Artificial Neural Network
ANNs are simple to use and present good learning
capabilities. To recognize gestures and postures, an ANN
trained with a backpropagation algorithm was implemented.
The ANN input signals (acceleration data) are represented
by a vector ( )
n 1
x ,..., x x = and the output from a neuron i
is given by (5), where
x is the output of neuron j ,
w is
the weight of the link from neuron j to neuron i ,
is the
bias of neuron i and F is the activation function.

. x w F x
i j ij i

+ =


The backpropagation algorithm is used as a learning
algorithm to determine the weights of the network. During
the process, the weights are adjusted in order to minimize the
error. The error is achieved comparing the desired output
(obtained in the training phase) with the actual output.
A specific gesture or posture is recognized by a three-
layer feed-forward ANN. The number of neurons was nine
for the input layer, ten for the hidden layer and twelve for the
output layer. Nine neurons in the input layer encode each
gesture, three measurements of acceleration (each with three
components of acceleration). Ten neurons were used in the
hidden layer because after several experiments it was
concluded that this solution presents a compromise between
the computational time required to train the system and an
acceptable recognition rate (over 90%). Finally, the twelve
neurons in the output layer correspond to each different
gesture and posture. Each neuron of the output layer outputs
the recognition result, a numerical value between 0 and 1
(sigmoid function). If the output value is larger than or equal
to 0.5, it means that the neuron detected the gesture or
Finally, to define the robot increment, the recognized
gestures are then transformed in the vector d , for example,
if is detected the movement (Y+), ( ) 0 , 1 , 0 d = .
D. Results
After training the system, several tests were conducted to
achieve the recognition rate for each gesture and posture.
The tests were conducted with two participants, and each one
performed each gesture/posture 100 times. The participants
were two users (P1 and P2) that trained the system before
performing the tests. The results are presented in Table I.
The recognition rate of postures is much higher than that
of gestures. This discrepancy is due to the acceleration
readings that provide information where the gravity
components appear mixed with the inertial components of
acceleration, making it harder to recognize gestures. Another
problem that hinders the recognition of gestures is the
necessary coordination between the arms that some users
may be difficult to assimilate. Nevertheless, the experience
shows that in 30 minutes any user is able to operate the
system (Fig. 9).
The recognition rate depends on the samples provided
during the training phase. The results presented were
obtained using 30 patterns taught to the network. If the
number of learning patterns is increased, the recognition rate
is improved but not significantly. These 30 patterns represent
a compromise between the required training time and the
recognition rate. This is achieved with the ANN parameters
and computer characteristics presented in Table II, where the
user takes 9 minutes to train the system and 30 minutes of
computational time. The recognition rate obtained by this
system is in accordance with other approaches that use
ANNs to recognize gestures.

Fig. 8. Postures performed by the user left arm. A - Robot stopped. B
- The robot starts the movement.

Gesture or Posture User P1 User P2
X+ 94 91
X- 90 92

Y+ 89 88
Y- 87

Z+ 92 90
Z- 89 92
RX+ 100 100
RX- 100 99
RY+ 100 100
RY- 99 100
RZ+ 85 82
RZ- 84 84
Mean 92 92

Activation function Sigmoid function
Training cycles 100000
Number of hidden neurons 10
Learning rate 0.25
Computer processor Intel Core2 Duo T5600
Computer RAM 1 GB

The system response time from the begining of the gesture
to when the robot starts to move is 160 milliseconds.
Due to the growing demand for natural Human Machine
Interfaces and robot intuitive programming platforms, a
robotic system that allows users to control an industrial robot
using arm gestures and postures was proposed. Two 3-axis
accelerometers were selected to be the input devices of this
system, capturing the human arms behaviors. When
compared with other common input devices, especially the
teach pendant, this approach using accelerometers is more
intuitive and easy to work, besides offering the possibility to
control a robot by wireless means. Using this system, a non-
expert robot programmer can control a robot quickly and in a
natural way. The low price and short set-up time are other
advantages of the system. Nevertheless, the reliability of the
system is an important limitation to consider.
The ANNs shown to be a good choice to recognize
gestures and postures, presenting an average of 92% of
correctly recognized gestures and postures. The system
response time (160 milliseconds) is another important factor.
Future work will build upon the improvement of the
average of correctly recognized gestures. One approach
might be the implementation of a gyroscope into the system,
in order to separate the acceleration due to gravity from the
inertial acceleration. The use of more accelerometers
attached to the arms is another possibility.
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Fig. 9. The user makes a gesture and immediately, the robot starts to
move in the same direction of his/her right arm.

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