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Your search for English language UK Draft Statutory Instruments from 2002 has returned 93 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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    Sort ascending by TitleYearLegislation type
    The Financial Assistance For Industry (Increase of Limit) Order 20022002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Local Authorities (Mayoral Elections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2002
    Superseded by 2002 No. 185
    2002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Dissolution) Order 2002
    Superseded by 2002 No. 794
    2002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Contracting Out (Functions in relation to Apsley House) Order 20022002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Postal Services Act 2000 (Modification of Section 7) Order 2002
    Superseded by 2002 No. 200
    2002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Industrial Training Levy (Engineering Construction Board) Order 2002
    Superseded by 2002 No. 302
    2002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Industrial Training Levy (Construction Board) Order 2002
    Superseded by 2002 No. 303
    2002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The European Union Extradition Regulations 2002
    Superseded by 2002 No. 419
    2002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    Terrorism Act 2000 (Continuance of Part VII) Order 20022002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    Sea Fisheries (Northern Ireland) Order 2002
    Superseded by 2002 No. 790
    2002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    Adjacent Waters Boundaries (Northern Ireland) Order 20022002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Deregulation (Restaurant Licensing Hours) Order 20022002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Guaranteed Minimum Pensions Increase Order 20022002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order 2002
    Superseded by 2002 No. 668
    2002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2002
    Superseded by 2002 No. 768
    2002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 20022002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) Order 2002
    Superseded by 2002 No. 441
    2002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Police Act 1997 (Enhanced Criminal Record Certificates) (Protection of Vulnerable Adults) Regulations 2002
    Superseded by 2002 No. 446
    2002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    Contracting Out (Local Education Authority Functions) (England) Order 20022002UK Draft Statutory Instruments
    The Audit Commission (Borrowing Limit) Order 20022002UK Draft Statutory Instruments

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