David Southern

David Southern

I help life science businesses attract top talent, including NEDs, CEOs and C-Suite

View articles by David Southern

5 Reasons why working with NHS data is good for your business

5 Reasons why working with NHS data is good…

February 9, 2018

15 likes2 comments

Using Simulation and Forecasting in Ophthalmology Services for Planning and Development

Using Simulation and Forecasting in…

April 20, 2016

4 likes6 comments

What would happen if you treated AMD patients immediately rather than waiting for their eye sight to deteriorate to NICE thresholds for treatment?

What would happen if you treated AMD…

January 12, 2016


Using Models and Simulations to improve services in healthcare.  Is it really worth it?

Using Models and Simulations to improve…

December 1, 2015

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