TK and K News 9-19
TK and K News 9-19
TK and K News 9-19
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Dates to remember
Friday, October 19 Field trip to DeGraff Nature Center. This will be from 10-11:30. Chaperones needed! Help Needed!
On Friday, Sept. 28 we will be having some fun apple centers. Activities will include counting apple seeds, making apple prints, cutting apples and more. This will take place from 1:15-2:15. If you can help out let me know. Thank you! I will also need each student to bring in an apple next week for our fun apple centers!
Extra Reminders!
Please work with your children at home on putting on and fastening outdoor clothes. The children should be able to put on and zip/button their own coats! When the snow comes they will need to put on snow pants and boots independently too! Please remember that only navy or white socks are uniform appropriate. No character or other colored socks allowed.